[00:02] you could manually change your locale from the command line, but I am not sure this would affect X [00:02] Control Center/Languages? [00:03] * hggdh cannot test now, busy downloading Latest & Greatest [00:04] seems like it -- it will download whatever other language you want [00:04] via synaptic [00:05] mrooney, System/Administration/Language Support [00:05] mrooney - you can launch the application with LC_ALL also [00:05] hggdh: yeah, cool, Language Support allows me to download new ones and set the default for NEW users [00:06] for example, if I wanted to run gedit with french locale, i would do "LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 gedit" [00:06] chrisccoulson: oh, thanks, let me try that! [00:07] you'll obviously still need the language pack installed, but it measn that you don't have to start a whole new session with a different locale [00:08] mrooney, a mix of both options seems appropriate: install whatever other language packs, and then run it from the command line [00:10] yeah, I think this is a good combination! [00:10] chrisccoulson: do you know how to determine what locale names I have available, as a result? [00:10] hmmmm, i'm not too sure about that [00:10] For example when I install Slovenian, how do I know what to set LC_ALL equal to [00:11] well let me do some research [00:11] chrisccoulson: oh, the terminal output tells me the locales generated :) [00:11] of installing it via language support [00:12] you could also do a "ls /usr/lib/locale". all the folders in there correspond to installed locales it seems [00:15] local -a will list all installed [00:15] locale -a [00:16] thanks hggdh - i didn't know that [00:16] thanks hggdh and chrisccoulson, it works perfectly! [00:16] I thought it was going to be harder [00:16] and 'locale -a -v' will give a more detailed list === bill is now known as Guest76722 [02:09] hggdh: the installer can be preseeded. [02:09] hggdh: as for how to get that preseeding done, inside virtualbox...*shrug* [02:11] Hobbsee, thanks. Preseeding the installer would do the trick, since I would (probably) be able to create the virtual disk and boot it from a shell script [02:11] hggdh: I presuem so, yes. [02:11] by using VBoxManage, the command line for VBox [02:11] hggdh: ro create the virtual drive once, and get it to keep using that disk [02:12] yes, good idea -- otherwise eventually I would run out of fs space ;-) [02:12] :) [02:13] Hobbsee, where can I find info on preseeding the installer? [02:13] hggdh: erm, wiki somewhere. i'm not sure, tbh. [02:13] I will find it [02:18] Hobbsee, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization (for 8.04, I think, but it is a start) [02:18] I will look at it next week, and see if I can automate the whole process -- so it can get done in one of my servers, while I am on the road === macd_ is now known as macd === maco_ is now known as maco [04:19] although my eth is working fine, nm-applet says "Networking disabled" and everytime I boot, I have to manually do sudo dhclient. has anyone been hit by this? [04:26] techno_freak: is eth0 listed in /etc/network_interfaces? [04:26] or has it been turned to manual config? [04:27] auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual [04:27] Burgundavia, ^^ [04:30] techno_freak: open system > admin > network and make certain roaming mode is enabled [04:31] Burgundavia, the problem is that I don't have System > Admin > Network [04:32] umm? [04:32] well, if not, basically NMonly manages interfaces that are not listed in /etc/network/interfaces [04:33] Burgundavia, ya, am commenting out the eth0 lines and trying out [04:33] that will work [04:33] let me try :) [04:33] Burgundavia: that doesnt exist in intrepid [04:34] ah, so that's why it has gone [04:34] maco: oh, right, forgot about that [04:35] not yet upgraded my main desktop box [04:35] and why/how do I get a new pan0 interface in my ifconfig :S [04:36] ok, let me try if it works on its own now [04:41] Burgundavia, commenting out fixed the problem [04:42] thanks for the help :) [04:42] no worries [05:43] and now that intrepid has been released, the duplicate-marking fun begins [05:53] If anyone replied, please reply again. My net just came back up. [05:54] replied to what? [05:54] i