[07:34] good morning === david is now known as davidcalle [09:06] morning people [09:08] Aloha sladen [09:08] hola MrChrisDruif [09:09] Como esta sladen ? [09:10] How are you sladen ? [09:11] Hi all [09:11] Aloha nava [09:11] i sent a mock up last night, did you see it? [09:12] MrChrisDruif: enjoying the view from Millbank this morning. A bit smoggy, but good none-the-less [09:12] nava: what was the mockup of? [09:13] about full screen in ubuntu [09:13] when click on maximized button on window [09:13] I've not seen a mock up, but then again does the design team have a mailing list? [09:14] yes, i sent for mailing list [09:15] sladen : i have an idea to let user to choose between full screen with luncher or without [09:17] nava: didn't see it; what Real Name should I look for on the email? [09:17] updated: mock up [09:18] sent from nava.ajdari@gmail.com [09:18] nava: to which exact email list? [09:18] unity-design [09:24] sladen : did u find it ? [09:25] nava: I don't see it either [09:26] subject : updated mock up [09:26] sent from nava.ajdari@gmail.com [09:27] https://lists.launchpad.net/unity-design/date.html [09:28] no prblem if cant find it (i sent it last night about 11.30 UTC) [09:28] i can explain it here [09:31] I have an idea to give user to choose full-screen with luncher or without it, even i checked mac OSX to check how to do it, i think we can let user to choose between full screen with luncher or with out it very simply like when user LEFT click with mouse on maximized button on window it go full screen with luncher OR when user middle click on maximized button it go full screen without luncher (like 11.10) [09:39] This is the Ubuntu Design launchpad group/mailing-list? https://launchpad.net/~unity-design [09:44] unity-design@lists.launchpad.net === dyams is now known as dyams|lunch === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === dyams|lunch is now known as dyams === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === dyams is now known as dyams|away === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:59] hello all [13:59] anyone know if we have an art related part of the global jam? === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle [15:50] hey there [15:50] eh I need an icon design for my lens, could someone help me? [15:51] with it you are able to search for recips in the internet [15:51] you can directly see the like's the level, etc. it should be some way of monochrome, so like the other icons for lenses [15:51] hey jono [15:52] hey cprofitt [15:52] JohnLea: hey [15:58] gotwig; hyia [15:58] hiya JohnLea [15:59] has anyone intresst in helping me with an icon :X? [15:59] doing an icon, or someone can also do it for me.. on base of an other. A spoon I think would be good (for cooking lens ) [16:00] gotwig: I am trying to get an Art Jam going [16:00] perhaps we can get an icon for you then [16:00] http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/jam-jam-ubuntu-global-jam-art-jam/ [16:02] cprofitt: :-) [16:03] cprofitt: still have to work on functionality. You know its my first realy productive python app :D [16:32] hey kenvandine [16:33] kenvandine: i updated another concept, its on the wiki [16:33] letme know what you think [16:36] hey etneg_ [16:36] cool, i'll look in a bit [16:53] etneg_: which wiki? [17:09] kenvandine: sweet [17:10] cprofitt: https://live.gnome.org/Gwibber/LogoConcepts [17:10] ooh... very nice etneg_ [17:10] oh its not just mine [17:10] it;s concepts fro others too [17:10] heh [17:10] kenvandine put up the wiki [17:10] concept 7 has a clean look [17:11] that isnt mine, no idea who that belongs to [17:11] I like concept 1, but not sure of the 'brownish' color... and it is a bit complex [17:11] etneg_: which one isyours? [17:11] 1, 2, 6, 9 [17:12] 2 is scrapped [17:12] yeah... two is not one I would choose... [17:12] i like 1, 6 and 7 [17:12] I like 1, but the brownish red color on the circle G I am not sure of [17:13] there's only orange there [17:13] well orange+ yellow [17:13] perhaps it is the color profile of my lame lcd on this Lenovo [17:13] and to give it bit more glossy effect i added another grapevine red somewhere there [17:14] kenvandine: yeah, 7 is very clean looking [17:16] fromthe votes i took for my stuff, lot of them went with 6 and 9 [17:16] 1 was considered okayish, but complex [17:18] +1 [17:18] though people liked the icon version of 1 since i removed some elements [17:19] but thats not what kenvandine wants, he wants the faces there [17:21] i do like the faces :) [17:21] ye so:D [17:22] it isnt as complex as you think though [17:22] it's got a lot of elements, but little effects [17:22] you could have two elements and 20 effects on it and that would be consideered complex if you ask me [17:23] * cprofitt nods [17:23] I agree with that [17:23] :D [17:25] I always struggle when doing art... [17:26] then again with FOSS tools part of that is just not being familiar with the tools [17:26] I used Corel Photo Paint / Draw for years and years and years [17:26] i havent touched that in a long long time [17:27] i do work with photoshop now and then but not for logo stuff, vectors clearly wins here [17:27] * cprofitt nods [17:27] I never used photoshop [17:27] was always too expensive [17:27] I use Gimp and Inkscape now [17:27] but not quite as proficient with them as with Corel tools [17:27] inkscape is nice but it's got some catching up to do [17:28] yep [17:28] I would pay if Corel put out their tools for Linux [17:28] i call it the power of blur, with blurs inkscape is nice to get all the realism you want [17:28] but that is an effect [17:28] heh [17:29] ive got corel sketch pad or smething, came with the wacom [17:29] never used it [17:30] so you guys going to take part in the Ubuntu Global Jam and submit some art during the jam? [17:30] Would be