[00:00] !pastebin | dynoll3 [00:00] dynoll3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [00:00] Memo_, theres a tool in system --> administration to fix it. [00:00] what is md5sum? [00:00] http://pastebin.com/m7d70b635 Jadewolf [00:00] gil:you should check the uuid's of fstab ... [00:00] RichW: excellent, thanks [00:00] Memo_: is that the complete content of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf you pasted ? [00:00] I just got Wireshark and thought this would be a good first capture [00:00] Richw, yes [00:00] k|llsw|tch, Md5sum finds out if two files are the same. [00:01] alraun1: sorry, i dont know how to do that [00:01] Would this? [00:01] Jadewolf, my connection goes of every couple of mins [00:01] glitsj16, yes [00:01] setting up pptp vpn on my ubuntu server, how do i route all traffic across the network. i can connect just cant route the traffic [00:01] si I need that you tell me quick jadewolf [00:01] steel_lady: do df -v and pastebin that for me [00:01] I just got Wireshark and was wondering would this IRC traffic be a good first capture? [00:02] entropy51423, it will be fine [00:02] Memo_: in that case better use that menu tool RichW suggested or run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to update it [00:02] okay, thanks, I will still be on but won't be on if you catch my jist [00:02] geirha--http://paste.ubuntu.com/31921/ [00:02] http://pastebin.com/m5bdf59cd jadewolf [00:03] Hi, I'm trying to remove a package (using apt-get and synaptic), but I'm finding problems http://paste.ubuntu.com/31922/ Can someone help me, please? [00:03] can u physically acces brothers pc now ? [00:03] gil :can u physically acces brothers pc now ? [00:03] gil: yes [00:03] steel_lady: do the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin that [00:03] alraun1: yes [00:03] what are the important things to do in learning ubuntu at my level that wasnt able to used and type of linux distros? any suggestions? thank you [00:04] gil :terminal open ? [00:04] everton137, apt-get remove cinelerra ? [00:04] alraun1: yes [00:04] the file that list the logout options (shutdow, reboot, suspend...) is located where? [00:04] type: sudo gedit /etc/fstab [00:04] gil:type: sudo gedit /etc/fstab [00:04] !gksudo | alraun1 gil [00:04] dynoll3: you are using the open source driver, and it says it can't utilize the 3d-hardware of your card [00:04] alraun1 gil: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [00:05] RichiH, Well, synaptic is not working, then I'm trying apt-get remove as well. Same problema as apt-get purge and apt-get -f install [00:05] everton137, I have a idea, try making a empty file in /usr/bin/Cinelerra then it will find it and delete it. [00:05] RichiH, let me try [00:05] dynoll3: it might be a kernel update that has caused this [00:06] alraun1: gksudo, sudo, gedit : comands not found [00:06] RichiH, Let me creat this othet file :P rm: cannot remove `/usr/bin/Cinelerra-admin': No such file or directory [00:06] k|llsw|tch, you need some english classes. [00:06] dynoll3: try installing the binary nvidia driver and see if that works better [00:06] hi all [00:06] setting up pptp vpn on my ubuntu server, how do i route all traffic across the network. i can connect just cant route the traffic [00:06] k|llsw|tch, you didnt make sense :) [00:06] gil: sudo -s doesn't work ? [00:06] http://pastebin.com/m5b1fdcd5 Jadewolf [00:06] Richw, glitsj16, the output was : xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration [00:06] file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080729020525 [00:07] folks, im trying to copy one directory from my failing hd with ddrescue... [00:07] steel_lady: looks like it upgraded fine [00:07] alraun1: it doesnt work and if i press tab 2 times the list is too small [00:07] I am still trying to configure, I know I have an ethernet card, but I am wondering what interface I am using, and how can I determine that? [00:07] Memo_, sounds ok. [00:07] Richw, what should i do now? [00:07] Memo_, Sounds like a warning, not an error. [00:07] Memo_: that's a good thing, it has made a new xorg.conf [00:07] i tried ddrescue /media/disk/myfolder /home/user/mylocation but i get an error [00:07] Memo_, Try ctrl + alt + backspace, this will log you out. [00:08] hi guys, i want vlc to open files with the currently running vlc instead of running them on a new vlc when un launch them from Konqueror, how to do that? [00:08] ddrescue: cannot open output file: Is a directory [00:08] gil: hmm, if you press alt+F2 ?? [00:08] could someone suggest me something [00:08] RichiH, no need to be rude or insulting towards k|llsw|tch . instead ask him if he can re-phrase his question === xxxxxx is now known as Guest31490 [00:08] entropy51423, ifconfig for list of interfaces [00:08] RichiH, that away script is also a pain [00:09] IdleOne, sorry :) [00:09] alraun1: alt+f2= black screen with a cursor blinking [00:09] RichiH, Now it worked, thanks! I had to creat other 4 files each time I runned apt-get -f install. Show I report something on this? [00:09] I'm new to ubuntu and have 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. I cant install any softwear as I keep getting a conflicting distribution error as follows http://paste.ubuntu.com/31927/ [00:09] Does anybody know of a program that will record what I hear on my computer? [00:09] totally frustrated [00:09] @beautifulsnow - audacity will record your stereo out [00:09] Hi all [00:09] Okay, I have some crazy stuff going on with my computer. [00:10] Oh, okay so they same way I can determine my IP address [00:10] everton137, its ok, i dont need output if it worked. [00:10] jadewolf, if it is updated, why do I stil have feisty repositories and how do I fix that? [00:10] inet, is that an interface? [00:10] RichiH, I meant for Ubuntu developers for helping ubuntu community [00:10] gil: at this cursor, if u type : gnome-terminal ? [00:10] everton137, if its a official package you had a problem with and its a bug, report it. [00:10] JoneYee, :-O I've been playing around with Audacity for a lil bit, but I didn't think it would do it... "stereo out" ... now that's a nudge on the right direction *goes google* :D Thanks buddy [00:10] steel_lady: http://www.google.ca/search?q=changing+repository+for+apt-get+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a [00:11] IdleOne & everton137: RichW != RichiH :) [00:11] @beautifulsnow sudo apt-get install audacity [00:11] steel_lady: good is amazing for that [00:11] steel_lady: er google even [00:11] good luck Beautiful [00:11] crdlb, yeah i figured that much but the away script that /notices is annoying from RichiH [00:11] Anyone know of a package that is like papagayo? (a lip synch program) [00:11] alraun1: i cant type anything there and i think gnome terminal is a graphical application [00:11] umm i didnt know i was /away [00:12] crdlb & RichW Sorry! [00:12] Im using xchat. [00:12] in power management on my laptop it always accepts the settings under "On battery" even though I have it plugged into a power outlet. Why is that? [00:12] RichW, seems RichiH is [00:12] I am using Pidgin [00:12] IdleOne: do you mean RichW or RichiH? because the second one is a freenode staffer [00:12] Okay, I tried to add a couple new chans to xchat (I have done this before no problem) I just reinstalled ubuntu and imported my home folder so I wouldn't lose anything, but now when I close xchat none of my changes stay, my wireless only connects when I tell it to rather than on the boot. It seems like it's not saving my changes. [00:12] it always acts according to settings under battery power [00:12] RichW, I did log off, but xorg.conf file is still the same????? [00:12] People always mistake me for RichiH, im used to it. that guys seems to be on irc 365 days a year. [00:12] entropyy51423 !paste [00:12] Pici, [19:08:25] -RichiH- I'm sorry, but I'm away (screen detached) [00:13] Ads-: have you tried commenting out those cd-rom lines manually in your /etc/apt/sources.list ? [00:13] :-) [00:13] hehehehe [00:13] staffer or not away scripts are a nono in this channel :) === elkbuntu is now known as elky [00:13] * IdleOne ducks [00:13] is RX an interface? [00:13] Memo_, Thought you updated it, you have to restart X to make them take effect. Now your telling me it wasnt changed! [00:13] Pici, think I'll drop it now :) [00:14] Okay, I tried to add a couple new chans to xchat (I have done this before no problem) I just reinstalled ubuntu and imported my home folder so I wouldn't lose anything, but now when I close xchat none of my changes stay, my wireless only connects when I tell it to rather than on the boot. It seems like it's not saving my changes. [00:14] RichW, how do i restart X? [00:14] gil:grafical is the x-server, a text based terminal doesn't need it [00:14] in power management on my laptop it always accepts the settings under "On battery" even though I have it plugged into a power outlet. Why is that? [00:14] Memo_, Log out or the key combination i told you about. [00:14] Memo_, Reboot also does the trick if you want to make sure :) [00:14] gil:are u shure its not the initram-fs terminal u are currently in ? [00:15] What possible interfaces could the IRC chat be on? [00:15] gil:got a live cd ? [00:15] JJWilliams92: :-) as in you got ubuntu installed and got your graphics working? [00:15] is there a way to make "dd" show me copy statistics in the terminal as it's copying? (cd -> iso) [00:15] Memo_ & RichW Alsso you can type on text mode: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [00:15] glitsj16: how do i do that? [00:16] alraun1: sorry im used to opensuse, i dont understand that but i think im using initramfs terminal, and i got a live cd [00:16] no programs will install at all because of the same error [00:16] someone speak portuguese here to help-me? [00:16] everton137, I knew that but slipped my mind :P [00:16] rafaelpiccinin, Say it [00:16] . . . Hmmm my python says no module wx. What is thew wx python package's name? [00:17] gil: boot brothers pc from live cd then.... [00:17] rafaelpiccinin, ask on #ubuntu-br [00:17] is anyone firmiliar with ddrescue? [00:17] i need just a little push [00:17] !pt [00:17] Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. [00:17] gavi: what's your question? ddrescue is pretty easy to use [00:17] deadbeef, i think its -P or something, try man dd [00:17] I'll try ty [00:17] regeya, thanks for the reply, im trying to copy a directory to another directory [00:17] deadbeef, or maybe --progress [00:17] deadbeef: I don't think so. The manual page does not show any options to do that [00:17] you caught me about to go home for the day :-) [00:17] Ads-: open that file with a text editor you're familiar with, you'll need sudo privileges in this case .. like "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" .. [00:18] geirha, I have had it print output im sure i did :) [00:18] regeya, my guess is ddrescue /media/mydisk/thelocation /home/myuser/myfolder [00:18] oh...gavi, well, if you're just copying a directory, that's not really the purpose of the thing...really, the purpose is if, say, you have a drive about to go out, and want to make an image of the drive. [00:18] Ads-: if you have the file open, look for those two lines you pasted and remove both [00:18] alraun1: its booting [00:18] yea, I can't find anything either in info/man :( [00:18] oh well [00:18] overlordpuppy, apt-cache search python-wx [00:18] thanks anyway [00:18] gavi, however, a good choice for doing that would be... [00:18] hm... [00:18] Okay, I tried to add a couple new chans to xchat (I have done this before no problem) I just reinstalled ubuntu and imported my home folder so I wouldn't lose anything, but now when I close xchat none of my changes stay, my wireless only connects when I tell it to rather than on the boot. It seems like it's not saving my changes. [00:18] regeya, my drive is about to go [00:18] oh [00:19] i have about 100 mb to recover from the 40+gb [00:19] all in 1 folder [00:19] geirha u there? [00:20] pooey, I'm sitting at an osx box in a mac-centric office and the manpage doesn't seem to be for gnu cp. :-P someone help me out, if gavi wants to cp an entire directory structure...recognizing there are other ways of doing that... [00:20] IdleOne: Thanks. For anyone who wants to use papagayo from the Lost Marble site, you need to install python-wxgtk2.8 and stdlibc++5. . . Just fyi, in case others are wondering. [00:20] regeya, so do u have a suggestion? [00:20] did i miss something [00:20] hi there. has anyone ever tested the ps3 remote on ubuntu? [00:20] nickolaus: Your previous user may have had a different userid to the one you are currently using. Ensure that you can write to your home drive. [00:20] how i install the binary nvidia driver? [00:20] overlordpuppy, glad I could help :) [00:20] ps3 bluetooth remote control, that is [00:21] rafaelpiccinin, use o canal #ubuntu-br ou tente em ingles aqui :) (Use the channel #ubuntu-br or try in English here) [00:21] thoku same user id and pass [00:21] !ps3 [00:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about ps3 [00:21] wild_oscar, I have a feeling the ubuntu forums are full of people who have === thanasis is now known as lalakis [00:21] gavi, as far as ddrescue goes, the thing to do would be to unmount the drive, figure out what device it is, and make an image to a drive that is as large as or (preferably much) larger than your old drive, and do ddrescue /dev/olddrive /path/to/newfile.img. Then, mount the image (you can probably double-click on it, or at least it works on os x) and copy what you need. the idea being you don't want to trust the failing drive. now, iirc if you [00:21] IdleOne: trying it [00:22] and now, I'm sorry, but I really must be going...hasta [00:22] dynoll3: check out EnvyNG [00:22] regeya, thaks for the help.. i was trying to avoide doing that [00:22] alraun1: its booted [00:22] Ads-: if not comfortable with the commandline, you can also open 'Software Sources' via your menu and remove the cd-rom lines on your 'Third Party Software' tab [00:22] hey how do i make it quietly boot up again? [00:22] envyNG? what is that? [00:22] nickolaus: Strange. I have no idea then. Sorry [00:22] a web site? [00:23] gil: k, alt+F2 , gnome-terminal ... works ? [00:23] dynoll3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [00:23] that works too, i use EnvyNG to manage my nvidia binary driver [00:23] !envy [00:23] hey how do i silence the boot up process? [00:23] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [00:23] alraun1: yes!! :-) [00:23] jadewolf, are you still there? [00:23] ok this flash video is fully loaded but every couple of seconds it keeps pausing and buffering === SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616_ [00:23] Thisdude: you just add the quiet line in the menu.1st [00:23] what do i do to fix it? [00:24] RichW: It's possible it has such an option, but if it does, the man-page just doesn't mention it [00:24] IdleOne: but actually, not any hits on the ps3 bluetooth remote (as in tv remote) [00:24] histo: wheres menu.lst located? [00:24] type: blkid, pastebin the output... [00:24] Thisdude: /boot/grub/menu.1st add quiet to the end of your kernel line [00:24] ty [00:25] wild_oscar, post a new thread. someone is bond to be able to help or at least point you in the right direction [00:25] !grub > Thisdude [00:25] Thisdude, please see my private message [00:25] s/bond/bound [00:25] Mr_Bad_News: could be the flash file in question is just a front that keeps hitting a server to update content, are you having trouble with all flash content or just that specific one ? [00:25] Thisdude: //boot/grub/menu.lst [00:25] RichW, I could not restart... I had to unplug the monitor cable and wait for the boot to start in vga undetected and plug in the monitor. now what should i do any help please? the xorg.conf is still the same content as it was when i run sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf [00:25] Thisdude: /boot/grub/menu.lst [00:26] well all of it is sketchy and buffers odd [00:27] glitsj16: so i untick everything in the third party software tab and that should worlk? [00:27] Is there any quick and painless way to see when I last logged into gdm (i.e. when this session started)? [00:27] Hi all. Running Hardy on a Toshiba A210 laptop, everything works perfectly except: sound fails after suspend (sleep) or hibernate. I've tried a few solutions I found on Google but none worked. Has anyone here solved this problem? [00:27] jeffwheeler-> type last [00:27] Ads-: not everything no, just the entrees refereing to cd-roms [00:27] amenado: sweet, thanks [00:28] Mr_Bad_News: running flash player version 9 ? [00:28] gil: ? [00:28] amenado: actually, that's really handy; thanks [00:28] can someone help me to release some more disk space for ubuntu upgrade? [00:28] alraun1: i ve alreayde told you that that works [00:29] uh how do i make it so it only checks the disk every 30 boot ups or so? [00:29] tShockwave Flash 9.0 r124 [00:29] how can i change my keyboard layout settings on server? i accidentally set to US_INTL and i hate the way ~ and ' are working [00:29] Thisdude-> man fstab i think its either column 5 or 6th [00:29] cheers [00:30] alraun1: ? [00:30] suraklin-> try dpkg-reconfigure console [00:31] ciao [00:31] Mr_Bad_News: okay, quite a few things are improved in flash player 10 beta 2, you might want to give that a try and check if it improves your issues .. either download the flash 10 from adobe's site (google will help) or download the .deb for flashplugin-nonfree from the Intrepid section in packages.ubuntu.com [00:31] alraun1: are you there? [00:31] !list [00:31] IDENTIFY VERSION TIME DEOP [00:31] OP SAY TOPIC MODE [00:31] KICK STATS ACTION ACCESS [00:31] LIST roll attack SEEN [00:31] [00:31] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [00:31] Ms_Cathy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:31] gil: paste of blkid [00:31] does it work with gutsy [00:32] amenado: Package 'console' is not installed and no info is available. [00:33] alraun1: sorry how do i do that? [00:33] Mr_Bad_News: yes it should, it's only the libflashplayer.so file inside that deb, the intrepid version is the same as the one from adobe's site (flash 10 beta 2) [00:33] i have a webcam. cheese finds it fine and it works, and in dmesg i have "uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device Gateway USB 2.0 Webcam" but cat /dev/video0 gives "No such device" help! [00:33] glitsj16: looks like its working .. thank you :) [00:33] Adobe Flash Player version that version? [00:33] oh, console-setup [00:33] suraklin-> try dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ? [00:33] i dont see a link for 10 [00:33] mythtv wasn't working, so i tried both kde-tv and tv-time, think i have a ivit card, do i need some driver? [00:34] that's the one, thanks amenado [00:34] alraun1: lol, did you tell me to type that in console? [00:34] no sweat..memory is the first thing to go [00:34] Ads-: you're welcome .. if you'd like to add your cd-rom again to the updates section, you can do it via the same procedure, not sure how things got broken [00:34] !paste |gil [00:34] gil: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [00:34] would anyone feel like taking a nwn platinum install problem/question? [00:34] Mr_Bad_News: hold on, checking the link [00:35] Mr_Bad_News, you can be found flashplayer 10 beta 2 on the adobe home [00:35] gil: left click on the http-link... [00:35] alraun1: i ve done that [00:35] gil: left click on the http-link...(in brother pc) [00:35] anyone tried java 7 yet? [00:35] there is a java 7 [00:35] hm [00:35] Nyle, yes [00:36] gil: in terminal, type: blkid [00:36] is there any way to have Evolution provided popup notifications for calendar alarms? [00:36] alraun1: ive done that too [00:36] Mr_Bad_News: at the bottom of http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/flashplugin-nonfree you can download it [00:36] cheese is great! I found out about it here [00:36] hello, new user here [00:36] gil: copy the output from blkid to ubu-paste, poste it, bring url here... [00:36] Java 21 will be released in the year 2045 [00:37] come ok, java 1.7, happy now? [00:37] gil: after that, do the same with the command : fdisk-l [00:37] do i need to remove my current version first glitsj16 [00:37] or will it do it for me [00:38] Mr_Bad_News: not if you update it with the deb from that page no, apt will take care of that [00:39] alraun1: sorry this is my first time in a irc so i dont understand some things | do i have to do that with sudo? [00:39] Mr_Bad_News: just double-click the .deb to install it [00:39] i had 256 mb on ubuntu 8, and in need of using swap. was bad without swap. now i upgrade to 512 ram total. should i need swap partition? [00:39] hey evryone [00:40] gil: no [00:40] gil : did you understand the pastebin-service ? [00:40] bluelight-> it can be a file [00:40] i want t install windows but i will lose ubuntu is there a way to keep it i meant keep the grub [00:40] amenado, a file is slow, comparing to native swap partition. [00:41] bluelight-> if you knew, why did you even asked? [00:41] staph:reinstall grub after windows shot it [00:41] alraun1: i think now im understanding that service but fdisk -l and blkid just work with sudo [00:41] so no one has tried java version 1.7 (icedtea)? [00:41] i am going to reinstall. so need to know if 512 is enough [00:41] i have java 6 installed [00:41] gil : run it with sudo then [00:41] bluelight-> hd memory is so cheap..so double it [00:42] amenado, that's more paritions to manage. i will be putting multiple os in this box. it has 160gig [00:42] ManualOverDozer8:gotcha! see dialogue [00:42] bluelight-> do you realize same swap can be reused ? [00:42] so if i don't need swap, that's one less partition to deal with. fdisk -l [00:42] my mic doesnt work on ubuntu. I checked volume control. Everything seems to be fine. Any idea?? [00:43] amenado, windows and linux, and windows xp, 2k3, and 2008 [00:43] i am using only one linux on this box [00:43] Hey ya all [00:43] bluelight go and try it, and do not complain if you have a hardtime with a system having no swap to dump to [00:43] gil:? [00:44] i had like 2 gig of swap, with 256 mb ram, it works fine. [00:44] alraun1: its on paste, and now? [00:44] my mic doesnt work on ubuntu. I checked volume control. Everything seems to be fine. Any idea?? [00:44] I got a question if anyone cares to answer :) I've changed the window theme in Ubuntu to what I want, but every time I change the theme, the panel stays the same. How can I make it change with my theme? I am using emerald. [00:45] im using lxde with intrepid alpha 3. where is the network manager for wireless? [00:45] gil: copy the url from broser to here.... [00:46] check your sound card settings for mic. output [00:46] Sanctusorium: emerald is a window decorator, that doesn't touch your panel [00:46] alraun1: 31939 [00:46] virtualbox crashes USB after installing av on windows guest and linux host [00:46] can you pls temme how to check that? [00:47] gil: ?? the link ?? http://www.paste.ubuntu.com/31939 ? [00:47] glitsj16, okie, what do I use to change my panel? [00:47] alraun1: yes [00:47] vierranet-> ask #virtualbox if they have a anything on that [00:48] Sanctusorium-> try to right click on it and select properties [00:48] i can't tell you sorry because now i'm working on the slackware :\ [00:48] gil:..could not locate remote server, please give the correct (and whole) url from the browser [00:48] owkay thats fine. thanks neway [00:48] alraun1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/31939/ (you cant that because of the "www.") [00:49] Okie, I got it to be see through, but is that the only way I can edit it? [00:49] Bonsoir [00:51] .whenever i mouse over .wav files they start to play, anyone know how I can turn this off? [00:51] gil: yup that worked, if u type: sudo blkid /dev/sda, whats the output (pastebin) ? [00:52] <__yy_> I'm trying to get a profile of how much memory processes are using on my machine. top shows ~98% memory usage, whereas ps -eo '%mem' output totals ~50%. Why would there be this discrepency? [00:52] alraun1: it apears nothing [00:53] is there a way to uninstall compiz^ [00:53] and re-install it after [00:53] gil: k, try something else: sudo -s (should be root then )... [00:53] check out this awesome screenshot, it took a little work so my dual screens would look right... [00:53] http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/?action=view¤t=Coltsscreenshot.jpg [00:54] alraun1: nothing again [00:54] * IndyGunFreak is very sorry, wrong channel [00:54] gil:are you root now ? [00:54] how we uninstall compiz? [00:55] alraun1: yes but the blkid command doesnt worked again [00:55] Hi, for some reason my HP Laserjet 4 connected through a JetDirect prints everything which should be printed at 600DPI double sized (so basically in 300dpi), 300 and 150dpi are fine, but look like crap, would anyone have any idea what this could be? Windows clients seem to be able to print perfectly at 600dpi :/ [00:55] dynoll3: its kinda part of the OS, just disable(set visual effects tab to none) [00:55] Sanctusorium: you can use a background image to go with your theme if you have one, again via right-click > background properties .. i guess that's about it .. and the reason why some people propose to expand it's themeability (http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/8112/) [00:55] kk [00:55] gil: k, type : mkdir /mnt/hd [00:56] alraun1: done [00:56] gil: k, type : edit /etc/fstab [00:56] hey guys i would like to know if anyone knows any tut about connecting ur pc to an electrical device to make it run on certain command for example i have a circuit with a pulp and when i execute a command the pulp lights on and off { and which programming language should i use} [00:56] thnx [00:57] hello running XP in virtualbox in ubuntu, but i cannot get the mouse to capture, any help/ thoughts? [00:57] hi [00:57] hi [00:57] hey greeg [00:57] can we help u greeg [00:57] using apt-cache policy i see two versions. how do i apt-get the version i want ? [00:57] fajalou1:try to install the addon that come with virtualbox [00:57] i am reading about some config changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf to make for my MacBook, but that file does not exist... where would my xorg settings be? [00:57] BinaryDragon: where would that be? this is my first time running vb [00:58] hey for compiz: they say--- accessibility= Disabled [00:58] Abed: there are a number of ways you can do it. But this'll be more appropriate for #electronics or #ubuntu-offtopic [00:58] how i fix that to eneble [00:58] alraun1: unknown mime-type, can i try with another program? [00:58] thnx Flannel i will check them out now but do u have any idea now just for understand the concept [00:58] gil: kate /etc/fstab ?? [00:59] fajalou1:give me a second,let me give you a link [00:59] hey for compiz: they say--- accessibility= Disabled [00:59] how i fix that [00:59] gil: works ? [00:59] BinaryDragon: i think i found it under devices, i am dlling the iso right now. [00:59] alraun1: kate its not for kde? but its opened, i used gedit [01:00] fajalou1:good [01:00] add a line to fstab : /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd ext3 user 0 0 [01:01] gil: add a line to fstab : /dev/sda1 /mnt/hd ext3 user 0 0 [01:01] hey guys, what do I have to install to get gparted to create a new ntfs partition? [01:01] hi! [01:01] alraun1:for how long haved you being logged in? [01:01] anyone use rfswitch? [01:01] have someone here managed to install cinelerra? How do I know if I'm using a RT Kernel? I'm having problems when trying to install cinelerra... [01:01] gil: make shure fstab has a blank line at its end, sav e n close the file [01:01] how come right after I sign on here, some weirdo private messages me with crap? Happens frequently. [01:02] in my compiz windows they say--- accessibility= Disabled --- how i put it on enable?? [01:02] Anyone here can tell me how can i install the php pdo driver for sqlite? [01:02] gkffjcs_: apt-get install gparted [01:02] BinaryDragon: ?? [01:02] everton137: "uname -r" will tell yoy the current kernel you use, if it ends in -rt you're on a realtime kernel [01:02] someone wanna help me? [01:02] alraun1: done [01:03] rfswitch help :-)! [01:03] alraun1:nvm [01:03] gil: mount /dev/sda1 [01:03] glitsj16, yes, I guessed that, thanks. Then I'm not using it [01:04] alraun1: I have gparted installed but when I create a new partiton the option to create an ntfs partition is greyed out, I know that gparted can create an ntfs partition cause when I reboot into a gparted live cd it works, so I am assuming I am missing a package to enable that function. [01:04] What does the "GLib main loop support" mean in the CompizConfig Settings Manager? [01:04] alraun1: special device /dev/sda1 doesnt exist [01:05] gkffjcs_:ntfs3g ? [01:05] gil: mount -a [01:05] Could anyone help me with setting the connection with other pc (windows) by LAN. I mean, the connection is on but i dont know how to send internet to him so that he can also use it [01:05] BinaryDragon: i have tried it, but i don't get how to do it,,, help? [01:05] alraun1: same [01:06] How can I assign a sound to the Ctrl^C Copy operation like there is in windows? It's handy to know when something successfully copied to the clipboard. [01:06] someone here use RFSWITCH? [01:06] alraun1: I have all the stuff to mount and use ntfs in linux, I have gparted, I have a blank usbdrive that I want to reformant to ntfs, if I select ntfs in gparted the option is greyed out, yes I have ntfs-3g. [01:06] I guess the sound then, would actually be for a clipboard activity? [01:06] everton137: look at akirad.cinelerra.org for a ubuntu repo , the rt kernel you can install via apt-get or synaptic [01:06] fajalou1:can you get to the options where you can select a cd to be mounted on the guest? there you should see the opetion to mount hte virtualmachine addons [01:08] im using wine to run steam, but for some reason when a game loads its so horrible so that the graphics, etc are really messed up, is there a reason for this? i can watch dvds, youtube, etc all fine but just when the game loads it sucks, i cant even make out letters [01:08] glitsj16, yeap, I tried follow akirad instructions and repo, but I have problems installing cinelerra. Now I'm trying openmovieeditor, wich also downloaded some files from akirad repo [01:09] gkffjcs_:don't really know what it is then, right now no time to find out, sry (permission maybe) sudo gparted, sry [01:09] bonsoir [01:09] everton137: i see, perhaps it's down .. any specific errors or warnings when trying to install it via apt-get ? [01:09] at first i thought my graphics card might be messed up, but if it was wouldn't dvds and everything on my screen be like that [01:09] gil: pastebin the output of: mount === asac_the_3rd is now known as asac [01:10] <__yy_> Is there any reason there would be a discrepency between the memory usage shown for my machine by top vs the output of ps -eo '%mem' . Top shows 90+% overall, whereas the ps output sums to ~50%. [01:10] can i wifi with my windows xp via virtualbox [01:11] alraun1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/31946/ [01:11] glitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/31947/ [01:12] glitsj16, My kernel 2.6.24-19-generic [01:12] how can i figure out an ip of a skype contact? [01:12] everton137: ok, checking [01:12] how do i see my path? (i am used to windows, sorry) [01:12] gil: just mount, without options > pastebin [01:12] i have a ruby script -- i am looking for where to save it [01:12] <__yy_> bonhoffer: echo $PATH [01:12] alraun1, pwd === Linuxman is now known as Copperpot [01:13] __yy_, thanks -- where should i put my scripts so they execute automatically . . . [01:13] BinaryDragon: it didn't work... [01:13] <__yy_> bonhoffer: on startup or periodically? [01:13] is wine in the repos the latest version? how do i find out? [01:13] alraun1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/31949/ [01:13] looks like /usr/local/bin -- whenever i call them . . . [01:13] daggerx: sort of. You can run a virtualized windows xp guest and nat or bridge it to the connection of your wireless [01:14] <__yy_> bonhoffer: you mean so that you can call them from the command line without typing a full path? [01:14] yes [01:14] diff between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin ? [01:14] <__yy_> bonhoffer: typically ~/bin is used for personal user scripts, although it might not be in your path by default [01:15] bonhoffer: cultural historical: /usr/local/bin usually denotes that a package was compiled from source. But this is not a hard and fast rule [01:15] got it -- that is what i want -- then what is /usr/local/bin for -- bash default scripts [01:15] okay guys, I'm going to seem like a moron here, so please forgive me... [01:16] I just installed xubuntu 8.04....where the (#*$#( is the "User Interface Settings" menu? [01:16] stupid question but i'll feel even more stupid if a i don't ask it so here goes.Where can i recover my password for the ubuntu forums? [01:16] state your problem/ask your question Coder365_2 :D nobodys a moron :) [01:16] dude [01:16] I need a port scanner. [01:17] namp [01:17] er [01:17] Hey guys, I have a problem running games on my laptop. (counter strike source in particular ) when i start it up it freezes 10 seconds in, but it starts.. any ideas? [01:17] mrpockets: try nmap [01:17] nmap [01:17] Im trying to run an .avi video but im getting this on mplayer's output: Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control. Any idea about how to fix it? [01:17] tlove let it be ;) [01:17] nmap... is there something more? :P [01:17] can i wifi with my windows xp via virtualbox [01:17] if it runs fine then good! [01:17] lol [01:17] you guys have a spammah [01:17] everton137: have you tried removing package mpeg3-utils yet ? according to what the paste shows that might conflict with libmpeg3hv-generic from akirad .. [01:17] mrpockets: apt-get install nmap [01:17] It doesn't run at all :[ [01:17] badlook: there is zenmap, an nmap frontend gui [01:17] <__yy_> getBoa: that doesn't actually stop you from running videos. [01:17] getBoa, lirc support is nothing to do with playback [01:17] gil: gparted, try to mount the /dev/sd1 (size 'bout 19 gig) [01:17] frontend for lamers :P [01:17] I'm thinking of getting a macbook, can I triple boot mac, windows and linux? [01:17] tlove o, check on the wine sie to see if counter strike will run [01:17] glitsj16, he cannot, let me see the error [01:17] daggerx, if u configure eth in virtualbox and ur computer is connected you should have internet in virtual machine [01:18] ludic, I'm on it [01:18] !wine > tlove [01:18] tlove, please see my private message [01:18] I just wanna try to test my endian firewall from the outside [01:18] I have a HD USB, Its automounted, but is with 700. How to do to automount with 755? [01:18] everton137: lines 15 & 16 of your paste [01:18] anyone know where the "user interface settings" menu is in xubunut? [01:18] nmap mrpocktes [01:18] i have internet now via lan koops, and that it [01:18] mrpockets: then you should also look at nessus [01:18] I don't know a whole lot about network security, or hacking, so i'm trying to figure out the both in hopes to maybe take this domain and close its legs a little [01:18] hal14450: __yy_: but I cant rewid or forward the video [01:19] is there a clear set of instructions that show how to wifi with virtualbox koops? [01:19] getBoa, then it's probably a poorly encoded avi file [01:19] <__yy_> getBoa: are you using a remote? [01:19] * Coder365_2 backs away from potentially illegal activity [01:19] when using VLC, it crashes... Totem restarts the video [01:19] mrpockets: nmap is a basic port scanner. nessus is a full scanning tool. metaspoilt is going a bit too far [01:19] lol [01:19] __yy_: not a remote [01:19] <__yy_> getBoa: sounds like a bad video file [01:20] __yy_: I guess so [01:20] FAJALOU1: see my private message please. [01:20] <__yy_> getBoa: LIRC is only related to using infared remotes, so that's not going to have any effect on playback [01:20] __yy_, hmm my script isn't running without typing in the full path -- do i have to re-initialize where the path is? [01:20] or what is in the path [01:20] __yy_: got it [01:20] i chmod'ed the file to be executable [01:20] gil: could u mount the systems disk ? [01:20] <__yy_> bonhoffer: no, you can just put a script in one of the path directories and it should work [01:21] <__yy_> bonhoffer: try running which yourscriptname and see if it gives you what you expect [01:21] glitsj16, let me try to install libmpeg3hv-generic before isntall cinelerra [01:21] oh -- it does, sorry [01:21] i cannot get virtualbox to capture the mouse, any help please.. [01:21] everton137: might work yes [01:21] I currently use Amarok to transfer music to my MP3 player. However, it screws up all the MP3 tags making it difficult to be organized on my player (random characters added to tags, some tags not being copied at all). Does anyone know any way to fix this behavior? Or have suggestions for other programs that will allow me to sync (I've tried Rhythmbox, Exaile and Banshee; none of them let me specify a directory structure [01:21] when copying files). [01:21] daggerx: it isn't that complicated. you don't actually have to do the wifi. Just have the guest connect as a nat client to the host [01:21] Well that video uses the tssc video codec... but couldn't find any thing else that replaces or does the same thing of that codec [01:21] does anyone know if there is a page on the ubuntu forums for me to recover my password? the box that has it cached is in pieces at the moment [01:22] alraun1: the line about /dev/sda1 has an triangular yellow icon with a "!" [01:22] Reformer81: check the tags before you move them... i use easytag to edit all my tags, and i've never had an issue w/ AMarok [01:22] daggerx: you should also consider vmware player (it's free as in beer) [01:22] IndyGunFreak: I use Amarok to edit my tags. [01:22] gil: right click > mount possible ? [01:22] IndyGunFreak: I have almost 2,000 files to copy... they're properly tagged in Amarok. [01:22] Reformer81: well are you saving them before you move them to the mp3 player? [01:22] hmmm [01:22] anybody know how to find out the version of a package in the repos? [01:22] IndyGunFreak: Yes... they've been saved a long time ago. [01:22] Reformer81: makes no sense, i've had no issues like that w/ Amarok. [01:22] ugh spam [01:23] itai-michaelson: look up the package in aptitude [01:23] IndyGunFreak: Hmm.. maybe it's the player itself, then. [01:23] hal14450: just got it too. [01:23] hal14450: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recover-password-under-ubuntu.html [01:23] mexican restaurant? [01:23] Where do I go to report spam [01:23] hal14450-> try using the livecd to recover [01:23] Reformer81: what player? [01:23] alraun1: when i do that it appears a window with the same error i saw with console [01:23] glitsj16, yeahh, this package is the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/31953/ I tried to solve it before, but didn't handle [01:23] IndyGunFreak: Insignia Pilot 4gb [01:23] <__yy_> itai-michaelson: apt-cache show packagename will tell you [01:23] you're missing the point i want my forum password [01:23] Reformer81: i guess thats possible, i only use Ipods and have had no issues. [01:23] gil: which error ? [01:23] hal14450: lol... sorry [01:24] alraun1: special device /dev/sda1/ doesnt exist [01:24] ok, so how do i do the guest connection deal [01:24] just got spammed [01:24] IndyGunFreak: Except that Exaile copies everything fine (it just copies to the root folder of the device instead of organizing it within /Music/ like I want it) [01:24] I freaking love NDISWrapper, it got my poor little laptop online again <3 [01:24] gtg [01:24] __yy_, so looking for wine the syntax will be apt-cache show wine? [01:24] Do u consider urself a man? If u do, then u just might b da man I need 4 da job. I am looking for a male jackoff partner to live with me during football season. Each time my fav team(NE Patriots) score, we jack eachother off. Each time Tom Brady throws a TD pass, we suck eachother off. Big dicks prefered. PLEASE SHOW ME A DICK PIC. No dick pic, I will ignore you. So let me know if ur da man i need 4 da job. [01:24] Moth: He's using several different nicknames... [01:24] this channel is impossible to parse [01:24] <__yy_> itai-michaelson: yes [01:24] gil: listed by gparted (as root) but doesn't exist ? is it encrypted ? [01:25] Moth: get his ip address, whois it and call the dns [01:25] gezzesss [01:25] alraun1: i never encrypted disks [01:25] Moth: me, too [01:25] Moth: rather than bringing that to the channel, report it in #ubuntu-ops, or in #freenode but i think they are aware of this problem [01:25] __yy_, thanks [01:25] FAJALOU1, how do i do it with aptitude? [01:25] Moth: Tontito... ?? [01:26] everton137: same error indeed .. perhaps removing mpeg3-utils will let you install it properly, can't tell if that package is a must for you .. looks like something to report at bugs.launchpad.net if it isn't already [01:26] itai-michaelson: search for the package in synaptic, and then look at the version # [01:26] coming infrom me mac [01:27] glitsj16, thanks for your help, I will try cinelerra later :) I'm off the computer for today. Ciao [01:27] everton137: no problem, arrivederla [01:28] gil: as not mounted, hmm, try fs2ck , output ? [01:28] glitsj16, I'll see if it's not reported and report it, if in case [01:28] hello [01:28] hello? my usb port don't work. who can help me? [01:29] Hello, may I PM a chanop here? [01:29] alraun1: command not found [01:29] djs: try #ubuntu-ops [01:30] FAJALOU1, thanks [01:30] Ok [01:30] ummm [01:30] hey guys, no java applets work now [01:30] Starnestommy, Thanks [01:30] I need help =) [01:30] !ask [01:30] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) === ghost is now known as Guest88201 === Guest88201 is now known as zakmm [01:31] Ok thanks for the heads up [01:31] lol [01:31] My question: GRAPHICS SUCK, how do i fix? [01:31] somebody wouldve hit ya with it [01:31] I guess i shoulda been more specific [01:32] lol [01:32] gil: sry, e2fsck [01:32] i cannot get virtualbox to capture the mouse, any help please.. [01:33] gil: getting errors ? hd not found ? [01:33] Anytime i move a window, scroll in mozilla, just about do anything that involves moving the windows causes the screen to become scrambled, but if i minimize the window and restore it it comes back up [01:33] FAJALOU1: use some cheese [01:33] Big_Buddha_Daddy: ?? [01:33] alraun1: it just gives me help [01:33] lol [01:33] !resolution | Ostrander [01:33] Anyone gonna help? [01:33] Ostrander: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:34] help, i touched some strange key combination [01:34] then my whole screen zoomed in and only see a huge fraction of it [01:34] ok thanks [01:34] wait uhh [01:34] the screen went like SUPER MAGNIFY! ad i don't know how to cancel it [01:34] new termanal screen? [01:34] reduz: try: win+mouse wheel [01:35] omg i cant wheel either lol [01:35] gil, whoa [01:35] that was amazing [01:35] reduz:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart in a terminal [01:35] reduz: dont you know you are using compiz? [01:35] gil, that worked... it was a... scary experience [01:36] reduz: lol [01:36] gil, more like, didn't know compiz could do that [01:36] reduz: check ccsm to see what you can do with compiz [01:36] gil: did  e2fsck check the hd ? [01:39] alraun1: how? [01:39] hi all [01:40] can anyone help me with web based java applets? its not working in Ubuntu [01:40] i use public key authentication to log in to my server with a specific user [01:40] gil: e2fsck /dev/sda [01:41] !java [01:41] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [01:41] i connect to my server with nautilus, [01:41] how do i check for the java version i have? [01:41] when i then switch user it doesn't ask for password why is this? [01:41] Big_Buddha_Daddy, open ff and type about:plugins [01:42] the public key pair should only be for a specific user right? [01:42] hal14450: ok, thank you [01:42] Big_Buddha_Daddy, np yw ;-) [01:42] i am running ubuntu server and looking for a good podcatcher with a web gui OR interface...any suggestions? [01:42] alraun1: error [01:42] Anyone have intel video card 945GM?? [01:42] gil: what error ? [01:42] hello there, i downloaded and installed remastersys successfully, but the problem is that i can't find the iso after it compiles it when it finishes, any help would be appreciated. [01:43] which drive should i use?? [01:43] hal14450: can you help me in a PM? [01:43] alraun1: superblock invalid [01:43] i810 or experimental modesett...?? [01:43] F1l1p3: the 'intel' driver [01:43] F1l1p3: what version of ubuntu are you using? [01:43] Big_Buddha_Daddy, yes if you like [01:43] hardy [01:44] Big_Buddha_Daddy: now you using ubuntu? [01:44] F1l1p3: the 'intel' driver hasn't been experimental since feisty [01:44] ok [01:44] harpreet: dont harrass me [01:44] i will try here [01:44] thanks [01:44] Big_Buddha_Daddy: no swearing here please [01:44] ? [01:45] hello there, i downloaded and installed remastersys successfully, but the problem is that i can't find the iso after it compiles it when it finishes :S [01:45] i am running ubuntu server and looking for a good podcatcher with a web gui OR interface...any suggestions? [01:45] hey i need to make some files look like they were made july 20th, and i've heard that i can use the "touch" command to do this can anyone help me accomplish this? [01:46] onthefence929: wat exactly u like to do? [01:46] :) [01:46] onthefence929: if hey ar already made just as u said..then u want to make them again? [01:46] what strange are the problems of the peoples! [01:46] :) [01:47] harpreet: change a few files to look like they were made a while ago [01:47] onthefence929: I saw a Columbo like that once [01:47] Hi there, I recently set up my sister's laptop with linux and I seem to be having some difficulties accessing her ipod's full library on Amarok. some help please, I'm kind of a beginner. [01:47] Has anyone successfully ran SELinux on Ubuntu? [01:47] gil: the error your'e getting at regular boot means that the system can't access the hd, as decription by uuid in fstab is bad [01:47] !fixres > me [01:47] legend2440, please see my private message [01:47] I have few clips and I need to crop their frames and rotate them 90 degreess... is there a program in ubuntu repos can do this? [01:47] alraun1: so what can i do? [01:48] onthefence929: the touch command is to make files [01:48] gil: as we can't mount or check the hd, it's most possibly corrupted (or just filled up ?) [01:48] ludic: you're reference is lost on me i'm sorry [01:48] onthefence929: use some editor if u wud like to edit them [01:48] harpreet: like what? [01:49] in order to provide an alibi for the time of the murder, the murderer changes the date and time on a word processing file on the victim's computer [01:49] smay: u have to download plugins for amarok [01:49] gil: unless there are no important files on, reinstalling it, though it is possible to recover it by using backupped superblocks [01:49] ludic: hmm i'll keep that in mind next time i choke a hooker [01:49] onthefence929: the command touch ...filename will only create the file [01:49] alraun1: i have no important files there, it fails on first boot [01:49] ludic: but honestly i never thought of that, application [01:50] onthefence929: if u wud like to edit file use an editor like gedit etc. [01:50] in that one the murderer typed a suicide email wearing gloves, but all the vowels were wiped clear of fingerprints, sign of a fake [01:50] the one with the dead hooker [01:50] harpreet: and gedit can change the dates? [01:50] hello [01:50] harpreet: how? I'm sorry, I'm a beginner. [01:51] any compiz wizards around? [01:51] alraun1: but ill try to use another drive, ty and sorry to make you waste your time [01:51] eran: I'm an expert at disabling it [01:52] gil: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-108137.html [01:52] ludic: and I'm an expert at destroying it :) [01:52] smay: go to snaptic package manager look, search type amarok and install the plugins required for ipods [01:53] gil: check the media for defects before you install [01:53] alraun1: ok [01:53] onthefence929: gedit will only edit the files === cicero is now known as bonhoffer [01:53] Does anyone know what the command is to search for files on the system? [01:53] in console [01:53] find, locate, whereis? [01:53] hi all, any body got issue on hibernate and suspend feature in ubuntu 8.04? [01:53] gil: as you might imagine, I don't want to waste your time, too lol [01:53] sydero: i want to say ls === Snares is now known as Snares_ === Snares_ is now known as Snares_32 [01:54] ls just does the directory doesn't it :/ [01:54] alraun1: lol [01:54] rexus: laptop ? [01:54] yes laptop [01:54] rexus: i have teh same problems, i've just avoided putting my laptop to sleep without shutting it down fully [01:54] onthefence929, are you using hibernate or suspend? [01:55] rfswitch! [01:55] someone use rfswitch? [01:55] rexus: I am able to suspend/hibernate,but sound does not come back [01:55] I have few video clips and I need to crop their frames and rotate them 90 degreess... is there a program in ubuntu repos can do this? [01:55] rexus: hibernation is often problem there, think its an acpi-related problem [01:55] rexus: i alternate, becaus ei don't know which is better [01:55] onthefence929: you can use touch -t [01:55] Anyone here have an X-Fi? [01:55] Nope. [01:56] ImperialJester: good, they're more trouble than their worth [01:56] my laptop can come back on from hibernate, but the problem is, after a screen saver and monitor off again, it started to get hang [01:56] harpreet: and what does the -t do exactly? [01:56] onthefence929: if you would like to change date u can replace t with d [01:56] it changes the modification time stamp [01:56] onthefence929, man touch [01:56] I have tried and tried to get the latest X-Fi drivers working on 8.04 64 bit [01:56] Snares_64: I don't know what they are, but I'll stay away from them. [01:57] badlook: all man touch tells me is tchange teh date to teh current datehat it can [01:57] ImperialJester: you don't know what an X-Fi soundcard is? [01:57] Nope! [01:57] right ;) [01:57] I may look into it.... [01:57] badlook: all man touch tells me is that it can change teh date to the current date [01:57] oh come on there must be someone that has an X-Fi in here! [01:58] harpreet: so how do i specify the exact date i'd like? [01:58] Snares_64: Seems not [01:58] X-Fi is a sound Dock for your TV? [01:58] Snares_64 I guess not... you have a problem installing its driver? [01:58] X-Fi is a soundcard made by creative [01:58] Made for iPod... [01:58] Benalex: yyes [01:58] What does everyone use for banshee? [01:58] I have followed this guide on ubuntuforums; [01:58] Snares_64 can you check it in HCL? [01:59] http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4823915&postcount=675 [01:59] there is here a ubuntu developer? [01:59] anyone know of a guide to installing tint2 ? [01:59] for some reason when I try to compile the kernel it comes up with build errors :( [02:00] Argh! [02:00] onthefence929: -t STAMP use [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss] instead of current time [02:00] Snares_64 is it about missing libs? [02:00] I am not positive, I just finished installing a fresh install of ubuntu [02:00] let me reboot and I'll be right back [02:01] adamb_ [02:01] the nvidia vga works better with ubuntu than ati right? [02:01] it has no or less glitches? [02:01] how do I register a nickname for me? [02:01] nitai: what is tint2 ? [02:02] !register > rodolfo [02:02] rodolfo, please see my private message [02:02] harpreet: so "touch -t 200707200810.34 /path/to/file" ? [02:02] more compatible driversS? [02:03] lolmac: tried envy ? [02:03] onthefence929: touch -t file dateforma [02:03] no [02:03] i am running ubuntu server and looking for a good podcatcher with a web gui OR interface...any suggestions? [02:03] i'm going to buy a new pc === Muffie is now known as SuckMyKiss [02:03] and was thinking of wich vga [02:04] ati or nvidia [02:04] Benalelex: I'm thinking maybe I should not update to the latest kernel? [02:04] and remembered the compatibility with ubuntu === SuckMyKiss is now known as LeadershipRulz [02:04] harpreet: thanks i'll let you know if i have problems [02:04] my ati 9550 in feisty fawn didn't run video files with the visual effects activated [02:05] lolmac ; you should discuss it in a hardware-forum, there a drivers both for ATI and Nvidia [02:05] harpreet: thank you! so much. :) === rafaelpiccinin is now known as eu-queroentrar [02:05] alraun1: i know [02:06] but the geforce drivers were better [02:06] i don't know if they are still better [02:06] I think they are generally easier to install [02:06] lolmac ; lol, so you work for ATI or Nvidia, lol [02:06] I have an HD3870 it's a song and dance to get it to work [02:06] properly [02:06] how do i kill my firefox app currently running? [02:07] pgrep firefox [02:07]  fwaokda_:sudo killall firefox (Terminal) [02:07] ty [02:07] could someone tell me if this looks correct for unpacking the linux kernel? tar jxvf linux-source-2.6.24.tar.bz2 [02:07] Snares_64: but it runs video files properly with the graphics effects activated? [02:07] Snares_64: Looks fine to me [02:07] lolmac: not sure I'm still trying to get my X-Fi to work lol [02:07] ok thanks [02:08] Snares_64: tar xjvf tarballname.tar.bz2 [02:08] apparently the X-Fi drivers do not work well with SLUB === eu-queroentrar is now known as rafaelpiccinin [02:08] does the j in front of the x make a difference? [02:08] alraun1: Thats what he had.. [02:08] Thoku:for shure [02:09] so is tar jxvf linux-source-2.6.24.tar.bz2 good or no [02:09] My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save when I changed my desktop to a cube. [02:09] Snares_64: yup [02:09] ty [02:09] Snares_64: its fine. [02:10] Hello, does anyone know of a command in the live cd to install ubuntu to disk? - Instead of the gui installer (I can't press the buttons in 800x600 and I get get a larger screen resolution) [02:10] My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save when I changed my desktop to a cube. [02:10] * ApOgEE- away pi opis [02:10] not sure if anyone would know if this is correct or not but does this command seem valid? [02:10] cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config [02:10] MatthewMetzger, try installing from the Alternate CD [02:11] I installed intel c++ compiler in ubuntu8.04.1 But i can't find it in system menu or anywhere else.Help me to find it out [02:11] th0r: that's what I'd like to do, but I don't have a blank cd at the moment. [02:11] My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save when I changed my desktop to a cube. [02:11] how do i sort out a web based java issue with ubuntu? [02:12] Big_Buddha_Daddy: again, what browser please [02:12] I love the alternate cd, but I lost my last one and can't burn a new one. [02:12] Big_Buddha_Daddy: PM [02:12] MatthewMetzger: why can't you burn another [02:12] MatthewMetzger, did you try changing screen resolution via system>preferences>screen resolution [02:12] Big_Buddha_Daddy: pm me [02:12] IndyGunFreak: I don't have any blank cds handy. [02:13] oh [02:13] bloodrock: yes I did. 800x600 is the largest available [02:13] I tried resetting the x configuration, but that didn't seem to work with the live cd [02:13] MatthewMetzger: does your monitor have some sort of auto adjust feature?.. that window is resizeable(the one that guides you through the install), try resizing [02:13] MatthewMetzger, might try adding vga=791 to the boot up parameters [02:14] anyone know a way to make .mkv's be able to fastforward and rewind in movie player? Right now it wont let me [02:14]  MatthewMetzger:and you can't TAB to the installer icon ? get a cd tomorraow... === PV1 is now known as PrivateVoid [02:14] if /dir has 700 permissions, and /dir/file has 755 permissions, another user can still read /dir/file if he knows the entire path. Correct? === freaky[t] is now known as c1|freaky [02:14] doesnt ubuntu have a really easy way to automatically share printing through cups without messing with samba? [02:14] anyone know what type of fonts ubuntu uses? [02:14] alraun1: no I can't tab through the time zone section. I tried. Yes, I'll get a CD, but I thought I'd give it a try. We ubuntu people have to be resourceful :) [02:15] MatthewMetzger: you should be able to tab through the whole thing.. [02:15]  MatthewMetzger:enthrophy.... [02:15] does this command seem valid for cleaning the kernel? make-kpkg clean [02:16] MatthewMetzger: another suggestion, delete the bottom panel, and move the top panel to the bottom, then you ca move the window up a little bit. [02:16] xim, try opening http://localhost:631 and see if cups is any help [02:16] IndyGunFreak: nope. The time zone catches me. Although I'll try again... [02:16] that may give you just enough room. [02:16] MatthewMetzger: see above, it hink that might work. [02:16] Swian: SANS is default, but you can see a list of available fonts by using the Fonts tab i Appearances [02:16] IndyGunFreak: ahh. That's a good idea. [02:16] th0r: thanks [02:16] I'll try it now. [02:16] and now for the final step [02:16] fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers [02:17] I just installed ubuntu 8.04 lts on a 15 gb partition, do you think that will be large enough? [02:17] darkcrab: yes [02:17] My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save any changed settings. I solved the problem with xchat sudo chown -R nickolaus:nickolaus ~/.xchat2/. Anyone know what the problem is? [02:17] ok thanks [02:17] darkcrab: yes [02:17] no, I mean what type of fonts? True Type, Type 1, PostScript [02:17] unless you are a big time video editor [02:17] darkcrab: yeah, its fine, as long as you don't have a 14gig music collection to put on it... :) [02:17] or have a million games [02:17] th0r: my printer is listed in there, but what address do i give my xp box to link to the printer? [02:17] yeah lol [02:17] no, it is a simple fluxbox internet hack. [02:18] xim, should be the ip of the computer the printer is connected to [02:18] My ubuntu is not saving my changes. I reboot and it doesn't save any changed settings. I solved the problem with xchat sudo chown -R nickolaus:nickolaus ~/.xchat2/. Anyone know what the problem is? [02:18] My sound stopped working all of the sudden, I get "Could not open audio device for playback." when I go into the Sound settings, lspci -v gives me "ATI Technologies Inc RV610 audio device [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]", but aplay -l says no soundcards. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 says to go to another page that is down, and the driver page isn't working either. Any ideas? [02:18] Swain: TF [02:18] nickolaus, please stop repeating yourself, if someone knows the answer they will reply [02:18] oops TTF [02:18] th0r, just the ip? not like ip/cups/printer or anything like that [02:19] bobbob1016: it sounds as though ubuntu thinks it needs to use the soundcard on your videocard :P [02:19] xim, not sure...I don't own a printer so never worried about it [02:19] go back and see if you can select your other soundcard [02:19] ahic [02:19] the R600 series all have a audio chip onboard I believe [02:19] Snares_64, That is what I thought, I don't see where to select it [02:19] how can i make mplayer play mkv media smooth? [02:19] Can anyone walk me through installing a new theme on ubuntu? [02:19] click System -> Preferences -> Sound [02:19] xim, I think the printer should show up in network neighbourhood, doesn't it? [02:20] Snares_64, There is nothing in Device, and I can't add anything [02:20] IndyGunFreak: I can see the buttons now that I moved the menu bars around. Thanks for the very resourceful idea! :) [02:20] MatthewMetzger: lol, not resourceful, it just happen to dawn on me, that you probably didn't need "that much" more room.. no prob, good luck [02:20] armrp download the theme to your desktop, right click the desktop and select change background, drag the downloaded theme onto the dialog window. Done [02:20] IndyGunFreak: thanks :) [02:20] What is a good application for translating from french, Spanish and other language to English for the purpose of net chat? [02:21] for you guys who get problem with hibernate and suspend, did you manage to find the cure? [02:21] th0r: man, nothing has shown up in network neighborhood since windows 95 [02:22] nickolaus, are you booting off the livecd or something? [02:22] xim, I use fusesmb and samba, everything shows up there for me === Entropy is now known as Guest50681 [02:23] th0r: haha, its a great way to lockup your pc tho, if you ever try and open netowrk neighborhood.........but yeah ill try to google around [02:23] Snares_64, I'm pretty sure I have an intel sound card integrated, but I don't know the model... [02:24] bobbob1016: run 'lspci' on terminal [02:24] type 5 if you have an X-Fi [02:24] nickrud, that didnt work [02:24] anyone have any clue why the only ssh keys being accepted are my keys from putty and not from my other two boxes (all on same network and all will log in via password) [02:24] armrp what kind of theme was it? gtk->controls, metacity->window borders, icon->icons [02:24] Hey guys. I dual-boot 8.04 x64 and Vista Ultimate x64. After months of working with Linux, I've developed a love/hate relationship with it. I love how customizable and flexible it is. But it hates running the programs I like to run, and wine just doesn't cut it for compatibility. So my question is this: How do I uninstall Grub, and get Vista booting by itself? I know how to take care of the partitions afterward, I just don't want to delete grub, then n [02:24] why are there stupid smamers smapping me [02:24] spammers spamming me* [02:25] Snares_64 in pms? [02:25] nickrud: yes [02:25] It was a folder with everything [02:25] Snares_64 report them to #freenode [02:25] smamers smapping me lol funnie [02:25] ok [02:25] FrozenInferno: vista has a boot repair thing you can run [02:25] tech0007, I did, the only sound card I see is "01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 audio device [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]" so something is wrong... [02:25] yeah im getting spammed too [02:25] FrozenInferno, instead of deleting Grub, how about seting Vista as the default? [02:25] woo kernel is compiling without a prob woohoo [02:26] I'm not going to install the newer kernels I guess [02:26] from ubuntu update [02:26] armrp if you'd report it as well ... [02:26] Bogus8: From the install DVD? bringt: I've tried that. Grub won't do it. [02:26] FrozenInferno: you can do that also... I do that on a couple machines that still have linux installed but I rarely use it [02:26] okey dokey [02:26] tech0007, I found "82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller" through hardware manager [02:26] I have successfully registered my nick and I received the confirmation email and followed the instructions...but now I can't use the nick I just registered. What's missing? [02:27] FrozenInferno: umm, I think so... or maybe the repair option of F8 or something... not really sure, I've just read about it when figuring out how to dual boot xp and vista [02:27] bobbob1016: thats the audio device [02:27] rodolfo_ #freenode for you too :) [02:27] FrozenFire, what do you mean? the Vista entry should already exist if you can boot into it, just set that as default, use QtGrubEditor or KGrubEditor if you would like a nicer interface to edit Grub config [02:27] bringt: he wants vista to just be the bootloader I think [02:27] tech0007, Yes, but the system-prefs-sound doesn't recognize it [02:27] wants to ditch ubuntu for now I guess [02:27] Snares_64, yeah that is fine, just thinking that editing grub might be alot easier [02:28] where do i go to report spam [02:28] there something like igoogle translate in Ubuntu? [02:28] anyone know if i can rsync podcast to my iphone ? [02:28] yeah you're probably right :D [02:28] Moth pm spam, report to #freenode [02:28] Moth: I wish I knew that too they won't stop bothering me the noobs [02:28] w33d5, can you mount the iphone memory over USB? [02:28] ok thanks [02:28] yeah, what bringt is saying is the quickest sollution... set it default and turn down your timeout if it takes too long [02:28] Snares_64: Yeah, I want to ditch Linux on my Desktop. I'm running it on my laptop, and will continue to run it, but my Desktop doesn't like it. Plus, I need the space back. Lol. [02:28] how do I use a nickname that has been registered? [02:29] but anyways back to my theme issue, what file extention does a file need to be if i want to install it by going to System->Preferences->Appearance->Install? [02:29] bringt i want to be able to do it from a headless [02:29] server [02:29] catching podcasts [02:29] hey what the difference between suspend and hibernate? [02:29] bobbob1016: whats the output of 'lsmod | grep snd' [02:29] Frozen: I suppose you could just reformat the partitions that ubuntu is installed on, without removing grub [02:29] and if he doesn't have grub on a seperate partition then when it repartions he could lose grub anyway and still have to repair with vista [02:29] be careful though [02:29] WTF ---> Bras are made for women, but they can easily be worn by men too. They are amazing to wear, even if you are a guy. I am a guy and wear a bra daily. It feels great. The straps, the cups, the band, everything. So many styles, colors, and brands means bra wearing will never get old. So if you want a great experience, wear a bra today. [02:29] FrozenInferno you can tell windows to take over the mbr (##windows for that) and then remove the ubuntu partitions and extend the ntfs one [02:29] anyone know about BIND in here? having a few various problems with it (nothing too major i am presuming) :) [02:29] w33d5, well if you can access the iPhone internal memory, then you definitely can [02:30] nickrud: Dude, that's exactly what I was going to do. Lol [02:30] wow do people think this is a place to crack jokes? [02:30] tech0007, Nothing, I just get another prompt line, as if I just pressed enter [02:30] FrozenInferno: yeah, do a google search on repairing boot with vista and you should find what you need... it's pretty simple [02:30] i got the same thing w33d5 [02:30] FrozenInferno works ;) === __yy_ is now known as __yy [02:30] FrozenInferno: there is a tool that lets you do all of it I think... I'm thinking I had to do that to make it dual boot now that I'm thining of it [02:30] w33d5 Moth that's a regular on freenode, a pain. [02:30] bringt since i can ssh in i was hoping that i could rsync [02:30] you would think that the cups configuration would just put the stupid printer access url right there in the listing for the printer under manage printers, instead of making me google for two hours to figure it out [02:31] Bogus8, usually grub is on a separate partition, so the main linux partition can be safely deleted (good idea to check first though :) [02:31] at like 5am so i am good to go before i get out the dor [02:31] doro [02:31] anyone have any clue why the only ssh keys being accepted are my keys from putty and not from my other two boxes (all on same network and all will log in via password) [02:31] door [02:31] bringt: USUALLY.... I do.. but that doesn't mean his is [02:31] w33d5, from what to what? can you mount the iPhone memory on any computer? [02:31] bringt the problem with that is grub looks in /boot for part of it's startup, and if it's gone ... [02:31] and he'd still be stuck if it's not... or he accidently deleted it too... then he's stuck with no boot till he uses vista to repair [02:32] throw iphone into trash where it belong with all other cr..apple [02:32] Hi, does anyone know of a program for encoding .avi files to DVD? [02:32] bobbob1016: paste 'lspci' to paste.ubuntu.com [02:32] NERO [02:32] wait this is linux, srry [02:32] Bogus8, nickrud, & bringt: Yes, my grub is on a separate partition, but I wanted to just fix the Vista bootloader, then use the Vista disk manager to extend into those partitions. I guess it's off to #windows for me. [02:32] nickrud: he's saying usually /boot is on a seperate partiion [02:32] ok, I'm trying to configure the remote desktop preferences to allow VNC viewer from my main desktop to access it. [02:32] * liquid89 burps [02:32] how would I do so? [02:32] Hi, does anyone know of a program for encoding .avi files to DVD? (for Linux) [02:32] FrozenInferno: then just do what I said already ;) [02:33] Bogus8 not in ubuntu, without manual intervention. So assume not ;) [02:33] WTF!!!!!! Do u get hard when u see a tornado? It is my lifelong dream to recreate da tornado scene in Twister, with a twist. I want a jackoff partner to live with me during tornado season. When a tornado comes I want 2 have eachother jackoff(possible handjob switch) into climax as our legs get sucked up into the vortex. This is dangerous so I guess we can just do it... [02:33] ...watching a tornado. So join #tornado if u rinterested. [02:33] armrp that's the stuff you should report to #freenode [02:33] nickrud: I set up my partitions manually [02:33] <_hc> so I am running Hardy on a MacBook Pro and I have an odd problem with my trackpad which I think is caused by my profile. My profile dates back to at least Feisty, it was originally a Ubuntu Studio install. Basically, on the login screen, my trackpad works fine. It continues to work once I log in. But once the theme kicks in, the trackpad stops working. Any tips for where to look? [02:33] tech0007, http://paste.ubuntu.com/31979/ [02:33] bringt yeah i can but i am looking for a wireless solution === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:33] how do I use a nickname that has been registered? [02:33] how long does a compile of the linux kernel generally take on a core 2 quad? [02:34] Snares_64: 10 mins [02:34] Hi, does anyone know of a program for encoding .avi files to DVD? [02:34] Bogus8 all I'm saying is you should assume not for helping here. probably 90%+ of ubuntu installs don't use separate /boot [02:34] Thoku: thanks [02:34] can you actually use all four cores to compile a kernel :S [02:34] Snares_64: Really it depends on how you've got the compiler set up [02:34] Sydero: I don't think so sadly [02:34] blanking out .... what is the application that tells all about the different hardware in my laptop? [02:34] Sydero: You can, if you set gcc up correclty [02:34] ah [02:34] nickrud: that was what I said also [02:35] hou5ton: suod lshw [02:35] Thoku: thanks [02:35] Bogus8 it's fun trying to keep up with scroll sometimes, isn't it :) [02:35] I'm having problems with b43 wireless driver in hardy. Can anyone help please!!?? [02:35] word [02:35] I should have shaved off some of the drivers I didn't need [02:35] let me help :p [02:35] it's compiling a lot of stuff I will never use [02:35] hou5ton: sudo lshw :P [02:35] anyone have any clue why the only ssh keys being accepted are my keys from putty and not from my other two boxes (all on same network and all will log in via password) [02:35] hou5ton: device manager [02:35] hou5ton: gnome-device-manager [02:35] <_hc> hou5ton: in GNOME is in System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information [02:35] k [02:36] anyone know how to read a udf disc burned with hardy file greater than 2gb in windows? [02:36] grep__: You trying to play it on a dvd player or what? [02:36] Ok [02:36] greg__: You trying to play it on a dvd player or what? [02:36] !resolution [02:36] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [02:36] yes [02:36] Bogus8 ah that was you asking. If you haven't changed your keys recently, ubuntu's ssh was creating bad ones (from debian's debs). You will need to create new ones. [02:36] no just an vm image - it shows the disc and the name but not the file on multiple computers [02:36] bobbob1016: try 'modprobe snd-hda-intel' [02:36] Bogus8 run ssh-vulnkey [02:37] nickrud: I can connect FROM my ubuntu box to my debian box but not from my old debian box to my new ubuntu box [02:37] Miesco: yes ... that's what I was thinking of ... and it's not installed by default .... I'm getting it from Synaptic now [02:37] digitalslave: udf? [02:37] nickrud: and I have used these keys before on other boxes [02:37] universal disc format [02:37] tech0007, Module not found [02:37] anything over 2gb defaults to this in k3b [02:37] I get this error "You must be attached to a process to run this command. No process loaded, cannot execute 'detach'" when I try to load Morrowind's save file [02:37] Bogus8 use ssh-vulnkey to be sure that's not the issue, it's an easy check. man ssh-vulnkey [02:37] digitalslave: You mean a dvd/blu ray etc? [02:37] bobbob1016: what version of ubuntu are y ou running? [02:37] does anyone know how to add a printer in xp which is correctly configured to be shared through cups [02:38] bcm4318 [02:38] ehh? [02:38] nickrud: will do... can't see how it is though... my problem is the keys in the authorized_keys file [02:38] just got spammed [02:38] tech0007, Hardy. It was working, not sure what stopped it though. [02:38] when I keep trying to VNC into the Ubuntu machine from VNC viewer on my Vista machine, I keep getting "connection refused". [02:38] Hey guys i did a fresh install of Hardy and updated everything but now when i go to press the power button in GNOME on the top right it hangs for a looong time before i get anything. [02:38] Is that what I'm lookinh for? [02:38] when ssh'ing into my box [02:38] no burned to dvd - if any single files is greater than 2gb it burns it in udf format [02:38] bobbob1016: did u just run an update? [02:38] dvd data disc that is [02:38] why does the menuconfig for the linux kernel say that OSS is deprecated? [02:39] digitalslave: Just mount it as you would any disk in windows [02:39] lots of people still use OSS [02:39] yeah the doze tech site says it should be able to read it but it doesnt - nix has no problems [02:39] nickrud: wow, you are right! [02:39] tech0007, I did a few days ago, the kernel -19 one, but that didn't like my video card, since I just got a white screen, I went back to -18. I could see how that could be it, but not how to fix it. [02:39] Snares_64 depreciated does not mean relegated to the ashbin (yet) [02:40] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [02:40] digitalslave: Hmmm, try making an iso and sending it to windows then mounting it in daemon tools? [02:40] it reads the disc label but says no files are there [02:40] nickrud: that sucks... ok, so now how do I fix my pub keys from etchy to work with my new ubuntu? [02:40] bobbob1016: are you trying to install fglrx? [02:40] I had the same problem [02:40] Bogus8 you have to create a new pair [02:40] digitalslave: or make an iso of the disk in windows and mount that with daemon tools. To be honest I have no idea. [02:40] Snares_64, No, I went back to -18, no video issues, just the sound issues. === rodolfo__ is now known as rodolfo_ [02:40] nickrud: on the debian box... and it will work fine... I've updated etchy recently [02:41] bobbob1016: r u running on -19 now? run 'locate snd-hda-intel'. chck if it has the -19 version of the sound module [02:41] hahaha i could just transfer the file i would but this is the only way for the moment - file is 4.36Gig and i dont have any thumb drives big enough [02:41] i'm getting spammed....how do i report to #freenode [02:41] anyone here using zen? I'm building a zen kernel...any major pitfalls to watch out for? [02:41] the iso would still have the size problem [02:41] i'm getting spammed too [02:41] Me too [02:41] BleuCheeseCordon [02:41] (is spamming me) [02:41] Bogus8 I don't use ssh keypairs myself, so I can't give a blow by blow. I think the fix came out in the last couple months if that helps put things in a timeline [02:42] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [02:42] Reporte the spammer to the ops, and /ignore is also your friend [02:42] My machine keeps halting and becomes unusable. Nothing, no keyboard input can do anything to it, it just locks.. The only correlating events are using any audio app and or firefox. I see the following in /var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/31988/ [02:42] nickrud: that's insane... any articles on what was "compromised" and how? [02:42] !resolution [02:42] Bogus8 oh yes, do a search for debian ssh key compromise [02:43] just make new ssh key pairs - most systems created a new system key with the update dunno about ubuntu [02:43] Bogus8: The key generator wasn't as random as people though [02:43] Bogus8: The key generator wasn't as random as people thought* [02:43] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [02:43] nickrud: will do [02:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/31988/ Any ideas? [02:43] tech0007, I get the same module, snd-hda-intel.ko in -18-generic and -19-generic [02:43] Thoku: that's pretty crazy stuff [02:43] Hi, does anyone know of a program for encoding .avi files to DVD? [02:43] bobbob1016: this worked for me http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_new_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Dapper_Manually [02:44] greg__ : What are you trying to do? [02:44] greg__ devede is one [02:44] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [02:44] I have a question, what is the best video editor for Ubuntu 8.04? [02:44] Snares_64, I am not having a video issue. I am only having a sound issue. That is for a video issue. [02:44] Newuser1111: Just google it, "linux video editor" [02:44] Newuser1111, kino isnt bad [02:44] !best | Newuser1111 [02:44] Newuser1111: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [02:45] Thoku: I know this is a debian issue but it might be a simple apt issue... my debian box says the openssh packages are being held back when I try to upgrade [02:45] I have an .avi file (movie) that i want to play in a DVD player so I need to encode it to DVD. [02:45] hkittysmoothie, is this flash related? [02:45] bobbob1016: you meantioned you had a white screen [02:45] I'm trying to follow this guide but I cant fine the repos its asking me to add on the first step -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 ??? [02:45] greg__: tovid [02:45] My machine keeps halting and becomes unusable. Nothing, no keyboard input can do anything to it, it just locks.. The only correlating events are using any audio app and or firefox. I see the following in /var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/31988/ [02:45] I guess you mean for video you have a white screen [02:45] Newuser1111, there are better ones but very buggy [02:45] of course it could be related anyway [02:45] Man i dont like ubuntu =\ [02:45] Snares_64, Yes, with the -19 kernel, then I said I didn't get it after going back to -18. [02:45] cant use it =( [02:45] bad drivers could cause video probs [02:46] ah [02:46] spamming seems to have stopped [02:46] heh [02:46] Snares_64, Yes they could, but I don't have any video issues. [02:46] How do you figure out the mod of a file [02:46] Newuser1111, ? [02:46] in console [02:46] digitalslave: it did start with a flash movie, but now it happens without flash running [02:46] Sydero: mod? [02:46] ooh. just saw on the jahshaka forums someone recommending using the windows version rather than trying to go native in hardy. [02:46] well chmod [02:46] I have been sooooooo tempted to do that myself. [02:46] tech0007, Any ideas on what to do now? [02:46] Anyone know what MARK signifies in the /var/log/messages file? [02:47] bobbob1016: so you're simply stating that the -19 kernel doesn't work for you? [02:47] hkittysmoothie, search for a fix pertaining to flash - i cant remember what it was but i had to do it on someones box [02:47] sparky01 no messages for X amount of time. Just a marker to show syslog is working [02:47] bobbob1016: sorry didnt see your last post [02:47] digitalslave: what should I search for? [02:47] nickrud, thanks [02:47] Okay never had this problem before but I'm trying to install flash for FF and I'm getting this error in term. ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the [02:47] Adobe Flash Player installer. [02:47] any ideas? [02:47] was gonna make a joke about shuttleworth [02:48] Snares_64, It doesn't work with compiz and my ati driver. I'll wait for -20. I need working sound though, so no worry about my video or -19. [02:48] tech0007, I get the same module, snd-hda-intel.ko in -18-generic and -19-generic [02:48] ah [02:48] what soundcard do you have? [02:48] is there an Ubuntu Help channel I can join? [02:48] this is it [02:48] lol [02:48] my upgrade to 8.04 has stalled [02:48] FooFoo: um... [02:48] FooFoo boo! You're in it :) [02:48] hah [02:48] help me! [02:48] ask a question! [02:48] ill give you details: [02:49] !help | FooFoo [02:49] FooFoo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:49] FooFoo did you run the check disk utility on the boot screen? [02:49] argh. [02:49] digitalslave: what should I search for? [02:49] wow [02:49] nickolaus_, how are you trying to install flash [02:49] Snares_64, tech0007 is helping me. [02:49] a new bot. how lovely. [02:49] hey guys how do you cut down on memory usage when linux is starting up, I only have 64MB on a laptop and I already just boot directly to command line. but I get ld_static: fainal link failed: no space left on device [02:49] okay, while installing 8.04 from 7.10, the install stalled on "Generating new locals" and hasn't moved since [02:49] regeya just a standing [02:49] *stanin [02:49] arhg, I hope you read better than I speel [02:50] it made me think of talkie toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion [02:50] kernel compile is wrapping up it's building the debs [02:50] it's beens tuck on "4 minutes remaining" for an hour [02:50] and i accidentally started typing stuff into the terminal instilation window [02:51] it won't move [02:51] FooFoo: are you on the alternate install? [02:51] hey.. will brasero burn a video DVD? [02:51] and i cant abort the instillation [02:51] Snares_64: nope [02:51] then why are you typing things from a terminal [02:51] the one from the Upgrade/Update manager [02:51] use the graphical installer [02:51] im using that [02:51] ok [02:51] i hit the terminal arrow to see what was up [02:51] you say it's stuck at 4 %? [02:51] and its been frozen [02:51] bobbob1016: whats the output of 'cat /dev/sndstat' ? [02:51] no 4 minutes left [02:51] oh [02:52] what's the percentage? [02:52] on "generating new locals" [02:52] how "lightweight" is linux mint compared to xubuntu ? [02:52] ok [02:52] it's fun to watch the kernel builds these days. when I first started using linux (I've been an on-again off-again sort of fella) it was the 2.0.x days and I had an old 486DLC (yes, that's right, it was a 486 on a 386 board) with 8MB of RAM and a 90MB HD...sad, a git clone'd source wouldn't have comee close to fitting on that old beast... [02:52] well I guess you could just cancel the install and try again [02:52] 0_o [02:52] how [02:52] tech0007, No such file or directory [02:52] FooFoo try hitting ctl-alt-f4 , I think where the install log is kept (maybe clt-alt-f8) . Ctl-alt-f7 to get back to desktop [02:52] then just delete the partitions for ubuntu and install again [02:53] riegersn heavyweight [02:53] digitalslave: what should I search for to find a solution for the flash problem? [02:53] bobbob1016: ur sound hw is totally being ignored by -19 [02:53] 2.0.36 (the first one I built) took hours to build...now I'm building 2.6.24 on an Athlon64-X2 and it's zipping right along...I feel old. SOrry for the offtopic rambling, but heh I couldn't help it just then :-} [02:53] nothing is working [02:53] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [02:53] tech0007, Yes, but I'm running -18 [02:53] :[ [02:54] Hey anyone got some time to spare to help a linux noob install a distro? [02:54] bobbob1016: oh, run 'insmod snd-hda-intel' [02:54] nickrud, so for something lighter linux mint isn't the way to go [02:54] Evening al [02:54] this is where it froze: [02:54] tech0007, "insmod: can't read 'snd-hda-intel': No such file or directory" [02:55] "generating locals:" [02:55] hi xTheGoat121x [02:55] en_AU.UTF_8 [02:55] please help :[ [02:55] glitsj16, hey [02:55] slade, what are you having problems with? [02:55] riegersn correct [02:55] glitsj16, good news [02:55] xTheGoat121x: sound problems fixed ? :) [02:56] bobbob1016: arrggh, run 'depmod -a' [02:56] glitsj16, yup. You know what it turned out to be? The equalizer! [02:56] ok well new kernel is installing, going to reboot :D [02:56] I am trying to install Kubuntu, and when I select install it goes to a black screen, and all my USB devices flash their light and the screen sits black, on, but black [02:56] xTheGoat121x: heh, took some time to track that down [02:56] FooFoo first thing, you need to run the checkdisk function on the boot screen. [02:56] tech0007, "FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-386/modules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied" sounds like we're getting close. Should I try sudo depmod -a? [02:57] bobbob1016: yup [02:57] glitsj16, well... I actually got it a few days ago but haven't had the chance or haven't seen you to let you know. [02:57] yup [02:57] beat me to it. [02:57] wb citronbleu-v_ [02:57] tech0007, That worked, I get another prompt line [02:57] bobbob1016: ok, try modprobe snd-hda-intel [02:58] xTheGoat121x: glad to hear it's solved, by now you know you're way around pulseaudio i guess [02:58] nickrud, you recommend anything other than xubuntu then? im looking for lightweight but with friendly gui (aka not fluxbox\blackbox) [02:58] wb poseidon [02:58] tech0007, Not found... [02:58] wb vikrant [02:58] wb bloodboy [02:58] wb LaBud [02:58] poon thnks [02:59] how are u poon? [02:59] glitsj16, fairly well, yeah. LoL That, and now I know my way around ATI drivers and Compiz. LMAO Thank my girlfriend's laptop for THAT one. [02:59] riegersn I use gnome, have for years. I used the same pII for 6 years, and only parted with cold cash when I needed something better for gnome. So I really don't have a useful perspective [02:59] sylphid I download a tar.gz from adobe [02:59] wb martgag [02:59] poon: please stop [02:59] wb JoneYee [02:59] tech0007, I think I found it though, I didn't really go back to -18, I changed my grub to boot -18, but I didn't remove -19 or it's modules and things... Not sure what to safely remove in Synaptic [02:59] christ [02:59] sorry man [02:59] bad code [02:59] lmao [02:59] poon what, a bot? [02:59] slade, are you installing from wubi dvd or cd? [02:59] BRB [03:00] nah [03:00] just a little bad code [03:00] I am installing from the Kubuntu 8.04 live CD [03:00] bobbob1016: can u run 'uname -r'? u should keep at least 2 kernel versions in your machien. [03:00] sylphid is there another way to install it? [03:00] tech0007, I did that a while ago to be sure I had -18, it says -18-generic [03:00] nickolaus, the problem is flash is 32 bit .... it needs a wrapper for 64 bit [03:00] tech0007, -18-i386 [03:01] Not generic, -18-i386 [03:01] sylphid is there a fix for it? [03:01] nickolaus_, yes you can install flash by installing the restricted extras package [03:02] nickolaus_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [03:02] bobbob1016: so u have -18 and -19 kernels [03:02] are there any specific boot parametetrs I would need if I am using a quad core and 8800gtx for gpu? [03:02] riegersn: another lightweight alternative might be lxde --> check http://lxde.sourceforge.net/about.html for features etc. [03:02] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [03:03] tech0007, Yes, synaptic says I have -19 as well. [03:03] bobbob1016: you should be using the -generic kernel for your modules to work properly. Thats the linux-image-generic package iirc. [03:03] sylphid I know I'm a little slow but I have just run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras how what do I do? [03:03] sylphid now* [03:03] Hello -- can someone offer some help as to how to get mplayer to work correctly under firefox including getting some audio? [03:03] Pici: so whats the -i386 for? [03:03] Pici, I have the -generic installed in synaptic as well. [03:03] tech0007: compatibility. [03:04] slade, you may need to force the vesa driver... i dont think there is anything needed for quad core [03:04] Pici: ok [03:04] nickolaus, give it a try [03:04] bobbob1016: if you're not running it, you arent going to be able to insert some modules though. [03:04] nickolaus, that should be all you have to do [03:04] How would I go about doing that? [03:04] hi everyone [03:04] sylphid just run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras? [03:04] slade, looking [03:04] glitsj16, thanks. i'll take a look [03:04] nickolaus, correct [03:05] bobbob1016: check if linux-generic is installed' 'dpkg -s linux-generic' [03:05] daf_: did you install the mozilla-mplayer package for that ? [03:05] quick question..I have a dual core processor and im trying to compile the new linux kernel. I am wondering if for the variable CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=N i would enter 1 processor or 2 processors? [03:05] hi room can anyone tell me how to delete a folder thru a terminal? I have run out of disk space and am accessing files thru live cd but the 'delete' selection is grayed out when i right click on a folder [03:05] to be a bit more specific, i am using a centrino core 2 duo === c1|freaky is now known as fReAkY[t] [03:06] tech0007, http://paste.ubuntu.com/31994/ [03:06] Labud, try sudo rm -r [files] [03:06] LaBud: 'rm -r /folder' BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN RUNNING THAT COMMAND [03:06] LaBud: use rm -r /path/to/folder [03:06] q onda [03:06] lol [03:06] lol [03:06] ...or does any one know the answer to my question [03:06] :P [03:06] erik_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:06] Ah, crud. I just removed my ability to administer the system on this account. How can I enable that? [03:06] glitsj16, I did...but now video files dont really play under firefox they get stuck on the first frame and when i do manage to get one to play it has no audio [03:06] sudo rm -r / [03:06] i m from mexico [03:06] :D [03:06] i use linux = that u [03:06] !spanish [03:06] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:07] Please dont run sydero's command. It will break your system. [03:07] any body set up a pptp vpn that passes all traffic that can lend me a hand? [03:07] ... [03:07] >>; Will I have to go in through the terminal? [03:07] kernel ghost if i open a terminal in that particular folder can i just type rm -r ? [03:07] daf_: have you checked you're settings for the plugin ? right-click while playing .. i had to change sound output source to get it working properly .. [03:08] !patience debian_akroyd [03:08] bobbob1016: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:08] ok waiting [03:08] Hello everybody [03:08] Hey ya [03:09] how can i show what drives i have connected? [03:09] or better yet how can i show drive info? [03:09] I am looking for a good disassembler, cause I got some strange .exe file by e-mail and I would like to know what it is going to do without running it [03:09] ubuntu server [03:09] Actually sorry I mistyped glitsj16 ... mplayer under firefox gets stuck on frame 1 and you can't play it while the flash plugin for mozilla has no audio and i don't see wher ei configure it. [03:09] tech0007, Did that tell you anything? [03:10] w33d5 ls /dev/[sh]d? will show connected drives [03:10] How can I log into the root? [03:10] i wonder if anyone on here has even compiled a kernel on a dual core proc..? [03:10] Sylphid: any luck or suggestions where I should look? [03:10] !root | Sanctusorium [03:10] Sanctusorium: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [03:10] bobbob1016: reboot and pick -19-generic in grub [03:10] Nick, I CANT use sudo [03:11] I removed the priveldge from this account :P [03:11] slade, well i dont see any grub options..... but i can walk you through a manual change [03:11] sylphid I ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and it still giving me ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the [03:11] Adobe Flash Player installer. [03:11] tech0007, Then I get my video issue, the white screen... I guess since that is more common, I'll play with that then. [03:11] Sanctusorium hahahaha. You will have to boot into recovery mode and give it back :) [03:11] daf_: np, the mplayer plugin can be configured while playing something with it, right-click > Configure .. as to flash hi-jacking sound in firefox, well that's a known issue .. you might have better performance with the newer flash player 10 beta [03:11] Sanctusorium: you can log on with only "su" [03:11] Sylphid: I am up for it as long as my laptop battery holds on [03:11] nickolaus_, you dont need to run the installer... the restricted extras package installs it for you [03:12] bobbob1016: ur video might be easier to fix than ur audio coz ur audio device's not being detected [03:12] slade, add single to the boot options to boot to single user mode [03:12] bobbob1016: whats ur video card? [03:12] tech0007, ATI HD2400 [03:12] nickrud i found it on a website last night but i cant find it again...this one shows everything aboutthe drive. manuf, drive size, /dev location [03:12] harpreet, whats the password? :P [03:12] And nickrud, how will I give it back once I am recovery? [03:12] Sanctusorium: you can reset it if u like [03:12] nickrud it was something like lc## -....... [03:13] the command was 4 letters [03:13] tech0007, I found that I had "PulseAudio Session Manager" or something in sessions, so I guess that is something too [03:13] Sylphid: I have the boot uptions up right now, but how do I set it in there? [03:13] Sanctusorium adduser admin [03:13] w33d5 sudo lshw ? [03:13] yep [03:13] thats it [03:13] slade, arrow to the end and type it in after everything else [03:13] Sylphid: what is the rest? [03:14] nice, updating my ssh keys just locked me out of a remote server... guess I didn't think that one through very well ;) [03:14] Sanctusorium: sudo passwd . . . [03:14] slade, just add "single" to the end without quotes [03:14] any body set up a pptp vpn that passes all traffic that can lend me a hand? [03:14] Sylphid: lemme give it a try and I'll let you know [03:15] Hi, at startup i get an error about that my USB external hard drive can not be mounted and some bonobo server needs to be killed and nautilus restarted, what are they talking about ?????? [03:15] Bogus8 you don't have password access to the machine? [03:15] slade, after you put that in and boot to single user mode cd /etc/X11 [03:15] Bogus8 the old fashioned method ;) [03:15] nickrud: not remotely... luckily I set up my putty keys in that box [03:16] slade, then vim xorg.conf and change every instance of nv to vesa [03:16] nickrud: once I set up keys I disable password logins for ssh [03:16] slade, or use your favorite editor [03:16] Sylphid: Vi ftw [03:16] Bogus8 makes sense. Backdoors are gateways to disaster. [03:16] nickrud: roger that [03:16] bobbob1016: did u get that after reboot [03:16] tech0007, Rebooting now, but quick question, I have tracker reindexing, rebooting is ok, it'll resume from where it left, right? [03:16] nickrud: and key are so secure *rolls eyes* [03:16] slade, agreed [03:16] Anyone know of a program like manycam for linux? (Funky webcam controller, allows you to stream a screencast to webcam, and fun visual effects) [03:17] install all apps from third party repos and install the older versions from official ones? [03:17] what good do i have for an bonobo server and why do i get this error but still the external HD gets mounted ... :) [03:17] bobbob1016: yes, i removed tracker from my box, coz i dont need it [03:17] tech0007, This is the computer I'm having the issues on, so if I come back, it's good news [03:17] anyone know of a quick way of getting apt to uninstall all apps from third party repos and install the older versions from official ones? [03:17] Sylphid: that is all tag'd on to the end of the boot options? or do I break it before vim..." ? [03:18] tech0007, I had beagle, but I wanted to see if tracker worked faster, I'm rebooting now... [03:18] tretle: uninstall them thru synaptic, disable 3rd partys from sources.list, then reinstall them [03:18] slade, ohh ... sry single is the only thing you add to the boot options [03:18] my problem is that i am having a start up problem cos my /home directory has run out of disk space and i can't seem to delete anything off that directory to give me more space i can see the files thru the live cd but can't delete them [03:18] slade, the other 2 are once you are at a shell [03:19] Sylphid: Ok, I did that and I don't get any different results [03:19] tech007 Im not sure what got updated, I added a repo to update anjuta and rebooted to find network manager 0.7 on it broken among other things [03:19] LaBud: use sudo [03:19] LaBud you can do gksu nautilus in a terminal in the live cd, that should give you access to your hard drive. Be very CAUTIOUS!! [03:19] Sylphid: my screen goes gray/black, and my USB devices flash off and on, and it sits there the CD occassionally speeding up [03:19] k ty i will try [03:20] LaBud I repeat, CAUTIOUS!!! [03:20] slade, ctrl+alt+F1 do you get anything? [03:21] Sylphid: "You are leaving the graphical boot manu and starting text mode interface" [OK] [Cancel} [03:21] nickrud the files i am deleting r mp3 and they r all in one folder shud be ok? [03:21] slade, select ok [03:21] tretle: u can check /var/log/dpkg.log what got updated....then run 'apt-cache policy network-manager' [03:21] Sylphid: "Boot: _" [03:21] slade, hit enter [03:22] LaBud hm, I just remembered that deleting will probably just move to the trash. A more certain way is to delete them directly from the terminal [03:22] Sylphid: same results [03:22] tech0007 no way of automatically purging everything installed from a certain repo then? [03:22] nothing on screen? [03:23] slade, nothing on screen? [03:23] well got the kernel compiling..looks like its going ok so far [03:23] tretle: not to my knowledge [03:23] Sylphid: Only the darkest shade of gray to show there is still a signal so the monitor isn't going to sleep [03:23] tretle not if they replaced ubuntu packages. Ones that have no equivalent will show up in obsolete or local packages after you disable the repos [03:24] tretle: Useing synaptic you can browse by repo (iirc) from there you can then sort by installed and purge those packages. [03:24] Sylphid: should I reboot and get back to the boot:? [03:24] debian_akroyd: hopefully you use kernel-package [03:24] slade, yes [03:24] nick rud can i do that by the whole folder or do i have to do it by each file? [03:24] wols, im just going off of the guide from the ubuntu website [03:24] Sylphid: want me to try the "single" at boot: ? [03:24] slade, are you using a cd or dvd [03:25] slade, give it a try but im not sure if it works at that prompt [03:25] Sylphid: CD-R [03:25] somehow i got a bad kenel image ho do i deleate it and reinstall it ? [03:25] nick Da_Nemesis [03:25] thanks for the tips [03:25] LaBud cd into the folder, then run sudo rm * . Be absolutely sure you are deleteing the right files, run ls first, examine the files === vikrant is now known as Da_Nemesis [03:26] hello, would anyone know a similar program like vmware fusion but for ubuntu/linux? [03:26] slade, alternate or the regular? [03:26] Sylphid: how would I tell the difference? [03:26] i just got my drives to mount right in ubuntu but when i reboot i have to remount them by clicking on them in places menu [03:26] tretle synaptic makes it reasonably easy, click the origin tab, and for all the installed packages from outside repos, click force version and choose the ubuntu one. [03:27] just wondering if there is a way to keep them mounted [03:27] My machine keeps halting and becomes unusable. Nothing, no keyboard input can do anything to it, it just locks.. The only correlating events are using any audio app and or firefox. I see the following in /var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/31988/ [03:27] slade, you would know if you got the alternate [03:27] !fstab | comodo [03:27] comodo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [03:27] Sylphid: Must be the regular then [03:27] slade, the alternative is not a livecd. you would have had to specially select it when you downloaded ubuntu. [03:27] sudo somehow i got a bad kenel image how do i deleate it and reinstall it ? [03:27] slade, the alternate is a text-based installer [03:27] thanks i will check that out [03:28] slade, does the computer have on board video as well? [03:28] slade, plus the iso has alternate somewhere in the file name [03:28] k nickrud the rm worked [03:28] ty nickrud [03:28] LaBud now run df -h , you should see if you have enough free space [03:28] mo-, vmware and virtualbox are both available for linux. [03:28] hello all, anyone able to tell me how hibernation works in ubuntu [03:28] Sylphid: No, I paid too much for it to have that /facepalm [03:28] slade, hmm... [03:29] Sylphid: unfortunately I don [03:29] slade, do you know what mobo you have? [03:29] well gtg, im maxing my proc [03:29] Sylphid: I don't have any other video cards lying about either [03:29] somehow i got a bad kenel image how do i deleate it and reinstall it ? [03:29] Sylphid: It's an ASUS P5E3 premium Wifi - Ap [03:30] hi, everyone. I failed to install 32bit ubuntu(8.04 desktop) on AMD phenom 8450 CPU. I have turned acpi and apic off. Can anyone has such expericnce tell me how to? Thanks a lot. [03:30] deadlyallance052 sudo apt-get install --reinstall reinstalls a package [03:30] What do you mean failed? [03:31] slade, kk 1 sec.. lemme make sure theres no incompatibilities [03:31] What errors did you receive? [03:31] Sylphid: Sorry, not premium, it's Deluxe [03:31] nickrud thanks dude [03:31] wcr2007 a silly question, maybe, but a lot of people have missed it: did you run the disk check on the boot menu? [03:32] slade, what version of ubuntu is the cd? [03:32] this disk is OK [03:32] Selamlar Türk varmý Türk [03:32] It can be install on my intel CPU [03:33] Selamlar Türk varmý Türk [03:33] !tr | kjjl [03:33] kjjl: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [03:33] wcr2007 I have to ask, more people have missed that than used it. Otherwise, I've had no install issues so I've never investigated it. [03:34] nickrud: It's not silly. other release also has such problem. [03:34] Sylphid: Sorry, lag, 8.04 built on 20080318.2 [03:34] but it's ok when i use ubuntu 5.1 [03:34] Galera, no kernel "linux-" devo aplicar o patch "linux-" ou o "linux-2.6.26"??? [03:35] Galera, no kernel "linux-" devo aplicar o patch "patch-" ou o "patch-2.6.26"??? [03:35] any wacom tablet users here? [03:35] rafael_U8 wrong channel? [03:35] sylphid thank you so much [03:35] !repeat | rafael_U8 [03:35] rafael_U8: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [03:36] slade, not seeing any issues with that mobo.... what is the video card again [03:36] I was wondering what the default SMTP username/password is for ubuntu server edition? I'm needing to plug these details in my website. [03:36] ubottu Sydero eu havia escrito errado [03:36] rafael_U8: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:36] !es | rafael_U8 [03:36] rafael_U8: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:36] Sylphid: NVidia 8800 GTX OC (BFG) === kjjl is now known as [_[[_L``A``M``E` === [_[[_L``A``M``E` is now known as [[_L``A``M``E``R === [[_L``A``M``E``R is now known as [_L``A``M``E``R_ [03:37] !nickspam | [_L``A``M``E``R_ [03:37] [_L``A``M``E``R_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» === [_L``A``M``E``R_ is now known as [_L`A`M`E`R_] [03:38] Hi people! It is what country? Somebody is from Russia? [03:38] [_L`A`M`E`R_] please stop, last warning [03:38] !ru | Banessa [03:38] Banessa: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [03:38] Banessa but welcome ;) [03:39] I just installed Wine, but I can't get sound to work, any ideas ? [03:39] slade, well one option is to install via an alternate cd [03:39] TheBlasphemer: join #winehq [03:40] @find jpg [03:40] slade, but i think the issue lies with X trying to use nv instead of vesa [03:40] Sylphid: Think that would do the trick? === SexyChuvak is now known as GlamouR [03:40] slade, yes however it would take some tinkering from the command line [03:41] slade, still looking though [03:41] Somebody can will tell what it is the country? [03:41] @find rosetta [03:41] Sylphid: Alright, it might take me a day or so to get the other distro and put it on a disc, but if there is some way I could contact ya if you don't mind continuing to help me out [03:41] well that cleared a gb and a 1/2 do u think that wud let me startup normal or shud i clearout more? [03:41] Banessa: this is the primary english channel [03:41] slade, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2196823&postcount=7 [03:41] Banessa what do you mean? This channel is the international one [03:42] What would prevent a newly setup NIC from seeing resolv.conf? [03:42] slade, sure feel free im on here most every night [03:42] slade, though i may not be at my computer at the time so send me a pm [03:42] i need some help on setting up a pptp vpn server [03:43] abbaaas bilattt [03:43] Jadewolf: possibly a network restart [03:43] Sylphid: how would I go about doing that? [03:43] tried that already [03:43] Hi ALL [03:43] /etc/init.d/network restart [03:43] Sylphid: buddy of mine referred me here [03:43] I can ping IPs, just no DNS resolving [03:44] Jadewolf: try opendns [03:44] k ty nickrud et all [03:44] Sylphid: and if you're interested I do have a position opening for the job of " my Hero" [03:45] tech0007: Opendns? [03:45] I have two network interfaces connecting to two different networks (eth0 & wlan0.) How can I add a route in /etc/network/interfaces so that any requests for ip addresses matching 225.1.x.x will always be sent through gw on eth0? [03:45] its not the DNS servers [03:45] my updates stopped working out of nowhere, first it says not all upgrades can be installed and suggests a partial upgrade, and when i click that it starts reading the state and says "can't guess meta package: your system does not contain a ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu0desktop or edubuntu-desktop package and it was not possible to detect which version of ubuntu you are running... install one of these packages using synapt [03:45] ic before proceeding" why would this happen, when i try to (re?)install ubuntu-desktop it says there is unresolvable dependancy with ubuntu-sounds? [03:45] yes, is your resolve.conf empty? [03:45] tech0007: No, I just manually created and filled it [03:46] slade, lol .. to send a pm its /msg user insert message here ie /msg Sylphid message === _barnie is now known as barnie [03:47] hey people me again... [03:47] i have a problem with firefox [03:47] it closes with this error [03:47] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32007/ [03:47] can you help me, again? [03:47] koops: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:49] ? Anyone that can help me with this network problem for a few minutes: [03:49] I have two network interfaces connecting to two different networks (eth0 & wlan0.) How can I add a route in /etc/network/interfaces so that any requests for ip addresses matching 225.1.x.x will always be sent through gw on eth0? [03:49] so I was hoping maybe someone here could help me figure out why my gutsy system is so unstable and slow [03:49] it didn't used to be [03:49] does anyone know how the graphics drivers development works? and something about alsa development? [03:49] but lately I've been having some serious issues with it [03:50] I'm experiencing a lot of crashes and applications hanging up randomly [03:50] I am thinking it might be something similar to this: ip route add to x.x.x.x/x via eth0 ??? [03:50] however, I can't seem to get it right! [03:52] any gnewsense users in here [03:53] is the Engage dock in the repos now ? [03:54] fossuser, #gnewsense [03:54] IdleOne, I'm in that channel as well just wondering if anyone here was using it since #gnewsense is empty. Thanks though [03:57] how can i map the show desktop action to the middle mouse button? i dont see the option in comfiz [03:58] Sean|, That is more of a question for #compiz, but set it to Button2 on the mouse option, or Button3, 4 or 5, not sure [03:58] can anyone help me with my sound card? [03:58] i cant find the binding option [03:58] compiz* typo there [03:59] i will try there [03:59] thank you [03:59] Sean|, Not sure then, try asking in #compiz [03:59] channel is apparently invite only [03:59] ? [03:59] Sean|: try #compiz-fusion [03:59] or my client isnt joining for random reasons [04:00] ? [04:00] nothing [04:00] hm [04:01] So... who knows what can be done about the IDE drives being named as /dev/sdX ? I'm about to actually add SATA drives to my computer and I would really like all my drives to follow the correct naming conventions (IDE=hdX, SCSI/SATA=sdX) [04:02] can anyone help me with my sound card? [04:02] can someone help me with compiz fusion [04:02] cbxrahl_, Ask in #compiz [04:02] harpreet: best policy is just to ask the question, and (in theory) anyone who knows the answer will say so [04:02] harpreet, It helps to be patient, and try to be more specific [04:02] I installed java icedtea, how do i get firefox 64bit to use its plug in? [04:03] harpreet, I was having sound issues, and I looked around first, then came here with ideas already, and someone walked me through it [04:03] !mp3 [04:03] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:03] harpreet: and asking again every few tens of minutes doesn't hurt :) I got here after you asked your question [04:03] thanks [04:04] pipegeek, Yeah, tens of minutes works, but not every minute or two... [04:04] hi, does anyone know how to get a sony DCR-DVD201E camcorder to talk to ubuntu hardy? [04:04] electrofreak, thres is some way to disable it i recall.. but its not really the 'correct' way any more to use hda and so forth. [04:04] What's the best way to listen to streaming mp3 in heron? Just discovered on someone else's box that xmms is no longer available, and before I upgrade from gutsy, I'd like to know [04:04] bobbob1016: ah === montana is now known as montana1 [04:04] electrofreak, the bot has a factoid on the topic. but i forget what its called. [04:04] Gutsy on my own boxes [04:04] amen51: you want to install it? [04:04] !ide [04:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about ide [04:05] !streaming mp3 [04:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about streaming mp3 [04:05] does anyone happen to know whether the 9800M GT is supported by the current NVidia proprietary driver (or the beta), or where else I might be able to find that answer? [04:05] !streaming [04:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about streaming [04:05] !screaming [04:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about screaming [04:05] !xmms | craigbass1976 [04:05] craigbass1976: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious instead. [04:05] greywhind, should be supported. [04:05] !sda [04:05] harpreet, i want to somehow transfer the videos using some software [04:05] I installed java icedtea, how do i get firefox 64bit to use its plug in? [04:05] !libata [04:06] ubottu crashed? [04:06] Dr_willis, I did try that (read on some forums) but it won't play. Are there extra packages I need besides audacious? [04:06] harpreet, is there a way to install it? [04:06] anyone know if you can stream media to an icecast or shoutcast server with xmms? [04:06] what packages do i have to install to make firefox-2 in spanish? [04:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about sda [04:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about libata [04:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about crashed? [04:06] craigbass1976, so, audacious is almost exactly like xmms. But the default music player, rhythmbox, should be able to play internet radio just as well [04:06] amen51: you got software with it that supports linux? [04:06] electrofreak: is that a guess, or something more concrete? [04:06] harpreet, it has a USB connection [04:06] craigbass1976, no idea. proberly depends on what site you are doing. [04:06] harpreet, no [04:06] VampsFedora: yes you can, shoutcast has a streaming client that works for linux [04:06] amen51: what happened when you plugged it in? [04:07] greywhind, a guess... I'm pretty sure when nvidia releases new cards.... they release drivers to support it... [04:07] Nuka : really.. what is it and how hard is it to set up [04:07] harpreet, nothing, this is the output of dmesg [04:07] VampsFedora: in pm if thats alright [04:07] [ 2034.635387] usb-storage: device found at 3 [04:07] [ 2034.635393] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning [04:07] [ 2036.196846] usb-storage: device scan complete [04:07] [ 2036.200126] scsi 7:0:0:0: CD-ROM SONY DDX-A1010 R1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 [04:07] [ 2037.285286] sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 0x/0x pop-up [04:07] [ 2037.285381] sr 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 [04:07] sure go ahead [04:07] [ 2037.285450] sr 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 5 [04:07] LinuxIST: pm me for java [04:07] electrofreak: i can't seem to find any info on forums, release notes, etc. to indicate one way or the other. all it says in the products list is GeForce 9800 GTX, and the most recent beta seems to be from June, before the card was even released? [04:07] whooah pastebin [04:07] !pastebin [04:07] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:08] My machine keeps halting and becomes unusable. Nothing, no keyboard input can do anything to it, it just locks.. The only correlating events are using any audio app and or firefox. I see the following in /var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/31988/ [04:08] Awww. POOOOHDOOO Be-bop nation is no longer... sniff sniff [04:09] electrofreak: anyway, thanks for the help. [04:09] greywhind, I can't say for sure... but at least there will be at some point... go ahead and buy whatever nice laptop you're looking at, heh. [04:10] harpreet, this is the output of dmesg when i plug-in the device: http://pastebin.com/m15e6afa5 [04:10] !idesata [04:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about idesata [04:10] harpreet, nothing else seems to happen, the camcorder directly records on DVD [04:11] Hmm [04:11] amen51: go to sony's website and look for a driver [04:12] harpreet, ok let me try [04:13] hi, Anyone here running kde4.1? [04:13] I can't connect to any account using kopete, nor browse with konqueror [04:13] miturburu: try #kubuntu [04:13] histo: thanks [04:14] hello my ubuntu followers [04:14] hello coffee1 [04:16] harpreet, it seems that they only have windows drivers (no surprise) [04:16] harpreet, and mac osx === kat is now known as Guest2084 [04:17] man, I am getting so frustrated! I am trying to get two network cards working properly connecting to two separate networks. Anyone that can help me accomplish this? [04:17] for my pptp vpn i can connect, i get addy with router but i cant ping, so my traffic isnt even getting to ppp0 port. any ideas on how to fix this? [04:18] :-D "help" [04:19] I have made some changes in /etc/network/interfaces that I can pastebin... anyone? [04:19] * L linux QQ ?linux PP? Xchat [04:22] hi again, is there howto for getting a sony dvd handycam to work in ubuntu? [04:22] Why doesn't firestarter allow me to edit policies? The buttons are greyed out. [04:24] hey I need [04:24] some help :[ [04:24] boho103: what's your problem? [04:25] okay well [04:25] whenever I use a wine application [04:25] that requires 3d graphics [04:26] my screen [04:26] basically [04:26] splits in two [04:26] and i got mirror images [04:26] and my text is illegible [04:26] and all the pixels are scrambled [04:26] and I have to restart [04:26] I have compiz disabled and visual effects off [04:26] !enter | boho103 [04:26] boho103: weird - what graphics card are you running, and have you tried ctrl-alt-backspace instead of a hard reboot? [04:27] boho103: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:27] boho103: disabling effects is a good starting point [04:27] hmm haven't tried ctrl alt backspace [04:27] oh sorry [04:27] good evening. does anyone know if there's a GUI motd-type software for ubuntu? [04:28] PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND [04:28] 45 root 15 -5 0 0 0 R 41.5 0.0 1262:10 kacpi_notify [04:28] I am using an ATI Radeon x1400, and I haven't tried the backspace thing, what does that do? [04:28] please help [04:28] blast, it messed up the formatting [04:28] hi all i am running ubuntu 8.04 and the other day my [ps/2]kybrd quit i plugged a usb kybrd in and it worked, but every once in a while i get strange things happening [like a row of '7''s i can't delete] any idea where i shud start looking to solve this problem? both kybrds r Logitech the newer one[plain jane] was the one that quit, the one i am using now [multimedia type] acts strange eer once in a while [04:29] dabud: that can happen if the software goes unrepsonsive [04:29] dabud: what's the cpu usage like when that occurs? [04:29] boho103: the ctrl-alt-backspace key combo restarts the x server [04:29] is my kybrd shot? [04:29] boho103: meaning it reloads the graphical interface [04:29] should I try that right now Mr Bunny? [04:29] dabud: we'll find out, what the cpu usage when that happens? [04:30] boho103: not if your display isn't glitching, no [04:30] gahh, kacpi_notify is eating my power again [04:30] boho103: have you enabled restricted drivers for your card? [04:30] 50% of the time while running, my pc is nigh worthless [04:30] i wud have to check that but i think it shud be ok this is a core 2 duo machine with 4 gb ram and i am only running 2 programs on it [04:30] I went to remove all that acpi stuff, but it's a dependency of ubuntu-desktop [04:30] dabud: race conditions are what I'm thinking [04:30] MR BUNNY: yeah I have enabled restricted drivers, I didn't have this problem until the 8.6 catalyst drivers [04:31] ethana2 wot is race conditions? [04:31] anyone know of a good limewire clone for linux? Thanks [04:31] ..anyone? [04:31] boho103: well, now we know what to do - roll back your drivers [04:31] dabud: when something wastes all your power doing nothing at all [04:31] greg__: frostwire - availible in applications > add/remove programs [04:31] Mr Bunny, how do I do that? [04:31] like my kacpi_notify here [04:32] boho103: I don't know, I'll have to do some googling [04:32] Mr Bunny: Alright thanks :D [04:32] ethans2 and how wud i check that out to see wot is causing it? [04:32] dabud: just keep an eye on your cpu usage [04:33] if it spikes when your keyboard does that, it's not your keyboard's fault [04:33] Mr Bunny: I'll be right back xD [04:33] race conditions still take out dual core cpu's, which makes no sense to me [04:33] whats the accepted program to do that in ubuntu 8.04 please [04:33] but I have one, it renders it unresponsive [04:33] even though it only uses one core [04:34] when i run: "unrar e somefile.rar" it will ask for a password. how can i input the password autmatically? [04:34] brazzers [04:34] back :D [04:35] can anyone tell me how to determine which device is sdb1? [04:35] is it my display? keyboard? mouse? [04:35] boho103: alright, it looks like there's a newer 8.7 version out, released 8 days ago. since it looks like ubuntu hasn't rolled out the update, you are faced with two immediate options: you can wait for ubuntu to update the drivers, which will have less of a chance of causing problems upon kernel upgrade, or you can install the drivers yourself now, the downside being a kernel upgrade may break them [04:35] russ: it's a file device [04:35] hola [04:36] russ: if it would help you to know which one by knowing the capacity, run df -h [04:36] has anyone with nvidia graphics optimized xorg.conf? [04:36] necesito ayuda [04:36] !spanish | christopher [04:36] christopher: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [04:36] Mr_Bunny_ how can you tell? [04:36] What's the easiest way to format SD-memorycard to FAT16-format? [04:37] russ: hda hdb sdc etc always are hardrives/dvd drives/etc [04:37] Hey all, I'm trying to compile a custom driver for Cuda on WINE, but am receiving the following make error, any ideas? [04:37] make: *** No rule to make target `cudart.dll.so', needed by `all'. Stop. [04:37]  [04:38] ethana2 i am running under 50% [approx 25%, 12.5, 12.5 each] with the odd spike up to 30% and memory usage is 582.7 out of a possible 3.0 gb [04:38] dabud: hmm [04:38] Mr_Bunny_, powertool08 thanks! that answers it, I've been asking the same question a couple of times a day for several days on this forum and that's the first reply I've got [04:38] Belboz99: I wouldn't count on getting much wine-specific help here, try #wine [04:38] dabud: then I don't know what's up [04:38] russ: happy to help [04:39] Belboz99: #winehq [04:39] dabud: do you have access to other hkeyboards? [04:39] keyboards** [04:39] Mr_Bunny_: the wine dev's have been Zero help doing anything like this [04:39] they always say ask somewhere else [04:39] Mr_Bunny_: care to take on another restricted driver challenge? [04:39] ethana2 u mean other as in another brand? [04:39] all I need to do is know how to compile this file [04:39] My machine is having trouble waking up after going to sleep (I often have that problem myself) [04:39] dabud: sure [04:39] powertool08: I can try... go ahead [04:40] it's not really anything wine related, my problem that is [04:40] what software do I use to burn Audio CD's in Ubuntu? [04:40] mhz128: Brasareo [04:40] i could probably dig up a MS one i think i have one around [04:40] When I wake it up it reports a bunch of I/O errors to device sdb1, which I now see is my external usb drive [04:40] Hey, i'm using a laptop and an external card reader to connect my digi cam's memory card. On connecting to the laptop, there's nothin happening at all.. How do i solve this ?? [04:40] not sure that's the issue though [04:40] does anyone know where the startup settings for compiz are stored? ie. how does ubuntu know to run compiz as the window manager, and with what flags? [04:40] thanks dude! [04:40] mhz128 i have found k3b is good [04:41] cool [04:41] Mr_Bunny_: ok, I'm on hardy 8.04.1, ATI radeon 9600xt, ultimate goal: 3d rendering with ati drivers in dual-head big desktop mode and some compiz functions enabled [04:41] powertool08: lol.. good luck. [04:42] Mr Bunny: Alright thank you :D [04:42] okay, does anyone know how to compile a simple driver here? I'm not asking anything related to WINE [04:42] Mr Bunny: How do I do a driver upgrade? [04:42] boho103: your starting point will be here - http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html [04:42] Mr_Bunny_: If I install restricted drivers from repo and restart then I have the extended desktop setup at the login screen but with a very low resolution [04:43] I just need someone to give me a nudge in the right direction, I have no clue why it's giving me this error, and Google hasn't been much use here [04:43] Belboz99: is there a library you could be missing? [04:43] k i will keep my eye on cpu usage and try to dig up that other kybrd [MS] and maybe try to see if kybrd that quit originally will work on other machine have a gr8 nite all [04:43] Hey, i'm using a laptop and an external card reader to connect my digi cam's memory card. On connecting to the laptop, there's nothin happening at all.. How do i solve this ?? [04:43] Mr_Bunny_: then if I login to my main user, it resets to clone mode every time, if I login to my other user which I rarely use, it keeps the extended desktop but still horrible resolution [04:43] powertool08: have you tried installing the very latest drivers from amd's site? [04:43] powertool08: I'll have to poke around for preferences [04:43] Mr_Bunny_: that's a good question, I've got the path to the libraries it should be using listed in the Make file [04:43] Mr_Bunny_: oh ya, it also doesn't render the background of menus correctly [04:44] powertool08: and what have you done so far as trying to change the resolution and screen-cloning settings? [04:44] gyarr, well, I may as well just shut this machine down [04:44] Belboz99: the best I can do is tell you what make's telling you: it doesn't know what to do in order to compile, other than that I don't know enough to help you, sorry [04:45] Mr_Bunny_: mainly uninstall purge drivers reinstall, re-run aticonfig [04:45] k, thanks Mr_Bunny_ [04:45] powertool08: does changing the resolution in the screen resolution tool do anything for you? [04:45] Mr Bunny: I got the ati driver installer 8.7.run, how do I install it? I double clicked and nothing happened [04:45] powertool08: have you tried with different monitors? [04:46] Mr_Bunny_: do any of the libs, spec's, headers, or c files need to be executable to be compiled? [04:46] Mr_Bunny_: I only have two at my disposal :/ [04:46] Hey, can someone help me with the Card Reader ?? I need to copy my photographs to my PC.. [04:46] Belboz99: I wouldn't think so, but I have no clue. [04:47] boho103: go to applications>accessories, and open terminal [04:47] boho103: what directory did you save the drivers in? [04:47] Mr Bunny: They are on the desktop, should I cd to it? [04:47] Scorp_: what problems are you encountering [04:47] Mr_Bunny_: the screen resolution after login is ok, but it doesn't render menu backgrounds and various other things correctly [04:47] boho103: yes, then run it with ./[driver file name] [04:48] powertool08: does it do so correctly on the lesser-used logon? [04:48] Mr Bunny: It said permission denied, I tried sudo and it didn't work : / [04:48] Mr_Bunny_: Its basically that no action is happening when i connect the card reader... Is it not plug and play??? [04:49] Mr_Bunny_: the rendering issue is on both users, but the reset to clone only exists on primary user [04:49] Scorp_: what type of card reader is it? in that I mean how does it connect to your computer, and what brand is it? [04:49] any packagessubuntu.com admin around? [04:49] Mr_Bunny_: Its a Tech-com card reader which works on USB 2.0 [04:49] powertool08: the only thing I could think to recommend is manually installing the latest drivers [04:50] Scorp_: have you googled for instructions on it? to help you with this that's what I'd be doing anyway... [04:50] Mr Bunny: It said permission denied, I tried sudo and it didn't work : / [04:50] Mr_Bunny_: I tried, cudnt find any instructions... are they there ??? [04:50] boho103: *cough* https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat87-inst.html [04:50] Mr_Bunny_: ok, I will try that, do you the command to open the catalyst control center? [04:51] Scorp_: I don't know, I guess I'll look. any model numbers you can give me? [04:51] powertool08: I used to run an onboard ati, but now I'm running nvidia (but wanting at :\) so I don't know [04:51] Mr_Bunny_: Its a generic stuf.. not really a big brand.. [04:51] Mr_Bunny_: ok, thanks for you help [04:51] you could ls /usr/bin/ati* or something to see if you can find anything [04:51] powertool08: or try to guess with tab-complete in terminal [04:52] is JFS a stable file system?? [04:52] I have been using nautilus a lot. Is there something for gnome that file manger that has tabing like Konqueror ? [04:52] tarelerulz: pcman [04:52] Mr_Bunny_: tried autocomplete, /usr/bin/ati doesn't exist. Maybe I will find it after the manual install :) [04:53] electrofreak: is for me [04:53] Mr_Bunny_: should I uninstall restricted drivers first or install over them? [04:53] Mr Bunny: I looked there and it said to do the same thing, and it says to do the same thing you said, except I still get permission denied : / [04:54] Scorp_: either I'm reading this wrong, or they only have drivers for windows 98: http://www.techcomindia.com/home.php?vaction=download [04:54] powertools08: I was suggesting wildcard to see if you can find any command that looks like it [04:54] Mr_Bunny_: Yeah, cuz after that it works plug and play... ;) [04:55] hi [04:55] powertool08: and iirc you should uninstall the existing drivers and maybe even pull a ctrl-alt-backspace to restart the x server before installing the new ones manually [04:55] Is there a beta release with desktop installed for 8.10 or is it just the command line type screen? [04:55] Mr_Bunny_: I know, but /usr/bin/at doesn't show anything ati related [04:55] Mr_Bunny_: ok, will do [04:56] Scorp_: have you checked to make sure the usb port you're plugging it into is working correctly? what version of ubuntu are you running? [04:56] powertool08: ultimately ati's guide is to be followed [04:56] Mr_Bunny_: I'm running Hardy heron.. How do i check if the usb is workin ?? One thing is that the Tech-com thing is geting power.. What else do i check ?? [04:56] Mr. Bunny: Nevermind I got it xD, needed to put sudo sh ./..... [04:56] How can I restore my audio settings to the default settings without a clean install? [04:57] boho103: ah, it was a shell script [04:57] cuil search for 'ubuntu' => 21,000,000 results. google search for 'ubuntu' => 90,000,000 results. OWNED. [04:57] "bigger index" my ass [04:57] Superking: try moving the .pule folder to .pulse_old and maybe pressing ctrl-alt-backspace to restart the graphical interface [04:58] coffee1: yeah, from what I've seen cuil is full of crap - iirc it was recent news that google hit 1 trillion pages [04:58] oh and you're going to love this: and where can i find these files? I havent slept in days and i really am lost. [04:58] that sounds more like it [04:58] cuil really f***ed that PR attempt up [04:58] Mr_Bunny_: USB is working cuz i can connect my printer to it. But the USB Card Reader is not getting recognized on ubuntu. [04:59] Superking: would you be comfortable using terminal, or would you like a graphical way to do this? [04:59] im good with either. [04:59] I just want the sound mixer to work, and my mic to work :/ [04:59] spiritssight: it's not in beta yet, but you can get the 8.10 alpha 3 cd image at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1601 [05:00] Scorp_: I don't know what to tell you - my card reader works - and it's plug and play, and I don't see any drivers or tutorials. sorry... [05:00] Superking: mv .pulse pulse_old [05:00] Mr_Bunny_: When u connect the card reader, what happens next ?? does it mount to /media or something else ?? [05:00] intrepid ibex is going to be released in october? [05:00] Superking: what sound card are you running? [05:01] oi, i know its a Realtek HD Soundcard, on an Intel chipset. I know thats not specific but thats all i know :/ [05:01] roe_: Yes, it's 8.10, it's probably coming out in October, between the 14th and 21st or so. [05:01] Scorp_: I don't have a card here to test it with at the moment but iirc the slot shows up under Nautilus' "computer" view, and it pops up just like a usb flash drive would [05:01] roe: yes that's the target date [05:01] wow, I feel like all bugs were just gettng worked out of hardy [05:02] Mr_Bunny_: Ok.. I'll see what i can do. Thanks.. [05:02] does anyone know how to activate track changes / revisions for open office? [05:04] Superking: I can't seem to find how to list installed drivers at this point... I'd be inclined to assume it's a problem with the driver, but I have no way of knowing [05:04] Superking: are there any restricted drivers for it you could enable? [05:04] is there an openoffice channel i can go to? [05:04] I am wanting to try out a new file manger and I am wondering how would I make it my default ? [05:04] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [05:05] unfortunately not. Its weird, because Skype was working but it works on and off, and its because another program tries to access sounds [05:05] oh well [05:05] anyone know why my system isn't using dns servers in resolv.conf? [05:05] m0u5e: #openoffice.org [05:05] SuperLag: ty [05:06] m0u5e: you're welcome [05:06] Superking: well if it works sometimes, that might be because some apps don't play nice with pulseaudio - try running programs with pasuspender in front of the command, or restarting your x server with ctrl-alt-backspace [05:06] Hello [05:06] mk. [05:06] hkittysmoothie: what wire do you have to unplug and replug? what audio interface are you using? [05:06] Who can tell me the irc channel of DjangoProject? [05:07] Jadewolf: can it connect to them? [05:07] Mr_Bunny_: I have to unplug the audio cable that goes to my speakers, and I'm using pulseaudio [05:07] sn9: I just rebooted the laptop let me see once its back up , I could ping my outside IPs and my internal Ips though [05:08] ok, sudo is acting odd and I can't figure it out... on my old (etchy) debian system in my sudoers I have the line "bogus ALL= NOPASSWD: ALL" and this allows me to use sudo without being prompted for the password... I attempt this on ubuntu and it doesn't work??? [05:08] hkittysmoothie: so you're just using standard audio jacks? that sounds really weird... [05:08] clp: #django [05:09] I can't get any sound in Hardy to play unless I unplug and re-plug in the cord, at which point it repeats about a quarter-second of sound over and over again. How do I fix this? [05:09] hkittysmoothie: does it work without pulse? [05:09] sn9: yes it pings the DNS ips fine. [05:10] sn9, what should I use in place of pulseaudio [05:10] snd9: I had to manually config this NIC, it didn't even have a /etc/resolv.conf files till Imade one [05:10] Jadewolf: is it possible they simply don't respond to dns? [05:10] bogus8: try ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL [05:10] dcolish: tried that... could the spacings/tabs be an issue? [05:10] its the same servers I'm using on this system I'm on with you right now [05:11] hkittysmoothie: nothing [05:11] but you shouldn't be doing that really [05:11] make sure you have tty on the system [05:11] just switched to Hardy (32 bit) and MacBook. All is OK except it takes about 30 sec at least to wake up from suspend. I did some googling but haven't turned up a solution. Tried all sorts of settings in /etc/defaults/acpi.conf but nothing is making a difference. [05:11] dcolish: it's a personal box... so it's not a real security risk [05:11] sn9: its the same servers I'm using on this system I'm on with you right now [05:11] sn9, it seems that "nothing" isn't an option. My choices are OSS, ALSA, Autodetect, and Pulesaudio [05:11] sn9: So I'm pretty sure they do DNSing [05:11] dcolish: how do you mean tty? [05:12] hkittysmoothie: oh, you mean for gstreamer. try alsa [05:12] bogus8: when you login you create a tty session, by default you can't use the passwordless sudo without it [05:13] has anyone used the application Discover on hardy ? does it detect hardware correctly? does it mess with the boot process at all ? [05:13] with ssh this is an issue, but not on a desktop [05:13] hkittysmoothie: have you re-checked your pulseaudio configuration ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 gives a nice overview if you haven't seen that already [05:13] dcolish: ok... when I make changes I "duplicate" my putty session to start a new session to make sure everything is "fresh" === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [05:13] sn9, after switching to alsa, it now makes a different repeating noise [05:13] hkittysmoothie: ok, that's a kernel issue [05:14] hkittysmoothie: you have unhandled irq's [05:14] bogus8: are you sure the line is bogus ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL [05:15] bonjour [05:15] sn9, could this have to do with me recently booting with the "noapic" parameter? [05:15] notices the (ALL) is differen from the syntax earlier [05:15] hkittysmoothie: definitely [05:15] dcolish: I've had it both ways... would the spacing have anything to do with it? [05:15] nope [05:15] sn9, I'll try booting without that parameter [05:15] dcolish: yeah, I actually just changed it back from the (ALL) because my debian box doesn't have (ALL) [05:16] Jadewolf: do weird things appear in dmesg when dns queries are issued? [05:16] where does ubuntu keep the startup settings for the window manager? I'd like to add some flags to start compiz with. [05:17] bogus8: try droping the space after NOPASSWD: [05:17] it should be NOPASSWD:ALL [05:17] dcolish: your way (ALL) or mine? or both? [05:17] the correct syn is ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL [05:17] as per every other time i've set it up [05:18] dcolish: I shall try... man I HATE vim... is there a way to make it act like my debian's visudo (using nano)? [05:18] not sure, I love vim :) [05:18] Bogus8: export EDITOR=nano [05:19] Hi *. If I run 2 Xorg (:1 and :2) would the system use my graphic card memory or just the RAM for that? [05:19] Bogus8: and set edit to nano with update-alternatives [05:19] dcolish: bleh :p I've tried a couple times... I'm fighting my way into using emacs now [05:19] emacs is an operating system not an editor [05:19] Flannel: Ok, I shall try to figure all that out very soon [05:19] a vim cheatsheet is the way to go, you'll get it in no time [05:20] dcolish: vim is russian not an editor :p === VERA_AN is now known as c3_maniezZ [05:20] ha [05:20] any1 familiar w/ wine doors? [05:21] hiiiiiiiiiii [05:21] as Flannel said, you could probably set your editor to emacs as well [05:21] dcolish: still asking for the password it's set to "bogus ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" [05:21] you're using sudo right [05:22] hey hasting [05:22] dcolish: yep :) [05:22] Bogus8: sorry had to ask [05:22] dcolish: I've done this several times on other boxes (all debian) [05:22] hi i can not play anutyhing on youtube even if i install the missing plugin it still complains that puginns is missing ... [05:22] Bogus8: are you actually logged in as "bogus" there? [05:23] IBM_4690_Operating_System_Messages_Guide_Version 5.2 defines 'panel' as "The complete set of formatted information that appears in a single display on a visual display unit." This seems to me a rather rare use of the word 'panel' in Ubuntu. Do you agree or did I overlook something? [05:23] sn9: yep.. only log in on the system (besides root) [05:23] any ideas [05:23] does echo $SSH_TTY return anything? [05:23] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen === mak|m0m0 is now known as mpking [05:24] hardy heron [05:24] dcolish: /dev/pts/3 [05:24] 2.6.24-19-generic [05:24] litius: bad sata cable, most likely [05:24] I need help, I compiled a new kernel and I'm not sure how to use grub to boot it [05:25] cable - really? [05:25] matthias_N: which plugin did you install exactly ? [05:25] that would be kuel... [05:25] cause launchpad says HD [05:25] but I know HD is good [05:25] so.. just tweak the cable [05:25] ? [05:25] I'm having issues installing ubuntu. When I boot from the live cd and select the first option (start/install) I get a loading screen, then a pretty screen with lots of colors.. so it's a graphics problem. So I boot into graphics safe mode and get a dialog box that says it can't run some feautres, so I click continue and I'm left with a black screen with a dot on it (in the top lefthand corner)... any ideas? [05:25] it has started only today [05:25] litius: or swap it [05:26] Bogus8, thx - you mean change the cable? [05:26] litius: yeah [05:26] altair: you could try booting it with like init=2, but I'm not completely sure if that would work [05:26] adobe [05:26] altair: have you tried that NOAPIC options? it's in the boot menu stuff [05:26] glitsj16: adobe [05:26] Bogus8: not sure what you've got going on there, I just set it up on an extra box I had and it works fine [05:27] grrr [05:27] glitsj16: installed gnasg and failed installed swdf and works but hangs [05:27] altair: what video card? [05:27] dcolish: there is no service I have to restart right? [05:27] not that I am aware of [05:27] How can i disable the effects in ubuntu just installed, i don't see compiz installed or anything. [05:27] bullgard4: don'tchya hate it when people redefine words? [05:27] this is hong kong fuey [05:27] matthias_N: okay .. you have only the one from adobe active in firefox right now ? [05:28] okey tried but not workinmg ... [05:28] ok - will try - thanks guys. [05:28] sudo smartctl -s on -H /dev/sda1 gives "=== START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED" [05:28] and "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda1 | grep Load_Cycle_Count" gives "193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 253 253 000 Old_age Always - 0" [05:28] bleh: compiz is installed by default. system->prefs->appearance->visual effects [05:28] that is why I wasn't sure what it was [05:28] thought kernel at first [05:28] ok idk the video card, it's a Dell Inspiron 2600 laptop, with the default card. I haven't tried init=2 or NOAPIC options, dunno how.. [05:28] can anyone here help me with configuring grub so that I can boot a kernel I just compiled? [05:28] any other ideas if not cable? [05:28] dcolish: when you did yours did you type tabs or anything? I'm grasping at straws here but something has to be different [05:28] Hi *. If I run 2 Xorg (:1 and :2) would the system use my graphic card memory or just the RAM for that? [05:28] thx sn9 [05:29] Chihork: Yes, I do. [05:29] Bogus8: I did use tabs rather than spaces [05:29] Chihork: But who was first here? [05:29] is 2.6.24-19-generic the latest kernel ? [05:29] altair: is that older than 7 years? [05:29] dcolish: which I have... so username then the rest or did you have any other tabs? [05:30] hmmm... possibly, or close to it [05:30] its the one that came with Hardy [05:30] dcolish: I'm gonna duplicate EXACTLY if I can ;) [05:30] (bleh) [05:30] demasrv: the configuration file for grub is at /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:30] altair: check the dell website for a bios update [05:30] yes litius [05:30] Bogus8: bogusALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL [05:30] bleh, "its the one that came with Hardy" [05:30] dcolish: ok, I will do exactly that [05:30] sn9: alright... I'll check [05:31] litius, any easy tuts to upgrade this? [05:31] dcolish: BAH! no good :( [05:31] very frustrating [05:31] I found many occurrences with this and 2.6.23 kernel for the same exception.. [05:32] I can upgrade the kernel, but before I need to know it is causing a problem :) [05:32] someone: I've modified menu.lst, but I don't know what to change in it to boot my new kernel [05:32] bullgard4: we could argue all night long about who was here first, who claimed what definition to which word. [05:32] Bogus8: are you adding this at the very end? if you're a member of a group that does not have nopasswd that will override your efforts [05:32] but I must be off to sleep. [05:32] litius: unlikely [05:32] I tried running update-grub, but it isn't changing anything in my menu.lst even though its saying it is [05:32] line order matters [05:32] dcolish: true... there is a line after %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL [05:32] but that SHOULDN'T apply to me [05:32] * nickrud claims the eastern orthodox iconic movement had earlier use of 'panel' [05:33] put that line last [05:33] 2.6.26 is the latest tho [05:33] the one for you [05:33] apt-get clean does ? i can guess but i want to make sure [05:33] hey i am trying to save a file and it wont let me, i am not the owner how do i provide the authorization [05:33] also try getent groups bogus [05:33] dcolish: doing that now [05:33] what is that? [05:33] that will tell you if you're in that group [05:33] hey a quick 'new to ubuntu' question - how do i install .deb files? (from an rpm background) [05:33] ok [05:33] nickrud: :-0 [05:33] bleh, do you think it make sense to update? [05:33] Bogus8: its going to give you the groups you're a member of [05:33] you can covert rpm files to deb [05:33] bleh: 8.04 has 2.6.24, 8.10 has 2.6.26 [05:33] bleh, ( I am using that box for mythbuntu ) [05:33] cbxrahl_ if you're trying to edit a file outside your $HOME, you need to start with privs. gksu gedit in a terminal [05:34] dcolish: as I should gilligan:x:1000: [05:34] bogus gilligan same same ;) [05:34] ManualOverDozer8, i've heard that, but i have .deb files to install [05:34] Iron_Chef: dpkg -i foo.deb [05:34] thanks [05:34] !alien [05:34] RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [05:34] dcolish: BUT, putting it at the end was the trick [05:34] iron_Chef you can click on them and open them with gDebi to install the packages [05:34] Yes i have 8.04, i just want to get latest kernel. [05:34] even easier :-) [05:34] Bogus8: there is an override somewhere in the visudo file [05:35] dcolish: odd that that %admin group was the issue... no understanding of that [05:35] only that ONE line after my users line :/ [05:35] Bogus8: you can use getent passwd bogus too [05:35] bleh: Latest kernel for Hardy is .24 [05:35] that might be helpful [05:35] better yet, best not to convert RPM to DEB, ubottu wouldnt say that for nothing [05:35] Flannel, so no point to upgrade? [05:36] dcolish: basically it's a cleaner way to look at the passwd file it seems [05:36] bleh: you could try compiling your own custom kernel but its difficult [05:36] Bogus8: correct [05:36] Iron_Chef DEB files are nice for new users [05:36] must safer too [05:36] demasrv: Near the bottom of the menu.lst file you should see lots of sections that begin with the line "title Linux" and end with the line "boot" [05:36] dcolish: so for educational purposes, why did that %admin line fuck me all up? [05:36] bleh: Just stick with the Hardy kernel, yeah. [05:36] can someone tell me why in the world i can get onto irc but can't get browse the internet [05:36] !language | Bogus8 [05:37] i think it might have something to do with my computer and not my router [05:37] hello, anyone help me, every time i want to quit my ubuntu by click the quit button, the x windows will freeze, what can i do? [05:37] bleh: 2.6.24-19 is current, 2.6.24-20 is next week [05:37] Bogus8: the line order is important in visudo, so you must be a member of admin somehow [05:37] demasrv: You'll see one of the lines starts with the word "kernel" this line tells what kernel to boot if this section was picked at in the boot menu. [05:37] nickrud: appologies [05:37] Bogus8 a bummer, ubottu is seriously lagged or dead [05:37] ice109: are you set the dns server? [05:37] Bogus8: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [05:37] michael_ what do you mean? [05:37] dcolish: that's kind of scary... Oh, you know what... that's probably the way ubuntu gets you into root as I never was told to define a pssword for it [05:38] title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.26-ultimate [05:38] root (hd0,4) [05:38] kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-ultimate [05:38] ManualOverDozer8, ubottu i meant *I'm* from an rpm background :-) [05:38] Bogus8: because you're in the admin group? [05:38] not the packages [05:38] What is the best way to get the new image [05:38] is that correct? [05:38] michael_ how do i do that [05:38] ... [05:38] ... [05:38] ice109: you need to set the dns sever, which will reslove your url to ip address [05:38] Iron_Chef i am not from old-school linux so RPM's are foreign to me [05:38] demasrv: Yeah You can copy the entire section and make a new option for your new kernel. [05:38] sn9: yeah, I didn't think I would be as I wouldn't the a regular user would be jammed in there but since this is the user that the install created I guess it figured I would have to be to get anywhere after setting up the box ;) [05:38] ice109: you use ubuntu? [05:38] xubuntu but close enough [05:38] Iron_Chef i know they are there but i never used them [05:38] ManualOverDozer8, heh I'm from C++ days even ;-) [05:39] Hi, does anyone know of any programas that can recover deleted files, I have allreadu tried foremost and it didn;t find what i wanted [05:39] which leads me to ask... why doesn't ubuntu ask you to set a root pass when installing? [05:39] ManualOverDozer8, rhel and sles use them [05:39] !root | Bogus8 [05:39] Bogus8: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo === deadbeef is now known as deadbeef-zZz [05:39] Bogus8: because the root account is locked. [05:39] ice109: at the right top, network setting, find the dns tag [05:39] Bogus8: do a getent groups admin [05:39] you or a group you're in is associated [05:39] ice109: and input your isp's dns server address in it. [05:39] also try the same for passwd [05:40] nickrud: I figured that as soon as I tried to su - and realized I never set the password... was just wondering why ubuntu chose to do it that way [05:40] ... [05:40] umm i'm connected to a router [05:40] Bogus8: because sudo allows finer controls over who can do what, etc. [05:40] i don't know if that affects anything [05:40] JorgeAlvare1: your files are gone [05:40] Bogus8 that link gives some of the rationale. Personally, I like sudo for the 4 letter security it gives me. I've had one encounter with romeo foxtrox all in the wrong terminal ;) [05:41] ice109: of course, dns server is a server on the internet. like httpd is a server. you just to use it. [05:41] ok well then i already have my isp dns servers in my list [05:41] but it still doesn't work [05:41] nickrud: lol... I hear ya.. I sudo MOST of the time myself.. just when I initially set up a box there is SO much to do under root [05:42] ice109: you can use nslookup command [05:42] Bogus8: sudo can do that too [05:42] to do what [05:42] Flannel: I guess it forces new users to learn sudo verses just su - [05:42] Bogus8: just assume root === VERA_AN is now known as adin_da [05:42] sudo su -l [05:42] dcolish: No. sudo -i [05:42] Bogus8 sudo -i [05:42] is wireless supposed to be iffy with the bcw fwcutter [05:42] ice109: to check can you connect to the dns server. [05:42] flannel: whats the diff? [05:43] yeah, that's what I usually do if I have to do a lot in root... but I try not to get in there much [05:43] sn9, oh well i better be more careful next time, thanks [05:43] JorgeAlvare1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery mentions a few other things you might try [05:43] ok how do i do that [05:43] nslookup then what [05:43] ice109: type some address, like www.google.com [05:43] i'm looking for wine 1.0 , i understand its not in the repos, my question is if i install it from winehq will it get updated when a new stable version comes out? [05:43] and what should i get? [05:43] ice109: can you get the ip address of www.google.com [05:44] dcolish: btw, that getent groups didn't work.. says unkown database 'groups' [05:44] itai-michaelson: What version of Ubuntu are you on? [05:44] thanks glitsj16 [05:44] ice109: ip address of google [05:44] itai-michaelson if the one from ubuntu has a higher release number, it will replace the one from winehq. But winehq is nearly always ahead [05:44] yes i guess that what the print out has given me [05:44] Bogus8: group [05:44] Flannel, hardy [05:44] non authoritive answer blah blah blah [05:44] itai-michaelson: wine 1 is in the repos. [05:44] 5 different ips [05:44] Ah, that worked... I thought about it as I typed it [05:44] lot of spam tonight [05:44] michael_ so what does that mean [05:45] ice109: maybe the problem on your broswer [05:45] itai-michaelson: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates/wine make sure (for this, and a number of other reasons) you have hardy-updates enabled (and hardy-security) [05:45] flannel: from what I can see sudo su -l and sudo -i are the same [05:45] both set the login shell [05:45] Flannel, but apt-cache show gives me :Version: 0.9.59-0ubuntu4: [05:45] itai-michaelson: you don't have -updates enabled then [05:45] michael_ [05:45] ive tried another browser [05:45] doesn't work either [05:45] dcolish: yes, but one only uses one program, and is shorter. [05:45] Flannel, let me check [05:46] dcolish: btw, it does show me in that group... it all makes sense now (hind sight is 20/20 eh?) [05:46] ice109, are you able to ping yahoo?? [05:46] sn9: ok here's the problem... with the bios install... on that laptop I'm currently running a hd install of backtrack2, with no windows... The bios upgrade wants to install to the C drive... so I'm not sure that's an opton.. any other ideas? [05:46] yes [05:46] but look i know something is funny because i can't even access my routers admin address [05:46] Flannel: is it really that much shorter? === VERA_AN is now known as adin_da [05:46] ice109: that's a big problem. maybe firewall? [05:46] Bogus8: better with out my typos [05:46] Flannel, is this not it? :deb-src http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse? [05:46] ice109, ping your default gateway [05:46] dcolish: Not really, no, but it does use one one program instead of two. [05:47] ice109: try to telnet to the sites by 80 port [05:47] itai-michaelson: it is. Have you updated (sudo apt-get update) recently? [05:47] how do i look that up, i think i know it but i want to check [05:47] itai-michaelson: Oh, that's just deb-src, you need deb too. [05:47] dcolish: haha... if I would have thought about how I had to gain root access to start with it might have dawned on me that I MUST be in a sudo group already DOH! [05:47] itai-michaelson: assuming you want binary debs [05:47] ice109, ping assuming its your default gateway [05:47] Flannel, i copy the wrong entry from the source.list ,i have deb too [05:47] yea i can ping that [05:47] itai-michaelson: Have you updated recently then? [05:47] but when i type that into my browser i get nothing [05:48] !tab | ice109 [05:48] ice109: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [05:48] err i got a 400 error [05:48] Bogus8: totally true, I think you are given sudo access by default in ubuntu [05:48] Flannel, last week...i'll check now [05:48] ice109: i am not very good at firewall. but i think the problem is there. [05:48] * nickrud forgot about insults in sudoers :) They should be enabled by default [05:48] everyone else on my network is doing fine [05:48] altair: dell often has an "iflash" option [05:48] its not like its my mac address being block [05:48] but i can't telnet google [05:48] either [05:48] ice109, are you telnet google's 80 ports? [05:48] itai-michaelson: that particular mirror is about a week behind regular updates as it is. [05:48] dcolish: yeah, and I'm not used to that from debian or fedora [05:49] ice109, hmm ... aren't you able to access any web-page? [05:49] altair: no, wait, that's intel [05:49] dcolish: when I used fedora I didn't even mess with sudo as it seemed too complicated ;) [05:49] actually on port 80 i can telnet google [05:49] Flannel, i see...china is always far behind.... [05:49] Bogus8: [05:49] ice109, and type get after you telnet it. [05:49] itai-michaelson: no, just that mirror. rootguide.org and Shanghai Linux Users Group are up to date. [05:49] Bogus8: sorry, yeah I run the rhel arch a lot and I always use sudo [05:50] ice109, can you get the html files. [05:50] Bogus8: it leaves a better record in the secure log [05:50] michael_ : i got a bunch of html code [05:50] yes [05:50] hi [05:50] sn9: you mean as the install file? I don't see that there [05:50] and then connection closed by host [05:50] dcolish only the first user (from the install) has default sudo [05:50] itai-michaelson: http://mirror.rootguide.org/ubuntu/ and http://mirrors.shlug.org/ubuntu/ respectively [05:50] Flannel, rootguide is that in china? i never heard of it, is it fast? i use cn99 cause its fast [05:50] ice109, so i dont know where is the problem [05:50] itai-michaelson: those three are all 100Mbps [05:50] how do I mount my windows Devices? I cant see it on places [05:51] flannel: one + for su is the -p flag [05:51] ice109, it seems that you can get the html file. but you can draw it. [05:51] Flannel -thank you! [05:51] I mean windows hard disk [05:51] ntfs [05:51] nickrud: very true, would be pretty messy otherwise [05:51] dcolish: for me it was just that I was new to linux... it was FC3 ;) [05:51] ice109, maybe you can reinstall your browser. [05:51] michael_ : when i try to access a page the loading bar at the bottom just gets stuck at half way [05:51] !ntfs | ai3gtmc [05:51] ai3gtmc: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [05:52] hmm [05:52] dcolish sorry, from the line you where you mentioned it it seemed you weren't clear on the subject. Sorry 'bout that :) [05:52] dcolish: I made myself learn it when I installed debian (obviously not that hard) and have been using it ever since [05:52] !NTFS-3G [05:52] michael_ : well why can't i access my router's admin page [05:52] ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [05:52] altair: do you want to keep the backtrack install? [05:52] nickrud: no worries [05:52] thanks [05:52] dcolish: I believe that'd be -s with sudo [05:52] sn9: nope [05:52] ice109, now, your browser cant show a web. [05:53] michael_ the thing is i have another browser [05:53] ice109, cant show any web. [05:53] no [05:53] no web [05:53] even on elinks i get nothing [05:53] it stalls at request sent [05:53] ice109, maybe your router have a access list. [05:53] ice109, try accessing something from lynx, did you? [05:54] yea [05:54] i get nothing [05:54] it stalls [05:54] arvind_khadri: yes it stalls [05:54] ice109, then call up your isp... [05:54] Flannel: and so it does [05:54] ice109, that's a big problem, hehe. [05:54] arvind_khadri: every other computer on the network is fine [05:54] anyone used nagios? [05:54] Flannel: [05:55] Flannel: habits are hard things to break [05:55] ice109, maybe you can try some plain txt site. [05:55] ice109, hmm ... might be your card... call ISP once and ask him for a check up :) [05:55] dcolish: You're welcome to use what you will, but please only recommend sudo in this channel. [05:55] arvind_khadri: in fact i think the only other one that is having problems is an ubuntu computer [05:55] ice109, when i use ie some day ago, the javascript will show me the same thing. [05:55] Flannel: lets be clear that I suggested sudo su -l [05:55] this is so weird [05:56] ice109, then your settings aint proper i feel... [05:56] Flannel: I am pretty sure the net result is the same [05:56] i can use package manager and everything [05:56] dcolish: right, and in the future, sudo -i would be better. [05:56] ice109, are you able to download through apt?? [05:56] well now i can even access sites [05:57] ice109, yes, now, there's no problem about the network. but the browser. [05:57] but i feel like this is temporary [05:57] dcolish: Flannel: sorry I opened this can of worms :) [05:57] Flannel: it appears that way, but I dont see why you need to suggest I recommended insecure admin practices [05:57] michael_ what about elinks then [05:57] dcolish: I don't believe I ever did so. === ce_oRigiNal is now known as cEw_cyPzt [05:57] ice109, elinks, what? === cEw_cyPzt is now known as ce_oRigiNal [05:57] elinks is a different browser === ce_oRigiNal is now known as ceW_cyPzt [05:58] Flannel: maybe I am missing something, but I am pretty sure you reprimanded me for not suggesting use of sudo [05:58] sn9: so what shall I do ? [05:58] ice109, i get it, have you try the lynx? [05:58] yes [05:58] and it didn't work before either [05:58] ice109, try some simple browser without javascript [05:59] elinks is a terminal browser [05:59] dcolish: channel policy is sudo (because that's Ubuntu policy), sudo su - is better as sudo -i, sudo su is better as sudo -s [05:59] no javascript [05:59] ice109, maybe you should sent a bug report to firefox. [05:59] how's this sound... /etc could be made to be a working copy of a local subversion repository and whenever a package is isntalled it adds its conf files to the repository and then does an update of /etc. Then you can use svn commands "diff" and "revert" to perform useful things [05:59] ice109, i cant help you anymore. that's all i know. sorry. [06:00] dcolish: I apologise if it sounded like I was saying you were being unsafe [06:00] orzo yep, a workable system [06:00] orzo: Except you double+some up on your space requirements [06:00] I am unable to setup my nagios to send emails to me on any other email address then those at @localhost. any comments? [06:00] orzo: er, triple. sorry [06:00] altair: if you don't want to keep backtrack, install windows temporarily [06:01] is there anyone here can help me? that every time a click on the quit button of gnome, it will freeze. [06:01] Flannel: I agree that both sudo -i and sudo -s are better and my habits have been to use sudo su -l or sudo su -p [06:01] sn9: meh alright.. I might have to look into this tomorrow [06:01] sn9: thanks for your help [06:01] hello anyone there do code? [06:02] foxjazz, which code?? [06:02] * nickrud considers 60M as excessive size: nah [06:02] hmm I just installed xubuntu what apps do you think I should have? I already install flash,java,jedit. [06:02] foxjazz, which code? [06:02] you mean which language? [06:02] ai3gtmc: wicd, rip networkmanager right out [06:02] you could even have a foreign subversion repository and packages would just attempt to use update to the right revision number of that global repository [06:02] ai3gtmc, depends on what you need ... [06:02] i have a network share mounting question: i want to mount a windows share permanently , but i have two user on ubuntu, one with admin rights(1000) one without (1001), do i need to create a fstab line for each user? [06:02] foxjazz, yes [06:02] dcolish: whats wicd? [06:03] c#, c++, I could learn perl maybe [06:03] orzo I did do that once, but have gone back to using rcs for /etc. Easy to use, and easy to backup history [06:03] foxjazz, so what's your problem? [06:03] hi guys [06:03] !hi | kun-10 [06:03] kun-10: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [06:03] foxjazz, maybe i can help you on c#. [06:03] ai3gtmc: wicd is a network connection utility that I prefer over network manager [06:03] oh wireles.. Im wired. :p [06:03] ai3gtmc: it works for wired too [06:03] so it has wired too? [06:03] well I went to the ubuntu site, and it's really cryptic to get around the site for developers. [06:03] how can open file NFTS [06:03] ? [06:04] I am interested in helping with development of open source [06:04] oh ok so I install it using"sudo apt-get install wicd" ? [06:04] !ntfs | kun-10 [06:04] kun-10: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [06:04] altair: there is also ReactOS [06:04] i'm building the phython package for gutsy [06:04] dcolish: forget wicd and get n-m v7 [06:04] and it is testing every python module [06:04] foxjazz, then go to #ubuntu-motu [06:04] !motu | foxjazz [06:04] foxjazz: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU [06:04] and it is apparently doing that over and over and over with no end in sight [06:04] foxjazz, maybe you best get some info on the mail-list [06:04] Hi *. I have been trying to use an external monitor with my laptop. I can change configuration with nvidia-settings. Is there a way to create a script so that it would be easier to switch? [06:04] sn9: does it still screw up everything if i use dhcp? [06:05] it does every module in alphabetical order, when i see z i think its about done, but it just repeats back to a [06:05] the windows partitions is only can found [06:05] !! [06:05] Flannel, i just changed to mirror.rootguide updated but still get 0.95.1 as wine's vesrion [06:05] hai [06:05] kun-10, which language do you speak?? [06:05] anyone tell me, why i click on the quit button of ubuntu and it is freeze????????/ [06:05] itai-michaelson: pastebin your sources.list, and the output of sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy wine [06:05] IBM_4690_Operating_System_Messages_Guide_Version 5.2 defines 'panel' as "The complete set of formatted information that appears in a single display on a visual display unit." This seems to me a rather rare use of the word 'panel' in Ubuntu. Do you agree or did I overlook something? [06:05] english [06:05] !hi | ce_ [06:05] ce_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [06:05] !hi | ce_oRigiNal [06:05] ce_oRigiNal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [06:06] and arabic [06:06] evening all [06:06] !ar | kun-10 [06:06] kun-10: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe [06:06] yep [06:07] hi, i want to change the text color on gnome panel to white. i tried a creating a .gtkrc-2.0 as a few sites suggest , uncommented fg[NORMAL] line ,and killall gnome-panel and no luck. any ideas? [06:07] Flannel, ok, what is the different between apt-cache policy and apt-cache show? the former gives me 1.0 the later 0.95 [06:07] !arabic | kun-10 [06:07] kun-10: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa [06:07] Does anybody know why the output of 'uname -i' on a Ubuntu machine is "unknown" while on a RedHat based machine is "x86_64" etc? [06:07] esac install gnome-color-chooser, it's a nice gui tool to do just that [06:07] ty [06:07] how come I can't unmount? it says "bash: unmount: command not found" [06:07] itai-michaelson: apt-cache show shows you the package you currently have installed. apt-cache policy shows all available versions in all of your repos (and some other goodies) [06:07] ai3gtmc, its umount :) [06:08] oh lol ok thanks [06:08] unmount command is umount [06:08] i am kind of a newb to linux and was thinking could i install the ubuntu server 64bit base system then add the dreamlinux repos and install the dreamlinux desktop environment so as to end up with a 64 bit dreamlinux? [06:08] Flannel, thank you very much, you have solved the mystery (though wine is not installed on this computer...) [06:08] itai-michaelson: well, assuming you have the package installed, otherwise apt-cache show will show the version that would be installed. [06:08] harisund, as they have been designed so... :) [06:09] deadlyallance052, why not just use ubuntu desktop? [06:09] you do realize that you guys' own page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo has instructions on how to remove the password prompt for sudo... I got a lot of "I wouldn't recommend it" and it really doesn't say anything about not recommended there... so not sure if someone wants to put a note in there or what... just FYI [06:09] can I install Ubuntu from the CD iso without actually burning the CD? I mean can I just directly use the image from a Linux paritition? [06:09] hmm Im getting a "Ignoring /dev/sda1 - already in /etc/fstab" error when I try to use diskmounter [06:09] Hi *. I have been trying to use an external monitor with my laptop. I can change configuration with nvidia-settings. Is there a way to create a script so that it would be easier to switch? [06:09] roadfish, no thats not possible...you can use netboot though [06:10] speaking of that page... it says root is locked.. but I was still able to sudo su -... so did that unlock it or is that a special case? [06:10] Flannel, mmmm...if wine is not insatlled why does show shows me .95 and policy 1.0? [06:10] !netboot | roadfish [06:10] roadfish: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [06:10] Flannel: one curiosity, why include su at all if ubuntu does not approve of its use [06:10] arvind_khadri: ok, netboot ... thanks [06:10] Bogus8: there used to be [06:10] roadfish, welcome :) [06:10] itai-michaelson: I'm not sure. [06:10] hmm anyone? .. XD how do I remove /dev/sda1 in fstab? [06:11] roadfish, if i were you id probably try a netinstall..you know install ubuntu over the network/internet [06:11] dcolish: because some people prefer it, and its one of those things "all" linuxes have. [06:11] itai-michaelson, policy will show the package in the repo and if its installed or not... [06:11] dcolish: well, it's one thing not to approve of it and another thing to limit people that still know and want it [06:12] arvind_khadri, what does "apt-cache show" show? [06:12] dcolish: one might not approve of drinking but they aren't going to be an A-hole and say "you can't in my house" if they are having a gathering or something... maybe I'm off but it seemed to fit ;) [06:12] Flannel, Bogus8: a user could easily install it if they chose [06:12] will ubuntu install .deb packages? [06:13] jeffspeff: yes [06:13] Bogus8: byosu [06:13] dcolish: true, but it is basically a standard [06:13] where is fstab located? [06:13] Bogus8: absolutely, just a thought [06:13] itai-michaelson, it displays records for named packages as dpkg --print -avail does [06:13] Bogus8 the key there is the sudo, that gave you root perms to use su [06:13] dcolish recommend is not the the same as forbid another method [06:13] can anyone tell me how to install jdk? I installed it with sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk, but it can't compile anything correctly [06:14] hi [06:14] nickrud: ok, so it's still technically locked? [06:14] arvind_khadri, i;m not sure what that means, why would show and policy give different versions? [06:14] nickrud: i dont know if not installing by default is forbidding, see movie players [06:15] itai-michaelson, try #ubuntu-motu [06:15] dcolish: but the ubuntu peeps don't want to make waves and not include something that might make 1337 peeps scoff at their distro ;) [06:15] arvind_khadri, whats that? [06:15] Bogus8 yes [06:15] nickrud: thanks [06:15] anyone can help me install LAMP on xubuntu? [06:15] i just read a blog report on the problems with hardy, and a lot of them seem to be ones I am having and a lot of other folks aparently, do we know if there are any plans to fix these issues? [06:15] dcolish, Bogus8: sudo is not a replacement for su [06:16] itai-michaelson, its a channel where MOTU members are there :) [06:16] can anyone tell me how to install jdk? I installed it with sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk, but it can't compile anything correctly [06:16] dcolish not the same at all ;) [06:16] arvind_khadri, i think my question was whats motu... [06:16] sn9: I agree... I think the point being argued is that it is being presented as such it seems [06:16] !motu | itai-michaelson [06:16] itai-michaelson: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU [06:16] does "Sudo apt-get install wine" work for a wine installation? [06:16] itai-michaelson: motu just means folks who make packages [06:17] arvind_khadri, i'm not sure dare venture there,,, [06:17] i dont know why its called motu but I seriously doubt it is such a name as masters of the universe [06:17] ai3gtmc: I usally just install phmyadmin that usally covers everything [06:17] itai-michaelson, they are really friendly :) [06:17] nando yes [06:17] ubuntu folks have much more humbleness than that [06:17] nickrud: sn9 Bogus8 agreed, and this would probably apply to advanced users only anyway, who could totally install it in under a minute [06:17] i am kind of a newb to linux and was thinking could i install the ubuntu server 64bit base system then add the dreamlinux repos and install the dreamlinux desktop environment so as to end up with a 64 bit dreamlinux? [06:17] forthdimenison thank you [06:17] nando: yes, but you might not get an updated package, to get them go to wines webpage and add their own repository [06:17] nando yes [06:17] nando yes [06:17] lol wrong paste [06:18] arvind_khadri, ok...i'll give it a try [06:18] can anyone tell me why sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk doesn't work? [06:18] it installs but the compiler doesn't work. [06:18] dcolish: as I said, I think it would be a no go because of the fear of backlash from such snobbish people and the distro "biz" is pretty cut throat it seems [06:18] fourthdimension: what goes wrong with it? [06:18] Bogus8: yeah probably [06:18] fourthdimension: sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun [06:18] gives me errors in compiling anything besides a hellow world program [06:18] like ones dealing with objects, imports, etc [06:18] dcolish: need an example, talk to gentoo people ;) [06:19] http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java6/ [06:19] fourthdimension: sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun [06:19] jeez anyone?.. :( [06:19] aptitude is the preferred over apt-get [06:19] vook: Not really, no. [06:19] ai3gtmc: anyone what? [06:19] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html [06:19] know how to install LAMP [06:19] deadlyallance691 I doubt that would be compatible ... but I guess it would be possible to install the Enlightenment Desktop Enviroment in Ubuntu [06:20] itai-michaelson, policy is meant to help debug issues relating to the preferences file. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each source. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority selection of the named package. === _benklop is now known as benklop [06:20] IBM_4690_Operating_System_Messages_Guide_Version 5.2 defines 'panel' as "The complete set of formatted information that appears in a single display on a visual display unit." This seems to me a rather rare use of the word 'panel' in Ubuntu. Do you agree or did I overlook something? [06:20] ai3gtmc: apt-get install lamp and if that doesn't work apt-cache search lamp and find the right package and install that [06:20] ay^_:you know how? [06:20] hi [06:21] why is ubuntu sutch a pain to watch at ? [06:21] !lamp | ai3gtmc [06:21] ai3gtmc: no, but I think google could tell me [06:21] ai3gtmc: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [06:21] Hi *. I have been trying to use an external monitor with my laptop. I can change configuration with nvidia-settings. Is there a way to create a script so that it would be easier to switch? [06:22] Hi guys i installed nvidia but when i reboot my x server does not run any idea i used the installer. [06:22] It runs when i use the installer, but after reboot it doesn't run again. [06:22] bleh , which installer ? [06:22] I've had synergy working before, just using the conf files. Today I am trying quick synergy for the second time... [06:23] blank screen? [06:23] bullgard4: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a more appropriate place for that question [06:23] ah, LAMP, I was thinking LDAP woops [06:23] <[-Mabus-]> anyone have Kismet installed that can tell me where the default output for the log files is? [06:23] bradtek, NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1.run [06:23] bleh: don't use the installer [06:23] and again, no matter what I do, nothing seems to happen. I've names the screen and link to the server, it starts without errors, but nothing happens... :/ [06:23] I used the Hardware drivers in System options, but its an old version need updated. [06:23] its 160 somthing. [06:24] lamp isn't hard to install... just install what you need... usually if you pick the right one the rest follow in anyway... like phpmyadmin [06:24] Why isn't there a 'two computer' screenshot or setup conf example? [06:25] could i get some assistance setting up ximapd? i'm trying to setup squirrelmail, and i'm getting an error saying theres no IMAP service on port 111. [06:25] any help would be great [06:25] [-Mabus-]: current dir, iirc [06:25] sn9, what shall i do then ? [06:25] Have you tried Envy to install [06:25] Since i don't need the old version [06:25] bleh: use the old version [06:25] jgoo: because you haven't written it yet [06:25] Do games suck under wine? [06:25] envy uses old version ? [06:26] nando: no....well...it depends on your video driver and what version of wine and what game [06:26] <[-Mabus-]> sn9, I'm looking for the Kismet output files [06:26] vilemaxim, wow. awesome. The comment is in the context of, if you are going to write some help, and they have, and people do, why don't people, humans, naturally gravitate towards real world examples? [06:26] nando: a few friends play WOW used wine [06:27] ok thanks guys ill just have to see for myself [06:27] vilemaxim, not necessarily as 'I want my help!'. I will just hack it more. it is annoying though [06:27] [-Mabus-]: the dir where you start kismet [06:27] when i make mount [06:27] hi, how do I find a slightly old version of a package in ubuntu? [06:27] fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy [06:27] level1: "slightly old" ?? [06:28] sn9: for example, they released version 10 beta of flash in backports and then within a few hours reverted to version 9 [06:28] sn9: I want to find the package for version 10 [06:29] they probably reverted for good reason [06:29] jgoo: I'm not saying you idea of how documentation should be written is bad. I like screen shots... but a lot of people... new to open source... often complain about lack of documentation... or poor documentation, but when they figure something out, they don't write it ether. [06:29] apparantly it caused system crashes [06:29] i.e. version 10 sucked/caused problems/killed people [06:29] =D [06:30] cweagans: imo, killing people is a special cause of causing problems which itself is a special case of sucking [06:30] haha...it wouldn't be if you were a ninja [06:30] =D [06:30] s/cause/case [06:31] search says its in hardy backportrs [06:31] you are still causing problems, just not for you [06:31] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=flash [06:31] bradtek: yes, its version [06:31] note the end [06:31] really9.0.124.0ubuntu2 [06:31] <[-Mabus-]> sn9, thanks found them, they where hinding the /var/ [06:31] lol [06:32] level1: i might still have 10 in my /var/cache/apt/archives if i haven't cleared it [06:32] lol... isn't there a way to get this stuff online though? [06:32] I thought nothing was deleted in the ubuntu archives [06:32] why name it like that [06:32] Hi, I got an issue about ubuntu having x-server freezed half-way [06:33] the last time it crashes merely 3 mins after I start it up. [06:33] I have samba 3.0 installed but I can't find mount.smbfs [06:33] What is the deal here? [06:33] Ontolog: aptitude install smbfs [06:34] Ontolog: I think you need sambamnt or something like that [06:34] hi [06:34] samba package is just for samba sharing [06:34] Hi *... Does anyone here uses a docking stations and knows if there is a way to create a script so that the monitor changes when using the dockign station (without using nvidia-settings)? [06:34] SleepyThor: does it crash when you boot off the ubuntu CD? [06:35] !xrandr | mrwoody [06:35] mrwoody: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [06:35] no, vilemaxim, when I'm on a working system [06:35] what's the advantages of setting up a chrooted environment [06:35] sn9: ok.. thanks. Does it work for docking stations? [06:35] it's find if I move my hdd to the other computer, but when working on my own testbed laptop, it freezes. [06:35] sleepster: testing? development? [06:35] mrwoody: docking is an acpi event [06:35] SleepyThor: you video card might be bad... so a live cd might tell you if your problem is hardware [06:36] cweagans: does it add security? [06:36] Hello world! [06:36] I instaled ubuntu and after I updated it it won't load and it brings me to this busybox (imitramfs) screen..any idea whats wrong? [06:36] Where can I find some linux sounds to use for Pidgin? where are the default sounds stored? [06:36] has anyone used "Discover" to look at hardware in Hardy ? [06:36] ubuntu sounds that is [06:36] sleepster: couldn't tell you...I used it for building a LFS system [06:36] sn9: ok.. so does that mean it should work? at the moment, the only way I can get the external monitor to work is to use nvidia-settings [06:36] vilemaxim: I'm suspecting a bad video carda as well. [06:37] sleepster: yes it does [06:37] mrwoody: you can always do things from the terminal. here's the script that I would use: reboot [06:37] =D [06:37] mrwoody: make sure the acpi modules for docking are loaded, and add an event handler to hal-info [06:37] sleepster: commands executed in the chroot cannot effect the non chroot environment [06:37] vilemaxim: oh nice.. [06:37] cweagans: it is not quite true [06:38] sleepster: kinda a jail... sometimes refered to that way [06:38] mhz128: there are some in /usr/share/sounds [06:38] sn9: well at the moment, before I want to do that I want to make sure I can change the configuration using only the terminal [06:38] sn9: otherwise would it work? [06:38] vilemaxim: I need to restrict the commands users execute on my box so I was planning to use chroot to do that [06:39] mrwoody: from the terminal, just use xrandr [06:39] create a usr/bin that will contain symbolic links of the commands that I will only allow them to execute [06:39] sleepster: I use to run debian stable and unstable at the same time... with Xservers for each one on F7 and the other on f9 [06:39] sn9: cool thanks, how do i play ogg files? ubuntu wont let me [06:39] mhz128: just open them [06:39] sleepster: the chroot must have everything they need in it [06:40] sn9: "no availble software to view this file" [06:40] hmm [06:40] vilemaxim: so is there a way to restrict the users from executing specific commands using chroot? [06:40] anyone know if ubuntu's 64bit version has good multimedia codec support or is it lacking far behind 32bit ubuntu? [06:40] sn9: xrandr doesn't seem to realize that there are 2 monitors, unless I use nvidia-settings [06:40] sleepster: sometimes mounting proc within the chroot helps with devices [06:40] sn9: I will try more [06:40] if so, can you install a "server kernel" after you install 32bit ubuntu, so you can see all your ram if you have over 4gigs [06:40] you really don't want to do that though [06:41] sleepster: cannot say I'm an expert on it... just played around really. But the simplist way is to limit what you put in the chroot [06:41] mhz128 : /usr/share/sounds/ [06:41] sn9: never mind, you can't run files from the gnome search tool...... only from nautilus...... how weird [06:41] thanks viezerd [06:41] sleepster: if bash isn;t in the chroot, they cannot do anything. [06:41] thanks vilemaxim [06:42] /msg ubottu etiquette [06:42] sleepster: no problem [06:42] so anyone know if theres a true advantage to installing 32bit ubuntu+ server kernel to see all yoru ram and use all multimedia codecs, vs using a 64bit kernel, and not have as much multimedia codecs? [06:43] but seeing all your ram w/o installing/upgrading the kernel [06:43] sleepster: take a look at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html [06:43] binskipy2u: kernel has nothing to do with multimedia codecs [06:43] sleepster: section 8.6.35 chroot [06:43] but 64bit ubuntu doesnt have as many codecs [06:43] binskipy2u: the only difference really is that 64bit stil has troubled flash support [06:43] but 32bit does [06:43] hmm how do I add another monitor? IM on xubuntu [06:43] but 32bit doesnt see all my ram [06:43] i'm missing close to 800mb [06:43] 3.2something [06:43] when i have 4gigs [06:43] sleepster: that was the document that got me started [06:44] thanks vilemaxim [06:44] binskipy2u: how do you check ram? [06:44] ai3gtmc: free [06:44] top [06:44] and system info [06:44] 3.2something [06:44] ai3gtmc: or top [06:44] sleepster: no problem [06:44] total system memory [06:44] when i have 4. gigs [06:44] jeez im on xubuntu.. [06:44] Is anyone available to help with ATI driver install? [06:45] If you have >4GB RAM and want to see/use all of it then use a 64 bit kernel/OS. Don't take shortcuts. [06:45] powertool08: which ati do you have? [06:45] powertool08: sudo apt-get install envy [06:45] then use envy to install it [06:45] so anyone know how to add another monitor? [06:45] works great [06:45] sn9: 9600xt [06:45] powertool08: you don't need any ati driver [06:45] envyng is awesome [06:45] hi wld any1 know wat happened to getdeb.net? [06:45] Well, I got all four emails sent off - hopefully I can make some money from them [06:45] ttyal [06:45] sn9: ? [06:45] powertool08: 9600 works OOB [06:45] * MTecknology out [06:46] !paste [06:46] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [06:46] LSDninja.. will it make much of a performance differencing using 64bit ubuntu w/less multimedia support vs 32bit w/server kernel to see all 4gigs of ram [06:46] sn9: didn't work for me :/ I've tried enabling the restricted, didn't work, installed through aptitude, didn't work, just installed from source, isn't working [06:46] i'm trying to get the most out of this system [06:47] powertool08: don't use the restricted [06:47] hi wld any1 know wat happened to getdeb.net? [06:47] i'm running off the desktop boot cd, what is the default root password to su ? [06:47] sn9: what do I use then? ati or radeon? and will these get me 3d rendering with dual-head setup? [06:47] binskipy2u: Do you *really* need 4GB RAM though? Is there anything you do that routinely needs more than 2-3? [06:47] hi wld any1 know wat happened to getdeb.net? Any1? [06:48] powertool08: radeon works [06:48] !repeat | elfgoh [06:48] i guess not [06:48] elfgoh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [06:48] a shame not to utilize it all and disable swap [06:48] that would speed things up [06:48] Any Citadel admins around.. trying to connect citadel to ldap. Cannot figure out how to get these two talking [06:48] !rootsudo | Bogus8 (Flannel's been hard at work, happy now? :) [06:48] Bogus8 (Flannel's been hard at work, happy now? :): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [06:48] swappiness=0 [06:48] elfgoh: the admins probably got annoyed at people who don't feel it's worth their time to type complete words so they took the site offline [06:48] sn9: Ok thanks, i'll try that [06:48] binskipy2u: By the time you actually need it, 64 bit compatibility will almost certainly be a non-issue [06:48] nickrud: LOL... boy I started some ish eh? [06:48] cweagans: @@ wat did u mean by complete words? [06:49] Bogus8: Nah, thanks for pointing it out. [06:49] would you use 32bit on your 64bit hardware, just for that very reason.. [06:49] binskipy2u: you should never disable swap altogether. it's better to swap to a ramdisk, ugly as that sounds [06:49] Bogus8 it was a very good point you made [06:49] 'what' instead of wat, 'you' instead of 'u' [06:49] of course it was :p [06:49] elfgoh: You should speak properly, because not everyone speaks english as a first language, and slang/aolspeak is difficult for them to understand. [06:50] Flannel: oh ok sorry! [06:50] cweagans: ok tks! [06:50] np [06:50] and you did it again and so did I [06:50] =D [06:50] so, flash player 10 isn't very interesting [06:51] and doesn't fix konqueror :( [06:51] vilemaxim: you know what's funny, it seemed to be fine running Windows XP (from another HDD) [06:51] SleepyThor: you did the install on a different system? [06:51] i guess 800mb doesnt really matter, 3.2gigs should be enough for anything yoyu can throw at it [06:51] cweagans: oops! [06:51] SleepyThor: and move the drive to that system? [06:51] still beats vista [06:52] =D [06:52] vilemaxim: I installed this ubuntu on the offending system, then moved the drive to another one which seemed to work (all the machine has the same hardware config though sans a couple of keyboard differences afaik) [06:53] SleepyThor: I would try moving to a vesa driver and see if that helps [06:54] does ubuntu have issues with sata booting? [06:54] how i restart x? [06:54] dfgas: not that I noticed. I'm on sata now [06:54] vilemaxim: how would one set the display driver to vesa? [06:54] dual sata drives now [06:54] SleepyThor: safe graphics mode [06:54] SleepyThor: I haven't had the need to do that in a while, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I think [06:55] I would drop into a non X terminal [06:55] I guess you have no choice. [06:55] dfgas: i had problems with dual sata drives, i had to change my grub device.map [06:55] didn;t think that through [06:56] suraklin, can you explain more [06:56] is there a way to install live cd distros to boot from HD? [06:56] dfgas: for some reason drive 1 was being seen as sdb and and drive 2 was being seen as sda [06:56] i am assuming yes but just want to make sure [06:56] vilemaxim: it didn't say anything about display settings, it just babbled about keyboard! [06:57] xinnix: I think you can get grub to boot iso [06:57] dfgas: so i edited /boot/grub/device.map to change /dev/sdb to hd0 and /dev/sda to hd1 [06:57] .org [06:57] oops wont try that again :) [06:57] dfgas: then i ran update-grub and grub-install to fix my boot issues [06:57] SleepyThor: the hard way would be to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [06:58] SleepyThor: look for drive under device [06:58] that's not hard [06:58] vilemaxim: well, it has been edited. :P [06:58] but as a carboncopy from the driver provider. [06:58] hello, does anyone have any idea on how to get sata hard drives to work on an a8n-sli motherboard with 8.04 x64 [06:59] SleepyThor: change to vesa [06:59] When I try to enable desktopneffects I getb theb error 'Desktop effects could not be enabled', does anybody know why? [06:59] you know what's funny, vilemaxim. [06:59] marki613: ahci mode in the bios [06:59] michael: video card? [06:59] it seemed to be fine on this alternative laptop I'm using [06:59] LSD|Ninja, i'm using a PS3 [06:59] SleepyThor: well you should be good then... I hate directing noobs there, but if you have been editing it before you shoudl be fine === suraklin_ is now known as suraklin [07:00] suraklin, acutally he is saying that when he has both drives hooked up he has problems that ubuntu won't show the sata drives at all unless he unhooks one or runs them both off of his sata raid card. however he is not running raid [07:00] vilemaxim: I'm a noob actually, but I'm at a loss as to why it works on this current computer but not my own testbed, [07:00] sn9:you mean change it so the hdds appear as raid? [07:01] vilemaxim: would it be a cooling problem? [07:01] SleepyThor: not sure what the problem is. vesa is a very simple driver [07:01] vilemaxim: I'll need to check whether it is actually on vesa. [07:01] SleepyThor: you would think windows would suffer the same probelm then [07:01] marki613: options should be legacy, raid, or ahci. choose ahci [07:01] vilemaxim: funny enough, it seemed to be fine atm. :S [07:02] michael: sounds like you're not using an accelerated video driver. No idea what you're supposed to use with a PS3 though. I know it's an nVidia of some sort but I doubt you can just go to the hardware drivers panel and intall their normal driver... [07:02] It's so awkward that I don't even know what sort of black magic it is going on. [07:02] hi [07:03] could anyone help me with mythtv? my tv card isn't to be recognized after i modprobbed the cx18 coxenant driver [07:03] LSD|Ninja, got any advice then? [07:03] is there any option to show time in netstat command [07:03] michael: I've heard from a friend that linux installed on PS3 does have access to the video card's acceleration... by design [07:03] michael: nope, if I even get a PS3 I sure as hell won't be installing Linux on it :P [07:03] can i unmodprobe it to where it was before [07:04] eross: what kinda of card is it [07:04] eross: you may need the to add pitti's (martin pitt's) apt repository === mak|m0m0 is now known as mpking [07:04] vilemaxin - dont know, it came with model m7640n hp, think it comes up as iTvi or something under lpsci [07:04] vilemaxim: In fact, I'm trying to stress test the Window system on the offending machine. [07:05] eross: ivtv? [07:05] sounds like it sn9 [07:05] sn9:there's not option to change it only to enable or disable the sata controller [07:05] SleepyThor: I dobt it's a cooling problem then [07:05] I'm trying parse the output of nm-tool in a bash script. There is a line in the form " IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". How can I get just the address portion of this line? [07:06] marki: hdparm -I [07:06] vilemaxim, LSD|Ninja, apparently it has a nvidia 7800 gtx graphics card. [07:06] ANy help? [07:06] <[T]ank> i am trying to install pptpconfig and am getting the following error: Depends: php-gtk-pcntl but it is not going to be installed [07:06] <[T]ank> cant figure out how to get past it [07:06] <[T]ank> can anyone please help? [07:06] parse the delimiter [07:06] marki613: on the oldest sata boards, you may be out of luck [07:06] use the . [07:07] eross: was hoping it was the one I setup, but it is not. my card was a bitch to get setup [07:07] <[T]ank> here is my sources http://pastebin.ca/1086853 [07:07] now i see this: 03:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01) [07:07] eross: ivtv is not cx18 [07:07] <[T]ank> how can i correct or get past that error? [07:07] Arodon, use the command "cut" with ":" as a delimiter [07:08] vilemaxim: methinks it actually was part of the problem as the cooling fan was not working well, but that has been fixed and the problem is still recurring. [07:08] harisund: ok thanks:) [07:08] sn9: I have been trying to use xrandr... but it seems that it can only see the internal monitor (until I use nvidia-settings) [07:08] do i need to reinstall the os? [07:08] eross: I had to pass kernel options when loading the card... there are 2 options with 0-24 in either and different ones would give me sound and color.... it was painful [07:08] mrwoody: oh, well... [07:09] eross: i doubt that will help [07:09] SleepyThor: but no recurring under windows now though... right [07:09] LSD|Ninja, apparently Sony restrict access to the graphics cardsv full functionality under Linux. [07:09] vilemaxim: yup [07:09] so it'd be a driver problem [07:10] SleepyThor: unless your install for messed up... that is what it seems like to me [07:10] i am using custom base ubuntu installation . i use openbox and want to put some application launcher much like a dock , which doesn't have a system tray. [07:10] anybody ever have trouble to open this chat room from Pidgin on Ubuntu? [07:10] vilemaxim: oops, might be a good idea to reinstall it then [07:10] what should i use [07:10] :S [07:10] sn9: no more hints? [07:10] SleepyThor: the vesa driver would help figure out if it's your Xserver [07:10] tv-time doesn't work, won't let me change the video source from /dev/video0 [07:11] SleepyThor: wouldn't hurt, but I would try vesa drivers first... a lot faster [07:11] Is it possible to get realtransparancy with metacity? [07:11] Morning [07:11] mrwoody: read the nvidia driver readme? other than that, no [07:11] vilemaxim: though it didn't seem to ask me that question when I entered dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [07:11] ledenby: no i'm actually using pidgin from ubuntu right now... [07:11] i have a problem all time when i restart my pc my keyboard goes back to the USA Keyboard [07:11] eross: tvtime is not compatible with ivtv [07:11] but i set alltime the german keyboard [07:12] Masteredu: that's a known bug [07:12] i am using custom base ubuntu installation . i use openbox and want to put some application launcher much like a dock , which doesn't have a system tray. [07:13] sn9 what i have to do? [07:13] !de [07:13] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [07:13] maybe they can help as they come up to the same situation [07:13] aha, I seemed to overstreched the windows machine as well, vilemaxim [07:13] marki613; hmmm, i used to get pidgin to go on this room but no more [07:13] when I was doing stress test, it went blue! [07:13] SleepyThor : are you trying to kill a windows machine ? [07:13] Masteredu: read bug report #194645 [07:14] BSOD kills /me [07:14] lol [07:14] ManualOverDozer8: Not really, I'm trying to figure out why Ubuntu got frozen on my offending Linux testbed but not on this originally Windows machine. [07:14] SleepyThor: well if you are getting a new laptop I recommend the lenovo t62p :) [07:14] where i can read bug reports? [07:14] vilemaxim: No, these are work testbeds. :P [07:14] T61p sorry [07:14] pls lnik [07:14] link [07:14] ledenby: don't take my word for it, this is the first time i use pidgin for irc... [07:14] ubottu: bug 194645 [07:15] Launchpad bug 194645 in ubuntu "keyboard layout switching combination does not get saved (dup-of: 196277)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194645 [07:15] Launchpad bug 196277 in libxklavier "[hardy] With autologin, keyboard layout switching shortcut/settings don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196277 [07:15] vilemaxim: I've got two a penny laptops for my own, thanks. [07:15] is there any option to show time in netstat command [07:15] ManualOverDozer8: I just found out that when I stressed test my original testbed, it went to bsod. [07:16] marki613: i'm using pidgin now from Pupplylinux...no probs here but it won't open the window on Ubuntu...oh well can't win em all! [07:16] i am using custom base ubuntu installation . i use openbox and want to put some application launcher much like a dock , which doesn't have a system tray. [07:16] kaushal: netstat -t ? [07:16] kaushal, netstat shows statistics for the current moment in time - why would you need timestamps for that? [07:17] SleepyThor: what did you use to stress it [07:17] Hello [07:17] unop, i was interested in knowing when the port was connected [07:18] Hey, im using wine to run STEAM, and every game i start up freezes about midway before im about to click anything. [07:18] i am using custom base ubuntu installation . i use openbox and want to put some application launcher much like a dock , which doesn't have a system tray. [07:18] unop, netstat -an|grep 12001 [07:19] murlidhar: install compiz and avant window navigator [07:19] =D [07:19] just out of curiosity, whatever happened to the quality control for backports? [07:19] vilemaxim: SEi QA+ Win32 [07:19] adobe flash beta 10 was horrible... even if it was only exposed for half a day (half a day too much IMO) [07:19] all the bugs in the backports software ate the maintainers [07:19] =D [07:20] cweagans, -__-; is it me, or do I sense a trend of of decreasing quality in backports [07:20] vilemaxim: when it went for hardware config, bsod occured. [07:20] does anyone else sense it? (i'm not trying to flame, I'm genuinely concerned, perhaps we should forward this to the appropriate people) [07:20] yeah....backports sucks [07:21] but I don't care because I compile all my software [07:21] =D [07:21] cweagans, it didn't used to, there used to be a deal of quality control... [07:21] i could try to install mythbuntu directly [07:21] is there any way to stop that "border fade to panel" thing ? it drives me nutz i dont like it [07:21] SleepyThor: I work for a pc repair company and am always looking for test programs [07:21] ManualOverDozer8, what do you mean border fade? [07:21] vilemaxim: aha [07:21] when i minimize the app, it fades to panel [07:21] cweagans: i don't want to use compiz . just a simple application launcher with no system stay and as far as i know awn shows the icons of the application that are running [07:22] well, as I said, I'm a noob who's also a noob at the company I'm working atm. [07:22] <[T]ank> can anyone recommend a good vpn client that is not pptpconfig? [07:22] dunno then [07:22] <[T]ank> using gnome [07:22] openvpn? [07:22] SleepyThor: you like it? [07:22] m0u5e the border outline fades to the panel, maybe better way to put it [07:22] though ironically, most people don't know linux: they stress test everything in Windows, and only install Linux before they ship out. [07:22] vilemaxim: so far so good. [07:22] why does the new kernel freeze after gdm [07:22] <[T]ank> does openvpn do pptp? [07:23] eh...no.... [07:23] white screen followed by black screen [07:23] ManualOverDozer8, outline of the panel border? (sorry if I'm not understanding) [07:23] kppp? [07:23] pppd? [07:23] joe_chat: Hmm, good question [07:23] I'm using an Ubuntu (debian) based linux and have a problem with kopete, which I have installed manually... synaptic says that the package is broken (some libraries are too old), however, it work fine. How can I made synaptic just to ignore this package? [07:24] * N3bunel saluta [07:24] Skandalist: use apt-preferences and pinning [07:24] joe_chat: it's not kernel freeze it is that compiz and other startup items problem. log into gnome-safe mode and strike off the useless startup scripts from sessions [07:24] SleepyThor: well it's almost 1:30 here so you can have the chat room. take care. [07:24] m0u5e lets see.... when i minimize and application from maximized, it shows a jittery outline of the application down to the panel. it only does it wen i click on mininmize, not when i click on the panel again to maximize it [07:24] it seems gdm uses x windows and the freeze might be gnome or kde both freeze [07:25] Skandalist, first try "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" and see if synaptic can solve that problem [07:25] ok [07:25] brb....gotta poop [07:25] =D [07:25] m0u5e i shut off visual effects in which it looks a little better but the visual effects dont go so well with this old vidcard [07:25] ManualOverDozer8, ah i know what you mean, i get that problem too... i think its an opengl bug [07:25] talking about time difference... [07:25] i installed ubuntu 8.04 and the gnome-panel gets stuck a lot. [07:25] ManualOverDozer8, I don't remember if I fixed it, but currently i don't use the animations plugin (i use juse fade out) [07:26] ufk, stuck? [07:26] like... gnome-panel freezes and i cannot start any new X program [07:26] joe_chat: just log out and choose gnome-safe session or something like that which i don't remember exactly [07:26] m0u5e yes it looks better but i turned it off. i have old mx440 and it struglles [07:26] ufk: are you by chance using backports and flash? [07:27] ManualOverDozer8: yeah, it might just be our gpus are too old :( [07:27] backports in /etc/apt/sources.list ? [07:27] hello, anybody knows where can i ask python+gtk questions?? [07:27] flash 10 works good on this machine, but if you look at description it says "but really 9.xx.xxx" [07:27] zen-xstat_, #pygtk i believe [07:27] ManualOverDozer8: thats because backports got "fixed" [07:27] m0u5e, you mean a repository called backports ? [07:28] ufk: well the ubuntu-backports repos... so i suppose yes? [07:28] ManualOverDozer8: that's because flash10 is still in beta. [07:28] i wasnt aware, i just happen to install it. this is new install as of last week [07:28] ManualOverDozer8: well, on my own machine, sometimes, Flash Player 9r117 fails on Firefox. [07:28] let me check [07:28] unop: must include the # right? [07:28] zen-xstat_, right [07:28] ManualOverDozer8: I'ved heard lots of problems with flash 10 (and I've experienced quite a few myself) [07:29] m0u5e yes as have i. i must have gotten lucky, it worked the first time i installed it [07:29] m0u5e, backports in not enabled. [07:29] ManualOverDozer8: do you ever try to "maximize" the screen... thats usually where my problems began [07:29] back [07:30] "maximize screen" ? not sure what you mean. its default settings, at 800x600 === todd is now known as Guest6668 [07:30] m0u5e: should i enabled backports ? [07:30] ufk mm have no idea then... have you tried to kill X and restart? or does it always boot in like that [07:30] ufk: no [07:30] the apps that show at the bottom in the panel, clicking on them between min and max will do it, but not min to max [07:31] m0u5e, it works if i do that.. but this problem happens very often [07:31] ufk: i was just asking about backports, because i experienced what you are experiencing when using flash10 [07:31] m0u5e, flash10 is also in backports ? [07:31] ufk: huh.... do you remember when it started? [07:31] m0u5e more just an anoyance rather than a bug, i know why the outline is there, but i dont like it, as i never liked any fades or special effects on windows [07:31] I'm trying to install the driver from Epson for the Stylus C90, but I get this error message: "su: Authentication failure." I'm using the correct password, so what does this mean? [07:31] ufk: not anymore (thank god) its not [07:31] m0u5e, it started since i installed ubuntu [07:32] i like straightup speed, i dont need no eyecandy to run a machine :) [07:32] it's a new installation on lenovo r61 [07:32] and with this vidcard i need every single mhZ it can push [07:32] i have a very important process that is running for two days. [07:32] and i cannot kill X [07:32] because i started it on a terminal on X. [07:32] ufk: well, you could try reinstalling nautilus [07:33] ufk: and killing nautilus and restarting [07:33] ufk CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE be carefull [07:33] ManualOverDozer8: no that would kill his X... [07:33] attempt at your own risk [07:33] ctrl-alt-backspace will kill my X session and currently i can't because of an important process that is running. [07:33] yes i tried it [07:33] can i move the computer to sleep state from console ? [07:33] hmm, ufk, your problem seemed to be similar to what I have. [07:33] what options do i remove from menu.1st to get rid of the splash screen? is it "quiet splash" ? [07:33] ther eis a restart i forget the command though [07:34] ufk: too bad there's no way to attach that process to screen :( [07:34] google hit on restarting X > http://johnboy45.wordpress.com/2006/09/09/how-to-restart-x-windows-without-rebooting/ [07:34] ManualOverDozer8: but it would kill his immediate processes wouldn't it? [07:35] ufk: in the future, use screen to start processes that you might want to keep running while killing X [07:35] suraklin, yeah :( [07:35] hindsight is 20/20 :( [07:35] i just learned about screen today, i had no idea how powerful it is [07:36] it reminds me of Desqview [07:36] sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [07:36] gee gentoo has an ugly bootup - without the splash\ [07:39] gentoo is ugly [07:39] typically, distros get prettier and less stable the more they're forked [07:39] debian -> ubuntu -> mint [07:40] hah [07:40] oh i mean ubuntu sorry guys, the gentoo on looks neat :-P [07:40] the text on ubuntu boot up looks like a C64 [07:40] h4x [07:40] are you on a widescreen? [07:41] no, lappy [07:41] the font is massive [07:41] must be 20 point or something [07:41] use apt-preferences and pinning / sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade - I don't have these things... [07:42] other than that it looks great - i'm coming from 10 odd years using other (now more commercial) distros [07:42] i use gentoo on my 'rice-burner' though ;-) [07:43] ubuntu looks really solid (now) [07:43] must only be a matter of time before they too go corporate ;-) [07:43] (not trolling, just joking) [07:43] put gentoo on your netbsd toaster :) [07:43] h4x3ls10r: it's because your screen is prolly widescreen, and the front usplash is just inproportonate, so you just need to change that [07:44] can i pause a process in console somehow and then to continue ? [07:44] hi, I have a hsdpa modem and want to connect. I'm using umtsmon but I can't connect. When I open "pppd" in terminal I got something like "~�}#�!}!}!} }4}"}&}". Umtsmon tells that pppd is wrong or something. What can I do? [07:44] ufk, how was the process started? at the command line? [07:44] i killed the splash all together FAJALOU1 it's the init sequence that looks weird (and it's not widescreen) :-) [07:44] ufk: ctrl-Z [07:44] no started on X [07:44] and now X froze.. [07:45] hi, I have a hsdpa modem and want to connect. I'm using umtsmon but I can't connect. When I open "pppd" in terminal I got something like "~�}#�!}!}!} }4}"}&}". Umtsmon tells that pppd is wrong or something. What can I do? [07:45] the process keeps running... and my boss needs to take the laptop home now [07:45] h4x3ls10r: huh that's weird then, i think it's supposed to be big though. [07:45] I installed Windows after installing Ubuntu, and it overwrote the bootloader. How do I regain the ability to dual boo? [07:45] *dual boot [07:46] ufk sudo killall [07:46] ufk, you can send the process a STOP signal to stop it for now [07:46] ufk, and then to resume it later, send it a CONT signal [07:46] !grub | AHemlocksLie [07:46] AHemlocksLie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [07:46] unop, the STOP signal won't kill the process ? [07:46] FAJALOU1, errm, no -- that kills off the process [07:46] FAJALOU1, i just said.. i can't kill the process [07:46] ufk, no [07:46] AHemlocksLie :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=reinstall+grub [07:46] ok.. how can i send it the stop signal ? [07:47] sorry, just jumping in too late. [07:47] ufk, see kill -l for a list of signals [07:47] thanks [07:47] ufk, -19 and -18 for STOP and CONT respectively [07:48] ubottu: Thanks a lot, that should work. [07:48] AHemlocksLie: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:48] sn9: thanks, that should work [07:48] thanks [07:50] hi, I have a hsdpa modem and want to connect. I'm using umtsmon but I can't connect. When I open "pppd" in terminal I got something like "~�}#�!}!}!} }4}"}&}". Umtsmon tells that pppd is wrong or something. What can I do? [07:53] hi guys [07:53] question how do i install new icons [07:54] !icons | ajay [07:54] ajay: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) === und3rgr0undz3r0 is now known as fuxxorz [07:54] hey, i installed a theme package and now its not showing up in appearance, how do i find it? [07:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32088/ [07:55] !themes | fuxxorz [07:55] fuxxorz: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy === hubbl3 is now known as ubaubu [07:56] Hey ya guys [07:56] !hi | Sanctusorium [07:56] Sanctusorium: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [07:56] FAJALOU1, i have the themes, i isnstalled a theme pack, i just dont see them in the apperance tab [07:57] I just got a GTK theme and its in a tar.gz folder with a bunch of sub folders in it. === laura is now known as dusa [07:57] How would i go about installing it? [07:57] FAJALOU1, i just want to use the themes i installed, im tired of my dark theme and want to use my new theme [07:57] fuxxorz: did you drag and drop the tarball into appearance. [07:57] :) Thanks for any help/ [07:57] FAJALOU1, Yeah, but it doesn't work [07:57] Er [07:57] Sorry [07:57] Sanctusorium: drag and drop into Appearances [07:57] FAJALOU1, Doesn't work correctly [07:57] how i do networking ??? [07:58] FAJALOU1, it says the themes were installed correctly, but they dont show up for me to select them [07:58] It gives me a very ugly look, none of the pngs and what not are being loaded I guess. [07:58] Sanctusorium: try a different theme [07:59] how i can network?? [07:59] can anyone help me get my themes working? [07:59] !explain | cool [07:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about explain [07:59] Never mind. I figured out the problem. It is a bash script and needed bash on the command line. [07:59] cool we need details to help === bazil is now known as bazilek [08:00] iam trying to network to my roomie pc [08:00] hes on win [08:01] which windows? [08:01] xp [08:01] Most all themes that AREN'T in mutiple folders work... Just wonder how to get these mutiple folder ones to work. I've read to extract it in /usr/themes, but I don't know what to do from there <.<; [08:02] hello [08:02] cool: if he sets his disk to be shared, go to Places->Network [08:03] how to change a permission [08:03] hi [08:03] can anyone help me get my themes working? [08:04] acc: right-click, Properties [08:04] and then [08:04] is there a possibility to install 32-bit libraries on a 64bit ubuntu for compabilities sake? [08:04] chmod 77 perm change that or just fo the session ? [08:04] dgsfgfsg [08:04] arfdsfdsfds [08:04] i want the command line [08:04] morbyte: yes [08:04] fuxxorz: ill try [08:04] can i ues a name thats how i did it with my old linux 2 my old win that was xp ?? [08:05] morbyte, i installed a theme package with a few themes in it, variations of the same theme. but they arent showing up in the themes tab [08:05] sn9: or should i take wine for games? [08:05] hi [08:05] morbyte, it said they installed successfully [08:05] should try Crossover Games [08:06] morbyte: wine needs 32 bits anyway [08:06] acc, what are these files and directories? your documents or music, etc? [08:06] fuxxorz: hmm maybe re-login? [08:06] what's the desktop setting to get the windows all lined up when pointer hits the corner? === DBLobster is now known as U09526 [08:06] thank you and toz [08:07] q [08:07] morbyte, thanks, ill try that [08:09] sn9: ill simply try the WineForAMD64 faq :) [08:09] hi, I have a hsdpa modem and want to connect. I'm using umtsmon but I can't connect. When I open "pppd" in terminal I got something like "~�}#�!}!}!} }4}"}&}". Umtsmon tells that pppd is wrong or something. [08:10] wine dont work for all games === SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie [08:12] sn9: I uninstalled everything I could find that had to do with fglrx, and here is my updated xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/32091/ Still don't have dual monitors going and glxinfo says direct rendering: yes but I don't think its right [08:13] powertool08: does xrandr work? [08:14] Is there a man page for the PS1 variable for terminal? [08:14] sn9: Probably, I had it setup like that once [08:14] Flynsarmy: man bash [08:14] anyone know a program that wll index .wmv movies [08:15] sn9: Ok so I think I can get dual desktops going with xrandr, but is my direct 3d setup correctly for games/compiz? [08:15] sn9: glxinfo output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32092/ [08:15] hi ...i have SB Live and can't make it work ...anyone have solutions ? [08:16] After trying ubuntu with wubu and loving it I installed ubuntu on its own partition and dual booted it with vista. I had heard this gives a slight performance boost (plus you can hibernate) however for some strange reason now video doesnt seem to be working quite as well? its still decent... but I get a little flashing and black lines with compez flipping desktop effects and that kinda stuff, screensavers struggling to render... anyone know why this would b === U09526 is now known as M3-18 [08:17] hi all can some one help please --- dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg stops after keyboard detection [08:18] so i cannot get to the screen resolution srction [08:18] section [08:18] powertool08: you shouldn't really need all that in xorg.conf; the defaults should be ok [08:18] im using ubuntu 8.04 gnome [08:18] krughanh: there is no such section anymore [08:19] why wine dont work with my games? [08:19] sn9 ---- it show me the keyboard and mouse then it stops [08:19] im pretty sure i done 4 times [08:20] sn9: Does the default xorg.conf say "Configured Video Device" "Configured Keyboard Device" etc? Because thats what I get with a dpkg-reconfigure [08:20] why wine dont work with my games? === [ID]-3977 is now known as George_ZL [08:20] powertool08: it's mostly blank [08:20] UBertha: java [08:20] !wine | cool [08:20] krughanh: that's normal [08:20] cool: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [08:20] i get Configured Keyboard Device but never get to the part that let me choose the screen size [08:21] sn9: ok [08:21] krughanh: there is no such part anymore [08:21] so im stuck on 800*640 (i think) [08:21] Greetings. [08:21] :( [08:21] How can I modify the entires in the "Places" menu of the standard panel? [08:22] Hi. Has anybody know about good window tailing manager for gnome ? [08:22] [08:22] krughanh: on some machines, you must now edit the file manually. sorry [08:22] sn9----- thank you for helping ------ time for hitting Google then....... thanks again [08:23] why wine dont work with my games? i like games www.netgame.com wine will not work with any of them [08:23] guys im using gtkpod for transfering music to my ipod [08:24] but knopw i have a freinds ipod and wanted to talk some of his music out from it and put in in my pc === M3-18 is now known as SHINO [08:24] i could transfer the files from gtkpod but ill get like a random name for the songs === SHINO is now known as LamShino [08:24] morning all ... where can i find a good tut for Hping ? [08:24] is it possible to transfer the music direclty with the name in it [08:25] is it possible with amarok musik player [08:26] How can I vew the list of packages that were installed in an offline installation of ubuntu that I have mounted? I keep seeing "dpkg --get-selections", but that only works for the currently running system. [08:26] I'm trying to install the development libraries for gtk2, but I get that some dependencies (libatk1.0-dev, libcairo2-dev, libglib2.0-dev and libpango1.0-dev) cannot be installed with the simple error "but it is not going to be installed". What's wrong? [08:27] I have enabled all repositories in synaptic according to the guide on the official Ubuntu Wiki [08:29] alexbobp, this might not be the best solution but you could look in the installation's /var/log/apt/term.log [08:30] anto9us: well, that certainly gives me information, but there's no way I can parse that... [08:30] why wine dont work with my games? i like games www.netgame.com wine will not work with any of them [08:30] cool > AppDB [08:31] !AppDB > cool [08:31] cool, please see my private message [08:31] alexbobp: /var/lib/dpkg/status [08:31] alexbobp, cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep "Setting up" [08:32] anto9us: is that new? and does that hold all of them? or just recent ones? [08:32] heh, someone in ##club-ubuntu gave me a better solution: chrooting into it [08:32] alexbobp, Flannel, zcat /var/log/apt/term.log.1.gz | grep "Setting up" and so on for all gz files [08:33] anto9us: That'd require me to have said file, see first question. [08:33] anto9us: thanks, but chrooting works way better :P [08:33] anything like wine free and better? [08:33] alexbobp, yeah, probably not the best solution, like I said :) [08:34] Flannel, I'm not sure what you're asking me mate === un\a\ffiliate is now known as unaffiliate [08:34] hm... is 'sudo' broken? I define an environment variable in /etc/profile and/or /etc/environment but still it won't show up when doing 'sudo env'? [08:34] sooo, what does it mean when my screen goes black, with columns of tiny blue dots goin from top to bottom, and right next to that -- what appears to be bullets...??? === LamShino is now known as C69 [08:35] anto9us: Do you know when that was added? [08:36] Flannel, no, I'm on Hardy though [08:36] cool: wine is free. [08:37] cool: wine doesn't work with everything. Have you checked the appDB? or asked in #winehq? some games need special tweaks [08:38] i did not fun [08:39] any gay games for linux? [08:40] Closer but still can't install the driver for my Epson Stylus C90 printer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32096/ [08:41] how do i start a process with a high priority? [08:42] no fun no help with anything iam out [08:42] cool: did you try the "brokeback mountain" game.. its pretty gay... [08:43] !offtopic | Ububegin [08:43] Ububegin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [08:43] no were 2 get it? [08:43] Hello. What else than `umount` happens exactly when I click on "remove USB storage safely"? What makes the device recognise the cable is "disconnected"? [08:44] SNuxoll: sorry, was irritated with cool's question on where to get "gay" games for linux. So had to respond back with sarcasm.. [08:44] Ububegin: sorry, didn't ready my scrollback myself === theRealBall is now known as theRealBall|zzZZ [08:46] cool: Pls dont keep pm'ing me. I DONT KNOW where to get GAY games.. Maybe you should go to some other channel.. [08:47] cool: unsolicited privmsg's are not cool [08:48] I'm trying to install a radeon 9250 graphics card on 7.10 ubuntu. If i have the card in the pci slot when I boot the splash screen locks up. Is there any way that i can use envy to install a driver before boot? I'm very new to ubuntu... Thanks in advance. [08:48] Slym: they xorg driver won't change a lockup at usplash [08:49] !x3100 [08:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about x3100 [08:49] !intel [08:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about intel [08:49] So envy will not help my problem? [08:49] Slym: no [08:50] k [08:50] !radeon [08:50] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:50] !search x3100 [08:50] Found: [08:50] Hello everybody. My intel X3100 video card is being really slow in lots of games, such as Nexuiz. And it's one of the newest cards in laptops. Why, and how do i solve it? [08:50] arelis: the X3100's not exactly a high end card [08:50] arelis: 3d performance with the open source drivers is not very good at the moment [08:50] anyone know of a map editor for freeciv? [08:50] SNuxoll: still, it's better than than the 950, which is in my Mac Mini, which runs Nexuiz fine [08:51] arelis: improved X infrastructure will help in the future, particularly gallium and DRI2 [08:51] crdlb: so it's drivers are not yet good? [08:51] but compiz is working fine [08:51] arelis: it's not a problem with the drivers really, but with the DRI infrastructure that all drivers other than nvidia use [08:52] crdlb: ATI ran fine too [08:52] arelis: compiz is extremely light on gpu resources [08:52] and i thought intel had the best open source drivers? [08:52] they do, but not for high-performance gaming [08:52] arelis: what kind of ATI? [08:52] crdlb: ATI Radeon 9600, although i had tons of problems with it [08:53] arelis: well, fglrx is a different story [08:53] that's highly optimized like nvidia's driver [08:55] crdlb: so it's supposed to be so slow? === julia is now known as kaffee [08:57] hey [08:58] arelis: without gallium, the DRI stack cannot provide good throughput [08:58] whatx l [08:58] if i dont see my wireless pci card at the lspci output, does that mean that i need the driver of it or should i maybe need the firmware also? [08:59] I want to make a GameServer with Frozen-Bubble! How can I do this? [08:59] ogzy: if you don't see it then your computer doesn't see the card [08:59] 好久没有来了,请教一个问题,为什么我的NTFS文件系统打不开,提示说参数有问题? [08:59] !jp | hzalai [08:59] hzalai: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [08:59] crdlb: openarena runs fine. But only with bloom off. Once i turn it on, it becomes slow. [09:00] SNuxoll, so how can i solve it? driver installation and/or firmware [09:00] ogzy: the card isn't properly installed [09:00] ogzy: physically [09:00] arelis: there may be some tweaks that could help (but I don't know anything about them) [09:00] sorry [09:01] SNuxoll, himm so if it is installed properly i should see it anyway? are you sure there is no need for a firmware support? [09:01] Anyone know which package the 'signal' command would be in? [09:01] SNuxoll, because i checked the pluging twice, should be working [09:01] ogzy: yes [09:01] SNuxoll, ok will check it again [09:02] crdlb: would you at least link me to a place with such tweaks? [09:02] oh yeah, PXE boot + network install for ubuntu! [09:02] arelis: I would if I knew of such a place [09:02] Please help me! how to make a GameServer with Frozen-Bubble!?? [09:02] xnv, don't think there is any package that contains it. why do you need the signal command? [09:03] unop: Sounds less ominous than "kill" :-) [09:03] ehllo there. how come cups doesn't seem to support grayscale printing? [09:03] xnv, so the reason you need the signal command comes out of being pedantic? [09:04] whats the command to backup fstab? cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-backup? [09:04] itai-michaelson, sudo cp -r [09:04] itai-michaelson: you could do it that way, yes [09:04] itai-michaelson, that works [09:04] hi, can anyone direct me to the secret incantations to allow java applets to work in firefox in ubunbu 8.04 64 bit? === C69 is now known as DBLobster [09:04] arvind_khadri, why do i need the -r? === DBLobster is now known as U09526 [09:04] unop: If it's not provided, it's not the end of the world. [09:05] itai-michaelson, short hand. cp /etc/fstab{,-backup} [09:05] itai-michaelson: you don't [09:05] itai-michaelson, oops you dont need it... [09:05] xnv, it's not provided - for good reason i think. there is already a set of utilities that do it. kill, killall, pkill, etc [09:05] arvind_khadri, thanks [09:05] Hardy not printing to PDF (home/vrv/pdf) [09:05] my atheros 5008 isnt supported in ubuntu what can i do to get it running [09:06] crdlb, unop MikeSeth thanks [09:06] unop: "kill" just gives a certain impression if you don't pay close attention to which signal is being sent [09:08] I'm trying to run a windowed app that requires me to press F! but when I do it fires up a Power Information app. how can I stop this? [09:08] err F1 that is [09:08] xnv, it's moot. you can stop execution of a process in different ways - same like you can kill something in different ways. [09:09] unop: Except I'm not stopping execution [09:09] I have a valid IP and setting up my router for pppoe, now I want to make a server and use my IP as http://myip/index.html ???? [09:09] xnv, off topic === nick__ is now known as nich^ [09:09] What's the simplest way to have a windows position and size remembered permanently when it's run each time? [09:10] jcooke, use a window manager that is capable of this. fluxbox for example [09:10] if you have compiz you can do it [09:10] moreau, using windows class/type? [09:11] Hi... how can i optimise Ubuntu for the Intel Atom CPU? [09:11] its called 'window rules' its the last item in the 'Window Management' section, all the wya near the bottom of ccsm [09:12] Hi there~ [09:12] moreau, don't see anything specific to location, basically trying to manage some apps like Dia/GIMP so that all of their windows load in the same location/size [09:13] I have a question about using ubuntu, connection to a mac share. [09:13] hi all! [09:13] can anyone help please? [09:13] moreau, probably Place Windows + Window Rules will do it? [09:14] nm, place is for viewport, using that already [09:14] ah your right === belenda1 is now known as belendax [09:14] Place windows for location, window rules for siza [09:14] place windows only sets what viewport/desktop it goes to, using that so all my apps start up on various workspaces === Starnestommy is now known as sheep [09:14] HI there, I am having a problem connecting to a MAC share from ubuntu using smb. Can anyone give me a hand? [09:15] I'm trying to run a windowed app that requires me to press F1 but when I do it fires up a Power Information app/OSD. how can I stop this? [09:16] i have a script /usr/local/cc.sh , which starts cruisecontrol. If i create a symlink in /etc/init.d/ willit work, or will I have to write another script for init.d [09:17] vrotmnenogi [09:17] i have a 2 winxp installed on my machine, the 1st xp is installed at the primary partition and the 2nd one is on extended drive d:, right now i just finished installing ubuntu8 and configured menu.lst of grub, how can i directly boot my second winxp on menu.lst? [09:17] looking for a modem (telephone dialer) not for internet just for making phone calls ...? [09:17] Vrotyoulegs [09:17] ra21vi: you should write an init script with the correct hanlder [09:18] You need kiss my ass [09:18] ra21vi, ideally you want that script to respond to the start, stop and restart commands. [09:18] ikonia: what is meant by handler in script? start | stop | restart etc [09:18] ra21vi, yep [09:18] trojan__: stop that now [09:18] ra21vi: exactly, [09:18] unop: I just need start at this moment, [09:18] ra21vi: look at the functions script that all ubuntu init scripts call [09:18] ra21vi, if you simply want your script to run on bootup, call it from /etc/rc.local [09:18] ikonia: unop right now not willing for stop | restart | and status [09:19] lubaaa [09:19] A [09:19] unop: will it be same when installed on RedHat distros and debian/ubuntu [09:19] nihuya sebe Oo [09:19] opa! [09:19] anyone know a madwifi driver that will work with an atheros 5008 [09:19] ra21vi: it's your call what you do that [09:19] trojan__: stop [09:19] Ra [09:20] ra21vi, well, you can place a symlink in /etc/init.d but then you must enable it for the runlevels you want to run in (runlevel 2 specifically) . i.e. through update-rc.d [09:20] ra21vi, i believe it should be the same on redhat distros too - same init, same style of init scripts [09:21] HI there, I am having a problem connecting to a MAC share from ubuntu using smb. Can anyone give me a hand? [09:21] no [09:21] koth: sure, whats the issue ? [09:21] unop: exactly that is needed. it should start in runlevel 3, so I will create a symlink in /etc/init.d/ and then ?? update-rc.d ? [09:22] hi ikonia: I am sharing a folder in my mac, using it build in share function(both mac share and windows share) [09:22] Thank you ikonia ... ! [09:22] unop: the biggest problem is, I am developing script on Ubuntu and the client needs that on Redhat fedora.. so the script need to be distro independent [09:22] poor guy-trojan- lol [09:22] ok i checked the wireless card plugging again and still i dont see it at my lspci output, can someone say me that whether i should install the wifi driver or firmware or not [09:22] ikonia: I can see the machine in Network [09:22] koth: ok, that sounds reasonable so far [09:22] unop: ok, thanks :) [09:22] ra21vi, i'm not sure how redhat enables script - chkconfig i believe [09:22] unop: bang on [09:22] anyone know a madwifi driver that will work with an atheros 5008 [09:22] ikonia: but the problem i have, is that some of the share is only share to a few user [09:22] unop: yes there they use chkconfig :(\ [09:23] ikonia: and my ubuntu login is different from my mac login, [09:23] ra21vi, on debian/ubuntu. update-rc.d foobar start 60 3 . stop 70 0 1 6 . [09:23] koth: well thats going to be an issue with the share setup on the mac, on either a user or username limit [09:23] ikonia: so my question is: can u "login as a different user" [09:23] Hi all, somehow I can't use Compiz or any visual effects, like those in KDE 4, anymore. All i get is a black and white screen (where the windows are white), any ideas ? [09:23] koth: if your username is different you have to pass the username option -o username=koth for example [09:23] unop: can you please tell me about the 60 3 in parametes [09:24] is 60 priority? and 3 initlevel [09:24] ikonia: ic, i am guessing that is a terminal command, can u briefly guide me to it? [09:24] ra21vi, exactly [09:24] ra21vi, meaning it creates a link /etc/rc3.d/60foobar [09:25] koth: thats right, so "mount -t smbfs -o username=your_mac_user $/path/to/share $/mount_point [09:25] Anyone who's been working with a SVN and can explain how patches are built, for example what does "@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@" mean? [09:25] can anyone help even google is stumped on this one [09:25] ra21vi, it's also better you get the script to respond to the stop control too .. just incase the end-user decides to drop into runlevel 1, you don't want your script running there. [09:25] ikonia: ic. and is there some recommand path for the mount_point? [09:26] synt: thats not really an "ubuntu" question, try #subversion [09:26] koth: where ever you want to mount it [09:26] ah ok [09:26] ra21vi, err /etc/rc3.d/S60foobar [09:26] ikonia: um, ic. let me give it a try right now [09:26] unop: ok, i think creating a symlink of init.d/cc.sh to /etc/rc3.d/S90cc will be fine [09:27] ok unop exactly, [09:27] ikonia: i am a bit confuse on the $path/to/share [09:27] ikonia: does that include the machine name also? [09:28] I want to be able to call a telephone number from my Kontacts database ... is there a dialer for linux? [09:28] koth: yes, the unc name, eg: //mymachine.com/sharename [09:28] unop: just that server is dedicated to Integration Build, so when the system starts, it should start the cc server, and I think creating symlink would be fine there for now... [09:28] ikonia: unc path, ic =D [09:28] unop: thanks a lot :) [09:29] ra21vi, it's only barely making do tho -- put in a little more effort and have the daemon play nice [09:29] ra21vi: use an existing init script as a template [09:30] ra21vi: one of the more simple services [09:30] How do i resize my wubi partition? [09:30] ikonia: sorry again, i am very new to ubuntu. about the mount point. say if i want to mount it at /mnt/mac [09:30] koth: then put th emount point as /mnt/mac [09:30] ikonia: do i have to create that /mnt/mac dir first? [09:31] koth: correct [09:31] koth: mount point has to exist [09:31] ikonia: ic. trying it again now [09:32] How do i resize my wubi partition? [09:33] ikonia: em... i am getting a wrong fs type [09:33] !repeat | arelis [09:33] arelis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [09:33] koth: try cifs [09:33] whats the syntax for changing ownership of a folder? chown -r user /folder ? [09:33] chown -R user:group /folder [09:34] itai-michaelson: recursive [09:34] itai-michaelson: or chown user:group /folder [09:34] itai-michaelson: or chown user /folder [09:34] ikonia, thanks [09:35] ikonia: i am still getting the same error [09:35] koth: show me the command your using and the error please. [09:36] 1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c [09:36] is there a way to set a package to use only the specified repositories? [09:36] stamina: please don't do that [09:36] err update through specific repositories [09:37] !lvpm [09:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about lvpm [09:37] for example, i would like to use backports, but I only want my flashplugin-nonfree to update through ubuntu-security and ubuntu-recommended [09:37] koth: and what is the error [09:37] m0u5e, use apt-pinning [09:37] ikonia: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //mini/music/" [09:37] unop thx [09:37] m0u5e : edit your soulrces.list files and put # sign on repositories that you dont want to use [09:38] *sources.list [09:38] koth: have you got the smb-client package installed on your ubuntu box ? === andi_ is now known as adac [09:38] unaffiliate: but i want only one package not to update through backports, i want it to update, just not through backports [09:38] i was checking the wirelesstorubleshootingguide, i dont see my card at lspci so i tried pccardctl ident. it didnt give any output either [09:38] unop: how would i use apt-pinning? [09:38] ikonia: !!! maybe not [09:38] !pinning | m0u5e [09:38] m0u5e, please see my private message [09:38] ikonia after i chown the file the permissions are still dr-----rwt, i want to be able to write , whats the chmod syntax for that? [09:38] m0u5e : then follow the first answer :) [09:38] ikonia: was thinking that might be a default, let me do that now. [09:38] so what is the probem about detecting the wireless card? [09:39] m0u5e, http://wiki.debian.org/AptPinning [09:39] itai-michaelson: chmod - 7 is everything, 5 i read execute, and it's user/group/world so 750 would be you can do everything, group can read execute, world can do nothing [09:40] itouch: chmod o+w [09:40] itai-michaelson, even. [09:40] sorry ? [09:40] itouch: Nothing [09:40] m0u5e, instead of using Package: * there, you would use Package: flashplugin-nonfree for example [09:41] no problem ;) [09:41] Flannel, thanks, but i was talking about a folder (though i wrote 'file'..) [09:41] itai-michaelson: its the same method. o (for owner) +w (add write) [09:42] ikonia: hi again, I checked my Synaptic Package Manager, smbclient is installed [09:42] koth: what about smbfs [09:42] no [09:42] m0u5e, to verify that apt has pinned that package to the right repo. run sudo aptitude update; apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree - you should see the priority you gave the repo in the output [09:42] ikonia: no, installing it now [09:43] good move [09:43] hi [09:43] ikonia: done, retrying all the command now [09:43] i need to do a youtube video wat souldi do it on [09:44] i need to do a youtube video wat souldi do it on [09:44] i need to do a youtube video wat souldi do it on [09:44] i need to do a youtube video wat souldi do it on [09:44] newts: what do you mean by "do a youtube video"? [09:44] !spam | negge [09:44] negge: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [09:44] newts: calm down, ask your question once and clearly [09:44] SNuxoll: wtf:D [09:44] i mean like i want views [09:44] negge: that language is not needed [09:44] negge: you spoke before I hit tab :P [09:45] ikonia: done, and GOOD! i think i mapped it without any error [09:45] koth: exellent [09:45] ikonia: yeah yeah [09:45] unop: thanks, i'm reading the debian wiki on it right now :) [09:45] SNuxoll: hehe [09:45] ikonia: going to try to ls it now. [09:45] newts: so you want a magical program that makes a youtube video for you that will automatically get a lot of views? [09:45] yea [09:45] lol? [09:46] then you came to the right place! [09:46] newts, this is off topic [09:46] sudo apt-get install youtubemagic [09:46] How do I install Adobe Flash in Ubuntu [09:46] negge: please don't mess around [09:46] hi guys [09:46] negge: the channel is busy and trying to keep ontopic [09:46] where do i install [09:46] ikonia: since i mount it at /mnt/ i cannot browse it unless i do sudo ls [09:46] newts: you can use any video capture program to make a video, but the content is up to you [09:46] i can't find youtubemagic when i apt-cache search [09:46] GOETTLE: I find it easiest to go to Youtube and click the Install missing plugins button [09:46] koth: look at the permissions on the mack [09:46] ikonia: is there a better way to do it? [09:46] Ok. [09:46] Any PPC Ubuntu users around? [09:46] br [09:47] ikonia: ok [09:47] m0u5e: it was a joke [09:47] magneticubuntu: a few and a few more in #ubuntu-ppc [09:47] How do i resize my wubi partition? It's almost full.. [09:47] ikonia, ah cool thx man [09:47] negge: i know :3 [09:47] !info flasplugin-nonfree > GOETTLE [09:47] goettle, please see my private message [09:47] err [09:47] m0u5e: I wasn't sure so I decided to be lame:) [09:47] !info flashplugin-nonfree > GOETTLE [09:47] ikonia, lol there is like 8 ppl on that channel :) [09:48] can you plz help me on wat i sould put the content about [09:48] magneticubuntu: not many, there is normally more [09:48] arelis: actually I am curious about this too... though I don't use wubi, I suppose you could always install a full ubuntu [09:48] newts: thats not a topic for #ubuntu [09:48] sORRY, i LOOKED AWAY FOR A SECOND. [09:48] great i'm using a rare PPC box and have some questions about Hardy [09:48] oh sorry [09:48] magneticubuntu: well, you can always ask [09:48] m0u5e: I don' [09:48] its a Pegasos 2 G4 @ 1ghz [09:48] woosp [09:48] goettle, please see my private message [09:48] woops* [09:48] m0u5e: I don't want to do that, this is my parents's laptop [09:48] only Non Mac that can run Tiger [09:49] magneticubuntu: ok...... [09:49] http://pegasosppc.com/ if you are interested [09:49] what program can i use to open up an .mis file [09:49] kind of cool [09:49] ikonia: will it make any different if i mount it under current user's dir? [09:49] magneticubuntu: do you have a question on it ? [09:49] magneticubuntu: do you have a question? [09:49] koth: no it won't be [09:50] my box is Quad Boot with OSX, Morphos, Ubuntu, and SUSE [09:50] sure i have a question does sound work 100% on hardy on PPC? [09:50] magneticubuntu: it should do [09:50] also i forgot the command to sim-link the kernel [09:50] magneticubuntu: the PPC port should work on an PPC chip, the other hardware though - don't know [09:51] on the pegasos ppc hardware i have to do this [09:51] i have a problem in downloading wine in ubuntu? [09:51] ikonia, well I'm running Dapper Drake ATM with DRI working and sound === zap is now known as Guest18902 [09:51] Zaher: What problem? [09:51] ikonia, well Hardy should work as Software Update shows it as an Upgrade [09:52] i used the synaptic but it show me some error messages. [09:52] i'm going to backup my dapper first though :P [09:52] Zaher:did you get wine from the official wine repos? [09:52] Zaher: if not, google "wineapps" [09:52] Zaher: What error messages? [09:52] ikonia: sorry, i don't understand what is "the permission on the mack" [09:52] koth: the file system permissions on the mac file system are stopping you [09:52] ikonia, thanks for your help on such a busy channel [09:52] i just use linux 2 days ago. so, take me easy please. [09:53] ikonia: oic. [09:53] Zaher, hahahah [09:53] Zaher welcome to the community [09:53] ikonia: i ls -la it, the user is 501:dialout, is that the reason? [09:53] Zaher: Alright, do you remember any of the error message? [09:53] linux will save your soul :) [09:53] http://cylon.vic.irc.ragingfist.net/~davidz/vista.html [09:53] i will tell u soon. [09:54] Lo_Pan: Please don't do that sort of thing here. [09:54] greetings [09:54] i was wondering why i can not find my synaptic manager ICON anymore [09:54] Flannel: it's a piece of fiction i found [09:54] ikonia: sorry, i can actually browse it now! [09:54] wine: Depends: libldap-2.4-2 .... but it is not installable [09:54] Flannel: what is wrong with it? [09:55] preDepends: dpkg ...... [09:55] Lo_Pan: this is a support channel. Things like that belong in #ubuntu-offtopic [09:55] Flannel: ok [09:55] i yield to your donut filled fist [09:56] Zaher: Alright, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine' please? [09:56] !paste | Zaher [09:56] Zaher: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [09:56] ikonia: great, i just try to create a file in that dir. it is good now. [09:56] * noe is away: to sleep [09:56] i will try [09:57] Zaher: Let me know if you need further instructions [09:57] ikonia: can i ask u another question about automatic this process? I can write a sh script to auto this, and i can make it runable, then move it to /etc/init.d/ and then it will run when my machine boot, is that correct? [09:59] koth: don't need to do that, put it in your /etc/fstab [09:59] sorry, i am a little confused i paste this sudo apt-get update in the terminal and it seems downloading some packages?? === und3rgr0undz3r0 is now known as Fuxxor [09:59] is it normal for me not to have a /etc/apt/preferences file? [09:59] m0u5e yes [09:59] Hey, how do i make it so my applications,places, system etc are all gone, and just shown by a single menu button? [09:59] nickrud: okay (i was like... err... am I missing something?) [10:00] m0u5e no, it's an optional thing. Most users have no use for it [10:00] Fuxxor: right click an empty space on your panel, choose "Add to panel" [10:00] ikonia: o, i am reading that file now, very interesting =D [10:00] nickrud: also btw, what does the a in front of a= denote? [10:00] Fuxxor: then drag "Main menu" off to where you want it [10:00] Zaher: It's downloading new information about what packages are available [10:00] Zaher, yes that is suppose to happen. [10:00] nickrud: out of curiosity [10:00] Zaher: you might find that after you've updated, wine will install fine. [10:00] Fuxxor: then right click the App/Places/Sys menu and select "Remove" [10:00] SNuxoll, thank you [10:01] m0u5e in a preferences file? [10:01] nickrud: yeah i'm trying to pin flash for hardy regular, while i want everything out through backports [10:01] nickrud: i dont want a repeat of backports flash 10 beta :/ [10:01] ok thanks alot. i will see and let u know soon. [10:01] ikonia: just out of curiosity, where do u mount a network drive usually? am i doing something strange when i mount to /mnt [10:02] koth: it's personal preference [10:02] * nickrud wonders if he wants to twist his mind with apt-pinning again, he finally purged the last effects not too long ago [10:02] Anyone know a cheap USB-soundcard? [10:03] oman@oman-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine [10:03] Reading package lists... Done [10:03] Building dependency tree [10:03] Reading state information... Done [10:03] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [10:03] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [10:03] Zaher: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:03] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [10:03] Zaher: Use the pastebin (see that link) not this channel [10:03] m0u5e the a is supposed to be the release: in debian (last place I used pinning) you'd choose stable, unstable, test, experimental. I'm not sure what is used in ubuntu [10:03] *testing [10:03] Zaher: you'll copy the stuff into that website, hit "paste" and then get the URL and give it to us here. === VERA_AN is now known as faresia----- [10:05] ikonia: O, when i put the mount in /etc/fstab, is there way i can put my password in also? [10:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32112/ [10:06] nickrud: ah okay [10:06] koth: Doesn't that defeat the purpose of an encrypted filesystem? === RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake [10:06] Flannel: That is true. [10:06] hi [10:06] sup [10:07] Zaher: alright, can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list (open it in a text file) and the output of sudo apt-get update? [10:07] nickrud: what would i specify for a if i wanted to specify hardy backports... would i set it to a=hardy backports? [10:07] Zaher: (they can both be in the same paste, or different ones, doesn't matter) [10:07] m0u5e I really am not sure. [10:07] Flannel: I guess i should rather write a sh so that i don't have to type the mount cmd everytime.. [10:07] I have installed ubuntu server on my vmware my host is WIN XP and I want to share files with them how can I do that? [10:07] why ubuntu is not ready yet ? [10:08] fake, what is the issue [10:08] it's ubuntu issue [10:08] sorry for that [10:08] fake need more info than that [10:08] which package includes the libs that I need ? (http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391027/) [10:09] humm... yep [10:09] anyone? [10:09] .. :( [10:09] hi folks, i have an ide-disk with more than 15 partitions, and with e.g. pata_sis, the partions appear as scsi-devices, so no more that 15 partitions. that's a real problem! anyone knows a workaround or how to disable the scsci-emulation by kernel options? [10:09] !samba | ai3gtmc [10:09] ai3gtmc, you can use ftp or samba for file sharing [10:09] ai3gtmc: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [10:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32113/ [10:09] hmm how do I do that? [10:09] how to say, ubuntu is worst linux disto [10:09] ai3gtmc: ssh [10:09] sir_george: You'll definately want to file a bug about that [10:10] fake: stop trolling, this is a support channel, go chatting in #ubuntu-offtopic [10:10] Flannel: you think i'm the only one with that problem? i almost can't believe that [10:11] fake: state your question so we can help you [10:11] sir_george: I'm not sure if you do or don't, but its something that ought to be considered with the SATA emulation. Because that is an artificially induced limit now, which is dumb. [10:11] ai3gtmc, sudo apt-get install samba [10:11] anyone know how to pin files in specific hardy repositories, like backports, proposed, etc? [10:11] ubuntu is hiding behind a nest of lamers noob's, shit of IT poeple [10:11] see ya lame [10:11] HAHA, owned [10:11] m0u5e: that's not really necessary. [10:12] could someone please have a look at http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391027/ and tell me which package(s) I need ??? === sheep is now known as Starnestommy [10:12] Flannel: sorry, heh [10:12] Flannel: Yeah, you're right. I thought about the sata-problem too. but until now i'm with ide [10:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32115/ [10:12] sir_george: It might be that they need to take off the limit of 15 in the sata emulation layer, since... technically the "sata" drives aren't limited to 15 anymore. [10:12] Finnish_, why in hell would u want a usb sound card [10:12] get a pci one if you have a slot [10:13] magneticubuntu: Ok, pci then [10:13] UltraNav, what is it that you are compiling?? [10:13] Zaher: alright. This is an easy fix. Your problem is you're on gutsy, but you've added the hardy repo for wine. We'll need to change that to hardy, and we'll be fine. [10:13] But what is compatible, I need a cheap, just for playing back music and digi-tv [10:13] well the high end Creative cards are decent and have good linux support afaik [10:13] Finnish_, just get a cheap SB live card [10:14] Flannel: one technical question; is there a somewhat physical limit on real scsi disks that limit the partions to 15? [10:14] <$10 on ebay [10:14] And it works 100%? [10:14] Ah, ok [10:14] what are u susing [10:14] -s [10:14] ? [10:14] I have mpd installed on both maching,how would I my computer to play a playlist on the other computer on mine? [10:14] !u | magneticubuntu [10:14] magneticubuntu: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. [10:14] Zaher: so, alt-f2, then in there, `gksu "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"` then we'll scroll all the way to the bottom, and look for a wine line. If there isn't one, let me know. If there is, let me know you've found it. [10:14] why u guys have bots preventing net slang? [10:14] <[-Mabus-]> Anyone here able to get Aircrack-ng and Airmon-ng running on Ubuntu? i'm having problems getting them running [10:14] what u mean by Gusty and Hardy?? [10:15] Zaher, its the version of ubuntu [10:15] hardy is latest [10:15] !hardy | zaher [10:15] zaher: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents [10:15] magneticubuntu: because netslang isn't understandable for all [10:15] !u | Zaher [10:15] Zaher: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. [10:15] fyi ubuntu's naming conventions are alphabetical with each release so you can tell latest release by first letter [10:15] sir_george: I believe it has to do with addressing limitations. 15 is 4 bits of numbering. [10:15] Myrtti, wow a first for me on irc! [10:16] Flannel: thanks, that seems plausible [10:16] magneticubuntu: Because for people who don't speak english as their first language, slang is difficult or impossible to understand [10:16] i understand [10:17] Flannel, though a lot of irc channel goers who are intl tend to speak multiple languages [10:17] the location or file could not be found [10:17] i am not able to see my wireless card at lspci output, i checked the connection and still doesn't seen anything, i also read the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide but no solution what is the reason of not detecting? i am using a half mini pci card azurewave i sthe brand [10:17] magneticubuntu, alphabetical thing you said is wrong...the first one was Warty Warthog ... there has been no release with A as a beginning letter [10:17] Zaher: What did you type exactly? [10:17] sorry English is my second language [10:17] arvind_khadri: Alphabetical didn't start until Dapper [10:17] arvind_khadri, sorry but isnt that their policy atm? [10:17] Zaher: that's fine. [10:17] right [10:17] sorry [10:17] arvind_khadri: VirtualBox 1.6.2 - (see last line of paste) [10:18] anyone know how to pin files in specific hardy repositories, like backports, proposed, etc? [10:18] * magneticubuntu started using ubuntu with dapper [10:18] ogzy, maybe you need kernel modules for your device [10:18] Flannel, yeah i know that :) he said for all releases so i said so :) [10:18] Hi again, I have a problem again with mounting a mac shared dir. I can mount it, but i cannot ls it [10:18] I just upgraded to Hardy Heron and the system wont find one of my hard drives... Any one had a problem like this before? [10:18] i was a big debian guy and all my hacker friends ubuntu is waaay broken for a distro :P [10:18] penguen, what modules? you mean the driver? [10:18] yes i mean kernel driver [10:18] UltraNav, why not use the one is repo's?? [10:19] Any of you guys know the args for sym-linking the kernel after a distro upgrade? [10:19] penguen, should i need a driver to see at lspci output? [10:19] anyone have experience with pinning? is it possible to pin backports? [10:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32119/ [10:19] ciao [10:20] !pinning | m0u5e [10:20] m0u5e: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [10:20] ogzy, i'm not sure that but you can try, it's my idea === pena is now known as iyank4 [10:20] m0u5e I've been advised that that wiki help page is something to avoid [10:20] is it possible to change the permission on a mounted vol? will this mess up the permission on the original dir? [10:20] Zaher: alright, open up a terminal, and we're going to check to see if anything exists in a directory, two commands: cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and then ls, do you see anything there? [10:20] DJones: i've already read it [10:20] penguen, i am not sure about it [10:20] nickrud: yeah, its not very good, there is a better one here:http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html [10:21] m0u5e, why pinning? a particular package or other [10:21] Hardy Heron doesnt recognize one of my hard drives. The last version did. Any ideas? /dev isnt even showing the drive at all [10:21] <[-Mabus-]> anyone here manage to get airmon-ng running under ubuntu? i have problems compiling iw.tar.gz files to get it to work [10:21] bazhang: because i dont want a repeat of backports giving me flash 10 [10:22] winehq.list winehq.list.distUpgrade [10:22] m0u5e: the best way to use backports is to not enable it as a repo [10:22] do i need a wireless kernel driver loaded to see the card at lspci output? [10:22] bazhang: flash10 beta made my system extremely unstable, and though i know they've reverted it, idont want a flash beta [10:22] Flannel: but I want other backport apps [10:22] Flannel: flash is the only thing I dont want [10:23] i am sorry for keep spamming, but can anyone help me with a permission question for a mount vol? [10:23] m0u5e: Alright, well, if you must, pin flash to 9.0* [10:23] koth what exactly are you trying to do? [10:23] hi, i have this problem i unistalled Nautilus completely and reinstalled again because i could not browse my network, now after i reinstalled again i can't see anything in my desk top and i can't create folder and shortcuts and i cant access i cant see anything in my network, but i can see my network with konkeror and browse the files good. Can someone help me? I'm using ubuntu gnome hardy 8 [10:23] Flannel: i do want flash updates though, just not through backports, there is no way to pin it to hardy recommended / security? [10:23] Zaher: Alright, go ahead and "sudo rm winehq.list.distUpgrade" [10:24] m0u5e: hardy[non-backports] will all be 9.0.* [10:24] nickrud: I mounted a share dir from a mac, i successfully mount it, but i cannot browse that folder. [10:24] p4_xxx, how did you install it? [10:24] nickrud: but i can sudo ls it. [10:24] hello. can someone help me with this problem. When i try to import contacts from a gmail csv file to evolution in 2.22 running under 8.04 nothing happens. the importer crashes, and i get no output in terminal. please help [10:24] koth ah, mac. No I have no experience with mac drives at all [10:24] Hi, is there any solution for the delay when clicking power-off button on the panel or using System->Quit? It takes like 1 minute until the dialog with restart, shutdown etc. shows [10:24] Zaher: and then we're going to open up the other file for editing as root: sudo nano winehq.list [10:24] ok i did and nothing happened. [10:24] nickrud: that's ok =) thanks for trying. [10:25] Zaher: that means it worked fine [10:25] ogzy, you're right, you don't need kernel modules for that, you can be see pci devices at the lspci outputs [10:25] nickrud: O, it is mounted using smbfs, if that make any different [10:25] koth: Is it listed in your /etc/fstab? [10:25] with synaptic package manager [10:25] Zaher: When we open that, we should see a line that looks something like this: deb http://someurl/ hardy wine, change that hardy to gutsy, then save with ctrl-o and exit with ctrl-x [10:25] koth especially no experience with smbfs, I have no windows machines [10:26] channeling: no, it is not, not yet at least. this is the first time i try to mounting a volume(sorry, i am a newbie) [10:26] nickrud: thanks anyway [10:26] is there some kind of timidity alternative? :| [10:26] available readily in ubuntu repos? :| [10:26] i unistalled from there synaptic package manager and installed the same [10:26] hi all [10:27] hi [10:27] channeling: from what i understand, fstab is for mounting volumn when everytime the os start. [10:27] channeling: is that correct? [10:27] yes, koth [10:28] Flannel, if you a distro upgrade can you use an older kernel to boot? [10:28] there is a way, to mount shares permanently, too [10:28] I can't connect to my router : [10:28] now i would like to have my desktop back and browse files with konkeror [10:28] magneticubuntu: you mean upgrading from say, gutsy to hardy? [10:28] iqson716, other ip addresses or webstie work" [10:28] iqson716: try on [10:28] Flannel, no Dapper to Hardy [10:28] channeling: the volume i am mounting is 1) not always available, 2) need -o when mounting because of the different user name and 3) it asked for a password also. I think i cannot put this mount into my fstab, is that right? [10:29] magneticubuntu: yes [10:29] magneticubuntu: that'd be the same. You... might be able to. I wouldn't count on it though. [10:29] iqson716, are you sure? [10:29] iqson716, tell me error report [10:29] PucKid: Failed to Connect [10:29] koth: if you use the volume daily it's best to mount it in /etc/fstab [10:29] magneticubuntu: the issue is they're definately compiled against different libc6s, and I'm sure the ABI has been broken during that time. [10:29] usually works best as well [10:29] i edit it and open it again and it is empty now! no text!! [10:30] magneticubuntu: But, it might work, I'm really just guessing [10:30] Flannel, yeah i dont want to risk it but i need to sym-link the kernel becauase of my proprietary PPC box [10:30] IS ANYONE HERE [10:30] penguen: telnet [10:30] Trying [10:30] Connected to [10:30] Escape character is '^] [10:30] Flannel, well thanks i'll have to google it [10:31] negge: ic. not Flannel said it is not a good idea, since the volumn that i am mounting is a encrypt volume, and need a password, can i still do that with fstab? [10:31] iqson716, use you telnet for connect? [10:31] koth: -o password [10:31] penguen: yes, and browser [10:31] koth: but if your automounting it, it defaults the object of encypting it [10:31] koth, yes you can : //servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs username=userename,password=password 0 0 [10:32] Zaher: paste this into the file: deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gutsy main [10:32] ikonia: right, that's why i don't want to automatic it. [10:32] 8.04 doesnt find my second harddrive, any one have an idea why? [10:32] Zaher: and then save (ctrl-o, ctrl-x) [10:32] koth: so don't automate it then [10:32] iknoia: i just want to be able to browse it with the gui, i can only sudo ls it now. [10:32] channeling: thanks [10:32] koth: as I've explained to you, that is the file system permissions on the mac [10:32] iqson716, maybe you can try to reset your modem [10:33] now is fine [10:33] then? [10:33] ikonia: that's where i am stuck, i can sudo ls it, but not browse it because it is the file system permission on the mac. is there any way to go around this in ubuntu? [10:33] Zaher: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine [10:34] i can't boot ubuntu because somehow sda is now sdb which screws up GRUB. Does anybody have any idea hwo this could've happened or how to fix it? [10:34] penguen: I connected to it in live disk [10:35] koth : man mount smbfs ? [10:35] 1240 users & no-one talking?? [10:35] koth: what part is not sticking with you [10:35] it's doesn't matter for connection, you must try to reset your modem [10:35] koth: the permissions are set the MAC file system [10:35] Hey iv been talking but no answers [10:35] Kyle__, try booting with the live cd see if it mounts there maybe drive went bad? [10:35] koth: if you want to change the permissions then you need to change the mac file system [10:35] lol [10:35] kyle___, its a busy channel man [10:36] and its a weird fscking problem :P [10:36] not as weird as Hotmail [10:36] ... [10:36] magneticubuntu, now its something to do with this version, i used to 7 live cd and it found the drive... but this one still doesnt [10:36] ikonia: ok. i get ur point, i can sudo ls, just because i am doing sudo. and the gui is not able get the admin permission and so there is nothing i can do. I get it. I am sorry to make u a bit steam up. [10:36] koth: gksudo nautilus [10:36] kyle___, wait the Hardy live cd wont mount the drive? [10:37] magneticubuntu it doesn't even know its there [10:37] odd [10:37] but the last versoin does [10:37] ide drive? [10:37] its not listed any where in /dev [10:37] ikonia: Thank you! that's all i need. [10:37] not ide... sata [10:37] kyle___, did you check fstab file? [10:38] can somebody help me switch sda and sdb? [10:38] DPic: what do you mean switch ? [10:39] kyle___: What drives do you have in your computer? [10:39] DPic: why? [10:39] DPic: I had the same problem yesterday [10:39] magneticubuntu, naw, its nothing to do with fstab [10:39] koth, if you are using samba to share files on the MAC, you can adjust share permissions on the share for this user you log on as [10:39] DPic: when you get to the GRUB screen, hit E to edit the boot lines and change (hd0,1) to hd(1,1) for example [10:39] hi can someone help me i have a problem with my desktop no icon nothing just the bars , Everything else is fine and if I look in my Desktop folder everything is there as usual but I just can see any of them on the actual desktop. [10:39] Any ideas? [10:39] flannel i have two western digital, sata drives... one 40 g rapter and another 130 g regular [10:39] i have one sata that i just installed ubuntu on and it was sda (hd0) and i have a pata which was sdb (hd1) but somehow they got switched [10:39] Kyle__, well like flannel said maybe your drive gets broken with new driver? [10:39] kyle___: so, both are sata, but you're only seeing one? no sdb at all? [10:39] p4_xxx: does a reoot fit it? [10:39] DPic: why does it mata ? [10:39] matter [10:40] flannel right no sdb at all [10:40] ikonia: ....because now i can't boot ubuntu [10:40] reboot? [10:40] DPic: change the boot order in your BIOS [10:40] DPic: are they on different SATA controllers? [10:40] DPic: sda vs sdb makes no difference for boot order [10:40] p4_xxx: yeah, might fix it [10:40] Flannel: that won't work if you have GRUB installed on a specific drive. [10:40] p4_xxx: save your work then sudo shutdown 0r now [10:40] ok ill try it thanks [10:40] * magneticubuntu wonders is sata is still broken with vista install [10:40] DPic: boot from a livecd, mount your ubuntu file system and change the device.map in /boot/grub on your ubuntu system [10:41] sudo shutdown -r now [10:41] +er [10:41] magneticubuntu: please don't add randomness to the room [10:41] Flannel, should i downgrade my sata drivers? [10:41] negge: Depends on te BIOS. ordering sata vs pata is fickle and entirely BIOS dependent [10:41] ikonia: wouldn't it be easier to just edit the line when you boot and change it there. Once it has booted you can edit it [10:41] ent [10:41] kyle___: Does your BIOS see it? [10:41] i tried going into the bios but it already says that the SATA drive is supposed to boot first [10:41] negge: that would work to, depends on how confortable the guys is [10:41] Flannel, yes it does, and so does windows for that matter [10:41] comfortable even [10:42] DPic: is there only 1 SATA drive? [10:42] yes [10:42] DPic: and 1 PATA? [10:42] and i'm on a liveCD now and gparted shows sata as sdb instead of sda now and i don't know why [10:42] kyle___: odd indeed. I don't know what to tell you. File a bug, see what info they want back, that might be the fastest way. [10:42] ActionParsnip: yes [10:42] DPic: because your BIOS orders PATA in front of SATA [10:42] DPic: check you /etc/fstab [10:42] Flannel, will do... bug tracker is it? [10:43] Flannel: yeah it's weird. I popped in an old PATA drive as IDE1 master, now GRUB thinks the PATA drive is the first one and Ubuntu thinks the SATA is still the first one [10:43] !launchpad | kyle___ [10:43] kyle___: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [10:43] DPic: mount your / partition in the live environment and give us a pastebin of it [10:43] DPic: all you have to do is change the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Once you've managed to boot you'll probably have to change some entries in /etc/fstab aswell [10:44] Flannel thank you [10:44] DPic: make sure the menu.lst matches what you have in your fstab [10:45] hello? can anyone tell me how to repair my ubuntu? it doesn't boot up, btw im running off the live disc now [10:45] negge: but i want my SATA drive to be first. i don't want to have to change grub and stuff-- i want it to be the way it was before they somehow got switched [10:45] penguen: It fixed by off&on [10:45] DPic: okay if that's what you want then I don't think I can help you [10:45] DPic: then jump in bios and set the SATA drive 2nd boot device with cd first, then jack out the cd and boot [10:46] iqson716, congrulation :) [10:47] ActionParsnip: the SATA is set as the first HDD but for some reason the PATA drive is sda (hd0) is this my BIOS' fault? [10:47] usually same problems to be fixed with the same method [10:48] DPic: hmm, try changing the hard drive to secondary slave or secondary master, unless you only have one PATA channel on your motherboard [10:48] Sorry to interput, but anyone know the commands to put in the terminal to repair ubuntu from a live disc? [10:48] ActionParsnip: the PATA is set to slave [10:48] :-D everything good i ave my desktop back thank u all now i can see all the shortcuts i had in folders. reboot and problem solved thanks. [10:48] ZaNtE: whats broken? [10:48] p4_xxx: sweet [10:49] p4_xxx: reboots fix a lot although some purists say it can be done without [10:49] DPic: do you have 2 PATA channels? [10:49] Flannel: i tried updated from 7.10 yesterday, in the morning i did a reboot, and logged, and the screen was just blank with the wallpaper [10:49] thanks ActionParsnip [10:50] ZaNtE: does it do it with all users? [10:50] p4_xxx: help where youo can [10:50] hello. can someone help me with this problem. When i try to import contacts from a gmail csv file to evolution in 2.22 running under 8.04 nothing happens. the importer crashes, and i get no output in terminal. please help [10:50] ActionParsnip: Yeah [10:50] ActionParsnip: I think i have four. The strange thing is that i didn't change anything but somehow when i started up my computer grub gave me error 15 and when i booted to a liveCD and looked in gparted sda and sdb were switched. i have no idea how that can happen [10:50] DPic: maybe its due to an update [10:51] ZaNtE: alright, go ahead and reboot the system normally, ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a terminal, log in, and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, see if theres any packages that need some help. Also try the "safe" login feature at GDM, go to sessions and chooes the safe gnome/whatever the verbage is and try logging in with that. [10:51] ActionParsnip: haven't installed any updates or anything [10:51] DPic: id try sec slave for the hdd [10:51] just had done a clean install [10:51] DPic: oic [10:51] sec slave? do i have to mess with jumpers/ [10:52] Thank you those that help, i have no problem mounting and using the volume that i need now. thanks [10:52] DPic: does the boot drive boot ok but then start booting from the wrong hard drive [10:52] Flannel: hmm il try get the updates, but i have succesfully entered using safe gnome, although the internet and other things are disabled [10:52] DPic: usually setting a disc to slave means removing all jumpers [10:52] ZaNtE: try sudo /etc/init.d/network restart [10:53] ZaNtE: Alright, if safe mode words, it has to do with your user config. You can try moving that out of the way to see if it fixes it for normal login [10:53] DPic: indeed jumpers. Id have a look at the case [10:53] ActionParsnip: i'm not sure. It gets to grub which gives error 15 [10:53] DPic: have youo researched error 15? [10:54] ActionParsnip: not a lot but i know it's cause by my drives being switched. the pata drive is already set to slave-- is sec slave something different? [10:54] caused* [10:55] ActionParsnip: please elaborate on /etc/init.d/network, i only started with ubuntu 2 weeks ago === ubuntozoide is now known as serve [10:55] anybody know how to change the resolution while booted in text mode? [10:55] penguen: I set my modem as PPPOE and now I want to run a server with a valid IP.Could you help me ? === serve is now known as Ubuntuzoide [10:56] hi is there a ubuntu server for VMware? where can i find it? [10:56] Flannel: also by user config, is it located in my preferences? [10:57] ZaNtE: Uh, a few places. ~/.gnome .gconf... uh, shoot. I should know this. [10:57] n0gear, um, you using VMware player? [10:57] ZaNtE: type it into a terminal [10:57] how can i open some more TCP/UDP ports in Ubuntu? [10:57] yes [10:57] runar__: you don't "open" ports [10:57] ok, you can find virtual apps on VMware's website. [10:58] runar__: you run programs that ask the OS to allocate a port [10:58] there is also a few third parties that distribute them on their own avenues, lemme show you my favorite [10:58] assign then.... You see I'm new to linux and try to hang in there to i get the grip of it [10:58] i found 7.10 ... is there not 8.04 as well? [10:58] if you want to run a server, you must be configure modem with dmz parameter. DMZ must be setting to your local ip address [10:58] this is the whole story: i have two HDDs. One SATA (set to master) and one PATA (set to slave) and the SATA is set to boot first in my BIOS. I installed ubuntu and the SATA showed up as sda (hd0) and the pata as sdb (hd1). I successfully booted to ubuntu but the next time i tried, GRUB gave me error 15. When i booted to a liveCD i saw that my SATA was now sdb and my PATA was now sda. [10:58] I set my modem as PPPOE and now I want to run a server with a valid IP.Could anyone help me ? [10:58] Flannel: well il try the getting the updates and other commands in terminal, thanks brb [10:59] runar__, open ports for what? [10:59] DPic: in the live environment it may detect them different as it doesnt use the fstab on your SATA drive [10:59] n0gear: http://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&q=ubuntu+server+8.04+vmware+image&btnG=Hae&meta= there are atleast some torrents for it [11:00] ActionParsnip: this is my fstab http://pastebin.com/m7614708a [11:00] eh... I'm setting up a OpenSimulator server that need clients to connect to i.e ports 9000 and 9001 [11:00] hello again [11:00] what does a 4-way or an 8-way machine mean? [11:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32128/ [11:01] I might be totally lost here - so pls bear with me... [11:01] DPic: can we have your sudo fdisk -l [11:01] iqson716, DMZ parameter must be setting to your local ip address, otherwise modem's firewall will blocking all access [11:01] the problem with wine still isnt fixed [11:01] found it thank you [11:02] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/mef12d03 [11:03] penguen: localhost? [11:03] DPic: ok look at your fstab and menu.lst [11:03] runar__, so you have to poke a hole in your NAT (router) for it [11:03] not, it's loopback network interface [11:03] DPic: you are mounting sda5 as / [11:04] Trying to run 2 virtual machines on XEN, Linux and WinXP, and WinXP has VNC enabled. The problem is that when I connect to WinXP with a VNC-client (from either Ubuntu or Windows) there is a problem with it not understanding what AltGr is (becomes a regular Alt just like a US keyboard). The keymap is set to "sv" though, and alphanumerics are correctly mapped to swedish. [11:04] penguen: ? [11:04] ¿como estasis [11:04] ActionParsnip: that's the correct partition-- or at least it would be if sda wasn't sdb === Gillpy is now known as Gillpy_| [11:05] how can i get atheros 5008 to work in ubuntu [11:05] the router is done - this works fine in windows (since thats what I'm used to) but I want to move to Ubuntu [11:05] trying to get away from microsoft [11:05] busco amiga [11:05] iqson716, yes [11:05] but check that with ifconfig command [11:06] I lol'd at how one could even compare KDE4.1 with Gnome [11:06] DPic: can you boot to console? [11:06] any idea how i can switch to digital output with the ATI restricted driver? [11:07] SidStudios: what do you use? [11:07] i have to do it from the terminal [11:07] ActionParsnip: if the console is in ubuntu, then no. Grub is trying to boot to hd0, but what was hd0 is now hd1 for some reason [11:07] DPic: then you'll need to update those 2 files [11:08] Bonjour, ce matin pas trop réveillé voila que je fait une enorme boulette... j'ai supprimé le fichier snmp dans /etc/init.d/ .... :s y'aurais moyen que quelqu'un de gentil me passe le sien? [11:08] !fr | Nugre [11:08] Nugre: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:08] ActionParsnip: but i want to reverse the change, not use the drives like this. it seems like a BIOS issue, but i didn't make any changes to the BIOS [11:08] ActionParsnip: I use Gnome. I tried out OpenSUSE 11 about 2 hours ago, over my installed Ubuntu system. I upgraded to KDE4.1, and BAM! My sound card stopped working, my graphics card had problems and I switched back to Ubuntu/Gnome. Wasn't prepared to spend 2095904 hours twiddling and tweaking the system just so I could start writing wxPython code again.. [11:09] DPic: maybe update the bios [11:10] okay, what makes a drive show up as sda (hd0) or sdb (hd1)? is that in the BIOS? [11:10] SidStudios: not too hard to change video settings. [11:10] i want to get away from microsoft, but cant till i get my wireless nic working can anyone help [11:10] untraceable, broadcom? [11:11] DPic: not sure tbh, sorry. I always just take what it gives and work round that [11:11] think so, not sure [11:11] anybody know how to change the resolution while booted in text mode? [11:11] untraceable: lspci [11:11] ActionParsnip: alright well thanks for the effort, i really appreciate it [11:11] ActionParsnip: You use KDE4.1? Damn, its quite hard to configure as opposed to Gnome.. There are too many menus :-\ [11:11] hi all. quick question. what is the" best" way to make a backup of all my data and system configuration, as well as the packages that I have installed, so that in the event something goes horribly wrong I can pop in a CD and restore my system back to working order? [11:11] cypha, if you have already restricted driver, ubuntu notify you for that [11:11] lspci dosent tell me [11:11] DPic: np man, help where you can [11:11] anybody else know? what makes a drive show up as sda (hd0) or sdb (hd1)? is that in the BIOS? [11:11] untraceable: can you give us a pastebin of your lspci output [11:11] come one guys, i dont want to stop in the middle of something. [11:12] Could someone help me? I am trying to use K9Copy to shrink a dvd iso a little bit and it keeps freezing when it gets to 91% :(... [11:12] Zaher: sup? [11:12] penguen, i have already installed the restricted drivers [11:12] sda should be Master, sdb slave DPic [11:12] i want to download wine but this is my problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/32128/ [11:12] !info k9copy [11:12] but once i did, and it asked me to restart, i cannot see my screen thereafter [11:12] actionparsnip: i wish but im in windows [11:12] it says the input is wrong (as it is expecting a digital/dvi input) but the OS (ubuntu) is giving an analog output [11:12] channeling: danm, then there's a problem because the drives are set correctly, but showing up differently. [11:12] so how do i switch that from the terminal [11:12] anyone have any good ideas? [11:13] cypha, you can't see already :) [11:13] untraceable: you need to find a repo or the .deb of libldap [11:13] k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3056 kB [11:13] untraceable: try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libldap [11:13] penguen: ok! but when I type my IP(valid) on addressbar it was connect to my "DSL Router" [11:13] untraceable: whats it say indevice manager? [11:13] rick-u64: best way is to make a full disc backup using some backup software [11:14] negge: what would be a good backup software package to use? [11:14] iqson716, of course for local access, you must use loopback network device ip address ( for testing [11:14] actionparsnip: dont know im in windows, have no internet in ubuntu, broadband card wont wor wither [11:15] penguen, i'm on a different computer [11:15] rick-u64: I haven't used any so I can't recommend one, but if you google and search in synaptic I'm sure you'll find something convenient [11:15] untraceable: does the wireless work in windows? [11:15] *wont work wither [11:15] actionparsnip: nope [11:15] yeah [11:15] sorry [11:15] ???????? [11:16] untraceable: then jump into device manager, expand network adapters and you'll see the model [11:16] I saw an article on google about using tar to create an archive of the system; but isn't that prone to errors/corruption? [11:16] guy i was bored waiting for updates to finish was playing around adding a panel, added one ontop of another and the pc started chugging hard, hadto force reboot, now none of my panels are active, just greyed and unclickable help pls? how do i delete this panel i added ?? :s [11:16] guys* [11:16] :\ [11:17] actionparsnip: says atheros 5008x wireless network adapter [11:17] Rageon: is it a kde4 thing [11:17] !backup | rick-u64 [11:17] rick-u64: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [11:17] untraceable: ok thats good [11:17] gnome [11:17] kde must die [11:17] magneticubuntu, offtopic here [11:17] bazhang, that doesnt make sense [11:17] ubottu: thanks [11:17] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [11:17] O_o [11:17] help me brothers of gnome! [11:17] lol [11:18] magneticubuntu, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [11:18] !flamewars magneticubuntu [11:18] Vinconzo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [11:18] hi i have a problem with installation of pidgin [11:18] penguen: I don't want to make a local access, I want to run a server that for Ex you can access to it as: *.