=== scott_ is now known as DeanClean [00:06] How do you manufally install themes/etc. on kubu 12.04?? I know that in 11.10, theres an option beside"get new theme", but in 12.04, such option is not there(example, downlosading from kde-look) === Telg is now known as Telgalizer === Telgalizer is now known as Telg [00:29] EvilResistance: thanks for answering my queries about the packaging, cheers === elcaset__ is now known as elcaset_ === hidde is now known as Sharklol === graham is now known as Guest1853 [01:01] trouble setting startpage.com as defsult search [01:04] when config'n I have tried different \{@} and many more [01:04] could someone tinker with me on this [01:07] is anyone awake in hear? === tyler is now known as Guest77224 [01:43] hi [02:58] Does anyone else find adding widgets to a panel incredibly awkward? "Oh you wanted to drag that widget there? not allowed! I'm closing. Goodbye." === artao is now known as artao_out === artao_out is now known as artao [03:47] can someone help with the sound. i am having no sound at present [03:48] on kubuntu desktop 12.04 precise [03:54] can someone help with the sound. i am having no sound at present [04:21] hateball and Wizard === len is now known as Guest69808 [05:28] I noticed an unusual behavior in the "ln" utility in bash just now in the latest Kubuntu release. I want to make sure I'm not making a mistake here. [05:29] It seems to be traversing directories to the directory where the link is linking to, then creating the link, then traversing back. [05:30] RuediiX: got an example, so I understand properly? [05:35] It seems to have worked properly this time. I was attempting to set up a directory structure for development in my home directory (bin, local and src trees) and link the bin and src tree to the local tree, but it kept making a self-linking link in the bin and src directory. [05:35] I am thinking that I got the attributes mixed up. [05:37] Yes, I got the target and source mixed up. When you do that, it drops the second entry and links the first entry to itself. Standard behavior to create a holding file. [05:38] good morning [05:38] what is a smart filesync tool for kde? [05:39] everyone will say rsync, but it is not smart [05:39] noaXess what type of filesynce. There are an aweful lot of types of filesyncing these days. What protocol do you want. [05:40] RuediiX: hm.. syncing a usbhd to a shared folder for backup... i think grsync will do the job with rsync.. [05:40] Do you need incremental backup or not? [05:40] Or do you want smart overwrite, far smarter in my opinion. [05:42] Of course you can keep two copies, and smart overwrite one copy. [05:42] Anyways, which direction? [05:43] Are you synching from, to, or bidirectional? [05:45] Are you keeping the data from the hard drive on the shared folder, the data on the shared folder on the hard drive, or keeping them both. ( Which one is the orriginal which one is the backup) [05:47] You'd honestly do best with a custom solution. Just what needs to be backed up, how often, and at what priority? You don't want to bog down the network with a scheduled backup, and this is a big part of why people call RSynche dumb. [05:49] Hi. [05:51] I wish I was more familiar with backup solutions. I've been looking into changing my own desktop backup methods. I was looking to switch to a revision controlled home directory on a micro-server sometime soon, but I keep putting it off. [05:52] Wizard Hi. noaXess is looking for a system to sync a usbhd to a shared folder for backup, do you have any tips. [05:53] Shared folder? Like NFS? First thing which comes to my mind is rsync :) [05:56] Ah, he already mentioned rsync. [05:56] Hmm. DejaDup can use different protocols, IIRC. [05:58] Now if you have a real cloud server, it will handle revision control and and syncing on it's own. But these days they stamp the words cloud on everything. :P [06:03] Let me pull a quick look of backup choices. Is the shared folder remote or local? [06:14] For automatic backup , Bacula, but that's a little heavy-duty, [06:29] Backintime is a lot simpler, but that may not be an advantage. [06:29] Hmm, I'm thinking I REALLY should write my own backup program. There is a market for a new one. [06:42] BackupPC might be what you are looking for. It's a server/client software that will host the shared folder for you. It will appear as various protocols. (A good selection of multi-platform protocols are available including a modified version of rysnc.) [06:44] RuediiX: aha.. sorry ;).. needed to do others.. yes.. i will use grsync, cause i know rsync very well, and the grsync frontend for a customer is perfect ;) [06:44] RuediiX: btw. for my local backup i use backintime.. it's very easy to configure and do what i need for local file backup.. [06:45] what i'm searching for is to clone eg. my whole main harddisk, to have a failover backup.. if any hardware crash occurs [06:45] Oh, that's easy RAID 0 [06:45] Might be old fashioned but it still works. [06:46] Instant backup. [06:47] Or is it RAID 1 [06:47] Yeah, RAID 1 Quick google [06:48] Anyways, just do RAID Redundancy and you are all set. [06:49] hello, want to ask a question about wine [06:50] i cant run installed apps on wine using kde [06:50] on gnome2, it only run from desktop (nit from the menu) [06:50] *not [06:51] but with KDE, it wont run [06:51] neither blabla.dekstop or from klauncher [06:51] any help? [06:53] almoxarife ? [06:54] Wizard ? [06:55] Safridzal what exactly happens when you try to run the apps? [06:56] wait [06:56] just a fatar error box [06:56] invalid commad line parameter [06:57] RuediiX ? [07:01] No sound. Phonon does not detect my sound card. 12.04 [07:03] safridzal what are you typing in the command line? [07:03] RuediiX: im not using konsole [07:03] im just click it on kmenu [07:04] and from dekstop folder [07:04] can someone bother about why there is no sound on my system? [07:04] what should i type on terminal then RuediiX ? [07:04] OK, wine path/program.exe [07:04] ah, konsole, sorry [07:04] konsole is a terminal. :D [07:05] yea, gnome2 user here [07:05] lol [07:06] Which version of KDE are you running. I know, it drove me crazy when they pulled the plug on GNOME 2 too. Blame the GNOME foundation. Hopefully in GNOME 3.5 they will bring back the panel. [07:07] System: Host aragorn-1215B Kernel 3.2.0-24-generic x86_64 (64 bit, gcc 4.6.3) [07:07] Desktop KDE 4.8.2 (Qt 4.8.1) Distro Ubuntu 12.04 precise [07:07] Actually I should say which mode. I usually run just the standard Kubuntu desktop, but I've changed the theme. (Killed the bright colors) [07:08] Anyways you should pull up the program menu, you should have applications, wine, programs, [07:08] * safridzal using standar kubuntu [07:08] is there any different version ? [07:09] yeah, i got that menu [07:09] but that apps wont run from the menu [07:09] What was the exact error? [07:09] it open dialog box [07:09] * Wizard is back. [07:09] invalid command line parameter [07:10] just it [07:10] i hope it will show more detailed error, but its not [07:10] safridzal: Sounds like broken *.desktop file for me. [07:11] Or broken KDE ;] [07:11] Wizard: is KDE can run .desktop file?? [07:12] Sure. [07:12] OK, they probably did not convert properly during the upgrade. Try dragging and dropping one to the desktop and editting it there. See what's wrong with it. [07:13] Yes, KDE uses the same .desktop files as every other freedesktop.org compliant window manager. [07:14] Wizard: why am i getting no sound on my 12.04 [07:14] Well I've got to get to bed. You probably should take a look at what is going on inside those files. KDE inserts itself into the desktop scripts to copy the desktop files into it's own menus, rather than use those for the menus. You should check to make sure it didn't mess up. [07:15] userprecise: I don't know. And my cristall ball is out of battery, unfortunately ;] === RuediiX is now known as RuediiX-sleeping [07:16] Wizard: it runs from the .dekstop file [07:16] i install q4wine [07:16] and it suddenly run [07:16] but it wont run from the menu [07:18] safridzal: You can allways locate .exe file by hand and click in in dolphin. [07:19] Wizard: it works that way [07:19] but I think its better if it will work from the K menu [07:19] right? [07:20] Yeah. [07:20] Probably .desktop file is broken. [07:34] safridzal: Does anything appear in .xsession-errors when you click? [07:35] Wizard: no [07:35] but i think i can get used to it [07:35] Bah. [07:35] it only can be run from .desktop, but not from the menu [07:35] so, my next question is: [07:35] how to make .desktop file from the apps? [07:36] on gnome2 , i just have to right click on menu, add to desktop [07:36] but here, it wont create.desktop [07:36] but aplasma widget [07:36] You can drag from menu to desktop (or other directory) [07:36] You can add "Folder View" widget to desktop. [07:37] okay [07:37] And drag it there. [07:37] its solved then [07:37] :D [07:37] thanks Wizard [07:37] You're welcome. [07:37] now my kde wasnt blue, and my apps runs [07:37] im happy now [07:37] lol [07:37] :) [07:37] You know you can enable "classic" desktop too? [07:38] whats classic desktop? [07:38] I mean, whole desktop is a "Folder view", like in KDE3, OS X, Windows. [07:38] * safridzal a new kde user [07:38] idk with kde3 [07:38] owh [07:38] i see, windows like dekstop [07:38] Yes. [07:38] how to do that? [07:39] Right click on the desktop → activity → type → folder view [07:39] You can allways revert it. [07:40] Wizard: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cc86260df7d640902b773e92875e5247f26d2ecc [07:40] Wizard: i think i like the standard desktop [07:40] but thanks.. [07:40] :) [07:40] now i think KDE was really great [07:40] :D [07:40] Was? [07:40] I think it still is :) [07:41] ah [07:41] yes [07:41] is [07:42] lol [07:42] safridzal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:42] :> [07:42] ....................... [07:48] whats is punctuation ? [07:49] just found a dict. okay i got it [07:49] ;] === amichair__ is now known as amichair [07:53] Wizard: whats the diff about xchat and quassel? [07:53] i mean, whats quassel pros ?? [07:54] its installed by default on my kubuntu, but i install xchat ( i use xchat before on my gnome2) [07:55] I like xchat more, Quassel is annoying. [07:55] ok [07:55] Wizard: how to revert back to my standard desktop? [07:55] But there is another KDE irc client: Konversation. I like it and use it daily. [07:55] im using dektop icon now [07:56] Right click on the desktop → activity → type → desktop. [07:56] Sorry for suggesting you to switch it :( [07:57] wont work [07:57] Aww. [07:57] cant get my old desktop [07:57] * Wizard guilty :( [07:57] lol [07:58] no need to [07:58] just help me to revert it [07:58] Hmm, it works on mine. [07:58] i get it [07:58] Works? [07:58] just click the stop button on activity [07:58] ah [07:59] lol === Stonecold is now known as Stonecold95 [08:00] Wizard: now i have several desktop icon activity on activity, how to remove it? [08:01] i get it [08:01] lol [08:01] When you drag.. [08:01] OK. [08:01] KDE was fun [08:01] Personally I don't like the idea of "activities" [08:01] I use classic panel with windowlist and classic desktop with icons ;P [08:02] i dont know the function (except to change the desktop).. [08:02] is there any other fuction? [08:03] *Khm* To be honest, I didn't even bother to try "Activities". I just removed their icon from the panel ;P [08:03] lol [08:03] You can watch/read tutorials on KDE website, also KDE forum has few hints on how to use it. [08:03] okay [08:04] safridzal: You know, power of habits. [08:08] Wizard: another question [08:09] everytime i move my mouse to the icononly task manager panel, it show the apps [08:09] i dont want that, all i want is just a window preview [08:10] not bring the window to the front [08:14] Good morning [08:17] evening on me [08:17] safridzal: That is ofcourse possible, how are you? [08:18] great.. :D thanks for asking .. :D [08:28] safridzal: I don't use icononly task manager. [08:29] As far as I remember it has alot of settings, check, maybe you have enabled too much checkboxes? :D [08:30] Omg, nice quite message :D [08:30] Was it tagalog? [08:30] :> [08:34] safridzal: Did you get my last messages? [08:34] About icononly settings? [08:34] safridzal: I don't use icononly task manager [08:34] thats your last [08:34] [10:28] As far as I remember it has alot of settings, check, maybe you have enabled too much checkboxes? :D [08:34] okay.. searching on its setting [08:34] :D [08:36] To get to its settings fast, click this yellow blob at the end of panel, than right click on it → settings. [08:37] Btw, your IRC quit message was in tagalog? (I'm just curious). [08:39] Wizard: its indonesian [08:39] not eindinesian, javanesse [08:39] where are you come from Wizard ? [08:40] Poland. [08:40] wew.. red-white flag [08:40] just like ours [08:40] lol [08:40] ;] [08:42] Hehe, that reminds me about lesson in junior school, I was about 9 or so,we had a lesson about flags, countries and somebody noticed flag of Indonesia: look, it's opposite to ours! Where Indonesia is? And the teacher was like: o_O' [08:43] lol [08:43] your teacher didnt know then?? [08:43] The teacher didn't know where indonesia is? I sometimes get it confused with malaysia, but I know it's general region. [08:44] I bet she knew.. But you know, 9 year old children doesn't get the world as adults. Explanations could lead to further questions :P [08:44] But I don't remember how did it end. [08:44] I bet she didn't know how to explain it . . . [08:44] mine was a big country on the north of australia [08:44] lol [08:44] Yeah. I think Wizards is right. === amichair__ is now known as amichair === RuediiX-sleeping is now known as RuediiX [08:45] I allways place Indonesia sotuth-east from Malaysya and Singapore. [08:45] That's about right [08:45] yep [08:45] South of Borneo, IIRC. [08:46] Anyways. I'd explain it as on the Pacific Ocean Southeast of China. [08:46] Borneo is Indonesia too [08:46] Hmm.. Sumatra, Java, I'm not sure about Bali ;P [08:46] all of them [08:46] :P [08:46] sumatra, java, borneo, celebes, bali, papua [08:47] Seems my teachers wasn't that bad at all :) [08:47] lol [08:47] If you go by the Indonesian region, as opposed to the country Indonesia. Indonesia includes all of the "mainland East Indies" [08:48] Maybe that's why there was no answer. Because, Indonesia the country, or Indonesia the region. [08:48] Geography can be fun that way. [08:48] If we were talking about flag, than definitely a country. [08:48] lol [08:49] lets say that Indonesia as a country [08:49] Yeah, but remember teachers don't think as they are suppose to teach students not to think. [08:49] Seems I tought too much. [08:49] its region include sumatra, java, borneo, celebes, bali, maluku and papua [08:49] :) [08:50] I know only one city in Indonesia, it's capital. I mean I can name it, since I don't know exactly wher is it placed. [08:50] its on java [08:50] you mean jakarta right? [08:51] Yes. [08:51] wew.. glad to know that others know about Indonesia, not only Bali.. [08:51] lol [08:52] And that's all I know about this country. [08:52] it still great [08:52] Besides it is on the opposite part of the globe :| [08:52] i ever talk on mint channel and he know bali [08:53] but not Indonesia.. it sucks.. [08:54] Wizard: are you an old KDE user? [08:54] as much as this discussion is really interesting, it would be nice if you could continue it in #kubuntu-offtopic, if you dont mind? [08:54] i want to ask about trinity [08:54] thanks jussi [08:54] jussi you have an on topic question? [08:55] is KDE-trinity just like Gnome -MATE ? [08:56] jussi: sorry :( [08:56] safridzal: I started using KDE about 2000/2001 [08:57] can i install trinity on my Kubuntu? [08:57] safridzal: Trinity is a project maintaining KDE3 sources. [08:57] Is Trinity a fork of KDE3? [08:57] Ah right nvm [08:57] It's not a fork. It's a continuation. [08:58] After all this years, I don't see much reason to install it, besides exploration of free software history. [08:58] so it wont conflic with my kde? [08:58] yea, i just want to see it [08:58] I think they provide ubuntu packages repository which can be installed alongside KDE4. [08:58] or maybe i'll intall it on vbox [08:58] googling right now [08:59] brb [08:59] As far as I remember they offer (offered?) livecd with it. [08:59] So yes, definitely VBox is a good idea. [09:01] gota go.. [09:01] thanks Wizard [09:01] c u [09:42] === luka is now known as Guest84084 === Guest84084 is now known as union === achille is now known as doctorpepper [10:32] hi, I can't mount my usb stick. I can only see /dev/sdb (not sdb1) .... how can I fix that? === paoligno is now known as faLUCE [10:36] faLUCE: Isn't sdb the same as sdb1? [10:36] lordievader: no [10:37] faLUCE: Did you try mounting sdb? [10:37] lordievader: I can't [10:38] faLUCE: Did you get an error? [10:38] lordievader: I can't mount sdb! I could mount sdb1 if I would have it [10:39] faLUCE: But did you try to mount it through the terminal, if it can't it usually shows you why it cant. [10:40] lordievader: if you don't know the answer to the problem is useless you give me random tips ... sorry if I appear odious [10:41] faLUCE: Ok well try to mount it through the terminal, to do so type: sudo mount /dev/sdb === AD is now known as Guest96519 === albert is now known as Guest75774 === lindalou is now known as westmi === iamwilsky is now known as norealname [11:48] test [12:01] I installed Kubuntu netbook edition on a Hewlett Packard Mini 110-11 netbook. It worked fine for a couple of days, then the touchpad stopped working. I tried all the fixes on this page, but non seem to hold after reboot. Any suggestions? [12:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/549727/+index?comments=all [12:02] Launchpad bug 549727 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad stops working after login" [Undecided,Confirmed] [12:03] AceKing: If nothing else helps you could put the actions in a script and let the script launch on boot. [12:05] lordievader: That is what I was going to do, but that brings me to my next problem... Most of my advanced settings are grayed out. Even in user management, I can't modify anything [12:06] AceKing: You mean in System Settings things are greyed out? [12:06] lordievader: yes [12:07] lordievader: I can click on all the icons in System Settings, but some options are greyed out [12:07] AceKing: Is your user privileged to administer the system (setting in user management. [12:10] lordievader: I'm in User Management, Modify, New, and Delete are greyed out [12:11] AceKing: Try launcing the systemsettings from the terminal: kdesudo systemsettings [12:13] lordievader: QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory [12:13] QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/terry/.config/ibus/bus [12:13] Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. [12:13] IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon [12:13] sudo: [12:14] lordievader: Sorry, I should have used paste.ubuntu [12:14] AceKing: That are things he trows out here too. Does system settings launch? [12:15] lordievader: If I click on it from the start menu it opens [12:15] lordievader: but I am limited [12:15] AceKing: That is why I want you to try it with kdesudo (root rights) [12:16] lordievader: It did not open with that, I just got that message in konsole [12:17] AceKing: Type in the terminal: "kdesudo systemsettings" [12:17] lordievader: I had one too many t's in there [12:17] lordievader: sorry about that... It opened now [12:18] AceKing: Oke good, but do you now have the rights to do everything? [12:20] lordievader: I can't find startup. When I type it in, it highlights "Desktop" but when I go in I can't find startup [12:21] AceKing: Check first whether your user has the rights to administer the system: User Management -> Modify -> Privileges [12:23] lordievader: in system settings, I start typing in "user management" the only thing that highlights is "About Me" [12:23] lordievader: The only thing that will allow me to do is change the root password [12:24] AceKing: That is strange... [12:24] lordievader: I know. It's been driving me crazy since last night [12:25] AceKing: The day before you could do everything in systemsettings? [12:26] lordievader: I never really had to do anything in there, so I don't know [12:26] lordievader: I just put Kubuntu on the netbook [12:27] AceKing: Hmm, I see. I'm sorry I can't be of any help. You could try later again perhaps someone else knows, or on the ubuntu or kde forums. [12:27] lordievader: I appreciate you taking your time to help. Since it is a new install, I may just try reinstalling the system again. [12:50] Question everyone: Is there a way to change the opacity of the bottom panel in Linux Mint 12 KDE? [12:59] wolferz: Probably. [13:00] But since this is Kubuntu related channel I don't even want to shoot which KDE version is included in LinuxThisOrThat :( [13:09] Wizard, It's based on Kubuntu 11.10 I think? Oneiric. With some updates from Pangolin. [13:10] It's a custom hybrid distro, I've tweaked it [13:11] now that I got all the packaging done and set up the way I want, I figured it was time to start learning how much I could customize it [13:15] hi all [13:16] wolferz: So, you build your own distro by customizing Kubuntu? [13:16] wolferz: there is a linux mint support channel [13:16] BluesKaj: Hi. [13:16] Ah, it is ana ctual distro. Never heard of it. [13:16] wolferz: please use the mint support channels [13:17] Ikonia, they referred me to Kubuntu and kde channels. Since it is just a simple question of a kde feature, I really do not see the problem with what distro it is? [13:17] It's not a Mint computer though it started as one [13:18] KDE is a huuuuuuge set of software, with many build options. You think we can provide help with all this stuff? [13:18] :( [13:18] wolferz: mint support channel is the correct place [13:18] wolferz: this channel only deals with kubuntu, not mint kde [13:18] * Wizard nods. [13:18] Wizard: I was just curious about the opacity of the bottom panel, geeze [13:19] BTW, THey actually called a distro Mint Linux? :D [13:19] wolferz: if that's all "geeze" then the mint support channel should have no problem helping you [13:20] think it would be a simple answer, not a distro fight.... I'm glad I didn't start with a Kubuntu distro now, although I have Kubuntu on disk... I think I'll trash the disk and not worry about a bunch of snobs [13:20] wolferz: you can also try #kde for generic kde questions / discussion [13:27] Sheesh. [13:27] hi [13:27] how to install pygame on python3.2 kubuntu [13:28] apt-get install python-pygame [13:28] o_O [13:29] on the 2.7 install [13:30] I want that to 3.2 [13:30] знерщт [13:30] python [13:34] астраивается пакет python-numpy (1:1.6.1-6ubuntu1) ... [13:34] Настраивается пакет python-pygame (1.9.1release+dfsg-5) ... [13:34] Обрабатываются триггеры для libc-bin ... [13:34] mport pygame [13:34] Traceback (most recent call last): [13:34] File "", line 1, in [13:34] import pygame [13:34] ImportError: No module named pygame [13:34] andrey__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:35] sorry [13:35] can see - does not work on python 3.2 [13:36] and how to make it work? [14:05] andrey__: This can be tough. [14:05] Python 3 has a bit different syntax, and many things changed. [14:08] Hey kubuntu-ers. I'm having problems with kwin effects on eeepc. Worked ok on 10.04 but since 10.10 and 11.04 its freezing, and slowing hugely. [14:08] please can someone help? [14:09] damn! by 10.10 and 11.04 I MEAN 11.10 and 12.04 [14:09] oracleoftruth: Is the blur plugin enabled? For me disabeling that increased performace quite a bit. [14:09] I'll try now. thanks! [14:10] oracleoftruth: Make sure to log out and back in (perhaps even a reboot, not sure) [14:10] thanks Although 2 versions ago blur worked fine. Really fast effects. [14:11] Hmm. [14:12] Is it equipped with Intel card? [14:12] it is. Standard eeepc 1000H [14:16] turning blur off stops slowing and freezing although certain effects look jagged ; more so than in natty [14:17] @wizard: I'm guessing that the intel driver has changed for the worse? [14:18] Maybe. [14:18] I cannot check it, I allways disable effects. [14:22] looks like blur is the biggest problem: much better without it. [14:22] Was hoping for a fix in pangolin but no joy. [14:23] thanks for the tips, guys. === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:34] HI [14:34] das anybody know why flash player doesn work after installation? [14:35] viteac: What package did you install? [14:38] I tried that one which installs through mozilla [14:41] @lordievader I tried that one which installs through mozilla [14:41] viteac: I believe I did the same, what do you see when you go to about:plugins [14:41] viteac: Do you see "Shockwave Flash" being mentioned? [14:43] i just removed that plugin [14:44] and tried: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [14:44] and I get [14:45] ~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [14:45] Reading package lists... Done [14:45] Building dependency tree [14:45] Reading state information... Done [14:45] flashplugin-installer is already the newest version. [14:45] viteac: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:45] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 62 not upgraded. [14:45] ups [14:46] viteac: You've already installed that package (through ff) [14:47] it seems like that, but were not working [14:47] I do remove now that from apt, and install again [14:47] viteac: That is why I asked if it was showing up in firefox (about:plugins) [14:48] it says nothing, [14:49] it says shockwave after I reinstalled it via APT [14:49] viteac: It shows up now? [14:49] WORKING :-) [14:49] yes [14:50] viteac: That's good! [14:51] STRANGE: Why had to reinstall it...? I mean when I tried install I were getting info that is INSTALLED already, but NOT WORKING, had to remove, install again and works [14:51] BTW can I install JAVA via APT...? [14:52] viteac: I guess. [14:53] lordievader: but you dont know what's package name? [14:53] viteac : yes with openjdk [14:54] hmmm, what package looking for...? sudo apt-get install ......? [14:55] packages : openjdk-6-jdk for dev , openjdk-6-jre for runtime or the same with 7 [14:56] gettin it, cheers pal [14:59] Installed but Mozilla cannot see it. [14:59] egh, that kubuntu makes troubles [15:07] viteac, look for icedtea plugin for java [15:09] It's all about the v-tech [15:09] Honda :D [15:28] hello ^^ [15:28] folks, i want to use my bluetooth headphone with kubuntu, I can pair them but the sound still goes out the speakers [15:29] akSeya: check the multimedia settings in System Settings [15:29] you probably just need to set the bluetooth audio device as the primary and speakers as secondary [15:29] maco, already did, but didn't work either [15:30] oh. well boo. [15:30] akSeya: install pavucontrol. it lets you choose the audio device to use on a per-stream basis [15:30] (so like, flash go there! skype, go here!) [15:30] hum [15:30] leme try [15:45] maco, pavucontrol solved it ;) [15:45] thanks [15:45] no [15:45] *np [15:45] fail [15:45] i cant type [15:45] no problem :P [15:45] maco: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:05] :[ === mzanetti_ is now known as mzanetti === mzanetti is now known as 92AAAXCG8 === cyclo is now known as cyclo_ === cyclo_ is now known as cyclo__ === cyclo__ is now known as cyclo [16:16] i just downloaded kubuntu 12.04 & extracted .. but cant find the image which is to be burnt on disc .. pls help [16:16] i see several files after extraction [16:16] what did you download? you should have just the .iso file [16:17] just a min [16:17] im showing u [16:17] sky100: you don't have to extract the .iso file, just burn it [16:18] sky100, that file is ready to bun , no need for extraction , just click on it and k3b will open [16:18] http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download << from this iste i just loaded Desktop CD 32 BIT [16:19] site* [16:19] sky100, read my post above [16:19] yeah you don't extract .iso files, that's the disk image itself [16:19] i loaded the Desktop CD 32 BIT [16:19] ok BluesKaj [16:20] may be then i got some wrong download [16:22] im now on XP .. [16:23] i loaded Kubuntu 12.04 from the site i gave above [16:23] its a winrar zip file [16:24] so had to extract [16:24] thought after ectraction .. i should have seen the .iso file [16:24] but not finding it to be residing in any of the folders [16:25] sky100: what's the file name? [16:25] Where did you get the iso from? I thought Images on kubuntu.org are not packed. [16:25] http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download << from here [16:25] just look under Bit Torrent [16:26] i loaded the Desktop CD -32 bit [16:26] 698 MB in size [16:27] That should be iso file already. [16:28] What's the file name, sky100? [16:28] Deskto CD 32 BIT [16:29] Wizard, [16:29] i gave the link [16:29] http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download [16:29] under BIT TORRENT [16:29] desktop* [16:30] sky100: that's just a link, what's the name of the file on your pc? [16:31] sky100, look in ~/Downloads [16:37] not finding the .iso for 12.04 [16:39] :C [16:41] Hello. I just recently made my Panel in KDE 4.8 (using Kubuntu) vertical. On my taskbar, I have vertical on two rows. However, I've added a few shortcuts from the kickoff menu to the vertical bar, but these do not go into rows. Is there a way for them to go into a row? This is one of th e reasons I wanted it in vertical mode. Do you understand what I want to do? [16:42] can any one pls help me to find kubuntu 12.04 .iso file to be downloaded & burnt ? [16:43] I'm using two rows. I've tried expanding the panel, but they stay in a single row. Note: Remember it's the shortcuts, not the taskbar. [16:43] sky100: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download [16:44] sky100: you said you downloaded a file, and extracted it with winrar. We asked you what's the name of that file. Can you paste it here? [16:44] ok [16:44] Random i loaded from that site u mentioned [16:45] kubuntu -12.04 -desktop i386 [16:45] sky100: You're not supposed to extract this file at all. Use a burning application like Windows Image Burner that comes with the latest Windows 7, if that's what you have, to burn the image onto a disk. You cannot just drag and drop the ISO onto an empty disk as this does not qualify as burning an image. [16:46] lelamal_: could you help me with my problem? [16:46] RandomUser84892: no, sorry [16:46] lelamal_: ok, thanks :) [16:48] Random user .. i did not want to extract any .iso [16:48] im looking for the .iso which i can burn [16:49] lelamal_, he didn't direct ktorrent to download to a paticular dir I bet , so it's most likely in /home/downloads, which i already suggested , but one can lead a horse to water..... [16:49] sky100: the correct name should be kubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso, I guess you don't see the .iso extension of the file because Windows tend to hide them. Now you only need to burn that image onto a disk [16:49] sky100: The website, it has the ISO. [16:49] BluesKaj: :) [16:49] sky100: Just click on download (32 bit) if you are unsure [16:50] sky100, open dolphin , look inthe downloads folder [16:50] BluesKaj: he's on Winblows [16:50] what? [16:50] lelamal_: call it the right name, it looks silly if you dont [16:51] I want it to be silly [16:51] How long should I wait to repeat my question? What's the general rule? [16:51] sky100, are you on windows ? [16:51] RandomUser84892: about 30 mins usually - then people in the channel might have changed up and others here that might know the answer [16:52] BluesKaj, :yes for the time being [16:52] jussi: Ok, thank you. [16:52] i had dual boot .. [16:52] * BluesKaj needs pay closer atth [16:53] RandomUser84892: I think there was a plasmoid for that iirc [16:53] Random User : the website has .iso file ? [16:53] jussi: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Icon+Tasks?content=144808 Is this the one you're thinking of? [16:53] sky100: you have the correct file. Now you just need the right tool to burn it. I remember Nero handled .iso images. Or do as RandomUser84892 suggested, and use that application. [16:54] i have cdburnerxp to burn ... [16:55] as it appeared in a winrar file look .. i thought it needs to be extracted [16:55] anyhow... [16:55] sky100, what comes up if you click on theiso file [16:56] im not seeing the .iso file [16:56] RandomUser84892: no, It was quick launch - see the picture on: http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/zomg-tooltips-or-plasma-is-pretty-darn-easy-to-hack-on/ [16:56] as I extracted .. some folders appeared [16:57] do you know where it downloaded to, sky100 [16:57] in My Documents [16:57] sky100: you don't see the *.iso* extension because Windows hides them. It seems your OS tends to use Winrar to handle .iso files, that's why it opens when you click on the file. [16:57] forget the rar app [16:57] ok [16:58] so im going straight to burn that file .. [16:59] RandomUser84892: was that what you are after? [16:59] jussi: Exactly what I am after! [17:00] RandomUser84892: glad you found it :) [17:00] let me right BluesKaj ? [17:00] oops [17:00] right BluesKaj ? [17:00] so im going straight to burn that file . [17:01] jussi: Thank you :) [17:01] RandomUser84892: you are most welcome [17:02] * sky100 awaits for a confirmation [17:07] sky100: Do you want to do a checksum first? [17:07] ok [17:07] how to do it [17:08] !checksum [17:08] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [17:08] It ensures the file is not corrupted before you burn it [17:09] http is pretty good but still not inheriently reliable [17:09] Unless you got it from torrent. That should do a Checksum by itself? [17:10] s/?// [17:10] i got it from torrent [17:11] ah ok then you should be able to burn it once the torrnt says that it's complete. Pretyt much all the torrent clients do a checksum to ensure the file is completed [17:11] http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download <<< from this site ..under Bit Torrent .. Desktop Cd -32 bit [17:11] jussi: That plasmoid came with 4.8, but it seems that I can only add new launchers, but cannot edit current because Root owns them. Shouldn't I be the owner? [17:11] RandomUser84892: I honestly dont know [17:12] thats where i downloaded from Kubuntu 12.04 < Daskreech [17:12] see the above link i posted [17:12] from this site ..under Bit Torrent .. Desktop Cd -32 bit [17:15] sky100: just burn the image file [17:15] sky100: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [17:15] ty lelamal_ [17:15] sky100: no problem [17:16] going to burn then ... [17:16] read the tutorial for windows users [17:19] np [17:20] i burnt the .iso files earlier [17:33] burnt the .iso image [17:35] brb [17:41] just had a conversation with some "Windows IT" guy who claims to be writing trojans and viruses for testing on linux servers ..is this a known test procedure ...personally i thought the guy was joking at first ,but as the converstaion progressed he claimed to be serious ...this must be a "first" afaik [17:44] BluesKaj: consider something like a linux server running tomcat , resin , or glassfish java app server on the web - the potential to hack would depend on a java security problem - and this has recently been the case with OS X [17:53] тут есть рускоязычные? [17:53] русско [17:53] andrey__: english please [17:53] andrey__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:53] !ru | andrey__ [17:53] andrey__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [18:00] BluesKaj: That's his job? [18:02] Daskreech, that's what he says , but his responses were practically lifted word for word from the Linux malware wiki , so it's not certain IMO [18:03] I'd ignore [18:03] it's nonsense [18:03] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware] [18:03] and lets return to #kubuntu :) [18:04] ikonia, it was interesting debate , wish you could have been there [18:05] BluesKaj: I'm rather glad I wasn't, #kubuntu-offtopic would be nice to discuss more [18:08] BluesKaj: Would have been interesting to ask him what was the last big expploit that was closed in the Linux kernel and when it happened [18:09] That would probably let you know if he was serious. Anyone who is trying to do malware on FOSS has to keep up to date with the code [18:09] Daskreech, good to know [18:26] arg [18:27] ok so one point in time i found scripts that let me move some raid 0 drives off a promise 1650 controller to a plain sata controller [18:27] now again, i have a 1650 that failed and need to mount the drives but now can not find that script, anyone happen to know its location === creto is now known as creto1971 [18:29] hello guys [18:29] Whiskey`Wonka, does df -h show the drives , or sudo fdisk -l [18:29] where can i find firewall on kubuntu please [18:29] !firewall [18:29] Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist. [18:30] BluesKaj: i do not have the drives installed. these are from a friend. his contrller toasted with a bug (looked like a mantis) [18:30] i would like to know why isn't sudo ufw allow 13002/tpc working [18:31] the process is listening on background, i have other ports running but this port does not want to open === Stephan_K is now known as Ltsg_Webber [18:31] i have my linux box which will show when they are plugged in [18:31] i wonder if i am doing something wrong, any one can help me please [18:31] sam101, what sbout your router , do you have app support port options? [18:32] BluesKaj: the router is not blocking anything [18:32] BluesKaj: now i have port 80 , 443 , 21 running and those ports are open [18:32] sam101: How are you testing that its open? [18:33] Pici: i am trying to connect to that port as i have a process runing on that port [18:33] but if i have port 80 443 and 21 open, i don't get it how are they open === creto1971 is now known as creto [18:34] if i do sudo ufw status it shows only this port that i am trying to open as allowed, but it's now showing the others that are already open [18:34] like 80 443 21 [18:34] sam101: ufw doesn't block any ports by default. [18:35] Pici: there is rules on iptables arlready, when i do iptables -L it shows.. can i pastebing somewhere pleaes [18:35] please* [18:35] sam101: http://paste.ubuntu.com or wherever you want. [18:36] k [18:36] Whiskey`Wonka, if you plug the drives in they should show up in dolphin or at least in the kde partition manager, without