[14:11] stgraber: ^^^ does that mean it's testing time? [14:12] highvoltage: nope, ready means it's ready to ship [14:12] ah I see [14:12] great, then :) [14:13] someone was apparently kind enough to test it for us :) [14:13] I'm in a weird state where I don't have any emergencies or fires to put out, so I can actually pick what I should work on next! [14:13] nice [14:14] stgraber: ah I see, yeah I trust that tester to do a good job :) [14:14] * ogra_ thinks we all owe ballons a lot of beer in copenhagen [14:14] preparing the workitem list for 13.04 would be good (well, trying to remember of all the things we talked about and dump that in the blueprint or somehwere) [14:14] ogra_: oh the tracker says it's graberator that tested them [14:15] yeah I'll go through them today [14:15] is that a pseudonym for stgraber ? [14:15] highvoltage: well, I was referring to the upgrade ones that were tested by some unknown guy [14:15] highvoltage: but yeah, I tested the ISO images yesterday (the usual german+oem+ltsp+ltsp-live+gnome-fallback and a standard install in chinese) [14:16] ogra_: at rlnx there's a tool with an easter egg where if you pass it an option --graberator (or something like that), then it shows an ascii art image of stgraber's head with red eyes [14:16] lol [14:16] highvoltage: I'm surprised that they didn't implement that easter egg in lttng yet ;) [14:17] yeah we need more graberator options everywhere [16:24] highvoltage: one of the new weblive servers is now online for testing [16:26] stgraber: nice! === yofel_ is now known as yofel [19:47] highvoltage: posted about the new weblive on g+, should get me a few testers to see how solid it's [19:52] great. [20:14] mgariepy, alkisg, stgraber: edubuntu-webcontact mails that need replies are under 10 for the first time in 2 years :) [20:15] highvoltage: yay, thanks! [20:15] highvoltage + 10 :) [21:13] highvoltage: can you test http://paste.ubuntu.com/1231205/ on Debian? requires python-x2go [21:26] stgraber: when it asks me for username, should I go on the site and create one first or do I do it there in the cli? [21:27] Session (ex. 'desktop' or valid executable): desktop [21:27] Traceback (most recent call last): [21:27] File "test.py", line 283, in [21:27] session, locale) [21:27] File "test.py", line 138, in create_user [21:27] raise WebLiveError("Invalid server: %s" % serverid) [21:27] __main__.WebLiveError: 'Invalid server: ' [21:28] ah I thought that weblive-appserv03 was preconfigured, but I had to enter it [21:29] stgraber: and I have a session! [21:31] highvoltage: yes? [21:32] nevermind, didn't parse properly :) [21:32] the python script bundles weblive.py so it can talk directly to the API and create the account [21:32] Currently running sessions: [21:32] - instance-weblive-john: (public port = 10080) [21:32] - instance-weblive-stgraber: (public port = 10167) [21:32] - instance-weblive-jonathan: (public port = 10043) [21:32] - instance-weblive-test: (public port = 10146) [21:33] 21:33:01 up 11 days, 21:03, 1 user, load average: 0.17, 0.13, 0.14 [21:33] reasonable === highvoltage changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu 12.04.1 is out! - http://www.edubuntu.org | When asking questions, hang around for a bit, we're not always at our computers :) | Try WebLive! http://edubuntu.org/weblive | Help out with bugs: http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs | LTSP questions? also try #ltsp | Welcome to the playground, have lots of fun and behave yourself! [23:33] Hello. I hope everyone is doing well. I came across a strange problem with some users on Edubuntu 12.04. When they log in, they just get a desktop - no menu, task bar, no icons, nothing. [23:33] They can log out by hitting ctrl+alt+delete and then they get a logout option. [23:34] How would I resolve that please? [23:42] TheProf: is that with unity-3d as login session? [23:43] highvoltage: yes the default login session.