[00:01] ah, such innocence [03:17] apachelogger: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117995653.html?categoryid=19&cs=1 [06:57] hi [06:58] it's the first time i don't upgrade my kubuntu before the release of a new stable version and now i'm wondering if something will popup for telling me that 8.10 is out and that i can upgrade? I think to people wich are not following kubuntu.org and wich would like to stay up to date. [07:07] mars_: no. 8.04 to 8.10 is a huge change, so the developers decided against poping up something asking for people to upgrade [07:37] now that kdenlive has been released are there plans for a package? [07:41] here is the release announcement if anyone is interested http://www.kdenlive.org/content/2008-11-12-kdenlive-07-released [11:52] ScottK: one would assume an oil-producing city should have enough money these days ... though it's probably the salad kind of oil ;-) [12:10] Riddell: you should blog about cmake 2.6.2 [12:11] Do you want cmake backported to hardy? [12:12] dunno, maybe Riddell already did [12:12] but in general that would be a good idea [12:12] apachelogger: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3750 ? :) [12:12] Nope [12:12] Not backported to hardy [12:12] apachelogger, please file a backporting request [12:12] smarter: nice [12:12] Riddell++ [12:13] who's that pgquiles that advertise his scary PPA? https://edge.launchpad.net/~pgquiles/+archive [12:13] if only I knew [12:13] I need rgreening [12:14] gotta fix that menu issue [12:14] maybe I should just upload a testing package for now [12:14] NCommander: `if you want to test thta cmake 2.6.2 works in hardy that would be lovely [12:15] * NCommander shall [12:15] jdong: we still didn't talk about how many cookies it takes to make me a backport dude [12:16] * apachelogger notes that if the networkmanager plasmoid icon had any worse resolution one ould easily count the pixels [12:16] artwork is still in progress for that [12:17] yeah, I like the current state though, makes my desktop look geeky :D [12:17] kubotu: time rgreening [12:17] America - St Johns - Thu Nov 13 08:47 NST [12:18] oh well, I better upload a testing package [12:22] smarter: he should be on irc as pgquiles__ right now [12:33] aahhh [12:33] rgreening already uploaded a revised patch [12:35] he's good like that [12:36] I like my versoin better though, it's finer cpp :P [12:36] * apachelogger merges [12:38] Riddell: I find the menu spec a bit weird ... seems only half thought through [12:39] for some reason the case of different desktops having different .menu files was never in it originally and was only added when I complained later [12:41] IMHO it shouldn't be that way. applications.menu should be regulating the raw menu structure and special desktop files should only care about specifing their specific stuff [12:42] using the everyDE-gets-its-own-applications.menu-file approach you can technically end up with changing menu structure depending on where you run an application [12:43] in a KDE environment it would use the kde strucutre, in a GNOME environment with set env var chance is good that kbuildsycoca will be invoked and you get a different menu structure [12:43] in the openwith dialog for example [12:51] rgreening: yo [12:52] apachelogger: o/ [12:53] rgreening: since one of my 5 browser sessions decided to reposte my comment I didn't see your patch, which meant first thing I did today was creating a patch myself, I now merged my approach with yours and upload to experimental right now [12:53] lol [12:54] rgreening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71347/ [12:54] I was just going to test my patch (I have built it local on my system) [12:54] seems to be working [12:55] at least that is what strace says [12:55] rgreening: btw, you don't need brackets for a one-line body [12:55] makes the if look better ;-) [12:56] It's all personal style :) [12:56] * apachelogger just hopes that he didn't break build when merging [12:56] rgreening: ok, let me use the other reason, not using brackets decreases the diff size and thus is preferable :P [12:57] lol [12:57] 2 char [12:57] that sums up [12:57] anyway [12:57] upload finished [12:59] rgreening: btw, better suggestions how to solve this upstream? [12:59] apachelogger: which PPA? kubuntu-members-kde4? [12:59] experimental [12:59] I don't remember that one... [12:59] * rgreening searches [13:00] https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive [13:00] rgreening: I think forcing a value upon the prefix upstream makes most sense [13:00] * rgreening stops searching :) [13:01] make the prefix a cmake var and install the application.menu accordingly... force a value upon the prefix var [13:01] apachelogger: Hmm... maybe... [13:02] that way KDE doesn't need to patched for that stuff anymore and still stays 100% compatible with the somewhat weird spec [13:02] rgreening: I was ranting about it just before you joined ;-) [13:03] ah... yeah, forgot to leave my session open so I could catch up .. hehe [13:04] rgreening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71351/ [13:05] yeah. I agree [13:11] Ideally, if the spec forced the DE's to implement the prefix scheme for DE specific menu's and no prefix for 3rd party stuff, rather than let different DE's collide. [13:13] well [13:14] either the spec should find a way to properly define the original idea of having a common applications.menu for all DEs, which eventually brings new problems to be considered in the spec [13:14] or like you said force different menus in general [13:15] though I think the former is to be prefered, since the .menus from KDE and GNOME are pretty much the same considering the raw structure [13:16] rgreening: i remember you once saying kdenlive-kde4 was of interest to you...They finally released a final version of 0.7 any chance of a package for say experimental? [13:16] supertones: first jaunty, then experimental I'd say [13:16] k [13:19] Riddell: the cmake hardy upload you did to experimental was contributing to the PPA build loop of death, I now removed the package [13:20] Riddell: I guess the intrepid one can be removed as well now that it is in backports? [13:21] oops [13:21] yes it can go [13:21] well, at some point we'll want PPA packages that use 2.6.2 [13:21] does that mean 2.6.2 doesn't work in hardy? [13:22] Riddell: Missing dependencies: debhelper (>= 6.0.7~) [13:23] * apachelogger tries to remember where we wanted to stuff 4.2-pre-stable-releases in [13:23] prolly experimental, so leaving cmake around makes sense :) [13:24] we wanted it in kubuntu-members-kde4, but that's scuppered by us using that for 4.1.3 and not -updates [13:25] supertones: Yeah, I gave it a quick go with the beta a while back, but it needs some newer packages not in the repos. So we need to package those first. Jaunty -> Intripid will def be the path in that case. [13:26] Riddell: I think we should only move it to members-kde4 once 4.2.0 is out [13:26] that way we can keep application updates in members-kde4 [13:26] e.g. amarok-kde4 [13:27] right [13:27] Need any help packaging 4.1.3? [13:27] keep it in -experimental until the .0 [13:28] NCommander: 4.1.3 is all packaged, it just needs us to persuade $powers that it can go into -updates [13:28] ah [13:28] What's a SMALL package that uses cmake to build? [13:28] any idea what dh_ script install debian/copyright? [13:28] builddeb I think [13:29] Riddell: dh_installdocs IIRC [13:29] NCommander: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=opengtl uses cmake, you can revu it if you like :) [13:30] a|wen: that seems to fix it, thanks [13:30] * NCommander whacks Riddell [13:30] I wonder why dh_make gives me a template which doesn't use that [13:30] Riddell, no ack until the lintian errors disappear :-) [13:31] yeah, that sounds weird [13:36] Riddell, Backports ACK on cmake 2.6.2 for Hardy [13:37] NCommander: what about the issue apachelogger said earlier? Missing dependencies: debhelper (>= 6.0.7~) [13:37] maybe we have >= 6.0.7 in backports [13:37] PPAs only use -updates [13:38] Package: debhelper (7.0.13ubuntu1~hardy1) [13:38] yus [13:38] so