[20:56] New UWN is out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue114 [21:19] propably the last one I'm announcing on the german portal [21:20] mfm: ? [21:21] The next one will be "germanized" again, so no announcement any more. [21:21] ah [21:22] yeah, i saw that in the mailing lists [21:22] Nah, we wouldn't ignore the UWN.... [21:22] :) [21:23] Yeah, shame on me I asked for the UWN's license.... [21:23] lol [21:23] happens [21:23] The last thing I read was CC-BY-SA 3.0, right? [21:23] yeah... [21:23] hee hee [21:24] So when or how or who declares what lic will be used in the future? [21:24] i have np with you using what you want [21:24] i suppose boredandblogging [21:25] Kay, but I'd like to tell the future editors what lic they have to acceot. [21:25] i'm only the 2nd chief editor, he's the first lol [21:25] accept, I mean [21:25] sure [21:25] *g* [21:25] catch nick [21:25] :) [21:25] * johnc4510-laptop passes the buck [21:25] Already mailed him [21:26] k [21:26] that'll make his day!! [21:26] rofl [21:43] good night