=== exodus_ is now known as exodus === cheako5 is now known as cheako === cheako is now known as Guest54949 === cheako911 is now known as cheako [07:53] Good morning. [08:06] Could somebody help me with bug report? :( [08:06] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-applications/+bug/1051331 [08:06] Launchpad bug 1051331 in unity-lens-applications "Aplication lens "All" button doesn't expand" [Undecided,New] [08:07] I've noticed it affects other lenses too, but I don't know how to "add" packages. [08:16] Wizard: Hi. This isn't exactly obvious, but if you click "Also affects distribution" and select Ubuntu, you can add additional packages. [08:17] Is it how I should do this? [08:22] Yes, if the other lenses are Ubuntu packages. [08:27] They are, hjd. [08:27] Btw, this bug is annoying ;P === Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz [08:51] hjd: Done, could you, please, look again? [09:17] Wizard: Looks ok. :) [09:18] Though after thinking about it, I wonder whether these buttons are part of the lens, or defined by unity itself. I don't know how this is organized though... [09:19] Me neither.. I hope people responsible for this will know :) [09:20] Well, now that it spans multiple packages, hopefully someone will notice it. Looks really annoying so thanks for reporting. :) [09:22] You're welcome. [09:23] I think, more importantly, it spans multiple languages. === jbicha is now known as Guest21308 === blaze is now known as Guest20426 === tuomasjj1asanen is now known as tuomasjjrasanen === io-non-esisto is now known as mapreri === Guest21308 is now known as jbicha === rickardve is now known as essen_ === essen_ is now known as rickardve [19:01] could someone check my logic on bug 218837 ? [19:01] Launchpad bug 218837 in ksh "Assigning instead of Comparing " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218837 [19:01] I've just marked it invalid [19:02] oops, just added another line to my explanation [19:03] I can see why the reporter was confused though, that is the most disgusting code I've seen in years [19:08] i've seen some pretty damn ugly code, that tops it all though [19:08] TheLordOfTime: That's original ksh source [19:08] this's an old bug o.O [19:08] TheLordOfTime: I like triaging old bugs, there are some real gems [19:08] :P [19:08] i'm not checking logic today though [19:08] too busy studying for my stats exam on tuesday [19:08] TheLordOfTime: Good luck! [19:09] TheLordOfTime: What are the chances of you passing? [19:09] 95% [19:09] even without studying [19:09] 85% I get a 95% or higher [19:09] 80% I get an A [19:09] 75% chance I get a B [19:09] and yes, those numbers do NOT add up to 100% [19:10] :-) [19:12] time to disappear - good luck! [19:19] Hallo bug 1045517 is private, can be unlocked ? [19:19] Thanks [19:22] * TheLordOfTime looks [19:23] ... SERIOUSLY? [19:23] LP keeps timing out [19:23] * TheLordOfTime blames Comcast [19:25] yes, apport show me that page but is locked [19:26] probably private [20:59] Hello, can someone help me with this bg I have? My Quadro 2000M is acting glitchy after installing the nvidia-current 304.43 driver on Ubuntu 12.10 [21:00] That version should support my card. 295 on Ubuntu 12.04 has worked perfectly before