*.*.*/index.html [11:18] thanks bazhang [11:18] bazhang, relax i'm not "chit chatting" [11:18] nm [11:18] magneticubuntu: i run fluxbox onto of kde, runs sweert [11:18] i was helping people read channel log [11:18] Zaher: you're still trying to grab the hardy version it looks like. pastebin the output of this: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* [11:18] please how do i delete the last panel i added, i have only terminal to work with [11:18] help me [11:18] its called conversation I thought this was an irc channel? [11:18] untraceable: try installing madwifi [11:19] * magneticubuntu wishes for the old days on irc [11:19] actionparsnip: which driver [11:19] * Rageon wishes he could delete the last panel he added [11:19] untraceable: sudo apt-get install madwifi [11:19] we will use dmz parameter because, we need to set right access level at the out of local area network, i mean that, we must be use your external ip address but you must be use loopback device ip address for that [11:19] heeeeeeelp [11:19] Rageon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405721 [11:19] magneticubuntu: In a room full of 1,252 people each offering questions or answers, idle chat clutters up space for support so the no social chat rule is enforced and #ubuntu-offtopic is used. [11:20] understood [11:20] i just downloaded mummy tomb of the dragon movie by torrent. its says 'content blocked. the movie can be viewd by go media player' and the go media player is not free. any other options i have? [11:20] it was a joke sorry [11:20] Hello, I would like to move an entire Ubuntu system to a new (bigger) HD. What is the most simple way to do so? Are there any tools that let me do this painlessly ? [11:20] actionparsnip: is there a way i can download it to windows and then carry it over to ubuntu [11:20] is there any good application in ubuntu for OSX-like Widgets? i tried to use Screenlets, but their website is down so i cant get any new screenlets [11:20] untraceable: its on your install cd [11:20] magneticubuntu: It clogs up the space and people lose track of questions and answers that they could help on [11:20] facker: we dont help with illgal downloads etc [11:20] ok no problem [11:20] i have a problem with pidgin installation [11:21] Flannel ok [11:21] actionparsnip: ok now i just have to find internet to do it lol [11:21] Vinconzo: it comes with loads of its own === Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ [11:21] iqson716, if you set to your modem dmz parameter i can be access to your server [11:21] barduck: Load a live CD and just do a dd or something like that IDK. [11:21] untraceable: you dont need it, install from the install cd you strated the install with [11:21] is there a channel for video encoding help? [11:21] help me [11:21] videohelp.com doesn't have one i checked [11:21] sup cr0w [11:21] !help > cr0w [11:21] cr0w, please see my private message [11:22] ActionParsnip, that links for completely removing the gnome panels all together i just wanna remove ONE, the last i added :s [11:22] MrObvious: dd can clone the entire disk ? [11:22] actionparsnip: no internet required? [11:22] i have a problem with a pidgin installation [11:22] barduck: That's what I've read on the Internet. I've seen numerous examples of it. [11:22] untraceable: if you have the live cd then you will have the files on there too. add the cd as a repo and install as normal, you will be asked for the cd [11:23] cr0w: whats up with it [11:23] wheres unop when u need him :x [11:23] !gnome [11:23] * unop lurking [11:23] gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. [11:23] Flannel http://paste.ubuntu.com/32147/ [11:23] barduck: You can always install both hard drives, do a test run of dd making sure it's not mounted, then remove the cable from the original drive and boot to the bigger one. [11:23] heeelp unop :x [11:23] Rageon: Why can't you just right click-> Remove program? [11:23] Rageon, what's up/? [11:23] actionparsnip: unholly booty hole, thx man ill give it a shot [11:23] I meant remove panel [11:24] MrObvious: I will try that, thanks [11:24] barduck: I'm sure some Googling on this should clear it up better. I've just never tried dd before. Haha. [11:24] i added a panel ontop of another PC started chugging, had to force reboot now all my panels are grey and un clickable [11:24] barduck: You're welcome. Just do some reading first. [11:24] Zaher: Alright, are there still two files there? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [11:24] MrObvious, dd works nicely [11:24] need to know how to remove the last panel i added, i have only terminal to work with [11:24] Rageon: On top of another PC? We're talking panels as in gnome-panels right? [11:24] just read the man [11:24] another panel sorry [11:25] Aight, sorry [11:25] MrObvious you can use parted as well [11:25] barduck: magneticubuntu Like I said, do some reading. :p [11:25] i have a panel top and botton of screen, added a 3rd mucking around and changied it to top and my pc skitzed, now none of my panels are active [11:25] so yea :s [11:25] I'm tired. I've been working all night lol. [11:25] Flannel winehq.list winehq.list.save [11:25] anyway to delete panels thru gcong or something ? [11:25] Rageon: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/26740 [11:25] config* [11:25] !paste > cr0w [11:25] cr0w, please see my private message [11:26] Zaher: alright, cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list.save [11:26] Hi again. Is this the right channel about script in terminal? [11:26] Zaher: I don't need the source, but it'll be two lines, do they have hardy in them? [11:26] ok well :D [11:26] koth: sure is [11:26] i just downloaded mummy tomb of the dragon movie by torrent. its says 'content blocked. the movie can be viewd by go media player' and the go media player is not free. any other options i have? [11:26] ActionParsnip: Thanks. I want to know how to check if something is mounted or not. [11:27] koth: simply type mount [11:27] facker: What codec is it? [11:27] ActionParsnip, that guy can click on a panel and get a response? for me its greyed out the button that were theyre arent and it doesnt respond to any clicking i make on it [11:27] then I have unloaded the .deb from getdeb.net but when I open it says me -->> see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/32150/ [11:27] facker: I meant what is the extension [11:27] koth: you can grep to get something intelligent [11:27] ActionParsnip: O, i mean in the script [11:27] sidewalk avi [11:27] SidStudios avi [11:27] cr0w: sudo apt-get install pidgin [11:27] facker: Try opening it in Totem and see what happens [11:28] facker: Do you have vlc? [11:28] !copyright [11:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about copyright [11:28] facker: Where do you see this message and what media player are you currently trying? [11:28] !copyleft [11:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about copyleft [11:28] SidStudios what is vlc [11:28] Hi. I'm trying to install php5-mysql, and dpkg -L claims that it includes a whole lot of config files, which it doesn't actually put there. [11:28] ubuntu had no problem recognizing my digital signal (dvi) out to my tv/monitor....but once i installed the restricted ati drivers, it no longer was digital, how do i switch it to digital? [11:28] ActionParsnip: that's what i am expecting to do. can u give me a very simple syntax of this if statement? [11:28] xnv kaffeine [11:28] facker, Video Lan Client [11:28] Any suggestions? [11:28] i have downloaded a new version..but ..if I make apt-get install pidgin it installs me the old version [11:28] facker: Video Lan player, its the best video player available with a lot of codecs.. sudo aptitude install vlc [11:28] Flannel there is Gusty and there is Hardy after this sign # [11:28] koth: well what do you want from the mount output? [11:28] sidewalk ok [11:29] SidStudios ok [11:29] cr0w: What happens when you double click it? [11:29] is there somewhere i can edit panels? [11:29] cr0w: install the old version then instal the new version you downloaded [11:29] facker: How is the message displayed? [11:29] Flannel deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gutsy main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" [11:29] #deb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gutsy main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" [11:29] sidstudios see the paste ^^ [11:29] cr0w: Ok, it looks like you need the gstreamer plugins or something, why don't you install them first? [11:29] xnv in the player. back screen [11:29] Zaher: Hmm, alright, lets look at the other one. cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list, is it the same? [11:30] SidStudios downloading vlc now [11:30] SidStudios: any player can play as much, just install codecs [11:30] sidstudio what I must make? [11:30] anyone :x [11:30] ActionParsnip: I am mounting //mini/storage to /media/Storage. I need to check if it is already mounted or not, because I wrote the script for the mount, but i didt't check if it is already mounted or not, so i mount it again and again and again when i run the script [11:30] ActionParsnip: Yeah, I think VLC is easier to install than the codecs though, unless they come with VLC [11:30] facker: So are you sure you didn't just download an advertisement for "go" player? [11:30] i dont care if i lose all the panels and haveto remake them but i need my panels back :< [11:31] koth: mount; grep storage; if ($==1){ echo yes}else{echo no} [11:31] on double click say : Error : Dependency is not satisfiable : libpurple0 [11:31] If I want to extract the audio from a .MOV file in .MP3 format, what's the best way to do it? [11:31] SidStudios: im an mplayer man, slick and clean [11:31] ActionParsnip: sweet, i am going to give it a try now. thanks [11:31] xnv movielooney.org/software [11:31] penguen: I don't know how can I setting up DMZ parameters :-S === N is now known as Guest73148 [11:31] cat: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list: No such file or directory [11:31] Can someone tell me how to mute and unmute my speaker at startup? (for example, a command like 'alsa --mute speaker' would be greatly appreciated;) [11:31] koth: $ is the output for success, not sure if it not reversed 0 = ok, 1 = bad [11:31] facker: What is that? [11:32] koth: just play [11:32] ActionParsnip Hah, I've not used MPlayer since 6.10 [11:32] Flannel cat: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list: No such file or directory [11:32] xnv go player web [11:32] Zaher: oh sorry, winehq.list [11:32] SidStudios: yeah mplayer and amarok for xul control === Exteris is now known as Exteris^ === Exteris^ is now known as Exteris [11:32] ActionParsnip: You're using KDE aren't you? [11:32] SidStudios: its mainly headless [11:32] facker: So how does that answer my question? [11:32] SidStudios: nope, fluxbox on kde [11:33] SidStudios: with most of the kde stuff ripped out [11:33] iqson716, read your modem manuals for dmz settings [11:33] ActionParsnip: Damn, I remember installing Amarok on Gnome once and there were about 50 new KDE icons for useless, icon-less utilities in my menus [11:33] SidStudios: i only have kde for autologin as I tried SO hard to get it with fluxbuntu and couldnt do it :( [11:33] Flannel yes, it has Hardy not Gusty [11:34] xnv i dl a 700 mb file. [11:34] facker: And? [11:34] If I want to extract the audio from a .MOV file in .MP3 format, what's the best way to do it? [11:34] xnv and it gives the msg when played. dl go player. content blocked [11:34] doctorow: I suggest using a Windows utility in Wine, might be a lot easier [11:34] facker: You said the message was in the player on the screen, no? [11:34] Zaher: alright. Edit that (sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list) and change hardy to gutsy [11:35] pls ppl how can i remove a gnome panel via terminal, or remove all panels and i can remake the ones i want? [11:35] doctorow: http://forum.videohelp.com/topic342632.html [11:35] doctorow: I used some software from here before: http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/ [11:35] Is there a way to force a package to write out its original config files? [11:35] Rageon: have none of the link I gave you worked? [11:35] nope mate [11:35] SidStudios -- I'd prefer an Ubuntu solution, sicne I don't have Wine setup and I'm trying to avoid getting into spending a lot of time installign stuff so I can install other stuff! [11:35] xnv ya [11:36] facker: So, again, what makes you think you didn't just download a 700 MB advertisement? You wouldn't be the first. [11:36] doctorow: Ok, go with ActionParsnip's suggestion; it looks like it'd work [11:36] xnv i dl 2 files. each with a diff media requiremnt [11:36] anyone know how to set pinning between hardy repos? like hardy backports? [11:36] heyas. I'm hoping there is someone who can help with with a question. I am trying to find out if there is a way to change the lineout jack on my onboard realtek. I broke off a plug inside, and in windows the jack sensing allows me to set another jack as the lineout, but so far have not encountered any way in linux [11:36] Done, then install wine?? [11:37] xnv and that file was hosted by many users. any way. never mind [11:37] Zaher: update, then install wine, yeah. [11:37] anyone has solved firefox flash crash in 64bit? [11:37] ActionParsnip -- thanks for that, but mplayer dumps core if I try to run that audiodump option [11:37] facker: Companies can fake seeds/peers to make a torrent look popular [11:37] Rageon, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure gnome-panel ? [11:37] jason__: Check out the Alsa-mixer [11:37] Flannel ok [11:37] xnv ok [11:37] ActionParsnip: i am getting this error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi") am i missing something obvious? [11:37] jason__: Actually disregard that, I don't think it can remap audio output [11:37] logi4023: its flakey but works with ndispluginwrapper [11:38] action -- it works, but it crashes. [11:38] koth: i think you need fi on the end of the if statement [11:38] Rageon, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure gnome-panel ? maybe it must be sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-panel [11:38] SidStudios, I've checked through all the preinstalled software, and nothing can by default === coolbhavi is now known as coolbhavi_work [11:38] no i havent i will mate [11:38] meaning, firefox has to be restarted to get it going again [11:38] logi4023: its because the plugins havent caught up with 64bitness to good [11:38] logi4023: run 32bit for no problems [11:38] SidStudios, I know the windows realtek audio software is what does it in win. so I'm assuming some 3rd party software can do it in linux [11:39] can i run 32bit flash plugin on 64bit ubuntu? [11:39] channeling: says must be run as root ? [11:39] oh sudo [11:39] hi all [11:39] Rageon, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-panel [11:39] Flannel thanks the update might take 2 hours, i am very thankful for your support. When i face such problems i will come to this channel. [11:39] logi4023: yeah, and you install it then run ndisplugginwrapper -i /path/to/libflashplugin.so [11:39] ActionParship: the example u gave me, is that a bin/sh? or a bash? or something else? [11:40] Zaher: Glad you got it sorted out [11:40] channeling: yea i did it, it hung for a few seconds and just returned to command line with no differeces [11:40] :< [11:40] hm [11:40] hi [11:41] anyone else maybe able to suggest a solution? could it be possible with symbolic links in the /dev ? [11:41] any other ideas channeling ? anyone ? [11:41] anybody needs help or support with something [11:42] ncorpse, me :D [11:42] Hi. i has a question. how can i specify a mount point for a partition ? the thing is, that i was installing ubuntu studio, and made a 10gb partition for it, but during the installation there was a power failure, and when i started up my pc i was missing those 10gb. i used GParted to format it in ext3, but i can't make a mount point [11:42] jason__, so how can i help you? [11:42] reddragon, put it in /etc/fstab [11:42] reddragon: Were you on a laptop? [11:42] SidStudios: yeah, laptop [11:42] anyone know how to set pinning between hardy repos? like hardy backports? [11:42] DRebellion: i don't understand shit in that file [11:42] reddragon: So a power failure affects it how..? [11:43] reddragon, you better learn quick then. [11:43] ncorpse, I am trying to find out if there is a way to change the lineout jack on my onboard realtek. I broke off a plug inside, and in windows the jack sensing allows me to set another jack as the lineout, but so far have not encountered a 3rd party software or not sure if symbolic links in /dev could do it [11:43] :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [11:43] ncorpse, there must be a way surely [11:43] SidStudios: when your batery is empty, basicly, it stops working. good enough ? [11:43] actionparsnip: there were no madwifi files on live cd, did sudo apt-get install madwifi and not there [11:43] DRebellion: you better teach me quick then ^_^ [11:43] reddragon: Yeah. [11:44] !gnome panels [11:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome panels [11:44] jason__, are you using a realtek driver in windows? [11:44] Rageon: I have an idea [11:44] SidStudios, whats that [11:44] Rageon: Try starting ubuntu in gnome-failsafe mode? [11:44] ncorpse, yes, in windows. but I'm trying to get things working in linux if possible [11:44] im in it :x [11:44] Rageon: Damn. [11:44] Rageon: What's wrong with deleting all panels and remaking them? It takes like 4 seconds [11:45] nothing tell me how dude! [11:45] reddragon, ok. Each entry goes: 0 0 [11:45] pleeeease [11:45] Rageon: Can you right click them? [11:45] negative. [11:45] http://pastebin.org/58471 - teh fstab [11:45] I need the Genius MousePen 8x6 to get the pen working, and pressure features don't do a thing. [11:45] they are greyed out and non responsive to click or anything [11:45] Rageon: Let me check Google :-p [11:46] jason__, I don't think links to the /dev directory could do this. I don't have any ideas right now... [11:46] the functions that were on the panels arent there, theres nothing but grey [11:46] Can someone tell me why Ubuntu hasn't notified me that my battery has reached 2%? [11:46] bugger. ok thought it was worth a shot. thanks anyway [11:46] And not done anything at all? No suspend/shutdown [11:46] SidStudios, it's suicidal [11:46] SidStudios, what'd google say ? :D [11:47] DRebellion: i'm sorry, i must be retarded. i can't see which one entry should i change/add... [11:47] reddragon, add an entry for the drive [11:47] Rageon: I'm not sure what you mean by functions though [11:47] hello? I need help on my Genius MousePen 8x6. [11:47] reddragon, for options, just use defaults [11:48] eg date/time applications menu, program shortcuts etc [11:48] DRebellion: just any entry ? how do i know what /dev/blabla ? [11:48] its like this one panel infected them all [11:48] with wraith nanites. [11:49] ok that last part was made up but the rest is true [11:49] reddragon, well. How many hard drives do you have? [11:49] jhb1608, you need to configure the drivers and then configure your device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:49] how? [11:49] DRebellion: one, but it's splitted now in two partitions. [11:49] reddragon, ok, what's the number of the partition you want to add? [11:50] Can someone tell me what the application "powersaved" does? (you can install it with aptitude install powersaved) [11:50] jhb1608, search for the right drivers, install these, the take a look at xorg.conf and insert there your new input device [11:50] !info powersaved [11:50] powersaved (source: powersave): power management daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.0-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 402 kB, installed size 2076 kB [11:50] !info powersaved | SidStudios [11:50] sidstudios: please see above [11:50] DRebellion: i have made two partitions in total, one is the main one, and the other one is just 10gb for installing weird distros and shit... so just one [11:50] anyone know how to select DVI output through the terminal or a file? [11:50] reddragon, no cursing please [11:50] I have the CD [11:51] reddragon, yes, but each partition has a unique one digit number. Run, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda [11:51] bazhang: sorry, my bad [11:52] ID 5543:0005 UC-Logic Technology Corp. when I did lsusb [11:53] :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [11:54] whats the apt- command to search for packages by name [11:54] moreau: apt-cache search [blah] [11:54] apt-cache search [11:54] thanks [11:54] moreau: apt-cache search --names-only foobar [11:55] Rageon: never encountered that problem, but if you can get a terminal, run gconf-editor and browse to /apps/panel/ ... might be able to remove a panel from there [11:55] no idea unop? :x [11:55] so cache search looks in name and description? [11:55] yer i have been geirha , cant find anything so far :<<<<< [11:55] moreau, and then there is also `apt-file search foobar` to search for a file named foobar in all packages (but apt-file is not installed by default) [11:55] sure i have before tbh [11:56] okay, thanks [11:56] umm... it won't let me [11:56] permission declined [11:56] moreau, aptitude search is also useful because it shows you whetehr the packages are installed [11:57] moreau, and yes, `apt-cache search foobar` searches for foobar in name and desctiption, add --names-only to search on in package names [11:57] salut [11:57] what do i need to install to get "man X" :aa [11:57] .swp are hidden to shell by default (echo *.swp) how to change it? [11:57] il y a des francais??? [11:57] i mean in one command i have *.swp as param [11:57] !fr [11:57] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:57] how do i list users using terminal? [11:58] think [11:58] ? [11:58] ai3gtmc: w [11:58] i think he meant to say thanks [11:58] or who [11:58] hmm [11:58] how Ubuntu works with ATI videocards? [11:59] ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600 [11:59] I recently installed Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio PCG 281M but lost my built in wireless mouse, microphone and web-cam. Any ideas? [11:59] in notebook it's ok? [11:59] I tried it but it only gives results the user "root" [11:59] !ati [11:59] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:59] geirha, ive found my applets, not the actual panels tho :< [11:59] asdf [11:59] while I already added a new user [11:59] sorry [11:59] [11:59] hmm my irc cliehnt, irssi is unwilling to let me switch channels now [12:00] Hi, I can connect to a wireless network but I can't even ping the local network, I get a "connot reach network", any help on this? [12:00] how come new users I add doesn't apper in "who" ? [12:00] Hi someone can help mme with samba? when I try to add a virtual user by "sudo smbpasswd -a xxxx" appears the following error :"Failed to modify password entry for user xxxx". [12:01] ai3gtmc, they are currently using the system? [12:01] nopr [12:01] ai3gtmc: w and who lists currently logged in users. look in /etc/passwd for a list of users [12:01] think ive found my panels dont think i can delete them might be able to disable them tho [12:01] or /etc/group [12:01] hmm [12:02] Im logged in as root in terminal [12:02] they aren't logged in [12:03] you can see at who output if you are login as root [12:03] ai3gtmc: awk -F: '{ if ($3>=500) print $1 }' /etc/passwd [12:03] penguen,yes is see root only but not the new users [12:03] Hi, I can connect to a wireless network but I can't even ping the local network, I get a "connot reach network", any help on this? [12:03] ai3gtmc, are they logged in? [12:04] i see it in etc/passwd [12:04] ncorpse,nope [12:04] does anyone know if there is a way to specify backports in /etc/apt/preferences? [12:04] who show you only logged users, try /etc/passwd [12:04] Ubuntu 8.04 disappointed me and many friends of mine, it lost the sound almost every session I start while I'm working on Firefox, not just in my comp. How come that Firefox is installed by default in Ubuntu and has this terrible problem. [12:04] ai3gtmc, yes so what's actually your question? [12:04] ai3gtmc: if they are not logged in, they should not be listed with w or who, so everything is as it should be [12:04] jason@jason-desktop:~$ cd calibrate [12:04] bash: cd: calibrate: No such file or directory [12:04] This is what I got. [12:04] Im runnin the configuration file for this game 'FreeReign' and its telling me:: "you need to have the libstdc++ headers installed" but ive already got libstdc++6-4.2-dev installed, and its description says it contains the header files [12:04] FIXED. YEESSSSSS I FIXED MY OWN 2 HOUR PROBLEM! AND IM A NOOB! :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [12:05] lol. [12:05] oh I see.. ok thanks [12:05] I did updates, I tried a lot to solve it through forums it's so hard and it's so disappointed [12:05] Rageon: congratulations [12:05] Rageon,lol gratz XD [12:05] Rageon: not so noob anymore then ;) [12:05] did you see it? [12:05] Rageon, gongratulations :D [12:05] had to hack into gconf-editor fooley haxor stylez haha :D [12:05] congrats lol [12:05] jandttyyfd: http://pastebin.com/ the output of `/sbin/ifconfig`, `/sbin/route`, and `lspci -vv` please. [12:05] does anyone know if there is a way to specify backports in /etc/apt/preferences? [12:05] maaan hektic gnome bug tho [12:05] Rageon what originally was the problem? [12:06] uh I can't login to the user I made.. [12:06] jandttyyfd: also: has it worked before, and does your wireless lan work for other devices? [12:06] moreau, maybe its looking for headers of an another version of libstdc++ (did you install the build-essential meta package?) [12:06] how do I fix the calbrate? [12:06] ai3gtmc, tried su ? [12:06] Ubuntu 8.04 disappointed me and many friends of mine, it lost the sound almost every session I start while I'm working on Firefox, not just in my comp. How come that Firefox is installed by default in Ubuntu and has this terrible problem. I did updates, I tried a lot to solve it through forums it's so hard and it's so disappointed, i can not fix it. [12:06] Hello [12:06] that i added a panel that overlapped a transparent panel in gnome/compiz and it locked up my panels so they were unclickable [12:06] ncorpse,I didn't set a password.. how do i set a pass? [12:06] it seems that my hardy desktop fitted with a intel 2200bg wifi won't join the network but yet fedora 9 on my laptop has no problems what could be the reason [12:06] achadwick: it worked before, works for other devices, did not update anything in the meanwhile [12:06] ai3gtmc: passwd username [12:06] hi [12:06] ai3gtmc, you can do using passwd [12:07] yeah it was done thru build-essential [12:07] i feel like i just got my first pubic hair solving that lol [12:07] so its the newest version, do you think I might need to downgrade [12:07] openstandards, the different version or configuration of the driver [12:07] hi achuu_skomara [12:07] moreau, maybe you should check in the caht/forum/list of that software [12:07] achadwick: '/sbin/ifconfig' outputs weird chars [12:07] is someone here familiar with xchat? [12:07] that worked thanks [12:08] capcom: I use it [12:08] ncorpse, how can i find out what version its using [12:08] Hello, I need help please , does it possible to use wget as a website crawler (offline browser) ? if the answer is yes , can i limit wget to download just htm or html files (without saving the pictures , movies etc.. ) ? [12:08] capcom, i use xchat why [12:08] how do i add a user to a group? [12:08] i'm use xchat, what's problem? [12:08] Kate_Mins: yes you can use it for that, read the man pages to get a grip of what options to use (there are quite many) [12:09] openstandards, you could do modinfo [12:09] ai3gtmc: adduser I think [12:09] do you know how i disable the tray icon? it has that large size that it ruins my order of the other icons down there [12:09] jandttyyfd: it should have lines for ethX or athX, and lo at least. Does it? Did you type what I suggested into a trminal (minus the `s)? [12:09] ai3gtmc: you should use adduser to add users, not useradd (the first one will prompt you for all fields, including password) [12:09] when can linux say "link is not up" when there is a physical connection between the computer and the router? also the network card works in windows... also i can ping localhost and my own IP address [12:09] seems I'm just losing my time, nobody is ready to help, right ? [12:09] I have a script called startup.sh on my desktop, how do I get it to run on startup? [12:09] EminX: I could try [12:09] EminX: What's the problem [12:10] negge: i already looked at the man pages , but i cant understand how its can be done . (i am new to linux/ubuntu) do u know where i can find examples of using wget as a crawler ? [12:10] or is there a possibility to get it smaller? [12:10] preferecens -> chatting -> alerts -> enable system tray icon [12:10] Kate_Mins: you would probably get a better answer in #wget [12:10] uncheck this [12:10] SidStudios: System -> Preferences -> Sesions, there you can add it so that it runs when you log in [12:10] Kate_Mins: I don't have any direct links, usually it's about using "wget -r http://website" plus some extra options if you want to omit pictures and stuff [12:10] Penguen, thanks, got it! [12:10] SidStudios: Ubuntu 8.04 disappointed me and many friends of mine, it lost the sound almost every session I start while I'm working on Firefox, not just in my comp. How come that Firefox is installed by default in Ubuntu and has this terrible problem. [12:11] geirha: Would I add something like "bash /home/sid/Desktop/startup.sh" as the program? [12:11] EminX: What do you mean by "lost sound"? While you were watching Youtube videos? [12:11] EminX, do you have adobe flah plugin installed ? [12:11] SidStudios: I did updates and tried a lot on forums to find a solution, is so hard and I can't fix it [12:11] SidStudios: not just in Youtube [12:11] EminX: But is the problem that it loses sound when you watch Youtube/other videos? [12:12] SidStudios: yes, either that, or add the execute permission for the script and add just "/home/sid/Desktop/startup.sh" [12:12] EminX: firefox + flash + linux is a bad combination but it has nothing to do with Firefox itself [12:12] ok guys new problem lol, this ones easy tho, i had the right video drivers installed then the autoupdate thingy (synaptic?) updated them and now im in bad res etc anyway to rollback my video drivers ? [12:12] SidStudios: in the latter case, make sure the sh-bang is correct. "#!/bin/bash" [12:12] EminX: Yeah, I've had that problem too; you have to save and quit firefox and open it again [12:12] how do I know which version of Ubuntu in terminal? [12:12] geirha: Thanks [12:12] Anyone here use SARA? My make always fails here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/32159/ [12:12] SidStudios: all the time [12:12] jhb1608: lsb_release -a [12:12] EminX: It's because something else is using the sound device [12:12] ok thanks [12:12] Rageon: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [12:13] SidStudios: does that mean I can not watch youtube and listen to music in amarok in the same time, that's not fear man [12:13] negge wats that do mate? [12:13] EminX: Yeah, I guess so [12:13] powertool08, that looks scary... why does it want to run nmap ? (the port scanner???) [12:13] SidStudios: even I can not open more than one tam in Youtube [12:13] EminX: You can try opening firefox first and THEN amarok [12:13] i remember now i was using restricted drivers [12:13] Rageon: it reconfigures xorg, usually that means selecting the most appropriate display driver [12:13] but now when i clcik it it says i need to download a package [12:14] SidStudios: what if i open 2 or more tabs on Firefox or opera or whatever [12:14] ok i try it [12:14] oskude: because its a vulnerability testing program [12:14] SidStudios: the same problem [12:14] Rageon: go ahead and download them, usually that works [12:14] from where [12:14] EminX: I'm not sure but it'll be fixed when Flash 10 comes out [12:14] obscure card [12:14] Rageon: you said you click something and it asks you to download them [12:14] powertool08, hope from a trustworthy authority, good luck [12:14] SidStudios: isn't it yet [12:14] oskude: It is [12:15] SidStudios: I've tried listening to music and youtube at the same time with Flash 10, it worked the first time atleast but yesterday I think it didn't [12:15] i said click something... [12:15] negge: Damn, I don't know what to do then [12:15] i hit removed panel how do i get it back [12:15] negge: Isn't it still in beta though [12:15] powertool08, but what ever, i dont see any messages declared as error in that paste... [12:15] SidStudios: is the flash 10 out now or not [12:15] EminX: No [12:15] if a network card can ping it's local IP (192.168.x.y), yet it doesn't respond to the ethernet cable being plugged/unplugged, is there any chance that it's not a faulty cable? (because it works in windows but who knows) [12:16] http://digg.com/linux_unix/NVIDIA_Screws_Over_Linux_Users [12:16] SidStudios: I'm not sure, I'm using Intrepid alpha so practically the whole system is alpha/betaish, it might get fixed in the near future [12:16] hmm this games readme says "Do not install the game at the current time, just run it out of the source directory." [12:16] icqnumber: Please take it elsewhere, thanks. [12:16] how do I do tht [12:16] Archon: if you can ping your own IP it means your computer has contact with the router so the cable should be intact [12:17] Archon: although if pinging localhost works but pinging your IP doesn't then something might be wrong [12:17] moreau: what stage are you at? Have you taken any steps to build or "make" the game? [12:17] icqnumber: Lol. Nvidia drivers on my system are not "screwing me over". You should be grateful that they even have Linux drivers. [12:17] negge: static ip [12:17] sorry [12:17] nope, I guess thats what I need help with [12:17] last night i hit remove panel and now everything on top is gone/ how do i get it back [12:17] !resetpanels | keri [12:17] keri: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [12:18] Grateful indeed! Anyway, that discussion is OT. [12:18] icqnumber: got a link to that article that isn't on Digg? [12:18] icqnumber: I don't use digg because it screws me over [12:18] i read 'man make' and it seems make is for updating already isntalled packages/games---and this has yet to be compiled, afaik [12:18] SidStudios: So we have to wait, shame on ubuntu, I don't want but I have to switch to Windows, in this way we never gonna promote the Ubuntu, I installed it in all the computers here in my faculty and you can imagine the reactions of students all of them have seen this problem and I don't know what to say more just switch the windows xp [12:18] icqnumber, please dont paste that here [12:18] gordonjcp: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=115916 [12:18] moreau, make is a tool to make compiling software easier [12:18] EminX: Yeah, that was a bad idea.. [12:19] can i get that comman back for get my removed panel back [12:19] moreau, it is definetly not for updating already installed packages! [12:19] EminX: Flash 10 is beta software. If you want the beta, you can use it from -backports, but it is *beta*, and not one we have control over anyway (blame macrodobe) [12:19] keri_, what command [12:19] !resetpanels | keri_ [12:19] keri_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [12:19] moreau: I suppose more generally: where did you get this game, and did you consider using the Ubuntu package manager instead to install it? Source-only distributions are not intended for gamers or newbies. [12:19] bye all [12:19] SidStudios: read the forum post about 2d performance [12:20] Flannel: How can I blame macrodobe it is working perfect in Windows [12:20] icqnumber: Please take the discussion elsewhere. #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place. [12:20] EminX: because *they* write the code. It's entirely their code. [12:20] Flannel: ok, sorry [12:20] icqnumber: Ok, and? If Gnome works perfectly and KDE is the only one with the problem, I think the problem lies in KDE not Nvidia's drivers [12:21] when i go get my termail i lose you [12:21] Flannel: Does ubuntu promoted that we have the safest and free software ( all what you need ) [12:21] its called 'freereign' and itsnot available thru add/remove, gimme a sec n ill check pkg manager [12:21] ok [12:21] guys how do i download ( linux-restircted-modules- )? [12:21] EminX: Its different code between windows and linux, because windows/linux are different. [12:21] EminX: gnash is pretty darn good. And getting better constantly. [12:22] Flannel: I agree, but the students need at least one safely browser, that can use just some plug-ins [12:22] Flannel: and that's minimum that Ubuntu should offer to them [12:22] EminX, just remove adobe flash plugin and continue ;) [12:22] EminX: I don't really follow what you're getting at. But this is turning into a discussion. One that I would love to have with you in #ubuntu-offtopic, but not here. [12:23] Flannel: ok [12:23] and its not in synaptic either, i got it from sourceforge [12:23] ncorpse, i've done modinfo ipw2200 and both the same version [12:24] hey all [12:24] moreau, in that case, you definetly should contact the makers of that software, or their forum/chat/list, theres probably someone who compiled it under ubuntu [12:24] Does Kubuntu require less of your ardware than Ubuntu? [12:24] damn ok [12:24] moreau: what's the problem, the program won't compile? [12:25] how do I get the system to recognise my built-in microphone, web-cam and wireless mouse? [12:25] and I dont know how XD [12:25] how to i add a user to the sudoers? [12:25] AndyS53: lspci [12:25] K_4U: no the some or more, look at xubuntu or for even less use fluxbox [12:25] ai3gtmc: add them to the admin group [12:25] moreau: freereign looks kinds basic right now. lincity-ng might be a better bet if all you want to do is play a game :) But if you want to hack on the code directly, there may be a freereign-specific channel somewhere or a support mailing list that can help you. [12:25] AndyS53: you may need some drivers [12:25] rw: What is fluxbox? [12:25] Flannel,I did but still won't let me sudo [12:25] ai3gtmc: does 'groups' show you're in the admin group? [12:25] K-4U: a window manager [12:25] nah just tryin to play it, what lincity-ng like? [12:26] moreau: extract the archive you downloaded somewhere in your homedir, open terminal and change to that directory, then run ./configure && make [12:26] Flannel,nope [12:26] how do I add a user? [12:26] erUSUL: I have a laptop, Pentium 2, 255 Mhz, 128 MB Mem.. Ubuntu 7.10 runs on it.. but that says it all :p [12:26] K-4U: you can run fluxbox on top of your linux system. Its a lighter faster desktop environment [12:26] I thought I did add already... [12:26] moreau: the site said don't try installing, that means just leave the "make install" command out (that would be next) [12:26] /.configure tells me 'no such file or direcotry' [12:26] moreau: ./configure [12:27] http://lincity-ng.berlios.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page - looks a bit isometric, but quite pretty. I've not played it myself. Ubuntu package lincity-ng :) [12:27] K-4U: sudo apt-get install fluxbox [12:27] K-4U: you may be better trying something like puppy linux or dsl (damm small linux) [12:27] moreau: its ./configure [12:27] same error [12:27] ActionParsnip, thanks - where from and whats Ispci? [12:27] moreau: are you sure you are in the right directory? [12:27] moreau: you should be in FreeReign-0.2.1 [12:27] definetly [12:27] /nod [12:27] AndyS53: lspci is a terminal command, it'll tell you whats in your system, you can then websearc from there [12:28] erUSUL, ActionParsnip: Thnx for your replies, i'll see what i can do;) [12:28] moreau: type pwd and paste the output [12:28] /join #nvidia [12:28] K-4U: its just a lighter interface, its not pretty and gets the job doone fast due to minimal gfx [12:28] Flannel,help me please [12:28] ai3gtmc: Whats the username? [12:28] K-4U: i use it as i dont care about eye candy [12:28] /home/zoreau/Desktop/FreeReign-0.2.1 [12:28] joshua [12:28] ActionParsnip: Well, i do.. a bit then :P [12:28] Flannel,joshua [12:29] ai3gtmc: And you're currently on a user that can sudo, yes? [12:29] moreau: it should have quite many files and at least the directories CVS and src. correct? [12:29] Flannel,yes im on root [12:29] ActionParsnip, muchas gracias, I'll try it. [12:29] ai3gtmc: well, I'll ignore the "don't use root" lecture, usermod -G admin -a joshua [12:29] moreau: type ls to see which files are in the directory (don't paste it here though, it's too long) [12:29] ai3gtmc: then "groups joshua" and you'll see admin [12:29] yep, its got both those folders [12:30] K-4U: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Fluxbox-dev.png/750px-Fluxbox-dev.png === Guest18902 is now known as zap1 [12:30] ok let me try that [12:30] moreau: does it have configure? [12:30] K-4U: typical desktop [12:30] hi... [12:30] yep [12:30] moreau: try "./configure" again [12:30] ActionParsnip: Doesn't Knoppix run on that as well? [12:30] Flannel,it still wont appear on "groups" [12:30] moreau: if it doesn't work, paste me what you wrote and the output to a private message [12:30] also install-sh and two makefiles (.am and .in) [12:30] !pastebin [12:30] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [12:30] ai3gtmc: what does "groups joshua" return? [12:30] hi [12:31] K-4U: i think so, but you can run it on any system [12:31] Flannel,oh I see it now ; [12:31] :) thanks let me try using it [12:31] moreau: I had a look at the source. There's a bug in the configure script [12:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/32167/ [12:31] K-4U: i run it onto of kde as I simply couldnt get autologin to work [12:31] need some help with sound in videos and ubuntu? [12:31] XD nice [12:31] moreau: run this: sed -i 's///' configure [12:31] moreau: freereign is old and unmaintained: see http://www.opencity.info/ [12:31] K-4U: theres fluxbuntu which has it by default [12:31] moreau, ./autogen.sh [12:31] Flannel,uh oh I still get "joshua is not in the sudoers file bla blah" [12:32] ai3gtmc: Have you edited your sudoers file? [12:32] geirha, can u help with a simple sound problem? [12:32] Flannel,do I need to? [12:32] ai3gtmc: no. [12:32] ActionParsnip: Okay, i'll try to search, thnx :) [12:32] Flannel,no then.. [12:32] err:needs to have glut installed brb while i install it [12:32] moreau, if the package doesnt have any README or INSTALL file saying how to compile it, i would delete it right away... [12:32] guys im running at 50 hertz im pretty sure i could do at least 60, but it wont let me how can i make it ? without locking myself out [12:32] ai3gtmc: Oh, have you been logged in with joshua this whole time? try logging out/ and logging back in [12:32] Flannel,what should I do then? [12:33] Flannel,nope I used root to add joshua [12:33] Rageon: you'll need to modify your xorg.conf [12:33] ai3gtmc: pastebin the output of "groups joshua" and "cat /etc/sudoers" [12:33] Flannel,then I logged in with joshue then that error appeard after trying to use sudo [12:33] can anyone help with a simple sound problem? [12:33] ActionParsnip, how do i do that champ? [12:33] Rageon: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [12:33] cheers mate [12:34] administrator_: that depends on the problem. Explain the problem to the channel, and someone might know the solution. [12:34] Rageon: then get websearching for what needs adding === ogra_ is now known as ogra [12:34] ???? [12:34] 我这是在哪儿? [12:34] Flannel,I can't copy. it's on vmware [12:34] Where am I? [12:34] using any video application and playing any video, no sound, but with anything else sound works... [12:34] Flannel,but joshua isn't in the sudors file [12:34] KOSKERS: #ubuntu [12:34] codecs are all installed... thats about all i knwo [12:35] Where are you from? [12:35] KOSKERS: uk [12:35] how can i update virus definitions in clamtk (it saze you must be root to update 'em, should i wait for a reboot? (hi everyone) === coolbhavi_work is now known as coolbhavi [12:35] I am from China! [12:35] Flannel,joshua admin appears when I use "group joshua" but it's not written on the sudoes file [12:35] laughtear: flesh-clam [12:35] ai3gtmc: it won't be. this is what your sudoers should look like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32168/ [12:35] can anyone help? [12:36] administrator_: wassup? [12:36] i am trying to move grub to a diferent partition, windows with 2 linux partitions... does anyone know if i need to restor my windows mbr before reinsalling grub elsewhere? [12:36] Flannel,Oh I dont have the last 2 lines [12:36] !zh | KOSKERS [12:36] KOSKERS: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [12:36] ActionParsnip- you mean write in terminal "flesh-clam"? [12:36] Flannel,should I add it? [12:36] ai3gtmc: yeah... those are important [12:36] Chrysalis, you can boot grub with windows MBR ??? [12:36] ai3gtmc: visudo, always use visudo [12:37] Thank you very much indeed! === benji is now known as Guest79832 [12:37] laughtear: try tab completing after typing fresh [12:37] Flannel, i dunno how to use vi I used nano [12:37] oskude, obviously not, i am just wondering if the mbr needs restoring before reinstalling grub elsewhere or just overwrite the old one [12:38] Flannel, works now :D [12:38] haiii [12:38] haii [12:38] ai3gtmc: visudo honors EDITOR, in your .bashrc put "export EDITOR=nano" and visudo will use nano [12:38] haii [12:38] ai3gtmc: visudo uses your $EDITOR [12:38] Flannel,thank you ver much [12:38] haii [12:38] administrator_: have you tried googling your problem yet, or searching the ubuntu forums ? [12:38] Chrysalis, i dont quite understand, theres only one MBR (or do you have more than one harddisk) [12:38] haii [12:38] oskude: got ./configure to work, it gaveme 1 Warning: "Makefile.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting." Running 'make' gave me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32169/ [12:38] haii [12:38] Flannel,ok I'll edit that file [12:39] but, you shouldnt try to work on this if you dont want to [12:39] cwe: hi, we heard you the first time [12:39] ndumac, i think my problem is pretty vague due to not exactly knowing what im looking for, ubuntu newbie here [12:39] i guess its just too outdated and un-updated to work correctly [12:39] moreau, dunno, no idea. [12:39] administrator_: what your describing actually sounds familiar, and common [12:39] onto the next obcure game!! [12:39] ActionParsnip- can you look at this for me to make me understand if it's done or not... http://paste.ubuntu.com/32170/ [12:40] laughtear: the clam from repos is old, go to the clam site and get it from there to update. [12:41] #gnome [12:41] administrator_: first, have you ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ? [12:41] oskude, lol, let me spell it out for you... grub writes to the mbr, also when you have windows installed you can restore your mbr as it was before installing linux, the questions is VERY simple, should i restore mbr after getting rid of grub or is that step not requirted and just reinstall grub, if you answer with a question again i dont know what else to tell you [12:41] man I wonder how many GB of text there is at paste.ubuntu/* [12:41] anybody can help me with Tablet W8060U (UC-Logic)? [12:41] this is keri and using my name keri keeps telling i am logged in, my question is i hit removed panel and now everything on the top panel is gone how do i get it back [12:41] ndumac, yeap :) [12:42] when i watch some online media via firefox (eg youtube) when i click their "full screen" button nothing happens is there anyway to correct this guys ? [12:42] !resetpanels | teri_ [12:42] teri_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » === belenda1 is now known as belendax [12:42] Rageon: do they play normally? [12:42] they play fine [12:42] Chrysalis, sorry, i dont know what youre after, but updating grub in MBR with the new location of the needed files whould be enough... [12:42] hi everybody [12:42] just cant get them in full screen is all :x [12:42] !grub [12:42] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [12:43] Rageon: you using compiz? [12:43] tried stretching a window but it didnt suffice ;s [12:43] yea [12:43] ActionParsnip- thank you very much === Bans is now known as _miiikka [12:43] Rageon: try disabling compiz then doing it, i bet it works [12:43] Rageon: compiz is a POS [12:44] administrator_: what apps are you using to play video [12:44] ok, is there a quick way to enable disable compiz? like way to bind a key forit ? [12:44] totem sucks .. whats the best all purpose audio video player for ubuntu ? [12:44] Vegombrei: VLC [12:44] Vegombrei: there is no BEST, or we'd all use it [12:44] Vegombrei: plays virtually anything [12:44] !video | Vegombrei [12:44] Vegombrei: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [12:44] Rageon: disable: metacity --replace & ... enable: compiz --replace & [12:44] hi, i need small gui tool to ping some server and when network's down i get info like new window or tooltpi? [12:45] Vegombrei: I like mplayer personally [12:45] cih997: look up 'specto' [12:45] best. command. ever.: sudo apt-get remove firefox && apt-get install opera [12:45] Where does the MAIL environment variable get set by default? I looked in ~/.bashrc ~/.profile /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc already. [12:45] geirha, and this will enable/disable it saving my current settings etc without whinging? :D [12:45] moreau, no, this is better: sudo aptitude install -firefox opera [12:45] Rageon: yes [12:45] I'm trying this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i foo.mov -f test.wav, but I get an error: Unknown input or output format: test.wav [12:45] sweet [12:45] Rageon: of course, the config is saved as you modify it [12:45] kenkku: i have vlc .. when i make it fullscreen it makes it like a transparent full screen .. i can still see my desktop behind the video [12:45] Vegombre: mplayer is good too. gnome Mplayer frontend is good option [12:46] moreau, no, this is better: sudo aptitude install -firefox opera i mean [12:46] doctorow: try websearching the error [12:46] Vegombrei: I have that problem too. right-click and see if it goes away, that works for me [12:46] moreau, no, this is better: sudo aptitude install firefox- opera i mean! [12:46] grr [12:46] kenkku: ok .. ill try that .. wierd tho [12:46] praet: thx [12:46] ActionParsnip I have websearched it but the mailing list chatter about it goes WAY over my head [12:46] Vegombrei: I think it has something to do with compiz. do you have compiz enabled? [12:46] has anyone used MergeFS? [12:47] kenkku: whats compiz ? [12:47] Vegombrei: desktop effects [12:47] oh ok .. [12:47] Vegombrei: google it :) [12:47] doctorow: http://www.isquint.org/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=15;t=4386 [12:48] is there a way to set the default size of my terminal? [12:48] Vegombrei: better yet, youtube it [12:48] kenkku: dude that right click trick actually worked .. thanks man [12:48] kenkku: compiz is the pretty effects and cube rubbish people insist on installing [12:48] * ActionParsnip hates compiz [12:48] ActionParsnip, nope doesnt fullscreen even with metacity [12:48] I've create new user on my desktop. is there a way to import preffences from another user installed on the same desktop? [12:48] ActionParsnip: Yes, that's one of the search results that went over my head. Can you translate it into a suggestion for solving the problem? [12:48] * powertool08 is indifferent [12:49] good morning [12:49] I have an system shut down issue is there any one around who can help me? [12:49] ActionParsnip: it does have some really useful stuff, tho. like expo and scale [12:49] !compiz | kenkku [12:49] kenkku: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [12:49] !ask | darwin_ [12:49] darwin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [12:49] When I turn off my system it gives the following error: [6535.377673] System Halted [12:49] powertool08: you tube what ? [12:49] thanks [12:50] Vegombrei: Compiz [12:50] arvind_khadri: why on earth did you think I needed that? [12:50] kenkku, as you were asking about it :S [12:50] arvind_khadri: no, at no point was I asking about compiz. [12:50] tv_, the most user preferences are in the user home directory, files and/or directories with a dot "." before the name. so the folder .mozilla in the users home directory has all the mozilla settings for that user. so you could just copy the ones you need over to the another users home dir... or maybe theres even a tool for that... [12:50] oh well people didn't want to help me, fine. [12:51] kenkku, sorry ... :(( [12:51] I'm trying this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i foo.mov -f test.wav, but I get an error: Unknown input or output format: test.wav [12:51] jhb1608: wassup? [12:51] arvind_khadri: the only phrase where compiz and the question mark were in the same sentence, when I asked if someone had it enabled ;) [12:51] ok i tried the command and it said no command found for the default panel [12:51] I had troubles wuth Tablet W8060U (UC-Logic) cabration [12:51] darwin_: try the suggestions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=787155 [12:51] cool geirha [12:51] checking thanks [12:52] jhb1608: have you websearched any? [12:52] kenkku, i saw action explaining something to you about it so thought you needed it ... [12:52] doctorow: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/extract-audio-from-mov-file-645861/ [12:52] ActionParsnip: that page doesn't seem to contain an answer to my question. [12:52] arvind_khadri: yeah, and I wonder why he did that :P [12:52] anyone know if i can get streamed media to enter fullscreen mode in firefox (any version i have tried both ff2 and ff3 duel installed) [12:52] kenkku, :D [12:53] doctorow: its got other possiblities to achieve the same ends [12:53] and when i get my termanal i lose this page. [12:54] thanks oksude :) anyone know about a tool to do that? [12:54] ActionParnsip: mplayer dumps core every time I try that command [12:54] penguen: I read the modem manual but don't understand because it dos'nt have enough information:-s I would add a NAT right? [12:54] then you'll have to scout round for the wav bit of your error [12:55] ActionParsnip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen#General%20information it is only I find [12:55] Rageon: it actually depends on the flash player installed on the server end. some players allow fullscreen, some not [12:55] ActionParnsip: that's what I came here for help with. [12:55] jhb1608: looks pretty concise [12:55] *nods* [12:55] W8060U for me [12:56] jhb1608: so if yo follow it what happens? [12:56] tv_ dont make me say the dreaded (it works in xp) :F [12:56] im sure its enabled server side [12:56] doctorow: http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/how-do-i-extract-audio-from-mov-mpeg-4-video-in-ubuntu-gutsy-t342632.html [12:57] I'm trying this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i foo.mov -f test.wav, but I get an error: Unknown input or output format: test.wav [12:57] how do i dcc file send thru irssi ? [12:57] im trying to make my ubuntu do everything i can do in xp, so i can scrap xp [12:57] when I open a chat pidgin shows a window telling "generating a key" and then it takes years to do this, how can I disable that? [12:57] doctorow: id try to sort your mplayer [12:57] ActionParnsip How would you do that? [12:57] the device detected, but no pressure an stuff [12:58] ActionParnsip here's the entire mplayer error message: "Core dumped ;)" [12:58] error404notfound: quit pidgin fully, mv ~/.purple ~/.purple-old; pidgin [12:58] it only use the mouse [12:58] but not the pen [12:58] I just got this tablet today [12:58] doctorow: try sudo apt-get --purge remove mplayer; sudo apt-get install mplayer [12:58] ActionParsnip: no other way? [12:58] when i went to get my termail i lose ubuntu and when i go to log back my id is already being used [12:58] error404notfound: its just a test. [12:58] Rageon: well, I can stream files fullscreen with ff, so it can be done :) [12:58] error404notfound: if it doesnt work you can always roll back [12:59] hwat version of ff are u running? [12:59] tv_, what* [12:59] ActionParnsip It still dumps core [12:59] my display is going off with intrepid default kernel .. whats the problem [13:00] jhb1608: did calibrate work for you or did you need to edit xorg.conf [13:00] kallu: Intrepid issues in #ubuntu+1 please. [13:00] doctorow: id try fixing it and seeing whats what [13:00] ok [13:00] ff 3.01 [13:00] I think I need edit xorg.conf [13:00] doctorow: search for things like mplayer core dumps [13:00] ActionParnsip: What does "I'd try fixing it" mean? [13:00] but how? [13:00] jhb1608: well theres a tonne of xorg edits in there [13:01] tv_ so what do you think my prob is dude? [13:01] jhb1608: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [13:01] ff 3, latest one. note: can play fullscreen at some of the sites, not all [13:02] im using ff3 preview [13:02] I'm in [13:02] doctorow: try finding out why it crashes [13:03] when i go to my termial and put this below and then i lose, i am trying to get back the panel i lost when i hit remove panel alst night [13:03] a that's why [13:03] jhb1608: so you didnt follow the walkthrough... [13:03] ok in the end put the wizard pen thing right? [13:03] I was confused [13:03] jhb1608: follow te walkthrough dude [13:03] ActionParsnip I know you're trying to be helpful, but this isn't helpful. When you say "Try finding out why it crashes" what do you actually suggest I do, apart from asking here? [13:04] Rageon: no idea, I'm a noob myself :) if you want, give me a link and I'll try playing it here to see if I can play if fullscreen [13:04] doctorow: ok so it just crashes when you run it right?> [13:04] ok I am follwoing it [13:04] ActionParnsip Yes [13:04] doctorow: can you run mplayer to watch videos? [13:04] ActionParsnip yes [13:05] geirha thank you very much! [13:05] tv_, pm dude [13:05] hoy [13:05] ActionParsnip That is to say, I can run Totem and watch videos, which, AFAICT, is the same thing, right? [13:06] doctorow: no its a different program [13:06] oopss i've forgived the -fr :p goodbye [13:06] ActionParnsip mplayer doesn't seem to have a gui; when I launch it from the command line, I just get the helpfile [13:07] ActionParsnip OK, I can launch "Mplayer Movie Player" and play videos [13:08] tv_, pm bro [13:08] doctorow, you have to specify a file to play -.- mplayer [13:08] doctorow: id it up #mplayer [13:08] doctorow: it might be intelligent [13:09] hi. How do i install addons (the googledocs addon) in open office under hardy? [13:09] ActionParnsip THanks [13:10] how to you restart your sound driver, I got an error from my sound driver and now my sound wont work. [13:10] no help [13:10] do pms work on this irc network? [13:10] Rageon: sure [13:10] Rageon, of course [13:10] My system doesnt recognize a Blank dvd... [13:11] cyrano: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/download/553 [13:11] Any have exp with not being able to open a blank dvd [13:11] phaverkamp, perhaps because there's nothing on it ;-) [13:11] Rageon: indeed [13:11] phaverkamp: you cant theres no FAT to read [13:12] would anyone let me send them a link (rebutable website) to see if the they can full screen the streaming media there? [13:12] ActionParsnip: Thanks... but how to install that file? [13:12] phaverkamp, are you trying to burn data to it? [13:12] @drebellion Im trying to burn something to it and cd/dvd creator and besario say there isnt any blank media [13:12] phaverkamp, what sort of data? [13:12] and iso [13:12] an iso* [13:12] phaverkamp, ok, here's what you do: sudo dd if=/path/to/my/file.iso of=/dev/ [13:12] cyrano: no idea, i use abiword only [13:12] phaverkamp: have you tried installing CD burning software [13:13] found it... http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/resources/user/howto_install [13:13] phaverkamp: try changing your optical drive in the config or symlink ;) [13:14] last night i hit remove panel and now i can not get it back and when i go get my terminal i lose this page [13:15] hi. how install mconverter ? [13:15] !mconverter [13:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about mconverter [13:15] yasin, do you mean mencoder? [13:15] !info mconverter [13:15] Package mconverter does not exist in hardy [13:16] @drebellion No medium found... [13:16] mconverter mConverter is the great new Open Source application for Mac OS X that will enable you to easily convert any video files [13:16] phaverkamp, dd gave you that error? [13:16] @actionparsnip edit a config file?? [13:16] I just installed ubuntu, and I removed the "Workspace Switcher" at the bottom panel with an accident.. How do i make it show on the panel again? [13:16] @derebellion yes [13:17] phaverkamp: well what device does it expect [13:17] phaverkamp, check the output of 'dmesg' [13:18] ok, got my sound back, need to kill the pulseaudio process that was keeping the sound card busy [13:19] recon69: pulseaudio = fail [13:19] xirov: add to panel... [13:19] phaverkamp: if you look at the options you can see what it expects with regards to optical device [13:19] @drebellion I only see something about a cdrw but its way back in the list not on the tail end [13:19] hi guys, how can i install MythTV cuz I have Skystar2 DVB card [13:19] phaverkamp, I have to go. good luck. [13:20] gordonjcp, i've tried.. but it can find it in the list.. [13:20] @drebellion thanks for your help [13:20] rockyrock: sudo apt-get install mythtv [13:20] gordonjcp, *I can't find it in the list.. [13:20] @actionparsnip Im sry options for what? [13:20] xirov: the internet and google are you frends http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_the_Ubuntu_Desktop_Panels#Adding_and_Deleting_Desktop_Panels [13:20] xirov: "Workplace Switcher" should be at the bottom of the list [13:21] phaverkamp: the burn, does it not state what device its using? [13:21] recon69, i've already readen that :) thats not my problem [13:21] I have the troubles, I'll post the screenshot. [13:21] gordonjcp, Oh.. sorry :D there it is.. thanks a lot.. [13:21] gordonjcp, must have missed it :) sorry [13:22] @actionparsnip rw/dvd gcc-h30n [13:22] anyway, now my sounds back, back to watching weeds :) good luck [13:22] how to remove mono? [13:22] i tried this a command gcon ftool/-- recurive-unsex/apps/panel $$killal gnome -panel and i got this bash: gcon: command not found [13:22] hello? [13:22] http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=problembs1.png [13:23] hey, um, how can i find out what's communicating with my computer? [13:23] last night i hit remove panel did not mean to and now i can not get it back [13:23] phaverkamp: hmm [13:23] Miksag1: netstat -punta [13:23] can anyone help me with sharing folders? [13:23] @actionparsnip i dont know what /dev/x it is, wish i knew [13:24] sharing folders anyone? [13:24] Trying to run 2 virtual machines on XEN, Linux and WinXP, and WinXP has VNC enabled. The problem is that when I connect to WinXP with a VNC-client (from either Ubuntu or Windows) there is a problem with it not understanding what AltGr is (becomes a regular Alt just like a US keyboard). The keymap is set to "sv" though, and alphanumerics are correctly mapped to swedish. [13:24] how to remove mono? [13:24] anybody know the channel for mythtv? [13:24] jhb1608 : maybe you dont have "configure" on that [13:25] jhb1608: you need to cd wizardpen- [13:25] jhb1608: you dont need sudo to configure and make [13:25] jhb1608: only sudo for make install [13:25] Can anyone help me get madwifi driver, for Atheros wireless card? [13:25] joshman09: #ubuntu-mythtv [13:25] can someone please help with sharing folders ? [13:26] how to remove mono? [13:26] hello? [13:26] xirov: wassup [13:26] dose anyone know how to share a hdd or folder in ubuntu, it dosent seem to let me.. [13:27] !samba | lukewakeford [13:27] lukewakeford: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [13:27] *xirov* [13:27] .. i have installed samba [13:27] okay; how hard would it be to hack an ubuntu box with a server runnig? [13:27] ActionParsnip, Hi :) .. its just one of my first time using linux.. and i allways having troubles getting the drivers [13:27] what is the name of MythTV in the repository? [13:28] rockyrock, ye? :) [13:28] hello [13:28] hello [13:28] i tried this a command gcon ftool/-- recurive-unsex/apps/panel $$killal gnome -panel and i got this bash: gcon: command not found [13:28] xirov: if you need madwifi use sudo apt-get install mad then press tab [13:28] any one know how to know the bandwith of a pirticular user [13:29] xirov: dont press enter after mad so yo ucan autocomplete [13:29] qaisar_: good question; that could help me too [13:29] ActionParsnip, Well.. there's only one package named something with madwifi [13:29] ActionParsnip, And i assume that's not the driver [13:30] can someone help me with a device-problem ? [13:30] xirov: thats the driver if thats what your wifi card needs [13:30] Silience which device you are talking about === mamooth is now known as kabnot [13:31] where is php.ini in ubunut? i tried locate and opened all occurances of php.ini but it's all empty.. [13:31] php works fine thou.. [13:31] ActionParsnip, But that package is named "madwifi-tools"... is it a driver? [13:31] which php [13:31] will do [13:31] php5 [13:32] Howto run a webserver on my pc? [13:32] QAISAR: I have a fresh Ubutnu Hardy Install and I wanted to add my Creative Soundcard XFI Elite Pro. [13:32] service httpd start will start the webserver [13:32] hi [13:32] how to remove mono?! [13:33] !lamp > iqson716 [13:33] iqson716, please see my private message [13:33] what is mono [13:33] I have all my system in french, firefox in french, but THIS dialog box is always in english : http://images.imagup.com/04/1217424701_screenshot1.png [13:33] xirov: yes, thats why i said to tab complete as I dont know the full name [13:33] hi folks [13:33] hi [13:33] hello [13:33] hello i would like some help: i hit remove panel did not mean to and now i don't know how to get it back [13:34] !mono | rom1v [13:34] where is the page to give a translation? [13:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about mono [13:34] ActionParsnip, okay then :) [13:34] noob question alert: how do I change file/dir owner? [13:34] ?? [13:34] hello teri [13:34] how would i map an application (eg elisa) to, say XF86Launch0? [13:34] ActionParsnip, I will try dl'ing and installing it then :) [13:34] hello qaisar_ [13:34] you must have a add panel when you right clck on the tab [13:35] you will get all that you want [13:35] Pici: Lamp is already installed, but I can run only a localhost [13:35] iqson716: How are you testing it? [13:35] qaisar_: so i can just get back what i had on there [13:35] QAISER: I know that there are two options: the beta driver for it from creative or the OSS-Driver from 4front. My questions are: which one is more stable. As I do not have any Realtek Soundcard inside, it would be good to know. Also, I am not as famlar with the Terminal-Console yet, so hope you can help me [13:36] teri :I am not sure which you had put [13:36] hello i have wirless card i think it may be of the linkys wirless g brand am i screwed? [13:36] Teri : you will have edit Menus [13:36] Pici: for local host > [13:36] as it doesn't connect wirlessly [13:36] from where you can get all that which it had previously [13:36] how do I reconfigure ubuntu to new resolution? (I just bought a 22" LCD) [13:37] under admin thats how i change resolution [13:37] Kane77 hai [13:37] i have dual booted intrepid and hardy in my computer and would like to have hardy's grub to be installed on the mbr but right now intrepid's grub is showing when i start my comp [13:37] Anyone know where i could aquire Shockwave Flash Firefox Plugin VERSION 9.0 r124 ? [13:37] cdoublejj have clarified you solution [13:37] ive checked my repos [13:37] qaisar_: it was clock quit, internet, firefox, setting apprecations palces it was the things that was on there when i installed ubuntu [13:37] Rageon [13:38] iqson716: If you have a router you'll need to forward port 80 to the computer running apache. Note: Many residential ISPs block port 80 inbound. [13:38] i have r48, not sure if mine is older or newer but id like to try r124 if anyone knows where i can get it [13:38] qaisar_, yea? [13:38] in Ubunto you will not get it with rpm [13:38] qaisar_, hi.. [13:38] Pici: I have a valid IP and I want to use it as: http://myvalidip/index.html [13:38] you must down load the file in tar [13:38] un zip it [13:38] and you can run from the termianal [13:38] hello [13:38] I have a problem with my sound card [13:38] my xorg.conf does not contain the desired resolution (it is probably limited by previous screen that was not able to display such resolutions..) [13:38] qaisar_, ok, any idea where i can download this file? [13:39] woohooo evernote runs perfectly in ubuntu under wine [13:39] i have dual booted intrepid and hardy in my computer and would like to have hardy's grub to be installed on the mbr but right now intrepid's grub is showing when i start my comp [13:39] well... it looks super ugly but it functiuons fine [13:40] it seems to be a HDA Intel ALC883 [13:40] Regon it will be in flash player websiete [13:40] some one gave me this command i tried this a command gcon ftool/-- recurive-unsex/apps/panel $$killal gnome -panel [13:40] is it OK if I make a partition that's in use smaller [13:40] can anybody tell me how to make hardy's grub as the master grub? [13:40] ok qaisar_ i will check [13:40] and said no command [13:40] the problem is that when I connect external speakers, I can hear my CPU working [13:40] Welcome [13:40] i dont think non-free has a website tho? [13:40] Pici: I set my router up for PPPOE (not bridging), now how can I do? for http://myvalidip/index.html [13:41] it is Free [13:41] which might be cool for a while, but it gets annoying [13:41] Can anyone help me get madwifi for my wireless atheros card? [13:41] Can someone help me play quicktime movies in Ubuntu? I have libquicktime1 installed, but there are problems [13:41] yea but its called non-free is synaptic lol [13:41] speaking of wifi, anyone else gets firmware crashes for bg2200? [13:41] Blais1: what are you trying to play them with? [13:41] apt -get install flash [13:41] you will get the free version [13:41] is it OK if I make a partition that's in use smaller [13:42] ok [13:42] iqson716: http://portforward.com/ may be able to help you there. [13:42] SNuxoll: I'm trying currently with the apple trailers site through firefox, I just get (no video) which I think is from Movie player [13:42] teri: you need to type this command EXACTLY as I have it: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel [13:42] SNuxoll: can u help me in using hardy's grub instead of intrepid's grub [13:42] hey guys how do i create a grub boot disk? [13:42] options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base worked for a while, but it doesn't work anymore === nick__ is now known as nich^ [13:42] do you have any suggestions, please? [13:42] Pici: thank you! [13:43] SNuxoll: if I open a location (http://movies.apple.com/movies/wb/watchmen/watchmen-tlr1_h.640.mov) in Movie Player it loads, but is constantly flickering and quite unwatchable [13:43] best way to install flash is to download the Flash 10 Beta 1 then move the flashplayer.so file to your .mozilla//plugins directory [13:43] Blais1: ahh, just having the quicktime library isn't enough to get totem (Movie Player), which uses gstreamer to work [13:43] das ist ja heiss, mein Rechner verbindet sich ab un zu automatisch in ein offenens netz (und stört) meine Lan verbindung. [13:43] Blais1: oh, it loads? [13:43] Can anyone help me get madwifi for my wireless atheros card? someone helped me one time before, but i don't remember what we did [13:43] sorry [13:43] !de | pogay [13:43] pogay: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [13:43] pogay: np [13:43] SNuxoll: yes it loads, but poorly [13:43] Blais1: well then, I'd suggest trying mplayer [13:43] pici thank you it is back [13:43] hello, can someone tell if me which driver for my stumble Creative XFI Elite Pro card is more stable: the creative beta driver or the OSS-Driver from 4front ? As I do not have any Realtek Soundcard inside, it would be good to know. [13:44] is there any reason linux won't connect to my router wirelessly ??? [13:44] is it OK if I make a partition that's in use smaller [13:44] SNuxoll: I get the flickering too, also an error popped up saying 'Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: movies.apple.com' [13:44] viller: no [13:44] SILENCER, as its obvious you are one of the linux "cursed" like me that happens to have an x-fi, i can only tell you that i never managed to install the creative beta driver :P [13:44] qaisar_, E: couldnt find package flash [13:44] SILENCER, i went oss way :P [13:44] Blais1: very odd, I'd suggest filing a bug on launchpad then [13:44] Rageon: flashplugin-nonfree is adobe's version of flash. [13:45] Can anyone help me get madwifi driver for my wireless atheros card? someone helped me one time before, but i don't remember what we did [13:45] !lp | Blais1 [13:45] Blais1: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [13:45] SNuxoll: VLC gives me the best playback, but how can I use that in firefox instead of the others then? [13:45] XFI AND THE OTHER LATES PC TECNOLOGY IS ONLY GONNA WORK WITH MS THEN LINUX LATER [13:45] !caps | cdoublejj [13:45] cdoublejj: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [13:45] :P sorry [13:45] flashplayer-installer [13:46] can't you just sudo apt-get install flashplayer [13:46] how can i use hardy's grub instead of intrepid's grub? i am dual booting them [13:46] sudo aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree [13:46] Hey folks, I'm not a newb, but is there straightfoward, easy documentation on how to put icons on the Desktop in default Ubuntu (GNOME)? [13:46] Pici any idea where i can obtain version 9.0 r124? im currently using r48 [13:46] arghh, i broke wordpress localhost [13:46] cberlo: what icons do you want on there? [13:47] Let's say I want an icon for my Music folder, and my favourite music app -- Audacious [13:47] cberlo: bah, those are easy [13:47] Rageon: Which version of Ubuntu are you using/ [13:47] cberlo: right click on an empty space on your desktop and select "Create Launcher" [13:47] cberlo: from there it should be self guiding [13:47] hjey guys how do i find out what file system my floppy disk is using? [13:48] banisterfiend: all floppies generally use FAT16 [13:48] 7.10 i believe [13:48] gusty [13:48] cberlo: or else just drag the icon from the menu to the desktop [13:48] banisterfiend: it's pretty much a safe assumption [13:48] SNuxoll: Okay, lemme try that. This is me pretending to be a Newb... [13:48] how to add spell check to open office and xchat? [13:48] Rageon: gutsy-updates/multiverse has version 124 available [13:48] SNuxoll: ok but how do i find out for sure? [13:48] how can i use hardy's grub instead of intrepid's grub? i am dual booting them [13:49] oh? ok ill have a look [13:49] Okay, when I try to open the location I want to make a launcher to, it just keeps opening folders. [13:49] Im on ubuntu server terminal how do i scroll up on terminal? [13:49] murlidhar: dragging made a copy of my Music folder! [13:49] does anybody here use Ubuntu 8.04 on a Acer Aspire One? (thinking of buying one....) [13:49] blackpearl: spell check is already in the xchat look in the preferences>input box [13:49] ai3gtmc: generally shift-pageup [13:50] Pici,ok thanks :) [13:50] Ok i have narrowed my wirless troubles down to this sudo lspci -v | less brings up nothing and when i mous over my braodcom driver it says i need a firmware ?????? [13:50] cberlo: sorry i meant for application shortcuts [13:50] :P [13:50] cdoublejj: ahh, you must have the same chipset as me [13:50] pici sorry how do i get to gutsy-updates/multiverse? [13:50] well it is a pci card [13:50] the pc is an old hp [13:50] cdoublejj: all you need to do is open the restricted drivers manager, check the box and enable the restricted firmware, and click apply [13:50] how do i find out what file system my floppy disk is using??? [13:50] cdoublejj: after a rebooot your card should work perfectly [13:50] murlidhar, it's checked. [13:50] !repeat | banisterfiend [13:50] banisterfiend: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [13:51] murlidhar, but it does not do spell check. jfkljflk [13:51] Rageon: System>Administration>Software sources should give you options to turn on -multiverse and -updates... I think. [13:51] i clicked enable broadcom driver ::: it then said something about the firmware i check download and extract ???? [13:51] it can see my router but won't connect [13:51] blackpearl: it checks only in the input box [13:51] SNuxoll: So, suggestions for introducing a Newb to links/launchers and how to make them for specific locations? [13:51] hi [13:51] it's like it times out [13:51] mmmk [13:51] hi [13:51] i have a problem with my headphone [13:51] cberlo: nope [13:51] !ubottu | broadcom [13:51] broadcom: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [13:52] How do I set firefox to use VLC as it's main media plugin? [13:52] !broadcom | cdoublejj [13:52] cdoublejj: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [13:52] anyone here use Nessus for linux? [13:52] pici doesnt seem to, can u send me the link of the repo? or? [13:52] Yes ndumac [13:52] r00tintheb0x: Nessus 3 linux GUI is atrocious; is it possible to use nessus 3 server with nessus 2 client ? [13:53] Rageon: care to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file? I'll make the necessary edits for you. [13:53] murlidhar, i know. it's not working [13:53] cberlo: inorder to create a shortcut for a folder . right-click on the desktop and create a new menu . in the execution bar . type the address of the folder .(eg /media/sda5/murlidhar/music) [13:53] ndumac, I haven't used it in a while but im pretty sure it is. [13:53] ok === unaffiliate is now known as un\a\ffiliate [13:54] You may not get some of the "features". [13:54] i have a problem with my headphone [13:54] r00tintheb0x: alright, i will try to figure it out [13:54] blackpearl: i have no idea then :-( [13:54] Sure thing. [13:54] r00tintheb0x: not sure if i can have conflcting libnessus packages [13:54] broadcom 43xx sounds like my model i will take a look into it [13:54] cr0w: change it then [13:54] :p [13:54] ndumac, its just a client connecting to a server, it should work. [13:54] !pastebin [13:54] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [13:55] cr0w: explain ur problem [13:55] when i insert the headphone in jack slot [13:55] Can anyone help me get madwifi driver for my wireless atheros card? someone helped me one time before, but i don't remember what t odo [13:55] pici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/32190/ [13:55] hmm.. I need this tool (http://fosswire.com/2007/08/17/ubuntu-getting-xorgconf-gui/) but I can't find it in my menu anywhere how do I run this? [13:55] xirov, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [13:56] murlidhar: tried that too. Comes up with "Couldn't display /home/berloc/Music \ There is no application installed for this file type" [13:56] hey am i gonna have to hook my pc back up to wired to get the firmware i need [13:56] when i insert the headphone in jack slot I do not succeed to listen to nothing [13:56] Sylphid, Thanks, ill try that [13:57] cberlo: wait let me go to gnome and check manually . see i am a newbie too :) [13:57] kane77: have you done an apt-cache search for that yet, and/or used the Add/Remove tool to find it? [13:58] homw come when i do the lspci script it bring up nothing sudo lspci -v | less [13:58] cberlo, yup.. [13:58] pici? [13:59] Rageon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32192/ Thats all the stable repositories for gutsy [14:00] ok sweet, how do i put that into /etc/apt/sources.list ? soz im quite noob but getting there [14:00] || far away from uninstalling xp just need to get this working [14:00] pici ? :D [14:01] kane77: I remember seeing that in the last version (7.10) but I don't seem to be seeing it on my fresh 8.04 here... [14:01] cberlo, I found it.. it's displayconfig-gtk [14:01] <[globa|fin]> How do I get apache to display the websites with Ubuntu's Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) enabled? [14:01] cberlo, going to try to restart X to see if it works [14:02] how do u edit like text files in terminal guys which program? [14:02] edit doesnt seem to work [14:02] kane77: Funny, was just going to say that looked like the name... work for ya? [14:02] Rageon, nano should be available [14:02] hi...how can I find where the binary for a running process is? I see proftpd in my list but the command "proftpd" is returning "not found". It's a XAMP install so it must have been put somewhere, but I can't find it. [14:02] I have the Process ID. [14:03] cberlo, I'm running at 1680x1050 now so yes.. like a charm :) [14:03] Rageon: Well, if you're new to this stuff, nano would work; if you like documentation and new things there are vi and emacs. [14:03] MachinTrucChose, services are started through scripts in /etc/init.d [14:03] hello to everybody :D [14:03] MachinTrucChose: try "cat /proc/PID/cmdline" [14:03] kane77: Nice. There's also a "Screen Resolution" option you may want to fiddle with for individual users. [14:03] oh vi i remember using that year ago in my network engineering course, good stuff :D [14:03] years* [14:03] Sylphid, why should i install those packs? [14:04] cberlo, yes, but my problem was that the resolution was not available in xorg.conf [14:04] Sylphid, my driver aren't there? [14:04] murlidhar never came back, did he? [14:04] TiredWolf: All I get is the name of the process: "proftpd: (accepting connections" [14:05] I wasn't able to find it in /etc/init.d , probably hidden in some XAMP script [14:05] MachinTrucChose: try "dpkg -L proftpd | grep bin" [14:05] <_Spekkio_> I was updating a stock install of ubuntu and I lost power while the updates were installing.how can I resume the updates, or do I have to install over again? [14:05] <_Spekkio_> hardy [14:05] _Spekkio_: if things are already downloaded, they won't download again [14:06] TiredWolf: says "proftpd" is not installed. But I know it is because I can ftp to localhost . As I said, this was part of a XAMP install, I didn't install each package separately: they came in a bundle. [14:06] <_Spekkio_> they were in the process of installing, they awere all downloaded, and almost done installing when the power cut out [14:06] _Spekkio_: the way apt-upgrade works, is it downloads everything, then begins to install [14:06] so why do the firmware have to be released seperatly leagle issues if so thats gay?????? [14:06] ah i see [14:06] they should all be on your system then [14:06] Hey [14:07] I can't see the files I've shared with samba on my new Eee PC. What should I do? :( [14:07] <_Spekkio_> if I click on the update manager, it says its fully up to date, but I know for a fact the installing wasnt done, it might just assume its done because everything was downloaded [14:07] MachinTrucChose: i wonder why you didn't do it the ubuntu way ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ) - anyway, it's probably somewhere in /opt, try "find /opt | grep proftp" [14:07] cberlo: in type put application , in path type nautilus /media/sda5/Music (or whatever ) [14:07] open up a terminal [14:07] _Spekkio_, you can make sure everything is done. sudo aptitude install -f [14:07] and type sudo apt-get upgrade [14:07] _Spekkio_ peronaly if you just got done installing ubuntu i'd just reinstall then you know it's stable and safe [14:07] I have a problem [14:07] cberlo: :-) [14:08] TireDWolf: I already located a folder called proftpd in the /opt/lampp, but there is no binary, only proftpd.conf. === VERA_AN is now known as soccer_boy [14:08] Sylphid, jurk [14:08] MachinTrucChose: try: locate proftpd [14:08] murlidhar: Yeah, that would work, but that's like making a shortcut in Windoze that says "explorer.exe c:\music" [14:08] last time my updates messed up linux was really screwy [14:08] in the grub menu.list is so necessary to put the argument [14:08] MachinTrucChose: try perhaps "lsof | grep proftp" [14:08] murlidhar: There HAS to be an idiot-proof way! :) [14:08] cberlo: exactly [14:08] root=UUID=e251ff72-809b-4699-a4e6-56eb2abc7294 [14:08] ? [14:08] <_Spekkio_> its a lot of downloading to get the updates, but I'll try what you've said [14:08] <_Spekkio_> thanks [14:08] Which is not to imply that Newbs are idiots, mind you... [14:09] <_Spekkio_> if all goes bad I'll just reinstall unfortunately [14:09] hello [14:09] Anyway, gotta run. I think I'll toss this in to the GNOME folks and Canonical and see what they're thoughts are. [14:09] MachinTrucChose: or, "ls -l /proc/PID/cwd". that gives you the current directory for the proftpd process, which may or may not be the directory where the executable is [14:09] has anyone here tried the dell bios update, restarted the computer, gotten colored lines, a reboot and no bios updated? === VERA_AN is now known as co_soccer [14:09] <[globa|fin]> seen krazy-h? [14:09] cberlo: cya [14:10] I got a LiveCD that has been altered and doesn't show any instalation menu. How can I install it once I log in as root? [14:10] TiredWolf: that worked! It was in /opt/lampp/sbin/proftpd. Thanks. [14:10] MachinTrucChose: which one? [14:10] I am having issues with my webcam. I can't seem to get any software to use it. [14:10] is it true that ubuntu is creating its wrapper class for gkt+ to make ubuntu look beautiful like mac? [14:10] the second one, lsof | grep proftp [14:11] abhi_: no [14:11] I can't see the files I've shared with samba on my new Eee PC. What should I do? :( [14:11] I can't burn onto Ubuntu [14:11] I use Brasero Disc burner [14:11] MachinTrucChose: good to know [14:11] iDN: use NFS instead :P [14:11] thank you for your help [14:12] hi... [14:12] could anyone help me out whit an issue [14:12] hi there anyone - i have a problem when i boot ubuntu it doesnt automatically mount my xp partition and a ntfs media partition - so say if i boot up and run amarok i cannot play my music till i click the drive under places and put in a password can i fix this [14:12] i couldn't find the sopulution on forums [14:12] SNuxoll, : it won't be nice to have a ubuntu visually comparable with mac or windows. [14:12] How can i install conky on autorun in gnome? [14:13] hi, im having problems with WICD, can anybody help me? [14:13] How can I install a livecd image into the hard disk? [14:13] <[globa|fin]> How do I get apache to display the websites with Ubuntu's Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) enabled? [14:13] when I play youtube videos, the sound is pleying nice and fluently, but the video is like I'm looking some kinda slideshow [14:13] abhi_: Ubuntu already looks 100x better than Windows, as for it coming on par with OS X, we'll see what happens in intrepid [14:13] can i install xp, ubuntu and bt on a same hdd? what happens to a grub when i install bt last? Does it automatically add itself in there? [14:13] SNuxoll, : what is intrepid. [14:14] SNuxoll: :O WTH are you doing here? :P [14:14] !ntfs | simotempler [14:14] simotempler: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [14:14] abhi_: the next version of Ubuntu [14:14] !webcam [14:14] Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [14:14] !session | zaputr [14:14] iDN: support, of course [14:14] zaputr: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [14:14] SNuxoll: Send me a tutorial on that. :) [14:14] i cant install updates or get into system>>administration apps... any thoughts? [14:14] SNuxoll, : oh [14:14] SNuxoll, : i think it will remain almost same with some cosmetic changes [14:14] Is that umask problem in gnome still not solved? [14:14] dario_: have you edited the sudoers file? [14:15] ubottu i can mount them ok but have to do so each time when i boot and put in a password can i get it to automatically do this at start up [14:15] simotempler: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:15] not sure... how could i reset it if i did by accident? [14:15] WHAT the it gave me this error when i tried to get the broadcom firmware this if some freaky stuff http://slexy.org/view/s2fzQoZILY [14:15] any out here? [14:15] anyone? [14:15] i only have 1 cpu [14:15] noone whit such issues? === miki_ is now known as k0nfa [14:16] dario_: then you'd have to reboot into recovery mode to get root access, but first, try this in a terminal: sudo echo hello [14:16] http://slexy.org/view/s2fzQoZILY [14:16] iDN: sorry, don't have one on hand, gimme a minute to look one up [14:16] !fstab | simotempler, [14:16] simotempler,: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [14:16] how do i make gnome use the umask i want? [14:16] SNuxoll: OK. thanks. [14:17] cheers [14:17] schola, should be under the properties of the directory in question [14:17] simotempler: the url ubottu gave you earlier explains how to get windows drives mounted automatically [14:17] http://slexy.org/view/s2fzQoZILY any help [14:17] greetings, if my /dev would not be "renewed" would /sbin/makedev "restarts" the device finding procedure? [14:17] unop: i want to set the global umask, but gnome ignores every entry i any file. [14:17] iDN: install nfs-kernel-server and follow this guide starting at "Configuration Files"http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/nfs/ [14:17] guys im trying to update a file in etc/apt, how can i overwrite a file in this DIR? doesnt seem to want to let me? [14:18] sudo echo hello [14:18] cdoublej: Do you have synaptic or another package manager process open? [14:18] when I play youtube videos, the sound is pleying nice and fluently, but the video is like I'm looking some kinda slideshow(3 frames/s), I dunno if it's a driver or hardware problem...NEED HELP [14:18] ATA_Dark_Shadow, not really - it only makes a device under /dev -- restart hal and/or udev to do what you want [14:18] it just said helo [14:18] unop, hi [14:18] ah i see, ill try that one then, thanks [14:18] dario_: it asked you for a password, and then echoed hello? [14:18] is it possible to have a dual head setup in which each monitor can display a separate workspace from the same switcher? [14:19] dario_: in that case there's nothing wrong with the sudoers file [14:19] schola, you could try setting the global umask in ~/.bash_profile [14:19] Guys im trying to update a file in etc/apt, how can i overwrite a file in this DIR? doesnt seem to want to let me? [14:19] Pici did it refuse because i'm updating at the same time ??? [14:19] echome, hi [14:19] cdoublej: yes. [14:19] pici ? [14:19] ok then [14:19] Rageon: Yes? [14:19] im trying to update a file in etc/apt, how can i overwrite a file in this DIR? doesnt seem to want to let me? [14:19] Jack_Sparrow, good morning [14:20] Jack_Sparrow, morning [14:20] Rageon: what do you want to update and why? [14:20] no it didn ask for a password... any other thoughts as to what could be wrong? [14:20] Rageon: use sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [14:20] Rageon, you don't usually have permissions in that directory. you might need to use sudo as appropriate [14:20] Morning all.. [14:20] Ive modified my sources.list and want to overwrite the old one with the one im made [14:20] can anyone help me installing madwifi so my wireless card work? [14:20] G'afternoon Jack_Sparrow :) [14:20] xirov, have you tried installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package? [14:20] Rageon did you cp with sudo? [14:20] dario_: that's odd.. how about: gksudo echo hello ? it should bring up a gui-box asking for password, then echo hello [14:21] Rageon: hopefully it only contains official repositories or otherwise ones that are known to work correctly with your version of Ubuntu, without breaking anything [14:21] pretty sure it does [14:21] cp ill try that ty [14:21] Rageon: then prepend "sudo" to any CLI command that you use to overwrite it. [14:21] Rageon adding your own sources can come back to bite you [14:21] Sylphid|work, Yes? [14:21] !sudo > Rageon [14:21] Rageon, please see my private message [14:22] Sylphid|work, but there's no wireless driver in that package, ? is there? [14:22] TiredWolf, is theyre anyway i can sudo drag and drop? lol [14:22] there* [14:22] Rageon: that's not a good idea. "sudo" is already dangerous enough without adding the risk to drag and drop the wrong thing to the wrong place. [14:22] Rageon, you can, though it's not recommended. [14:22] ah [14:22] xirov, oop wrong package...i meant ubuntu-restricted-modules [14:22] same thing...just says hello [14:23] xirov, sorry bout that [14:23] Sylphid|work, ill try that then.. thanks [14:24] !nvidia [14:24] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === kabnot is now known as mamooth [14:24] dario_: hm. Then try running "update-manager" from a terminal and see if it gives you any errormessages [14:25] Hello. I'm using Ubuntu hardy 64-bit and i'm trying to cross compile a c++/gtkmm application for 32 bit processors. I can compile my program successfully with 'g++ -Wall `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs` program.cpp', it also executes brilliantly. But if I add a '-m32' switch, I get loads of error messages about the gtkmm library [14:25] Sylphid|work, it doesnt seem like that package exist? [14:25] see http://paste.ubuntu.com/32199/ for the error messages g++ gives me [14:25] xirov, one sec [14:25] Hello. [14:25] unpo: ~/.bash_profile was the last file i didnt try, because it didnt exist. Anyway, putting umask 002 in it didnt help, [14:25] homy: you need the 32bit version of the library installed too before you compile [14:25] that worked thanks allot i guess i can just use terminal to acess [14:26] SNuxoll: I tried aptitude search gtkmm | grep 32, but it didn't show me any suitable package? [14:26] pici im almost there, ive copied ure sources.list, now how do i get the file mate? [14:26] hi there! [14:26] dario_: I'm at a loss of why you can't access it through the menu [14:26] xirov, man i fail today .... its linux-restricted-modules [14:26] I got a bug with SDL + ffmpeg with libswscale [14:26] X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) [14:26] help:: i wan to play videos in .rm format...... that is real media format [14:26] I'm receiving trouble installing Ubuntu.. [14:26] the problem is Xwindow related... [14:26] It seems to freeze in the middle of installing. [14:26] I get the same error with smpeg library... [14:27] something to do with scaling... [14:27] schola, did you log out and log back in? [14:27] After I used the Wubi program. [14:27] hi [14:27] does anybody know how to correct it_ [14:27] hi [14:27] After the first restart. [14:27] Rageon: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [14:27] Sylphid|work, Lol, its okay :) .. well.. is the madwifi in that pack?? .. ive had madwifi before.. i just dont remember how to get it [14:27] thanks for all your help [14:27] an alternative of Sam broadcaster on Ubuntu ? [14:27] help:: i wan to play videos in .rm format...... that is real media format [14:27] is there a way to make nm-applet detect a ppp connection? [14:27] mahesh, usually yes [14:27] SNuxoll: I have main, universe and restricted repositories enabled. How can I install these 32-bit gtkmm libraries? [14:28] xirov, yes it is in there [14:28] Help:: I cannot install Ubuntu. It freezes when I try to install it on the first restart after I installed it with Wubi. [14:28] mahesh, though file extensions don't really matter. you can have any extension [14:28] it is strange though, because the permissios of newly created file are right: 664 . But the permissions of newly created folders are wrong: 755, they should be 775 as i set umask to 002. [14:28] homy: dunno.... [14:28] X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) [14:28] Sylphid|work, okay :) im trying [14:28] pici oh dear compiz is being upgraded hope it doesnt break :X [14:28] !clone > axenory [14:28] axenory, please see my private message [14:28] unop:: wat package should i have to play [14:28] Sylphid|work, its done.. should i restart to make it work?? or? [14:29] Anybody know how I can install the 32bit gtkmm library (for cross compiling gtkmm application from 64bit hardy)? [14:29] mahesh, the best would be w32codecs from !medibuntu [14:29] on windows in order making the radio I used sam broadcaster. now on ubuntu what I can use? [14:29] xirov, you may need to yes [14:29] !w32codecs | mahesh [14:29] mahesh: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [14:29] I get this error while trying to install.. [14:29] unop:: wat package should i have to play [14:29] unop:: sorry [14:29] Sylphid|work, okay :) be right back [14:30] cr0w, you cant assume that people here know every program... [14:30] xirov, kk [14:30] unop:: how to install that medibuntu then [14:30] pici wth did that command do, its download a whole heap of stuff !? [14:30] downloading* [14:30] cr0w still have the sound issue do the speakers work on your laptop ? [14:30] unop::and how to get the w32codecs [14:30] mahesh, read what ubottu said [14:31] Rageon: You didnt have any updates enabled, so its downloading those. [14:31] when i insert headphone no.. [14:31] cr0w, what does the program do in windows? [14:31] mahesh, unop is a cmd lord. wouldn't care much about little cases, go to www.medibuntu.com instead [14:31] cr0w i have used sma broadcaster before cr0w you might beable to run sam broadcaster on linux if you use wine hq [14:31] echome, cmd lord? [14:31] I forgot to umount a drive before unplugging it (usb enclosure), and now I can't umount it (it says 'device busy') and df still reports it being mounted there... how can I fix this? [14:31] unop, lord of command line, i guess [14:31] echome:: ok [14:32] echome, heh. not really [14:32] cr0w: I would try going to Applications -> Add/Remove... then search for radio and see if any of those applications can do what you need [14:32] vlet can you plug it back in and try to unmount [14:32] Are there packages for hardy 64bit that give me the 32bit gtkmm headers needed to compile for 32bit platform? [14:32] mahesh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats That was not that hard to find. [14:32] cdoublejj: not easily; I'm no longer where the server is :-/ [14:33] oh snap sorry to hear that [14:33] I cannot install Ubuntu unfortunately.. [14:33] Sylphid|work, Well.. the "Wireless" button is still not there :s [14:33] I get this error on the first boot up [14:33] cdoublejj: I could always restart the system, but that seems excessive :) [14:33] X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) [14:33] hey couldn't install xp so for the heck of it tried linuxwich tunred out to be a pain in the, but can interesting and sometimes fun [14:33] has nobody an idea what to do about the gnome using wrong umask settings? [14:33] I get that error whenever I try to play a video with ffmpeg + libswscale [14:33] because linux us a new challeng to me [14:34] anyone in here got world of warcraft running in wine with x-fi driver? [14:34] build/buildd/linus-2.6.241 drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device [14:34] i heard X-fi's don't work in linux [14:34] That's an error I get, as well as: [14:34] i got it working [14:34] but not with wine [14:34] recompile the kernal [14:34] huh? [14:34] yuo mean you madea costum build of linux [14:34] the x-fi driver will work with ubuntu 8.04 but you have to re compile the kernal [14:35] Can anyone help me with this issue on the first bootup after installing with Wubi? [14:35] build/buildd/linus-2.6.241 drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device [14:35] can anyone tell me what is stored in the ETC folder? [14:35] linux* [14:35] recompile as in recompile source code? [14:35] I don't want to burn the liveCD, so I'm trying to create a partition using my current system (gentoo) using gparted. All of my current diskspace is used up, is there a way to partition an existing partition? [14:36] SNuxoll: Well? Did you find a tutorial for me? :( [14:36] cdoublejj yes [14:36] does ubuntu have a recovery mode invokable e.g. when the system's root partition fills up and writes become impossible? [14:36] schola, when you open up a new terminal. what is the umask reported? [14:37] with ssh, if my key fails it falls back on passworded login, can I disable that? [14:37] Sylphid|work, you here? [14:37] I have 1 computer with 2 IP addresses for 1 interface... (same physical connection, 1 "REAL" ip and one "virtual"). when I tracert from one machine to the other, sometimes it times out on the "real" ip, but never on the virtual (secondary) ip... anyone know what could be the reason/ [14:37] this problem makes me leave to kde. Noone any idea how to solve this? I set umask to 002 in almost every file but Gnome creates new folders with permission 755 . [14:37] erikg, yes [14:37] where can i find the Berkeley DB with 1.85 [14:37] unop: how does it work? [14:37] or where can i get that package? [14:37] !who | schola [14:37] schola: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [14:37] any idea how to resize my main partition using gparted? I need to unmount it, but I'll be using it when I use gparted [14:38] khoda: use a livecd with gparted [14:38] Hi -- I'm looking for a recommendation for a good WYSIWYG Latex editor for Ubuntu to help me with my math papers. What are others using? [14:38] powertool08: I'm trying to setup a partition so I don't need to burn the livecd. I'm just gonna run it off my harddrive [14:38] erikg, you can choose the single user/recovery mode from the grub screen [14:38] schola, what is the umask reported to you when you start a new terminal? [14:38] how do i permanetly set the terminal window size? [14:39] hi good day to all, can i ask if where can i get the package Berkeley DB with 1.85 [14:39] khoda: if you can't unmount the partition because you need it to boot, the only option is another separate install or a livecd [14:39] unop: i'm asking a technical question, not an interface question. perhaps #ubuntu-devel? [14:40] erikg, errm, no, it's a general support question -- and is there something that you don't follow? [14:40] in the terminal it say umask 0002 [14:40] unop: in the terminal it say umask 0002 [14:40] Sylphid|work, you here? [14:41] schola, so, currently you have set the umask you want in ~/.bash_profile? have you logged out and logged back in since? [14:41] erikg, yeah #ubuntu-devel is for you [14:41] but iirc they generate a ram disk and write logs to that [14:41] but not sure [14:43] unop: i have set it in /etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/gdm/Xsession /etc/gdm/PreSession /etc/gdm/PostSession ~/.gnomerc and i think in some other files to. I read almost for one day and cannot find a solution. [14:43] I'm trying to create a fifth partition using gparted, so I can boot from the livecd from my harddrive. gparted said that I can't have more than 4 primary partitions. what is my alternative? it says something about making a partition within a partition? [14:43] Voltaplein: Is there really such a thing as a wysiwyg editor for LaTeX? Anyway, openoffice math has a wysiwyg editor for making mathematical equations, not sure if it will generate tex-code though [14:44] unop: Thanks for helping :) [14:44] geirha: yes, there is [14:44] khoda: you need to make a logical partition, then you can have several partitions within that one, so its like one partition container of 100 gb, and then partitions of varying sizes adding up to 100 gb inside it [14:45] geirha: LyX [14:45] geirha: it's a Qt app and I don't use it myself, used to writing plain LaTeX in gedit, but I heard it's nice [14:46] quick request.. I have a eee pc 901. I need the atl1e.ko.. does anyone have it so I can bypass the tidiouus work of downloading all the build essential stuff and built it manually? [14:46] what is a logical partion is it diffrent than a partion [14:46] schola, well, that still doesn't answer the question of you logging out and logging back in after making the changes -- if you make changes to one of ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or /etc/profile - and want those changes replicated into the GUI, you need to log back in, otherwise the changes are insignificant [14:47] matricks, what is so tedious about sudo apt-get install build-essential === chaky_ is now known as chaky [14:47] IdleOne: because I don [14:47] damn it [14:47] build-essntial is for compiling stuff right? [14:47] IdleOne: because I don't have any network [14:47] IdleOne: but oh.. is it on the iso? [14:47] SNuxoll: Cool. I'll give lyx a try later then. I'm very qurious to how such an editor can look like. I'm used to writing it in vim. [14:47] cdoublejj: yeah [14:48] matricks, yes it should be [14:48] IdleOne: oh.. then its much easier then :) [14:48] geirha: well, it's not like OpenOffice, it's very much in the spirit of LaTeX [14:48] geirha: it focuses on structure, not prettiness [14:49] SNuxoll, what are you talking about? [14:49] geirha: from my small use with it I've found it very nice :) [14:49] How do you use wireless in ubuntu? When I try to set it up, it wants to know the name of the wireless network [14:49] SNuxoll: I looked it up on wikipedia, it's not wysiwyg, it's wysiwym :) === echome is now known as songq [14:49] oh gotcha [14:49] but when I need to use it, I'm usually on the train, and each train has a different network name [14:49] schola, ahh well, try this. open up a terminal. and run this command. umask 077 && nautilus . # create a directory in nautilus, and you should see that group and other have no permissions over the directory [14:49] geirha: exactly! [14:49] Phantal-, just click on the little network manager icon on the top right hand corner [14:50] poningru, I'm using KDE ... should it be there? [14:50] (I ask because I'll need to reboot to find out, so I want to know before I do) [14:50] I'm doing osme unicode work and want to be able to display as many charsets as possible... how do I enable this? [14:51] it should be on the lower right hand corner then [14:51] worst comes to worse you can open up a terminal and type in 'iwlist scan' [14:51] poningru, cool, thanks [14:52] Phantal-, that will tell you all the wifi names in the vicinity [14:53] unop: yes i rebooted, but the problem remains. [14:54] i'm currently unable to login to gnome. .xsessions-errors gives I/O error /.compiz/sessions/default0 [14:55] has anyone setup ubuntu 8.04 with samba and ran into issues with sp3 being able to authenticate when connecting to your samba server ? [14:55] i added all the unix users as samba users via smbpasswd -a [14:55] i added the appropriate passwords, and have identical users on winxp sp3 systems. [14:56] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [14:56] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [14:56] no. [14:58] hey all, i know this is not the right place to ask but I am desperate and this is the only irc channel i frequent, all i need is someone who does not live in africa to do a simple telnet for me and tell me if it connects, we are trying to test interational connectivity to a dns server [14:58] if i install linux-source-2.6.24, is that the same source tree that was used to compile 2.6.24-20-generic? [14:58] psypher246: sure [14:58] so that i can compile my own modules that will work with my current kernel? [14:59] thanks dude, pls telnet to on port 53 [14:59] nwidger_: yes. [14:59] nwidger_: you will probably need to copy the config in /boot [14:59] SNuxoll: ? [14:59] please... [14:59] help me... [15:00] when you use the ntfs configuration tool it gives you the option of enabling write support for "internal" and "external" devices... what's the difference? [15:00] X Error of failed request: BadMatch, whenever I play a video with ffplay compiled with ffmpeg + libswscale [15:00] pici... ? [15:00] Rageon: ? [15:00] unop: can you reproduce my problem? [15:00] all that downloading from that command and it didnt even install the codec i needed? and didnt work? :x [15:01] unop: i would like to know if this is a generell problem. [15:01] compubomb: excellent, thank you :) [15:01] hi === fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t] [15:01] SNuxoll: No matte what I do, I either get "CONNECTION_REFUSED" with samba or "cannot access server" or something like that with NFS. [15:01] . [15:02] I'm having a problem with a source for apt-get [15:02] actually it seems it did.. still doesnt work tho :S!