[00:12] hey bio [00:12] evening [00:12] time is it in europe? [00:12] 02:12 [00:12] it's 5 here [00:13] does anyone know how to run eternal lands on lubuntu? [00:13] chmod +x binaryfile [00:13] ./binaryfile [00:13] ? [00:14] cmod +x gives the file execute permissions [00:14] chmod [00:14] eternal lands is packaged for ubuntu by one of the devs [00:15] https://launchpad.net/~pjbroad/+archive/ppa [00:15] thank you Sentynel [00:16] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EternalLands [01:52] Hi. I just installed lubuntu 11.04 in a Acer ASPIRE ONE D257-13685. What i did was a boot usb disk with dd if=le.iso of=/dev/ledisk, then booted with the usb disk and choosed install. In the end i received a fatal error because grub could not be installed in /dev/sda. This is logical because /dev/sda is the usb disk at the install moment and /dev/sdb is the harddrive. The error message presented me the option to choose another device to [01:53] sounds weird [01:53] install grub and i choosed /dev/sdb. After that, rebooted the machine but it doesn't boot. I can boot the live lubuntu from my usb and mount the hard drive, and i can see the system installed, so i think it is a grub problem. How can i repair that? [01:54] hmm [01:54] boot into your live sessions [01:54] run for example [01:54] sudo blkid [01:54] and you will se list of drives [01:54] if your hard drive is /dev/sdb [01:54] then you run command: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb [01:59] indeed /dev/sdb is still my harddrive. After the grub-install, i get this message: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). === Guest28215 is now known as marnold [02:00] okay [02:00] sounds like you have to do chrooting [02:01] you need to mount your /dev/sdb to /mnt [02:02] /dev/dsb or /dev/sdb#? where # is a number [02:02] then mount with -o bind optins /sys/ /proc/ /dev to your /mnt/ [02:02] jgomo3, good point, your / [02:02] you have to have access /boot [02:04] jgomo3, http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/ [02:04] Ok, thank you. I'm on it [02:05] first time it might feel a little akward ;) [02:05] i can't mount by now, but i'll figure how to resolve that [02:07] mounted... keep going [02:08] then mount your live sessions /dev /proc and /sys to /mnt [02:08] with that --bind [02:12] I think you will manage from this on, I'm off to bed as it's 04:13 [02:13] bioterro: thank you so much! good rest [02:15] remember to umount them too! [02:17] ok, i'll try again. I think it installed the grub, but boot in a "minimal bash-lik line editing" interface of GRUB [02:19] sounds like grub.cfg is pointing to wrong drive or something [02:19] and grub cant find those files [02:19] as it thinks its looking stuff from sdb, but it should be looking from sda [02:19] quite a mess [02:21] bioterror: for a better understanding: boot with the usbdisk, choose "boot from first hard drive" and boot again the usbdisk. XD [02:21] could work [02:21] but usually usb drives are sdb when you're about to install it [02:21] I cant figure out why it's sda now [02:22] but I'm off to bed [02:22] my wife wakesup soon :D [02:22] bioterror: really apreciate your help. [02:22] bioterror: XD, good night... i mean, morning [02:23] I'm using legacy grub atm. [02:23] but I have line [02:23] root (hd0,4) [02:23] and you should check for something like that, stating about 0,1 [02:23] or 0,0 === JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine [02:24] thank you. I'll try something like that in the minimal grub shell. [02:24] yeah, hd0,0 [02:24] bioterror: but now, please: go sleep XD [02:25] XD [02:41] I can't point my finger to it, but it seems there's always something wrong with the DNS when I'm on Lubuntu which let's websites load slow from time to time [03:08] Done. Used: boot-repair http://www.howopensource.com/2011/08/reinstall-recover-grub-from-ubuntu-live-cd-usb/ [03:33] anyone here ? [03:33] i did horribole mistake [03:34] i installed grandr and i pressed SCREEN OFF by mistake and now its alla blank screen [03:34] black screen [03:34] cant see anything [03:48] ciao a tutti === _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3 === james is now known as Guest77446 [10:58] from which package is the nm-applet-icon coming we are seeing in lxpanel? [10:59] i want to correct this bug, at the moment its against lxpanel which seems to be wrong because its also affecting other programs like evolution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/926383 [10:59] Ubuntu bug 926383 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "Icons with white background" [Undecided,Confirmed] [12:30] Hi! I'm using Lubuntu, and my PCManFM just crashed out of nothing :( [12:30] it doens't work anymore. Also a login/logout didn't help :( [12:31] I just figured out I'd try a reboot, I'll be back [13:34] i have a problem , i downloaded a app called 'grandr" its a GUI interface for xrandr , and by mistake i clicked SCREEN OFF , and now i see only a blank screen =\ [13:34] How to get video thumbnails in pcmanfm? [15:52] is pcmanfm as buggy in precise as i think it is? [15:53] kanliot no idea ^^ [15:54] it makes me worry seriously if it's gonna be crashing like this on release day [15:55] kanliot: open home dir as regular user, then try creating a dir in regular user home dir by root (while having the window open), then refresh (F5) pcmanfm window ---> INSTACRASH [15:57] at least, when I ran irssi for the first time (as normal user), it created .irssi in my home dir while I had the window open being in home dir, when I refreshed it, the whole window disappeared lol [17:40] hey nothingspecial [17:41] hi Silverlion [17:45] slow-motion: hi there [17:45] hi Silverlion [19:23] Is it possible to install beryl emerald on lubuntu? [19:26] xcompmgr , compiz ... yea it's possible [19:26] Just open package manager and install it! [19:27] valdur55: ah, i want glassy like windows. And I found a themefile for "Beryl emerald" [19:29] this is an example [19:29] http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aero+Emerald?content=68889 [19:30] Chrismeister, it's emerald window manager [19:31] sudo apt-get install emerald [19:33] oh, i will set up my lubuntu pc and try that! [21:36] hey spotterdox [21:37] spotterdox: what is the error you are getting when trying to install irssi? [21:37] hi [21:38] E: Unable to locate package irssi [21:38] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install irssi [21:39] hmm, I think I forgot to tell you to try installing after doing update :/ [21:39] hopefully that works [21:40] irssi is better for weak computers right? [21:40] it is text based so yes requires less resources [21:41] the update manager wants me to download 177mb , is it important ? [21:41] If you're new to it, http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi should do a world of good. [21:41] probably :) [21:42] it should list the packages it wants to download, is irssi in them? [21:42] i already have installed it Unit193's command worked [21:43] cool [21:43] sorry I missed a step earlier [21:44] pangolin: yes its very friendly [21:45] kinda need to figure out how to make colorfull nicknames [21:45] there are irssi plugins you can use for that, but check out the link Unit193 gave you [21:46] ok [21:48] If you plan to use it remotely, http://jonathanbeluch.com/blog/2011/03/remote-notify-irssi-screen/ [22:13] Unit193: this irssi supports ssl connection , and theres is a "beep" plugin ? [22:14] or anything that highlights the chat bar [22:14] window bar [22:14] or wnything [22:15] pangolin: ? [22:16] spotterdox: I don;t use irssi but I believe so. for more irssi specific help you can join #irssi [22:16] nice [22:35] does anybody know how to make a deb file including the dependencies? I know checkinstall makes the file, but doesn't include anything. [22:39] pangolin: u still here ? [22:40] spotterdox: I am sorta. [22:40] pangolin: sorry for bothering you but i need help with somthing [22:41] just ask :) [22:41] pangolin: as i already said , im new to linux and im trying to install Hebrew (a language) for irssi but this is like chinise for me :http://www.fifi.org/doc/irssi-gnome/README-HEBREW [22:43] i think this is a tutorial for expert users [22:44] spotter: does it need to be irssi? or can you use another client? [22:44] spotterdox: maybe try asking in the #ubuntu-il channel, bidirectional support is not well understood in most english language channels [22:44] irssi because i like this client and it good for weak computers [22:45] AlanBell: #ubuntu-il is dead [22:45] oh, I didn't know that [22:45] tried their mailing list? I thought it was an active team at one point [22:45] pidgin is pretty light, but this is the first time I've heard of irssi. I'll give it a try [22:46] AlanBell: and its like 00/45 here [22:47] and i need to wake up early to go to the army lol [22:47] bleh.. [22:49] Viman: im new to irssi too :P [22:52] kewl [22:56] hmm [22:56] so [22:57] Viman: you figured out ? [22:57] sorry, fired what out? [22:57] *figured [22:58] about irssi hebrew' [22:58] no, sorry. [22:59] oh kk [22:59] im trying to see what i need to do http://www.fifi.org/doc/irssi-gnome/README-HEBREW [22:59] 1. FriBidi, a free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm). See http://imagic.weizmann.ac.il/~dov/freesw/FriBidi/ [23:00] weird [23:37] stlsaint: o/ hi, got a sec? [23:37] AlanBell: hey yes