[00:18] davidm, ping [03:36] NCommander, pong [03:36] hey davidm [03:37] I have too many IRC tabs open, did not see your ping before. [03:43] davidm, np === foka_ is now known as foka [11:45] Team meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 15 minutes [11:59] about to start meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [13:30] * Hobbsee echoes hate at libtool [13:30] * Hobbsee echoes equal amounts of hate at dpkg-source. [13:31] Why? [13:31] Did lpia eat something you want? [13:34] no, i just don't understand how to rerun autohell, without dpkg-source then going and complaining that the symlink has changed. Yes, it's supposed to change - that's the entire point! [16:11] sorry i missed the meeting (holiday in Brazil today)..i registered a couple of blueprints [16:11] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+spec/gps-on-mobile [16:11] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+spec/automated-test-suite [16:11] i will try to fill out the wiki pages later [16:13] davidm, ^^ [16:14] persia, ian_brasil_ thanks [16:14] I'll add to schedule [18:18] ian_brasil_, gypsy is nice. openmoko uses it [18:18] but i don't know if the o-hand guys will continue devolping it [18:23] playya, Why shouldn't they? Do you know of another plan for GPS for moblin? [18:27] persia, no. but i don't see any commits in their repos :( [18:29] Hrm. Unfortunate that. Maybe by adopting it and showcasing it on lpia, we can do well. [18:29] i send iani vala bindings but no response [18:29] There's a session on Moblin Complaince that's been scheduled for UDS (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+spec/moblin-compliance) which might be interesting. [18:30] and vala-gen-introspection creates .gir file. so it is possible to create binding for everything [18:31] Just needs someone to be active upstream. [18:32] i already know some parts of it [18:32] shold i do this? [18:33] Well, obviously it's best to work with the existing upstream, but if you have an interest, and you join the upstream dev team, it'd go a long way towards making it an easier decision to use it in Ubuntu. [18:33] On the other hand, if you're only doing it because you want it in Ubuntu, it might be better to wait for the UDS discussion, and see what other stuff comes up. [18:34] (as if someone has another killer solution, then it wouldn't be there by default anyway) [18:35] is it possible to sign the code of conduct with an untrusted key? [18:35] i want to see an up to date enlightenenment with python bindings, too [18:39] Well, you need to trust your key. You don't need anyone else to trust your key. [18:39] Of course, the more people trust your key, the better :) [18:39] (or at least, the more closely integrated you are in the Web of Trust, the better) [18:40] i alsways missed to go to the cacert booth :( [18:40] Extra points for having dual-trust-paths to a majority of Ubuntu devs, but that's not a requirement. === ogra_ is now known as ogra