[00:10] asac, did you read this thread ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=944600 [00:10] most likely not :) [00:10] (unless you alrady posted) [00:13] nope [00:16] asac, ... but i lost access to some sites like google, youtube, flicker after a reboot yesterday, I thought it was the network so i waited, but today, same thing. 2h ago, i tried on my laptop, it was fine.. so i rebooted my desktop. everything is fine again. strangest thing ever [00:17] i so hate reboots [00:40] hmm [00:40] dns problem in france? [00:41] no [00:41] it was something on my desktop [00:41] yeah. but mtu is still a bit of a mystery [00:42] i mean that thats a regression [00:44] we had several kernels in the last few days, so difficult to say [00:45] cant believe that we see a kernel regression in something so old [01:53] hey asac [02:17] fta, ping? [02:20] NCommander, yes? [02:20] fta, would you have any interest in making the mozilla package suite be lintian mean ;-)? [02:21] what do you mean? [02:21] ever run lintian on say the icedove binaries? [02:21] not recently [02:22] http://lintian.debian.org/full/asac@debian.org.html#icedove [02:23] i'm not working on icedove [02:23] but most seems easy to fix [02:43] fta, I think also firefox packages have the same lintian bugs [02:43] firefox 3 ? [02:49] unless I'm mistaken [03:00] asac, Jazzva: I just packaged Instantbird: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/Instantbird.png [03:05] asac, i had to heavily tweak it to turn it into a xul app using my xulapp.mk in mozilla-devscript. they based their build system on comm-central instead of mozilla-central, which is imho the worse choice ever. [03:05] and they bundle libpurple + libpurple-xpcom [03:06] they also have a few patches for xul, which i didn't use: http://hg.instantbird.org/file/a878698abe61/tools/patches/ [05:55] <[reed]> what is with all you embedders [05:55] <[reed]> you never upstream your patches [05:55] <[reed]> sheesh [05:55] <[reed]> :( [06:26] fta, why is that ubuntu-mozilla-team in Launchpad is unregistered? [06:26] https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozillateam [08:29] <[reed]> NCommander: we're just "mozillateam" [08:30] I discovered that ;-) [09:14] [reed], do we manage iceweasel in Debian? [09:14] <[reed]> no, that's Mike Hommey (glandium) [09:21] Ok [09:21] * NCommander is getting his feet wet with Mozilla on Debian/Ubuntu ;-) === asac__ is now known as asac [11:48] * NCommander palpates asac for a pulse [12:00] asac, when you get back, please check -release, there is an important email that needs your attention [12:00] (debian-release) [12:30] (issue resolved, but we also have another oops moment with the icedove upload) [12:48] anyone here? [12:52] gnomefreak, yup [12:53] NCommander: do you have sunbird installed? [12:53] gnomefreak, I can install it [12:53] NCommander: can you install it from sunbird site and look for a calendar-*.xpi after install [12:54] you mean the offical sunbird release, not the Ubuntu one? [12:54] i think its calendaar-timezone.xpi but cant recall off hand [12:54] NCommander: right [12:54] NCommander: 0.9 [12:54] * NCommander thought he had a reason to ask you something gnomefreak, but I can't remember what it was :-P [12:54] NCommander: you will remember [12:54] gnomefreak, it was something involving either iceweasel or icedove [12:55] eh those are easy questions ;) [12:55] same as firefox and tbird :P [12:55] gnomefreak, no, I mean the Debian specific packages [12:55] * NCommander helped do an upload of icedove to Debian [12:56] gnomefreak, no calendar*-xpi files [12:56] shit [12:56] NCommander: does it error when you open it? [12:57] No [12:57] NCommander: i cant uploda to debian or Ubuntu for that matter. [12:57] NCommander: fuck [12:57] strange [12:58] * NCommander notes the font sizes look weird [12:59] i wonder how the upload works on that if .xpi is generated once than pushed to all mirrors or if they use souce to build it each time [13:00] * gnomefreak forsees a long day of work [13:00] gnomefreak, what's broken in th sunbird ;-)? [13:02] NCommander: it builds but errors once ran. it has to do with timezones i will let you know in about 20 minutes the error [13:04] gnomefreak, that's really really bad === fta_ is now known as fta [13:14] [reed], about the embedders, don't ask me. i discovered instantbird yesterday on planet mozilla. never heard of it before. I wanted to give it a