[01:16] alguien tiene un ejemplo de sockets con qt [01:16] ? [01:40] anyone around willing to help a lame question? [01:40] hey [01:40] if installed with acpi off, theres no way to use the internal wifi card. correct? [01:41] you have any example of sockets with qt? [02:32] I just installed a fresh install of Kubuntu 11.10 on my computer and it doesn't seem to boot. It's not a "blank" screen, I just get a black screen with a blinking "_" [02:35] Any ideas? [02:39] doc-saintly: is there anything on any of the VTs? (Ctrl+Alt F1.. F10 ) [02:39] frogonwheels: no [02:39] doc-saintly: presumably the 'demo' booted? [02:40] doc-saintly: .. and you are definitely booting off the correct disk? [02:40] frogonwheels: yes [02:40] frogonwheels: removed the CD, and even told bios the specific drive. [02:40] doc-saintly: no dual boot or anything fancy, noteworthy? [02:40] nope [02:41] just a raid 5 of 4 disks in there, 1 backup, and the boot device which is specified first in the boot order in the BIOS (and manually selected a few times as well) [02:41] doc-saintly: if you boot from the CD, can you get into a root console and check the boot partition with fdisk? [02:41] doc-saintly: boot device is off the raid? [02:42] frogonwheels: I probably could. It boots to the CD fine. I'll have to do that once I get back at the machine. [02:42] is there a way to know if that screen is before / after GRUB? [02:42] doc-saintly: presumably it's linux raid? [02:42] doc-saintly: if you're not seeing anything at all, that sounds a bit weird [02:42] frogonwheels: correct - but it's not assembled since it's the first time the system has been booted [02:43] I was running ubunutu 10.04 previously, wanted an upgrade, but hate Unity. [02:43] doc-saintly: I'd boot off the CD, reinstall grub(2) and make sure the bootpart is correct [02:44] Hrm, well I installed it again and I have the same problem. Is this a typical problem with new installations on this version of knoppix? [02:44] blech, kubuntu* [02:44] for some reason when I think linux things starting with K i get Knoppix [02:44] doc-saintly: I haven't tried installing a fresh version of 11.10 [02:45] doc-saintly: it's very weird that the demo works but the install doesn't though. [02:45] I thoguht so too. I was worried it would have video card issues, but the demo runs perfect. [02:45] and like I said - it's not a "blank" screen, it's almost like it's pre (or just after) GRUB [02:45] doc-saintly: if you're not seeing any grub stuff coming up, then I'd say it might be a grub thing [02:46] does putting in a boot CD and saying "boot from hard disk" have any special effect? Will it use its own version of GRUB? [02:46] hmm.. possibly, or it might just chain bootloaders [02:47] doc-saintly: from the boot CD you could set it up to point to your partition === rambo2012 is now known as monocrack [02:47] Hrm, I may try these - but unfortunately I'm tempted to just try Xubuntu / Mint. I was hoping this would be a more common problem [02:47] hola [02:48] doc-saintly: gl [02:48] teengo un problema con la reproduccion de videos en kubuntu [02:48] Thanks for your time frogonwheels [02:49] yw === gaurav_ is now known as Guest12547 [02:54] #kde-usa has been created [02:54] * ybit is looking to organize the USA kde efforts [02:55] I've Kubuntu 11.10 installed in virtualbox. I've got a shell and deluge running. X keeps growing to fill all memory and getting killed by the kernel out of memory handler every couple days. Any idea on workarounds? [03:04] Delemas: i don't have a workaround but i'm interested in hearing what you find === jason is now known as Guest46743 === gaurav_ is now known as Guest5280 === manuel__ is now known as Kell_ [06:12] hello [06:16] how this function? === dnivra_ is now known as dnivra === dnivra is now known as Guest8106 === Guest8106 is now known as dnivra === dnivra is now known as Guest31896 === Guest31896 is now known as dnivra === seshagiri_ is now known as seshagiri [06:48] i made a UI in which there are two spinboxes. I set its max-min values and all. But when i print its values it is returning 0. I declared like this :- width = new QSpinBox; and called the value like width->value(); What ever value i give it is returning 0. Any ideas? [06:50] sorry wrong channel. Apologies === gaurav_ is now known as Guest90449 === Sh0rtW4v3 is now known as ShortwaveRadio [08:33] Hola [08:36] hej bjorn === af_ is now known as Guest70065 === vivek is now known as Guest30550 === Guest30550 is now known as pvivek [12:11] i had installed ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu. But now everytime i boot into plasma by default Nautilus opens with home directory. I checked in the system Settings>Startup , there's a script file [12:11] "gtk2-default-theme.rc.sh" was running in the startup. I removed that entry and then restarted the system, and again the same prob, then i go again and check the entry is again inserted. [12:11] Would be very glad if someone can help me out [12:11] pvivek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:18] Hiyas all [13:33] hi people. short question: I installed a python-pyopencl via apt-get which automatically installs the nvidia drivers [13:33] I now have the problem: I can not remove those drivers without removing the package" kubunut-desktop" at the same time [13:34] any idea? [13:35] howlymowly, how would python-pyopencl install nvidia drivers ? [13:35] BluesKaj: it does that by default [13:35] but I have an ATI card [13:36] that makes no sense to me [13:36] 'whydid you install python-pyopencl anyway ? [13:36] I thought this did not matter until I restarted my system and now do not have access to opengl anymore [13:36] BluesKaj: because I wanted to try it out [13:37] BluesKaj: I think it would already help, if I could just purge the nvidia-common package without automatically removing kubuntu-desktop [13:38] howlymowly: don't remove nvidia-common, though you can remove everything else that contains "nvidia" in the name [13:39] tsimpson: my problem is: since I installed these drivers, my openGL doesn't work anymore [13:39] tsimpson, why not if he has no need for nvidia drivers [13:39] Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual is what I get for example running glxgears (which did work before) [13:39] howlymowly: the nvidia driver package is nvidia-current, not nvidia-common [13:40] ahh.. ok.. I'll remove that then.. let me try out arestart [13:40] BluesKaj, howlymowly: the nvidia-common package don't actually contain nvidia drivers, just the mechanism to detect which nvidia driver is required [13:40] nvidia-common is supporting utilities which are required by all *ubuntu-desktop packages for driver detection [13:40] so don't remove that one package, but all the others [13:40] kk.. thx.. I'lll report in a few minutes [13:42] Sentynel, the nvidia-current is a driver for paricular graphics cards, but i I understand why keeping the coomob files is important , typical of kde to link files in that manner [13:43] it's used by jockey to detect which driver to install (if any) [13:44] alright, Sentynel, tsimpson BluesKaj thx @all seems like removing nvidia-current and nvidia-settings was enough :) [13:44] glx extensions are back [13:45] i guess the fact that python-pyopencl automatically installs the nvidia drivers clould be called abug [13:47] bug #763457 [13:47] Launchpad bug 763457 in pyopencl (Ubuntu) "pyopencl falsely depends on nvidia-current" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/763457 [13:48] there are too many illogical (to me) links like that in kde , just try to get rid of nepomuk and akonadi and see what happens [13:49] that's more of a KDE SC decision than a Kubuntu one [14:00] hello. i recently installed kubuntu-backports. is there a sane way to rollback? [14:01] i'm running kubuntu 11.10 [14:02] remove the ppa from your /etc/apt/sources.list.d [14:02] and the apps that you installed from it , dnivra [14:04] BluesKaj: one question before I do so-my original desktop settings have disappeared. I had lots of notes and folders. anyway I can get those old settings back? [14:04] else I'll probably rollback [14:05] did you upgrade kde , dnivra ? [14:05] i ran sudo apt-get upgrade and restarted. [14:05] let me check if something wasn't installed. [14:06] ah i see-some updates weren't pulled in. [14:07] dnivra, to upgrade kde from the backports you have to run , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , so your upgrade didn't complete , if upgrading kde is what you were trying to do [14:08] running a dist-upgrade now. [14:17] BluesKaj: it's working fine now but some desktop effects don't work. is it because of the inherent nature of backports or does opengl/xrender work fine in the current state of backports? [14:22] weird. it seems to be working now :/ [14:27] dnivra, desktop effects depends a lot on your graphics card and drivers , if you had desktop effects working fine previous to the upgrade , they should do the same afterwards , which they are obviously doing now :) === serserar is now known as Guest36497 [15:34] hey guys. do you know what's the file used to store the style and colors settings? === vivek is now known as Guest78341 === Guest78341 is now known as pvivek === philippe is now known as Guest95947 [16:49] #kde-usa has been created to help organize the kde community in the states, hope to see a lot of you in there! [16:49] [16:53] * BluesKaj wonders if there's a kde-ca === PasNox_ is now known as PasNox [16:58] !ca [16:58] Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca aussi #ubuntu-qc === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 === jalcine_ is now known as jalcine [19:01] hello all [19:04] * genii-around slides elvispresley a coffee [19:08] i want a coffee genii-around === mike__ is now known as moj0rising [19:26] #kde-usa has been created to coordinate KDE users in the states, hope to see some of you there [19:29] Hi, there. I was wondering if anyone knows how to turn off those darn ~backup files kate creates with every document. [19:30] I've searched google and haven't found anything useful for some reason. I'm a long-time KDE user and this has always bugged me. I'm wondering if preventing those back-up files is even possible. [19:32] moj0rising: mm wait [19:33] moj0rising: have u tried to set stuff like this http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/09/plasma-desktopB10412.png ? [19:35] ah! Cool. I saw that but for some reason I didn't really get what that dialogue was saying... [19:36] .. Cool! I bet that did it. checking... [19:37] Looks like we have no more back-up files! Thank you, Peace-! [19:38] moj0rising: good [19:40] is there a "save way" to downgrade from 4.8.2 to 4.8.1 or 4.8.0? I need to do some benchmark/testing to figure out why nepomuk is so slow suddently [19:40] jEhrichs: of course first you need to remove all kde packages [19:41] remove the repository ppa taht contains kde 4.8.X [19:41] jEhrichs: Maybe try this in VMs so you don't have to mess with an existing set-up. [19:41] and install again all the kde packages of kde 4.8.0 [19:41] but that... will be require much more time to reinstall it again... [19:41] :D [19:41] are 4.8.0 and 4.8.2 in different repositories? not sure at the moment. Or can I "pin" stuff somehow? [19:42] jEhrichs: are u using kubuntu or other stuff? [19:42] moj0rising: I#ll do this on my 2nd pc, so if it breaks the system its just a lost of time :) just try to avoid it [19:42] when will 4.8.1 be rolled out to the official repositories? I have 4.8 at the moment [19:42] Peace-: kubuntu with backports etc enabled [19:42] jEhrichs: kde 4.8.1 it's the last [19:43] 4.8.2 it's not out [19:43] ah shoot. sorry I ment from 4.8.1 to 4.8.0 [19:43] remove the repository put only the official one [19:44] test then you can download the 4.8.0 packages with the repository deactivated [19:44] then [19:44] remove kde packages [19:44] and reinstall kde packages [19:44] ok I'll give it a try. Hope it helps to find the cause of the slow nepomuk changes [19:45] jEhrichs: of course all this stuff is not officail supported.. [19:45] so if you break your system... [19:45] your trouble [19:46] no harm done in this case. I'm not so crazy to test this on my productive machine :) [19:48] jEhrichs: You probably know this already but I believe nepomuk hsa to build an index when it is first installed. When it's doing this, things are slow but when it's done, the system should operate normally. That could be a source of poor performance and such. [19:50] yes I know. sadly thats not the cause, something very bad happend between 4.8.0 and 4.8.1 and now we are back to a very slow and unstable nepomuk. While it was running really great (at leats for me) before hand [20:18] Ah. Well, jEhrichs. Happy testing! Hopefully, you find something to make KDE even faster. :) === gaurav_ is now known as Guest27523 === saeed is now known as regino [20:41] ok, guys