=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87 [01:22] TheMuso: I'm going through some old bugs and found lp:631362. Any interest in this or should I close as "won't fix"? === Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away [04:17] GrueMaster: Yeah won't fix is fine for for that bug, I see you have done it already, thanks. [04:52] where can i buy one of those new quad-core boards? [04:54] scientes: tegra3? [04:57] transformer prime? [04:57] http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/22/i-mx-6-quad-core-reference-board-flexes-processing-muscle-at-fre/ [04:57] i.MX 6 [04:57] heh [04:57] this crazy guy mentioned it [04:58] http://video.linux.com/videos/binary-blobs-attack [04:58] which is quite amusing [05:00] lilstevie, what do you mean by "heh"? [05:00] just that I was suggesting the prime as a quad although it isn't [05:01] haha [05:01] 4plus1 [05:01] :p [05:01] also, when will big.LITTLE be available? [05:02] iow, is it availble? [05:02] no idea [05:02] but i am more interested in desktop-powered arm systems [05:02] kinda like the trimslice [05:02] I want something that works on a boat, so super-low-power-consumption [05:03] heh [05:03] a high-powered big.LITTLE could be pretty cool for this.... [05:03] trimslice is 6W [05:03] my buddy on this, feels it is pragmatic to go with x86 [05:03] Man that's only like half what atom uses [05:04] and i only have armv5 hardware at this point [05:04] so i cant really test stuff to proove arm over x86 [05:04] BTW< how the hell do i get gdb debug symbols to work in qemu? [05:05] i tried qemu-arm-static with -g but i don't get the debug symbols i've installed [05:08] how much does trimslice cost lilstevie ? [05:24] $319 [05:24] +shipping [05:24] if you enrol in the developer program you can get it cheaper though [05:36] and with no display? [05:39] it has dvi-d and hdmi out [05:39] reminds me, i need to ship both mine back so they can fix my pmics... early adoption sucks sometimes [05:43] steev, heh yeah I got mine later, and is fine [05:44] lilstevie: nice, yeah mine won't power off and such on their own... i forgot about that once... left it running for 3 days when it should have been turned off... that was, fun [05:44] haha [05:44] mine gets a little hot, but thats about the most that happens [05:45] well mine was sitting on a cardboard box [05:45] that could start a fire [05:45] :p === Dioxin_ is now known as Dioxin [07:10] hello there.. I am trying to compile a program with -pg flag on the arm-elf-compiler... but I can´t find the profilling starter file gcrt0.o [07:11] Laplace: FYI, you seem to be using a legacy non-UTF-8 encoding. [07:13] what? [07:14] 18:10 hello there.. I am trying to compile a program with -pg flag on the arm-elf-compiler... but I can\264t find the profilling starter file gcrt0.o [07:14] can not [07:15] My point is you're sending 0x01 0x08 instead of 0xE2 0x80 0x99 [07:15] year I dont know how to change that in xchat [07:16] Probably by setting your locale to en_AU.UTF-8 or similar [07:16] It's not a big deal [07:16] but can you help me with the gprof compiling [07:16] Unless you're in #nihongo or something [07:16] Laplace: nope, sorry [08:02] how to use fastboot to boot a linux kernel with initrd and root in /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 (sd card second partation)? [08:03] ayaka, what device [08:08] lilstevie, htc evo 3d x515m, a mobile [08:18] lilstevie: any idea? [08:22] ayaka, ./fastboot boot zimage initrd -c $DEFAULT_CMDLINE root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 [08:30] lilstevie: thank you I will try later, thank you [08:30] lilstevie: but where shall I select vmlinux and initrd file? [08:31] lilstevie: it default select the link in the root file? [08:31] if you need to ask, this is probably a bit beyond you [08:32] lilstevie: ok, I will try tommorrow, thank you again [09:03] janimo`, slangasek: I'm unconvinced that this apr upload was a good idea. :P [09:03] janimo`: Did you