=== asac_ is now known as asac === fabbione is now known as char_buffer === char_buffer is now known as fabbione === lieb is now known as lieb_ === lieb_ is now known as lieb_commute [16:13] lilo option "large-memory" might be a solution for bug 290217 [16:14] kees: I'll post a comment to the bug [16:15] ogasawara: thank man. I know you've got all the whiz-bang auto-ask-for-details macros. :) [16:29] rtg: where can I find the config options for the powerpc kernel? [16:30] kirkland: you mean in the -ports kernel? Or in Hardy? [16:30] rtg: -ports kernel [16:30] rtg: clone the git tree? [16:30] probably in debian/config [16:30] rtg: k, thanks [16:31] kirkland: you shouldn't have to clone, there is gitweb at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid-ports.git;a=summary [16:31] rtg: perfect, that's just what i needed === lieb_commute is now known as lieb [16:58] smb_tp: does that /proc/acpi/alarm magic only work on suspend? [17:01] rtg, I have not tried otherwise but I guess you are asking about hibernate? It might depend on the rtc. [17:02] smb_tp: yeah, I was wondering if it worked after a shutdown. guess I'll have to research it. [17:02] rtg, Is rtc included in /proc/acpi/wakeup on your machine? [19:58] I'm seeing the kernel fail on the 8.10 RC desktop i386 iso very early... I receive "Bug: Int 6: CR2 00000000 and then the registers and the stack". Using Intel Celeron CPU.... [19:58] any ideas? [20:43] hey amitk === Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless