=== Gary is now known as spongebob === spongebob is now known as GazzaK === [NikO] is now known as lebir === lebir is now known as [NikO] [17:12] Hey, I'm in the ubuntu IRC cloak'd group, but my cloak doens't seem to be active... [17:25] lfaraone: let me check [17:26] lfaraone: we can get you an ubuntu cloak but will have to remove the wikipedia cloak, is that ok? [17:27] i was just asking him about that in PM [17:27] LjL: is it possible to do something like wikipedia/ubuntu.member.lfaraone, or vice-versa? [17:27] that's not possible, sorry [17:28] LjL: ah, well, I'll go with ubuntu then. [17:29] * lfaraone is away. [17:30] lfaraone: which nick did you want in your cloak? [17:30] nalioth: lfaraone. [17:30] lfaraone: /msg nickserv help set accountname please [17:30] nalioth: done. [17:31] lfaraone: done. [17:31] nalioth: thanks. [20:11] hello [20:12] hi [20:12] where is the log channel #ubuntu-sv? [20:12] where i can see ? [20:13] es no logbot en el canal :( [20:14] logbot [20:15] i can create a logbot? [20:15] Dkcross, si el team de El Salvador es oficial y los operadores del canal quieren publicar los logs, pueden pedir un locobot [20:15] LjL, yo soy operador [20:16] pero estamos teniendo problemas, [20:16] pero no se como pedir uno o a donde ponerlo [20:16] me puedes guiar? [20:16] Dkcross: que tipo de problemas? [20:16] gente que entra para molestar, y no queremos banearla sin tener el respaldo de los log [20:16] * BashItOut wished he paid more attention in Spanish [20:17] LjL, entiendes? [20:18] si entiendo [20:18] veo si hay alguien que conozca los administradores de locobot [20:19] y tiene sitio web, o algun lugar donde contactar,? === BashItOut_ is now known as Guest667 [20:19] sí, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots#LoCoBot [20:19] LjL, es necesario entonces ese locobot para que tenga log el canal [20:19] así no mas no se puede tener log del canal? [20:19] Dkcross, para logs oficiales sí === Guest667 is now known as BashItOut [20:20] Dkcross, claro que puedes tener tu propios logs o crear vuestro bot personal, pero es normal para los canales locos de haber un locobot [20:20] bueno entonces me pondre un locobot [20:21] que pasos tengo que seguir? [20:22] Dkcross: el owner del team ubuntu-sv, o el owner del canal (lamont) tienen que mandar una mail a admin at ubuntu dash eu dot org [20:22] ok [20:22] eso hago ahorita mismo [20:23] Dkcross, espera un minuto [20:23] LjL, ok [20:32] (me not knowing spanish that well) Did you sort out Dkcross's problem? [20:33] my question is, what need to have locobot. or logs about #ubuntu-sv [20:34] BashItOut, well not yet, i'm seeing if i can get a locobot in the channel more expediently than by emailing the admins [20:34] LjL: Ok [20:35] Where do the loCobots generally log too? [20:35] Dkcross, estoy ententando ver si puedo contactar directamente los admins de locobot en irc sin esperar que lean email, pero no se, veamos [20:35] !locobot [20:35] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [20:35] Dkcross, you need to talk to #ubuntu-eu guys : admin at ubuntu-eu org [20:35] er, !logs does it, too [20:35] Rafik, ok [20:35] Is Seveas still a ubuntu member? [20:35] /whois seveas will tell you [20:36] Erosion, yes [20:36] Ah -- I seen that. Just he used to be really active in #ubuntu and other channels, is not on so much any more? [20:36] And he used to be founder there before things were changed. [20:37] he's less active, yes. [20:37] LjL, dime? entonces.. [20:38] Dkcross, haz come decí rafik, email a admin at ubuntu-eu dot org [20:39] escribe algo como eso [20:39] Hello, the El Salvador team would like to request a LocoBot logging bot in the #ubuntu-sv channel [20:39] no creo que necesite nada mas complicado [20:44] Erosion, Seveas is the secretary of the Ubuntu EMEA membership board [20:45] euh, I think.. or Americas ? can't remember / [20:45] ok