test build it on natty? (that's what the buildds run) [09:03] infinity: hey, I wasn't the one who accepted it [09:05] slangasek: Neither was I. Perhaps you should have rejected it when you questioned it, though. ;) [09:05] heh [09:06] I still think we need a saner policy of "if in doubt, reject; we can always rescue it later" for archive admins. [09:07] But, I guess that generates scary mails that people don't like. [09:51] infinity, I only tested it on my host - I thought th only way to see if it works is to try on the hosts, now they have a new kernel [09:51] infinity, I think last time it was the kernel that held it up not eglibc [09:51] janimo`: They don't have new kernels, though... [09:51] janimo`: They've been natty since we installed them. [09:51] janimo`: I mean, they've had some SRUs, but nothing that would have magically changed threading. [09:51] infinity, I think newer than 2.6.31 or what the babbages had [09:52] janimo`: We've tried it on Pandas before. ;) [09:52] janimo`: (In fact, armhf was bootstrapped almost entirely on Pandas...) [09:52] oh well. The worst that can happen is we revert the change, only arm is affected:) [09:52] janimo`: So, yeah. I suspect that build is probably hung, and we'll have to revert. [09:52] infinity, I did not know what the timing of armhf bringup was and whethee the debian workaround was already in place to avoid such ftbfs [09:53] (sure looks hung) [09:53] infinity, ah ok. I thought only the babbages had otoo ld versions, sigh [09:53] The Debian workaround was specifically for the armhf bootstrap. ;) [09:53] but on Debian machines no? [09:53] No, note the uploader. [09:53] I could not get info on what kernel harris ran [09:54] doko did it in Debian and synced to Ubuntu, but it was for both of us. [09:54] Anyhow, no harm done. Just a minor annoyance. [09:54] ok, my bad then, we can wait another year or so to get this enabled. So the fix exists just not in natty then? [09:54] Well, if you say it works for you locally, I guess it's fixed? [09:55] just sneak the binary into the archive :) [09:55] ogra_: *glare* [09:55] *g* [09:56] infinity, well it worked for me locally when I did the last try-revert dance a few months ago (only ubuntu changelog has the details and LP I guess) [09:56] I just had the impression the babbage kernels (and only those) were too old so they ftbfs on buildd only [09:57] just like there's a squashfs-tools workaround to build with -marm which is also only to have it work on the live-builder machines [09:57] Well, there's a theory that we might have some Pandas upgraded to Precise before release. If I can make that happen, we can revisit some of these workaround.s. [09:57] that would be good === nrirclog415 is now known as nrirclog [10:20] infinity, btw I looked at uploaders in apr before adding the change and it was noone I know (Hector Oron) . Had it been you or doko I might have figured it out it is still an issue for us and let it be [10:22] janimo`: Oh, maybe doko just pushed the change and synced, or something. I don't recall. [10:22] janimo`: Anyhow, oh well. :P [10:22] janimo`: I'm curious that, in the bug, you claim it worked on natty, though? [10:22] janimo`: It obviously doesn't now. [10:23] infinity, no, it did not work in natty, I only tested in oneiric last time [10:23] I may have just had the wrong impression natty was new enough [10:24] as at one point the builders had lucid or maverick which was clearly too old [10:24] I think only the kernel matters since glibc fixes are part of the build chroot [10:27] Yeahp. [10:27] So, if/when the buildds go to 3.2, we can revisit. [10:31] infinity, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apr/+bug/604753 so at least some tried on natty and it worked a while ago [10:31] Launchpad bug 604753 in linaro-toolchain-misc "[eglibc] process shared mutex's fail on armel v7 (thumb)" [High,Fix released] [10:46] hello, i want to build a new kernel for my pandaboard es. can someone help my ? i got