[00:18] Riddell: so with soprano, do you think I should just upload it, or do you prefer that I wait for your testing on Monday? [00:26] slangasek: what's the change? [00:26] the one I asked about in the release meeting ... [00:27] Riddell: yep, that one - linking soprano-daemon against libvirtodbc0 directly instead of using libiodbc2 as a driver manager [00:28] slangasek: how about if I test tomorrow? [00:28] Riddell: you can test whenever you'd like, I was just checking if you actually thought it was better for me to wait :) [00:29] slangasek: soprano is a bit unreliable at the best of times so I think I'd prefer to check it [00:30] ok [00:50] woot.. always nice fixing 5xxxxx bugs :) .. though 4xxxxx are even sweeter.. ;) [08:25] how much doesn't work if i install systemd? [08:25] i.e. how much stuff uses upstart-native? [08:25] and _doesn't_ also shit sysvinit scripts [10:43] ScottK: I think telepathy-qt .... I'm not sure, I recall someone talking about telepathy-qt and farstream a couple of weeks ago [10:43] * shadeslayer doesn't quite remember ... [10:50] cd === micca is now known as mali`aweh === mali`aweh is now known as malina [12:55] Some small question. When a module is copied to the initramfs, whats the order it will be loaded @ boot? === jalcine_ is now known as jalcine [14:01] hi! You might want to take a look at my recent upload of the "packagekit" package at Debian... [14:01] the new upstream version might be wanted in Ubuntu too, and I applied some patches to it... [14:01] where one of them fixes a crash in PK. [14:02] so you might want to take the patches at least, to apply them on Ubuntu too :) [14:11] Hi is this the channel to discuss about Ubuntu's project ideas for GSOc2012 ? [14:20] aseem: I'm not 100% sure, but my guess would be yes (unless there's a more specific channel, but I'm not aware of any) [14:21] aseem: you should be aware though that it's weekend and that a lot of developers are not present [14:22] Chipzz, HI! There is #ubuntu-gsoc channel, but in the wiki #ubuntu-devel was mentioned so I got confused. === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [17:59] How do I get bug 831768 added to the top of the list of known issues on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes ? I would not have upgraded last night if I had known about it. (Admitedly, I failed to read that document first, but that's where the warning should be.) [17:59] Launchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Precise) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/831768 [18:04] Darxus, I'd ping Kate.Stewart, as she's the Ubuntu Release manager ( and also was the last person to edit the page ) [18:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam [18:04] Thanks. [18:05] np === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [18:54] Darxus: If that's cause you issues, you could just disable multiarch again. [18:54] Darxus: "I wouldn't have upgraded" seems a bit harsh, when it's just one small config file. [18:55] infinity: My understanding is that there will be 32 bit software I'll need to install at some point that I won't be able to because of this. [18:56] I don't claim to fully understand the situation. [18:56] Darxus: That's only true is you already had 32-bit software installed... [18:56] s/is/if/ [18:57] infinity: And just disabling multiarch didn't work. I had to re-enable multi-arch, apt-get install qdbus, and then disable multiarch again. As I commented to that bug. [18:57] We have no intention of cutting out 64-bit software and forcing 32-bit stuff on you, just not shipping duplicates (like wine32) on both architectures. [18:57] infinity: So.. I probably didn't have 32 bit software installed on natty, so I probably won't care about it on oneric+? [18:58] Yeah, if you're running a pure 64-bit system, we're not going to take that option away. [18:58] Did you upgrade with aptitude, or just run into problems with aptitude after upgrading with do-release-upgrade or similar? [18:59] Darxus: Anyhow, I'm not arguing that "aptitude and multiarch don't entirely get long" shouldn't have been in the Oneiric release notes, and feel free to ping skaet about that. [18:59] Awesome, thanks. [18:59] skaet: ^ [19:00] I followed the directions for upgrading, so used update manager, then aptitude wouldn't work after. [19:00] Darxus: Just that there are any number of workarounds (the two most obvious being "disable multiarch" or "don't use aptitude") [19:00] infinity, Darxus pinged me about it earlier. I'll add it on monday. [19:00] skaet: Alright. ;) [19:00] Damn, didn't even give me a chance to type that. [19:01] Darxus: We'd like to get this all fixed for precise, but I will admit that we have limited resources, and aptitude's not the top of too many priority lists. :/ [19:01] * infinity wonders idly how well dselect plays with