[01:02] Anyone around who dealt with the Hauppagge 1600? [01:02] who has* [01:11] (or can anyone suggest a card that will decode unencrypted QAM and is officially supported?) [02:05] do i need to do anything special to get my frontend to play dvds? i'm clicking the 'play dvd' under 'optical disks' & the 1st time the light on the dvd drive lit up, but not since then... it just keeps putting me back at the optical disk menu [02:11] See what happened in the logs. [02:11] Likely decryption failed. [02:12] i think i figured it out... searching apt i'm not seeing the w32codec listed... which means i've not installed several things [02:44] aptitude install kaffeine w32codecs non-free-codecs xubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdcss2 [03:59] pteague, for future reference we have enabled that in MCC if you look under the codecs section [03:59] simply enable it there and you should be goo to go [04:00] Blaidd, if you havent already purchased a card, I would highly recommend the HDHomeRun at this point in time [04:00] Dual QAM Tuners [04:00] that's typically run on the server side though isn't it? ... maybe that's why i didn't get it installed? [04:00] pteague, nope, frontend [04:01] the frontend does the DVD playback, not the back [04:01] k, i'm thinking i just missed it [04:01] pteague, perhaps, its not a default option in Mythbuntu but is supported by MCC [04:01] cause i remember running that on my backend when i was first setting it up... it has an ati card in it, but doesn't seem to do both very well so just left it a backend [04:02] hmm, my DB stb two nights in a row...prob should look into that [04:10] my /dev/dvb/adapter0 and adapter1 are detected.. but mythtv always has a failed probe and doesn't detect the devices.. any ideas? [04:11] gkjygibbvtuy, which card? [04:11] twinhan 1020a [04:12] sorry, dont know anything about that one [04:12] but the card is detected by the kernel. i see devices adapter0 and adapter1.. but mythtv always to detect it. [04:13] mythtv fails to detect sorry. i made sure all the permissions were set.. i searched google.. now i am stuck! [04:13] gkjygibbvtuy, is it a card listed as supported by mythtv on the wiki? [04:14] good question. let me check] [04:16] there is no hardware guide for hardy, which is whati am using [04:18] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Category:Video_capture_cards [04:19] it says Generally, if a tuner works with v4l, it will work with MythTV. and my card is supported with v4l [04:20] other than that it's not listed. but do you know maybe some troubleshooting steps to see why the kernel detects but mythtv doesn't? [04:24] not sure sorry [05:32] so I have mythbuntu installed on a mac mini and lirc set up for the apple remote. The only thing I did from the initial installation is identify the proper device in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf, which today is /dev/hidraw3. I've confirmed with cat that this is indeed the proper device for the remote. The deep driver conf file lircd.conf.macmini refers to the remote as Apple A1156, which is what it says on the remote itself. When I click [05:32] Oct 8 23:31:05 nohserv lircd-0.8.3pre1[8641]: error reading '/dev/hidraw3' [05:32] Oct 8 23:31:05 nohserv lircd-0.8.3pre1[8641]: closing '/dev/hidraw3' [05:32] one pair like that for every button press. Nothing happens in mythtv frontend. [05:37] I haven't had much luck with this Hauppauge 950Q working either [05:38] can anyone recommend a USB analog capture device that works out of the box with mythbuntu? === croppa_ is now known as croppa [09:04] hi guys. [09:05] sure this has been asked, but I need to get mythtv to scan an external hard drive for media. Now, I've already added the media directory to the backend setup in 'Storage Directories', but it doesn't show up in the front end. What gives? [09:07] anyone? [15:24] So I have been using Ubuntu for a while and I am very interested in trying out Mythbuntu.... a quick question. With the appropriate digital card I don't need the cablebox? How does it work with features like channel guide and on demand? [15:52] I am trying to play with an idea...are there any libraries in mythtv or other that would help with the writing of a looped filesystem like for surveillance? As in give the process 2G of HDD space and have it loop if it fills up? [16:20] tech404, depends on your location [16:20] if in the us [16:21] a digital card would be used to tune either atsc (antenna) [16:21] or qam [16:21] qam depends on your cable provider and if they offer it [16:21] what channels they offer [16:22] astc depends on your location and signal strength [16:23] qam and astc both depending on area can have eit which is the guide data transmitted over the transmission but it is preferred to use a data provider such as schedules direct [16:23] javatexan, there are plugins for mythtv that allow you to have it record surveillance [16:27] javatexan schedule 1 hour recordings and limit the size of the storage group? [16:27] might miss a beat between hours though [16:29] anyone know of a analog USB video capture device that works out of the box with mythbuntu? [16:29] Thanks Shadow__X2, to make sure I understand i would need to make sure that I have qam service to avoid the cable box? I know for sure I have digital. I have a digital package through Charter. [16:30] tech404, just because you have the digital package does not mean your provider gives you unencrypted qam [16:31] the best way to test would be to get a digital card and scan and go from there [16:31] they have to give you the local broadcast as per fcc mandate [16:31] other than that its completely up to them [16:31] javatexan, have you looked at zoneminder? [16:42] yeah..I think I may have to add some code "in between" to better manage the flow of information. I am trying to make an RTSP sink. [16:44] too bad hdhomerun doesn't do analog [16:45] i did look at zoneminder...they solve the problem by having multiple files or sessions and deleting files as they go. I was hoping to be a little more elegant....not sure if that's doable [16:48] I guess I could keep an area that is say 2G big, manage the files as zoneminder does, then when the stream is saved or copied to final resting place I could combine the current files into a single ~2G file....of course I have no experience doing that...although it sounds like a job for perl :P [16:48] sorry Super Perl :) [17:29] i have setup mythbuntu as a secondary backend and need some advice on channel changing [17:29] i have a SA3250 cable box connected to the Composite1 port of a PVR150..picture/sound works great [17:30] i also have the MCE USB IR Blaster that i was planning on using as a channel changer [17:31] i dont plan on using the MCE remote as this is just a seconday backend and I was wondering if anyone else had this kind of setup and could help me with setting up the channle changing [17:33] hey all [17:33] i guess i am wondering if i should even mess around with the USB MCE blaster or if I should just get a firewire card and use that as a channel changer [17:33] i just installed mythbuntu, and so far is all going well, except for my ati remote wonder ii [17:33] i do have the remote working [17:33] as in, i can use the arrows to move around [17:33] however, i have no idea what buttons do what [17:34] i changed no defaults from the install, is there a button->key guide anywhere for this remote? [17:34] did you look in the .mythtv/lircrc file [17:35] not yet... i did find a key configuration in mythtv, but that wasn't what i was looking for [17:35] key configuration in mythtv is prob for the keyboard...not the rmoetw [17:35] remote [17:35] all of the remote/blasting is handled by lirc which has configs outside of myth [17:36] ah, okay. [17:36] i figured there was a frontend for it [17:36] aare yiu running a cable/sat box or plgged straight into coax [17:36] now i just have to figure out keyboard->lirc bindings, and keyboard->mythtv bindings [17:37] neither, actually - i'm using it as a frontend for my media collection [17:37] ahhh [17:37] i've got that part working [17:37] i can browse my collection [17:37] i just couldn't figure out how to start a video playing ^^ [17:38] hmmmm. that should work if the nav keys are working and you have set myth to be the internal player [17:38] used to be with the older release mythvideo used mplayer or xine and you would have to configure the remote keys outside myth [17:38] i got to the point where i highlighted one, but no matter what button i pressed it wouldn't invoke mplayer [17:39] did you try and run mythfrontend from a terminal? usually you can get some debug messages there that will help you narrow down whats up [17:39] oh, i can use the keyboard to invoke it [17:39] i just have to figure out what's up with the remote mapping [17:41] what do you have setup to be the player for MythVideo? if its on mplayer try and move it over to Internal and it should work [17:43] oh, i want it to invoke mplayer. it's working through using the keyboard, i just can't seem to start anything with the remote [17:43] it's gotta be the lircrc for either/both mythtv/mplayer [17:43] yeah..thats because mplayer uses different remote mappings. [17:44] i think those are in .mplayer in your home dir [17:44] once i get mythtv to start the video, i can sort the rest out okay. [17:44] time to make food, then i'll mess around with it more. it's like 97% working atm [17:44] is there a compelling reason to use mplayer vs internal....mplayer rocks but i believe the internal player has all the same codecs and no remote config to worrk about [17:45] give it a spin at least. mplayer always works with the keyboard as thats its native interface [17:45] i haven't actually tested myth's internal player. i know exactly how to configure mplayer to make softsubs work properly, though. [17:46] try setting it to internal in mythvideo and then check. ahh well that might be showstopper if you need subs.... [17:46] yeah :/ [17:46] maybe someone elese can chime in. mplayer can be configged to work with that remote though. its just done outside myth in either the lircrc file or in mplayer config [17:47] i can copy my mplayer lircrc from one of my other boxes. i think that's easier. [17:47] snap that should be the ticket then [17:47] then i just have to figure out how mythtv uses my remote's buttons [17:48] afk [17:48] gl [17:56] hi in here! Is it possible to have a mythbuntu running as a media server for winxp clients? [18:00] sure, you just lose some of the fun of commercial skipping [18:00] but things can be shared via upnp or samba [18:00] ok. I've got my media files on an ubuntu box, which i can connect to from winxp [18:01] actually on a usb disk connected to the fileserver (ebox-platfrom) [18:02] so mythbuntu should get it's files from the fileserver and then serve it to the clients [18:09] well be careful how you are describing this; the "clients" will be using what exactly to watch? [18:10] dunno yet [18:11] i've tried mythbuntu and it looked great. But I had troubles opening and following samba links, so i set it aside then [19:42] hmm. it seems that lirc is crashing when i press the OK button in mythtv, and this is the source of my problem... [21:15] Hi guys, last week I did an update with my system and now the systems hangs from time to time and the caps lock indicator is flashing... [21:39] Hello! I have an old soundblaster live card in my mythbuntu, and I'm not able to change volume with the remote, the bars change but the volume stays the same. [21:40] well henrik [21:40] you have to set it up to work [21:40] in setup [21:41] i believe under general [21:41] there should be volume settings [21:41] yes [21:41] under there select master instead of pcm [21:41] okej. let me try it out.. [21:43] I have always had pcm on my previouse mythtv computers so I thaught that was standard.. [23:00] Running Mythbuntu 8.04 at 1080i on a large HDTV, if I start an X session manually then all the text is drawn only 3 pixels high. The gdm login screen and a simpler application like xvidtune are unaffected by this, so I suspect a gtk issue. Is there a way I can override this? I've tried it with and without the DisplaySize set in xorg.conf. [23:42] OK, setting the DPI in ~/.Xresources has made the fonts legible. Strange that it needs overriding like that. http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4042142&postcount=12 was the clue