errors on build with the official repo of oneiric [10:47] at build i get this error: II: Checking ABI for omap4... Reading symbols/modules to ignore...read 0 symbols/modules. Reading new symbols (1207)...read 8761 symbols. Reading old symbols (1207)...read 8760 symbols. II: Checking for missing symbols in new ABI... MISS : omap_cfg_reg found 1 missing symbols EE: Symbols gone missing (what did you do!?!) II: Checking for new symbols in new ABI... NEW : scsi_verify_ [10:54] ./fastboot boot zimage initrd -c $DEFAULT_CMDLINE root=/dev/block/mmcblk1p2, but my kernel is CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP=y, does it works? [10:57] rOxx: That means you broke ABI with your changes, but didn't bump the ABI version in the package. [10:58] infinity: what can i do to fix it ? [11:00] i have read to add this skipabi=true skipmodule=true at dpkg-buildpackage command-line. but i dont know how to do this [11:00] i build with "dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -us" [11:26] rOxx: "skipabi=true skipmodule=true dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -us" then. [11:34] ok thx [11:45] bah, after all my non working BT headset is all janis fault ! [11:45] janimo`, for BT headsets to work we apparently need CONFIG_USB_EHCI_TT_NEWSCHED set in the kernel config [11:45] could you enable that in the next upload please [11:46] (that is ... if you use an USB BT dongle with a headset the driver freaks out about lacking interrupts if thats not set) [11:47] (on ac100 indeed) [11:50] ogra_, sure [11:51] ogra_, did it work before? Is this a new config option? [11:51] [ 1381.300007] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio [11:51] [ 1382.117188] cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -28: not enough bandwidth [11:51] bahm not even with the usb soundblaster i can make input work [11:52] janimo`, no, old option, but i didnt bother to try getting sound input to work since sound was shaky all the time [11:52] so it didnt actually show up as a prob [11:53] ogra_, is " armv7l" a normal kernel to use on ubuntu 12.04 ? [11:53] ah ok [11:53] diwic, not really, what platform ? [11:53] ogra_, bug 932096 [11:53] Launchpad bug 932096 in pulseaudio "[armel] Pulseaudio crashes other program using sound: Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932096 [11:54] ogra_, maybe you can tell me what platform this is? [11:55] diwic, oh, transformer.... [11:55] talk to the HWE/OEM guys, thats special [11:55] ogra_, aha, the HWE guys...hey wait, that's me... [11:56] diwic, see my ping in the other chan [11:57] ppisati, do you know what is the best way to get some Ubuntu SAUCE for the ac100 kernel tree? It is 3.0.19 based [11:57] ppisati, are there some Ubuntu trees which make the best cherry-pick targets? [11:59] janimo`, would you be able to quickly cross build a test kernel with that option enabled ? i would like to see if it fixes it, but if i set up a tree that takes me longer than you [12:00] ogra_, I can try, sure [12:00] thanks ! [12:00] * janimo` really needs to document how to build your own ac100 tree. it is easy in fact [12:00] i know how to do it, its just that i dont even have a source package or the tree here [12:00] (nor do i have an x86 machine running in my house atm) [12:00] ogra_, armell or armhf? [12:01] el please [12:01] ogra_, I know you do, but for the general ac100 user who may not want to wait for 'official' debs [12:01] yep [12:01] janimo`: Rebasing it against the oneiric tree (ti-omap4) would probably be the sanest. [12:02] janimo`: Also, when you rev out of 3.0.x, can you change the versioning scheme to use the same one we do for other distro kernels? (ie: 3.2.0, regardless of upstream patchlevel). [12:03] infinity, you mean rebase the whole current packaging (originally linaro template) over the ti-omap4 tree? Hmm, may be worth it in the long run [12:03] and version number 3.0-xxx , so drop the .19 ? [12:04] janimo`: Well, probably not worth it for the 3.0 packages, but when you switch to 3.2, definitely worth it. [12:04] or 3.0.0 [12:04] janimo`: 3.0.0 [12:04] ok [12:04] janimo`: But since you can't go back in time in versions... [12:04] janimo`: That will have to wait until you're on 3.2.x :) [12:04] indeed [12:04] so what is the 3rd digit there if not upstreams version from the Makefile? [12:04] or is this only a 3.0 peculiarity? [12:05] Well. [12:05] See. [12:05] 3.0.19 is [12:05] We never advertised patchlevel. [12:05] And we still don't. [12:06] The reason we keep it three numbers, though, is because of all the tools that explode if kvers=AA.BB with no .CC [12:06] janimo`: Oneiric is the closest one [12:06] ppisati, ok [12:06] ok, did not know we never exposed patchlevel [12:07] (Or is it Whatever, you get the idea) [12:07] janimo`: Yeah, well, if you check any pre-3.0 system, our kernels all show 2.6.XX, with no fourth level. [12:07] janimo`: But they all, of course, are rebased agaisnt the latest upstream PL. [12:46] ogra_, http://startx.ro/~jani/linux-image-3.0.19-1-ac100_3.0.19-1.2_armel.deb see if this works [12:46] * ogra_ hugs janimo` [12:46] I'd wait till you get sound out of the headset :) [12:47] heh [12:52] ogra_, I can confirm the BT headset profile switching problem here [12:52] ogra_, filing bug for it now [12:55] ogra_, filed bug 940282 [12:55] Launchpad bug 940282 in gnome-control-center "Cannot switch profile on Bluetooth headset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/940282 [13:09] janimo`, yay, thanks so much ... lets make sure that goes into the next upload, i'm for the first time able to use mumble on my ac100 ! [13:09] ogra_, \o/ [13:10] ok, that will go in the next upload then [13:10] I hope others will answer on the list, as there may be other config options to enable [13:10] syncing with ubuntu sauce would be the correctest thing to do [13:10] sadly, the soundblaster i have gives me choppy output in duplex mode [13:11] so i have the earphone connected to the internal soundcard and the mic on the SB USb card ... but that works impressingly well [13:11] maybe one of the 30+ ac100 alsa controls has the solution for that too [13:11] it has [13:11] but that gets me feedbacks of all kinds and delays in my voice etc [13:12] i guess the sound driver still needs to mature a bit for full duplex [13:23] infinity, no leads on the qtwebkit-source mem-exhaustion issue? [13:24] i think i saw a discussion on debian-arm ML about that [13:24] iirc zumbi was involved in that [13:25] No, the Debian issue was a GCC ICE, I believe. [13:25] But I'm going to try to make time to look at it with more vigor. [13:25] * ogra_ dances around mumble .... ooh its so awesome i can finally use it on arm [13:26] Heh. === doko_ is now known as doko [13:27] ogra_: just in time for it to be deprecated \o/ [13:27] Daviey, well, g* isnt any option on arm [13:27] G+ [13:28] and i dont run any non arm machines anymore around here [13:28] why would it be obsolete ? is IS tearing the server down ? [13:28] ogra_: no idea, but i know the frequency of use has shrunk for me. [13:29] ah [13:29] * infinity wishes people would remember that Canonical runs a rather nice asterisk VoIP setup. [13:29] yeah, i wouldnmt mind to use that either [13:29] my new manager uses mumble a lot though :) [13:29] But hey, reinventing wheels with things that require binary blob browser plugins, yay! [13:30] mumble is still works fine for me :-) [13:30] and I also prefer mumble [13:30] just easier [13:31] if it works :P [13:31] but i agree === Ursinha_ is now known as Guest31670 [15:23] ogra_ / infinity : re qtwebkit/armhf, in debian we are waiting for doko to apply compiler patch, there an ICE (#641849). I think markos remind him not so long ago. [15:23] yeah, so infinity was right then [15:24] i dont think our issue was an ICE [15:25] GrueMaster, argh ! ... forgot to mention your name in the changelog for the alsa-lib patch (as well as the bug number) sorry, sorry, sorry ! ... but the fix is uploaded now === dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey [15:53] ok [15:54] ./fastboot boot zimage initrd -c $DEFAULT_CMDLINE root=/dev/block/mmcblk1p2, zimage and initrd means file name of vmlinux and initrd in /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 or just type those [15:54] ? [16:00] GrueMaster, bah, got rejected anyway, so i can add your name, do you rememebr the bug # from the top of your head ? [16:01] It was in the email. Let me look. [16:01] oh, dont then [16:01] * ogra_ checks the mail [16:02] no, it only has the alsa-utils bug [16:02] bug 880929 [16:02] Launchpad bug 880929 in alsa-utils "alsa ucm udev rules not working on SDP4430" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/880929 [16:02] yea, I'm looking through LP now. [16:02] havent gotten to that part yet [16:04] Gah, there are so many bugs to choose from. [16:04] haha [16:04] i havent seen it on the ubuntu-arm list ... i looked there due to my mailer being temprarily broken wrt bugs [16:05] Yea, I haven't had time to go through and triage in the last few weeks. [16:05] well, will work without bug # i guess [16:05] zumbi, no, I won't. please get it upstream first [16:07] The odd thing is that I had it working without these ucm files, but there was an entire week between test kernel+tweaks to having an actual image with fixes. And the new image had new versions of everything. [16:08] And I haven't been able to spot any diffs in the alsa git trees that would have affected this. [16:08] (we went from 1.0.24 to 1.0.25). [16:09] well, the fix is committed to the ubuntu alsa-lib tree already, i will just re-upload with a fixed patch file (was missing two lines in the header) ... [16:09] and then care for alsa-utils [16:09] if there is no bug thats fine, i'll just remove that header line from the patch file [16:09] Ok. That's the new ucm configs, right? [16:10] right [16:10] * GrueMaster is still recovering from sleep, one cup of coffee at a time. [16:12] take your time :) [16:13] WTF?!? Chewing through email, I came across this bug: lp:932096 [16:13] come on bug bot. bug 932096 [16:13] Launchpad bug 932096 in pulseaudio "[armel] Pulseaudio crashes other program using sound: Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0'" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932096 [16:13] thank you. [16:13] yeah, diwic talked about it today [16:14] transformer ... [16:14] likely a kernel issue [16:14] It says Distro: 12.04 Kernel: 2.6.36 [16:14] right [16:14] What platform? [16:14] android kernel [16:14] doko: I am not sure on the details, I thought it was already upstream, we'll check and let you know [16:14] transformer ... [16:14] ah [16:15] leave it to the HWE guys :) [16:15] just ignore [16:16] ok. Added to .ignore [16:16] heh [16:18] I've also been churning through that archaeological list of bugs you posted a while back. Closed a few, marked some as won't fix (mainly old targets). fixed a few. [16:19] yeah, i just looked at it again, there is still a ton of stuff we could just close [16:19] doko: < markos> it's fixed upstream iin FSF and also in Linaro/Ubuntu gcc (PR50946) [16:19] i'll go through it next week [16:19] and shoot the obvious ones [16:20] Speaking of which, ppisati, can you pull in the patch from bug 707003 to the next maverick SRU so we can close this? Or should I mark it as "Won't fix". Looks like low hanging fruit. [16:20] Launchpad bug 707003 in linux-ti-omap4 "Kernel panic when trying to offline CPU1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/707003 [16:21] Sometimes I wish bug 820034 would get fixed, but it is not on our plate. [16:21] Launchpad bug 820034 in ubuntu-font-family-sources "Expansion: Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs U+1F4A9" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/820034 [16:22] poke sladen about it :) [16:23] Did you see the text of the bug? (not just the title). [16:23] nope, following the release meeting while we chat here :) [16:24] ah, forgot