we do [13:38] ok, backporting [13:38] NCommander: what's your LP username? [13:38] Riddell, sonicmctails [13:38] Riddell, we backported debhelper 7 [13:39] * NCommander is very proud of himself for that little magic trick [13:39] does anyone use debhelper 7? [13:40] You'd be disturbed [13:41] Its why I actually had to fight to get that backported [13:41] But we've yet to break anything [13:43] woo, 95 uploads [13:44] bug #271516 [13:44] Launchpad bug 271516 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] KRadioRipper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/271516 [13:48] apachelogger, care to REVU the packaging ;-)? [13:48] NCommander: which one? [13:48] kradioripper [13:48] at it right now [13:48] I did already 3 times anyway :P [13:54] When you need the second ACK, I'll review [13:58] NCommander: you could review monkeystudio [13:58] jaunty is the thrid targeted cycle to get it in ;-) [13:58] apachelogger, fixing GNOME ATM :-) [13:58] NCommander: ok, I'll tell you again in 5 years :P [13:59] apachelogger, I'll look at it in 20 minutes [14:01] so.. status on kubuntu meeting? [14:02] * NCommander is for [14:02] seele: tuesday [14:03] * apachelogger will write an announcement when he is home [14:04] seele: you (KC) will have to do the voting about Arby's application via mail, or postpone to the post-UDS meeting [14:04] apachelogger: what time on tuesday? [14:04] 7 UTC I think [14:05] 2am EST? [14:05] -5 right? [14:05] or are we -4 now [14:06] http://doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=tvt9bb3fvtbqda8v [14:06] 6th slot on tuesday it is [14:07] oh.. you mean 14:00 :P [14:07] that is very possible indeed [14:07] 19 UTC [14:07] <3 UTC [14:08] NCommander: new http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=opengtl up, lintian 0 bytes :) [14:08] yeah, i've got a meeting at the time.. oh well [14:08] seele: maybe we can even discuss for 3 hours straight, then yuriy could do his vote ;-) [14:08] Riddell, no watch file [14:08] Riddell: no manpages [14:09] can't say I've ever used watch files [14:09] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libspnav needs a revu too [14:09] however, I don't know if the poor tools even need manpages, caue I can't compile it [14:09] * apachelogger stars crying [14:10] apachelogger: kdelibs buiult in experimental [14:10] apachelogger: or just about.. [14:13] Riddell: is llvm (>= 2.3-1~exp0) not yet in jaunty? [14:14] apachelogger: did you set the meeting yet? i might be able to do 20:00UTC [14:14] (or be by soon after starting) [14:16] seele: nope, though starting at 20UTC should be possible [14:16] jtechidna and rgreening would only be around for an hour though [14:17] le t me check the time... I may be able to make myself available... [14:19] bug 297659 [14:19] won't fix? [14:19] Nightrose: tell your bf to drop his custom statistics icon and use view-statistics instead [14:19] Launchpad bug 297659 in ubuntu "kubuntu-desktop + splashy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/297659 === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [14:19] theming statistics is impossible because it breaks the theme [14:20] actually it doesn't even depend on it in the first place [14:20] Riddell: opengtl refuses to build here [14:22] JontheEchidna: it does [14:22] through kubuntu-artwork-usplash IIRC [14:23] actually it's direct according to apt-cache show [14:23] though if you uninstalled those you would have to uninstall kubuntu-desktop anyway [14:24] anyway [14:24] JontheEchidna: ubuntu-desktop probably depends on their usplash theme [14:24] so there should be a bug against it as well [14:24] anyway [14:25] * apachelogger forgot what he wanted to say all along [14:25] ok, so since the theme itself is in default-settings default-settings should depend on usplash? [14:25] apachelogger: If 20UTC is == 5:30PM (GMT -3:30 here), then I can do it. [14:26] rgreening: 7th slot @ doodle [14:26] JontheEchidna: kubuntu-artwork-usplash is a binary package of kds [14:26] ah! [14:26] * apachelogger remembers his opinion again [14:26] so kubuntu-artwork-usplash should do the depending [14:26] apachelogger, what package needed review? [14:26] JontheEchidna: won't fix, once you change the default splash you don't have a common kubuntu-desktop in the natural meaning anymore [14:26] NCommander: monkeystudio [14:27] JontheEchidna: the only sensible solution for this would be to create a kubuntu theme for splashy then kubuntu-desktop can depend on kubuntu-artwork-upslash|kubuntu-artwork-splashy [14:27] apachelogger: you are correct 4:30NST (I forgot we are off NDT now). So, yeah... I can do that. [14:27] also, I have no clue what splashy is and why one would want ot use this [14:28] rgreening: for how long? [14:28] apachelogger, why haven't you plus 1ed it? [14:28] NCommander: because I didn't look at it yet [14:28] ok [14:28] that package is a biatch to review [14:28] apachelogger: as long as needed. I had a class, but it's cancelled. So, I'm free [14:29] rgreening: perfect [14:29] JontheEchidna: I supose you are only one hour around? [14:29] apachelogger, my inital review is good [14:29] I'll test build and do a more indept REVU [14:29] yeah, I'm really supposed to be doing homework at 20 UTC [14:30] or, one hour past that [14:31] okies [14:31] JontheEchidna: you don't have any say on the bzr thing anyway :P [14:32] :P [14:32] JontheEchidna: do you have some opinion on it? [14:32] what exactly about bzr is on the agenda? [14:32] moving the packaging of all KDE core packages to bzr [14:33] sounds good to me [14:33] that way nobody doing packaging has any excuse for not using batscripts [14:33] :D [14:33] lol [14:38] apachelogger: why did opengtl refuse to build? llvm deb at kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/ [14:41] apachelogger, monkeystudio looks good so far [14:42] Lintian src/bin clean, builds in jaunty chroot, and installs [14:42] emonkey studio ? [14:43] NCommander: is the source in sensible condition? I had quite some arguments with upstream about proper source distribution [14:43] apachelogger, seems so, but I can't ACK [14:43] Riddell: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libspnav [14:43] Riddell: and it FTBFS [14:44] Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71395/ [14:47] Hobbsee: Hiya! [14:48] Riddell: builds with libx11-dev and looks good otherwise [14:48] NCommander: why can't you ACK? [14:49] apachelogger, if you have it installed, try making a new project [14:49] Doesn't work, no templates installed [14:49] oh my [14:49] yeah [14:50] rgreening: did you give the new kde4libs a testdrive yet? [14:50] seems to work here [14:50] So other than not working, the package is fine? [14:50] http://arm.com/news/23761.html a whole new arch for NCommander to fix problems on :) [14:51] Yup, I saw [14:51] * NCommander expected it [14:51] the n810 uses arm, doesn't it? :P [14:51] yes [14:51] Riddell, do me a favor and accept svk into proposed [14:52] Yup [14:52] to apachelogger [14:54] apachelogger: why optional? spnav doesn't seem like something you'd want installed unless you know what it is [14:57] Riddell: good point.. though, why is there no lib? [14:58] ahhhh [14:58] it's just a static library [14:59] Riddell: that is the SDK isn't it? [15:00] apachelogger: what? [15:00] the package [15:01] anyway [15:01] Riddell: that description is confusing [15:02] is it a driver, is it a SDK, is it a project, is it a driver, SDK and project in that single -dev package? [15:02] * apachelogger is using that [15:02] all of them [15:03] Riddell: okies, despite the fact that I have no clue what the use case for this package would be at all, I agree with the extra priority [15:03] use case is koffice2 wants it [15:03] apachelogger: just updating now... [15:04] ohhh [15:04] Riddell: add the missing build-dep and you get an ACK [15:05] rgreening: you might want to write a test case as you are doing this, we will need one for the SRU [15:06] something like "install wine, download itunes, install itunes with wine, check kde menu" [15:06] new version uploaded to revu [15:07] apachelogger: k. will do.. [15:10] Riddell: acked an archived [15:10] yay, I am a packager now! [15:10] \o/ [15:14] apachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=spavenavd appearing in a minute [15:40] apachelogger: test case added to bug 297195 [15:40] Launchpad bug 297195 in kdebase-workspace "Gnome/KDE applications.menu collision resolution breaks searching in applications-merged dir" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/297195 [16:09] rgreening: don't let pino make you feel bad, that change havn't been uploaded to debian yet, it's only in their svn === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [16:12] Where are the docs for landscape? [16:13] Riddell: lol. nah, I can see he's an interesting character, so `cat /dev/null > comments` is my friend :) [16:14] he's lovely (most of the time :) [16:14] DaSkreech: you'd need to pay Canonical to get them [16:15] Riddell: So how do I append ot the MOTD ? [16:15] echo foo >> /etc/motd ? [16:17] we don't have am2cmake anywhere? dam... was going to try and start looking at porting KlamAv... [16:18] nm.. got if from kdesdk src... [16:19] DaSkreech: Ask kirkland. He put that together. [16:30] :-* === Czessi__ is now known as Czessi === vorian is now known as stevie [17:03] is there anything i can do without having kdesvn compiled? artwork needed? bug reportin' needed? [17:03] n/m i think i'll install arch, and compile kdesvn then code... [17:06] he would have learned about kde-nightly if he had stayed 2 more minutes :) [17:06] Riddell: for Gnome, they have a software-properties program like our kde version, and it installs a .desktop file to the users menu. should we add a desktop file as well? [17:07] I don't see a reason for having that [17:07] the package manager is the right place to edit package sources [17:08] I suppose. Ok. [17:09] Riddell: what can I work on next? Got anything my size :) [17:09] lots of merges to be done [17:09] k3b, konversation if you know KDE 3 packaging [17:10] take your pick from merges.ubuntu.com [17:10] Ok, I'll have a peek. [17:12] \o/ [17:12] Riddell: I'll take konversation and try it. Are these recorded anywhere to prevent dup effort? [17:12] When is k3b shipping for KDE4? [17:13] I understand k3b/kde4 will be ready soon [17:13] Probably soon enough for Jaunty [17:13] In fact, I hope Amarok, Digikam *and* k3b will make it [17:14] somehow people say that all the time :P [17:14] I'm running digikam4 for some time already, really only minor bugs left [17:14] And k3b ... well it starts and looks OK. Didn't try to burn yet [17:15] sebas: last time I tried it (which was about half a year ago) it also started, but burning ended in an epic fail [17:15] Reportedly, it works now [17:16] But yeah ... see > believe [17:16] rgreening: no they're not recorded, just ping the channel I guess top stop overlap [17:16] I guess we should try to accumulate a lot of feedback [17:17] * sebas tries to get networkmanager plasma applet done in time for Jaunty :) [17:17] every issue that can be fixed before jaunty makes me 0.0319% happier [17:17] sebas: _looking_ good already :) [17:18] yeah, we only need to get it to actually work :> [17:18] details.. [17:18] *nod* [17:18] you have to see it this way: knetworkmanager is looking bad and not working [17:18] so in a way the plasmoid is already better ;-) [17:19] It's a bit like a supermodel, often the looks are enough to make it a good experience, she doesn't need to actually work ;) [17:21] Riddell: I think revu ate your spavenavd [17:22] exists here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=spacenavd [17:22] apachelogger: That's Soyuz that eats uploads. [17:22] helps if I don't typo [17:23] apachelogger: How happy are you? [17:25] DaSkreech: -1290 [17:25] ScottK: yeah, I was wondering if revu also started doing that [17:26] apachelogger: knetworkmanager not working? [17:26] It's actually much better than it used to be. [17:27] still too far away from perfect IMHO [17:27] I have an issue with it crashing NetworkManager when trying to connect to a WPA2 network. I've run into this on 2 machines now, but I can't find a bug report on it, so I guess I'll try it again tonight and collect the logs and report [17:36] Riddell: all the comments in your rules files make them pretty messed up alright :P [17:37] make what messed up? [17:38] Riddell: the rules file [17:38] I am afraid my eyes might start bleeding from reading them [17:38] Riddell: copyright is wrong, license is gpl3+, not BSD [17:38] it's well documented [17:39] # dh_installmenu [17:39] # dh_installdebconf [17:39] # dh_installlogrotate [17:39] .... [17:39] is not very good documentation though [17:40] # Add here commands to compile the package. [17:40] $(MAKE) [17:40] is close to redundancy IMHO [17:41] * apachelogger fiddles with his pbuilder [17:43] JontheEchidna: how about a hook that adds a local dir to the sources.list? [17:43] certainly would improve the stack building experience === stevie is now known as vorian [17:56] Does a PDF printer ship by default in KDE4? [18:01] does for Qt apps [18:02] Can't print from Okular :( [18:03] Well specifically when I have a PDF open [18:04] umm [18:04] I know I sound retarded [18:04] I'm sure you have a perfectly rational explanation [18:04] I'm trying to get this massive PDF file split into smaller files that I can carry around with memory errors everytime I open it to read [18:05] So I want to print the first 100 pages as a PDF then when I'm finished reading that then print another hundred [18:05] Instead of lugging around a file I can only open on a full blown PC [18:05] pdfedit? [18:07] wouldn't being able to print a PDF from a PDF be easier? :) [18:07] why would you put in extra code to take out functionality? [18:08] hmm... print preview in okular takes 100% cpu... [18:08] Riddell: spnavd.c:50:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory [18:08] spnavd.c:51:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory [18:08] rgreening: don't patch it, pino will eat you :P [18:08] lol [18:09] seriously, pino gets all grumpy when someone is patching around in okular [18:09] apachelogger: doh [18:09] his pet project [18:09] Riddell: builds with libx11-dev as well [18:10] rgreening: eating people? [18:10] haha [18:13] Riddell: no Print to PDF option in okular (on a fresh install of Intrepid). Which I assume is due to no default PDF printer being defined anywhere [18:13] Riddell: W: spacenavd: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/spacenavd [18:13] W: spacenavd: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/spnavd_ctl [18:13] W: spacenavd: missing-depends-line [18:13] DaSkreech: ^ [18:13] rgreening: try print from Konqueror [18:13] Riddell: I am going to ignore the manpage stuff, but the empty depends line appears wrongish [18:14] DaSkreech: ah.. hmmm.. ok, the option is in konq but not in okular. [18:15] rgreening: are you looking at a PDF? [18:15] DaSkreech: ya [18:16] rgreening: open a text file or jpeg [18:16] NCommander: accepted svk [18:16] \o/ [18:17] add needs-verification tag to bug and ask for testers [18:17] I'll test it [18:17] hi NCommander [18:17] actually, I need to wait for it to build [18:17] Hi DaSkreech [18:17] DaSkreech: yeah, only gives the option if not already a PDF [18:18] DaSkreech: bug or feature :) [18:18] * DaSkreech wants to print a PDF to a PDF :-( [18:18] DaSkreech: convert PDF to odt and then back... (not ideal) [18:19] * DaSkreech throttles hismelf on the floor [18:19] hm [18:19] PDF -> PNG -> OCR software -> DOC -> ODT -> PDF [18:19] haha [18:20] you could do that on 6 operatingsystems as well [18:20] DaSkreech: report a bug at http://bugs.kde.org, for now you probably should try pdfedit [18:21] right-o [18:24] "hello. my name is Q" [18:24] I like that dude [18:24] are you watching Star Trek pilots? [18:26] Q rules [18:26] * NCommander perfers R [18:28] either that or James Bond [18:28] * Riddell goes to see James Bond shortly [18:28] the new one? [18:28] stark trek pilots \o/ [18:28] it's terrible :/ [18:28] hm [18:29] as if anyone watches a bond movie for the actual movie :P [18:29] There is a new Bond Girl out? [18:32] yes [18:32] the dearest austrian pop radio said there are actually 2 [18:35] * apachelogger is rofl [18:35] q++ [18:50] the James Bond movie doesn't come out until tomorrow for some of us [18:50] * seele is going tomorrow night whee [18:50] Heehee [18:52] Riddell: how about having okular suggest cups-pdf ? [18:59] DaSkreech: better to file a bug on okular [18:59] nixternal: you are a pinko commie [19:00] :P [19:04] ? [19:06] Riddell: never mind cups-pdf doesn't work :-P [19:15] apachelogger: Umm PDFedit is a page editor [19:38] apachelogger: Evince fixed it [19:47] apachelogger: would be handy [19:50] Riddell: hi, any new thing or old thing i can help with? [19:53] KDe 3.5.10 needs packaging [19:56] I'm pretty sure that every module that doesn't already have a KDE4 version is already at 3.5.10 [19:57] unless you're joking? :P === milian_ is now known as milian [20:00] :-) [20:00] We have pearson in any case [20:02] 3.5.10? [20:02] seriously [20:02] what is so bad about KDE 2?!?! [20:02] apachelogger: i think i just saw that question on kubuntu-users [20:03] I might have underestimated the kubuntu-users list then [20:03] http://www.kde.org/screenshots/images/large/kde2final_1.jpg [20:04] don't you remember kandalf that old lad [20:04] I liked Kandalf :-( [20:04] * DaSkreech was proposing a new mascot for KDE4 [20:05] http://dot.kde.org/972331966/972368338/Kde2-5.jpg [20:07] wow [20:07] that is awesome [20:07] http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/2531/1/ [20:07] anyone here use the grab-merge.sh from merges.ubuntu.com? [20:07] wow those images bring me back [20:07] there read about it [20:07] KDE 2 is pure awesomeness [20:08] rgreening: yes, a modified version of it [20:09] mok0: you using dad maybe? [20:09] rgreening: mostly [20:09] ah. [20:10] mok0: I haven't used it before, was just going to try and do the merge for konversation. [20:10] rgreening: just be careful, because it deletes everything in the cwd [20:10] yeah, I know. [20:11] rgreening: I got rid of that part :-) [20:12] mok0: just lookng at the REPORT and I see a bunch of 'C', are these auto merged? and I only need to resolve the 'C*' ones? [20:13] rgreening: those are files with conflicts, you need to edit them and resolve the merging problems. The two versions are both in there, with >>>> and <<<< markers [20:13] oh, I was looking for the +++ ---, that's why I never saw anything... heh [20:13] rgreening: separated by a ======= line [20:13] heh [20:13] ah. cool. [20:14] indeed [20:34] Riddell: ping ? [20:44] who is Ralph Janke? [20:50] Sime_: txwikinger [20:50] yes? [20:50] thanks. I just saw that he has been working on userconfig-kde4. [20:50] hi [20:50] hi [20:51] someone emailed me asking about the status of guidance + KDE4. [20:51] I just had a look at launchpad and say your work. ;-) [20:51] does it work? [20:51] Well.. it works standalone [20:51] I did get to integrade it into guidance [20:51] didnot [20:52] are you running kde trunk? [20:52] I also did not find any docu how to do this in KDE4 [20:52] it should be possible to get it running in systemsettings in KDE 4 too. [20:53] Well.. I did not find the docu how to connect it to systemsettings [20:53] I was able to somehow be recognised by systemsettings and the icon be shown [20:53] but it would not start because the I did not find how to do the logic inside [20:54] hmm, looks like you got farther than yuriy and I did then [20:54] yes I got it working standalone [20:54] nice [20:54] in kde trunk -> kdebindings.... tools/kcm_example/ you can see how it should work. [20:55] ok. I will have a look at it [20:55] cannot promise when though.. my container will come next week and will will have to move into our place here [20:57] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/297794 [20:57] Launchpad bug 297794 in kdebase-workspace "Digital clock widget does not update time when laptop is woken from sleep until minute gets incremented" [Undecided,New] [21:05] ;-) [23:42] Hello. Is the something i can help out with? [23:50] Yes [23:51] 3.5.10? [23:51] de [23:51] ja [23:51] vous