=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn [08:00] I've been poking around for a while now, and I just can't get this set of USB speakers working, no matter what I try. [08:00] I've tried pulse audio. [08:00] Alsamixer [08:00] Some other stuff [08:00] Nothing wants to swtich to them. [08:01] Bizarrely, the buttons on the speakers (mute/vol up/vol down), work perfectly... on the built in laptop speakers! [08:01] So right now I have a very large USB volume controller. [08:03] I've googled the thing to death, and I'm getting no luck. Maybe it's just a driver thing. Not tried them in Ubuntu yet. === Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn === zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn === Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn === zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn [09:50] Hi, I want to give my user to admin privileges for some command, how to give that [09:54] chmod +s /bin/command [09:58] I did chmod +s /bin/mount [09:58] and run "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb" command it gives me error [09:59] mount: only root can do that [09:59] sdb1 is my Pendrive [10:00] You know that Lbuntu autodetects and mounts these devices? [10:00] It should atleast. [10:00] If you ever want a regular user to use mount you will have to write this in /etc/fstab [10:04] I know that Lubuntu autodetevts the Pendrive, I took it as a example, [10:06] I want to run some admin command in my program, e.g. reboot, mount [10:07] I did some changes in /etc/sudoers file, but it not working, [10:07] why not just use sudo? [10:09] beparas: ah, yes, sudoers is the way to go. Remember to use visudo. [10:11] I will ask me for passwd, It is not comfortable for me to enter password everytime, as my programme is continously running [10:11] it asks it only every fifteen minutes or so, and you can get a root terminal if you *really* *really* want it anyway [10:12] but he does not want to enter a password. he wants elevated privileges on certain programs for his username. [10:12] @Wulong: I did some changes in sudoers: changes are, In User privilege I add following line, user1 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL [10:13] If it's not working then your syntax is wrong. I've had syntax errors with this many times. [10:13] It's also important to use visudo and not edit sudoers manually. [10:14] I use visudo [10:14] where do I find syntax error [10:15] @bkm: thats I want [10:15] I mean, if it's not working, you have done something wrong. [10:16] username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/program [10:16] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account, I get info form this link, [10:17] You have to use "sudo /usr/bin/program" to make it work. [10:17] @ Wulong: I tried user1 ALL= NOPASSWD: ALL [10:17] also but it didnt work [10:19] @Wulong: is it not possible to remove sudo when entering the command [10:19] No [10:19] ok [10:19] sudo checks in sudoers if your user has nopasswd access. [10:21] ok, Thanks for the information [10:21] :) [10:22] one more question, If I want to run my program at boot time, which file I have to edit for it [10:23] If it's your X11-user then you put it inside ~/.config/autostart/ [10:24] If not you should make a startup script in /etc/init.d/ maybe [10:24] I often tend to use crontab [10:33] If I copy my program at /etc/init.d/ but, whom is going to start it at booting time [10:34] Is there any file where I have to say start this progam [10:34] ... [10:34] this sounds a bit like you've skinned the catch before having caught it [10:35] Read about it. [10:35] if you want it to start when the system starts, you don't need to break the whole concept of sudo and user priviledge escalation Ubuntu has in place just for that [10:37] if you had asked the whole question "I have a program I need to start at boot with root priviledges" instead of "I need to run this with root priviledges without root password, oh and can I make it run at boot", it would have been easier to help === EyesIsAsleep is now known as EyesIsServer [10:39] @Myrtti: you are right I have a program I need to start at boot with root priviledges. [10:40] beparas: good luck with that. [10:40] This is the first time I am using IRC so Little bit confused [10:47] morning all [10:47] * AlanBell reads back to figure out what beparas is up to [10:49] what kind of program is it beparas? I am confused [10:52] is it a gui program or a command line thing? [10:52] In the program I check for Pendrive is connected, if it connected then copy some data file form pendrive to PC, [10:52] It is command line program [10:52] It must be start when system start [10:53] and it run continuously in while(1) [10:54] So In my program when I run mount command it gives me wright error [10:55] don't have permission to run mount command [10:56] As this program is started at boot time, so It is not possible to enter passwd [10:56] ok, make sure the program isn't at 100% cpu all the time just spinning [10:56] that will use loads of power and slow things down [10:57] !runlevels [10:57] In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. [10:57] !upstart [10:57] Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [10:57] no I use sleep in it [10:57] you can have an upstart job to run your daemon at boot time, that will run as root normally [10:57] even better, make it a udev script [10:57] !udev [10:58] http://hackaday.com/2009/09/18/how-to-write-udev-rules/ [10:58] I am using Lubuntu 11.04 [10:59] then you can have your application auto run when you insert the USB device you want it to run with [11:00] I don't think it really matters what desktop environment you are using for this, it is all low level stuff [11:01] ok [11:01] also, this sounds very similar to stuff like copying photos off a camera [11:02] http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#external-run [11:02] In my case I am copying *.jpg file from Pendrive to PC [11:03] yeah, that is a pretty standard use-case for this [11:03] udev is the right way to do it [11:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto [11:09] Thank you very much [11:11] I have one quiry, How to detect the type of USB device, whether it is Storage device, USB Bluetooth adapter, USB modem [11:14] I use this entry to read device node /proc/scsi/usb-stroge/ [11:15] How can I extract the contents of a subfolder to the folder which I am running the tar command from? [11:17] beparas: that is a good question, I think udev sets some environment variables for your program to look at [11:18] ok [11:19] Ah I'm too slow, was going to point out http://cafuego.net/2007/11/11/time-machine-kinda [11:19] More reading if you're interested though. [11:19] you are checking for SUBSYSTEM=='block' I think [13:08] after changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects [13:08] connects fine with the box left empty though [13:10] i keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg === Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn [19:48] Could I get some help with running/installing Lubuntu? [19:49] sure... you have the ISO downloaded Aleski ? [19:50] Yeah. I've loaded it on a USB and upon boot it stays on a "ubuntu$" command line-esque thing. It's been a recurring problem with several Ubuntu deviations. [19:51] Aleski: Do you know what video card your machine has? Also, try typing startlubuntu at that prompt [19:53] I tried startlubuntu and it pretty much does nothing. I believe my netbook's video card is an Intel-something, but it's factory made so give me a second to look it up. [19:54] Intel GMA 500. [19:55] Aleski: how about startx [19:55] is it "pretty much" nothing? or nothing? [19:56] It did something (startx) , but whatever it was, it definitely wasn't a GUI. [19:57] i think the graphics card is not a bad route to go thought http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1746934 makes me think it should work [19:58] if it were my box, i would try something like knoppix live... sometimes i grab xorg.conf files from knoppix [19:58] Knoppix...? [19:58] http://www.knoppix.com/ [19:59] So there's no way I can use lubuntu without a lot of editing? [19:59] knoppix is just a really good live CD.. i would want to see *any* linux boot on the hardware.. then i could poke around and learn whats going on and see what the deal is [19:59] Aleski: srue [19:59] sure* [19:59] if you havent tested the iso image download sum, thats a good place to start [20:00] I'm trying to make this as simple as it can be. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that. [20:00] Aleski: The GMA500 is mot one I'm familiar with, but some Intel chipsets do seem to have "issues" with X drivers. Sounds like it is going to be fiddly to get Lubuntu to run on that machine, basically. [20:00] I do believe I got 11.04 to run once, but it's not ideal due to limited space and computing power. [20:01] Anything similar to lubuntu in the sense of power and space consumption? [20:01] Aleski: lets try and test with definites in mind.. trouble-shoot and make notes.. know for sure... otherwise, its just an assumption [20:01] Ubuntu has problems with that one, but someone built the testing version of Ubuntu with support http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/ubuntu-gma500-live-cd/ [20:02] Aleski: You may be able to write a custom xorg.conf file and get X working that way, but you need to be willing to play... ah, use Unit193's link :) [20:03] That's 12.04 Ubuntu, but you should be able to do a !purelxde on it :P [20:03] So I could replace the xorg.conf in my already prepared lubuntu or should I go for that one? [20:03] Aleski: you likely wont have one.. you can put one in place though [20:06] 12.04 wasn't exactly what I was looking for... [20:06] you were looking for stability? [20:06] :-P [20:07] Yes, and speed. 11.04 was horrible enough for me. [20:07] I figured may as well give it as an option though [20:07] Aleski: it is a dev version, I wouldn't expect miracles from it yet [20:08] what was horrible about 11.04? i would expect performance to be similar === Hellow is now known as collinp [20:08] It's just bad for a netbook like mine. [20:08] Then again, so is everything else. [20:08] 11.04 is bad for a netbook? [20:08] Yes. [20:08] GMA500 is some crap. I have it in my fit-pc. You'll find how-to threads on this. [20:08] yeah, its the intel graphics chip [20:08] No, it's not Intels work. [20:09] Wulong: what is your solution? [20:09] GMA is really, really bad. The only OS I can find suitable is, well, XP, but I broke my hard drive so yeah [20:09] well, its labeled intel.. thats all i know [20:09] It is. Intel bought it from another firm. [20:09] holstein: hold on, I'll find my blog post. [20:09] Aleski: i actually run several linux's with no issue [20:10] Aleski: i just have different GMA's... i have used normal ubuntu 10.04... 10.10.. 11.04... debian ..whatever [20:10] I'm saying that when it did, it wasn't nearly as smooth. [20:10] i would just choose the version you want to run, and tweak it as Wulong is about to suggest [20:10] Imagination Technologies made GMA500 [20:11] http://vegard.hammerseth.com/2011/05/fit-pc-2-as-htpc-using-l-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/ this is my post on "the" subject [20:11] Otherwise use; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gma500/emgd [20:12] Not really looking to buy a pc if that's what you're suggesting [20:12] Interesting article, though. [20:12] Aleski: the hardware Wulong is referencing is the same as yours [20:12] so the procedure will help you get support for your device [20:12] the current one you are using [20:13] I have to do all this from the command line? [20:13] Aleski: you dont have x right? [20:14] How would I even know that...? [20:14] X (X11) is the graphical interface. [20:14] It's not running, I guess. [20:14] Aleski: i know this might be frustrating.. and it sucks when hardware is not supported, but let us know what you need help with [20:14] Which I assume everything above 11.04 uses [20:15] from the command line, if you are online, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gma500/emgd will add a repositor to help give you access to packages that better support your hardware [20:16] I can't repair it from Windows or something? [20:16] when you say "i have to do this from the command line" i was saying, if you dont have access to X, that will be your only option [20:16] Aleski: you see at Wulong 's really nice post?.. there are 4 lines basically that will help you [20:17] Just those four? [20:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/812273/ [20:18] then, if it were me, i would test and then try adding Wulong [20:18] 's xorg.conf if needed [20:18] So, reboot with an ethernet connection, and enter these commands? [20:18] Aleski: that would be what i would call step one... then you can go from there [20:18] its nice that Wulong has that hardware, and has made that post, and is willing to share... that is your best resource [20:20] There isn't any way I can edit the ISO instead of doing this manually? [20:20] This can be tricky if you are not used CLI before, because GMA500 is the worst hardware I've ever dealt with in my decade of Linux experience. [20:20] sure, but that would be *way* more challening [20:20] Aleski: you probably can edit the ISO, but I wouldn't know were to start. [20:21] However, computlab has an ISO for fit-pc which fixes this. [20:21] It might work for your computer. [20:21] It's 11.04 right? [20:21] Wulong: did you try the vesa driver? [20:22] Another approach would be to google "ubuntu " to follow someone elses recipie. [20:22] Aleski: I think so. You find it at compulabs pages. [20:22] holstein: I tried mesa, but it sucks, as usual. [20:23] This emgd driver I use today works, but I'm not happy with it. [20:23] for video playback? [20:24] Yes, it has trouble with full HD. [20:24] That's if to say the GMA could play HD in the first place [20:25] I know it can. [20:25] 500? [20:25] Yes [20:25] GMA500 worked fine until there was a new linux kernel which broke the driver dependencies or something like that. [20:25] Huh. Never ran so hot in fullscreen for me. [20:26] Well, Windows is greedy, but thats another subject. [20:27] Anyways, after this happend, Intel refused (by license) to release the code or update the driver sufficient. [20:27] Would Xbuntu work or would I suffer the same issues? [20:28] Xubuntu is the same at the core [20:28] Same issue. [20:28] Wulong: Do you know at what kernel/Ubuntu version? [20:28] at what kernel [20:29] I think it broke in 9.10, so 9.04 should be fine. [20:29] I can check. [20:29] Doesn't matter, that's well past EOL :/ [20:29] Just something that I can have a GUI on, and runs sufficiently, preferably better then the official distros [20:33] The info has been removed, but I slightly recall 9.10 being the last working version. [20:34] Of Xbuntu? [20:34] All of them. [20:34] The first letters of the *buntus only describe desktop enviroment. [20:35] Ah, okay. [20:37] Can you believe my netbook came pre-installed with Vista Basic? [20:40] Sure. It's how they do it. [20:41] They sell you crap so you have to buy new. [20:41] More money in their pockets. === myrtti is now known as Myrtti