it was that time. ok. === Ursinha_ is now known as Guest56087 [16:38] bug 927860 [16:38] Launchpad bug 927860 in linux-ti-omap4 "Missing musb-hdrc module required by Pandaboard OTG port" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/927860 [16:38] any reason i can't make all of them =m? [16:39] last comment says "Rebuilding the kernel with module built-in..." [16:39] None that I know of. If you want to spit me a test kernel, I can run it and check. [16:41] ppisati: Did you see my earlier ping? [16:52] GrueMaster: nope [16:52] Bug 707003. [16:52] Launchpad bug 707003 in linux-ti-omap4 "Kernel panic when trying to offline CPU1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/707003 [16:52] ah ok [16:53] got it [16:53] I was just curious if you wanted to add it to the next SRU cadence or if we should mark it as "Won't fix". [16:54] I'm cleaning up old bugs. [17:04] GrueMaster: i updated lp927860 with a test kernel [17:04] Fetching it now, thanks. [17:10] Uh. I'll have to reimage, unless you can whip up an armhf kernel fairly quickly. armel is slowly drifting away and all my systems are armhf. [17:28] Hi. I'm looking for gdb-arm-linux-gnueabi debs for i386 and amd64, Natty, which works against armel Natty gdbserver (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.2-1ubuntu11). I remember finding this on a Linaro PPA sometime, but google turns up empty. Anyone knows where I could find them? [17:28] hrw perhaps? [17:35] You might ask in #linaro. This is something they maintain I believe. [17:44] ppisati: I think something got missed in that kernel re: bug 927860. [17:44] Launchpad bug 927860 in linux-ti-omap4 "Missing musb-hdrc module required by Pandaboard OTG port" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/927860 [17:45] # CONFIG_USB_GADGET_MUSB_HDRC is not set [17:45] cat /proc/version_signature [17:45] Ubuntu 3.2.0-1406.9~lp927860-omap4 3.2.6 [17:53] Oh, it is listed twice in the config. Odd. [17:58] Still doesn't work. It might need to be built in, or it needs some other bits in the kernel. [18:07] GrueMaster: i'll try again [18:07] Ok. I'll wait to hear back. [18:08] as of yesterday my board has stopped crashing every 8ish hours.. [18:08] 10:08:25 up 22:09, 5 users, load average: 0.26, 0.47, 0.44 [18:08] almost a full 24 hours [18:08] woo! [18:09] Cool. (of course I am not seeing this here, but...) [18:09] This is your ES, right? [18:09] yeh my desktop es.. my dev board is still crashing every couple hours [18:09] but thats probably more my fault then anything [18:10] I can live with that. :P [19:52] are there any known bugs around ssh-agent not correctly caching passwords? [19:52] (12.04) [19:53] pbuckley@panda:~$ ps -ef | grep agent [19:53] pbuckley 1577 1539 0 Feb23 ? 00:00:04 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d [19:53] appears to be running but im not getting the gui dialog for a password like i used to [21:01] also ii puppet 2.7.10-1ubuntu Centralized configuration management - agent [21:01] needs to get updated to 2.7.11 [21:01] 2.7.10 has some nasty security cve [21:02] We know. [21:02] k [21:02] 2.7.10 is a regression nightmare in general [21:02] But, hey, welcome to an unreleased distro. ;) [21:02] heh [21:02] its where all the fun happens [21:03] and there is no way im going back from 12.04 even in its current state its night and day from 11.10 [21:04] So many levels of confusion surrounding bug 747229. Peeling this onion is leaving me in tears. [21:04] Launchpad bug 747229 in ubiquity "weird color change during oem-config debconf package removal step in serial installs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/747229 [21:06] Shell wrappers for python wrappers for perl wrappers for... [21:11] :( [21:11] ruby wrappers? [21:12] Go away, you. :P [21:12] hehe [21:23] Ok, so it isn't whiptail that is causing the weird screen colors. Next to check is debconf package. [21:23] * GrueMaster switches to perl mode. [21:23] almost time to switch to beer mode