[03:06] hmm, i dont have any sound with alsa, what could be the reason? [03:32] i loaded the asound state from an ubuntu bug report and it worked. what a fscking driver with ~50 knobs [09:04] where should I post question related to kernels built for beagleboard and available on rcn-ee.net? [18:35] next show stopper! [18:35] libmad0 does crazy stuff. to reproduce: use xine to play an mp3 file, listen, and puke [18:36] i took the angstrom libmad0 and now it works [19:29] xorAxAx: Would be nice if you could file a bug with test case with the version of libmad0 you used [21:14] lool: done [21:32] xorAxAx: Could it be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmad/+bug/489242 ? [21:32] Launchpad bug 489242 in libmad (Ubuntu) "Inline assembler fix needed for libmad in Lucid on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [Undecided,New] [21:32] xorAxAx: Could you try the patch in that bug? [21:39] i dont have the device here anymore === JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzz