[00:00] but i still will have to download flash yeah? [00:00] yes [00:00] I believe the kubuntu-restricted-extras contains the flash package. I'll doublecheck... [00:01] hi, just installed kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop, and i'm having some problems viewing regular xvid avi files. The included Dragon player wouldnt work at all, while after some tinkering kmplayer would play locally but not over network. What's the solution for streaming avi from samba shares? [00:03] yad__: I just checked and YES, it is in the kubuntu-restricted-extras package. You may need to restart your browser for it to start working. [00:13] can somebady help me to upgrade kubuntu? [00:14] shprot: what are you upgrading from? [00:15] from adept_manager [00:16] shprot: I was referring to ubuntu, xubuntu, windows, previous version of kubuntu, etc. [00:17] previous version of kubuntu (hardy) [00:17] are you just wanting to get Hardy up-to-date or are you wanting to upgrade to Intrepid Beta? [00:18] sorry, my English is very bad [00:19] I try to upgrade to Intrepid Beta [00:19] adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel [00:23] hi I love kubuntu four [00:23] I want to donate where do I go.. prefer papal [00:24] lol [00:24] u can go on my website [00:24] its not a word === JulCes_ is now known as JulCes [00:27] I'm not sure you can donate financially is it were, it is backed commercially [00:28] shprot: I am not going to be of much help with this. I did a fresh install of Intrepid and am not aware of issues relating to upgrading from Hardy to Intrepid. I recommend asking on #ubuntu+1 they should be able to help better than I. [00:28] thanks [00:28] sorry I couldn't be of more help. [00:31] guys my time in kde is not updating [00:31] any help? [00:33] sorush20: are you trying to update through the terminal or adept? [00:33] I have updated but now the time is not working [00:33] any help? [00:34] update time from server is not working [00:34] has adept been replaced by some thing cause it seemes to have been removed after upgrade [00:35] sorush20: adept shouldn't have gone anywhere [00:36] * foo slaps ubuntu [00:36] What kind of a nick is that? [00:36] It should be kubuntu :) [00:37] foo: adept-manager [00:37] is gone [00:38] ne1 know how to animate the windows movement behavior in kubuntu? need compiz?? [00:41] HI How do i change the picture size in kaffeine [00:41] morning coffee === gae is now known as kayaman [00:42] ne1 know how to animate the windows movement behavior in kubuntu? need compiz?? [00:43] !compiz [00:43] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion [00:43] thnx [00:46] * MrKennie blinks [00:49] how do you mount images in kubuntu [00:50] !iso [00:50] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [00:50] help [00:50] !help [00:50] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [00:50] oops [00:50] jcarlin6: what's up? [00:50] i am trying to install a tar.gz file [00:51] and can't figure it out [00:51] jcarlin6: what is it exactly? [00:51] it's airstrike but not the one off adept [00:51] i'll give you the link [00:52] http://icculus.org/airstrike/ [00:52] first off you need to unpack it [00:52] i downloaded the linux version this is a little bit newer than the adept version [00:52] okay did that [00:52] OK, if you change to the directory it created do you see a readme file or install? [00:53] yes i see both [00:53] jcarlin6: ok, first thing is to read the readme [00:54] readme, and/or install should tell you everything you need to know to install it [00:55] okay now the install? [00:55] read the install file yes [00:55] follow it carefully especially if you have to compile it first [00:57] were are the programs adept installs located? [00:57] depends [00:58] is it possible to make dolphin's window contents transparent? [00:58] thanks mrKennie bye [00:58] jcarlin6: there's no Program Files or Applications folder in Linux. [00:59] your welcome. [00:59] you're* [00:59] so were is it stored then? [01:00] jcarlin6: programs tend to be seperated in to libraries and executables. the libs generall go in /usr/lib and execuables in /usr/bin but it really depends on the program [01:01] alrights thx bye [01:03] hi i downloaded gcdemu but how do i install it [01:03] yad__: you will need to extract it and read the included instructions. [01:05] yeah but i didnt understand anything of the instalation file === Omar is now known as Naomarik [01:06] how do I change compiz's resize window from alt-middle click to alt-rightclick? [01:06] yad__: what don't you understand? [01:07] it says that i should run [01:07] The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for [01:07] various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses [01:07] those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. [01:07] It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent [01:07] definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that [01:07] you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a [01:07] file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for [01:07] debugging `configure'). [01:07] yad__: whoa stop [01:07] yad__: open konsole [01:07] sorry [01:08] yes [01:08] yad__: it's OK, jsut don't paste in here :) [01:08] actually, easier still, Do you have dolphin open? [01:09] mr kennie how do I change my windows manager from compiz to kwin upon start up? [01:09] yes [01:09] yad__: go into that directory you extracted the file to [01:09] if not already [01:09] !compiz | Naomarik [01:09] Naomarik: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion [01:09] iḿ there :) [01:10] yad__: go to tools -> open terminal [01:10] at the top [01:10] yea [01:11] yad__: you will at least need the build-essential stuff installed to do sudo apt-get install build-essential [01:12] sorry? [01:12] type sudo apt-get install build-essential [01:13] yeah i think its installing now [01:13] Mr kennie: still can't find anyone to help me. I installed compiz via desktop-effects and I'm having trouble trying to make kwin my default windows manager [01:14] oh n/m just got 3 replies on #ubuntu ;) [01:14] Naomarik: even disabling it from desktop effects? [01:14] is the program installed now? [01:14] yad__: if you got no errors and you got your prompt back then yes [01:15] mrKennie: disabling it makes KDE load only a cursor wiht a black screen [01:15] nothing happens [01:15] so I have to enable it [01:15] Naomarik: I had that problem, I had to just remove compiz [01:16] mrkennie i dont find the program in any menus? [01:16] ah.. I would rather keep compiz but load kwin by default [01:16] yad__: in the same terminal you need to type ./configure [01:17] but on another note, do you know how to change compiz resize window from alt-middle button to alt-right click as kwin default? [01:18] yad__: you will not get anything added to your menu with build-essential, it's just a bunch of development tools and headers to compile things from source etc [01:18] yes and says configure: error: gnome-doc-utils >0.3.2 not found [01:19] Naomarik: to change between compiz and kwin, have you tried fusion-icon? it puts a handy icon in your tray to easly switch between them. [01:19] yeah that's the only way i've been able to swtich [01:19] but i'd like to load Kwin as default ;( [01:19] yad__: you will need to install that. [01:20] yad__: compiling programs from source can be a nightmare. Does the readme file mention what it depends on? [01:20] yad__: that is, it can be a nightmare if you've never done it before. [01:20] Im sorry im so new with this [01:20] i only want a program that works like deamon tools [01:21] no need to be sorry [01:21] well, type sudo apt-get install gnome-doc-utils and then type ./configure again [01:21] Naomarik: It's not pretty but, you could make a quick script with the line 'kwin --replace' in it and place it in your .kde/Autostart/ directory [01:22] yad__: it will be a trial and error process until configure completes successfully. [01:22] Tamagotono: I ran kwin --replace in terminal and got a blank screen ;/ [01:23] yeah i can see that :) it says thee same thing again [01:23] maybee i should install a software thats easyier to instal [01:23] how old is that program you are trying to compile? [01:24] Naomarik: Now I understand your problem. That makes it much more difficult. [01:24] yad__: and yes, I think that might be an idea. [01:24] yad__: I think you need to get yourself familiar with the command line too. [01:25] Tamagotono: seems like after installing compiz via desktop-effects I can't successfully boot into KDE without using compiz [01:25] yad__: it's not really that hard once you learn the basics [01:25] hehe now it seems like i never will [01:25] do oyu have a tip of a program likee deamon tools [01:25] I'm sure there's something in kubuntu already [01:26] Tamagotono: there's a file called 25-enable-compiz in /etc/X11/Xsession.d that does export KDEWM="/usr/bin/compiz" [01:26] yad__: what is it you're trying to acheive anyway? [01:26] yad__: mount an iso? [01:27] if this line doesn't execute, i get a blank screen with a cursor [01:28] yad__: I've read Kiso is a good tool. [01:29] Naomarik: Not sure if it'll work but you could try to modify that file to point to /usr/bin/kwin [01:29] ok i only need it for dvd movies that are in iso files [01:33] yad__: install kiso, it should be able to read them. [01:33] !tell yad__ about iso [01:33] yad__, please see my private message [01:34] yeah the other program most have been old because i didnt find it in the add or remove program [01:35] anyone familiar with setting up multiple monitors? when I maximize it goes on both monitors instead of one [01:35] ./configure "error: could not detect required GTK >= 2.4". how do i fix this? I think I need the gtk development libraries, how do I get those? [01:36] zerothis: you probably want libgtk2.0-dev [01:36] Naomarik: what video card are you running? I have a dual monitor setup with Nvidia 7600 [01:36] yeah nvidia [01:37] 8600M GT [01:37] i managed to get the drivers to wokr [01:37] and i can extend my display [01:37] but maximizing a window goes to both [01:37] use the nvidia-configuration tool to configure your dual monitor setup. Works great! [01:38] you mean nvidia-settings [01:38] Thats the one. Sorry, I am not at home where that computer is. [01:38] MrKennie: attemting to install libgtk2.0-dev results in "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" [01:38] yeah that's what i use to extend the display [01:39] zerothis: do you have adept open? [01:39] but i can't make it maximise to 1 window [01:39] no, I do not have any package managers open [01:40] wait, let me kill them to be sure [01:40] any idea what this does Option "Xinerama" "0" [01:40] not sure whether that's enabling or disabling it [01:40] disabled xinerama [01:40] disables [01:40] yeah that's what it should be i would think [01:40] i'm using twinview mode [01:40] there is an option to configure xinerama or twinview (I think.. poor memory :) ) whichever one you are using is the wrong one to get it to expand to one monitor only. [01:41] baiscally all i'm doing is enabling my second monitor to twinview mode and absolute positioning them to how they are in real life but it extends the taskbar and windows across both [01:41] ah, apt was apparently running. the lib installed fine [01:42] mr kennie you solved my problem! thanks [01:42] yad__: np === anger_ is now known as anger__ === anger__ is now known as anger_ [01:54] hello [01:56] hallo [01:57] hello [02:00] anyone using 8.10? [02:02] I am [02:03] what's that "Desktop" thing that appears with the note program by default? [02:03] mouseovers on folders in it are pretty unresponsive and launching things from it are slow as well [02:03] but figure out my xorg.conf yet? [02:04] I think you are talking about the notes plasmoid. and I don't see anything wrong with your Xorg.conf [02:05] hmm [02:05] yeah there's the notes one [02:05] and the other one [02:05] http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/8.10-upgrade/upgrade3-wee.png [02:05] you can see all the icons in there [02:06] it's basically a window of ~/Desktop [02:06] not sure why but doesn't seem be so responsive to me [02:08] oh [02:08] seems i hvae something taking 100% cpu called obex-data-serv [02:08] that might be why [02:09] that would explain it! I think that process is used for transferring files via bluetooth [02:09] bluetooth is what i thought too [02:09] and i can't kill the process [02:10] lol [02:10] try ' sudo hciconfig hci0 down ' to disable bluetooth and see if the process dies. [02:11] okay what's a "zombie process" i just logged on root on another tty and it told me there's one running [02:11] still running [02:12] after issuing that command [02:12] but is it still using 100% cpu? [02:12] hello friend [02:12] yeah! [02:12] it is [02:15] i dident think it was possible to kill a zombie process.. its a process that died.. but dident die properly [02:15] Naomarik: try 'kill -9' then the pid of the zombie [02:15] aye i just got that advice from #ubuntu [02:15] and it worked [02:16] what's the -9 switch do? [02:16] Kill with EXTREME prejudice [02:16] :) [02:16] one rarely needs to use -9 [02:16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process [02:17] crude but effective... [02:17] To remove zombies from a system, the SIGCHLD signal can be sent to the parent manually, using the kill command. If the parent process still refuses to reap the zombie, the next step would be to remove the parent process. When a process loses its parent, init becomes its new parent. Init periodically executes the wait system call to reap any zombies with init as parent. [02:18] how do i know which process is the zombie [02:19] use 'top' and under the status (S) heading it will be R for running, S for sleeping or Z for zombie [02:20] Zombies can be identified in the output from the Unix ps command by the presence of a "Z" in the STAT column. [02:20] From that wiki page. :) [02:20] the zombie process says ccsm [02:21] alright going to restart x and see if my xorg.conf works [02:23] Hi all, I get the following error when I run apt-get update: [02:24] W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org gutsy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 2EBC26B60C5A2783 Medibuntu Packaging Team [02:24] How do I fix0r it? [02:24] I ran wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update, but no fix [02:24] er, it didnt fix [02:25] ok it didn't work [02:25] Tamagotono: mind taking a look at my log? [02:25] send it to pastbin and I'll look [02:25] Hmm.. [02:25] !medibuntu [02:25] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [02:26] sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list [02:26] * dr_willis reads more... [02:26] http://paste.ubuntu.com/54072/ [02:26] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update [02:27] seems that rgb thing is causing a problem [02:28] dr_willis: that seems to have done the trick, thanks [02:29] b0nn, all i did was read the directions at the medibuntu site. :) [02:29] not sure where you got your command from.. i see no mentionof it at that site. [02:30] Not sure what medibuntu-keyring does either. :) [02:30] Naomarik: the xorg.conf you posted earlier did not have that line. Where did