[00:00] su doesnt change my path+ [00:00] it doesn't? It certainly does for me [00:01] slangasek, if you use sudo, then the lack of sbin paths is somewhat anonying [00:01] WHen I run debian, thats the first thing that gets changed [00:01] well, presumably the first thing you change is to /configure/ sudo, since it's not configured by default... [00:02] this is my point - the lack of /sbin in the default user path is not inconsistent with the rest of the defaults :) [00:02] * NCommander falls over [00:02] ell, i personally get the network up and install openssh-server :) helps a lot on a tablet :) [00:02] Then maybe installed sudo should add the sbin folders to the path ;-) [00:03] * wgrant stabs NCommander with a path segment. [00:03] no, because installing sudo is not the same thing as configuring it [00:03] * NCommander dies [00:03] * NCommander runs sudo aptitude install ncommander [00:03] * NCommander is reborn [00:03] slangasek, ah, point taken [00:27] slangasek: hey, how bad would you feel about getting a new release of ltsp and ldm in Intrepid ? (just to know if it's worth starting to work on packging it) [00:27] stgraber: why is it needed? [00:28] slangasek: it's mainly bug fixes and clean up but also renames some stuff in the thin client chroot (local apss) [00:28] stgraber: sounds like it shouldn't be done for intrepid, no [00:28] because "bug fixes and cleanup" << "OMG there's this critical bug that's driving everyone crazy" :) [00:29] yeah, it's basically fixing some localapps support as we don't have the ability to play sound with localapps neither can we shutdown the computer (missing sudoers entry in the chroot) [00:33] slangasek, ltsp is in pretty bad shape due to me being busy in mobile [00:34] slangasek, stgraber is happy to take over but i wouldnt like to let him start wiht a ton of patches, letting a stable upstream in would be appreciated (its in lenny as well) [00:54] slangasek, ogra: Just had a look at ltsp-trunk. on 24 changes, 19 would affect what's in Ubuntu. 10 are fixing bugs (not all are filed in LP yet), 3 are adding back a pretty old regression (ltsp 4.2 it seems), 2 are cleaning up (bashims and comments), 2 are for renaming xrexec to localapps and 2 adds ltsp-cluster support (it's an option, not a default) [00:56] all 19 sound valid to me [00:56] so if I were to add a patch system to keep the same upstream release, 10 out of 19 changes would have to go as patches (taking only bug fixes) [00:56] yeah and using them for 2 weeks or so in my test lab at work, I didn't see any regression [00:57] i'd like ot get an opinion from Keybuk for the ltspfs changes though [00:58] yeah, I didn't count this one as it's in ltspfs and won't need a new upstream, only a minor change to debian/ as soon as we know what to change [00:58] (or if we don't, just to use my workaround so we at least have localdevs working for Intrepid) [01:04] slangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54052/ that's for the ltsp source package, all changes from what we currently have to what I'd like to upload. Numbers are the revision of upstream's branch. [01:11] slangasek: for ldm, it's 7 revision, 5 affecting Ubuntu, 3 of them fixing bugs and 2 of them adding features whose default behavior is to be exactly the same as what we currently have in Ubuntu [01:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/54054/ for details [03:21] stgraber: "adding back a pretty old regression" - I'm not sure whether I'm parsing that the way you meant it? [03:22] oh, where did I say that ? :) [03:23] it's adding back a feature that was there long ago [03:25] oh, found it, that was on IRC. [03:25] I have opened: bug 278399 [03:25] Launchpad bug 278399 in ldm "[UVFe] ldm (2.0.12 -> 2.0.13)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278399 [03:25] with all kinds of diff you may want to look for it [03:26] and I'm working on the LTSP one now [03:28] Has anyone thought of consolidating the setup screens by adding several settings in one window? Such as having a button to change the default settings for partitioning, keyboard, etc. in one window? [03:31] slangasek: If you have a moment, would you mind accepting subversion into hardy-backports? [04:36] slangasek: ok, I have done the packaging work on LTSP, that's a lot of revision but in the end very few real changes on Ubuntu (there is a lot of changes for gentoo-specific files). [04:36] slangasek: I'll test the packages tomorrow and open a bug similar to the one I opened for LDM [04:37] I also need to write a good changelog linking to all the bugs (and open some more) [05:21] E: Couldn't find package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.27-4-generic [05:21] Can someone help me with this? I am running Intrepid [05:22] niccholaspage: That would be because there _isn't_ a linux-ubuntu-modules package anymore. [05:22] RAOF:There is a thread that shows how to make a remix of Ubuntu. I need this package... Is there any other package that has the files? [05:23] niccholaspage: Which files? [05:24] linux-ubuntu-modules fil;es [05:24] *files [05:24] They're integrated into linux-image-* [05:25] Ah [05:25] The script that you're using is broken, or at least hasn't been updated to important Intrepid changes. You'd be better served by either fixing the script or working out what to do yourself, I think. [05:25] I suspect so. === nellery_ is now known as nellery === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos === nm-rocker is now known as asac [11:47] I need some help. I am trying to update alternate CD image (with corrupt Release file) using jigdo yo latest CD image. But the release file is not getting updated. [11:59] pm-utils release announcement: [11:59] * Sleep modules are stackable and have finegrained method [11:59] detection. For instance, if you like s2disk but not s2ram, you [11:59] can remove the s2ram binary and pm-utils will automatically fall [11:59] back to using kernel methods for suspend/resume. [11:59] might be worth investigating pulling that in. I'll look at it tomorrow [12:24] can anyone please help with jigdo problem. [12:32] new === DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz === azeem_ is now known as azeem === lamont` is now known as lamont === mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos === fta_ is now known as fta === thegodfather is now known as fabbione === fta_ is now known as fta === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks === m-y-t-h-o-s is now known as mythos === ompaul_ is now known as ompaul [22:55] bona nit [22:58] hi [22:59] In ubuntu, "nvidia-settings -l" need to be executed before launching compiz. Do you know what is the right place to add this at boot time? [23:05] ? [23:30] Hello...where did the 'disable trackpad' go to in Ibex? [23:46] Can someone confirm nominations on this bug for me: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfprint4/+bug/211335 [23:46] Launchpad bug 211335 in xfprint4 "Mousepad -> xfprint4 Crashes" [Medium,Confirmed]