[01:12] when I try to change my kdm login screen, by installing new themes from within System Settings >Login Screen, nothing happens. I install new themes from the list that appears on a pop-up, and they don't show up on the theme list. Also, the "apply" button is dimmed. Any help? [01:15] zacarias: known bug. Field a while back. No one has worked on it [01:17] dasKreech: ok, thanks. Is this a problem with the system settings app or you can't just install it at all, even from the command line or by dragging to the right folder? [01:24] You can install it manually I think that it's passing the wrong command from the file it's downloading from the server [01:25] dasKreech: ok, I'll try that. It's not that important, but it would be nice to change it. Thanks. [01:26] Yeah I think that's what makes it hang around unnoticed [01:27] Granted there is a project re-writing kdm in qml so that would fix it by default [02:08] Hello guys [02:08] How could I download Java for kubuntu? :D [02:18] Guess he figured it out [02:33] i am new to kubuntu, i decided to go with plasma-desktop, i want to use opengl and am wondering if kwin is the only choice i have? or is there something with a smaller memory footprint? [02:34] and more stable if kwin is the app that maintains opengl [02:50] almoxarife: maintains opengl? [02:50] wouldn't opengl maintain opengl ? [02:52] i dont want to get into a semantics pissing contest, yes, opengl maintains itself, if that is your helpful response i thank you [02:54] almoxarife: I'm not in pissing contest [02:54] I don't understand what yo uare asking [02:55] i am new to kubuntu, i decided to go with plasma-desktop, i want to use opengl and am wondering if kwin is the only choice i have? or is there something with a smaller memory footprint? [02:57] almoxarife: you can use any window manager you like [02:59] dasKreech: of course i can use any window manager i like, my question was 'which is most stable, least prone to crash and did it all with the least bloat?' === william is now known as Guest55244 [03:03] hmm [03:04] I would guesss xwm [03:05] If those are the only requirements [03:05] dasKreech: thank you [03:05] almoxarife: you may want to check out xwinman.org [03:06] It keeps a relatively good list of the window managers available [03:10] !info twm | almoxarife, This might be of interest [03:10] almoxarife, This might be of interest: twm (source: twm): Tab window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.6-1 (oneiric), package size 106 kB, installed size 360 kB [03:12] !info fvwm [03:12] fvwm (source: fvwm): F(?) Virtual Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.30.ds-1 (oneiric), package size 3754 kB, installed size 9376 kB [03:13] Though that's quite a bit larger and I guess bloatier [03:34] when is kde 4.8 releases officially? [03:35] http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.8_Release_Schedule [03:37] i added the 4.8 RC beta ppa.. when the official release is released, should i delete the beta ppa? [03:38] where is the beta ppa? [03:39] http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.7.95 [03:40] jeicam: no that's where 4.8 will be [03:41] oh.. is kubuntu 11.10 staying on 4.7 until 12.04 LTS? [03:41] oh, that ppa. I have it (and many others :P) [03:42] so calligra is better than koffice? [03:48] Hi, I'm using KDE4.7.4 and I can't turn bluetooth on. [03:55] lkjoel: No It is koffice === goblin is now known as Guest98792 [05:15] hello [05:18] Wakeup! [05:18] I am using KDE and GNOME. question. how to remove all GNOME (all applications) and leave only the KDE? [05:18] !purekde |wesker [05:18] wesker: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde » [05:24] Reading package lists ... Finish [05:24] Building dependency tree [05:24] Reading state information ... Finish [05:24] E: Could not find package g + + -4 [05:24] E: Could not find package by regular expressions g + + -4 [05:24] wesker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:24] =( [05:25] блин( [05:26] wesker: it's g++ [05:26] not g + + [05:28] Thank you so much, you helped me a lot)!! [05:29] :) [05:29] I did not guess) [05:31] ok [05:31] and excuse me for my inarticulateness. Google translator sometimes just kills) [05:34] I understand [05:34] я понимаю [05:36] Эмм.ты говоришь по-русски?)или тоже через гугл?))) [05:39] anyone know the ticket for having the packages all out of sorts that happened a few months ago? [05:43] гугл [05:43] =))) [05:45] Whiskey`Wonka -specify more precisely your question please [05:47] wesker: apt-get, aptitude, muon are 'out of sync' with each other [05:47] if you do something in one, then something in the other, they try and undo what the other did [05:47] it quickly gets to the point that 100's of packages are both installed and not installed [05:48] Tell me. how to set the default display manager KDM?. GDM was previously [05:49] say what? in kubuntu its always been kdm [05:49] but you change it with xinitrc [05:53] or sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm === jay is now known as Guest88618 === jacek is now known as jacek__ [08:02] hello, I am kind of a noob and I need some help with something I do not fully understand [08:04] I recently installed kubuntu amd in the boot menu I see am option to boot Mac OS X (on /dev/sda1) my question is how do I install Mac OS x in order to boot it from that menu? [08:04] I have an original distribution of Snow Leopard and also an ISO [08:04] could someone help me? === Axlin_ is now known as Axlin === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === waky is now known as sleepy === topata is now known as emres === Cassio is now known as Guest85350 === peace_ is now known as Peace- [10:55] hi guys [10:55] i have a problem with weblinks in my kubuntu oneiric [10:59] everytime I clik a link from kopete, from akregator and similar, and try to open it in a browser (firefox or chromium) the browser opens the local resource from /var/tmp/kde-cache instead of the real web address [10:59] i have to right-click and copy the link address, and then paste into the browsers [11:00] How i change this behaviour? [11:09] daniele_: hmm, first thing would be to check the file associations [11:10] and the default applications ^^ [11:11] in the default application setting only the browser should be needed, but in aggregator you need to add a %u after -> like firefox %u [11:14] or %U (%u is for a single url, %U is for a list of, use %u if the application dosn't support opening multile pages at once) [11:16] in the default application settings, there is "Open the http and https URL" in the following browser "Firefox) [11:17] daniele_: that sounds right [11:17] probably should be a lower case: firefox [11:17] But i use firefox downloaded from the official site, the folder is in my home and i sart it from the binary in my folder [11:18] it's not installed in the system [11:18] then precede th eentry with the path to this [11:18] but i have the same behaviour with chromium, and it is installed regularly [11:18] daniele_: the use the full path [11:18] ok qbit, now I try [11:21] 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667patti [11:22] ooo i'm so sorry damn [11:22] my error, excuse me [11:22] By the way, thanks a lot guys, now it works [11:22] :D [11:23] daniele_: any reason your not using a ppa to install firefox? [11:26] hmm no to be honest, i'm simply used to [11:27] Maybe the moment to check that :) [11:27] sorry i mean to fix that [11:29] hi all :) [11:29] daniele_: generally best to stick with a ppa, it will give you updates as they happen without any extra effort on your part rather then ahving to manually upgrade [11:31] i know, but what is the right ppa? I always used Ubuntu witn Gnome, and i used Ubuntu-Tweak that provided me this ppa, now i'm not sure wich ppa i should use, I remeber there is many different ppa, stabel, unstable nightly etc [11:33] !firefox | daniele_ [11:33] daniele_: firefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins [11:33] daniele_: I assume the first url there does explain things a bit (: [11:33] I dont recomend nightly :) unless you like bugtesting, use unstable if you want the latest version, and stable if you dont mind falling behind a bit and want more stability [11:35] thanks a lot guys, firefox 9 is now on the unstable i guess, isn't it? [11:35] unstable has latest unstable version, stable has latest, you guess it right, stable version (: [11:35] daniele_: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable ^^ stable