[18:33] Heads up (esp. bjonkman)! I've got some Kwartzlab stuff I'm going to have to deal with tonight... [18:34] I'm okay with going ahead with the meeting, but I'm probably going to be too distracted to chair effectively. [18:38] dscassel: what time is the meeting? [18:47] 8pm [18:47] (EST) [19:07] ok, thanks [20:58] just realized i still have yet to update to ocelot. does it still support GNOME Classic? [21:04] khoover: there's gnome-fallback which is fairly close [21:05] ...meeeeehhhhhhh. [21:37] ,hi [22:19] this new shaw modem is so sexy. [22:19] * crond slurps down packages via apt at crazy speeds. [22:35] * CPhoenix mutters incoherently at crond [22:35] How fast is "fast"? [22:37] CPhoenix, about 4mb/sec from my current mirror [22:38] I…am kinda jealous. With Telus' DSL I only get 200k, ish. [22:39] (Of course, I can't get a faster connection unless I pay for their TV, which I'd never watch.) [22:40] CPhoenix, seriously?. you'd have to pay for TV? I only have internet. If I had to have TV I'd be kinda annoyed. [22:41] Yeah. They only give data access on fibre if you pay for the whole package. At least Telus doesn't throttle though. Shaw…I'm more wary about [22:42] I dunno, haven't had any issues yet, but I can't say for the future. [22:46] Cool. Of course if c-30 passes we're all screwed anyway. [22:48] yeah [22:48] off to Tor and i2p with me if that happens I guess. [22:49] encrypt ALL the things! [22:49] Yeah. [22:49] The internet is gonna suck hard if c-30 or c-11 pass. *sigh* [22:49] I already use ssl for everything I can too. [22:49] yup :( [22:49] meh [22:49] stop torrenting copyrighted shit [22:49] :P [22:49] I'm on a VPN. Gateway's in the states, so I'm good. lol [22:49] Torrenting? Copyrighted stuff? NEVER!!! :-O [22:50] willwh, I pay my fees on media to download music damnit :P [22:51] LOL. That's awesome justification. "Hey, I already paid your levy on my CDs! Back-off!" [22:52] so far as I can tell, download = okay. Uploading = bad. [22:53] so I depend on users in countries with more freedom to share their media with me. [22:53] "Furthermore, the Act contains a Private Copying exception that makes it legal to copy a sound recording onto an "audio recording medium" for the personal use of the person making the copy. This is supported by a levy on blank audio recording media, which is distributed to record labels and musicians" [22:54] Interesting [22:57] crond: which is laughable [22:57] up = bad, down = ok [22:57] willwh, hey, I didn't write the law ;) [23:12] We have some silly laws here…what with the lack thus far of super-long mandatory minimums for everything under the sun…oh wait... [23:50] Ubuntu-ca meeting in just over an hour. I've got to go travelling, might not be back in time for the start [23:57] BobJonkman: Cool. [23:57] I'm at kwartzlab. And I managed to get the board meeting postponed till 9:30. [23:58] So you might have my attention after all.. [23:58] Since when are board meetings on TON?