[01:41] jbicha, re your comments on webupdy, does gdm need to be running or just installed? [01:54] erappleman: just installed; you can use whatever dm you like but only gdm provides the new lock screen [02:40] thanks jbicha [04:34] Good morning [05:55] pitti, good morning. [05:55] and the rest of the gang [05:55] hey BigWhale, ça va? [05:56] I am trying to convince myself that I am awake .. :> [06:06] good morning [06:14] Morning didrocks :) [06:14] hey BigWhale [06:51] bonjour didrocks [06:51] Guten Morgen pitti! [08:48] good morning everyone [08:50] hey chrisccoulson [08:50] hey pitti, how are you? [08:50] quite fine, thanks! [09:00] hey chrisccoulson! [09:01] hey desktopers [09:01] g'day! [09:01] hey seb128! [09:02] hey mlankhorst didrocks pitti [09:02] how are you today? [09:02] hello mlankhorst, seb128! [09:02] fine, thanks, yourself? [09:02] good [09:02] waouh, robert_ancell went on an upgrade rampage [09:03] hehehe :P [09:03] unfortunately -proposed is stuck right now, but cjwatson is on it [09:03] * mlankhorst needs to give this uploading thing a try [09:03] pitti, oh, how so? [09:03] seb128: britney crash [09:03] hum, k [09:04] seb128: I mean the migration is stuck [09:04] I broke it with my cairo upload, it's crashing on a KeyError in libcairo2-dev :) [09:04] that's what I understood [09:04] hehe [09:04] what did you win? ;-) [09:04] it'll have a lot of fodder once it's back up [09:04] * pitti crosses fingers glib will finish building on armhf [09:05] FYI, g-i and pygobject are uploaded to experimental, will sync this afternoon when LP imports it [09:05] hi didrocks, how are you? [09:06] hey seb128 [09:06] hey [09:06] hi Laney [09:06] * Laney is f5ing the nexus 4 page [09:06] not looking good though ... [09:06] hey chrisccoulson, Laney, how are you? [09:07] seb128, yeah, not too bad thanks [09:07] hello Laney [09:09] good good [09:16] seb128: do you plan to SRU 3.6.2 into quantal? or just selected fixes? [09:16] pitti, I don't plan to spend much time on quantal, will not SRU the whole GNOME for sure, we can do selected updates where the new version has a fix worth the SRU though [09:16] ack [09:33] seb128, I've attached a patch for that itsy bitsy brasero bug. [09:33] BigWhale, thanks, did you try it? does it work for you? [09:34] I'll be testing it in the next couple of days I hope. If someone else won't do it before that. [09:38] On a second thought, I might just try it now ... [09:44] did llvmpipe fallback go live? [09:44] the raring daily looks very grey & square =) [09:46] xnox, likely gtk3-engines-unico's being outdated [09:46] xnox, the gtk update from monday broke the theme by dropping support for the non multiarch dir and our theme was not multiarched, that was fixed yesterday [09:46] xnox, that would be my guess anyway [09:47] seb128: did it propogate to release pocket yet? [09:47] xnox, yes [09:48] xnox, is your iso from today or yesterday? [09:49] gtk3-engines-unico:amd64 1.0.2+r139-0ubuntu3 [09:49] http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20121113/raring-desktop-amd64.manifest [09:49] xnox, ok, dunno what's the issue there... do you have anything in .xsession-errors? [09:51] * xnox files bug against compiz ;-) [09:54] seb128: ok, found the power button bug [09:55] setting up my system to diagnose the bug: 10 minutes; debug: 15 minutes; fix: 30 seconds -- typical [09:55] Launchpad bug 10 in Launchpad itself "It says "displaying matching bugs 1 to 8 of 8", but there is 9" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10 [09:56] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/122916810/gray-boxes.png [09:56] pitti, \o/ [09:56] bug 1078226 [09:56] Launchpad bug 1078226 in compiz (Ubuntu) "fails to load background picture in raring daily" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1078226 [09:57] xnox, oh, it's only the background [09:57] xnox, it should be nautilus displaying the background ... can you pastebin your .xsession-errors? [09:58] why did ubuntu-bug hook did not do that?! argh =) [09:58] xnox, because apport doesn't attach xsession-errors for "privacy" reason afaik [09:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1355181/ [09:59] it does add selected gtk warnings and co matching a builtin regexp, but that's often filtering out the useful infos [09:59] but it did ask me "do you want to attach private logs?" [09:59] =( [09:59] xnox, is nautilus running? [10:00] attached xsession-errors to the bug as well. [10:00] seb128: yes there is "nautilus -n" process. [10:01] xnox, does nautilus --quit && nautilus change anything to your background? what about selecting a wallpaper in the system settings? [10:01] can you right click on the desktop and get a menu? [10:03] did we not meant to not start nautilus this cycle to save on resources? =P [10:03] xnox, not that I know about, we sort of like being able to have icons on your background [10:04] "the background flashes black and returns to grey boxes state & a new nautilus home folder window is opened" [10:04] that's the nautilus cycle. [10:04] there is right click menu. [10:04] ok [10:04] what about changing the wallpaper in system settings? [10:05] right click menu -> "change background" corrupted the session and threw me across ttys and then landed in lightdm login which was purple for a moment and then became grey boxes. [10:06] hmmm..... not compiz then? since lightdm is not running compiz. [10:06] graphics? [10:06] xnox, seems like rather a cairo/gtk/xorg/video driver issue to me yes [10:08] for people who are using autopkgtest in their packages, is anyone using it to run upstream tests? [10:09] o/ [10:09] chrisccoulson: I run some upstream tests in coreutils, and all of them in apport [10:10] libarchive also runs some, AFAIR [10:11] chrisccoulson: yes. package guilt. Had to patch the test-suite to use data files from the source package, while testing the system installed binary. [10:11] pitti, thanks. i think i'm going to do the same with firefox too, rather than running them in the build (where all we do currently is just write the output to the build log) [10:11] chrisccoulson: autopkgtest is better because it runs on the $raring kernel. [10:12] chrisccoulson: ah, if failed ffox tests don't fail the build, then that might make more sense [10:12] chrisccoulson: both are useful, though [10:12] chrisccoulson: does it take that long? [10:13] pitti, yeah, we don't fail the build because there are some tests which fail (or are intermittent) for us, but not upstream [10:13] but if i package the test suite and add my own test scripts to run it, it will be easier to mark known test failures without resorting to patches all over the source tree [10:13] pitti, the whole test suite is ~1.5 hours [10:14] chrisccoulson: so with moving them to adt it's harder to get immediate results from e. g. PPA or local builds [10:14] (just pointing out) [10:15] sounds like you want a regular jenkins job, as adt runs the testsuite script from within the source package, unless you upload that separately to firefox.... [10:16] you can have a separate firefox-tests package and make that depend (or test-depend) on firefox [10:17] question is, is it worth it [10:24] hmmm... so ubiquity slideshow (webkit) displays pictures fine, yet the world-map & background are grey boxes. [10:38] am I allowed to set bug 1064962 as verification-done as per the various comments? [10:38] Launchpad bug 1064962 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Global menubar items do not work when opening a document directly from nautilus with no LibreOffice instance running" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064962 [10:56] xnox, you are sure your issue is a gtk one? did you try downgrading it? [10:59] seb128: I am on to hacking on the installer =) the daily iso is my test-bed =/ [10:59] seb128: what shall I downgrade it to? quantal or something in-between. [10:59] xnox, right, I'm just wondering if you did reassign the but to gtk because you determined it's the faulty component or if you took a guess at it [10:59] but->bug [11:00] not confirmed, so not determined =) [11:00] it's just that the webkit pictures work, yet normal pixbufs don't. [11:00] ok, I will try to download the daily iso and see if I can reproduce, figure what is wrong [11:01] i can tell you that it propagates to the installed VM as well. [11:02] note that I am running raring on my host & ubuntu in the guest, it could be that kvm graphics are borked in guest and/or host combos in raring =/ (had that last cycle once) [11:13] w00t https://blog.mozilla.org/research/2012/11/12/introducing-the-shumway-open-swf-runtime-project/ [11:19] jibel: hunting down random people because they can SRU-verify: could you verify bug 1064962? [11:19] Launchpad bug 1064962 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Global menubar items do not work when opening a document directly from nautilus with no LibreOffice instance running" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064962 [11:25] seb128, is there a known bug that makes all app menu entries in unity to be labeled "Justifié" ? [11:26] must be an issue with the macos-like menus in unity [11:26] chrisccoulson: interesting. maybe