[00:06] jelmer: weird thing is that if the install fails at build_mo, it works [00:07] felipec: seems like the (bundled) plugin is being loaded by an incompatible version of bzr [00:07] anyway, it's time for me to get some sleep.. [00:08] jelmer: yeah, but that's not the problem [00:08] I just removed the bzr from my system [00:08] still the same problem [00:10] no, wait... yeah, that was it [00:24] hmm, bzrlib.initialize() is not there in older versions [07:31] hello all [07:31] jelmer: are You here, [07:31] jelmer: i've got one question on pm if You don't mind... [07:37] lolek: hi [07:37] lolek: sure [07:37] hi hi ;) [07:37] ok [08:13] hey [08:13] when trying to bzr lp-propose on bamf, I'm getting this error: bzr: ERROR: Parent not accessible given base "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/bamf/" and relative path "../../../~anjali-team/anjali/bamf/" [08:14] do you have any idea how I can start debugging? [08:17] I'm running something like: bzr lp-propose lp:bamf -m "foo" [08:18] (and the bamf trunk is ~unity-team/bamf/trunk, not anymore the anjali-something) [08:21] didrocks: so the issue is that lp:bamf has a parent set to another branch on Launchpad, but it isn't actually accessible. I don't actually know why lp-propose is trying to access the parent, but maybe it is trying to figure out what branch you want to submit to? [08:22] But I guess that is what you are supplying. [08:22] you can try -Derror and get a traceback to see where bzr is trying to access it. [08:22] jam: exactly, I'm supplying the branch I want to push at [08:22] bzr lp-propose lp:bamf -m "foo" -Derror [08:22] ok, one sec :) [08:23] jam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1355044/ [08:23] indeed, you're right, it's trying to get the parent of lp:bamf [08:24] but shouldn't it just use the url I provide and don't try to look for any parent? [08:25] (I confirm the bamf branch is removed from https://code.launchpad.net/~anjali-team) [08:25] I wonder where in launchpad it's trying to get it, I don't see it in the bamf project configuration [08:26] didrocks: as a 'parent' it means someone did "bzr branch ~anjali-team/... ~unity-team/..." [08:27] jam: yeah, the trunk was there a long time ago [08:27] then, it's now under ~unity-team and lp:bamf moved to it [08:27] but I guess bazaar has still its internal parent in bzr info [08:27] any idea how we can fix it? [08:28] didrocks: it is easy enough to remove it, it looks like lp_api is trying to find things that might be the public url for a branch before it settles on 'bzr_branch.base' [08:28] You could probably do something to set "bzr_branch.get_public_branch" and it would pick that up first, but it might also be easier to just remove the parent location. [08:29] didrocks: first, we should file a bug against bzr that lp-propose fails if the target branch has an inaccessible parent branch. [08:29] (we should be catching it and just skipping that one) [08:29] ok, let me file it [08:32] jam: here it is: bug #1078205 [08:32] Launchpad bug 1078205 in bzr (Ubuntu) "lp-propose fails if the target branch has an inaccessible parent branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1078205 [08:33] didrocks: thanks. [08:33] You should be able to do this in a python session: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1355063/ [08:34] That should set the parent of the Launchpad branch to empty, provided you have access to write there. [08:34] jam: excellent, makes sense, let me try it :) [08:35] 'morning didrocks, jam [08:35] hey jelmer, good to see you around [08:36] jam: excellent! works fine :) [08:36] good morning jelmer ;) [08:39] jam: ah, however [08:39] jam: if I want to bzr lp-propose lp:~unity-team/bamf/bamf-0.3 [08:40] (which isn't lp:bamf) [08:40] it's still proposing to lp:bamf [08:40] I guess because it's looking at the parent [08:43] didrocks: which seems odd, I'm really surprised that the code picks parent over self. [08:43] You can also config a 'public_location' for things [08:43] I think often people propose against a local branch which is a mirror of the actual public branch [08:43] was the thought process behind it. [08:44] jam: yeah, but when you explicitely put it on the command line, it should just obey to whatever your proposed against :) [08:44] didrocks: right, but you can do "bzr lp-propose ../bamf" [08:44] jam: I can't really have a configuration, I'm using