has 9.0.1 [11:36] basicly, released versions are stable (not counting betas ofcourse) [11:37] oh this is the stable O_O, why Kubuntu has not this version on the repository? The definition of "stable" is different from Mozilla Team's one? :D [11:38] daniele_: after a release, ubuntu (and kubuntu) dont realase newer versions of packages in their repos (only bug and security fixes get released) [11:42] daniele_: its done like this so the ubuntu devs can test how perticular versions of software behave togeather and can garente that upgrading one package wont break everything... [11:43] ok i got it. Firefox 9.0.1 is i the oneiric-updates repo. I see that he wants to install as a dependency firefox-globalmenu, integration for Unity O_O How do I need that? [11:43] daniele_: do you use unity? [11:44] no I use kubuntu Oneirc, Kde4 [11:44] daniele_: then you probally dont need it... [11:45] though I doupt it would hurt if you are unsure [11:46] it's useful package [11:46] Tm_T: :p [11:46] it allows firefox to use window menubar widget on KDE desktop too [11:47] basicly, adds support to global menubar (: [11:47] Tm_T: assuming you use the global menubar :) [11:47] true, ofcourse [11:48] it doesn't hurt being around, and you rather have it around when you possibly need it, so, why not (: [11:50] Tm_T: thats one argument :) can think of a few the other way... but it dosnt really matter... if you use global menus install it, if not then it dosn't make much difference if you have it or not. If you want to play it safe then install it anyway. [11:51] Oh of course :D i'm not a maniac, this package surely won't ruin my life :D [11:52] Thanks a lot to all of you guys :D [11:53] James147: indeed, not high-priority issue [11:55] ehm guys, i have an other question, but it's not about ubuntu [11:55] i'm italian and i'm interested in learning english very well [11:56] daniele_: you dont seem to be doing badly at it :) [11:57] daniele_: in that case I would like to point out our channel topic (: [11:58] why sometimes you english-speaking use the form don't instead of doesn't with a third-person-subject? [11:58] I mean "The user don't know" instead of "the user doesn't know?" [11:58] ehm what is the exact meaning of "pointing out" :D?? === saad_ is now known as SpenseWilde === SpenseWilde is now known as SpenserWilde [11:58] clear [11:59] Hi all. [11:59] daniele_: you sould probally continue on #kubuntu-offtopic [11:59] daniele_: I'm trying to say that for that kind of discussion, this isn't the place but #kubuntu-offtopic or others (: [11:59] SpenserWilde: hi hi [11:59] hrmph, anyone know when the iwlagn is going to get fixed? [12:00] Tm_T, could you please help solve a problem I'm facing with this Broadcom 4313 14e4:4727 wilreless card? [12:00] SpenserWilde: not without knowing the problem [12:00] SpenserWilde: not necessarily me, but if you tell the problem, someone might be able to [12:01] James147: ok now i understand :D, i'm even new to IRC, to be honest :) [12:01] thanks for the wasted time, see you soon :) [12:01] Tm_T, At first, it did not catch the whole wireless signal (just 80% of it at best although I'm setting right next to the reuter). [12:02] SpenserWilde: other things can affect the signal, like interference from other routers or even other devices [12:03] Tm_T, No. No other signals are nearby". [12:03] though 80% dosnt sound that bad ^^ [12:03] hi all [12:03] Tm_T, Some on the forums told me to blacklist "bcma" and "brcmsmac". Now it catches the whole signal but simply refuses to connect. [12:03] i hvae issues getting the newest kde version installed. [12:03] how do i do that? [12:04] Tm_T, Someone** [12:04] muh2000: newest? [12:05] Tm_T: ya?!? [12:05] launchpad and such [12:05] muh2000: can you use a version number rather then just saing "newest"? [12:05] muh2000: you mean RC? [12:05] Tm_T: no [12:05] i mean kde 4.7.4 [12:06] ah [12:06] => newest [12:06] http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found [12:06] muh2000: did you follow instructions in http://www.kubuntu.org/kde-sc-474 [12:06] muh2000: uh, random ppa (: [12:07] hmm? [12:08] Tm_T: what instructioins? [12:08] muh2000: see the url, read it [12:08] it does explain how to use kubuntu-ppa repository (: [12:08] Tm_T: i did. and there are not instructions. only bla bla about adding bla to apt. that is not an instruction, it is a requirement. [12:09] Tm_T, No clue..? [12:09] muh2000: the link on the page shows you how to add it [12:09] muh2000: "To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa" where words "Software Repository Guide" is linking to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [12:10] I know it could be bit clearer, but it tries to avoid redundancy [12:10] i hate my life. [12:11] muh2000: atleast don't because of this (: [12:11] i just did exaclty what the print at the commandline method. [12:11] had the issues [12:11] came here [12:11] bla bla bla [12:11] and now it works for some reason? [12:11] i hate my life. [12:11] muh2000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:11] muh2000: if you look carefully, this is not kubuntu-ppa repository http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources [12:12] +you see that [12:12] hence my "random ppa" comment (: [12:12] Tm_T: i have no clue. the launchpad thing isnt really transparent to me. [12:13] gentoo was more clear regarding stuff like that. [12:13] at least it is downloading now :) [12:13] muh2000: it's actually very clear, to add the ppa you had issue with, you would have entered "ppa:pmcenery/ppa" most likely [12:14] for kubuntu-ppa, you add "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa" [12:14] Tm_T: i was following that: http://www.muktware.com/bitsnbytes/3134/kde-474-now-available-kubuntu [12:15] muh2000: ah, not official instructions, internet is full of random stuff (: [12:15] muh2000: thats one of the differences between gentoo and *ubuntu... both have good documentation, but focused around differnt user bases... gentoo explain things in more detail making it clearer for thouse that under stand how its ment to work in the first place [12:15] muh2000: interesting, that looks ok, so it wasn't the one causing the issue [12:17] found the issue. the first guid has kubuntu-ppa/ppa... the other without the /ppa [12:18] i guess it wasnt the best idea switching from gentoo to ubuntu :) [12:18] muh2000: all depends on your needs/wants... generally its best to give a new distro a few weeks to get to learn how it works [12:20] true. the main reason was to avoid compiling( =>electricity bill) anything. [12:20] and i am getting to old for all that shit with gentoo... [12:20] fixing everything every couple of dayys.... [12:23] is medibuntu still required for watching high res mkv files? [12:24] muh2000: I generally just install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" and all media works [12:25] good to know :) [12:53] HI all === dimw1t is now known as a7145 [12:59] hi [12:59] tem alguem que fala em portugues [13:04] BluesKaj, Hi === SpenseWilde is now known as SpenserWilde [13:07] BluesKaj, Hi. Are you there? [13:09] I was then you left , SpenserWilde [13:12] BluesKaj, sorry. [13:12] BluesKaj, About the problem from yesterday, there has been an improvement. [13:14] SpenserWilde, ok , what's the situation now ? [13:14] BluesKaj, I was told in the forums to blacklist "bcma" and "brcsmsmac" and do a reboot. As a result, the system now detects the whole signal but simply refuses to connect to it. [13:15] SpenserWilde, what is your wifi connected named as in Network Manager , wlan0? [13:16] err connection [13:16] BluesKaj, how do I know that? [13:16] check network manager gui [13:17] SpenserWilde, run ifconfig , you should see it there [13:20] http://pastebin.com/LXWdf6Rb [13:20] or iwconfig ., sorry [13:22] http://pastebin.com/2RUueQyc [13:23] I don't know whether anyone can help [13:23] I have Ububtu 10.11 [13:23] I have used this page to get the correct KDE modules: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html [13:24] At item 2, it says "Press System → Quit... and then press Log Out to log out of Ubuntu" [13:24] I have no System->Quit that I can find [13:24] Restarting doesn't give me the option to use a KDE session; it just goes right on and starts Gnome :( [13:24] I DO get a kubuntu splash screen now though [13:24] Anyone have any ideas? [13:25] SpenserWilde, sudo ifconfig eth1 up , looks like your wireless has been assigned eth1 [13:26] Dreadtower, at login , check the menu for kubuntu/kde desktop [13:26] OK - but where is that? [13:26] also Dreadtower you should install kubuntu-desktop [13:27] At login, I don't get said menu :( [13:27] BluesKaj, "sudo ifconfig eth1 up"? Like that? [13:27] I have done so: as per https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html [13:27] SpenserWilde, yes , without the quote [13:27] sudo ifconfig eth1 up [13:27] BluesKaj, okay. Done. [13:28] BluesKaj, shall I try connecting on the wireless now? [13:28] SpenserWilde, sudo iwlist eth1 scan|grep -i essid [13:29] copy and paste that command , SpenserWilde [13:30] That's interesting: I have 10.11, but on the 10.11 main page, the link for 'How to use KDE' takes me to https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html which refers to 8.04 [13:30] BluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/EifsZW3c [13:30] Dreadtower: on the login screen (before you login) change the session to "kde" or "plasma" (there should be some menus on the login screen to do this) [13:30] Maybe it can't be done with 10.11 yet [13:30] Said menu isn't there :( === MatthewGP_ is now known as MatthewGP_Work [13:30] Dreadtower, yes it can , have you rebooted? [13:30] I just get a plain old entry box for my password [13:30] I have [13:30] Dreadtower: its the same process... install kubuntu-desktop, logout, change session to kde, login [13:31] OK - I shall try [13:31] Dreadtower: there should be 2 buttons (though they may not be fully obious) [13:31] BluesKaj, What should I do now? [13:32] SpenserWilde, try to connect [13:32] Nope: saidmenu is simply not present :( [13:32] hi, in 11.10 i cannot use software manager, it gives me segmentation faults everytime i try to open it [13:32] BluesKaj, Okay. I [13:32] I'll brb.. [13:32] this issue was present since i installed 11.10 [13:33] anyone knows how to fix this issue? [13:33] Promethes: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" << will bring you fully up todate... see if it works then [13:33] Promethes, muon ? it's terribly buggy , use a different package manager like apper or adept or even synaptic [13:34] James147: apt works without problems, but there is graphical software manager which should work too [13:34] so why is this muon in kubuntu? [13:34] Promethes: kpackagekit is what eailer versions use to use, moun is what the latest version uses [13:35] Promethes: its a better program in general then kpackagekit, if you ignore the bugs (which will get fixed as it matues) adept is kde3, and synaptic is gtk [13:35] James147, muon is just palin broken , updates/upgrades haven't fixed it on my install [13:35] plain [13:36] adept is working fine here [13:36] BluesKaj: cant actually say since I havnt tried it yet on the latest version :) but its always good to be fully uptodate [13:37] and it looks like kde 4 to me [13:37] is muon also responsible for automatic updates? [13:37] don't trust muon [13:37] because if yes then default kubuntu installation will be insecure after some time [13:38] Promethes: I dont think so (ubuntu server can auto update so I think that is lower level then the graphical front ends) [13:39] Although, I dont think kubuntu is set to autoupdate by default ^^ [13:39] use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade for updates / upgrades , Promethes [13:40] kubuntu gives you information about available updates so you can install them manually. My question is - does muon doing this? or different app? [13:40] i muon then it will crash and no updates will be installed [13:40] *if muon === saad_ is now known as SpenseWilde [13:41] BluesKaj, Thank you very very very much my friend! You Rock! :-) [13:42] It finally works like a charm now! :D [13:42] SpenseWilde, cool , glad to help :) [14:05] Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! [14:06] You know what? I couldn't find the Options on the login screen because I didn;t know it was the cog icon! [14:06] Dreadtower, happiness is a warm kubuntu :) [14:06] I am KDE'd, and boy, does it look a whole pile better than Gnome! [14:07] it's a matter of taste alright , but the right taste is what matters :) [14:08] High fives Man :) [14:08] does anyone know how to install MacOSX widgets on KDE [14:08] i go into add new widgets from file but can't see it in there [14:09] i