it come from? Can you paste that copy of xorg.conf please [02:30] yeah [02:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/54074/ [02:31] and there is no RGB thing in that directory [02:31] Hey how do i install Kubuntu desklist from the konsole? [02:32] Naomarik: is the xorg.conf you just posted, the one that you used when X failed to start? [02:32] dr_willis: from the ubuntu forums [02:32] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5031032 [02:32] b0nn, i would guess that post was out of date with what the medibuntu repo does [02:32] aye Tamagotono [02:33] taht one is linked to the log [02:34] Actually..how do I install Kopete desklist? Doesn't really need to be from the konsole [02:34] wait this one is [02:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/54063/ [02:34] the previous one i linked you [02:34] it has the rgbpath [02:35] the other one is similar but the screens don't have 'absolute positioning' on [02:35] it also failed on me. [02:36] Im still unable to upgrade kde for some reason [02:36] I get "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main kde-icons-oxygen 4:4.1.1-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 [02:36] they are failing because X is picky and will crash if there is any problem with your xorg.conf file. Delete or comment out lines 8,9,and 10 then try again. If it crashes paste your Xorg.0.conf [02:36] for several packages [02:36] aite === nick_ is now known as Skky [02:37] I'm willing to make love to the person who tells me how to install kopete desklist plugin [02:38] restarting x [02:40] okay it kinda worked [02:40] but on my second display [02:40] you know how when windows 98 and lower used to failt o refresh the screen so when you moved a window it drew a million times? [02:40] Yes. :) [02:40] yeah [02:41] that's what my 2nd display is doing [02:41] i even see that under vista [02:41] i ahven't seen it in vista :) [02:42] Anyone knows how to install kopete desklist plugin? [02:44] Naomarik: not sure what to tell you. I don't see anything odd in your config. [02:45] Just wondering... when you maximise a window does it expand to 1 or both screens? [02:46] lemme see [02:46] one screen ;) [02:46] and taskbar is on one screen [02:46] half way there! :) [02:46] well [02:46] hehe [02:46] suppose so ;) [02:47] too bad i can't do this on the fly though like windows [02:47] hello, i'm new in kde, i'm using superkaramba and the widgets have a black background =[, is any config? [02:48] Naomarik: I have to get going, I have to turn over to the night shift. I'll be home in about 1.5 to 2 hours and will email you my xorg.conf file then. [02:49] alrighty thx for helping me Tamagotono [02:49] np [02:51] How do I install desklist plugin using the konsole? [02:53] hello [02:54] i need some help on the combiz [02:54] anyone interested in helping [02:54] I'm looking for a good music visualizer, like iTunes 8.0 has but for linux of course! [02:55] desktop cube [02:55] anyone know how to initiate the cube so it is 3 dimensional [02:55] using the control alt arrow right keys [02:56] and arrow down [02:56] ect... [02:56] cannot get the screen to 3 dimensionalize like i see it int he book [02:56] okay new problem, kwin completely doesn't work [02:57] can anyone even see my question [02:57] or is everyone ignoring me [02:57] Are you talkin about lifting the active windows brad_? [02:58] in the ubuntu book it shows the desktop 3d [02:58] i want mine to look like that [02:58] I get a whole lot of 404's when I try to upgrade kde5libs [02:58] Err http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main [02:58] ^there [02:58] You got a link to that book? [02:58] any ideas? [02:58] in advanced desktop settings [02:58] turning on the 3d cube [02:58] Ah [02:59] its all on and installed but i dont seem to have the 3 dim desktop appearance i see int he book [02:59] If you have the settings shouldn't you just click the box then choose whatever keys you want to initilize it with? [02:59] yes [02:59] and i cannot seem to get it to actually 3d for some reason [03:00] Weird.. You got the drivers all figured out etc? [03:00] the control alt right arrow key will actually flip the cube [03:00] but i want it to minimize and view the screen as a 3d cube [03:00] am i making any sense [03:00] maybe not [03:00] sorry [03:00] hahaha [03:00] No its cool [03:01] You got a scroller on your mouse yeah? [03:01] i justed install ubuntu on a wim [03:01] Between the two clickers? [03:01] and i love it [03:01] yes [03:01] Hold that one down and then drag your mouse sideways [03:01] oh the scroller is a touch and built in to the touch [03:02] probably have to get an external mouse [03:02] Well I think that's the standard choice for that but you can change it somehow.. [03:02] To tell you the truth im a newb [03:02] haha [03:02] brb ciggarett [03:03] me to [03:03] i probably dont have the touch mouse driver installed correctly [03:03] that would be my guess [03:03] anyone my sata hard drive failed on this dell inspiron 1420 [03:03] under warratny [03:04] so i grabbed another and installed ubuntu while waiting [03:04] this is the coolest o.s. ever [03:04] i don't want to go back to win vista [03:04] anton [03:04] you there still [03:05] okay [03:05] im talking to myself so ill go [03:05] later all [03:09] haha [03:09] wait brad [03:09] i there? [03:09] weeak [03:09] well [03:09] night all [03:30] can someone help me? [03:31] anyone? === crackhead is now known as xjohnthomasx2 [03:32] can anyone help me? [03:32] my whole partition is messed up atm and i need to find a way to recover my data [03:35] try #ubuntu more active there atm [03:36] ok [03:38] can anyone help me with my crossover cat5e cable/network setup??? i have the cable in. i set the ip's and same netmask. i had it working an hour ago. now it just says "ntwork unreachable", and i have no idea whyyyy????? [03:38] double check the settings.. see if they can even ping each other? [03:40] hola a todos === K is now known as Guest57555 [03:47] using apt-get how do I know what version its installing? [03:48] it installs the latest [03:49] right, but how do I know what version that is? my make file says I don't have at least a certain version of libpulse but apt-get install libpulse0 says I have the latest version [03:49] I'm getting an odd behavior with fullscreen games. a "fullscreen" swtiches back to a window that immediately moves from centered to aligning to the upper left corner of the desktop. Xmoto in an example that does this. Other game will minimize immediately, clicking on the window list brings it up then it minimizes again Alt+Tab does the same. Armegetron is an example. [03:50] not sure exactly with apt-get but you can use adept [03:50] Hi every one [03:52] I was hoping some one could tell me if it's possible to shares between two kubuntu machines using samba. [03:53] blueswarrior, yes its easiall done [03:53] but btween 2 linux boxs - nfs may be a better answer === lilith is now known as lilith_ === lilith_ is now known as lilith__ [03:54] I was hoping for a gui solution. I'm still getting used to the command line. I just need to transfer a few files before I give one of my systems to my mother in law. [03:55] blueswarrior, easy way to transfer a few files is to use ssh/scp [03:55] http://www.hypexr.org/linux_scp_help.php [03:56] install ssh on both machines, take note of the ip of the remote machine. [03:56] the kde file manager can also supply a ssh/scp front end.. but i forget the way to do it. (not on liniux rigth now) [03:57] I'll try to find the front end. [03:57] scp foobar.txt your_username@ip.of.remote.box:/some/remote/directory [03:57] :) [03:58] ssh/scp is worth learning. [03:58] is it called kssh? [03:59] KDE’s fish:// protocol abstraction for accessing others systems via ssh is designed to handle situations like this. [03:59] that woul;d be a front end to ssh. :) kde has the 'fish://' kioslave that lets it access a remote box via ssh. [03:59] does anyone know if it is possible to connect to google talk with kopete? Usually I don't use it but my dad is away and google is the only one that works where he is for some reason. [03:59] fish://server-hostname:port/path. [04:02] I've come a long way since I went 100% linux but I still have much to learn. hehe I was hoping for a quick "click this, click that, drag and drop, and wallah! all done!" [04:02] blueswarrior, kde's fish: is such a thing. [04:02] I just dont rember how to make it see the initial network/location [04:03] alright... anyone know how I can completely reinstall kwin or make it default? [04:03] other then typing in fish://ip.number.of.box [04:03] Naomarik, how did you make it the non-default? [04:03] compiz ruined my life :9 [04:03] Naomarik, let me guess.. you removed compiz.. [04:03] i installed desktop-manager, then installed compiz via that [04:03] and now kde wont start right [04:03] is it called kfish for kde? [04:03] no.. if I remove it, i can't boot into kde [04:04] kde only works with compiz now [04:04] kwin doesn't work at all [04:04] I see fish and kfish in adept right now [04:04] blueswarrior, No no no.. In the konqueror file manager, address bar, You use fish://ip.number.of.box [04:04] i get blackscreen with cursor with kwin [04:04] blueswarrior, its allready a built in feature of the file manager [04:04] Naomarik, Hmm.. kwin --replace , dosent replace compiz? [04:04] doing that give sme the blackscreeen i just said [04:05] it's like kwin hates me completely [04:05] Naomarik, try making a new user, see if it works for them. [04:05] maybe it hates my xorg.conf cause ti works with a failsafe xorg [04:05] lol kfish is an aquarium thing [04:05] good idea [04:05] failsafe xorg.conf - would most likely disable compiz - due to not having the proper 3d drivers used [04:06] yeah it does [04:06] but it does let me use kwin [04:06] it's like when i use kwin it doesn't render anything [04:06] if i move my cursor [04:06] kwin --replace is supposed to tell compiz to exit. [04:06] it changes depending on what it's over [04:07] dr willis... what command do i use to get the ip number of the machine? [04:07] like if it's over a window border i get the resize cursor [04:07] blueswarrior, i would go look at the remote machine, and try the ifconfig command in a terminal [04:07] dr_willis: it does but it ends up just giving me black screen ;/ [04:07] i'll make new user now and see [04:07] better yet.. anyone know of a site where all the linux commands are listed one easy page? [04:08] Naomarik, there is a ~/.config/compiz( [04:08] blueswarrior, there is no such list as 'all of the linux commands' it all deopends oin what you have installed [04:08] there are dozens of shell tutorial sites that cover most of them [04:08] if you want to see 'every' command,, hit the tab key a few times in a terminal. :) [04:08] willis@black:~/.config/compiz(0 Mb)$ [04:08] Display all 2112 possibilities? (y or n) [04:09] seems i have 2112 commands in my current Path. :) [04:09] hehe no... don't have enough time... [04:09] any site where I can get a list of the most commonly used? [04:09] Command line tutorial sites might. [04:09] dr_willis: any wya to clone a user making a new one? like copying all the groups he belongs to [04:10] http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/quickrefs.htm [04:10] Naomarik, as root user, cp the whole dir over. then chown the files to be owned by the new user.. but not sure about the groups.. [04:10] Naomarik, its very likely that removing that .config/comiz directory - may fix the problem [04:11] depending on what other things you did with compiz. :) [04:11] really [04:11] i'll cp it over to ~/ :) [04:12] why not just rename it. thus disabling compiz. (i think) and logout/back in and see [04:12] thanks dr willis... I also found http://linuxcommand.org [04:12] Im not a compis expert however. [04:13] http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/UNIX%20commands%20reference%20card.pdf [04:13] dr_willis: why isn't rm -R compiz working [04:14] no error or anything ;/ [04:14] directory stays there [04:14] check who the owner is, and normally you use rm -rf to remove a directory. [04:14] or rmdir for a empty dir [04:15] http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/Bash%20Quick%20Reference.pdf [04:15] i used sudo too didn't work [04:15] weird [04:15] maybe it's in use? [04:15] shouldent matter [04:15] anyway if ic an tell if a file is locked? [04:15] yeah rmdir doesn't work cause it's not empty [04:16] fish://ip.number.of.box [04:16] oops [04:16] i just moved it [04:16] rm -rf .config/compiz/ [04:16] worked for me [04:16] i had to move it to another directory then sudo remove it [04:16] and it worked [04:16] hehe [04:17] wow ... http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/indexe.html has a lot of neat stuff.. :) [04:17] a site to definatly bookmark [04:17] hola [04:24] hehe I think I might throw in the towel for now and just copy everything to cd's. no matter how I slice it.. I have a steep learning curve to get through on file sharing in Linux. [04:25] something tells me this should be much more straight forward.. but then again I'm not a programmer/developer. [04:32] hi [04:32] Hi [04:36] i'm trying to view a folder in a samba share in konq, using smb://, and it just doesnt compute [04:37] is it because the folder contains a ø? works fine when i access it from windows (server is a freenas box) [04:37] can you view other direcories without that special character? [04:38] yeah [04:38] try renaming that directory and removing that special char.. [04:39] it doesnt have the folder icon either, even though it certain is a folder (and acts that way in windows) [04:39] its possible that char is the issue. [04:39] hmm [04:39] but i just use american/normal characters.. so never had any of this kind of issues [04:40] yeah, that seems to be a common occurance :P (i just bought some software which used my creditcard name as username, and fails to authenticate for what i suspect is the exact same reason, my name contains ø) [04:40] I dont even have an ø on my keyboard. :) [04:41] Hellø [04:41] :) [04:41] id have to ssh into the freenas box then, bah, tedious! :D [04:41] heh [04:41] I often use winscp to transfer files to/from windows/linux machines [04:42] ive noticed that samba/shares on linux box's can confufse windows machines with the different naming rules/limits [04:42] Like a share with directories - called 'Data' and 'data' [04:44] comes up as ? when i list it through ssh on the freenas box :D [04:44] ah [04:44] anyone know what the command is to choose new video drivers? I tried rebuilding xorg but all it appears to do is reconfigure my keyboard [04:45] also, is the easiest way to un-remix this 8.04 install to just reinstall? [04:47] renaming the folder sorta worked [04:47] now it complains that all the files inside containing special chars does not exist :) [04:47] unmix ? [04:47] yeah im running the kde4 thingy [04:47] i think i wanna try kde3, see if it got less twitches [04:50] ah wait i think i need to enable utf-8 somewhere somehow === amit is now known as naknomik [04:51] Yep. sounds like a utf-8 sort of issue to me [04:52] Hi I'm using Kubuntu with KDE 4.1 and I want to map the Windows key on my keyboard to the 'K' menu, how do I do that? [04:52] ive seen that askeed befor naknomik :) i just dont rember the answer. [04:52] I use the windows key as my 'super' key - so i would not want to do such a thing [04:53] dr_willis: what is super key? [04:53] it maks you feel super! [04:53] :D [04:53] I tried the keyboard shortcuts, but could not figure out. [04:53] the 'actual' name for the windows key. :) [04:54] Theres some keyboard shortcut to pop up the K menu.. [04:54] dr_willis: when i tabcomplete the name of the folder over ssh, i get \370 instead of the ø, but it displays as ? :) [04:56] dr_willis: the existing shortcut is Ctrl-F1 [04:57] Its Alt-F1 here nak. [04:58] Is there a way to make the task manager use two rows when the panel (or whatever the new name is) bigger? [04:59] dr_willis: aah! yeah, sorry typed wrong, it is Alt-F1 here too. [05:00] You may want to clarify that you are using KDE4. :) [05:00] Not sure thats doable in kde4 at this time [05:00] dr_willis: interesting, if i use smbclient, i get the ø, and i can "cd ...ø../" and do ls without issues [05:00] dr_willis: I am using KDE4. [05:02] dr_willis: well ill google around, thanks for your help :) [05:02] BTW, is 'Download widgets from Internet' option broken in KDE 4.1 on hardy? [05:04] kde4.1 is very much a work in progress [05:04] i think about half of it dosent work for me. :) [05:05] ;/ [05:05] dr_willis: kwin now works [05:05] after completely removing compiz [05:05] and screwing around [05:05] not exactly sure what did it [05:09] theres an init script that tweaks some things.. it proberly got removed. [05:09] or it set the right settings [05:09] omg i'm getting closer and closer to a nice working environment [05:09] yeah i saw init scripts everywehre [05:09] a Nice enviroment WITH kde4? wow..dident think that was possible. [05:09] :P [05:09] yeah ;) [05:10] removing all these errors slowly [05:10] any idea why my wlan0 interface won't get an ip sometimes? [05:10] sometimes i'll run dhclient and it will pick one up instantly [05:10] other times it doens't do anything [05:11] have to reboot [05:11] I have several rolls of 100Ft Cat6 cable.. I dont need no stinking wireless [05:11] :P [05:12] ;/ [05:13] any idea why rolling over some icons on the desktop would spike xorg cpu usage? [05:14] dr_willis: my buddy just rewired the house with cat 7... [05:14] dr_willis: bit overkill if you ask me but hey :D [05:15] lordcrc, cat6 was on sale the weekend i got mine. :) [05:16] dr_willis: ah hehe, he got it cheap from work, otherwise i'd cost him a fortune [05:16] :D [05:16] "Lunchbox discount' [05:16] :) [05:16] Is Amarok 2.0 broken? [05:16] just the connectors are like over $10 each [05:16] I'm unable to play DAAP audio. plays fine from rhythmbox. [05:18] how can i install deg with all it's dependecies? [05:18] deb* [05:20] woha [05:21] memory usage with kde4 makes even xp seem light o.O [05:21] im running konversation and one konsole instance, plus the default background apps, and its using over 450mb of my memory :/ [05:41] hi! [05:58] !hi [05:58] Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [06:04] how do i find out which kernel i am using? [06:06] uname -a [06:06] shows kernel info and more [06:25] is there any way to have this command saved somehow so i won't need to run it each time? [06:25] xsetwacom set stylus Button 2 "button3" [06:33] Thers some init scripts that get ran when ever X starts up.. is one way [06:33] dr_willis, hes not here anymore =( [06:33] or that Xsession script.. (proberly not a good idea to mess with it) :) [06:33] well get him back! [06:33] the lazy bum! [06:33] * NickPresta runs to find him [06:33] At least he dident cuss at us befor he left. [06:33] that's true [06:34] if i wanted to completely remove wine and everything that i have ever installed into the .wine directory, and destroy my registry settings and everything, i would type this "sudo purge wine"right? [06:34] 'I demand perfect tech support for this OS! i paid so much money for... err.. oh wait it was free..i Still DEMAND perfection!' [06:34] surgy, nope. [06:34] surgy, removing system packages will NOT NOT NOT touch anything in the users homes [06:34] and that command is totally wrong also. :) [06:35] surgy, sudo apt-get purge wine, then rm -rf ~/.wine [06:35] purging the wine package.. will remove system wine configs.. not user files [06:36] NickPresta: i screwed up my wine, and now i want to forget everything i did to the poor thing and install a copy from the repos, the command you gave will remove everything right? [06:36] why are you reinstalling wine? you chaneing versions? [06:36] removgine .wine will remove all the stuff you installed with wine. correct... [06:37] How did you install wine in the first place? [06:38] dr_willis: well i tried my hand at a custome compile in order to patch a wine 1.5 version. it made spore run perfect, probably better than on windows, but it screwed all my other games, and spore turned out to suck anyhow [06:38] if you compiled/installed wine from source.. then unless you made it into a .deb. the package manager no longer will be able to remove it. [06:39] Ive been playing spore on windows. :) racked up 100 hrs so far.. so its an ok game.. [06:39] a little lacking in depth.. but amuseing. [06:39] lol [06:39] 'SimUniverse' [06:40] so just delete my .wine folder and then purge the package, and the install the package from the repos and i should have the latest public stable relase of wine right? [06:42] How exactly did you install wine? from source? [06:42] yeah [06:42] if so you may have to do a bit more. [06:42] but i applied a patch [06:43] since by source - you bypassed the packaing system.. UNless you built it into a deb. [06:43] !wine [06:43] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [06:43] ok ok.... you want the long story... [06:43] lol had a friend come over, he patched and built a deb for me, and then i installed the deb. [06:43] Thats good then [06:44] not so long after all.... hmm seamed a bit longer in my heads with all the visuals [06:44] so yes.. you can use the package manager. [06:44] the winehq site has repos to more up to date wine also. [06:45] lol i think ill be just fine staying in the more stable releases for now :) the compatibility spectrum seams to be higher with all the workarounds and such [06:45] if i want games.. i boot to windows.. [06:45] I do think i need to pick up That Crysis Warhead... it got good reviews.. and its cheap. :) [06:45] yeah except i dont want to tear my new computer up :) [06:46] i hate windows [06:46] whats the command to check my wine version? [06:47] weirsd [06:49] score [06:49] i can read the eula now in cod4 setup [06:49] mustve done something right [06:49] * salohcin grins [06:53] how do you install nvidia drivers [06:53] i downloader it from their website, and its a .run file [06:53] but i have no idea how to install it [06:53] thats the LAST way you want to try to instll them [06:53] The hardware-manager tool is the first way to try [06:53] lol [06:53] eh? [06:53] dependign on your exact card.. it should handle it. [06:54] i remember the days before the magicle hardware manager :) [06:54] does it autoinstall them, like does hte one it come with work fine or do i need better drivers [06:54] i have a 9600gso [06:54] In the menus, theres a hardware manger/driver-manager tool that should work in most cases. [06:54] im using a 9600 gt and the driver gets me about 45 fps on spore with graphics turned all the way up [06:54] BUT with some of the newer cards.. it may not work,, in that case. i would try the 'envyng' tool [06:55] IF that fails.. You might want to try the ones from nvidia. [06:55] ok [06:55] and also, i have two monitors, i cant get them to work [06:55] I got an 8800gtsxxx [06:55] i mean like where the screen is extended [06:55] !nvidia [06:55] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:55] now they only mirror each other [06:55] you must install the nvidia drivers.. then enable twinview for the dual monitors [06:56] how? [06:56] then you can tweak them [06:56] nvidia-settings tool - lets you tweak them AFTER you get the nvidia drivers installed [06:56] yes...how do i install the nvidia .run drivers [06:56] or whatever i need to do [06:56] !nvidia [06:56] we just went over that.. :) sort of.. [06:56] try the hardware-manager tool in the menus, if it fails.. try the 'envyng' tool [06:57] if that fails try the nviidia.run stuff [06:57] chmod +x whatever.run , sudo whatever.run [06:57] a read of the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto site should also be done befor trying the nvidia.run drivers [06:58] i think i tried the envy tool [06:58] and it didnt download them [06:58] for some reason [06:58] perhap try it again.. and be sure of it. :) [06:58] but envyng is also 'unsupported' - but of course using the nvidia.run is also unsupported... [06:59] is there any way you can update your version of kubuntu without redownloading it [06:59] i dont need to use either one.. i have used envyng befor on my laptop and it worked... [06:59] i have version 7.10 or whatever and i want to update to 8.04 [06:59] when the next release comes out you can upgrade [06:59] 7.10? egads.. thats old. :) theres your issue.. i think [06:59] !upgrade [06:59] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [06:59] oh maybe [06:59] yay [07:00] i found that disc in my room and installed it [07:00] i dunno how old it is [07:00] the #'s are the date of the release [07:00] 10th month 2007 [07:00] :) [07:00] end of the month is the date for the next release. [07:00] thats pretty old then [07:01] new relesaes every 6 mo [07:01] Yep. You may want to wait to the end of the month and just do a clean reinstall of the newest release... [07:01] orupgrade now, then again in a few weeks... [07:02] can't get a Atheros AR2413 to work :( [07:02] is there a way to make it not so heavily... konsole based? [07:02] learning all these obscure commands is a real hassle [07:02] Traveler5: Apply for a job at nVidia [07:03] :( [07:03] I dont find them onscure at all [07:03] vs obscure paths and icons and tabs one has to take to get a task done... [07:03] a simple command is much clearer. [07:04] ...not really [07:04] dr_willis: which change randomly in between versions [07:04] start --> this --> that -> advances -> whateverbutton -> slider [07:04] :) [07:04] salohcin, yep.. [07:04] advanced buttons, on a specific tab = Bad logic. :) [07:04] do you know most of the commands when you want to do something, or do you have to look them up [07:04] now a days it seems the trend it to cross referance/link everything to everything else in vista. :) makes it 12 ways to get to the same config area [07:05] Traveler5: Once you appreciate command line it's much much mich more efficient and flexible [07:05] I know commands exist to do most of all what i need.. and i do know most of them now a days.. and the ones i rarely use.. i know how to read the docs/manpages/help options [07:05] commandname --help [07:05] :) [07:05] Traveler5: GUI is easier to discover. CLI is better to work in [07:06] how long does it take to become somewhat accustomed to cli [07:06] from an 'irc tech support person' point of view - the cli is MUCH easier... [07:06] Traveler5: Depends on what you do [07:06] Traveler5, start by learning how to 'lookup/find' things. :) google is our friend.. and stat bookmarking usefull info/pages/sites... [07:07] and build up your own library.. then read, read, read.. and skim.. then go back to what you need.. when you need it. [07:07] If you are a photo editor... damn near forever :) [07:07] how long does it take to get 'good' at photo editing.. :) it takes practice... [07:07] dr_willis: How long does it take to get good at photo editing on the command line? ;-) [07:08] how long does it take to learn to use any tool effiently... it takes pracice [07:08] salohcin, theres a great many command line photo editing tools. :P [07:08] !info imagemagik [07:08] Package imagemagik does not exist in hardy [07:08] you would think though that linux would be much more graphically intuitive, especially k/ubuntu which market at general windows users [07:08] if i spelt that right [07:08] ubuntu dosent really 'market' - Ubuntu exists. :) [07:08] most people do not want to learn all of this [07:08] its a tool, not a company. it dosent really do the marketing like you are thinking in MS/Apple Terms [07:09] I perer to educate the users, not dumb down the tools [07:09] Wasn't there that F1 thing? [07:10] Traveler5: For the nVidia thing please complain to nVidia Nothing in FOSS can help you with that [07:10] well. you think people who have used windows their whole life, who can hardly understand a GUI are going to be able to use linux.... i thought one of its goals was to provide usable alternative to windows [07:10] Yep.. the hardware driver 'issues' are pretty much the fault of the hardware makers.. not linux [07:10] Traveler5: There is in general very little need to learn the command line [07:10] im going to update my version [07:10] I find linux to be a useable alternative... [07:10] and see if that helps [07:11] actually vista was supposed to have a 'useble command line' and MS pulled it at the last moment. if i recall... [07:11] and vista does have a command line. and yes. ivehad to use it befor.. [07:11] No they had a power command utility [07:11] vast difference [07:11] 'when somthing breaks in windows.. you are stuck trying weird things to hope it gets fixed' when linux things break.. you can drop down to the lower level (command line) and hopefully debug/fix things.. [07:12] They got nothing now. :) unless its some unsupported addon. [07:12] lol [07:12] also its so much easier to cut and paste commands ;p [07:12] Yep. [07:13] start -> run -> whatever.exe [07:13] :) [07:13] lol [07:13] You do realise the person left like a while back [07:13] dosen't always work ;p [07:13] I notied in the windows vista 'start' menu serach feature.. i type the name of the game.. like 'spore' hit enter.. and it dosent run the game.. it searches for the game/name... joy. [07:13] Windows has a screwed up path [07:14] Windows has screwed up the whole idea of 'learning to use a tool' :) [07:16] Ok [07:16] LIttle help [07:17] how do I list the available wifi networks from command line [07:17] ifwlist i think... [07:17] i rarely use wireless [07:18] iwlist. [07:18] :) [07:18] no f [07:18] Linux makes hard tasks trivial, and trivial tasks redundant. === ubuntu is now known as DreadKnight [07:19] heya [07:19] Windows makes hard tasks impossible, and trivial tasks repetitive [07:19] :) [07:19] can anyone please give me the sources.list for intrepid? [07:19] Im not on intrepid.. sorry === Darkrift is now known as DarkriftX [07:19] !easysource [07:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about easysource [07:20] !sourceomatic [07:20] source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages. [07:20] easysource has been dead for like a year [07:20] Sucks [07:20] and so is that. :) [07:20] Why? [07:20] dunno about easy source [07:20] no longer anyone wanting to support/take care of it i guess [07:20] dr_willis: how do you pastebin from the command line ? [07:20] or its not really needed any more [07:20] i messed up again upgrading from hardy to intrepid on 64 bit; 32 version just works / upgrades [07:20] !info pastebinit [07:20] pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB [07:21] Sweet [07:21] DreadKnight: wouldn't +1 be a better chann? [07:21] just joined there actually [07:21] salohcin, and you can install it with... You know the commands now... :) - much easier then click here, there, go to this site.. download, install that... but we dont want to bash on windows any more... [07:21] :) [07:22] I thinki will wait a month or so after Intrepid comes out.. befor I upgtrade to it. [07:22] !vista [07:22] vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [07:22] !windows [07:22] For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [07:23] i will wait for Service Pack 1 for Ubuntu Intrepid [07:23] is there a a way to upgrade distro from 32 bits to 64 ? xD an easy way? [07:23] DreadKnight, none that i know of. [07:23] dr_willis: I don't think they do those [07:23] salohcin, :) [07:23] DreadKnight: Recompile [07:24] we did get a Ubuntu 8.04.1 :) dosent that count as a service pack? [07:24] THat's LTS [07:24] and that's mostly because they shipped a beta Firefox and had to have some way to say we are all final software now [07:24] even with the 8.04.1 - a clean install has quite a bit of updates/upgrades right from the start. [07:25] I wonder if they will have a 8.04.2 with all teh updates [07:25] I noticed that 8.04.1 installed. it said i had 'updates aviailable' and that machine had not even BEEN connected to the internet yet.. yes.. it said it had updates.. befor it even could check for updates. [07:25] Still not sure how it did that.. [07:26] dr_willis: you have any experience messing with regedit with wine? i know its a tad off topic, but do you mind looking over this, i think i might be missing a key or and exclude library, http://pastebin.com/m4f07acee [07:26] Ive rarely used regedit, other then to follow some guides/delete junk [07:27] wine output/errors like that are all gibbretish to me. [07:27] I do need to get that game.. someday.. when i find it on sale [07:29] well its an amazing game, and i had it working..... before spore lured me into its trap of empty promises, and there was a semi easy fix for my problem, its complaining about my video card not having enough vertex shaders. [07:29] I spend all day hanging in IRC = n times for games.. [07:29] as for Spore.. at least it DOES run on my rather low end laptop. :) after i tuned the video settings all the way down... [07:30] Its about the only recent game - that can run.. other then those casual popcap games.. [07:30] Spore does win the 'most over hyped game of the year' award. [07:30] and 'biggest dissapointment' [07:32] yep [07:32] and the creators are amazing, but very limited. and sortof clumsy [07:33] Testing 1,2,3, Newbie 1st time. Sorry. DOES KUBUNTU BOINC MANAGER FOR SETI HAVE GRAPHICS ENABLED? [07:34] boinc up and running doing work. show graphics is "greyed out" [07:34] surgy, Hmm.. speaking of games.. heres a 'gun' controller for FPS games.. :) looks... scary http://www.tomahawktko.com/cart/index.php?main_page=page&id=32&chapter=0&gclid=CNmVque7j5YCFQIWFQod8lGGEg#crysis [07:35] bbl [07:35] testing 123 [07:35] tony_, you may have to install some extra packages... i recall there being a seti/boinc wiki page [07:37] Thank you Dr. [07:52] hey guys! I am really new to kubuntu and i know that i am going to feel really dumb after asking this, but i am trying to download a color theme from kde-look.org and i have the file downloaded and unzipped, i just cannot figure out how to use it!! === david__ is now known as Widget === Widget is now known as Widget_ [07:52] anyone alive ? [07:53] trigg3r, often you run the theme/color selecting tool.. and just drag/drop it onto the window for the tool and it might load it. [07:53] Widget_, yes. [07:54] just having some issues installing in kubuntu.. i downloaded the ATI driver for linux but it's opening as a Text document [07:54] !ati [07:54] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:54] dr_willis: when i download the file and unzip it, it is a bunch of files, when i point to the directory in the import color scheme section, it says it is looking for a file [07:54] the FIRST thing you shoudl try to do - is use the hardware-manager/driver-,manager tool and let It install tose drivers [07:54] thanx :) [07:55] trigg3r, ive rarey messed witht he color stuff.. it could be theres more to that package then what you think [07:55] here is the link if that helps... http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+pack+-+220+color+schemes?content=72811 [07:56] i think i need to run something in terminal [07:56] at the top of that site, it says extract to $home/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes [07:56] from that name.. it seems its 220 color schemes.. :) [07:57] ohhh!!! i am such an idiot [07:57] i get it [08:01] * dr_willis wonders hoe many color cschemes people need. [08:01] :) [08:01] 640 colour schemes should be enough for anyone [08:01] ;) [08:01] hmm.. just checked the system settings, looks like an ATI driver is already installed [08:04] geek the comments on that kde-look ultrapack thing.. mentuon a way to get several thousane color schemes.. or somthing.. :) not sure what they are talking about [08:04] how do you start knetworkmanager? [08:04] knet isnt finding anything [08:04] colourlovers.com [08:04] [08:05] dr_willis: in my case its a joke [08:05] 640 k should be enough for anyone? ;p [08:05] But this is serious. :) [08:05] We MUST have more color schemes! [08:05] which is the easiest way to configure a xorg for a 40" lcd monitor? [08:05] another thing.. i dloaded firefox, though it was an archived file, i extracted it onto desktop but cant seem to find he installation file to install [08:05] This is critital to national security. ;p [08:05] Widget_, you are doing things the windows way.... [08:06] Widget_, firefox is in the repositories.. and can be installed with the packagve manager tool [08:06] dr_willis: i have one other question for you... I am using compiz (for the cube) and anytime i change display settings in the main appearance section, it gives me an error that says, "the application KWD crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV)" I can fix it by running the command "compiz --replace" and i have seen where i can make a desktop icon to run that command. is there anyway to fix it permanently? [08:06] no need to go to any site and download it. [08:06] trigg3r, othe then dont use compiz,, or dont use the cube.. :) no idea [08:06] how to purge system of all versions of an application (skype for example) including the manually installed stuff?? [08:06] lol [08:06] there is that fusion-icon tool that might help trigg3r [08:07] !info firefox [08:07] firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB [08:07] sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [08:07] hmm.. ic... i been using windows whole life lol, not use to linux install [08:07] Widget_, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [08:07] Widget_, the reposiutories and the package manager tools are our friend. :) [08:07] anyone any good with bluetooth stuff? [08:07] they make it so we dont have to do the windows song and dance to download/install things [08:08] ive only used suse b4.. whats the app called to open the repos ? or do i just type in command windows ? [08:08] Widget_, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [08:08] dr_willis: would that be in installer? [08:08] im able to send things to my phone np, but i want to send some images to the laptop from the phone. i just get cannot connect to device [08:09] dr_willis: i found it! [08:09] phone is a treo60 os dist is kubuntu, machine is a delll inspiron1420 [08:09] Wow - i now have 220+ color schemes. :) [08:10] dr_willis: you seem to know alot about linux and kubuntu, what do you think of opensuse? [08:10] lol [08:10] trigg3r, not used suse or any rpm based disrto in years. [08:10] trigg3r: considering the channel... [08:11] * geek hated the package manager when i used 10.1 ;p [08:11] hola [08:11] All disrtos are tools.. so use the ones that do what you want.. and toss the others.. :) [08:11] susy blows chuncks..the reinvent everything as far as administration tools. [08:11] lol [08:11] * geek is an apt/smart affectionado [08:11] Its gotten where the main differance these days in disrto . are just the 'specilized tools they include' [08:11] alguien k hablaaaa español [08:11] o italiano [08:11] or the silly tweaks they do to gnome/kde [08:12] anyone who knows how i can change the hz on my display resolution? [08:12] geek: yeah yeah i am just trying to get opinions, pretty much everyone has said ubuntu and kubuntu, but i heard opensuse today and really have ne idea what the difference is except that kubuntu is more "user friendly" [08:12] trigg3r: I used to use it. VERY polished KDE, very user friendly. package manager sucks ;p [08:13] can you tell me about de kubuntu [08:13] i liked it ;p [08:13] !de [08:13] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [08:13] hi people. I am not using kubuntu but ubuntu but I thought maybe someone in here is able to shed some light on my problem. [08:13] trigg3r: best place to ask is their own channel though [08:14] geek: you know how you can ( i don't know the word for it but like now when i log in i can choose between kde3 and kde4 and ubuntu)? can you do that with opensuse [08:14] I am trying to get my sound and my graphics to work properly but I have no Idea how to install the drivers [08:14] trigg3r: you can do that with ANY distro actually [08:14] I have got what I think are the right ones from the manufacturer for linux but they just seem unable to run [08:14] cool [08:15] Tybear241083: need a little more details i'd think [08:15] [geek] k... what do you need [08:15] ?? [08:16] Tybear241083: well, if its something someone has come across they might know === jords__ is now known as jords [08:16] but you'd need to say what graphics card/sound card for that ;p [08:17] [geek] I have been searching but can't find anything to go on on the internet. I have NVIDIA 7050/nforce 610i chipsets with intel core2duo and a biostar mother board [08:17] sry guys, where do i type in "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0", im in Adept Manager atm [08:18] UBUNTU found graphics drivers and I enabled them but the problem is I am very irritatingly got only 800X600 resolution [08:18] !terminal [08:18] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [08:18] Hi how do you get external hard disks to work [08:18] Widget_, in the Konsole terminal window [08:19] Widget_, close out adept.. OR use adept and serach for 'firefox-3' [08:19] theres always 12+ ways to do somthing in linux... [08:19] actually just searching for 'firefox' should show firefox3 and firefox2 === nerone is now known as lumin === saint is now known as Sa[i]nT [08:21] ah yep, awesome, thnx guys :0 === lumin is now known as lumin- [08:21] :)* [08:23] and lastly, Tcl/Tk (i think its called).. does that come pre-installed in kubuntu ? according to amsn site, it said it's needed in order to be installed [08:23] anyone got NVIDIA chipsets on their PC? I am having problems getting 5.1 sound and anything better than 800X600 resolution on my screen [08:25] i just switched from kde4 to gnome and it's way better ;) [08:25] much faster [08:26] Hi i have two questions [08:26] The first one is how i find my external harddisk [08:29] i used gnome once cause the name of it attracted me.. but then i tried kde and found it more comfortable :p [08:30] Widget_: install amsn through the repos ;p [08:30] ya, was gonna look there, but thought just incase, ide ask bout that tcl/tk :) [08:32] !ati [08:32] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:36] ubotto: thanks!! that might help me..... not sure if I have been there yet but thanks [08:37] hi, my wireless modem works fine with wvdial, but not with kppp, does anyone know why that would be? [08:37] kppp is "unable to open modem" [08:37] anyone know how I can delete all my wlans, so gnome and kde network managers act like they find them for the first time? [08:37] but I would prefer to use kppp as it puts network icon in tray, and minimises to tray [08:38] Ayabara: you can delete them from kwallet [08:43] bleh.. i only got a radeon 9200 in my PC :S [08:43] anyone know why kppp wouldnt work when wvdial does? [08:43] thought i had a 9550.. must be another card in my room :( [08:46] ok, im off.. thanx for ur help guys :) *wave* [08:46] can an lvm be crerated after u have setup ur machien with one hard drive or does it have to be done during installation of kubuntu [08:47] hello, i've just installed kubuntu 8.04.1 on my aspire one [08:47] hi [08:47] but i can't make the wifi work!, I've installed the madwifi driver but nothig [08:47] any idea? [08:48] fgarceseduardo: i have see a good number of people have issues with madwifi driver [08:48] how can I convert flac to mp3? which program can I use? [08:49] eagles: but as far as i know is the only way to use the wifi on the aspire one [08:50] and also i have another problem, etc/modules doesn't allow me to edit it [08:50] in order to put ath_pci [08:53] geek: but do you know in which folder the info can be found= [08:53] ? [08:53] anyone know why kppp doesnt work when wvdial does? [08:53] yes [08:54] Ayabara: er,, no, i just deleted the knetworkmanager keys from kwallet and it was taken care of ;p [09:18] Hello [09:18] my wirless dosn't seem to work it dosn't start as root [09:28] simon_: in konsole run lspci and let me know what kinda wifi card you got [09:28] why does wine now come with internet explorer === saint__ is now known as Sa[i]nT [09:30] because its the killer app :) [09:30] my card is an "Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)" or Support for Atheros 802.11 wirless LAN cards [09:31] it stand "it in use" but dosn't seem to work [09:34] I got an Atheros card. [09:34] Sa[i]nT: is it working for ya [09:35] eagles051387: Of course. What seems to be wrong with yours? [09:35] Sa[i]nT: not mine its simon_ [09:35] ??? [09:35] What's wrong with it? [09:36] simon_: he wants to know whats wrong with ur card [09:36] it dosn't start in root [09:36] and i can't administrate it to! [09:36] simon_: does it start normally [09:36] No [09:36] as a normal user [09:37] Hmmm, using ndiswrapper? [09:37] Sa[i]nT: atheros uses the madwifi driver right [09:37] i think it dosn't is opperate whit the exe. system in kubuntu [09:37] eagles051387: Yes. But it would seem that 8.04 worked out of the box. [09:37] ok [09:37] ??? box? [09:37] Sa[i]nT: interesting i have seen a number of people have issues with it [09:38] hm... [09:38] simon_: it means it comes setup and works with out doing anything to it [09:38] I mean, working with first install. Earlier versions I've had problems. Use madwifi and make sure you follow the directions. [09:38] Is ath0 in iwconfig? [09:38] yes but i use a laptop [09:38] ath0? [09:39] how to download madwifi [09:39] It could be different. When you do iwconfig, does it show a wireless device? [09:39] simon_: can u wire urself to the network [09:39] w8 [09:39] How can i convert my NTFS partitions to ext3 format without missing my datas in kubuntu ? [09:39] roozbeh: u cant [09:39] http://madwifi.org/ [09:39] lo no wireless extensions. [09:39] eth0 no wireless extensions. [09:39] backup data 1st ? [09:39] !pastebin | simon_ [09:39] simon_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [09:39] eagles051387: i am now in kubuntu 8.10 beta [09:40] roozbeh: on the live cd [09:40] simon_: Well, that means that your sys is'nt picking it up. You just need to install the driver and whatnot. [09:40] eagles051387: and can not mount my ntfs partitions [09:40] no [09:40] roozbeh: is this the live cd you are currently on [09:40] what not? [09:40] HOLAZZ [09:40] ok [09:41] simon_: Go to http://madwifi.org/ and download and install it. Follow directions, should fix it up. [09:41] How can do it on live cd ? [09:41] ok [09:41] eagles051387: How can do it on live cd ? [09:41] roozbeh: whats ur native language [09:41] eagles051387: persian [09:42] roozbeh: ill point ya to the persian channel if that would be easier for ya [09:42] eagles051387: im in persian channels [09:42] roozbeh: ok [09:42] eagles051387: but no body is online [09:42] it is zipped wher shud i add it? [09:43] roozbeh: normally what you do is just put the cd that has kubuntu off of it and boot onto it to test it out prior to installation [09:43] roozbeh: can you boot into ur windows partition [09:44] simon_: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo [09:44] should be ok [09:48] um i dosn't use chipset can that be a problem? [09:48] What you mean? === roozbeh_ is now known as roozbeh === david__ is now known as flowingfire === flowingfire is now known as flowingfire2 [09:59] Hi everyone. I'm running Kubuntu 8.04 -- the version with KDE 4. I'm having trouble, because there is no "kconsole" anymore. The SystemSettings panel has a feature where you should be able to engage auto-login. However, it's all greyed out. I can't even use it. It says in the help that you need to press the "administrator mode" button, but there isn't one. HELP! [09:59] does anyone here know anything about changing screen resolution using x server or something like that? [10:00] ... [10:00] * flowingfire2 guesses there are more people with questions than with answers here [10:02] exit [10:03] hi [10:03] flowing fire: I tend to agree..... I am too much of a noob to help anyone...... [10:04] lol same here, Tybear [10:05] sup guys [10:05] hi. :D [10:05] btw guys [10:05] !ot [10:05] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [10:05] thats the channel for any ot chat plz guys [10:05] is there anythign i can try and assist u guys with this morning [10:05] hi all, is kubuntu 8.10.x86_64 live gonna run on a i386??? i just want to try the live on this i386 , when i'll install it will be on a x86_64 [10:06] kaggio: no [10:06] ok thanks [10:06] Well, Kubuntu w/ KDE 4 is a bit difficult to customize... I need to be in "administrator mode" to change features in system settings, but there is not button for that. [10:06] kaggio: there are 2 options one for a 64bit system and then there is the other one for 32bit u want the first option [10:07] flowingfire2: try in kubuntu-kde4 channel [10:07] k [10:07] thx [10:08] eagles051387, yes i know. i already have the 64bit version. it's just i can't turn the 64 laptop on until i flash the bios. (nvidia card problem). so i want to try it anyway. nevermind. i'll download the 386 version [10:09] ??? [10:09] kaggio: interesting when running kubuntu 64bit never had to flash my bios at all to get it to run [10:09] eagles051387, do you even read what i say??? [10:09] kaggio: ya what kinda card do you have [10:09] i have to flash the bios for the nvidia problem [10:09] 8400m gs [10:10] dell alread issued a new bios the very day the problem came out [10:10] i have it here but i don't have a usb floppy yet [10:10] bought the flopppy waiting for it to arrive [10:10] kaggio: gotcha [10:11] =) [10:11] kaggio: what kinda issue you experiencing with ur video card === spyros is now known as Speare [10:13] eagles051387, the video sometimes disappear... that's the first simptom. if you know the problem of these cards [10:14] kaggio: is it just specific to that card or even desktop cards [10:14] kaggio: Does the vid turn blue or just nothing? [10:14] Sa[i]nT, the video disappear for few seconds. that's all atm. yesterday i turned the laptop off and decided to wait for bios upgrade [10:15] eagles051387, afaik mobiles [10:15] eagles051387, only 8400m and 8600m [10:16] kaggio: ok had me worried there for a min [10:19] eagles051387, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NVIDIA#Defective_mobile_video_adapters [10:20] kaggio: :) [10:20] ;) [10:20] kaggio: to clarify what x86_x64 means [10:20] i know whatit means but go on [10:20] you might know better than me [10:20] kaggio: basically its a 64bit system with some packages that might not have been ported for a 64bit system yet [10:21] its for backward compatibility with older 32bit apps === david__ is now known as flowingfire2 [10:23] eagles051387, i see thanks. anyway almost everything is still 32 XD; 64 it's a mirage for now. (at least on consumer intel/amd) [10:24] kaggio: not necessarily [10:24] i just built a beast of a rig [10:24] well you recompiled? [10:24] kaggio: im going to pst ya this is ot [10:37] Hi all [10:37] my boardcom wirless dosn't seem to work [10:38] simon_: thought u had an atheros [10:38] yes [10:38] i have [10:39] u said broadcom above [10:40] mhm [10:40] simon_: im confused lol [10:40] Just installed a game called criticalmass and the graphics on the menu are broken. I'm sure that's happened on previous distros too (I'm on Hardy now). Does this sound familiar to anyone? === simon_ is now known as myname === ron_ is now known as frybye [10:45] help my wirless dosn't work ath0 is missing [10:45] atheros 802.11 [10:46] myname: There are about a million things that could be wrong. What steps have you taken so far? [10:46] locked at the root startup and it dosn't start at root [10:47] OK, start at the beginning. What version of Kubuntu are you on? [10:47] i have downloaded atheros hardware access layer (HAL) and Aupport for Atheros 802.11 wirless lan cards [10:47] ver? [10:48] how to cheak it my ver.? [10:48] Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid, etc. [10:49] KDE or something [10:49] !version [10:49] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -rc » in a !shell [10:50] anyone knows if there's any way to save in nano without quitting? [10:50] 8.04 Hardy [10:50] bazhang: Cool, I always wondered that... [10:50] Release: 8.04 [10:50] Codename: hardy [10:51] myname: Next question: did you upgrade from the previous version, or did you do a clean install? [10:51] i installed from a Iso DVD i made on my other computer Vista [10:52] myname: So this is your first time with Ubuntu? [10:52] yes it is my first time on kubuntu [10:53] myname: That makes it easier. It means that you don't need to undo old mistakes. I never upgrade from old versions; the settings always get messed up. [10:53] ok [10:53] so how to fix? [10:53] myname: So: it used to be a Windows computer? Or is it still dual-boot, half-and-half? [10:54] dual prossesor [10:54] intal Pentium dual-core inside [10:55] Do you know the meaning of "dual boot"? I'm assuming you're Norwegian, right? I'm not sure how technical I can get and still be understood. [10:55] oh it is an acer computer [10:56] yes im form Norway [10:56] em... i think soo [10:56] !no [10:56] Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! [10:56] skall jeg stikke til #ubuntu-no [10:56] shod i go? [10:57] hello everyone [10:57] etfb? === lulu is now known as dog [10:57] myname: There are probably more people on #kubuntu than there are on #ubuntu-no. [10:58] i keep getting "RETR command did not succeed. Error retrieving a message. Mail server localhost responded:negative vibes from me@myaddress." on using thunderbird to retrieve my hotmailaccount emails [10:58] ok [10:58] yea,,, and i have installed the hotmail plug ins for tb [10:58] myname: And your English is good enough; might as well keep trying here. I can help a bit, and others will help if we can find out what is happening. [10:58] ok [10:59] myname: Feel free to say "please explain" if you don't understand. It's better than guessing. [10:59] that's is understood [10:59] hehe yes [10:59] Now: are you using a laptop or a desktop? [10:59] laptop [11:00] And it's an Acer, is it? When did you install Kubuntu? === ubuntu is now known as poglavica [11:00] Kaffeine keep trying to install a codec pack but then gets and error saying it's already installed.. it keep trying though. [11:01] cls [11:01] hello there [11:01] !medibuntu>Widget [11:01] Widget, please see my private message [11:01] !medibuntu>me [11:01] etfb, please see my private message [11:02] yes an acer. i installed kubuntu when i klick-ed on restore to factory but it walk't longer then that it lost windows [11:02] myname: So: Windows is not on your laptop now? Only Kubuntu? [11:03] yes [11:03] Did the wireless work when you had Windows? [11:04] yes [11:05] When you press Alt+F2, do you get a dialog box with the title "Run Command"? [11:05] yes [11:06] silly question, but, how do i see what version of Kubuntu I have ? havn't used this in a whlie [11:06] Type knetworkmanager and press Enter. Be careful of spelling. [11:06] yes [11:07] and it dosn't happen anything [11:07] Widget: bazhang just told me that -- I never knew. It's lsb_release -rc in a shell, of course. [11:07] err -a [11:07] also !version if you forget :) [11:08] thnx guys =) [11:08] ok [11:08] etfb, ^^ :) [11:08] myname: Look at the icons on the bottom right of your screen [11:08] ok [11:08] i have a box that is for internett [11:09] myname: Right click. See if it lists any wireless access points. [11:09] now! [11:09] it isn't there [11:09] !medibuntu [11:09] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [11:10] myname: My dinner's ready, so I have to go. I suggest asking on the Norwegian list too. I'll be back later to see how you go. [11:11] ok [11:11] i doing it [11:18] crap.. my adept crashed now won't go back in.. i try apt-get commands like the error message says to but doesn't work [11:20] !aptfix | widget [11:20] widget: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [11:20] Widget: tried that? [11:21] did, but just opened a new line [11:21] nothing appeared on screen [11:22] Widget: what exactly did you put? [11:22] jussi01: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a [11:22] and adept still doesnt start? [11:23] nope [11:23] what is the error message from adept? [11:23] "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem." [11:24] so have you run apt-setup and apt-get update? [11:24] youll need to run those with sudo === maximus is now known as Guest64139 [11:24] sudo apt-setup ? [11:25] yep [11:25] sudo: apt-setup: command not found [11:25] this is within konsole isnt it ? [11:25] yes [11:25] hmm [11:26] thats weird. so what does apt-get update return? [11:26] same message with sudo apt-update [11:26] which is? [11:27] "sudo: apt-update: command not found" [11:27] no, what about: sudo apt-get update [11:27] "E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" [11:28] thats from sudo apt-get update [11:28] hrm, you are running these in terminal? and its not a root terminal? === eriksen is now known as Fantapop [11:29] not sure bout root.. i just went k-menu > system > Konsole - Terminal program [11:29] hrm, thatws really weird. [11:29] and you have a default kubuntu install? [11:30] what does plain apt-get update return? [11:30] i think so.. ive added a couple programs though.. VLC and firefox [11:30] " E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list " [11:31] Widget: hrm, sounds like your sources list is broken [11:31] i was trying to add a repo for medibuntu.. then it broke [11:31] Wicked: ok, opent the sources list and remove whatever you added [11:32] I know the problem now [11:32] Wicked: sorry, that was for Widget [11:32] ah [11:33] lol [11:33] ok, how do i open sources ? apt-get source ? [11:33] no [11:33] sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [11:34] im not sure i added any though... [11:34] i tried.. but i dont think i added the repo line properly [11:34] Widget: it sounds like you did. [11:35] Widget: is there a line starting with sudo there? [11:35] jussi01: not that i can see [11:36] oh.. sec [11:36] Widget: ok, can you copy the contents and pastebin the file for me [11:36] yes.. and its for medibuntu [11:36] make the konsole window full screen :) [11:36] ya :p [11:36] jussi01: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/source$ [11:36] oops.. sef [11:36] sec* [11:36] Widget: remove that whole line [11:36] dont think i pasted right [11:37] . [11:37] Widget: so do tis exactly, remove that line you paste to me, press ctrl+x then y and then enter. [11:38] jussi01: just by highlighting and [del] ? [11:38] oh. yep sed [11:38] Widget: no, you need to do it only by arrow keys [11:38] and delete [11:40] its asking me to "File Name to Write" [11:40] Widget: and it has one there, right? [11:40] just press enter if so [11:40] looks like, ye[ [11:40] yep* [11:41] ok, enetreed [11:41] Widget: now do: sudo apt-get update [11:41] list is gone and went back to normal terminal screen [11:41] k [11:41] nup.. "E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 112 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" === simon_ is now known as myname [11:42] #ubuntu-no [11:42] Widget: seems as though you didnt delet e it properly, lets try this a little different [11:42] hmm.. ya.. i went back to the list and its still there [11:42] do this: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list [11:43] its easier this way [11:43] oh.. GUI ? [11:44] hello [11:44] k... its running [11:44] sources.list kate window is open [11:44] petite question pour installer un driver wifi de broadcom 4322 [11:45] quand je suis la procédure qui se trouve ici : http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt [11:45] make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build M='pwd' [11:45] me renvoie systématiquement l'erreur suivante [11:46] !fr [11:46] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:46] scuse me [11:46] sp I re explain in my poor english :) [11:46] Widget: so now please remove that line and save/close [11:46] stephane: just /join #kubuntu-fr [11:46] I try to get my Dell Studio Wifi functionning [11:47] jussi01: ok, done [11:47] Widget: noe sudo apt-get update :) [11:47] when I run as it said to do the command : scripts/Makefile.build:41: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic/pwd/Makefile: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type [11:47] now* [11:48] why I can't make the wifi module ? [11:48] ok.. cool, it went through and did a bunch of updating stuff.. though at the end it says "W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatu res couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC 26B60C5A2783" [11:48] bonjour, j'arrive à pinguer www.google.fr en console (par exemple) mais impossible de l'ouvrir avec Konqueror.. Pourquoi ? [11:49] !fr | zapata_ [11:49] zapata_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:49] ok ! sorry ! [11:50] jussi01: can load into Adept now.. thanks heaps :D [11:50] Widget: ok, could you run that kdesudo command again and pastebin me the contents of that sources list? [11:50] ok :) [11:50] ok, sec [11:50] Widget: nevermind actually [11:50] Do I need the alternate CD if I want my whole system encrypted (except a small /boot partition) right from the start or can I do this with the desktop live CD? [11:50] us ure ? [11:51] u sure* [11:51] Widget: just run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update [11:51] Widget: remember to close adept [11:51] hello, I try to use Konqueror but it not work fine.... [11:52] I can ping www.google.fr, for example on console but nothing in Konquetor... Why ? [11:53] jussi01: ok, installed the medibuntu-keyring then did the update. [11:56] Widget: so you should be fine to go back to work now :) [11:56] yup, thanks heaps :D [11:58] Widget: you are most welcome :) === saint is now known as Sa[i]nT [12:11] hi [12:16] is there any way to follow windows links (*.lnk files) in samba shares? [12:16] hey i got this error when i try to run ./configure to build a program from src : in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail. [12:16] So, check this please and use another prefix! [12:16] anyone can help? [12:19] TuTUXG: is there a readme or install.txt file with instructions? [12:20] cath_, let me see [12:23] cath_, no it's not on the README file, i will try this: export KDELIBS=/usr/lib/kde3 && ./configure --prefix=/usr [12:23] and it fails too.. [12:29] hi [12:29] is there an 8.10 iso? [12:30] cath_, nvm i will just extract the binary from deb file === nerone is now known as lumin- === magical_trevsky is now known as magical === desti_T2 is now known as desti [12:52] bye === karim is now known as Guest65048 [12:57] hai guys [12:57] am new to kubuntu [13:00] Hello, I cant understand the way Kubuntu (8.04 with KDE 3.5.10) manages an external screen on a laptop. Made a few attempts, but only screwed my Xorg settings (now restored) can anyone help? [13:03] man compiz [13:04] ooppss, sorry [13:06] TheGentleman: gpu vendor? [13:06] nvidia [13:06] using restricted drivers [13:07] hmmm. nope, no clue. I know it's possible, but dunno how. #nvidia perhaps? [13:08] i will give a try. Thanks for your attention DexterF [13:08] yw [13:13] Hi I have upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10. What is the kde desktop for this one is it 4.0 or 4.1? === saint is now known as Sa[i]nT === Teisei is now known as Teiseii === Teiseii is now known as Teiseiii === Teiseiii is now known as Teisei [13:36] !de [13:36] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [13:50] hello, how can i make less work with moushewheel-scrolling in konsole ??? [13:50] less cant be mousewheel-scrolled in Konsole! [13:50] how can is make it able to do that? [13:56] привет всем [14:21] hi, no matter what i try i can't get rid of the problem with kded racing and consuming many resources. if i create another user account and login, then the problem has gone away. so i think i can exclude it being a kernel/hardware issue. i've managed to mess up something in kde. am using kde 3.5.9 (kubuntu 8.04). i guess the only thing remaining is to create a new login and transfer the data i need. how do i migrate kontact/kmail and my [14:21] konqueror bookmarks ? i think the rest of the enviroment i can setup again with no big problems. [14:22] from what I understand, all user related stuff is in your home folder [14:22] in hidden subfolders [14:22] maybe you will find your bookmarks and e-mails there [14:22] yeah, i get the same understanding [14:22] and then it's just a matter to copy and past [14:22] paste* [14:23] in fact if you just copy the konqueror and kmail folders it should be enough [14:23] I'm no expert though [14:23] I've never done this [14:23] was hoping someone would tell me the exact location or provide a link :) thanks in anycase, gonna go browse the disk... [14:24] well if you're feeling adventrous you can grep in your home folder for a link that's in your bookmarks or an e-mail [14:24] and see what files they are in [14:27] I have a question as well [14:27] I installed the kde multimedia package or something named similar to that, now I have a bunch of multimedia editing apps, which is really nice, however doesn't that package include a kernel as well? [14:28] looking in menu.lst I see "Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-rt".. is that it? [14:31] don't know. i think that is the last -rt kernel in the repositories. shure you didn't install it yourself ? [14:33] I usually don't install kernels by myself [14:33] I just update them when adept manager tells me that a new one is out [14:33] still not sure of the usefulness of the rt kernel for multimedia. i am using the -16-rt kernel. is the one that works the best for audio apps for me. the .19 behaves erratic here. they say that that the .27 kernel and a new xorg are gonna solve many problems. [14:34] chaud :noel: [14:34] i suppose that a -rt kernel might have been deemed nescessary for the multimedia apps... [14:34] well multimedia aps need a low latency kernel from what I hear [14:34] but I've recorded okay with the current kernel as well [14:35] maybe I'm not very picky :) [14:35] does anyone speak french here? =$ [14:36] !fr [14:36] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [14:36] depends on how low latency you want. (for audio). i have managed to run a wine app at over 90% cpu usage with the 16-rt kernel. but i have to do some other tricks too to pull it off :) [14:36] JackTop, Dragnslcr : -rt stands for realtime latency [14:36] someone's here ? [14:36] no [14:36] ok. [14:37] A little problem happened for several time [14:38] When I want the computer to hibernate, he say : error ........ kbd 9 [14:38] kaggio: it's more a realtime kernel containing some patches making task switching work better [14:39] what are the drawbacks of the -rt kernel? [14:39] is there anything that can go seriously wrong if I switch? [14:39] help [14:39] no [14:40] none that i know of. possibly higher overhead which might be a problem on slower computers. like i said for multimedia i have the best result with -16-rt [14:40] JackWinter, yes; Dragonath not at all [14:40] why [14:40] juste when I reboot, he can't [14:40] I need to re-reboot :) [14:40] Dragonath: don't think you will have any problems. i can boot a plain or -rt kernel while running prop nvidia drivers. seems to work fine. === ubuntu_ is now known as zydas [14:41] hello [14:41] have installed vbox which has kernel modules too, and all seems to work well. [14:41] ok thanks [14:42] Dragonath: in case of problems you can always boot with the old kernel... [14:44] Where can i ask Kubuntu to pack Kdenlive ? [14:45] it should be there. i have it on debian sid. [14:45] http://demo.roopletheme.com/newsflash/ [14:46] i mean the kde4 version [14:47] mmm iirc i have kde4 version, can't check now, i'm not on debian [14:49] i use kubuntu 8.04 [14:49] last timd i checked repo no kde4 version [14:51] hi, anybody resolved zd1211rw lockup ? [14:52] wesley_: http://www.kdenlive.org/node/13 [14:52] When I play an mp3, which one is contacted first? alsa, or audiopulse? [14:52] You can be sure there will be a news announcement when the port is close [14:53] They release the beta tomorrow [14:54] how to unrar files?? i was trying to instal un-rar free via synaptic but it becomes a zombie process.. :( === manuel__ is now known as fliegenderfrosch === root is now known as Guest65788 [15:30] hi guys [15:30] anyone using kde4.1? why i cannot adjust the fonts in menu, they are all so big. see http://www.arinet.org/Screenshot99.png === patrick is now known as Guest41498 [15:32] ari_stress: you should ask in the kde 4 channle: KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | [15:33] avihayb: yes, i'm there too [15:36] ciao [15:40] ............ === amalietta is now known as amalietta__ === amalietta__ is now known as amalietta_ === root is now known as Guest64909 [15:42] hallo [15:43] niemand da? [15:44] !de [15:44] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [15:48] can anyone tell me how to modify the k menu line ( whole bottom line ) in a way i want??? i just wanted to get original kmenu instead of kde4..and i messed up all line :D [15:50] just in the process of reinstalling. what should be the broadcast ip? the ip of this box is === nerone_ is now known as lumin- [15:51] jw: probably [15:52] thanks stdin. that's what i though but wasn't entirely shure anymore [15:52] jw: it really depends on your netmask though [15:53] anyone has a repo for koffice-kde4 hardy available? [15:53] eg: IP: with Netmask: = Broadcast: [15:53] never mind, they are being worked on [15:53] sorry [15:54] stdin netmask is: [15:54] jw: then is right :) [15:54] thanks, pity i can't open the manual network config anymore :) [16:04] Morning! Does anyone know how to install the kopete desklist from konsole+ [16:19] hello, i need help, I've installed kubuntu 8.04.1 on my aspire, I0ve followed all the steps on the installation guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne, in fact everything goes ok, evn camera and sound, but not wifi? [16:20] any idea for configuring the wifi? pleas i really need help [16:24] o/ [16:27] hi [16:28] after asking firefox people it seems that ff's save dialog should me somehow OS dependent, so.. can i somehow customize it? i want to change the icons for the places, but i don't know where i should look for [16:29] hi guys! I'm thinking of upgrading to kde4.1 beta release (kubuntu 8.10). I currently have kubuntu 8.04 with kde 3.5.9 installed. I'm wondering if all my application settings etc will remain if i upgrade and if the upgrade will remove unecessary packages that i won't use? [16:52] d [16:53] hello [16:53] i have a litte problem with iphone and ubuntu..... [16:53] d [16:53] how i make a wireless connection? [16:53] i make an ad-hoc wireless connection from ubuntu........ but iphone don´t see it [16:54] is knetworkmanager supposed to be working in intrepid? [16:54] i use wicd [16:55] what is intrepid??? [16:55] d [16:56] giuseppe: the new version of ubuntu is teh 8.10 right now is on beta for test [16:57] can someone help me with my wifi problem? [16:58] so the problem is ubuntu? [16:58] anyone of U know how I can solve this small mistery ? when I play a live radio in firefox works fine as lonf FF has the focus. If I switch to another program, the sound stops [16:58] returing back to FF, the music resumes [16:58] what would be the standard location to mount extra partitions or what would be the best under kde, in /media or /mnt ? [17:04] jw, IRRC its /media [17:04] hms [17:04] hmh [17:08] jw: usually automounted things go into /media and other random stuff that you mount, network shares, others go into /mnt (IMHO) [17:17] How do I delete junk from my desktop? I deleted a few Kubuntu ISO's from a separate internal drive and it seems to be sticking to my main hard drive and taking up space. [17:19] DarkShinigami: go to trash:/ in konqueror or dolphon and right-click -> empty trash [17:20] when will the latest version of kde 3.5 be added to the repositories? [17:20] pim: you mean 3.5.10? it's in hardy-backports [17:20] stdin: Thank you. :) [17:22] how would I update using the backports? [17:22] Hi all, trying to get KDE 3.5 to recognise a Sony Walkman and put an icon on the desktop. I can maually mount it and write to it no problem, but can't figure out the missing link that would get KDE to create a desktop icon for it when plugged in. [17:22] pim: from Adept Manager, Adept -> Manage Repositories, Updates tab and click "Unsupported Updates" === Tizz_ is now known as Tizz [17:23] does apt also have a cli parameter for this? [17:24] pim: you can edit your sources.list manually too add it [17:24] ah that would be nice [17:24] let me see [17:25] thanks stdin [17:31] hey guys, does anyone know the command, that will let you be able to choose between kubuntu and ubuntu at the login screen... i tried sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop, but that didn't work. [17:33] any iptables wizards here? === peace is now known as weba === weba is now known as webas [18:00] ho [18:01] hihiugñi [18:01] tgger: i thouhgt is apt get gnome desktop [18:01] but i'm not sure [18:03] hi all... someone can say me which is the name of this app -> http://img128.imageshack.us/my.php?image=copyinggf9.png ??? [18:04] I'd create a bug, but I don't know if it's dolphin or something else === tyler_ is now known as Tyler83 [18:05] l3on: I think this bug might be at occurring at a level below Dolphin. Give me a few minutes and I'll check ... [18:05] ok :) === olivier is now known as ubuntoil [18:06] hello [18:07] l3on: It's in kwidgetjobtracker. [18:08] hi [18:08] l3on: The maintainer is not on IRC atm, but I'll ping him when I see him next and see if it's a known issue. [18:08] SSJ_GZ: ok, where can I open a new bug? on LP ? [18:08] l3on: LP? [18:08] LaunchPad [18:10] l3on: What version are you using? This bug may have been already fixed in trunk: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=846595 [18:11] SSJ_GZ: Kdebase Version: 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (Intrepid) [18:12] l3on: It's probably not worth filing a bug, then, but if you do, include the websvn URL above and ask for a backport. [18:12] Ok, but how do you understand what is the bug ? :D [18:13] You are writing as you know it ! :D [18:14] l3on: I remember seeing someone mention it somewhere, and I just tracked down the fix :) [18:14] lol [18:15] SSJ_GZ: nice work, son [18:15] SSJ_GZ: so, I do not to ask to open a new bug ? [18:15] And that's the end of that chapter [18:15] l3on: It's up to you. [18:15] (the problem is very stupid, in the img posted some lines ago take a look to the remaning time) [18:16] l3on: Either way, it should be fixed in 4.2. [18:16] ok [18:16] np [18:20] where would I find the correct line to add to my sources.list to include the backports for kubi? [18:25] movie\ [18:25] movie link [18:25] Which movie? [18:26] !backports [18:26] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [18:26] pim ^ [18:27] Yeah I already found it actually :) but thanks KRF [18:30] Adept Updater gives me a whole list of Qt 4 things [18:30] Is it trying to install KDE4? === patrick is now known as Guest42583 === speedy is now known as Speedy [18:41] hey guys, i installed ubuntu using "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and it installed [18:43] hy all === dallas is now known as DallaS [18:43] I just inslaled kubuntu [18:43] hello [18:43] And my /mp3 dosen't works [18:44] I need some help [18:45] have you tried amarok? [18:46] If it's a fresh install. Have you installed the gstreamer packs yet? [18:46] So you can play .mp3 files. [18:46] yup [18:46] is working now [18:46] haded to restart it [18:47] So kbunto is 90% safer then windows? [18:47] No viruses? [18:47] gstreamer packs? wouldn't kubuntu-restricted-extras be easier? [18:47] that way you get mp3, flash, java, etc.. [18:47] its possible that every cron I have, send the output to a different email? [18:47] Speedy: Virii for linux would be tricky. And everyone is like focused on destroying windows. [18:47] wow I need java to [18:47] will it auto dld? [18:48] i'd do the above mentioned package, unless someone has a better suggestion === mathieu_ is now known as NamShub [18:48] my post-install usually involves firefox, kubuntu-restricted-extras, and medibuntu report for libdvdcss2+w32codecs [18:48] *repo [18:50] What's with destop 1 and 2? [18:51] hey guys, i installed ubuntu using "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and it installed, now i want to get rid of it, so i used "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop" However, the install package was like 800MB and the remove package was only 53 k. i also noticed that all of the gnome programs are still there, do i have to remove all of them manually? [18:51] !purekde [18:51] If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [18:52] Speedy: once you're used to multiple desktops (workspaces), you won't be able to live without em :) [18:53] !fi | Teisei [18:53] Teisei: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi [18:53] Huh? Tm_T, that wasn't necessary [18:54] What's with destop 1 and 2? [18:54] Teisei: I know, just wanted to point out [18:54] Speedy: umm my above comment... [18:54] Tm_T: Thanks, but I already know [18:55] Teisei: good, yw [18:55] cool [18:56] i used the site that the bot recommended and it doesn't seem to have worked! can anyone help [18:56] But I can't find java [18:56] !java | Speedy [18:56] Speedy: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper [18:56] I use kubuntu [18:56] And my 1st impresion [18:56] is theat is cooler then windows [18:57] Speedy: Kubuntu is Ubuntu [18:57] ooo :D [18:59] I can't make it [18:59] i can't see fromm where to install it [18:59] Hi [18:59] Speedy: please install 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' from your add/remove programs. it includes the lastest greatest java [18:59] !kubuntu-restricted-extras [18:59] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:59] :D [19:00] Cyd u a OP? [19:00] oi [19:00] Speedy: nope [19:00] boa tarde [19:00] alguem sabe como usar o asmn? [19:00] where can I find theat thing? [19:01] is there any way to use different wallpapers for the multi backgrounds? [19:01] Speedy: if you click on the K menu, you should see 'Add/Remove Programs' [19:01] interesting question dallas :) [19:01] that would be cool [19:01] then use the search box in that program [19:02] DallaS: absolutely [19:02] cool [19:02] I think I will remove windows [19:02] when choosing wallpapers, click the dropdown that says 'All Desktops' [19:03] hmmm [19:03] i installed kubuntu originally from the cd, and installed ubuntu using "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop". Now i am trying to uninstall ubuntu, and used "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop" however it doesn't seem to have removed the ubuntu programs. from searching, i realized that i should have used aptitude instead of apt-get because it is easier to remove! so now i am trying to get rid of all of these gnome programs. can anyone tell [19:03] me the eadiest way to do so? [19:04] if I use Serrch it crshes [19:05] !reinstall grub [19:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about reinstall grub [19:05] !grub [19:05] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [19:05] trigg3r: it seems like Tm_T had the best info for you [19:06] CyD [19:07] If i type JAVA in the serch box [19:07] it crashes === dallas is now known as DallaS [19:07] um i dont see what you are talking about [19:07] about the background [19:07] help with WINE? [19:07] DallaS: kde3 or 4? [19:08] !wine | zer0o [19:08] zer0o: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [19:08] CyD: is !purekde a command for konsole? [19:08] trigg3r: nope [19:08] trigg3r: no that prompted the bot to give you some info [19:08] !purekde [19:08] If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [19:09] ciao [19:09] !it | sal_ [19:09] sal_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [19:09] is anyone having problems with macomedia flash websites like youtube? [19:10] i get this grey bax with a play button in the middle [19:10] CyD: ohhh! i tried that, and it doesn't seem to have worked, when i use the big long command under "remove ubuntu packages" konsole returns "E: Couldn't find package gconf-editorgdm" [19:10] box [19:11] DallaS: flash is ok here [19:12] alright can somebody help with UFW ? [19:14] is there a good reason my window manager keeps crashing when i change desktop resolutions? i get a crash window, and my window decorations go away. [19:17] i dont know how to change wallpapers for multiple desktops [19:18] so once this purekde thing is done, am i going to have to reinstall some things for kubuntu?....it seems to be removing alot more then was installed [19:22] i got this error with qt-language-selector, could anybody help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m35f5bb60 [19:29] any reason for /mnt/sdb1 not being mounted at boot ? the uuid is correct... http://pastebin.ca/1220023 maybe access rights ? [19:31] is it a ntfs filesystem? [19:32] no, it's an ext3 [19:32] i dont see an entry in that fstab for sdb1 [19:32] let me look again... [19:32] Double check that fstab.... either im blind.. or theres no sdb1 in it. [19:32] I can't find my favorite networck chanel [19:33] Any one now duel masters mirc chnels? [19:33] the last line /mnt/sdb1 the dir exists in /mnt, is root:root and 755 [19:33] dr_willis: the uuid is correct [19:34] i can mount it from system settings - advance - disk and filesystems (which in fact added the line) [19:34] * dr_willis resizes his browser... [19:34] there it is [19:35] that fstab line has some issues... [19:35] UUID=9fc99740-3c81-4532-b091-fd336f59b08b /mnt/sdb1 auto nouser,noauto,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 [19:35] such as using 'auto and noauto' in the options... [19:35] and you may want to set the filesystem type, not use 'auto' [19:36] Not sure what 'nouser' even does. :) i dont recall ever needing that.. [19:36] hehe it was created by kubuntu, half of it still is greek :) [19:36] and depending on what you keep on the disk, noexec, and nodev, and nosuid - may not be what you want [19:36] I would stick with just 'defaults' for the options [19:36] isn't relatime better than atime? (speed wise) [19:37] UUID=9fc99740-3c81-4532-b091-fd336f59b08b /mnt/sdb1 ext3 defaults 0 0 [19:38] normally ubuntu puts things in /media/ not /mnt also. :) === Zorix_ is now known as Zorix [19:39] ok, so you would reccomend me to create the sdb1 in /media and use the line above ? [19:40] with /media/sdb1 :) [19:43] jw: you can use whatever name you like as a mount point [19:43] I can't instal the fuking java [19:44] Speedy: please mind your language [19:44] sry [19:44] But I am angry [19:44] Speedy: what is the problem? [19:45] MrKennie: yeah, but i'd prefer to do it the ubuntu way in ubuntu. makes no big difference to me anyway. used to have it mounted in my home, but thought since i share it with nfs here at home another mount point might be better [19:45] jw: :) [19:46] whell [19:46] on a low end 500mhz p3 box it takes about 4:42 to install windows 95 including the three reboots required. is there a linux installer that can compare to that ? even an old one? [19:46] i can't make java working [19:47] what's the max -m that tune2fs will accept ? i was attempting to use -m 99 and all i get is "bad reserced block ratio" [19:48] Speedy: at what point does java not work? Are you trying to install it? getting the plugin working? Explain. === ausberto is now known as oi [19:49] whell this is hard [19:49] it dld it [19:49] Agent_bob: you know, I find it hard to even compar anything to do with Linux with win 95 ;) [19:49] and then it thells me it can't [19:49] :P [19:49] lol [19:49] Linux is grate even then windows media center [19:49] Speedy: what downloaded it? adept? === root is now known as Gigel [19:50] How can you comparr it to win95? :D [19:50] MrKennie much easier to compair win95 to linux than any other windows imo. [19:50] whell [19:50] Agent_bob: nope, still stuck there, sorry ;) [19:50] I dld .... [19:50] wait [19:50] let me get the wright names [19:51] ok according to my test " Q=100 ;until tune2fs -m $Q /dev/hda ;do Q=$(($Q-1)) ;done " 50% is the highest number that tune2fs will accept. === Speedy is now known as speedy_ === speedy_ is now known as speedy__ [19:55] sry === speedy__ is now known as speedy [19:56] Agent_bob: I'm stuck on that one because they are two totally different things. And technically you could install linux on even less powerful hardware in less the time you did with win95. But anyway. [20:00] MrKennie wasn't talking about the "power" was talking about the install time. [20:00] Agent_bob: so was I [20:01] what installer will do that ? [20:01] debian minimal [20:01] and ubuntu jeos [20:01] will install in less than 5 minutes ? format to running ? [20:02] I've not timed it actually but its over very quickly. Next time i do it I will time it. [20:02] have a url to the installer (iso) ? [20:03] !jeos [20:03] JeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System. It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information. [20:03] !minimal [20:03] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [20:04] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <<< doesn't i've tried that. [20:05] Agent_bob: also, tried dsl? [20:05] dsl was great for me on a similar machine [20:05] yes === ausberto is now known as ANDREA [20:06] ILHA === ANDREA is now known as Guest52184 [20:06] dsl is close, but about twice the time. the self config process getting the system up and running is kinda slow. the actual file copy process is very comparable. [20:11] Hi all, I have a question. My mouse seems to go crazy if I make any sudden moves with it, it works fine in Windows XP, any idea why this happens? It's an hp ps/2 mouse. [20:13] wrong mouse protocal ? [20:14] perhaps wrong mouse driver(module) in the kernel ? should be psmouse [20:14] lsmod | grep psmouse [20:14] whats the command to make fsck clean a resiserFS ? I am getting filesystem NOT clean on boot. [20:15] system boots, but I wonder if I can clean it. [20:15] root fs ? [20:15] well, being a single partiton, yes [20:16] im on the machine now. old lappy. [20:16] force an fsck at boot. ummm set the mount count above the max mount count [20:16] i thought there was a command to force fsck on next boot [20:16] that will ^ [20:16] didn't seem to see it in the man pages [20:17] sudo touch /forcefsck [20:17] then reboot [20:18] that would be /etc/init.d/check[root,all]fs specific wouldn't it ? [20:19] seems to be in /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh on dapper. [20:19] i see checkfs.sh in init.d [20:21] how do I check for the right mouse driver?? [20:21] lsmod | grep mouse [20:22] do I have to type that as super user? [20:22] no [20:22] ok thanks Agent_bob will check [20:23] delilaz you should also check the mouse protocal in /etc/X11/xorg.conf "assuming you use that file" [20:23] device core pointer [20:23] ok I checked with lsmod and it does say psmouse === karl_ is now known as karl_s [20:24] Any K programs for analyzing free space? Where its being lost (I know df works) but looking for something easier to look at [20:24] RenzoreK you mean du ? [20:25] and yes there is an app that makes a pie chart of disk usage... i don't recall the name. [20:25] <||arifaX> RenzoreK: http://kdirstat.sourceforge.net/ [20:26] which is in the repos [20:26] <||arifaX> MrKennie: yep it is [20:26] !info kdirstat [20:26] kdirstat (source: kdirstat): graphical disk usage display with cleanup facilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-4 (hardy), package size 268 kB, installed size 876 kB [20:26] <||arifaX> btw I searched for "treesize for linux" [20:26] <||arifaX> at google [20:26] du -sh :) [20:27] ||arifaX: I used that once in PCLOS but in Kubuntu the binary doesnt seem to work so well on this system === mike is now known as Guest67750 [20:28] Wasnt there something like Kdiskfree or something? A simple util [20:28] <||arifaX> RenzoreK: works good here and seems pretty fast. well than check du -sh and write your own :) [20:28] <||arifaX> just kidding [20:30] !info filelight [20:30] filelight (source: filelight): show where your diskspace is being used. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 608 kB, installed size 1740 kB [20:30] !info xdiskusage [20:30] xdiskusage (source: xdiskusage): Displays a graphic of your disk usage with du. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.48-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 100 kB [20:30] gdmap works just fine. Found it in the repos [20:30] :D [20:31] ^ :) [20:31] Thanks everyone for the wide selection :) [20:31] I may need to try a few [20:31] visit the last one there ^ :) [20:32] also checked in xorg.conf and the mouse configuration it says ExplorerPS/2 so that would be correct... any other reason why mouse would go crazy? maybe a new mouse will solve the problem?? [20:32] try ImPS/2 maybe. [20:33] 99% of the mouse problems i have found are due to a bad mouse, or dead batteries. Spent 2 days trying to figure out why left click went away, to find it was just broke. [20:33] so erase Exploere and write im? [20:33] and turn eumlate3button off. [20:34] hiyas [20:34] if you CAN, confirm that the device actually works on a different machine. that may be faster. [20:34] BluDog_Anchorite i have only had one mouse die on me. and i don't do wireless. [20:35] Agent_bob: i am on number 3, but that is over MANY years [20:35] Agent_bob, wouldn't that turn off the scrolling button? [20:35] and is "lm" and i or an L? [20:36] delilaz: it shouldnt, as most mice with a wheel ARE 3 button mice. you can usually use the Scroll wheel as a 3rd button [20:36] delilaz eye I [20:37] cool thanks BluDog [20:37] Thanks Agent_bob I'll try that then, hopefully I won't mess anything up lol [20:38] delilaz safty. make a copy of the line you intend to edit. then comment it out with # and edit the copy [20:38] or make a backup of the whole file [20:38] to revert move the # down one line o.O [20:39] BluDog_Anchorite if you only mess with one aspect, yes. but if you tweek many things. then you may only want to revert one section. [20:39] romania [20:39] when playing with DSL, the comment trick bit me a few times. I just stay safe by doing the whole file. personal preference [20:39] !romania [20:39] Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [20:40] not that your method is not good [20:40] damn sounds complicated, i'm not a linux genius [20:40] delilaz it's not complicated. it's just editing a text file. [20:41] and we were discussing ways to keep a backup of the changes you make. [20:41] not really. cp ./file.txt ./file.backup.txt [20:41] sudo ^ [20:41] how to fix kmenu line...??? :) any guide will be highly appreciated [20:42] ok thanks Agent_bob and BluDog, highly appreciated [20:42] sure thing [20:42] webas fix ? what's wrong with it ? what version of kde ? what version of ubuntu ? [20:43] kubuntu 4kde .. i deleted kmenu and i added widget original kmenu.. and now it looks very messy..its in right place and i want in left place.. [20:43] i tried deleting all widgets..but tis very pain.. :D [20:44] !kde4 [20:44] KDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [20:44] they probably know in there ^ [20:45] thanks [20:46] hey Agent_bob, you know of any way to add a serial jack to a device that doenst have one ? [20:46] say, a laptop, circa 1930 [20:47] BluDog_Anchorite some boards have the comb for it but no actual "plug" but being a lappy, it's not as likely. [20:47] no external "breakout-box" style thing you have heard of [20:47] nope [20:48] i hate not being able to console in from this lappy [20:48] might get a usb>serial adapter for it [20:48] assuming usb interface [20:48] that was my last option, and I was trying to avoid that route [20:48] been doing a lot of console work on switches lately [20:49] usb=universal serial bus iirc [20:49] i dont have my ethernet to serial cable home, or i was gonna try that [20:50] bbl [20:56] i made a partition on my debian box. well several really so now i could install grub on it. i probably need the refresher course on grub i haven't used it in so long. [20:57] where can i donwload e17? [20:57] !info e17 [20:57] Package e17 does not exist in hardy [20:57] sourceforge.net ? [20:57] ? [20:58] !info enlightenment [20:58] enlightenment (source: enlightenment): The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (hardy), package size 398 kB, installed size 1004 kB [20:58] looks like e16 [20:59] http://maketecheasier.com/get-enlighted-try-enlightenment-for-your-ubuntu-hardy/2008/05/23 - here's one [21:00] hi folks [21:04] 1: is in dapper 1: is in hardy pfft [21:04] 2-3 ^ [21:05] and e17 has been available for 3 years that I know [21:07] !torrents [21:07] Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 3.5.9) or http://se.cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/ (KDE 4.0.3) [21:10] what's the best way to try the 8.10 kernel on my 8.04 box? [21:10] someone told me that ktorrent is broken "all versions of it" [21:11] kblin build it. [21:11] Agent_bob: ktorrent is somewhat broken [21:11] !source [21:11] You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [21:11] it leaks ram like a sieve [21:11] !kernel [21:11] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [21:12] buenas noches.. [21:13] alguien que pueda ayudare? [21:13] so has ubuntu ran it's course? or why isn't someone interested enough to patch ktorrent ? [21:13] adyudarme digo [21:13] #kubuntu-es [21:14] /join #channel [21:14] Agent_bob: i wish i knew. i use ktorrent daily, and have it stripped to no plugins. still leaks. i wiould fix it myself if i had any clue how to [21:14] BluDog_Anchorite: valgrind might help there [21:14] i miss using the bandwidth scheduler [21:14] BluDog_Anchorite: but you'll probably need to build ktorrent with debug symbols [21:15] kblin: it's been SO long since i did debuging for E, that i forgot how to. would take me a few weeks ot get back up to speed [21:15] "ubuntu is dead!" [21:15] perhaps if i have alight week at work [21:15] "long live ubuntu!" [21:16] Agent_bob: it was dead when they butchered X in hardy. [21:16] Agent_bob: ktorrent is not ubuntu heh [21:17] a veak veek @ verk [21:18] heh [21:18] BluDog_Anchorite squeeky wheels get greesed! and imo ubuntu is now dragging linux in a very non-linux dirrection. but i'm old school so hey. [21:24] favro as per " Agent_bob: ktorrent is not ubuntu heh" it's in main,updates,security so it is ubuntu. as all packages in main are "ubuntu" packages. [21:24] pff, the "kernel/compile" page is so out of date [21:24] * kblin goes to build a vanilla kernel [21:24] Agent_bob: my point was one package does not make/break a distro [21:25] build a chocolate one. [21:25] sure does, for some people [21:25] with so many distros to chose from [21:25] * Secutor is away: Gone away for now. [21:25] Agent_bob: I'll laugh later while the kernel is compiling [21:26] favro but if it's broken and it's in security updates and bug fix updates repos it says a lot about how much they actually care about getting it right. [21:26] I'll agree with that :) [21:27] * Agent_bob points out the reason he said "they" in that context. i do not C++ [21:28] in fstab what are the proper lines for ntfs, vfat, and hfs+ systems ? [21:29] just default for options ? [21:30] man mount scroll down to the fs specific options and see [21:34] night all [21:35] hi. anyone knows perchance how to access all the printers supported by hplip from the install-new-printer dialog? [21:35] the installed version of hplip supports my printer, but the driver is not listed in the window. [21:36] hey room [21:37] edward_ channel [21:37] yahoo has rooms where they say "asl" all day === root is now known as Guest62883 [21:42] how do i install a 32bit library to a 64 system [21:43] guest is now known as root, root is now known as me, me is not root. [21:43] !32bit [21:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about 32bit [21:43] errr... [21:43] !64 [21:43] AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/23ewcf for more information. [21:44] !find ia32 [21:44] Found: lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages (and 3 others) [21:44] now just that do any of those have to do with that [21:44] pfft i give up. === eric is now known as Guest34611 [21:59] hello [22:05] hi everyone... [22:05] hi. === brandi is now known as moj0rising [22:05] how is everybody ? [22:06] pretty good [22:06] good to hear [22:06] I've moved my ubuntu installtion to a different laptop that has pretty much all the same hardware. Everything works great... [22:06] ...except for the sound. [22:07] The sound adapter is detected fine but there is no volume. [22:07] does anyone know how I might fix this issue? [22:07] I've tried volume, alsamixer and a few other similar things. [22:07] well, i'm a rookie here. just trying out linux now for the first time and i'm more than lost !!! [22:08] even with everything turned all the way up, I can't really hear sound. [22:08] that's all right, uglyboy. [22:09] if there is anyone in mood to give me some guide lines will be most appretiated [22:10] what are you looking for uglyboy? [22:10] emmm, just to give you a hint! have no idea what's goin on :p [22:10] just got tired of messing with my windows and thought of giving linux a try [22:11] um... [22:11] well you could try going to ubuntuguide.org [22:11] uglyboy: so is anything not working? [22:11] that's a good place to start === sami is now known as Guest16502 [22:11] then you can go through and see what you'd like to change. [22:11] well, the pc is working! [22:11] to customise your system. [22:12] still trying to find how to run exe files [22:12] haha. you can't. ;) [22:12] uglyboy, in short, you don't. You can use wine to run some windows applications but you should look for a native solution [22:12] ah ok ! then i did nothing wrong :p [22:12] where do i find softwate and drivers then ? [22:12] btw, thanks in advance for the help here [22:12] uglyboy: you cannot run Windows files in linux (unless you use this program called Wine). Why do you want to run exe files? Most applications that you need are available for linux anyway [22:13] uglyboy, look in Adept for software. That is your package manager. You don't really need to worry about drivers as they are automatically installed, for the most part [22:13] ah ok thanks [22:13] uglyboy: what program would you like to install? [22:13] !adept > uglyboy [22:13] uglyboy, please see my private message [22:13] for example ccleaner [22:14] uglyboy, no need. No register or leftover files from old driver versions :) [22:14] registry* [22:14] ah ok [22:14] !lnw [22:14] Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm [22:14] well, didn't know the drivers are installed automaticaly and was trying to install the msl live update [22:14] msl? [22:15] msi [22:15] for my drivers [22:15] but since you told me all is ok then no need to [22:15] which hardware are you having problems with? [22:16] well, nothing yet .... guess i thought i had to install the drivers like i did in windows [22:16] didnt know till now that they are on automaticaly [22:16] uglyboy, no. :) That is one of the advantages of Linux. You don't run all over the internet looking for silly drivers and applications to install [22:16] that's good to know! [22:17] how about an explorer? do i need firefox now? [22:17] uglyboy: you have Konqueror [22:17] Firefox is a popular browser. Konqueror is good too. [22:17] uglyboy: but you can install firefox too [22:17] yea i know [22:17] There is Opera and Mozilla, etc. Whichever you like [22:17] yea, and how do i install firefox since i can't run the exe file? [22:18] uglyboy: if you find the konsole, and type in "sudo apt-get install firefox", it should work [22:18] ah ok thanks [22:18] konqueror is very good. I like firefox best. you can easily install it with adept. [22:18] uglyboy: it is that easy, it will ask you for your password [22:18] Is there an deamon tools - like for kubuntu ? [22:18] !mountiso [22:18] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning. [22:19] apt-get, as bilicki says, is probably easier, actually [22:19] Guest34611, ^ [22:19] so what do i type in the console to mount an ISO ? [22:19] or is there a program [22:19] Guest34611, sudo mount -o loop !mountiso > Guest34611 [22:19] Guest34611, please see my private message [22:20] I'd prefer a program, just a deamon tools look alike [22:20] mount is a program :) [22:20] so i type sudo apt-get install mount ? [22:20] Guest34611, you already have mount installed. [22:21] where ? [22:22] uglyboy If you are looking for programs on your own you should go to System>Adept Manager under your menu. Then search for the program you want, If it shows up click on it and then click "request Install" This also searches discriptions so if you are searching for a generic application (lets say a music player) you could enter that into search as well and then just read the descriptions of what pops up. Also see if there is the [22:22] kubuntu icon next to it because that means it should work well in Kubuntu. [22:22] Guest34611, either install the gmountiso program through Adept or you will have to use the command line. Did you read the message ubottu send you? [22:22] -- /bin/mount most probably [22:23] yes but it talked about mountpoint , when i asked what it was i got a nice "i'm jsut a bot" message [22:23] sorry to bump in again . so all the programs i need i find them in adept manager? [22:24] Guest34611, a mount point is a directory, for example. You create a directory, like say "myisomount" in your home folder. Substitute 'myisomount' in [22:24] ah ha! my sound issue is fixed. There is an item in my mixer called "PCM" and another called "front" [22:24] uglyboy, yeah [22:24] I turned PCM all the way up... [22:24] ...that helped a good bit... [22:24] and how do i know which one to install? [22:24] ...then I turned front all the way up and my sound was loud! :D [22:24] uglyboy, it will resolve dependencies for you. So install the 'root' package and it will bring in everything it needs [22:24] what i put in search ? for example firefox... [22:24] ah ok [22:25] uglyboy, you put in Firefox, or web browser, or mozilla. The search is fairly smart [22:25] thanks === andrea is now known as Guest16451 [22:28] Hello everyone ... been along time since i've been using kubuntu :) [22:28] vilhelm, that's a shame :) [22:29] I know :) [22:29] Anyone have any insight on grub? [22:30] I'm getting a grub error 2 on booting [22:38] hi [22:38] i cant find my external hard disk after ive plugged it in via usb [22:39] anyone now what could be the problem [22:39] yad__: Does it tturn up in /dev ? [22:39] whats that [22:39] wenassssssssssssssssssss [22:40] hi [22:41] well, i'm testing kubuntu 8.10 beta [22:41] daskreech what is dev === ubuntu__ is now known as bdheeman [22:42] /msg NickServ identify qa4bizi7e [22:42] yad__: Ok :) how are you looking for the drive? [22:42] bdheeman: Time for a change [22:42] in dolphin [22:42] bdheeman: I suggest you change your password. [22:42] yad__: IT doesn't turn up in /media ? [22:42] yes, sure [22:43] in sstorage media? [22:43] yad__: yeah [22:43] i'm surprised how it passed over here [22:43] i dont think so [22:47] no one with any tips how to connect a external hard disk [22:51] ? [22:53] Anyone know if there is anyway to fix the full screen problem on youtube?.. it lags with fullscreen [22:53] vilhelm: Using nvidia proprietary drivers ? [22:54] nope === ubuntu_ is now known as bdheeman [22:57] re, hi [22:57] hmm, just installed a realtime kernel on kubuntu 8.04 and now alsa is broken. any idea how to troubleshoot ? [22:57] i'm testing kubuntu 8.10 beta [22:59] first of typing anything is giving an annoying flicker, driver is vesa, because 'sis' did not work for my 671/771 card [22:59] how to fix kmenu line...??? :) any guide will be highly appreciated [22:59] kubuntu 4kde .. i deleted kmenu and i added widget original kmenu.. and now it looks very messy..its in right place and i want in left place.. [23:02] how do I tell kde to recreate the menu from scratch [23:04] menu? :) you mean bottom line? [23:05] webas: the kmenu entries === Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir [23:06] Free Programming ebooks With Direct Links Here http://request-ebooks.blogspot.com/ [23:06] im not sure.. i would like to change in my way the bottom line menu :) [23:08] uh, crud [23:11] kebomix has been around irc today spamming... === ubuntu_ is now known as gschoenbauer [23:11] Hallo zusammen. [23:12] hello room, I created a new user but when I restart the computer to sign in as the new user the computer prompts me to "type in a new password" (root enforced) but I didn't give the new user a password. What can I do? [23:17] hola! where can I get a kubuntu 8.10 CD ISO? [23:17] delilaz: sign in as your old user, and give the user a pw ? === pascalFR is now known as PascalFR [23:20] jw: true but I wanted it to be a passwordless account [23:22] Also under password it states Last changed: and give an old date 1969, am I supposed to change that date to the present? === david is now known as Guest34265 [23:23] delilaz: no idea, still a noob with many things :) [23:23] delilaz: maybe the date is the problem... [23:23] hello, i can't make mi wifi to work [23:24] jw: I tried and saw that I can't change it anyway lol [23:24] i have an atheros r500 card but nothing seems to be usefull, i've tried madwifi and change kernel to 2.26.7. costum for my lap (aspire one) [23:24] any one can help me? [23:27] so, i need hel with my wifi on my aspire one, I've installed madwifi drivers and i've changed the kernel, but when i tipe iwconfig at the terminal no wireless is detected [23:28] any ides, or guides, or something in order to have my wireless on? [23:31] fgarceseduardo: u can try this site http://linux-wless.passys.nl/ ,see if it helps [23:33] delilaz: than's i will tray it [23:34] no prob [23:37] #midnight-torrents [23:40] using firefox over X on a sun server (via ssh -XC) keeps freezing up my local X === pvandewyngaerde is now known as Guest42527 [23:49] I see a lot of flicker while typing in any application or pressing keys when no applications is active [23:53] hola a toda la comunidad de Ubuntu [23:54] alguien me recibe [23:54] ?¿ [23:56] ਪਗੋਰ ਪ੍ਕਕਕਿ [23:57] hi [23:57] somebody understand me [23:57] hi everybody! [23:57] Hmm> [23:57] mowaey: I don't think so [23:59] is not this an English specific channel? [23:59] I got the new user to work, now anyone know how I can access apt updates on the new user? [23:59] I only speak english. :) [23:59] No Hoblo