I am superupset. Why the crash reporting assistant is buggy enough that I am unable to post a bug for a more than a week? [20:42] please advice me an appropriate forum where i can post this bug which apparently only exist since some update, just as if I were using windows [20:42] *exists [20:48] ARRGH bugzilla is so buggy [20:49] why everybody is so silent now? why is bugzilla is nothing but a big bug itself? [20:49] excognac: what's going on? [20:50] excognac: Just got out of a long discussion about that as well. It's amusing that one of the biggest users of bugzilla is the Bugzilla project [20:50] j2_: I am trying to report a bug with bugzilla, unknown error for 100th time [20:50] excognac: What error? [20:50] j2_: KMix crashes non-stop. [20:51] excognac: what version of KDE ? [20:51] j2_: 4.8 [20:52] excognac: and you are posting the error on bugs.kde.org? [20:53] j2_: I am trying to [20:53] excognac: Alright. So what makes Kmix crash? [20:55] j2_: generally occurs while an online video is but I'd rather say it happens randomly. Sometimes the machine becomes silent hterefore it's a real KMix crash, sometimes everything goes on (even Kmix) [20:56] excognac: So you get a popup saying kmix crashed but the sound goes on and yo ucan still interact with kmix ? [20:56] j2_: my favourite is when nothing audio related runs but it still crashes [20:57] j2_: well, sometimes yes [20:57] >_< [20:57] ok and this happened after an update? [20:58] j2_: I think so but can't remeber which one since every morning I run one [20:58] excognac: Ah. Alright. can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list please ? [20:59] sure just a sec === jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine === JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine [21:02] j2_: http://paste.kde.org/436244/ [21:03] excognac: thanks === JMichaelX is now known as Sh0rtW4v3 [21:17] Where are you getting KDE 4.8 from ? [21:19] what does apt-cache policy kmix say ? === gaurav_ is now known as Guest88333 [21:30] excognac: there? [21:52] j2_: sorry here 4.8 is from the ppa repos [21:53] excognac: Alright I'm speaking to the webadmin people from KDE as well [21:53] what did you do to get an error on bugzilla? [21:54] The issues with DrKonqui are know and a patch should be coming for them soon [21:55] j2_: just tried to sen tregular crashreport. how do i get the apt-cache policy/ [21:55] < [21:56] excognac: apt-cache policy kmix [21:57] j2_: lol wrote with capital k http://paste.kde.org/436298/ [21:58] :-) [21:58] excognac: you have a bugzilla account for KDE ? [21:59] j2_: i think i do: bugs.kde.org, right? I login, fill the form and unknown error [22:00] excognac: Ok did you put anything into the form yourself? As in wrote anything or it was all dropdown boxes? [22:01] j2_: the anomaly occured right after login, I filled the form correctly myself [22:02] Did you put in the backtrace from the crash? [22:08] excognac: do you know how to pastebin a screenshot? [22:09] j2_: i think i can find it out, so for the next crash report do you want me to do so [22:10] excognac: well you can do it now if you like I want to show the KDE bugzilla web team what you are seeing [22:10] Though if you are not too busy maybe I could convince one to speak with you? [22:11] excognac: It's really easy with KDE once you have the pastebin Widget [22:11] j2_: and yes i think i put it to the backtrace. ok. I'll start to try to have crash again. By no means, that would be lovely [22:11] ok [22:12] excognac: Well you were getting the error on the bugs.kde.org site right? [22:12] j2_: exactly [22:13] j2_: the site comes up in the little window but whatever try leads to an unknown error [22:13] That doesn't require you to crash. Just to login and try submit a bug on kmix [22:13] *I try [22:13] The little window? [22:13] no, sorry on the website it works ok [22:13] >_> [22:14] ok Cod:e:Green [22:14] * j2_ tells the KDE web guys to stand down [22:15] So where is the bug you submitted? [22:15] j2_: I mean the tiny window poping up in the crash report. Naturally, the website in my browser works perfectly fine [22:15] !bugzilla [22:15] excognac: ok Effectively DrKonqui was doing alot of assumptions on how bugs.kde.org worked instead of using an API [22:16] when they upgraded bugs.kde.org it totally broke DrKonqui. Totally! [22:16] !info bugzilla [22:16] Package bugzilla does not exist in oneiric [22:16] !info bugzilla3 [22:16] bugzilla3 (source: bugzilla): web-based bug tracking system. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2957 kB, installed size 18796 kB [22:17] excognac: So until that is fixed DrKonqui is not going to be useful. The best thing would be to have a cash server that takes the backtrace automatically and stacks it then links it with bug reports [22:18] but that's needs time to build along with a more complete API for bugs.kde.org so it's a funky situation [22:19] !drkonqi [22:19] these factoids aren't up to date or is it me ? :) [22:21] ok, backtrace [22:22] j2_: all right, I acknowledged it. Anyhow, do you have any advice what to read about kubuntu/kde/linux to become more comfortable to resolve problems on my own? I' comfortable with the terminal and other very basic stuff, I don't want to really go super deep into it but it would be very highly beneficial to me to be able to run whatever package, integrate simple hardware (A/D converters and such) etc.? === jan_ is now known as Janneman [22:30] excognac, if you use the pcm/spdif output then the digital stream will passthru to digital input device/DAC/audio amplifier or similar equipment where it can be converted to analog [22:31] wireless problems with kubuntu 11.10!! need help! [22:32] hello everyone! can anybody help me with nepomuk/strigi? [22:32] firmware missing [22:32] snowmanbamf, which wifi chip ? [22:34] ??? nub to kubuntu, trying to find the info [22:34] lspci , look for mobile === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:35] nobody? :( [22:36] excognac: depends on the issues that you have but I would say knowing the basic contents of ~/.kde and being able to use qdbus would do you well [22:36] xcv, sorry I'm a home user , so i just disable nepomuk [22:36] !anyone [22:36] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [22:36] BluesKaj: thanks, but the a/d converters are rather for electrophysiological measurements, will look them up though [22:37] xcv: Perhaps your next question my help? [22:37] okay, I was just trying it and I realized that I couldn't use AND/OR in queries [22:37] just one term [22:37] j2_: thanks will definetly read them [22:37] electrophysiological measurements ? .heh that's a good one , i thought youwere talking about analog to digital audio :) [22:38] excognac: do you know dbus ? [22:38] I mean just basically what it is [22:39] BluesKaj: no worries, just I'm trying to get close to the set up first in the lab, so it takes time anyhow:) [22:39] xcv: Ah you were sending in queries? :) try in #nepomuk-kde [22:39] blueskaj, having trouble finding it wifi chip. im not sure if my troubles are coming from my lack of knoladge of browsing this system, or if its just not there.. idk [22:39] can you give me an idea of where I might find it [22:40] been browsing system settings [22:40] snowmanbamf, open a terminal , type lspci , then look in the list for a mobile device [22:40] j2_: no, but itlooks like worth a try [22:40] :) k [22:41] * BluesKaj use dbus-launch when ssh'd into another pc ...but that about ads far dbus goes here :) [22:41] as far as [22:43] blueskaj, [22:43] Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) [22:45] thats all I see for wireless or mobile [22:45] snowmanbamf, again the the terminal , sudo modprobe b43 [22:46] blueskaj, command not found [22:48] snowmanbamf, try sudo su -c "modprobe b43" [22:49] excognac: it's a IPC (Interprocess communicator) [22:49] snowmanbamf, sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source [22:50] aclimatt_, this isn;t debian no need for sudo su [22:50] excognac: In other words a way to send communication to a process that is already going. Helpful for getting KDE things to do stuff they were not explicitly programmed to do but also a nice way to get back information about what's happening [22:50] xcv, ^ [22:50] qdbus is a qtwrapper around dbus that makes it possible for humans to use it [22:50] Seriously dbus by itself is unreadable without a master's thesis [22:50] BluesKaj, my turn? :D [22:51] j2_: i see, thank you very much for your immense patience and help today [22:52] snowmanbamf, then , sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl [22:52] snowmanbamf, followed by , sudo modprobe wl [22:53] I have to go ...BBL [22:53] excognac: The easiest way to get around things would be to just step into the KDE community though. Put Planet KDE on your reading list :) [22:53] Bye BluesKaj [22:53] xcv: #nepomuk-kde [22:53] xcv, comand not found [22:54] snowmanbamf: type which modprobe [22:54] j2_, thanks [22:55] y [22:55] sudo modprobe b43 should not give you command not found [22:57] I checked spelling and tried twice... [22:57] blueskaj, still installing bcmwl [23:00] BluesKaj, finished bcmwl, nothing happened under sudo modprobe -r b43 wl or sudo modprobe wl [23:01] just gave me anouther comand propt that's it [23:02] wireless antena still wont turn on [23:12] anyone got any idea's???? [23:12] yo have a hardware switch on the computer? [23:14] snowmanbamf, ok , sudo ifconfig wlan0 up [23:14] snowmanbamf, then , sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid [23:15] j2, it's a hot key switch only, no hard switch... [23:16] bluesKaj, is that wlan0 with a zero or letter o? [23:19] blueskaj, wlanO: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device [23:20] blueskaj, iwlist: unknown command `scanlgrep' (check 'iwlist --help'). [23:21] hilp [23:24] snowmanbamf, don'type the commands , copy and paste them into the terminal [23:27] blueskaj, sudo ifconfig, same results..... [23:28] blueskaj, sudo iwlist, wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning. [23:28] grrr [23:28] I'm running a dell latitude d610 if it helps at all [23:30] i really like this os and don't want to downgrade...... im having the same problem running ubuntu, kbuntu, and linux mint, all versions 11.10 [23:32] snowmanbamf, is linux-backports-modules-cw installed? [23:33] help me with what that is???? nub [23:34] it's a package, look at software management (system settings) [23:37] well, i suppose you can access the internet in some other way meanwhile (?) [23:38] what would it be under in system settings??? ive got common apperance and behavior, workspace apperance, network, hardware, system admin.... that's it [23:38] well, first of all [23:39] do you have a working internet connection in the laptop right now? (e.g. via cable) [23:39] can't find anything related to software management [23:39] wire, sorry [23:40] yes... im using it... via eithernet cable [23:40] okay, alt+f2, type kpackagekit and hit enter [23:40] did it work? [23:41] well, sorry, if it is 11.10, it should be using muon, right? can you see it in the menu? [23:42] nothing happened when I hit enter... idk [23:42] okay, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install -f kpackagekit [23:43] xcv, workin on it... [23:43] okay [23:44] Has anybody got any experience with K+1 (12.04) and networked audio via PA? I can't get it to work, to save my skin... [23:45] xcv, done [23:45] now what [23:45] lol [23:46] now, we should get rid of muon, i tried it and i didn't like that [23:46] what happened? [23:47] snowmanbamf, sudo apt-get remove -f muon\* [23:47] xcv, I have a new comand line, but other than that I cant tell anything happened..... hotkeys for wireless antenna still wont turn on [23:48] it's normal, you have just installed a package manager, nothing else [23:48] ok [23:48] removing muon.... which is what by the way??? [23:49] it is a new package manager included in this new version, but in my opinion, the old one (kpackagekit) is easier to use [23:49] ok [23:50] done? [23:50] xcv, done [23:50] can you see software management in system settings (system admin) ? [23:52] YAY :) [23:52] xcv, yep :) [23:52] let's use it then :). [23:52] okey dokey [23:53] first of all, go to the updates section (left) and check if there is any, they may fix your problem (the easy way) [23:53] xcv, i opened it [23:55] 380 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 [23:55] LOL any kernel/linux update? [23:56] looking... might take awhile... lol [23:57] okay, however, they should be in alphabetic order, look for linux-....................... [23:57] is there a way to quick search??? [23:57] ok [23:59] xcv, we got linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic, [23:59] version? [23:59] and this place is about to close.... gotta go... I'm gonna go see if my friend is home so I can use his internet....