try, it worked, but it's still young === thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak [13:17] instantbird? [13:18] huh? [13:19] whats instantbird fta [13:20] a free version of tbird maybe? [13:20] http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/Instantbird.png [13:20] http://www.instantbird.com/ [13:21] yep looks like it [13:21] fta: i love it ;) [13:21] it's just an IM client [13:21] oh its not wtf is it [13:21] oh [13:22] Instantbird sounds like you can drop gecko into something and get an instant platform to build a GUI around [13:22] we plan on shipping that? [13:22] NCommander, it uses gecko as a platform [13:23] * NCommander would never want to try and embed gecko into something [13:23] That sounds painfully wrong [13:23] gnomefreak, no idea, i just packaged it for fun [13:23] ah [13:28] well, as with my firefox 3.1, xulrunner 1.9.1, thunderbird 3, seamonkey 2, flock 2, songbird, fennec, etc, it's just one more package not in the archive, i no longer care [13:32] gnomefreak@Development:~/test/sunbird/extensions$ ls [13:32] calendar-timezones@mozilla.org {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} [13:32] talkback@mozilla.org {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} [13:32] that was the .xpi [13:34] * gnomefreak has bad feeling [13:36] ok ill be back in a bit to test this [13:38] * gnomefreak hopes "+nobinonly" isnt removing those 2 .xpis [13:44] well dont care about talkback [13:44] nobinonly? [13:45] NCommander: removes win shit for most part as i recall [13:46] well anything we dont need from source [13:47] gnomefreak, the timezones one was removed from the linux sunbird upstream package [13:47] NCommander: im checking atm [13:47] NCommander: nobinonly is ran when we build source using mozilla-devscripts [13:47] gnomefreak, oh, you work on mozilla upstream? [13:48] so we dont have to run script and add it to source [13:48] NCommander: moz upstream has the .xpi [13:48] not mcasadevall@blacksteel:~/Desktop/sunbird$ find . -name *.xpi [13:48] mcasadevall@blacksteel:~/Desktop/sunbird$ ls [13:48] NCommander: its in source [13:48] oh, in the source [13:48] you said the binaries :-P [13:49] .:08:32:40:. < gnomefreak > gnomefreak@Development:~/test/sunbird/extensions$ ls [13:49] .:08:32:40:. < gnomefreak > calendar-timezones@mozilla.org {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} [13:49] .:08:32:41:. < gnomefreak > talkback@mozilla.org {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} [13:49] NCommander: the nobinonly script is ubuntus script ran at time of generating spurce [13:49] oh [13:49] $ sh /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/remove.binonly.sh > REMOVED+nobinonly.txt 2>&1 [13:49] $ cd ../.. [13:49] $ cd mozclient-tmp [13:50] $ tversion=`tail -1 mozilla/calendar/sunbird/config/version.txt | sed -e 's/pre//; s/\([ab]\)\([0-9]*\)/~\1\2/'` # => 0.9 [13:50] $ cd ..than it repacks tarball [13:50] than i unpack and look for them [13:51] this will be useful: http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2008/10/finer-session-restore-for-firefox-31/ [13:51] WARNING: Failed to parse default value `??????????? ?????? ;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,???????????? ??????????? ???;default-applications.desktop,??????????? ????;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]' for schema (/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list) [13:51] dont like ???????? [13:53] i agree only if it doesnt cause lock up or slowdown since people hate that now [13:53] lots of "my firefox is too damn slow" bugs [13:54] NCommander: if you grab source from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/sunbird/nightly/latest-mozilla1.8/ unpack it and cd into extensions dir you will see them both there [13:54] oh ok [13:54] Oh, I checked 0.9 [13:55] YOu should have been more specific on what binary to check ;-) [13:56] sorry still kind of early for me on a weekend [13:56] Yeah [13:56] I should go to bed actually [13:57] too many tarballs when we run script [13:58] fta: any reason we use both tarballs? source-tree==calendar-0.9-source.tar.bz2 asnd that is pacakge in lightning-sunbird... than packed into tar.gz [13:59] tar.gz>lightning-sunbird>tar.bz2 [13:59] calendar in the mozilla app name, lightning-sunbird is a debian name [14:00] the name of the embedded tarball doesn't matter much, i decided to always use the upstream name [14:00] it just