[01:09] Hola. ConcreteRose has been in and out of #ubuntu a couple of times over the last hour spouting gibberish. Might be worth keeping an eye out for him. [01:38] funkyHat, the content is touchy on more than just the "mocking kiddie prons" level. what they describe is being genuinely proposed in places. Here in .au for example [01:40] funkyHat: child porn is not something to be joked about. imho [01:40] clean content or not [01:40] IdleOne: that wasn't the subject of the joke, but I agree [01:40] IdleOne, you need to watch the vid to understand [01:41] link me in private please. we don't need it logged [01:41] thank you [01:43] * funkyHat facepalms [01:44] nhandler: how do I get to be OP in ##fix_your_connection ? [01:45] funkyHat: you should be face palming lol [01:45] * funkyHat stabs putty repeatedly [01:45] umm well the site/video itself is not bad in any way except for the filtering and blocking websites thing that I don't agree with [01:46] I think we need more education and less policing [01:46] just my 2.5 cents [01:47] IdleOne: it's a spoof [01:47] IdleOne, ok, so in places where these blocking lists are being proposed, the response to criticism from the powerhungry pollies trying to set them up is "You are a supporter of kiddie prons" [01:48] elky: well that is a stretch of logic [01:48] heh [01:48] but yeah of course anytime someone disagrees they are going to go to extremes [01:49] Yeah, I think I should have said something at the time [01:49] (and not pasted it all over the channel just now -_-) [01:50] I don't think the Gov in Canada should of raised registration fees on motorcyles, that means I support biker gangs! [01:50] irssi normally questions me if I accidentally paste a whole load of crap :( [01:50] funkyHat: fail for rellying on app to save you :P [01:51] IdleOne: I wasn't :( I don't normally use putty [01:51] Accidentally highlighted and it has weird mouse button actions [01:51] ehh it happens [01:51] I've changed them now [01:52] I did something similar with a convo from #ubuntu-women (not logged) to #ubuntu-women-project (logged) :( [01:53] oops [01:53] yeah [01:53] ohh with sound the video makes more sense [01:54] I understand the spoof now [02:00] not sure about ConcreteRose and if they are a troll [02:00] but I think so [02:02] can someone keep an eye on ConcreteRose. I need to run out to the store [02:03] IdleOne: I can.. but I am not an op in the channel [02:04] self solved [02:04] ok they are gone but will probably be back [02:04] be back soon [02:04] :) [02:08] txwikinger: Become freenode staff ;) [02:08] nhandler: :) [02:08] ok one step after the other :) [02:08] I don't need it anyway... the docu on freenode is false [02:11] ??? [02:19] nhandler: it says you can only ban-forward if you are op in the channel to be forwarded to [02:19] txwikinger: ##fix_your_connection has channel mode +F [02:19] Ah [02:19] how can you see that? [02:20] /mode ##fix_your_connection [02:30] bazhang i was banned from #ubuntu why [02:31] i want to discuss some problems [02:32] could of waited more then 15 seconds [02:32] Yep [02:33] not important enough :) [02:34] banned for ban evading [02:35] actually for spoofing two other users and using some bot-like repeater script [02:35] Dr_Willis1 and greekphreak [02:36] magrath, dhanesh hi [02:37] In ubottu, ubergamer said: here is the im [02:37] i was banned from ubuntu why [02:37] for spoofing two other users, and using some kind of repeat script [02:37] ban evading also [02:38] then you ban evaded at least a couple of times magrath [02:38] no no i didnt remember please retake me iam sorry [02:38] magrath, sure you did, there are logs of it [02:39] because nobody is answering my question thats why [02:39] !coc | magrath read this please [02:39] magrath read this please: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ . For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct . [02:39] !guidelines | magrath read this too, please [02:39] magrath read this too, please: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [02:39] oh i see [02:40] magrath, please read both of those links, in their entirety [02:40] yes i read [02:40] i know that please retake me [02:40] magrath, take your time, click the links and read them please [02:40] iam sorry please [02:41] magrath, that's fine, we will wait for you to read them [02:42] ugh [02:42] that sounded like my son :) [02:43] guess we continue to ban until he figures out how to renew ip [02:43] ? [02:43] Don't give them ideas :) [02:50] sowwy [02:50] * IdleOne types /clear [02:50] there it is gone :P [03:00] what is gone? :p [03:27] Pici: guess HE understood lol [03:29] !ping [03:29] pong [05:02] IdleOne: did you just use "lol" in -ops? [05:02] * mneptok sighs [05:02] just now? [05:02] 20:27 <+IdleOne> Pici: guess HE understood lol [05:02] oh yeah but I didn't use just lol [05:03] * IdleOne curtails his use of lol [05:03] IMO, using "lol" and "roflmao" and such in -ops is like farting in church [05:03] ;) [05:03] funny! [05:04] lots of times it's the preist himself [05:04] * mneptok is teasing. well ... kinda. [05:04] priest [05:06] mneptok: lol [05:06] (just sayin') [05:07] thank you pleia2 [05:07] U rock! [05:07] hah [05:07] see what I did there mneptok [05:10] hcilshitjf [05:10] exceptions permitted for mocking lollersk8z and roflcopters? [05:10] (holy crap i'm laughing so hard i totally just farted) [05:11] um ah, you swore [05:12] that has to be just as bad as using lol [05:12] actually twice [05:12] heh [05:13] hcilshitjf [05:20] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ7QmLd2eVg [05:21] my colleague an i try to work the "ITJF" acronym into slides at conferences :) [05:21] *and [05:22] if you have to try, then you're choosing the wrong topics :P [05:23] just pick a topic that lets you depict unruly users or something. [05:24] the trick is to incorporate it meaningfully into the actual topic [05:25] * Immediate drop-in replacement for MySQL [05:25] * Thread pools added in MariaDB 5.1 [05:25] * Join selects supported in 5.2 [05:26] * Free Software, GPLv2 [05:26] ;) [05:26] I'm pretty sure I could get it in any of those topics. [05:26] look at the bullet points. ;) [05:27] ah, heh [05:27] you're going way too subtle [05:36] OK, off to bed, then flying tomorrow for 10 days in the Dominican Republic. i'll be (mostly) unavailable. [05:37] enjoy (ahem) release day [05:37] :/ [05:48] mneptok: have a good trip [07:38] K'day [12:23] ooh, it looks like google fixed their apt repo. it doesn't take half a day to get headers anymore [12:25] Giving google root access on my box is something I'm just not quite comfortable enough with [12:27] root access? I don't think you give it root access by dowloading stuff... [12:27] the traffic is in one direction only [12:27] Mamarok: deb packages can run stuff as root during installation [12:29] well, then only download the stuff and install offline [12:30] Rather, packages *do* run stuff as root during installtion. It's not just "can" [12:31] persia: no, it is *can*. dpkg runs as root, but packages can also provde preinst and postinst scripts if they need to [12:31] Mamarok: How does that help? To give an extreme example, consider that I package a forkbomb, and you download forkbomb.deb, and then disconnect, and then install, and your system goes down. [12:31] If they aren't there the package contents are just extracted to the filesystem [12:31] funkyHat: It's a very rare package that has no maintainer scripts these days, due to wide adoption of debhelper. [12:32] But yeah, there are exceptions. [12:32] persia: well, don't use sources you don't trust then [12:32] Mamarok: I believe that was the original point :) [12:32] Mamarok: which was the point I was making :) [12:34] Am I right in thinking the deb for chrome that you download actually adds itself to your sources list too? [12:35] I can understand the reason to do that from a usability perspective, but it still seems intrusive [12:40] well, I would use the Chromium daily PPA instead, to start with, that gets you code from Launchpad only, and I hope the PPA maintainer knows what s/he is doing [12:41] Yes that's what I use [15:11] mornin' [15:11] morning h00k [16:26] Hi! a3li just spotted http:/ircanswers.com/, which is (at least partially) logging #ubuntu. Is this a service you opted in to? [16:33] marienz: not that I know of [16:33] IdleOne: that's what I thought. We'll probably be klining it in the near future. [16:34] but #ubuntu is publicly logged so I don't see any harm [16:34] marienz: might want to ask a IRCC member [16:34] Pici: ^^^ [16:35] it's logging a little more than just #ubuntu, it's not obviously identifiable as a logbot, and I don't think it asked for permission in any of the channels it logs. [16:36] freenode afaik is free to allow access to who/what it choses :) [16:36] so I guess the final decision lies and you and Staff [16:36] marienz: thanks for the heads up, we will have a look into it. [16:36] s/and/on [16:40] marienz: and, no, we havent opted into anything except our own and irseek iirc. [16:40] Mind, the very fact that those are public, makes it somewhat a moot point, as they could just pull from said pulic logs. [17:17] sure, but I still would've liked them to ask for permission before putting that bot in here [17:17] this channel was also logged? [17:18] unless your guidelines mention other logbots are welcome (I didn't check) [17:18] then it was surely not approved [17:18] it was logging about 36 channels [17:18] err, no, not #ubuntu-ops :) [17:19] * marienz is confusing [17:19] Well jussi is on the job now. I am sure he will get back to you with info asap [17:20] I've klined the bot and emailed them, asking them to make it easier to identify as a logbot and to check if it's welcome in the channels it logs. [17:21] marienz: take a look at nestea while you are here [17:21] oh never mind [17:51] marienz: if its is truly a l log bot, then we are op out of it. [17:51] marienz: what was the bots name? [17:54] jussi: emptyness47 [~emptyness@207-126-122-147.ip.openhosting.com] has quit [K-Lined] [17:55] that resolves to the same ip address ircanswers.com resolves to [17:55] marienz: ahh, excellent. thanks a lot. [17:56] we'll try to keep it klined until it changes its nick to be easier identifiable and its owner confirms with channel ops that it's welcome [18:00] marienz: ok. please let me know of any updates. [18:01] will do [18:01] jussi: #gentoo emailed them to get their content removed