[01:07] hi guys [01:08] I need to stop the lircd service from starting with boot up but need to run two commands instead, do you have any suggestions how I can do that easily? [01:14] or do that at all? [01:20] is there any reason why I can't login to the ubuntu forms? [01:20] lircd crashes if i start a program that uses it [01:20] what could be the problem? [01:20] i have a creative breakoutbox (came with my audigy2) [01:22] is there anything in the log files? [01:23] which one exactly? [01:25] well you can see if there is one under var for the program that you try to use or lircd log [01:25] ill check [01:25] btw how do you know it crashed? [01:26] i checked if it was running, then i checked again afterwards [01:26] wasnt running anymore [01:26] i mean during [01:26] not afterwards [01:27] is there anything running when you do a ps -ef | grep lircd [01:27] wait a sec let me boot the machine up [01:27] its not up yet [01:27] k [01:27] * Ward_ goes upstairs [01:28] just so you know I am no pro just things that I had to look at when I was sorting out my remote on myth [01:29] no problem at all, any help welcome [01:29] i had lirc working before with my homebrew serial IR receiver [01:29] but it would be crazy not to use the frontbay of my audigy... [01:29] also its remote is very nice vor watching tv [01:29] for [01:30] ward 6249 6181 0 02:30 pts/0 00:00:00 grep lircd [01:30] and this is after a fresh boot [01:30] lirc should be setup correctly [01:31] when i go see in mythbuntu control centre its set to creative breakout [01:33] ok question have the remote worked? [01:33] cause I was expecting an lircd running [01:34] nope thats the problem, that it doesnt work.... lol [01:34] if it would work i wouldnt be here :p [01:34] the remote itself is fine as far as i know [01:34] what happens if you so /etc/init.d/lirc start? [01:34] with sudo i presume? [01:34] or without? [01:34] jip [01:34] sorry [01:34] no prob just making sure [01:35] * Loading LIRC modules [ OK ] [01:35] * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC [fail] [01:35] :s [01:36] also my soundcard doesnt seem to work, i tried all outputs, no sound [01:36] ok lsusb [01:36] usb? [01:37] its a creative breakout box [01:37] what version you running? [01:37] run lsusb in your reminal [01:37] terminal [01:37] sorry [01:37] erm [01:37] i dont have any usb device for ir [01:37] i have a creative breakout box [01:37] lsusb gives 3hubs and a mouse [01:37] lol [01:37] which is normal because thats all that is hooked up trough usb [01:38] o ok.. [01:38] the soundcard is detected correctly [01:38] the breakoutbox is conencted to the PCB of the soundcard [01:38] what creative sound card is it? [01:39] audigy 2 [01:39] this looks exactly like my model: http://img.tomshardware.com/de/2002/11/25/audigy2_von_creativelabs_die_prima_donna_im_pc_/audigy2_1.jpg [01:41] ok give me two [01:41] ok [01:42] what version of ubunto do you run? [01:42] ubuntu [01:42] latest mythbuntu, 8.10 [01:42] and updated [01:42] its a fresh install [01:42] mocked aroudn a bit with lirc yesterday but thats all that happened to it [01:42] sound and lirc are not working [01:46] yes from what I know you need to get lirc to see the driver(device) from my side I have been digging arround with a usb IR so I think I may not be any use to you.. but I will keep my eye open if I see something.. maybe someone ells here cause help you more.. [01:46] sorry [01:48] no prob [01:48] thanx anyway [01:50] with the sound have you look in alsamixer see if it is MM as I had that problem on my 810 install [02:12] never mind [02:12] i just screwed up the pcb anyway [02:13] a connection was so strong the plastic came from the pins, it slided up half a cm [02:13] to i had to press it back down and one pin went down with it [02:13] to = so [02:13] i feel bad now [02:14] wasted so much time on it [02:14] bah [02:14] need to put everything back the way it was [02:14] and still no fucking mediacenter [02:14] Watch the language, please, Ward_. [02:15] im sorry its just that lirc is pure crap [02:15] in fact mythtv in general is crap now in my eyes [02:16] * Ward_ takes money for a windows license [02:16] ill buy it with pleasure as i know itll actually work the way i want to, with mediaportal [02:16] thanx for the help anyways [02:17] heh [02:19] Of course Windows will work the way you want it. [02:20] It'd never doing anything out of the ordinary. [02:23] !help [02:23] Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi [02:46] having problems with DVD playback using Internal on multiple dvds, menus come up select play movie starts playing then after several seconds it doubles up the output from the beginning of the DVD...logs dont show anything untoward. Can anyone suggest where to start looking for the cause ? thx [02:48] same dvd's play fine using external players (mplayer, vlc) [03:58] Hi, i'm hoping someone here can help me... [03:58] I just installed Mythbuntu on my toshiba laptop. everything worked perfectly until i went from open source video drivers to activiating Nvidia 173 [03:58] I have lost my sound [03:59] I've tried everything suggested about checking the mute settings on the mixer and all [04:00] i'm trying to upgrade to nvidia177 , but i'm not sure how to do that, should i just do a complete wipe and reinstall and not use the nvidia drivers? [04:09] MythbuntuGuest85: How did you try to switch to the nvidia drivers? [04:09] there was a notification on the top right saying activate nvidia drivers? [04:09] and i did [04:10] That shouldn't have affected your sound though [04:14] hi OpenMediaSupport been a long time. [04:15] i've tried everything but sound is a no go [04:16] MythbuntuGuest85, alsamixer? [04:16] aplay? [04:16] alsamixer [04:16] yes [04:17] do i have to install aplay [04:17] everything is unmuted? [04:17] nope [04:17] everything is unmuted in alsamixer [04:17] ok [04:17] i type aplay in terminal [04:17] and nothing come up [04:20] do this: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav [04:26] it says playing ra data..... Mono [04:26] but nothing can be heard [04:26] MythbuntuGuest85, [04:26] MythbuntuGuest85, sudo apt-get install asoundconf-gtk [04:27] MythbuntuGuest85, also try sudo killall pulseaudio [04:27] then try the aplay thing again [04:28] foxbuntu: yeah.. Been on the road quite a bit recently. [04:29] OpenMediaSupport, hows business? [04:31] foxbuntu: waiting on stable freeview|HD support [04:31] ah [04:31] Finally have it all working, but requires an Athlon X2 6000+ or greater for playback [04:31] which is too hot for our cases. [04:31] myself I have spent tons of $$ and time on HDMI and Hybrid tuners [04:31] Hence I need better H.264 support for dual core or we are sunk. [04:32] Yeah I'd love to have HVR 2200 support which would make things easier as well [04:32] I had worries about heat but have had no issues in testing even a Q6600 and Phenom 9850 [04:33] X26000 is a 89W part which and gets damn hot on 1080i H264 broadcasts [04:33] fan noise is too loud [04:33] foxbuntu> still nothing [04:33] tried all you suggested [04:34] MythbuntuGuest85, run asoundconf-gtk from the terminal [04:34] it will open an app up and you can select your default card [04:35] ok lemme try [04:36] brb [04:47] alrite i'm not sure what happened, but it worked! [04:47] i'm a damn noob, but i wish i knew what i was doing wrong [04:48] foxbuntu> thank you so much! [04:48] MythbuntuGuest85, np [05:32] Hi all [05:33] Can anybody please give me a helpful document or link to understand the architecture of MythTV other than wiki [05:34] what i want to know is the structure of MythTV, working mechanism, a brief explantion etc [05:40] renjith, what do you want to know? [05:41] it's a client/server model [05:41] is that brief enough? [06:49] Hey folks. [06:50] I had a fresh install of Intrepid (regular ubuntu) on my laptop, with everything working. Thismorning I installed the mythbuntu packages and now the wifi doesn't work. Both mythbuntu and ubuntu versions were 8.10, so I don't get why the wifi would die like that [06:51] Come to think of it, I'd better check it was the 8.10 mythbuntu packages... hah [08:13] Never mind... I had the external wifi switch set to off (it's a momentary one, the colour of the LED tells you the status). I'm a freaking moron. [09:58] morning =) after i reorginized my mp3 archive i no longer can "stream" my music files from mythweb. when i open a playlist in vlc i get the names of the songs but vlc just skips through then. it worked before and i havent changed any apache configs. i checked the symlink in mythweb/data/ and i points to the right directory [09:59] anyone got any tips where i can start looking for a solution ? [09:59] then = them =) [10:28] Hi there. Any way for mythbuntu to use a USB for persistent storage? [14:38] are you supposed to put the pvr150 into your first pci slot? [15:30] Decepticon, : It won't matter what slot you put your capture card in.. [16:06] I'm not sure it matters === bogus is now known as Guest4031 [18:13] i cannot seem to get output from my soundcard, a audigy 2 [18:14] what can i do to troubleshoot it in mythbuntu [21:22] Ward1983: I thought you went to buy Windows [21:23] haha [21:24] heh [21:32] hads, ok thanx for the advice i will [21:33] Sensitive. [21:35] lmao [21:35] good going hads [21:35] ;) [21:36] :)