multiarch. [19:01] Hah. [19:01] Well, what about disabling multiarch by default on 64 bit systems in precise? [19:02] Not going to happen. [19:03] For users of update-manager, software-center, or just hardcore apt-get users, (or python-apt, libapt in general, etc), multiarch is just fine as a default. [19:03] aptitude's resolver has been known-broken for years, it's just that this hilights it much more than ever before. :/ [19:04] I'd sooner port tasksel to libapt and demote aptitude to universe than disable multiarch. [19:04] But that's just me. [19:04] (And, honestly, that should probably be done regardless, even if we do find the time to fix aptitude) [19:05] My entire reason for using aptitude is a belief that if I install a package, and its dependencies are automatically installed, then I uninstall that package, only aptitude will handle removing the no-longer needed dependencies. How true is that? [19:05] apt-get does that. [19:05] Automatically? [19:05] I just saw something about apt-get autoremove... [19:05] Try it. Install something with deps, remove that something, then note the list of "no longer needed packages", which it will happily remove with "apt-get autoremove" [19:06] Why isn't that just done with apt-get remove? [19:06] Automatic autoremoval, apt won't do. That was a conscious decision. [19:06] Hmm, okay. [19:06] You may have come to rely on one of those deps. [19:06] Sure. [19:06] autoremove gives you the option to at least think about it briefly. [19:07] (And you can mark something as "manually installed" just with "apt-get install " [19:07] Bu) [19:07] Err. [19:07] Typing hard. [19:07] What about stuff installed via the gui package management software? Will those dependencies also be removed by apt-get autoremove? I've avoided using them for the same reason. [19:07] All the GUI tools we support (software-center, update-manager, and synaptic) use libapt (sometimes via python-apt), and so follow the same semantics. [19:08] So, only the software you manually "select" is marked as manually installed, the rest is transitively installed, and candidate for autoremoval if no longer needed. [19:09] Awesome, that all sounds good enough for me to stop using aptitude. I really appreciate that. I'll probably mention it on that bug thread in case others are in the same position. [19:09] Oh hey, we don't support synaptic anymore. Look at that. But the above is still true. :P [19:09] Anyhow, the apt resolver is so much saner than aptitude's at this point that I don't see the point in aptitude usage for most people. [19:10] "autoremove" is too long to type :P [19:10] aptitude and dselect both did a really good job of presenting higher level package relations, but I suspect that's less needed now that resolvers actually kinda work. [19:10] (I know I used to not be able to do anything without dselect holding my hand, but that was a decade ago) [19:10] Heh. [19:11] My memories of dselect are so distant at this point. [19:11] At the time it seemed magical compared to redhat, which I had just switched from. [19:11] It was magical. [19:11] Finding a package to test autoremove with is hard :P [19:11] And pre-apt, it was incredibly magical. [19:12] Ah, here we go, clisp. [19:13] I just accidentally verified that dependencies installed via aptitude also get removed via apt-get autoremove. [19:13] This is going to be a tough habit to break. [19:13] Handy. [19:13] I think someone switched aptitude to use the apt cache for that a few years ago. [19:13] Or, it sounds vaguely familiar. [19:13] Which seems to be backed up by your evidence. [19:14] yes, ~4 years ago [19:14] when apt started having a notion of autoinstalled packages [19:14] Nice. [19:14] slangasek: So, uhm. Yeah. Speaking of aptitude. I wibbled on above about how it might be a sane idea to make tasksel stop depending on it. [19:15] slangasek: I suspect that, other than emotional attachment, that's the only reason it's in main. [19:15] instead of fixing aptitude to support multiarch? [19:15] slangasek: Oh, both should happen, IMO. [19:15] it is the only TUI we have for package management [19:15] (not counting dselect, which I don't :) [19:15] slangasek: aptitude should stop being broken, but I see no reason why tasksel needs aptitude anymore. apt has understood tasks for years. [19:15] I think the tasksel dep remains reasonable [19:16] no, aptitude is there so that users can drill down into tasks further from the installer and make more fine-grained selections interactively [19:16] if it were just there for tasksel to tell apt "install tasks", I'd agree, but I don't think that's the rationale [19:16] Fair enough. [19:16] (And I would count dselect if we shipped it...) [19:17] I always thought the dependency was literally just for the "install this task" functionality. [19:17] Which apt didn't have at the time