[03:49] OK, I give up. [03:49] I'm trying to use upstart to run and maintain a perl script - restart it if it dies, etfc [03:49] I created a file in /etc/event.d [03:50] start on botstart [03:50] and then the exec /home/st47/Perl/test.pl [03:50] However that script never executes [03:51] main process terminated with status 126 [03:54] never mind, I suck, that's not really the error. It returns status 127. [03:54] That's supposed to be a $path error, however there shouldn't be any missing dependencies... [03:59] when I run the command from bash as root, even from the /etc/event.d working directory, it executes properly. [04:01] When I change it from a straight /home/st47/Perl/test.pl to perl /home.... it returns error code 2 [20:48] hey guys. [20:48] where can i find documentation for the 0.3.9 event syntax? i'm told upstart.ubuntu.com only has documentation for 0.5.0