want to install a simple javascript widget from osx === root is now known as Guest4062 [14:20] Kalidarn, where did you find the timescroller ? [14:21] Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen! Anybody knows a detailed and PROPER installation guide for Kubuntu (for semi-dummies)? I reistalled it because of the too may crash reports, but the problems persist if not worst> i even cannot send crash report because it's buggy itself i.e. can't find usr/bin/muon-installer even it exists [14:22] kkk [14:24] excognac, http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release [14:44] kubuntu rocks! [14:44] Sorry to say this, but I think it's just loads cleaner than Gnome [14:51] So Dreadtower> Why i can't install it properly? Why do I have so many crash reports? How do I fit it on this reasonably strong laptop (4Gb RAM, i3-2310M Core)??? [14:53] excognac, what crash reports , muon is one , but what others do you get? [14:54] excognac, I assume you installed 11.10 [14:55] Indeed 11.10. Plasma crash, turning it off crash. I haven't tested it yet but previously libreoffice crashed all the time if more than one file was open(really small docs or spreadsheets) [14:56] excognac, do you have dual level graphics on that laptop ? [14:57] How do i get know it? [14:58] excognac, open a terminal , lspci | grep VGA [14:59] pastebin the output , excognac [15:00] http://paste.kde.org/189158/ [15:00] What would be a good media player/library to use for audio? [15:01] I seem to have a pile to choose from [15:04] Dreadtower: Amarok is the default and very nice... but best thing to to try out various ones and see which you like [15:04] OK - thx [15:07] Dreadtower: I'd highly recommand amarok too> the best music player I ever seen>never crashed, plays everything, trasparent etc. [15:07] I've installed kubuntu 10.04 lts and kdelibs but I cannot locate the library, with dpkg -L kdelibs I see that only the docs seem to be installed, does somebody use kdelibs? [15:07] The only problem is my music collection is on Windows volume. I don't really want to move it. How do I get Amorak to scan my mounted drive [15:08] excognac: it only plays what you have codecs for ^^ installing kubuntu-restricted-extras will pull in everything you need though (also, kubuntu will tell you to install extra packages when you try to run it) [15:09] Dreadtower: mount the drive (you can add an entry to the file "/etc/fstab" to mount it at boot, or let kde mount it at login) and then set the collection in amarok to where the media is located [15:10] rrrreimer: you don't need to install kdelibs separately, unless you want to develop KDE applications. in which case, install kdelibs5-dev [15:10] Yeah: I am mounting at login but Amorak is only showing / downwards; nothing on any other volumes [15:10] rrrreimer: what are you trying to achieve? [15:11] I want to use kdecore but can't find the headers [15:12] rrrreimer: install the -dev version to get the headders [15:12] (kdelibs5-dev as ts2 said) [15:18] How can I check whether a drive is mounted now [15:18] df shows all of course [15:19] Dreadtower, should show in places in dolphin, on the left [15:20] Dreadtower: df only shows mounted volume... but running "mount" will list all mounted drives as well [15:22] Thx James: was just apropos-ing that one [15:23] Strange: it's mounted but not showing in Dolphin [15:23] Dolphin is at /home by default [15:23] And won't nav. anywhere above that [15:23] Dreadtower: dolphin tends to only show removable devices, not internal ones [15:23] but it should be able to navagate anywhere [15:24] Got it! It's an icon :) [15:24] (assmuing the premissions are write) [15:24] Sorry - and thanks [15:24] right even :) [15:25] Is it safe to import from the NTFS volume into my Amorak library [15:25] Dreadtower: yeah [15:25] Dreadtower: should be, amarok dosnt care what filesystem it is [15:25] Shouldn't be a issue ... [15:25] I had a bad experience with Cygwin once, writing to an NTFS disc. Amorak warns me that if I do this it WILL write to it [15:25] Here goes then [15:25] It's a POSIX<->NTFS issue [15:26] Dreadtower: read and write support for ntfs drives works prity well these days [15:26] OK -great [15:26] Cygwin is a bit of a kludge compared with Kubuntu I guess [15:27] No problem: I just found how to navigate to places with Amorak :)) [15:32] * BluesKaj is thinking of adding this and connecting via eSATA , http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=782831&sku=M261-8244 [15:37] ouch! can't recognize external hd [15:38] excognac: what can't? [15:42] Now that I'm started, I have to work on the problem of a single essential Windows application [15:42] So we're talking a VM [15:42] But I won't ask: I shall try and set one up [15:42] have you tested it in Wine? it's possible a full VM isn't needed [15:42] Dreadtower: what application? [15:43] If I get this running, I shall blow Windows away and go single boot Kubuntu [15:43] Chessbase [15:43] It's a heavy chess database and correspondence game manager [15:43] I have an awesome database [15:43] But it is native to Chessbase [15:44] It is a most essential application for match planning [15:44] It needs about 1 Gb RAM! [15:44] James147: http://paste.kde.org/189170/ can't access my external hd [15:45] Dreadtower: I would try with wine first... though it has mixed reports (but they are all for old versions) http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14940 [15:46] Dreadtower: if that fails virtualbox is a verygood vm that even has exprimental 3d support [15:47] excognac: did you previously have any partitions mounted (during this boot)? [15:47] Yeah, VirtualBox was what I was thinking [15:47] "ejecting" a partition practically removes the device from the system [15:47] Unfortunately, Chessnase has major menu and mouse issues in Wine [15:48] ts2: yes, all the other partitions are mounted, an usb stck was recognized but the external HDD can't be mounted for some reason [15:48] and also not recognized [15:51] SORRY ALL the cable is buggered! dmesg and done [16:05] Dreadtower, I always maintain , if you want to play games get a an Xbox or PS :) [16:07] BluesKaj: why? why buy more hardware if my desktop can handle gaming? also, gaming on a console is different to gaming on a pc ^^ for one its much easier to mod pc games then consoles === Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn [16:08] well, preventing a decent operating system from being installed on a pc because it can't handle some games is lame to me [16:11] BluesKaj: gona continue in #kubuntu-offtopic === administrator is now known as Guest48886 [17:02] OK - so I've booshed up my desktop appearance really badly. Is there a simple way of setting _everything_ back to default? [17:02] for general KDE settings etc, you can just rename ~/.kde to something else [17:02] then you should start with a default environment [17:03] OK [17:03] Sounds good, and makes sense [17:03] Can this be done with everything running? [17:03] yeah, shouldn't be a problem [17:03] To hell with it: if it crashes I restart [17:03] Thx ts2 [17:04] if you wanted to be absolutely sure, you could log out, press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to a TTY, and remove it from there [17:04] but I don't see that been needed [17:04] Here goes then :D [17:06] No difference :)) [17:06] I'll reboot [17:06] .kde is definitely gone [17:07] Erm - what about .kde4 [17:07] No, that's autostart [17:07] it's only .kde [17:07] OK [17:08] Restarting [17:10] Yeah - that's done the trick alright - thx :) [17:10] :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:41] I have 2 system monitors listed in my menu's.. both look identical but one is GTK and the other is KDE. How do I rename them so I can tell the difference? The GTK version hangs when I try to close it and looks ugly. [17:45] Scunizi: right click on the menu icon, and choose Edit Applications [17:47] is there an equivalent to "pacman -Ql" to find out what package a file belongs to? [17:48] I mean "pacman -Qo" === Jonny_ is now known as AndyUbuntu1 [17:51] ok, figuret it out, dpkg -S [17:51] -t +d === dimw1t is now known as a7145 [17:57] rrrreimer: it's probably quicker to use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ [18:00] ts2 typing in something in the shell is much quicker than switching into the browser and going to a website just for looking up a package [18:01] rrrreimer: but dpkg searching its database can take a long time, especially when you have lots of packages installed [18:01] I didn't notice any speed issues [18:05] rrrreimer: you won't on a relatively fresh install, but it can take a few mins to run on one of my other systems [18:05] I'll keep it in mind === ddpbf_ is now known as Ddpbf === mgagne is now known as wftl [19:28] ciao [19:28] !list [19:28] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». === sheytan_ is now known as sheytan === Nathaniel is now known as Guest39385 [20:33] which one is the adobe reader to install for KDE? RPM? [20:35] hi [20:35] what keys switch betwen desktops in kde? [20:35] it was alt+ctrl+Arrow [20:36] excognac, kubuntu doesn't use rpm , that's redhat etc [20:37] !rpm | excognac [20:37] excognac: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [20:38] excognac, pdf files open with okular [20:39] BluesKaj: I love Okular but for certain purposes i.e. djvus Adobe works better... [20:42] excognac, poppler-utils pkg should take care of any pdf configuration/requirements [20:44] what keys switch betwen desktops in kde? === a is now known as Guest49915 [20:52] mixcod: System settings>Common Appearance and Behaviour>Shortcuts and Gestures [20:53] BluesKaj: can't find it [20:55] I mean I can't use it [20:55] excognac, make sure you have canonical partners enabled in your package manager repositories [20:55] I do have [20:56] i have the newest version of it. And so? can't run it from Konsole [20:56] try alt + f2 [20:58] excognac, sorry , install xpdf [21:17] in new KDE how to switch to other desktop using keyboard? [21:17] Traditionally its been ctrl+alt+leftarrow or rightarrow [21:18] there is no default shortcut to move desktops by default iirc, but you can use Ctrl+F# to switch between them, replacing "F#" with the function key numbered for the desktop you want [21:18] (or just use the pager widget) [21:38] Hello :) [21:38] I have set some settings with xrdb [21:38] But it loses them at each login [21:39] How do I get it to kee[p them [21:39] I guess I could run a script at login to run my xrdb config [21:40] It might have lost them because it crashed Plasma last login [21:40] Dreadtower: I think it uses ~/.Xdefaults by default, so just put the settings in there [21:40] I shall reboot after running xrdb and see if it retains them [21:40] (case sensitive) [21:41] Ah! Good plan [21:41] Will .Xdefaults take a #ifdef ... #endef syntax? [21:42] #endef :)) [21:42] #endif [21:43] as far as I can tell [21:43] but if not, you can just add the command to your autostart settings [21:43] Great: mv tmp/xrdb_config ~/.Xdefaults :) [21:45] Yeah, of course [21:45] Thx [21:45] Trying a reboot [21:55] Anyone here?? [21:56] Kezryk, yup [21:56] Need a bit of help if i can get it [21:57] ask away [21:57] First time installing Kubuntu and passwords dont work [21:58] did you fill in a pw when asked to during the install process? [21:58] Yes along with username but i cannot login at all [21:59] the login dialog just reappears after enter? [22:01] Yes [22:04] Is there a like admin type password [22:06] Kezryk, can you get to a tty , ctl+alt+f1 , login , then, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [22:10] nope cant get to tty [22:10] Ill reinstall and let it do the updates i guess [22:13] Kezryk, yes during the install choose the update option so latest changes come down the pipe [22:14] Thank you already started it [22:14] Have a good day [22:31] Still having problems with this xrdb issue [22:32] It doesn't work writing a .Xdefaults file [22:32] It dumps my KDE config and doesn't load my .Xdefaults [22:33] Neither does it work adding an xrdb invocation into autostart [22:35] Would .profile be a plan? Or .login [22:35] .bash_proifile? [22:38] Hmm: .bashrc perhaps === zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn === lolcat___ is now known as lolcat [23:43] anyone here using chromium, could you please tell me how to stop it asking me if I wish to translate websites into english, please? [23:48] BarkingFish: I'm using chrome, but it's in Preferences -> "Under the Hood" [23:48] thanks [23:48] it's doing my nut in [23:48] I don't use pages in languages I can't speak, so what's the point of it? :) [23:56] any pointers in trouble shooting opengl random/often crashing, i use plasma-desktop on a intel motherboard, integrated graphics,