missed whatever you asked since it was a while ago [05:54] hmm ubuntu bug-filing doesn't seem that great. I follow the docpage from the #ubuntu-bugs chan header. it's not clear how to launch the bug-reporter app. I went to help -> file a problem. and now it thinks I';m filing a problem about the help app. I try 'ubuntu-bug gnome-ppp' from the command line. and it says 'you must specifya package';. but I just DID. :// [05:54] I just need to tell the maintainer of gnome-ppp that the init-string textboxes are losing their data. and starting at 2 instead of 1. gee how hard can this be? [06:02] Ohmu: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-ppp/+filebug try that way [06:02] i've never used the client thing [06:17] maco: thanks!! Let me try [06:45] good morning === xeros_ is now known as xeros [07:33] good morning === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [10:41] hi [10:41] is anyone aware of a bug reported for sound not working on intrepid after the recent kernel upgrade ? [11:08] joaopinto: not me [11:09] I already saw 2 persons reporting on #ubuntu, not sure it was reported on LP [12:32] Boo [13:17] hey i am a newbie to kernel programming and bug fixing.....can anyone provide info as how to learn kernel programming as soon as possible so that I can fix bugs [13:34] hello, i have a question regarding a bug [13:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/256142 [13:34] Launchpad bug 256142 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Flickering with version 2.4.0" [Undecided,Fix released] [13:34] is that bug closed? [13:37] a bug marked fix released is closed [13:37] a fix to the bug has been released in an updated package [13:40] so I could reopen the bug.. I have the same issue [13:55] slacker_nl: if it is for the same version, yes [13:55] if it is diferente version, its best if you open a new one [13:56] BUGabundo_work: ahh, just reopened the bug.. :( [13:56] the bug is present in 2.4.1 [13:58] well, i've added the comment to contact me if reopening the bug was incorrect so i can create a new bug for it [13:58] asac: ping [13:58] asac: your postfix is delaying emails... lol [13:59] I just got your email from yesterday! [13:59] by the way, can I close the VPN account? [14:01] BUGabundo_work: yes i think so. or were there any issues left? [14:01] don't know [14:01] can't test right now [14:01] I'm doing an rsync on ubuntu dvd 64bits [14:01] my last got corrupte [14:01] if you ever need it again, let me know [14:02] and I'll reactivate the account [14:37] /nick thekorn === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [14:37] ROFL thekorn [14:38] ;) [14:45] what do you do with an inappropriate bug comment? is there a way to remove the comment and reprimand the user? [14:51] psusi: it is possible for the LP admins to do that, but it is rare [14:52] it would usually just be spam, or something that shouldn't be hosted on launchpad [14:52] I would assume they would if someone went beyond the usual amount of rudeness [14:52] well this guy is going off swearing and bitching [14:52] I'd ask in #launchpad or file a question on the launchpad project [14:52] k [14:52] we have no power, it's up to the launchpad admins [15:33] Did the feature of update-manager that gives a link to the changelog when it isn't yet available get turned off for the final release? [15:36] mrooney: do you mean apt-changes ? [15:36] mrooney: I saw it the other day [15:37] BUGabundo_work: perhaps, now it just says the changes aren't yet available, instead of providing a link to the changelog [15:37] It should also fallback to a launchpad url iirc [15:38] bdmurray: yeah it used to. I wonder if it was that I changed my mirror to something else temporarily, but now that I switched it back and re-updated I still don't get it. I thought maybe it was a pre-release only feature [15:38] mrooney: what package is it? [15:38] if it aint apt-changes I don't know what you guys are talking about [15:39] mrooney: here's one http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/65241/ [15:40] bdmurray: the security updates, base-files, linux*, procps [15:40] bdmurray: yeah I was only getting line 1 [15:40] well, am. [15:40] or more accurately "The list of changes is not available" [15:41] must