=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg [09:14] stgraber: geogebra 4 has become available in debian unstable a few days ago. It has a lot of new features, it'd be nice if we synced it for 12.04, if it migrates to testing before FeatureFreeze, that is... [10:47] alkisg: how so? you can sync from unstable too. or do you mean that it would be nice if debian gives it some testing first? [10:47] highvoltage: yup, for the testing part [10:48] We wouldn't want a broken package ;) === JanC_ is now known as JanC [23:47] * stgraber spent half of his afternoon dealing with edubuntu-artwork's maintainer scripts, package dependencies and dpkg diversions, ended up with an headache ...