this one will have enough money and devs to keep going. [11:26] xclaesse, no, what do you mean? the menus is full of "justifié" labels? [11:26] seb128, yep [11:26] didrocks, ^ did you see something like that before? [11:26] xclaesse, it happens on any app? [11:27] seb128, no just one, a python gtk app that I'm running from source tree [11:27] when running in gnome-shell the menu is correct [11:27] interesting [11:28] never saw that one [11:28] xclaesse, can you share the app/test case? [11:29] larsu or charles would be the right guys to ping [11:29] xclaesse, if you want to open a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dbusmenu/+filebug [11:32] seb128, I'm not sure I can share the code, it's a small collabora company tool :/ [11:32] but I'll see if I can make a test case later :) [11:33] ok [11:34] xclaesse, you can run it with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= to workaround the issue [11:34] xclaesse, e.g UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= ./script [11:34] should give you local menus [11:35] seb128, that fix the problem indeed, thx [11:35] yw [11:40] seb128: meeting report reminder btw :p [11:40] didrocks, oh, right, thanks [11:40] yw :) === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === attente_zzz is now known as attente === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:54] seb128: when/where is the meeting taking place? [12:54] attente, oh sorry, forgot we have new members, on this channel at 4:30pm utc (e.g in 3.5 hours) [12:56] attente, hey btw, how are you? ;-) [12:56] seb128: i'm well :) how are you? [12:56] I'm good thanks ;-) [12:59] seb128, hi [12:59] hey ricotz [13:00] a small packaging question ;) [13:00] is there a suggested way for *optional* build-deps in debian/control [13:01] it is kind of achievable with "optional-build-dep-1.0 | always-available-dummy-package" [13:02] better "optional-build-dep-1.0 (>= specific-version) | always-available-dummy-package" [13:03] Sweetshark, I'll do, I'll have to install a machine with quantal first. [13:04] ricotz: no [13:04] ricotz, what are you trying to do? [13:04] Laney, do you know a perfered way to do it? [13:05] ricotz: you can regenerate control from control.in (many packages have that) [13:05] jibel: k, awesome. thanks. note that bug 1075263 is a different beast please. [13:05] change the BDs :-) [13:05] Launchpad bug 1075263 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "Items of a menubar built from GMenu do not always work" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1075263 [13:05] i want a generic packaging working on various ubuntu releases and the source itself conditionally enables features depending on the presence of the build-dep [13:06] seb128, ^ [13:06] ricotz: then at source package build time you can be sensitive. [13:06] ricotz: do not ever do this for anything that goes into the archive. [13:06] Sweetshark, ok, noted [13:06] the builds must be predictable even in the "dirty environment" [13:06] you can do that kind of thing with VCS branches [13:06] just merge, build source package, upload [13:07] the most horid thing is "auto-detecting openssl" and linking gpl code against it, making the resulting binary non-redistributable.... =/ [13:07] ricotz, Laney: you can do rules control.in->control through sed hackery [13:07] ricotz: in a simple case, you can do $old-package | $ new-package [13:07] but it's not really recommended [13:07] if a said build-dependency has been renamed, for example [13:08] Build-dep: git-core | git [13:08] it's a bit grim [13:08] I think letting your VCS take care of it is alright; for BDs you have to build a new source package anyway [13:08] that's fine. but don't enable/disable compile/build-time options depending on the presence of packages, because the environment can be dirty. [13:08] alright, the control.in generation depending on the release defined in debian/changelog should work [13:09] ricotz: if you have time to implement it properly =) [13:09] * xnox likes VCS for such things. [13:09] ricotz, what feature do you want to enable on different series? [13:10] the package alternative in control seemed pretty easy though [13:10] seb128, i am force to "disable" a feature provided by dbusmenu-gtk3 [13:10] why? [13:10] which doesnt provide proper bindings for vala before 0.6.2 [13:11] oh [13:13] thanks all [13:14] btw any brave virtualbox users here? === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:51] Am I the only one not able to use empathy with google talk for the past couple of days? [14:03] mdeslaur, define google talk? voice