[01:32] jrib: you still want to see the hedgehog on the wheel? [01:33] stdin: is this a trick question? [01:33] no: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20081022-012228-22102008033.mp4 [01:34] * jrib eagerly awaits the end of the download [01:34] * jrib hopes it is not a video of rick astley [01:35] nah, I'm not that evil [01:35] hehe [01:36] he's on it! [01:36] haha [01:36] yeah :) [01:36] that's really amusing to me [01:38] Thats one insane hedgehog [02:06] * genii hands out a round of coffees [04:04] So, since the CC didn't have a quorum today, they're just going to discuss it in private? Does that seem odd to anyone else? [04:05] Oh, Howdy all. [04:06] discuss what? [04:34] nalioth: the ubuntero thing [04:37] * nalioth thinks he missed something [04:39] nalioth: https://launchpad.net/bugs/272826 [04:39] Launchpad bug 272826 in ubuntu ""Ubuntero" inappropriate for female contributors" [Wishlist,New] [04:41] ahhh [04:42] political correctness at it's best . . . [07:14] is ##club-ubuntu emma's channel? [07:14] yeah... hmmles [07:14] they have a new bot... linked to manpages.ubuntu.com [07:15] http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2008/10/irc-bot-for-manpagesubuntucom.html [07:20] yeah [07:20] sort of silly [07:27] Hmmm hilights aren't working again after refreshing my irssi/config and I can't remember how to fix it. It will be a fun afternoon looking through it and remembering. [07:41] emilsedgh called the ops in #kubuntu () [07:59] Ah, fun. [08:01] hmm. [08:01] how would i go about becoming an ubuntu developer, and how long does the procedure take? [08:01] ret: you know, threatening people certainly isn't a good way to win friends or influence people. [08:01] Flannel: this doesn't truly address my request. [08:02] ret: I was making no attempt to address your request. [08:02] Flannel: but if you would like to address a prior problem you may or may not be having with me, please join #ret-op [08:03] ret: If you aren't here to actually discuss disciplinary issues, please don't idle here. [08:04] Well, I would like to become an #ubuntu operator. I suppose this is on topic. [08:07] :) [08:07] Maybe not. [08:13] Is anyone else here then :) [08:14] Do I contact staffers regarding threats? or just ignore it? [08:29] Morning all! [08:29] Howdy jussi01 [08:30] Flannel: no harm in grabbing one and mentioning it [08:30] was that who i think it was? [08:30] elkbuntu: hmm? [08:30] the person who has claimed to be 73 years old [08:30] elkbuntu: If the person you thought it was likes threats of DOSs and feeding my fingers and toes to my kids... then perhaps. [08:31] jussi01: I couldn't find anyone who was awake, but next time I see one, I'll mention it. [08:31] He's also in +1 [08:32] Flannel, i'm thinking it's bunnyto [08:32] just the MO in this channel [08:34] http://pastebin.ca/ExTCrfMh pass:idjit [08:35] not sure why i put a pass on that, but meh [08:36] doesn't really sound like the same person. But that doesn't mean much. [08:37] btw, I fixed the video link everyone [08:37] video link? [08:37] http://jussi01.com/?p=42 [08:38] err, hang ona sec... [08:39] ooh, teh hedgehog [08:39] ok, now really fixed [09:01] 30 seconds lag here, incoming netsplit? [09:02] not here [09:06] not here either [09:14] must just be the leaf i'm connected to [09:16] oh sigh... stupid spammes... [09:23] jussi01, where? [09:23] elkbuntu: everywhere, #u #k and #x - the one with the big "dick" or "balls" [09:25] jussi01, ah yeah. it looks like a possible compromised dreamhost box... [11:36] seems a lot of people connected from that IP from "software Technology Parks of India" [11:57] @btlogin === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [13:12] got my eye on ret back in #ubuntu+1 [13:14] @btlogin [13:14] eagles is in #ubuntu+1 [13:14] is that accetpable - I don't know the details of his current ban [13:15] (s) [13:15] where is hobbsee [13:15] it looks like he's ok in there according to bt [13:15] leave him until he causes grief [13:16] he just parted any way [13:16] just in #kubuntu-devel [13:17] ikonia: who? [13:18] eagles [13:18] eagles0513875 [13:19] ah, him [13:21] he was fine, just needed to check it was ok he was there [13:22] I knew hobbsee had had a long ban with im [13:22] him [13:25] he's basically hobbsee's issue. [13:26] unless we need to stop a disruption, we keep out of it. [13:27] hehe [13:40] fair enough, just checking [13:49] sudo vim! [14:10] i cant read today, i read the "im" (him) from ikonia and "basically hobbsee's issue" from elkbuntu and pondered why elkbuntu was hobbsee's issue :x [14:27] * jussi01 hugs christel [14:27] * jussi01 slides genii a piping hot kubuntu mug of coffee! [14:33] jussi01: Heh, thanks, needing all the caffeine I can find this morning [14:34] jussi01you're such a corperate lacky [14:35] If only we actually had Kubuntu mugs, jussi01 could sell them.... ;) [14:40] ikonia: how so? [14:44] jussi01: Probably becauase of all the coffee that you're getting for everyone. [14:50] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [14:51] erm [14:51] what [14:51] lag, I guess. [14:51] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [14:51] stupid bot [14:51] What the hells going on in #ubuntu with the floodbots? [14:52] i just joined, what's happening? [14:55] LjL: floodbot set +Rr for no apparent reason, pici took it off, then floodbot went and put it back on [14:55] * jrib pastes log one sec [14:56] http://paste.ubuntu.com/61000/ I guess you joined by then though [14:57] different bots though [14:59] jrib: thanks. yes when you see ljl-temp joining, that's me attaching [15:00] jrib, Pici: it was just a false positive because there were a few joins (remember how those used to happen relatively often?). there's always some degree of probability that too many legitimate people will join for the floodbots' liking [15:00] LjL: Okay, so this shouldn't happen again for a while? [15:01] LjL: can we somehow tell the floodbots to backoff? I think the false positives are ok, but if an op sets a mode, the floodbot shouldn't change it so fast [15:03] jrib, if an op sets a mode, the bot will considered the perceived "attack" handled and not do anything more about it [15:03] the problem is, in this case it was a *different* bot [15:03] which thought there was an attack *after* you had already set the modes [15:03] I see [15:04] Too bad they don't talk to each other, as such [15:05] genii: that would be slightly too complicated (they can certainly talk to each other on irc, though) [15:06] jussi01: you where not just giving out cups of coffee, but kubuntu coffee [15:08] ikonia: It's sort of an inside joke, virtual Kubuntu mugs of coffee are given out in #kubuntu-offtopic a lot [15:09] LjL: Interesting. Maybe they could pass values by pm to each other meaning "OK I just set channel mode, wait a while" or so [15:09] genii: How do you ensure it isn't someone else impersonating the bot? [15:09] Seeker`: because only the bots can be identified to services *and* have "floodbotn" nicknames [15:10] Seeker`: whois ? [15:10] genii: that's not really needed, because they can *see* that the other bot set the mode in the first place ;) [16:10] jrib: that shouldn't happen anymore now [17:02] !botclone =~ s/additionals/additional/ [17:02] I'll remember that jrib === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak === myrtti is now known as Myrtti [19:28] * Tm_T huggggggs Myrtti tightly [19:29] hi [19:33] !yay | Myrtti [19:33] Myrtti: Glad you made it! :-) [19:34] Glad to have you back [19:34] me too [19:34] I had to do something to reduce the background noise for a while [19:40] I know I'm missing some channels... [19:40] I just can't put my finger on which [19:54] mmmm soup [20:02] mmmm zsh [20:04] I spent the last 30 minutes trying to import my personal .zshrc into a redhat system with weird extra environment variables [20:51] GasFurnace can forget joining any Ubuntu channel from now on. [20:56] * jussio1 is on the train to oulu again [20:56] Hi ErrantEgo, how can we help you? [20:57] no help needed [20:59] so yeah why was i banned from offtopic [20:59] for trolling once too many [20:59] its an offtopic room [21:00] trolling is not condoned [21:00] also, you did the same in #kubuntu, at the same time [21:00] Quite the collection. [21:00] and you've done this before, many times [21:00] yeah wrong room [21:00] and there's no reason to believe you won't do it again [21:01] how is saying ext3 sucks in an offtopic room trolling [21:02] wikipedia says a troll is... [21:02] "a person who is deliberately inflammatory on the Internet in order to provoke a vehement response from other users" [21:02] Yes, its wikipedia but I'd say that's a reasonable description. Can you see how that applies? [21:02] GasFurnace: can we help you with something? [21:03] I want an answer why i was kicked from ubuntu-offtopic saying something sucks is not trolling [21:03] GasFurnace, you weren't really kicked from #ubuntu-offtopic [21:03] you _were_ trolling. [21:03] due to your continued trolling behavior, [21:04] you are now unwelcome on any Ubuntu channel. [21:04] says who [21:04] says i [21:04] you cant find me if my ip changes like it does twice a year [21:05] GasFurnace: ban evasion is not tolerated. [21:05] ok [21:05] do you have any other questions? [21:05] yeah [21:06] Im done trolling [21:06] and the question? [21:06] Linux sucks ubuntu sucks and windows owns [21:06] @mark #ubuntu-ops john_nel [21:06] The operation succeeded. [21:07] Yay he made it easy for us. [21:07] I guess we'll see him next spring 8-) [21:07] i had /b gasfurnace pre-typed [21:08] watch out anyway, he also uses the ident Administ (which i can't really ban) [21:08] and i really think his IP changes more often than twice a year [21:08] Is Admininst common to something? [21:09] PriceChild: it's what a Windows user who logs in as Administrator and uses a client that truncates idents to 8 characters gets [21:09] actually, i think freenode (like other networks) truncates to 8 to begin with [21:10] That makes sense. [21:14] did I mention I love kde 4 and its new network manager? built in 3g mobile connect! [21:52] eww, Rafik's quit message does horrible things to putty [21:52] Seeker`: where was he? [21:52] -irc [21:53] I get malformed characters spread over a few lines [21:54] I see lots of ?s so guess that's some unicode messed up. [21:55] actually, it means that I cant read what happens in -irc [21:56] /reload do anything? [21:56] I guess you should sort out your unicode. [21:56] http://cjo20.pastebin.com/d609df1de [21:56] quite possibly [21:58] aha, UTF-8 is much better [22:01] it's not messed up [22:01] it's just utf arabic [22:03] PriceChild: proof - [22:33:55] --> administrator has joined this channel (n=administ@cpc1-bele4-0-0-cust104.belf.cable.ntl.com). [22:03] I didn't doubt you :) [22:04] and nalioth: you might find the fact that john_nel now also joined #gentoo and #gentoo-ops interesting [22:04] told them to keep a watch on him [22:05] noted [22:05] he changed nickname to do that (of course) [22:41] In #ubuntu-bots, [NikO] said: !sauve test this is a test [22:51] jrib: im having troubles downlloading the depostitaries indexes when i update [22:56] Just as long as it wasn't suppositories. [23:06] Pici: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25171 [23:06] I also particularly like "hoardy hedgehog" in that context. [23:16] In #ubuntu-bots, eddVRS_ said: !so which is the best bot?