from the site, and that was responded to quickly. So if you want the existing content gone you could try that. [18:01] (he hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I mailed them a while after they did) [18:03] marienz: Ill talk about it with the rest of the irc council. [18:04] we may end up requesting they do that for everything they've logged that isn't ok'd. [18:04] marienz: yeah, that might be nice. [18:17] In ubottu, guntbert said: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [18:19] somehow I messed my editing proposal up [18:19] guntbert: re-edit :) [18:19] btw gksudo for GUI [18:20] I wanted to add one sentence to !sudo -(in this case really only sudo :-)) -- best to give it the complete factoid then? [18:21] guntbert: sorry what? [18:21] In ubottu, guntbert said: sudo is sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [18:22] IdleOne: see above please - what I suggest is addition of the sentence regarding fixsudo [18:22] sudo [18:22] !sudo [18:22] sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [18:23] guntbert: yes I see. it will have to be approved, not sure I can yet or how to [18:23] IdleOne: no reason to hurry :-) I only wanted to make sure my proposal is understandable [18:23] it is [18:24] ok - see you :-) [18:24] later [18:25] IdleOne, bot stuff does not follow operator privileges, it's a separate thing [18:25] we just discussed this with the council, it's a bit complicated :) [18:28] topyli: thanks for the info :) [18:28] maybe one day we'll learn to design things from the beginning so that they integrate well :) [18:28] topyli: well the edit gets a +1 from me. well written and easy to understand [18:28] I mean the link it leads to [18:28] yeah [18:29] topyli: good design from the start is something that would make us obsolete [18:30] woohoo! design ftw [19:12] nah, sorry, no way design wil ever replace topyli... or mneptok :P [19:12] hehe [19:12] ok, the rest of us non perfect beings [19:13] that's a terrible, terrible thought [19:14] what is? [19:14] no rest for mneptok, no matter the design :( [19:14] that we are not perfect or that you are? [19:16] btw, nefarious is not taking pm very seriously. i have now unmuted him on -ot after a fair warning [19:17] topyli: he will be calm for a few minutes until he says an opportunity to break rules again [19:17] then it's time to remove. no more warnings [19:18] I asked two times nicely to stop the drug talk [19:19] topyli: can you see why Tarantulafudge can't join -offtopic [19:19] @bansearch Tarantulafudge [19:19] grr [19:20] grr? [19:21] no bans found [19:21] what client are you using? [19:21] Java Chat Applet @ java.freenode.net [19:21] Tarantulafudge, that grr is not related to you :) [19:21] you aren't getting any server notices ? [19:21] not a peep [19:22] though I can move in and out of other channels without problems [19:22] so you issue /join #ubuntu-offtopic and nothing happens? [19:22] essentially [19:22] got me dude/ette [19:23] strange [19:23] you aren't banned from what i can see. try a different client perhaps [19:23] BRB [19:25] haha should have tried this first, thanks [19:26] so it was client related? [19:27] glad you figured it out. [19:27] now if I can ask you not to idle here :) [19:29] would be nice if ubottu returned the comment on a ban when doing @bansearch [19:29] if there is one [19:29] for the record, nefarious is not being nice to teh topyli in pm :( [19:30] * h00k notes this [19:30] topyli: figured as much [19:30] he might appear here, i redirected [19:30] that is why I mentioned the comment thing [19:43] IdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (needhelp) [19:48] ACKT1C seems to be ban evading in #ubuntu [19:48] nick? [19:49] same nick [19:49] nm [19:49] IdleOne: ACKT1C (banned by flannel, similar nick) [19:50] Wed Apr 14 06:58:52 *!*ackt1c@adsl-75-10-*.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net Flannel!~flannel@ubuntu/member/flannel [19:50] guntbert: yes, we have te logs [19:51] h00k: ok - it was because IdleOne asked [19:51] guntbert: It's alright :) [19:52] h00k: I'll be off - and thank you all for your effort and suport [19:52] guntbert: thanks for letting us know [19:52] thanks guntbert [19:52] h00k: IdleOne :) [20:05] In #ubuntu, gebUK__ said: ubottu, this document says that if the card is recognised in iwconfig [21:23] marienz: [sheats] ~sheats@c-98-254-182-201.hsd1.fl.comcast.net in #ubuntu-irc [21:24] IdleOne: that's an identified account. I don't think it is what you think it is, unless I missed something earlier. [21:25] marienz: [21:25] [16:12:57] Hi! I have a little project I've been working on: http://ircanswers.com/ I have been logging content in #ubuntu for a month or so http://ircanswers.com/ubuntu/ but just realized today that I need to get permission to do so first. [21:25] [16:13:07] Who can I contact to ask permission? [21:25] ahh [21:25] sorry, got two things mixed up [21:25] no problem [21:26] he seems to be trying to go the right route now [23:44] @btlogin [23:44] @login [23:44] The operation succeeded. [23:44] @btlogin [23:44] Stupid bot. [23:47] ikonia: Brimstones aka baxxor in #ubuntu-devel is calling you "some dick". [23:47] ikonia: ...and he's ban evaded by changing IP in #ubuntu.