calls or jabber iming? [14:03] seb128: jabber im [14:03] I was using a jabber account, and even adding a proper google account, it won't connect [14:04] mdeslaur, I'm using a jabber.org account which works fine [14:05] so you're not using a gmail account then [14:06] ok, back to pidgin for now [14:07] mdeslaur, gmail works fine, just added my gmail.com account to test [14:07] mdeslaur, that's on raring [14:07] weird [14:07] not sure why mine doesn't work anymore [14:08] seb128: thanks for testing [14:08] mdeslaur, yw [14:08] mdeslaur, did you have any error in .xsession-errors? [14:08] or if you run telepathy-gabble manually [14:08] notgary, hi. For Ubuntu Software Center bugs, we track them only in the package, not the project (as shown in ). [14:09] mdeslaur, it works fine for me (and has the last days and weeks). Sometimes I have to go into online-accounts and login to google again [14:09] most of the time the session menu icon is red when that needs to be done [14:10] notgary, that it was possible for you to add them to the project is bug 333215, and the general confusion between projects and packages is bug 76416. [14:10] Launchpad bug 333215 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad permits tasks to be added to projects that 'do not use launchpad for bug tracking'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/333215 [14:10] Launchpad bug 76416 in Launchpad itself "Poor handling of a distribution being its own upstream for a package" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76416 [14:11] seb128: what's telepathy-gabble supposed to do? I launch it and it exits right away [14:11] mdeslaur, it's the jabber provider for telepathy [14:11] mdeslaur, you probably have one running already [14:11] ? [14:12] it gets spawned, then dies, then get spawned again, then dies [14:12] and I get this on the empathy console: [14:12] (empathy:8884): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_asv_get_uint32: assertion `asv != NULL' failed [14:12] (empathy:8884): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_asv_get_boxed: assertion `asv != NULL' failed [14:13] seb128: oh crud, never mind, my HDD is dying [14:13] :-( [14:13] * mdeslaur prays that SSD gets delivered today [14:16] mdeslaur: oh wow. [14:17] cyphermox: I like how useless SMART data is :P [14:17] hehe [14:18] * mdeslaur puts milk and cookies outside for purolator guy [14:26] Laney, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rhythmbox.git/commit/?id=d9166ef4239bb2b0e95253aef8b0ec422e28c8e6 ... fun [14:26] "Temporarly disable webkit support... to prevent mixed gst-0.10 and gst-1.0 linkage in the same process." [14:26] (confirmation it's going to be an issue as we suspected) [14:27] Laney, btw how is the migration going? you want to get every ported/ready before uploading? [14:32] Laney: btw: make works nicely === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [14:46] xnox, I can't confirm your background issue using today's daily in virtualbox on raring [14:47] seb128: interesting. so kernel or kvm bug then.... [14:47] seb128: heh [14:48] seb128: yeah, for main/universe simplicity and for that 0.10/1.0 reason [14:48] desrt: merci [14:49] Laney, ok, makes sense I guess [14:50] xnox, ok, I can confirm in kvm ... doesn't happen in virtualbox though, "interestingé" [14:50] -é [16:30] Meeting? [16:30] Sweetshark, qengho, chrisccoulson, didrocks, Laney, kenvandine, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, robru, attente: hey, it's meeting time [16:30] hey seb128 [16:30] w00t [16:30] * mterry waves [16:30] yay [16:30] hey [16:30] o/ [16:30] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-11-13 [16:30] hello [16:30] hey [16:30] if you didn't write anything on the wiki yet please considering doing so ;-) [16:31] does everyone has their blueprints registered correctly [16:31] they should show on http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/canonical-desktop-team.html [16:31] My wiki save got HTTP 500. Fun. [16:31] :-( [16:32] seb128, yeah, not loading for me [16:32] seb128, suffice it to say kenvandine and I are doing the webapps inlining. I'm just sick as a dog so I'm going to start it tomorrow. [16:32] seb128, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-thunderbird-enhancements didn't show earlier [16:32] yeah dead [16:32] i wonder if i should rename that blueprint ;) [16:32] it keeps getting recycled and is less focused on thunderbird now [16:33] robru, oh, get some rest and get better then! [16:33] ok, we said we would have a quick meeting [16:33] seb128, ken talked me into staying up just for the meeting ;-) going for a nap as soon as this is over ;-) [16:33] robru: If you die, you're fired. [16:33] let's try going through the team and everyone can drop a line on what they are working on, mention any concern or bug etc as well [16:33] qengho, LOL [16:34] using the order from my ping list (which was the order of the launchpad team names) [16:34] Sweetshark, hey ... quick "what you are working on, concerns, bugs, comments, etc" [16:34] you can mention blueprints on your lists and the ones that might be missing [16:35] is Sweetshark sleeping? [16:35] WAKE UP! [16:35] :) [16:35] no Sweetshark, ok, let's move on [16:35] qengho, hey [16:35] chad#1) should we follow debian and rename chromium-browser to chromium? [16:36] we still have a package name conflict there right? [16:36] i guess not :) [16:36] There's some virtual package. I haven't looked around much. [16:36] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium [16:36] It may conflict in earlier, L, N,... [16:36] i would be in favor, if we can [16:36] it was a package back in hardy [16:37] so yeah, renaming seems fine to me [16:37] is there any actual benefit to renaming? [16:37] seems sensible [16:37] chromium is a better name than chromium-browser [16:37] current name isn't obvious [16:37] chrisccoulson, less confusion for users? [16:37] on the name [16:37] if you do rename, you'll be maintaining 2 source packages for 5 years (and having 2 source tarballs etc) [16:37] i'm just wondering if it's actually worth it ;) [16:37] we we have the same packaging used cross series atm? [16:38] Other than that, I have nothing worth complaining about. Chromium source moves fast! Two breaking changes in automatic PPA build so far. [16:38] do we* [16:38] the source package name stays the same [16:38] seb128, would we rename it in precise too? [16:38] its just binaries [16:38] chrisccoulson, no [16:38] chromium-browser becomes transitional to chromium [16:39] let's sort that after the meeting, chrisccoulson's comment is a good one based on the firefox experience where the vcs is the same accross distro series (not sure if chromium is in the same case) [16:39] qengho, thanks [16:39] qengho, anything else you wanted to mention? [16:39] No. /end [16:39] when people are done please drop a comment saying "that's all" [16:39] or something similar ;-) [16:39] qengho, thanks [16:39] g'night ;-) [16:39] chrisccoulson, hey [16:39] hi :) [16:40] chrisccoulson, I've access the tb blueprint, that should be enough to have it showing on the tracker [16:40] the series goal [16:40] chrisccoulson, so ... anything worth mentioning from your side? ;-) [16:41] so, i'm currently packaging the upstream firefox test suite at the moment, and writing a shim so that we can have test results appear on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/ [16:41] oh, nice, will make pitti happy ;-) [16:41] i've also basically killed off the lightning extension source package [16:41] (we're going to be building it from thunderbird uploads, to save me time) [16:42] seb128, will gstreamer 1.1/1.2 be abi/api compatible with 1.0.2? [16:42] ricotz, yes [16:42] ok, so upstream confirmed this [16:42] that's it from me :) [16:43] chrisccoulson, thanks [16:43] didrocks, hey ;-) your turn [16:43] chrisccoulson: i wish for enigmail uploads @ same-upload time as thunderbird [16:43] to me the later update is useless without the former. [16:43] hey, so we are in good track in term of autolanding things automatically [16:43] * ricotz will be quite now ;) [16:43] xnox, yeah, that's not going to happen any time soon ;) [16:43] * xnox ok.... [16:43] a lot of IS/PS/jenkins/launchpad/bzr issues that are on track to get fixed/workarounded [16:44] I'm checking the details with the subteam :) [16:44] an other news, unity quantal/raring uploaded [16:44] and we'll soon switch to gcc 4.7 for raring [16:44] that's it [16:44] I've been watching the progresses a bit, you guys seem well organized and on track, looking forward seeing stuff landing regularly in a smooth way ;-) [16:44] didrocks, thanks [16:45] Laney, hey ;-) [16:45] hey [16:45] so i've been mainly working on gstreamer 1 stuff which is mostly landing in here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gstreamer1.0/ [16:45] other than that a make-dfsg sru into precise for desrt [16:46] so if your builds there randomly start failing then ... [16:46] also some work on the transition tracker to support -proposed [16:46] FIN [16:46] great [16:46] do you need help on the gst1.0 transition ? [16:46] is there any blocker/hard problem atm? [16:46] if