=== kennymc is now known as kennymc0 [05:49] some like the idea of having a regular developer news summary on the fridge...nice :) [07:13] svaksha: you mean Nicolas's reply? [07:14] boredandblogging: yes, the -devel list [07:14] think he and persia wanted the fridge [07:16] hehe [10:59] How do submit in the press news? [11:12] stefanlsd: What's the link to the news article? [11:13] tyche: http://www.tectonic.co.za/?p=3692 === Rafik_ is now known as Rafik === kennymc is now known as kennymc0 [19:44] today is a bad day (again),, somebody doesn't show up.. so i fast ask someone.. he will finish the job,, and he just leaves (without telling me),, and now comes back "i needed to go" :| [19:44] so,, some pieces aren't in the UWN-NL this week.. [20:05] done ....... [20:05] need energy drink :( [21:09] Tumie: thats ok [21:09] it happens [21:09] "shit happens" [21:09] exactly