[11:04] TheMuso: I'm looking at that e-mail you forwarded to the accessibility devel list and I'm trying to figure out where he uses "accessibility" the way we use it or if he's just talking about ease of use/ease of finding things [11:05] or am I missing something (or do you know something about the poster that I don't) === kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou [11:22] Pendulum: No, I don't know any more than you do. [11:22] Pendulum: I haven't really read the email in detail, but thought that it was more appropriate on the main accessibility list. [11:28] mostly I'm confused because he's talking about accessing applications being frustrating, but hasn't mentioned an impairment-related accessibility need [11:30] * Pendulum replies to ask for more specifics [11:57] Pendulum, am wondering if there's been any progress on the desktop-p-accessibility-team-testing blueprint? also is there anyone other than charlie-tca that can give me a list of the key bugs that are left from oneiric? [11:58] * skaet would like to get them on radar for fixing.... [12:06] skaet: charlie-tca and TheMuso (Luke) are your best bet on the bugs situation [12:07] and I have no idea what's going on with the testing blueprint other than my stuff, some of which is in progress (the actual usability testing may get postponed, but I'm in process of learning *how* to do it, for example) [12:08] charlie hasn't been around so much so it's been hard to figure out what's happening for testing as he's really the person who coordinates that for us [12:08] skaet: we're having a meeting on Wednesday so hopefully I'll know more about things after that === Alcine is now known as jalcine === valorie_ is now known as valorie [23:52] hi guys [23:58] AlanBell that irc orca python thing sounds fun