you want to poke rb upstream to find out how that's going [16:46] I guess the main issue will be the gst1/webkit/gst0.10 one [16:46] ok, I can do that [16:47] yeah haven't got there yet :-) [16:47] ok [16:47] also I'm not sure what the deal with gnome-media is [16:47] will look into it [16:47] the sound recorder shouldn't be an issue [16:47] the libgnome-media-profile situation is a bit undetermined though, but that's linked to rb [16:47] will check for it as well [16:47] Laney, thanks [16:48] kenvandine, hey [16:48] started working towards moving packaging inline for webapps/webaccounts [16:48] i prepared an example and robru is going to go through them as an introduction to the set of packages [16:48] good idea [16:48] i have a few SRUs to land today [16:49] didrocks, any status on my MIR? [16:49] kenvandine: well, days have only 24h, still on my TODO list :) [16:49] just checking :) [16:49] That's all folks! [16:49] kenvandine, thanks [16:49] mlankhorst, hey [16:50] mlankhorst, joining our meeting or rather the evening one with the other xorg guys? ;-) [16:50] nothing to say much for me? [16:51] mlankhorst, ok, that works for me, let's keep moving then ;-) [16:51] cyphermox, hey [16:51] hey hey! [16:52] so I've started work on the indicator stack; so far indicator-messages is ready for review by didrocks, and indicator-sound to follow shortly [16:52] * didrocks is reviewing right now [16:52] evolution-indicator was pretty much ready for upload as well, but to do it cleanly I want to wait in case our contributor's patch can be merged in today or tomorrow [16:53] yay! [16:53] ok [16:53] will make some people happy to get that back [16:53] also preparing an upload for the NM stack hopefully today, and some SRUs for ModemManager [16:53] yup yup [16:53] then we need pidgin-libmessaging and users will be happy again ;-) [16:53] so far I've been running evo-indicator and it work well [16:53] that's all for me [16:53] nice [16:53] cyphermox, thanks [16:53] mterry, hye [16:53] hey [16:53] I've mostly just been working on unity+friends' packaging. Been failing to reproduce the gvfs-dav memory leak... And some deja-dup dep8 work/bug investigation. That's all. [16:54] efficient, I like it ;-) [16:54] mterry, thanks [16:54] :) [16:54] robru, hey [16:54] he may have gone to sleep already.. [16:54] I think he said g'night above [16:55] mterry, I was unsure if that was a joke reply to my "add a "that's all", or similar, when done" [16:55] but he might yeah, kenvandine did a summary for him in some sort [16:55] attente, hey ;-) [16:55] ooo my turn :) [16:56] indeed! [16:56] still working on the unity-gtk-module [16:56] it's.. needing a lot of work... [16:56] yeah, I expect it's going to take a while [16:56] are you blocked on anything? I guess desrt is helping you? [16:57] i'm not blocked on anything [16:57] ok, good [16:57] if there's something higher priority you want me to look at, i can try [16:57] ("helping" = "available for questions") [16:57] but other than that, that's it for me [16:57] attente, not atm, I will probably come with a few gtk+ bugs (and try to get easier ones) for you to pick in when you feel like doing something different so you have enough to alternate and not always work on the same thing [16:58] attente, btw feel free to triage a bit https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gtk%2B3.0/+bugs [16:58] great, thanks [16:58] ok [16:58] or go through the bug and upstream those you think that would be good upstream (check if they are already reported) [16:58] attente, thanks [16:59] attente, btw new gtk in raring includes the fileselectors fixes based on your work, well done ;-) [16:59] ok [16:59] \o/ [16:59] so remaining, me :p [16:59] I've been working on GNOME 3.6.2 updates, some merging on debian [16:59] spent a full day doing sponsoring, please help as well on that [16:59] and been looking to blueprints as well [17:00] that's it [17:00] just on time for an half an hour meeting [17:00] [17:00] how did everyone find it? good to have a quick catchup like that? [17:00] comments? questions? [17:00] * Sweetshark bumbles in. [17:00] A little long, after being so used to 1 min meetings :) [17:00] nothing from me [17:00] indeed [17:01] yep :) [17:01] 1 min meetings? [17:01] sorry, picking up packets at the postal service took longer than expected. [17:01] attente, we tried a cycle the "does anyone has anything to say" [17:01] attente, and the meeting turned to a minute silence [17:01] haha [17:01] followed by a "thanks everyone, see you next week" ;-) [17:01] If we liked the shorter meetings, I suppose these more personal check-ins could be done in wiki too (in a "more verbose" section?) [17:02] mterry, well, I just set up the format so people were typing the status update [17:02] I guess with ready to paste status it should take some 15 min [17:02] let's see next week [17:02] seb128: I working on: upstreaming sessioninstaller integration, upstreaming unitymenus, SRU bug 1017125, SRU bug 1064962 [17:02] Launchpad bug 1017125 in boost1.49 (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU quantal] boost::unordered_multimap<>::erase(iterator, iterator) broken in boost1.49" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017125 [17:02] Launchpad bug 1064962 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Global menubar items do not work when opening a document directly from nautilus with no LibreOffice instance running" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064962 [17:03] here's the weird gnome-media bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=679381 [17:03] so i'm not sure what's going on with that module [17:03] Gnome bug 679381 in Gnome-Sound-Recorder "port gsrecorder to gstreame-1.0" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] [17:03] Sweetshark, great, looking forward seeing the sessioninstaller bugs closed ;-) [17:05] Laney, it's a bit unmaintained, there is only the sound recorder in there nowadays [17:05] ok, need to run [17:05] yeah [17:05] be back in an hours [17:05] thanks everyone [17:05] ok [17:05] * kenvandine waves [17:05] do we need a sound recorder by default? ;-) [17:05] * Laney runs [17:05] Laney: I won't ever be able to live without one by default! [17:06] Laney: because I CAN! :) [17:06] I hear https://www.archlinux.org/ is a cool distro [17:06] Laney: thats a slippery slide. It ends in "can we kick libreoffice from the default install". I have seen it a million times ;) [17:07] oh yeah, speaking of cruft :P [17:07] Sweetshark: talking about it… :p [17:09] * Sweetshark slowly grabs for the cattlepod he always has ready for these cases ... [17:09] s/cattlepod/cattle prod/ [17:10] to be honest: py2uno, hplip, duplicity, dejadup and rdeps might be kicked out as they are all written in python2 [17:12] * Laney rewrites xnox in mips assembler [17:14] * xnox JSON parse error "Laney: please use correct javascript syntax" [17:36] xnox: maybe there could be a postinstall trigger for the remaining python2 stuff temporarily [17:37] micahg: hm? what do you mean? [17:38] xnox: you know how the installer downloads updates? maybe it could download and install those apps as well [17:39] micahg: that is not the point of the excercise. we are not constrained by the cd size, we actually want to port stuff to python3, not just drop it / re-download it. [17:39] xnox: I said nothing about CD size :) [17:39] micahg: plus existing users will simply upgrade and will get to keep python2 bits as they already do. [17:40] micahg: I was thinking to kick stuff of the CD to shake things up. E.g. to have upstreams wake up to the python3. [17:41] xnox: well, for duplicity and deja-dup, poke mterry and for hplip, tkampetter [17:41] ok gents, see you tomorrow! [17:41] micahg: the problems are not with those packages, but with their dependencies. E.g. hplib problems are in => python-reportlab [17:42] and similar with duplicity (the backend providers) [18:04] seb128: Hi Seb, you didn't forget bug 1069886, did you? ;-) [18:04] Launchpad bug 1069886 in mail-notification (Ubuntu Quantal) "mail-notification crashes on SSL connections (patch attached)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1069886 [18:23] kenvandine: hey, could you please find someone to test bug 967604 so it can get published? I have a security update to do and want to wait for that to go out first... [18:23] Launchpad bug 967604 in unity-firefox-extension (Ubuntu) "Extension does not support moving tabs between windows (activity tracking degenerates)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/967604 [18:24] GunnarHj, oh, did forgot, thanks for the reminder [18:25] seb128: No problem. :) [18:25] mterry: poke [18:26] cyphermox, hello! [18:26] mterry: seb128 mentioned you managed to keep history for the packaging you merged for unity, what process did you use? [18:26] cyphermox, I found the packaging branch, merged it into trunk, and reverted anything outside of debian/ [18:26] ah, yeah [18:27] so that's what I thought === attente is now known as attente_zzz [18:30] charles: Hi Charles! [18:30] charles: Your input to the discussion at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687945 would probably