[00:31] hm [00:32] kubotu: order coffee [00:32] * kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to apachelogger. [00:33] ~karma [00:33] karma for JontheEchidna: 14 [00:33] : D [00:33] cheat [00:33] ~karma [00:33] karma for apachelogger: 14 [00:33] Oo [00:33] now that is wrong [00:33] there you have it, I'll stop developing as I am under appreciated [00:33] lol [00:34] didn't I want to do that at some point already? [00:34] like 2 years ago [00:34] back to the roots I always say [00:34] what I need is a new kind of minion [00:35] also what kde needs is project timelord^2 [00:40] apachelogger: sure, will make folks (or one folk) see we do pay attention [00:40] re color schemes [00:40] kthx [00:40] claydoh: what about talk-to-dev days? [00:41] thank you to apachelogger and JontheEchidna for the great work! [00:42] apachelogger: a really really good idea imo, jut be prepared for some tough-ish questions ;) [00:43] better to have tough questions answered than people ranting :P [00:43] but some insight into how things are done, the restrictions and limitations there are, as well as the places we can go [00:43] oh, they will rant anyway, haven't you figure that out yet :p [00:45] a decent person will not after having another person having spent their time talking to them :P [00:45] the lack of firefox kde integration seems to be the rant or issue du jour [00:45] that is, I envision more direct interaction, not those regular people come to channel and loads of devs flood them with info [00:45] and perhaps at the same time start musing and discussing the things among each other [00:46] claydoh: actually the only post I saw regarding that was correctly pointing out that while sad it is not really anyone's fault but mozillas ;) [00:46] was on some danish or french forum [00:47] that would be ideal [00:47] we should just convert the firefox installer to a chromium installer [00:47] then we can go ... "use sensible software" :P [00:47] apachelogger: but some minor gnashing of teeth at the change [00:48] regular people don't like change lol [00:48] well, they can still use firefox and if they have it installed it will not affect them [00:48] but we'd make a point [00:48] "if you screw our users, we do not care for your software" [00:49] apachelogger: agreed [00:49] hear some ideas from them, may be good ones that turn up [00:50] and perhaps recruit more minions in the docs arena [00:50] yeah [00:50] starbuck posted in kfn suggesting a kububtu/kde news type of site [00:50] though my primary incentive is stimulate direct communication with devs [00:50] looking for names [00:51] I think that is also a good idea [00:51] kde/kubuntu news, how-to's interviews with the team [00:51] claydoh: that requires people doing it ^^ [00:55] I could handle some of that, starbuck was looking for url ideas for it [00:55] I mean, running the site [00:55] said they have a similar magazine site for netrunner [00:56] yeah, but you need a community to provide content [00:56] if you have to put 5 emloyees behind it to make it work it does not make sense IMHO [00:56] stuff like that should be self-sustaining in the long run [00:58] which is tricky because writing (good) articles is a tedious process and you always need to provide new content, otherwise no one will visit the site on a regular basis causing demotivation with the contributors [01:01] JontheEchidna: did I mention that msc needs to become hotter? [01:01] apachelogger: look at omgbuntu......... [01:02] said with tongue firmly planted in cheek [01:03] claydoh: don't they make monies with it? [01:04] no idea [01:04] well they do have a company [01:04] so I'd assume their intention is to make monies [01:08] we could do as well or better than http://netrunner-mag.com [01:09] I think we have people in the community that would give more than just one writer [01:10] yes [01:10] BUT having one person spend their work time on writing stuff makes a solid base [01:10] yes [01:11] i.e. it comensates for the mandatory flux of community contributions (RL getting in the way and what not) [01:11] bbl, having tea, a rather late tea [01:11] omg [01:11] that said, most of the articles are agnostic enough to be shared ... so that is an option one would want to look into ;) [01:11] She already has me speaking non-american English! lol [01:12] lol [01:14] Darned red headed Aussie woman is going to assimilate me back into the British empire weee! [01:14] ok not "back" [01:17] http://theworldofm.wordpress.com/2008/04/29/queens-letter/ ? :P [01:23] apachelogger: that's what Muon Discover is for [01:23] apachelogger: naw, just an Australian girlfriend [01:24] JontheEchidna: yes, but it fails to integrate :P [01:24] for now :P [01:24] claydoh: :) [01:24] JontheEchidna: excuses :P [01:26] * apachelogger wants awesome - now! === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Now With Extra Awesome | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | 4.8.3 merges: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas [01:27] lol [01:28] btw, we can make our own "Kubuntu featured apps" slideshow for muon discover if we can get a server to serve up something like this: http://jacknjoe.net/api/packages/featured === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Now With Extra Awesome | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | 4.8.3 merges: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas [01:29] JontheEchidna: that is handy === lindbohm.freenode.net changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: (Blue) Friendly Computing | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | 4.8.3 merges: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas [01:30] stupid splitting [01:31] bleh [01:31] also we need a new website [01:31] ETOOMUCHTEXT [01:31] again? [01:32] also the top and icon navigation make your's truely go whoop whoop [01:39] skaet is getting us a quantal todo page set up === unit193_ is now known as TheDrums === Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine === JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky [03:12] lol, lunchpad strikes again: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-bugs/2012-May/123060.html === Jacky is now known as siibot === siibot is now known as Jacky === dpm__ is now known as dpm === KRF_ is now known as KRF [10:10] Bug Wars - The Lunch Strikes Back [10:10] JontheEchidna: so I am not allowed to ever file the SRU bug :P [10:11] hooray [11:18] JontheEchidna: bwahaha. [11:18] Guess I'm back to sru-bugfiling-script-writing [11:18] *sigh* === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:18] ~karma yofel [11:18] karma for yofel: 16 [11:19] lol [11:19] apachelogger++ [11:19] JontheEchidna++ [11:23] http://9gag.com/gag/4243611 [11:24] tough piece of work ^^ [11:25] hm [11:25] no jr? [11:26] he said he's taking a few weeks off for burnout prevention [11:27] (that was 2 weeks ago IIRC) [11:27] ah [11:28] which reminds me [11:28] shadeslayer: when do I get data on time-spent? [11:28] time-spent? [11:30] what we spend time on so that we can automated the tasks ;) [11:30] http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/archive/2012/05/22/designing-for-pcs-that-boot-faster-than-ever-before.aspx [11:30] ah [11:57] always these long mails [12:02] Hiyas all [12:05] lo [12:06] quassel really needs UI fixes === apachelogger_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Now With Extra Awesome | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | 4.8.3 merges: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas [12:53] JontheEchidna: FWIW, I think the supportedness in muon is rather negative anyway [12:53] should be something like supported by cannonical vs. supported by the community [12:54] as it is right now it suggests that only software supported by canonical is supported software [13:05] That's true. [13:05] It could just as well say supported by $JRSNEWEMPLOYER and the Kubuntu community. [13:06] ^^ [13:06] too long :P [13:06] hmm, but if we were to do that we'd need to somehow differentiate between that and the rest of universe, or wherever our packages land [13:06] also that conflicts with the idea of making kubuntu independent ;) [13:07] JontheEchidna: Maintainer = kubuntu-devel || Maintainer = *@kubuntu.org? [13:07] that could work [13:07] People will get put off by no longer maintained by Canonical. [13:07] yeah, that is for sure [13:07] hm [13:08] apachelogger: but then there is stuff in main that we sync from debian that has them as the maintainers [13:08] yah, just thought of it [13:08] well [13:08] I propose two support sets [13:08] supported by canonical [13:08] supported by the community [13:08] latter could have a subset supported by the kubuntu community, though I do not see the benefit in that [13:09] that said, if you want to mess with canonical you could make it supported by the Kubuntu community (on everything that is not canonical :P) [13:10] god how I hate that branding mess === jtechidna is now known as jtechidna|work [13:12] The binary packages all have a *buntu maintainer as they are mangled during