=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:44] Odd... Linux thinks my Intel 5300agn card is a 5100 card. [04:17] I suppose I should file a bug report about the odd interaction (or lack thereof) between the mute button on my laptop, and ALSA. [04:19] DanaG: probably ... what problem? WFM, FWIW. [04:19] HP EliteBook 8530w. The mute hotkey is not a standard button -- it's a "QuickTouch" button. [04:20] Similar to the mute button on my Thinkpad? [04:20] I'm not sure. [04:20] On mine, some of the hotkeys have to go through the hp-wmi module. [04:20] I have dedicated buttons for mute, volup, voldown. [04:21] In hardware, it's a similar sort of thing -- but I don't know how similar or different it is in software. [04:21] In addition, the fn-escape shortcut on my laptop sends keycode 465... which Xorg "can't handle" (that's the message it gives me). [04:28] DanaG: I'd expect that it would come in via ACPI. [04:30] although perhaps not for mute. [04:34] Oddly enough, the keys are actually not ACPI events. Instead, they're a virtual input device. [04:35] With showkey... they give keycodes, but not scancodes. [04:35] ok [04:40] is there a good repo that has more recent stuff than the stock standard intrepid repo? [04:40] e.g. vuze, blender.. [04:41] intrepid is supported in #ubuntu [04:42] yeah but they don't help :/ [04:43] is there a way to upgrade via synaptic to Jaunty? [04:43] pengo: vuze is in universe according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/vuze [04:44] I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/m125dc6c6 [04:44] NoelJB: yeah but i want a newer version.. they're up to v4 now [04:45] Volkodav: pengo I know. I run v4 myself. Install it manually. [04:45] NoelJB: hmm... so i should just install newer stuff manually? [04:46] NoelJB, install what manually? [04:46] pengo: That all depends. [04:46] Volkodav: talking to pengo about vuze. [04:46] although we really should move this to #ubuntu. doesn't belong here. [04:46] oh [04:46] ok [04:47] any idea what's wrong with the script [04:47] Volkodav: not a clue. I do clean installs. [04:48] Volkodav: seems to be complaining about connections. [04:48] and d-bus too === Teiseii is now known as Teisei === Splex_ is now known as Splex [09:04] Heh, I just put on headphones and cranked my input volume on the array mic way up... and wow, it sounds rather interesting. I can even hear the sounds of the backlight inverter. [09:05] Array microphones are cool. [09:05] Some experiment I'm going to try: insert canalphones (those earplug-like headphones), and see if I can localize sounds as well from the array mic as I can from my own two ears. === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG === Oli`` is now known as OliB{ === OliB{ is now known as Oli``B{ === s0ullight is now known as s0u][ight [13:16] could at-spi in jaunty work without xevie (as it was removed from the xserver) ? I need at-spi registy for gnome-voice-control (nothing citical though as I understood at-spi is mportant for other uses === Oli``B{ is now known as Oli`` [14:22] how do I run gnome-do with debug symbols from gdb? [14:22] I already install it, but cant start it [14:22] gdb gnome-do says: "/usr/bin/gnome-do not in executable format [14:58] where can i get the iso for jaunty so i can help test it out [15:00] cdimages.ubuntu.com IIRC [15:00] ty IdleOne [15:02] IdleOne this is the right place im looking right http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/jaunty/alpha-1/ [15:02] yup [15:02] no Live cd at the momment [15:03] use alternate cd [15:03] thats fine gonna be setting it up on a vm [15:03] well then you got it [15:03] :)ty [15:04] IdleOne i know this probably isnt the place to ask this but i have been using apt-build extensivley and i would like to work with the developer on improving it what woudl be the best way to go abotu it [15:05] #ubuntu-dev might be more help [15:06] they can guide you in the right direction [15:06] been baned from there till after jaunty [15:07] hahah [15:07] well then ummm [15:08] launchpad.net look for the package and join the team I guess [15:08] ok [15:08] really not sure [15:09] havent found a team i guess ill just wait [15:15] hows jaunty looking so far in alpha [15:16] eagles0513875, see if you can talk to blueyed about apt-build he might be able to help you [15:17] https://launchpad.net/~blueyed [15:17] I'm done doing research now :P [15:18] IdleOne :) [15:18] ty [15:18] np [15:18] hows jaunty looking in alpha [15:18] don't know I have not tested it yet [15:18] I normally wait till alpha 3 and upgrade [15:19] by then things are pretty stable [15:19] dont try in a vm [15:20] you dont try it on a vm? [15:22] my machine is to slow and makes it very disappointing [15:22] so I don't bother [15:22] :( ouchie [15:22] your on intrepid right [15:22] yeah [15:23] i want to see if you get the same issue as me but do u have a spare machine you can boot off the live cd and see if it load busybox