=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop [02:13] anyone here? [02:32] could anyone tell me if ubuntu and mythbuntu are the same thing basically if you take out the TV features? [02:35] wos, kinda [02:36] I mean, they have different things installed [02:36] but underneath, they run the same kernel [02:37] tgm4883_laptop, could i get support for mythbuntu in the ubuntu channel, for non tv related problems? [02:38] wos, yes, for the most part, but folks here know a little more than MythTV [02:39] Mythbuntu is Ubuntu, it's all the same packages. [02:39] oh cool [02:39] essentially [02:39] then why is there a separate install CD? [02:40] Same reason there;'s Kubuntu etc. [02:40] yes but Kubuntu has a lot of differences [02:40] its customized to the user groups, to make it very easy [02:41] believe me when I say there is allot of differences between Ubuntu and Mythbuntu [02:41] wos: Kubuntu is the same also, it's all the same packages. [02:41] It's one repository. [02:41] hads, I think that might be confusing for someone not knowing what the packages are [02:42] kubuntu has separate packages for certain items though [02:42] As does Mythbuntu, but you can install any of them on any install. [02:42] wos, the point hads is making is that they all reside in the same repository [02:42] foxbuntu: *shrug* I guess it could be, doesn't seem confusing to me. [02:43] hads, nor me [02:43] :) [02:43] :) [02:43] does mythbuntu have a different user interface? [02:43] its XFCE [02:43] so like Xubuntu [02:43] Just with a customised theme etc. [02:43] indeed [02:44] From a package ;) [02:44] haha [02:44] its xfce? fxck [02:44] wos, ? [02:44] wos, its easily changed [02:44] you dont like XFCE, pick KDE, or Gnome [02:44] how? [02:45] Or start mythfrontned from xinit or whatever :) [02:45] Mythbuntu-Control-Centre [02:45] So when it crashes you're not left with a blank screen :) [02:45] lol [02:45] hads, you are a cli hooker arent you [02:45] :) [02:46] always whoring out the cli [02:46] Maybe a little [02:46] lol [02:46] * hads cranks out irssi mutt and links [02:47] lol [02:47] I'll stick with xchat and gnome [02:47] with FF === protonchris_ is now known as protonchris [02:48] I only actually use irssi daily out of those. [02:48] KMail and FF usually. [02:50] ah, figures, usually those that are hardcore cli use KDE for their GUI [02:50] ;) [02:52] I've actually been undecided lately, switching back and forth. [02:53] But I just really prefer KMail to any other mail client, especially the keyboard shortcuts. Pity it eats my mail every once in a while but I've got backups :) [02:53] I've never been into KDE [02:54] but thats just me [02:54] I should prob look at the new KDE4 though [02:55] I'm looking forward to 4.2, 4.0 and 4.1 haven't really done it for me yet. Their work is amazing but just didn't quite fit me yet. [02:55] The polish that Ubuntu has with Gnome is unrivaled though. [02:56] indeed [02:56] and its only getting better [02:57] Yup === Timrit_away is now known as Timrit [03:37] I am a linux newb and I would like to know how do I get a free tv guide for Myth TV [03:53] i just installed mythbuntu, can anyone tell me how to watch tv now [03:53] i have a hauppage wintv hvr 950q [03:53] when i press "watch tv" nothing happens [03:55] !blank | mee [03:55] Sorry I don't know about blank [03:55] !blank% | mee [03:55] mee: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory. It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory [03:57] where is the recording direcrtory? [04:01] rhpot1991_laptop, where is the recording directory [04:04] can anyone help me please [04:05] mee, its where ever you setup your storage group to reside, the default is /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/ [04:06] mee, did you get the firmware for that card? [04:06] no [04:07] thats probably your problem [04:07] were you able to scan for channels? [04:08] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV_HVR-950 [04:08] no [04:09] im confused [04:09] yea follow those directions [04:12] tgm4883_laptop, i dont understand those directions [04:13] what part? [04:13] ] [04:13] download the firmware first: wget http://www.steventoth.net/linux/xc5000/HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip [04:13] Extract the file hcw85bda.sys from the zip into the current dir: unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:13] Copy the resulting firmware file into /lib/firmware: cp xc3028-v27.fw /lib/firmware [04:14] actually, i missed this step Next, go into the v4l/linux/Documentation/video4linux directory, there will be a file called extract_xc3028.pl Copy this file into the directory where you originally placed hcw85bda.sys. Run the file with the command: ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:15] what????? Extract the file hcw85bda.sys from the zip into the current dir: unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:16] did you download the file? [04:16] yes sir [04:16] ok, then open a terminal and do [04:16] \unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:16] unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:16] which one [04:17] the second one [04:17] just like the directions say [04:17] mee@mee-desktop:~$ unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:17] unzip: cannot find or open HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip, HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip.zip or HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip.ZIP. [04:17] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:17] where did you download the file to? [04:17] desktop [04:18] ok [04:18] cd Desktop [04:18] then run the command [04:18] mee@mee-desktop:~$ cd desktop [04:18] bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory [04:18] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:19] capitol D [04:19] it's case sensitive [04:20] ok [04:20] im done [04:20] now try it? [04:20] yea [04:21] no [04:21] no its not working [04:21] ok [04:21] error? [04:21] blank [04:21] what do you mean blank? [04:21] then returns to the main screen in a half of a second [04:22] sec [04:22] do this [04:22] cd ~/ [04:23] wget http://www.steventoth.net/linux/xc5000/HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip [04:23] unzip -j HVR-12x0-14x0-17x0_1_25_25271_WHQL.zip Driver85/hcw85bda.sys [04:24] ok [04:24] done [04:24] and it unziped? [04:25] i followed your directions so i think so [04:25] but the directions say something about a tarball [04:25] it would say something like inflating: hcw85bda.sys [04:26] yes it did say that [04:26] mee, are you running 8.10 or 8.04? [04:26] 8.10 [04:26] good [04:26] so you don't have to worry about the tarball part [04:26] ok [04:26] ill try it now [04:27] it doesnt work [04:27] what doesn't work? [04:27] tv [04:27] not done yet [04:27] ok [04:29] ok now do [04:29] cp /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7/Documentation/video4linux/extract_xc3028.pl ~/ [04:29] ok [04:30] i did that [04:30] nothing happened [04:30] ok, did it copy [04:30] i dont know, how would i know? [04:30] did it say not found? [04:30] no [04:32] ok then it should have worked [04:32] now do [04:32] ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:33] mee@mee-desktop:~$ ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:33] bash: ./extract_xc3028.pl: Permission denied [04:33] mee@mee-desktop:~$ sudo ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:33] [sudo] password for mee: [04:33] sudo: ./extract_xc3028.pl: command not found [04:33] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:33] whats the output of ls /usr/src/ [04:34] cmee@mee-desktop:~$ ls /usr/src/ [04:34] linux-headers-2.6.27-7 linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic nvidia-177.80 rpm [04:34] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:34] ok [04:35] ls -l ~/extract_xc3028.pl [04:35] whats the output of that [04:35] mee@mee-desktop:~$ ls -l ~/extract_xc3028.pl [04:35] -rw-r--r-- 1 mee mee 24285 2008-11-21 23:29 /home/mee/extract_xc3028.pl [04:35] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:36] strange [04:36] ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:36] that should have worked [04:36] i am trying to edit my fstab and it is telling me i do not have the permissions needed, can anyone help me [04:37] MythbuntuGuest14, what are you using to edit it? [04:37] mee, ah, do chmod +x extract_xc3028.pl [04:37] then try ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:38] gedit [04:38] mee@mee-desktop:~$ ./extract_xc3028.pl [04:38] Firmwares generated. [04:38] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:39] MythbuntuGuest14, open a terminal and do "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" [04:39] mee, great, now do [04:39] cp xc3028-v27.fw /lib/firmware [04:39] mee, you will probably have to use sudo on that [04:39] mee@mee-desktop:~$ sudo cp xc3028-v27.fw /lib/firmware [04:39] mee@mee-desktop:~$ [04:40] mee, looks like it worked [04:40] ok [04:40] you should be able to just reboot and it should work after you scan for channels and do mythtv-setup stuff [04:40] ok ill try. will you be tha here [04:41] i'm playing gears of war 2, but I should be around [04:41] or you can bug foxbuntu ;) [04:41] ok [04:42] laptop, got any ideas of why i cannot edit my fstab now? [04:42] tgm4883_laptop, no bugging foxbuntu tonight, I am busy with stupid web junk again [04:42] MythbuntuGuest14, did you do what I said? [04:42] MythbuntuGuest14, open a terminal and do "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" [04:42] i just saw that i am going to try it [04:42] foxbuntu, ok, i'll field his questions then [04:42] I do have about the same hardware [04:43] ok how do i scan for channels, it did the