be cached from the previous mirror I was using [15:44] mrooney: its not mirror specific its changelogs.ubuntu.com or launchpad.net [15:46] bdmurray: oh okay, well then I have no idea why since yesterday I only see "The list of changes is not available" [15:51] has anyone seen anything like bug 291626? [15:51] Launchpad bug 291626 in ubuntu "no battery indicator in Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291626 [15:51] not here! [15:51] I realized I didn't have one either; I thought it was just that the reporters laptop was fully charged [15:51] humm now that you talk about it === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [15:52] unpling ac from my laptop didn't lead the light [15:52] hadn't noticed it yet [15:52] but I didn't get one until I added "Battery Charge Monitor" to gnome-panel [15:52] then g-p-m appeared [15:52] and then I removed the panel applet [15:52] and it was fine [15:52] mine is missing too [15:53] oh no... its there! [15:53] too many icons [15:53] but my CPU applet is not showing it values [15:54] ahh removed it and now its working again [15:55] now, about that battery light!!! [15:55] i have the same problem with networkmanager: i updated from hardy to intrepid and its icon disappeared [15:56] mrooney: I need to had the battery applet! [15:56] arno_b: check to see if you have ubuntu-desktop [15:56] did you upgrade with update manager or distupgrade?= [15:57] i will do that ;) [15:57] mrooney: I was thinking about the battery light!! mine seems MIA! [15:57] BUGabundo: using update-manager [15:57] arno_b: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [15:57] strange then! [15:57] have you rebooted? [15:57] were you using official NM or PPA? [15:58] BUGabundo: it is on my computer at work, I can't do that now [15:58] BUGabundo_work: so it doesn't appear even if you unplug your laptop for a minute? [15:58] BUGabundo: officla nm [15:58] mrooney: the light not the applet! [15:58] there are too aplets... not sure which you are missing! [15:58] oh, interesting [15:59] one from gnome-power-manager [15:59] and another to just show batt % or time! [15:59] I have both [15:59] arno_b: have you rebooted since upgrade? [15:59] BUGabundo_work: yep [15:59] try starting it from cli: nm-applet [16:00] BUGabundo_work: i can't do that now, but i will [16:15] saivann_: have you tested your package for bug 270777? [16:15] Launchpad bug 270777 in rhythmbox "[SRU] unable to copy music from an MTP device" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/270777 [16:18] dmurray : I tested the uploaded package in intrepid-proposed [16:18] bdmurray : Do you get different results? [16:18] bdmurray : rhythmbox_0.11.6svn20081008-0ubuntu4.1 [16:19] saivann_: How do you copy the file? Maybe I'm doing it wrong. [16:20] bdmurray : I just connect the MTP device (it appears in the left pannel of rhythmbox), I click on it to list the content of the MTP device, and then I simply drag and drop one music from the MTP device to my rhythmbox library folder (always in the left pannel) [16:22] bdmurray : But you can also double-click on one music in the MTP device list to play it. It generally works well (it sometime jumps between music tracks because of another bug). [16:23] saivann_: hmm, it's exhibiting the same behavior for me - stuck at 0% transferring [16:24] bdmurray : Are you sure that you are really using rhythmbox version that ends with "4.1" from intrepid-proposed? [16:24] bdmurray : It would be strange because it works well there [16:25] saivann_: its 4.1 - I'll dig some more [16:25] bdmurray : Oh.. perhaps you should revert "verification-done" to "verification-needed" then [16:27] bdmurray : BTW, what MTP device are you using. I use a Creative Zen Vision M: [16:27] I think its a Creative Zen MicroPhoto [16:29] weird that you still have the bug with upstream fix.. [16:29] Ah, now I've gotten an error message [16:29] "Could not create a GStreamer sink element to write to ...." [16:30] bdmurray : I've never see this message in the past, do you have all updates installed? [16:31] saivann_: I'll install the new kernel and stuff an let you know. [16:33] bdmurray : Or you can use the final release LiveCD to test, mayb [16:59] I want to get a backtrace from a CoreDump