tasksel was written. [19:17] as for fixing aptitude for multiarch, there are some comments on the bug from someone who seems to now be involved in aptitude upstream development... we should probably pull some patches for precise [19:17] * ScottK hands infinity cupt for even more 'fun'. [19:17] (And, indeed, not for many years after) [19:18] yes, because everything's better in perl [19:19] Well, it's a perl frontend to a C++ library. [19:20] The cupt maintainer is actively hostile to multiarch. That suits me just fine, because I'm hostile towards reimplementing the wheel by casting it out of jello. [19:20] I'm still not sure why people feel the need to rewrite apt-get/libapt every 3 years, though. [19:20] We also have libqapt now. [19:21] ScottK: Which isn't just a tiny shim on libapt? :/ [19:21] infinity: Yes. It's a tiny shim to get a sane API from the author's POV for other development. [19:21] ScottK: Okay, yeah, looks more like a bindings interface, I'm okay with that. [19:22] It is a lot like that. [19:23] * slangasek nods [19:23] There's a lot of value in making developers of Language/Toolkit X comfortable with using your library. [19:23] And Qt devs definitely seem to live in a world where if things don't look just like Qt, they die a little inside. [19:25] (Although, wrapping a C++ library in different-looking C++ just to make it cosmetically more appealing is a bit entertaining) [19:28] libqapt was done by one of our developers as part of his drive to get an apt/dpkg native GUI package manager for Kubuntu. It's in Debian now too. [19:31] slangasek: Have you ever tried to dig into tasks deeper using aptitude, within d-i? [19:34] Now I need to decid if I want to re-enable multiarch. [19:34] I guess I'll leave it off until I need something that won't otherwise work. [19:36] infinity: does anyone even still use dselect? [19:36] I never used or even tried it. and frankly I only have a vague notion what it is/does :) [19:36] Wait, how the hell did qdbus:i386 get installed on my system by update-manager? [19:37] There's a 64 bit version, and that should've been installed instead, right? [19:37] It certainly should have been. Are you sure update-manager was the culprit? [19:38] Chipzz: Some people still do. I don't use either aptitude or dselect since apt's resolver is now good enough for me. [19:38] Chipzz: But I always preferred dselect to aptitude before that. [19:39] infinity: Not certain, but how else could it have been installed? The entire problem with aptitude was it choking on that package, and when I unleased apt-get on it, it switched it to the 64 bit version. [19:39] * Chipzz also an apt-get user [19:39] never really saw the need for aptitude and especially the dependencies it drags it [19:39] esp on a server [19:39] *in [19:41] Darxus: Not entirely sure how update-manager (via libapt) could mess that up, except in the case of version skew. And since you were upgrading to oneiric, there would have been no chance of that. [19:41] ironically I have used apt-get dselect-upgrade for several years after I discovered it :P [19:42] infinity: Is there anything else I could've done to cause it? Could an aptitude dist-upgrade have done it? [19:43] Chipzz: Well, dselect-upgrade is only interesting if you also manipulate the status database by hand (or with dselect or dpkg --set-selections) [19:43] Chipzz: Though, yeah, it's wildly handy to do batch "dpkg --set-selections" operations, followed by apt-get dselect-upgrade to make sure a proper resolver is checking your work. :) [19:43] infinity: that, and dselect-upgrades also drags in recommends iirc [19:43] or is it suggests? I always forget [19:44] Darxus: aptitude perhaps could have broken it, yeah. But I'm the wrong person to ask. I know that aptitude is "very broken" with multiarch, just not in what sense. [19:44] infinity: I recall dsu being the only way (that I knew of) to install recommends for quite a while === Ursinha` is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha [20:00] Wow. Pulse audio volume control now goes over 100%. That makes me so happy! [20:01] you can turn it up to 11 ? [20:43] Daviey: aptitude within d-i> not in a long time, why? [20:44] slangasek: I just wondered if it was still a valid use. [20:44] It's not something i hear of. [20:45] it's certainly something that could be revisited [20:52] slangasek: I'm running into this when trying to edit a changelog "but this directory name does not match the package name according to theregex PACKAGE(-.+)?." [20:52] what exactly are you doing? [20:53] slangasek: dch -i just trying to list my changes [20:53] slangasek: you were the last person to work on this package from what I can see in the changelog [20:53] you're running 'dch -i' from within the package directory? [20:53] slangasek: from source dir yes [20:53] what's the full error message? [20:54] (I've never seen this error from dch in my life, but maybe the full output will tell me what's happening :) [20:55] slangasek: It seems to be a case of user error [20:55] :) [20:55] I was in package/src when I ran dch [20:55] when I moved up one level it worked as expected [20:55] ah yes [20:55] The package still seems a bit odd though [20:56] for some reason the package name is "precise" even though it should be something else? [20:59] https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/precise/activity-log-manager/fix-for-943066/+merge/96896 [21:00] the package was activity-log-manager but when it came down the source dir was named "precise" [22:12] bkerensa: if you bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/PACKAGENAME/precise , it will make a precise directory [22:12] if you, bzr branch lp:ubuntu/PACKAGENAME , it'll make one with the package name [22:21] anyone else getting lots of screen flickering in b1? [22:27] Daviey: Ahh :) === BenC__ is now known as BenC === Guest50078 is now known as jalcine === Guest98069 is now known as jalcine_ === Guest50078 is now known as jalcine === jalcine is now known as Guest26986 === Guest26986 is now known as jalcine === jalcine_ is now known as Guest11329 === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti [23:55] Need more memory: g++ -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--version-script,/build/buildd/qtwebkit-source-2.2.1/Source/symbols.filter -fuse-ld=gold -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--no-undefined -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -shared -Wl,-soname,libQtWebKit.so.4 -o libQtWebKit.so.4.9.0 obj/release/MathMLNames.o obj/release/MathMLElementFactory.o obj/release/SVGNames.o obj/release/SVGElementFactory.o obj/release/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.o [23:55] obj/release/XLinkNames.o obj/release/CSSPropertyNames.o obj/release/CSSValueKeywords.o obj/release/JSCounter.o obj/release/JSCSSCharsetRule.o obj/release/JSCSSFontFaceRule.o obj/release/JSCSSImportRule.o 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[23:57] obj/release/JSXPathNSResolver.o obj/release/JSXPathException.o obj/release/JSXPathExpression.o obj/release/JSXPathResult.o obj/release/JSXPathEvaluator.o obj/release/JSXSLTProcessor.o obj/release/InspectorFrontend.o obj/release/InspectorBackendDispatcher.o obj/release/CSSGrammar.o obj/release/HTMLNames.o obj/release/HTMLElementFactory.o obj/release/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.o obj/release/XMLNSNames.o obj/release/XMLNames.o [23:57] obj/release/HTMLEntityTable.o obj/release/DocTypeStrings.o obj/release/ColorData.o obj/release/UserAgentStyleSheetsData.o obj/release/XPathGrammar.o obj/release/qwebframe.o obj/release/qgraphicswebview.o obj/release/qwebpage.o obj/release/qwebview.o obj/release/qwebelement.o obj/release/qwebhistory.o obj/release/qwebsettings.o obj/release/qwebhistoryinterface.o obj/release/qwebplugindatabase.o obj/release/qwebpluginfactory.o [23:57] obj/release/qwebsecurityorigin.o obj/release/qwebscriptworld.o obj/release/qwebdatabase.o obj/release/qwebinspector.o obj/release/qwebkitversion.o obj/release/QtFallbackWebPopup.o obj/release/ChromeClientQt.o obj/release/ContextMenuClientQt.o obj/release/DragClientQt.o obj/release/DumpRenderTreeSupportQt.o obj/release/EditorClientQt.o obj/release/EditCommandQt.o obj/release/FrameLoaderClientQt.o obj/release/FrameNetworkingContextQt.o [23:57] obj/release/GeolocationPermissionClientQt.o obj/release/InspectorClientQt.o obj/release/InspectorServerQt.o obj/release/NotificationPresenterClientQt.o obj/release/PageClientQt.o obj/release/PopupMenuQt.o obj/release/QtPlatformPlugin.o obj/release/SearchPopupMenuQt.o obj/release/WebPlatformStrategies.o obj/release/FullScreenVideoQt.o obj/release/IconDatabaseClientQt.o obj/release/moc_qwebkitplatformplugin.o obj/release/moc_qwebhistoryinterface.o [23:57] obj/release/moc_qwebpluginfactory.o obj/release/moc_qwebinspector.o obj/release/moc_qwebplugindatabase_p.o obj/release/moc_InspectorServerQt.o obj/release/moc_QtFallbackWebPopup.o obj/release/moc_FullScreenVideoQt.o obj/release/qrc_WebCore.o obj/release/qrc_WebKit.o obj/release/qrc_InspectorBackendStub.o -L../../WebCore/release -L../../JavaScriptCore/release -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -lwebcore -ljscore -lsqlite3 - [23:57] lXrender -lgio-2.0 -lgstapp-0.10 -lgstinterfaces-0.10 -lgstpbutils-0.10 -pthread -lgstvideo-0.10 -lgstbase-0.10 -lgstreamer-0.10 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lxml2 -lglib-2.0 -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lpthread -lXext -lX11 -lm [23:57] /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Memory exhausted [23:57] Oops. [23:57] Sorry. [23:57] infinity: Help. [23:57] Almost got QtWebKit to build on armhf. [23:57] Needs MOAR RAM.