=== Purity^ is now known as purity^ === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [12:39] ssh [12:39] bah [12:40] Okay, irssi layout finally fixed so I don't do that again. [12:47] :D [12:49] Pici: do what again? [12:49] /layout save? === Rafik_ is now known as Rafik [18:41] hi all. idea: redirect #ubuntu-www, #ubuntu-web, and #ubuntu-webteam (currently all unregistered) to #ubuntu-website to make it easier for newcomers to find the channel without searching. [18:41] Pici from #freenode thinks it's unnecessary but delegates to you. I think it's a great idea, because there is no cost and some benefit. What do you think? [18:42] *I meant Pici from here and #freenode [20:06] repeat: idea: redirect #ubuntu-www, #ubuntu-web, and #ubuntu-webteam to #ubuntu-website. good idea? [20:06] jspiro: we saw you the first time [20:06] sorry. [20:33] Hey, is this the correct channel for help? [20:35] nickharper: no. see #ubuntu :) [20:36] Thanks, already there. === ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris