[07:34] http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/29677/ [08:01] I filed an upstream report for bug #482785, as this finished our bussiness with this bug could someone set its status to Triaged? [08:01] Launchpad bug 482785 in network-manager "Cannot connect to GSM/3g network in Toshiba M750" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/482785 [08:02] Also as it breaks an essential hardware component (build-in networking), its importance should be set to High === yofel_ is now known as yofel === zyga is now known as zyga-food [11:59] aloha, is an admin of bugcontrol around? [12:50] I filed an upstream report for bug #482785, as this finished our bussiness with this bug could someone set its status to Triaged? [12:50] Launchpad bug 482785 in network-manager "Cannot connect to GSM/3g network in Toshiba M750" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/482785 [12:50] Also as it breaks an essential hardware component (build-in networking), its importance should be set to High [12:52] veger: Are you sure it's actually a network manager bug? [12:54] hm... I guess not, I suppose it could be a driver problem as well? [12:54] in that case I filed the upstream report too early :/ [12:58] yeh - I'm not sure which [12:59] the OP refered to bug #450256 about the (modem) commands, which seem to solve his case. [12:59] Launchpad bug 450256 in modemmanager "nokia (N85, etc.) phones still have CFUN=1 problems after landing of fix in bug #430576 " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/450256 [12:59] That bug is fixed by the network manager [13:00] oops... modem manager... [13:01] what would be the best course of action? Wait for the upstream report and see whether the networkmanager developers agree that it is theirs? [13:01] yeh so I think I'd ask the user to run apport-collect 482785 with his modem plugged in and see what happens to gather logs [13:02] and figure out whether it is a networkmanager or driver problem from his logs? [13:02] I've not used any 3g modems so I don't know where the break is between the various layers [13:02] yeh [13:03] or if you can't figure it out from the logs, the guys who really know there 3g modems might be able to [13:03] ok, I'll ask him to run apport-collect [13:03] thanks a lot for your help! [13:04] np === zyga-food is now known as zyga === Adri2000 is now known as Guest67276 [16:23] cyphermox_: how can I force getting a new dhcp address? === zyga is now known as zyga-afk === Adri2000_ is now known as Guest43626 [16:52] bdmurray, ifconfig eth0 up and down doesn't do that? [16:54] bcurtiswx: I didn't try that yet - I was just playing with nm-applet === Guest43626 is now known as Adri2000 [17:16] bcurtiswx: no, it won't [17:24] bdmurray: you may be able to do sudo dhclient -4 -r -v eth0 [17:25] for me I keep getting the same IP address again though, but it's possible it's just due to my dhcp configuration :) [17:50] in an upgrade I'm doing for a package it's waiting on a newer package (yet to be built), I have the bug report for the upgrade I'm doing, and there is a bug report for the package I'm waiting for. How does "Also affects package" play a role in linking the two bug reports together? [18:00] bcurtiswx: we don't have bug linking yet [18:01] you can reference another bug in the comments though [18:01] micahg, OK. I have been referencing in comments, but wasn't sure if we had any linking proceedure or not [18:01] bcurtiswx: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/bug-linking-part-1 [18:04] micahg, good to know. thanks [21:50] can we use ubuntu-bug to add information to a current bug? [21:50] LordOfTime: apport-collect [22:06] micahg: thanks, i've been wondering that, i've justbeen using ubuntu-bug --path=/path/to/some/file [package], and then manually added the output (for non-crash bugs)