file, see bug 289341 . but gdb say 'not a core dump: File format not recognized'. Am I doing something stupid? [16:59] Launchpad bug 289341 in firefox-3.0 "firefox crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289341 === graydog is now known as graydot === jtisme is now known as jt1 === jt1 is now known as jt2 === jt2 is now known as jt66 === jt66 is now known as jtisme === jtisme is now known as jt66 === jtisme is now known as jt66 === jtisme is now known as jt66 === jt66 is now known as jtisme === jtisme is now known as jt66 === jtisme is now known as jt66 [19:41] Hey, is it an xorg bug if I'm able to boot the live CD, but nothing comes up on the monitor? (like I can switch to a tty, but xinit turns off the display?) [19:50] * jt66 is away: I'm busy [19:54] Hello [19:54] marrow: Hi [19:55] Am I in the right room to ask whether my problem with intrepid is a bug, or not? [19:55] Yes, we can try and help you finding that out. [19:56] OK, thanks in advance [19:56] So here it comes: [19:56] After upgrading, my laptop's volume control function keys are messed up [19:57] If I try to decrease the volume, it mutes the device completely [19:57] If I try to increase the volume, it puts on max. volume [19:57] And most of the buttons don't work afterwards [19:58] so I have to log out, and log in again [19:58] It is like the buttos were stuck (the Fn+VolUp, or Fn+VolDown) [19:59] I have googled around, but I guess intrepid is too fresh yet [19:59] I had no such problem in Hardy or Fiesty [20:01] What do you mean most of the buttons don't work afterwards? [20:01] Is it your whole keyboard that doesn't work? [20:02] First I thought so, but strangely the Ctrl+Alt+Del works [20:03] But not the letters [20:04] marrow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting might be of some assistance [20:04] Have you tried recreating it with the Live CD? [20:05] Givr me a sec with th [20:05] the link [20:05] No, I don't have a LiveCD [20:06] Maybe try the guest account then [20:08] I have checked the link, thanks for it [20:09] It does sound like a bug [20:09] It seems I will have to take pretty much time to try to debug this issue [20:09] The log in - log out is not too comfortable [20:17] bdmurray: i think marrow was a dup of bug 271706 [20:17] Launchpad bug 271706 in linux "Volume control wheel on laptop is sticking in ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/271706 [20:21] lfaraone: does framebuffer stuff display, such as the ubuntu loading bar? [20:22] ogasawara: have you seen that bug? [20:22] bdmurray: it appears to actually be at least 2 bugs with the same sympton [20:22] *symptom [20:23] since for some people, killing gnome-power-manager fixes it, and for others it doesnt [20:24] well, not fixes, but is a workaround [20:24] it sounds to me like there are 2 issues - one with a volume control wheel and one with volume keys [20:25] volume keys being the one that goes with the evdev-could-be-the-cause suggestion? [20:25] nope, volume keys & g-p-m , wheel and evdev / kernel quirk [20:25] i was thinking it could be that some of them send ACPI events for the volume changing (and would be affected by g-p-m) whereas others send stuff to X [20:31] huh? [20:31] the volume wheel bug has nothing to do with g-p-m [20:32] that's what I was saying or trying to at least [20:32] granted, there's a separate race in alsa-lib that complicates things, but that's not the culprit for this bug [20:34] crimsun, just wait ... g-p-m might take even that over some day :P [20:34] ogra: yeah, I eagerly await the day I can reassign all audio-related bugs to g-p-m. really. [20:35] lol [20:39] intregrate it all into the kernel and reassign to 'linux' :) [20:40] calc, just wait until dbus moved into the kernel [20:40] (no, thats no joke) [20:41] ogra: yea that was the basis of my joke ;-) [20:41] everything is getting moved into the kernel, lol [20:41] modprobe gnome [20:41] modprobe -r gnome && modprobe kde [20:41] ;) [20:42] X will be in kernel by 2.6.28 or so (iirc) [20:42] well mode setting anyway [21:10] bdmurray: I hadn't seen that bug, but there was a keypress bug ben was working on where hotkeys would be sending keypress events as if in a loop [21:11] ogasawara: I was referring to volume wheel - 271706 [21:31] have any of you seen the influx of bugs involved with the "places" menu not linking to nautilus but to an array of media programs? [21:31] angusthefuzz: whoa that sounds really weird [21:31] I think there is a master bug for that [21:32] thanks bdmurray I couldnt find it [21:32] it should be in gnome-panel [21:32] but i couldnt seem to find it [21:36] angusthefuzz: bug 260492 [21:36] awesome, thanks bdmurray [21:36] Launchpad bug 260492 in gnome-panel "opening a directory using an application change associations incorrectly" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260492 [21:41] angusthefuzz: yes [21:41] er, nvm, im too late [21:45] crimsun: some people commenting on that volume wheel & buttons bug said killing g-p-m was a workaround for them [21:45] a workaround doesn't necessarily fix the underlying culprit. [21:45] as you should know by now having been exposed to a sliver of audio bugs. [21:59] hey maco , crimsun . [22:00] maco: yes, the framebuffer does come up [22:01] hey, lfaraone. [22:02] maco: I have some logs. (I'm not at the machine, but I scp'd dmesg, lspci, and syslog) [22:08] crimsun: well yeah, but i thought maybe that meant it had something to do with it [22:08] im trying to figure out how to use this bughelper thing [22:12] maco: What are you trying to do with it? [22:12] bdmurray: ive never used it before. i know it can be helpful for finding dups, but i'm not sure how to tell it "search for this" [22:13] i dont understand what it means by "clues" [22:16] maco: you provide it with some to look for and then a hint to return like 'this might be a dup of bug xyz' [22:16] I'll be happy to help you try something out [22:18] bdmurray: hi, could you point me to an ubuntustudio guru ? there is an important issue when upgrading ubuntustudio-menu from 8.04 to 8.10 in bug 276503 [22:18] Launchpad bug 276503 in ubuntustudio-menu "package ubuntustudio-menu 0.10 failed to install/upgrade: there is no script in the new version of the package - giving up" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276503 [22:19] crimsun: would bug 291379 be invalid or still a bug? pulse was looking at the wrong sound card even after he set his soundblaster to default in asoundconf. he said disabling the other one in the BIOS fixed his no-sound issue [22:19] Launchpad bug 291379 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 8.10 sound system a mess!" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291379 === kyber^ is now known as kyber [22:21] jibel: either https://launchpad.net/~coryisatm or https://launchpad.net/~luisbg [22:21] maco: not-a-bug.. [22:21] bdmurray: thank you [22:22] bdmurray: thank you [22:22] lfaraone: well if he set his soundblaster as default, disabling the other in the bios shouldn't be strictly necessary, should it? [22:23] jibel: thanks for working on it! [22:26] bdmurray: well im looking at the wiki now instead of the manpage, but how long is it supposed to sit there before it spits any info out? [22:27] maco: it really depends on the query [22:27] er, oh i was using -p instead of -t [22:28] for example if you were to query w/o a package it'd search all bugs which would take a bit ;-) [22:28] it says no clues found, but i put a message for it to print in the quotes like it shows on the wiki. is that not ok now? [22:28] maco: it'd really help if you showed be the command you are using [22:28] maco: yeah, it does. [22:29] bughelper -t nautilus "places menu" "dup of 260492" [22:29] maco: that's just the way it works/ [22:30] bughelper -p nautilus -T nautilus "places menu" "dup of 260492" - would be better [22:30] lfaraone: even if "well that's how it's always been" i dont think PA ignoring what's set as default should be considered not-a-bug [22:30] oh you need -p and -T? [22:31] -T is different from -t in that it tries only that clue [22:31] ok [22:31] and by default it would query all ubuntu bug reports which would be quite slow [22:31] it still says "'Checked at [] - no clues found. Check README on how to create one using the bugxml(1) command.'" but its still doing something [22:32] right, that message is fine [22:32] ok [22:33] so now its checking all the open nautilus bugs for the string 'places menu' [22:35] ok...waiting for it to finish [22:37] maco - i find bughelper is really useful for searching through things like call traces in kernel bugs - if you use the -A option, it searches attachments too [22:38] chrisccoulson: yeah, i saw that in the manpage, i just wasnt sure how to put all the arguments together into something it will accept instead of spitting "Usage:" out at me [22:39] it does take a very long time if you search through attachments though [22:39] I'm happy to run queries in the data center for people too (its a bit faster there) [22:40] thats useful to know:) [22:42] hrm, if someone files a bug about a package failing to install because they hit ctrl+C, but they say the install seemed to be hanging, is that still a bug? [22:43] i put invalid since they did ^C, rather than it being the process just dying, but they're asking about what about since it was sitting there seeming to do nothing [22:43] bug 291282 [22:43] Launchpad bug 291282 in landscape-client "package landscape-common 1.0.23-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291282 [22:44] maco - it depends. some packages use ucf, which has a known UI problem I think, which leads to some users accidentally cancelling the upgrade [22:44] there is a bug report tracking that though [22:45] is that one of those? [22:45] i'm just having a quick look [22:47] the repo's are going a bit slow at the moment!" [22:48] maco - it doesn't look like landscape-client uses ucf [22:48] so the user probably just interrupted it [22:49] argh, nobody's paying any attention to the "me too" button [22:49] can it just say "me too"? they might catch on better that way. [22:50] maco: :) [22:50] launchpad should search for "me too" in the comment and then tell them to use the button if they don't have any extra info [22:54] maco - just looking at that landscape-client bug [22:54] i think there is a potential race in the postinst script, although i don't know if it would cause it to hang for several minutes [22:55] the postinst script uses update-motd, which might get configured after apt tries to configure landscape-client. update-motd really should be a pre-depends of landscape-client [22:56] ok [22:56] so reopen as a packaging bug, you think? [22:57] i don't know if that is the issue though. it might be worth opening a separate report for that, because that is definately a possible trigger for installation/upgrade failures [23:00] Where did my Floppy Drive goto? [23:00] try "sudo modprobe floppy" [23:00] oh ok [23:01] that's a known bug (somewhere) [23:01] chrisccoulson: Alright! Thanks! [23:01] the floppy module is not being loaded automatically. as a workaround, add "floppy" to your /etc/modules [23:01] chrisccoulson: Has the bug already been reported or do you know? [23:01] chrisccoulson: ok [23:01] will do [23:01] yeah, the bug is already reported, but i can't remember the number off the top of my head [23:02] ok I"ll subscribe to it [23:02] you have a floppy drive? O_o i was going to be a smartass and answer "back to 1997" [23:03] i have a floppy drive;) [23:03] i didnt think they still made computers with those [23:03] not in at least 5 years [23:04] the newer desktops we get at work don't have floppy drives, which is a real pain because some of the older kit i have to use at work still has floppy drives, and i still have to rely on them to copy data from them [23:05] in fact, i still have an old computer at my parents house with a cassette drive [23:05] chrisccoulson: Yeah I know exactly what you mean, I have to use my floppy drive still too (I have an old DOS server right now with only a floppy drive) [23:05] wait...you dont have USB ports on the older computers? O_O [23:05] the only computer ive seen without a 3.5" floppy was a 486 running Window 3.11 [23:06] er without a USB prot [23:06] unfortunately, some of the old kit i have to use at work only have floppy drives (no USB/LAN etc), so the only way of getting data from them is to copy it on to floppy [23:06] though that didnt have 3.5" floppy either. just 5.25" [23:06] wow [23:14] maco: I forgot about the bughelper query did it finish? [23:15] bdmurray: yes, didnt find anymore dups though [23:16] maco: it did return some bug numbers though correct? [23:16] yes [23:18] cool [23:20] bdmurray: thanks