be helpful - provided that you are in favour of the proposed change, of course. ;-) [18:30] Gnome bug 687945 in i18n "Display names of days and months using the current language" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [18:48] mdeslaur, kenvandine verification-done on bug 967604 [18:48] Launchpad bug 967604 in unity-firefox-extension (Ubuntu) "Extension does not support moving tabs between windows (activity tracking degenerates)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/967604 [18:49] popey: awesome, thanks! thanks kenvandine [18:49] GunnarHj, uploaded [18:54] seb128: Thanks! See that it's stuck in that horribly long upload queue. Do you possibly have permission to approve it? [18:55] popey, thx [18:55] GunnarHj, no I don't and the delay is not that long, it usually 1.5 week I would say [18:55] GunnarHj, there has been some backlog due to UDS but the SRU team is catching back [18:56] seb128: I see. [18:56] GunnarHj, if you want it in you can still try to ping the SRU people on #ubuntu-devel, e.g bdmurray ScottK slangasek SpamapS infinity [18:57] GunnarHj, well that's if you think it's an easy and import one and that it might be worth trying to "hijack the queue" [18:58] seb128: Not sure that my stuff (this one + im-switch) is more important than the rest. So I'll try to be patient. :) [19:00] i hope switching to vala-0.18 as default in raring would be reasonable with updating to 0.18.1 which is out soon === attente_zzz is now known as attente === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [20:31] seb128: Is this build failure something that requires any kind of action? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mail-notification/5.4.dfsg.1-6ubuntu5/+build/3970420 [20:35] GunnarHj, no, it just needs a retry once evolution is built [20:36] seb128: Does it happen automatically? [20:37] usually not, but you can count on somebody to retry it soon [20:45] seb128: Ok, thanks. === jono is now known as Guest38070 [21:51] morning everyone [21:51] robert_ancell: RAOF bryceh and TheMuso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-11-13 [21:52] morning [21:52] Good morning! [21:52] morning robert_ancell and RAOF [21:52] * bryceh waves [21:52] hey bryceh [21:53] btw...anyone still have blueprints in need of approval? or is all set? [21:53] morning [21:53] jasoncwarner_, I posted my 3 this morning [21:53] jasoncwarner_, or I should say the three you asked about. [21:53] bryceh: oh time to approve https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-xorg-lts-updates ? [21:53] thanks, bryceh I saw and I assigned the one to duflu [21:54] great === fenris is now known as Guest12065 [21:54] morning, aussies [21:54] mlankhorst, heh I'm the approver yet don't appear able to push the approve button [21:55] (and kiwis) [21:55] morning desrt [21:55] bryceh mlankhorst I'll look... [21:55] thanks [21:55] jasoncwarner_: Hm, I've got https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-hybrid-graphics-user-experience [21:55] RAOF looking [21:56] desrt: are we allowed to be watching for "insert" signals on GtkMenuShells? that api only exists after 3.2 [21:56] attente: yup. i added it for exactly that reason. [21:56] i knew that one day we would hire you and that it would make your life easier if that signal existed [21:56] lol... [21:57] i'm a good friend [21:57] thanks :) [21:57] bryceh: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-hybrid-graphics very few points left, but should probably be approved though [21:57] in all seriousness, though.. that signal doesn't exist in gtk2 [21:57] yeah, isn't that bad? [21:57] which is going to be your biggest barrier to backporting your work to gtk2 (which you should definitely do eventually) [21:57] we can add the signal there too, though [21:58] either upstream or by way of vendorpatch (or likely, both) [21:58] ok [21:58] mlankhorst, who will be assignee for that one? [21:58] probably me since I was involved anyway [21:58] ok [21:59] or you could copy the points to xorg general, either is fine [21:59] set definition to Approved. Looks like jasoncwarner_ will need to flip the Direction to Approved [21:59] jasoncwarner_, Priority for this should be medium or maybe low === fenris_ is now known as Guest8550 [22:00] bryceh: approved and prioritized [22:00] bryceh: fwiw I did submit most patches I had so far, didn't get much feedback though on them yet === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [22:05] Morning folks. [22:08] hi TheMuso [22:10] also good night, bedtime :) [22:12] night mlankhorst === attente is now known as attente_zzz