using a script ...maybe a command like , mount -o remount,rw /path/to/drive , will work [18:38] http://paste.kde.org/479534/ [18:38] can you please have a look [18:39] BluesKaj: i think you missed it. they were on a promise 1650 in raid 0 [18:40] Pici: this is the other halp of iptables -L http://paste.kde.org/479540/ [18:40] sorry about that [18:40] BluesKaj: they will show up sure, but i need to do something to make a fake raid0 with out killing the existing data [18:41] there used to be a script that did this since promise raid0 is simple in nature [18:42] Whiskey`Wonka, now we're getting somewhere ... is there a real need for the controller first of all ..a software raid won't do ? [18:43] BluesKaj: i am trying to /recover/ the data frm the /existing raid/ [18:43] BluesKaj: /i/ would never have used raid 0 but my friend is a winders idiot [18:44] BluesKaj: ive done this before, had a script that took care of pretending to be the controller, just have not needed it in years [18:46] Whiskey`Wonka, fake raid might be it , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [18:48] BluesKaj: mm, it very well might be, i will read on that more [18:50] BluesKaj: ok so that does sound like the promise 1650 and what i have seen of it [18:50] now, how to do this in a non destructive way [18:50] lucky for me i have 4 tb drives, 2 pair each of raid 0 that were then raid 1 [18:50] so /maybe/ i can recover this crap for him [18:51] anyone who things RAID is a /backup/ method needs beaten with a horse [18:51] thinks* [18:51] Whiskey`Wonka, that's as far as I can go ...I have multiple drives but not in a raid configuration [18:55] that is fine, its more then i had. now to seek a fakeraid expert [18:57] Whiskey`Wonka, dd might work [19:00] andrey__: [19:00] ping ;) [19:00] BluesKaj: yea i was thinking that. ive got a 2tb drive to move the data to. the issue is figuring out the cluster orders [19:01] what drive is #1? [19:01] what sector is the first of the raid? [19:03] Whiskey`Wonka, do you have a linux live cd , even an older one can be used to copy or move data off one drive to another [19:04] BluesKaj: sure ive got the drives booted to a sysredcd right now [19:05] Wizard ! private [19:05] but the drives say they have a invalid partition table [19:05] Hey folks, hello. is there a Kubunut Bug Tracker I can search on ? [19:06] ricktimmis, launchpad [19:06] What as in the man Ubuntu launchpad ?? [19:06] !launchpad [19:06] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [19:06] maman = main [19:07] doh! [19:07] sorry, OK thank you that's perfect. I think I'm getting confused by the Canonical are no longer supporting Kubuntu stuff [19:07] TO [19:08] TQ [19:15] Whiskey`Wonka, using the dd command might work with the live cd , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix) [19:16] BluesKaj: right that will pull the raw data [19:16] now i need to figure out how to reassemble it since its split 50/50 [19:19] I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but is launchpad really the only bugtracking tool for Kubuntu 12.04 ? If so are there any more advanced search features more than the two boxes ? I'm trying to look up for a bug in kded4 the Software Updater, which when activated splashes a horizontal band across the screen. There are threads on the forum, but I can't find anything on launchpad,. any thoughts please ? [19:20] I found the advanced search, but I can't seem to narrow down to Kubuntu, or KDE I suspected I'm missing something obvious [19:22] Hmmm 999882 bugs reported across 8613 projects more of a bug bin than a bug tracker, sorry a little frustrating I've gotten used to Bugzilla's refinements.. [19:29] Good evenign [19:29] evening* [19:31] hello [19:41] lordievader, i'm trying make some suggestions about copying /moving fileds from a windows partition using dd and the live-cd for Whiskey`Wonka ..do you have any suggestions ? [19:41] fields=files [19:42] BluesKaj: What do you mean with Wiskey'Wonka? [19:43] A user? [19:43] Whiskey`Wonka, is the guy who asked [19:43] :) [19:44] Why would you use a live-cd? An installed version works fine. (Or is that not the question?) [19:44] not sure of the situation , he mentioned he was using one' [19:46] I would just use cp/mv or use dolphin or something. [19:47] it's a raid setup [19:47] I have no experience with raid setups... sorry [19:48] yeah, same here [19:48] Cp/mv and all that fun stuff doesn't work or raids or something? It's a hardware level thing right? The os should just see it as one drive, not? [19:50] well, very little ..had a raid setup with a controller back in the '99 with two 6G drives on windows 98 [19:51] I guess he's got it working ..hasn't returned [19:52] What was his problem actually? [19:52] Or he screwed up and nothing works anymore :P [19:52] ok so one point in time i found scripts that let me move some raid 0 drives off a promise 1650 controller to a plain sata controller [19:52] that was his question [19:53] 14:27] now again, i have a 1650 that failed and need to mount the drives but now can not find that script, anyone happen to know its location [19:54] His controller crashed? [19:54] ^ 2nd question [19:54] I see [19:55] That is kind of the reason why I don't want to do raid, especially not with motherbord raid cards. [19:58] i have multiple drives but , for different OSs and media files [20:00] I got multiple drives too, but they are either IDE or Sata connected trough usb (external) [20:01] yeah , main drive is sata , but also have an older 160G IDE drive that I use for kubuntu testing , this one [20:02] an a anoutboard sata for media files [20:02] oops and an outboard [20:03] Brb gotta switch pc. [20:04] lordievader: whats going on is a friend had a fake raid controller die. he had 2x raid 0 with raid 1 over them, i am trying to recover the data [20:05] Whiskey`Wonka, when you put it that way it.sounds daunting [20:05] Back [20:05] BluesKaj: yea, it is heh [20:05] i am thinking I just need to get another controller [20:05] Whiskey`Wonka, better repeat ...he was gone [20:06] Whiskey`Wonka: I have no knowledge of raid drives so I cannot be of any help. [20:06] Sorry [20:06] thats ok [20:07] interesting and challenging problem , tho [20:08] yup [20:08] i think i will cheat and get a new controller [20:11] never tried a controller on linux , only windows [20:13] still have a promise around somewhere , probly still in my first HP pavilion [20:16] well, this is interesting [20:16] 4x 1tb drives, 2 have ntfs fs's on them, unmountable [20:16] the other 2 drives have 'no partition information' [20:16] so im guessing these are the master side to the others [20:17] Hello all. === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [20:25] hi, skype is crashing since my upgrade to 12.04 with this error message: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 667: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed! [20:25] is there a fix? [20:26] kaddi, try the static version [20:27] hehe, I was just thinking that [20:27] will do and let you konw [20:27] I'm sure you will :) === PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne [20:28] and that skype downloda has gotten big.. [20:28] nope. that crashes ttoo :/ [20:29] kaddi@homer:~/FF_Downloads/skype_staticQT-$ ./skype [20:29] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 667: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed! [20:31] i'm gonna ask in #ubuntu as well [20:34] is there an alternative client for the skype protocol besides skype? [20:35] kaddi: nope, some reverse-engineering work is being done but nothing much concrete yet [20:36] and a lot of cease & desist demands from skype if what I heard is correct [20:36] indeed [20:37] does this help troubleshoot in any way" [11677.321515] process `skype' is using obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT [20:38] anyone a dd expert? [20:54] Whiskey`Wonka: it's saved my ass a couple of times [20:54] what do you need to know? [20:54] mr0wl: well i think i have these raid drives sorted out [20:55] oh, ok [20:55] so, what i need to do is pull the data from drive 1 nad push it to the odd secotrs, and the data from drive 2 to the evens [20:55] or vise versa, its goingto be a fair bit of screwing around [20:56] sounds complicated [20:56] ask in /r/linux [20:56] or #archlinux [20:57] mr0wl: ive tried #linux, no luck [21:01] mmm is there a simple way to read/compare disk sectors? [21:05] hi there , im having a issue with my new iphone , my ubuntu computer just dont load him , its like he dont regconice the device , ani ideas ? === JonathanD is now known as to === to is now known as JonathanD [22:06] anyone here have an opinion as to how well kubuntu 12.04 would work on a single-core atom netbook (dell mini 9)? === creto1971 is now known as Creto [22:52] Hello I'm using blackbox and ever since I switched to using blackbox I can't stop the screen from going dull [23:07] hello, this is a fresh 12.04 install, with some repos added and fully updated: http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=dpdjunnczrwx359xvi15.png what should i do? [23:12] meh [23:20] good god, ubuntu's default repos can be slow [23:20] nicklas_: it is up to you. it would be safest to just use the recommended driver. [23:21] JMichael|work: ok [23:21] JMichael|work: but how can it be preinstalled, isnt it propietary? and is it latest? [23:22] nicklas_: it is not preinstalled. it will download the driver. [23:22] JMichael|work: this was the htpc, now for my laptop, none is preinstalled, which one should i choose? http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=vnhnbh9auuhrpm8epslw.png [23:22] nicklas_: i think what is recommended is what has had the most testing [23:23] nicklas_: likely either will work. recommended has been more thoroughly tested [23:23] JMichael|work: it says its installed and in use, i havent toouched jockey [23:23] nicklas_: i'm not sure how that happened. normally you have to tell it to do that [23:24] JMichael|work: yeah, weird [23:28] nicklas_: it could be that you selected enabling third party software during the installation? [23:29] what does version-current and version-current-update mean, or what is the difference between them? [23:30] nicklas_: like i said, the former has had more testing. the latter is newer, but less tested. [23:30] JMichael|work: i did yes, in #ubuntu-se realubot tells me it came preinstalled with 12.04 [23:30] nicklas_: interesting. i guess there has been a change. [23:31] Okay how do I stop blackbox from blanking my screen? [23:31] I can stop it in KDE via the power settings and screensaver settings. [23:31] HelenTheMelon: could you please stop cross-posting the same things in #kubuntu and #ubuntu [23:32] you're using kubuntu so please focus in here [23:32] sorry :( [23:32] not a problem [23:39] apparently the 'x' which looks like something that would allow you to quit downloading updated packages in the installer does not work... [23:40] and ubuntu's servers seem freakishly slow, atm === EricAndr_ is now known as EricAndrews [23:42] HelenTheMelon: if you are asking question specifically related to blackbox, your best bet would be ubuntuforums or #ubuntu (because there are more people there) [23:43] HelenTheMelon: that this is installed on top of kubuntu would likely be irrelevant [23:43] HelenTheMelon: there is also #blackbox [23:44] blackbox is empty almost [23:44] yea [23:44] and probably dead. lol [23:44] you should be able to find documentation online [23:44] I looked at the doc and it's too technical [23:45] HelenTheMelon: then you should likely not use blackbox [23:45] JMichael|work, But it's small. [23:46] HelenTheMelon: window managers like the *boxes are nice, but take a bit more technical knowledge to get configured correctly [23:46] and nice [23:46] HelenTheMelon: you could try LXDE... it uses openbox, and gives you a nice panel [23:47] these slow ubuntu servers are pissing me off [23:47] JMichael|work, It's not even blackbox that's the problem. [23:47] I found out it could be dpms [23:47] so I think I've disabled it. [23:48] HelenTheMelon: yes and no... it is not blackbox specific, but when you use blackbox, your power management settings are wrong. blackbox has no built-in dialog for configuring that [23:50] it just took me over an hour to install kubuntu on a netbook.... on a gigabit network. most of that time got burned up just downloading packages [23:50] JMichael|work, I know how to configure blackbox. === thiago is now known as Guest5781 [23:50] HelenTheMelon: ahh, so it was just the power management issue that you were not familiar with === Guest5781 is now known as xth1 [23:54] i take that back, now the installer is sitting at '86%'... and has continued to sit there for the last 10 minutes [23:56] HelenTheMelon: what did you do that you think may have solved your problem? [23:59] rebooted after installation... screen is black