initramfs prompt for ya cuz for me thats what it keeps doing even ater turing acpi and all that stuff off [15:24] sorry I don't [15:25] if this is a bug i would like to see it caught before next release === Guest7 is now known as WelshDragon [15:47] anyone else having an issue after choosing a method of how to update your system [16:15] im having issues at the part where the installer is trying to install the necessary software [16:16] it keeps failling for some reason :( [16:53] reporta bug on the debian installer. as per the cdimages.ubuntu.com page says [17:08] IdleOne ok [17:09] IdleOne do the cd images get rebuilt every night [17:10] hi guys, when do you anticipate the 64bit java applet making it to jaunty? [17:15] IdleOne filed :) [17:15] IdleOne this problem was fixed in intrepid but now seems to have resurfaced in jaunty alpha1 [17:27] omg michael is being a total bitch in the other channel [17:28] eagles0513875: Please don't. This is still a support channel. [17:29] Pici sry [17:29] got my offtopic channel confused wiht this one === kalpik_ is now known as kalpik [17:46] eagles0513875, regressions happen in alpha releases it will probably get fixed soon. Please remember that in ALL Ubuntu channels support and non the Ubuntu CoC must be followed [17:47] although some slight bending of rules are allowed in some channels but I would still suggest you follow the CoC just to make sure :) [17:58] IdleOne :) thanks for the reminder [18:00] Just checking ... is it expected that we have around 40 packages kept back at the moment? Yes, yes. I could do a dist-upgrade, but then things that ought not be removed want to be. Looks like X and update-manager-core. Just a sanity check question. [18:22] hi, do any of you suffer pulseaudio buffer underrun problems which trigger rewind and nasty jump in sound? [18:26] D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun. [18:26] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 65536 bytes. [18:26] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 504 bytes. [18:26] D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 126 [18:26] D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 126 [18:26] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 504 bytes. [18:26] D: sink.c: Processing rewind... [18:26] D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 504 bytes on render memblockq. [18:27] hi LjL [18:53] mahfiaz, do you hear "clicks" in sound? [18:56] x1250, not only clicks, but some sound will be jumped over [18:57] so songs play actually a little shorter [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: latency set to 23,22ms [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=15361 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=15890 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requesting rewind due to latency change. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 65536 bytes. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 61748 bytes. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 15437 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 15437 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 61748 bytes. [18:57] D: sink.c: Processing rewind... [18:57] D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 61748 bytes on render memblockq. [18:57] D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 65536 bytes. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 504 bytes. [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 126 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 126 [18:57] D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 504 bytes. [18:57] D: sink.c: Processing rewind... [18:57] D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 504 bytes on render memblockq. [18:57] I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun! [18:57] the pulseaudio claims this is because of latency change [18:58] mahfiaz, try to use paste.ubuntu.com to paste stuff. [18:58] ok, there it will be easier to read [18:59] mahfiaz, you can disable pulseaudio if you want, in gnome-session add: pulseaudio -k [18:59] of test it in console first, see if your problems are gone with that [18:59] $ pulseaudio -k, will kill it. [19:04] anyone know how to get facebook support in pidgin? aiui it supports it and the screenshot on pidgin.im shows it but i can't find how to enable it in 2.5.2 [19:05] calc, apt-cache search facebook [19:06] calc, you must create a new account, and select facebook [19:06] x1250: i tried to i don't see the option [19:06] x1250: already made one for myspaceim [19:06] x1250: is it supposed to be called 'facebook'? [19:07] x1250, can't say now, i probably would have to log off, I ran pulseaudio by hand [19:07] calc, no run the command I gave, you will get: [19:07] pidgin-facebookchat - Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin [19:07] mahfiaz: ah ok [19:08] calc, yes, the protocol is named Facebook, but you must install the plugin mahfiaz said [19:08] x1250: ok [19:10] hey all [19:10] im having problems setting up the internet on a daily image installed 2 days ago [19:11] mahfiaz, pulseaudio -k will work instantly, but you must restart the program which was using pulseaudio for sound [19:11] *kubuntu [19:11] like totem, or any other [19:11] that knetwork manager doesnt have an use atl all [19:11] and using ifconfig i can set it up so i can ping my own ip and my gateway [19:11] but everything else returns "network is unreachable" [19:13] GodKilla, if you want to do it the command line way, then after setting ip [19:13] route add default gw [19:13] or whatever your router is [19:14] and add nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf [19:14] did the last one [19:14] route add default returns "unknown host default" or something alike [19:15] mahfiaz, I had the some random clicks myself on audio, but disabling pulseaudio in gnome-session made all problems go away. [19:16] GodKilla, this ip has to be in the same subnet as your own ip [19:17] i dont have a router, i have ethernet card connected to my modem and thats all [19:17] under windos dhcp works fine, under linux (whatever distro) it sometimes works, sometimes no [19:17] GodKilla, actually I would use dhclient eth0 instead [19:18] tried that "no OFFERS received" [19:19] then this is router or NIC problem, I suppose [19:20] im on that same machine now, only under win [19:20] the inet works fine here [19:23] another thing is, why doesnt it save any network configs i do? [19:23] and, whats the use of manual ip config knetworkmanagers offers, it doesnt do any changes [19:24] and why networkmanager messes up wep keys? [19:24] so is x in transition right now? I noticed a dist-upgrade is going to remove nvidia-glx-177 so i've been holding off [19:25] how to check which version of ubuntu ive installed? [19:25] uname? [19:26] GodKilla-, $ lsb_release -a [19:26] thanks [19:27] alright ill try messing with the routing table :s [19:27] burner, it seems like I have got nvidia-173-kernel-source pack instead [19:27] mahfiaz: does a dist-upgrade ask you to remove it? [19:28] I have dist-upgraded already, cannot say, I had a little mess and was to run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" after reboot, but not sure if it wasn't my fault [19:29] just see if the nvidia*source package is in list of to be installed packages [19:30] * burner_ is tempted to try out nouveau [19:30] phoronix has a post about the X changes to 9.04 today [19:31] a full upgrade attempts to remove a lot of xorg drivers. I would run a $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade === Teiseii is now known as Teisei [20:18] mahfiaz, changing the inkscape package name is a good idea, thanks. I'll probably name it inkscape-svn for the next build. [20:19] x1250, then you have to use some appropriate --prefix [20:20] because packages cannot have conflicting files [20:20] maybe use --prefix=/opt/inkscape-svn [20:21] uhm, yep, thanks for the tip :) [21:22] can anyone tell me whether package kit was discussed at uds? [22:03] tretle: package kit ? got any more details ? [22:03] hi, the new xserver FTBFS @ buildd because libdrm-dev tries to overwrite something that's also in linux-libc-dev [22:04] in the i386 arch [22:05] well whether it will be included in jaunty or jaunty+1 as default..... its coming along really nicely, the codec manager for instancecommunicates directly with gstreamer so gstreamer enabled apps support it without having to add support per app [22:06] cbr: what do you mean it trys to overwrite [22:06] firefox for instance told me that I didnt have the right codecs installed and asked me if I wanted to install gstreamer-extras, banshee also had support for codec installation through packagekit-gstreamer backend [22:06] cbr: it should be pre-pacakged so shouldn't overwrite anything [22:06] tretle: sounds interesting sounds like I need to have a look at it [22:07] ikonia: well, the log says that the buildd tries to install libdrm, which then tries to overwrite drm.h somewhere in /usr/include/drm [22:07] and that's not allowed [22:07] so installing the builddep fails [22:07] and the build fails [22:08] cbr: so your trying to build this yourself ? [22:08] ikonia - the package that comes with intrepid is seriously out of date [22:08] no, i'm looking at a build log of palmer [22:08] the i386 buildd [22:08] cbr: ah [22:08] tretle: I've not looked at it so wouldn't know [22:12] so i'm a bit concerned about that [22:12] because it's supposed to fix a segfault bug :p [22:13] maybe worth reporting the bug then [22:13] better to catch it as early as possible [22:14] well, i would, i kind of only have links2 as a browser though :p [22:22] ikonia: two packages cannot 'own' the same file. the FTBFS problem here is that this is happening and the builders aren't letting it continue. === kniolet__ is now known as kniolet [22:22] sorry, ignore that. [22:22] lost my scrollback. :P [22:23] ;)