this to have automated daily upload for the whole PS stack to ubuntu [08:44] where ../bamf is a branch from trunk [08:45] right, I didn't understand the parameter that way [08:45] but it can makes sense [08:45] So I would recommend setting the 'public_branch' information which it will always take first. [08:45] should it have another parameter to specify explicitely the branch to submit? [08:45] how do you set it? [08:46] I think you can do that with "bzr config -d lp:bamf public_branch=lp:bamf" [08:47] jam: hum, but this config will be system-wide, not local to a branch? [08:47] jam: we are on vm that are shared with other projects [08:47] I think it is set for the user, not for the team. [08:47] so writing in ~/.bazaar… [08:47] correct ~/.bazaar/locations.conf I believe. [08:47] though maybe you could write it to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/.../.bzr/branch.conf [08:48] hum, not really handy for so many projects (~100) [08:48] let me try to see if I can automate setting it [08:49] didrocks: you can set a path based approach in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf [08:49] something like: [08:49] [bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net] [08:49] public_branch=bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net [08:49] public_branch:policy=appendpath [08:49] So stuff accessed under bazaar.launchpad.net/... should get themselves as the public location. [08:50] jam: I'm afraid I can't really do that due to jenkins having random workspace path, and the dir path doesn't necessarily reflect where I need to push [08:51] that's why I though bzr lp-propose was good :) [08:51] hum, do you think "bzr config …" is process safe? [08:51] like, if it's called in parallel (the stack to upload are concurrent jobs), there is no issue? [08:52] didrocks: it should be taking a write lock on the config directory and either waiting or aborting if it fails to do so. [08:52] ok, so should be fine [08:52] didrocks: that is only in 'newer' bzr versions, but I'm not sure when it landed. [08:52] ah… [08:52] didrocks: looks like bzr-2.3 is new enough [08:53] excellent, it's in precise :) [08:53] yeah, new enough is something like 1-2years old. [08:54] 2.5 is in precise [08:54] jam: so, I tried: [08:54] bzr config -d lp:bamf lp:bamf [08:54] and then: [08:54] Nah, it's just approximate, not imprecise ;p [08:54] bzr config -d lp:~unity-team/bamf/bamf-0.3 public_branch=lp:~unity-team/bamf/bamf-0.3 [08:55] what I see in .bazaar/locations.conf: [08:55] [lp:bamflp:bamf] [08:55] public_branch = lp:bamf [08:55] didrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/bamf/bamf-0.3/.bzr/branch/branch.conf [08:55] using -d lp: sets it in the actual branch on LP [08:55] Now the one problem is you *might* need the public_url to be a real url like http:// or bzr+ssh:// rather than lp:b [08:55] ah, it's in the repo itself [08:55] not local [08:56] didrocks: right [08:56] that is what the '-d' does [08:56] you can use --scope= to set it to be configured elsewhere, I believe. [08:56] jam: I'm fine by having it in the repo [08:56] I just need to note that down somewhere :) [08:56] let me try the automated lp-propose now [08:57] --scope='branch' is the default, --scope=locations will put it in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf [09:00] jam: better to be in the main branch scope as it's globale :) [09:00] didrocks: yeah [09:00] jam: ok, seems that it answered all my questions, thanks a lot jam ;) [09:00] didrocks: np, sorry it didn't just work in the first place. [09:00] jam: no worry, I can understand why it's that way, I just thought the option was for something else :) [09:06] didrocks: I also submitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/1078211 for you [09:07] Ubuntu bug 1078211 in Bazaar "lp-propose $BRANCH always prefers the parent branch" [Low,Confirmed] [09:07] jam: sounds good, thanks :) [09:53] morning [09:55] ahoy === yofel_ is now known as yofel === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk_for_ === gwbasic is now known as mira|AO === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp === r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor === mmrazik|otp is now known as mmrazik === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === mira|AO is now known as gwbasic === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [19:56] jelmer: hi, are You here ?