makes source that much bigger [14:00] what couple of MB [14:00] eh? on the contrary [14:01] embedded tar.bz2 saves you 20 to 30% [14:01] oh [14:01] sunbird == bigger bzr branch than ff or tb [14:02] did you ever commit a tarball in that branch ? [14:02] 7ever time i push it pushes tarball [14:02] -7 [14:03] its the embedded tarball [14:03] i think i found the problem [14:03] fta: where is stdout for sh nobinonly.sh [14:04] you have the trace in REMOVED+nobinonly.txt [14:04] it just gives 2>&1 [14:04] ? [14:04] sh /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/remove.binonly.sh > REMOVED+nobinonly.txt 2>&1 [14:05] yes, look into the src dir, you have REMOVED+nobinonly.txt if something has been removed [14:05] shouldnt 2>&1 == stdout and shouldnt it be before file name [14:05] no [14:05] i found it thanks [14:06] in shell, redirections are evaluated in reverse order [14:07] that would be a goiod reason [14:07] good even [14:09] ok this bothers me now [14:09] the patch that i used from upsrream source is not same patch as our source at all [14:09] path* [14:10] ? [14:10] gnomefreak@Development:~/test/sunbird/extensions [14:10] that isnt in our packaked source [14:11] wait maybe just found it [14:14] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/557490 fta i need to find the 2 id numbers from top post. not sure where in bottom i should look since im in identical dirs. [14:15] who wants a one line patch? [14:15] cwillu: would depend on what package i would assume [14:16] nsSessionStore.js, line 1896, should read >> this._writeFile(this._sessionFile, "(" + this._toJSONString(oState) + ")"); << instead of > this._writeFile(this._sessionFile, oState.toSource()); << [14:16] normally doesn't make any difference, but on very large sessions, it causes an error that break session saving [14:17] wont help me until i run into it. atm session is borked [14:17] every other location that stringifies the session state in that file uses a helper function that does exactly that [14:18] sss_saveState doesn't, because it adds an addition variable to the state (oState.session) before it writes it out. It looks like it just didn't get updated when the other helper got changed [14:19] those ns_component_not_available errors in jsSessionStore.js that you occasionally see are caused by this [14:20] fta: original error is http://pastebin.mozilla.org/557493 i was told to look for calendar-*.xpi so that is where i have been focused [14:20] ns_error_not_available, rather) [14:31] im fairly certain nobinonly didnt touch extensions dir [14:32] removed `./extensions/manticore/resources/manticore.psd' [14:32] removed `./extensions/universalchardet/doc/UniversalCharsetDetection.doc' [14:32] that shouldnt have removed them [14:32] those files yes but not what im looking for [14:37] sunbird ships chatzilla for some damn reason [14:44] fta: is it possible mozclient is leaving dirs/files for timezone out of source? [14:45] i don't think so [14:45] i dont see anything related to timezone [14:45] including the ID nubmers/addresses above [14:46] once i find out why our source is so much different from upstreams i can figure out what went wrong [14:51] where is your upstream reference ? [14:53] ftp.mozilla.org [14:54] i in the files that are calling errors but its garbage [14:55] seems the line numbers given are just the error call lines [14:57] that is exactly what the errors give me are the numbers where the error is called not triggered [15:01] url? [15:04] for upstream source? [15:05] url pointed to what you are comparing from [15:05] pointing [15:05] fta: they would be the sources. from ours to upstreams source [15:06] you said this is totally different. i know what our mozclient does, i designed it, i want to know what you used from upstream to compare with [15:08] i downloaded and unpacked ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/calendar/sunbird/nightly/latest-mozilla1.8/sunbird-0.9.en-US.linux-i686.tar.gz if you look in extensions you will see the 2 id numbers from above [15:09] the errors make little sense since they are failing to update timezone (from db) but upstreams package works ours doesnt [15:09] ok, so this is not source but a linux binary package [15:09] it is? [15:09] yes [15:10] that's why it's totally different [15:10] heres source ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/calendar/sunbird/releases/0.9/source/lightning-sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2 [15:11] this one should be similar then [15:13] the errors tell me its failing to update timezone db however it shouldnt stop everything from running IMHO [15:14] did you search for a bug in bugzilla? i don't know anything about sunbird [15:14] yes [15:15] no bug yet. this started on calendar-dev-mailinglist i was seeing what they were seeing but they were using upstream i wasnt [15:15] upstream seems to work [15:16] $ tar jtvf lightning-sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2 | grep -c timezone [15:16] 122 [15:16] try that on your embedded tarball [15:17] fta: errors of all kinds [15:18] ? [15:18] nope wrong dir [15:18] its thinking/looking/.running [15:19] 0.2 [15:19] 102 [15:19] fta: you have 20 more than me [15:19] you on our source and me on enbedded source [15:20] gnomefreak@Development:~/tmp/lightning-sunbird-0.9+nobinonly$ tar jtvf calendar-0.9-source.tar.bz2 | grep -c timezone [15:20] 102 [15:21] yeah, cvs, hold on [15:21] $ tar jtvf lightning-sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2 | grep -Ev '(^d|/CVS/)' | grep -c timezone [15:21] 98 [15:22] but i seriously doubt the tarball is the cause [15:24] i dont see how people are not on ubuntu/debian are seeing this issue just from upstream source. im not sure how to build it without ./configure [15:25] if i can figure that out i will know if its us not linking right but i dont see how that would be cause [15:25] without cvs its 98 here as well [15:56] well ill let you know tomorrow what i found im building upstream atm see if they hav issue still [20:24] woah mconnor is on here [20:25] oh no [reed] is on here [20:25] <[reed]> ... [20:25] <[reed]> hi, poningru. What brings you here? :) [20:25] ... [20:25] just trying to figure out if 3.1 beta is going to be uploaded to the mozteam ppa [20:26] and if tbird 3.0 alpha would be there [20:28] i didn't plan to push them there. they mostly live in my own ppa: https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive [20:29] why not dude? cause alpha2 is on there [20:29] and iirc you put it there [20:29] I think a lot of people would like to do the next gen ff and tbird builds [20:29] because it was a candidate for intrepid, it didn't make it for political reasons [20:31] but they cant building it themselves... [20:31] oh hmm [20:31] political reason? [20:31] link to the discussion? [20:32] my ppa has >300 users just for ff3.1 so it's enough for previews. pushing to mozteam ppa is just an extra effort i make sometimes, here, there's no point, the game is lost. [20:32] Bug 274187 [20:32] Launchpad bug 274187 in ubuntu "FFe - firefox 3.1 and xulrunner 1.9.1 for intrepid/universe" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274187 [20:33] thanks [20:34] [reed], is instantbird supported by mozilla in any way, or is it an independent project? [20:39] fta, iirc its a seperate project [20:39] separate* [22:07] Hi [22:07] Where does abrowser look for extensions? Same as the branded Firefox (/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions)? [22:07] yes [22:10] RainCT, abrowser is just a branding, the browser is still firefox, and gecko is still the engine [22:11] fta: Alright, that's what I thought but just to be sure :). Thanks. [22:13] * RainCT goes back to his cave and continues reading about how to write extensions for Epiphany :P [22:13] :) === kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan [22:43] asac : Can you tell me how to see the context for the ubufox-alt* translations? What is exactly ubufox alt? [22:43] asac : I need to see the context for these translations [23:16] asac : I pushed the translation branch for ubufox. This branch still have zh-CN translations missing because the original files contained encoding problems, I'm waiting for a answer from the contributor [23:16] asac : It is proposed for merging with your main branch [23:18] asac : I reviewed all locales and all locales works. However I didn't find how to verify translations in ubufox-alt.dtd, ubufox-alt.properties and ubufox-restart.properties, so if you can give me some clue. It's the last thing that needs testing [23:27] saivann: thanks [23:28] saivann: alt == visit a page with a plugin and push the white plugin symbol on the status bar [23:43] asac : Mmh, can you give me a example? youtube.com uses the flashplugin-nonfree plugin for example, where can I find the white plugin symbol? [23:50] asac : Found