great to have some folks work on some web banners, fliers and posters for 12.04 [17:30] i have no idea [17:30] never even heard of it [17:30] http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/jam-jam-ubuntu-global-jam-art-jam/ [17:30] my second projec with ubuntu is kenvandine's stuff [17:31] thatas about it [17:31] heh [17:31] the global jam is typically seen as technical, but I think art is just as much a part of the Ubuntu Community [17:31] and very important for moving the project forward [17:31] I am trying to get some students from the local university to partake too [17:32] hey, ara [17:32] hey cprofitt [17:32] etneg_: I would love to see you cut loose on some stuff for 12.04 - beyond icons [17:32] oh ok cool [17:32] like wallpapers? [17:33] the design you had in 1 on the wiki would be really cool for some web banner, stuff or one some fliers for 12.04 [17:33] wallpapers, fliers, posters, web banners [17:33] just in vectors? [17:33] sure hwy not [17:33] I would work in vectors... but the web stuff may need to be converted to .png or .jpg [17:33] fliers would likely stay vectors [17:34] take a look at this site [17:34] http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/529 [17:34] they have lots of community submissions [17:34] yeh it'll exported to pngs or jpegs [17:35] this was an old poster that I really liked [17:35] http://bligoo.com/media/users/0/47/images/ubuntu_highway_by_gasteropod.jpg [17:35] but the colors and feel no longer really match the current Ubuntu theme [17:35] oo posters [17:36] and that looks like post production was done in some raster app like gimp or something [17:36] yeah [17:36] which is why i asked, fully vector or hacked up? :P [17:36] I took the source from that and made a large poster for events my loco goes too [17:36] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/20110324 [17:36] that was likely converted -- the image I gave you [17:36] ah ok [17:37] the source was vector which allowed me to blow it up for that poster in the events link [17:37] ok if you're looking at posters and sutff i'll pass for the time being though [17:38] i could do it in vectors but it's time consuming and the results are okayish unless i spend 100hrs on it trying to capture realism [17:38] anything is great [17:38] i was htinking of doing wallpapers for ubuntu [17:38] but im jsut sticking to logos for now, since ive gotten into the 3d bandwagon and it'llbe a month ebfore i can do anything realistic [17:39] and the results from 3d are far far better than 2d vectors [17:39] anything at all helps us... I am just happy to get artists involved [17:39] sure [17:39] i'll be around:D [17:40] would you do a logo for New York? [17:40] sure why not [17:40] * etneg_ is from ny [17:40] Be crazy and surprise me dude [17:40] what doyou need? [17:40] two things if possible [17:41] something to replace this [17:41] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=newyorkteamlogo3.png [17:41] sorry for the long link [17:41] and I would love a header for a web page... [17:41] hehwhat is that [17:41] map ofny ? [17:42] ooh i see it [17:42] ubuntu + map of ny [17:42] that was representative of NY -- niagra falls to statue of liberty or something [17:42] yep, that version is really small [17:42] you need a logo then? [17:42] the logo has NY LOCO and the ubuntu circile + state map [17:43] but I would be willing to see that replaced by other ideas [17:43] i can work on fresh ideas if you like [17:43] yeah... I would really like that [17:43] whats the context you need in it? NY LOCO, anything else? [17:43] that logo has been there for 5-6 years [17:44] just the NY and LOO [17:44] Loco [17:44] you're a fan of sketch brush work? [17:44] though if the graphic really is recognizable as NY then the words could be left out [17:44] the NY looks like a sketch brush [17:44] and you've used the same sketching style in the poster as well [17:44] I have no preference as far as that goes [17:45] neither image was mine [17:45] oh k [17:45] I like glassy as well [17:45] k cool [17:45] web2.0 [17:45] this is some of my work [17:45] http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/lugor-logo-part-5/ [17:46] while the gloss looks right [17:46] that trace bitmap on that image looks pretty messed up and is an awful lot for a logo if you ask me [17:46] those were some of the first efforts with GIMP [17:47] so they are far from perfect [17:47] oh its all in gimp/ [17:47] ? [17:47] yeah [17:47] all gimp [17:47] oh ok [17:47] and it was 100% targeted for a web page banner [17:47] ah ye for a banner it'll fit [17:48] for a logo too much going on there with the arhictecture [17:48] http://lugor.org/ [17:48] that is what ended up being used when it was done [17:48] did you try printing that? [17:49] I did. I used it on some 8.5x11" posters we use at showed [17:49] with Photo Glossy paper it looks pretty good [17:49] not bad [17:49] oh you used a normal printer to print it out [17:49] not offset ? [17:50] you can kind of see the poster in this picture [17:50] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/20110505 [17:50] an inkjet [17:50] ok [17:50] this one too [17:50] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/20110423 [17:50] yeah... I am by no means a professional artist [17:50] I need a lot of help in that department [17:51] imno pro either but i cna design your logo! [17:51] I have just enough skills to cover for a little while [17:51] awesome dude... that would rock [17:51] you can email me at any time at cprofitt at ubuntu dot com [17:51] alright [17:51] i'll put together something in abit [17:53] just gimme feedback via mail or irc and i'll keep going at it:P [17:56] sounds great etneg_ [17:56] I am stoked!! [17:56] * etneg_ heads to the drawing board [17:59] I nominate etneg_, the artist, for a community trophy!!