[13:55] argh.. the state of quantum and openvswitch in precise is rather sad [14:05] <_mup_> Bug #920000 was filed: 2012-01-22 21:59:44,005 ERROR Failed to launch machine MTMyNzIzOTgxNi44OTA5Nzg5OS43NDY5Mw; attempting to revert. < https://launchpad.net/bugs/920000 > [15:08] ciao [15:08] !list [17:01] The SCALE talk went well I think [17:01] good questions [17:01] lots of interest [20:03] hi all... juju works against openstack? (ie, can I deploy to openstack instead of ec2?) [20:39] pindonga: yes ,using the openstack EC2 api compatibility [20:40] pindonga: you will need to set some extra parameters, s3-uri and ec2-uri, [20:41] SpamapS, I did so, but I get this error: Error Message: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. [20:41] pindonga: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65364/how-can-i-configure-multiple-deployment-environments-for-juju [20:41] pindonga: make certain you have changed everything necessary... [20:46] SpamapS, ah, I was using environment variables for the secrets [20:47] had to replace them with the real values [20:47] thx [21:05] pindonga: the env vars should still work for the secrets [23:11] interesting... [23:12] I just now noticed that we don't ever specify AvailabilityZone in juju's ec2 provider .. resulting in random placement [23:14] SpamapS: random or always East-1 (default)? [23:15] random [23:15] nijaba: us-east-1 would be the region... then you have 1a, 1b, et [23:15] c [23:18] nijaba: perhaps the real answer is that 1b has been expanded and so Amazon just started spawning things there