[06:49] good morning all [06:51] morning dpm [06:51] hey hobgoblin [06:51] how's Thursday morning looking dpm ? [06:53] looking busy, but I think it's going to be a good day ;) [06:54] nice [07:04] good morning [07:04] Afternoon dholbach ;) [07:06] morning dholbach [07:06] hi benonsoftware [07:06] benonsoftware: hi :) [07:11] 'ello hobgoblin [07:12] hey dholbach [07:12] hey dpm [08:02] aloha [08:21] Hello [14:32] james_w, you might like this one: http://www.breaksblog.biz/random-movement-podcast-24-082011/ [15:16] s-fox: got booted from the mod channel again [15:26] AlanBell / popey - Heh, http://hackedirl.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/epic-win-photos-british-tank-win.jpg [15:27] that looks normal [15:28] hahaha [15:50] dpm: confused [15:50] I am seeing the "download for ubuntu" button [15:50] is it better to use that than the software center icon you made before? [15:55] jcastro, yeah, that's the new button we should use. My buttons were temporary until the design team created some proper ones, and it seems they did. I didn't realize they were ready until this morning [15:55] http://shutter-project.org/downloads/ [15:55] it looks blurry to me [15:59] jcastro, yeah, it does a bit. I'll have to talk to jono or davidpitkin to see the originals [16:02] marcoceppi: it should be easy with the tiny url to swap out the image right? [16:21] is jono out today? [16:23] he emailed that he might be late today [16:23] jcastro: yeah, let me know the updated URL for the image and I can switch it out [16:24] marcoceppi: I have hesitations on this new one, it's blurry [16:24] we'll see what dpm finds out [16:24] kk [16:24] jcastro, yeah, I pinged davidpitkin a while ago, waiting for the answer [16:25] no rush [16:25] smart move with the quickurl marcoceppi [16:25] I didn't want to go back and fix all those images [16:25] dpm: I think your button is nicer! :) [16:25] * dpm is flattered :) [16:25] not sure about it, but thanks :-) [16:31] I also liked yours better [16:31] but maybe I'm just being anti-change [16:34] :) [17:04] ok, want to finish something by the end of today, but time for a break, bbl [17:05] ok, forgot to do something... [17:09] ... stop working? [17:10] did you forget to stop working? :P [17:10] ah, that must be it :) [17:11] * dpm away's [17:36] alright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow [17:58] hey folks [18:08] balloons, how are we doing on A1 mandatory testing? [18:08] * jono waits for good news [18:08] ;-) [18:08] heh [18:08] we have 100% mandatory coverage [18:10] \m/ rock and roll \m/ [18:10] * jono hi-fives balloons [18:11] yep, definitely good stuff [18:11] balloons, very nice work [18:11] balloons, btw, when are you going for Ubuntu Membership? [18:11] as soon as they meet.. [18:11] * balloons has to check again on the schedule, the page was down last time [18:14] balloons, please do, I want to get you up on planet [18:15] mhall119, nice work on the pkgme blog [18:16] mhall119, could you follow up and be more explicit about which backends we need [18:16] I think we should run this as a "call for backends" type thing [18:16] your post is a great foundation for this [18:37] heya jono [18:37] last call for alcohol before I got on the long weekend if you wanna catch up [18:37] jono: sure, you want me to just list the ones I mentioned in my blog, or others? [18:37] the only thing we need to discuss is the juju governance stuff imo, but that's not like burning on fire or anything [18:43] jcastro, I haven't had a chance to look into, lets do it next week [18:43] it isnt urgent [18:43] and today I am slammed [18:43] \m/ [18:43] mhall119, I think you should highlight the ones we most need and write about each one, say what is needed, what the backend is likely going to need to do, etc [18:43] and explicitly ask for volunteers to write the backends and post in the comments if they are working on something so people can collaborate [18:44] mhall119, and then reach out specifically to people who you think might be interested in helping [18:49] jono: ok, that's going to require that I learn what the backends are going to need to do [18:50] mhall119, ask james_w to summarize [18:50] mhall119, our goal here is to get as many folks up to speed on what is involved so that they learn the skills to write the backend [19:04] jono: what the backend code needs to do is specific to the build system it's targetting. The instructions I gave on my blog, and the ones I linked to on pkgme.net, are as specific as you can get without going into details about how different build systems work [19:06] mhall119, right, so I think you need to summarize, but I think that right now we are not setting people up for success enough: we need them to feel a grasp for the scope of the problem so they can work on it [19:06] I think this means a summary of what work would be involved for a backend, and maybe a contact person who they can ask questions to [19:06] maybe we can have a contact for each backend? [19:07] a contact would probably help, we currently have Qt/qmake, Flash and HTML5 as targets, who would be good for those? [19:11] I don't recall who did the qt template for quickly, but that might be a good contact for a qmake backend [19:15] mhall119, how is the qt quickly template? [19:16] I may try and mess around with qt this cycle [19:21] balloons: I haven't tried it, but dpm demo'd it and it looks nice [19:31] mhall119, I am not sure, can you find people who can be contacts, people who have an experience of those build systems [19:35] I'll ask around [19:46] thanks mhall119 [19:46] I think this will really help improve the chances of good contributions [19:47] jono: I have 6 target backends, I'm trying to get a rough idea of what is required for each [19:48] mhall119, cool [21:35] can anyone recommend a good ppa manager? [21:35] googling led me here, which seems interesting enough, but.. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/y-ppa-manager-easily-search-add-remove.html [21:45] balloons: make one :) [21:45] mhall119, let's just say i'm discovering the limits to ppa-purge [21:45] that doesn't sound like a good thing to discover [21:46] :-) [21:48] fyi on that tool.. wow is it borked [21:48] good ideas, bad execution [21:48] now I get to do even more manual cleanup... [21:48] I've not had issues with it.. [21:49] me either [21:49] https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/purgealltheppas [21:49] in fact, it saved me more than once last cycle [21:49] i use that too ☺ [21:49] popey, ahh! [21:49] I knew there was something around like that [21:49] it doesn't exist in ppa purge [21:49] fyi, I was speaking of the y-ppa-manager, not ppa purge [21:49] ahh [21:50] ppa purge works, although I found something it fell down on today [21:51] weird I cant boot to live usb anymore... ubuntu splash starts but then my laptop reboots =/ [21:57] w 26