=== administrator is now known as Guest41770 === lillith is now known as dark_lillith [01:24] anybody on? [01:26] marvelouzone, yes? [01:32] nice to know your on bazhang ;_) [01:35] I'm ON IT!!! [01:45] has anyone ever heard of malware taking webcam photos in ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04? How would you know if webcam has been activated? [01:45] kesten, no. where did you hear this [01:45] I hear my webcam click several times a day. I'm not using it. [01:46] kesten, so no actual evidence [01:46] wants to know how to do this ;) [01:46] other than my ears telling me that the sound of a camera is going off no. [01:46] then no. no malware is doing that. [01:46] more likely a hdd is dying [01:47] how would you explain the sound? [01:47] I just did [01:47] ghosts? [01:47] hdd <---- dying [01:48] backup and replace. more help in ##hardware [01:48] hdd dying could trigger a camera click once or twice a day? [01:48] the hdd was just replaced under warranty a month ago. [01:48] clicking sound is from hdd. not some malware [01:48] they die all the time. even very new ones [01:48] interesting. Can i run a scanner of some sort? [02:35] kesten what kind of drive is it? You can probably use smartctl. touch /forcefsck and reboot will run a file system check... which can point out a bad sectors etc... but... if its ticking, its a timebomb. I would try and clone it off asap. === Tabstar is now known as Guest24442 === evilTabstar is now known as Tabmow === Tabstar_ is now known as evilTabmow [03:05] is there a way to set drop box to open with dolphin? I have a kubuntu-desktop install over ubuntu in precise, and have been running KDE [03:06] i'm kind of wishing i would have installed straight up kubuntu [03:08] wondering if there's a text file somewhere that i could edit for the system tray icon [03:11] or a default applications editor [03:17] found that, dolphin is set to default. i could just unistall natuilus (heard that dropbox will work with dolphin now) [03:23] ha uninstalled nautilus problem solved. i booted into gnome once and have not been back since [03:24] always preferred dolphin anyhow [03:32] tatafornow you all, hope i didn't sound like i have an attitude or something. just getting used to changes :o) [03:32] cheers [04:07] That was a cheerful chap [04:08] how can i change the KDE icon? [04:08] Yankees52: Edit it I suppose? [04:08] Is there any context to the question? [04:08] the kde icon menu button i mean [04:08] like change the kde icon to a picture of the NYY logo [04:09] Sure [04:09] Right click on it and choose options [04:09] Or settings [04:11] Application Launcher Menu Settings...Options... Click on the K logo to choose another icon [04:12] you two are my niggas! [04:12] thank you! [04:12] now i have the yankees logo as my kde start menu [04:21] :-) === m4v is now known as mkv === AD is now known as Guest68523 [06:04] after upgrade to 12.04 i have no mic anymore. [06:05] i unmute it in alsamixer, but doesn't work anymore. [06:05] any idea how i can ifix this? [06:17] rethus: I've had a similar problem before, and fixed it by unlocking the 2 channels, and making one zero [06:17] rethus: although that was in pulseaudio === miguel is now known as Guest84313 [06:45] kroonrs:whatu did exactly in pulseaudio? [06:45] have you mic 1 and mic2 and mute one of them? [06:48] Good morning [06:52] Hi. Anyone know anything about what happened to kregexpeditor? [07:02] question: if i open pavucontroll, and choose below in the listfield "All input Devices" on Tab Input-Devices, i also see my 7.1 Surroundsound-Device... thats that, thats are no input-devices... why there are listed there? [07:11] Morning. [07:11] Hey Smurphy how are you? [07:12] hmmm .oO(DejaVu ?) [07:12] ? [07:12] Fine - got a Cup of Coffee, Chat open, and work Env. too :) Wife making breakfast :) [07:12] u talked about thecup of Tea yesterday ;) [07:12] Tea is good :) [07:13] yeah - depends on what kind of Tea it is. I tend to drink the White Tea from the region of Guang-Zi - but I don't find it here. [07:14] Smurphy: White tea is good indeed. [07:40] Weird - when I invoqe a "cd" from within the script - it won't change my shell to that directory. [07:40] Any chance I can force it to leave/exit me there ? in the new directory ? [07:41] Smurphy: I'm sorry, what is it exactly that you want? [07:42] I have a script (wortkLog), which I invoque with newev -c CustomerName [07:42] When that script execute - it checks for a directory structure of tha cvustomer. If it does not exist - it creates it, then start emacs with a template file. [07:43] Only - usually Ihave things to copy/analyze in the Customer Directory - so I went newev to drop me into the Customer's Logs directory. [07:43] Only - when invoquing the script from my $HOME, and having a cd CsrDir in the newev script - it will drop me back in my $HOME - as it's appaently not the same shell session I'm in [07:44] Smurphy: You do not mean something like this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59838/how-to-check-if-a-directory-exists-in-a-shell-script [07:45] Smurphy: So if I get this right, what you want is a script that changes the dir for you? [07:45] got a new 'Kubuntu'-wallpaper, i'd love it: http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=114973 [07:45] on my second 19 tft (right panel) it looks realy pretty, cause of the black borders on top and bottom. :) [07:52] lordievader: yes. For my current shell [07:52] lordievader: Nope - the directory structure checking and/or creation is working. Actually - when the script finishes - I just want to be dropped into the new directory base I created. [07:53] pfff ... I like round edges on my wallpapers - like this one: http://www.scenicreflections.com/download/226233/Luis_Royo_(Tears_of_the_Millennium)_Wallpaper/ [07:54] :} [07:54] Smurphy: Ok well I found a way to do that. [07:54] how that ? [07:55] Smurphy: I have this code http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042046/ [07:56] Smurphy: If I envoke it with ./