[01:17] pitti: hi! [01:19] hi is it possible to ask I question about CMakeLists? I wonder what should from CMakeLists be used in debian/control Build-Depends? Here is a link: http://paste.kde.org/424334/ [01:34] pitti: Are you there? I'd like to ask you a question about a change you applied to the packagekit package recently... [01:34] kdelibs5-dev, libx11-dev, libkwinglesutils1, freeglut3-dev correct? [01:35] Ezim: what do you mean? The X11, OGL(ES), KWin/KDE libraries? [01:35] ximion, training on making package [01:36] Ezim: looks okay... If you're unsure, you could test-build your package in a chroot environment. [01:36] I picked http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/BeClock?content=117542 [01:38] Ezim: you should always test-build your package in a chroot environment (you can use e.g. pdebuild for that after creating a pbuilder environment) - Then you'll see if stuff is missing. [01:39] ximion, I have never tryid to build in chroot enviroment [01:39] if you don't want to do this, you can also run ldd on the resulting binary, see which libs are used, find the package they're in (apt-file) and then add their -dev package to depends. [01:41] from what I see in the cmake file, you'll need kde-workspace-dev zoo [01:41] *too [01:41] ximion, this package is not in the repo. [01:41] package outside repo [01:42] Ezim: which package? [01:43] I picked http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/BeClock?content=117542 [01:45] Ezim: yes, I'm talking of the packages you need as build-dependency. [01:46] you can determine them by building a binary out of your sources, and then use the ldd way. [01:46] this is not the most efficient way, but it works :P [01:47] ximion, you mean without adding anything to Build-Depends? [01:47] a better alternative is using the CMakeLists, which tells me that you'll need at least cmake, kdelibs5-dev, libx11-dev, libkwinglesutils1, freeglut3-dev, kde-workspace-dev [01:48] Ezim: no, you can find out Build-Depends from the libraries your resulting binary is linked to. [01:48] but that's just if you're really not sure :P [01:49] CMakeLists <<--- was exactly were I looked [01:49] I only wanted to now if does I wrote was right or not [01:50] Ezim: I think yes, if you depend on cmake (kinda obvious) and kde-workspace-dev too :) [01:50] find_package(KDE4), find_package(X11), find_package(OpenGLES), find_package(OpenGL) [01:50] but to be really sure, you need to test-build your new pkg in a clean environment e.g. with pbuilder ( http://pbuilder.alioth.debian.org/#usingpbuilder ) [01:51] cmake helpers to find OpenGLES and OpenGL are in workspaces-dev :) [01:51] so you'll need it [01:52] ximion, so the only thing I missed was kde-workspace-dev? [01:52] and cmake, yes - as far as I can see [01:52] ximion, :) cmake of course [01:52] but there might be some hidden stuff somewhere, I haven't looked at the source or if there's another buildscript somewhere [01:53] libqt4-dev <<--- maybe also? [01:54] Ezim: AFAIK, the kde dev packages should pull this in [01:54] everything else would be against policy. [01:55] yep, they do depend on it already [01:55] ximion, there is not any other buildscript I am aware of. [01:57] okay, then give it a try! :) [01:57] ximion, which section should I choose in debian/control? [01:58] Ezim: kde [01:58] ximion, :) this is only trying to make package. [01:59] Ezim: is this your first Debian package? (Just asking so I don't tell you stuff you already know ^^)+ [02:00] ximion, no. [02:01] ximion, this is my 3 outside the (k)ubuntu repo. [02:01] Ezim: okay :) Do you use the PPA service? [02:01] ximion, :) no, only for myself. when I feel I can make good package then I will help in other way to ubuntu-family. === semiosis_ is now known as semiosis [02:03] if you only build packages on your machine then, debuild uses your local environment, meaning that the package build won't fail even if you haven't defined all the Build-Depends which are actually required ^^ [02:03] you only need to have the packages installed locally :P [02:04] (of course, you need to define the right builddeps if you build your package in a clean environment, like a PPA repo or pbuilder env) [02:04] ximion, yeah Build-Depends before i modify it, it builded correctly anyway. [02:04] ...but I suppose you know this already :P [02:04] yes :D [02:05] ximion, :) yes. [02:06] cmake uses Fin* macros to find modules required for build... So if you see something "like find_package (Foo)", you can run a search which package contains "FindFoo.cmake" - then you have your build-dependency or a hint how to find it. [02:07] (cmake itself ships some Find* fines, but you can open them and check which library/etc. it's referring too, if this is not obvious already) [02:07] *files [02:08] oh, it's really too late, I can't even type correctly anymore :( === JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine === JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine === Marqin_ is now known as Marqin [10:51] TheMuso: Is there any chance I can get you to merge 3.2.0-17.26 with -lowlatecy and re-upload, so I don't waste buildd time accepting this -16.25 one from NEW? [10:53] TheMuso: Other than that, it all looks good, and I'm happy to accept. [10:53] TheMuso: Actually, I guess since it only builds on x86, I don't care about the buildd churn so much. Just so long as you guys are committed to rebasing and keeping it up to date. === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [13:22] Is there any guide on where to store files, or to be even more specific, how to use sqlite db and where to store database? [13:23] This is first time I'm writing a desktop app so... I'm not sure. ~/.myAppFolder/database.db is ok? [13:24] which offline database you suggest? sqlite vs couchdb [13:24] sqlite. [13:24] the whole desktopcouch stack was horrible for the laptop battery iirc [13:24] tnx hyperair, then I'm on a good way. :) [13:25] Atlantic777: ~/.myApp/ looks fine to me and yeah, sqlite is the better solution for now. But #ubuntu-app-devel might be better for those kind of questions. [13:25] oh, sorry, I havn't read the topic here... === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:13] hello all is their is special compiler on which c language coding and compiling on same plateform as like in window [14:57] pitti: hi! === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === kees_ is now known as kees [16:36] pitti: are you there? === allee is now known as alleehol_ === alleehol_ is now known as allee-forgets-pw === Beret- is now known as Beret === thegodfather is now known as fabbione [18:11] hi everyone! if debsums detects changes to files like 'changelog.Debian.gz', should this be filed as bug against the corresponding package? [18:13] htorque: There's something special about those due to the system where only part of hte changelog is included in the resulting package [18:13] htorque: And I think it might be related to a gzip bug where the gzip of the same file didn't always produce the same result [18:21] penguin42: yeah, that's why i'm asking - i noticed lots of mismatches for those files. i'll keep looking for a bug report. [18:21] htorque: There is bug 871083 for gzip odd behaviour - but I don't think that's the one due to mangled changelogs [18:21] Launchpad bug 871083 in libtasn1-3 (Ubuntu Precise) "gzip -9n sometimes generates a different output file on different architectures" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/871083 [18:22] there are also a couple of png files, probably due to optimization efforts? === sagaci_ is now known as sagaci [19:08] Someone needs a kernel ninja on Ask Ubuntu. [19:08] http://askubuntu.com/questions/105395/make-fails-because-it-doesnt-know-headers-install === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === retoaded is now known as retoaded_afk === temugen_ is now known as temugen === temugen is now known as Guest27314 === albrigha is now known as Guest65979 === Torpedo_Skyline is now known as TorpedoSkyline [22:06] pitti: are you there now? (sorry for bothering ^^) === doko_ is now known as doko === SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq