[00:00] t_dude: Just switch and then start ALSA with /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start [00:00] i did put it on this computer at school the other day, it didn't have a video card, yet, it can run the special effects [00:00] hm, how can I tell what Ghz my proc is running at? /proc/cpuinfo says AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1500+ ... this is a 2700+ [00:00] comicinker: with gparted live-cd, you could copy files on it? [00:01] foo: hwinfo [00:01] permission denied [00:01] foo:or conky [00:01]  t_dude: sudo in front [00:01] jesus. rhodry_2409: in gparted live-cd you could copy files on it? [00:02] comicinker, yes but not on ubuntu, i have i/o errors [00:02] i think this is only a 1800ghz or something [00:02] got it [00:02] its just my spare computer, my main one, went belly up yesterday :( [00:02] lemme see [00:03] comicinker, in fact i try to install a gentoo on a pda hp hx4700 [00:03] still no sound [00:03] favorite pornos guys? [00:03] ferretonthelus, doesn't look like you copied the whole command [00:03] ferretonthelus: please, *try* actually typing *exactly* what you're told to type... :P [00:03] thanks for all your help [00:03] ferretonthelus, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status{,.bak} && zcat /var/backups/dpkg.status.6.gz | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/status >/dev/null [00:03] favorite pornos? [00:03] favorite pornos? [00:03] rileyman, you're silly [00:03] rhodry_2409: anyway, I would run badblocks on it. double check contacts, cabls eventually, [00:04] DasEi: cpu MHz : 1303.057 ... so I guess it's not where it should be [00:04] what should i do to turn on the audio on games damn! [00:04] unop; thought i did.....8>( [00:04] foo: check bios [00:04] hm, so, my proc isn't being recognized properly. Is it possible that I either A) have the wrong kernel, or B) system is somehow underclocked? (I never did this) [00:04] DasEi: ^ [00:04] comicinker, i have verifi every thing [00:04] ferretonthelus, try again, it could be that your clipboard only got part of it [00:04] rhodry_2409: including badblocks? [00:04] no one knows? [00:05] Greetings all. [00:05] im using text circled logo in gimp but do they have a logo that sprials the text sorta like the stained cd i just want to add more info on the cd with light scribe ? [00:05] comicinker, the card reader and the SD card have no problems [00:05] t_dude: does the sound works with a soundplayer like vlc? === edo32mb|sleep is now known as digitalvectorz|s [00:05] DasEi: 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 23:54:28 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux .. I'm on this kernel, I suspect it should pick up the right proc without issues [00:05] yes everything works [00:05] ferretonthelus, actually, now that i think about this .. that command might not work. as the file does not exist anymore [00:05] Flamelor, everythig is workin [00:05] unop; im on it, im on it.....http://paste.ubuntu.com/54460/ [00:06] damn....... [00:06] then i have no idea [00:06] foo: what does bios say 'bout proc speed ? [00:06] comicinker, i 've copied 1.7G0 of files on the card, no probleme [00:06] ferretonthelus, yea, as i was saying... try this now zcat /var/backups/dpkg.status.6.gz | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/status >/dev/null [00:06] ok.... [00:06] rhodry_2409: when you untar the files somewhere else and then copy them? [00:07] comicinker, no [00:07] rhodry_2409: not possible? [00:07] comicinker, i know, but it's real [00:07] DasEi: in the BIOS? Not sure, I'd have to reboot this box [00:08] no one knows what should i do? [00:08] rhodry_2409: I don't understand [00:08] foo: yes [00:08] comicinker, i have untar the files on my hard disk [00:09] unop;ok, that does nothing but bring me back to prompt "lee@lee-laptop:/tmp$ zcat /var/backups/dpkg.status.6.gz | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/status >/dev/null [00:09] lee@lee-laptop:/tmp$ " [00:09] DasEi: ok, when I reboot I won't be able to chat since this is my linux router. Is it possible I need to set the board for maximum performance in the BIOS and that will fix things? [00:09] comicinker, and i have try to copy (in root mode) the files on SD card [00:10] ferretonthelus, that's intended. means it worked ok. try this now. sudo aptitude udpate [00:10] comicinker, and then i/o errors [00:10] ferretonthelus, sorry. sudo aptitude update [00:10] unop; oh..... [00:10] foo: as you said, kernel should take it with no issues, so its the first thing I'd look for [00:10] comicinker, but no errors on GParted live-cd [00:10] DasEi: gotcha, was doubting myself. thanks [00:10] Hey there folks. [00:11] Anyone in here that I could ask a question to? [00:11] rhodry_2409: what command did you use? [00:11] and paste the output somewhere === StealthCP_ is now known as StealthCP [00:12] comicinker, on nautilus i had opent in with sudo and used fileroller [00:12] I am planning on Switching to Ubuntu from Windows 2000. I chat on a site that just switched to using AJAX.. will this work in Firefox in Ubuntu? Will I have to do something confusing and insane to make it work? [00:13] unop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/54462/ i have noticed that the "temp$ " is now at the end everytime.....that supposed to be? === RonzO is now known as Marfi [00:13] !ask | folksngr81 [00:13] folksngr81: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [00:13] comicinker, after i had tryed to copy the files with drag an drop in the SD card (in root mode) [00:13] Oh, I guess I didn't aks correctly. lol [00:14] unop: by the way, i believe the wine repository should be http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/ not http://wine.budgetdedicated.com, though i doubt that could have caused the status file problem [00:14] rhodry_2409: to copy some files on a SD card you don't need root rights [00:15] comicinker, on Gparted: cp -rv inputfiles outputdirectory, and then it was ok [00:15] Does anybody know how to use a space in the fstab mount location? [00:15] rhodry_2409: then do so in ubuntu [00:15] LjL, yea. don't think that would have caused it [00:15] comicinker, it's complet stage [00:16] ferretonthelus, you'll need to edit your sources.list file and change http://wine.budgetdedicated.com to http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [00:16] comicinker, the file i want to untar is a complet system gentoo compiled for my pda [00:16] unop; ok...where so i do that? [00:17] comicinker, then the permissions must be respected [00:17] ferretonthelus, see the last part. gksudo gedit .... [00:17] ferretonthelus, the tmp$ at the end of your prompt, means your current directory is now tmp (we'd changed that in an earlier command) - not to worry about it [00:17] oh. [00:18] hi guys, i have a dual boot (Win and Ubuntu) how can I explore Windows with Ubuntu? [00:18] rhodry_2409: I used to install openmoko for my htc magician, and untared the files, and copied the files with or without root rights to my sd card in a terminal, and it worked just fine [00:18] comicinker, i dont want to take your time but if you want understand what i try see: that: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_PDA [00:19] hi guys, i have a dual boot (Win and Ubuntu) how can I explore Windows with Ubuntu? [00:19] gamikage, yes -- in fact, there is a fiar chance ubuntu has mounted your windows partition(s) for you. Look in /media [00:20] gamikage, if not, it's not too hard to set up [00:20]  gamikage: install ntfs-3g and mount ntfs-partis (fstab) [00:20] comicinker, if i try with user permission it don't work and i have permission errors [00:20] rhodry_2409: you already took my time ;) [00:20] FatalError, I am inside of my Ubuntu, but I have to see some files on Windows (Docs and Settings) is there any way I can see them without rebooting the computer [00:20] ? [00:21] comicinker, thanks [00:21] hi everyone. can someone help me with my networking problem. whenever i restart the computer i have to manually re-enter the password for my router. how can i fix this, thanks in adavcen [00:21] advance* [00:21]  gamikage: yes [00:21] DasEi, how can I? [00:21]  gamikage: see: [00:21] gamikage, check /media first.. if you don't have your windows partitions there, then you need to set them up [00:21] !paste [00:21] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [00:22]  gamikage: open a terminal [00:22] unop; i can't find anything about "wine" in that list of fstuff. [00:22] DasEi, already in it... [00:22] Hi. Here's a whodunnit for you. I'm exporting a dm-crypt device on a raid5 using NFS. I found a single folder whose contents I can view locally, but when I access it via NFS, the process hangs. I've never seen that before. Kernel is 2.6.26, custom built but w/ Debian patches. After rebooting the server the client still cannot access the folder (but all other folders on the same NFS mount). Who's the suspect... the server or the client machine? [00:22]  gamikage: paste output from : mount [00:22] rhodry_2409: if you are familliar to the console, you should do that kind of administration and system experiments there [00:23] ferretonthelus, maybe the file for wine is under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ then - have a look there [00:23] (The client is an Ubuntu machine, that's why I'm asking here...) [00:23] DasEi, already mount /media ?? [00:23] DasEi, mount /media ?? [00:23] Do you have to uninstall the previous version of Google Earth to install the latest? or will it just overwrite it? [00:24]  gamikage: paste output from : mount ,just mount [00:24] !paste [00:24] Scunizi, i don't know, i get my Google Earth from Medibuntu in a nice Ubuntu package [00:25] comicinker, excuse me my english is a little poor, i try to translate your last line [00:26]  gamikage: sudo apt-get install pastebinit [00:26] unop; it says that is a directory. try again [00:26] mount | pastebinit [00:26] ok... one sec DasEi [00:26] ferretonthelus: that's because it *is* a directory, you need to look at the files in that directory [00:26] oh, i should use brouser and go there... [00:27] right... [00:27] mount | pastebinit, gamikage, url ? [00:28] Hi folks. I am running dual boot rightnow but would really love to switch to Ubuntu full time. I use a chatroom that just upgraded their site and it uses AJAX. Will this work in Ubuntu? If so, does it take some fenagling to make work? Thanks in advance! [00:28] so I appear to have tweaked something I shouldn't have on my GNOME desktop, and I get the contents of my home directory displayed on the desktop now instead of the contents of the Desktop folder [00:28] anyone know where that setting is? [00:28] comicinker, I will try to do this in console mode but i have no hope [00:29] folksngr81: don't worry about AJAX. It's simply Javascript and some server magic, it will work just fine with your favorite browser. [00:29] do que na cura do Mal de Alzheimer. Assim, daqui a alguns anos, teremos velhas de seios grandes e velhos de pênis duro, mas eles não se lembrarão para que servem." DR. DRÁUZIO VARELLA [00:29] rhodry_2409: don't give up that easy [00:29] Aurel: So I will need to make Javascript work with my browser in Ubuntu. I have not installed that yet. [00:29] rhodry_2409: if not today, then next week [00:29] comicinker, a very big thanks you to you [00:29] folksngr81: no, any browser will do. They all have javascript [00:30] folksngr81: you don't need to. JavaScript comes with any modern browser. [00:30] Aurel42: Thanks a bunch! I am now off to swtich to Ubuntu! :) [00:30] folksngr81: don't confuse it with Java, that's something different that needs extra packages to be installed. [00:30] folksngr81: good luck! [00:30] good bye everybody [00:30] Aurel42: I may pop in later if I need help. You've been very helpful! [00:31] my pleasure [00:31] unop; that is a read only, and two files are there with similar names. === digitalvectorz|s is now known as grammarNazi [00:31] could someone direct me to a document about networking with windows pcs, accessing their shares in particular? [00:31] !samba > thc11 (thc11, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:31] thc11, please see my private message [00:31] !samba > thc11 [00:31] dang, too shlow [00:31] thx [00:31] thc11, the 'samba-doc' package has severfal books on the topic also [00:31] hola [00:33] thc11: I never had to worry about accessing windows shares, some Gnome service (I think) takes care of discovering them and making them available to you. [00:33] justdave: alt-f2 "gconf-editor", /apps/nautilus/preferences, desktop_is_home_dir [00:33] thc11: Samba comes into play when you want to offer the resources of your machine to the windows boxes. [00:34] unop; this is what it says. http://paste.ubuntu.com/54466/ [00:35] well i saw network in the menu and in there there was "windows network" in there. but i clicked on it and nothings in there. i was thinkin it may just be a matter of changing the name of the windows network i wanna be on, i couldnt find that. [00:35] bimberi: thanks... according to the description on that, though, it's supposed to use the homedir if it's checked, and use ~/Desktop if it isn't, and it's not checked. Any other ideas? [00:36] justdave: no sorry [00:36] <_haywire_> thc11 the network is visible but i've yet to figure a way to browse the network... i have had to manually create my shares in /etc/fstab [00:36] ferretonthelus, that's fine - but you'll need to fix the gpg error - hold on === oliver__ is now known as greenthumb [00:36] ok???? [00:37] unop hmm, perhaps better to concentrate to making dpkg --configure -a work for now? [00:37] ferretonthelus, gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 58403026387EE263 ; gpg --export --armor 58403026387EE263 | sudo apt-key add -; [00:37] for things like cnxtinstall, that require a root password in the installation script, how does this work with a rootless ubuntu? [00:37] LjL, yea, was gonna get to that [00:37] morghanphoenix: they don't, i suppose, and they're broken [00:37] unop; i'll try it [00:37] morghanphoenix: i mean, they're intrinsically broken. you don't "su" in a script. [00:37] thc11: perhaps a firewall keeping you from talking to your windows machines? [00:38] if "someone" has bungled an alsa reinstall and managed to stop all sound from working on this hardy machine, how should I go about fixing it? [00:38] even though most distros don't give users sudo? Seems like su is more likely to work than sudo on a default install. === paulj1 is now known as pauljw [00:39] ubnutu isent really 'rootless' its just that direct logging in as root is disabled. [00:39] unop;.....http://paste.ubuntu.com/54468/ [00:39] <_haywire_> aurel42 i have the same prob as he does except i can manually connect to the folder -- just trying to browse the network is impossible on 8.04 [00:39] morghanphoenix, if a script requires super-user access at some point - it's just better to have the script identify if it's running under UID 0 or else complain and quit. [00:40] _haywire_: works for me, with Samba and with an XP machine, I think even without setting a workgroup. [00:40]  gamikage: ? [00:40] ferretonthelus, that completed fine. now onto the next thing. sudo dpkg --configure -a [00:40] Well, guess I'm compiling this myself ) [00:40] The following packages have unmet dependencies: audacity: Depends: libflac++6 but it is not installable [00:40] E: Broken packages [00:40] halp compuder :< [00:40] <_haywire_> aurel42 i have samba, smb and have tried everything possible... [00:41] _haywire_: well, perhaps the Samba server on the other machine takes care of discovery and share listing, I'm not sure how Samba works there. [00:41] subdolus_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list [00:41] <_haywire_> aurel42 so basically you configured samba and you are able to open network and browse onto your xp machine? [00:42] yo [00:42] is there a way i can reset dpkg [00:42] unop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/54469/ [00:42] smokeytheman: Define "reset" [00:42] ubunto will no connect to server r2 but will login to other workgroup users just fine - please help [00:42] it sees it [00:42] it cant be opened because i messed it up and id like it to not be messed up anymore [00:42] ferretonthelus, jeez - what happened on your system for it to have gotten to such a state? [00:43] so i tried knoppix instead...i know this isnt knoppix chat...that wouldnt work either [00:43] ferretonthelus, try this. sudo aptitude install dselect && sudo dselect update [00:43] i dont think my computer can run linux [00:43] man, i have NO idea.......... [00:43] FlyerFanatic: Okay, I'll just ask you straight, do you have a floppy drive? [00:43] join [00:43] yep [00:44] hi! I can't get surroundsound working with my sb live 5.1 - can anybody help me with that please? (stereo works fine) [00:44] FlyerFanatic: unplug it [00:44] bobertdos: http://pastebin.com/mfbc2a8f [00:44] scratch that i was thinking i was on my other machine for a min [00:44] no floppy on this one [00:44] just cd drives [00:45] FlyerFanatic: oh........hmm [00:45] unop; hope this helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/54471/ === junior_ is now known as ajunior [00:45] LjL: it keeps tripping the spam filter on pastebin [00:45] Hello, I recently setup my ubuntu laptop for internet connection sharing from wifi to ethernet. Now, I am unable to ping any addresses. I can connect but no pinging. [00:45] its only 5 lines, can i spam it here? [00:46] no [00:46] haha ok [00:46] subdolus_: please don't, PM it to me or use another pastebin ( http://pastebin.ca ) [00:46] subdolus_: did you give it a name for username? [00:46] linux doesnt run on my comp appearantly...i mean i have vista 64...brand new comp....pretty embarrasing linux is to old school to run right [00:46] smokeytheman: Wow, what the heck did you do?? :p [00:46] Odd-rationale: yessir [00:46] ferretonthelus, phew. cd /tmp/ && sudo dpkg -i dselect*.deb [00:46] <\3TATUK> e [00:46] FlyerFanatic: i refuse to believe that... :P [00:46] ok.......what a messs! [00:46] hey all I have a wireless card issue i have an atheros card ive tried documentation and Im having a problem running make in the terminal its saying something about the kernel anyone able to help? [00:47] only explanation i have [00:47] FlyerFanatic: what disc are you using? how did you get it? [00:47] bobertdos: adept got frozed and had like 7 processes and when i closed them all that hapened [00:47] i d-loaded the iso files onto a disc [00:47] as directed to [00:47] I recently setup my ubuntu laptop for internet connection sharing from wifi to ethernet. Now, I am unable to ping any addresses. I can connect but no pinging. The guide I followed was here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 Can someone enter into private chat to help me possibly? [00:47] how should i go about installing 64 bit if i dont have a seperate home partition [00:47] FlyerFanatic: how did you burn the iso? [00:47] ?? [00:47] with a burner? [00:47] FlyerFanatic: which one? [00:47] hi I installed the package Kubuntu-desktop and now I would like to remove the package and all of the KDE desktop. Is there a way to do this and go back to plain old GNOME? [00:47] which burner [00:48] ? [00:48] FlyerFanatic: yeah... [00:48] unop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/54473/ [00:48] !puregnome | whileimhere [00:48] LjL: ok, now i only have "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universe" in sources.list and i get the same error [00:48] whileimhere: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome » [00:48] optiarc 7200 [00:48] audacity: Depends: libflac++6 but it is not installable [00:48] Any Linux utilities to recover data from a NTFS partition, [00:48] FlyerFanatic: is that the name of the program? [00:48] Yeah I found that page but it only is for up to 8.04 not 8.10 [00:49] no the burner [00:49] any tinyerp people here? [00:49] FlyerFanatic: in other words, i want to know whether you burn the contents of the iso or whether you burned the iso iteself... [00:49] Oh, I forgot that 8.10 was going to be out soon... [00:49] i would assume the iso and contents [00:49] subdolus_: that's hardly surprising, you should have *much* more than that in sources.list [00:50] hang on let me try something brb [00:50] subdolus_: i'll give you a brand new sources.list (you're on Hardy, of course?) [00:50] I'm having an issue with trying to install madhatter drivers when i try to extract it gives me an error message [00:50] LjL: check http://pastebin.com/m1bdabe25 [00:50] LjL: yes, I'm on hardy [00:50] I'm getting stutters while playing video files with vlc. I looked around and I think it's pulseaudio but I'm not sure. [00:50] LjL: hardy gibon i think [00:50] ferretonthelus, ok, let's try this. sudo mv -v /var/lib/dpkg/available{,.bak} && sudo aptitude update [00:50] subdolus_: no, there's Gutsy Gibbon, and Hardy Heron [00:50] !info gpart | Batty4: gpart, not to be confused with gparted [00:50] !version | subdolus_ [00:50] batty4: gpart, not to be confused with gparted: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (hardy), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB [00:50] subdolus_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -rc » in a !shell [00:51] When I run Wireshark (as root,) it gives me the following error when I try to begin capture: The temporary file to which the capture would be saved ("/tmpetherXXXXIx7DQG") could not be opened: Permission denied. [00:51] Release: 8.04 [00:51] Codename: hardy [00:51] My mistake :) [00:51] Thanks bobertdos. [00:51] logrotate.conf is setup for me to rotate every week (default setting for ubuntu), yet i see the syslog file being rotated daily. can anyone tell me why that would be? [00:51] Is there any way easy way to find which process is locking up my computer? top or system monitor freezes too while CPU is 100%, so those are no use [00:51] It doesn't seem to matter where I tell it to log to, it keeps giving me a Permission Denied. [00:51] k, try to chmod the folder [00:51] whats the command to find my local ip? ipconfig doesnt work [00:51] yeah, I've definitely got something hosed here, it seems to be ignoring the desktop_is_home_directory setting [00:51] Lengman, ifconfig [00:51] firefox will not remember any new bookmarks [00:51] Lengman: ifconfig? [00:51] Marfi: I'm running as root! [00:51] Ryuho: It might be, but then again, it may not be, because VLC manages everything internally. Check its decoder settings. [00:51] oh yeah [00:51] lol [00:52] been a while since i used linux [00:52] k, i can't run wine on a user directory with sudo. =) [00:52] unop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/54475/ [00:52] Marfi: I'm running the linux version of wireshark. [00:53] ferretonthelus, ahh, i'm not paying too much attention here. sudo aptitude update === phoenix_ is now known as tiggers [00:53] LjL: 8.04 Hardy [00:53] ferretonthelus, and then. ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/available [00:53] smokeytheman: You could try reinstalling dpkg, I suppose. [00:53] k, chmod 777 to the directory that your outputting the data to. sometimes even as root, you can have problems [00:53] will someone help me with a login problem. I am new to ubuntu and am trying to login into my server (on a workgroup not domain) I can see it but when i double click it just opens folder and nothing there - not even a prompt for a username and password [00:53] FlyerFanatic: well? [00:53] k, unless you have a root shell with sudo -i [00:53] well if its booting up right...doesnt that mean i'm burning it right? [00:53] subdolus_: use this as your new sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54476/ [00:53] 34dfdfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [00:53] k, you could do sudo -i then run wireshark from there [00:53] FlyerFanatic: how far does it boot? [00:53] subdolus_: then type "sudo apt-get update", then try again installing [00:54] deaftone, why uh? [00:54] well with ubuntu it allows me to get to the menu to let me choose boot from disc...i choose that...the orange load screen goes for a few minutes then i start getting error messages [00:54] deaftone, when your cat, kid, dictionary or whatever has stopped leaning on the keyboard, give me a ping [00:54] hello to all [00:54] How do I empty the trash in ubuntu? [00:55] john__, rm -r ~/.Trash/* [00:55] with knoppix it loads up a screen i hit enter to let that load from disc...starts reading what drives i have and all...then it just ends with knoppix! then just sits there [00:55] i am looking for a program to fix video quality any advice ?!? [00:55] Marfi: ...okay, chmodding the directory had no effect. [00:55] !trash | Marfi, john__ [00:55] Marfi, john__: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [00:55] !trash | john__ [00:56] ah, they moved it. =) [00:56] k, did you try with sudo -i, then running wireshark? [00:56] Marfi: yes. [00:56] Ok, I am currently looking at the command: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE If I wanted to delete this rule, would I replace -A with -D? [00:56] LjL: Love your work dude. All good. Many thanks.\ [00:56] FlyerFanatic, did you dload the 64 bit version of ubuntu [00:56] i am looking for a program to fix video quality any advice ?!? === Delvien is now known as DM| === DM| is now known as Delvien [00:56] yep [00:56] !Emulators [00:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about emulators [00:57] i am looking for a program to fix video quality any advice ?!? [00:57] FlyerFanatic: i would try the alternative install disc... [00:57] !alternative | FlyerFanatic [00:57] unop; this is the first one http://paste.ubuntu.com/54478/ [00:57] FlyerFanatic: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [00:57] FlyerFanatic, did you try any of the boot options like acpi=off [00:57] I appear to have several things hosed here, not sure what happened. Besides the wrong stuff displaying on the desktop, it's ignoring the setting to start a VNC server, and I'm having to start that manually from the command line [00:58] Killer--Tux: fix the quality in what regard? [00:58] unop; and the second. http://paste.ubuntu.com/54480/ [00:58] what does turning acpi off do...i think i read that screws comp up [00:58] bibertdos - ?!? [00:58] Marfi: Wireshark spits out an error on any kind of file-save operation, it seems. [00:59] k, tried to reinstall it? moving to my laptop...brb [00:59] If acpi=off, doesnt that usually mean it disables advanced options like sleepmode? [00:59] unop, sorry for the distractions...busy watching the bucs and rays lose.... :>) [00:59] Killer--Tux: What do you mean "fix" the video quality? [01:00] bibertdos - improve it [01:00] ferretonthelus, i'm not sure what is - but sudo dpkg --clear-avail && sudo apt-get update [01:00] Killer--Tux: buy a better monitor? [01:00] unop. watching the football and baseball....... [01:00] bibertdos - when i recored my screen and i send the video to someone the quality is bad [01:00] FlyerFanatic: Oh yeah!! Disabling acpi......that's what I couldn't think of earlier! [01:01] well i have a 36" sony [01:01] Killer--Tux: try increasing the video quality or "bitrate" in the capturing application. [01:01] tht not the problem [01:01] ferretonthelus, ahh, make sense, sounds very american and i'm not american ::) [01:01] what does that even do? [01:01] how do i turn on ssh server? [01:01] yo, how can I search for files or file types in certain folders/directories? [01:01] sshd? [01:02] yeah [01:02] Killer--Tux: the more details you provide, the higher the chance of someone understanding your problem. ;) [01:02] but how about on videos i have already recorded [01:02] JoeFool, the 'find' command is handy for that task [01:02] thanks [01:02] oh.....sorry...didn't know.......forgive my ignorance...... [01:02] JoeFool, there's a couple of ways - but define "file types" [01:02] http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Help:Bindings#Key_combination [01:02] which is the Meta key and which the Hyper key on my keyboard? [01:02] how do I do that? [01:02] unop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/54481/ [01:02] aurel42 : do you understand what i am trying to say ?!? [01:02] ferretonthelus, ok now? ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/available [01:03] like- "find file types home/joe/music .wav"? [01:03] Why is it that if I use any music player, then sound doesnt work through my browser? [01:03] apt-get says there's no package sshd, whats it called? [01:03] Killer--Tux: I suspect that's not possible, but it might depend on your capture application. [01:03] openssh-server [01:03] Lengman: openssh-server [01:03] hard to get help in here...to much text :) [01:03] ok thx [01:03] JoeFool, i would tart with 'man find' and oerhaps google for sojme 'find tutorials' [01:03] JoeFool, to find .wav files. find /directory -iname "*.wav" [01:03] -iname? [01:03] JoeFool: case Insensitive Name [01:03] ah [01:03] thanks [01:03] JoeFool, theres also the 'locate' command if youjust want to find files based on name [01:03] JoeFool, you should read the man page :) [01:04] Killer--Tux: I think I understand that you use some tool to record videos of your desktop activity and that the quality is too low (blurry text in the video etc.). Correct? [01:04] haha [01:04] this is easier, though. thanks for the help [01:04] unophttp://paste.ubuntu.com/54482/; [01:04] aurel42 : yes [01:04] well just sounds like my comp is to high tech to even install linux...thanks for the help anyways [01:04] FlyerFanatic: ACPI is a standard that regulates power management and hardware configuration, usually important, but it can interfere with Linux's boot sequence sometimes. [01:05] Killer--Tux: unless that tool keeps high-res raw data and produces bad-quality videos afterwards, there's no chance to improve videos after the fact. [01:05] ferretonthelus, finally - now, it looks like we fixed these errors - is there anything else that you're having trouble with? [01:05] aurel42 : oo [01:05] FlyerFanatic: and narrowing your issue down to acpi could help you to take further steps [01:05] Im having problems with sound in firefox. [01:05] FlyerFanatic, problem is the makers.. dont follow their own specs at times. [01:05] aurel42 : this is going to be tough [01:05] unop; no...i seee the - sign has changed to a down arrow...is this good? [01:05] FlyerFanatic, the next ubuntu release might just fix the problems.. :) that happened on my last laptop.. [01:06] unop: i guess there's some amount of risk that what he's actually got installed doesn't correspond with what's in status, though... [01:06] dont wanna mess with any power settings...i could end up screwing something up..dont wanna end up not being able to power up vista or anything [01:06] Killer--Tux: you produced a lot of videos without checking the quality on a sample first? ;) [01:06] dr_willis: why might it fix acpi trouble? [01:06] which filetype is run in terminal [01:06] when Ubuntu 9.04 will be relesed? [01:06] tenX, In my case.. there was some updated kernel patches that were in the next release... [01:06] aurel42 : pretty much [01:06] pal: april [01:07] aurel42 : lol [01:07] tenX, befor that - the laptop had all kinds of issues.. [01:07] FlyerFanatic: It won't be permanent. It only affects the one session, since it's part of the boot options. [01:07] anyone help me with sound problems? [01:07] unop; actually it is an red down arrow with an ! in the middle of it.... [01:07] dr_willis: i see so those are workaround for errorness acpi tables? [01:07] hello [01:08] so insert the ubuntu disc when the menu loads it will be in the menu? [01:08] ferretonthelus, what is this you are talking about tho? i'm not sure what you mean [01:08] tenX, some times. its also worth while to check for bios updates from the makers. [01:08] I have installed the facebook plugin, but I can't see it in pidgin [01:08] FlyerFanatic: Yeah, it's somewhere in the boot options when you hit one of the function keys, I forget which [01:09] unop; WOW .......you are good! thanks.......1jillion times...thanks.... [01:09] oh you mean in my bios or in ubuntu options? [01:09] dr_willis: okay the last one i was aware of. just bare interest in the patches. are they distribution dependend or also included in vanilla kernels? [01:09] ferretonthelus, hold on, there's one last thing to do [01:09] Hi all :) Anyone here had successfully run aspx files with lighttpd? [01:09] Hey everyone again! If my /etc/network/interfaces contains only "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" would that be a reason why I am uable to ping any address? [01:10] pookmu: The "one program at a time" problem is a bug in Pulse. With flash 9, you need libflashsupport for audio support. [01:10] unop, sordry....normally where the orange star is, to tell us there are updates...there has been a red ball with a whhite - in the middle of it..... [01:10] so do a apt-get libflashsupport? [01:10] Brian4120: in a way. the question would be why no other network devices appear in your file [01:10] bobertdos: can i just apt-et libflashsupport? [01:10] tenX, i imagine they get sent upstream. so they get into vanilla befor too long. [01:10] * bobertdos is sufficiently annoyed to go write an addendum for the soundtroubleshooting article. [01:11] oh,, i already selected to do the updates......? [01:11] sorry bobertdos [01:11] dr_willis: thanks for your information [01:11] ferretonthelus, you mean in the notification area ?? [01:12] pookmu: No, no, I wasn't directing that at you. I've just had to explain this to too many people the past few months. [01:12] ferretonthelus, ls /usr/share/doc | grep -v [A-Z] | grep -v '^texmf$' | grep -v '^debian$' | awk '{print $1 " install"}' | dpkg --set-selections && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade [01:12] unop; if it is not impolite t ask, i would like to know where you are located.....yes, in the notification area...... [01:12] Brian4120: that interfaces file is normal for networking managed by NetworkManager. can you ping localhost? [01:12] hello [01:12] tenX, yea. My laptop was totally unuseable when i first got it under ubuntu, then 2 mo later.. a new ubuntu release and its 100% :) [01:12] Brian4120: check for unmentioned networking devices with ifconfig -a [01:12] ferretonthelus, on the other side of the big pond - where the queen lives :) [01:12] bobertdos thank you for the help [01:12] bimberi: Yes [01:12] pookmu, badfish: Yes, sudo apt-get install libflashsupport [01:12] ok, very good,,,,i figured so...very good chap! [01:13] heh :) [01:13] ta mate [01:13] are there any text editors in ubuntu (other than the console editors) that numbers the lines and allow switching between text display and hexidecimal display [01:13] unop, copy and paste the whole line? [01:13] tenX: I get an eth0, lo, wlan0 and wmaster 0 [01:13] dr_willis: fortunately i never ran into acpi problems with any system where i actually had to install linux. only with live cds for fixing issues [01:13] ferretonthelus, yep [01:13] tenX: For with and without -a [01:13] unop, of should i say both lines? [01:14] ferretonthelus, it's actually only one big line [01:14] Brian4120: to get the wanted network support on boot up, you'd have to configure your devices the way you want in the interfaces file [01:14] md22: "apt-cache search hex editor" gives no good suggestions? [01:14] Brian4120: any of the interfaces have an "inet addr" other than ? [01:14] Brian4120: since those devices are present, the drivers are loaded and the devices should be usable [01:14] unop, it is still loading 85 updates...should i wait for it to finnish? [01:14] I just upgraded to a new motherboard and can't get my Ubuntu to boot. I can't even get the desktop CD to boot. What can I do to fix this? [01:15] LjL: thanks for that [01:15] Brian4120: from that point its probably only a matter of configuring parameters for you environment [01:15] md22: i use khexedit myself, no line numbers though. [01:15] Brian4120: dhcp or static addressing [01:15] this is so frustrating....my computer always gives me problems..never is just installing something going to make it easy [01:15] bimberi: Only eth0 has my local IP (Currently connected to that interface. but this problem is with that and wlan0) [01:15] ferretonthelus, well, i'm guessing if you haven't experienced anything out of the ordinary by now, everything's ok - so let these updates finish and then run this command. sudo aptitude safe-upgrade [01:16] hello there. I'm sorry to say I've been having a lot of issues with multimedia related applications on UbuntuStudio 8.04. The most annoying ones are related to Ardour and Lives Video Editor. I was wondering if you could recommend me other media friendly linux distros, or mention an IRC chat where I could get that info [01:16] By local IP i mean my routers DHCP given ip [01:16] can you ping your router's address? [01:16] ferretonthelus, that should have sorted you out - now, i have to go hit the sack :) hope everything's ok - ciao! [01:16] <_haywire_> cya unop [01:16] bimberi: Negitive [01:16] hm [01:17] * unop & [01:17] Im thinking it could have been a problem in the iptables. [01:17] Brian4120: only if you've been fiddling with them :) [01:17] I did have to to setup the ICS. I can give you the exact link to the guide I used in a second [01:18] unop. yes, i am sure it is late?or early there?.....! [01:18] how do i tun a file in terminal [01:18] bimberi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 [01:18] *run [01:18] its a script [01:18] smokeytheman: What kind of file? [01:18] text [01:19] what does the first line say? [01:19] unop; ahtank you and hope you sleep well! [01:19] A bash script? [01:19] plain text doc [01:19] I have a Dell LCD Monitor plugged into the back of my laptop which I wish to use as my primary screen, but I have no idea how to set this up, and the "Screens" thingy in preferences does not detect the display, I am using it now but it is a cloned display from the laptop screen. Is there a way to set this up? [01:19] what does the first line say, smokeytheman? [01:19] #!/bin/sh [01:20] It's a bash script then [01:20] smokeytheman: Make sure you chmod it to be executable and then do ./filename [01:21] Brian4120: Are you using a GUI on this box? FireStarter provides a fairly straightforward way to set up ICS. [01:21] smokeytheman: so you need to run 'sudo chmod +x FILENAME.sh' and then './FILENAME.sh' [01:21] On my laptop I have two partitions. One was for my windows, and the other is for Ubuntu. I have already backed up my files on the windows partition and would now like to delete it and migrate it back into the Ubuntu partition. Would using Gparted accomplish this? [01:22] bimberi: Yes, would I be able to undo an ICS setup if I installed that? [01:22] PoisonArrow: Gparted might. your other choices are fstab, cfstab, and one other, can't think of it offhand [01:22] I can't get Ubuntu to boot after I installed a new mainboard. I tried recovery mode and all I get is SATA link up and down messages. [01:22] But yeah, if you can figure it out. [01:23] EvilDaemon, I see. Is it hard to do? [01:23] mikeculver: Did you google your problem? [01:23] EvilDaemon just deleting the partition should be fine right? [01:23] how can I setup the summer time and all that? the clock widget does not have this "advanced" controls [01:23] EvilDaemon: yes.. I got a lot of possible kernel options to try, but none of them worked. [01:23] how do SSH keys work? [01:23] This has revived my faith in the free source and the people behind it! may YOUR GOD bless you. However you see HIM,HER,IT! [01:23] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [01:24] nevermind, I found it [01:24] Brian4120: Possibly. You might need to undo the changes to files in those instructions. [01:24] PoisonArrow: I don't know, I haven't used gparted. [01:24] PoisonArrow: run man gparted for instructions [01:25] mikeculver: not sure what you need to do. maybe ask in ##hardware ? [01:25] anybody know whether Requiem will still work if I use an older version of iTunes? [01:25] or #hardware [01:25] you'll redirect [01:25] i'll try that.. thanks [01:25] yup, no prob [01:26] another question, why does my clock give me ALWAYS an hour more that the time it is actually? [01:26] I have set up my timezone correctly :S [01:26] bimberi: I am thinking the command appending the rule to the POSTROUTING thing might be whats messing me up. I tried doing iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQURADE but I got a cannot load target error === Guest14027 is now known as Brucee [01:26] Umm, I have 2 hard drives conencted, they have automatically mounted (I can see them in Gnome) but nothing is in /mnt... where does it mount them to? [01:27] yurimxpxman: If your looking for a general itunes replacement, Amarok or Banshee. Otherwise, I don't know what your saying. [01:27] luminrd: /media/ [01:27] anybody know what: [01:27] [tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: No such process] could mean ? [01:27] EvilDaemon: requiem's a DRM removal tool [01:27] No idea, yurimxpxman. [01:27] google yet? [01:28] burn em all to an iso in windows [01:28] then rip it with ubuntu's cd audio extractor [01:28] Brian4120: Sorry I don't know enough to know for sure, but yes you'd not be wanting to see erros on such commands. [01:28] hey dudes i run crunchbang i like it better than ubuntu and its based on ubuntu anyways but one problem is getting wine to run in it....any advice? [01:28] . [01:28] find a crunchbang channel? [01:29] command? [01:29] NO SPAM, xSharastisisx [01:29] i've just installed intrepid using the alternate cd. only one question i have. how can a new user that i'l create will have an encrypted home folder? i've asked on #ubuntu+1 but no answer yet... [01:29] bimberi: Thanks anyways, Ill give the firestarter a go. As soon as I can get it over to my laptop. No internet means no apt-get [01:29] kitche: Ah thank you :D [01:29] in the file browser i do Go->Location and type "smb://windowsbox/sharename" and it says "Couldn't display "smb://windowsbox/sharename/". Error: Failed to mount Windows share. Please select another viewer and try agian". what viewer should i use? [01:29] i've noticed my audio output in ubuntu is significantly lower than in windows [01:29] anything i can do about this? [01:30] Once I get this one, next task, finally fixing my samba server! [01:30] omg the grammar on crunchbang.org lmao [01:30] How do you set the screen resolution to one setting (say 800x600) and the desktop resolution to a higher setting (say 1280x1024)? I've seen this before where moving the mouse to the edge of the screen rolls you around the larger desktop. Can't find this in ubuntu though. [01:30] badfish: make sure PCM is turned all the way up [01:30] Brian4120: You can always download via packages.ubuntu.com and transfer manually to the box [01:30] thanks bimberi! [01:30] Brian4120: np :) [01:31] my colors when i watch video is all screwed up. in gstreamer-properties i have XwindowSystem /X11/XShm/Xv) as i usualle have. but for some reason now i have to change it to XwindowSystem (no Xv) anyone got a fix for this ? [01:31] Crunchbang's grammar reminds me of the McDonalds tag lines or those Boost Mobile ads. "We lov to be seein' u smilin'" and "Whuuur u at dawg?" [01:31] Is anyone here old enough to remember the september that never ended? [01:31] how do i get to the crunchbang channel? i am kinda new to linux..just switched from xp [01:31] how do i access my pcm volume control? [01:31] badfish: with whatever audio mixer you use [01:31] phillip, do you like McDonalds and Boost Mobile? :-) [01:32] I want to simulate a fixed "zoom" without using compiz. In order to get around adobe flash bugs in linux, but to watch hulu video's. [01:32] How ofton is the ISO done in other words is the updates that came out today on the ISO if I download it right now?? [01:32] they're ok why [01:32] phillip, just curious :-) [01:32] kinda random lol [01:32] spiritssight, the latest 8.04.1 iso came out a few mo ago.. theres still a few updates that came out after its release.. [01:32] like the volume control in rhythmbox? [01:33] phillip: ask in a PM or on #defocus, #ubuntu-offtopic, or other various chitchat channels. not a SUPPORT channel [01:33] phillip, I noticed the www.crunchbang.org website's grammar, it reminds me of "that generation" of people have gone "Awwwww yeah! Linux!" lol, puts me in mind of McDonalds & Boost Mobile trying to "Connect" to the urban culture lol [01:33] oh, whoops. Sorry phillip [01:33] No idea's on setting the screen resolution to one thing and gnomes desktop resolution to another setting? [01:34] That was meant for xomp [01:34] yea im that kinda guy [01:34] badfish: maybe. a plain old volume control might not have it. try a more specialized application. it depends on the audio system you have installed. [01:34] codazoda, i just set the screen res lower. as a fake zoom. :) [01:34] EvilDaemon, "I have only been usin' t' installation for about 24 hours, but I be impressed with what I have seen so far." I rest my case [01:34] (no spam, xomp) [01:34] EvilDaemon: i did find a fix... [01:34] it's very dirty though. And I'm not sure it won't severely impact performance [01:34] i maxed the master volume and the volume in the program [01:34] it's not just rhythmbox but audacity, and everything else [01:34] thanks :-) [01:35] i run my computer out to an amplified stereo [01:35] mikeculver: good, that's good. Got it all working then? [01:35] dr_willis: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I want the screen res to be 800x600, but the desktop to be 1280x1024. I can't figure out how to set this up in ubuntu. [01:35] EvilDaemon, ah kk I'll leave Britany alone :) [01:35] codazoda, in xorg there's a config called virtual desktop [01:35] i tried and i cant do it :| [01:35] investigate on google [01:35] badfish: well, look for mixers in the package manager, i guess. [01:35] !spam > xomp [01:35] i tried and i cant do it :| [01:35] xomp, please see my private message [01:35] chmod so it can be executable [01:35] I set up privoxy and the update manager connects through it. when I stop privoxy it wont connect. [01:36] how do i set it to read as a bash script [01:36] i really like linux sofar. My network at work is micro ad...how can i implament linux on my servers? [01:36] Virtual desktop... Right. Thank you. I couldn't remember the term, so couldn't come up with any good results online. I'll go from there. Thanks for the help. [01:36] smokeytheman: use the bash shebang === Linwood_ is now known as Adrian [01:36] I have 1440*900, but no 1280*800, howto setup properly. googled around no clue [01:36] i cant install anything until i execute the script [01:37] smokeytheman: look here [01:37] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=807995 [01:37] EvilDaemon: yes. Is there any way in which I could contribute my work-around so that others might benefit? [01:37] codazoda, thats used to be set ages ago with the virtualdesktop settings in the xorg.conf, but most people HATE that way of doing things. [01:37] !resolution [01:37] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:37] slt [01:37] hep [01:38] mikeculver: Yeah, make an account at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ and post it there. Or, you may want to go over to #ubuntuforums and ask to sumbit it [01:38] my colors when i watch movie in any player is messed up for some reason. anyone care to help out ? [01:38] EvilDaemon: is there some sort of hardware wiki? [01:38] mikeculver: But you need to be specific in what you do, how you did it, command by command, and hardware your using [01:39] mikeculver: Ask over in #hardware / ##hardware , I don't know off hand. [01:39] this sucks [01:40] im dying [01:40] what do you need? :p [01:40] I may be of help ;) [01:41] I started a rather large file transfer in terminal from one external hard drive to another. is there any way to check the progress [01:41] i dare someone to turn this into a bash script and send it to me http://pastebin.com/m751eb7cc [01:41] luminrd, stat /new/path/to/file and see the filesize [01:42] let me see smokeytheman [01:42] luminrd, you can ls -l the target file [01:42] any help to set up 1280*800 in ubuntu8.04? i got only 1440*900 [01:42] 'watch ls -l /path/to/file/being/copied' is handy [01:43] how do I connect to a torrent? I have bittornado... [01:43] smokeytheman, that's already a bash script [01:43] I imagine it just needs chmodding and correct execution [01:43] how do i execute it as root [01:44] sudo chmod +x filename (only once) [01:44] !sudo | smokeytheman [01:44] smokeytheman: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [01:44] and then sudo ./filename [01:44] Guys, when I open Cedega and start my Spore Free Trial my screen goes black and says "Cannot display this video mode" I passed all the diagnostics and I had Compiz disabled... I am running an EVGA NVIDIA Geforce 7950GT KO Superclock... so I don't understand why its not working. it has nothing to do with Cedega, thats why I'm asking here, its a problem with some video driver I thin, but when I tried to reinstall my video driver, [01:44] thanks guys [01:44] Spherous: it has to deal with cedega ask them [01:45] Spherous: #cedega ##cedega ? [01:45] kitche, No one answers there~ and I can't post on their forums unless I pay for a subscription, well I'm not gonna pay for something before it works [01:45] Spherous, ive heard that wine/cedega has some issues with SPORE. [01:46] Spherous: well then what are you using a trial software? [01:46] dr_willis, the Spore Trial is their free thing to see if you can get Cedega working before you pay [01:46] hi [01:46] Spherous: look in getdeb.net, there's a plain wine patched to support spore [01:46] anybody know how to remove oxidation from a copper pipe? [01:46] kitche, full software, but a trial account, you sign in to an account every time you start the program [01:46] Spherous, you mean to say the 'cedega' free trial is called 'spore' ? [01:46] does anyone happen to know what they called the hacked and ported version of the iphoneOS running in a VM? [01:46] Oilfurnace, I heard you can with Coke [01:47] I have a soundcard with multiple outputs (6 or so, i think), and on windows i use this to have my headphones and speakers connected at the same time (i get sound from both), but on Xubuntu i only get sound from the speakers.. How can i make it give sound to the headphones aswell? [01:47] Spherous: I know what cedega is well if you have full software then you most likely downloaded it someplace fishy since you have to buy for the software [01:47] neeto: iphoneOS is just Macintosh [01:47] dr_willis, no... They advertize the Spore free trial on their software [01:47] I just found out it's possible to play Team Fortress 2 with ubuntu through WINE. Right there goes my reason to dual-boot XP with Hardy!!! [01:47] ok back [01:47] who was helping me [01:47] xomp, congrats ;) [01:47] kitche... Cedega.com isn't some place fishy [01:47] When you delete something from a usb drive does it stay until you empty the trash? [01:47] Spherous, ahh.. so the free cedaga trial comes with a trial of spore... Heh.. [01:48] how would coke help? [01:48] Spherous: well ask cedega since they would know more about their software then we would here [01:48] Oilfurnace, I was told coke "eats" the oxidation [01:48] dr_willis, right, but I can't get the trial to work, so I don't want to pay for it to get WoW to work before I can even get something they advertise as a testing game to work [01:48] who was helping me i forget...in a pm [01:49] Oilfurnace, you want something like WD40, hold on, did you say rust? copper pipe? [01:49] Spherous: sounds like you need to do some editting to cedega's configuration [01:49] copper pipes yeah green stuff [01:49] copper does not rust, it oxodizes don't it? [01:49] thing that carrys hot water [01:49] kitche, how do you propose I go about doing that? I can't put in a ticket unless I pay for a membership, I can't post on the forums, and I've asked in #cedega many times with no one answering me [01:49] the oxidation extends the life of the copper [01:49] Rust - Iron oxide [01:49] I have a soundcard with multiple outputs (6 or so, i think), and on windows i use this to have my headphones and speakers connected at the same time (i get sound from both), but on Xubuntu i only get sound from the speakers.. How can i make it give sound to the headphones aswell? [01:50] talk on #metal better ;) [01:50] #bustyasians [01:50] brb [01:51] anyone know what awk is? [01:51] !anyone | smokeytheman [01:51] smokeytheman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:51] awk = a white kid [01:51] Spherous: well fix the configuration in cedega's pull down menu it's actually not that hard but cedega is a unsupported product here since they have their own excellent support since this is mainly for ubuntu questions [01:52] Spherous: been a while sicne I used cedega or I would tell you where you can change it [01:52] !anyone | Flannel [01:52] Flannel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:52] xomp: PLEASE quit spamming, or your likely to be kicked/banned [01:52] How do I get rid of stuff in my trash that I deleted from a usb drive? When I try to empty trash it just sits there at 0%, when I delete individually it tells me it's a read-only fs [01:52] hi [01:52] !piracy [01:52] piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [01:52] hmmm [01:52] smokeytheman, i know what awk is =) [01:52] !botabuse | PoisonArrow [01:52] PoisonArrow: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [01:52] What is awk? [01:53] kitche, I checked all the settings, it all shows exactly what it should, so theres nothing wrong there. And like I said, they don't answer me in #cedega, I've asked about 20 times in the past week, no one answered [01:53] smokeytheman, thats the correct question this time, the answer is 'man awk' [01:53] Spheous: Did you google? === sgallinger is now known as splooge [01:53] !stfu | EvilDaemon [01:53] EvilDaemon: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [01:53] EvilDaemon, yes. To no avail [01:53] what is the path to awk? [01:53] Spherous: well considering it's not for support did you check out the wiki [01:53] default [01:54] smokeytheman: awk is a programming language, type 'which awk' [01:54] PoisonArrow: Please stop, or you will be banned. [01:54] kitche, yep, nothing there about it~ [01:54] Why would a USB drive be a read-only filesystem?? [01:54] which awk [01:54] Spherous: well "official" support anyways :) [01:54] smokeytheman, you can ask your shell what awk is using the whatis command. whatis awk [01:54] EvilDaemon, so be it [01:55] wow, windows user are so stupid [01:55] speener: Not really. [01:55] Gparted won't even let me reformat it. [01:55] !ot | speener, EvilDaemon [01:55] speener, EvilDaemon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:55] Hello, just have a quick question. I know that normally when you try to install two things at once it gives an error stating the service is in use; is there any way to manually cut that particular process off? [01:55] luminrd: cfdisk? [01:55] Maslow: Why do you want to do that? [01:56] mmm...shut up [01:56] speener: Please be polite. You are offtopic. [01:56] Is there a specific ubuntu irc channel for networking? [01:56] no [01:56] EvilDaemon: Gives me fatal error cannot open drive [01:56] Jab: no, but #networking usually works alright [01:56] Earlier I was having issues installing java. First it'd seem to finish fine before giving an error and then when going back to try installing a different package it just says its already in use. [01:56] Thanks [01:56] luminrd: sudo cfdisk [01:56] what would cause an ubuntu machine to open thousands of active sessions to my isp's dns ?? [01:56] Maslow: Whats the actual errr? [01:57] Sec, let me see if I can get it again. [01:57] etyrnal: visiting a porn website [01:57] Gnea, but the machine is just sittingthere -- headless [01:57] EvilDaemon: I had used sudo. But I was trying to do the /dev not the mounted one... but anyway, now it says I have no permissions to write [01:57] I am looking for help with Mythtv on Ubuntu 8.04 - - Stactic when I try to watch live tv [01:57] etyrnal: many things a bot a rootkit along with being used as a zombie [01:57] Gnea, nobosy is even loged into it === speener is now known as zarathustra [01:57] etyrnal: and its purpose is? === zarathustra is now known as speener [01:58] luminrd: sudo cfdisk should've done it with no problem... one second. [01:58] EvilDaemon: Opened disk read-only - you have no permission to writelast_lba(): I FATAL ERROR: Cannot get disk size === speener is now known as I [01:58] !cfdisk | luminrd [01:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk [01:58] nope. [01:58] someone mind helping me out individually? [01:58] darryl: not the same, but try hulu.com [01:58] EvilDaemon, sorry, but I have read the Rules, and no where does it say asking a question to ubottu am I doing bot abuse, thanks [01:58] Did you google a bit? === I is now known as egotrip [01:58] !pm | FlyerFanatic [01:58] FlyerFanatic: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [01:58] i looked in my router's active sessions list and there are over 20 pages of udp connections open to the dns 1 & 2 [01:58] PoisonArrow: Please read them again. [01:58] Ok [01:59] but not to any other remote address [01:59] all on port 53 [01:59] etyrnal: so it's a router? [01:59] sorry but i'm not sure how to explain or show you what messages i'm getting with all this clutter [01:59] the ubuntu box isn't, but my router shows the connecions [01:59] http://pastebin.com/m5caf6f6b <--- heres what im given when the error occurs trying to install an item through the terminal. [01:59] EvilDaemon: Not sure what to google for on this.. [01:59] FlyerFanatic: ignore the clutter and just do it. [01:59] FlyerFanatic: pastebin.com [01:59] can i use netstat to find out what process is doing this? [01:59] I got this one because I was also using ubuntus default app install deal to install something else at the same time. [02:00] I mean, read-only is rather common but usually root can at least write it [02:00] etyrnal: so is the headless box the ubuntu box or the router? [02:00] luminrd: Google the error message you had, like 'cfdisk no permission writelast_lba(): I FATAL ERROR: Cannot get disk size' [02:00] PoisonArrow: if you are asking the bot questions, its better that you do it over pm. !BotAbuse is one way of invoking ubottu to give you those directions. The guy probably didn't mean to imply anything... [02:00] the headless box is the ubuntu [02:00] just going to assume my comp specs are to new for linux...gonna have to wait for an update...hop the include my drivers [02:00] Gnea, the router is just where i see all the connections [02:00] etyrnal: okay, and what purpose does it serve? firewall? what? [02:00] danbh_intrepid: the guy = me? === egotrip is now known as acidreflux [02:01] Gnea, the ubunto box? === acidreflux is now known as egoflux [02:01] etyrnal: there's another 'it' that i'm referring to? [02:01] EvilDaemon: i'd have to scroll up, but sure [02:01] EvilDaemon: Nothing comes up with that or various variants of it. [02:01] FlyerFanatic, just paste your stuff to pastebin and try to explain the problem [02:01] Gnea, it's a slave 3D renderer for Blender 3D [02:01] but it's idle [02:01] danbh_intrepid: If it's the bot abuse incedent, then yes. [02:01] etyrnal: okay. is it running any network services of any kind? [02:02] EvilDaemon: yeah, it was you... [02:02] danbh_intrepid, ya I know. I found it little rude thought to send me a botabuse pm. [02:02] well i tried ubuntu didnt work....tried knoppix...didnt work...this is ubuntu chat...but being told to turn off acpi...dont know how to... [02:02] I just did apt-get install xfce4, and the system wont boot into xfce. [02:02] yo [02:03] Oh wow I'm a moron. Sdb not Hdb!!! [02:03] Gnea, if it is i'm not certain because i didn't set it up for any other purpose than to act as an available 3D renderer for distributed rendering -- all machines are local [02:03] luminrd: I think your next best bet would be going to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ and making an account. Then post a topic, and see if anyone can [02:03] FlyerFanatic, you tried the ubuntu Live CD, right? What was the problem with it? were you able to boot it? did the OS start up ? [02:03] TheKiNG, did you select xfce from the Sessions menu at the login screen? [02:03] besides...kind of tired booting/rebooting comp for the night...just not gonna mess with linux....seems like you need to be outdated for it...otherwise stuff prob wont work [02:03] luminrd: There you go. :-) [02:03] xomp: That doesnt even come up [02:03] I got the server one [02:03] sorry thanks for the help EvilDaemon :P [02:03] So, it will boot into the console [02:03] FlyerFanatic, during the CD boot, hit F6(options) and add 'acpi=off' at the end of the boot line without the quotes ofcourse [02:03] startx says /etc/x11/x isnt found [02:04] FlyerFanatic: you just have to be willing to learn.. More than likely somethings out there.. you just need to find it. [02:04] Gnea, in my router i see this... http://pastebin.com/m1178172d except for twenty plus pages of it... [02:04] luminrd: Don't be sorry. Questions are meant to be asked. :-) [02:04] luminerd, stay away from ubuntuforums.org at all costs. It is folly to post there, I have 2 threads that were posted nearly a year ago with no response lol [02:04] luminerd, just keep trying here, eventually someone will be able to help. [02:04] Can somebody help [02:04] FlyerFanatic, linux works for bleeding edge as well as the trailing. all it takes is a little interest [02:04] xomp: Please quit spamming. It is getting tiresome. [02:04] xomp: tht kinda unfair to say [02:05] Alright, I have another question. I run a samba server on a headless box. Currently all my users cannot access their files. They can connect to the box via smb://hostname. When prompted for a user/pass it works there. But when I navigate to a folder it asks for a user/pass again. none of the username/pass combos i have will work. [02:05] luminrd: He's just trolling. It's a good place to go, I use it all the time. [02:05] EvilDaemon, get the hell off my back mate, I'm not spamming. You have a damaged view of spam. [02:05] Okay, plz2nothavedramakthx [02:05] i'm just gonna have to find someone that can talk me through it on a messenger program...i cant type fast enough to keep up with everyone [02:05] startx says /etc/x11/x isnt found [02:05] thanks though [02:05] Can somebody help [02:05] Trolling, spamming, the whole works are tiresome. Please stop, or you will most likely be banned. [02:05] xomp: The forums are great source of community support, just different that irc, mailing list etc... [02:06] but I may be biased [02:06] :) [02:06] FlyerFanatic, you dont have to type fast, just say someones nick, it highlighs them [02:06] FlyerFanatic: you dont have to type fast.. just if you find someone to talk to, use their name in every sentence, then they know they are being talked to [02:06] MY GOD. [02:06] TheKiNG: why didnt you try installing xubuntu-desktop? [02:06] does that have xfce? [02:06] alright well here i go... [02:06] Technoviking, the forums have been as useful as a rectum right here *points at elbow* for me. Why is it "spam" or "trolling" to suggest nobody use it? lmao [02:06] well i guess i need to try to turn off acpi [02:06] TheKiNG: yes, that is the manager. [02:06] TheKiNG, xubuntu has xfce, maybe you should try that [02:06] Good. [02:06] first [02:07] (didnt see the x there, sorry =) ) [02:07] guess i'll go ahead and try that...bbl [02:07] xomp, maybe you were asking the wrong questions? [02:07] xomp: cause just because it is not a good experience for you does not mean it is for other people [02:08] Gnea, i originally set it up using a monitor, but i only ssh to it now so i can start renders [02:08] I tried following the Ubuntu Community Documentation here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick) but the device does not boot. Instead I get this error: BOOTMGR is missing [02:08] xomp: Considering the populaity, I don't see why it isn't a good place to go. It would've died out by now if it wasn't [good]. [02:08] nm....screw it...not gonna mess with this anymore...maybe sometime in the future linux will make it easier to install [02:09] Technoviking, I'm just saying, he should stick around and see if anyone can help instead of embarking on a voyage of being ignored by those on the forums. The forums should be your very last option after asking every possible person connected here or that will ever connect lol. [02:09] zetheroo-ubuntu: did you try this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html [02:09] I don't see how that's possible.. I reformatted the partition and still there's stuff on the drive!! [02:10] xomp, if your issue is clearly described it will get answered. [02:10] i find the forums more helpful for indepth problems... simple issues are easly solved by reading the docs, searching the forums, or coming here... [02:10] xomp: you don't like the forums, cool. be let other people make there own decision [02:10] Alright guys, the meta-forums discussion has run its course. Lets get back to our regularly scheduled programming. [02:10] i posted in the forums...and got no responses thus i came here [02:10] danbh_intrepid : no ... but why should that work? ... I meant here are plenty of supposed ways to do this kinda thing out there on the net ... and this one that I did should be working ... but its not ... [02:10] sorry Flannel [02:10] danbh_intrepid : has this method worked for you? [02:11] FlyerFanatic, if you dont feel like /messing/ about with it, then dont do it, for a newbie its generally trial and error at first [02:11] i think 90% of issues can be solved by searching the forum, or the wiki... the forum tends to be more up-to-date than the wiki... [02:11] Yup, time to get back on topic. [02:11] Technoviking, I have no issue with that, but to say I'm spamming or trolling is a bit ignorant. I'm offering my opinion on the use of the ubuntu forums is all. [02:11] Should I sudo rm -rf /media/drive if I want to get rid of EVERYTHING on it? [02:11] how can i remotely access my ubuntu desktop from a windows machine? [02:11] zetheroo-ubuntu: never tried myself, but thats the official documentation, where as you are following the community docs. I figured it was worth a shot [02:11] luminrd: no [02:11] onats: vnc? [02:11] Odd-rationale: What should I do? [02:12] onats: namely tightvnc as a suggestion [02:12] xomp: I'm glad to continue out of channel [02:12] yea linux sounds to complicated think i'm done trying to get to the point to even mess around with it [02:12] luminrd: rm -rf /media/drive/* [02:12] luminrd: Don't do that unless you know EXACTLY what your doing, what will happen, and the tempature of canada before you do it. [02:12] danbh_intrepid : ok ... well I suppose it is worth a shot ... thanks [02:12] luminrd, *DO* *NOT* mistype that command, whatever you do [02:12] Yes I'm aware of its effects [02:12] i not sure sudo is needed [02:13] But no other method seems to be workin [02:13] Odd-rationale: it is, I don't know what it is with Ubuntu, it likes to mount shit read-only [02:13] Odd-rational: yes, if it's not owned by him [02:13] does the ibex beta have the new version of wubi? [02:14] well, if hal mounts it... it should be mounted as user... [02:14] r4b: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks. === speener is now known as egotrip [02:14] to all those saying I have no right to down play the forums, here's my post dated March 2008 and the only person to have bothered with replying to my topic has been ME!! LOL http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=730933 [02:14] usually, that is... [02:14] xomp: Please stop. [02:14] OK, WTF! Seriously DOUBLEYOO TEE EFF???? sudo rm -rf /media/disk/* admin@integrity-client01:/media/disk$ ls -a. ._20080821 Taming the CC Beast.wav .Trash-1002 ._.Trashes .. .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes [02:15] good to know my system specs are too amazing for linux lol [02:15] luminrd: * doesn't include dotfiles [02:15] ... === egotrip is now known as egoflux [02:15] * luminrd facepalm [02:15] I asked a minute ago and someone said it did.. ok anyway what do I need? rm -rfa? [02:16] I am installing Ubuntu for a blind friend, is there a TTS system for IRC chat? (TTS = Text to speech) TIA :) [02:16] luminrd: rm -rf /media/drive/.* [02:16] Lol. makes sense. thank you [02:16] oh my god - I have been pulling out what little hair I have ... trying to get dual screen on my laptop (with shitty intel 945 graphics).... [02:16] <_haywire_> you called? [02:16] lol [02:17] Holy balls. A whole lot of "you can't do that" [02:17] Beeftube, Festival [02:17] "Read only filesystem". WTF [02:17] !language [02:17] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [02:17] luminrd, can you remount it as rw? [02:17] thanks xomp [02:17] RandR has been my saviour [02:18] it's absolutely AMAZINGLY simple [02:18] Beeftube, np, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech [02:18] Xinerama is COMPLETE shite ... imho [02:18] well i'm fed up with being annoyed with this...i'm out [02:18] fx3: Seems I can't unmount it, device is bzy.. but what options would I give it to mount it rw? [02:18] does anyone know what I'm talking about? [02:18] you rock xomp :D [02:18] * smokeytheman whines like a baby [02:18] i need help! [02:18] luminrd: are you in the dir in your terminal? [02:18] Beeftube, some would beg to differ :P Glad to help none the less :-) [02:19] JAVA - I had 1.6 installed and working fine to run an occassional app.. just now, I ran an app and t said that Java 1.7b10 failed??!? I didnt put that there.. how can I find out what put it there, or make it not the main Java, or something.. help [02:19] Odd-rationale: what dir? the mounted volume or the /dev location [02:19] is it normal that my /etc/network/interfaces would just include auto lo and iface lo inet loopback? even though im using a dhcp router, shouldnt it still have something for eth0 [02:19] luminrd, with rm .* you've just deleted the . and .. I'm not sure what will work now... [02:19] luminrd: try "cd ~ ; sudo umount -l /media/drive" [02:20] !java > darkblue_B check these docs. I think there is a command to select which java is used [02:20] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:20] root0: It didn't let me delete anything [02:20] !java > darkblue_B [02:20] darkblue_B, please see my private message [02:20] FFEMTcJ, may because your are using NetworkManger? [02:20] trying to mount a NTFS volume, says wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda4 any ideas how to force mount? [02:20] I've let the mysql package set the mysql root pw and something had been able to tell all my other packages what the root mysql pw is during install time. Now I need to know what it is and I don't. I'm fairly sure I can just reset it with some mysql tools, but I'd rather just pull it from whatever tells my packages during install. [02:20] list [02:20] Hi. I have a question. I run a samba server on a headless box. Currently all my users cannot access their files. They can connect to the box via smb://hostname. When prompted for a user/pass, none of the username/pass combos i have will work. Any suggestions? [02:21] luminrd, find out whats using it, or try the magical -f [02:21] hello guys.what is the command for video card brand?how to know my video card brand I mean... [02:21] jianfei: are entering ntfs as the partition type? [02:21] never mind, it's nothing [02:21] stupid packages [02:21] ./var/lib/dpkg/status has dissapeared. I found a script that recovers it using blah blah blah andit just makes a blank file. i do sudo apt-get update and it works fine with no new errors but i cant install anything and adept is still busted [02:21] sudo lspci | grep -i graphics [02:21] is it normal for ubuntu to not boot from disk in vista 64? [02:21] or -i video [02:21] or do a full sudo lspci and look for your video card [02:21] to constantly have error messages [02:21] OK why is it giving me this "read only filesystem" crap??? [02:21] hardcorelinux: ok.. so to make a static ip then just open the network manager, click on wired properties, remove enable roaming, and type in what i want then?? [02:22] surely i'm not the only one with this problem [02:22] how can i use samba to see what windows boxes i'm seeing? [02:22] joaquinm: thanks ill try that :) [02:22] danbh: its just displayed as an icon for mounting [02:22] np [02:22] sudo lspci | grep VGA [02:22] luminrd: what type of fs? how are you mounting it? [02:22] FlyerFanatic: What are you running vista on? laptop? [02:22] no [02:22] hardcorelinux: or should i manually configure it with interfaces [02:22] desktop [02:22] danbh: asks me for my password [02:22] thanks anyway, ill just jump off a bridge [02:22] luminrd, sudo rm -r /media/drive/.[^.]* will delete anything on that folder in a safe way so it won't delete . and .. [02:22] FlyerFanatic: Any specs? Model? [02:23] is there a way i can get a list of computers it sees on the windows network? [02:23] E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc6 [02:23] root0: No, it won't let me delete it at all. It won't let me. it says read only filesystem. [02:23] As root. [02:23] ummm vista 64 bit, 4 gb ram, 320 GB HD i think...what else you need? its a self built [02:23] FFEMTcJ, NetworkManager is convenient for quick setups [02:23] luminrd: it wont let you delete as root? [02:23] That's what I've been saying from the beginning! That's the problem in the first place. [02:24] luminerd, can you tell me using a pastebin what the mount command say? [02:24] luminrd: how did you mount it? [02:24] FlyerFanatic: Motherboard and processor? Manufacturer should be enough info [02:24] Ubuntu auto-mount [02:25] joaquinm: how to get the driver of the videocard and install it? [02:25] mobo gigabyte ep-45-ds3r [02:25] luminrd, can you tell me using a pastebin what the mount command say? [02:25] root0, you should't be able to delete . and .. anyway [02:26] root0: just "mount"? [02:26] root0: http://pastebin.com/m67f8aeb7 [02:26] unop if you do rm -r .* on a folder that will delete . and .. too : http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?f=338 [02:26] danbh_intrepid: thx that fixed it! [02:26] etyrnal: looks like someone on is browsing the web [02:27] FlyerFanatic: And how are you booting the ubuntu cd? Are you going to the BIOS and setting the cd drive to be booted before the harddrive? [02:27] darkblue_B: hmmm, cool, what was the original page you were looking at? [02:27] yes [02:27] hmm is gimp 2.6 in repositorys? [02:27] danbh_intrepid: page? [02:27] Where are you getting stuck? [02:27] !gimp [02:27] gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. [02:27] darkblue_B: nvm, I forget the advice I gave you : P [02:28] after i click to run ubuntu from the cd itself...the orange load bar goes then right after i get the error messages [02:28] Gnea, in a tcp dump i see no http - only the dns stuff [02:28] luminrd, so can you cd to your drive? i see no /media/drive [02:28] Any idea what they are saying? [02:28] buffer I/O error on device fd0 logical block 0 [02:29] etyrnal: well you'll need to look on .44 and figure out what app is trying to hit that ip [02:29] every couple seconds a new line of the same error message [02:29] root0, well, something clearly doesn't add up then - http://pastebin.com/d1e6d3df3 [02:29] FlyerFanatic: you could try disabling your floppy drive in the bios [02:29] danbh_intrepid: adding bookmark.. all for now.. thx again [02:29] FlyerFanatic: Do you have a floppy drive installed? fd0 is the floppy drive [02:29] etyrnal: #networking might be able to help you out a bit better [02:30] i know in my bios i can choose to move around floppy drive...but i have no floppy installed [02:30] Gnea, thanks for theawesome tip! [02:30] we're talking old school floppy disk thing right? [02:30] Yes [02:30] i dont have any hooked up [02:30] unop, i can't explayn that. but i do know that i once lost some things with that command... [02:30] FlyerFanatic: yeah, either disable it, or maybe update your bios. But disabling it is a much easier option. (do this even if you dont have one hooked up) [02:30] your mobo has a controller though ;) [02:31] disable it [02:31] how do i disable it? [02:31] FlyerFanatic: Take a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=438923 [02:31] enter the BIOS and set Floppy Drive to Off or sth similar [02:32] That thread may point you in the right direction [02:32] upgrading from gusty to hardy i'm getting a lot of issues [02:32] ok will check that out === terminal_ is now known as terminal [02:32] tonsofpcs: are you using update-manager? [02:32] first the machine hung on reboot (crash detector says python 2.4 failed to upgrade properly) [02:32] danbh_intrepid - yes [02:33] and i used not-latest-gusty kernel to do it [02:33] root0, from the time I can remember - gnu rm has had this safety net - but it could have behaved differently before that - we're talking about 5-6 years ago - but this is only with rm - other apps will behave differently [02:33] then on boot, GDM said it failed to load the theme "Human" [02:33] tonsofpcs: sucky, I can suggest some commands... [02:34] then after crash detector told me py2.4 had crashed, it told me gnome-vfs-daemon closed unexpectedly, as did gnome-screensaver-gl-helper [02:34] tonsofpcs: sudo apt-get install -f [02:34] FlyerFanatic: I just found something saying that you may want to try the alternate instalation cd. [02:34] danbh_intrepid - there's no broken depends according to apt [02:34] where do i get that? [02:35] what is ubuntu? [02:35] tonsofpcs: so that command said nothing? [02:35] !ubuntu | D^mien [02:35] D^mien: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [02:35] unop, i think this is good news on one hand. on the other hand it may be just on newer versions and it may still be a problem on other... i really don't know. i just really hope that no one will loose theyr work as i did once... [02:35] i also got two "This problem report does not apply to a packaged program" (/usr/bin/seesat5 and /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin) [02:35] Any Intrepid Ibex PS3 beta yet? [02:35] ty [02:35] Necrosan: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks [02:35] No one answers there [02:35] It's been idle for awhile. [02:36] FlyerFanatic: Another option is pressing f6 at the cd boot menu and adding floppy=off [02:36] how do i run windows application in ubuntu with full compatibiltiy [02:36] let me try that...i'll come back after [02:36] mib, closest thing i can suggest is wine. [02:37] tonsofpcs: well, the next command to try is sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then this EXACT command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ [02:37] You can also do virtual installation of windows via virtualbox [02:37] mib_z246s4w1, using wine will be easy. using a virtual machine will a bit more hard than wine but will be easy too... [02:37] how i can install unreal tournament 2004 in ubuntu [02:37] ferfactor: by using the linux installer for it [02:37] wine is not PERFECT [02:38] when i'm finishing to install ubuntu said me that i need to put the second disc [02:38] ferfactor: You will need to take the first install disk, find the linuxinstaller.sh file on the first disk and copy it to your desktop or some folder [02:38] i might try the virutal thing...what if i need to update the...VM..thing [02:38] mib_z246s4w1, define the word perfect please. [02:38] could someone help me out mounting a disk that wasn't properly unmounted in windows? [02:38] any way to install all the 32-bit compat libs in a recently installed 64-bit HH? [02:38] i what to be able to run any and all windows programs [02:38] ferfactor: I had that problem too, you have to copy the installer to the desktop so it remains available after you remove the first cd. [02:39] make sure its chmod [02:39] make sure its chmod'd to be executable. then run it via terminal [02:39] Brian4120... i have one disc [02:39] only one disc [02:39] i want to be able to run any and all windows programs [02:40] Brian4120... only the installer? [02:40] ferfactor: That is strange. I have the CD version and it came with 6 cds total [02:40] root0: It's not /media/drive, it's /media/disk === PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid [02:40] ferfactor: yes [02:40] ferfactor: do you have the anthology? [02:40] mib_z246s4w1: Good luck with that. [02:40] mib_z246s4w1, i am sorry to inform you but that is not perfection is just a Windows machine. Windows is not Linux. period. [02:40] mib_: use virtualization lik virtualbox, but i would recommend trying to find a lin equivelent first they are much better [02:40] no i don't [02:40] root0: disk-2 actually [02:40] ferfactor: well then you should have more then one disk === splooge is now known as vacheeli [02:40] luminrd, ok, and did you managed to cd in it? and to rm -r * ? [02:40] no my version is downloaded from internet [02:41] my brother installed UT in his computer in windows... === vacheeli is now known as vacheela [02:41] and work properly [02:41] So I'm on x64 and I'm trying to install gens, the genesis emulator, from source. I have the package libsdl1.2debian installed, but when I do a ./configure it says "checking for SDL - version >= 1.1.3... no*** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found*** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in*** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the full path to sdl-config." I'm not sure [02:41] what that is suggesting I do. Any ideas? [02:41] root0: Yes I can cd into it. But no, I cannot rm -r, that is the entire problem here. [02:41] the *only* thing i have to complain about ths far is the inability to add repeat/delays in my g15 macros... otherwise... ubuntu.. is purrfect [02:41] thanks anyway i use both linux is more interesting to use..windows is stupid friendly...macs are retarted [02:41] ferfactor: was it from the same download? (hope it isnt warez) [02:42] Brian4120... no... [02:42] Brian4120... do you have the link?? [02:42] hey [02:42] i am trying to get files off a windows installation that shit the bed, but since the computer crashed, the drive wasn't properly unmounted in windows (and i can't get back onto windows to do a proper shutdown). how can I force unmount the drive, so i can mount it in linux and copy the needed files onto an external hd? [02:42] How can I move around icons on a panel? [02:43] ferfactor: is it the demo or the full installation? I only remember having the demo available for download === Taco is now known as Raize [02:43] @mike: right click, unlocm, right click again and select move [02:43] drag and drop @ mike [02:43] Brian4120... i have the full installation... my brother play with this disck in his computer. but he has windows vista and play well [02:43] i try to play with this disc in ubuntu... [02:44] Alright. Any he only gave you one CD? [02:44] luminrd, it may be your environment or something. i just can't figure it out. sorry, is over my knowledge. [02:44] the disk weight 3.3 gb... i don't know how much weight your discks [02:44] yes i have one disk only [02:44] BAM. So. Would any of you happen to know if theres a way to set nautilus to show search results as they're found rather than waiting for it to finish? [02:44] Brian4120... your disk is original? [02:44] Brian4120: yeah looks like the DVD version [02:45] . [02:45] Quick question about 8.10. if i downloaod it now and install it, would I have any issues when the official release comes out and I do a distupgrade? [02:45] ferfactor: Yes, but it is the cd version. it takes about 5-6 cds to install [02:45] God the past few weeks have been a great reminder of why I own a Mac. Linux is an absolute nightmare [02:45] anakln: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, but none. You can upgrade to final release through regular daily updates, etc. [02:45] ohhh... well i think that i have to buy the discks... maybe one copuy [02:45] I can't even use my own freakin USB drive because of permissions issues. Seriously. It may be less secure, but giving permissions for everything to everyone is better than THIS nonsense. [02:45] * danbh_intrepid feels sorry for luminrd === vacheela is now known as fudgina === fudgina is now known as pigsquat [02:47] Why is linux a nightmare to you? [02:47] linux rocksssss ... [02:47] anyone able to help me out? [02:47] ok whats the prob [02:47] ferfactor: Maybe. I checked and the CD version was 6 disks and the DVD was 1 or 2. So I would check with your bro to see if he only needed the one DVD [02:47] NiceStrei: with what? [02:47] Hi, anyone knows an utility to limit on a tcp port the number of simultaneous connections from the same IP ? (can I do this with iptables ?) [02:47] postersanguitar: well really linux is a nightmare [02:47] If a hard drive is replaced and I want to copy program settings do I have to open the program once then copy the hidden directory (ie .evolution) from the old drive to the new one? [02:47] kitche: Why do you think that? No crashing, no viruses, gret, free graphic design software [02:47] i am trying to get files off a windows installation that shit the bed, but since the computer crashed, the drive wasn't properly unmounted in windows (and i can't get back onto windows to do a proper shutdown). how can I force unmount the drive, so i can mount it in linux and copy the needed files onto an external hd? [02:48] NiceStrei, you can force linux to mount the ntfs drive. [02:48] lunix :D [02:48] ntfs-3g --help Shows how [02:48] postersanguitar: because it is and trust me my knowlegde over all of Linux is pretty advance [02:49] dr_willis: alright i'll give that a shot [02:49] Is it possible to choose a custom town for Weather on the weather icon in a panel? [02:49] NiceStrei: Try mount /dev/whateverthedeviceis /mountpoint -o force [02:49] i have a fresh install of 8.04 and i have no shutdown button, only hibernate/logout/switch user [02:50] Brian4120... he want only one disck maybe to ubuntu are 2 disk [02:50] Given the Nightmares ive had with windows.. i will stick with Linux. :) [02:50] byeee [02:50] Mike020, yes, just another place. [02:50] root0: I only see custom locations === samba is now known as Guest21187 [02:51] ferfactor: Nope, it uses the same disks on windows as it does on linux. quick google search got this: http://girasoli.org/?p=228 it may help [02:52] hmm [02:52] Is it possible to put the places and system menu inside the applications menu ? [02:52] cant change my login name [02:52] lol [02:52] Well thanks Brian4120 [02:52] how do you find the PID for a running process that isn't taking up enough system resources to appear on top? [02:53] How can I make windows minimize to a different panel? [02:53] Brian4120: that worked! thanks man [02:53] NiceStrei: No problem :P [02:53] morghanphoenix: pidof or pgrep [02:54] WalkingAsterisk, just replace the Menu Bar with Main Menu. Right click on the panel and Add to Panel... [02:54] thanks [02:54] hmm Cool, [02:54] hmm [02:54] i have a problem with apache [02:55] bazooka: what's you problem with apache? [02:55] brian [02:56] favicon.ico doesnt not esist error ................. can anybody help me with this [02:56] Mike020, move the Window List to a different panel. [02:56] exist * [02:56] crap he not around === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:56] ok so i tried putting in the boot line floppy=off as well as acpi=off [02:56] still didnt work [02:56] how do i make apache stop looking for the favicon.ico file [02:56] bazooka: Its not really an error. Just that the icon doesn't exist. [02:57] do i need to put both in at the same time? [02:57] bazooka: you don't. Its actually something the browsers look for automatially. Don't worry about it. === pigsquat is now known as piggina [02:57] bazooka, create a favicon.ico and put it on the folder [02:57] the folder where i have my html files === piggina is now known as bullsballs [02:57] ?? [02:57] root0: How do I do that? [02:57] !irssi [02:57] bazooka: Your document root. [02:57] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. [02:58] okk [02:58] man everytime i leave to try something the people helping are gone [02:58] why isn't there /lib/modules/ dir like there is for /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic? [02:58] i also have a php with php scripts [02:58] prob * [02:59] the browser just displays the php scripts [02:59] can anyone help me? [02:59] bazooka, http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2004-March/041707.html :) [03:00] Mike020, on a default install you have the Window List on the lower panel. it is easy to find it. right click on it and you have some options... [03:00] bazooka, or you could link it to /dev/null [03:00] how to do that [03:00] bazooka, you need to read man ln [03:01] well i'm never going to get this problem solved here...guess i'll try the forums hope someone can help me out [03:01] bazooka, but to start the command is like this --> ln -s /dev/null /path/to/document/root [03:02] i am all confused [03:02] dev/null is to linked to the folder where i have my html documents ? [03:03] bazooka, Oops wrong... try this --> ln -s /path/to/document/root /dev/null [03:03] bazooka, you could start by reading manuals before doing some big mistakes... [03:03] bazooka, Oops double Oops [03:03] ok i am not trying .lol [03:03] bazooka, Oops double Oops --> Sorry REALLY wrong [03:04] no lines, no waiting [03:04] bazooka: Just... ignore it. Missing favicon isn't the end of the world. === samba is now known as Guest86579 [03:04] bazooka, don't do that... it will wreck your web server [03:04] but it doesnt run my program [03:04] without the favicon.ico [03:04] i am trying a simple hello world program ..i am very new to php [03:05] bazooka, try ln -s /path/to/document/root/favicon.ico /dev/null [03:05] what is document root if you could tell me [03:05] bazooka: If your PHP script depends on a favicon, you'll have to create one. Linking it to /dev/null won't fix it. [03:05] bazooka, now that should link favicon.ico to /dev/null which should stop your problem [03:05] Flannel, it won't? [03:05] can anyone help me out? [03:06] Mechdave: Likely not. [03:06] Flannel, bummer... thought I was being smart there :( [03:06] creating is like giving any image file .ico extension ? [03:06] Mechdave: If PHP is looking for it to do something with, it likely wont like /dev/null [03:07] trying to build tangerine from souce but i get a error when i type make . http://paste.ubuntu.com/54512/ in the bottom . it's the hole ./configure and make [03:07] anyone know what to do ? [03:07] Flannel, Oh right, fair enough, then bazooka will have to create a favicon [03:07] ok how do i creat === ugger33 is now known as bitseven [03:08] bazooka, first of all, check what you did and what you installed: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html after that try to figure out what you are really doing and try to understand what the manuals say for your situation. running a server is not just as easy as writing texts. afterwall if you really wanna be a good php programmer you first have to understand on what are you geting in. [03:08] so silent [03:08] any bash quote escaping wizards around? I need to know how to pass something like foo'bar"foobar as a pattern to grep, but I can't make bash happy no matter how I escape or quote the pattern.... [03:08] bazooka, http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=How+to+make+a+favicon.ico&btnG=Google+Search&meta= [03:09] anyone ? [03:09] i have a fresh install of 8.04 and i have no shutdown button, only hibernate/logout/switch user [03:09] i installed LAMP from ubuntu synaptic [03:09] loca|host: well, you know how to shutdown from the terminal? [03:09] 22:09 < loca|host> i have a fresh install of 8.04 and i have no shutdown button, only hibernate/logout/switch user [03:09] 22:09 < loca|host> i have a fresh install of 8.04 and i have no shutdown button, only hibernate/logout/switch user [03:09] bazooka, a good place to start is at http://www.apache.org [03:09] whr shld this .ico file be placed ???????????????? [03:10] I just installed Ubuntu on a new machine. The mouse worked great during the install process, but now that it's installed and running the mouse doesn't work. [03:10] bazooka: your document root. By default that's /var/www [03:10] !repeat | xiamx [03:10] xiamx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [03:10] i played with it ...by reading the forums ... i think i have got that changed @ flannel [03:11] bazooka: Why did you play with it? [03:11] i am sorry :( [03:11] anyone know if there is an iso for intel mac for ubuntu? [03:12] sig- you mean ubuntu for intel mac? [03:12] sig, you mean Hackintosh? [03:12] yup [03:12] sig: The regular Ubuntu. [03:12] Scratch that. After a minute or so it started working. [03:13] sig- any iso would work. [03:13] i think x86 is ok for intel mac [03:13] bazooka: No need to be sorry, but what were you trying to accomplish by changing them? [03:13] whoa... I'm running 8.04 with desktop effects and I've just fallen into some weird zoom-mode where what I see is a zoomed segment of the whole desktop [03:13] the .ico file should be placed at var/www ...i got to know whr is my current default [03:13] anybody knows how I can return to normal mode [03:13] sig- i have x86 xubuntu on my mac and it's fine. [03:13] evilbug: you have an intel mac? [03:13] mine is 64bit intel [03:13] sig- mbp 2nd gen. [03:13] bazooka, you need to do some reading about apache configuration [03:14] bazooka, do you know that you have installed? do you understand your environment? try to understant it before starting to read/learn mechanically. is not a problem that you've changed it, but now things may be different. this is one reason to know what do you have. [03:14] <[T]ank> can anyone recommend a flash editor? [03:15] sig- anyone of these would work http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ [03:15] i just want to run a simple hello world php program ..the favicon.ico file is not allowing me to do it . browser : firefox or opera...not IE [03:16] Does anyone know the name of the User Switcher app that sits in the task bar and let's you click to switch users in Ubuntu? I just had a GDM crash, and when I reinstalled, that app didn't come back. [03:16] Anyone? [03:16] ShinHadoken: Fast User Switch Applet [03:17] bazooka: a simple program should have nothing to do with a favicon. [03:17] Hey, I have an issue with running Ubuntu on a T61 Thinkpad where I can't connect to my router but I can connect to ones around me just fine. But I also have a problem simply using Firefox in that sometimes (wired or wireless) it will hang and time out when I attempt to view a new page and I have to either dis/reconnect in order to get it to work. [03:17] bazooka: Pastebin your php file, if you don't mind. [03:17] bazooka: actually, lets take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic, we're getting slightly offtopic for this channel. [03:17] ShinHadoken, right click on the panel and Add to Panel... and search for Fast User Switch Applet [03:17] you want the php code ? [03:18] I get this error message: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate." Looking through the wiki for solutions, but not finding much. Any ideas on how to fix this? I used Audacity just fine on my Windows machine, but not having luck here...yes, I have installed the lame file. [03:18] bazooka: Yes. [03:18] !paste | bazooka [03:18] bazooka: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:18] I'm stuck in desktop effects zoom mode [03:18] Anyone in here have any experience setting up snort IDS and could give me some assistance I need some assistance getting started. [03:18] where can I find the documentation for the keymappings [03:18] so that I can find out how to get out of zoom mode [03:18] i am so new to all these [03:18] lol === buono is now known as lenios [03:18] bazooka, http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/133913/171/ <-- an article on securing your apache on Ubuntu [03:19] papna: what is the package called, so I can install it through aptitude? [03:19] hernick- restart X and check the botkey of zoom funcion [03:20] xiamx: bad idea, I have plenty of open apps [03:20] this isn't windows I don't need to restart to fix this [03:21] hernick_: well, the hotkey map usually come with compiz configuration tool [03:21] hernick_, you just need to restart the X server, usually with key combination Ctrl + Alt + Backspace [03:21] ok, I fixed it [03:21] I went in the keyboard shortcuts and there was no keyboard shortcut for zooming or unzooming [03:22] which was a lie since I had activated the shortcut [03:22] Anybody interested in helping me attack some Audacity issues? [03:22] inadvertantly earlier on [03:22] hernick_, try + MOUSE4 [03:22] anyway, it works now, I mapped in a new shortcut where there was none [03:22] what the button for Mouse4? just interested [03:23] *what's [03:23] wheel up === phoenix_ is now known as tiggers [03:24] how can I use the shell to find out my router's IP address that is assigned from the ISP? [03:24] tiggers with the route command [03:24] traceroute? [03:24] route [03:25] it'll print out the routing table's contents [03:25] If a hard drive is replaced and I want to copy program settings do I have to open the program once then copy the hidden directory (ie .evolution) from the old drive to the new one? [03:25] centaur5: you don't need to open it once [03:25] Can anybody help me with the problem I'm having getting 75Hz out of my LCD panel? I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and I have a monitor running at 1440x900@60hz on an ATI Radeon 9600. I am poor of sight, so PMing me would be handy (I'm more likely to notice it). [03:26] hernick_: Okay, well my question then is will opening the program overwrite the directory I copied? [03:26] centaur5: in most cases no === Esquilo is now known as JulioNeto [03:26] centaur5: it's not foolproof and it may vary from program to program [03:27] hernick_: Okay, thanks. Last time I did this I didn't have any bookmarks, configured chat accounts, or e-mail. I had to redo it all even though I copied the directories. [03:27] I have "Virtual 1280 1024" setup in xorg.conf. I also have "Modes "800x600@75". But, kubuntu seems to ignore this and run me at 1280x1024, period. Any idea's why this might happen? The log says it's using 1280x1024 instead of what I have in there... [03:27] *Driver mode "1280x1024" [03:29] Is restarting X with CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE enough to read the new xorg.conf in? [03:29] Hello [03:29] * root0 does anyone know anything about the encrypted home folder from intrepid? [03:29] clear [03:29] ls [03:29] yes [03:29] Can anybody help me with the problem I'm having getting 75Hz out of my LCD panel? I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and I have a monitor running at 1440x900@60hz on an ATI Radeon 9600. I am poor of sight, so PMing me would be handy (I'm more likely to notice it). [03:29] Some further information: I used http://www.sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php to get a modeline and put it in xorg.conf under Section Monitors but all that got me was Ubuntu telling me it was going into low graphics mode because it could not detect my settings. [03:29] python [03:30] can anyone help me with my wifi [03:30] darkjester: Maybe Settings, Resolution? [03:31] i need to supply WPA password each time to connect to internet [03:32] codazoda, so I should put the modeline there also? [03:33] which port should I use to bypass common routers and login via ssh over web? [03:33] Thanks, now my GDM works again. [03:34] <[Solaris]> anyone good with working with dhcpd.conf, having trouble making one up and need some one-on-one guidance if someone has time [03:34] [Solaris]: well what is it you need? [03:35] [Solaris]: doesnt your distribution ship an example config file? [03:36] <[Solaris]> i am trying to get away from my router dhcp and move it to the box, the box is in the cluster ... want 192.168.2..0/ but want the router to be .1 and the box to be .2 [03:36] <[Solaris]> yes it does but its like reading a foreign language [03:36] [Solaris]: actually it's a pretty easy task [03:37] [Solaris], have you looked at http://tldp.org ? [03:37] greetz [03:38] and bye bye [03:38] does anyone know if hrtimer is enabled in the ubuntu kernel by default? [03:38] My LCD is in 1440x900@60Hz in 24-bit. I need to get it to 1440x900@75Hz in 32-bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have much experience with modifying the xorg.conf file (big noob). So please be specific. [03:39] [Solaris], try http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DHCP/index.html [03:40] [Solaris], or http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Home-Network-mini-HOWTO.html [03:41] [Solaris], that is how I learned enough about dhcp to set one up [03:41] darkjester: I take it the screen resolution app isnt working for you? [03:41] I have a "Monitor" and a "Screen" section. Screen refers to the monitor listed in in the "Monitor" section, so should I try putting modelines in the "Screen" section? [03:41] <[Solaris]> Mechdave i take a gander [03:41] intrepid, no, I can only get as high as 60hz. [03:41] When I plug my iPhone into Ubuntu, it like, connects and disconnects over and over really fast. And it sees it as a camera. I don't need to sync or anything -- I just want to charge it. What should I do? [03:41] darkjester: what video card? [03:42] ATI Radion 9600 [03:42] Intrepid ATI Radeon 9600, spelling mistake there :) [03:42] darkjester: well, I don't know anything about ATIs, sorry [03:43] Intrepid, thanks for the interest [03:43] Is it possible to just dock/charge a non-jailbroken 2.1 iPhone? [03:44] Anybody interested in helping me attack some Audacity issues? [03:44] what kind of audacity issues? [03:45] Does anybody know how to get my ATI Radeon 9600 and my Cibox 19" TFT into 1440x900@75Hz? Please prefix messages with my nick (I can see very well and the blip when my name is said helps me locate replies). [03:46] the ubuntu 8.1o bete still have the bug in the kernel that affected the NIC intel? [03:46] no [03:46] sure? [03:47] no [03:47] have the bug in kernel or no? [03:47] maybe [03:47] so i will wait [03:47] Hi, anyone familiar with the package "signing-party" [03:47] not too sure, but it was updated today. But this should be in +1 [03:48] hi guys i need some help big time i was trying to change the splash screen the one that shows a progress bar when ubuntu loads and i deleted the original how do i get it back cause now my graphics are in a mess they only have 640*320 available [03:48] I just upgraded to 8.10 and my Intel Wireless NIC iwl3945 went into Hardware Disable mode. The key on my keyboard that should re-enable it has no effect. Any ideas? [03:48] !intrepid | darius_ [03:48] darius_: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [03:48] jonhnash: it was fixed in the mainline, but don't know about Ubuntu putting up the patch yet. [03:49] if my USB mouse is not autodetected when I plug it in, is there a way to have Ubuntu recognize it without rebooting? [03:49] so is danger install a beta now this will fix in the final release [03:50] hi guys how to get back my original splash screen [03:50] jonhnash: there is no danger before the fix. They disabled the driver. But, I think the driver is actually fixed now. So you can install and use the card [03:51] Hello everyone I am new to Linux and I am looking for some good software to play DVD's and .avi files which would you recomend [03:52] graeme_: there are a lot of options out there, but VLC is a good player [03:52] Does anybody know how to get my ATI Radeon 9600 and my Cibox 19" TFT into 1440x900@75Hz in 32-bit? [03:52] It is currently running at 1440x900@60Hz in 24-bit and the flickering is horrible. The screen resolution utility does not offer any help. Ubuntu 8.04. [03:52] Please prefix messages with my nick (I can't see very well and the blip when my name is said helps me locate replies). [03:52] play thank you very much [03:52] vlc is mplayer + qt [03:52] jonhnash: "disabling of the e1000e driver in the Linux kernel included in Ubuntu 8.10 Beta" - http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta [03:53] this is my 5th day using Linux so I am not sure what to do with most of this [03:53] graeme_: gnu/linux* [03:53] darkjester: i need some help please how do i get back my original splash screen i deleted it by mistake [03:53] graeme_ 'sudo apt-get install vlc' will install VLC for you [03:53] thank you very much [03:53] also, it will only be able to play certain types of video files [03:54] sudo apt-get install mplayer would save you some time, since vlc is just a static build of mplayer libraries with a qt interface [03:54] be sure to read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu if you want to know how to play encrypted dvds [03:54] grame_: Tim-S just gave you a command line command. You can otherwise get it via your add/remove menu. [03:54] Ganandorf, I have no idea, I'm new to Ubuntu [03:54] using virtualbox on a computer using wireless internet, would the virt system see the network as a hardwire? the distro i want to test doesnt support wireless yet is why i am asking [03:54] darkjester: damn ok no scene any body out there that can help [03:54] if my USB mouse is not autodetected when I plug it in, is there a way to have Ubuntu recognize it without rebooting? [03:54] Hey I am kinda new also especially when it comes to Ubuntu with Laptops.... I was needing someone who knows about setting up wireless for my laptop with Ubuntu [03:54] i am afraid i will have to reinstall [03:54] tictac232434: do you know your wireless card? [03:55] Ganandorf: what splash screen? [03:55] Broadcom [03:55] jonhnash: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux/linux_2.6.27-5.8/changelog fix was released today [03:55] rebel_kid: yes, my vboxes have an eth0 [03:55] Ganandorf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11478 [03:55] but is secure install ubuntu 8.10 beta ? [03:55] bonsoir [03:55] tictac232434: here is a guide that works for almost all broadcom cards: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff [03:55] !inteprid [03:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about inteprid [03:55] badfish: the one that comes up when ubuntu loads with the progress bar and stuff all i see is text and now my graphics are in mess [03:55] thanks [03:55] !fr | blind [03:55] blind: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [03:56] tictac232434: let me know if you have a problem, I have a broadcom card myself [03:56] how would i get my wifi working [03:56] bimberi, i was also concerned about the type of network, i need it to allow the virtbox server functionality [03:56] Tim: Thanks I am new so probably might need ur help [03:56] how would i get my wifi working [03:56] micha_: do you know your wireless card? [03:57] check the link jamesish sent you [03:57] xsane does not recognize my canon scanner (usb, new model) any idea? [03:57] rebel_kid: type? a virtual device provided by VirtualBox [03:57] bimberi, but are any ports blocked or anything? [03:58] is ubuntu kernal 2.4 0r 2.6? [03:58] rebel_kid: run uname -a from the command line [03:58] Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Tim-S [03:58] ok i think i understand som eof it but i don't have the original splash screen any more its deleted [03:58] <_Zeus_> rebel_kid: the latest is, i think, 2.6.27-4 [03:59] rebel_kid: ah I get you now. For outsiders to get to the box you will need to set up some routing on the host afaik. [03:59] is there a howto for qmail installtion for ubuntu [03:59] bimberi, damn :( i am a networking idiot but i prefer to run it vert :( ah oh well i will figure it out [04:00] anyone that can help me out? [04:00] micha_: that card should work, can you pastebin the output of ifconfig? [04:01] micha_: sorry, the output of 'sudo iwconfig' [04:01] Ganandorf: Just download the source to the OS and find the image. Or try google, whichever's faster. [04:02] Ganandorf: if you're feeling frisky, download the .iso for ubuntu and mount it somewhere. The image is on there somewhere, and you'll learn by looking and reading stuff. [04:03] anyone know any reason why nautilus would ignore the desktop_is_home_dir setting? [04:03] Tim: [04:03] if my USB mouse is not autodetected when I plug it in, is there a way to have Ubuntu recognize it without rebooting? [04:04] yes? [04:04] Tim-S: http://pastebin.com/d6e49a33e [04:04] jamesish: i am kinda lost where do i go to download the image it self and if i am downloading the iso how do i mount in ubuntu [04:04] Tim: Can't u install stuff while in CDROM mode? [04:04] Tim: Live CD [04:04] tictac232434: I'm not sure [04:04] I'm trying to get wakealarm to work in Intrepid with 2.6.27-5-generic, but when I try to edit /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm, it gives me a "Permission denied" error, whether I attempt to use sudo or as a regular user... how exactly do I edit the file? [04:05] which version of ubuntu can you use as a live install [04:05] ? [04:05] tictac232434: yes you can install stuff while running on livecd [04:05] i wasn't sure if 8.10 you can still do that or not [04:06] Bimb: its not working [04:06] tictac232434: error? [04:06] Bimb: I am trying to install stuff to see if my wireless card will work [04:06] micha_: from what I can tell, your wireless card seems to be working. Can you click on the network manager icon (in the top right, next to the clock) and select a wireless network? [04:07] no Tim-S [04:07] who can help me out anyone? [04:07] jamesish:  i am kinda lost where do i go to download the image it self and if i am downloading the iso how do i mount in ubuntu [04:07] it is grayed out [04:07] Bimb: It just says abort when it asks for 213kb for addional disk space to be used. [04:07] FlyerFanatic: what's the problem? [04:07] are there any howto's for qmail in ubuntu [04:07] tictac232434: hm, perhaps your pc lacks the memory [04:07] aha, found it. For anyone else that runs across it, ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs had XDG_DESKTOP_DIR set to $HOME [04:08] i am trying to boot ubuntu from a disk [04:08] justdave: good work :) [04:08] changing that back to $HOME/Desktop fixed it [04:08] Tim-S: i think it is the shortcut to enable it ... i cant enable the wifi [04:08] Are you talking RAM? [04:08] tictac232434: yes [04:08] No I have 4gb [04:08] hrm [04:08] and i'm getting this error message : (huge integer) I/O buffer on device fd0 logical block 0 [04:08] micha_: is there a keyboard shortcut to enable it? [04:08] test [04:09] all of my desktop icons got deleted and apparently at login it resets any of those directories that are empty to $HOME for some reason [04:09] tictac232434: put the command and the output/error on a pastebin [04:09] FlyerFanatic: okay... [04:09] yes and i guess thats not working Tim-S [04:09] so I guess you can't have a blank desktop [04:09] how do i do that? [04:09] micha_: try sudo ifconfig eth1 up [04:09] FlyerFanatic: maybe a bad disk? [04:09] i tried adding acpi=off and floppy=off to the bootline in the menu like some others told me to try here earlier [04:09] Google eventually found me this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/273946 [04:09] i burned it twice the second time at a slower speed [04:09] i have this problem with conky anybody here can help me please!!! http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54527/ [04:10] FlyerFanatic: bad download? did you do a CRC? [04:10] !pastebin | tictac232434 [04:10] tictac232434: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:10] Just copy+paste right? [04:10] whats CRC? [04:10] tictac232434: I'm assuming the PC is connected (via wired) [04:10] on my ubuntu 8.04 64 bit installation, is it possible to detect all 4GB's of RAM? currently, my system only detects 3.4 GB [04:10] Brbr [04:10] FlyerFanatic: cyclic redundndancy check. [04:10] I need to get on Irc on the other computer [04:11] not sure what that is...but i dont see it being a bad d-load or anything...i mean maybe [04:11] is there a way to scan for plugged in USB devices to detect them? [04:11] Tim-S: lsusb [04:11] the forums seem to have threads about this same problem...so it seems common [04:11] anybody can help me please??? /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-002d/temp2_input [04:12] Ok sorry [04:12] sorry this is the link http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54527/ [04:12] bimberi: hrm that doesnt seem to detect my mouse (Which works if I plug it in before bootup) any other ideas? [04:12] Tim-S: sorry, no [04:12] FlyerFanatic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM [04:13] !pastebin [04:13] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:13] is there a way to "restart" usb? seems every so often ubuntu stops picking up usb devices [04:14] Bimb: here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/54532/ [04:14] how can i find the MAC address of my computer from within ubuntu? [04:14] keppi: that will verify the disc or something? [04:14] FlyerFanatic: yes [04:14] ok is there a way to manualy enable the wifi ... because the manager tells me wifi disabled ... Tim-S [04:14] ubuntunub: sudo ifconfig [04:15] micha_: did you try 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' ? [04:15] yes Tim-S [04:15] Bimb: u there? [04:16] micha_: what happens, does eth1 show up in the output of 'sudo ifconfig' ? [04:16] HWaddr? [04:16] ubuntunub: yes [04:16] tictac232434: yes, I was looking at it. [04:16] oh ok [04:16] that is the MAC of my wireless card [04:16] not of my machine [04:16] Tim-S: yes it does [04:16] isn't there one specific for my machine? [04:17] Any idea's dude? [04:17] hey every one (o8 If i wanted to record a video from my web cam with audio, any one suggest a good app? [04:17] #join /perl [04:17] micha_: do wireless networks show up now when you click on network manager? [04:17] ubuntunub: one specific one per network device (wireless card, ethernet port, etc) [04:17] y a t il des francais? [04:17] k thought so [04:17] no it still states wifi disabled [04:17] my friend was wrong then [04:17] thnx [04:17] no it still states wifi disabled Tim-S [04:17] arg [04:18] can you right click network manager and check enable wireless? [04:18] or that is what is greyed out? [04:18] Ubuntunub: Try going to your router through Mozilla 192.168.(digit).(digit) [04:18] tictac232434: try capital Y. or 'apt-get install -y ...' [04:18] no it is gayed out Tim-S [04:18] ok ty [04:18] How busy is it? [04:19] ubuntunub: if you are curious, sudo apt-get install macchanger will let you spoof the mac addresses of your devices [04:19] I have a question about ports: I want my laptop to be accessable via ssh as soon as it is connect anywhere (ethernet cable or wlan). is there a port to use best in that case? [04:19] comicinker: 22 [04:19] that will be the default for the ssh daemon [04:19] Tim-S: most routers block them, or? [04:19] Is there someone who will help me with audio drivers? [04:20] comicinker: you'll need to forward the port through your router [04:20] hmm i try a /etc/init.d/networking restart Tim-S [04:20] micha_: is the wireless network you are trying to connect to open? [04:20] micha_: ok [04:20] dont think thats it [04:20] byez [04:20] FlyerFanatic: did the checksum match? [04:21] hi all :-) [04:21] !hi | justhere [04:21] justhere: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [04:21] Tim-S: in case my laptop got stolen, powered up and connected somewhere, I can't set up routers. so it is only luck if the have port22 open? [04:21] ok Tim-S that gives me gnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. [04:21] bimb [04:21] tict [04:21] got a little problem here reouire advice [04:21] Bimb: Should I just try installing Ubuntu and take it from their? [04:21] I have an Hanns.G HG281D 28" LCD with HDMI from a ATI Radeon 2600HD. It is currently working fine on my second LCD, but the HG281D has about 1" border of black around the viewable area. [04:21] comicinker: if your laptop got stolen, you wouldn't know what ip/domain name to ssh to [04:21] How can I get it to use the fullscreen? [04:22] Tim-S: dyndns [04:22] I have ati-radeon Envy modules installed [04:22] Hi [04:22] tictac232434: seems it would be a good idea [04:22] comicinker: if the purpose is to track down your laptop if it gets stolen, there are better tools out there that will autoreport to email, etc. [04:22] Bimb: i was going to wait to make sure this works... because it might cause more problems.. [04:22] which? [04:23] because I gotta shrink Windows Drive [04:23] self-written scripts, probaby [04:23] to make room for Swap and root [04:23] dose anyone here know how to install or use sata drivers on ubuntu live cd urgent files to be taken off [04:23] comicinker: http://adeona.cs.washington.edu/ [04:23] How comes I can't get gparted to let me resize my ext3 partition? [04:23] tictac232434: i've done installs on live sessions many times. Not sure what's going wrong for you though. [04:24] hmmm I will restart my computer maybe the RAM was full for some reason... [04:25] blak: is the partition adjacent to unallocated space on the drive? [04:25] Hey guys [04:25] can you help me get the wifi card work? [04:25] Arlianin: do you know what wireless card you have? [04:25] !wifi | Arlianin [04:25] Arlianin: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:25] I've already had a look at that [04:25] didn't find anything helpful... [04:25] Arlianin: righto, sorry :) [04:26] anyone know of an app to record video and audio... [04:26] !wifi arlianin [04:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about wifi arlianin [04:26] Arlianin: do you know what wireless card you have? [04:26] im still not able to load sata drivers using live cd any ideas please [04:26] I do know [04:26] I got [04:26] Atherons AR242X [04:26] atheros? [04:27] yes [04:27] Tim-S: thanks [04:27] try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766169 [04:27] ups xD [04:27] comicinker: no prob, hope your laptop stays safe :-p [04:28] wait [04:28] I'm a moron [04:28] Arlianin: did you start that yet? [04:29] advice required re sata disk drivers [04:30] Blimb: Back ima try it now [04:30] righto ticta [04:30] Blimb: If not I will just have to install Ubuntu and deal with it later [04:31] * bimberi wonders if blimb is as shiny as bling :) [04:31] lol [04:32] I am trying to install the beta of Ibex and I am getting a "no screens found", "unable to connect to X server" error ... is this a know issue? [04:32] ye [04:32] hi which channel can i get help for testing intrepid ibex? [04:32] thanks for nothing guys === Aaren is now known as poker [04:32] Blimb: Nope still did not work. This disk is not the most recent one if that matters... [04:33] Disc* [04:34] tictac232434: shouldn't, but given the mysteriousness of it all I couldn't be sure. [04:34] anyone know why i could see a windows pc on my network but i time out when i try to see their shared files? other windows pc's can see my shared stuff just fine! [04:34] amrik: #ubuntu+1 (and anilm for that matter) [04:34] bimberi: thank [04:34] does anyone know how to change the cursor on ubuntu? [04:34] s [04:34] bimberi: i am trying to make some room to put winxp on about 15 gigs of this hardrive that already has hardy heron 8.04 [04:34] Blimb: I will just install Ubuntu. DO u know if with the parition editor on the live CD if it will be able to resize Windows without hurting it? [04:35] bimberi: i have no unalocatted space currently [04:36] tictac232434: the installer will resize. It's described as a safe process. I would still have good backups of important data. [04:36] blak: ah, I was assuming you wanted to grow the partition sorry. Not sure about shrinking. [04:37] can anyone help with my smb problem? [04:37] I have huge 1" borders around my viewable screen. How do I fix this? [04:37] It is an LCD [04:37] with HDMI, so I cannot adjust it manually [04:37] Does anyone know a good site with a howto or know how I can shrink my ext3 hardy heron 8.04 on it about 15 gigs to make room to install winxp for dual booting [04:38] Every time I go full screen on anything I get an error on my screen that says "Cannot display this video mode" [04:38] does anyone know how to change the cursor on ubuntu? [04:38] blak: can u not do that with partition edititor? [04:38] How easy would it be to disable Internet for a certain user, for all but certain sites? === dmsuperman_ is now known as dmsuperman [04:40] hey guys [04:40] I got one last question [04:40] blak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [04:40] anyone know why i could see a windows pc on my network but i time out when i try to see their shared files? other windows pc's can see my shared stuff just fine! [04:40] How do I open an executable? [04:41] anyone using ubuntu eee? [04:41] yeah [04:41] me over here [04:41] franco_: you mean a .exe? === franco__ is now known as Arlia [04:41] how should i let the partitions in the installer? [04:41] hey, does anyone know how to edit the favorites under "places" on the top panel? [04:41] I don't want xandrox anymore [04:41] I just installed 4GB of ram, but top is only showing 2.8GB. I knew I wouldn't quite get all 4GB, but 2.8? Any ideas how I can figure out why? [04:41] do you know how to change services shutdown order when running init 6 and init 0? [04:42] yeah scunizi [04:42] I downloaded the game Tibia for Linux [04:42] Be1: yes, go to computer>bookmarks>editbookmarks [04:42] but I can't find the way to run the executable [04:42]  Every time I go full screen on anything my screen goes black and says "Cannot display this video mode" [04:42] but I can't find the way to run the executable [04:42] wow, thanks, i am dumb [04:42] Arlia: .exe doesn't work on linux.. if you're trying to unpack it if it's zipped.. then right mouse click and choose extract.. if that doesn't work.. fo-get-about-it [04:43] it's not a .exe [04:43] need help with tar files [04:43] it just says [04:43] i tar xzvf file [04:43] hey i thought ubuntu had ntfs support [04:43] It's an executable file [04:44] then i make [04:44] imchrislabeard, It does using the ntfs-3g [04:44] if i make install and i want to get rid of the program how would i get rid of it [04:44] Arlia: you just said it was an .exe.. what kind of executable is it.. what's the extension? [04:44] Arlia, I used to play Tibia aswell, it should be a .deb file [04:44] pan__, "make uninstall" [04:44] it wont let me [04:44] Arlia, else you didn't download the linux version~ [04:44] there is no make uninstall [04:45] i haven't "make install" yet [04:45] hey Spherous [04:45] there's like [04:45] Tibia [04:45] doesn't say any extension [04:45] how can I change service stop order when shutdown my computer? [04:45] you're running it in the terminal, in the directory where the program was compiled? [04:45] pan__: so no files will have been installed yet? [04:45] Arlia, what happens when you double click it? [04:45] i know i can run it by typing in ./name [04:45] nothin [04:45] FreshUbuntuNoob: so do i need to download ntfs-3g? [04:45] ./program [04:45] what does make install do [04:45] imchrislabeard, Which version of Ubuntu are you running? [04:45] if i want to get rid of it later [04:46] Arlia, open a shell, cd to the directory of it [04:46] pan__: then for removing your software you will simply have to delete the source folder [04:46] 8.10 [04:46] pan__, make install installs a compiled program [04:46] imchrislabeard, It should be included with Intrepid [04:46] Arlia then type ./(the name of the file) with out the ()'s [04:46] oh i c [04:46] how do I cd to the directory? [04:46] tenX: the makefile may b screwy and pan could end up with useless junk still installed [04:46] Arlia, where did you save it [04:46] FreshUbuntuNoob: so how do i get to it [04:47] FreshUbuntuNoob: i haven't done this in awhile [04:47] It's in [04:47] Desktop/Extras/Tibia [04:47] is there a way to make alsa speaker-test stop trying to use pulseaudio? [04:47] imchrislabeard, What exactly do you want to do with NTFS? [04:47] i need to get some files off of it === Arlia is now known as Arlianin [04:47] Arlia okay, so type ~/Desktop/Extras/Tibia [04:47] I'm running server (hardy heron)/suddenly got "no space left on device". The ONLY thing that doesn't have plenty is udev mounted as/on DEV, but the copies are in VAR. Not sure what to do, looking for advice! [04:47] er [04:47] Hi. I have a strange problem with mplayer and gmplayer. I just noticed this happening today. Whenever I start mplayer or gmplayer, it takes like 5-10 seconds to start, then play the video. which is very strange.. it wasn't like this before. Anyway, I checked out the terminal.. and found that after I start mplayer or gmplayer... it doesn't do anything, but when I press ctrl-C it continues to load fine. any [04:47] ideas? [04:47] Arlia, that should be right [04:47] ok sec [04:48] FreshUbuntuNoob: i need to get some files off of it. [04:48] marcustomized: if it was debian/ubuntu there exists a package whose name i always forget which builds a .deb package from a source like that making it easier to keep track and remove [04:48] Arlia, ah, no, do cd ~/Desktop/extras/Tibia [04:48] imchrislabeard, If you have default install of Intrepid, and nautilus installed, try going to Places and see if your other NTFS partition is automatically recognized there === GuitarGuest1 is now known as kiyiko [04:48] hey Spherous [04:48] it doesn't load [04:49] :/ [04:49] FreshUbuntuNoob: yeah it sees the drives [04:49] can someone here help me, with editing a rhythembox plugin? [04:49] FreshUbuntuNoob: it just keeps saying cannot mount volume [04:49] Arlianin, it does nothing after you type ./(Name of the file) [04:49] sec [04:49] works now [04:49] imchrislabeard, Could you open up the error details and paste-bin it? [04:49] going to do that last part [04:49] yikes im on a different computer [04:49] h.o a second [04:49] How easy would it be to disable Internet for a certain user, for all but certain sites? [04:49] wait [04:49] I'm in [04:49] the tibia folder [04:49] now? [04:49] Arlianin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:50] luminrd: edit the hosts file on the users machine, deny them rights to the file [04:50] Arlianin, it should say something like this: susa@Spherous:~/Desktop/Extras/Tibia$ [04:50] yeah [04:50] it's like that [04:51] franco@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Extras/Tibia$ [04:51] Arlianin, then your in the tibia folder, now type: ./(Name of the file) with out the ()'s [04:51] I have ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 already installed taking up the whole drive. I need to shrink the ext3 / partition, but i don't know how... I can find plenty of info on installing windows first but not on installing windows second... [04:51] and which should the name of the file be? [04:51] Tibia? [04:52] Arlianin, Idk I'm not there, open the folder and see what it is named [04:53] it doesn't load it [04:53] :/ [04:53] !rdesktop [04:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about rdesktop [04:53] anyone can help me with rdesktop [04:53] ./Tibia: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 [04:53] FreshUbuntuNoob: whats pastebins address again [04:53] !pastebin [04:53] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:53] Arlianin, does it by chance say: tibia831.tgz? [04:53] !samba [04:53] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [04:54] FreshUbuntuNoob: it wont let me copy the details [04:54] anyone know how i can shrink my ubuntu partition so I can install winxp onto about 15 gigs of it? [04:55] Is there an easy way to restart x without rebooting? [04:55] Ok, can you just give me a brief of it, does it say something like try a force mount? [04:55] imchrislabeard, Ok, can you just give me a brief of it, does it say something like try a force mount? [04:55] Hi. I have a strange problem with mplayer and gmplayer. I just noticed this happening today. Whenever I start mplayer or gmplayer, it takes like 5-10 seconds to start, then play the video. which is very strange.. it wasn't like this before. Anyway, I checked out the terminal.. and found that after I start mplayer or gmplayer... it doesn't do anything, but when I press ctrl-C it continues to load fine. [04:55] luminrd, ctrl alt backspace [04:55] thank you Spherous [04:55] liminrde: CTRL alt backspac [04:55] dangit, im too slow [04:55] FreshUbuntuNoob: yes [04:55] the9a3eedi, I had the same problem, do you have any KDE libs/apps installed like Amarok? [04:56] FreshUbuntuNoob: yes, but I had them a long time ago. I also have KDE too lol [04:56] imchrislabeard, That means the file system wasn't closed properly. You need to mount the partition from terminal [04:56] FreshUbuntuNoob: this problem just happened recently [04:56] k [04:56] FreshUbuntuNoob: so mount -t or what [04:56] hey Spherous [04:56] the9a3eedi, Yes, apparently, while starting up, mplayer tries to disable the screensaver apps, one of them involves dcopserver, if I am not mistaken, and it is actually not running, so mplayer waits for it to respond, and then fails after 5 seconds [04:57] Arlianin, I PMed you, please check it [04:57] the9a3eedi, I solved the problem by reinstalling Amarok ( the only app using KDE libs on my PC), but there might be other better ways of doing it [04:57] FreshUbuntuNoob: Interesting o_o [04:57] thanks a lot! :D [04:57] imchrislabeard, Sorry for the delay, responding to 2 people is quite crazy :)... use fdisk to check the partition [04:57] I'll try reinstalling amarok now.. [04:58] FreshUbuntuNoob: k [04:58] the9a3eedi, That won't work, since you have the entire KDE installed if I might assume correctly [04:58] !mount [04:58] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [04:58] who have wine cad suceed [04:58] imchrislabeard, I am not experienced at mounting paritions, but I believe you have to force mount it using NTFS-3g [04:59] FreshUbuntuNoob: I'm not going to reinstall all of KDE T__T [04:59] the9a3eedi, YOu can just do this [04:59] the9a3eedi, Wait [04:59] FreshUbuntuNoob: yeah in the details it gives me the line to enter in terminal [04:59] I tried searching google but I couldn't find anythi9ng useful [05:00] does anyone know if there is a WMA to MP3 converter on ubuntu? [05:00] wait [05:00] hm [05:00] the9a3eedi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4946456 <= here is the Ubuntu forum thread specifying the details [05:00] mplayer works now o_O [05:00] the9a3eedi, I thought it did, but wasn't sure [05:00] well.. gmplayer [05:00] I reinstalled mplayer and all related apps, as well as amarok [05:00] the9a3eedi, gmplayer uses the mplayer in backend, so if either works fine, both should work fine [05:01] how to wine autocad [05:01] imchrislabeard, Oops sorry, wrote the wrong message to one person, I thought it did, wasn't sure [05:01] can i join the wine conversation? [05:01] FreshUbuntuNoob: Awesome. Thanks for the hints :D [05:01] the9a3eedi, No problem [05:01] funky_, #winehq [05:01] I was thinking of trying Rhino3d on wine, has anyone else tried? [05:02] join/wine [05:02] FreshUbuntuNoob: cheers - in there now [05:02] FreshUbuntuNoob: you have any other ideas for getting files off the hd [05:02] gaintsura, You should check out mencoder and ffmpeg [05:02] imchrislabeard, It doesn't mount? [05:02] FreshUbuntuNoob: thanks, will look [05:02] FreshUbuntuNoob: well i did what it said and it just gives me this huge list of commands [05:03] imchrislabeard, What command did you use? [05:03] anyone Chinese [05:03] ? [05:04] mount -t nfts-3g/dev/sda 2/media/PRESARIO_RP -o force [05:04] FreshUbuntuNoob: neither of those say anything about supporting wma, and they are both targeted at video, not audio, but thanks anyway [05:05] gaintsura, I did use ffmpeg to encode from MP3 to other formats, I don't exactly remember now [05:05] hm [05:05] imchrislabeard, Is that a space between sda and 2? [05:05] i think so [05:05] imchrislabeard, I don't think it should be... can you do a sudo fdisk -l and paste-bin it? [05:05] all the info i can find is on if i already have winxp how to partition for ubuntu.... is there any info on if you have ubuntu and you want to add winxp? [05:06] ni hao isgoungoo, whats the matter? [05:06] k [05:06] 你好 [05:06] eh? [05:06] Every time I go full screen on anything my screen goes black and says "Cannot display this video mode" [05:06] jianfei [05:06] isgoungoo: pls use the private window [05:07] anyone using ubuntu eee? [05:07] I need some quick help [05:07] just a few questions [05:08] Ubuntu 8.04 keeps freezing up on me anyone have any ideas why it would be doing this [05:08] graeme_, you could be low on ram or have too weak of a processor [05:08] Anybody interested in helping me attack some Audacity issues? [05:08] i have 2gb of ram and a dual core 3ghz [05:08] what are simple v4l players? (like to display what a webcam is pointed at) [05:09] imchrislabeard, I have to run. but here is what a quick search found out. The correct syntax is: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g [PATHTOPARTITION] [MOUNTFOLDER] -o force [05:09] imchrislabeard, More details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784032 [05:09] oh ok [05:09] thanks [05:09] imchrislabeard, Here is an example command, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 -o force [05:09] which application is used to convert php web pages to a desktop application? [05:09] can i force apt-get to install something, and disregard all errors ? [05:10] imchrislabeard, Where /dev/sda2 is your parition address, /media/sda2 is the folder to mount it to [05:10] k [05:10] imchrislabeard, Sorry, can't help you further, Bye [05:10] graeme_, do you have compiz turned on? [05:10] which application is used to convert php web pages to a desktop application [05:10] thanks though [05:11] anyone know how you can put winxp on after ubuntu was installed? [05:11] there are a million things about how to resize winxp first not add it later [05:11] partition, pop in the windows disc, install? [05:11] no i do not [05:11] it is a fresh install [05:11] mmm, spanish? [05:12] so disabling my floppy didnt work either.....i'm not sure where to go at this point...cant believe its been this diffucult to just get ubunbtu to run from the disk [05:12] and it just started freezing [05:12] anyone know about audio devices on laptops? [05:12] graeme_, Then I have no idea... [05:12] how do i shrink my ext3 partition? [05:12] FlyerFanatic: fd0 is still giving an error? [05:12] alguien que hable español? [05:12] yea [05:12] graeme_, I'm still new with this too, so I'm no expert, I could tell you how to fix it in Windows easy though,haha [05:12] i can't do anything with gparted loaded up? [05:12] !es > hamlet [05:12] hamlet, please see my private message [05:12] my floppy had been disabled the whole time [05:12] yea same here [05:13] could it be due to I didn [05:13] t setup a swap file [05:13] what would be the mount point if you are running off a dvd live disc [05:13] ? [05:13] FlyerFanatic: have you tried the intrepid beta? [05:13] no idea what that is [05:13] thanks [05:13] FlyerFanatic: its the next version of ubuntu [05:14] how do i use curl like wget, ie to dowload a file from the net? [05:14] nah dont think i have..been using the latest most stable one i guess [05:14] /help [05:14] Every time I go full screen on anything my screen goes black and says "Cannot display this video mode" [05:14] FlyerFanatic: is your mobo newish or oldish? [05:14] /whois hosstest [05:14] sorry :( [05:14] can gparted not do anything when you are currently booted onto that partition you are running it from? [05:15] anyone know what the mount partition would be on a live disc [05:15] blak, exactly [05:15] newish [05:15] u can edit unmounted partition tho [05:15] who has wine cad [05:15] blak: anything that gparted can do needs an UNMOUNTED disk to be done, thus you better with a live enviroment [05:15] ok so i basically need to boot from the ubuntu cd and partiation? [05:16] ok [05:16] thanks jim_p and marcustomized [05:16] will do [05:16] FlyerFanatic: well, it cant hurt to try the beta livecd, especially if you are using cdrws: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-beta-alternate-i386.iso [05:16] how to deal with fonts [05:16] isgoungoo: are they ugly? use the ms ones [05:17] i am righ in saying i dont have to partition or anything right? all i'm trying to do is play around with ubuntu not change anything so i just need to boot from disk right [05:17] I have some identical machines running Ubuntu. One is running a really low resolution (this one did too at first but I can't remember the exact steps to fix it). But I installed the nvidia 3rd party driver and copied the xorg.conf from the working one, so the xorg.conf is exactly the same.. how can it still be running low res?? [05:17] FlyerFanatic: with the livecd, yes [05:17] would like to create a "shortcut" command, say, "upup", which executes "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", how? [05:17] ok d-loading that beta now [05:17] luminrd: are you using compiz? [05:18] FlyerFanatic: wait!! cancel that [05:18] FlyerFanatic: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso [05:18] k === Indoctrine is now known as Doc|InOverHerHea === Doc|InOverHerHea is now known as DocInOverHerHead [05:19] FlyerFanatic: the first one was the wrong link [05:19] danbh_intrepid: Is compiz the default? [05:19] FlyerFanatic: the second should be the right one [05:19] k [05:19] luminrd, try running "sudo nvidia-settings" [05:19] danbh_intrepid: On the one that works, I have the "Desktop effects" enabled, and it works great. The other one won't let me enable them [05:20] wow this one is gonna take awhile [05:20] FlyerFanatic: Hmm, command not found [05:20] why is the speed so slow dang [05:20] wat the difrent between "sudo apt-get upgrade" & " sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [05:20] FlyerFanatic: maybe you wana try the torrent? [05:20] FlyerFanatic: I do have the driver though -- I have run nvidia-xconfig a few times trying to figure it out [05:20] !apt > darkbishop [05:20] darkbishop, please see my private message [05:20] how do i use curl like wget, that is to dowload a file from the net? [05:21] Is there a way to do a Get What You Can copy of a big file from a mildly corrupt cd? [05:21] Errors were encountered while processing: [05:21] vmware-server [05:21] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [05:21] <--- how can i fix that [05:21] WalkingAsterisk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:21] whats that luminrd? [05:21] oh wow... [05:21] maybe someone in here can help me [05:21] luminrd: the hardware-manager is the best way to get it working, when combining 3d and compiz [05:22] Sorry it should have been a one liner [05:22] Anything at all i can do? [05:22] i cant get a video card to show up so i can do 3d mode and use the cube for compiz fusion [05:22] yea i'm not d-loading that beta tonight...its going really slow...says its gonna take 10 hrs to complete [05:22] right now im stuck on two screens, id like to be using four [05:23] FlyerFanatic: uh, sorry meant danbh_intrepid :) danbh_intrepid: Hardware-manager...just run that command? [05:23] WalkingAsterisk: how do you install vmware server? you opened the tar.gz file with gdebi? [05:23] haha ok [05:23] luminrd: well, you could try reconfiguring xorg, then disabling the 3d drivers, and then re-enabling [05:23] thats what i thought [05:23] no apt-get install vmware-server [05:23] i am afraid i have to ask again... is vmware server included in a repo? [05:24] luminrd: lowercase h, but I think thats it. They keep changing it [05:24] i done an apt-cache search and it was there [05:24] jim_p: I don't think so [05:24] it seriously has to be something really dumb...i cant believe how difficult it is to get started. i actually just expected to run into problems once it was up and running but jeez oh pete === dmsuperman_ is now known as dmsuperman [05:24] danbh_intrepid: hmm, nothing found.. I'll google some [05:24] thanks for the advice [05:24] WalkingAsterisk: is vmware-server in apt? well i would pay you for the deb for sure!!! [05:24] luminrd: Sys > Admin > Hardware something [05:25] so... ive only been on ubuntu for a day... ive installed the compiz fusion and emerald... but when i go to hardware it only brings up the empty choices. im running 950 video on a toshiba laptop.. anyone have any ideas because ive only got two screens id like 4 and the cube [05:25] WalkingAsterisk: can you please find me the repo? [05:25] Ahh, [05:25] i didnt add anything special i dont think [05:26] my panels are frozen in Gnome right now but my app windows are working fine.. why would that happen and how do i fix this without losing my windows i currently lhave open? [05:26] blak: killall gnome-panel [05:26] well...its back to the forums i guess [05:26] danbh_intrepid: Ah, ok, yeah, it shows the nvidia device and it is checked "in use"... I know the driver is there but obviously something's wrong :/ [05:27] i can no longer open files with vlc via context menu... though in terminal it works fine [05:27] i think vlc works better here than windows xp [05:27] also i can open same files with other progs via context menu [05:27] Guest51478: right click > open with? [05:27] yeah, doesn't work [05:27] i need instructions to install swifterfox plz? [05:28] hi gotta question -- i am playing with other distros (have had ubuntu for 1+ years and love it). can i run a virtual machine within ubuntu to access other versions i have installed? [05:28] does ubuntu-server have troubles in virtbox? [05:28] jim_p: thanks a lot that worked! [05:28] turtle_: http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm pick the one that is for your cpu [05:28] blak: you are welcome [05:28] any other ideas? === Guest51478 is now known as mike__ [05:29] other than d-loading the beta? [05:29] rebel_kid: i havent noticed something that is ubuntu-server related. i have noticed LOADS that have to do with vbox. what is the problem exactly? [05:30] hmm [05:30] i need some ubuntu compiz fusion help... [05:30] jim_p told me that the kernal needed something not supported by my cpu (after install and reboot) [05:31] my vlc problem began after upgrade to ibex beta... [05:31] Doc8404: ask your question.. [05:31] when i go into hardware to activate the 3d driver... it doesnt show any video cards. im running a toshiba 105-s4104 satellite from 2006. its got a gma950 intel video card [05:32] and im trying to figure out how to do 4 screens, right now its on two. ive got ubuntu with compiz fusion and emerald installed [05:32] i did d-load the right version right. i have a 64 bit vista...i select the 64 bit AMD and intel option yes? [05:32] Doc8404: i did 4 screens along time ago.. but dont really remember how i did it === DocInOverHerHead is now known as Indoctrine [05:32] rebel_kid: what was it? do you have the vtx options enabled? [05:33] ey i have a problem installing unreal tournament 04 [05:33] jim_p vtx??? [05:33] al the half of the instalation said me that i have to put the second disk.. but i have a DVD [05:33] lord this linux hates me more than xp did [05:33] rebel_kid: what version ov vbox do you have? [05:34] does anyone here know how to switch from 2 screens to 4? [05:34] i think linux hate a lot of people lol...look how many people are in the chat :) [05:34] jim_p, i am running 8.04 server edition, not sure the vbox version [05:34] but its so much faster now... with xp it was dragging. with linux its like lightning [05:34] rebel_kid: thats what i want to know! [05:34] can someone recommend a way to have a command execute completely regardless if i lose my ssh command and/or logout? [05:35] Doc8404: are the two monitors that are currently working one the same video card or different? [05:35] rroblak: sudo apt-get update && logout ? [05:35] FlyerFanatic: you are in one of the hardest parts of linux, hardware support. Especially for new hardware. Thats why I was suggesting the beta [05:35] no no i mean... when you push ctrl alt left... ive only got two... im trying to go to four === dmsuperman_ is now known as dmsuperman [05:35] jim_p, well how do i find the vbox version, just installed it today im assuming the current [05:36] Doc8404: 4 physical monitors, correct? [05:36] ohhh...so maybe even just wait for the new version at the end of the month? [05:36] lol no he wants 4 workspaces on 1 monitor [05:36] lol no... 4 virtual [05:36] yeah that one lol [05:36] ok [05:36] sorry... i did have four *real* monitors on a linux box [05:36] FlyerFanatic: well, if the beta livecd works for you, you will be do quite well with the final release, I think [05:36] rebel_kid: open upp vbox and go to hellp > about [05:36] wow... no i have a dos box running three monitors [05:37] sorry to ask this again, dont think it was answered -- can i run a virtual machine within ubuntu to access other versions i have installed? [05:37] jim_p 1.5.6 [05:37] yeah... im trying to figure out how to go from two workspaces to four workspaces [05:37] alright well i'll d-load it tommorow...hopefully it works [05:37] hey, is the 8.04 CD a live cd or just the install? [05:37] (i have gentoo on another partition) [05:37] its both evanr [05:37] ok good [05:38] i need to do a rescue [05:38] Doc8404: do you see the workspace switcher in the lower left? [05:38] lower left or right danbh? [05:38] Doc8404: yes, the right : ) [05:38] yeah [05:38] Doc8404: right click, hit preferences [05:38] ok [05:39] jim_p: what I finding is that I execute a command that will take a long time [05:39] it says columns two rows one [05:39] jim_p: like an hour [05:39] jim_p: at some point, I lose my ssh connection [05:39] jim_p: and then the command's process is killed [05:39] wow how many can u do? [05:39] jim_p: so I have to reconnect and restart the process [05:40] Hey anyone here have experience with configuring dual monitors with 2 different video cards? [05:41] zerox20: should be able to [05:41] rebel_kid: a) upgrade because you will soon run into dependency problems b) right click on the virtual machine >settings > Advanced > is the checkbox that says "Enable VT-x/AM-V" enabled? [05:41] SexyKen: what type of cards [05:41] jim_p, no it wasnt :( [05:41] ok so now my second question... on hardware i never set up ad 3d driver... but yet i can cube???? wtf lol [05:41] FFEMTcJ: how would i go about doing that? [05:41] FFEMTcJ: Just brand? nVidia [05:42] rebel_kid: what cpu do you have? [05:42] jim_p intel centrino duo pos [05:42] rroblak: then you need to make a script, but since the connection fails, it will be interupted too [05:42] zerox20: you are wanting to just make a VB of a different distro correct? [05:43] rebel_kid: do you know the exact name of the model, like E8400? [05:43] jim_p no i do not [05:43] can't find an answer on google about lack of context menu functionality vlc [05:43] <[Solars]> whats a good free application for connecting to box and starting a X session through this connection... on windows [05:43] FFEMTcJ: well i already have the partitioned space and ahve started a gentoo install, i don't entirely feel comfortable working entirely from taht command line, so i was wondering if there was a way i can run it virtually through ubuntu until i have gentoo configured correctly [05:43] SexyKen:have you tried using nvidia-settings [05:44] FFEMTcJ: Yea, it only shows GPU0 and Screen0 [05:44] rebel_kid: cat /proc/cpuinfo [05:44] zerox20: you would have to create a new virtual install.. i dont believe that you could turn that into a virtual install [05:44] jim_p model 15 [05:45] FFEMTcJ: thats what i figured. thanks for confirming [05:45] np [05:45] hi, i just installed ubuntu because i need linux for school.. anyways i'm supposed to go to the terminal and login as root but i don't remember ever setting a root password, and i just installed this about an hour ago... is there a default or is there even a root user with ubuntu? [05:45] jamieyg3: sudo passwd root < will change it [05:45] rebel_kid: look at this line here (that is mine): model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz [05:46] rebel_kid: i am model 15 too [05:46] hi, does anyone use ubuntu eee? [05:46] jim_p, T7300 [05:46] jamieyg3: a better idea is to use sudo -i [05:46] jamieyg3: `sudo -i` will give you a root terminal, there's no need to enable your root account. [05:46] rebel_kid: let me ask intel now [05:46] SexyKen: in Hardware Drivers, does it show two by chance? [05:47] sudo -i seemed to work, thanks guys [05:47] jim_p, lol ok [05:47] ok so i know im a newb... so please bear with me... anyone know what the best firewall/antivirus is for ubuntu [05:47] what are best files to download. (.tar.gz),(.diff.gz) or (.dsc) ? [05:47] doc8404, you dont need a firewall or antivirus linux doesnt have those problems, so dont worry about it :D [05:47] ooo [05:47] FFEMTcJ: In hardware drivers it shows only: "Device Driver: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)" [05:48] rebel_kid: ok your cpu does support the VT-x instruction set, tick on that checkbox [05:48] Doc8404, should always have a firewall but ubuntu has iptables already setup for you [05:48] SexyKen: is linux detecting both of them? [05:48] i used to use bit defender... [05:48] lspci shows both... [05:48] jim_p, and it works, your good :D [05:48] FFEMTcJ: lspci shows both VGA controllers [05:49] rebel_kid: thank you [05:49] DigitalFiz, do you recommend one [05:49] jim_p, you must be some server guru lol, thanks for all your help [05:49] Doc8404, iptables is all you need your good :) [05:50] rebel_kid: now please upgrade your vbox to something that sun has made (i cannot guarantee it is trouble free though, loads of bugs) [05:50] rebel_kid: and you are welcome [05:50] so... ive been reading the blogs... and it says basically office products free, games free, and firewalls all free... wtf is microsofts problem? [05:50] Whats wrong, when I try to write b-letters in firefox after 4 letters it turns to something chinese-based/graphic font? [05:50] hay folks, anyone know where aquire>screenshot went in gimp 2.6 ? [05:50] SexyKen: try: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/131817-two-nvidia-graphic-cards.html [05:51] i bought this linux because i was tired of service pack 3 in windows xp and all the crap and shit u had to buy and do this and that [05:51] Doc8404: $$ [05:51] and so far my computer runs almost lightning fast... the guys at best buy said 1 gig ram is way more than enough... now im pissed to high hell at microsoft [05:51] Doc8404, bought? [05:51] yeah its 10 bucks for ubuntu full programmed [05:52] Doc8404: Download Ubuntu for free, CD-R buy from somewhere, price varies. [05:52] $10 to have someone else install it isnt bad i guess [05:52] or usb stick or floppy/netinstall :-) [05:52] Doc8404: Order CD from ubuntu.com for free....... [05:52] so... other than wine... i have a program... its streetatlas 2009 with gps reciever... anyway to make it work here ? [05:52] i'll install it for 10 [05:52] aww really? lol... fuck [05:52] =^_^= [05:53] Hola [05:53] HI [05:54] hi all [05:54] Hello omolina! [05:54] the only windows emulator ive found is wine... and it sucks... it wont run the program... i dont have any windows on this comp at all [05:54] someone uses monoDEVELOP? [05:54] Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you [05:54] I need help please [05:55] final chance for cookies... solve my context menu riddle! [05:55] thiers 1227 people in here... and only 5 talking... wow [05:55] <[Solars]> most idle [05:55] its called the idle-effect! [05:55] lol... im on xchat is thier a better one? [05:55] lots of idlers on IRC [05:56] Doc8404, no, xchat is probably best [05:56] alguen habla español? [05:56] !es [05:56] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:56] <[Solars]> erm i should go find my idle-bot script and find out who gets the highest level :P [05:57] idle bot script? [05:57] <[Solars]> Doc8404 heh yea a eggdrop script.. basically a game used by people that idle [05:57] oh ok... [05:57] hey guys, I'm just a regular user, no special python requirements or software or anything, do I need python-2.4 if I already have 2.5 installed? Thanks. [05:57] <[Solars]> it has you fight people and gather random equipment etc etc [05:58] so is thier an windows emulator thats better than wine... cause wine sucks and wont play my program [05:58] makes u fight people? [05:58] Peddy: usually, no [05:58] thanks sheep [05:58] Doc8404 - WINE isnt' an emulator [05:58] #1 wine isnt an emulator. [05:58] #2 try a vm [05:58] but wine doesnt work either [05:59] <[Solars]> Doc8404 just use vbox [05:59] hi guys [05:59] vbox? [05:59] wow, lotsa echos [05:59] <[Solars]> and install windows inside vbox (virtualbox) [05:59] Doc8404: WINE is a acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator" [05:59] Does vbox support hardware graphics acceleration and such? [05:59] is vbox in the synaptics, or add program [05:59] !intrepid | Peddy [05:59] Peddy, please see my private message [05:59] lets say i want to use the live CD, then use the drive to burn all the recovered files to a bland disk [05:59] is that possible [05:59] <[Solars]> vbox questions should be asked in #vbox [05:59] Guys, Wine is an emulator, in a sort, it emulates the Windows API, not Windows itself, so yes and no to the Wine emulator thing [05:59] hey jim_p its in the partners repo btw [05:59] ok, thanks anyway everyone, i'll try again later [06:00] evanr no its just a demo of the program... i tried that already lol [06:00] !vbox [06:00] virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [06:00] wow wine is or is not an emulator, this channel is very sophisticated :) [06:00] !wine [06:00] Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/ you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you [06:00] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [06:00] pliss [06:00] WalkingAsterisk: thanks a lot. let me have a look. (i feel like technology has left me behind) [06:00] Doc8404: do what? [06:00] where can i get vbo [06:00] vbox [06:00] sudo apt-get install virtualbox [06:00] <[Solars]> Doc8404 apt-get install virtualbox [06:00] <[Solars]> Doc8404 apt-get install virtualbox-ose [06:01] !vbox | Doc8404 [06:01] Doc8404: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [06:01] isnt aptitude preferred? [06:01] does the ubuntu live cd support 'copy freakin everything to ram' or whatever so i can use the drive during the live environment [06:01] do i need the ose too [06:01] <[Solars]> yes [06:01] hey jim_p after i install vmware-server do i use player to install and use the vms ? [06:01] EvanR: use something else like Gnoppix or Knoppix [06:01] Having problems with wpa_supplicant if anyone wants to try and help I have pasted my logs of the debug errors and my .conf file etc. on the ubuntu forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5915029#post5915029 thanks. [06:02] XGas: it may not support my wireless [06:02] or, the dead computers wireless [06:02] hmmm once u kinda get used to linux its a little nicer than windows... speed wise its rediculous. im downloading things at speeds that are incredible [06:02] WalkingAsterisk: no server will play the vms. if you do need something lighter, then go with the player [06:02] ubuntu has a rep for wireless support [06:02] does vbox support hardware acceleration for graphics? [06:02] EvanR: What Wireless chip you have? [06:02] Peddy: I don't think so [06:02] wireless n-mimo the only way to go [06:03] Hmm. i ended up with some web interface thing [06:03] must have ran the wrong command [06:03] Peddy: VMWare Workstation, and Parallels does up to DX9.0b [06:03] Doc8404: Ubuntu or windows, your download speeds shouldn't change [06:03] WalkingAsterisk: i think vmware made a new program recently that makes typical vmware machines, thus you may not need server at all [06:03] hmmm [06:03] XGas: does vmware have 3d acceleration on host oses? [06:03] Doc8404: Unless of course you had a virus on windows causing your dl speeds to be slow [06:03] theres workstation but its not free [06:04] XGas: not sure yet, the computer is dead and i havent booted it up yet in anything to check. ubuntu live cd will take another 2 hours to dl :) [06:04] XGas: I have VMware Workstation, it's extremely unstable, never worked for me so far. What about Parallels, is it stable? [06:04] so on vbox... now i just insert the installation disc and go? [06:04] jim_p: ...... who do you mean. [06:04] XGas: I mean, it's not a supported feature, you have to enable it manually [06:04] Doc8404: Pretty much, it'll tell you when to put it in, but yes [06:04] virtualbox is great tbh. But i cant get the guest to grab an ip from the router [06:05] Peddy: A..... friend of mine (developer), used Parallels to run Team Fortress 2, works fine. (on Mac OS X though) [06:05] XGas: Peddy: VMWare Workstation, and Parallels does up to DX9.0b. wont you need 3d acceleration for this job? [06:05] :( Anyone mind helping me figure out why the same xorg.conf doesn't produce the same results on the same exact hardware?? Gettin a real low resolution I can't seem to shake :( [06:05] jim_p: yes, that is why he has a GeForce 8600m GT on his laptop, so it worked. === vodkanux is now known as vodkanux[taf] [06:06] luminerd: because of a silly mechanism that kicks in because it "found" something bad on the xorg.conf [06:06] jim_p: or you can look at TransGaming's SwiftShader [06:06] base memory size is the size of the program correct [06:06] jim_p: what's your point? [06:06] anyone using ubuntu with Sun VirtualBox? when I try to run the "Install Guest Additions" it says "This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting" what do I do?? [06:06] XGas: :O i am damping windows by noon if this is true! [06:07] awww crap you literally have to install windows into vbox? anyone know where you can get a free one? [06:07] jamieyg3: Add your user to the vbox group [06:07] Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/ you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/ you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you [06:07] Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/ you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you [06:07] Hello this one is my page http: // www.pepo-metal.blogspot.com/ you can make me a click in the advertising, as a favor ... thank you [06:07] pepo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:07] pliss [06:07] XGas: thanks what's the easiest way to do that === lakitu2 is now known as lakitu [06:07] Doc8404: what did you expect, vbox would come with Windows? [06:07] lol i dont have windows of anykind [06:08] jamieyg3: see System -> Administration -> User and Groups [06:08] jamieyg3: in the host os, mount the vbox additions iso and do a sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBox....run [06:08] Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.2.3", while you are trying to use [06:08] "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.2.4". [06:08] how do i fix this? [06:08] are you guys all students?? [06:08] Doc8404: Torrent it o.o I didn't say that [06:08] DigitalFiz: get a new kernel or an old gcc [06:08] lol [06:08] off here? [06:08] jamieyg3: you will also need the kernels headers for that job [06:08] Doc8404: Virtualbox is not a way to circumvent paying for windows. If you want to use windows, you need to pay for it. [06:08] jamiryg3: damn, oops, sorry, got what you asked wrong [06:08] nincompoopy: it has been 4 years since i finished university [06:09] bruenig, i guess i should recompile the kernel any links on how to do that? [06:09] jamieyg3: follow jim_p's instructions, I got what you asked wrong. [06:09] nincompoopy: ubuntu is not really the student OS, hardcore computer science folks tend to roll gentoo or arch or other more serious up to date distros [06:09] !kernel [06:09] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [06:10] bruenig: arch is a bit too lazy, just recommend Gentoo, Slackware or LFS === carpedie1 is now known as carpediem [06:10] hmm... so i guess the next question is which torrent program works best in linux... cause im sure as hell not using limewire ever again [06:10] XGas: some CS people are lazy afterall [06:10] where can i find ubuntu bittorrent downloads? [06:10] Doc8404: rtorrent [06:10] What could cause an nvidia machine to run at like 640x480? I ran nvidia-xconfig to no avail [06:10] luminrd: bad configuration [06:10] I am using a xorg.conf that definitely works on an identical machine [06:10] rebel_kid: in ubuntus site! there is an option to download it from torrent [06:10] lemme guess its on the main programs list [06:11] Doc8404: apt-get install rtorrent [06:11] bruenig: Any suggestions to fix said bad configuration? [06:11] luminrd: I don't what the configuration is [06:11] bruenig: basically, anything that uses libtorrent is good. [06:11] libtorrent? [06:11] bruenig: What "configuration" are you talking about? xorg.conf? [06:11] they blocked Demonoid =[....... [06:12] luminrd: can you post your xorg somewhere? here is mine http://7g.pri.ee/mine.conf [06:12] thanks jim_p and XGas for the virtualbox help [06:12] installed rtorrent but its not showing up in apps [06:13] Doc8404: rtorrent is a cli app [06:13] Doc8404: run "rtorrent" in a shell [06:13] whats a shell [06:13] or a cli app lol [06:13] oh no [06:13] ive been doin this two days lol [06:13] the thing you type commands in [06:13] oh the terminal ok [06:14] hey guys, very new to ubuntu ... how do I install beryl [06:14] what program are you trying to run, doc? [06:14] well the terminal displays the shell [06:14] the shell is bash [06:14] hey all [06:14] ubuntu30: Beryl was merged back into Compiz (as Compiz Fusion) [06:14] ubuntu30: compiz-fusion has replaced beryl [06:14] rtorrent [06:14] no, I mean, the windows one [06:15] cool thanks [06:15] I need beta testers for fushi. Fushi is an educational interactive tutorial type of program. [06:15] oh ubuntu compiz fusion [06:15] ubuntu30: and you probably already have it if you installed hardy [06:15] ubuntu30: and it comes preinstalled in Hardy, so the only thing you need to install is compizconfig-settings-manager (and proper drivers for your video card) [06:15] what program do you need windows to run? [06:15] Please join #pulpie if you are interested for beta testing for me. [06:15] streetatlas 2009 lt40gps [06:15] last thing i need to know for tonight... i'm on a laptop with vista, running ubuntu through sun virtualbox.. anways, when it's just vista running my laptop fans stay off for the most part (they only come on during heavy processing).. now with ubuntu running, the fan goes on.. off..on..off.. about once per second, no matter how much processing is being done, any fixes for this? [06:15] !wine | digdug [06:15] digdug: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [06:15] You can find the website at http://fushi.sourceforge.net [06:15] Doc8404: have you tried it in wine? [06:16] yeah wine cant make the maps [06:16] it crashes [06:16] already done the drivers, will chase down compizconfig ... ty [06:16] bob, not asking for myself [06:16] and i tried typing run rtorrent nothing happened [06:17] transmission torrent client should come installed by default [06:17] digdug: Understood, I'm just an informant :D [06:17] Doc8404: Just install Azureus and be done with it. [06:17] sudo apt-get install azureus? [06:17] Doc8404: well, I'd say do it from Add/Remove [06:17] or just use transmission, check your applications menu, it might already be installed [06:17] Doc8404: but that will also work [06:18] Doc8404: he's right, transmission should be already installed [06:18] no transmission [06:19] my computer isn't slow, but is there a way i can speed it up anymore? without purchasing hardware [06:19] Doc8404: it comes default with Hardy, so not sure...its under Internet [06:19] jim_p: yeah, I will in a sec, though as far as I can see it's identical to the one I'm using on this machine, which works fine [06:19] yea it sucks lol [06:19] droopsta915: I'd suggest trying Xubuntu [06:19] droopsta915: I prefer Gnome, but XFCE is smoking fast. [06:20] I just built a new comp, intel dual core 3 ghz... with 8 gb of ram... what image should I dl? [06:20] Doc8404: if you want some more featureful, then Azureus is it. [06:20] im thinking about getting a new laptop.... looking to spend 1600 so it won be that good [06:20] yeah its installing it now [06:20] progrock`- ubuntu 8.04.1 i386 [06:20] Doc: if your in school id recommend getting a teblet [06:21] tablet linux? [06:21] evilbug: thatll support the 8gb of RAM? i thought id need a 64 bit, since I need a 64bit windows [06:21] progrock`- that's what i meant, sorry. [06:21] thanks everyone [06:21] Doc8404: yeah, I use it.. its amazing.. and i got a gretat deal on an amazing thinkpad [06:21] jim_p: http://pastebin.com/m54da5f7b [06:21] Doc8404: i might be able to get you an emplioyee discount too [06:21] thinkpad tablet? ive seen the hps [06:22] progrock`- but you know you need to install some stuff to make flash work and such. [06:22] progrock`- with 64-bit i mean. [06:22] but with a tablet... im looking for something around 2.5 to 3 ghz wirless n and bluetooth [06:22] ok, so the amd64 is the one to download? even tho it says amd? [06:23] since im trying to install it and im gettin gall the fd0 errors.. i dont know why,.. it migh tjust have been a bad burn [06:24] progrock`: amd64 works on the intel 64 chips as well [06:25] ok, so i hope i just burt the cd bad, and somethign s not screwed up.. jsu built the comp [06:25] vista installed fine [06:25] luminrd: the lines 62 and 63 i THINK should be under the nvidia section. plus, what are all these zeroes on line 7? [06:25] progrock`: possibly....though the installer has a check option in the menu [06:26] oh, anyone use myth on a 64bit? [06:26] but ive heard good things about lenovo [06:26] jim_p: I honestly don't know about the 0's. That part was generated by nvidia-xconfig [06:26] progrock`: yes, my server is on a 64 bit Intel, running amd64 ubuntu, running Mythbuntu [06:26] Doc8404: I love the tablet.. its unbelievable for mt engineering classes.. and lenovo is IMO the bets quality, and most professional looking === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [06:26] luminrd: delete the 0 [06:26] lenovo is a bit expensice lol [06:27] carpediem: is that a real distro?.. and what TV card do you use? [06:27] Can someone help me with a few annoyances I'm seeing as someone who's just switched to ubuntu? [06:27] thiers way to many versions of this thing lol [06:27] Doc8404: I got an employee discount.. I might be able to ge tyou it.. its liek an extra 15 to 25 % off of the bext web deal [06:27] oh wow that would be awesome [06:27] progrock`: I have a pchdtv 5500 and an HVR 1600 (the latter is kind of a pain on Linux though). [06:27] this thing got friends lists lol [06:27] #1: How do I vim to stop forcing a specific set of formatoptions on me? It appears to be ignoring my removal of o and r in my .vimrc. [06:27] yeah, i got it for liek 1200 with a 160gb HD and 2 gb of RAM a while ago when ram cost a lot more [06:28] Doc PM me your email.. sadly they used to send me an email every month i could forward you.. but i havent gotten one in a bit, i dont know why [06:28] jim_p: I deleted the 0 and those 2 lines, still in the same place with it.. [06:28] hmm... [06:28] how do you pm in here [06:29] help [06:29] luminrd: did you move the 2 lines under the nvidia section? [06:29] You type "/msg joe something or other". [06:30] Doc8404: probably double click my name [06:30] jim_p: yes [06:30] Doc you can always write your emall in here, but do it spam free [06:30] Is there some other channel for ubuntu help, or is this the place? [06:30] nope that dont work lol === Nicke_ is now known as Nicke [06:30] but it might take me a day or two, sinc ei need to see if i can get back on it [06:30] luminrd: restartX [06:30] can i move my home directory to another partition? [06:30] just do it email@SMAP DReewebsite.com [06:30] bamcis got it [06:31] Hey, guys. I have a problem. I just got a second hand Dell Latitude D600, and i installed XUbuntu on it. The problem is that the wireless card id not working [06:31] juanej: having your home directory on another partitiion is recommended (by me anyway) [06:31] good morning/jo reggelt [06:31] what's good about it? [06:31] jim_p: I ahve of course done that with each change [06:32] It's still not workin [06:32] all the shortcut keys are driving me nuts... is thier one to open the shell [06:32] carpediem I'm using ubuntu eee but the default location is on my 4gb partition, how can i move it to the 16gb partition? [06:33] juanej: well, I've done just that on my eee.... [06:33] *tries to find a terminal shotcut key* [06:33] juanej: look at /etc/fstab. You need to create an entry (preferably by UUID) that mounts on /home [06:33] luminrd: remove any blank lines between section-endsection, like line 25 and 36 [06:33] Doc8404: I set one using the keyboard GUI [06:33] Doc8404: It's disabled by default, but you can set it in System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts [06:33] jim_p: I'm not really sure it's the xorg.conf. Like I said, theone I was using, was pretty much identical to one I have working [06:34] carpediem can i query you? i have a couple of questions about ubuntu eee [06:34] juanej: you can [06:35] danbh_intrepid: I must express my joy!! The Pulse "multi-app" bug is gone!!! [06:35] juanej: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [06:35] hi one quick question... whatever work i do on a live cd is not going to be saved after i shut down my computer right? [06:35] bobertdos: what did I do? [06:35] luminrd: then i dont know what else to do. sorry mate :( find me a way to disable that mechanicm and i will pay you! [06:35] carp: why 2?.. dan danm i was planning on gettin ghte latter [06:35] jim_p: got rid of the lines, still no dice [06:35] forao: correct (unless its accessing your harddrive) [06:35] carpediem* [06:35] Thanks anyway jim_p === jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz [06:36] danbh_intrepid: Ah, I'm just telling you because of how many times we've talked about how annoying Pulse is in Hardy. [06:36] juanej: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home actually this one [06:36] luminerd: you are welcome [06:36] ok thx [06:36] anyone here know how to get wallclocks running? [06:36] bobertdos: yeah, pulse is better in intrepid : ) [06:36] Hey, guys. I have a problem. I just got a second hand Dell Latitude D600, and i installed XUbuntu on it. The problem is that the wireless card id not working. I have run sudo lshw -C network, and the card shows up, but it says: *-network DISABLED. [06:36] danbh_intrepid: MUCH, and it makes me HAPPY!! [06:38] I installed Ubuntu on a disk that was previously Windows XP. Turns out my Vista installation had wrote it's MBR to the disk XP was on. I am no unable to boot into Vista. I configured GRUB to boot Vista but when I select Vista in GRUB it says BOOTMGR. I've tried running the Vista disc to repair MBR but it can't see the installation and won't accept any of my SATA drivers, including the ones that are currently installed for Vis [06:38] ta(it lets me browse my C:\ drive and pull the drivers from \WINDOWS\system32\drivers) What do I need to do to get GRUB booting Vista? [06:38] i wonder where The Unit is [06:39] carpediem: so how come you ahve two cards? and how bad is the latter? it has amazing reviews.. and i might be using windows a littl emore when using the TV [06:39] depending if i likt myth or not [06:41] lex i had that same issue i had to reinstall ubuntu [06:41] is it possible to have ubuntu aware of the iso instead of looking for the cdrom ? [06:41] hi... could anyone suggest the software for ripping audio from a video file? [06:42] daquino: I think you can mount iso's [06:42] yes i know how to mount iso's [06:42] i just wnat to point my sources at the iso or an extraction of it ... [06:42] that doesnt do it? [06:42] i dont want to mount it every time [06:43] the source list entry looks like some special type of cdrom entry [06:43] oh, you arent running an upgrade? [06:43] anyone know what that red line is? [06:43] Could anyone help me with an issue where I am unable to reach a machine at from a machine at, but I can reach When I am trying to reach .21 or .66 from a machine on, it works fine. There is a Linux gateway running at which has a mask as does all of the other devices. [06:44] danbh_intrepid: what? [06:44] daquino: nvm, I don't know [06:45] oooh i got one for you guys... if i write something in the word processor in ubuntu will it run in microsoft office? [06:45] Doc8404: save as... [06:45] Doc8404, yes if you save it as a microsoft doc [06:45] ok good [06:46]  [06:46] hi... could anyone suggest the software for ripping audio from a video file? [06:46] how can i display the weekly weather forcast on my desktop? [06:46] think openoffice now even supports docx not sure [06:46] screenlets [06:46] bdunn: Is 1.11 running linyx? [06:46] droopsta915: u can use conky [06:46] macvr, vlc can do that [06:46] macvr: is this in the apps? [06:47] DigitalFiz: how do i do it from vlc? === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [06:47] thanx [06:47] joejoecircusboy: That machine is running Windows. .21 and .66 are both printers. The Linux box can ping neither. :-S [06:47] macvr, not sure read the docs on ive never done it but i know you can [06:47] Can anyone here help me get a Linksys WPC54G S v2 to work in Ubuntu 8.04? [06:48] I've done some searching, and tried what they did, but nothing... [06:48] i dont think you can ping a printer can you? [06:48] i saw a thing that looked like a mac icon bar... where do we find those? [06:49] hi. What do you do if your keyboard/pc suddenly switches to 'counter strike layout'? you know where underscore takes ? button and all that stuff [06:49] it's annoying [06:49] Doc8404, http://themes.beryl-project.org/ try there look into installing emerald [06:49] i installed emerald... [06:49] joejoecircusboy: I'm sorry - the Linux gateway CAN ping .66. [06:50] DigitalFiz, i installed emerald [06:50] DigitalFiz: found something similar.. to what u said... i'v been using vlc for so long but i never noticed this!!!:-D [06:50] joejoecircusboy: This is fairly random. I have checked the settings on printers that can be seen and those that cannot be seen. Unfortunately, something on 10.200.1.x MUST be able to see printers at 10.200.2.x - 10.200.7.x by morning. [06:50] DigitalFiz, all i got from it was the cube system and a couple other little things [06:51] linux turns 17 today as it seems [06:51] happy birthday [06:51] Doc8404, go to that link i posted and look at the themes [06:52] bdunn: you at work? [06:52] joejoecircusboy: Not physically there but at work. :-) [06:52] nice, hehe [06:53] Doc8404: i think u are looking for a mac-like dock... try avant window navigator [06:53] bdunn: Can you list your machines again, by IP, and give a brief desc [06:54] What aside from xorg.conf can cause a low resolution? === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [06:56] hi ho [06:56] Hmm.. I think something is wrong here. Why do I keep ending up with 2 copies of xorg running, and taking up so much memory! (333m 124m)? [06:56] ciao [06:57] joejoecircusboy: These are just examples of course. Printer Printer Linux gateway Windows server Windows server Everything can ping, but nothing outside of 10.200.2.x can ping There are many examples like this of printers that cannot be reached while others can. All of these machines have masks of and the gateway of 10.200. [06:57] Can I safely kill the one that's using no cpu? [06:57] idamn.. all I get when try to install is "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0' non stop, then a black screen [06:58] how do you fix your keyboard layout if ? has switched places with _ and all that stuff [06:58] oh, maybe its my keyboard, lol [06:59] bdunn: Can ping the linux gateway? [07:00] Yes [07:01] bdunn: Can the linux gateway ping [07:01] joejoecircusboy: No [07:01] bdunn: does 'arp -a' on the linux gateway show a MAC address for [07:02] the themes dont change wallpapers. or menu bars... only application looks [07:02] Doc8404: i think u are looking for a mac-like dock... try avant window navigator [07:02] macvr, where can i find that [07:03] Is there an easy way to upgrade to 2.6.25 ? [07:03] it seems to have support for my dvb usb stick and i want to give ti a try? [07:03] Doc8404: add remove programs [07:03] can i view all the files of a folder and its subfolders with ls? [07:03] joejoecircusboy: arp: in 193 entries no match found. [07:03] ozatomic: only if you are willing to compile from source [07:04] http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html#linspeed [07:04] comparison of major browsers in linux [07:04] i use opera but only because of the speed [07:04] huge difference [07:04] never mind i got it [07:04] opera is super fast [07:05] bdunn: there should be a record there, whether it resolved it or not.. Try pinging again and checking the arp table right afterwards (use grep) [07:05] ah that worked [07:05] opera has what you will see as a default in a browser tomorrow, today === LSD|Ninj4 is now known as LSD|Ninja [07:05] Doc8404: and for wall papers u need to change them separately [07:05] pretty much like the mercedes s-class [07:05] can someone help me with gdesklets? [07:06] all in one... all in one... ima start creating all in one packaged lol [07:06] Hentay: try screenlets [07:06] joejoecircusboy: ? ( at on eth0 [07:06] jim_p: you know of any plugins equivalent to downthemall in opera? [07:06] screenlets the same shit like gdesklets? [07:06] Hentay: yes, just WAAAy better IMO [07:06] they just work [07:06] oh clear [07:06] bdunn: what ip address is assigned to eth0 on the linux gatway? [07:07] i spent like 2 hours trying to get gdesklets to work [07:07] with gdesklets i had problem [07:07] joejoecircusboy: [07:07] i install it and then i try to start it it fails [07:07] davidryder: i just use the Links menu from the side panel to get the links, copy them on list.txt and wget gets the rest done [07:07] bdunn: this is one signel switched network, correct? (there are no routers involved) [07:07] *single [07:08] davidryder: if someone is capable of making a script out of it... [07:08] I'm running 2.6.24... and when I view 'dmesg' it prints out numbers before each message.... which I know are the number of seconds since boot. But is there a way to make it display the time and date that message occured? it's kind of annoying that I don't know if errors that it prints happened today or last week. [07:08] Hentay: http://www.phpstory.net/graphics/ss_Oct_06_2008_0207.png [07:08] that's screenlets [07:09] anyone here familiar with wallclocks? [07:09] joejoecircusboy: Yes... all connected via MPLS - ethernet hand offs. [07:09] davidryder: i am doenloading it via synaptic [07:09] i'll try it [07:09] :) [07:09] Doc8404: are u looking for desktop clocks? [07:09] yeah i had one but it wouldnt work [07:10] electrofreak: if you open /var/log/messages, either with cat or some text editor, you will get the dmesg output + the date [07:10] Doc8404: use screenlets [07:11] jim_p, actually, I just discovered /var/log/kern.log. [07:11] thanks [07:11] electrofreak: you are welcome [07:12] bdunn: hmm, haven't played with MPLS before.... but this sounds like a screenlets is for amd64? [07:13] bdunn: are the various '/24s' within your network handled differently at the MPLS layer? [07:13] Hentay: yes they work on amd64 also [07:13] electrofreak: you could also try dmesg | tail [07:13] it will print out the last several errors [07:13] huh ok than... because gdesklets don;t work on it [07:14] joejoecircusboy: I don't believe so... this is pretty much a large ethernet connection somewhat invisible to the local network. Everything connected at 100MBs just like a local LAN. Transparent. [07:15] Hentay: did you get screenlets working? [07:15] System|Preferences|Screenlets [07:15] bdunn: hmm.. ok. Can anthing outside of 10.200.2.x reach a host in 10.200.2.x? [07:16] Yes, for example can ping and reach (printer) but not (printer). [07:16] ns identify passwd [07:16] Can the linux gateway reach (i.e. does ARP work) === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [07:17] i just realised the value of the terminal. I had to make 10 folders to organise my downloads, so i did : mkdir A B C D E F G H I J . i snaped my fingers and ...puff they were created! [07:17] <3 [07:18] CLI is awesome [07:18] bash is awesome [07:18] joejoecircusboy: Yes... ? ( at 00:04:00:4E:C0:C8 [ether] on eth0 [07:19] davidryder: is there somewhere a usefull list of bashscripts to simplefy the work in ubuntu? [07:19] What is the command about:config in Firefox 3.0 for? [07:19] bdunn: Can the prints be assigned multiple addresses? (2.21 specifically) [07:20] *printes [07:20] bah [07:20] joejoecircusboy: No, only one address. [07:20] is there a /home backup on the livecd? [07:22] bdunn: are the problematic printers in another building or somewhere remote from the working ones? [07:22] can i install xampp on ubuntu-7.10? [07:22] No, they can be next to each other. [07:23] bdunn: do the non-working printers share something in common (like say make or model) [07:23] joejoecircusboy: No. Tough one huh? :-( [07:23] bdunn: ya! [07:24] bdunn: is this a new network? [07:24] hi [07:24] ASLAMALIKUM [07:24] HOW R U ALL [07:24] paul68: is there anything in particular you are looking for? i just usually write my own [07:24] SALAM [07:24] Yes and no. Everything changed IP addresses today. It was all statically assigned and now is assigned by DHCP. [07:24] ANY ONE MUSLIM [07:24] joejoecircusboy: From the Linux server. [07:24] paul68: i don't know of any sites that feature bash scripts [07:24] if i sudo ifconfig ath0 down; can i pull out my wireless card [07:25] bdunn: what was the address scheme used before? [07:25] pan__: yes [07:25] thx tenX [07:25] the_ant: yea [07:26] pan__: not for that.. [07:26] joejoecircusboy: Every network was different, but they were public IPs everywhere and routers connecting them together. They were on the private side but had public IPs. Total mess. [07:26] paul68: if you use nautilus http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ there are some scripts there [07:26] ? [07:26] waalaikum salam [07:27] bdunn: you new to that environment? === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [07:27] joejoecircusboy: Somewhat, yes. [07:27] bdunn: oh man... [07:27] bullgard4: about:config !!! [07:27] davidryder: thanks [07:28] bdunn: you're in a pickle, eh? [07:28] jim_p: Please elaborate. [07:28] hey what is a good program for converting a PAL dvd to NTSC? [07:28] bdunn: did you try switching network jacks between a working and non-working printer? [07:28] bullgard4: sorry? [07:28] joejoecircusboy: Yes [07:29] can i install xampp on my ubuntu-7.10 [07:29] bullgard4: i had left the room and the window was scrolled up there that you asked about ff3 [07:30] How can I keep PulseAudio from loading on startup? [07:30] jim_p: I do not understand what your message adds to solving the question which I have put. [07:30] bdunn: can you pastebin your dhcpd.conf [07:30] bullgard4: can you please repeat it? i am terribly sorry [07:30] bullgard4: about:config is a place to tweak all the options for ff [07:31] davidryder: Thank you very much for explaining. === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [07:31] bullgard4: now i get it. sorry [07:31] jim_p: davidryder just did help me. === dmsuperm1n is now known as dmsuperman [07:33] goodnight all, have a good monday [07:33] thanks for the help [07:33] bullgard4: for instance: do a search for urlbar - changing it to true will highlight the contents of the URL with a single click instead of a double click [07:33] bullgard4: another one is about:plugins [07:33] My sound doesnt work anymore.. Need help. When the login screen loads, the sound plays, when the login is successful the sound plays. however no login music, or system sounds work. When using "Test" in sound preferences, it yields this: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument [07:33] browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll [07:34] WIGGMPk: I had the exact same problem when I switched from Gnome to KDE recently. [07:34] I was using pulseaudio in gnome, and it was not being automatically started in KDE. [07:34] any one knows gambas ? [07:35] i m facing 1 problem in gambas any one help me ? [07:35] dialman: solution? I havent switched, been using GNOME my entire linux life (only screw around with KDE, IMHO its too messy) but I have all sound devices on Autodetect [07:36] prob in gambas help to solve ? [07:36] davidryder: Ok. [07:36] apples good for ya [07:37] prob in gambas help to solve ? [07:37] !nvidia [07:37] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:37] WIGGMPk: Weird. I have no idea then. If you want to try on a lark to see if it is the same problem I had (and you were using pulseaudio): open a terminal and run pulseaudio. That was how I figured it out (audio should suddenly start working if that's the problem) [07:39] dialman: lol you were right about it but it wasnt pulseaudio.. i ran "sudo alsa force-reload" and all my system sounds ran [07:39] Nice [07:39] dialman: how can I prevent this from hanging... or not loading every time? [07:39] You are asking the wrong guy- I am pretty new to linux :) [07:39] I just happened to have some somewhat helpful advice this time :) [07:39] davidryder: thanks :) [07:40] dialman: well thanks for the helpful advice [07:40] Hentay: you like? [07:40] yes [07:40] :) [07:40] sweet :D [07:40] one sreenlet rulez [07:40] system monitoring [07:40] :) [07:40] yeah [07:40] i like that one too [07:40] others is so so :) [07:40] So, does anyone know how to prevent ALSA from hanging on start? [07:41] i don't use alsa [07:41] yeah i got bored with the others... i don't really see my desktop enough [07:41] davidryder: excatly :) [07:41] anyone here know how to change the background... not the one on the workspaces, the one outside the cube [07:42] davidryder: do u use xmms? [07:42] no i use rhythmbox [07:42] i'm a big fan of id3 tags and i like being able to filter my library by genre artists and album [07:42]  Doc8404: see the in preferences> advanced desktop effect settings [07:43] huh [07:43] :( [07:43] i want to browse my library by folders :D [07:43] macvr, ok [07:44] that's how i used to do it [07:44] i have ~9000 songs now though [07:44] how do u install a .tar.bz2 [07:45] i have only 4048 songs :( [07:45] m3thod: install what? program or theme? [07:45] and all are metal [07:45] holy crap [07:45] that makes sense then [07:46] program [07:46] m3thod: bz2 is an archive, the install files are likely inside the archive [07:46] m3thod: unrar x file.tar.bz2 [07:47] macvr: i didnt see the option to change it, what was i looking for [07:49]  Doc8404: if have compiz installed? right? see in preferences> advanced desktop effect settings>desktop> appearance tab> skydome... in that add a skydome image [07:50] linuxPkg_5.07.tar.bz2 would be different if installed driver [07:50] ? [07:50] I think I already tried every audio setting for VLC media player, but some videos have audio that only plays in Mplayer, but not VLC. but I want to use VLC because MPlayer doesn't let me resize the window while keeping the aspect ratio. [07:50] macvr: ill look again. but yeah i have compiz but never saw that [07:51] Doc8404: its there... just change skydome [07:51] Chaotic_Descent: where did u change for audio settings...in vlc or gsrtream [07:52] i dont have a skydome setting???? [07:52] macvr: in VLC. [07:52] macvr: i dont have a skydome thing???? [07:52] join #compiz-fusion [07:52] hi, I need help with python qscintilla configuration, since an application using it (Eric4) complains that my locale (qscintilla_es_UY) could not be loaded. I'm sort of lost ... would gladly accept help [07:52] macvr: its underadvanced in mine [07:53] I installed the qt4 and qscintilla packges from with synaptic (ubuntu 8.04) [07:53]  Doc8404: u r not looking.... in the desktop section... desktop cube... appearance tab... [07:53]  Doc8404: what are u using ubuntu/or ku === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [07:54] Chaotic_Descent: what is the output module u have selected? [07:54] audio [07:54] ?? [07:54] cdrom doesn't mount cds after suspend...what can i do? [07:55] da się zrobić jace w ubuntu [07:55] ?? [07:55] macvr: default. but like I said, I'm pretty sure I've tried them all. [07:56] what would cause poor respoance from evoulition? Mine is slow when connecting to an IMAP server and I now have 7 e-mails (sending via SMTP) sitting in my outbox that refuses to send [07:56] ubuntu [07:56] macvr: hrm... well in the case of this particular video, ALSA seems to work. :S [07:56] Anyone ever have trouble with SD cards from cameras? I have no idea what the issue is but on several cards with many photos, after a certain point, the photos can't be copied or opened with eye of gnome. No problems from these cards in my camera or on my laptop running debian. === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [07:57] Chaotic_Descent: change the gstream to pulse and set vlc to use alsa.... i had similar probs with vlc audio .. and this worked for me [07:57] DaCapn: do you unmount before puling the card out? [07:57] DaCapn: even if you dont write something on it [07:57] Eye of gnome gives the following error: Error interpreting JPEG image file (Improper call to JPEG library in state 200). Nautilus just gives an I/O error. [07:58] Yes, I always unmount. [07:58] macvr: i had to activate it under advanced settings... but under desktop it didnt exist [07:58] DaCapn: do they automount in ubuntu and in debian? [07:58] Since they work fine in two other devices I have doubts that I've caused any trouble with the filesystem or caused corruption of files. [07:59] Yes. Perfectly fine. [07:59] hmz... maybe someone can tell me with witch music player i can browse my music by folder names [07:59] hello guys [07:59] need help here [07:59] what's gstream? [07:59] Hentay: audacious ? file > open ... [08:00] i want to install gimp 2.6 [08:00] * _adrenaline uses audacious [08:00] like0537: you have to wait until 8.10 [08:00] hmz... [08:00] Chaotic_Descent: in sound preferences what are u unsing? [08:00] i;ll try it [08:00] im using hardy heron 8.4 [08:00] gstream totem fucks alot [08:00] i think something very hard to discover has broken in my ubuntu. Is it adviseable to tell all the installed packages to re-install ? [08:01] if I want to run apt-proxy, how much disk space do I need? give me a bound, an average... [08:01] macvr: what sound preferences? [08:01] any gimp user here === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [08:01] Chaotic_Descent: panel>preferences> sound [08:02] like0537: you must wait until 8.10 comes out and upgrade it with the rest of the installation. otherwise, use backports (if it can be found there) or build it from source [08:02] how about using ssh [08:02] Ok, so I wanna try PulseAudio, but what do I select on the Default Mixer Track, I have two options that say PulseAudio, Capture and Playback.. What do I select for the Device? [08:02] macvr: just the defaults. I've never been in there [08:02] <_adrenaline> like0537, what about ssh? [08:02] ah ok thanks [08:02] like0537: ssh for what job? [08:02] i want to something about ssh specially making keys? [08:03] Chaotic_Descent: u need to tinker a bit there... i was havin audio problem in vlc similar to urs [08:03] what happens if I mount the partition with windows on in ubuntu_ [08:03] tunneling, copying etc [08:03] <_adrenaline> What do you want to know? [08:03] any good tutorials here [08:03] if I want to run apt-proxy, how much disk space do I need? give me a bound, an average... anyone? [08:03] should I upgrade to ubuntu 8.10? [08:03] like0537: i cant help you there. all i do is control another pc though ssh [08:04] nianjoia: not yet! [08:04] ah ic [08:04] hi all [08:04] Hello mandh! [08:04] finally! someone answers me! [08:04] lol [08:04] lol hi [08:04] got another questioni for you jim [08:04] thats a good idea what would i do then to cotrol t? [08:04] can I browse my windows files in ubuntu if I mount the win partition from ubuntu? [08:04] i have ubuntu that freeze suddenly [08:04] is there a repair utility for evoulition? [08:04] nianjoia: hit it! [08:04] what is a good program for converting a PAL dvd to ntsc? [08:04] i upgrade the system and still freeze "kernel panic" [08:04] greenthumb: yes [08:05] Im new to ubuntu..but i must say i like ti way better than vista [08:05] nianjoia how can you compare vista with ubuntu? [08:05] nianjoia: i suppose this means you have to recode the dvd? [08:05] yes [08:05] sweet raheem, thx [08:05]  nianjoia: avidemux... might work [08:06] ah ok ic [08:06] mandh: what's the kernel panic say? [08:06] nianjoia: or mandvd? or i am wrong [08:06] jim_p: CAN U GIVE ME A GOOD TUTORIAL ON SSH UBUNTU [08:06] well I have to convert .vob files... [08:06] greenthumb: yeah, you need the ntfs or fat32 file system drivers for linux [08:06] What should be the Default Mixer Tracks: Device if I wanna use PulseAudio.. I have two options, Capture & Playback.. which one should i use? or do I still use HDA NVidia (Alsa mixer)???? [08:06] hm [08:06] !ssh [08:06] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [08:06] like0537: like what? i connect to the other pc as a user and do its upgrades etc [08:06] I'll check em out [08:07] sleepster, humm let me search about it , but like interrupt ... [08:07] hmmm... [08:07] sleepster: oh.. well it works fine just mounting it, i'm playing mp3's from it in amarok now [08:07] thanks jim_p [08:07] mandh: it could be several things.. why did the kernel panic occur? did you build your own kernel? [08:07] anyone awake here? [08:08] * _adrenaline is sleeping [08:08] * raheem is asleep [08:08] can i change the screen res from terminal? [08:08] * sleepster is sleeping [08:08] This SD card issue is kind of strange too. The last image that can be read at all on the card renders with the bottom half black in eye of gnome and it similarly can't be copied. [08:08] sleepster: how come my headphones cant play very loud in ubuntu? Everything is turned all up, mastersound, amarok, my headphones [08:08] but it's way louder in windows [08:08] sleepster, no not build it is from the os itself [08:08] The total size of all of the files that can be copied is close to 1GB. [08:09] greenthumb: you should turn up PCM pulse code modulation [08:09] DaCapn: are you sure it was unmounted properly everytime in its lifetime? [08:09]  greenthumb: that seems to be the only prob for a lot ... volume is lower than in windows [08:09] greenthumb: see the volum control in the top right... there is a properties menu.. right click and you want to turn up PCM [08:09] jim_p What are you proposing is happening if that isn't the case? [08:09] mandh: what kind of hardware are you using? [08:09] And to that, the answer is YES. [08:10] mandh: I've never had a problem with kernel panics on a fresh machine.. only when they are self-inflicted [08:10] sleepster: I see the pcm, but I dont know how to turn it up [08:10] oh there [08:10] sleepster, whan u mean? me i dbout with hw [08:10] it plays great now. thanks a lot [08:10] greenthumb: it should allow you to enable it in your volume.. you select it.. [08:10] mandh: ? [08:10] sleepster, hardware [08:10] greenthumb: great to know it works :) [08:11] greenthumb: np [08:11] :-) [08:11] DaCapn: i had pulled a CF card one out without unmounting it . it had like 200 photos inside and i lost some 4-5 [08:11] can i boot with resolution parameters? [08:11] jim_p: what file system were you using? [08:11] What I said was that these photos can be read and accessed fine on my camera and in my laptop running debian. [08:11] Spinac1: ? [08:12] !resolution [08:12] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:12] The files are there and are contiguous. [08:12] Spinac1: the best thing is to let yoru video card configuration tool do it [08:12] sleepster: on my drive? ext3 [08:12] jim_p: hmm.. I am surprised you lost any data [08:12] ext3 of your CF card? [08:12] jim_p: unless you were in the middle of the copy I guess [08:12] how come the play list in amarok clears it self out after every restart of the program? I just drag the files into the playlist. [08:13] greenthumb: you can save them [08:13] hello all [08:13] Hello briguyd! [08:13] the problem is i cant see x now that i changed my res to unsupported res so now just getting bad signal input blank screen. but i have a command prompt === glade88 is now known as glade88|AFK [08:13] * sleepster goes back to reading... [08:13] i recently seemed to have messed up my hard drive [08:13] yeah.. but like in winamp they just stay in the playlist without you having to have som playlist file saved [08:14] sleepster: no on the card i have fat32! i thought you said on the drive [08:14] amm maybe someone is using autocad on ubuntu? :) [08:14] it appears in lsusb and dmesg, but it doesn't show under /dev as it used to and i can't mount it [08:14] can anyone please help me work it out? [08:14] Spinac1: can't u try the ALT CTL + combination ? i guess ti should work [08:16] briguyd: filesystem? [08:16] it was ntfs [08:17] hmm, is it normal that video quality is worse in ubuntu than in windows? i've installed vlc, dno about codecs [08:17] it worked fine until earlier today when i was moving it betweena vista and os x computer [08:17] hi [08:17] Hentay: AutoCAD doesn't work on Ubuntu. There's a few Windows CAD programs that work so-so on Wine, and there's a few Linux-native CAD programs. [08:17] Spinac1: or from the command prompt, type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf , put the resolution that worked [08:17] In ubuntu, why can only 1 audio file play? if you try 2 simultaneously only 1 audio file works [08:17] greenthumb: should be the same [08:17] Hentay: use qcad [08:18] jim_p, and it is the same like autocad? [08:18]  greenthumb: what graphics card are u using? [08:18] Hentay: roughly the same [08:18] hmz... [08:18] as usualy [08:18] macvr: nvidia geforce 9800gtx [08:18] let's try :) [08:18] Hentay don't expect compatibility. [08:18] Hentay: depends on what you do. for me gimp is NOT similar to photoshop no matter what [08:19] morning [08:19] DaCapn, i need it :) [08:19]  greenthumb: nvidia should give an output nearly as good as windows [08:19] briguyd: have you "safely removed" it from xp? [08:19] Hentay: As someone that's used both AutoCAD and QCad, AutoCAD is light-years ahead. QCad is good for some 2D stuff, but not nearly as robust as AutoCAD. Try it, though [08:19] or if i'll try to load autocad using wine? [08:19] Hentay: wine or virtualization [08:19] Hentay installations of AutoCAD after 2000 require .NET framework. This is notoriously a problem for wine and similars. Mono doesn't show additional promise. [08:19] AutoCAD doesn't work with Wine [08:20] whit [08:20] :/ [08:20] shit* [08:20] Hentay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:20] I've used AutoCAD 2006 by running it inside a WinXP VM with qemu. [08:20] jim_p: it's not recognized under xp anymore === c0de1|off is now known as c0de1 [08:21] or OS X for that matter [08:21] That's the best you'll probably get... which is a lot better than some dual-boot nonsense. [08:21] macvr: okay, i have only seen a small bit in windows of the avi file i'm testing with, so it might just suck and i don't remember. i'll try with a dvd [08:21] briguyd: what drive is it? wd? [08:21] what is wrong with dualboot DaCapn ? [08:22] Hentay: about wine and autocad >> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=86 [08:22] Nothing if you don't mind restarting your machine when you want to do something different. [08:23] Hentay people have had success with autocad r14 [08:23] DaCapn: i spend 90% of my time in linux [08:24] I can understand dual boot for people who want to play games. Anything else... the juice isn't worth the squeeze in my opinion. [08:25] how come i cant extract rar files on my windows drive from ubuntu.? is that impossible? [08:25] And I'm just guessing that he isn't interested in rebooting every time he wants to use AutoCAD. [08:25] has anyone made a silent install with ubuntu? [08:25] jim_p: seagate [08:25] greenthumb if you can mount the partition theres no reason you shouldnt be able to access any non encrypted fiels [08:26] DaCapn: AutoCAD uses as much as or more memory than many games [08:26] where to look for the path to Tcl/Tk [08:26] I tried to follow instructions from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=883017 with little success [08:26] does the ubuntu-server cd have LTSP on it? === e is now known as Guest93348 [08:26] DaCapn: i do dualboot for photoshop and games. and dont tell me to use gimp. for what i want, gimp is far behind [08:26] koshari: i cant mount it. so that's weird. I got all these rar archives all together containg a dvd movie. you know like .r00, .r01 and so on [08:26] greenthumb: check if u have ntfs-3g,ntfs-config.... should be there [08:26] generated disk image boot fails in bootcdproberoot script failures [08:26] or is that just the alternate cd for the normal desktop install [08:27] DaCapn: i dont mention premiere... [08:27] macvr: how do i check that? [08:27] jim_p I'm not telling you to do anything. Do what you like. [08:27] DaCapn: lol i was not offended and i hope neither were you. peace [08:27] dmesg | tail prints out [ 741.435905] scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices [08:27] greenthumb: system> administration> synaptics package manager [08:27] [ 741.437143] usb-storage: device found at 9 [08:27] [ 741.437160] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning [08:27] [ 746.427066] usb-storage: device scan complete [08:27] [ 752.028971] usb 5-3: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9 [08:27] briguyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:28] greenthumb yeah so whats the problem? [08:28] macvr: okay, what do I do in there? [08:28] greenthumb: see if u have the 2 packages? === _spiderz is now known as spiderz [08:28] koshari: it says something about the archive aint supported. but it's normal rar files [08:29] briguyd: chances are that your drive is ... dead :( [08:29] Hi, what's the best way to get a Finnish locale settings but English traslations in all applications? [08:29] TeslaTony I've found that the bottleneck for AutoCAD in qemu is image rendering. At least on the machine I did it on. This was without the kqemu module. It was ridiculous if you had many lines visible. [08:29] greenthumb you need to install the rar codec, "sudo apt-get install rar" [08:29] but would it show up in dmesg? [08:29] what man page would i look at for bluetooth connection [08:29] !list [08:29] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [08:29] then it will unrar in fileroller [08:29] /msg smoggy XDCC SEND #117 [08:30] Due to using English language packages all my apps default to AM/PM and USD currencies.. And sometimes (like Evolution) I can't affect the settings in certain places [08:30] dmesg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54576/ [08:30] macvr: the 3g is there, the config is not. when ive checked it to installation, how do i install? [08:30] briguyd: if it is damaged, no [08:30] DaCapn: It'd be really nice if AutoDesk put out a Linux client. But until then, I'm stuck with Windows. [08:31] greenthumbif you can see the files the drive is mounted fine [08:31] hi, can I use a fiesty repository in ubuntu hardy? will it cause problems? [08:31] greenthumb: just check the box to install and it will do the install [08:31] hi all. I had to kill update-manager (Ctl+Alt+Bkspace), Now it's complaining about not getting a lock. can I just delete /var/cache/apt/archives/lock ? [08:31] koshari: i can see the files, i can play avi and mp3 files from there, but i cant extract my dvd movie [08:31] greenthumb: check if u are having applications>archive manager... it should have the default rar plugin [08:31] greenthumb you need to install the rar codec, "sudo apt-get install rar" [08:31] TeslaTony Yeah, I agree, it's not really feasible for an architect/designer to use it for all of their work purposes inside qemu. [08:32] ndlovu: you killed it the wrong way. use killall next time [08:32] jim_p, how do I know what the process name is? === e is now known as Guest95334 [08:32] greenthumb so open a terminal, paste the line i posted (without quotes) into a terminal and your away [08:33] koshari: when i try to install it says E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it? [08:33] ndlovu: you just says it was update-manager! [08:33] greenthumb close the synaptic or update app you have open [08:33] briguyd: sorry mate, i am out of ideas for the drive [08:33] greenthumb: close synaptics package maager and try again [08:33] greenthumb, and use sudo [08:33] jim_p, the only program I could find with update in it was update-notifier, and I wasn't sure it was the same thing [08:34] ok i'm positive now. hardy is much buggier than feisty [08:34] ndlovu: kill it! [08:34] macvr: ah, its installing now :) Hentay, of course [08:34] i wish i'd stuck with feisty [08:34] w00t I can extract the rar files now :D [08:34] thanks all [08:34] jim_p, next time I'll do that :) right now I'm stuck with a lock - can I just delete the lock file? [08:34] thats over 2 machines too [08:35] greenthumb and you can install a package :-) [08:35] how soon until hardy is stabler? anyone know? [08:35] what do you mean? havent i always been able to do that? [08:35] ndlovu: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock and cross your fingers [08:35] a package is the ones you install from add/remove right? [08:35] hp_ hardy is considere3d stable now [08:36] koshari, have you noticed more trouble since leaving fiesty? [08:36] hi how can i change the resolution of my log in screen ???? not the workspace [08:36] pronoy_: you cant. gdm picks the 1st one it finds in xorg [08:36] hp_ not here i typicly get uptimes of a few weeks until a power outage or a kernel update, [08:36] i love that you can mount your windows drive in ubuntu :D if only ubuntu played all games with no problems, i could completely drop windows [08:36] actually 'more' is wrong, i never had any issues with feisty. never crashed once. now with hardy i'm getting gray terminals once every 3 days [08:36] jim_p, I was hoping for more confidence in the procedure ;), but thanks for your help. so far nothing broken... === HD is now known as Guest25377 [08:37] jim_p: here's the xorg.conf file....what am i doing wrong ????? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54572/ [08:37] greenthumb: get a console [08:37] koshari, sounds pretty sweet then [08:37] jim_p: ps i am anoob [08:37] koshari, i'll persevere [08:37] ndlovu: do a sudo apt-get update [08:37] ndlovu: and check for errors [08:37] jim_p, apt-get update and apt-get upgrade worked okay [08:38] hp_ whats your actual problem? [08:38] koshari: hehe.. well i just spend lots of money on this pc for gaming [08:38] ndlovu: then you are good to go [08:38] and i kinda like playing pc [08:38] pronoy_: you made all this yourself!?!?!? is your laptops native resolution 1280*800? [08:39] The hotkey of compiz fusion conflict with that os SCIM [08:39] How to solve that? [08:39] hi, is there anyway i can automount a usb flashdrive without being root? [08:39] juanej: sudo apt-get install usbmount [08:39] ubuntu_todd change the hot key in compiz manager [08:39] jim_p: my resolution wasn't changing so i have edited the conf file [08:40] jim_p: had a friend's help...and desktop.. not lappy [08:40] juane it should do so already otherwise you may need to tweak a hal setting [08:40] koshari: does it matter the consequence of my installation? [08:40] how do I do so the playlist i've got in amarok right now stays there so it's there when i open up amarok next time? [08:40] koshari, regularly i'll notice a new terminal is empty. then it goes gray. any new terminals are like that until restart [08:40] pronoy_: what is that line that says virtual there? [08:41] koshari; I mean which one should be installed first? [08:41] ryg9I it keeps asking for root access [08:41] will rm -r follow links ? [08:41] koshari, but i can't restart via the menu or a terminal. so i have to cntl-alt-F[x] into another shell to call a sudo shutdown [08:41] you have to be root to use mount === saint is now known as SA\INT [08:41] that's what it reads [08:42] how do I automate the installation of ubuntu [08:42] I would like to preconfigure everything to my liking and then have a cd that automatically overwrites the whole disk and install my preconfigured ubuntu [08:42] i want install gf9600 gso , need help! [08:42] ubuntu_todd i understood you have compiz installed already, isnt that how you discovered the conflict? i would imagine the program you want to change the hotkey in would be the one you install first if that wasnt the case [08:42] i want install gf9600 gso drivers, need help! [08:43] lb nvidia? [08:43] we are lb don't screem [08:43] yes [08:43] pronoy_: some advice a) send the depth parameter on line 70 outside that subsection b) remove line 69 that says Virtual... c) save, exit, restart X if that wont word d) delete the sublection Display altogether [08:43] hp_ you may have to try and isolate the problem to the program causing it, whether it is xorg, compix ect ect/./. [08:43] sudo apt-get install envyng [08:43] i used for my gf 8600m GS [08:43] koshari, ok i see. thanks [08:43] lb go to system>administrate>hardware drivers [08:43] vilhonen so install and then make an image backup [08:44] lb and then select the gforce and restart the system [08:44] gligorhoria, then i tried to do so i have a problems with my resolution :D [08:44] koshari and if you use vesa video drivers and have a basic fstab it should boot on most tystems [08:44] koshari; Yes I installed compiz first then SCIM. Later I found the hotkey for compiz don't work anymore. Even more the different workspaces don't function correctly. Now I can only have on workspace. [08:44] ok!! i'm try [08:45] Hentay: your on a laptop or what ? [08:45] laptop [08:45] yes [08:45] :) [08:45] pay him 10/Month and throw 20yds of cable accross the grass... ??? [08:45] ubuntu_todd iam not familiar with scm but you may need to temperalily uninstall it , remap the offending functions and replace it [08:45] Hentay: you can inforce resolutions to the xorg u know, even thow they don't aprea in the menu :D [08:45] u wan't to know how to do that ? [08:46] gligorhoria, yes [08:46] tell me [08:46] koshari; But I have no idea about the remap. [08:46] 1 sec please i have to document :D [08:46] ubuuntu_todd - u got the compiz icon - easy to re-start/config whent thing go wrong mostly..? [08:46] ok [08:46] :) [08:46] koshari: how do I make that image backup? [08:46] i u have it in pdf or smth like this pls send me ok? :) [08:46] ubuntu_todd: you may need to install the compiz advanced settings manager and go in there and check the bindings, [08:47] vilhonen with a partimage live disk, [08:47] Hentay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 [08:47] koshari: Ok. I got it. But one of my friend recommend me to install beryl. What's your idea? [08:47] vilhonen theres a good guide on phsycocats [08:48] ubuntu_todd beryl is obsolete, its now compiz fusion === Eric is now known as Guest14274 [08:48] Hentay: you have to read that, it's not that complicated [08:48] koshari: thanks. [08:48] Hentay: be sure to use sudo when u modify those files === Guest14274 is now known as Rick_Comp === Rick_Comp is now known as RickLinux [08:49] hey guys [08:49] yes [08:49] i save that link [08:49] sammyy [08:49] i'll study it later [08:49] :) [08:49] Hi, what's the best way to get a Finnish locale settings but English traslations in all applications? [08:49] gligorhoria, thanks :) [08:49] Hentay: you only have to modify 1 header, np good luck [08:49] so im trying to grab some files off of a ntfs hard drive on a laptop do i have to install ubuntu to get those files off cause when i try to access the drive it says cannot mount any ideas? [08:50] for a newbie user to modify one header sometimes is very difficult :) [08:50] Just for test. [08:51] Hentay: i'm not kidding you, it's not hard, that guide is verry self containing [08:51] how can i make the icons that appear on menus like right click a liiiitle bit smaller? i know its a gtk something hack, but which? [08:51] any ideas [08:51] koshari: with the partimage the partition size will be fixed, I was looking for something that makes partitions before installing [08:51] is it possible to make limewire download directly to your windows drive? [08:51] :) [08:52] ok ok gligorhoria :) [08:52] now i try to load a game :D [08:52] greenthumb: yea, if you can access it and know where it is mounted [08:52] for to plz hlp!!!?!11! [08:53] jim_p: i can acces it, read and write and place files there. but I dont know the location of it other than it's in computer [08:53] so i dont know how to browse to it from limewire [08:53] greenthumb: post me this "cat /etc/fstab | grep ntfs" [08:54] man this ubuntu support is cachy :D cu guys it's addictive :D [08:54] greenthumb: the drive is in ntfs right? you write these in terminal and i want the output === SA\INT is now known as Sa[i]nT [08:55] jim_p: it's ntfs ye. what do you want me to write in term? cat /etc ....? [08:55] greencookie: yea. it will make a line or 2 [08:56] jimmacdonald: nothing happens, it just jumps down to a new line [08:57] hi, i have a problem with my usb wlan (DWL-G122) and high packet loss (30%). any idea on how to solve this? link quality is hji (90+) and encryption is wpa2. here some info: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/392259/ [08:57] hi all [08:57] Hello meek! [08:57] vilhonen ok, you could resize the partition which may be an option, otherwise you will be looking at something like reconstructor [08:58] where would the ubuntu disc manager be in 8.10 [08:58] ? [08:58] koshari: do you know how i dowload directly from limewire to my windows partition? [08:59] greenthumb you should use frostwire instead of limewire [08:59] imchrislabeard: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, but probably system > administration [08:59] greenthumb and the destination directory will be in the settings [08:59] koshari: settings in limewire? [09:00] imchrislabeard do you meed gparted? [09:00] greenthumb cant help ypu there. [09:00] koshari: i guess i will dl that [09:00] How do i install debian? [09:01] greenthumb: did you find how to change the location? [09:01] What location? [09:01] RickLinux: through ubuntu? [09:01] Yes [09:02] jim_p yes, through ubuntu [09:02] is there any "cleaning" program ie to kill pidgin logs and other well known trash... or it is best to write "rm script" manually?.. [09:02] jim_p: i know how to change loc, i just didnt know where my c drive in windows was. but i found out now :) media/disk/ [09:02] RickLinux in a VM? [09:02] I don't know how to work grub [09:03] ShinobiTeno: better make a script [09:03] and I want to know how to install debian seperately [09:03] jim_p: k, thx) [09:03] RickLinux: look at some debian documentation [09:03] anyone having problems with the latest update off firefox 3.0.3 it wont remember me hompage, if i activate it again its only nead to restart firefox again then its gon again. Im use this system, SYSTEM INFORMATION [09:03] Running Ubuntu Linux, the Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid) release. [09:03] GNOME: 2.24.0 (Ubuntu 2008-09-22) [09:03] Kernel version: 2.6.27-5-generic (#1 SMP Fri Oct 3 00:36:38 UTC 2008) [09:03] GCC: 4.3.2 (x86_64-linux-gnu) [09:03] KuB^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:03] Xorg: unknown (24 September 2008 06:39:34PM) (24 September 2008 06:39:34PM) [09:03] RickLinux you want to dual boot, and the grub installer should see both installs and add them to the menu.1st file [09:04] Koshari: How do I do that? [09:04] greencookie: are you sure this is your drive? does it have other contents there [09:04] RickLinux make some room , make a partition, run the debian installer [09:04] RickLinux: you need some virtualization program [09:04] you will need to downlaod a debian install disk [09:05] why do u need both for [09:05] RickLinux you wont need virtualiasation if you are dual booting, [09:05] RickLinux, Debian was first linux I installed with NO knowledge! Its not that diffucult at all. [09:05] Is there an installer for debian? [09:06] RickLinux get lastest stable ISO, burn it as image and let go!) [09:06] RickLinux there will be on the distribution disk, you will have to boot into it just like windows or ubuntu [09:06] Alright. Thanks fella's. [09:07] RickLinux: get the latest TESTING iso from debian. stable is as ancient as the dinosaurs [09:07] hello [09:07] helloo [09:07] lenny i think that is [09:07] RickLinux, debian tends to confuse people at times because it looks like the install files are abnormally huge. Just download the minimal install disk and then burn the ISO and perform a net install. You will download all the packages you want as you install. [09:07] hi there, im having a problem with a mounted share, in /home i do ls it takes AGES, then its listing a folder NEWcompleted(shows in red), if i cd to that folder and do ls it takes ages then says: ls: .: Input/output error. I originally do //tstation/Completed$ /home/NEWcompleted smbfs defaults 0 0 in /etc/fstab and ive tried sudo mount -a and that works, any ideas? === Teiseii is now known as Teisei [09:08] AdvoWork use cifs instead of smb [09:09] If you know how to get rid of the black border that appears on some LCDs, please view my post @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=939527 ... TIA [09:09] Any idea why no matter what display manager I use upscaled video in my browser in interpolated backwards (eg.. If two adjacent source pixels are 1 and 0 the interpolation looks like 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1) exactly backwards and looks crappy. [09:09] koshari never heard of cifs and how come? [09:09] Hello! [09:10] dialman: use your lcds monitor native resolution and adjust it though some OSD settings [09:10] ice111111: Hi ! [09:10] Nice to meet you! [09:11] jim_p: on debian: stable is not that ancient) besides it is meant to make a good base system. later, and testing repositories and do an update. voila - upgraded to testing. [09:11] AdvoWork http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483184+ [09:11] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483184 [09:12] jim_p: later add testing repositories [09:12] hi, I've been using Xubuntu like for 3 months now. Last night after I shut down the pc I opened it today, and the top and bottom panel is missing. Any solution for this anyone? [09:12] how is ubuntu as a server?? [09:12] how is ubuntu as a server?? [09:13] how do I enable VNC control over my computer over the internet? [09:13] koshari is that link the same? [09:13] AdvoWork i typos the first one [09:13] what is i686? [09:13] ReVoLveR: in terminal type xfce4-panel [09:13] AdvoWork no "+" at the end === rebel_kid is now known as rebel_kid|zZzZ [09:13] If I try to use java, I get that it is not found, however, I do have it installed /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- [09:14] (I also mean javac) [09:14] koshari yeah but its the same thread number? === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [09:14] ShinobiTeno: gnome 2.18, kernel 2.6.18, kde 3.5.5, firefox 2 and so on. all these are like 1.5 years old and in linux "years" they are as old as a 50yo person [09:14] hi. I just updated the kernel and now the nvidia module can't load. [09:14] I've tried reinstalling it but no luck. [09:14] gnuskool : whats the shortcut key to open terminal? I cannot open terminal like I used to open before coz I don't see the top panel. [09:14] balachmar: YOU NEED THE STANDARD SDK, LOOK AT SUN.COM [09:14] AdvoWork correct, i just thaught the first link wouldnt work with the plus accidently added to the end [09:15] ReVoLveR: press f2, type terminal [09:15] jim_p: yes, yes, but again it is not supposed to be used, but supposed to BUILD a base system. Im not that sure testing will INSTALL ok... [09:15] gnuskool: Why? This worked before... [09:15] elvelind were you using envy? [09:15] envy? [09:15] jim_p: adding testing to reps and doing upgrade instantly transforms stable into testing. [09:15] koshari, standard intrepid install [09:15] koshari how can i test if thats worked? [09:15] elvelind unlikely then if you havnt heard of it [09:16] AdvoWork how do you meand? [09:16] balachmar: sometimes you just need to point to the java directory in your path [09:16] gnuskool : thanks bro, that was useful [09:16] ReVoLveR: no worries [09:16] koshari i mean, now ive but a cifs entry into /etc/fstab how can i check if its working? [09:16] ShinobiTeno: i know. it is just too much for me to install an old base system and upgrade 1GB of stuff to get to present day [09:16] elvelind see intrepid support, remember intrepid is under heavy development [09:17] jim_p: well it depends)) matter of preference:) [09:17] gnuskool: I shouldn't because java and javac are in /usr/bin and there is a simlink to /etc/alternatives, which points to the correct java executable. [09:17] ShinobiTeno: i agree. i prefer the bottom up solution. [09:17] AdvoWork sudo mount -a [09:17] koshari, as in the forums? [09:17] gnuskool: And I can see those files with ls, however I cannot read them, because then I get that the file was not found... [09:18] balachmar: soz, not sure, i had minor issues with it on my eclipse install which I solved by installing the sdk [09:18] is nvidia glx config enabled [09:18] hi [09:18] hello all. [09:18] koshari im trying to unmount the folder so i can test it properly, im doing sudo smbumount ... and its saying: probably not smb-filesystem any ideas how I can unmount before i sudo : [09:19] I want ask to question. [09:19] elvelind dont worry about envy, i thaught you may have had it installed, its a tool to automate the instalation on new restricted binarys [09:19] !ask MadGhost [09:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask madghost [09:19] i want to have a cube 3d desktop for ubuntu 8 gnome. can enyone help me? [09:19] I will buy notebook without dvd-rom, only USB, how I'll can install ubuntu on notebook? [09:19] koshari, ah. okey. === RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake [09:20] AdvoWork if your smb line is in fstab mount will look after it, basically if you run mount -a it will update your mounts with the latest fstab entry [09:20] koshari, any advice on why the module can't be found? [09:20] !usb | MadGhost [09:20] MadGhost: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [09:20] very thank you :-) [09:20] !cube | philip_ [09:20] philip_: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » [09:20] elvelind i could only guess, like i said there is heavy development in 8.10 and it may be a broken package or anything [09:21] nevermind, I manually edited the alternatives link [09:21] !intrepid | elvelind [09:21] elvelind: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [09:21] (shouldn't be needed however...) [09:21] could u do modprobe for drivers [09:22] thanks [09:22] aussie_nutt, FATAL: Module nvidia not found. [09:22] ive tried a mount in /etc/fstab and do: cifsexec,uid=root and ive tried other users, and it keeps saying: mount: unknown filesystem type 'uid=root' [09:22] :S [09:22] Why after a while I'm using ubuntu, all my media players don't play sound, movies.... after I reboot everythings goes normal [09:22] pls help [09:23] AdvoWork can i im you? [09:23] maybe u could try adding nvidia to /etc/modules [09:23] that list that gets modprobed at boot up [09:24] !nvidia [09:24] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:25] but then also dont it use restricted modules too [09:25] On startup, why doesn't my amsn start in system tray ? It only starts in window list [09:25] It's really annoying because amsn takes space in window list [09:25] If I close amsn and start it again it will go to system tray normally [09:25] koshari do you have msn? [09:26] actually nm [09:26] hello, I have created a user, but I want him only to modify certain files in www [09:29] im having problems with ff3 when it starts it goes to fullscreen mode and f11 doesnt resize it ,im using 8.10 compiz,gnome,and i have an 8500 gt is it a known issue are there work arounds ? [09:30] Anybody else tried to put amsn in startup applications and noticed that amsn doesn't go to system tray at all ? [09:31] Even though it goes in normal launch === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [09:31] jim_p: the login problem not solved ! [09:32] Trouble with python-pyatspi "runtime error , try to evalulate pyton 2.5 code with python2.3 interpreter" === Roland899 is now known as Rolanditu [09:32] se more http://trimballerup.bauerhost.dk/Members/bauer/error-installing-python-pyatspi/ [09:32] im having problems with ff3 when it starts it goes to fullscreen mode and f11 doesnt resize it ,im using 8.10 compiz,gnome,and i have an 8500 gt is it a known issue are there work arounds ? [09:32] hello [09:33] pronoy_: can i see xorg.conf again? === meek is now known as meek-afk [09:33] marta [09:33] calmeloo [09:34] dontchoke: intel 686 based architectures, check wikipedia [09:34] linny: some guy that had this reverted to metacity [09:35] dontchoke: never mind, my scroll bar was stuck, so I saw your question as the latest on channel :P [09:35] does anybody know a good web-based irc client? === lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin [09:36] jim_p are there any? [09:36] aaaaaaaaaa === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [09:37] #/attach irc.rizon.net [09:37] !intrepid | linny [09:37] linny: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [09:37] koshari: any of what? [09:37] linny reset ur toolbars and controls i think but dont click anything else u mite lose stuff [09:37] jim_p web based IRC clients [09:38] koshari: i remember a friend saying about mibbit.com [09:38] koshari: i logged in once, and i never loged in again because i lost myself in the settings [09:39] koshari: i am sure i cant select the networks when i am on the windows pc at work. the menu is just not there! [09:40] um.... is fluxbuntu and ubuntu related ? [09:41] jim_p: problem solved [09:42] pronoy_: how? [09:42] jim_p mibbit seems to be working here [09:42] mib_573trxnp: i will try to login from the win pc at work. i cant be THAT blind! the servers dropdown list is not there! [09:43] jim_p: you saw the xorg.conf file ? i just went to nvidia settings and merged the file with the x org.conf there [09:43] its workin now [09:43] :P [09:43] i didnt even log in, just searched for # ubuntu and clicked the hotlink [09:43] pronoy_: well done. koshari: i will try that! [09:44] jim_p: laters [09:44] bye [09:45] Does anyone of you consider ubuntu faster than XP or about the same speed-wise? [09:45] slower [09:45] at boot [09:45] se more http://trimballerup.bauerhost.dk/Members/bauer/error-installing-python-pyatspi/ [09:46] anyone with an asus eee pc 900? [09:46] I can't get the camera to work [09:47] Trouble with installing gnome-orca. see more http://trimballerup.bauerhost.dk/Members/bauer/error-installing-gnome-orca/view [09:47] xp boots faster by far lol [09:47] wish I had a Eee [09:47] assie_nut as === MadMax is now known as Guest92613 [09:48] moniker eee'sare over rated [09:48] jim_p: how do i use virtual cd creator on linux ... i have the windows version....does it work with wind ? [09:48] dew6: yeah, I hate it cause mine is really slow (there's a problem somewhere), but I heard everyone say it was faster, but I think it would be slower even if it worked normal [09:48] on boot then ubuntu dew [09:48] How is the package called which installs the man pages for system calls or POSIX library functions, printf() for example? [09:49] pronoy_: what does it do?? === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos [09:49] pronoy_: and what is wind? wine? [09:49] but give it bit and tides will change [09:49] aschuch: manpages-dev ? [09:49] creates images of cds and makes a virtual drive and yeah typo its wine [09:49] jim_p: creates images of cds and makes a virtual drive and yeah typo its wine [09:50] aussie_nut yea i was agreeing xps way faster [09:50] pronoy_: you can make images out of cds (iso) with isomaster i think and use acetoneiso to mount them [09:50] jim_p: already have an image...want to run it ?? how ? [09:51] pronoy_: of cource, both jobs are done from terminal with a fracton of the time [09:51] jim_p: pronoy_ "cat /dev/cdrom > image.iso" and "mount image.iso /mount/point" [09:51] pronoy_: install acetoneiso [09:51] do you think there's any development for older graphics drivers still. I'm not sure where the issue lies, but every driver I've tried fails horribly so far.. But I really want to us Ubuntu instead :/ [09:51] erUSUL: Ah, thanks. Works. :) [09:51] aschuch: no problem [09:51] !iso > pronoy_ [09:51] pronoy_, please see my private message [09:51] jim_p: ok i'll get back to you after installing acetoneisop [09:51] does anyone know if fluxbuntu and ubuntu related ? [09:51] ok [09:52] IamSOG: fluxbuntu is a remake of ubunut with the fluxbox enviroment. canonical does not support fluxbuntu though === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos [09:53] jim_p but does the people from ubuntu make fluxbuntu ? [09:53] it's not quite that simpole [09:53] simple* [09:53] probably some of the same people are involved [09:53] !fluxbuntu [09:53] fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/ [09:54] Oh, I see... thanks, because I can't seem to find anything with Fluxbuntu on the Unbuntu web page === Eric is now known as Guest54722 [09:54] IamSOG: no. fluxbuntu is a community project thats why it gets left behind in rel;ation to ubuntu [09:54] hey MY keyboard does a very horrible sound when I press tab button or any other key when I do not have to. HOW can I get that sound off [09:54] ? [09:54] hello, how can I limit a user from seeing system files like etc, bin .. etc [09:54] how do i triple boot debian with my ubuntu and xp pro? [09:55] noriyuki: in the terminal? [09:55] I see... thanks jim_p [09:55] jim_p: the image i have is in the form of .vc4 [09:55] IamSOG: you are welcome [09:55] pronoy_: let me guess... it was created with that virtual something program? only use standard formats like .iso [09:56] im kind of a novice but i got ubuntu to work so i think i have grub now [09:56] suppose I have a 7.10 machine, and I want to upgrade it to 8.10, it's a development machine, and has stuff like svn, apache, tomcat and etc, and I don't want to lose them or their configurations, what would be the safest method? update-manager -d will also work? or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? or? [09:56] so when i download the debian iso how do i get it to show up on GRUB? [09:56] Guest54722: you don't boot iso's [09:56] .iso files play anywhere, can be opened by anytype of program that supports them and that can be burned to disk by any program [09:56] it should do it itself mosttime [09:56] jim_p: ya it was created using that....i gues i'll have to install windows on virtual box and then install the software on windows and then access it !!! === KuB^ is now known as KuB [09:57] jim_p, in the terminal [09:57] what a drag [09:57] oh so i just download and click it? [09:57] and it does the rest? [09:57] !iso | Guest54722 [09:57] Guest54722: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [09:57] orrrr could i use easybcd? [09:57] download it pit on cd then boot up it [09:58] put* [09:58] cant i just download it and boot it up on my desktop? [09:58] or does it HAVE to be on a cd? [09:58] no [09:58] Guest54722: no [09:58] noriyuki: open the terminal and go to Edit > Current settings > General (tab) > Terminal bell [09:58] unless u suing vm [09:58] using [09:58] Guest54722: your desktop is running, an os is already booted, so you can't boot it [09:58] k is there anyway around the cd thing? [09:58] jim_p: can i install yahoo IM client on ubuntu...because pidgin doesn't support voice chat right >? === KuB is now known as L-G [09:59] Guest54722: what are you talking about [09:59] Guest54722: you have a running OS - you can't boot another one ontop of it [09:59] use gyache that alrite for yahoo n voice [09:59] is there anyway i can boot Debian without burning it to a disc? [09:59] thanks man [09:59] cause i dont have any cds [09:59] in a vm [09:59] Guest54722: join #debian and ask for debian support [09:59] but dont u want dual boot it === indra_ is now known as naruto [10:01] pronoy_: i dont think there is a linux crient for yahoo that supports video or voice [10:01] i have to go now [10:01] <_haywire_> cya jim_p [10:01] gyacje [10:01] gyache [10:02] _haywire_: bye [10:02] xubuntu is now installing! :O === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos [10:03] why xubuntu [10:03] Is anybody using wave keyboard logitehc [10:04] HOW DO I VOICE CHAT ON LINUX USING YAHOO MESSENGER ??? [10:04] person, what do you mean [10:04] pronoy_, PRESS THE BUTTON [10:04] pronoy_, DONT SHOUT MAN it is not adequate thanks [10:04] noriyuki: sorry [10:05] yahoo msg for linux dont have voice [10:05] pronoy_: THE BUTTON TO THE LEFT is what noriyuki is referring to. [10:05] pron i told u look at gyache [10:05] sorryy guys [10:05] noriyuki: why choose xubuntu [10:05] i know that does voice in chat rooms [10:05] how do u install sound device? [10:06] Does anybody knows how to link header files (c++ language) using GCC compiler? (programming question, or just tell me if there is a channel for this , THANKS!!) [10:07] person, you could choose what ever distribution you lik as long as you feel good with it [10:07] ... [10:07] what the fuck [10:07] I have re-complie my Xubuntu 7.x's kernel, if I update to Xubuntu 8.1 will my kernel be "over-written" ? or it will just the same config file ? [10:07] why did you choose xubuntu, why not any other linux distro [10:07] that's what i'm asking [10:07] person, why ubuntu ? it is suppose to be the most friendlier by now IF you are a windows user you will find this distribution easier to use than the other ones if you are a ubuntu user [10:08] cuz different ppl have different preferences [10:08] does anyone know how I can authenticate myself using wget on identi.ca/api/statuses/update.xml ? [10:08] i'm on ubuntu 8.04 right now. i'm asking why did you choose Xubuntu instead of hardy heron [10:08] it like asking wat is best distro really there is none cuz it user that makes the choice and wat they like [10:09] person, there will be an upgrade to ubuntu soon 8.10 I think IM excited! [10:09] word [10:09] person, there will be an upgrade to ubuntu soon 8.10 I think, IM excited! [10:10] person: xubuntu will also run on hardy, if its installed, the difference is the gui, GTK2 and other minor stuff, otherwise they are the same [10:11] suppose I have a 7.10 machine, and I want to upgrade it to 8.10, it's a development machine, and has stuff like svn, apache, tomcat and etc, and I don't want to lose them or their configurations, what would be the safest method? update-manager -d will also work? or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? or what? [10:11] noriyuki: is there any other software like macromedia flash for ubuntu ?? [10:11] IamSOG: you will kkep your kernel and get the new ones probably the new ones will get first on the grub boot list [10:11] pronoy_: look in the ubuntu restricted repos. [10:12] Intrepid is meant to have 3G support, right? [10:12] In Amarok, how do I get it to show up more than one band? [10:12] In the playlist search [10:13] KenBW: the version of NM that comes with intrepid. ubuntu has 3g support but usually you have to "manually" configure the conection [10:13] Indoctrine: I think that is out of the scope of this channel. [10:13] KenBW: NM --> Network Manager [10:13] Tch [10:13] Whatever [10:13] error404notfound: update-manager [10:14] !upgrade | error404notfound [10:14] error404notfound: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [10:14] erUSUL: does it mean i can buy a dongle safe in the knowledge that it'll work? [10:14] KenBW: I have to dongle, and one does work, other doesn't, same port, same system.... don't know why... [10:14] KenBW: not that fast the device must have linux drivers (or be standar enough to work with standar usb stuff) [10:15] two* [10:15] damn [10:15] Quadrescence, yeah, but no one in the amarok channel answers. :) [10:15] hi. can someone help me? i've got firefox 3.0.3 and i've installed that flash-nonfree thingy [10:15] Indoctrine: I know how it is. Just being the channel asshole while my thirst remains unquenched. [10:15] going smoking :D see ya later [10:15] <_haywire_> where? [10:15] but i cant watch vids on youtube anymore. i could yesterday [10:15] outside :D [10:16] it just goes blank like this http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=youtubeeu9.png [10:16] !language | Quadrescence [10:16] Quadrescence: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [10:16] :P [10:16] !sex | Indoctrine [10:16] Indoctrine: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) [10:16] greenthumb, have you restarted since installing it? [10:16] hp_ yes [10:16] hmm [10:16] yesterday i had probs with it too, but i found out ff wasnt updated, so i did, and it worked. [10:17] but now it won't work again [10:17] KenBW: is th same case that with wifi cards... first the driver then NM can be used to configure the rest of the details ... [10:17] well, i gave up on it in the end myself and went back to adobe [10:18] so mb i'm not the best person to talk to [10:18] hp_: i would like to use the adobe, but when i download and extract the installer is readonly. how do I get around that? [10:19] greenthumb download the tar.gz [10:19] linny: i did. [10:19] that's the one with the readonly file [10:20] greenthumb exract it an cp libflasplayer.so /home/unamne/.mozilla/plugins [10:20] unmae insert username [10:20] hi all [10:20] Hello cvm! [10:20] Hi, I had a usbaudio mike plugged in, but when I removed it and changed sound settings back to autodetect in gnome contorl i cannot hear the test sound [10:21] green best thing to do is prob uninstall adobe flash /gnash then restart ff then go to yuotube and add it on adobe flash again [10:21] linny: cp? [10:21] greenthumb imade typos in that sorry i just got up [10:21] pm me and ill show you [10:22] why not just run the script that is inside the flash tarball?... [10:22] i've added a variable in /etc/environment, is there a way to "instantiate" this variable without restarting? [10:22] aussie_nutt: sudo apt-get remove gnash;killall firefox;sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree;firefox & [10:23] "export FOO='foo'" doesn't leave the variable visible outside the current shell [10:23] IndyGunFreak: ive had trouble with that in the past personnaly i just copy the file [10:23] linny: weird, cuz i've installed Flash like that more times than i care to think about on my PCs, friends pCs, etc.. and never once had an issue. [10:23] zeno i wasnt askin lol [10:24] when i used the installer for some reason i didnt get sound ? [10:24] aussie_nutt: k sry [10:24] np lol [10:24] linny: thats not because you used the installer. === glade88|AFK is now known as glade88 === MadMax is now known as Guest7604 [10:26] wine says I need mono to run .NET programs, how do I get said mono? [10:26] just go to add/remove n it in programming [10:26] is there a way to restart all sound stuff? [10:27] nm i just have to manually select alsa, instead of auto or pulse [10:29] could u just use killall [10:29] wouldnt that reset or restart it [10:31] is ubuntu 8.10 supposed to support 3g internet through nm-applet now? I cant get it to work. Where do i look for loggs about errors? [10:31] kent: #ubuntu+1 is for 8.10 support [10:33] !grub [10:33] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [10:35] how large should /boot be? 100M? [10:35] round about that year.. [10:37] lol 100 is plenty [10:37] think largest kerenl ive compiles was only 3 mb lol [10:38] python [10:38] compiled* [10:40] what if I store about 3,4 kernels, how large should be /boot? [10:40] stay with 100 [10:40] The program 'memcached' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [10:40] apt-get install memcached [10:40] is that all i have to do [10:40] ? [10:41] I'd suggest you make /boot bigger than 100mb, or you'll have problems distupgrading Ubuntu [10:41] hateball: how large? [10:41] i know mate has 2/3 and one kernel is 15mb and he still hasnt used whole 100 yet [10:42] yo yo yo [10:42] 안녕하세요 [10:43] aussie_nutt: that might be true if you compile your own kernels [10:43] 흠 [10:43] error404notfound: I'd say 200, and make sure to clean out unused kernels before you upgrade [10:43] suppose I have 40GB HD, tell me if this sound okay: 700MB swap, /home 10G, /var 5G, /boot 100M, /usr 5G, remaining for / [10:43] towa2k: all you are writing are sqares on my display [10:44] error404notfound: how much RAM do you have? [10:44] ActionParsnip: 512MB [10:44] error404notfound: Why would you want /usr on a separate mount? [10:44] hateball: read it in Linux Admin Made Easy... :P [10:44] !ko | towa2k [10:44] towa2k: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko [10:44] error404notfound: what is the system for? will their bbe many apps installed? [10:44] anyone chinese [10:45] !cn | isgoungoo [10:45] isgoungoo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [10:45] somebody [10:45] ActionParsnip: yup, development machine, apache, tomcat, eclipse, such things are assumed to be installed... [10:45] swap id make 1000 [10:45] im having problems with ff3 when it starts it goes to fullscreen mode and f11 doesnt resize it ,im using 8.10 compiz,gnome,and i have an 8500 gt is it a known issue are there work arounds ? === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [10:45] I personally think having /usr on a separate partition is overkill [10:46] error404notfound: id make swap 1Gb / to be 10G and /home for the rest [10:46] ActionParsnip: only that many partitions? [10:46] error404notfound: ive never put /usr on a seperate partition myself [10:47] what is the hold up on google chrome? i thought it would be out for linux the next day? [10:47] Only reason to put /boot on it's own would be to use something like ext2 instead, for whatever minimal speed gains that might give [10:47] error404notfound: put all your apache docs and the like in your home dir then you can backup in one swoop [10:47] I want to do anything to get Ubuntu working better, and as I suppose it's slow due to bad drivers, would it be possible to use ndiswrapper to run the win-drivers? [10:48] gregge: absolutely [10:48] is there a site somewhere that lists some serious pros/cons between debian and ubuntu [10:48] *cry* [10:49] guess its ppl choices there action with dif partitions [10:49] idimmu: http://www.linux.com/forums/topic/1227 [10:49] some say some things others say others [10:49] ActionParsnip: Cool. I thought maybe it would be too advance to use graphics drivers.. But I'll invest some time for it then! [10:49] as i need to sell switching from debian to people in power [10:49] ActionParsnip: ta [10:49] I upgraded to 8.10 and now the internet-icon is just gone. I cannot connect to any wirless network :S [10:49] idimmu: just a matter of choice... I like winter, you might like summer... [10:49] !intrepid | Babylykke [10:49] Babylykke: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [10:49] error404notfound: i dont believe in choice [10:49] ActionParsnip: what? [10:50] i believe in consistant release cylces and lts [10:50] Babylykke: support for 8.10 is in #ubuntu+1 [10:50] ah..oki [10:50] ty [10:50] idimmu: consistant releases and lts doesnt prevent choice [10:51] it does if the other choices dont offer that and you need it [10:51] look at debian and its release lol [10:51] hi. anyone know a good video format to use for a school presentation ender. I have a ogg file I want to convert, its around 200 meg, looks beautiful but I want a <10 meg looking good file... needs to work on windows ... what do you recommend? [10:52] idimmu: it depends where the "choice" you are on about lies [10:52] chronographer: thats a 90% compression, you are going to lose a tonne of quality [10:52] ActionParsnip: how can anyone make an informed choice with out some kind of list or summary of differences [10:53] why can't avidemux open the ogg file? [10:53] hi, does anyone know how to install Cisco VPN on Ubuntu? thanks [10:53] yeah... sure that will have to do [10:53] idimmu: then they need to research, just like before investing any sort of time or money into anything [10:53] afancy ... I did it a while ago, it was easy .. read the manual, search google [10:53] if the only 'difference' is personal preference then by definition ubuntu is a waste of time [10:54] ActionParsnip: and im doing that research at the moment to sell my point of view :D [10:54] idimmu: what choice are you speaking of [10:54] switching from debian to ubuntu [10:54] chronographer: Could u share it with me? as yesterday, it cost me much of time, but i still couldnot make it work. [10:54] idimmu: most ive talked to think Ubuntu IS linux (no ther distros) and they get confused when i mention other distros [10:54] ActionParsnip: I just read about ndiswrapper and it doesn't say anything about the ability to use graphics drivers [10:54] um... I can't remember sorry [10:55] hello.. I screwed something with apache2 configuration in /etc so I removed /etc/apache2 dir, then I did "apt-get purge apache2 apache2-common" and "apt-get install apache2" and now /etc/apache2 dir is still not there... how could I fix this? [10:55] gregge: i thought you were talking about wireless drivers [10:55] idimmu: ive never used debian, but id assume ubuntu nis easier to use [10:55] http://www.longren.org/2007/05/17/how-to-cisco-vpn-client-on-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn/ [10:55] ActionParsnip: im not selling this idea to dinner ladies, im selling it to competent people that i work with [10:55] ActionParsnip: nope :( [10:55] KenBW22: easier to use isnt much of an issue as the people i work with arent idiots [10:55] i am debian user and went to ubuntu like it [10:55] chronographer: could u recall it? [10:55] look at the above link [10:55] gregge: what graphics card do you have? [10:55] ok, thanks [10:56] geforce 8400M GS [10:56] gregge: have you tried envyng-gtk? [10:56] I've tried several drivers, and it works well for games, but everything else is way too slow.. Yes, I use the one Envy recommended now [10:57] gregge: have you tweaked your xorg.conf any to get better preformance [10:58] ActionParsnip: No, could it make a significant improvement? Everything is working really nice in XP, but i want to use Ubuntu [10:58] gregge: it works in XP as the driver support in xp is awesome [10:59] gregge: you are now using ubuntu which isnt xp [10:59] chronographer: There is soem errors when i install it [10:59] what are they? [10:59] gregge: you need to tweak stuff a little, have you tried nvidia-settings? [10:59] /tmp/vpnclient/GenDefs.h:113: error: conflicting types for ‘uintptr_t’ [11:00] try an open source one... anyone know if open vpn clients work? [11:00] ActionParsnip: It's much worse in Ubuntu.. Right now I'm on XP.. sadly. No i haven't use nvidia-settings [11:01] gregge: id have a browse round to see if anyones had any luck with your graphics card model [11:01] gregge: which card do you have ? === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [11:02] hi, does anyone know how to install Cisco VPN on Ubuntu? thanks [11:02] its an 8400M GS [11:02] !away > rebel_kid [11:02] rebel_kid, please see my private message [11:02] afancy: http://www.longren.org/2007/05/17/how-to-cisco-vpn-client-on-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn/ [11:02] ActionParsnip: I've been asking people for since I bought it two months ago, with no luck. Lots of people must use it as I find heaps of latops with it [11:02] ActionParsnip: thats an odd one, I'll have a dig [11:02] !vpnc [11:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about vpnc [11:02] gregge: have you checked the forums? [11:02] search in synaptic for cisco vpn [11:02] ActionParsnip: Hi, i have tried it just now, but there r some errors when i installed it [11:03] iknonia, that was my isp dieing, and my secondary nick is my away nick, once i ghosted my standard i /nick 'ed [11:03] ActionParsnip: Which forums? Ubuntu's official? Not really, only for my specific laptop, which didn't help much [11:04] rebel_kid: still don't need an "away" nick [11:04] ikonia, i dont use it in this chan [11:04] rebel_kid you just did, hence the message [11:04] isnt there vpnclient [11:05] ikonia, that was no different than an alternate nick in case of ghost or nick takeover [11:05] gregge: have you tried nvidia-glx-new [11:05] ikonia, it just happened to be |zZzZ [11:05] !vpn [11:05] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [11:05] rebel_kid nice changes for away / sleeping / alternative nics are not really appriciated [11:06] ActionParsnip: Think so, but it was a while ago.. not positive though. I'll see what info I can get on it [11:07] ikonia, that was not a nick change for sleeping or away, that was my internet dieing and rebel_kid disconnecting, then x chat reconnecting under an alternate because rebel_kid was a ghost, after ghosting i nicked back to rebel_kid that had nothing to do with being away or sleeping [11:07] rebel_kid why are you arguing this, it was just a polite request [11:08] ikonia, i found it rude, seeing as how the message "rebel_kid quit(nick collission from services)" came first [11:08] rebel_kid thats your issue to deal with then, just because your connection died, you had another "away" nick idling [11:09] ikonia, you would have seen the same messages had the alternate been rebel_kid_ === alberto is now known as Guest22225 [11:09] rebel_kid yes [11:10] gpgme doesn't seem to work in the beta, looks like a focus bug [11:11] thunderbird and balsa act the same [11:14] I am trying to install SnapLogic.. the installer is complaining that I don't have python dev files installed and according to my package manager this isn't the case. What should I do? === duckers is now known as neuratix === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [11:15] mookid: sudo apt-get --reinstall install [11:15] think that cuz it uses python 2.4 n most use python 2.5 now [11:15] ActionParsnip: I have removed and installed [11:15] is that the same? [11:16] pretty much [11:16] mookid: maybe you need to set a path up to point to the files [11:16] prob have do a private install of python 2.4.4 in separate directory [11:20] Anyone know some kind of webcam software that will automatically take snapshots and save them every few seconds? [11:20] On command line? [11:21] Milos: you could cron a job with imagemagick [11:22] Milos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867030 [11:22] Hello, I have one DVD-RW and I have some data on it, I want to delete whole data on DVD, how to do it [11:22] maybe freshmeat or something like that have something there [11:22] I can't do it with DVD/CD creator [11:23] break the dvd if its not rewritable [11:23] It is rewritable [11:23] I am asking how to delete data from it [11:23] lol === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [11:23] lol k [11:24] so, anyone knows? [11:24] i dont [11:24] best advice is treat then like dvd r lmao [11:24] laptop_: try one of these [11:25] !burning | laptop_ [11:25] laptop_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [11:26] hey anyone know where i can go to get info on how to change the backgrounds and cube cap images when using the desktop cube? [11:26] !compiz | tyso1 [11:26] tyso1: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [11:26] laptop_: or try sudo dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/ [11:26] thanks [11:27] is there a utility to generate keyboard heatmap? === Pitlik_laptop is now known as Pitel_laptop [11:28] try another dvd writing software [11:29] not sure how nero linux is [11:29] mite have it prob not though [11:29] * ActionParsnip doent use DVDRW [11:30] me either [11:30] aussie_nutt: isnt it proprietary and paid for software [11:30] yeah it is [11:30] your dvd is scratch free ? [11:30] but there demo for him to see if it will [11:30] i dont go for paid sw [11:30] just suggestion [11:30] bazooka: me neoither, some purists hate proprietary too [11:30] it is against the whole concept of open source [11:31] lmao [11:31] Curious as to why all the drives on my system are labeled sd, for example sda, sdb,sdc,sdd. All of these drives are IDE drives and the sdd drive is a USB thumb drive. Why are they labeled as SCSI? [11:31] cant say u never used them though [11:31] smm289: it changed a while ago [11:31] smm289: it's called libata and all disks now show as sd* [11:31] ok, so its normal than [11:32] smm289: very normal and very good [11:32] aussie_nutt: i havent [11:32] I guess that makes my life a little easier, will a cd drive even show up as SD [11:32] linux is not so popular among females ..lol [11:32] lol [11:32] ok even i have a small problem [11:32] i cannot unmount my pen drive [11:33] i have to pull it out without having it properly ejected [11:33] bazooka: sudo umount /mount/path [11:33] it doesnt unmount [11:33] ok let me try [11:34] how do i find its path === M-ERiMiEs- is now known as M-ERiMiEs [11:34] cant u just rite click on lil icon on screen and unmount [11:34] bazooka: type mount in terminal [11:34] it hides the icon of the PD ..but doesnt stop the PD [11:35] Actionparsnip: ok done [11:35] Actionparsnip: now what [11:35] bazooka: read the screen, it will tell you where its mounted (e.g. /mnt/stick) then you can unmount it with sudo umount /mnt/stick [11:36] For some reason the ubuntu partition is labaled as sda2 then under that there is an ext3 sda5 and a linux swap sda6. sda1 is an ext3 file system worth 116GB that used to be my old windows partition. I want to give this space to linux but it won't let me merge it into the ubuntu partition. Would I have to use the live cd to work on the ubuntu partition? [11:36] bazooka: yours will be different as it may be mounted somewhere else [11:36] smm289 extended partition [11:36] ?? [11:36] Actionparsnip: i got this ..../dev/sdb1 on /media/disk [11:36] smm289: sda2 is an extended partition, sda5 and sda6 are logical partitions in the extended partition [11:37] bazooka: fine [11:37] bazooka: sudo umount /media/disk [11:37] how to next/previous rhytmbox using terminal? [11:37] yep, thats what G-parted is telling me [11:37] Actionparsnip: ok trying [11:37] smm289: you can mount ntfs with ntfs-3g [11:37] smm289: you may have some issues with folders containing weird permissions [11:38] Actionparsnip: the PD is still glowing the light [11:38] I don't have any more ntfs files, I formated the old windows partition to ext3 totally killing windows, now I have the left over space that I want to merge into the sda2 or move the sda2 and merge that into sda1 [11:38] bazooka: does it turn off when unmounted normally? [11:38] anyone here know much about demonizing, or I think thats the word anyway? [11:39] Actionparsnip: nope just doesnt ... i pull it out without unmounting [11:39] Hi, I am having a strange problem. I have played with the partitioning of my laptop while ubuntu is installed on one partition, and resized some to create a new one for freebsd. After a free space was created, I moved one ubuntu's partition and swap to the right so I can have the empty space on which I wanted to install DeskTopBSD. When I restarted, everything worked fine and I am logged in to ubuntu. I rebooted and i [11:39] smm289: you could mount it in a folder in ~/ so you can write user data to it === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [11:40] smm289: if practical i would reinstall (if this is a new install) and repartition properly [11:40] ActionParsnip: I've reinstalled python and python-dev and it's still moaning that 'I do not appear to have the python development files installed' - SnapLogic is now using python 2.5 so this is not the issue I don't think [11:40] and the NTFS file permission thing is a pain in the $&#@. I have two large storage drives that are ntfs, I can write and read from them fine fron linux but all of the file permissions are set as root and I am unable to change the permisssions. I need another drive so I can start to move things over and then convert them to ext3 [11:40] Actionparsnip: the icon on the desktop gets hidden after unmounting ...but i can still access the PD from the places . and the PD continues to glow [11:40] file ownership I mean [11:40] baz i think some pd mite still have lighton could be bois related there but longs u unmount it should be fine [11:40] mookid: is there a variable you can pass to point the system to the pythin-dev stuff? [11:41] any help will be appreciated :D [11:41] Hello everyone [11:41] Hello drowner29_! [11:41] so erm [11:41] smm289: then you are mounting wrong, Id check your mount UIDs so users can write [11:41] question about uninstalling [11:41] drowner29_: uninstalling what? [11:41] can anyone help me with this ??????????????????/ [11:42] I have my file server setup pretty close to how I want it, with all the programs I use installed and running. If I copy my home folder to a DVD, then format and re-install ubuntu. If I restore my home folder will all my settings and installed programs be restored [11:42] the icon on the desktop gets hidden after unmounting ...but i can still access the PD from the places . and the PD continues to glow [11:42] the icon on the desktop gets hidden after unmounting ...but i can still access the PD from the places . and the PD continues to glow [11:42] I just did an update, and watched it. I noticed there was a bunch of K packages, like kdesktop. I use gnome. The only K thing i think i have installed is Amarok [11:42] bazooka: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [11:42] aww [11:42] :( [11:42] Hi, I am having a strange problem. I have played with the partitioning of my laptop while ubuntu is installed on one partition, and resized some to create a new one for freebsd. After a free space was created, I moved one ubuntu's partition and swap to the right so I can have the empty space on which I wanted to install DeskTopBSD. When I restarted, everything worked fine and I am logged in to ubuntu. I rebooted and i [11:42] I can live without Amarok, if I uninstall it, will it uninstall any dependent packages if nothing else needs them? or does kdesktop come anyway? [11:42] drowner29_: then its a dependancy of amarok [11:42] ActionParsnip: do you mean a parameter? === Zorix_ is now known as Zorix [11:43] mookid: yeah, or a defined variable to point to it [11:43] Hi there, I want to secure my flash drive using gdecrypt, does anyone knows how to do that ? Been trying for 3 hours, no luck [11:43] drowner29_: if you uninstall amarok then run sudo apt-get sutoremove [11:43] drowner29_: then all orphaned apps will go [11:43] sutoremove? [11:43] is that a typo? [11:43] drowner29_: good eyes :D [11:44] autoremove [11:44] I can write fine to the NTFS drives, but for example if I have an ISO located on the networked NTFS drive my ubuntu laptop cannot mount those ISO's using G-mount. I am told I do not have permission to do that. I can change the ownership of these files to my self but then they automatically switch back to root. If I copy the iso to my local hard-drive then I can mount it. Google searches says other people with the ntfs structure have n [11:44] the icon on the desktop gets hidden after unmounting ...but i can still access the PD from the places . and the PD continues to glow [11:45] ActionParsnip: I can specify ' Enter the location of the Python executable' and 'Specify the install directory for Python' [11:45] smm289: you just gotta tweak permissions, specially for the username you are connecting over the LAN with, make sure they have full access [11:45] Thanks ActionParsnip. I'll try that... i hope i don't have some other k app somewhere. I dont like having things i dont need [11:45] mookid: looks like a step in the right direction [11:46] think once u unmount it the light still flashing cuz u cant turn off power on usb port [11:46] thats the issue, files that are already located on an NTFS drive hosted by ubuntu, I am unable to change ownership of those files. I can write to the ntfs fine, just that any file placed there ends up with a root ownership that I am unable to change [11:46] ActionParsnip: What are the correct paths for these? [11:47] mookid: no idea man [11:47] If someone can help me with flash on feisty fawn please message me. Thanks. [11:47] is feisty still supported? [11:47] running it now, ActionParsnip. I'll let you know, i'm sure you're interested [11:47] drowner29_: just read the screen. it will tell you what its removing [11:48] its removing kdesktop [11:48] drowner29_: is it removing anything you wanna keep [11:48] ActionParsnip: the help command is throwing up this in a couple of places: ' ***unknown variable default_python_location*** ' - does that mean anything to you? [11:48] nothing that strikes me [11:48] a few things look important [11:48] drowner29_: you can always reinstall [11:49] wait what am i on about. i mean 8.04 [11:49] mookid: i'd /j #python [11:49] !flash | batking [11:49] batking: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [11:49] xserver-xorg-video-amd [11:49] looks important, ActionParsnip [11:49] except i dont have an amd anything === bitseven is now known as bit7 [11:50] been removed, i can still see the screen, however [11:50] :D [11:50] thanks, ActionParsnip [11:50] drowner29_: do you have an AMD graphics card? [11:50] No, i dont [11:50] so, i dont know who told it to install that [11:50] drowner29_: then you're ok [11:50] i used to have automatix. i blame that [11:50] drowner29_: dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video [11:51] what will that do ActionParsnip? [11:51] Hi folks - does anyone else feel that Hardy is much less responsive than previous versions? I definitely get more occasions sat looking at a screen which needs to be refreshed while something else is working away. [11:51] drowner29_: theres a few, you can remove the pointless ones if you wanna free up space [11:51] Someone russian? [11:51] !ru [11:51] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [11:51] ikonia: you beat me to the draw [11:51] ! ru [11:52] i 40? [11:52] и что? [11:52] does anyone know if the intel 8-port sata board SRCSATAWB work on Linux ? [11:52] drowner29_: it lists ALL installed apps then grep filters to show all the ones containg that string [11:52] if I backup my home folder, format and re-install ubuntu, then restore the backup folder are all settings and installed programs restored? [11:52] nice [11:52] Hi, I am having a strange problem. I have played with the partitioning of my laptop while ubuntu is installed on one partition, and resized some to create a new one for DeskTopBSD. After a free space was created, I moved one ubuntu's partition and swap to the right so I can have the empty space on which I wanted to install DeskTopBSD. When I restarted, everything worked fine and I was logged in to ubuntu. I rebooted a [11:52] neil_d check out the hardware compatability list, most intel boards will [11:52] ActionParsnip: most helpful, thankyou [11:52] smm289: yes as long as you backup the hidden folders too [11:52] drowner29_: grep is DAMN powerful [11:53] will a normal copy get the hidden folders ? [11:53] natalisushka: your problem is not there. I can imagine what it is, though [11:53] smm289: dont think so personally [11:53] bazooka : u could write lil script up to put the usb device in suspend mode like windows [11:53] then light go off [11:53] but always unmount first [11:53] ikonia: where is the list ? [11:54] probably should use one of the backup utilities then hu, other than a standard copy [11:54] aussie_nutt:damn how to do that [11:54] drowner29_: then where is it? [11:54] no i mean [11:54] natalisushka: read your message [11:54] natalisushka: the last thing you said was everything worked fine, and you rebooted. === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [11:54] cuz i think that reason why light still on cuz windows always goes into suspend mode when not in use and done think linux does that [11:55] so that why light just keeps flashing [11:55] but this is very much in use [11:55] it just never gets unmounted [11:55] !hcl | neil_d [11:55] neil_d: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [11:55] aussie_nutt: gotta love weird hardwrae [11:55] well i find it so strange cuz wat action said it be safe to take out [11:55] drowner29_: yes, I know, but since I am using ubuntu, and it's an operating system that can play with partitions, then I guess I could find help here! [11:55] yes, you can [11:56] and thinking that usb port doesnt go suspend mode like windows so then power still going to it [11:56] action : yeah i know [11:56] but that means it is still mounted ...and the unmount has failed [11:56] natalisushka what is the actual issue, everything seems to be working fine [11:56] natalisushka: What do you want help with? [11:56] natalisushka: the last thing you said was 'everything is working fine and you were logged into ubuntu' [11:56] which is also my current status, too [11:57] hmm maybe [11:57] wat ubuntu u using [11:57] 8.04 [11:57] think 7.04 had unmount bug [11:57] but 8.04 all good [11:57] this is 8.04 [11:57] has 6.06 earlier ..that was fine [11:57] 8.04 never was [11:58] as action said weird hardware but just unmount and wait few seconds and take it out the script really only puts port in suspend mode like windows n light go off [11:58] but u still have unmount [11:59] ikonia: drowner29_ .. I don't know how you see the post but to me the last sentence was : I rebooted and installed DesktopBSD on the free partition, and after that its grub detected ubuntu .. but when I tried to login to ubuntu I received an error in the unix: Error: Unable to mount partition! from DeskTopBSD and live ubuntu CD I am able to see the files of other partitions including ubuntu partition. how can I solve [11:59] hahaha i think pulling it out abruptly is easier [11:59] How do I know which packages were installed the last time I used aptitude? [11:59] ikonia: drowner29_: probably it's the webbased IRC that I am using [11:59] natalisushka: your partition names will have changed as you have been playing with them. You will need to edit /etc/fstab to reflect your new partition names [12:00] lmao if u want do that way then do it [12:00] natalisushka ok, your partition table has changed, so you'll need to make sure your menu.lst is up to date, and grub references the correct partition for menu.lst [12:00] natalisushka: you will need to change this in your ubuntu boot [12:00] natalisushka: as well as what ikonia says [12:00] Hi, how can i know the name of my wireless device? [12:01] but there has to be some fix for this ... [12:02] chester_m: do you mean your accesspoint or the wireless connector in your PC? [12:02] HUNTER_byte: you could search for files modified after a certain date [12:02] wireless connector. It's usb (but internal). I do lsusb, and i pick 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. [12:03] But what i want is to know the name [12:03] chester_m: lsusb and lspci [12:04] I cannod download new packages in ubuntu [12:04] mrbumba: do you have an internet connection? [12:04] mrbumba: to the ubuntu pc? [12:04] yes, sure [12:05] !netsplit [12:05] mrbumba: and can you browse the internet from it? [12:05] after all, I'm in irc at this moment [12:05] umgh - yes [12:05] ok [12:05] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [12:05] then you want to do: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [12:05] here we go [12:05] stop flooding - I cannot copy text [12:05] mrbumba: paste that into a terminal and you will be fully updated [12:06] that's a decent split [12:06] lil kiddie [12:06] okk === hechw is now known as hechu [12:06] hands up if you [12:06] are on this side [12:06] this is the cool side [12:06] that was just Chuck Norris rebooting his server [12:06] * Grey_Loki laughs [12:06] I'm here [12:06] the icon on the desktop gets hidden after unmounting ...but i can still access the PD from the places . and the PD continues to glow [12:06] and.... we're back [12:07] I have VirtualBox OSE 1.5.2 installed, I want to update to the latest version, but the new version is not listed in my Add/Remove... programs section?? [12:07] mrbumba: you probably havent ran sudo apt-get update so you r system doesnt know whats onthe repos [12:07] smm289: sudo dpkg -l | grep -i virtual === chaky_ is now known as chaky [12:07] ActionParsnip: I tried that, but unfortunately it didn't work [12:08] will that just update and leave my current VM settings for XP intact or will I have to start over [12:08] mrbumba: what does it say when you try? [12:08] the error message appears after apt-get update [12:08] smm289: it only updates the program, settings are in ~/ and are untouched [12:08] Vrhe http://apt.tt-solutions.com hardy/main Packages 404 Not Found [12:08] W: Tiedoston http://apt.tt-solutions.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz nouto ei onnistunut 404 Not Found [12:08] mrbumba: and so on with lots of 404s? [12:09] there's only one 404 [12:09] hi all, a really weird thing just happenedi have 8.10 installed on acer aspire one. It incorrectly identified my wireless chipset and there fore failed to work. following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne#Install%20Ubuntu%20Intrepid%20Ibex%208.10(Alpha6)%20on%20the%20Acer%20Aspire%20One the first step is to turn off madwifi driver and reboot. as soon as i did the card works and the driver manager says the madwifi driver is not enabled. I am pleas [12:09] e but confused. [12:09] mrbumba: then comment those lines out. Use: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst [12:09] !intrepid \ cwraig [12:09] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:09] Well, there's always only one 404 page. ;) Oh, You mean 404 errors, in which case, you should probably refresh your list. [12:10] !intrepid | cwraig [12:10] cwraig: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [12:10] lol [12:10] On synaptic make sure to save your changes first. [12:10] ActionParsnip, Ok thanks [12:10] Action: was that supposed to update the VirtualBox software or just update my repository list. I spit out a bunch of text, but I think its just telling me the version of the stuff I have installed [12:10] smm289: i thought you just wanted to know what version you had? [12:10] can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a machine that runs WinXP fine... it just won't install. It freezes at partitioning... grrr [12:10] aussie_nutt:why you laffin mate [12:11] Hey everyone I keep getting all these problems saying I have the "wrong architecture" when I am installing things. For some reason Ubuntu seems to think I have a 64bit machine even though I dont. I just tried installing Adobe Flash Player and got the following error: ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the [12:11] Adobe Flash Player installer. [12:11] gholm: did you md5 check the image and cd once it was burned? [12:11] gholm: what are the specs of the machine you are trying to install on? [12:11] i was laughing at action with the / [12:11] naa, I want to upgrade to the latest version, its 2.0.X I have 1.5.6 and 1.5.6 is the only version listed in the add/remove programs section. [12:11] gholm, that's a tough one, what type of system is it, and also run a check on the CD like mentioned above. [12:11] gholm, of both pass, use an external hard drive. [12:11] that fixed the problem [12:12] thank you so much === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [12:12] smm289: then you can either compile it or find a repo with the newer one on. does 1.5.6 not work ok for you? [12:12] i am glad my system is stable ... if you neglect the usb problem [12:12] halycon: what does uname -m say? [12:12] id stick with the 1.5 [12:12] lol [12:13] x86_64 [12:13] what is the terminal command to find out network bandwidth usage [12:13] that sounds interesting [12:13] then you are running a 64bit version of ubuntu and you have a 64bit processor. [12:13] Action: ya it works fine, it just has a few bugs, especially in seam-less mode and I think V2 address that, other than that its works perfect, but seeing that its not listed in the add/remove i will just leave it alone [12:13] smm - if not remove the virtualbox then go too sun site and get new one [12:13] mynameistux: good question [12:14] I need to keep an eye on what my server is using [12:14] I kinda need a couple of my XP programs and I dont want to mess up my VM by attempting an update [12:15] ActionParsnip: yeah md5 checked it, dlwlded the alternate disc & did the same... I'm AMD 64bit [12:15] i was hoping the update would be point, click, forget :) [12:15] drowner29_: AMD 64 bit [12:15] think it iftop [12:15] http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php <--- this is interseting I didn't know Ubuntu have this version :o [12:15] ruediix: external harddrive? as the system drive? [12:15] gholm: try booting the live cd with noacpi and nodma [12:16] ActionParsnip: noacpi and nodma ... I'll try it.. what's it mean? [12:16] gholm: id also turn off as much hardwrae in bios to minimise unecessary detection [12:16] i installed ubuntu near pardus and then ubuntu installed its own GRUB but i want to use Pardus's GRUB. How Can i Fix it [12:16] gholm: turns of power management and direct memory access [12:16] ActionParsnip: OK. [12:16] ! I just figured somthing out [12:16] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:16] ActionParsnip: the live CD runs fine BTW... just freezes when it hits partitioning [12:16] gholm: it can be good to get systems installed then boot normally to see if its ok, it may have to be a permanent option [12:16] iftop -f icmp will find out how much bandwith users r wasting n y network slow [12:17] (does happy dance) [12:17] gholm: is your disk ok? [12:17] have anyone tried the ubuntu eee version ? [12:17] mynameistux: wtg :D [12:17] ActionParsnip: as far as I know.... [12:17] IamSOG: yeah, its not bad at all [12:17] gholm: check the disk in the live environment [12:17] ActionParsnip: has been running WinXP fine with no complaints for about 4 months [12:17] I can fix my grub problems, by moving /boot to another partition, I am so smart [12:17] ActionParsnip: fsck? [12:17] IamSOG: i prefer puppy though [12:17] gholm: the same :D [12:17] ActionParsnip: kewl [12:18] Oh.. interseting [12:18] I have been running Wuala on linux for about a month now. And after I left things alone I am upto 19days and counting uptime with ubuntu. the most I got from my vista install was about 12 days. GO Ubuntu :) [12:18] XD === uli is now known as Guest65592 [12:19] what is the terminal command to find out network bandwidth usage [12:19] Hey has anyone in here succeeded in installing the X-Fi 32bit drivers? I've tried alot of posts/howtos and running out of ideas on what I'm doing wrong. [12:19] IamSOG: my other boxes have mandriva or kubuntu + fluxbox [12:19] wats ur main one action [12:20] !fluxbox [12:20] fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox [12:20] foxyfox nope still trying to figure it out [12:20] mynameistux: let me websearch [12:20] tanks [12:21] mynameistux: iftop [12:21] mynameistux: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/trafshow.html [12:21] !trafshow [12:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about trafshow [12:21] !info trafshow [12:21] Package trafshow does not exist in hardy [12:21] I'm just looking into software raid and reading a few howtos but I'm confused and I think this may be because there are two sets of tools. Am I right that /etc/raidtab, raidstop, raidstart and mkraid and part of one toolset, and mdadm is another toolset -- and they are not dependant on each other? And that mdadm is the only one included in Ubuntu? [12:21] paul68 mind if we compare notes anyway? [12:21] !raid | VSpike [12:21] VSpike: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [12:22] mynameistux: thats in intrepid but maybe its in hardy [12:22] Hi all, I'ld like to use the pciback module on my Dom0 but it doesn't seem to be there... Someone a hint for me? [12:22] iftop is a program, installing now [12:22] on server [12:22] can someone help me? [12:22] i installed ubuntu near pardus and then ubuntu installed its own GRUB but i want to use Pardus's GRUB. How Can i Fix it [12:22] foxyfox: I try to run the beta installer from the creative labs site however I get an Error 2 at the end [12:22] i want a diagrammatic represtation of ubuntu supports devices [12:23] and since then I still can't get it to work [12:23] make sure u read filters too for it works best that way tux [12:23] ganes: how do you mean? [12:24] foxyfox: also a newby on the linux so not willing to fool arround a lot to avoid reinstalling it afterwards [12:24] can someone help me? [12:24] that joys learning though [12:24] ActionParsnip, the diagram which should be useful for the user that ubuntu supports following devices [12:24] I might have to sift through the man pages to figure out how to understand the output, but it looks like exactly what I am looking for [12:24] thanks [12:24] aktass: you'll need to reinstall the grub that pardus uses [12:24] aktass: I would seek support via the usual pardus' grub channels [12:25] yw [12:25] !hcl | ganes [12:25] ganes: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [12:25] ganes ^ how about a website instead [12:25] whenever I ssh to a new system, ubuntu asks me to add its key to the known_hosts, how to I disable that? I have commented out HashKnownHosts in /etc/ssh/ssh_config === kiosk is now known as coinvisible_chn1 === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [12:26] error404notfound: this may help http://wp.uberdose.com/2006/10/16/ssh-automatic-login/ [12:26] error404notfound: why do you not want a key? [12:26] ActionParsnip, ubuntu os in central & the supported devices attached to it [12:27] ganes: lspci [12:27] ActionParsnip, what you have is a text format & i want the same in diagram [12:27] ActionParsnip: I am using a script to ssh to systems, and I don';t want to be prompted for that... [12:28] ganes: not heard of anything like that, lspci is all i know in that way [12:28] error404notfound: if you dont have any joy you could have something that handles it [12:28] ActionParsnip: I know about key based authorization, I just don't want to add that system's hash, prompting for password is dine.. [12:28] Hi, I need to get in touch with a mod or admin at the ubuntuforums.org, any here? [12:28] ActionParsnip,not lspci command .. i want the diagram which is general for ubnutu supports the external devices [12:29] ActionParsnip, it is general for the os architecture giagram [12:29] ActionParsnip, it is general for the os architecture diagram [12:29] ikonia: help? [12:29] billgoldberg: tons in #ubuntuforums [12:29] ActionParsnip: what's up, sorry not been following [12:29] ikonia: can you read what ganes is saying please [12:30] ganes: you are looking for a diagram of supported devices for ubuntu ? [12:30] I just upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid, after booting the new kernel I get: Init: Error passing configuration: Input/Output error - Kernel Panic - Not syncing: Attempted to kill init! - I am able to boot the old hardy kernel but not the new one. Can anyone help? [12:30] !intrepid | BonezAU [12:30] BonezAU: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [12:30] ikonia, yeah [12:30] ganes: do you mean in picture format? what do you mean 'diagram'? [12:31] ikonia: you have that on clipboard dont you [12:31] ganes: I don't beleive that exists, I've certainly never seen or heard of it [12:31] drowner29_, yeah [12:31] ActionParsnip: I just type like the wind [12:31] ikonia, I have been asking in +1 for the last hour with no response so I just thought i'd try here in case anyone could help me... [12:31] * ActionParsnip doesnt get why regular users are installing intrepid [12:31] how can you count how many files are in a folder with ls? or cant you [12:31] ganes: what do you mean 'diagram?' [12:31] BonezAU: +1 is the place, be patient people will get to you [12:31] AdvoWork: ls | wc -l [12:31] AdvoWork: let me websearch [12:31] AdvoWork: ls -1 | wc -l [12:31] nice [12:31] i wont go to intrepid yet lmao [12:32] cheers [12:32] drowner29_, diagram means [12:32] drowner29_, like putting box [12:32] ganes: I don't think what you want exists [12:32] ikonia, no probs, thanks. ActionParsnip - i've used the last 3 beta's of Ubuntu with less problems than I can count on my both hands. I don't mind running in to trouble, it helps me learn how and why things break. [12:32] ganes: oh, so you want it presented in table format? or something like that? [12:32] Guys do u think that this can cause any danger ? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-use-more-than-3gb-ram-on-32-bit-ubuntu.html [12:33] that very true Bones [12:33] BonezAU: i work on computers all day so when im done i want zero problems, hence ubuntu [12:33] night_time: danger - no [12:33] why don't you just go to the website recommended and do a search on the page? [12:33] ikonia, in one box os , next box webcam , another box iput devices .. like this [12:33] ganes: ooh [12:33] !hcl | ganes [12:33] ganes: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [12:33] i agree there action no hassles get enough during the day lol [12:33] ActionParsnip, I understand... I also work on computers all day, but they run Windows. I like to come home and dabble with Ubuntu. You can tell I don't have a girlfriend :P [12:33] night_time: no danger, but not all the restricted modules are available for the server kernel. [12:34] ikonia: I think ActionParsnip has already tried that ;) [12:34] oh so pc not one yet lol [12:34] ikonia, instead of putting webcam you can put webcam diagram [12:34] ganes: doesn't exist [12:34] ganes: your welcome to make one [12:34] ganes: There is no graphical reporesentation within the OS of what your hardware is... that I'm aware of at least. [12:34] BonezAU: i use windows for work too but i just like simplicity. Windows is ok for my needs too as I chat and browse [12:34] How do I know when sbackup has finished? [12:35] Pici, if there please give the link .. [12:35] ganes: there isn't [12:35] ganes: There is none. [12:35] digifor: is there a config to make it email you on completion? [12:35] hi,I'm using vim in screen and vim is opening up very slowly,really really slow.what should I do in order to overcome this and why is this happening ? [12:35] spx2: is there a folder named ~/.vim [12:35] spx2: cd ~/; ls -a [12:36] spx2: or something simila [12:36] r [12:36] ActionParsnip: lemme check that out [12:36] !hcl | ganes [12:36] ganes: use that as a template [12:36] make your own [12:36] it's just a matter of changing the words to pictures [12:36] cant stand windows anymore lol [12:36] ikonia, ok [12:36] action " wat work u do [12:36] : [12:36] so anything? [12:36] aussie_nutt: i'll pm you, its offtopic [12:36] ActionParsnip, can't see anything like that. [12:37] ok [12:37] sbackup is 0.10.04 maybe in newer version? [12:38] df -la doesn't show any change on sdb1 for some time. [12:38] oops got to go. the missus has my dinner ready. [12:39] digifor: hmmm, you need to find out where the config for vim is and rename it, you will then get a stock set of settings [12:39] thanks [12:39] Hello everyone [12:39] Hello ChoK! [12:39] I have a problem with power management [12:39] hello EvanR_ [12:39] vim config - /etc/vim/vimrc or the users /home/username/.vimrc [12:39] hello eveyone [12:40] hi ikonia [12:40] I have a T5800 Core 2 duo but I don't see a C3 state [12:40] do they have one? [12:40] i have a development problem for you at ubuntu [12:40] digifor: ok, do you see the folder ~/.vimrc [12:40] munckfish: what is your problem? [12:40] 3g modem support [12:41] munkey092092: thats quite poor at the moment [12:41] ActionParsnip, its a file. Not a directory. [12:41] dr_willis: bah, its just words to mv though ;) [12:41] it didnt recognise the 3g windows software ikonia [12:41] Guys I am really confused as to whether I have a 64 bit machine... In Windows Vista it says I have a 32 bit operating system [12:41] Ubuntu says I have a 64 bit machine [12:41] munkey092092 it won't its windos software [12:42] Fuzzybunn: you can run 32bit OS on 64bit CPU [12:42] hi there, how can i add nm-applet to the painel again? please [12:42] ikonia - yeah but it said on the docs that all windows was supported [12:42] ActionParsnip: Why would Sony have shipped it with a 32 bit version of windows if it is a 64 bit machine tho [12:42] ziroday: just wanted to get other folks opinion on the matter. I note that there were changes in the kernel algorithms for IO scheduling and pre-emption since gutsy. Personally I feel my desktop is less responsive than it used to be [12:42] i use windows for the games myself but just let people know [12:42] munckfish your uusing ubuntu - not windows [12:42] money iid say [12:43] Yes Hardy [12:43] Fuzzybunn: its a different os and a different price [12:43] any package can logging traffic on port 80 ? [12:43] Fuzzybunn: you be better installed 32bit os, cause not mush app is 64bit [12:43] Fuzzybunn: 32bit is more supportd with plugins etc [12:43] Fuzzybunn: ask sony [12:43] i need to know the traffic on port 80 per day. [12:43] 64 bit windows id get on there [12:43] munckfish: eh? Do you have the correct person? [12:43] but depending too wat u using pc for first === Fernando is now known as Guest78408 [12:43] ziroday, ikonia: in fact this was nearly my most favourite feature compared with windows [12:43] r0nn1e: So in Ubuntu I keep getting all these wrong architecture error messages [12:44] !ntop | r0nn1e [12:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about ntop [12:44] !info ntop | r0nn1e [12:44] r0nn1e: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in top-like format. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.2-10.1 (hardy), package size 2707 kB, installed size 11172 kB [12:44] wow I cant believe I have a 64 bit machine [12:44] ziroday: you mentioned my name - said "what is your problem" [12:44] I feel so dumb [12:44] Fuzzybunn: they are fairly common now [12:44] arent all machhines 64 bit since a couple of years? [12:44] munckfish: oh right :) [12:44] munkey092092: No. [12:44] not all [12:44] is ntop logging the traffic on file? [12:44] ziroday: ok np [12:44] Fuzzybunn, i always use the 32bit distros on my 64bit machines. [12:44] but most [12:44] :) [12:44] nevermind [12:44] the 64bit scene isn't ready for me [12:45] munkey092092, most new ones are yes.. some of the very low low end ones out, may not be. :) [12:45] is it not rated by your cpu/ram? === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [12:45] like dual core 2 gigs is definitly 64bit? [12:45] * davidryder is installing Syllable [12:45] munkey092092, yes. i would think so.. the 2gigs has nothing to do with it.. [12:45] munkey092092: yes [12:46] munkey092092: the only no 64 bit new chip i can think of is the intel atom [12:46] haha [12:46] i prefer look at front side bus more [12:46] who cares of cpu numbers [12:47] for games you need it these days [12:47] (these days xD) [12:47] yeah true but dont play games lol [12:47] that wat sony 3 for [12:48] aussie_nutt: given that the fsb is going to disappear... (athlons get rid of fsb long ago and intel is going the same path with nahalem) [12:48] hi all [12:48] i paid 200 euro for a new nvidea board with dual core and 8800 gt ps3 is 5 or 600 [12:48] Hello empo! [12:48] hello 2 [12:48] board and box whole computer... [12:48] thx [12:49] when they disappear they disappear [12:49] * davidryder has left the room (quit: bored) [12:49] things only get faster and better [12:50] scampbell: shane? [12:50] whois error404notfound [12:50] i sold a cpu to someone i had to give the money back cos i said the wrong fsb =-O [12:50] i still own 386 and commedore 64 [12:50] i have an amstrad cpc 464 around at mum's place [12:50] grygora: its with "/" :P [12:50] error404notfound: if there use BatchMode yes [12:50] aussie_nutt, i have several C64s and vic20's [12:50] nice lil unix machines [12:50] hey do you play battle chess? it takes 10 kins a move on 2.4 ghz [12:50] hello everyone [12:50] Hello phpstar! [12:50] you can get the whole collection of home computer on dvds [12:51] i m not able to tunnel through firefox in my SSH server [12:51] can anyone suggest me y [12:51] error404: yes, did not know if u signoff === haptiK is now known as barseflakes [12:52] ! ssh [12:52] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ === Fernando is now known as Guest96775 [12:52] i have the whole sinclair spectrums on one dvd missing one or two out of thousands http://worldofspectrum.org/ [12:52] :-D [12:53] !offtopic [12:53] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [12:53] sorry [12:53] just set firefox use socks proxy [12:53] cyas [12:53] Hi all. I have a problem with my numeric keyboard: with num lock numerical keys work, plus,minus don't; without num lock plus/minus works, numerical ones don't. This is happening only in gnome. How can I fix this? [12:53] otherwards localhost [12:54] aussie i have already tried forwarding port 8080 but still nuthing happening :( [12:55] do something like shh -D 9999 username@ip-adress-of-ssh-server [12:55] when i SSh localhost it works fine [12:56] from firefox its not happening [12:57] and uve uses the -D flag of openshh to create a socks prox [12:57] proxy [12:57] hello, there seem to be a problem trying to connect to a wireless network from a laptop, right after disabling and then reenabling the wireless network, different networks show up, but then within seconds of enabling one of them everything breaks down and there is no connection, not even a list of available wireless networks [12:58] Anarhist: smething in the logs? "dmesg" [12:59] why are u that paranoid anyway lol [12:59] Paranoid is good :) [12:59] overkill isnt [12:59] yeah rite most ppl do it so they use it for bad reasons [12:59] Theres Paranoid, then theres TinFoilHat Paranoid. [12:59] dr_willis: that still makes me laugh [13:00] erUSUL, there are a lot of "link not ready" messages, what does that mean? [13:00] if that paranoid set up honeypots and all [13:00] apt updated my kernel and now I don't have wifi or sound. Is there anything obvious I can do to get them back? I don't really know where to start. [13:00] * marnanel had to go digging for cat5 just to get here to ask [13:00] Anarhist: dunno for sure could be just that the driver for your wifi card is not very stable yet [13:00] marnanel: id do whatever you did to get your wifi working the first time [13:00] best advice ever learnt is doesnt matter wat u do if someone wants get ya they get ya [13:00] HI, I am having a problem with my VPN connectino on ubuntu. I have vpn installed, and it appears in the network manager. Before it worked fine with my ISP who allowed connecting to the LAN using roaming mode, and so when I clicked on the VPN account that they gave me, the network Icon would change when connected .. but they disabled the roaming mode and forced manual configuration (IP address, subnet mask, gateway, dns ...) .. so whe [13:01] n I put these configs,I can login to the LAN, but when I try to connect to VPN nothing happens! No connection (to WAN) .. Icon does not change either! Why is that? [13:01] ActionParsnip: It worked out of the box, iirc. [13:01] aussie_nutt: not if you are detatched from any networking at all [13:01] true there [13:01] best protection ther pull plug lol [13:01] marnanel: id boot to the good system and see what is used by each device [13:01] error404notfound: worked 4 me, ssh -a -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'BatchMode yes' hostname [13:01] ActionParsnip: thanks [13:02] how can i unmount a filesystem mounted with smbmount? no matter what i do, i only get the message "This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems." [13:02] Anyone knows how to change space property of a TTF font? [13:02] lunaphyte_, that tool is for unmounting windows shares/samba shares.. not local physical filesystems. [13:03] lunaphyte_: smbumount maybe? [13:03] Anarhist: what wifi chip do you have? [13:03] yes, i've tried umount, smbumount, umount.cifs [13:03] lunaphyte_: try typing smb then press tab, see what looks decent [13:03] i have a critical problem with Ubuntu Gusty ... and this problem is ( there is no panel exist and i can't access anything just my computer .. no App i couldn't switch between window withour Alt+Tab ) .. so please Help [13:03] Hi Ladies and Germes [13:04] erUSUL, don't know... q;-) [13:04] is there is any one free yo help me [13:04] quick question, is it possible to use gparted on my ubuntu system to make a quick 4Gb partition so I may triple boot with another OS? Currently dual booting XP & Hardy. [13:04] Anarhist: "lshw -C Network" [13:04] lunaphyte_: try lsof /path/to/mount [13:04] the share appears in the output of mount, listed as type cifs, yet when i try to use the utilities intended for unmounting cifs filesystems, i get that message. it seems completely contradictory. [13:04] xomp: yep [13:04] awadov: ask away. i won't know the answer, but someone might [13:04] I had Hardy installed upgraded to intrepid Ibex Beta on a triple boot system and I cant boot to IBEX the same way I booted to Hardy [13:04] lunaphyte_: if no files are open then sudo umount -f /path/to/mount [13:05] erUSUL, sweet :) Thanks! Is there a guide you know of to help me though it? :-) [13:05] X3: #ubuntu+1 [13:05] erUSUL, it came up right now [13:05] k thx [13:05] i don't know for how long though [13:05] xomp: guide for partitioning? [13:05] drowner29: where i can find help ? [13:05] ActionParsnip: when i try to force it ( -f ), i get that message repeated 3 times. [13:05] awadov: just ask the question [13:05] erUSUL, well, I have gparted installed but don't think it will let me, maybe I need to boot to the live cd to do the partitioning? [13:06] how i can get my basic panels again ? === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [13:06] coz there is no panel exist ! [13:06] xomp: do you have the unpartitioned space or do you have to shrink an existing partition to make room? [13:06] Hola todos....I am trying to sign up up to be an ubuntero but 'gpg --send-keys' doesn't seem to be doing anything for me, any thoughts? [13:06] !resetpanels [13:06] To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [13:06] i've found a fair amount of chatter regarding this behavior on various web sites, but haven't been able to find a method to successfully unmount without rebooting. [13:06] erUSUL, I'll have to shrink an existing partition :( [13:07] i can't access terminall [13:07] no panel and Alt+F2 doesn't work [13:07] xomp: then do it, carefully, from a livecd [13:07] xomp: use a liveCD then, you won't be able to unmount the partitions currently in use. if that makes sense. backup first! [13:07] AwaDoV: Alt + Crtl + F1 [13:07] AwaDoV cant you login in text mode and start gnome and xserver manually ? waht did you do to it last btw ? [13:08] erUSUL, drowner29_ danke! I will try with the livecd. [13:08] i don't know .. i did nothing [13:08] AwaDov: Ctrl-Alt-F1 to another tty and restart gnome-panel [13:08] how i can access the test mode ? [13:08] xomp: bitte ? (/me never know for sure ;)) [13:08] AwaDoV: Alt + Crtl + F1 [13:08] can anyone tip me why my server is refusing connection from firefox [13:09] when i try this command be4 gconftool --recursive-unset/apps.panel && killall gnome-panel [13:09] its reply [13:09] kill no process [13:09] erUSUL, you said 'please'? heh [13:10] AwaDoV: well that's becouse gnome-panel was not running [13:10] then [13:10] xomp: oooops ;P [13:10] what i should do ? [13:10] erUSUL, gern geschehen = you're welcome :D [13:10] Anybody familiar with cssh ? [13:10] np buddy, thanks for your help [13:10] * erUSUL writtes that down [13:10] hello, how can I forward the console output to a specified to another screen ? [13:11] Sooo, [13:11] write what ? [13:11] HI, I am having a problem with my VPN connectino on ubuntu. I have vpn installed, and it appears in the network manager. Before it worked fine with my ISP who allowed connecting to the LAN using roaming mode, and so when I clicked on the VPN account that they gave me, the network Icon would change when connected .. but they disabled the roaming mode and forced manual configuration (IP address, subnet mask, gateway, dns ...) .. [13:11] so when I put these configs,I can login to the LAN, but when I try to connect to VPN nothing happens! No connection (to WAN) .. Icon does not change either! Why is that? [13:11] if it wasnt working wouldnt it come up in firefox that it refused connection [13:11] aussie_nutt PM ?? [13:12] how to disable perl execution on users directory ? [13:14] hi german people here? [13:14] !de | spongy25 [13:14] spongy25: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [13:14] securetmp: keep home on separate partition and mount with noexec flag ? either way they can do "perl script.pl" and bypass that afaics [13:14] quit [13:15] AwaDoV: dunno hwhat may be wrong... can you go to terminal and create another user. log in with that user and see if it fails too [13:15] how i can add more users over the terminal [13:15] ? [13:16] AwaDoV, sudo adduser USERNAME [13:16] or was it 'useradd' some disrtos have both. [13:17] any nice tool that i could use to create a "rescueDVD" of an ubuntu system? the resulting dvd should be such that it partitions, formats and reinstalls the *exact* system with no user intervention except possibly the question "you sure?" [13:17] remastersys [13:19] shingouz, mondo/mindi can make a dvd restore set to restore/clone a system [13:20] be sure to clean out the caches/tmp/other useless dirs befor making an archive. :) === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [13:21] * marnanel returns... [13:22] How can I traverse a directory removing all windows newlines? [13:22] (inside files that is) [13:22] hello:) could anyone help me a bit.. ;)) [13:23] peace: yes [13:23] im trying to unrar but i have a hard time.. [13:23] unrar x filename works.. if i unrar a thing that has many parts..then the unrared stuff has the size of the part.. example 15mb... [13:23] i have installed rar..unrar..and unrar-nonfree.. :| [13:24] peace: no gui at all? [13:24] no what? gui? [13:24] peace: a frontend like fileroller or ark otr xarchiver [13:25] use file roller, add type "rar" into synatpic for example and download the pack if ".rar"s dont work [13:25] Apparently what I need to do is install the iwlwifi kernel driver (which replaces the old ipw3945 driver). "lsmod|grep iwlwifi" shows I don't have it. "modprobe iwlwifi" says the module's not found. My kernel is now 2.6.24-19-386, and the upstream site for the driver says iwlwifi is included in the 2.6.24 kernel. So why doesn't modprobe see it? [13:25] peace, if you have several rar files that together make big final one, just choose the very first one with a right click and go to Extract here [13:26] can i somehow make open office turn the page 90° so that i write in landscape format? [13:26] assuming that you have unrar already installed fo course [13:26] hm..there is no extract here like in windows.. and i already have installed rar via adept.. unrar and unrar-nonfree from synaptic [13:26] anyone know of a linux virtualisation software that allows you to do what you can on the two main mac one which is run your real windows partition virtualised [13:28] KenBW22: vmware server can do it for sure, i dont know if vobx or some other vmware app does it [13:29] ok..i managed somehow.. for the love of god please remember to advice to those who gets same problem... ( to select all rars and check them as executable ) this solves the mistery of suffering :| === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [13:30] hello how can i see free space in my box? i dont have X. [13:30] mib_rqfvn1: 'df -h' [13:30] mib_rqfvn1: df -h [13:30] ok thans [13:31] ok guys dont bother i found it:) [13:31] bonjour à tous [13:31] remoteCTR1: who would have guessed it was in format>page ;P [13:32] davidryder: I remember the movie but other than that I don't know what you mean by "Shane?" [13:32] !fr | khoder [13:32] khoder: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [13:32] erUSUL: we got a saying in austria; not to see the forest because of all of them trees in the way:P [13:32] remoteCTR1: true :) [13:33] hello, I've a Macbook and I would like to use 3 OS on it. MacOSX, Ubuntu and Fedora. [13:33] is it possible ? [13:34] AlinuxOS: yea. install the 2 linuxes last [13:34] AlinuxOS: and grub will take care of the rest [13:34] AlinuxOS: i do not see why not [13:35] jim_p, but I can't have more then 4 partitions right ? [13:35] REFit can't manage more then 4 partitions. [13:35] AlinuxOS: you can create an extended partition [13:35] 1partition OSX, 2nd Ubuntu, 3d Fedora 4 DATA [13:36] AlinuxOS: you can have up to 4 PRIMARY partitions and as many logical ones as you like. [13:36] I alsa want to have DATA separated partition. [13:36] AlinuxOS: does mac need a swap partition? you will need a swap partition for the linuxes!! [13:36] jim_p, what about REFIT ? [13:36] jim_p, yes swap for linuxes. [13:36] AlinuxOS: yu need the swap partition for the linuxes [13:36] can anyone point me to a setup howto for "Installing ubuntu over the network" ? [13:36] AlinuxOS: make that swap partiion common [13:37] !install [13:37] Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [13:37] aha , and DATA ? [13:37] AlinuxOS: what is REFIT? [13:37] erUSUL, thanks :) [13:37] can we run Office 2007 on Ubuntu? [13:37] how can i see what app running? [13:37] waj: nope [13:38] jim_p, it's mac boot manager. [13:38] waj: not even with wine. ms !@#$%^ piece of software [13:38] will wine/Crossover app help, by any chance? [13:38] !appdb | waj [13:38] waj: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [13:38] jim_p, ok I'll try it now. [13:38] AlinuxOS: oh. grub will take care of him! [13:39] ok [13:39] thank yuo! [13:39] vr8mf: top, htop, or gnome-system-monitor [13:40] Is there any C IDE for Ubuntu like TurboC in Windows [13:41] Is there any C IDE for Ubuntu like TurboC in Windows [13:42] you mean command-line based? [13:42] is there any way to enable pretty fonts in gnome-terminal? i use gvim, but i want the fonts to look the same in gnome-terminal [13:42] jim_p : and how can i open an process from there? cause it is a program wich i cant open [13:43] saurabh: choose the font you want on the gnome-terminal preferences [13:43] vr8mf: you can launch an app from the terminal or alt+f2 [13:43] saurabh: Edit Current Profile [13:43] waj: there are many...checkout anjuta for example [13:43] erUSUL: the fonts are same both but gvim fonts look slicker === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [13:44] is anjuta included in the repository, by default?? [13:44] erUSUL: does terminal support font smoothing? [13:45] saurabh: yep afaics (not that i care much i use a fixed font called terminus) [13:45] waj: yes [13:45] !info anjuta > waj [13:45] waj, please see my private message [13:47] waj: if you want something like old turboC for DOS use xwpe [13:47] !info xwpe | waj [13:47] waj: xwpe (source: xwpe): Programming environment and editor for console and X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.30a-2 (hardy), package size 214 kB, installed size 564 kB [13:47] !info xnest [13:47] xnest (source: xorg-server): Nested X server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20080131-1ubuntu9.2 (hardy), package size 1729 kB, installed size 3904 kB [13:49] !netsplit [13:49] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [13:50] ubottu is cool! relax and enjoy [13:50] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:50] see anything where ? [13:50] linny: on desktop [13:51] linny: in backgroun gnome said is rsleepinf [13:51] ok and we are back [13:51] wow [13:52] !hello [13:52] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [13:52] bot broken?# [13:52] I did having some clicking noises and with some errors. [13:52] erUSUL: found the problem, i had the terminal a little transparent thanks [13:52] saurabh: ok; no problem [13:52] What's the support for Netgear PCI wireless cards like in Ubuntu? [13:52] !netsplit [13:52] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit === mehteenager is now known as MrObvious [13:52] OMG this server went dead lol === _D0net1 is now known as D0net1 [13:53] busy in here... [13:53] Anyone else had a 8.04.1 to 8.10 problem as well? [13:53] !ibex | Mitchell_Hancock [13:53] Mitchell_Hancock: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [13:53] wow [13:53] is 8.10 out? [13:53] Gin: not till the 30th [13:53] !intrepid > Gin [13:53] Gin, please see my private message [13:53] gin:oct 30 [13:54] Gin: the beta is out [13:54] !server [13:54] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support [13:55] !wireless support [13:55] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] !wifi | Indoctrine [13:55] Indoctrine: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [13:55] !wireless [13:55] !netsplit [13:55] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [13:55] Tch === _weltall is now known as weltall [13:55] well I do know 8.04.1 have some broken stuff. Like SAVAGE The Battle for Newerth won't stay in full screen mode. Keep switching window mode and then back to full screen mode. [13:56] What causes that? [13:56] Aww BOLLOCKS [13:56] My card won't work out of box. :( [13:57] Indoctrine, what card? === lavacano5 is now known as lavacano201014 [13:57] Some games won't run at all when I click on their start up. [13:58] im on a 2006 toshiba satellite laptop. and its got two sticks of 512. does anyone here know what the max per slot is? its only got two slots and im thinking of going to 4 gigs total so i can up this thing to 64bit? any ideas? [13:59] think 1 gig === Squawk_ is now known as Squawk [14:00] does this look like a symlink type thing? ls: completed_work -> /home/completed_work/ [14:00] yea [14:00] Doc8404: this is really a question for ##hardware -- but you should check out the web sites of vendors like Crucial and Kingston -- they have laptop databases that you can query. [14:00] can you change a symlink? or do you have to del and remake? [14:00] 1 gig [14:00] thanks [14:01] sup all === chili is now known as Guest14046 [14:01] hello [14:01] anyone running on an itoucj [14:01] touch* [14:01] Hi again [14:01] wait [14:01] hi [14:01] Hi everyone! [14:02] LOL [14:02] AdvoWork: remove and relink [14:02] :( [14:02] brb [14:02] :) [14:03] back [14:03] foo [14:03] what channel is there for Cairo Dock ??? [14:03] idk [14:03] !cairo dock [14:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about cairo dock [14:04] none of my USB ports work correctly and when i plug in a mouse it is really slow moving and only partially visible on the screen, does anybody know how to fix this? [14:04] hey, none of my USB ports work correctly and when i plug in a mouse it is really slow moving and only partially visible on the screen, does anybody know how to fix this? [14:04] hi p_quarles [14:04] jj [14:04] hello :D [14:04] When 8.04 will be fix? [14:05] Mitchell_Hancock: that's a very poor support question. Describe your problem instead. === chaky_ is now known as chaky [14:06] Mitchell_Hancock: what about 8.04 is broken? [14:06] mitchell_hancock:what is your question? :) [14:06] Some of the games won't boot at all. SAVAGE The Battle for Newerth won't stay in full screen mode. Keep switching window mode and then back to full screen mode. What causes that? [14:07] Nvidia is what I have [14:07] Mitchell_Hancock: are they Windows games? [14:07] So I set up a password on my wifi and now my network doesnt seem to work, Any ideas? [14:07] No [14:07] I don't use wine [14:07] pronoy_; on SorceryNet #cairo-dock-fr .. but they are never there. it is better if you goto their forums http://cairo-dock.org/ [14:08] mitchell_hancock:how much memory does your computer have? [14:08] how is babby formed? [14:08] 3 gb [14:08] bastid_raZor: thanks [14:08] Mitchell_Hancock: are you using the NVidia closed driver? [14:08] how is babby formed? [14:08] hey, none of my USB ports work correctly and when i plug in a mouse it is really slow moving and only partially visible on the screen, does anybody know how to fix this? [14:08] :D [14:08] mitchell_hancock:plenty of memory [14:08] drowner29_: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [14:08] drowner29_: This is the Ubuntu Support Channel, please keep your questions on-topic. If you just want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place. [14:08] sorry [14:08] NVidia closed driver? I did install what Ubuntu show [14:09] Mitchell_Hancock: did you go through System-Administration-Hardware Drivers? [14:09] Yea [14:10] How you think I got it install lol [14:10] Mitchell_Hancock: don't play smart [14:10] Mitchell_Hancock: after all it's you who wants help, not me [14:10] exactly soundray [14:10] I have a Lexmark Z51 printer connected to a Hardy machine via USB. I'm running into print jobs that are continually getting "stuck" in the print queue, and once a job is stuck no other jobs will print. It just keep spitting out the same job over and over again. The printer is rather old, and it's sounding like it's time to buy a new printer, can anyone suggest a relatively cheap inkjet that has good support in Ubuntu? [14:10] I just saying at the top of the screen ask me to install Nvidia === ogra_ is now known as ogra [14:11] Rando_: i know for a fact that HPs are plug n play. theyre not cheap though [14:11] Mitchell_Hancock: can you rephrase that? Also, use my nick so I don't miss your replies when it gets busy [14:11] !hardware > Rando_ check out this link [14:11] Rando_, please see my private message [14:11] rando:one thing i have to say about lexmark printers, they are not ubuntu friendly [14:12] thiebaude: and the cartidges are outrageously prices too [14:12] priced* [14:12] Never mind. I will uninstall it and wait on the next release. [14:12] ken:soo true, i have a lexmark printer that is gathering dust [14:12] Idleone: Thank you for the link - I will give it a read and take things from there. [14:13] Mitchell_Hancock: thanks for wasting my time [14:13] kenbw22:plus it wont work on ubuntu [14:13] plus [14:13] Rando_: like KenBW22 HP are plug n play [14:13] darn smiley face,lol [14:13] Waste you time lol Your here. [14:14] Mitchell_Hancock; you're != your [14:14] Mitchell_Hancock: next time, make up your mind before you ask for help [14:14] my usb ports all say 000.000 stuff even though i have connected various stuff to it, how do i "enable" my USB ports? [14:14] Mitchell_Hancock: here to help not try and help and be told but someone to lazy to try that they give up [14:14] I did you didn't catch my post [14:14] KenBW22: Are *all* HP printers plug and play? [14:15] mitchell_hancock:we are here to answer questions-If we can [14:15] Mitchell_Hancock: I caught all your pointless posts [14:15] my usb ports all say 000.000 stuff even though i have connected various stuff to it, how do i "enable" my USB ports? [14:15] I guest you don't have Savage game install then [14:16] Rando_: pass, but the tw ive tried have worked [14:16] two [14:17] It ether Nvidia driver screw up or the game is outdated [14:17] Hey [14:17] Rando_: i find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/ invaluable [14:17] Hello [14:18] hello hezzer792 [14:18] do u play The Mana World? [14:18] siema łyse huje [14:18] no [14:18] student: english please [14:18] When using tab completion how can I get it to always ignore .svn folders? [14:18] !pl | student [14:18] student: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [14:18] do u play any online game for Ubuntu [14:18] brb I going to uninstall ubuntu. Btw: I never had this problem on 7.04 [14:18] bye mitchell. [14:18] d [14:19] siema [14:19] elo [14:19] !pl | student [14:19] student: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [14:19] czlowiek w zelaznej masce [14:19] elo [14:19] elo [14:19] what codec do I need burn audio CDs? [14:19] maliniak [14:19] kmj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:19] zelazna maska xD [14:19] milka: student: are you talkin' with yourself? lol ;] [14:19] [14:19] Hello, [14:20] I not leaving lol [14:20] It uninstall now [14:20] i need help with brasero [14:20] Can anyone help me with ndiswrapper? [14:20] !brasero [14:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about brasero [14:21] turtle: what are you trying to do? [14:21] is gambas being used by the community for development? [14:21] ndis as related to novell [14:21] Mitchell_Hancock: but you should leave, it's not your world, go back to windows kiddo... [14:21] hi [14:21] fat_rat: don't, please [14:22] /last ljl [14:22] oops [14:22] can someone tell me why firefox takes 25 % of the CPU ? [14:22] soundray: sorry i just lost it :/ [14:22] fat_rat: everybody starts somewhere. please don't start any OS wars in here [14:22] gribouille, flash applets probably :'( [14:22] gribouille: watching a flash video ? [14:22] fat_rat :) [14:22] what kind of cpu is that [14:22] quad core [14:22] or amd [14:22] gribouille, flash video? [14:23] I have Intel Core 2 Quad [14:23] no, flash is disabled [14:23] student, milka, serwis, kmj: Witaj. Ten kanał jest jedynie wsparcie techniczne dla Ubuntu. Jeśli potrzebujesz wsparcia technicznego w języku polskim, wprowadź #ubuntu-pl. Jeśli chcesz rozmawiać ze sobą, wprowadź #test. [14:23] turtle: please keep it in the channel. You could attach your tapedeck to the lineout of your soundcard and save a CD-R === HD is now known as HDready [14:23] IdleOne: but just not be so ignorant... [14:23] /first ikonia [14:23] fat_rat: ??? [14:23] LjL ;) [14:24] would a headphones jack work? [14:24] IdleOne: that guy should be more humble (sorry 4 my english) [14:25] fat_rat: :) no problem [14:25] soundray: would headphones jack work? [14:25] guys, pls don't apologise for language problem. This is a community forum and not some military place. [14:25] soundray: i dont have that cable [14:25] turtle: probably, it depends on your tapedeck/cassette recorder [14:26] turtle: 3.5mm jack to phono? They aren't hard to get [14:26] sriramoman: well said ;-) [14:26] yup denialh [14:27] doing some preseed installs, is there any way to automate putting my public ssh key into the default users ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ? [14:28] Can anyone help me with my wireless card/ndiswrapper? [14:28] i'm having a problem with ssh: I opened up the ports on my linksys router, disabled ubuntu firewall with firestarter, and started the ssh server, but whenever i try and connect to myself via a doman from dyndns.org, i keep getting a connection refused, any ideas? [14:29] hallo [14:29] jimcooncat: I'm not sure if this would work, but I think you might be able to put it in /etc/skel/ [14:29] pilot419:did you have a question [14:29] did [14:29] jimcooncat: i.e.: /etc/skel/.ssh/authorized_keys (may want to google the use of the skel directory though, but it should work) [14:29] Can anyone help me with my wireless card/ndiswrapper? [14:30] !anyone | Zeldo [14:30] Pici: that would be alright (and give me access to all future accounts) but debian-installer has already made the default users /home dir by then [14:30] Zeldo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [14:30] Zeldo: well, what is your wireless device [14:30] jimcooncat: hmm [14:30] ya i have a question [14:30] Broadcom wireless [14:30] jimcooncat: I'm not really familiar with the installer, sorry :/ [14:30] Pici: I guess I should just package up a script? [14:30] I used the built in driver, and it was slow [14:31] jimcooncat: That would work too. [14:31] !broadcom | Zeldo [14:31] Zeldo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [14:31] pilot419: go ahead [14:31] so I looked it up [14:31] and tried to do the NDISWrapper one [14:31] BUT [14:31] thanks Pici [14:31] it failed, (It wont let me install NDISWrapper) [14:31] !enter [14:31] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [14:31] i hav a problem wuth audio driver in ubuntu 8.04 [14:31] !ask | pilot419 [14:31] pilot419: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) === duckers is now known as neuratix [14:32] hey all, i seem to have the following error in my repository when running $ reprepro check:Internal error of the underlying BerkleyDB database: Within packages.db subtable hardy|main|i386 at c_get(DB_NEXT): DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found . what to do? [14:32] make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic' [14:32] scripts/Makefile.build:46: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/zeldo/ndiswrapper-1.46/driver/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS. Stop. [14:32] pilot419: ubottu will send you a few links. Follow the Troubleshooting guide, and ask more specifically if you hit a snag. [14:32] o i'm new here [14:32] !sound > pilot419 [14:32] pilot419, please see my private message [14:33] pilot419:what is your question, and we'll try to answer it [14:33] Zeldo, It is best to use a pastebin to keep the channel clearer try http://paste.ubuntu.com [14:33] I didn't mean to post two lines [14:33] ?join #ubuntu [14:34] what's the best pdf reader for linux/ubuntu? [14:34] i visit many communitys and forum all i find out that i have to install alsa driver. but i cant able to install it [14:34] Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the NDISWrapper make I posted? [14:34] i find the evince document reader too simple... [14:34] onats:for me it's the adobe reader [14:34] onats: what features do you miss? [14:35] xpdf :P [14:35] Zeldo, can you pastebin it so I can view it before it disapears in the buffer :) [14:35] chrisj, the bookmarks === joes is now known as black_shadow [14:36] Mechdave: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54635/ [14:36] Zeldo: have you tried to follow the ndiswrapper instructions for Ubuntu instead of compiling? [14:36] i cant find Alsa mixer there only Realtech oss mixer [14:36] !wifi > Zeldo [14:36] Zeldo, please see my private message [14:36] soundray: I tried those, they error and tell me to do it manuely === black_shadow is now known as suparjo_parmin [14:38] how to install Alsa mixer? === harangozo is now known as TheOV [14:38] pilot419: it should already be installed. [14:38] pilot419: from a terminal: alsamixer [14:38] is there a chan for intrepid? [14:38] TheOV: #ubuntu+1 [14:38] Zeldo, Have a look at this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/54636/ [14:38] Pici: ah yes thx [14:38] how can i restart the mouse? my mouse froze up [14:39] Zeldo, looks like your environment variable is incorrect [14:39] no i didn't find it there is only Realtek OSS mixer [14:39] pilot419: open a terminal and enter 'alsamixer'. What happens? === dngr- is now known as dngr [14:39] hey i could use some help debugging a server edition install [14:40] it hangs at 2% of Select and install software, and makes no progress beyond there [14:40] !netinstall [14:40] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [14:40] !netboot [14:40] rjb: installing from CD? [14:40] from cd, yes [14:41] rjb: have you checked the CD? [14:41] Hmm Mechdave, I change line 46 to set EXTRA_CFLAGS insteaf of CFLAGS, or set CFLAGS to EXTRA_CFLAGS? [14:41] soundray: yes i did [14:41] and it's repeatable, too [14:41] rjb: no errors? [14:42] ie. i'm going thru the exercise a second time, same result [14:42] Zeldo, I think it means replace CFLAGS with EXTRA_CFLAGS on line 46 [14:42] Hmm, No success ;\ [14:42] Help! I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and anytime I try to click on the date/time button in the top right hand corner, gnome-panel freezes and I have to killall gnome-panel....if I have a terminal open at the time [14:42] so...installing linux on a jump drive [14:43] mib_we356z1z: the install help page has hints for doing that [14:43] !install > mib_we356z1z [14:43] mib_we356z1z, please see my private message [14:43] Zeldo, I am not a Makefile guru tho... Best change it back to what it was to start with [14:43] Mechdave: alright :| [14:43] well i'm going to try to d-load the beta...if this doesnt work, pretty sure my comp just isnt compatible with linux [14:44] Zeldo, maybe jump into #ndiswrapper and try there :) [14:44] Mechdave:Alright thanks [14:45] rjb: any errors? [14:45] flyerfanatic:if it doesn't work, there still might be bugs in 8.10 [14:45] soundray: of course not, had the check found any i'd have replaced the cd [14:45] Zeldo, this is your original pastebin url if you want to use it again --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/54635/ [14:45] Ty [14:46] rjb: have you looked on the other text consoles for error messages when the installation stalls? [14:46] yes i did but there's nothing that looks like an error message [14:47] i can use a shell in one of the spare vc's, and it's working [14:47] true...but this is becoming beyond ridiculous [14:47] partitioning question, I am installing another version of ubuntu onto same disk as my existing version. I am creating a new partition but I am not sure about primary vs logical? any important distinction I need to know about? [14:47] the system is alive but the installer is hung [14:47] i mean i have and then burning at 4x or even a slower speed [14:48] open_sauce: you can have up to three primaries, but many more logical ones. If in doubt, create a logical partition. [14:48] if one of he two dont work...i think linux wont work...i d-loaded knoppix and that doesnt work either [14:48] soundray, thanks [14:48] flyerfanatic:order the free live-cd, i know it takes weeks [14:48] is there a way to get scanner and webcam support in HARDY [14:48] soundray: last message from the installer is debconf: Obsolete command TITLE configuring mysql-server... [14:49] i guess...but i think its something with my computer and not ubuntu [14:49] X3: depends on your hardware [14:49] X3 is your scanner and webcam supported ? [14:49] FlyerFanatic: Your boot partition for both versions must be primary paritions. [14:49] X3, which scanner do you have? [14:49] i'm not wanting to install...just want to play from the disc [14:49] i dont need to partition do i? [14:49] FlyerFanatic: that is correct [14:49] hey. i have a question. is upgrading from ubuntu 8.10 beta to 8.10 full release just as easy as it was to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10beta? or is beta what i'll have to have until the next release comes out. thanks [14:49] ok [14:50] aaahhh aahhhh I just spend whole hour to make menuconfig, then update, and lost it :o [14:50] hello! I'm trying to setup a cron job to do automatic backups. While my command works fine manyally, setting it up in cron wont work. What do I do? [14:50] rjb: perhaps you can deselect the database task as a workaround, and install it with apt-get once the rest of the system is in place. [14:50] yea i dont know what the deal is...it almost seems to me people feel my stuff might actually be to up to date for linux [14:50] canon lide 500f [14:50] strongorder, do you have the cron daemon running? [14:50] flyerfanatic:all the checksums have to match [14:50] !pdf [14:50] pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) [14:50] yeah that's an idea, i was assuming that was just a warning [14:50] and microsoft vx300 webcam [14:50] the checksums? [14:51] whats that [14:51] something with my hardware [14:51] Mechdave: yes I do. For example I set it to create a new dir and it works. But my custom command does not [14:52] strongorder, what is your custom command? [14:52] X3: do you have a USB ID for the webcam? Run lsusb in terminal to see it. === dundell is now known as dundel [14:52] Mechdave: rsync --numeric-ids -Wavze ssh --delete amiroff@ /home/amiroff/backups/stuff/ [14:53] Mechdave: it works when I run it manually at command prompt, it rsyncs data from one server to another [14:53] strongorder, Ok gimme a few mins to sort what is happening out [14:53] Hi, How can I see what drives are attached to my system? as opposed to mounted ... iow how can I see what devices are available to mount ? [14:54] soundray: At the moment Im going to reeinstall Hardy cause ibex wont play nice on triple boot but Ill get you that ID after [14:55] X3: don't reinstall hardy if it's just a matter of setting up intrepid's grub properly [14:56] soundray: Ive tried it wont play nice === jefe is now known as XAngelusX [14:57] neither the way I had it set up before with hardy nor with modding the menu.lst [14:58] X3: I have explained your grub error to you [14:58] and explained how to resolve it [14:58] Whitor: cat /proc/partitions [14:58] and it doest work Ikonia [14:58] X3: I assure you it does [14:58] good morning all. [14:58] what's good about it? [14:59] is there a place on the ubuntu website to find out about supported hardware? [14:59] !hcl | snarkster [14:59] snarkster: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [14:59] hi i need some help. i want to join a windows network but can't ping other computers [14:59] from the network [14:59] jockl: what is your ip address and the ip address of a windows box you can't ping [15:00] damm elusive this Ikonia all I can get is either just linux or just xp pro and vista never the 3 [15:00] I need help with getting 3d acceleration enabled. Please =] [15:00] X3 thats because of how you have done it [15:00] X3: pastebin your menu.lst [15:00] OLa [15:00] here is my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5915153#post5915153 [15:00] strongorder, what does the -Wavze bit do? [15:00] Good DAY [15:01] andre: we saw you the first time === andre is now known as Guest20502 [15:01] ikonia: its gone already Im half way in reeinstalling hardy [15:01] well not started but Ibex is gone [15:01] deunnero edgy is no longer supported [15:01] ikonia: inet Adresse: Bcast: Maske: and the other computer is i want to ping through wlan [15:02] jockl they are on totally seperate addresses [15:02] So i should get rid of edgy and then try another method? ... cause even sing the restricted drivers still gives me the same problem [15:02] Ive unpluged the sata drives so I can reeinstall hardy or ibex [15:02] jockl: do you have your gateways setup [15:02] X3 no no no [15:02] X3: leave the disks in [15:02] deunnero use hardy herron 8.04 release [15:02] ikonia: no, how can i do that? [15:03] jockl you need to learn how to setup networking [15:03] X3: yes, please leave the disks in >_< [15:03] if I dont unplug the sata drives it conflicts with the install on IDE [15:03] Mechdave: nothing important, just a few switches related to rsync [15:03] jockl: there are some good docs on the internet [15:03] known bug [15:03] X3 how can it clonflict ? [15:03] multiple installs is not a problem [15:03] strongorder, I cannot find -W in the man page [15:03] Mechdave: hmm, I will try that wthout those now [15:03] you never get a booting grub if theres a mixed sata/ide on istall [15:03] hld searching for it [15:04] =] [15:04] are you telling me to get another ubuntu cd? [15:04] hell its reported bug confirmed by loads of people [15:04] ikonia, do you have any docs or can you tell me how to setup the gateways? [15:04] X3 can you show me / [15:04] deunnero yes [15:05] jockl you need to understand the basics of networking, join ##networking and tehy may point you in the right direction [15:05] Thats the version i already have [15:05] X3: never say never, dear. :) [15:05] Mechdave: nope, it wont work [15:05] works manually though [15:05] deunnero: you said edgy [15:05] deunnero: edgy is 6.10 [15:05] oh... oops.... Thats th program i used to install my drivers Sorry bout that =] [15:06] it automatically searches and does everything for your video card [15:06] strongorder, It's ok I hae found it -W = whole file [15:06] well i gotta go crap Q_Q [15:06] cya deunnero [15:06] do you mean envy [15:06] ya [15:06] oops [15:06] deunnero please tone down the language [15:06] i'll be back later =] [15:06] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse/+bug/274389 [15:06] how can I fix this? [15:06] :\ [15:07] Rictoo is there a fix in the bug report ? [15:07] No, but I was hoping you guys had one [15:07] heh [15:07] Rictoo no [15:07] Rictoo: ask in #ubuntu+1 [15:07] Rictoo the bug report is the bug, any fix would be in there [15:07] tehre is a fix released if you read the bug report [15:08] update-reboot brb === icqnumber_ is now known as icqnumber [15:08] tehre is a fix released if you read the bug report [15:08] I didn't see one [15:08] Rictoo: it's bee put into the repos for download [15:08] "stauts" -> "fixed release" [15:08] what, ikonia? [15:08] open_sauce, Thank you [15:09] Mechdave: any way I could see cron logs? [15:09] Rictoo check the stauts, it says fix released, so it means a fix has been released to the rpos [15:09] strongorder: normally logs to syslog [15:09] strongorder, try without the ssh in the string [15:09] no ikonia [15:09] it says "Status: New" [15:10] strongorder, yep... try /var/log/crond [15:10] strongorder, or something similar [15:10] Rictoo: apologies, I was missing an umber of the end [15:10] number [15:10] hi all... how do i change the color of the letters in the panel? [15:10] Rictoo: nothing in that bug report then, looks like the fuse guys are working on it [15:10] strongorder, the way I see it is the ssh bit doesn't fit [15:11] everytime i open a new window it always opens behind the currently opened window, how would i set the newly opened window's priority to be on top ? [15:11] after installing windows how do i restore grub? [15:11] okay, ikonia [15:11] thanks [15:11] Is it possible to disable the little LED lights on my laptop (power on, reading hdd, on battery, wifi on, etc)? If yes, then how? [15:11] !gurb > ganes1 [15:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about gurb [15:11] ganes1: follow the RecoveringUbuntu... instructions [15:11] !grub > ganes1 [15:11] ganes1, please see my private message [15:12] hi there - I went for lunch, and now my secondary screen won't wake up anymore [15:12] anything I can do? I've even tried rebooting [15:12] kristjan_eerik: you can open your laptop and disconnect them. Alternatively, try a dot of black nail varnish. [15:13] Mechdave: the logs mention only that command has been run [15:13] now will try without ssh key [15:13] 'soundray: try a dot of black nail varnish.' he he...;-) [15:14] soundray, okay, thanks. I think I'll try and get a hold of some nail varnish then. been using a piece of duct-tape but it made everything sticky [15:14] soundray: yep that was it, installation of the LAMP task is broken [15:14] Every time i open a new window, it always opens BEHIND the window that is currently opened, how can i make it so the NEW window i just opened, takes priority and show up ON TOP of currently opened windows ? [15:15] kristjan_eerik: if the problem is that they are too bright, a bit of water-resistant felt-tip pen might be enough. [15:15] rjb: only as an install step, or even when you run tasksel on the installed system? [15:15] I have an HP touchsmart IQ770 and I need help getting it setup with Ubuntu. The touchscreen works but needs to be calibrated as it puts the pointer inches from my finger. Can it be calibrated and how? Also the built in wifi card doesn't show up within ubuntu. How can I get the wifi card to work? The HP site only offers vista drivers. [15:15] hi... could anyone suggest a download manager similar to flashget [15:15] Mechdave: nope, sync command blows up on me now [15:15] looking for a specific bug its pita [15:15] which intergrates wth FF# [15:15] soundray, I tried a CD-marker but it came off but I'll try to find a better marker. and yes, they are way too bright to use in a dark setting [15:15] soundray: haven't yet completed installing the system [15:16] rjb: at least you're moving ahead, that's good [15:16] soundray: now i need to figure out why is the installer offering to set up lilo on /dev/md0, and whether that's a good choice === saint is now known as SAINT_ === SAINT_ is now known as _SAINT_ [15:17] strongorder, ok remove the e [15:17] rjb: whoa, RAID [15:17] yeah right [15:17] + LVM === _SAINT_ is now known as _SA [15:17] hi all... how do i change the color of the letters in the panel? [15:17] rjb: boot loader on the meta device is a double edged sword [15:17] rjb: pros and cons [15:17] hi [15:17] rjb: can't help you there [15:18] when ubuntu starts, where is the script which starts compiz? === _SA is now known as SAINT_UBUNTU_X [15:18] ikonia: so why would this be the default choice [15:18] rom1v /etc/X11/Xseesions.d [15:18] strongorder, try --> rsync --numeric-ids -Wav --compress --delete amiroff@ /home/amiroff/backups/stuff/ [15:18] rjb the person who set upt he default rates it as a bigger pro than con [15:18] ok thanks === NiCK_NaME is now known as jnj [15:19] ikonia: kinda obvious, but what would be the major con? [15:19] hmm... grep -l compiz * doesn't give any result [15:19] in /etc/X11/Xsession.d [15:19] rjb maintenance of initrd [15:19] ikonia: I'd love to show you the bug report made by others where I posted regarding the ide/sata issue but unfortunatly finding it is a pita if only there was a find post by user [15:19] rjb: just asn an easy one [15:20] it's a shame Hardy is LTS... Intrepid in beta form wipes the floor with it [15:20] rjb: maintaining a boot loader if the disks are out of sync for another [15:20] ikonia: compiz doesn't seem to be launched from /etc/X11/Xsession.d [15:20] thebishop: please stick to support discussion [15:20] :) [15:20] sorry [15:20] rom1v: it's a script within it [15:20] how can i change my wlan ip address? i want to join a windows ad hoc network [15:20] which has 192.168.100.x [15:20] but none of those scripts contains "compiz" [15:20] ikonia: hmm so why not just on the MBR (and why not grub) [15:21] jockl from what I'm seeing from your earlier post your on a router thats on a different network to the windows network [15:21] jockl: I suggested you join ##networking to get the basics of networkng [15:21] they didn't help [15:21] rjb thats a good question and thats how I use it [15:21] rjb: one of the main reasons is lilo is write all info static to the mbr [15:21] what is so wrong about the nvidia packages in hardy? 3 desktop computers, 3 failures. [15:21] ikonia: meaning lilo on MBR? [15:21] rjb: that can be good on raid if you have a disk issue [15:22] I can only run in vesa [15:22] rjb: no, I use grub [15:22] leafw: do you want the short answer? [15:22] soundray: what I would like to know is whether there is any known solution. === SAINT_UBUNTU_X is now known as Sa[i]nT [15:22] https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/grub-installer/+bug/32357 [15:22] rjb: both sides of the coin will work, and have pros/cons, I use grub and write it to both disks in a mirror, but thats my personal choice [15:23] ikonia: well for some reason the installer seems not to have an option to install grub [15:23] ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/grub-installer/+bug/32357/comments/27 [15:23] rjb: lilo on the mbr of the meta device works well, if you know how to maintain it [15:23] thast more specific [15:23] Anyone know how i can mount my iPod to Linux ? [15:23] rjb: they don't want to maintain initrd and the raid modules [15:23] leafw: what's wrong is that NVidia Corp aren't opening the driver. The solution would be for NVidia to fully embrace and support free software development. [15:23] X3: just reading [15:23] !ipod | jnj [15:23] jnj: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [15:23] ikonia: did you find the particular script which launch compiz? [15:23] soundray: nvidia was recommended to me for linux as "know to work best of all" [15:24] rom1v I've not even looked [15:24] soundray: had ATI for long time, suffered that one too [15:24] Pici: will that teach me how to mount it ? [15:24] leafw: not by me [15:24] where is the trash or deleted items go i cannot delete from local account [15:24] if someone could help me finding where compiz is launched [15:24] it would help me :) [15:24] !trash | zippytech [15:24] zippytech: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [15:24] thank you by advance [15:24] thanks [15:24] jnj: Take a look. [15:25] hi, when use flash in website and i want to look at a movie with totem(at the same time), my movie is playing in slow motion...why ? i heard that flash used 99% of my CPU.. how can i do ? [15:25] soundray: do you know hy the binary nvidia driver doesn't appear in te restricted drivers manager? [15:25] strongorder, have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/54651/ it should do the same but a bit more readable [15:25] bheero flash is a closed source product and can't be supported by ubuntu, if it's eating your cpu you may need to talk to adobe [15:25] ikonia, but i dont know if that's true [15:26] bheero check out, use top to monitor your cpu useag [15:26] strongorder, you can leave out the -v when running it from cron [15:26] eusage [15:26] i got it to work!!!! [15:26] woooo === datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr [15:26] leafw: I think jockey-gtk uses a static list of supported cards. Your card probably is not on it. It need not mean that it's not supported at all, as the list is somewhat conservative. [15:26] ikonia, ? don't understund sorry [15:27] ikonia, you mean.. i need to seed the used % of my CPU ? but what kind of programm can do that? [15:27] ikonia: well i tried going with the default, & it doesn't work :( [15:27] bheero: use the application "top" to monitor cpu usage, then launch a flash website to see wht your cpu uses [15:27] rjb: is this raid1 ? [15:27] leafw: you may want to have a go with envyng, but I can't provide any detail down that route [15:27] ikonia: yes [15:27] !info envyng-gtk | leafw [15:27] leafw: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB [15:27] soundray: ok, thanks [15:27] rjb whats the problem / [15:28] hangs on boot, at the initrd step [15:28] rjb do you get the lilo menu ? [15:28] whats the install option called...not the normal install but if you go into the menu and select install something forget the word [15:28] ikonia, 40% is used... so what's the problem... [15:28] ikonia: yes, and the kernel inits, but hangs on Freeing initrd memory [15:29] Savage full screen issue screen shot. http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotnr7.png [15:29] bheero open totem at the same time and see how much is used [15:29] Ubuntu 8.04 on Intel Core 2 Dual 32 bit [15:29] rjb: Hmmmm, your on raid1 - so thats not a problem, your past the tricky part, so thats fine, your just hanging at the initrd memroy clear [15:29] rjb: can you see your lilo.conf ? [15:29] mmm laptop disconnected [15:29] can you get to I should say [15:30] meh the server install is proving tricky, or should i say flaky [15:30] flyerfanatic: synaptic ? [15:30] See Savage error now? [15:30] ikonia, it don't go higher than 15% for each CPU(i've got a dual core).. [15:30] ikonia: i can't do anything unless i boot from cd [15:30] umm nah [15:30] bheero: so where di you get %40 from ? [15:30] rjb: yes, is that possible ? [15:30] poor Ikonia [15:31] i'd know the word if i saw it [15:31] ikonia, i just read fake [15:31] bheero you read fake / [15:31] ikonia, i need googles [15:31] X3 pardon ? [15:31] ikonia, french ? [15:31] ikonia: yep, rebooting [15:31] * X3 feels for Ikonia being pulled and pushed all #ubuntu [15:31] http://www.timeinvaders.com/mutant_fruits.html - http://www.timeinvaders.com/downloads/mutantfruits.tar.gz won't boot [15:32] heh what a noisy computer [15:32] FlyerFanatic: find one of the many install videos on youtube -- one of them should remind you [15:32] bheero so with totem and a flash movie running - how much cpu is in use === kia2 is now known as kiachi === sirex`_ is now known as sirex` [15:32] just saying your popular [15:32] X3 thank you [15:32] ikonia, 20% for each CPU [15:32] bheero you just said it was 515 [15:32] %15 [15:32] is that safe to remove old kernel from ubuntu? [15:33] like a jetplane taking off, or so [15:33] icnpunk: if you don't want it - sure [15:33] ikonia, IT CHANGE [15:33] Can you try that game on your end? http://www.timeinvaders.com/downloads/mutantfruits.tar.gz [15:33] bheero so monitor it for a while [15:33] I don't know what I'm missing [15:33] ikonia: did you read that report? still same issue on IBEX infact [15:33] mitchellhancock who are you speaking to [15:33] anyone willing to help [15:34] ikonia, ok thanks for you help.. [15:34] X3 yes I did, I only actually understood %90 of it, I don't see why it not being seen as a primary disk is an issue [15:34] ikonia,which way is complete remove ? by sysnaptic package manager? [15:34] ok trying rescue mode from cd [15:34] soundray: turns out my card GLX280 is only supported by latest nvidia 177 driver ... needs manual install. [15:34] Who in charge here? [15:34] is there anyway i can backup all my gconf-editor settings so if i change something and it breaks i can just unbreak it? [15:34] Ikonia if you have both IDE and sata drives plugged in during install it will bork everything up [15:35] hello [15:35] X3 thats the part I don't udnerstand, I guess you have to have one/ see it to understand it [15:35] i'm trying to get my realtek wireless adapter (ASUS EEE Box) on ubuntu [15:35] leafw: I see [15:35] !eeepc | lore20 [15:35] lore20: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC [15:35] I followed some how-to... but I got an error during official realtek driver compilation [15:35] soundray, i'm talking about eee box, not eee pc [15:35] well I seen it I dont understand it and after many fgailed installs I unplugged the sata drives and voila [15:36] same in reverse [15:36] hi [15:36] ,-) [15:36] lore20: some Eee PCs use that wireless card, too [15:36] what will be new in xubuntu 8.10 ? [15:36] can anyone give some support about playdeb ? [15:36] and in kubuntu 8.10 ? [15:36] maxagaz read the change logs, and visit #ubuntu+1 for discussion [15:37] soundray, thanks soundray [15:37] Karlprof: Hi still waiting on those website competition results [15:38] ikonia, i've just download VLC, and konw it work... so it's probably a problem between totem and flash... [15:38] lore20: but those pages don't have instructions for it, so you're right, sorry [15:38] ikonia: rescue mode seems to work ok on this install [15:38] soundray, I've already tried madwifi, without success, and i prefer to don't use ndiswrapper [15:39] that is, i get to choose the appropriate /dev/mapper device as root fs [15:39] realtek released official linux driver, but i got an error compiling [15:39] lore20: what are the instructions you've followed for compiling the realtek driver? [15:40] ikonia: and i get a working rescue mode shell, the filesystems are mounted properly [15:40] soundray, http://www.vecchiomago.net/index.php?mod=read&id=1222891688, it's in italian [15:40] msg abbe hi [15:40] Grah, connection. Also, X3, are you talking about the thing RichiH was doing a while back? [15:40] <[fFf]> what do you think of using clonezilla to copy an Ubuntu 8.04.1 for office use? The distro is customized with LDAP for authentication and other things, but it will be installed on the same PC model [15:41] lore20: at what point do you get an error? [15:41] Hey everyone. I want to install Ubuntu on my machine. I have an NFS server with 500 gigabytes that I'd like to use instead of my HD, filled with Windows and small. Can anybody help me? [15:41] soundray, make [15:41] X3: If you want info on RichiH's compo thingy then you'll have to ask him or Christel about it, most of us don't have anything to do with it :) [15:41] Karlprof: yea what a waste of time [15:42] Christel pushes it to Richi_H and he doesnt comment [15:42] Anyway if anyone wants to point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. [15:42] headers and build-utils are installed [15:42] find ./ -name '*.torrent' -exec /usr/bin/sudo TRANSMISSION_HOME=/var/cache/clutch/ transmission-remote -a {\}\ \; What is wrong with this command? [15:42] die kernel header sind der quellcode, oder? das heißt ich könnte diese patchen und kompilieren [15:43] is there a IRC room for AwesomeWM? [15:43] make **** [LINUX] Error 2 [15:43] basti, could you repost in english please [15:44] find ./ -name '*.torrent' -exec /usr/bin/sudo TRANSMISSION_HOME=/var/cache/clutch/ transmission-remote -a {\}\ \; What is wrong with this command? I get "missing arguement to -exec"... doesn't look like it is missing. [15:44] strongorder, what has happened? [15:45] rt_main_dev_c:804: error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'nd_net' [15:45] Mechdave, sorry. wrong channel.... [15:46] basti, no problems :) [15:46] lore20: no pasting errors here, please. === crd1b is now known as crdlb [15:47] ikonia: my lilo.conf looks ok, though i'm not 100% sure what's supposed to be there when / is on raid [15:47] basti, I thought you were asking a question here and I can't understand the language you used :) [15:47] rjb can you pastebin it [15:47] ok, i'm sorry, it was only a line [15:47] Afternoon everyone - is there an IRC channel appropriate for asking about casper and Live CD customisation? [15:49] ikonia: yep, just a sec. [15:49] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54659/ [15:50] lore20: don't know what to suggest -- have you asked on that forum site? [15:50] it's a blog, i post a comment [15:50] hello [15:50] Anyone on booting ubuntu from NFS? [15:51] ll [15:53] Would someone experience with DHCP please look at http://pastebin.com/d4c5de52 and help me with this issue. I have a new class B network where certain computers cannot obtain an IP address from this DHCP server. It times out. I could really use some help please. === Prose_ is now known as Prose [15:54] can i get help for ubuntu eee here as well? [15:54] Is there a better place to ask about installing ubuntu over nfs? [15:54] I booting from NTFS. [15:54] hi, one of my clients has IIS7 on a windows server, and I have to move from LAMP to Windows/IIS7/PHP4 to do this job. If I install Vista on a computer with Ubuntu and XP, will this remove GRUB? Will it format the XP partition compulsory? Why does people use IIS7 :P? [15:55] IIS 7 works only with Windows 6.0, Vista 2003 etc.. [15:55] I install Ubuntu from Vista [15:55] ed0n0n: Virtualbox? [15:55] zamba: ask your question and you will see [15:55] !install > guiri [15:55] guiri, please see my private message [15:56] hey , does it the right place to ask about hardware compatibility with ubuntu , or can refer into a place ? [15:56] VSpike: Can I install Vista with virtual box, configure it with IIS7 and PHP and then DMZ the IP of it to validate WAI? [15:56] !ask | OOPrg [15:56] OOPrg: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:57] Why not install Vista and then Ubuntu by using Live CD on Vista? [15:57] Hi - I am trying to fix disk problems with a 7.10 live cd (LVM, software RAID). The system is 7.10 still, hence my choice of CD. I'm getting errors relating to device mapper. Is this a known problem with 7.10 live CD? [15:57] i just installed ubuntu eee on my eee 900.. when using nm-applet i see no wireless networks.. it basically looks as if the wireless card isn't a part of it.. [15:57] http://pastebin.com/d210de80a [15:57] mitchellhancock: I have Ubuntu already configured as Web server, etc and many data in it. Vista comes after [15:58] zamba: have you got no network at all on it now? [15:58] Hello , i followed ARS TECHINCA guild to build a new computer with the following specs : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54662/ . but i afraid its wont work with Ubuntu and hell i dont go to windows again :( [15:58] ed0n0n: yeah, you can do that [15:58] Ubuntu rules ! [15:58] ikonia: or should i rethink my raid setup, and split off /boot [15:58] OOPrg: no swearing please. What is it that doesn't work? [15:59] hi all [15:59] Hello Asuka! [15:59] VSpike: I have only 1 Gb RAM, will it be enough to ride the Monster? === jim_p is now known as jim_p-busy [15:59] ed0n0n: if you want to run a server, it will be easier to use VMWare Server. It is easy to set up bridge networking on that. You can on Virtualbox but it's quite tricky [15:59] ed0n0n: Virtualbox defaults to NAT [15:59] well i want to buy this computer but i dont sure its will work well with ubuntu i heard theres Hardware problems with linux sometimes. [16:00] wow it going to take a while for someone to reply. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5916864#post5916864 [16:00] ed0n0n what Monster do you want ride? [16:00] ed0n0n: Ouch. Can you run IIS7 on XP? [16:00] zamba: what do you get from 'uname -a' in terminal? [16:00] I using Gateway and I don't have a problem running Ubuntu just yet. [16:01] VSpike: I read ISS7 is only for Windows 6.0, wich means Vista onwards [16:01] ed0n0n: Or server 2008 I guess [16:01] ed0n0n: Server 2008 might be lighter footprint [16:01] Asuka: The Monster is "Vista" because it eats your RAM as a monster [16:01] godzinla ;} [16:01] how do I adjust compiz so I can move the apps on the desktop ? [16:02] ed0n0n: I run XP on Virtualbox on Ubuntu with 1.5G RAM, to run Visual Studio 2008 and it's quicker than running it on Vista on the same machine :D [16:02] which option do I click ? [16:02] VSpike: I need to install and configure it asap, I am developing it, not sysadmin [16:02] do you really need Vista? [16:02] rjb: that lilo.conf looks pretty solid, (sorry for the slow response) [16:02] rjb: is your /boot within lvm ? [16:02] vista is only good for new games . . . [16:03] I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for something I want to do. I want to make it so that any attemps to log out orrestart X or anything makes the computer reboot instead [16:03] ed0n0n, Asuka, VSpike: could you take Windows discussions to a more appropriate channel please? [16:03] I need ISS7 for compatibility reasons, but ISS7 seems to requiere Vista/2003/2008 [16:03] my old pc runs with Vista at 2 GB Ram very well [16:03] VSpike: I can say the same, i had vista on a 4gig dual core and i thought vista was ok, until i move to linux + xp on vmware, xp is faster even on a vm [16:03] soundray: yeah sorry, it has drifted OT a bit [16:03] sry soundray [16:03] soundray: is there a channel about VMWare? [16:03] ed0n0n: check your channel list [16:04] ikonia: right, /boot is not split off from / - is that a mistake? [16:04] rjb: if your /boot partition is within lvm - you need to get it outside of lvm [16:04] Is there a Ubuntu gamer chat room? [16:04] Heya [16:04] soundray: ok, thank you [16:04] how can I create a user that only has rights in its ~-directory? [16:04] Anyone From kent?? [16:04] rjb: I assume your using lvm due to the config in your lilo.conf [16:04] anyone have any idea? can I modify a logout script somewhere? [16:04] Amberina: does it matter? [16:04] ikonia: would it be ok for it to be on a separate metadevice (no lvm there)? [16:05] I felt like everyone blocking me from my issues. [16:05] Thesmyth take Emacs to edit files [16:05] rjb yes, ~I boot from seperate metadevices, but from within lvm is a no go [16:05] ikonia: yes i'm using lvm on top of raid for / and /var [16:05] rjb: ann and boot is off / [16:06] rjb: so that makes /boot within lvm [16:06] rjb: get it outside of lvm [16:06] How can I find out what version of a command line program I have? [16:06] Winston_SmithVT: such as ? [16:06] Discerer: users have write permissions in their directory and on temp space by default. Read permissions have to be more generous. What are you trying to do? [16:06] Asuka: what? [16:06] ikonia: Rtorrent, I'd like to see hwat version i'm running [16:07] Asuka: but what files would need to be editted? [16:07] Winston_SmithVT either check the help pages/usage for a versio option or check the ubuntu pacjkage version [16:07] ikonia: yeah so that's the issue? thanx for your time, i'll pick this up again tomorrow & see if i can do better [16:07] rjb %99.9999 certain thats the issue [16:07] ikonia: OK thanks again, c.u. later [16:07] rjb: I'd have checked earlier, didn't know you wher using lvm, sorry for dragging you through that the long way around [16:07] ikonia: ok [16:07] soundray I want to let someone put some php scripts on my server. I trust that he won't use the scripts to ruin anything, just dont want him to be able to browse the system from his own user :p [16:07] ikonia: should have said so right away (lvm) [16:08] under Command line >help>info [16:08] ikonia: meaning I should have &c. [16:08] do you find the commandline version === c0de1 is now known as c0de1|off [16:08] commandline you mean the Bash? [16:09] Asuka: ok, I don't know if you read my original message [16:09] Asuka: "I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for something I want to do. I want to make it so that any attemps to log out orrestart X or anything makes the computer reboot instead" [16:09] Hi. My sound device seems to have something keeping it busy. I think flash crashing caused it to break. I've killed pulseaudio but when I try and restart it, I get a few errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/54664/ . Any idea how I can find and kill whatever is using the device? [16:10] Discerer: I've heard that people set up a system in a chroot jail for that kind of purpose. Might be overkill if it's only for a one-time transaction [16:10] so if i opened up wubi...does that mean unbuntu is installed or do i gotta go to the umenu.exe to install ubuntu for good? [16:10] cya FlyerFanatic [16:11] ? [16:11] si [16:11] is it hard to do soundray? the idea sounds pretty good, and as somehting that'll teach me about linux user management... guess ill ask google about it [16:11] does anyone know why apachce mod_security was removed from ubuntu? [16:11] Discerer: does it need to be a shell, won't FTP do? [16:11] sorry, apache mod_security [16:12] yeah FTP will do, does it matter MrKennie? [16:12] Discerer: easier using FTP [16:12] Discerer: take it as a pointer... I haven't done anything like that myself [16:12] so if i opened up wubi...does that mean unbuntu is installed or do i gotta go to the umenu.exe to install ubuntu for good? [16:12] how can I stop updates from going through privoxy/tor [16:12] cya FlyerFanatic [16:12] anyone? [16:12] who is sudoconfused? anyone else seeing that [16:13] Discerer: find an ftpd that suites your needs and it's usually just a matter of a small amount of configuration. [16:13] hallo [16:13] Discerer: pureftpd or proftpd seem to be the most popular ones. There are others of course. [16:13] Should a package list be downloading at 720 bits per second? I'm trying to run updates but it says the lists will take hours to download. I have DSL and everything else is loading full speed. [16:13] How can I get the built in wlan card on my hp touchsmart IQ770 to work with ubuntu? [16:14] Hi. I'm trying to set my monitor to 640x480, but setting my virtual desktop to 1024x768. Is this possible using either the vesa or nv drivers? [16:14] ok thank you MrKennie [16:14] alanbshepard77: given the choice of answering two questions at once from the same person, I'll answer none. [16:14] Discerer: there are many guies on setting up too, google around and you'll find lots. [16:14] guides* [16:15] Is Ubuntu-linux have hardware issues ? ,. shall I be worried about this kind of computer : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54662/ ., or there is a way i can check it out ? [16:15] How can I stop my updates from going through privoxy? Is there a config file for update manager? [16:15] OOPrg: it looks okay, although I would always prefer a machine with integrated Intel VGA. [16:15] My xorg.conf file does not have a "Display" subsection. So, I tried adding one with the "virtual 1024 768" option, but that doesn't seem to do anything. [16:16] pookmu, sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy stop [16:16] soundray : integrated Intel VGA ? i got this build from a friend . what shall i look for ? [16:16] pookmu, sudo /etc/init.d/tor stop (if you are also using tor) [16:16] Mechdave, I tried that, but then it doesn't connect at all [16:17] OOPrg: do you have this machine already, or are you planning it? [16:17] soundray : planning [16:17] I'm using intrepid BTW [16:17] pookmu, can you reconfig the machine not to route everything through privoxy? [16:18] OOPrg: instead of going for a separate graphics card, I would look for a motherboard that comes with integrated graphics, e.g. an Intel 945 chipset. [16:18] That's what I'm wondering. Firefox doesn't automatically use privoxy. [16:18] pookmu: go to #ubuntu+1 for intrepid questions please [16:18] soundray : ow i see ill look for this one thanks [16:18] okk [16:19] pookmu, is it only firefox or the whole machine as well? [16:19] soundray: .......mmmmkk....??????? [16:19] OOPrg: just because there is an open accelerated driver for Intel. NVidia (and ATI) accelerated drivers are closed source === HD is now known as Guest6824 [16:19] It just seems to be update manager [16:19] alanbshepard77: you got something to say? Say it. [16:20] that uses privoxy/tor [16:20] thanks? [16:20] pookmu, that is strange... [16:20] I know.. is there a config file? [16:21] would the Intel and NVidia sets will give the same result ? i got the impression that NVidia is stronger and faster [16:21] Okay need some help with my Vista shares. I can create files, and delete them but I can't edit the files. Full control is set for my user on the vista share, so I don't see why it isn't working? [16:21] I'm a linux noob. this must drive you guys nuts :) [16:22] OOPrg: Intel has better driver support. For NVidia, you will need a proprietary driver, which is a disadvantage if you value software freedom. [16:22] soundray : thanks for the help [16:23] pookmu: not at all, but if you are running intrepid, you should ask your questions in the intrepid channel, not here. #ubuntu+1 [16:23] soundray, I just did. I appreciate Mechdave and his help. Thanks guys === trilobiti-away is now known as trilobiti [16:24] sound mixing doesnt work for me... When i turn off pulseaudio and turn on alsa, it works, but then i logout and login, and again it doesnt work... what should i do? [16:24] Hi all. I would like to activate and use the webcam incorporated in my laptop. Any hints where should I start ? [16:25] in the manual trilobiti :) [16:25] burp: good call, but I can't find any manual though. [16:25] hahaha oke [16:26] I'm done very nicely with the wifi so now it's the cam's turn [16:26] trilobiti: what make and model is your laptop? [16:26] MrKennie: Compaq Presario f700 AMD64 Athlon X2 [16:28] I need to manage my partitions [16:28] does gpart still work? [16:29] it's been so long [16:29] UberTangent: last time I used gparted was 3 weeks ago and it did all I asked it to. [16:29] gparted [16:29] there's what I was looking for [16:30] thanks trilobiti [16:30] UberTangent: it should work like a charm [16:30] np man [16:30] how can i enable HTML rendering? [16:30] vr8mf in what / [16:30] ? [16:30] ubuntu [16:31] my ubuntu partition is so freaking small now [16:31] ikonia: ubuntu [16:31] in the meanwhile, I'm following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=883096 for the webcam issue. [16:31] hello, i'd just install ubuntu in my notebook, i'm totally blind for linux, i want to install my vga driver from my cd, what should i do ? the system keep asking me to connect to internet, which i don't have any connection, anyone can help me out please [16:31] speaking of gparted, I can't get swapon to stick to my (new) swap partition [16:31] vr8mf ubuntu is an OS - not an application, please define html rendering in ubuntu [16:31] ikonia: for example i have msg8 [16:32] vr8mf: I have no idea what msg8 is [16:32] ikonia: is an instant msg from yahoo [16:32] kristjan_eerik: how so? [16:33] ubuntu is a package manager and init scripts [16:33] vr8mf: then you want to enable html rendering within msg8 [16:33] vr8mf: in which case it's an application, nothing to do with ubuntu [16:33] anyone can help me please, i'm totally newbie here [16:33] trilobiti, I deleted my old swap partition and made a new one. I set swapon but the next time I boot I have no swap registered. this might be the problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/34437 [16:34] ikonia: but if i have some internet page wich dont show mw everything? [16:34] vr8mf: such as ? [16:34] ikonia: this is all depending on flash player? [16:34] vr8mf: I don't know, thats why I asked you waht pages [16:35] ikonia: some benner (i know, nobody wants them) [16:35] kristjan_eerik: How sure are you that the device name for the partition is the same? I mean, if once the swap partition was /dev/hda2, is it the same for the new partition ? [16:35] what does a green folder mean? [16:35] some benner ? [16:36] ikonia: i dont know for moment, but if i have something missing, its possible to be from HTML rendering? [16:36] trilobiti, according to /etc/fstab I think it used to be /dev/sda3, now it's /dev/sda1 [16:36] vr8mf: no [16:36] vr8mf: hence why I'm asking for an example [16:37] Does ubuntu not like kvm switchs? [16:37] ikonia: ok, that is what i want to know. all be back with one page in the future and ask what is the problem [16:38] if ulimit -n returns this 524288, that means i can have that open files correct ? [16:38] kristjan_eerik: and are you using the UUID method or the direct device access method, as in directly assigning to e.g. /dev/sda1 ? [16:40] can seem to get etherape working, had it working on this pc on my last install so i know it works, but when i launch says no cant find interface? [16:40] trilobiti, to be honest I don't know. I just used gparted and I think it uses the direct device access method. it isn't a real biggy because I plan to reformat my hdd soon and put on 8.10 amd64 instead of i368. I seldom (if ever) use hibernation so I was just wondering what was up with it swapon not sticking [16:40] its found it before, ive tried installing via synatpic & apt-get [16:40] hi, I've created an entry in cron.hourly and made sure its executable, but it doesnt seem to be working... I've checked that the file works normally.... so does crontab need to load that somewhere else too? [16:40] Could someone pls tell me why the kernel-param pciback.hide= is ignored on hardy?? [16:40] any .conf or something i can specific it a if? [16:41] nnull: no interfaces doesn't mean the application isn't found, it means the physical network card interfaces are not found [16:41] ikonia¬ i know this. [16:41] kristjan_eerik: what does this: fdisk -l | grep swap tell you ? [16:41] nnull: this is normally due to it being needed to run as root to access a device in promisquious mode [16:41] so i wanted to uninstall ubuntu to just uninstall so i could d-load the newest version...well when my comp now boots it asks me which OS to choose...when i hit ubuntu it gives me the message it is missing/corrupt...but why..i had it uninstalled? [16:41] nnull: etherape needs root permissions to see the interfaces live. [16:41] nnull: then why make a comment about installing it through synaptic and apt-get if you know thats nothing to do with it [16:41] Hey guys. The ubuntu installer just hangs at resize partition. I'm not sure what to do [16:42] well alrighty then [16:42] I need some additional help [16:42] trilobiti, nothing. I have activated swapon through gparted though and see swap in the system monitor [16:42] hello, i'd just install ubuntu in my notebook, i'm totally blind for linux, i want to install my vga driver from my cd, what should i do ? the system keep asking me to connect to internet, which i don't have any connection, anyone can help me out please [16:42] ikonia¬ because from previous experience synaptic can bugger up installs where apt-get will install smoother. [16:42] bingungbanget from what cd [16:42] how do I set up gparted to use ntfs? [16:42] and running it as root was my prob ta [16:42] nnull thats nonsense [16:42] ikonia¬ pfft === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [16:43] so if u make an entry in cron.hourly, do I need to change crontab with crontab -e too? or should the defaults be ok? [16:43] `%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,| | lol | | '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%' [16:43] trilobiti, also "ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/" only lists my main partition [16:43] many times ive tried to install something in synaptic, go to open it, doesnt work, purge, apt-get install, open works. [16:43] CAsercan3 please stop that [16:43] kristjan_eerik: try: sudo fdisk -l | grep swap [16:43] CAsercan3 please keep comments to support discussion only [16:43] any ideas why embeded flash is causing frequent firefox crashes? [16:43] ok [16:43] trilobiti, /dev/sda1 1 262 2104483+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris [16:43] ikonia : cd driver from my notebook (maybe for vista, not debian cd) [16:43] so i wanted to uninstall ubuntu to just uninstall so i could d-load the newest version...well when my comp now boots it asks me which OS to choose...when i hit ubuntu it gives me the message it is missing/corrupt...but why..i had it uninstalled? [16:43] bingungbanget you don't install windows drivers on linux [16:44] bingungbanget: the drivers you need should all be installed as part of the kernel your using [16:44] Hi [16:45] hi [16:45] ikonia : so how can I using visual effects without connect to internet ? [16:45] kristjan_eerik: can you check where does the line in /etc/fstab reffer when it comes for the swap partition ? [16:45] Good morning. [16:45] what's good about it? [16:45] bingungbanget what video card do you have ? [16:45] when I select System -> Quit in the taskbar, nothing happens. Do you know? [16:45] Do you know why? [16:45] anyone? [16:45] :P [16:45] nvidia geforce 8600 GS [16:45] trilobiti, grepping swap gives: UUID=6225397d-2c60-4dfa-a6c0-7a6373349751 none swap sw 0 0 [16:46] FlyerFanatic: saying anyone is pointless, if someone didn't see your question saying anyone won't show them the question, if they don't know the answer saying "anyone" won't make them know [16:46] bingungbanget: you need to install the nvidia-glx-new package from the ubuntu cd [16:46] so i wanted to uninstall ubuntu to just uninstall so i could d-load the newest version...well when my comp now boots it asks me which OS to choose...when i hit ubuntu it gives me the message it is missing/corrupt...but why..i had it uninstalled? [16:46] kristjan_eerik: sudo cat /etc/fstab | grep -B1 swap [16:46] FlyerFanatic how did you uninstall it ? [16:46] ikonia : would u kindly please show me how to do it please [16:46] FlyerFanatic: you can't "uninstall" the os [16:47] went into control panel..add/remove programs [16:47] trilobiti, # /dev/sda3 \n UUID=6225397d-2c60-4dfa-a6c0-7a6373349751 none swap sw 0 0 [16:47] FlyerFanatic: you can't remove ubuntu like that, it's an OS [16:47] was pretty sure wubi you could [16:47] but ok [16:47] kristjan_eerik: your fstab reffers to sda3 while your new partition is sda1, right ? [16:47] anyone know where i can change the icon for nm-applet? [16:47] this is the price of offering tools liek wubi [16:47] Hey [16:47] yes, trilobiti [16:47] nnull: download an icon theme [16:47] Anyone here can help me please? [16:48] !ask | Arlianin [16:48] Arlianin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:48] ikonia¬ yea but what if i dont want all of the icons, just the one [16:48] need to make my own icon theme? [16:48] nnull make your own icon theme then [16:48] so i'm SOL? [16:48] hi there channel :) [16:48] kristjan_eerik: I believe fstab should point to sda1 instead of sda3 [16:48] any links on how to do that ikonia ? [16:48] !make your own icon theme [16:48] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:48] lol [16:48] FlyerFanatic: I have no idea I don't support wubi as I think it's a terrible solution to a nonexistant problem [16:48] kristjan_eerik: sda3 is a remnant of your old partition for swap [16:48] nnull: sorry no, maybe gnome-look.org has docs [16:49] mmk [16:49] what abaout videoconference with ubuntu [16:49] haw compile C source file(classic) in ubuntu ? [16:49] R_AG use a compiler like gcc [16:49] good help...you should act like a dick more...appreciate it [16:49] what's the application? [16:49] trilobiti, so I should change the UUID. the # /dev/sda3 part is only a comment, right? but the thing is that I can't get the UUID in any way I've tried. but I'll try harder [16:50] kristjan_eerik: ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/ [16:50] kristjan_eerik: how many entries does that return ? [16:50] ikonia: was that who you meant to ban? [16:50] or kick [16:50] kristjan_eerik: does that show your actual sda1 partition ? [16:50] FFEMTcJ: no and I've messaged the person [16:50] trilobiti, only one, /dev/sda2. no sda1 [16:51] hmmm [16:51] lol.. i saw him quit and you op up, i knew somethin would happen :-x [16:52] and also, Places shows me that I have some 2.2 GB media connected which isn't mounted.. I have no media of that size. in fact, I have no media connected at the moment. weird. the new swap is 2.0 GB. at first I thought it was reading the new swap drive as that unmounted media [16:52] kristjan_eerik: what about this? ls -al /dev/disk/by-path/ | grep part [16:52] kristjan_eerik: how many entries does that show ? [16:53] both sda1 & sda2 [16:53] kristjan_eerik: and that's all you have indeed, only those 2 partitions in one hd, right ? [16:53] yes [16:54] kristjan_eerik: hold on I check on something [16:55] does Ubuntu 8.04 have a harder time with older hardware? I can't get video card support on an old white box. (ASUS TNT2 Based AGP Card, AGP 2x PIII 600 Mobo, 768 Ram, 2x IDE Hard Drive). It's just seems like 6.06 and debian etch these components all worked fine === Hilikus_ is now known as Hilikus [16:57] kristjan_eerik: I'd say right now to try a non-uuid reference in /etc/fstab for the swap partition, namely your /dev/sda1 [16:57] i'm trying to install enlightenment, but when i try to log into an E session i get some GTK+ error [16:58] kristjan_eerik: try it and see if it works. then we see with uuid usage. [16:58] wth happened to visudo!!?? [16:58] hi there. we just had a blackout some time ago and i was updating though apt. the update was cut and now it refuses to update again. I run apt-get update but it does nothing on apt-get upgrade. is there something i can do? [16:58] for some reason its using vi now [16:58] I can't get dual monitors to work for the life of me' [16:58] i hate vi, how do i use nano? [16:58] nano is simple [16:59] jim_p: Try dpkg --configure -a to clear up any half-done installations [16:59] Halikus: "how do I use nano" is a pretty vague question [16:59] nano *your file* and then Ctrl + X will exit (and prompt to save if required) [16:59] make sure ya sudo if nessicary [17:00] i get this error when trying to log into an enlightenment session: [17:00] (process:2148): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or set This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead. For further details, see: [17:00] sugarmice: already done that. same situation [17:00] C compiler for ubuntu please? [17:00] !compile | R_AG [17:00] R_AG: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [17:00] R_AG: gcc? [17:01] jim_p: aptitude --clean [17:01] jim_p: dpkg --clear-avail [17:01] jim_p: aptitude update [17:01] I want to make a very simple shell script, just 2 commands, 1 of them needs sudo. [17:01] that's the sort of combination I usually use to try to rescue a wrecked dpkg database [17:01] How do I do this? [17:02] sorry, I meant aptitude clean (no hyphens) [17:02] jim_p: i dowload gcc but its not a program === hore is now known as qwerty === qwerty is now known as kkk [17:03] sugarmice: give me a sec [17:03] Bob_Dole: I'd guess you'd want to eliminate the "enter password" stage when the script executes ? === kkk is now known as ffs === ffs is now known as hore [17:04] sugarmice: what does --clear-avail do? [17:04] i been stuck for two days trying to figure out a way to connect to internet from linux on a vmware machine [17:04] somebody help [17:04] :( === AndyWxy is now known as AndyWxy_sleeping [17:04] hore what virtual technology are you using [17:04] vmware [17:04] oops [17:04] trilobiti, thanks for the help. I know what I have to do in fstab now and currently swap is working. can't reboot now though to see if it stays [17:04] err [17:04] hore: wmare is a fussy think [17:04] thing [17:05] my host OS is xp [17:05] jim_p: It clears the available list (in case it's corrupted) and the next time you do aptitude update, it will be rebuilt [17:05] kristjan_eerik: you modified your /etc/fstab ? [17:05] hore: your aware of ##windows and #vmware channels [17:05] and it uses a dial up connection ikonia [17:05] hore: this isn't an ubuntu issue [17:05] trilobiti, yep [17:05] sugarmice: thanks [17:05] pff . ... they are useless [17:05] :| [17:05] been there [17:05] well, It's to run folding@home a little easier. the stuff provided by F@H doesn't work so well, I assume it's ubuntu's fault there. [17:05] no one helped [17:05] hore: sorry, here is not the correct place place to get support [17:05] kristjan_eerik: with a uuid reference or direct device reference ? [17:05] hore: if you hang out there you'll get support [17:06] direct device ref, trilobiti [17:06] but its a linux machine i am trying to get that pppetup to work [17:06] :| [17:06] er, I gtg in 5 minutes. [17:06] hore thats nothing to do with ubuntu [17:06] hore: set the network type on the host pc to NAT [17:06] lol [17:06] hore: your host is XP and your technology is vmware [17:06] thanks jim [17:06] kristjan_eerik: I can't see a reason why it won't stay. But you can create a uuid reference and use that if you like. [17:06] okay [17:06] thank you [17:07] kristjan_eerik: f42cd3e2-93bf-11dd-94a1-001e6838f986 [17:07] jim , its set to NAT [17:07] can i pm you jim ? [17:07] kristjan_eerik: you can use that uuid for example. I just generated it. [17:07] 0.o [17:07] hore: please stop discussing it in ehre [17:07] sure [17:07] here [17:07] okay, will try [17:07] hi there again channel :) [17:07] ok ikonia 0.o [17:07] thank you [17:07] hey dury === Hilikus is now known as Hilikus_ [17:07] Hi, would there be more hardware compatible with the new version of ubuntu? [17:08] SM411 yes [17:08] SM411 for newer systems yes [17:08] My mainboard havnt been compatible with the older versions [17:08] Hey guys [17:08] hi [17:08] How can I fix my wifi? [17:08] but for older systems I had better luck with 6.06 personally [17:08] I've got errors to fetch sources to install packages [17:09] Gona find the name of my main board [17:09] kristjan_eerik: the whole idea in all that is that you create a link named by that uuid in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and that link should point to ../../sda1 [17:09] How can I solve that [17:09] oh [17:09] that [17:09] kristjan_eerik: and then add the entry with that same uuid above in /etc/fstab [17:09] okay [17:09] Hi. How can I change the shutdown theme in ubuntu? I mean, the shutdown buttons and looks [17:09] unless I kill esd my system becomes unresponsive, what's going on? Has anyone else had this problem? === Hilikus_ is now known as Hilikus [17:10] My Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS5, P45, Socket-775 havnt been compatible with older versions. Would it work now? [17:11] how do i make visudo use nano again? [17:11] can someone say to me a good unrar for hardy? [17:11] Hilikus: set $EDITOR = nano === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [17:11] !unrar | gauch0 [17:11] gauch0: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [17:11] ty [17:12] is there a hcl for ubuntu 8.04? [17:12] !hcl [17:12] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [17:13] ty [17:13] SM411: How about just trying a "live disk" run first. If it works you're aces, if not you've got another cup coaster. === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [17:13] hi all, is there a software that let me see the data sent by apps locally through sockets. i mean, like wireshark but for local connection [17:13] Older live disks of ubuntu didnt boot [17:13] Got loads of errors [17:14] SM411: How about for 8.04?? [17:14] Tried 804 and 710 i think [17:14] LF a good extractor of all extension like .rar .zip .sit [17:14] I'm trying to get mod_rewrite to work.... here's what I have, and it just doesn't redirect! :-( http://paste.ubuntu.com/54673/ [17:15] ecc === tk_ is now known as Zarveel^L [17:15] that's mod_rewrite for Apache [17:15] hi Im in need of understanding what Im doing wrong with adding the vboxdrv. please look at this and see if you understand. thank you http://paste.ubuntu.com/54676/ [17:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/54680/ [17:16] SM411: How about d/l a new copy of 8.04 and reburn and retry. If it fails then I'd suspect a hardware problem might exist. On the other hand if it runs then your 8.04 disk is problematic. [17:16] there's a lot of people pastebinning their problems and few people solving it :-( [17:16] hendrixski: feel free to fix them [17:16] it dosnt run on any diskt. Have tried two different live cd ordered from ubuntu.com and two that i have downloaded and burned by myself [17:16] Im finished on one [17:17] im looking for a good extractor of the most important extensions like .rar . zip . sit . 7zip . jar ecc.. ec.. [17:17] Im at a total loss for my problem [17:17] fileroller in intrepid does all of those [17:17] hell gotta go [17:17] gauch0: they are supported through nautlius, some of them you'll have to install propriaty tools like for rar and 7up [17:17] 7zuip [17:17] 7zip [17:17] I usualy used ubuntu before, but after i got a new mainboard i cant use it anymore. I tryed some other distros, but they suck so now im back at windows [17:17] my sources to install packages and update are crash http://paste.ubuntu.com/54680/ [17:17] dury you said that 2 minutes ago [17:18] SM411: I noticed another posted here a page listing acceptable hardware for Ubuntu. Did you get the address and have you checked there? [17:18] dury: please wait a while before posting the same question over and over [17:18] ikonia, I would fix others' problems but I'm under deadline: and I've got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54673/ [17:18] sorry channel [17:18] No i didnt get the adress, and i havnt checked it [17:18] sorry ikonia [17:18] well hardware support is still a major issue with linux but hey time and patiente [17:18] hendrixski you may get more specialist support in #apache [17:19] hendrixski: people who use mod_rewrite all the time are in there [17:19] I know, but it would be great to get back ubuntu [17:19] 7zip run only in command line? [17:19] ikonia, nobody seems to be biting there either :'-( [17:19] gauch0: I thought it could intergrate into nautilus [17:19] A matrox 400/450 should have good ubuntu support correct? [17:19] SM411: Try Google for "acceptable hardware and Ubuntu". [17:19] i am running ubuntu hardy [17:20] how to? [17:20] gauch0: no 7-zip also ahs gui [17:20] *has [17:20] ok ty men [17:20] gauch0: welcome [17:20] hendrixski: http://hell.org.ua/Docs/oreilly/other2/apache3rd/ [17:21] SM411: Also try Gpoogle with your motherboard brand and model plus Linux and see what comes to the surface. [17:21] ikonia, ah, that looks much more in depth than the blog posts I've looked through about the rewrite stuff [17:22] hendrixski served me well in the pastr [17:22] past [17:22] Not in the list (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMotherboardsIntelSocket775Gigabyte) [17:22] do you think my problem might have to do with being dual core?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/54676/ [17:22] ikonia, except the links to the chapters don't seem to work [17:22] Hi all [17:22] Hello someguy! [17:23] hi all [17:23] How do I get bzip2 to recursively compress a directory? [17:23] someguy it does it by default [17:23] myrtti: hi paste that love charecter [17:23] bzip2: Input file adserve is a directory. [17:23] hi all [17:23] myrtti: hi paste that love charecter === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [17:24] ikonia: bzip2: Input file adserve is a directory. [17:24] I would test the new beta soon, and if that dont work i come back. [17:24] that's what I get when I type, bzip2 -v adserve.bz2 adserve [17:24] someguy: show me the command your using [17:24] someguy: put a / on the end of it [17:24] But would a new bios fix my problems? [17:24] ah [17:24] Hi there, anyone who knows how to gain more speaker power in ubuntu? [17:24] hi guys, how will the raid support be in the upcomming ubuntu release? [17:25] I know I using 8.10 beta, but I guess it doesn\t matter what version I use. If I have managed to remove the nm-applet from the panel and I cannot find it again in the "add to panel" menu, is it possible to get it back? [17:25] ikonia: bzip2: Input file adserve/ is a directory. [17:25] will it be possible to install on raid from start? [17:25] N1X0N: hello [17:25] rune: you mean speaker voltages and AMP [17:25] ubottu, help [17:25] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [17:25] hi all [17:25] Hello Myrtti! [17:25] None in #Ubuntu+1 know how to get it back [17:25] someguy: ahhhhh [17:25] yep i think so [17:25] someguy: sorry I miss understood [17:25] Hopefully someone here can help me. [17:25] ikonia, someguy: bzip2 compresses files, if you want to compress a directory use tar to create a archive [17:25] myrtti: please stop it [17:25] stdin: yup just twigged what he was doing [17:26] rune: please use name when you are addressing to me gets lost in the chaos === blackkatt_ is now known as blackkatt [17:26] Hi Everone [17:26] how? [17:26] SM411: How about checking with the Gigabyte web site ands see if they say anything of have a FAQ section. You will neeed the model of the board not just the socket type.? [17:26] am i typing /rohan or something? [17:26] hi guys, how will the raid support be in the upcomming ubuntu release? will it be possible to install on raid from start? [17:27] rune: type the nick and ":" before you write the rest of the sentence where "nick" is the intended reader. [17:27] !tab [17:27] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [17:27] can anybody suggest a gnome based multiprotocol messenger? [17:27] rune: Like this [17:28] any way i can make my active windows icons to stick on the desktop like widgets ? [17:29] any way i can make my active windows icons to stick on the desktop like widgets ? [17:29] rune: the only thing you can do is increase volume from ubuntu or get an power AMP [17:29] pronoy_: you mean to be sticky on the desktop ? [17:29] trilobiti: like a widget yes [17:29] ikonia: was the bot named NIXON [17:29] pronoy_: by right clicking the titlebar there should be an option "Always on top" [17:30] rohan_1: yes [17:30] tar -cvjf did the trick, thanks [17:30] I have a ubuntu install works fine...compiz fusion works fine on it. I load up SecondLife and secondlife I can see it but it keeps flashing black and then back just in that window. If I open something ontop of that window I can see the secondlife through it and it still flashes....any ideas? [17:30] I just installed Hardy and it seems that it has selected a resolution which isn't compatible with my monitor [17:30] in the olden days I'd have fiddled with the display modes in xorg.conf [17:31] however it seems that this isn't the way Ubuntu works any more. How do I fix my resolution from a terminal? [17:31] Hello. I am having serious issues with nm-applet crashing my desktop. Right now I am running xchat without nautilus or gnome-panel. I can cntrl alt F1 into a command line and cntrl alt F7 back to my "desktop" to use xchat but that is about all. I lost use of my terminal when it froze and I had to kill it. Firefox will not work for launching web browser links from xchat. [17:31] trilobiti: that's no good...like that the window always stays above...doesn't become an icon....eg if i minimise the window it should go into some sort of a dock....except that dock shouldn't autohide [17:31] bye everyone [17:32] bye mitchell [17:32] * Flark waves [17:32] pronoy_: I wouldn't know that. Applications that dock are usually designed since the start to do so. [17:32] is it possible to prevent linux from muting my speakers when I plug a headset into the front panel? [17:32] debfx, that is a hardware thing [17:33] trilobiti: hmm ok....i'll try multicasting it [17:33] hi all, quick question, I did a port scan on my own ip address and was surprised to find that port 55267 was open with and unknown service. any idea what this is? [17:33] any way i can make my active windows icons to stick on the desktop like widgets ? [17:33] any way i can make my active windows icons to stick on the desktop like widgets ? [17:33] pronoy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:33] Flark: the windows driver has an option for this [17:33] oh. well then I stand corrected. [17:33] recon69, don't worry, it's just a backdoor [17:34] Anybody have an idea on the question I asked earlier? [17:34] debfx: maybe your soundcard has two output channels, separate for front and rear ? [17:34] jeff_: on bye michell? [17:34] I have a ubuntu install works fine...compiz fusion works fine on it. I load up SecondLife and secondlife I can see it but it keeps flashing black and then back just in that window. If I open something ontop of that window I can see the secondlife through it and it still flashes....any ideas? [17:34] try disabling compiz [17:35] can anyone help with setting up a cruzer usb stick for booting linux [17:35] Okay Flark i will give that a shot thank you :) [17:35] np [17:35] Now just have to get out of vista and back into linux lol [17:35] anyone know what to do if nm-applet is crashing gnome? [17:35] I can't sem to configure my wireless without it [17:36] even with iwconfig [17:36] jeff_: problem with compiz configs check them just once more [17:36] gribouille: you making a joke right? [17:36] rohan_1 anything specific i should be checking? i know secondlife is opengl if that helps [17:36] Flark: I have used an application "wifi-dadar". See if that can do what you need. [17:36] hi alle [17:36] =) [17:36] Flark: wifi-radar [17:37] trilobiti, the problem is I can't download anything [17:37] flark: try updating it helps a lot of times [17:37] are there any germans in here? :P [17:37] Hello all [17:37] !de | huaba [17:37] huaba: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:37] aa [17:37] kk, ty :D [17:37] I can't update [17:37] cucu! === barseflakes is now known as haptiK [17:37] in fact it took a lot of work just to make xchat work [17:37] Flark: what about if you don't start gnome at all and then see to bring the network up from text mode ? [17:37] I can't sem to configure my wireless without it [17:37] even with iwconfig [17:38] do any one know online games to play in ubuntu? [17:38] recno69: netstat --inet -np --listen | grep 55267 <-- that should show you the process that is listening on 55267 [17:38] how do i stop xine? [17:38] it was a miracle I got xchat running [17:38] !games | amanulla [17:38] amanulla: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [17:38] trilobiti: no, it's a driver feature [17:39] iwconfig from command line doesn't seem to work. [17:39] anyone has some time, I need help with my squid on ubuntu :( [17:39] Having problems with Installing on Asus P5Q Delux. It lockups [17:39] what does it mean when a system shows error 22 while booting [17:39] maybe somenone can help me with xmms2? [17:39] and stops booting [17:40] debfx: I'd check the soundcard manufacturer's website for any driver news for linux. If it's a driver thing, that's the best place to start. [17:40] Flark: it shows nothing, iwconfig ? [17:40] I do "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid linksys" and then list the wireless devices to make sure it worked, and it SAYS that I am connected but then none of my internet apps work as though they are getting a connection [17:40] how is it going channel [17:41] now im in gnome desk can i shift to kde im using ubuntu? [17:41] amanulla, yes [17:41] amanulla, yes [17:41] have you seen my paste [17:41] I've been searching around on how to get my TC4400 Tablet PC to work properly w/ Hardy Heron (touchscreen), and I have found a few guides, but they all fail in the same area it seems, any1 know of or have a good guide I can try following ? [17:41] amanulla, yes [17:41] how can i shift [17:41] amanulla, in the login screen, click on Session, and choose KDE [17:41] in http://paste.ubuntu.com/54680/ [17:41] hello. In Openoffice.org, when I select 100% zoom level in the toolbar, the page displayed is not original size. It is bigger than a paper of that size. [17:41] ok i will try now [17:41] Flark: iwlist ap [17:41] Flark: does that say anything ? [17:41] hi if I upgrade to 8.10 beta now, will I have no problem to autoupdate to the final version later? [17:42] homy: it is [17:42] trilobiti, just a sec while I ctrl + alt + f1 to try that. hang on. [17:42] wait [17:42] lol [17:42] thanks [17:42] I'm online right now. let me explain. [17:43] dury: no, it isn't. I can hold a paper a5 on the screen, but the document displayed is not the same size, even though it is also a5! [17:43] any1 good with 'wacom' and correctly enabling the drivers? [17:43] I managed to get xchat running by using nm-applet to connect and then ctrl alt f1 and killed the pannel and nautilus and nm-applet before anything could crash [17:43] homy: use zoom -> entire page if you want the page to fit on screen [17:44] amanulla, welcome back [17:44] unfortunately this way I can't open anything new [17:44] ohh idont have kde option there [17:44] only gnome [17:44] Flark: have you restarted the system ever since ? [17:44] if I try, whatever I try to open crashes [17:44] amanulla: install kubuntu-desktop to have that option [17:44] no I did this just 20 minutes ago [17:44] homy: what kind of screen and resolution you have? [17:44] if I upgrade to 8.10 beta now, will I have no problem to autoupdate to the final version later? [17:45] amanulla, you have to install kde first : install the package kubuntu-desktop [17:45] Anyone here been successful in getting 2 Video Cards and 2 Monitors setup? [17:45] trust me I have tried before though; every time I go to connect with nm-applet it will lead to a crash within a few seconds to a few minutes [17:45] King_Kickass: beta comes with no guarentees [17:45] genii:how can i install [17:45] you mean to change ubuntu and install kubuntu? [17:45] but i have no kubuntu cds [17:45] amanulla, no [17:46] alright guys, I have a problem: I had to delete my swap partition so I could resize my windows/ubuntu partitions. I recreated the swap and now when I try to hibernate, it just shutsdown the machine. Any ideas on how to fix it? [17:46] amanulla: Install through your package manager, Synaptic [17:46] amanulla, you can install kde in ubuntu, [17:46] ok how to install [17:46] amanulla, you can install kde in ubuntu, but you have to install the package kubuntu-desktop. Go to Synaptic and install it [17:46] any commands to type in terminal [17:46] or can I access the new 8.10 repositories without installing the beta? [17:46] amanulla, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop === trilobiti is now known as trilobiti-away [17:46] amanulla: If by terminal: sudo apt-get update then: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [17:46] King_Kickass, no problems, you can install ubuntu 8.10 [17:47] how can i force a fsck on boot? [17:47] Flark: need to be afk for some moments. [17:47] ReloadRepeat, it sounds like the configuration for hibernation needs to be updated [17:47] Daremonai: sudo touch /forcefsck [17:47] King_Kickass, no problems, you can install ubuntu 8.10, or run sudo update-manager -d [17:47] !intrepid [17:47] any idea how to force xine to stop [17:47] Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [17:47] ok [17:47] Flark, how would I go about doing that? [17:47] Pici, this would only do it once, right? [17:47] ok i hope it does not format my hd [17:47] Daremonai: correct. [17:47] scampbell: that is not my question === alberto is now known as Guest45989 [17:47] I don't know. It is no doubt listed somewhere in the documentation. You just need to find out where the config is stored. [17:48] Pici, thanks [17:48] homy: did you solve it? [17:48] That's my guess anyways. [17:48] King_Kickass: But it may not work properly. It is still beta after all. [17:48] dury: I have "acer x223w" widescreen monitor 1680x1050 pixel. [17:48] dury: no, I didn't [17:48] King_Kickass: you aren't going to back up first?!? Then you accept the risk. [17:48] nah backup is a pain in the ass [17:48] How can I switch from graphical boot to text so I can see why LiveCD is hanging burring boot [17:48] amanulla: you can use the menu system->admin->synaptic packet manager to install software ( just for your info in future ) [17:48] ok thx bye [17:49] Guma: If the LiveCD is not working, there isn't going to be much you can do to force it to work. Have you tried using the Alternate CD to install Ubuntu? [17:49] recon69:ok [17:50] Pici: No I did not. What is Alt CD? I am using 8.10 Beta 64 right now on Asus P5Q Delux [17:50] does the i386 iso have the 64 bit intel version too? [17:50] Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to give me some ideas for adding some logging around networking? I'm having an intermittent problem. [17:50] Flark, Ugh, I spent around 2 hours looking through there. They have a detailed way of using a file on a harddisk as a swap partition, but mention you can't hibernate if you do it like that. [17:51] Guma: 1) Intrepid Help is in #ubuntu+1, 2) its a version that is not a live cd, just for install. [17:51] lycoste: No, the x86 iso has the 64 bit version [17:51] homy: gesss what could be the problem..... you think? [17:51] My machine on 8.04 Hardy (Kernel 2.6.24-19-generic) has a frequent problem when I'm doing a lot of file transfer, the networking stops working. I can ping machines on the same subnet, but nothing external. Ping to google.com will just sit there and fail, for example. I don't believe the gateway is accessible either. If i run /etc/init.d/networking restart, it starts working again. I usually have to [17:51] restart any torrents, but hellanzb starts working normally on its own. I've checked /var/log/messages, and can't see any errors. Is there a way to turn on more logging? [17:51] lycoste: It can install on 64 bit, but it will not be the 64bit kernel. [17:51] dury: but its a normal 22" wide screen monitor! [17:51] dury: maybe I have to find the dpi in the manual and set it somewhere in openoffice? [17:52] Have you isolated the package(s) responsible for hibernation, ReloadRepeat? Because maybe you can just do a reconfigure with dpkg [17:52] thanks [17:52] can someone guide me to the most proper way to back up my system files and settings? I have seen many different ways and the umbuntu wiki says use a utility called hubackup. [17:52] mage, try /init.d/networking monitor "filename.log" [17:52] !backup [17:52] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [17:52] ubuntu* [17:52] can i pause an update in terminal and carry on after restart? [17:52] I need some help getting my touchscreen laptop's touchscreen functionality working, not sure what to do, any1 have a minute or two to help out? [17:52] alreadykno thanks! [17:52] homy: did you try printing in a A4 paper? [17:52] sweet thanks ubottu [17:52] amanulla, if its just downloading packages yes [17:52] (it's a tablet, TC4400 to be precise) [17:53] yes [17:53] amanulla, if its already installing not recommended [17:53] dury: no it's not about printing. The page shows in a wrong size when it is displayed on the screen. [17:53] can i pause [17:53] Flark, I admit I haven't. It is an avenue to try, but I feel that this should be a lot easier than it currently is [17:53] amanulla: i'd wait, why you need to restart? === alaniaris_kokora is now known as elis === elis is now known as elis88 [17:53] hello , i need some help making ics with ubuntu and windows xp [17:53] dury: by the way, it is displayed correctly with evince if I "create pdf" in openoffice [17:54] so somehow it must be an openoffice problem. [17:54] hmm, networking monitor "filename.log" doesn't work - looks like its not an option. Do I need to install a program to do the logging? [17:54] amanulla: well, just cancel it , and start again when you reboot [17:54] ReloadRepeat, yeah I feel for you. You should see the pickle I'm in atm. [17:54] homy: right..... never had that kind of hazel [17:54] recon69:not to restart now but its 70 mb to download kde desk it takes much time can i pause and continue [17:54] as it is too late for me now [17:55] dury: why not? [17:55] im just asking is there any alternative to pause a download [17:55] had to drop, reboot; logged entries. [17:55] recon69: They will need to likely do the old dpkg --reconfigure -a [17:55] i succesed to share the files but cannot share the internet [17:55] and carry on after restart? [17:55] amanulla: well, if it still downloading ctrl-C will stop it [17:55] homy: I'm going to open OO [17:55] dury: go ahead :) [17:55] no i dont wnat to stop i wnat to pause is it possible? [17:56] amanulla, firefox has that feature by default. It's the pause button in the download window. [17:56] My cd drive doesn't work so I can't reinstall, I can't use anything but nm-applet to connect to the internet, and when I do it b0rks my desktop making me unable to open new applications or make use of the desktop, nautilus, or the panel. [17:56] okay, guys; a friend of mine was asking me how to install fluxbox, and I told him "sudo apt-get install fluxbox". Well, now that problem is solved (as far as downloading). [17:56] alreadykno: We're talking about apt-get [17:56] I, however, had to add something to get it into my sessions list.. [17:56] How would he go about putting it into his sessions list? [17:56] might have to select in preferences to show that window, [17:56] alreadykno:my download is from terminal [17:56] !fluxbox [17:56] fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox [17:56] hello , i need some help making ics with ubuntu and windows xp [17:56] amanulla: if you stop it while it's downloading on the command line, any packets it has downloaded will stay. I think [17:56] thanks, homy [17:56] ohh. apt-get is a protocol. get a front end gui for it. [17:56] i succesed to share the files but cannot share the internet [17:56] i couldn't remember the link [17:56] Fused: you're welcome [17:57] Flark, wow, makes my problem seem pretty trivial [17:57] lol [17:57] Flubox or awesome? [17:57] :P [17:57] Greetings... where can I find the log files for cron jobs? [17:57] Hey all .. Couldanybody help me out with trying to get 3d support [17:57] Does anyone know how to launch applications inside an already running desktop from the command prompt given by ctrl alt f1? [17:57] recon69:ok i will check it by diconnecting now [17:57] alreadykno, apt-get is a protocol?? no, it's just another frontend to APT [17:58] homy: my paper format in OO it's A4 (page Style) [17:58] no, it's the sister project for wget. FTP like in operation. [17:58] when i was in the gentoo world - there was a cute lil util that would let you direct the output of a command directly to a pastebin -- does such a thing exist in the ubuntu world? [17:58] Flark, what kind of applications? [17:58] I've got two helpers in Firefox to play audio/mp3 - it keeps picking totem over vlc... how do I make it use mozilla-vlc-plugin?? [17:58] fluxbox or awesome greencookie ? [17:58] alreadykno, you're confusing issues if you say that [17:58] the PT, in fact stands for protocol transfer. [17:59] anything. gnome-terminal would be nice. firefox or synaptic would be great too. [17:59] homy: menu Format/Page.. then page tab [17:59] dury: yes, I can also set it to a4. But when I hold a piece of a4 paper on my screen, I see that openoffice displays the document too large. [17:59] Which would you prefer ukkopekka [17:59] quit goofing, and bother to find out. Admittedly griping. [17:59] recon69:well its getting continued by ctrl+d hope i t will remain same even after restart [17:59] alreadykno, err no - APT - stands for advanced packaging tool [17:59] I can try to launch firefox from xchat but it doesn't show up. when I try again it says it is already running [17:59] some one can help me plz ? [17:59] !ask | blue_wolf [17:59] blue_wolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:59] homy: I mean, I grab a piece of paper lying on my desk, and hold it directly on my lcd monitor. [17:59] I need to find an IRC group for awesomeWM :( [18:00] And then I see that openoffice displays the a4 page too large; it is bigger than the real piece of paper [18:00] hello , i need some help making ics with ubuntu and windows xp, i succesed to share the files but cannot share the internet [18:00] greencookie join #lxde [18:00] oklinux thank you:) [18:00] !ics [18:00] If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [18:00] homy: gesssss......... I don't know what it is [18:00] homy: sorry dude :( [18:00] homy, OK, adjust your zoom on OpenOffice to the right size, and set a shortcut to that size in OOO. [18:00] homy: when you print it, it will be the correct size no matter how it look on your screen [18:00] But there's only 1 guy over there and he looks to be away. [18:00] greencookie:awesomeWM means? [18:00] ruediix: the zoom level is 100% [18:01] here is a detailed thing for my problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5915153#post5915153 Any help would be nice... =] [18:01] amanulla: Its a Window Manager, a very lightweight and useful one, might i add . [18:01] I have an idea. Where is the configuration file for gnome-panel stored? I need to remove an applet. [18:01] I can't navigate my local network trough Places > Network, only if I specify the IP address on the location bar. Any tips? [18:01] recon69: yes, thats right. It's also correct when making a pdf and evince displays it correctly. But it's easier to edit when it really shows the page in original size and just doesn't pretend... [18:01] Flark: Its in gconf. [18:01] greencookie:ok [18:01] thanks pici [18:02] I am going to try to edit it with nano [18:02] * greencookie looks around for other awesomeWM users. === Flark is now known as Flark|brb [18:02] can someone please help me...i seem to have deleted the lower panel in ubuntu ?? how can i bring it back....and all my file browsers don't have titlebars ?? [18:02] join #lxde [18:02] homy, what exactly are you trying to do? [18:02] /j #lxde [18:02] amanulla :) lol [18:02] homy: recon69 it's right I guess [18:02] hello, i have a verry slow internet and ubuntu 7 installed and ubuntu 8 downloaded on a CD, can i put the CD into the repository of the update mannagera and update to ubuntu 8 withouth downloading the pacgakes again? [18:03] homy: do that [18:03] How do I start kded4? [18:03] mmm..awesome is indeed awesome..:P [18:03] pronoy. You're better off without a lower panel. install Avant Window Navigator [18:03] Hey guys can someone PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE help me with getting dual monitors on separate cards to work? [18:04] homy, ooo probably uses a different dpi than the other apps. Just remember 100% doesn't match 100% on other programs. [18:04] hello, i have a verry slow internet and ubuntu 7 installed and ubuntu 8 downloaded on a CD, can i put the CD into the repository of the update mannagera and update to ubuntu 8 withouth downloading the pacgakes again? [18:04] I have an Nvidia onboard 8200 and an addon pci-x 8500GT [18:04] ruediix: The full story: In openoffice, I select Page Size a4. Then I grab a real sheet of a4 paper lying on my real desk and hold it against my screen. I see that openoffice shows the virtual page too large. [18:04] fluke: i did...but i'll stick to the lower panel...no offense but i didn't like it [18:04] /dev/sda6 /usr reiserfs notail,noatime 0 2 <--- Are these defaults in /etc/fstab making my disk slow? [18:04] homy: well, as far as i know you only option then is to change your screen res until you get the correct size. dont even know it that is possible [18:04] I need help getting my graphics card to get 3d acceleration running. I've tried various thing like editing the xorg.conf but that didn't help any.... === Flark|brb is now known as Flark [18:05] fluke: so how do i bring the lower panel back any ideas ? [18:05] damn. nm-applet loads into the system try. how can I stop it from running when the panel loads? [18:05] How do I start kded4? [18:05] !resetpanels | pronoy_ [18:05] pronoy_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [18:05] deunnero: did you install you graphic cards restricted driver? [18:05] ruediix: evince shows the page in the (almost, maybe 2 millimeter) correct size. [18:05] recon69: so how can I make openoffice use the same dpi value as evince and other applications? [18:05] recon: Yes, but then I uninstalled and installed envy to install them for me... but same problem [18:05] Pici: thanks [18:05] homy, in that case Open Office (abreviated OOO) is using a different dpi (Dots/Inch) than other programs that do display correctly, just remember this, unless it really annoys you, in which case there are settings to change the dpi in OpenOffice. [18:06] ruediix: where are those settings? I couldn't find them. [18:06] Hello all [18:06] Hey morth =] [18:06] ruediix: (so yes, it annoys me) [18:07] i am now a proud user of Ubuntu :) [18:07] woow [18:07] Pici: another problem...my file browsers don't have any titlebars and no minimize, close, maximise buttons ? [18:07] wooot * [18:07] morth, welcome :-) [18:07] just installed it lastnight hehe [18:07] I'm having some difficulties with sarg-reports. sarg-reports today works like a champ, but any of the commands used in the cron entries do nothing. [18:07] anyone with any suggestions? [18:07] i got a question - When i backspace and there is no longer text my Mobo makes a beep noise is there a way to Disable that feature? [18:07] what is sarg-reports? [18:07] morth: hi there.... how is it going for you...ok? [18:07] Morth: I installed mine 2 days ago hehe =] ... i'm just hoping to try an get some support for 3d acceleration... >.> [18:08] Flark, sarg-reports is for squid proxy [18:08] ??? [18:08] homy, search the help for dpi, they usually are burried, I haven't searched for them recently. A quick hack is to adjust the % till it's right, and make a macro button to switch to that percent. [18:08] morth: on the gnome-terminal preferences disable beep [18:08] what video card deunner [18:08] deunnero, it should just work out-of-the-box these days ... unless your laptop is old and just won't support it [18:08] it's short for Squid Analysis Report Generator [18:08] what video card deunnero [18:08] sorry, no clue [18:08] THIS CHANNEL IS STUPID, I ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION AND NO ONE KNOWS TO ANSWER. I AM NEW TO LINUX SO I DONT KNOW THIS EASY THING BUT IM SHURE SOMEONE DOES [18:08] is Gnome-Terminal and just "Terminal" the same thing? [18:09] my file browsers don't have any titlebars and no minimize, close, maximise buttons how do i bring them back [18:09] THIS CHANNEL IS STUPID, I ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION AND NO ONE KNOWS TO ANSWER. I AM NEW TO LINUX SO I DONT KNOW THIS EASY THING BUT IM SHURE SOMEONE DOES [18:09] hi ppl! im trying out xubuntu and was wondering if there is any text editors with ftp support, so you can edit like html files directly from the ftp server? [18:09] !patience | ajrion [18:09] ajrion: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [18:09] ATI Radeon xpress 200m [18:09] hello, i have a verry slow internet and ubuntu 7 installed and ubuntu 8 downloaded on a CD, can i put the CD into the repository of the update mannagera and update to ubuntu 8 withouth downloading the pacgakes again? [18:09] ajrion: also tried other support option, thr forums, mailing list and launchpad answers [18:09] ajrion, yes [18:09] ajrion, you need to use the !alternative ISO if you want to do that - the desktop ISO won't help [18:10] hey channel.... may I have support to enable my sources repostory? [18:10] ajrion: you can only do what you want with the alternate cd. the desktop cd can not be used as source for packages [18:10] my file browsers don't have any titlebars and no minimize, close, maximise buttons how do i bring them back [18:10] the copnnection faild [18:10] unop o k so i cant do that :) i need to download again :( [18:10] ajrion, sorry it took so long to reply, the CD can be in a repository, it should have an option in Synaptic to turn it back on. It defaults off, because packages update so often. [18:10] what they said. [18:10] ajrion, you may want to look into what ondisk.com can do for you [18:10] ajrion, unfortunately, yes [18:10] pronoy_: are you using metacity or emerald? [18:10] ruediix, the desktop CD won't help him [18:11] ajrion, they offer entire Ubuntu repositories in a multi-DVD-set [18:11] ruediix: the only search result I get for 'dpi' ist Export as PDF. [18:11] that's right the the sources repositories [18:11] THANK YOU ALL, YOU ROCK! :) [18:11] for people with slow connections [18:11] Paddy_EIRE: emerald [18:11] anyone knows a text editor with ftp support (xubuntu) [18:11] homy: have a suggestion, you can use a variable zoom value. pick the one that gives you the correct size [18:11] !software | morth [18:11] morth: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [18:11] pronoy_: for now type into a terminal "emerald --replace& exit" [18:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport nero [18:11] Does anyone know how to launch applications inside an already running desktop from the command prompt given by ctrl alt f1? [18:11] Does anybody know how to set the screen dpi value in openoffice? [18:11] hendrixski: thanks alot ill look into it [18:11] homy, hmmm, that won't help . . . Try searching the wiki at http://www.openoffice.org [18:11] Flark, I think i asked this already - what kind of applications? [18:12] supported in 7.04 with propritary driver (No DVI support) [18:12] can someone please PLEASE tell me how to USE pastebinit -- i cant seem to get it to work [18:12] w8tah, command | pastebinit [18:12] :-_) [18:12] homy, it should have a link to the user-doc wiki. [18:12] have to edit xorg.conf for dvi I guess [18:12] unop, anything. gnome-terminal would be nice. [18:12] what is the difference between atlas3-sse2 and libatlas-sse2? [18:12] pronoy_: for handiness in the future use "fusion-icon" it is in the repositories.. just do "sudo apt-get install fusion-icon" [18:12] w8tah, or pastebinit < file [18:12] w8tah: have your read its manpage? [18:12] !openoffice [18:12] a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org [18:12] Paddy_EIRE: no success [18:12] pici yes -- repeatedly -- and i know im stupid but i cant understand what it wants [18:12] hehe even though i only been using Linux for a few hours i can already tell it has more Power then Windows :) [18:13] w8tah: What are you trying? [18:13] Flark, DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-terminal #but you need to use the right value for DISPLAY here [18:13] pronoy_: then try "metacity --replace& exit" [18:13] pastebinit -i dpkg -L libphonon4 [18:13] dpkg -L libphonon4 | pastebinit [18:13] etc [18:13] no... I think you misunderstand, unop [18:13] unop, I am not trying to open something on another monitor [18:14] w8tah: no, you can't -i a command. you either need to pipe a command output into it or use -i with a file. i.e: dpkg -L libphonon4 | pastebinit [18:14] ruediix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54701/ [18:14] Flark, you're at a console (i.e. VTY1) and you want to launch something to run in your X environment?? [18:14] ok [18:14] w8tah: Does it give you a url back for the second line? [18:14] Paddy_EIRE: ya got it back....man how dumb !! i was using metacity all this while and thought it was emerald.......Thanks anywyas !! [18:14] Pici: no - it tells me i t cant do it [18:14] !openoffice [18:14] a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org [18:14] unop, what does VTY1 mean? [18:14] pronoy_: :) install emerald and fusion-icon [18:14] Flark, the console you get to when you type CTRL+ALT+F1 [18:15] then yes [18:15] Paddy_EIRE: I have installed emerald and fusion-icon....now i need to run them [18:15] pici specifically -- error no arguements specified [18:15] Flark, then the command i gave you is what you want. [18:15] w8tah: What if you just do: ls | pastebinit ? [18:15] pronoy_: just start fusion-icon then choose your window decorator from there [18:15] ruediix: what could be the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/54701/ [18:15] unop, I can get back to my desktop with ctrl alt f7, so what value do I use for display? [18:16] Pici: it works [18:16] I'm desesperate... :( [18:16] gessss [18:16] do any one have any idea about installing ubuntu on usb stick [18:16] !usb [18:16] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [18:16] Paddy_EIRE: I have installed fusion-icon....i went to the terminal and issued fusion-icon [18:16] w8tah: Does the output of that dpkg -L command give you any output normally? [18:16] !? [18:16] need help with debootstrap [18:16] Flark, normally it is :0.0 - but you should check, open up a terminal and type echo $DISPLAY [18:17] !command [18:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about command [18:17] !list [18:17] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [18:17] Paddy_EIRE: do i need to write fusion --replace like emerald ?? [18:17] hi [18:17] unop, I can get back to my desktop with ctrl alt f7, so what value do I use for display? [18:17] pici yes [18:17] Hello biberao [18:17] !botabuse > deunnero, [18:17] how can i speed up my ubuntu? [18:17] list of directories etc === adam is now known as Guest45310 [18:17] pronoy_: nope... just run fusion-icon [18:17] w8tah: I'm not sure why its doing that then. I've had issues where sometimes pastebinit doesnt want to give me a url, but theres no errors then. [18:17] Flark, i just told you. === marmar is now known as ToRrES [18:18] hmm. okay then. thanks [18:18] ok - thanks for the time - -sorry to bother u guys [18:18] debootstrap is used to create a minimal Ubuntu build [18:18] pronoy_: go to "Applications > System Tools > "Compiz Fusion Icon" [18:18] Paddy_EIRE: fusion-icon....from main menu not working ? [18:19] Paddy_EIRE: nothing turns up [18:19] trying again: what is the diff between atlas3-sse2 and libatlas3-sse2 [18:19] what is dsl? [18:19] Anyone use ratpoison? [18:19] pronoy_: it should be in your notification area now [18:19] greencookie: in what respect [18:19] amanulla: Damn Small Linux [18:19] ikonia: :) the WM :P sry [18:19] Paddy_EIRE: grr! !!gotcha !! **** [18:19] pronoy_: :) [18:19] hey, i've installed ubuntu on my old thinkpad r32 again but i can't get 8.07 running with compiz :( graphic card is radeon m6 ly and 7.10 was running compiz fine! can anyone help me? [18:20] greencookie: sorry just checking [18:20] Pici: have you got time to support me? [18:20] amanulla: dial-up slow line [18:20] dury: I told you before, ask the channel, rather than one person [18:20] dury: Not really, I'm running off to a meeting in 5 minutes. [18:20] greencookie:i want to install dsl [18:20] sint: get output of X [18:20] :) [18:20] you'll get a better response [18:20] unop, nothing I load works. I get a blank window which can only be forced to quit. [18:20] Chowder: how? [18:20] amanulla a dls is a digital subscriber line (high speed via a phone line). Simular to cable internet but uses PPPoE. (Username/pass usually required) [18:21] amanulla: Your best bet is to google it. [18:21] sint: one sec. [18:21] BenHoltz:what does it mean "dial-up slow line" [18:21] ok... could anyone support me to solve repositories connection [18:21] Paddy_EIRE: done....anything else ? [18:21] homy, if they don't have the screen dpi in the main interface I'm pretty stumped. As if it's not reading it properly from X11, there isn't much you can do, except the hack I gave you (Find what it is yourself, and create a shortcut button to that size) [18:21] amanulla: go look up DSL on google. [18:21] Flark, the blank window i assume appears in VTY7 ?? and it's a GUI window? I'm just making sure. [18:21] amanulla: This is the *Ubuntu* Support Channel, for Ubuntu, not general computing things. [18:21] unop, yes [18:21] can't install packages [18:21] ruediix: for me, it is 93% [18:22] Flark, what did you try opening? maybe there's more you need to do [18:22] greencookie:ok [18:22] how do I kill a process, and prevent it from coming back? [18:22] <|moe|> hello there, due to a powershortage my ubuntu install on a vm complains about wrong permission settings on bootup and refuses to load. (chown: invalid group syslog:adm and klog:klog) [18:22] dury: maybe es.archive.ubuntu.com is down, you could try a different server [18:22] <|moe|> how can I fix that? [18:22] homy, than you should be able to create a shortcut button, read up on simple oneline macros relating to the view size commands. [18:22] ruediix: nobody is answering in #openoffice.org [18:22] Hello [18:22] Chowder: from /var/log/Xorg.0.log? === stelk is now known as StelK [18:22] |moe|: reinstall? vbox usually reinstalls well [18:23] unop, I tried gnome terminal after nautilus --no-desktop. gnome-panel can't be terminated or properly loaded if that helps. [18:23] ruediix: but its a dirty hack :) but probably I'll use it if it is impossible to change screen dpi. [18:23] pronoy_: not really.. enjoy mostly.. and you may wanna install "compizconfig-settings-manager" in order to adjust compiz much better [18:23] yes [18:23] sint: and also /etc/X11/xorg.conf [18:23] homy: have you tried setting a variable zoom setting that gives you the correct size? [18:23] Paddy_EIRE: ya already done that [18:23] put it on ubuntu.pastebin.com [18:23] Paddy_EIRE: thanks [18:23] <|moe|> well, this vm is about 600km away so I'd like to instruct someone (he's a noob) [18:23] Chowder: k, sec [18:23] Flark, does ALT+F2 bring up the run dialog in VT7 ? [18:23] <|moe|> danbh_intrepid: like bootup in rescue mode and type the following: chown.... [18:23] recon69: thanks to answer me...... really appreciate it [18:23] Pici:to install ubuntu on usb i downloaded mini.iso but how can i use it to install it on my usb? [18:24] unop, no. but maybe it needs more time to load...? [18:24] recon69: yes, for me its 93%. But that's a dirty hack. I should be able to set the screen dpi value, or, even better, 100% should be 100% by default!!! [18:24] people, I'm having some trouble with my Intel GL960 chipset (X3100), I select the Intel drivers but Xorg keep always switching back to vesa (and I can't use 3d acceleration), anyone had the same problem or can help me? [18:24] Flark, give it a couple more seconds [18:24] is there a way i can remotely launch gnome from a windows machine? or just X11 for that matter. [18:24] no [18:24] |moe|: I don't know, that well [18:24] recon69: how can I configure a different server [18:24] unop, I'll give it a few more minutes. [18:24] Chowder: was that no for me? [18:25] greencookie, if you have an X11 client, you can have X11 apps displayed on the client but running on the server [18:25] greencookie, unless you connect to an Ubuntu box via ssh [18:25] greencookie: remotely launch gnome from a windows machine means to see drives of ubuntu from xp? [18:25] in windows it's remote desktop [18:25] when i execute a command, is there any way to change the base path that the command is executing from? i.e. i would like to do basically 1) cd /a/good/path then: /usr/local/bin/mycommand > eatmyshorts (where all relative paths that mycommand accesses are calculated from /a/good/path but without having to cd to it first) [18:25] sucks :( [18:25] Can someone help me out with getting my ati radeon xpress 200m getting 3d acceleration up? [18:25] right now I can ssh into the terminal [18:25] i mean in one line [18:25] homy, chances are they don't know. Yeah, try looking up on Xorg how to force DDC monitory detection on in the video card driver. This should fix the issue by forcing the monitor into native resolution and to report the monitor's dpi and color match data. [18:25] so no one here has any experience at all with the debootstrap command? [18:25] For some reason in glxgears and everything i get Segmentation faults [18:25] but thats about it. if i want to run firefox from there or something. [18:25] recon69: in /etc/apt/sources.list ? [18:26] greencookie, what OS are you connecting from? [18:26] ruediix: so this is an openoffice org bug? [18:26] unop: it would be the sh!ttest of all Oses. === Guest954 is now known as skunkworks__ === strAlan is now known as Chris_Britton [18:26] jimbobot, this is a compound command. ( cd /somewhere; command > file ) [18:26] dury: in synaptic , setting->repositories , and try France i guess. worth a try [18:26] unop: windows Vista. [18:26] greencookie, we use good language in here - please try and do the same. [18:26] unop: I'm really sorry. [18:27] homy, it's either open-office or video driver. A lot of video drivers turn off monitor detection beyond resolution if they don't get perfectly phrased data unless use use the force command. [18:27] I'll behave . [18:27] ruediix: so maybe I'll report a bug tomorrow (or even today) [18:27] hi. a question for seasoned sysadmins: long ago I used a program that showed a fish tank on the screen. the fish were processes and the amount of bubbles were the system load. does anyone know the name of that program? I can't find it anymore. thanks. === geo is now known as geo05 [18:27] unop: ok, cool. would there be a way to do it temporarily just for that command (so further commands are in the original directory) [18:27] greencookie, you'd need something like cygwin on vista then - otherwise, i don't think it is possible. === gig is now known as Gigamo [18:27] Chowder: http://rafb.net/p/OuTgDs90.html [18:27] cygwin. ill google it. thanks unop [18:27] I'll use the Help->Report A Bug function in openoffice org. [18:27] unop, the blank terminal window started working after a minute, but when I right-clicked on it, it froze the desktop. I had to go back to VTY1 and do a killall gnome-terminal to get the desktop working again. Something is definitely broken/not loaded. Run dialog is still not present. [18:28] <|moe|> danbh_intrepid: thank you so far, maybe I'll do it "your way" if he can forward the ports for a remote control of the vbox [18:28] jimbobot, if you use a subshell - like i have used, changing the directory only affects the subshell, not the parent [18:28] homy, they do need a "scale correction" interface with a ruler that you can hold a piece of paper of a known size to (or a real ruler.) [18:28] jimbobot, try it out. you'll see what i mean. [18:28] ruediix: so, I'll report the bug. [18:29] When opening video files sometimes my system will freeze. I have to restart it by holding down the power button, what is causing this? [18:29] Flark, do you have another user on the system you can log on to see if everything's fine? [18:29] homy, the second bug, and list investigation into reading if it's getting it's scale from xOrg correctly in the missing item bug as well. [18:29] sint: sorry, I'm stumped. Try the Ubuntu forums [18:29] unop, no [18:29] i just had the same problem as Winston my computer Froze and i had to reboot manualy [18:29] Anyone tried out the new 1080p 22 inches? [18:29] ruediix: which second bug? [18:29] Flark, you can create one easily - sudo adduser new_user_name [18:29] basso what new one ? [18:29] brb [18:30] i'm following http://www.teamteabag.com/2008/05/17/howto-easy-install-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-or-most-other-distros-from-usb/ but "syslinux -ma f:" nor "syslinux.exe -ma f:" works, help? === adam is now known as Guest41698 === kira is now known as Guest42410 [18:30] isn't there an updated post to this? [18:30] Benq just released the new E2200 HD/A with 1920x1080 60hz, the HD edition even got DVI, VGA and HDMI :D [18:30] unop: didn't realize the parentheses were meaningful; learned two tricks, thanks a bunch [18:31] can anybody help me getting my ATI radeon xpress to have 3d acelleration =] [18:31] and a dynamic ratio of 10000:1 (yeah i know its bull) [18:31] recon69: great, great... success :) [18:31] cause glxgears says Segmentation Fault [18:31] deunnero, install Envy [18:31] basso how is this antything to do with ubuntu ? [18:31] !envy | Brucee [18:31] Brucee: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [18:31] oops [18:31] !envy | brasso [18:31] brasso: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [18:31] really really appreciate it you don't know how [18:32] jimbobot, the parantheses tell your shell to execute the commands in a child or sub shell - and the way unix processes work, if you change something in the child shell, they are not reflected in the parent in other words, you cannot affect a parent process from a child. [18:32] whats the talk about everything chat channel? [18:32] unop, I need to add the new user to the sudoers file so it can run gdm, but I doubt I can run another instance of gdm. can I? [18:32] basso #ubuntu-offtopic [18:32] Basso: i did... but i still don't on have 3d acceleration =/ === Eric is now known as RickLinux [18:32] Flark, only the superuser can restart gdm - so you can use your existing user to restart the gdm [18:33] Flark, i mean using sudo [18:33] nha ikonia, i remembered there were another one.. a huge one, that changed channel name, must be like in febuary or something [18:33] unop, if I do that I will lose my desktop... and it took a LONG time to get it. [18:34] basso; would you mind if i pmd you? [18:34] im no expert deunnero... [18:34] * Chowder is away: Away from keyboard [18:35] ah [18:35] Flark, ok, you can start a new desktop then and keep this one. as the new user, xinit -- startx :1 [18:35] no one knows how to help me ? [18:35] people, I'm having some trouble with my Intel GL960 chipset (X3100), I select the Intel drivers but Xorg keep always switching back to vesa (and I can't use 3d acceleration), anyone had the same problem or can help me? [18:35] but i used envyNg... but it knows my resolution i just don't have 3d acceleration for some reason -.- glxgears gives me Segmentation fault [18:35] Syslinux means what? [18:35] Chowder: ok, thanks anyways [18:36] amanulla, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syslinux [18:36] StelK: GL960 sounds very new -- maybe that's the problem. [18:37] soundray, so it may be unsupported by the Intel drivers? [18:37] why does save and exit do nothing in firefox, it saves nothing. [18:37] how do I comment something out in .xinitrc? [18:37] [q] Does anyone know how to ban a program from running? [18:37] unop:im trying to install anu linux version on my usb stick can you suggest? [18:37] anyway I've read some poeple having the x3100 working [18:37] amanulla, DSL - Dam Small Linux [18:37] sorry any linux version [18:38] nnull: it should rememmber the tabs that are open [18:38] danbh_intrepid:can u issue a kill command? [18:38] StelK: at least by those that are in hardy. The intrepid release is due out 30 Oct -- maybe wait and upgrade to that. [18:38] Gizmo_The_Great:yes right now im downloading it [18:38] kbrosnan¬ yea.. it doesnt for me. [18:38] its around 50 mb [18:38] Anyone use Wine? [18:38] thiebaude: yes, but it comes run back under a new pid [18:38] StelK: or upgrade to the beta release if you're courageous (make a full backup first) [18:38] Gizmo_The_Great:but still im looking for a smaller one [18:38] is there any? [18:38] Gizmo_The_Great, i saw your PM me but i don't take PMs, so i didn't get your message - can you ask me in here? [18:38] unop, that didn't work. it still thinks I am trying to start server 0 [18:38] amanulla, You're asking a lot [18:39] amanulla, i am not sure there is [18:39] !anyone | morth [18:39] morth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [18:39] soundray, I'm using Gutsy because I've not managed to make the wireless work with hardy... [18:39] ok [18:39] Flark, sorry, i made a mistake. it should be. xinit startx -- :1 [18:39] i hope wireless is gonna work with Intrepid.. [18:39] oh okay thanks [18:39] nnull: any extensions? [18:39] !anyone [18:39] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [18:40] hi how do i find whats wrong with my hardware? [18:40] StelK Intrepid has completely replaced the WiFi underpinnings due to kernel upgrades. The framework is much more robust and reliable. [18:40] how do i install vmware player? [18:40] morth:what is you question? [18:40] Can I run GNU ddrescue in reverse? Or do I have to resort to using dd and doing it by hand, in chunks? [18:40] can some body help,how to prepare a ubuntu distro w/o GUI(gnome/kde)..but expecting devel packages like gcc,g++,mysql etc.. [18:40] StelK: I see [18:40] Gizmo_The_Great, you did PM me, didn't you? [18:40] unop, lol! It says the new user isn't authorized to run x :p [18:41] DrDabbles, mmm nice... maybe I'll solve my problems [18:41] StelK: well, you could always download an intrepid Desktop CD and see if it looks promising wifi- and graphics-wise [18:42] unop, yes - I am. Sorry [18:42] Flark, ohh no errm. hold on a sec [18:42] StelK Hopefully. The progress has been remarkable. But, obviously, if your card still only has windows drivers, you will still be relying on NDISWrapper...and that can be a pain no matter what. [18:42] unop, I will paste my question... [18:42] Gizmo_The_Great, ok [18:42] DrDabbles, I'm actually using MadWifi drivers compiled by me on Gutsy [18:42] hey guys, ratpoison or awesome? pick one please :) [18:42] to killall zrestartowalo mi jedynie xy [18:43] hello [18:43] :D [18:43] DrDabbles, but they seeme very unstable on Hardy [18:43] unop, I have another 'rename' question if you can help? I have a list of files of medium res created as part of a Web Gallery formed by gThumb. I want to make new copies of the files at a larger res and then name them exactly as gThumb has so I can just upload them without re-doing the gallery. So I have /OriginalFiles/141-DSC_7654.jpg.medium.jpeg etc etc and /NewFiles/1234.jpeg I want all the files is /NewFiles/ to [18:43] be renamed with the same names as in /OriginalFiles/. Does that make sense? Do you know how I can do that? You are the 'rename' master! [18:43] If anyone that uses Wine or knows the program could you PM me i need some assistance please. [18:43] StelK Then I think you will be most happy with Intrepid. The new Atheros drivers are pretty darn good. [18:43] kbrosnan¬ i run a couple of extentions why [18:44] is there a way to use my webcam in yhaoo ...using ubuntu [18:44] brb [18:44] urgent: inkscape gives me segmentation error each time i open it, i reinstalled it but the problem didn't solved what sould i do, it's my main working problem plz help [18:44] Hello. I want to set up a private repository for machines on my LAN. I've read the docs here: http://www.isotton.com/software/debian/docs/repository-howto/repository-howto.html and it seems pretty straightforward to set up. How would I keep the repo up-to-date? [18:44] can anybody help me [18:44] What driver should be set in xorg.conf if you're using a GeForce 8500GT? [18:44] i want to do voice chatting on yahoo [18:44] is it possible [18:44] ?? [18:44] re [18:45] DrDabbles, nice.. i'll wait to install intrpid [18:45] bazooka, maybe through wine [18:45] Gizmo_The_Great, if you can figure out how to convert the images to higher resolutions with a command, the rest is pretty easy [18:45] MAYBE [18:45] So, I am having an issue with the newly re-enabled e1000e driver on Intrepid. My link keeps dropping, no matter what I do with ethtool to set the parameters manually. Has anybody else seen this issue? [18:45] urgent: inkscape gives me segmentation error each time i open it, i reinstalled it but the problem didn't solved what sould i do, it's my main working problem plz help [18:45] all the .exe programs are unstable through wine buddy [18:46] bazooka, not true. ventrillo and utorrent work perfectly [18:46] its not certain that they will perform the way they are intended to [18:46] and those are the only ones I have tried [18:46] Blaze_Boy Please only ask your question once. If someone in here knows of the issue, or how to correct it, they will be most happy to help you. [18:46] unop, the converting the files is the easy bit. I have the original high res versions and I want to make them 800 pixels instead of the 400 pixels that gThumb has made. Its just that after I have got my resized images, I need to name them all the same as what gThumb has already done with it's 'medium' images [18:46] just give it a shot [18:46] nnull: occasionally they can have odd iteractions Firefox's safe mode can be used to test if that is the source of your problem http://support.mozilla.com/kb/Safe+Mode [18:46] some thing which is made for ubuntu .........voice chat and video conf ....thru pidgin ???? possible or any other messenger [18:47] DrDabbles: i have to repeat it each mybe 5 min so as not to lost in the chat [18:47] kopete works with ubuntu ?????????????? [18:47] Gizmo_The_Great, so you've already done the conversion and saved the files in a seperate folder, is that it? [18:47] pidgin is so old fashioned [18:47] unop, yes. They are just waiting to be renamed [18:48] !kopete [18:48] Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin [18:48] yup,bazooka [18:48] kopete will work with ubutnu ??????????? [18:48] yes,bazooka [18:48] yeah bazooka, but who knows if it supports voice chat [18:48] Gizmo_The_Great, ok, do a listing of both directories and upload to pastebin .. i.e. find /first_dir > first_list; find /second_dir > second_list # just a few lines from each should do [18:48] ok kopete vs pidgin ............. which one is better .. i have pidgin already [18:48] probably not [18:49] xchat is good [18:49] !better > bazooka (bazooka, see the private message from Ubotu) [18:49] bazooka, please see my private message [18:49] bazooka: Why don't you install and find out? It will take you all of a minute. [18:49] unop, ok..hang on... [18:50] i dont want two application performing the same task [18:50] bazooka: FYI, Skype works just fine in Kubuntu. [18:50] i have skype .. [18:50] bazooka: So uninstall one. [18:50] but most of frnds dont have skype [18:50] DrDabbles: i have to repeat it each mybe 5 min so as not to lost in the chat [18:50] bazooka:kopete supports chat [18:50] urgent: inkscape gives me segmentation error each time i open it, i reinstalled it but the problem didn't solved what sould i do, it's my main working problem plz help [18:50] kopete supports voice ??? [18:50] Flark, i wouldn't normally suggest this, but do try it. sudo xinit startx -- :1 [18:50] unop, http://pastebin.com/d4b56767d [18:51] I'm running xchat-gnome in Ubuntu Hardy, and I can't figure out how to specify what port I'm connecting to when I go to connect to a new server. [18:51] I need a good video editor on Ubuntu (unfortunately the only Adobe's application that is available on Linux is the flash player for firefox) === Lars_Nielsen is now known as lnc12 [18:51] !cinelerra [18:51] Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu [18:51] unop, hang on...done it wrong [18:51] bazooka:it doesn't say anything about voice [18:51] bazooka: no, i don't believe it supports voice yet [18:51] NicEXE: Ubuntu Studio is full of them. [18:52] Gizmo_The_Great, i was gonna say .. [18:52] (there is a non-packaged plugin for that) [18:52] is cinelerra freeware? === LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja [18:52] pidgin seems so dull to me [18:52] !cinelerra | NicEXE, yes [18:52] NicEXE, yes: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu [18:52] unop, try now...sorry! [18:52] or it would say on their web site,bazooka [18:52] Gizmo_The_Great, you need to give me the new URL [18:52] yeah you are right [18:52] unop, http://pastebin.com/d520b1103 [18:52] so the only way to voice chat is skype ???????/ [18:53] !ekiga | bazooka [18:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about ekiga [18:53] Hello, some jerks, know my pass to my gmail and have now order a free cd of ubuntu, by launchpad - I want to know can I cancel it or cost it porto?? [18:53] !info ekiga | bazooka [18:53] bazooka: ekiga (source: ekiga): H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.12-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 4454 kB, installed size 14632 kB [18:53] guys im trying to open a pdf file, but when i open it, it just says Loading... but the thumbnail is displaying the contents... ? anyhelp/ [18:53] unop, there are 143 files all together [18:53] most of my frnds use windoes yahoo messenger [18:53] Gizmo_The_Great, so basically, what you want to do is rename DSC_7071fearn.jpg to 000-DSC_7071fearn.jpg.medium.jpeg ?? [18:53] soo lifes difficult [18:53] unop, yes. [18:54] bazooka: As you were told five minutes ago, install it and find out. It's easy to try. [18:54] unop, so I can just copy it back into my gallery overwriting the ones that gThumb created [18:54] urgent: inkscape gives me segmentation error each time i open it, i reinstalled it but the problem didn't solved what sould i do,or where i should ask ???? [18:54] nevermind wants to work now.. [18:54] Hello, some jerks, know my pass to my gmail and have now order a free cd of ubuntu, by launchpad - I want to know can I cancel it or cost it porto?? [18:54] can i voice chat using ekiga with windows yahoo messenger ? [18:54] who here knows about ubuntu security? [18:54] bazooka: I'm sure there are some webcams that will work. I just don't know which ones since it's not something I've ever used or care about. [18:54] bazooka: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414121 [18:55] i want to know how vulnerable a basic ubuntu install is to trojans and keyloggers and botnets [18:55] really needs help plz answer [18:55] unop, yeah sure but I need to add the new account to the sudoers file. where is that located? I can't google it. sorry to ask you a trivial question. [18:55] Inc12:you might be able to cancel it through ship-it [18:55] thanks to everybody . i appreciate all of your help [18:55] lnc12: if it's free why o u care? [18:55] but there are no shipping costs [18:56] Gizmo_The_Great, enter the new_directory and try this, remember to take -n off if it's right. rename -n 's/(.*?).jpg/$1.jpg.medium.jpeg/' *.jpg [18:56] Paddy_EIRE: hey the moment i switched over to emerald window decorater my compiz effects got disabled [18:56] I just installed Ubuntu lastnight.. would anyone suggest what i should learn first or a guide/tutorial online and what not? [18:56] is the porto free (not sure porto is the right word in english) porto = what it cost to send [18:56] inc12: it's free [18:57] how can i detect my usb stick on ubuntu [18:57] ok thanksn [18:57] thanks [18:57] I need halp with partitioning. I have 2 partitions, one formatted, the other is unallocated. I need to absorb the unallocated hard drives space into the one that is formatted if possible. [18:57] free = $00.00 =) [18:57] xomp: get Gparted [18:57] * Chowder is back (gone 00:22:31) [18:57] Paddy_EIRE: and when i re-enabled the effects my title bar disappeared [18:57] lnc12: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ for more information [18:57] xomp: GParted [18:57] free as in beer [18:57] amanulla: when I plug in my usb stick it shows up on my desktop and is mounted in /media [18:57] !away > Chowder (Chowder, see the private message from Ubotu) [18:57] Chowder, please see my private message [18:57] Avaible via Synaptic. [18:57] Chowder: I am using Gparted lol, but I can't figure out how to merge the partitions, only create and delete. [18:57] free beer? where! :) [18:58] haha :P [18:58] You can resize the partition. [18:58] xomp: use the resize option [18:58] But first, you have to unmount. [18:58] chronic1:yes i can detect like you said [18:58] thanks a lot [18:58] bey [18:58] (The Key symbol has to disappear) [18:58] can someone tell me what to set manually to get tor working with opera? [18:58] I don't think you guys are understanding lmao [18:58] chronic1:but im talking about installing dsl on my usb stick [18:59] your network settings? [18:59] damn small linux installation on my usb stick [18:59] OH [18:59] hoi kan iemand mij helpen met afspelen dvd's? [18:59] xomp: err... why would you want to *merge*, if one of the partitions is unallocated? (besides, if it's unallocated it's not a partition). "delete" the unallocated one, then enlarge the other. [18:59] hey GJB if you understand english, maybe i can help you ;) [18:59] !nl | GJB [18:59] GJB: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [18:59] xomp: Mh, I opened GParted here, and just have to right click on the partition and select resize/move, so I can spread the partition over the free space. [18:59] GJB:what is that language lol [18:59] no, it's not lol, it's dutch [18:59] belgian? [18:59] yep [18:59] Could anyone suggest Programs/Plugins Tutorials and things i should learn first on Ubuntu i just installed it lastnight.. and im a "newbie" on linux first timer [18:59] dutch ^^ [19:00] LjL; you cannot delete an unallocated partition in Gparted, I assure you. [19:00] thiebaude: there isn't a language called "belgian", as far as i'm aware [19:00] morth: just play around with it [19:00] Paddy_EIRE: please support [19:00] hrm -- are you going to want to boot from your usb stick? [19:00] you'll get it eventually [19:00] :) [19:00] xomp: then you just enlarge the allocated one [19:00] morth, there's an ubuntu book :-) [19:00] well several [19:00] morth, also read tutorials [19:00] check out Barnes & Nobles [19:00] hey morth - just read trough the forums about topics you are interested int [19:00] -t [19:00] LjL; it doesn't give me the option to up the hdd space lol [19:00] yeah, www.ubuntuforums.org is pretty helpful [19:01] yep and if you are german: ubuntuusers.de [19:01] xomp: what filesystem is it? [19:01] LjL; Fat32 [19:01] morth: the first thing you are probably going to want to understand is the wiki page for restricted extras [19:01] unop, almost!! The only problem is it's missing the first few digits from the start of the filename. i.e. 000, 001 etc [19:01] xomp: And are you sure that it is unmounted? [19:01] Hexer: yes, I'm in the live cd now [19:01] can i get gizmo 3.0 from ubuntu add remove programs ? [19:02] Mh, weird. [19:02] !gizmo [19:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about gizmo [19:02] unop, I have pasted the current situation : http://pastebin.com/d313a1c57 [19:02] i just came across this gizmo thing [19:02] whats the command to acces the ip tables? [19:02] i changed my window decorater to emerald and my compiz effects have been disabled ... whenever i enable them the titlebar of my file browser disappears [19:02] it says voice chat with gatlk msn and yahoo [19:03] what's the command to regenerate the config files with dpkg for the gnome panel? [19:03] http://www.softsift.com/200705/gizmo-30-free-phone-for-your-computer.html [19:03] check the link [19:03] xomp: uhm, fat32 should be easily resizeable, it's weird. it's not mounted, is it? [19:03] Doc8404: iptables [19:04] Gizmo_The_Great, that could be rectified with. rename -n 'no strict; s/^/sprintf "%03d", $index++/e' *.jpeg === skunkworks__ is now known as skunkworks [19:04] anybody tried that thing ? [19:04] unop, I will try that as soon as I have eaten my tea. I will be back in 30 and I will let you know. Thanks so much for your help - you a real star! [19:04] i changed my window decorater to emerald and my compiz effects have been disabled ... whenever i enable them the titlebar of my file browser disappears [19:05] thanks === strAlan is now known as Peter_Bye [19:06] Doc8404: personally i prefer to use something like firehol; shorewall or ufw and not use iptables directly [19:06] which ones newest? [19:06] I am getting: "Duplicate or bad block in use!" while it's fscking my main disk (the one that has ubuntu / /home etc.) can this be fixed? [19:06] erUSUL: which ones newest [19:06] Daremonai: it might be either a software or hardware problem (failing drive). does it drop you to a console? [19:07] wow - dude this is so damn annoying [19:07] LjL, I am booting with a fsck, after this happens.. it goes on saying some stuff about inodes, then reboots the pc automatically. [19:07] Daremonai: right, that's what it's supposed to do, but after it reboots, does it do it again? [19:07] i have a java program that i'd like to create a menu item for. what is the command and path for sun java6 jre executable ? [19:08] 2 Video Cards, 2 Monitors - it should be pretty simple, but uh - no....it doesn't work at all...and now ubuntu keeps complaining about low graphics mode, stupid. [19:08] LjL, it's rebooted around 6-7 times so far. at one point it told me to put root password or click Ctrl+D and I did Ctrl+D [19:09] Daremonai: you do need to put in a password (shouldn't really be the root password, but your own password) and run fsck manually. or you could (perhaps easier) boot from a live cd. === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [19:09] Daremonai: in any case, you'll need to make sure there isn't a hardware failure on the drive. i suppose you're on another computer right now? [19:09] LjL, I don't have a CD-Drive on the machine.. [19:10] hi, I have a library mess. Is there a way to reset all libraries to their install state? ubuntu 8.04 ... [19:10] valiza1, define "library mess" [19:10] on keyboard shortcuts it says 0bX2 what kinda shortcut is that lol [19:10] LjL, correct.. on my laptop. how can i check for hardware failures? thing is Ubuntu was working, but it was freezing a lot, which is why i made it run the fsck on reboot, and rebooted. [19:10] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=936292 [19:10] can anyone please help me ?? [19:10] can anyone help me with this problem? see link [19:10] Doc8404: ufw is the newest but i do use firehol [19:11] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=936292 [19:11] Daremonai: one thing at a time - we need to get fsck to fix the errors, first [19:11] Daremonai: reboot and put your password [19:11] hi [19:11] my file browser doesn't show title bar and buttons when the compiz effects are at their advanced level [19:11] erUSUL yeah i looked it up, and firehol is supposed to be fairly reliable [19:12] LjL, At one point I was copying some files from the hard disk in question and another one which turned out to be a faulty disc and when it froze.. my pc somehow crashed, and i had to run fsck, and it asked me a bunch of times "do you want to fix(y)" some inode stuff.. i told it 'y', and then stuff started happening with the crashing, etc. I guess... [19:13] LjL, when it reboots, should I just turn it off and on again? how can i stop the constant fscks? [19:13] erUSUL: i did sudo apt-get install firehol and it installed a program but im not seeing the program on the list [19:14] Daremonai: i told you - you should *put* the root password when it asks you, *not* hit ctrl+d, and then run fsck manually [19:14] my file browser doesn't show title bar and buttons when the compiz effects are at their advanced level [19:14] LjL, fsck died with exit 3 [19:14] but i'm being called for dinner right now [19:14] Doc8404: it is not a gui program... if you want gui for iptables install firestarter [19:14] LjL, yeah, but it's not asking me this anymore [19:14] !firestarter [19:14] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [19:14] hi, I've install ubuntu from flash, but when I enter my user & pass in graphic mode ,it comes an orange page without any icon [19:15] belendax: which version of Ubuntu? [19:15] LjL Eric4 is failing to load, for sure because its library dependencies (qt4, qscintillia, etc) got corrupted [19:15] wow lfs livecd is really fast [19:16] soundray: 8.04 [19:16] belendax: does it work in text mode? [19:16] soundray: yes [19:16] erUSUL: thanks [19:16] belendax: do you have any full filesystems? Check with 'df -h' [19:17] LjL Eric4 fails to load and no significant error msg is printed [19:17] belendax, have you considered deleting the .gnome directory in ur home dir? [19:18] belendax: and replace it by hand from /etc/skel [19:18] valiza1: use "debsums -s" to find out which files in your system are corrupted, then reinstall the packages they belong to (debsums tells) [19:18] anybody know which program to use to play a .iso dvd [19:18] Rhorse, trilobiti-away: what happened to good old diagnostics? [19:18] The lower icon bar, and the upper application/toolbar is their a way to change the color and look of these bars? [19:19] MythbuntuGuest41, 'mount'? === trilobiti-away is now known as trilobiti [19:19] sorry i ask a lot of questions ive only used linux for 3 days... and im still getting the hang of it [19:19] well i am trying to get mythtv working properly, but cannot get spdif audio, so wanted to test option from command line [19:19] good evening [19:19] but have tried mplayer and others with no luck getting audio/video from command line [19:19] is it not possible? [19:20] soundray: I actually was more continuing the thought of the .gnome/ directory. Was asuming that was the issue. [19:21] i go ekiga soft fone ...how do i make a voice call to gtalk user ? can anybody help me please [19:21] got * [19:21] Okay...I found out what was causing my secondlife to flash like it was was Compiz Fusion....anyone have an idea how I can fix compiz so it won't do that to my opengl game secondlife? [19:21] trilobiti: btw, there is no .gnome in /etc/skel by default in Ubuntu [19:21] I've had a problem all week, I can't update or download anything off the servers using synaptics [19:22] anyone know if it's the servers? [19:22] i got ekiga soft fone ...how do i make a voice call to gtalk user ? can anybody help me please [19:22] Jefflinux: try disabling compiz when playing.. [19:22] Jimm1: probably not. Which mirror have you set? [19:22] soundray: yes you're right in that. [19:22] Jefflinux: there is a setting you can try too.. something with bla bla fullscreen aps.. =).. [19:22] ok need help first problem > touching my touchpad seems to send a bunch of input to my computer to the keyboard and the mouse goes crazy [19:22] soundray: it's on default [19:22] is anyone here familiar with how to change the look of the upper and lower tool bars? ive changed everything else [19:22] soundray: didn't have a problem for over a month.. [19:23] Jefflinux: Unredirect Fullscreen Windows.. it's in the General Options in !ccsm [19:23] okay thanks Slart I will try that right now [19:23] Jimm1: please close synaptic and run in terminal: 'sudo apt-get update'. See if you can make sense of the messages. Put them on a pastebin for me to see if you can't. [19:23] !pastebin > Jimm1 [19:23] Jimm1, please see my private message [19:23] anyone wondering what would cause my touchpad to make my laptop freak out in ubuntu? [19:24] i got ekiga soft fone ...how do i make a voice call to gtalk user ? can anybody help me please === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [19:24] naomarik incompatibility? i have an older toshiba and it doesnt like my touchpad either [19:24] Slark...I tryed that still Secondlife Flashes and if another window is ontop of it I see it flashing through that window... [19:24] soundray: gives me a 111 error: refused connection on all pete [19:25] *petitions [19:25] Good Evening guys! [19:25] Jimm1: petitions? [19:25] Jimm1: are you translating this from another language? [19:25] soundray: yes [19:25] Doc8404: shouldn't be the problem, I'm on a dell M1530 and lots of people report that the touchpad is just "slow" [19:26] LjL, any suggestions on how to run it again without having to fsck? [19:26] hi, When i try to watch some .wmv files i get a message saying that the file is encrypted and that it can not be played. Is there anything i can do play then? [19:26] like if i hardly touch my touchpad when I'm using konversation it pulls up the quick connect to server dialog [19:26] about 10 times [19:26] soundray: meant request (excuse my english) [19:26] and in firefox it turns on caret browsing like 10 times [19:26] hrm, anyone else getting dependency errors when trying to install build-essential? [19:26] Daremonai: if I read LjL right, he's at dinner now, and he wants you to boot in recovery mode, enter the password and run e2fsck -y [19:27] I get a chain of dependency problems starting with libc6-dev [19:27] Slart, that didn't fix it any other ideas? [19:27] Jimm1: no problem, just needed to know [19:27] hi all , any one can help me ? I have a problem to load gnome on my notebook , I was install ubuntu 8.4 on USB Flash Hard disk ( my system don't have HDD ) ubuntu has boot without any problem and I can login as text mode ( Control + alt +F1 ) but when I try to use graphical mode after enter username and password I saw a blank orang page without any icone , [19:27] soundray, oh.. I missed these.. but I tried going into recovery mode, however i was unable to put my password either, it did the fsck. [19:27] Daremonai: on the device name of the partition [19:27] any one can help me to restore my desktop [19:28] hmm this is frustrating me [19:28] Jefflinux: tried closing compiz down and just running without desktop effects? [19:28] ya me too! ;) [19:28] Jimm1: do you get any output when you enter 'env | grep -i proxy'? [19:28] I was try to remove /home/Tondar/.genme file but I have stell have a problem [19:28] Jefflinux: in system, preferences, appearance.. last tab or something.. visual effects or something.. [19:28] At one time, I knew the answer to this question, but what are the most common reasons for APT holding package updates back? [19:29] soundray: none [19:29] okay maybe someone else can help with another problem: upon starting ubuntu I have put compiz --replace and emerald --replace in system -> pref -> sessions. When booting I can see compiz replacing then after it's done metacity takes over and replaces all [19:29] Tondar, What do you have in your default-display-manager file? [19:29] how do you kill a program running on port 3306 not mysql? [19:29] hi [19:30] the things in the panels of gnome what are they called? [19:30] is it possible to connect to a ftp over tls using ncftp? i read some people talk about a tls wrapper to launch first but i cannot find much info on that... [19:30] zimbres: I am using genome ( installing ubuntu 8.04 on my system ) [19:30] netstat -a shows udp 0 0 *:mysql *:* [19:30] 8.10 comes out in 3 weeks!!! [19:30] how do you kill the process? [19:30] Slart, yes I did and it works fine that way but I want to be able to run it with compiz if i can [19:30] I using first install time and don't modify any configuration on my system === gig is now known as Gigamo [19:31] Tondar, Be sure you are using gdm display manager. [19:31] how I can use it zimbres ? [19:31] I think I have a problem on it [19:31] Jimm1: please run 'gksudo software-properties-gtk', switch to another mirror server and see if that makes a difference [19:31] join #ubuntu-dc [19:31] goddamn it [19:31] Jefflinux: well.. afaik compiz uses the 3d stuff on your graphics card already so it might not like the competition.. I don't know of any other quick fixes. [19:31] how do you kill a program running on port 3306 not mysql? [19:32] soundray: got it working now, looks like there's a fault in the spanish server [19:32] Slart, thanks for at least trying...I appreciate it :) [19:32] Jimm1: okay [19:33] soundray: thanks for the help [19:33] Jimm1: glad it worked [19:33] close the port? [19:33] slashzul: close the port [19:34] Tondar, What line do you have in the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager file? [19:35] bye all [19:36] Hello1 [19:37] hey guys how can I give write permissions to a user [19:37] ? [19:37] for a folder which is in filesystem [19:37] for example /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 :D [19:38] ForsakenSoul: to only a speciffic user alone ? [19:38] trilobiti: yeah [19:38] ForsakenSoul: you could try add that user to your group [19:38] yeah [19:38] ForsakenSoul: and make the folder group accessible [19:38] ForsakenSoul: do you knwo how to change the appearence of the two tool bars? [19:38] that was what I was going to do [19:38] how can i make it stop fscking :@:@ [19:39] All: i want to install my nvidia graphic card [19:39] Daremonai: like this <("."<) <(".")> (>".")> by making kirby dance for you!!! [19:39] 25 [19:39] zimbres, now I am at windows , I will reset my computer and switch to ubunto , what I shuld do ? [19:39] Doc8404 lol [19:39] Daremonai: start your machine in recovery mode. At the root shell, run 'e2fsck -y /dev/sda1', where you substitute /dev/sda1 with the device name of the problem partition. [19:39] hm anyone know whether there is a tool that lets u display currently played track in amarok on your desktop, but with cover? [19:39] i downloaded it's driver from nvidia.com [19:40] salve a tutti raga il chan italino chi lo sa? [19:40] Ehsan_mahmoudi: thiers actually just a sudo apt-get for nividia or you can go to your synaptics manager and look up nividia [19:40] Ehsan_mahmoudi: nvidia i mean [19:40] soundray, when am running in recovery mode it's directly going to fscking my /dev/sda1 i'm not being given root shell [19:40] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: it's normally best to go through System-Administration-Hardware Drivers [19:40] Daremonai: okay. Do you have a live CD handy? [19:41] Daremonai: he will even box for you @("."@) @(".")@ (@".")@ [19:41] soundray, I don't have a CD Drive on my pc. [19:41] Doc8404: please stop [19:41] but says:" No precompiled Kernel interface was found" [19:41] at first i turned off X [19:41] Daremonai: what happens when you let it finish fscking in recovery mode? [19:41] soundray thats how we fixed the desktop [19:41] and tried to install it by sudo sh [19:41] soundray, says that it needs to restart, and restarts saying that fsck died using exit 3 [19:42] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: what happens when you open System-Administration-Hardware Drivers? [19:42] is it possible to disable compiz's wobbly windows to certain application? for example i don't want wobbly windows on vmware but i do on everything else? === nostferka is now known as nostferka^ [19:42] there was not driver for my card [19:42] How can I install my card drivers? [19:42] how do I prevent metacity from starting in ubuntu? [19:42] zimbres , the default-display manager is here : /usr/sbin/gdm [19:43] "not in use" [19:43] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: what do you get when you run 'lspci | grep VGA'? [19:43] HELLo [19:43] Can anyone please help me? [19:43] Hey guys. I have a pretty random question. lol [19:43] Ehsan are you sure its nvidia if so which card? [19:43] How can I install my soundcard drivers [19:43] ? [19:43] Anyone here have a carfax account? [19:43] Hello [19:43] need help preventing metacity [19:43] Daremonai: is Ubuntu the only system on your machine? [19:43] Doc8404: yes [19:43] soundray, is there a way to get in it by changing some boot parameters maybe? [19:43] soundray, yes. [19:44] How can I install my soundcard drivers? [19:44] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: what do you get when you run 'lspci | grep VGA'? [19:44] [Mass Message] Apologies to all clients for the network issues we're currently experiencing. Back online in approximately 1 hour. [19:44] Daremonai: give me a minute [19:45] Ehsan_mahmoudi: im on the ubuntu 8.04 compiz fusion... the desktop all we had to do was go into the synaptics manager search nvidia and run the update... but im sure each computer maybe different thats on a shuttle we did it on [19:45] soundray, okay... what's this mass message about.. :( [19:45] how would I edit grub? I have 3 operating systems on this one drive and only 2 are showing up in the grub menu. [19:45] hi guys [19:45] how to change system font and firefox font ? [19:45] i cant remember exatly! but i have not suitable resolution and frequncy on my monitor [19:45] How can I set my screen and videocard settings from the command line? [19:45] pronoy: have you tried appearances? [19:46] is there a way to remove something installed by 'make install' [19:46] new to linux and ubuntu i was wondering could help me tune my firewall [19:46] i'm certain that it's driver is not installed [19:46] How do I set up X to accept remote ssh connections? [19:46] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: run this: lspci | grep VGA [19:46] pronoy, system menu - > appearance -> fonts [19:46] How can I install my soundcard drivers? [19:46] Ehsan_mahmoudi_: and show us the result it gives [19:46] pronoy_: try system->prefrences->appearance [19:46] Daremonai: what do you mean by mass message? [19:46] ok [19:46] thanks [19:46] soundray, the one here on irc [19:46] bye now [19:46] nevermind i think i just solved my own problem [19:46] soundray, I have old kernels installed, would that help? [19:47] can I connect to X11 remotely? If so could someone help me do this please? [19:47] jagiil: sudo apt-get install firestarter [19:47] Daremonai: no. Do you know how to set kernel options at the grub menu? [19:47] ok 10x [19:47] soundray, unsure.. if i do or not [19:47] How can I set my screen and videocard settings from the command line? [19:47] soundray, with the 'e' command ? [19:48] Daremonai: exactly [19:48] soundray, okay, what do i add? [19:49] Daremonai: you hit 'e' on the recovery entry, then go the kernel line and hit 'e' again. Then append break=mount at the end. Hit Return and 'b' for boot. It should now stop at a console. Try running e2fsck -y at that point. [19:49] fbc: by editing the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf [19:49] should i just burn a new boot disc, cause i keep getting install cannot load errors for ubuntu studio [19:49] fbc: and then restart the X server [19:49] i ran a check for defects and it passed [19:49] hi, can you help me with wifi? [19:49] hmm u know i was told the firewall in linux is good enough but yet firestarter just took a hit [19:50] i have brioadcom 4306 [19:50] soundray, alright, trying it! [19:50] trilobiti, but the xorg.conf no longer contains any settings.... [19:50] and i can see networks but i cannot connect to them [19:50] webstyle: have you searced for the wifi application or wifi synaptics manager? [19:50] trilobiti, after the upgrade to hardy I no longer see resolutions or anything in there... [19:50] webstyle: i know ive seen one [19:50] fbc: oh, didn't know. What's the replacement mechanism ? [19:50] i used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766560 [19:50] fbc: i mean what do they use now ? [19:51] fbc: if you remove xorg.conf completely, X should start in a safe config mode (back it up so you can go back to it if need be) [19:51] trilobiti, dunno,, that's why I'm asking. [19:51] i tried to configure it with interfaces [19:51] webstyle: did you do every step? [19:51] soundray, ok I will try that... [19:51] is this an ubuntu only feature or upstream debian has that the same ? [19:51] soundray, it stopped after "usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" [19:51] is it normal that ubuntu would run my battery out in 1 hour, whereas in Windoze Vist-something it keeps going for 2-3 hours? [19:51] i forgot, what's the commandline command to find a file on a computer? like "default.session" ? [19:51] Doc8404 yes i did [19:52] Daremonai: no prompt? [19:52] Naomark, locate [19:52] i thought it was something like find / -name "string" [19:52] webstyle: check to see if what you have is to old, or to new. thiers a new version comming ubuntu 8.10 and it might enable it if its that new [19:52] oh [19:52] soundray, nothing's appearing [19:52] im, using 804 [19:52] Naomarik, find is one as well ,locate uses an indexed databases so its very fast [19:52] soundray, I pressed enter, and i got: "(initramfs)" [19:52] okay how do I choose my default windows manager? I'm using 8.10 and have compiz/emerald installed but metacity keeps loading [19:53] webstyle: is see ur not the only one with that problem [19:53] Daremonai: hmm, I was hoping it would give you a busybox shell and a chance to e2fsck manually [19:53] soundray, hehe me too :) so what now? [19:54] webstyle: if you read the comments people left, they seemed to resolve it... or in some cases have no luck at all with that setup [19:54] and how do I invert a grep? :) [19:54] exit [19:54] Doc8404 i wil try once again [19:54] Naomarik: -v [19:54] can you tell me hoqw to clean ndiswrapper [19:55] Daremonai: what happens if you enter e2fsck? [19:55] webstyle: you might have to check what your wireless is running whether its 0 or 1. and try to reconfig for that [19:55] soundray, says that it's not in /bin/sh [19:55] soundray, that didn't work.. is there a place that I can the video card type from the command line? [19:55] soundray, I'm getting a grey screen after I try to log into gnome. [19:55] Doc8404 - 0?1? i dont uderstand, what do i have to check? [19:56] fbc: anything on that screen? [19:56] nope [19:56] soundray, I got in!!! I pressed ctrl+alt+del, i got some screen saying smth about X, I pressed alt+f4, and i got into console. [19:56] justa a grey (blank) screen [19:56] webstyle check ur wireless device [19:56] Doc8404 it is ok, im using laptop on it [19:56] fbc: is it really grey, or is it one pixel black, the next one white? [19:56] it uses wpa [19:57] websytle: some of the problems i read looking at the page you used, showed some people were set up on a wireless0 when they needed wireless2 in that settings script [19:57] soundray: /dev/sda1: clean, 300418/19169280 files, 14244812/3823049 blocks [19:57] Daremonai: and /dev/sda1 was the problem partition? [19:57] soundray, yes [19:58] Daremonai: so let's hope that this has broken the vicious circle. [19:58] soundray, grey [19:58] fbc: gdm looks normal? [19:58] Hello, got a problem with my mouse /Logitech VX nano) opera wont work properly i followed (http://wiki.eeeuser.com/configure_logitech_vx_nano?s=nano ) and still no success, anybody knows what might be the problem? [19:58] is it normal that ubuntu would run my battery out in 1 hour, whereas in Windoze Vist-something it keeps going for 2-3 hours? [19:58] soundray, am gonna reboot now [19:58] Daremonai: fingers crossed [19:58] soundray, thanks a lot! :) so are mine :) [19:59] soundray, where it asks me for my user name and password? yes, looks fine, but the type is very tiny, but otherwise fine.. [19:59] i partitioned my entire harddrive. put vbox with windows xp on it. put 4 gigs of 667mhz kingston hyperX ram... and mine runs flawless with only 18% ram usage and only an average of 10% use of each processor... i had problems until i took off the dual boot windows [19:59] fbc: okay, that means that the xorg.conf is not your problem anyway. [19:59] soundray, it did fsck again, am gonna leave it this time to see if will actually work or not. [20:00] fbc: can you check that you haven't accidentally filled a filesystem? df -h === andriijas` is now known as andriijas [20:00] I have a small "issue" my usb thumb drive seems to mount..but the icon doesnt display on my desktop...how can I get it back? it mounts..but...just doesnt display the usual icon like it used to. [20:01] how do i configure my lcd tv to be the main display for my laptop? [20:01] Robb_M: have a look in system -> preferences - removable drices and media [20:02] open_sauce: that displays nothing about thumb drives or the like? [20:02] Robb_M: hmmm, actually that might not help sorry [20:02] anyone know how to get my newly applied theme to work with synaptic? I saw a thread on it on the ubuntu forum but I cant for the life of me find it now [20:02] * Robb_M has already looked there open_sauce :) [20:02] i wonder if off a laptop you can run a second screen, as a second workstation with a different cube [20:02] thats ok open_sauce thanks though :) [20:03] Is there a reason Ubuntu would only see 2 of my quad core processors instead of 4? Fedora 8 sees all 4 fine. /proc/cpuinfo only shows 8 cores, while in Fedora, it shows 16 [20:03] Robb_M: alt-f2, gconf-editor, ok, apps>nautilus>desktop, check volumes_visible [20:03] Doc8404: no, you can only run one instance of compiz per X server (or even per machine, not sure) [20:03] hey how do I give write access to a user .... [20:03] for a folder in the system files [20:03] unop, sorry mate. I am back but the last suggestion you made has scrolled beyond reach. Can you repeat it by any chance? It was the renaming issue and ensuring the first 3 digits appeared properly? Can you remember? [20:03] I tried adding it in the root group [20:03] and users group [20:03] but no luck [20:03] soundray: so then it would show up as another one of the workstations, or just show whats on this screen [20:04] Hello, is there a way to define max-height of windows in X using a command or something? [20:04] Thanks emorris :D [20:04] hello people [20:04] I want to use stalonetray, but it doesn't play too nicely with AWN when set not to maximize over the dock [20:04] Robb_M: yw [20:04] that i believe fixed it, hang on a second while i verify :) [20:04] Doc8404: you can choose what the external screen displays: a clone of the internal, an extended desktop, or a second desktop [20:05] Yup, it did emorris, thank you again. [20:05] soundray: thanks [20:05] * Robb_M goes to put that in a file incase it happens again. [20:05] When I have turned on "maximized windows - no overlapping" in AWN, stalonetray won't just stay put [20:06] soundray, it's a really old machine with 256megs or ram. The videocard setup during installation showed as none. so there is no driver for xorg.conf how do i set it manually? [20:06] fbc: have you got a copy of gutsy's xorg.conf? [20:06] <[Solars]> exceed is kinda nice [20:07] <[Solars]> just installed it, was pretty much already setup, putty ssh into my server [20:07] soundray, nope.. [20:07] <[Solars]> and just ran apps from the cli and it pops up here [20:07] lol you guys should see hal. our old desktop is pre-Pentium. its got 32mb ram, it has a video card that does 16bit and its running on terminal. but its got all the music files on a network drive so that my AV reciever and ps3 can access them [20:07] Stay on topic please :) [20:08] Anyone? [20:08] [Solars]: do you have a support question? For plain chatting, please join #ubuntu-offtopic === jesse_ is now known as Guest79096 [20:08] Has anyone played around with stalonetray and awn? [20:08] thanius: dont even know what that is [20:08] okelidokey [20:08] Is there a reason Ubuntu would only see 2 of my quad core processors instead of 4? Fedora 8 sees all 4 fine. /proc/cpuinfo only shows 8 cores, while in Fedora, it shows 16 [20:08] <[Solars]> wasn't planning on chatting, though you forced me to respond which is chatting... i was jsut merrly committing how well configured things are from ubuntu stand point [20:09] video hardware acceleration used to work until I tried to rescue X config [20:09] [Solars]: this is offtopic, hence the hint [20:09] how can I figure out what package foo caused the installation of another package bar? [20:09] wng--: are you on 64bit ? [20:09] Doc8404: yep [20:09] <[Solars]> soundray I got the hint [20:09] hi, When i try to watch some .wmv files i get a message saying that the file is encrypted and that it can not be played. Is there anything i can do play then? [20:09] got a question, i have a laptop with phoenix BIOS. how can i change it to SATA compatibility mode, it wont recognize the drive [20:10] zimbres: sudo apt-get install VLC [20:10] any suggestions on where to go? [20:10] zimbres: the short answer to that is no [20:10] wng--: i dunno then [20:10] <[Solars]> mib_go2ngr you need to get into your bios setting [20:10] fbc: do you have a Section "Device" in xorg.conf ? [20:10] <[Solars]> usueally escape, delete, has to be pressed during boot time [20:10] [Solars]: I checked the BIOS but i cant find it in any menus [20:11] <[Solars]> while still in the bios [20:11] F2 [20:11] is there a bash command to show hot plugged devices? like whether or not a monitor is attached [20:11] mib_go2ngr: have you updated bios? [20:11] soundray, yeah [20:11] zimbres: May be u don't have sufficient plugins. [20:11] soundray, here's what i did, ctrl+alt+del pressed alt+f4 on the X not being able to load, got into console, put root password, removed the folder containing the 'bad blocks' it was telling me about, rebooted, it did another fsck, no bad block errors came, it reached 100% and it rebooted again, now it's on that reboot, technically it should work from now without any problems, it's doing fsck again [20:11] fbc: before EndSection, insert Driver "vesa" [20:11] fbc: may or may not work, but is worth a try [20:11] zimbres: sudo apt-get install vlc [20:11] <[Solars]> mib_go2ngr is your bios up-to-date, are you using a hardware sata board? [20:11] wng--: no, i need to check that out. [20:12] [Solars]: Bios I don't know if it's been updated, but it is a hardware sata connection [20:12] I am trying to rename a set of files using rename. Unop kindly suggested : rename 's/(.*?).jpg/$1.jpg.medium.jpeg/' * [20:12] soundray, ok will do... [20:12] i need to update my bios but i dont have a floppy drive in this laptop lol [20:12] How can I check how much graphicsmemory I have? [20:12] Is there a command for that? :) [20:13] <[Solars]> mib_go2ngr check your motherboards website or bios site to see what to do, so many varience its hard to say without looking at it.... some bios have hidden menu's etc [20:13] Doc8404, Thanks in advance. [20:13] zimbres: yw [20:13] I am trying to rename a set of files using rename. Unop kindly suggested : rename 's/(.*?).jpg/$1.jpg.medium.jpeg/' * which renames my files perfectly as required, except for one thing. I need 3 digits and a '-' to appear at the start of the file. eg. 003-DSC_7085fearn.jpg.medium.jpg. How can I add those additional 4 characters? [20:13] how do i prevent a file from being rm except by sudo rm [20:13] askand: it's usually reported somewhere in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [20:13] Doc8404: you can use a bootable USB drive [20:13] correct me if im wrong because i need to do it, but u can change memory allotment for video in a laptop in the bios right? [20:13] Doc8404: some manufacturers (eg. dell) allow you to download and exe to run in windows or dos [20:13] X winxp user : do i need an anti-virus for ubuntu [20:13] jaqill_ no [20:13] emorris: this is a 2006 toshiba [20:14] jasuus: make it owned by root 'sudo chown root.root file' and remove write permissions 'sudo chmod o-w file' [20:14] !virus > jagiil_ [20:14] jagiil_, please see my private message [20:15] in order to change the allotted memory for the gma950 intel video. you have to do it from the bios not from ubuntu correct? [20:15] soundray: is it ATI GART size: 256 MB ? [20:15] Gizmo_The_Great, I would try: 's/(.*?).jpg/003-$1.jpg.medium.jpeg/' * that is assuming you always want 003- at the beginning [20:15] !virus > DigitalFiz [20:15] DigitalFiz, please see my private message [20:16] askand: I don't think so [20:16] open_sauce, thanks for your help, but not quite. 003 was an example for the 3rd file. They need to start at 000 and increment up to 142 [20:16] askand: GART=Graphics Address Remapping Table [20:17] soundray: ah ok [20:17] can i have gedit always highlight misspelled words? i'd rather not have to go check that box every time i open a new document [20:17] hello, im having trobule with my tv-card (7010ix). lspci shows it as: 03:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors Device 7162 (rev 01), but there is no /dev/video0 device. [20:17] Gizmo_The_Great, ok, sorry, not sure then, sounds like you may need a small script, or very clever one-liner [20:17] Doc8404: http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/su/su_sc_modSel.jsp I selected a random model, and it had a link which said "WinZIP 32-bit self-extracting ZIP file includes both Windows-based and diskette based BIOS update installation options. See the included README file for details." [20:17] where is the trash located? [20:18] open_sauce, unop did make a suggestion to me about an hour ago, but irritatingly XChat has scrolled upwards and upwards and now it's gone off the top and I cannot read it. [20:18] emorris: thanks [20:18] !trash > jasuus [20:18] jasuus, please see my private message [20:18] open_sauce, unop his suggestion was short and looked feasible but I did not get chance to try it [20:18] having problem with firefox 3 can't use flash or see uTube can someone help me plz [20:19] jagiil, use the flash installer from the adobe site [20:19] i did [20:19] whats that do? [20:19] i also installed gransh or sthg [20:19] still the same [20:19] jagiil: uninstall gnash as it conflicts with the adobe flash plugin [20:19] jagiil: you should remove gnash. It conflicts with Adobe [20:20] jagiil, is it listed in tools > addons ? [20:20] kbrosnan: are you sure? [20:20] kbrosnan: jk :) [20:20] i did try to disable one of them and see what happens [20:20] but it didn't work also so i installed opera [20:20] hello what is a good alternative to windows' movie maker? [20:21] emorris: you dont happen to know where to update the allotment of ram for the video gma. ive got 4 gigs of ram now, and when i bought it only 1 gig so it was set at 128mb from factory [20:21] Is there a reason Ubuntu would only see 2 of my quad core processors instead of 4? Fedora 8 sees all 4 fine. /proc/cpuinfo only shows 8 cores, while in Fedora, it shows 16 [20:21] s0u][ight: for video editing, try kino, lives and cinelerra [20:21] Doc8404: no idea [20:22] is there a command to detect hotplugged devices [20:22] Gizmo: look here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/10/06/%23ubuntu.html [20:22] !cinelerra > s0u][ight [20:22] s0u][ight, please see my private message [20:22] Gizmo_The_Great: look here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/10/06/%23ubuntu.html [20:22] Naomarik: USB ones: lsusb [20:23] soundray, apparently having done: [19:47:13] Daremonai: sudo touch /forcefsck - doesn't do it just once, but keeps it forever.. i went into root and removed the file called forcefsck from / and now am back in.. WOUHOU!!!! thanks for all the help [20:23] wng--: It could be any kernel option in compile time that's different for some reason. Have you tried to rebuild a kernel from the sources and try that once? [20:23] anything for VGA? there's a button on nvidia-settings that says "detect displays" and i want something like that for command [20:23] is the new ubuntu released on the 30th? [20:23] Daremonai: strange -- normally, fsck removes /forcefsck automatically [20:23] *releases [20:24] soundray, weirdly enough, it didn't.. I found it there, and was wondering why it's still there.. [20:24] !intrepid > Optimus55 [20:24] Optimus55, please see my private message [20:24] gracias amigo [20:24] what are those commands soundray... [20:24] open_sauce, thank you so much!! I never knew that was there. I have found the entry : rename -n 'no strict; s/^/sprintf "%03d", $index++/e' *.jpeg - that is what unop suggested to me [20:25] !ubottu > Doc8404 [20:25] Doc8404, please see my private message [20:25] Gizmo_The_Great: I didnt know either! good old google eh? [20:25] I'd like to install all extras from console - has anybody got the whole list of plugins-, java-, flash- and other packages needed to have a smooth internet experience, watch dvds, burn dvds and so on? [20:25] wng--: also if you're on ubuntu standard, trying ubuntu server might have different kernel options configured. A machine with 8 processors is not to play shooters :p [20:25] soundray, it worked!!! [20:26] yeah see mess ive got 512mb dedicated to video, ive got 2gigs dedicated to ubuntu and 1 gig dedicated to vbox running windows xp [20:26] embrik: ubuntu-restricted-extras [20:26] fbc: I'm glad :) [20:26] soundray, device "vesa" [20:26] fbc: you mean Driver [20:26] Hello [20:26] ShackJack, ok, but then I have to find the names on all the packages needed? Does anyone have a list? [20:27] How do I install ia32-libs [20:27] ?? [20:27] soundray, yeah [20:27] embrik: No it is a meta package that installs the others - it will say which b4 installing... [20:27] Arlianin: apt-cache search ia32 should give you a list [20:27] open_sauce, and yes, it worked. I just needed to add a '-' so it reads : rename -n 'no strict; s/^/sprintf "%03d-", $index++/e' *.jpeg and now that has renamed all my files as : 140-DSC_7654fearn.jpg.medium.jpeg. Superb!! [20:27] ShackJack, hmm - cool :-) I'll try [20:27] Gizmo_The_Great: hurrah! [20:28] Slard: I write "apt-cache search ia32" in terminal and nothing appears [20:28] Arlianin: are you on a 64bit system? [20:28] Soundray: Yes [20:28] hi [20:28] Arlianin: hmm.. on my computer it lists 4 packages [20:28] i have cinelerra installed but how do i start it? [20:28] :s [20:29] Does anyone know how to purge uninstalled applications in a 1liner, to like... scan the dpkg -l list and pick out what hasnt been purged [20:29] <3 [20:29] Phoul: there's a filter in Synaptic or sudo aptitude clean [20:29] hi [20:29] i have new ubuntu computar [20:30] its so fast wow [20:30] i can surf the net i guess [20:30] if the internets worked [20:30] but internets dosent work?!! [20:30] ShackJack, aptitude clean doesnt purge things does it [20:30] why internet dosent work [20:30] ShackJack: aptitude clean does something different [20:30] I am connected to my computer using ssh from work (using Putty). Why am I disconnected every time I stay idle for 2 minutes? [20:30] nikonoel: read the HOWTOs [20:30] Phoul: Just package files (doesn't nuke programs)... soundray oh sorry thought that's what he was asking [20:31] ballsac The HOWTOs of putty? Or ssh? [20:31] ballsac: and your question is, why does my internet not work? [20:31] nikonoel: Disconnect often depend on remote machines settings [20:31] ichbinesderelch: Don't feed the trolls... [20:31] hi [20:31] ichbinesderelch yah [20:31] ShackJack: i'm bored :P [20:32] !ops | ballsac [20:32] ballsac: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [20:32] why is my internet (with ubunto) dosent work. because my windows is OK with intenrt [20:32] ichbinesderelch: :) [20:32] ShackJack Ok thx, I'm gonna check my ssh parameters. [20:32] ballsac: do you use wireless lan, ethernet, router, bla? [20:32] * nikonoel is thanksful to those who helped him [20:32] nikonoel: I don't know details but on remote host there is an IDLE cutoff time.. [20:32] !etiquette > ballsac (ballsac, see the private message from Ubotu) [20:32] ballsac, please see my private message [20:33] what you were sent, ballsac [20:33] exit/exit [20:33] ballsac: yes, and i'm pretty sure you've got one, look carefully [20:34] ballsac: you can get PM from Ubottu, it's enabled to send them. [20:34] My usbpendrives does not automount anymore, can someone help me? [20:34] s0u][ight: have you found it out meanwhile? [20:34] Is there a way to permanantly disable the disk check on boot up that happens every few boots? I have 23 TB's and it takes forever! And I hate having to hit esc everytime. [20:35] soundray, yes some silly not reading of me [20:35] but the app is pretty professional ;) [20:35] !etiquette | ballsac, well, you'll need PM to check these ones out anyway [20:35] ballsac, well, you'll need PM to check these ones out anyway: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [20:35] nikitis: man tune2fs [20:35] s0u][ight: glad you like it (never tried it myself) [20:35] I can't open a package file, receiving an error: "gedit has not been able to detect the character coding. bla bla" anyone knows how to solve it? [20:35] soundray, only the look for now [20:36] nikitis, its customizeable.. and you proberly dont want to just disable it.. set it to every 30 boots or so. [20:36] didn't test it yet [20:36] erUSUL, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction [20:36] nikitis, also you may want to tune the reserved blocks. since its keepng 5% reserved.. and that can add up to quite a bit. [20:36] aaron: gedit is a text editor... not the same as gdebi [20:36] dr_willis, is it really needed? I mean linux filesystems are infallible correct? [20:36] hi [20:36] nikitis, if it was not needed.. then it wouldent be there... they are not infallible. [20:37] * erUSUL remembers his issues with jfs .... :( [20:37] Why does flash lag in full screen? [20:37] erUSUL: I know. but thats the error I'm receiving and dont know why :/ [20:37] nikitis, when you have fileservers with 6+mo uptimes.. the checking every few mounts... dosent happen a lot [20:37] i guess this is not the right place to ask your linux questions? [20:37] i have serious problems getting xmms to run [20:37] ahh JFS the filesystem with a poor fsck on replaying journals [20:37] aaron: probably the deb is corrupted or not properly detected by the file manager [20:37] Oilfurnace: because adobe isn't really going for the linux route [20:37] kri: are you on Ubuntu? [20:37] soundray: yes === Oilfurnace is now known as GasFurnace [20:38] thanks erUSUL [20:38] So its adobes fault not linuxs? [20:38] I have 23 TB's in my personal desktop [20:38] kri: xmms isn't supported any more. There are a number of successors -- I personally like audacious [20:38] GasFurnace: they create the flash plugin.. it's not open source.. [20:38] soundray: ok [20:38] dr_willis, i have 23 TB's in my personal desktop. I'll run a check myself once in awhile. I don't need a program running it for me. [20:38] GasFurnace: there is a beta of the v10 flash plugin.. but it's not recommended [20:39] my second problem is to run a different theme for irssi [20:39] LOLHY [20:39] <3 <3 [20:39] is all white up in here [20:39] nikitis: just for curiosity, 23tb of pr0n? [20:39] nikitis, thats the linux way.. do what you want. :) [20:39] i guess there's nothing left for me to do [20:39] ichbinesderelch, i wasent going to say that.. :) but i was thinking it.. [20:39] dr_willis, i know :) Thanks for the info. I just think using something auto like that is stepping into Bad Microsoft territory [20:40] dr_willis: hehehe [20:40] does canonical have a stock number? [20:40] nikitis, 'data security [20:40] ichbinesderelch, no pr0n, just movies, etc [20:40] nikitis, 'data security' is everyones terrority [20:40] GasFurnace: it's not a public company [20:40] it's not totally ubuntu-specific, but is there a name to the "standard" where we write optional command line parameters in square brackets, required parameters in angle brackets, etc? [20:40] thats good [20:41] nikitis: if I had that much disk space I would create some kind of script to automagically dismount, fsck, remount the different disks every now and then [20:41] nikitis: i defenitly don't believe you ;) [20:41] nikitis, if you want to be extra safe. yoyu could mount whatever filesystems READ ONLY, if you only need them read only. [20:41] Microsoft is taking a plunge with dow dow droped 700+ points so far last time i checked === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [20:41] GasFurnace: this isn't for here, really [20:41] ichbinesderelch, I back up all my movies as iso's [20:41] the ones I buy [20:41] GasFurnace: #ubuntu-offtopic [20:41] i know im done [20:42] dr_willis, i could eventually [20:42] I finally got the wife trained to watch the .iso files off the fileserver.. saves her having to fumble with disks. [20:42] dr_willis, thanks for the info [20:42] anyone know to to make flash not lag in full screen? [20:42] GasFurnace: What's the Linux stock at? :) [20:42] dr_willis, tune2fs -c -1? [20:43] IDK [20:43] Bilange, not sure, i think it's a very widely spread convention really [20:44] nikitis, check the man pages. and be sure ya know what you are doing befor just toying with tune2fs.. also i recall some changes you make.. will not take effect till the filesystem gets remounted. [20:44] nikitis, that 5% reserved really adds up with TB sized hds :) [20:44] hi everyone. Got a question. What package should i install to be able to extract files from 7z archive? [20:44] cliff: 7z [20:45] Ted really should reduce the reserved percentage of blocks in ext3 [20:45] !info p7zip | cliff [20:45] cliff: p7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.57~dfsg.1-1 (hardy), package size 309 kB, installed size 920 kB [20:45] dr_willis, I restart my PC daily. (Not the greenest PC if you know what I mean.) Mostly to save power, and you can imagine the heat my drive bay generates. [20:45] Good night everyone! [20:45] hi to every one...i've got an issue with nautilus when copying data from the hd to a flash memory stick [20:45] data is corrupted [20:45] : thank you [20:45] LjL & soundray, thank you for your help. [20:45] Daremonai: yw [20:45] does anyone know if the harddrive wear and tear issue has been resolved for the new ubuntu? [20:45] is there an issue on ubuntu 8.04? [20:46] hi all [20:46] Optimus55: this was never an Ubuntu issue, much more a HD vendor one [20:46] can i ask for some help here [20:46] ? [20:46] exces, ask away [20:46] i have a small problem... i installed ubuntu [20:46] the latest one [20:46] exces: just ask [20:46] after that installed compiz fusion [20:46] everything was nice [20:46] !enter | exces [20:46] exces: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [20:46] it worked [20:47] naftilos76: any flash memory stick, or a particular one? [20:47] soundray: so it doesnt matter what distro i use? i was reading it was an ubuntu aggressive power management issue on laptops [20:47] ok :D and after restart... ubuntu didn;t worked anymore... [20:47] dr_willis, I must not be reading this man page right. I do tune2fs -c 0 and nothing happens [20:47] it appears to apply on most [20:47] Optimus55: no, the fault (if any) was for Ubuntu to accept default drive powersave settings. === eric is now known as talntid [20:47] soundray: still there can i query you ? [20:47] nikitis, i dont have the man pages memorised.. whats -c supposed to do> [20:47] i even tried on a Kingston [20:47] !!NEW DIST OF LINUX AVALIABLE!!!!!!! http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/ [20:47] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:48] kri: ask the whole channel. I'll reply if I can [20:48] dr_willis, it says usage as -c max_mounts_count [20:48] soundray: i'll check some more, thanks [20:48] I have a folder containing files nested in another folder and this combination is in my Trash Basket. Try as I might I can't delete (erase) the thing! Any shggestions greatly appreciated! [20:48] dr_willis, so I assume it's -c 0 [20:48] Optimus55: it's easy to find out whether you have this problem -- you'll hear the drive spinning up and down [20:48] nikitis, what do you expect it to do? it just changed a # on the drive. Nect time it mounts. the tools will check that # [20:48] supposing that i copy 1000 files in two directories results in a slightly different size [20:49] i tryed to install audacious... 'sudo apt-get install audacious' and not its finished? 'ldconfig deferred processing now taking place'... ? [20:49] so... can someone help me with that ... after installing compiz fusion and restart.. ubuntu frozen [20:49] dr_willis, no it's giving me usage like it wasn't done correctly [20:49] naftilos76: is that what you mean by corruption? [20:49] and now its finished** [20:49] they should be the same [20:49] ? [20:49] hi, is this crontab entry correct, if i want to execute "x" every third day? -> 0 20 */3 * * root x [20:49] naftilos76: not necessarily [20:49] Fat_Man: sudo aptitude rm -R ~/.Trash/* [20:49] !trash [20:49] The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [20:49] nikitis, i would have to double check the man pages.. I personally have never changed the count, just the %reserved [20:49] well, apart from that , opening some files gives me an error [20:50] ShackJack: Thanks, will try now... [20:50] is there a way to boot from a disk partition in vmware server? [20:50] naftilos76: an error? [20:50] nikitis, its -C not -c [20:50] this whole mess does not happen in MS windows [20:50] Fat_Man: ooops drop the aptitude ;) [20:50] naftilos76: MS what? [20:50] yea, an error like "error opening file" [20:50] dr_willis, i thought -C was to set what count the drive was on [20:50] how can i make a keyboard shortcut start quodlibet for me? [20:51] hey is there a way to detect if the power cable on a laptop is unplugged (like an event that is thrown), or to run a script when the said cable is plugged/unplugged? [20:51] dr_willis, -c sets the maximum. And it says in the man page if set to 0 or -1 it will disable tune2fs [20:51] nice [20:51] nikitis, no idea then. I was just looking at tune2fs --help [20:51] set it to -1 then perhaps. [20:51] !laptop [20:51] Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [20:51] hey there [20:51] nikitis, you are using sudo rigth? [20:51] dr_willis, uh no [20:51] hasn't anybody heard that copying files to usb flash memories in nautilus results in corrupted data? [20:52] ShackJack: Tried and no work, will now drop attitude! [20:52] is there a easy way to change the resolution of an ubuntu 8.10 box if there isnt a monitor connected to? i just want to use it over remote desktop [20:52] Fat_Man: no aptitude from the command sudo rm -R ~/.Trash [20:52] m[a]tt: #ubuntu+1 [20:52] dr_willis, no didn't work either [20:52] i ve search the internet and found many - but no solution [20:52] exit [20:52] !compiz [20:52] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [20:52] nikitis, sudo tune2fs -c 0 /dev/sdd1 [20:52] works here [20:52] naftilos76: search launchpad [20:53] is this supposed to be a bug or something? [20:53] erUSUL: thx [20:53] ok i installed audacious and i opend it with a terminal how do i open it without a terminal? [20:53] what is launchpad? [20:53] when i close the terminal i opend audacious it close the program [20:53] kri: there should be a shortcut somewhere in the Applications menu [20:53] kri: does not appear on Aplications>Sound and Video ? [20:53] kri: is it not in Applications-Sound & Video? [20:53] !bug > naftilos76 [20:53] naftilos76, please see my private message [20:53] ggervais: Look at contents of /etc/acpi/events one called ac is called when laptop gets plugged in [20:54] how do i do a bash script so its open in a terminal with enter 'xmms' [20:54] :D [20:54] dr_willis, eww "tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda1 [20:54] Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock." [20:54] naftilos76: do you know you have to unmount a flash drive before you pull it? [20:54] kri: alias xmms=audacious [20:54] yes definately [20:54] kri: put that on ~/.bashrc [20:55] dr_willis, dont' worry about it I'll play with it [20:55] is there an issue with usb sticks or not? [20:55] Soundray, yo ushould always unmount a device before removal if you can [20:55] ./armyops-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [20:55] what's wrong? [20:55] AtomicMongoose: no need to tell me [20:55] nikitis: if you have 23 TB you surely are using raid or lvm ... the partition device can not be /dev/sda1 [20:55] i know the procedure...mounting and unmounting the right way.. [20:55] if your usb device is a music device, ipod or generic, deffinately unmount it first [20:56] oh right right, misread that [20:56] MaxJays: you have to install libstdc++ version 5 [20:56] erUSUL, thnx [20:56] erUSUL, it is LVM, right! /dev/vg0-lv0 [20:56] naftilos76: I'm going to talk to you again when you've assumed a more polite tone. [20:56] erUSUL, slipped my mind [20:56] the thing is that for all usb sticks that i tried - nautilus ends up to be unreliable....windows don't....so there has to be a bug [20:57] That worked [20:57] i didn't mean to be rude... i apologize [20:57] that phrase just slipped away [20:57] naftilos76: okay, I just don't like to be interrogated. [20:58] ShackJack: Tried ' sudo rm -R ~/.Trash ' and got ' rm: cannot remove `/home/jb/.Trash': No such file or directory '. Then tried ' sudo rm -R ~/.Trash/* ' and got ' rm: cannot remove `/home/jb/.Trash/*': No such file or directory '. Any ideas?? [20:58] sorry for that! [20:58] naftilos76: I use various flash devices a lot, and I've never had an issue. [20:58] in nautilus? [20:58] !trash | Fat_Man ShackJack [20:58] Fat_Man ShackJack: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [20:58] naftilos76: either that, or from the command line. [20:58] naftilos76: what file system do you have on that flash stick? [20:58] naftilos76, no issues here, are you sure there isnt a problemwitht eh source fie? [20:58] erUSUL: Erps thanks - I forgot that ;) [20:59] I'm trying to get a wpa connection working and failing, where would be a good place to ask about it? [20:59] Fat_Man: sooo... sudo rm -R ~/.local/share/Trash/* ;) [20:59] i ve tried again and again literaly for hours...trying both in nautilus and mswindows [20:59] nautilus failed [20:59] ShackJack: Amending as required, back in a sec..... [21:00] If I wanted to build a debmirror, can I use dvds, or can I take out multiverse if I dont want unsupported? [21:00] the file system is FAT32 [21:00] naftilos76: is the problem the same when you copy on the command line? [21:00] i don't know what to assume [21:01] well i didn't try from command line [21:01] naftilos76: I haven't tried FAT32 for flash sticks.. I usually use ntfs.. but I'll give it a try.. copying a couple of hundred files in nautilus, taking it out.. connecting it again and see if the files are ok? [21:01] ShackJack Ubottu: Now have an empty Trash Can, Thank You! [21:01] naftilos76: is the problem that Windows can't read files that nautilus has written? Or are they generally unreadable? [21:02] i removed gnash firefox can load flash an utube again 10x for the tip [21:02] generally corrupted [21:02] not all of them [21:02] just a few [21:02] Fat_Man: You're welcome - Ubottu is not real, was invoked by erUSUL and I'm sure he appreciates the thanks :) [21:02] just as info i installed firefox with wine and then the adobe flash player and it works 10x better than regular firefox + adobe-nonfree blah blah bla [21:02] naftilos76: so when you use nautilus to copy an affected file from the flash drive back to the hard disk, is it still "corrupted"? [21:03] Xcerca: Heehee - Firefox under WINE, never thought of that :) [21:03] well i haven't really tried that but i can tell you this: [21:03] hello [21:03] ShackJack: Had my suspicions about that Ubottu guy - seemed to know too much! === abesio is now known as LogicBox [21:04] Xcerca, does flash in wine have the transparencies? [21:04] while copying the same bunch of files to different directories... [21:04] yea... but when i watched a flash movie my cpu went to 100% and was laggy [21:04] hey can anyone help me out with an eeeUbuntu installation problem i am having [21:04] naftilos76: keep it all on one line please [21:04] DigitalFiz , what do you mean ? [21:05] LogicBox: describe the problem and if someone knows how to help, they will [21:05] Xcerca, go to http://virtualliveactors.com/ with the wine firefox and tell me if the girl that walks on has a green box or not [21:05] the capacity of the first directory was 622.3MB, the second dir was 622.4 and the third was !!!! some gigabytes !!! i don't remember how many [21:06] LogicBox: You might be better off on their specific support channels.. [21:06] good evening all [21:06] DigitalFiz, egads.. thats a feature that would drive me AWAY from a web site.. :) [21:06] do you think formating as ntfs will help? [21:07] dr_willis, i agree lol [21:07] DigitalFiz , no she looks good , no green box... [21:07] root@fs1:~# mount /home [21:07] /sbin/mount.gfs2: can't connect to gfs_controld: Connection refused [21:07] naftilos76: if you're reasonably certain that you've found a bug, please use the info that ubottu sent to report it [21:07] well i put the install disk in it comes up to boot menu letting me choose run, install, verify, etc.. and what happens is i click on install (have tried just running it from cd) and it shows the ubuntu logo and the status loading bar and then it just goes into a screen with text about Busybox v1.1.3 with some more txt then gives me what looks like a command line with a blinking cursor [21:07] Any ideas on that? [21:07] Xcerca, awesome thanks for the suggestion, does firefox through wine start up pretty quick? [21:07] can anyone help me on a strange network problem? [21:07] yea i can do that [21:07] naftilos76: that was Slart's suggestion. I've never used NTFS out of lack of trust. === issyl0 is now known as LemonMad [21:08] so is FAT32 the fs you're using with your usb sticks? [21:08] atjepatatje: Ask your question, don't ask if you can ask :) [21:08] naftilos76: only if I have to pass it on to Windows users, otherwise ext3 [21:08] DigitalFiz , yea , and my CPU useage when watching flash movies is not so high either === LemonMad is now known as issyl === issyl is now known as issyl0 [21:09] anyone got any ideas? [21:09] i even tried to format a usb 8G into ext3 and it ended up unusable [21:09] i need a comand line torrent manager for putty, [21:09] suggestions [21:09] it indicates a capacity of 8M and cannot be formated [21:09] damien3: rtorrent [21:10] cant install it [21:10] damine3: ctorrent [21:10] Hello, does Ubuntu server come with default firewalling scripts? [21:10] smth easier to use [21:10] i tried to change heads,sectors etc with fdisk but no luck... [21:10] i got a strange problem, i installed several installs of linux, each time my network card is recognized, but it doesnt work [21:10] who can help me? [21:10] hm is there anyone here running Amarok? [21:10] so is it possible to format a usb stick in any fs? [21:10] atjepatatje: Are you dhcp? [21:11] atjepatatje: using DHCP rather [21:11] yes [21:11] naftilos76: it could have been one of the fake relabelled devices [21:11] and its a fixed adress on mac [21:11] tyberion: I'm not running Amarok, but I use it... [21:11] atjepatatje, if you are refering to using a wireless card.. please state so. :) or is this a wired card? [21:11] tyberion , did you need help with amarok ? [21:11] naftilos76: pretty much [21:11] willluongo: They have iptables by default which serves firewalling duties though other packages are available... [21:11] no its not wireless [21:11] is there a download manager like IDM(internet download manager) for ubuntu??? [21:11] meaning what? pls explain [21:11] atjepatatje: Can you ping domains or IPs outside of your entwork/ [21:11] but it gets an ip in suse [21:11] but even so its not working [21:11] Xcerca, Tundrayeti311: well Im searching for a script for getting covers/track infos shown on my desktop... any idea? [21:11] naftilos76: ok.. formatted an usb-stick to FAT32, but about 1G on it.. ~150 files of differing sizes.. created a checksum file before copying.. removed stick, reconnected.. copied the files back.. everything's fine... not saying you're not having problems just that I can't reproduce them [21:12] when i try to install ubuntu it doesnt give a kick at all [21:12] tyberion , never heard of one like that [21:12] tyberion in rythmbox it does that though... [21:12] Slart: were you using nautilus? ( naftilos76) [21:12] i cant seem to find a list of openbios compatible boards,can anyone recommend a board? [21:12] ShackJack: But no default setup? I setup my own iptables scripts, and I want to make sure there is nothing that will conflict with it if I set mine to run at boot and shutdown [21:12] correct question! [21:12] soundray: using nautilus for all operations except checking the checksums [21:12] hello, if i have 2 computers running hardy sharing the same wireless router, how do i set it up to share folders between the two? [21:12] can anyone plz tell me the sudo apt-get command for the advanced desktop settings / for the cube, and why it is not built into ubuntu automatically? =) [21:13] GleepGlop, last i looked there were a few listed at the openbios website.. (very few, but i havent looked at that in ages) [21:13] willluongo: Yes it has a default setup that is somewhat restrictive (from a hacker's POV) [21:13] atjepatatje: What does ifconfig -a say? [21:13] naftilos76: there is a raft of devices out there that claim to be 8G, but only have 4G flash memory, likewise 4G/2G and 2G/1G [21:13] tyberion: hmmm, can't help ya there... : / [21:13] hey is there a way to make my volume icon appear in the upper right panel again? [21:13] now i am in ubuntu setup [21:13] but ill try.... [21:13] !ccsm | jay_ [21:13] jay_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [21:13] ShackJack: do you know where it is so I can disable or delete it? [21:13] sudo apt-get install compiz-what? [21:13] christooopher: it's a gnome-panel applet.. right click on the panel, select add and find the volume applet [21:13] mellery: i'd use nfs exports [21:13] christooopher: right click panel and add as new applet... [21:13] naftilos76: it's called fraud [21:13] thanks [21:13] mellery_: Right click on the folder, select 'Sharing Options' [21:14] to be honest...the devices i'm trying are chinese...trying to s [21:14] wtgee thanks, but do i have to create some kind of network first? [21:14] ah worked perfect [21:14] jay_: see ubottu's message :) [21:14] ws 4 [21:14] see deep in them with fdisk gives me the correct capacity [21:15] Robb_M ; attempting to install now thanks [21:15] is there a reason its on the wrong side of mu username now? [21:15] mellery: It should set it up as a samba share and you access it via Places->Network [21:15] jay_: you are welcome [21:15] nfs > smb [21:15] naftilos76: it's not one of those sticks with some kind of protected space.. encryption and such [21:15] I have an eSATA drive connected to my computer. Sometimes if I leave my computer on overnight or I stop using the harddrive directly, it starts malfunctioning. I cannot read any of the files from the drive, although I can still see the directories and the files which exist on the drive, but I suspect these are just cached by the OS and in reality, the harddrive has disconnected itself from the computer. Even trying to remount the drive g [21:15] is it possible for a usb stick to be recognised as 8G from fdisk but to actually be 4G? [21:16] does anyone use rythmbox's last.fm plugin? [21:16] bullium: yes, i do. [21:16] naftilos76: I don't think so, or at least it would be a type of fraud that I haven't heard of. [21:16] me neither [21:16] Robb_M: did you do anything special to get it to work other than putting your username and password in the preferences? [21:17] Xcerca: hmm it displays on desktop??? or just in rhythmbox? [21:17] bullium: well, i use the firefox plugin, not the rhythmbox plugin, im having issues with the rhythmbox authentication :) === tretle_ is now known as tretle === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [21:17] mellery: smb/samba is easier to setup, but NFS will offer better speeds [21:17] ibottu and Robb_M; thank you! the cube makes ubuntu more cooler then windows all day [21:17] Robb_M: I can't seem to get it to work either [21:17] should be packaged with ubuntu === seanw_ is now known as seanw [21:18] ok thanks fro your time guys and you . It seems to be complicated...i need to search more on this! [21:18] bullium: yeah....its some trick i havent figured out, i guess we just have to keep looking around...anyways. [21:18] I'm getting "fsck.ext3: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda1" and the server boots straight to a root prompt ... can I fix this remotely ? [21:18] naftilos76: good luck.. hope you find out whatever is messing your usb sticks up [21:18] yeah [21:18] Robb_M: yeah [21:18] tyberion , well on mine when it switches songs a popup comes up in the bottom with the song name and album cover , maybe you could configure it to be biger or in a different place [21:19] someone experiencing problems with ubuntu 7.10 and kerberos with passwords policies since two weeks ago ? [21:20] Is there another way besides mount/umount to reconnect a storage device? Something that would force something that wasn't working into working maybe? === MenZa_ is now known as MenZa [21:20] neeto: you are a bit circumscript. Why not describe the *actual* problem? [21:20] soundray: because I did and no one said anything. === ascott is now known as ascott_afk [21:21] neeto: feel free to repeat your question if you haven't had a reply after 15 minutes. [21:21] neeto: I don't know if "eject" does things differently.. worth a try, perhaps [21:22] hmm has anyone used conduit i need to do some tomboy note sync [21:22] In the dmesg I also see "Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods" [21:22] neeto: found it. Could be some powersaving function that Ubuntu can't deal with. Does it spin down? [21:22] does anyone have experience getting Verizon DSL working in Ubuntu? I'm having some trouble. [21:22] Hello all, i got toshiba A8 , every thing working perfect except the sound, i tried all possible solutions on net, adding alsa drivers ..., can some one show me good way to fix that please [21:23] scotdb: I get that too.. the updating thingy [21:23] actually while i'm in here does anyone know what could cause flash windows to not stay fullscreeen in firefox? [21:23] started this morning [21:24] christooopher, when does it happen... screensaver does that to me [21:24] ubuntu is more bloated then windows xp [21:24] Slart : just checked ... that seems to be on all my boxes, so probably a red herring [21:24] firefox dont run [21:24] as soon as it goes fullscreen it pops right back [21:24] scotdb: yup [21:24] kri: it comes with a lot application software. Firefox generally runs fine. [21:25] *of [21:25] kri: do you have a question? if you just want to vent some anger it's better done in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:25] its worked fine for a month now problems with it..again lol [21:25] christooopher, i couldnt say... maybe a player issue, have you tried another site? [21:25] i want to know how i run irssi [21:25] need to install a theme for it [21:25] cant get it to run [21:25] kri: start a termina, run "irssi" [21:25] a different type of video plays but none from the site i want [21:25] hey, i have a shared drive that's password protected on vista under a username and password, how can i access it over the network from ubuntu [21:25] 8.04 [21:26] well im here allready i need to locate irssi so i can get the themes [21:26] !samba | Terabyte [21:26] Terabyte: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [21:26] I have Ubutu 8.04 installed and I'm having trouble getting my DSL wired connection to work. Ethernet drivers are installed and my modem shows i have a connection. [21:26] i'll try toyin with it, thanks guys [21:26] kri: I think there's a folder .irssi in your home folder.. might be some settings there [21:27] I am on a machine with integrated graphics, it only runs at around 600x800. what should I do [21:27] sell it [21:27] thanks slart [21:27] Terabyte: you're welcome [21:28] luminrd: run 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' and see if you can select a more appropriate display than what's autodetected. [21:29] luminrd, if it's a desktop, might not be a bad idea to add an inexpensive graphics card. that'll also free up RAM [21:29] anyone have a Lexicon Omega working w/ 8.04? [21:29] overall perfomance improvement [21:29] where can i find the cron log? [21:30] kmaynard: Not interested. I need to get this working as-is. [21:30] dontchoke: /var/log/messages [21:30] It is not a high performance machine, I just need it running at a higher resolution. [21:30] luminrd: hello? [21:31] soundray: sorry! Didn't see your comment. Ok will give that a shot [21:32] weelll...i was gonna tell bullium about the last.fm player in the repositories..but oh well. [21:32] soundray: Do I need to restart X after that [21:32] hello, i got a problem with my harddrive in ubuntu, it constantly spins and i think that what consumes my battery time, any idea how to get the harddrive to spin when it needs to and not constantly even when i'm not even doing anything? [21:32] luminrd: yes [21:33] Is anyone around that could help me troubleshoot my DSL connection problem? [21:33] !ask | artlabmac [21:33] artlabmac: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [21:33] artlabmac: Maybe. What is it doing? [21:33] nojoints: there's something called "laptopmode" you can use.. I think it spins hard drives down when they are not used [21:33] anyone using skype on an asus eee pc? [21:34] willuongo: My modem is connected, and my ethernet card is being read, but I cannot connect to the internet. [21:34] Hmm that didn't work [21:34] luminrd: what did you do? [21:35] Slart; I got laptop-mode set as true [21:35] artlabmac: What is your networking setup like? ISP > ROUTER > PC? or ISP > PC? [21:35] nojoints: try powertop. Also see these links: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_battery_life&num=1 and http://www.j2fi.net/2007/12/08/getting-the-most-out-of-your-battery-in-ubuntu/ [21:35] soundray: ran that command you told me, and selected a different model option [21:36] juanej: what's the question? [21:36] willuongo: I have no router. Straight from the Modem to my ethernet port on my pc. [21:36] gimp 2.6 was released, does anyone know when the ubuntu repositories will be updated? [21:36] luminrd: did you pick a generic one? [21:36] Hello, can anybody help me with an Acer Aspire installation. I am just wondering if the recovery partion is about 10gb listed as 11531 (10200 used)? [21:36] hi all, we just launched a new forum for blackhats, its at http://www.bhseo.de join now and help us build a community for bhseo's :) [21:36] gimp --version [21:36] I can't get the mic to work properly, it's getting sound now but it's too low even if i set the volume at max [21:36] soundray: yes [21:36] artlabmac: Can you please tell me what it says when you run the following command? cat /etc/network/interfaces [21:37] soundray, ? [21:37] luminrd: did you close the dialog after that, or did you hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace after that? [21:37] nojoints: then I'm out of ideas.. that was the one I had =) [21:37] willuongo: I had to run to school to use the internet :/, I'm not near my computer any more. [21:37] soundray: I think I may have picked LCD though, this is a CRT. Guess I'll give it another go. Yes, I closed the dialog and restarted X [21:38] Brb, trying again [21:38] soundray; i've tried the powertop but i don't wish to disable 3D because for compiz, i'm try drying the battery [21:38] unr3a1: sorry, wrong window. Gimp 2.6 may be backported to intrepid. Watch the backports repo [21:38] Anybody know what the typical size of an acer vista recovery partition is? [21:38] !backports > unr3a1 [21:38] unr3a1, please see my private message [21:38] BB88: 10 GB doesn't sound unreasonable [21:38] !soundcore [21:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about soundcore [21:38] soundray: no dice :( [21:39] soundray: It has changed it back to "Plug n' Play" [21:39] Slart; do you have laptop mode as true in /etc/default/acpi-support ?? [21:39] how can i delete applications [21:39] luminrd: that shouldn't be. Did you call it with gksudo? [21:39] Slart: Well it is divided into 4 partitions, a 250gb drive, two of the main partitions, 3gb for something and a 10gb, i am assuming the 10gb is the partition, as i may need it if the ubuntu installation goes wrong? [21:39] soundray: indeed [21:40] oin #ubuntu-dk [21:40] nojoints: nope.. it's false on my desktop [21:40] luminrd: is 800x600 the best available through System-Preferences-Screen Resolution? [21:40] That was something different.. hold on trying again [21:40] soundray: indeed it is [21:40] brb [21:40] Slart; ok i'll try with false [21:40] BB88: hmm.. might be the 3GB one too [21:41] soundray: so does that mean that the apt-get repositories will not be updated with the new version of gimp until Ubuntu 8.10 is released? [21:41] so you suggest leaving two intact? [21:41] willuongo: could it be that I need to set my network for PPPoE rather than DHCP? i have verizon dsl. [21:41] Slart: the two smaller ones, just incase? [21:41] Anybody knows that if you've edited /etc/default/acpi-support you have to restart the computer or no? [21:41] curses [21:41] BB88: I wouldn't touch them unless I knew what was on them === Esquilo is now known as JulioNeto [21:41] Ah hah! [21:41] There we go :D [21:42] Ok, thank you ;) [21:42] artlabmac: You would have to check with your ISP for that. You may very well need to use PPPoE, Verizon should have documentation somwhere [21:42] boooo... soundray is gone [21:42] Thank you much soundray! [21:42] Is there a way to auto set the group that a directory belongs to depending on where it's created? [21:42] can anyone tell me how well this pci-express mini wireless card will function with linux. I've not had good experiences with wireless cards and linux, ever. If you can suggest another one thats known to be more stable, feel free to suggest. http://store1.sonnettech.com/product_info.php?cPath=24_38&products_id=222 [21:42] ubottu: so that means that the apt-get repositories will maintain the older version of Gimp until ubuntu 8.10 is released? [21:42] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:43] willuongo: I'll give that a try. Do you know what information would be good to get from my ISP to setup PPPoE? [21:43] :\ [21:43] is samba what most people use for home networking ubuntu machines ? [21:43] Xcerca: I use nfs [21:44] Slart is it easy to set up ? [21:44] I've been trying to assist in tracing a bug in Wine and I've lost OpenGL functionality; how can I restore my xorg.conf to its state when I installed Ubuntu? [21:44] Xcerca: I would actually say it's easiar than samba [21:44] XCerca: nfs is faster/better but a little more difficult to set up. Not really though. [21:44] Xcerca: and I've had some problems with samba and ubuntu [21:45] after create my c source file (.c) what is the command to run my file [21:45] thats enough for me , thans [21:45] R_AG: you cant run c files.. you have to compile them first [21:46] hey all. can someone explain modules to me? and why i can't force dmraid to use raid456 instead of raid45? [21:46] it's not strictly ubuntu related, but you guys seem fairly friendly to noobish questions [21:46] ok i think there is a command to compile a c file what is it [21:46] R_AG: but google for "gcc tutorial".. there's more to it than I can explain here [21:46] how do i get themes for 'Terminal'? [21:46] R_AG: gcc file.c -o file.o [21:47] is there a way to install packaged from a cd - say from another debian based distro's CD ? [21:47] i want it black and with white text just like a x should be [21:47] and file.o becomes your binary executable === moradmin is now known as n9ds [21:47] Xcerca: you should NEVER install packages that are made for another distribution, CD or not [21:47] Xcerca: if it's a deb-file you can install it using gdebi.. but it isn't recommended [21:47] Xcerca: i mean, unless you're looking for interesting ways to break your system, of course [21:47] well it's a 'Ubuntu Ultimate Edition' cd [21:48] kri: Edit->Profile. Select your current profile and edit it. [21:48] 'Ultimate Edition'? [21:48] I've been trying to assist in tracing a bug in Wine and I've lost OpenGL functionality; how can I restore my xorg.conf to its state when I installed Ubuntu? [21:48] zblach: it's a "oh my, I can put everything in one huuuuge install" ubuntu spinoff [21:48] !xorg.conf > Ketsuban [21:48] Ketsuban, please see my private message [21:48] i see [21:49] Xcerca: don't use it. [21:49] Xcerca: what program is it you want to install? [21:49] hola buenas tardes [21:49] zblach it's just ubutnu with alot of thmes and packages already installed.. [21:49] got it [21:49] !es | cache [21:49] cache: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [21:49] i'm an arch guy myself [21:49] in a couple of weeks this will be smothly [21:49] Xcerca: anyway, apt-cdrom add [21:49] Slart , i just wanted to get the themes from it.. [21:49] good evening guys, I'm having a hard time getting grub to work [21:49] alguien del salvador [21:49] ' [21:50] Xcerca: ah... well.. never messed with themes.. can't help you there [21:50] Installer runs just fine, but grub is not installerd into the mbr [21:51] Is there a way to auto set the group that a directory belongs to depending on where it's created? It looks to auto set to steven steven (my login) instead of steven mygroup anyway to get it to do the later? [21:51] Why does my computer get choppy and laggy when I download things ? Right now I'm downloading something from FTP, and my computer is just laggy [21:51] This has been an issue for me for about a month [21:52] IS there an option or setting that I can change to fix this ? My resource usage is low right now, [21:52] RediXe: it is possible, you need to give the parent directory the sgid bit [21:53] LjL: Have a link to an example? [21:53] nick MorkNGork [21:53] RediXe: http://www.homepage.montana.edu/~unixuser/051602/SUID.html , http://www.library.yale.edu/wsg/docs/permissions/sgid.htm === michael__ is now known as MorkNGork [21:53] Any one knows how to make ubuntu enter init 3 mode as default? [21:53] LjL: Thanks, I'll read up [21:54] RediXe: anyway, chmod g+s directoryname - and then all children directories will be created with the same group as the parent [21:54] can anyone tell me how well this pci-express mini wireless card will function with linux. I've not had good experiences with wireless cards and linux, ever. If you can suggest another one thats known to be more stable, feel free to suggest. http://store1.sonnettech.com/product_info.php?cPath=24_38&products_id=222 [21:54] anybody have some cool ideas for stuff i can do with irexec , i just got my remote working and i have it programed to control elisia and rythembox and turn up and down the volume but i'm looking for somthing more fun... any ideas ? [21:55] RediXe: anyway, what you're saying it's auto-set as is *correct*. your "steven" user has a corresponding "steven" group, that's default - and correct - behavior [21:55] The link I was sent didn't seem to help. [21:55] RediXe: the group id for files in your own home directory *should* be "steven" [21:55] Has anyone else used gnome-art utility? [21:56] Guys, I cant get grub to install to my mbr [21:56] I am trying to do an installaton of 8.04 Server, I dont want to go thru all the trouble of taking a monitor and keyboard down to the basement and doing the installation. The server is hooked up to the network and i would be able to reboot the system using putty. Anyone have any ideas on how i may be able to install using putty thru the network ? [21:56] Installer installs everything, but I cant use the bootloader [21:56] tried a manual install, which seems to work [21:56] SeabassTKE: yes.. I've used it [21:57] but the bios doesn't see a booteable device === MenZa_ is now known as MenZa [21:59] rost, install gparted, launch from System > Administration > Partition editor, check that the FLAGS on the drive says BOOT :) [21:59] Slart: I just installed it and when I launch it, it doesn't actually download or install themes that I select. Have you had any experience like that with it? [21:59] they do [21:59] bofh80, atleast cfdisk states that [22:00] rost, should be fine them. was this drive bootin something else before hand? [22:00] SeabassTKE: I actually stopped using it since it was always giving me problems.. sometimes working, sometimes not.. [22:00] do you have the bios set to boot off of the drive that you installed grub on ? [22:00] Slart: yeah i think i'm gonna stop too, doesn't work at all [22:00] bofh80, Its an PATA drive which only has ubuntu on it atm [22:01] hello [22:01] Start your computer with the Ubuntu disk in the drive. Install Ubuntu by partitioning the boot camp drive that Windows is located on, and install both Ubuntu and GRUB bootloader onto the new partition. (If you want more compatibility with mac, format to ex2, not ex3. There are programs that allow mac to write to that) [22:01] the system does have some other disks though [22:01] this would not destroy the windows install? [22:01] I was helping the Wine guys track a bug and have somehow managed to kill OpenGL acceleration. I need to reset X to 'factory values'. I asked previously and was sent a link which does not seem to have been helpful. [22:01] when you ssh into a box. the fingerprint check that happens. is it checking against /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub ? [22:02] harriman: no, if you select the option to shrink the Windows partition to make space for an Ubuntu one (which i believe is the default). unless this shrinking operation fails badly. [22:02] can I get grub to boot from an active partition instead of the mbr then? [22:02] hi i have a slow flash streaming even if have a high speed internet connection, can anybody help? [22:02] Has anyone actually successfully triple booted using macbook pro. [22:02] harriman: a backup *is*, of course, recommended in any repartitioning scenario [22:02] rost , grub has to be on the mbr [22:02] ok [22:02] LjL so it is supposed to shrink the windows install? [22:02] rost, are you able to select which harddrive is chosen to boot from? [22:03] rost, in the bios [22:03] it corrupted it :( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#Wireless%20-%20Ubuntu%208.04 [22:03] Yep, I do select the right drive [22:03] following thse directions. i have been un successful' [22:03] Easiest Triple Boot (Boot Camp) [22:03] :( [22:03] hey. is there a "clean" way to install newest ati propietary drivers ? [22:04] salve [22:04] bofh80, I tried using a gentoo livecd to chroot into the ubuntu install and install grub manually [22:04] it gives no errors, but the system still won [22:04] how can i kill a process which wont die via kill -9 [22:04] *wont boot [22:05] Does anyone know anythig about macbook pro USB bOOT? [22:05] Is this possible? [22:05] harriman: no, it's not [22:05] I recently updated to the beta version, and my compiz desktop no longer works, anyone around that can help me? [22:05] harriman ... anything's possible [22:05] then whats up with all the tutorials about people doing it [22:05] Has anyone actually done it? [22:06] where is std errors logged? [22:06] the_eraser: /var/log/syslog [22:06] Is it possible to triple boot? OS X, XP , Ubuntu? [22:06] I was helping the Wine guys track a bug and have somehow managed to kill OpenGL acceleration. I need to reset X to 'factory values'. I asked previously and was sent a link which does not seem to have been helpful. [22:06] harriman: possibly, as long u install xp first [22:06] ok [22:07] possible.. [22:07] ? [22:07] is this why i have tried to install about 10 times and it wont work [22:07] Hi i just put in a New PCI slot..Serial ATA...how do i know if the copmputer is recongizing it? [22:07] harriman , yea thats possible to [22:07] harriman: there is even a man who install 100 OS on one hdd [22:08] i think the bootloader for that is called acronis somthing [22:08] you could also use grub though [22:08] on a mac? [22:08] hi [22:08] how do i sudo open ksysguard to modify the nice value of my movieplayer??? [22:08] d [22:08] I hate macs now [22:08] i need some help... [22:08] is there a way to view the drivers(divices) installed on my comptuer? [22:09] AlabamaHit, look at the bios? [22:09] is there a tabbed file browser on ubuntu? Nautilus isn't bad but it's a bit plain =) [22:09] cobalto: ah...didnt think of that.... [22:09] brbr [22:09] harriman: http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=143973 [22:09] or even a file browser with more features [22:09] dolphin? [22:09] does anyone know how to install drivers necessary for an intel based mac mini (audio and graphics) on 8.10 beta? [22:10] thanks ari_stress [22:10] how can i see the informations displayed at boot ? [22:10] snikker: dmesg [22:10] i have some problems, like i can't get sleep to work... if anyone has solutions... [22:11] wow. i got dual boot to work [22:11] there i sno way to install xp after the fact huh [22:11] macbook pro [22:11] os x, ubuntu, then xp? [22:11] Slart: but dmesg don't display all informations displayed at boot... [22:11] snikker: you won't see BIOS messages and such.. but all the stuff scrolling by when the system boots is there [22:12] AlabamaHit, with the command dmesg in console you see sdX (X=a,b,c....) and the description of HD? [22:12] snikker: I don't think there is a way to see that info without actually rebooting [22:12] harriman , always check youtube to see if someone has done it .. then when you know it's possible try to do it [22:12] ahh thanks [22:12] harriman , i mean I do that [22:12] Slart: i need to see all informations displayed about demons and so on... [22:12] well i got dual boot. os x, ubuntu to work on macbook pro [22:12] you don't have to [22:13] awesome [22:13] <_LoneCrow> how do you set it up so you don't need to sudo every time [22:13] <_LoneCrow> so that su - works [22:13] yeah i would like to know that... [22:13] how can you be permanently sudo? [22:14] use sudo -s [22:14] or sudo -i [22:14] !root [22:14] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [22:14] set root pwd n login as root from console [22:14] that will last [22:14] omg [22:14] how? [22:14] <_LoneCrow> I don't mind the first time but after that the whole session I dont' want to have to type sudo ping etc [22:14] sudo looks like user acount control on vista [22:14] hate it [22:14] _LoneCrow: ubuntu isn't designed to be used with the root user.. [22:14] i set my root pwd, startx from console, runs kde in root, otherwise if u set the pwd and try to login it won't let u [22:14] how come refit is not working on my system [22:14] semtido, think of this as a linux test..if you know enought to know how to set the root password.. then you just barely qualify as being knowing enough linux, to use root safely. :) [22:14] _LoneCrow: you can change the timeout on the sudo command though.. if that makes you happier =) [22:15] hey [22:15] why wouldn't it "be designed to run in root" [22:15] Anyone know about usb booting macbook pro [22:15] is Dolphin really the only other decently featured file browser? [22:15] how can I know which version of the ATI driver I'm using atm [22:15] there are plenty of things the end-user needs root privs for [22:15] but [22:15] look [22:15] deaftone: all kinds of little things.. [22:15] you really should avoide running X/kde/gnome as root. [22:15] <_LoneCrow> timeout.. yeah I dont' mind -but we have installers using ubuntu eee laptop that need to ping and telnet and such all the time but they are not linux savvy [22:15] i command it to do something. [22:15] Enabling the root account is not advisable and is not a "how to" that we can give out in this room...thanks. [22:15] anybody here get kino to work with pulseaudio? [22:15] it asks me for a password [22:15] i put it in [22:15] deaftone, actually, it's specifically designed _not_ to use root. [22:15] all the times [22:15] semtido: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === free_vip is now known as fsfsfsefs [22:16] if i put the password all the times it asks me... its the same as being always super user [22:16] when i give an order, i want it to do it... no questions [22:16] Hi - have can I login to another ubuntu drev on the same harddisk ? [22:16] Hi, how do I switch on antialiasing for 3D effects with onboard graphics? [22:16] system security/reliablity is a process... You could jsut disable all users and only use root semtido but it just takes ONE mistake and your system is gone. [22:16] I'm using KDE4 [22:16] semtido, please be advised that this is a security feature and not a "annoy you when we can" [22:16] <_LoneCrow> its kinda crappy when you need sudo to telnet or ping [22:16] anynoe running ubuntu on a Dell D630 here? === fsfsfsefs is now known as free_vip [22:16] semtido: you can edit the sudo config file to not ask for the password [22:16] yes but [22:17] ahh ok [22:17] thats nice [22:17] how do i do that? [22:17] <_LoneCrow> where is this sudo config file/ [22:17] <_LoneCrow> ? [22:17] semtido: something with.. NOPASS. I think.. [22:17] yes but where is the file? [22:17] _LoneCrow, this is when you google for a 'sudo' tutoriual/check the sudoers man pages. [22:17] semtido: I can google for it.. or you can do it.. =) [22:17] there is MUCH more to 'sudo' then the command you use when you want to do rooty things. :) [22:17] i hate macs [22:17] edit the file /etc/sudoers with the command visudo [22:17] is ubuntu 8.10 official & its good OS or no [22:17] all i want to do is tripple boot. is that so hard [22:17] QUE DE GENTE [22:18] not spanish? [22:18] !es | ShiN-CHaN [22:18] ShiN-CHaN: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [22:18] harriman, not if you know how to manually configure grub. [22:18] R_AG: if you ask in here most people will say it's good.. I think it's ok [22:18] harriman: shouldn't be.. it's just one more line in grub, afaik [22:18] well obviously i dont know what im doing. fisst time installing ubuntu [22:18] slart have you done it? === Tizz_ is now known as Tizz [22:19] <_LoneCrow> sudoers thanks I'll check that out [22:19] ppl, can I have my home folders here in my office on a folder in /mnt/ ? [22:19] harriman: nope.. I dual-boot.. but that's it.. can't think of a third os I want to run =) [22:19] harriman, it pays to learn grub very well, when youa re doign things like that. [22:19] semtido, under user privilege write username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL [22:19] Hi everybody. Could anyone help me to start with planet? [22:19] yeah dual boot is easy [22:19] afeijo, that wasent very clear.. You want to remotely access your machine at home? [22:19] hi [22:19] but i may need winders soem day [22:19] somebody know a program to run the internet through my mobile ? [22:19] ciao [22:19] *knows [22:19] hi dr_willis [22:20] harriman: well.. triple boot shouldn't be any harder.. unless you want to involve windows.. that makes things harder [22:20] semtido, where username is your username account [22:20] dr_willis: i believe he wants to access a folder like "home" from his desktop..... [22:20] yes i do want to involve windows [22:20] dr_willis: I can do that thru Network icon, using ssh [22:20] dr_willis: but with Filezilla, I dont show me that option [22:20] kantor: like, use your mobile as a modem to access internet? [22:20] i've followed the wiki and i still can't triple bot [22:20] ugh [22:20] dr_willis: so I thought of using MOUNT, can I do that? [22:20] arrrrr no tabbed file browsing? =( [22:20] dr_willis: so accessing /mnt/home it would show me all my home files [22:20] afeijo, you may want to check out that 'sshfs' tool. It lets you 'mount' a machine through ssh and have it appear as a local directory [22:21] afeijo: yeah you could mount it [22:21] gaintsura: who uses file browsers when you have a terminal? [22:21] cool [22:21] harriman: windows doesn't want you to dual/triple boot.. so it wont preserve any os's already installed.. that's the only problem afaik [22:21] Slart, yes [22:21] Robb_M: with sshfs like willis mention or mount itself? [22:21] !mount [22:21] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [22:21] !sshfs [22:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about sshfs [22:21] bruenig: I'm a 50/50 person, I use both, depending on the task... but I'm tired of having 4 file windows open and having to remember which is which [22:21] hello all [22:21] installing sshfs [22:22] is anyone else having issues with the Undo-Tab add-on for FF3? [22:22] kantor: you setup ppp using the mobile as a modem.. I've done it on my laptop but I doubt I could do it again without a lot of googling [22:22] gaintsura: use screen + bash, then you have a tabbed file manager [22:22] afeijo, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/ [22:22] So this Start your computer with the Ubuntu disk in the drive. Install Ubuntu by partitioning the boot camp drive that Windows is located on, and install both Ubuntu and GRUB bootloader onto the new partition. [22:22] huh? [22:22] won't destroy my windows install [22:23] harriman: installing ubuntu on a computer with windows installed wont kill the windows install.. don't know about the boot camp stuff [22:23] ok , thanks Slart I would try [22:24] not just on the same comptuer but on the same partation [22:24] i thought that when you partitioned a drive you formated it [22:24] can someone explain me how to make sound work for all aplications simultaneously? [22:24] harriman, you dont install to the 'same partition' [22:24] i can put it to work [22:24] harriman: oh.. installing on the same partition.. that will only work in special special special cases [22:24] if i use the commands in the console [22:24] pkill pulseaudio [22:24] dr_willis what do you mean [22:24] harriman, if you have linux, windows, and osx- each will be on its own partition. [22:24] harriman: you'll want at least one partition per operating system [22:24] followed by alsa force-reload [22:25] everytime i restart [22:25] harriman, eacgh on their own hard drive - would be even better. [22:25] so the wiki is wronig? [22:25] harriman: do you have an url to the wiki? [22:25] "Return" is not a punctuation mark. [22:25] dr_willis i'm installing to laptop with one hd [22:25] harriman, ive not read any wiki.. so cant verify.. [22:25] harriman: don't use the "guided" or "auto" option.. you'll want to choose manual partitioning. [22:25] I upgraded to Ibex beta and my track pad scroll and mute button don't work anymore. I can't find the settings to make the adjustments. any ideas? [22:25] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#Wireless%20-%20Ubuntu%208.04 [22:25] is the link [22:25] thanks Slart ;-) [22:25] Easiest Triple Boot (Boot Camp) is what i tied to do [22:25] !intrepid [22:25] Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [22:26] if they are saying Linxu and osx isntall to the same 'partition' then they are wrong. [22:26] * gaintsura w00ts PCManfm =) *hugs lifehacker* [22:26] kantor: you're welcome =) [22:26] dr_willis they are saying linux and windwos same partition [22:26] Easiest Triple Boot (Boot Camp) from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#Wireless%20-%20Ubuntu%208.04 [22:26] harriman, windows must be on its own partition also. [22:26] disconect [22:27] its best to have windows on the first partition of the hard drive also. [22:27] harriman: "Install Ubuntu by partitioning the boot camp drive".. once you've done that you no longer have just one partition [22:27] so i have to create a new partition? [22:27] hi [22:27] harriman, you will do so - during the install process.. yes.. [22:27] thanks dr_willis Robb_M [22:28] harriman, example layout , (windows) (osx) (linux) (swap partition) [22:28] harriman: windows always wants it's own partition.. ubuntu will probably want one too.. I suspect os X will want a partition of it's own too.. [22:28] harriman: I can't find anything that says to install them all to the same partition [22:28] i must have done something wrong then? [22:29] i need to create a new partition off the boot camp not format [22:29] ok [22:29] thanks guys [22:29] www.surestocks.info - arauj, is this the site you were talking about? [22:29] i will try it and let you know [22:29] www.surestocks.info - arauj, is this the site you were talking about? [22:29] JesseL627: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:29] harriman: you're welcome.. good luck [22:29] dr_willis: can I add that sshfs command to my fstab ? [22:29] when I boot up the computer is shown kubuntu i dont have kde installed I removed it how do I change it back to ubuntu ? [22:29] why isn't my Undo-Tab extension working properly? :( [22:30] how can I recursively copy all files within a dir and put them all into a same folder [22:30] oklinux: this should point you in the general direction: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30341 [22:30] I have installed libapache2-mod-php5, symlinked the conf and load files in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. I then unpacked dotProject into my /var/www directory. However, when serving up a *.phtml page, apache is not rendering it and I am asked by FF to download the raw file. Any steps I missed? [22:31] afeijo, since its a 'command' Not that i know of. [22:31] is there a way to replace nautilus with PCmanfm (ONLY as file manager)? [22:31] can I add sshfs command to my fstab ? [22:31] afeijo, i would read the sshfs docs. there may be a way [22:31] dr_willis: where should I do that so that mount will be always avaiable? Autorun? [22:32] Autostart [22:32] afeijo, thats one way.. or put the command in yoru .bash_profile [22:32] ok :) [22:32] thanks!! [22:32] afeijo, or just make a script/alias and put an icon on the desktop that runs it [22:33] afeijo, i mount mine to /home/username/SSHFS/ and in the sshfs directory i have several little scripts that mount each system i normally use. [22:34] very usefull [22:34] afeijo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS [22:34] why isn't my Undo-Tab extension working properly? :( [22:35] afeijo, shows 'fstab' ussage === EvilDaemon0 is now known as EvilDaemon [22:35] fu [22:35] deserteagle: if you really want an answer to that question you might want to add some more info [22:36] we also cant really do much 'support' for every firefox extension out there.. i would check the extensions homepage [22:36] in FF 3.0.3 the Undo Closed Tabs Button does not work [22:37] deserteagle, ctrl+shift+t ? [22:37] how would I replace my current filemanager with pcman? [22:37] gwildor: :( nope [22:37] *sigh* nevermind, even a forced reload didn't help, but clearing the cache worked like a charm *grumble grumble* [22:38] deserteagle: works for me.. but I don't think I've installed an addon for it.. I think it's in the default install [22:39] here are my other add-on's in case they cause a conflict or something: Download Statusbar, Fast Video Download, Gmail Notifier, Flashblock, hideBad, Image Zoom, Stumble Upon, Tab Clicking Options, Ubuntu Firefox Modifications, Undo Closed Tabs Button [22:39] HELLO? Does anyone have any experience wiith dual monitors? [22:39] deserteagle: you might want to ask in a firefox channel of some kind.. [22:39] how can I use grep to extract the filename from a string like "/var/foo/bar/filename.extension" ? [22:39] deserteagle: best bet is to check #firefox on irc.mozilla.org [22:39] SexyKen, I just got dual monitors working [22:40] lukus78: Using 2 video cards by chance? [22:40] any help on toshiba sound ALSA [22:40] SexyKen, it was a complete nightmare... but it's amazing now it's working - I ended up going down a lot of blind alleys, eventually got round to using a prog called randr which is part of latest buntu [22:40] SexyKen, no - using a laptop [22:40] Hi dont know if any one can i help i believe it to be a small problem if some one knows how ubuntu seems to get to te 15th updte download and then fails to connect, any idears thanks in advance [22:41] MrD1, if you do a sudo apt-get update, it might help [22:41] lukus: What is randr? [22:41] lukus78, ok thanks il give it a try [22:42] SexyKen, a util which allows two monitors to be stitched together [22:42] SexyKen, all solutions are completely dependant on yr graphics card... [22:42] LjL: Have an idea on how to set the gid when they move or save a file to a directory? the chmod g+s worked great when making a new directory/file but when saving a scanned image it was getting set as the steven steven instead of steven mygroup. [22:42] hi again [22:43] SexyKen, be prepared to loose a bit of hair... [22:43] how do i use unrar? [22:43] unrar *r ? [22:43] hi all. is there a way to encrypt a certain folder? [22:43] lukus78: I have one integrated GeForce 8200 and one GeForce 8500GT....whenever I edit the xorg.conf to include both screens - only one card works ( the primary ) and it starts to run in low resolution mode asking to configure [22:43] kri, with most cmd line utils you can type --help or -help to find out what their syntax is [22:43] lukus78: I've been working on this for 3 days already [22:43] kri (after the command) [22:44] SexyKen, if you are using nvidia, I've heard that twinview works well [22:44] SexyKen, is that what you're using? [22:44] lukus78: TwinView is for 2 monitors, 1 card. [22:44] ah [22:44] SexyKen, so are you using xinerama? [22:45] Well I'm not using anything yet, I'm trying to get both monitors to be active first. [22:45] hi maybe some one can help ubuntu will not update so i tried sudo apt-get update and it replied with W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems. thats like windows saying failed to detect your keyboard press enter to confirm, if some one could help thanks === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [22:45] how do i get rid of the boarders? [22:45] do i have to change window manager? [22:46] Hey guys. [22:46] Hi, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 and wondering where the Network Manager choice from System => Preferences is [22:46] SexyKen, you need to add both screens in server layout - have you done that? [22:46] MrD1: Sounds like either a network problem or a problem on the mirror that apt is using. [22:46] Where exactly in the boot process would ext3.fs run ? And how could something else have exclusive use of a disk at that point ? [22:47] Does anyone know where the soruce code is located for the Ubuntu Installer? [22:47] I can right click on the Network icon in the top bar and select "edit connections" ... but I would like to have that choice in the menu (System => Preferences) too [22:47] heltp to: permissions to save fstab file on another partition [22:47] Lynet_, any idears how to change the mirror my network seems to be ok [22:47] !8.10 | TriMN [22:47] TriMN: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [22:47] MrD1: If in gui - System - Administration - Software Sources. On the first tab is a drop-down to choose mirror. [22:48] Lynet_, ok thanks changed to a diffrent country and that seemed to fix it [22:48] hello, I want to check if my server is vulvernable against truncate(). But how can I check it? [22:48] lukus78: I have added both screens in ServerLayout, yes. [22:48] SexyKen, what's in yr log files? [22:49] and why dont i copy text deafult when i mark it and then paste it with right klick? [22:49] lukus78: which log files do I need? [22:49] BCM34: well, I can access that settings through the network icon in the top bar... Then I should be able to add it back to the menus [22:49] Or? [22:49] TriMN: go to #ubuntu +1 for support on ibex [22:50] sexyken - i think /var/log/Xorg.0.log will be useful [22:50] dirtyhand_: did you get that regexp fixed? [22:50] nope [22:50] hkais : what version of the kernal are you using? [22:50] SexyKen, check for lines with EE - should give you a reasonable idea of what's up [22:50] BCM34: ahh, sorry. [22:50] dirtyhand_: here's one example.. it's not the smallest, nor the fastest.. but it works [22:51] jasuus: 2.6.18 [22:51] dirtyhand_: echo /var/ffoo/bar/filename.extension | grep -o "[[:alpha:]]*\." | grep -o "[[:alpha:]]*" [22:51] lukus78: Saying "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Campatible NVIDIA X Driver not found) [22:51] Where is the php5 located? i looked in /usr/bin/php5 not there? [22:51] hkais: its vulnerable [22:51] Is there a list of laptops that work properly with Ubuntu? I'm debating buying a used Panasonic Toughbook. [22:51] jasuus: but how can I test it? [22:52] spasticteapot: google Panasonic Toughbook ubuntu, you should fine what you need [22:52] spasticteapot: if I were shopping for a laptop I'd bring a ubuntu live cd into the store and test it [22:52] hello [22:52] Slart: I'm buying used. [22:52] i cannot upgrade easily the kernel. thats my problem. Now I want to test it with an user with lower privilege if this user can execute somthing with higher rights [22:52] well, if you are talking about the local priveldege violation [22:52] spasticteapot: and of course search the forums and google [22:52] how to know the version of a pacakge in the repos? [22:52] * PatrickAupperle waves hello [22:53] ah [22:53] I tried apt-cache search opera --version [22:53] spasticteapot: try searching for manufacturer +ubuntu, see what comes up [22:53] but it wouldnt give me the version of the pacakge :/ [22:53] hkais: heres a python script http://downloads.securityfocus.com/vulnerabilities/exploits/31368.py [22:53] spasticteapot: http://biobug.org/toughbook/ [22:53] I'm considering installing 8.10 beta since it fixes two bugs that annoy me greatly daily... I shouldn't have any issues upgrading to final when it becomes final, correct? [22:53] I installed the beta [22:53] TSCDan: I don't think so, no [22:53] Then I broke compiz [22:54] TSCDan: it should just upgrade to the final release version [22:54] PatrickAupperle: use #ubuntu+1 for support for ibex [22:54] !intrepid | PatrickAupperle [22:54] PatrickAupperle: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [22:54] #ubuntu+1 [22:54] Slart: Figured as much, just wanted to double check :) [22:54] Slart: Thanks for the vote of confidence :D [22:54] hi [22:54] lukus78: Saying "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Campatible NVIDIA X Driver not found) [22:54] i just installed Ubuntu... seems nice [22:54] hi [22:54] PatrickAupperle: try...nevermind :/ [22:55] TSCDan: you're welcome.. you might want to ask in #ubuntu+1 too.. they are after all the beta crowd =) [22:55] however, my wireless card isn't working [22:55] but thehardware is recognized [22:55] SexyKen, the two cards may need different versions of the nvidia driver [22:56] SexyKen, maybe one takes legacy? [22:56] Azhi_Dahaka: ok, try to keep your messages to one line. Do you know how to use a command prompt? [22:56] yep, i know how to use it [22:56] SexyKen, you're on the right track now... maybe do a google and find someone who's tackled the same prob?? [22:56] Azhi_Dahaka: open it up and run lspci [22:56] lukus78: I've googled left and right, day and night...no one has the same problem :-) [22:56] The 8200 integrated graphics aren't too old [22:57] Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) [22:57] how do you know if what version of ubuntu you are using? intrepid or hardy? [22:57] SexyKen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=808247 [22:57] kabo: lsb_release -a [22:57] --version? [22:58] -a [22:58] Gnea: there. thanks ^^ [22:58] kabo: cheers [22:59] hi! I've had problems booting for a while - it takes much longer than it ought to (more than twice the time it took when I first installed it) - does anyone know what I can do? [22:59] SexyKen, well next step is to find out from the nvidia docs which version of the driver you need for each card... if they are different, then you need to find out if (how) it's possible for two versions of the nvidia driver to coexist at the same time [22:59] Azhi_Dahaka: did you run it? [22:59] Yep [22:59] Skalman12: that would happen as you run more programs [22:59] BCM34: I've read that thread - didnt' assist my situation [22:59] I pasted the message about the Wireless NIC up there [22:59] Azhi_Dahaka: copy and pase it into pastebin. [22:59] ok [22:59] SexyKen: ok, sorry [23:00] BCM34: Dont be - thanks for the help though. [23:00] Azhi_Dahaka: no, sorry, just saw your card, sorry [23:00] BCM34: So it's supposed to take much more time to start up, just because I've installed more programs? [23:01] Azhi_Dahaka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff tell me if you need help with it. [23:01] hmm, is there a keyboard shortcut to switch spaces? [23:01] I've installed Flash Player 10 on 8.04 x86_64 and when I go fullscreen it flickers all bad and stuff. [23:01] SexyKen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122692 [23:02] Any idea what could be causing the flicker? [23:02] Momerath616, could it be something to do with yr opengl driver? [23:03] Momerath616, there've been times when I've had shit flash 10 - because DRI wasn't enabled on the graphics card [23:03] i have the same problem as momerath616, on 32bit, but i am pretty sure my vid driver is set up right i get 60FPS in WoW [23:03] lukus78, I've installed the nvidia driver via the driver manager === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [23:04] Momerath616, run glxinfo from a cmd line [23:04] Momerath616, see if it reports an error [23:04] BCM34: Is the only way to reduce startup time to remove programs? afaik I don't run any programs at start-up... [23:04] lukus78, It spit out all sorts of stuff [23:04] can anybody assist with a umount issue? [23:05] How do I make it so that I have a harddrive partition load by default [23:05] how do i compile/run a .bin file ? [23:05] Momerath616, does it say direct rendering: yes? [23:05] lukus78, yes [23:05] Any idea how i work Wine with iTunes80164Setup.exe ? [23:05] Momerath616, it's not what i was thinking then [23:05] actually hang on.. === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [23:06] * eh [23:06] how do i compile/run a .bin file ? [23:06] how do i compile/run a .bin file ? [23:06] pronoy, run it with sh [23:06] I want to make a .avi file using .jpeg files like a slide show ... is there a linux (unbuntu) application that does that easily [23:06] pronoy, like sh file.bin [23:06] Any idea how i work Wine with iTunes80164Setup.exe ? [23:07] hey guys I am looking for some more information on ubuntu/linux for an old school Xbox, can someone point me in the right direction by chance? === kri is now known as kripso [23:07] Momerath616: total noob here [23:07] .bin as in .bin/.cue? === kripso is now known as kri [23:07] HappyHater: yeah [23:07] mount or burn it [23:08] HappyHater: na it runs with a sh command [23:08] has anyone tried getting Itunes in Ubuntu? [23:08] !itunes [23:08] itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee [23:08] I am having an issue with unmounting /dev/md1 (swap). I had some huge problems installing a new ubuntu machine. i setup all the software raids /dev/md0 (boot) /dev/md1(swap) /dev/md2 (root). md0 and md1 say they only have 1 active drive, md2 seems to be working fine. I have stopped md0 and md2, however I cannot stop md1 because it is busy. trying to do a umount on md1 fails and gives me an invalid argument error. anyone have any ideas ? [23:08] morth: why do you want itunes? [23:09] i like rhythmbox [23:10] im not a fan of rhythmbox [23:11] Okay, you guys, I'm new to this so please be easy with me. I'm trying to connect to a wireless router for internet. I have a wireless adapter plugged into my Ubuntu machine now. It's an old version Ubuntu (I don't remember which one). What's the first thing I should be doing? [23:12] parodyoflanguage, tracking doen the exact ubuntu version, and possibally upgrading to the latest release.. would be key items to consider/do [23:12] I'm thinking I need to reinstall Ubuntu because it didn't install the drivers when I first installed it. [23:12] parodyoflanguage: try plugging in the wireless router. If your ubuntu box is recognising the card, that'll be the next step. [23:13] parodyoflanguage: an install of 8.04 would not be a bad idea if you have not used it in a while [23:13] parodyoflanguage: i was goign to suggest going to google, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo [23:13] parodyoflanguage, if reinstalling.. be sure to get the latest 8.04.. or be brave and try the 8.10 beta release that are comming out soon. Due at the end of the month :) [23:13] hi all, i have this eee PC which uses libc2.3 but my desktop uses and compiles with lib2.7. How can I compile stuff on my 2.7 for lib2.3 ? [23:13] jasuus: Yeah, I'm browsing through the hundreds of documents about networking on the site. [23:14] cant get these unrar to work [23:14] how can i change the name of the computer? [23:14] !hostname | Azhi_Dahaka [23:14] Azhi_Dahaka: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [23:14] dr_willis: Well, I already have the CD for the older version. I thought I could upgrade the OS once I have it online. === ShadowXP is now known as Guest33409 [23:14] parodyoflanguage, it would proberly be best to not upgrade.. but actually download/install the latest. [23:14] hey [23:14] hi [23:15] my fire fox opens up and fereses what should i do plz help [23:15] dr_willis: Okay. I just wanted to save myself from having to burn a new CD :) [23:15] I am having an issue with unmounting /dev/md1 (swap). I had some huge problems installing a new ubuntu machine. i setup all the software raids /dev/md0 (boot) /dev/md1(swap) /dev/md2 (root). md0 and md1 say they only have 1 active drive, md2 seems to be working fine. I have stopped md0 and md2, however I cannot stop md1 because it is busy. trying to do a umount on md1 fails and gives me an invalid argument error. anyone have any ideas [23:15] parodyoflanguage, there are ways to make bootable usb thumbdrives. [23:15] please if i have filename.r01 to like filename.r15 how do i unrar it with 'unrar' when im in the folder [23:15] kri unrar e firstfilename.r01 [23:15] kri is what ive normally done [23:16] thanks [23:16] kri it will find/undo the rest as needed. :) Logical eh? [23:16] no i will have bash scripts for this later [23:16] what do you need a bash script for? [23:16] hey guys [23:16] theres also the 'unp' command that may save a little typing. :) [23:16] im having a problem mounting any usb drive in 8.04 [23:17] well i want it to at command unrar *A or something to unrar to a unrar folder [23:17] krylyx, unrar * - will expand the * to include all filenames, so dependn on what files are in that dir.. it may work [23:17] dr_willis: Bootable thumbdrive to install Ubuntu? [23:17] is it possible to install ie7 via wine and it work? [23:18] parodyoflanguage, yes. :) 'unetbootin' tool - can do that for several dozen different disrtos. [23:18] DigitalFiz: Unfortunately no [23:18] booo [23:18] or 'fortunatly no' :) [23:18] dr_willis: Is that a Windows program? [23:18] parodyoflanguage, its both. :) [23:18] parodyoflanguage, thers linu and windows verisons [23:19] dr_willis, being a web deisnger it sucks having to run a vbox just to test what my stuff looks like in IE because thats still the most popular browser [23:19] so i figured running it via wine would be awesome [23:19] hi have can i change fstab on /dev/sda2 when im on /dev/sda3 ? === OMG1234567890 is now known as TuxIce [23:19] ttwio: use vi. [23:20] DigitalFiz, i normally have linux inside vbox on all my windows machines :) and visa-versa [23:20] dr_willis: Okay thanks. That might be just what I'm looking for. I have a 4gb flashdrive that might work. [23:20] anyone know how to fix my Rhythom box it says play but its at 0:00 and my music isnt playing... "and no its not on pause." [23:20] jamesish: chmod vi fstab ? [23:20] ttwio, that command makes no sence [23:20] How do you save documents to a flash drive using linux? [23:20] !vi | ttwio [23:20] ttwio: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [23:20] morth: what kind of file are you tring to play? [23:21] ttwio: what result are you looking for? What are you trying to do? I gave my best answer to your first question, but you seem confused. [23:21] Kinkerton, i plug mine in.. they appear on the desktop.. i drag files over to them... same as i do any other directory/location [23:21] DigitalFiz: If you feel brave http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page [23:21] mine did not appear on the desktop. [23:23]  jamesish: vi gave me VIM - Vi IMproved - i try to change fstab on another partition .. [23:23] dr_willis, mine did not appear on the desktop how do I access it? [23:23] genii, thanks that gets me closer now i just need ie7 :) === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [23:24] ttwio: what are you talking about? I need you to rephrase the statement change fstab on another partition". What do you think fstab is? [23:25] Kinkerton, you could alwyas try mounting it manually. theres guides for it.. I dont have the time right now to 'train' you in the use of the mount command. but its not too hard to do.. the basics.. 'sudo mount /dev/DEVICENAME /media/mountpoint' and it should appear at MOUNTPOINT.. if you get the other options right [23:25] !mount [23:25] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [23:25] jamesish: i did change fstab, as a fool and could not enter my ubuntu install, so I did install ubuntu on another partition [23:25] thanks Ill try it out! [23:26] virtualbox network bridging plz help [23:26] So is your aim to boot into your old installation? [23:26] After fixing fstab? [23:27] jamesish: yes :) [23:27] Hi all [23:27] jamesish: I got the orginal fstab s [23:28] SOOO... I was here last week trying to get three displays working on my box. Got it working, was even able to pick my own default resolution. :D [23:28] NOW... My MythTV is no longer scaling the screen size properly. [23:28] ttwio.: Okay. Jeez, there are dozens of solutions to this. I don't know which one to recommend. [23:29]  jamesish: one for newbies [23:29] I am wondering if there is a way to force the scaling resolution in MythTV, based on the resolution of the display it is opened on. [23:30] i have 2 monitors set up in twin view which is perfect but when i stretch a wallpaper it stretches across both instead of each one individually... any ideas? [23:31] give me one of the monitors. [23:31] c0llisi0n: Perhaps they might know in #mythtv channel [23:31] haha [23:31] genii, yeah... I've tried but haven't received an answer yet. :\ [23:31] that would solve the problem ;) [23:31] lol [23:31] ttwio: no such thing ;) -- you need to mount the other partition, then put the old fstab into /etc. Doing that is your aim for fixing the partition. Then you need to hand over control of booting to the old grub. I imagine a rescue installation will do it, but I've honeslty not had to do it in a long time. Might be best to chroot into the old install and run some grub command or other. SOmeone here will have abetter idea, I'm sure. In [23:32] ey people, some of you have been able to use firedrop?? [23:32] hello, I have a X-fi sound card.... Ubuntu chooses my onboard sound chip, how can I switch it to my X-fi card? TIA :D [23:32] on ubuntu [23:32] Beefeater: disable your onboard sound though the bios if you can [23:32] beeftube: The simplest solution would be to disable the onboard in your bios [23:32] kitche: heh [23:33] jamesish: thx i try, I have bothe ubuntu in booting grub :) and a windows to [23:33] ok , thanks... with it auto enable the X-fi after I disable the onboard one in bios? or must I re-install ubuntu? [23:33] hello [23:33] is there a way to use my computer as a headset for my bluetooth phone??? [23:34] ttwio: Oh, awesome! THen just mount the partition and copy over the file. SImple pimple. [23:35] jamesish: yeps if it was not for the: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [23:35] ah crap [23:35] that beeftube guy [23:36] had an X-Fi. just disabling the onboard won't fix it. [23:36] drivers are a PITA to get working... I know... I have one [23:36] sudo mv [local fstab] path/to/other/etc/fstab/ === scotdb is now known as scotdb_away [23:37] talntid: I just found this on the subject not for the fainthearted http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4823915&postcount=675 [23:37] jamesish: thx i go try it ! [23:37] Hello, i am back again... Thanks disableing the onboard audio chip worked, thank you :) [23:37] can someone tell me why this shell script doesnt output the filenames, it just outputs empty strings: http://gist.github.com/15159 [23:37] genii: yup, that's about right ;) === Kinkerton is now known as Pinkerton [23:38] hi, can anyone tell me where the "places" menu on the panel is defined? How do I add things to it? [23:38] ... === Pinkerton is now known as Kinkerton [23:39] hi. I am downloading the 8.10 iso. If I install it will it act like an upgrade or will it force me to wipe everything out? === chryss_ is now known as chryss [23:40] dirtyhand: It's because bash sucks when it comes to spaces. Remove the spaces from before and after teh equals sign. And I don't think you need the set keyword, but I haven't looked it up. [23:40] any takers? [23:40] bobbyd: you mean bookmarks? [23:40] sma [23:40] bah [23:40] g'day, i'm trying to enable mic db boost (i'm using pulseaudio) but can't figure out where to do this. pavucontrol just has sliders, and alsamixer only gives me "master" and nothing else [23:40] bobbyd, just drag/drop folders over to the left panel. :) [23:40] bobbyd, or theres a menu item [23:41] smacfarl: It'll offer to destroy everything by default. Why not just repin your sources.list and use apt-get upgrade? [23:41] Most of my sound won't work. Meaning that only sound coming straight from java will work. I know why it is, java steals the sound directory from everything else, but I forgot how to fix it, any help? [23:41] bobbyd: dr_willis means in Nautilus [23:41] MrKlean: change to ALSA [23:41] dr [23:41] KenBW, Yea. :) it gets places from the file maanger places. [23:41] smacfarl: If you install it it will install. Upgrading is done through the packge manager or update-manager-core [23:41] KenBW, explain please? [23:41] KenBW: ok, but how do I find out what action runs when I click "home folder" in that menu? [23:42] dr_willis: sorry, was just in case he didnt get it [23:42] jamesish: how do I repin sources.list? [23:42] bobbyd: it just opens /home/yourusername [23:42] Wait, I got how to change it, checking if it works [23:42] anyone recommend a program that can throw text into festival for speaking? (eg: say im in terminal or firefox and i wanna it to read something for me) [23:42] MrKlean: might have to restart, dunno [23:42] bobbyd, opens /home/yourname in nautilus [23:43] audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Resource busy or not available. [23:43] smacfarl: do some research, silly. [23:43] Hmm [23:43] Hi, I was wondering... if I currently have a 80GB hdd installed and I put Ubuntu server on it, can I later set up software raid 1 on two 750GB drives (3 drives total)? [23:43] Lul2x: Yes [23:43] Lul2x, you can always mount new drives to various locations.. [23:43] Lul2x: sure. You'll wipe those two drives if you use software raid, but yes. [23:44] smacfarl: what I can say is that 8.10 is a beta release [23:44] wait a month [23:44] or two monts [23:44] my 80GB drive will still be in-tact though? It obviously won't be in the RAID, but just act as a separate drive? [23:44] i'm using kubuntu intrepid, when i click on any of my other disk partitions nothing happens ... its as if i didnt click them....is there a package i'm missing that allows it to mount the partitions when i click on them... [23:44] for people fix some errors in that month [23:44] jamesish: under what repin? I am new to upgrades. I went from 7.10 8.04 after the 8.04 final. [23:45] tyoc: I can live for a month with beta bugs. I want to see if the new kernel helps things. [23:45] Lul2x, correct.. you will have your OS drive.. then your data drives. [23:45] jamesish: seeme to do the tricks, it did change file, thx I try reboot and see have it goes :) [23:45] Ybeddyj: go to #kubuntu+1 [23:45] hi :D [23:45] is it worth it to update from the 8.04 to the 8.10 [23:45] i'm using kubuntu intrepid, when i click on any of my other disk partitions nothing happens ... its as if i didnt click them....is there a package i'm missing that allows it to mount the partitions when i click on them... === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [23:45] !intrepid | Azhi_Dahaka [23:45] Azhi_Dahaka: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu [23:46] Ybeddyj: for kubuntu intrepid help go to #kubuntu+1 [23:46] wait... kubuntu? [23:46] i thought i went kunbtu+1 [23:46] There is no #kubuntu+1 only #ubuntu+1 [23:46] Ok, great. What I was thinking was to store all the files for my webserver on my 80GB drive with daily backups to the RAID drives and use the two 750GB drives for file storage and sharing among my other network computers. Does this sound good or would you suggest a better setup? [23:47] genii: yes but it's the same channel :) [23:47] any boady know an screen recoirder for hardy?? [23:47] ooh [23:47] kitche: Aaaah [23:47] an==a :D [23:47] hadihadi, "gtk-recordmydesktop" [23:48] any body know a screen recorder for hardy?? [23:48] hadihadi, "gtk-recordmydesktop" [23:48] hi [23:48] Hmm, sound still isn't working even after changing to ASLA and restarting, Java is stealing the sound. [23:48] speaking of screen recorders, why does Istanbul always crash after recording for >1 minute or so? [23:48] oh [23:48] gppd [23:48] tnx [23:48] Java sound works just fine [23:49] MrKlean: i just know that OSS still has problems, dunno how it got intio Hardy [23:49] seems that you guys are online all the day lol === bill is now known as billious [23:49] KenBW: Possibly it's filling up your swap space === pronoy is now known as pronoy_ [23:49] 18:48 -!- Dirt [n=maciej@bxq105.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] [23:49] genii: that would explain it [23:49] 18:48 -!- Dirt [n=maciej@bxq105.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] [23:50] Hi, I currently have a 80GB hdd in my computer. I want to install Ubuntu server on it and later add two 750GB drives setup in RAID 1. I was thinking of storing all the files for my webserver on my 80GB drive with daily backups to the RAID drives and use the two 750GB drives for file storage and sharing among my other network computers. Does this sound good or would you guys suggest a better setup? [23:50] and is there a massenger that support voice caht for yahoo?? === billious is now known as bill-beak [23:50] voice caht for yahoo?/ [23:50] oh [23:50] caht==chat [23:50] :D [23:51] how can I get a programm back, when I sent it z && bg away? === mike_ is now known as Guest38850 [23:52] comicinker: try fg [23:52] thanks [23:52] why when i use my headphones in ubuntu 8.04 do i lose sound [23:52] so, how big is Kubuntu? I'm updating a lit of stuff [23:52] hello [23:52] lot [23:52] when you use nautilus with a sftp share, and ask it to zip a folder, does it invoke a remote zip on the files, or does it pipe the file to a local zip? [23:53] Please, I fucked up my root account and now I need some help [23:53] you fuck root?? :D [23:53] I was able to sudo with my user and I had passwd -l root [23:53] !language [23:53] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [23:53] !language [23:53] what is your destination :D [23:53] jamesish: thanks, it did work :) [23:53] well, both of you. [23:53] urgent-help i recommend a complete reinstall [23:53] and I did sudo deluser root [23:53] genii: how do I use the package manager to install the beta? [23:54] and boof [23:54] it went away...amazing [23:54] root left [23:54] that bitch broke up with me [23:54] LOL [23:54] !language [23:54] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [23:54] bc has suddenly refused to do absolutely anything, any takers as to why? [23:54] and now I slammed my Ubuntu CD in the CDROM case [23:54] oh god :D [23:54] and I mounted the hard drive and got complete access to it [23:54] smacfarl: You can't until it becomes release version [23:54] this guy... [23:55] how can I create a shortcut (like to /var/www/) on my desktop [23:55] so I have rwx on the hard drive with no root Ubuntu [23:55] quick poll...what web browser are most ubuntu users using? === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [23:55] MXIIA: ln [23:55] use ln -s [23:55] rootless ubuntu [23:55] what for [23:55] oir ln [23:55] MXIIA: use ln in a terminal [23:55] ok [23:55] thanks [23:55] genii:jamesish suggested repinning the sources.list. I am guessing this involves changing my apt config. Where can I get more info on this? [23:55] no s***, why would ln help? [23:55] anyone recommend a program that can throw text into festival for speaking? (eg: say im in terminal or firefox and i wanna it to read something for me) [23:55] ln make a link for u [23:55] fiefox [23:56] !pinning | smacfarl [23:56] smacfarl: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [23:56] nnull: there's "espeak" in terminal [23:56] it sounds bad though [23:56] Mecha25¬ lol yea i know [23:56] that's not what you want? [23:57] hello [23:57] ok [23:57] can i use voice chat in hardy?? [23:57] so make a link between what? [23:57] ive tried espeak its got nothing, festival has more plugins (or plugins rather) and better voices, just need some way to chuck text to be read into it [23:57] hadihadi: yes. with skype [23:57] Mecha25¬ ^^\ [23:57] no === Ktron2 is now known as Ktron [23:57] voice chat support for yahoo [23:57] nnull: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Assistive_technology_compatibility [23:57] my gf just know about yahoo :)) [23:57] hadihadi: IDK. Pidginn has no voice support [23:58] Hey everyone, I know a great company that sells linux boxes. [23:58] maube Gyachi [23:58] how do i enable telnet services for an eggdrop ? [23:58] IDK [23:58] hadihadi: hey [23:58] you should use ekiga. every other will spy on you [23:58] hey [23:58] hadihadi: So make link between what and what? [23:58] Ekiga is horrible, it doesn't work :D [23:58] no [23:58] no for you [23:58] exactly [23:58] I was wondering why would that help [23:59] hadihadi: yeah, use Meebo [23:59] http://www.meebo.com [23:59] some bosy asked how can i careat an link [23:59] Teisei: Ekiga is great because you won't get mindly raped [23:59] and i say use ln [23:59] so what can I do, hadihadi, or anyone else, to be able to get my root back [23:59] ok [23:59] hadihadi, normally one does 'ln -s thisthing thatthing' [23:59] help with BC in terminal anyone? [23:59] hello does anyone know if its possible to get a mono sound output without changing files properties? [23:59] Ekiga is a weird application ... even if my friends create account and I and try to call them it just keeps telling that "user was not found"