[01:09] hey daker [01:09] hello jono [01:09] hey [01:10] mhall119 mentioned you were working on some changes to loco.ubuntu.com [01:10] jono: yep [01:10] cool, what have you been working on? [01:12] jono: well a lot of things, we have started redesigning LTP months ago https://launchpad.net/loco-team-portal/+milestone/0.3.11 [01:13] i still have one release blocker which is the global event page [01:16] daker, cool [01:17] did mhall119 discuss the changes we would like to make? [01:17] jono: yes [01:17] daker, cool - is this something you are happy to work on? [01:17] in exchange for our adulation and respect? :-) [01:18] jono: ok why not :) [01:18] daker, you are a legend! [01:18] jono: i know that :D [01:18] daker, :-) [01:19] daker is awesome [01:20] jono: you missed out not being at UDS to meet him [01:20] cjohnston: maybe next UDS ;) [01:20] wait.. we have to do another one? hehe [01:23] cjohnston: You mean they still do UDS? ;-) [01:24] doctormon: I dunno [01:25] cjohnston, indeed! [01:25] jono: you going to the next one? [01:26] doctormon, yep [01:26] jono: That's lucky, I've missed 3 by reproducing. [01:27] I'd rather go to UDS than have more kids [01:29] cjohnston: know where the next one is? [01:29] jono: ^ [01:30] I know where it should be if the contract gets signed [01:30] but I am not sure if the contract has been signed :-) [01:30] doctormon, any more progress on the branch? [01:31] jono: aprox continent ? [01:31] mars [01:31] oh, crap.. that's not a continent [01:31] cjohnston: Yes, but which side of mars ;-) [01:39] doctormon, it will be in the US for sure [01:40] great [01:41] doctormon, will be cool to see you there [01:50] doctormon, any more progress on the branch? [02:10] jono: how goes your gaming? [02:10] :D [02:10] bkerensa_, enjoying iut [02:11] have to work tonight, so no gaming for me [02:11] but next week, I am gonna be all over it [02:12] jono: I think THQ Games on Ubuntu is next :P [02:13] bkerensa_, I think so too :-) [02:13] it is awesome to see our platform continuing to grow :-) [02:14] indeed [02:14] even if we sometimes disagree about how it grows its still pleasant to see growth [02:16] :-) [02:16] everyone contributes [02:16] everyone does their part :-) [02:49] Zelda hearts to replace Ubuntu Battery indicator https://gist.github.com/4324384 [02:49] :D [02:58] bkerensa_: [02:59] bkerensa_: got a screenshot of that? [02:59] mhall119: I could take one [02:59] I bet some of our community news outlets would appreciate that [03:03] mhall119: :) [03:03] mhall119: http://i.imgur.com/NFlYS.png [03:04] it uses zsh so it just needs to be hooked to run the zelda script instead of the battery indicator [03:04] oh, it doesn't put it in the battery indicator? [03:04] :( [03:04] I guess a minor tweak is needed [03:04] but it will work maybe tomorrow [03:04] :) [03:04] someone ported it from MacOSX in 10 mins [03:06] mhall119: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_full and charge_now / voltage_now just need to call Zelda [03:09] bkerensa_: then tell me where on the map to find more heart fragments so I can increase my battery capacity [03:09] [03:09] I do miss that game though, second-best SNES game [03:10] mhall119: Ganonondorf (Shuttleworth) and Ganon ( jono ) have unfortunately pillaged all the hearts from the map already :) [03:10] ;p [03:11] :-) [03:11] mhall119: it is a great game... I just ended up getting my fiancee a old school Gameboy for her birthday and a lot of the classics including Zelda [03:12] * mhall119 gonna leave that one alone [03:12] mhall119: Oh now it was a joke :) even jono smiled [03:12] bkerensa_: remember, it was never good for your health when Ganon smiled [03:13] heh [03:14] lol [03:17] remember, he is friends with the guy who has your root! [03:17] * IdleOne skips off into the sunset [03:19] IdleOne, lol [03:24] jo-erlend: around? [03:24] oops [03:24] jono: around? [03:26] in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-adk-admins/ubuntu-adk/trunk/view/head:/adk/locoteams-creating.rst#L131 shouldn't it be irc.freenode.net? [03:27] yes it should [03:29] ok, so I won't translate it until fixed [03:49] JoseeAntonioR, well spotted, fixed! [03:50] jono: also, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-adk-admins/ubuntu-adk/trunk/view/head:/adk/locoteams-creating.rst#L202 shouldn't the link end with `_ ? it's only ending with ` [03:52] jono: same with lines 214 and 215 [03:55] JoseeAntonioR, fixed :-) [03:55] cool, thanks! [03:55] nice work JoseeAntonioR :-) [03:55] I'm about to finish translating, then a friend of mine who's in the team will approve all of them [03:57] JoseeAntonioR, sweet! [03:57] thanks, man [03:57] sure :) [04:14] jono: ../adk/locoteams-joining.rst, lines 46 and 55, same `_ issue in the links [04:24] line 37, is it a full stop or a comma? [04:30] JoseeAntonioR, those links are fine [04:30] they work in the output [04:30] oh, ok === ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Celene_away [04:55] the ADK is now fully translated to Spanish, just waiting for the approval. [06:01] JoseeAntonioR, nice! [06:02] jono: mind a PM? [06:02] JoseeAntonioR, sure [06:19] IdleOne: Ganondorf has our root [06:19] !s/root/triforce [06:19] Factoid 's/root/triforce' not found [06:27] :) [08:00] good morning [09:05] aloha [09:06] hello [13:32] ubuntu on air people.. I just updated wp on the site.. I may have broken everything.. [13:32] looks okay to me, but might want to check :) === Celene_away is now known as Callie === Callie is now known as callie [13:51] popey, looks good to me [13:51] cool, ta [15:07] huats_, around? [17:18] all right my friends - I call it a day - have a great rest of yours! [17:48] jcastro_, got 5 mins? [17:54] balloons: yeah [20:59] jono: got the new WP theme up on [21:36] mhall119, looking great! [21:52] mhall119, can we do a call? [21:53] mhall119, invite sent [21:54] coming [22:09] mhall119, got a sec for a question? [22:11] philipballew: sure === huats_ is now known as huats [22:18] The VAR Guy on the Ubuntu Advocacy Development Kit - http://www.thevarguy.com/2012/12/17/canonical-supplies-new-tools-for-linux-evangelists/ :-) [22:21] jono: well that was fast [22:22] mhall119, :-) [22:46] mhall119, Your als a g+ mod, what should we do when we see posts like the top one on the community page now? https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107299007624972266094 [22:46] or is someone better to ask? [22:47] two down now with the wallpaper pics [22:47] time flys... [22:52] philipballew: it's a discussion.. [22:52] czajkowski, the pic with the women? [22:53] yes [22:53] it has some women in it not all as AlanBell pointed out [22:54] yeah, read that. [22:55] As I am now a mod of the group, I was just wondering is say these pics should just be deleted as soon as they are seen by me then to avoid them being on the newsfeed. [22:56] * philipballew usually just has wallpapers of cats [22:56] ugh, that's awful [22:58] pleia2, yeah, thats kinda what I was thinking. [23:03] * popey hears mention of cats [23:03] are we talking about pictures on G+ communities perchance? [23:04] * popey was about to remove some posts [23:04] AlanBell, what do you think? [23:04] popey, yeah [23:04] I was asking if I should remove pictures that degrade men and or women. [23:05] I removed a post in what looked like farsi [23:05] i removed a load [23:05] <3 [23:05] we get them on the xubuntu facebook page routinely too, I delete button them [23:05] gone [23:07] I I see a post that is degrading to people in any sexual way we I will delete it. [23:07] *if I [23:09] hi popey [23:09] * popey made an executive decision and removed them [23:09] jolly good [23:14] popey: it was the right call :) [23:16] did someone say deletion? [23:16] I agree! [23:16] now I won't be able to post a screenshot with me in a bikini as the wallpaper :( [23:17] AlanBell: its ok you and popey can still show us your rack [23:17] :) [23:17] spice rack* [23:17] lol [23:17] popey: on gMTP did you ever see any errors Detect: Unable to open raw device [23:18] only used it once [23:18] it worked perfectly yesterday :/ [23:18] czajkowski: for me the sync stuff only worked with an empty device [23:19] no it was ok yesterday added music to my phone that already had stuff on there [23:19] *sigh* [23:19] I had to nuke the nexus each time I wanted to add a song, so I set them all up on the laptop and did them all in one go, it worked for small numbers of songs on the device [23:19] will try tomrorow, it shoudn't be this hard to add music from desktop tp phone [23:19] *to [23:20] I keep getting pestered to put christmas music on the thing, but that will require wiping it again and syncing the whole lot back [23:20] AlanBell: The N7 or a Nexus Phone? [23:20] N7 running android [23:20] ah [23:20] g'nite [23:20] AlanBell: bilal has a good how to on setting up Ubuntu to work more friendly with the N7 but it works with other devices too [23:21] I will have a look at it after christmas, in the meantime it is a good excuse [23:22] :D [23:24] bah humbug