blank screen agian [04:43] mee, you have to go though mythtv-setup and run the channel scanner [04:43] ok [04:43] wheree is that [04:44] mee, in a terminal, type mythtv-setup [04:44] that worked, why do i have to do that now, i have edited it before without gksudo [04:44] MythbuntuGuest14, you have to have root privledges to edit system files [04:45] so you got them before somehow [04:45] cool...one more question i just reinstalled and now my portable drive will not show up on the desktop [04:49] MythbuntuGuest14, does it show up in your file manager? [04:50] tgm4883_laptop, how do i scan for channels? [04:50] foxbuntu are you there?? [04:50] mee, it's like step 4 [04:50] mee, sorry I can't provide help tonight [04:51] step 4 in what [04:51] ok [04:51] mythtv-setup [04:52] its not working [04:52] :( [04:52] its grayed out [04:52] laptop i don't see it in file manager [04:54] mee, you are going to have to refer to http://www.mythbuntu.org/documentation/mythbuntu_8.10_installation.pdf [04:54] can you help me [04:55] mee, i'm not paid support, I can assist you and guide you along the way, but ultimatly you will have to want to do this [04:55] i do want to do this [04:55] a lot [04:55] good [04:56] can you please help me [04:56] I am helping you [04:56] the channel scanner is grayed out [04:56] Did you do step 1? [04:56] note that my answers will come slow [05:11] tgm4883_laptop, do i have to do step 6? [05:11] tgm4883_laptop, does mythbuntu allow you to watch tv in a window? [05:14] mee, you can put mythtv in a window if you like [05:14] it's a setting under settings > appearance in the frontend [05:14] thanks [05:15] do you have to do step 6 [05:15] yea [05:15] I guess that's why it's a step :) [05:15] yep [05:17] the channel scanner should work before i do step 6 shouldnt it? [05:17] yes [05:18] hmmm what is the problem here [05:18] * hads pulls out his crystal ball [05:19] what type of card did you set it up as in step 1? DVB? [05:20] * tgm4883_laptop has to run to the store real quick [05:20] it says HVR [05:20] hads are you there [05:21] anyone? [05:22] Not really, cooking. [05:23] hads how do i get this thing to recognize my usb [05:23] my usb tv adapter === kb9urq_ is now known as iuaudio [06:30] so what's happened to weekly builds for intrepid? === bogus is now known as Guest48748 === thoroth is now known as rolando [12:53] Afternoon [12:53] dont suppose anyone has a recent guide for setting up mythbuntu with vdr 1.71 and getting dvb-s2 working? [12:54] sick of crapy windows and mediaportal so gonna give mythbuntu a bash :) [13:33] hey Penfold - dont suppose u can point me in direction of an uptodate guide for getting vdr 1.71 dvb-s2 etc working on mythbuntu? [13:40] in one, I can't :) sorry :) my install is a WinTB150 [13:41] no worries thanks anyway :) [14:11] now there was someone who totally missed the point :) [15:11] re all! I've just started using Mythbuntu 8.10( backend+frontend on a desktop, frontend only on a notebook ), and I'm bumped with settings and video windows... can anyone help me out? (more info on my system setup to come if wanted) [15:18] How can I get mythbuntu to talk to my receiver? I have a pioneer vsx-01txh. It has USB but for ipod connectivity. It has a com-port (9pin I think), anyone know how to get this working? [15:36] bobbob1016: ask pioneer? [15:37] laga, Ok, I wasn't sure if there was mythtv thing to do it. [15:38] bobbob1016: the commands are most likely vendor specific. i'd find out what commands are available and then go from there, eg write a script === tgm4883_laptop changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Mythbuntu 8.10 Now Released http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.10/release :: Come test Mythbuntu 9.04 Alpha 1 http://www.mythbuntu.org/9.04/alpha1 :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org for release and support information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com Please stick around for people to answer your question. Test new features here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751668 [20:32] Hello , when i start watch tv the picture freeze , sound is ok? [20:52] quiet today [23:22] Hey guys, how do I delay the loading of the backend? I did it before, but had to reformat and install and I can't remember how to do it. Seems like I changed it from S20 to S99, but I don't remember what folder. [23:23] I also need to get more volume out of Myth. Alexis is turned up all the way and the volume is 100%, but it's still very quiet. Again, I did this before, but I can't remember how I did it. === MythbuntuGuest82 is now known as Tooncis [23:32] I mean alsamixer [23:44] there's a volume control in the setup in mythfrontend [23:45] you can max that one out too [23:56] I'll check... [23:58] hey i tried to setup my mythfrontend to connect to a remote backend and now mythfronent wont even start