build. [13:12] Even if the source is sync'ed from Debian and still shows the Debian maintainer. [13:13] oh, cool [13:13] Of course parts of the system are still supported by Canonical. We aren't rolling our own kernel. [13:13] So supported by is a bit nuanced in any case. [13:14] the information is only useful for support contract usrs anyway [13:15] OSS achievement get: Be quoted 4 levels deep in a mailing list. :P [13:15] it's all supported by someone, otherwise it would not be in the archive ^^ [13:15] jtechidna|work: Oo [13:44] yofel: Are you planning on looking after the retries needed for 4.8.3? I started mashing retry buttons for i386, but don't know I'll be able to sort them all out. [13:50] apachelogger: It looks like yofel neglected the l10n upload for 4.8.3 in precise-proposed. Could you do that? [14:04] ScottK: heading to a meeting right now, I'd earliest get to it in 3 hours [14:05] apachelogger: That'd be great. [14:09] ok ..BBL , stuff to do === debfx_ is now known as debfx === emma is now known as em [15:21] yofel: Nevermind. I'm doing the retries. [15:22] ok, just got home [15:22] I didn't manage to do l10n yesterday (apachelogger: did you upload?) [15:28] yofel: He didn't yet. [15:28] then I'll do it (takes an ~hour to generate) [15:31] [kde-l10n-common-precise] Philip Muškovac * 118 * debian/ (changelog config) branch off for precise [15:40] ScottK: and the packages that I can't upload are: [15:40] http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pkgs/blinken_4.8.3-0ubuntu0.1.dsc [15:40] http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pkgs/cantor_4.8.3-0ubuntu0.1.dsc [15:44] yofel: Please sign the packages. [15:46] Without that, I've got no way to verify what I downloaded is correct. [15:47] oh, sec [15:48] ScottK: try again [15:49] K. [15:50] Done. [15:54] ok ,yardwork beckons ...time to get off my butt and get moving ...later folks [15:55] quick question, what is the hex color for Kubuntu blue? [16:18] yay, less works for me \o/ [18:05] apachelogger: time is mostly spent on exams xD [18:06] apachelogger: Can't do it before the 6th of next month in any case [18:06] by that time I will have died of boredom [18:08] Who would I speak to about NM ? [18:09] the NM developers? :P [18:10] Debugging :) [18:10] I have someone with a USB network card that isn't loading the drier [18:11] Loaded up the pegasus chipset driver and it turns on but then resets everytime it gets an IP address with Carrier Off [18:11] which happens to be a recent NM bug so I'm trying to figure out if it's the driver (I think more likely)or the NM bug [18:18] driver :P [18:18] dasKreech: try #ubuntu-devel [18:18] apachelogger: ok good idea [18:18] asac does nm stuff I think [18:35] dasKreech: does the pegasus need NM to run , perhaps removong NM and running with static lan settings in the network interfaces file will workaround the problem [18:38] BluesKaj: No idea [18:40] dasKreech, then actionparsnip iin #ubuntu might know , if he's there today [18:41] BluesKaj: He's helping :) [18:49] apachelogger: is it me or does the service command not use stdout ? [18:55] yofel: have you already merged everything? [18:56] shadeslayer: we merged *something* - lots left to do [18:56] ah ok [18:56] the pad is a bit confusing tbh [19:00] * shadeslayer waves fist at MoM [19:01] they should've bought her a new server for mother's day [19:01] apparently it's supposed to be working [19:03] gtg [19:14] hi, yofel any news about 4.9 ? [19:14] soee: won't be ready that soon, but first of all, 4.9 wasn't even tagged yet by KDE ^^ [19:15] the date's tomorrow [19:15] oh, thouth beta was planned on 22 may? [19:15] soee: 30th http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.9_Release_Schedule - but we won't make that [19:16] so the dates chenged :) [19:28] hm, scripting sru bug filing wasn't as tricky as I feared... https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kate/+bug/971231 [19:28] Launchpad bug 971231 in xorg (Ubuntu) "X leaks memory and becomes unusable" [Undecided,Invalid] [20:15] quick question, what is the hex color for Kubuntu blue? [20:16] couldn't you just use kcolorpicker? [21:17] is there anny way to chage the background coulers in kickoff panel [21:18] by changing the plasma theme [21:18] or customizing individual parts of it through the ui [21:18] system settings->workspace appearance [21:22] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x84m3YyO2oU [21:22] sreich, what i mean can i change the wite background to the icons === amichair_ is now known as amichair