&@ [15:02] iDN: did you make sure to allow access to your NFS shares? [15:02] psypher246: looks weak [15:02] SNuxoll: How do I do that? [15:02] thomasrinsma: what is the problem your having [15:02] not connecting? [15:02] iDN: is the computer you are trying to access the NFS share on your LAN? [15:02] I know that flash sometimes save some application files in Windows, in a hidden folder.. Does it do the same in linux? and in that case, where is that folder? [15:03] SNuxoll: Yes. [15:03] psypher246: nope [15:03] iDN: in /etc/exports then [15:03] !who | psypher246 [15:03] psypher246: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:03] xirov, yea sorry [15:03] hi :) [15:03] SNuxoll: the eee is connected to it though a wireless router. [15:03] i'm on a amd-64 so apt-get update tries this url: [15:03] http://repo.calcforge.org/debian/i386/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz [15:03] While only the i386 one exists: [15:03] http://repo.calcforge.org/debian/i386/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz [15:03] iDN: you should have a line like this /path/to/folder [15:03] Sylphid|work, Hi.. so.. any other solutions? :) [15:03] how do I make a panel similar to awn without the effects? I just want to have a fat window list with icons alone, icons as big as the one in docks [15:03] schola, i don't use gnome - so i can't really replicate your problem -- [15:03] Myrtti: thanks [15:03] iDN: that will allow your local network access to /path/to/folder [15:04] So my question: can i somehow fake/tell apt-get to get the 32 bit one [15:04] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [15:04] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [15:04] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [15:04] iDN: then make sure to run sudo exportfs -a to update nfs [15:04] http://blonde-dude.net/forum/index.php [15:04] xirov, do you see "driver=madwifi" in lshw -C network [15:04] !spam | blondie1 [15:04] SNuxoll: Why did you use 9.9? [15:04] blondie1: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [15:04] iDN: hit the wrong key [15:04] iDN: should be 0.0 [15:04] Guys, is there something simmilar as a WPE PRO for windows, but on Ubuntu?!?! [15:05] SNuxoll: OK. I'm trying it now. Thanks. [15:05] Guys, is there something simmilar as a WPE PRO for windows, but on Ubuntu?!?! [15:05] SNuxoll: Oh, that thing I'm trying to share... It's an ntfs partition. [15:05] what happened to tacacs+ on ubuntu, it's not in the repository anymore [15:05] in an* [15:06] Sylphid|work, ehm.. no i dont even see the "driver" [15:06] SNuxoll: Does it make a difference? [15:06] iDN: doesn't matter what it is as long as linux can write to it [15:06] OK> [15:06] iDN: or read from it even [15:06] Sylphid|work, There it is [15:06] http://pastebin.com/d33b4ffa2 [15:06] Guys, is there something simmilar as a WPE PRO for windows, but on Ubuntu?!?! [15:06] Hi all! Just a question: Is it a bug that the UUID doesn't upgrade itself in fstab after a resize of partitions? Or can that not be fixed? [15:07] !repeat | ZyklonB [15:07] ZyklonB: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [15:07] Sylphid|work, driver=forcedeth [15:07] SNuxoll: The same error on my eee when I try to mount it: "Access denied by server with mounting", something like that. [15:07] while* [15:07] anyone? [15:07] SNuxoll: Is it possible that the router blocks the connection between the eee and the PC? [15:07] iDN: no... [15:08] iDN: did you make sure to run sudo exportfs -a [15:08] SNuxoll: So... what can be wrong? :( [15:08] SNuxoll: I ran it... [15:08] xirov, is that for the wireless adapter or the wired? [15:08] iDN: on the server? [15:08] how do I make the window list fatter and remove the text on them so that my window list will just look like a set of big icons like in awn? [15:08] SNuxoll: Yes. [15:08] So it's not possible for apt-get on a amd64 system to get a i386 package? (of a i386 source) [15:08] SNuxoll: "exportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export ""." [15:08] how do i know if im running 64bit or 32 bit? [15:08] Rageon: uname -a [15:09] SNuxoll: And then there's "assuming..." [15:09] xirov, that sounds like its the wired interface [15:09] Sylphid|work, Yea sorry.. it looks like the wired.. [15:09] iDN: bad formatting! [15:09] is there a way to see which module is linked to my wireless usb card? [15:09] bahadunn, 2.6.22-15-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 19:25:33 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux ? [15:09] xirov, look for the wireless interface in lspci [15:09] Rageon: 32bit ;) [15:09] SNuxoll: Why? :( The mask of my router is :( [15:09] kkthx [15:09] iDN: /etc/export should be /path/to/directory [15:10] cant get streaming flash media to go fullscreen :XXXX [15:10] been trying for 3 hours :s [15:10] I'm repeating incase noone saw my initial question.... [15:10] Is it a bug that the UUID doesn't upgrade itself in fstab after a resize of partitions? Or can that not be fixed? [15:10] !repeat | umangme [15:10] umangme: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [15:10] Rageon: i686 [15:10] Sylphid|work, this one right? [15:10] Sylphid|work, Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) [15:10] SNuxoll: That's what I put there: /media/ntfs_sda1/Downloads [15:10] Rageon: i686 == 32bit [15:11] thomasrinsma: I have no experience with 64bit linux, but it might be advantagous to install 32bit ubuntu in a virtualbox, and do the 32bit compiling there. ubottu has some links for virtualbox, do /msg ubottu virtualbox [15:11] cheers, any help on how to get flash media to fullscreen in firefox? lol [15:11] SNuxoll: I did look up a bit. Didn't really find much. Maybe I'll just post a bug and see if it's not a bug. Becase it seems like a bug to me... [15:11] iDN: and in the clients /etc/fstab it should be /media/Downloads nfs defaults 0 0 [15:11] xirov, ok now do an lspci -n and match up the begining numbers the second number is what we need [15:12] iDN: where is the IP of your server [15:12] geirha: thanks, but i'd really like to do it without virtualization (i have a 32bit pc if no other way) [15:12] xirov, sorry third number === Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454 [15:12] iDN: you don't use the mask in fstab, but the actual IP [15:12] xirov, should be something like xxxx:xxxx [15:12] iDN: in /etc/exports the mask is used for access control [15:13] Sylphid|work, This is the whole 3rd line: 00:01.1 0c05: 10de:0542 (rev a2) [15:13] Rageon: I can't get it to work either, but i can't run adobe's flash well cause i'm on 64 bit, but i don't care much about fullscreen [15:13] xirov, ok 10de:0542 (rev a2) is the relevant info [15:13] im on 32bit and i carealot about fullscreen :< [15:14] Sylphid|work, okay :) [15:14] Rageon: dont know what to tell you for that [15:14] Rageon: you can use gnash player I guess and play flash fullscreen I would think [15:14] ok i try it [15:14] Rageon: try epiphany webbrowser, it handles flash a little better here [15:14] thomasrinsma: ok, how about installing 32bit ubuntu on a seperate partition, but don't boot into it, just mount it in 64bit ubuntu and chroot into the 32bit? [15:14] SNuxoll: I've edited fstab. Now what? [15:15] ill try both cheers [15:15] iDN: sudo mkdir /media/Downloads && sudo mount /media/Downloads [15:15] hey, is there an app to manage modules and sites in apache2? [15:15] Sylphid|work, so what now? :) [15:15] Sake: a2enmod/a2ensite? [15:15] SNuxoll: "Access denied by server while mounting..." [15:16] xirov, looking [15:16] geirha: would be possible but still it's much of a too big step for me, I think I'll just add this source on my 32bit ubuntu desktop :), thanks though :) [15:16] xirov, try modprobe -l | grep madwifi [15:16] MikeSeth, and to disable? [15:16] iDN: what's the ip of your eee? [15:16] Anyone here managed to get the TI 84+ to work in Ubuntu btw? [15:16] 192. [15:16] SNuxoll [15:17] Sylphid|work, Ye?.. a lot of files are listening [15:17] anybody here knows hows to enable graphic effects on ibm x31 ? ( pentium m , ati radeon m6 ly ) . i googled it , but nothing works , and almost all data is 1-2 years old ............ [15:17] hey guys im trying to compile grub, but i get 'can't find library lzo error' or something along those lines, anyone know how i get this library and wtf it is? [15:17] iDN: bizzare, try runnind sudo exportfs -a again [15:17] banisterfiend, its a compression library [15:17] banisterfiend: have you tried apt-get build-dep [15:18] Sake: s/en/dis/ [15:18] MikeSeth, Thanks [15:18] unop: thanks for your attention anyway! It is hard not to rant when gnome has such basic bugs! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=809436 [15:18] did I mention that network boot & install w/Ubuntu = winnor [15:18] hi everybody . anybody here knows how to enable graphic effects on ibm x31 ? ( pentium m , ati radeon m6 ly ) . i googled it , but nothing works , and almost all data is 1-2 years old ............ [15:18] SNuxoll: exportfs: Warning: /media/ntfs_sda1/Downloads does not support NFS export. I've just noticed that. [15:19] iDN: bah, NFS only supports UNIX filesystems, forgot ;( [15:19] iDN: since it's dependant on UNIX-style owner/group permissions [15:19] SNuxoll: And what should I do if I want to share an ntfs folder? [15:19] iDN: grin and bear samba I guess..... [15:20] NTFS-3g is exportable with the newest kernel AFAIK [15:20] you can emulate unix permissions with NTFS ACLs very easily. [15:20] SNuxoll: Well, it doesn't work too. I did everything, and when I go to Places>Network and to all the folders there, nothing is in the folder at the end. :( [15:20] Chousuke: oh really? [15:21] SNuxoll: Yeah. I think it was in 2.6.26 [15:21] might've been 2.6.27-rc1 too though :/ [15:21] Chousuke: sweet [15:21] hi, it is impossible for me to download from the ppas, apt completely 'clogs' on it. anybody experiencing the same thing? [15:21] does anybody know how to set the widget theme of qt3 apps to use qtcurve using qtconfig? [15:21] i can't seem to get it done [15:21] downloads a few bytes then totally dead, i have no problems with other sites [15:21] is this supposed to work if I put it in a .htaccess file in my www folder? ... ? [15:22] Sake: yes [15:22] hi everybody . anybody here knows how to enable graphic effects on ibm x31 ? ( pentium m , ati radeon m6 ly ) . i googled it , but nothing works , and almost all data is 1-2 years old ............i don't know about linux much . pls. if anybody could help... [15:22] SNuxoll, So how come my rewrite rule isn't working? [15:22] Sake: lemme check some of mine, hold on [15:22] nevermind i got it [15:22] are you sure you need the .c? :/ [15:22] coorior: You mean compiz-fusion? [15:23] no [15:23] schola, not sure what that is all about - but if bash is your login shell and you have set a umask in one of ~/.bash* - the umask ought to be replicated out into the enviornment unless of course one of the gnome scripts changes this back to some set value. [15:23] Sake: hrm, yeah, that's what I have [15:23] SNuxoll, I have RewriteEngine on \nRewriteRule ^$ app/webroot/ [L]\nRewriteRule (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L] [15:23] SNuxoll: So how do I solve the samba issue? :( [15:23] iDN: no clue :( [15:23] SNuxoll: :O [15:23] Sake: huh, should work just fine [15:23] yea.. but it's not... :( [15:23] Sake: try RewriteBase / in the beginning [15:23] yes . compiz too. [15:24] Sake: do you have mod_rewrite enabled on the apache? [15:24] oi [15:24] xirov, it deffinitly sounds like madwifi is installed [15:24] Anybody experiencing a broken flash player since the ff 3.0.1 update? [15:24] works for me === Mabus is now known as [Mabus] [15:25] Youtube, Vimeo, or whichever site will stream for two seconds and then freeze. Argh [15:25] Sylphid|work, wierd... [15:25] hello folks [15:25] xirov, try sudo modprobe madwifi [15:25] jim__: it's the sound card, i had it too [15:25] hi there, unfortunately i haven;t found kdar to install on gutsy. Hos do i install it from source? is there any tutorial? [15:25] jim__: I've found that issue is caused by PulseAudia [15:25] THOMASRINSMA : i don't have drivers for my ati radeon , it seems it was blacklisted . i only have 2d graphics by default .......... [15:25] jim__: try changing the drivers around, put it to ALSA [15:25] Dose anyone resolved the issue that ff 3.0 occupies most of CPU ? [15:25] SNuxoll, I have a link to Rewrite.load in my mods-enabled [15:26] Sake: did you reload apache's config after enabling it? [15:26] Sylphid|work, Its just not showing the "Wireless network" opputunity in my "network settings" [15:26] I need some help with the audio system in ubuntu - anyone here who can help me in this matter ? [15:26] thomasrinsma: yeah gnome sound is broken if I try to play two music-apps at the same time. I use fluxbox now. How do I revert to ALSA? Is it up on google? [15:26] yugo: sometimes i get 100% cpu, mem and swap. can it be caused by a known bug? [15:26] yup... [15:26] now i have disabled the flash plugin [15:26] yugo: on rendering stage? [15:26] Sake: well then, bizzare [15:26] jim__: go to the Sound option in the Preferences menu [15:27] SNuxoll, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [15:27] Sylphid|work, FATAL: Module madwifi not found. [15:27] xirov, try sudo modprobe ath_pci [15:27] any better workaround? [15:27] Sake: I'm at a loss then [15:27] yea, me too... :( [15:27] I'll keep digging [15:27] Sake: AllowOverride enabled for your site? [15:27] thomasrinsma: agh fine. lemme drop into gnome [15:28] THOMASRINSMA : i can turn on conpiz fusion but my monitor goes crazy without driver [15:28] THOMASRINSMA : i don't have drivers for my ati radeon , it seems it was blacklisted . i only have 2d graphics by default .......... [15:28] Sylphid|work, nothing showed up [15:28] AllowOverride None [15:28] could that be it? [15:28] have anybody tried to download kde4.1 from the ppas in the last few days? [15:28] Sake: yes! [15:28] :) [15:28] Sake: AllowOverride All [15:28] coorior: sorry, i don't have an ati myself, so no experience [15:28] Sake: will fix it [15:28] trying... [15:28] socketbind: yes [15:28] which interpretor(or editor?) is better for beginner of scheme, mit-scheme or drscheme or any other? [15:29] I need some help with the audio system in ubuntu - anyone here who can help me in this matter ? [15:29] xirov, sudo iwlist ath0 scan [15:29] THOMASRINSMA : no problem :) [15:29] socketbind, i heard it caused by something related with xorg [15:29] Scalder: and experinced no problems, you were successful? [15:29] anyone can help pls. [15:29] coorior, the question is then does ati provide 3d drivers for your card under linux ? [15:29] Sylphid|work, ath0 Interface doesn't support scanning. [15:29] yugo: i really hope it gets shorted out. it is so bad that the system gets into extreme swapping and dies. [15:29] socketbind: yes [15:29] =) [15:30] Scalder, when i open some sites that many flashes [15:30] xirov, do you get more than just eth0 and lo from ifconfig [15:30] socketbind: yugo in flash work on wine in linux =( [15:31] oskude .. there were before , restricted drivers , on ubuntu 7.10. but now there is nothing [15:31] ive tried gnash ,epiphony etc etc to get streaming flash movie to go full screen, anyone else have ideas ???? [15:31] Sylphid|work, nope [15:31] socketbind: yugo flash palyer work in wine on linux =( this be correct ) [15:31] i wish i was lucky as that : ] for me it dies after a few bytes and i can do nothing about it because it seems to be a network issue [15:31] thomasrinsma: do I need to reboot or restart /etc/init.d/alsa? I still have the same problem with all ALSA on pref..sound while using firefox flash vids [15:32] Scalder, do you have any ideas ? [15:32] coorior, maybe they named the package ? or did ati/amd drop support for that card/chip ? === un\a\ffiliate is now known as unaffiliate [15:33] jim__: Try every driver in the list, also change it in all lists (except audio in/mic.), also you might have to restart any app that uses sound [15:33] yugo: no..... maybe install another flash player... but i dont know which =( [15:33] jim__: killall pulseaudio might do something too [15:33] oskude : i heard that it was blacklisted due some minor bugs . ,.... but still many ppl could enable it ... but data in wiki is too old . and not so much . [15:34] coorior, sorry, it's impossible to do support for closed-source software/hardware... [15:34] Scalder,thanks [15:34] yugo: stop =) [15:35] coorior, maybe theres a reverse engineer driver for you card... better buy intel graphics next time ;) [15:35] hello [15:35] yugo: http://www.howtoforge.com/native_linux_flash_player9_in_ubuntu [15:35] yugo: try this =) [15:35] yugo: first site on google =) [15:35] oskude : is there some other way to download and install this driver . probably some good site with some good info on my driver would be very helpful. [15:35] Hi, i want to step into the wonderful world of ubuntu linux but i want to keep my bloated vista of hell. Can anyone point me to a kickass dual boot tutorial? [15:36] do you speak turkish [15:36] Scalder: wow! [15:36] nope not really [15:36] BlearyBram: ? [15:36] Anyone tell me how i can get streaming flash media to go fullscreen in 32bit gutsy pls? [15:36] coorior, dunno, ask ati/amd and search google. sorry, i dont even want to support closed-source software === shevek is now known as Guest37257 [15:37] Rageon: depends if the website actually supports it [15:37] Scalder: the native flash player, would have a look. :P [15:37] :( [15:37] or was that the Adobe beta version, Scalder? [15:37] hello [15:38] how can i "format" a drive (usb-stick) ? [15:38] unop: it seems to be two bugs in gdm and nautilus. And gnome developers consider it as minor since nobody sends in good patches, while the code of gdm is unreadable. :( [15:38] xirov, im not sure why its not liking the madwifi driver [15:38] hi, i want to have power mode options at Gnome Power Manager for performance, balanced and power saver options, how can it be done? [15:38] hello there, I need some help with the OSS-Audio on my Ubuntu-System, can anyone help me please ? [15:38] when it wasn't that marvellous. [15:38] BlearyBram: i dont know =) [15:39] BlearyBram: this is just first site on my query in google =) [15:39] at kde-guidance-powermanager it is possible i know, any tool for Gnome like that or does it work correctly at Gnome? [15:39] Sylphid|work, well.. i've had it before [15:39] OK GUYS ive found a way to do it EPIPHONY does fullscreen but keeps randomyl crashing on me ???? anyone help? [15:39] going on 4 hours ive been trying to fix this pls guys [15:39] Rageon: whats the error? [15:40] no error, its just closes by itself [15:40] it* [15:40] coorior, but you shouldn't be disappointed, im just on of thousands. [15:40] Rageon: did you run it from terminal and check the output? [15:40] BlearyBram: if you try this - tell me result, please =) [15:40] coorior, *one of thousands [15:40] nope will do [15:40] didint know i could do tat :D [15:40] Scalder: I didn't try it, but I took the bait that Firefox directed into the Adobe Flash Player Plugin install [15:41] and it was all right, until it killed the X server by freezing it. [15:41] I wish they would fix pulseaudio... [15:42] okay i'm having an issue... i'm trying to remove a bunch of kde stuff using regex but it is saying Note, Selecting package... but it won't uninstall [15:42] i'm using "sudo apt-get remove .*-kde [15:42] BlearyBram: BlearyBram may be player on link is better... [15:43] nixnoob, it hasnt crashed yet but its spamming "Message GetValue 2 (2)" [15:43] Sylphid|work, so what now? :) [15:43] Scalder: player on link? [15:43] well, I got a whole bunch of issues with my testbed machine on x server, but that's for another day. [15:43] Rageon: meaningless, you need to wait to see the crash error [15:43] if vilemaxim was here he'd know what I'm talking about (I was SleepyThor earlier in the day) [15:44] nixnoob, waiting [15:44] doesnt wanna crash now lol [15:44] BlearyBram: BlearyBram player on site on link === kompi09 is now known as anny [15:45] hmmm, may be a good idea, but I'm not on Ubuntu atm. :P [15:45] Hey, so I connected to an smb share in nautilus. Is there a way to access this share via the filesystem? [15:45] xirov, looking [15:45] nixnoob, would it be its because im running it thru terminal that its not crashing? [15:46] BlearyBram: and you have native flash player? [15:46] Rageon: epiphony is what exactly? [15:46] Rageon: no probably not. [15:46] a web umm viewer like firefox [15:46] BlearyBram: that not take 100% proc on play? =) [15:46] browser [15:46] Rageon: Oh, epiphany. [15:46] yea [15:47] Rageon: you spelled it wrong. That's why I thought it was something else. [15:47] ok [15:47] ugh. [15:47] xirov, do you get anything from iwconfig [15:48] Scalder: Yes, it's the latest version of Adobe native Flash player for Linux. [15:48] not necessarily for Ubuntu, but Synpatic has a package for it. [15:48] nixnoob, [15:48] i got it to crash [15:48] Sake: Yes. Under places, go to "connect to server" or google: "mount smb share ubuntu" [15:48] Rageon: and what was the output [15:48] Segmentation fault 9core dumped) [15:48] ( [15:49] it dumped the core bro, that cant be goods [15:49] whoops [15:49] anyone tell me pls? can any performance increasing that enable hardware accelerator option at the flashplayer on the firefox? [15:49] oskude : i have been trying to enable 3d graphics for a very long time ...... if i could change my comp. i would do it right now , but it seems that i'm gonna be stuck with my x31 . i hope just somebody has a solution here ......... [15:49] how so i set a keyboard shortcut to a command? [15:49] lucky my pc is duel core [15:49] ..lol [15:49] Rageon: yea thats not good, I'm not sure what would cause a seg fault. [15:49] Sylphid|work, lo no wireless extensions. [15:49] eth0 no wireless extensions. [15:49] Rageon: thats not what it means [15:49] oh :< [15:49] yer im jokin :F [15:50] coorior, have you googled with your laptop model and opengl (or something) ? [15:50] Rageon: are you using the newest version? where did you get it from the repos? [15:50] yea the repos [15:50] hm [15:50] 2.20.1 [15:51] is the version im using [15:51] Hi. Is it possible to do a live-installation of ubuntu? [15:51] xirov, can you pastebin your /var/log/dmesg === kompi09 is now known as anny_ [15:51] Rageon: what did you do to get it to crash? [15:52] oskude : as i said i did and everything is outdated . and i'm not so very good with terminal also . [15:52] had a embedded flash object playing and then clicked a page link while the movie was in mid play [15:52] had to try to crash it that last time lol [15:52] coorior, do you atleast know if ati/amd is still delivering drivers for that chip ? [15:52] Rageon: which version of flash? also from repos? [15:52] yer dude === Mabus is now known as [Mabus] [15:52] nonfree latest [15:53] oskude : when i was trying to enable it last time , my comp wouldn't even start >> so i just reinstalled it again [15:53] shockwave r124 [15:53] An application I'm trying to run immediately terminates with the message "Illegal instruction" (nothing more) Is there any smart command for getting a stack trace of the program as it launches? [15:53] Rageon: I got that one as well. [15:53] oskude : no [15:53] Sylphid|work, ehm? .. like "what's in the folder" or? [15:53] Rageon: what version of ubuntu are you on? Hardy? [15:53] I would very much like to know which instruction it terminates on (probably a missing library) [15:53] buggered if it works for me in ff3 ff2 or ff3previews tho.. [15:53] gutsy.. [15:54] 32bitgusty [15:54] xirov, /var/log/dmesg is a log file....i would like you to paste the contents of that file to http://paste.ubuntu.com [15:54] oskude : no [15:54] Rageon: well theres ur problem, its an old version of epiphany , try to do this, start epiphany and goto edit > personal data and click properties [15:54] I'm on 32bit Hardy. [15:55] Is Epiphany any good? [15:55] jim__, the thing is that I'm connected, but I can't seem to find the mounted share in my terminal... [15:55] Should i use "enable hardware accelerator" options at the flashplayer? what's effect? [15:55] Sylphid|work, http://paste.ubuntu.com/32232/ [15:55] coorior, well, i stopped using ati years ago, and now that i started developing (opengl) i will NEVER buy a closed source graphics chip/card. (i still got a fat nvidia, that luckily works at least for games) [15:56] when uploading with the command-line ftp client, my files tend to get corrupt, even when I put it in binary mode with 'binary' [15:56] filezilla works fine. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? [15:56] can gdb (GNU Debugger) be used with programs compiled without debugging symbols? [15:57] Wyvern| Sure it can [15:57] BlearyBram: Epiphany uses the "Gecko" rendering engine and so is comparable to recent versions firefox in terms of rendering. I find it really useful as one of a number of different brwosers when working as a develoepr. [15:57] Rageon: i think i may have found your problem [15:57] bytecode: funny though that it wasn't bundled with Ubuntu. [15:57] nixnoob: what? [15:58] Wyvern|: yeah, though its output will be somewhat less helpful [15:58] I need some kind of stack trace [15:58] Rageon: see if you have a file /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so [15:58] xirov, looks like this is the problem [ 35.061892] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13) [15:58] I know that flash sometimes save some application files in Windows, in a hidden folder.. Does it do the same in linux? and in that case, where is that folder? [15:58] all this application gives is "Illegal instruction". Can I use gdb to get any clue about which symbols it is attempting to use? [15:58] xirov, looking for more info [15:58] Sylphid|work, okay O.o === icqnumber__ is now known as icqnumber [15:59] BlearyBram: was it not? I've been "upgrading" from version to version of ubuntu for a long time so I'm no longer familiar with the "default" application installation set. It's easy enough to install Epiphany if you prefer it though. [15:59] hey, how I can to enter in ubntu brasil.. help [15:59] or more importantly, which library this instruction is in... [15:59] hey, how I can to enter in ubntu brasil? [15:59] !br | SCM [15:59] SCM: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. [15:59] i want to try "enable hardware accelerator" function at the flashplayer? but is this a increase my video performance? [15:59] oskude : thanks .. but i was hoping for solution .... if i wasn't for open source soft. i would still be using windows ...... but even with all the problems i have with lin. on my laptop i still using it ................... [15:59] bytecode: Aha, fair enough. [15:59] penguen: yes [16:00] coorior, i hope you get the picture, only ATI/AMD can help you, they wrote the software, not we [16:00] oskude: very true [16:00] how do i get my wireless to connect on boot. can i goto system/admin/networking and set everything in there? [16:00] nixnoob, but my cpu load very high even then [16:00] xirov, what do you get from uname -a [16:00] raboof_, I tried using "gdb ", but nothing appeared to happen [16:00] i need it to connect on boot [16:00] oskude : ok then ... thank you for your time :) [16:01] penguen: are your video drivers installed properly? [16:01] yes of course, i was installed [16:01] oh. my bad. typing "run" did help :P [16:01] penguen: what video card do you have? [16:02] nixnoob, i'm use nvidia gpu [16:02] Sylphid|work, Linux xiroVs-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [16:02] coorior: what card? [16:02] penguen: what do you mean that your cpu load is "very high" how high is it? [16:02] !flash [16:02] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [16:02] how enter in ubunto brasil???????????/ [16:02] xirov, what model of laptop is this? [16:02] helpppppppp [16:03] !br | simira [16:03] simira: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. [16:03] i mean that flash videos consumpt high cpu cycle even then hardrware accelerator option enable [16:03] simara: /join #ubuntu-br [16:04] Odd-rationale, I dont get [16:04] penguen: how high? what type of CPU? does it get lower when you enable hardware acceleration or higher or stay the same? [16:04] Hi. Is it possible to do a live-installation of ubuntu? [16:04] simara: type "/join #ubuntu-br" in your irc client... [16:04] Earlier I was asking about wifi stuff, and I couldn't remember the name of the program someone told me to run that'd scan for wireless networks [16:04] i thought it was something like 'lwifi' with the parameter 'scan' [16:04] Phantal: iwlist scanning [16:04] ? [16:04] iwlist scan [16:04] odd-rationale : ati radeon m6 ly [16:05] hm, says no scan results, but I know there's a wireless network nearby [16:05] nixnoob, i'm use amd athlon 64 3000+, flash videos consumpt my cpu cycle appr. %90 proportion [16:05] hello, [16:05] odd-rationale : ati radeon m6 ly [16:05] penguen: thats not good [16:06] nixnoob, why? [16:06] coorior: ok... [16:06] hey people .. one question ... when I shutdown my computer it always shows the text rather than the ubuntu splash screen ... any way of making it show the splash screen again ?? [16:06] Sylphid|work, Its a Acer Aspire 5520 [16:06] penguen: its too much [16:06] nixnoob, yes it's too much [16:06] coorior: what is the output of "lspci | grep VGA" ? (use pastebin if longer than 3 lines... [16:07] penguen: which version of flash? which web browser? [16:07] xirov, this may be related "Well, here how I resolved this problem: I got an Acer Aspire 3502WLCi (sort of economic series) and there is a led for the wifi that is always ON. Lately I discovered this led is also a button :oP so no matter if the light is ON, I've got to push that button once to wake-up the wifi chip and then "modprobe ath_pci" The problem was also that the key wasn't mapped so I got to use "setkeycodes" to make it known [16:07] , and now I'm trying to automatize the procedure using the "hotkeys" daemon. I hope you undestand my bad english, cheers Fabio " [16:07] i'm use flashplayer v.10.0.0-beta2 at the firefox 3.01 [16:08] odd-rationale : :) sorry i don't know how to get that output .... tell me how to get it [16:08] =(.. I dont get conect in ubunto br [16:08] penguen: hardy yes? 32 bit? [16:08] hi [16:08] is there a way to resolve a samba share name to an ip address? [16:08] yes 32-bit but no hardy, other distros. [16:09] ubunto-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [16:09] coorior: enter "lscpi | grep VGA" without the quotes in a terminal and paste the output. Use the pastebin if it is longer than 3 lines... [16:09] simara: type this: /join #ubuntu-br [16:09] Hi, can I somehow install ubuntu live? [16:09] #ubunto-br [16:09] simara: note. ubuntu NOT ubunto [16:09] where?????? [16:09] xirov, we may need to try ndiiswrapper [16:09] simara: you forgot the /join [16:09] uhumm [16:10] simara: escribe:/join #ubuntu-br [16:10] mm2000_laptop: you mean the livecd you want to install? [16:10] Sylphid|work, ... well.. it shouldnt be the problem :s i've had madwifi on this computer before :s [16:10] mm2000_laptop: pretty much the real install is the same as the livecd with some added things really [16:10] mm2000_laptop, select install option at the boot [16:10] penguen: if you turn hardware acceleration off does the CPU go back to normal? [16:10] Sylphid|work, Ye, lets do that [16:10] escribe where pici? [16:11] Sylphid|work, should i remove something, that we installed?? since its not working anyways? [16:11] simara: where you're typing now [16:11] I did this [16:11] lscpi command not fount ............. [16:11] xirov, you may want to leave it for video drivers [16:12] Sylphid|work, well.. okay.. i will leave em.. [16:12] can ubuntu handle being multi-homed? [16:12] coorior: sorry. i meant lspci [16:12] nothing happended [16:12] pici [16:12] nixnoob, no different [16:12] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY [16:13] xirov, easiest way to install via ndiswrapper is to sudo apt-get install ndisgtk [16:13] i think my upgrade to 8.04 has hung on the "generating locales" part [16:13] :( 90kb/sec Ubuntu download makes me sad [16:13] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY [16:13] simara: looks like you need to be registered to join that channel. [16:13] penguen: im sorry i have no idea what is causing the problem, perhaps you should try a stable version of flash instead of beta? [16:13] =((( [16:13] !register | simara [16:13] simara: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [16:13] Pici: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel. [16:14] Sylphid|work, done [16:14] nixnoob, thank you for ideas ;) [16:14] xirov, then find the windows drivers for your card and use System>Administration>Windows Wireless Drivers to install [16:15] well... i got the windows drivers on my external hd.. if you let me restart my computer, it would be there [16:15] coorior: i think you will have to stick with the open source drivers... I don't think 3d accel can be enabled... see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver for details.... [16:16] Has any maed a deb for nmap 4.68 yet? [16:16] Sylphid|work, well... i got the windows drivers on my external hd.. if you let me restart my computer, it would be there [16:16] xirov, i think i found a madwifi solution [16:16] Sylphid|work, so, be right back [16:16] Sylphid|work, really? [16:16] xirov, 1 sec phone [16:17] i installed ubuntu over vista today, and haven't found my main C: drive there in ubuntu [16:17] so, after using iwlist to scan for available networks, is there a command-line method of configuring wifi so I don't have to use the touchpad? [16:17] D: and other drives are present, but not C: [16:17] odd-rationale : thanks [16:17] where it is? [16:17] nnnnnnoooooooo E: Couldn't find package bcm43xx-firmware [16:17] why, why god [16:17] ranranru, you have to mount it yourself, or add a moutn for it to your /etc/fstab [16:18] hi [16:18] ..and why didn't it mount it automatically? [16:18] is there any way to get a stack trace of a running (or halted) thread? [16:18] what is a good font for ubuntu ? i want personalize it [16:18] rand, try this: sudo mkdir /mnt/vista; sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/vista; cd /mnt/vista === freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t] [16:18] cdoublej: has been replaced by b43-fwcutter [16:19] Does there be any Vista-like gadgets (or a way to dock them to the side of my screen?) for I can see constant processor usage, RAM usage, hard disk drive useds, network usage, etc? [16:19] I have a thread ID (0x7f5.... and so on), and would really love to see what it is doing [16:19] kay, i'll try it. thanks, me rebooting [16:19] When the command "sudo route add -net netmask gw" returns me "SIOCADDRT: No such process".. Then what is the problem ? [16:19] Kcaj, take a look at screenlets and gkrellm [16:19] * Phantal sighs [16:19] they has those tyep features I has request? [16:20] hello [16:20] Any bets as to whether ranranu comes back saying "It still isn't there" [16:20] Also which you recommend best for looks because I really likes the looks, currently, I am compiz fusion user [16:20] Kcaj: gtkrellm really [16:20] i have had grub taken over by another linux distro [16:20] how do i get my ubuntu (which im now running) to take it back [16:20] Kcaj: use gnome-applet with gnome-system-monitor showing in the panel. [16:20] bjwebb_, in other words, your bootloader just doesn't list your other operating system? [16:21] Phantal: no [16:21] its just i customized ubutnu's grub [16:21] so want to use that [16:21] what is a good font for ubuntu ? i want personalize it [16:21] uhhhhhhhh http://slexy.org/view/s2c8bN6ebq [16:21] also, im just testing the new operating system, so it may be deleted [16:21] should i use grub-install? [16:21] i have the firmware ad drive and still can't connect as far as i know [16:22] any specific setting my trendnet router should have [16:22] which is a good font for ubuntu ? i want personalize it === [ID]-9934 is now known as GeorgeZL [16:23] i'm so happy with wine. having mIRC over ubuntu is just cool [16:23] which is a good font for ubuntu ? i want personalize it [16:23] yeah i id mirc with wine [16:23] did* [16:24] which is a good font for ubuntu ? i want personalize it [16:24] any one you want [16:24] why not something native like xchat ? [16:24] so, there's no command-line client for configuring wifi? [16:24] xirov, sorry bout that [16:24] x chat does run bot scripts [16:25] Sylphid|work, no prob :) [16:25] does not run******** [16:25] i don't like the way xchat looks, and it also lacks a lot of functions. i'd plasy with irssi, but it's just too geeeky [16:25] Phantal: no wizard. but you can easily edit your interfaces file and wireless-tools are there too [16:25] but now i need to mount drive C:.. [16:25] หวัดดีครับ [16:25] Why can't serpentine burn my CD? It'll get error while in the middle of making the CD and quit. Is there a way I can check if my CD is good or not? [16:26] ciao [16:26] xirov, http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/Atheros#AtherosAR5007EG [16:28] xirov, here is a step by step http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html === Jesus is now known as Guest84180 [16:28] Synaptic Package manager is refusing to open... [16:29] Starts for millisecond then gone [16:29] Is there a program that can check to see if my CDs are ok to burn? [16:29] Sylphid|work, Thanks :) i will try that then [16:29] Kcaj: was there other apt application using the same function? [16:30] how does the php5 conf.ini system work? [16:30] Kcaj: you have another apt using program open [16:31] er... conf.d/mumbble.ini [16:31] how does one make shortcuts in ubuntu? i want to place /mnt/vista there [16:31] I do not have another apt open [16:31] I had one stop responding, though [16:32] ranranru, before I tell you that, did you try the other suggestion i gave you [16:32] wols, by wizard, if you mean a gui tool I'm looking for something I can configure from a terminal window [16:33] wols, I don't know *nix environments real well, but I don't need hand-holding ... if you could just point me in the right direction [16:33] Phantal: I mean a "wizard". like debconf. wizards doN't have to be GUI. [16:33] Phantal, i have mounted vista successfully... and i might have left when you offered any other suggestions [16:33] Phantal: I DID point you to the right direction [16:33] Phantal: you probably want wpa_supplicant, which is set up through /etc/network/interfaces [16:33] Kcaj: kill it [16:33] your command worked, except that the sda number was different [16:33] Kcaj: open an xterm, run "synaptic". it will tell you about a lock [16:34] how do i give access to normal users to folders /usr/share/themes and icons? [16:34] Hey guys is there anyway i can dual view my tv and computer monitor? [16:34] !permissions | koops [16:34] koops: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [16:34] koops: they should already have such access [16:34] ranranru, great. Now type: sudo vi /etc/fstab, look at that file, and google for help on how to add new entries to that file [16:34] :(((((.. I dont get regist me [16:34] Yeahm, I got it [16:34] ranranru, be VERY careful. You don't want to mess with other entries there, and try to avoid getting it wrong [16:34] gnome-applet is already installed... how can I make it "start"? [16:34] Phantal: thanks a lot! [16:34] ubuntu-br [16:34] ranranru, At worst you'll have to boot off a livecd and edit the file to fix it, but it can seem scary [16:35] how do i format a floppy disk so it has a linux file system on it? [16:35] mkfs.ext2 [16:35] thanks wols [16:35] I think I'll manage that [16:35] register in ubuntu-br?"how???// [16:36] !register [16:36] Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [16:36] anyone please [16:37] someone please tell me how to bring up the dual monitor wizard thin [16:37] thing* [16:37] I'm trying to upgrade the memory in my friend's box (a custom built Intel x86 machine) but I don't know a whole lot about the types of memory available and what is compatible with what, nor do I know the motherboard brand/model to look up any specs. My question is: is there a command to find out detailed information about compatible memory for a certain system and/or information about the mobo? [16:37] wols, ok now i formatted it....i can't seem to mount it says 'wrong fs type, bad optino, bad superblock on /dev/fd0' etc [16:37] wtf? [16:37] file -s /dev/fd0 [16:37] Sylphid|work, followed the guide, restarted, and it didnt work :s [16:38] someone please tell me how to bring up the dual monitor wizard thing [16:38] wols: it says /dev/fd0: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data [16:38] banisterfiend: mount -t auto /dev/fd0 [16:39] one wee question: is there any way to make ubuntu close windows in old MS style--by double-clicking icons? [16:39] ok thanks wols, that worked...why do you think it didnt work last time? [16:39] !dual monitors [16:39] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [16:39] When the command "sudo route add -net netmask gw" returns me "SIOCADDRT: No such process".. Then what is the problem ? [16:39] !xinerama [16:39] xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead [16:39] xirov, did you happen to uninstall ndiswrapper first? [16:40] Sylphid|work, nope? [16:40] xirov, that may be blocking madwifi from loading [16:40] How to start gkrellm or gnome-applet? :( [16:40] Anyone using Itunes under Wine to Sync with Iphone? [16:40] xirov, sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper [16:40] How to get the remote desktop work in the default ubuntu installation? I have used the Remote Desktop Viewer -app but without a success. [16:40] kk [16:41] xirov, sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper [16:41] Anyone go experience with Listen music player? Is it a good alternative to amarok? [16:41] !good [16:41] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [16:41] xirov, sudo modprobe ath_pci && sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta [16:42] Sylphid|work, it couldnt find ndiswrapper [16:42] Sylphid|work, E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper [16:42] advice on how to convert 500mb's worth of .wav's to ogg or mp3?gui or foolproof commandline preferred. [16:42] someone please tell me how to bring up the dual monitor wizard thing [16:43] xirov, sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-common [16:43] hello [16:43] !dualhea [16:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about dualhea [16:43] !dualhead [16:43] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [16:43] I need a help [16:43] I have a satellite receiver (Starsat sr-x15d plus) [16:44] wols yes im reading it cant find where i open the configure wizard.. [16:44] And I need a laoder for that [16:44] already have the drivers etc setup [16:44] Sylphid|work, done [16:44] Anyone using Itunes under Wine to Sync with Iphone? [16:45] I emulated windows tools but it makes some bugs on the ports (i used com1) [16:45] xirov, anything in iwconfig [16:45] Rageon: what makes you think there is one? [16:45] Sylphid|work, nope [16:45] So i need a tools who work on Ubuntu [16:45] Stop [16:45] Removing Bans [16:45] xirov, any errors from sudo modprobe ath_pci [16:45] xirov: check your syslog [16:47] wols, err this for example http://www.seopher.com/articles/ubuntu_7_10_to_come_with_dualview_for_mulit_monitor_support [16:47] somebody can help me ? [16:47] Sylphid|work, doesnt look like it [16:47] I need something to do. [16:47] Use 8-0-4 god damn [16:47] !launguage | ZyklonB [16:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about launguage [16:47] wols, wha? [16:47] lol [16:47] !language | ZyklonB [16:47] ZyklonB: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [16:47] xirov, ok i think we may want to remove the restricted modules package to make sure we dont get the wrong module [16:48] ZyklonB: what are you talking about? [16:48] help me [16:48] help me [16:48] !ask | krazy-h [16:48] krazy-h: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:48] OK, just calm down krazy [16:48] who can tell me how i get this screen up please : http://www.seopher.com/articles/ubuntu_7_10_to_come_with_dualview_for_mulit_monitor_support [16:48] ZyklonB: learn about ignores. You can ignore when people join leave quit etc... [16:48] Sylphid|work, so... sudo apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules ? [16:48] xirov, sudo apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-19-generic [16:48] ZyklonB: do you need help with anything? [16:49] I NEED A TOOL FOR MY SATELLITE RECEIVER WHO WORK ON UBUNTU [16:49] Sylphid|work, done [16:49] !caps | krazy-h [16:49] krazy-h: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [16:49] No I don't need help with anything at all Gnea [16:50] I can do everything by myself [16:50] good, then stop trying to talk like an op [16:50] xirov, reboot and run through the instructions @ http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html one more time [16:50] When I am talking like OP? [16:50] krazy-h: please keep the chat in this channel. [16:50] Sylphid|work, okay :) [16:50] jaja [16:50] who can tell me how i get this screen up please : http://www.seopher.com/articles/ubuntu_7_10_to_come_with_dualview_for_mulit_monitor_support [16:51] as i'm trying to watch movies with kaffeine, it gets so slow that almost i can count the frames but the jumped ones? my graphic drivers are installed correctly. what will i do to solve this (hi again..=)) [16:51] laughtear: Tried VLC? [16:51] Rageon: click on Applications->Internet->Firefox [16:52] xnv: yes, vlc is cool. but i'm from turkey, and my main language is turkish, so need to see the subtitles usually which vlc is not succesful... [16:52] massive help dude [16:52] Rageon: could you be anymore specific? [16:53] laughtear: Alright, but does the movie play well in VLC? [16:53] laughtear: then which player would play subtitles better? === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [16:54] BlearyBram: Kaffeine is almost as good as gomplayer in ubuntu. [16:54] Gnea, more specific than giving u multiple pictures of the dialog i want to open? prolly not. [16:54] tvtime --> xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images. [16:54] <[Silent]> óààààà [16:54] BlearyBram: also with the subtitles [16:54] <[Silent]> morda òû èì ÷åíèòü ãîâîðèë?\ [16:54] xnv: well, i need to download (this is reinstalled os) again to see if it happens. but i'm sure my graphic drivers and my hardware configuration is okay. [16:54] !ru | [Silent] [16:54] [Silent]: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [16:55] [Silent] íåà [16:55] :DDD [16:55] <[Silent]> ëîîîîîõè [16:55] <[Silent]> ) [16:55] :DDD [16:55] !english | [Silent], morda [16:55] [Silent], morda: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [16:55] TiredWolf: how do you know what language they're using? [16:55] russian [16:55] <[Silent]> Im russian [16:56] I know he's using Russian (by the look of the incompatible encoding, but I wonder how you police that easily) [16:56] <[Silent]> =) === allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic [16:56] BlearyBram: ah sorry. by looking at the domain, and it's also about the only language you don't see with an utf-8 encoding [16:56] <|Dreams|> has anyone used ubuntu ultimate? [16:56] Hello, i'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I want to try out kde 4.1. I installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop, but it seems that is 4.03. Is it possible to get kde 4.1 on my ubuntu box? [16:56] <[Silent]> fuck you [16:56] <[Silent]> bitch [16:56] !ops | [Silent] [16:56] [Silent]: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [16:57] on this sony vaio anything but XMBC blanks screen totally grey and not even my virtual terminals work so i have to reboot machine VLC Totem Gxine Mplayer.... It might have something to do with the vaio only having a GB of ram and Intel Chipset Graphics... But Compiz-Fusion is working great, VMPlayer is working great, XMBC will play anything I ask it to and battles with 3D but wins... [16:57] anyone know why "FATAL: Error inserting wlan_scan_sta (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/net/wlan_scan_sta.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" is happening when i do sudo wlan_scan_sta [16:57] only when playing DVD/AVI [16:57] I guess any video those are the ones I have tried [16:57] Sylphid|work, Dude.. O.o now none of my drivers are working.. is than on purpose? O.o [16:58] anybody hear? [16:58] xirov, what do you mean none of your drivers? [16:58] Yes I hear perfectly [16:58] lol [16:58] Thanks for asking :) [16:58] Brandons... cool. i didn't say anything however.. [16:58] Sylphid|work, my graphics driver, keyboard, and so on, are not as before O.o [16:59] laughtear: i can hear too. i can also read. [16:59] anyone know why "FATAL: Error inserting wlan_scan_sta (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/net/wlan_scan_sta.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" is happening when i do sudo wlan_scan_sta [16:59] Gnea: well, i could say an amazing specially for you, and repeat above.. [17:00] åáàíà â ðîò [17:00] !ru | RightSide_user2 [17:00] RightSide_user2: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [17:00] xirov, ok the graphics driver is in the linux-restricted-modules package... but i dont know why your keyboard would not be working === xxxxxx is now known as Guest34590 [17:00] Sylphid|work, well.. im from denmark.. so i got a danish keyboard.. right now its on english keyboard [17:00] xirov, ok .. looks like some usb controllers are in that package as well [17:00] morda òóò êòîòî ìîé íèê èñïîëüçóåò [17:01] âîò ïèäàðàñû à [17:01] DDD [17:01] ) [17:01] ñóêè åáàíûå [17:01] anyone else just getting ???? ?????? === morda is now known as [Silent] === SunWuKung|away is now known as SunWuKung|away|a [17:02] <[Silent]> RightSide_user2 xaxaxa [17:02] alphaman: or even worse, ñóêè åáàíûå [17:02] <[Silent]> RightSide_user2 lol [17:02] <[Silent]> :DDD === [Silent] is now known as morda [17:02] hey guys i wanna make a connection between ubunntu and XP , xp's workgroup is ZABEN so i tried net -W ZABEN join from my ubuntu box but i dunno even if my command is correct so anyone may help? [17:02] alphaman: no, my console is setup correctly. they were real russian characters. [17:03] !samba | Abed [17:03] Abed: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:03] Gnea, so what was his question [17:03] when using my gnome panel clock, under location, even despite specifying that i want a 12 hour clock, my locations are displayed in 24 hour mode [17:03] i'm new to ubuntu, but somewhat familiar with apt. I'm trying to make a rails app work. i succeeded in my test environment, on a different distro, but on ubuntu-server(hardy) it's complaining about the version of rails i have installed. it doesn't seem to see it right. it needs 2.0.2, and that's what i have installed. [17:03] Sylphid|work, what do you want me to do? [17:03] alphaman: i have no idea, i don't read russian :) [17:03] Hi all [17:03] is it just me, or is this a bug? [17:03] can someone else confirm [17:03] how do i hide my Ip [17:04] Th3_KID: #freenode [17:04] #freenode [17:04] -__-; [17:04] what's the standard compiling library package for 64 and i386? [17:05] samba needs to be tweaked a little to work out right.. [17:05] Th3_KID: ubuntu is generally pretty secure, unless your worrying about the feds (which nothing can stop them) then i doubt you have much to worry about [17:05] why not just learn how to use SSH2 and sFTP [17:05] Th3_KID: type /join #freenode and ask them there [17:05] so can anyone else confirm that the gnome-panel global clock displays locations in 24hr mode even when specified 12 hour mode? [17:06] m0u5e: have you tried setting 12 hour mode, logging out, then logging in again? [17:06] do anyone know how to use minicom [17:06] Th3_KID, just open a terminal and type minicom [17:06] xnv: okay, i tried vlc, no frame skipping, or slow motion, but no subtitles either... [17:06] whats the package!?:((( [17:07] is the ubuntu server ssl capable? === Oblivion is now known as Guest48897 [17:07] Gnea: yes, ive checked every restart and it still does it [17:08] Is there a way to add a "open in terminal" dialog to Nautilus. I find that often I am in the folder that I need to be in a terminal and would like the option to say right click and select and open here in terminal command [17:08] Sylphid|work, brb [17:08] laughtear: VLC has subtitle support, but it's not that convenient. === Guest48897 is now known as lolwut [17:08] Gnea: I assume your location clock is woroking fine? [17:08] m0u5e: and is this a recent installation of hardy or an upgrade or what? [17:08] laughtear: And seems to have scaling problems [17:08] m0u5e: indeed [17:08] Gnea: latest version of hardy with backports [17:08] ok once i type minicom in the terminal it wont let me type anything [17:08] do i have to have a phone line connected to it [17:08] ? [17:08] m0u5e: did you install from the get-go or upgrade from gutsy? [17:09] laughter/xnv: try mplayer, it has proper subtitle support [17:09] xnv: i know, probably, i must change something on kaffeine preferences (gzine or whatever) [17:09] Th3_KID: it tends to help [17:09] Th3_KID, did you configure it? maybe you should start by type 'man minicom' [17:09] Gnea: clean install of hardy8.04-1 [17:09] Th3_KID: type sudo apt-get install minicom [17:09] is there someone that can help me with my graphic card an my desktop effect? [17:09] m0u5e: here's a silly test - try making another user account, then switch over to it and see if the problem occurs on it too [17:09] Gnea: O_O; [17:10] its already installed [17:10] m0u5e: i told you it was silly, but do it anyway. [17:10] ive had it for like a month [17:10] err sorry about that gnea, my xchat died lol [17:10] geirha? u there? [17:11] Hi, is there any tool that will allow me to copy files on linux to a windows partition and convert the invalid characters ( < > ? " ) to NTFS-compatible filenames ? [17:12] der|kunstler, you could create a little bash script to do that, i would imagine [17:12] Sylphid|work, one of my friends will try find a solution :) thanks anyways [17:12] squarebracket, yeah... I just don't want to reinvent the wheel [17:12] http://xkcd.com/456/# - rofl [17:12] How can I see temparature sensors in my pc? [17:13] How do I start gnome-applets or whatever to get some form of vista-like side-bar with agdget type stuffs? Cuz see, I tried gkrellm or whatever [17:13] kenshee: test [17:13] but it looks liek doodoo [17:13] hi good day to all, can i ask if where can i get the package Berkeley DB with 1.85 [17:13] is there someone that can help me to solve a graphic problem? [17:13] !ask | dynoll3 [17:13] dynoll3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:13] Gnea: yes it still does this [17:13] Gnea: in fact, it seems to like to switch between the two [17:13] Gnea: it will first display 24 hour mode, than 12 hour mode for a little bit, then again 24 hour mode [17:14] when i restart my computer, the graphic card isnt detected and the resolution is really bad... how i fix that? [17:15] dynoll3: did you just install a new graphics driver? [17:15] NCommander, xkcd is the best thing since sliced bread. [17:15] squarebracket: haha [17:15] i did === r0nn1e is now known as ronnie [17:15] xirov, go ahead and install the linux-restricted-modules again [17:15] wow! i'm like a week behind. [17:15] i have DsL can minicom not dial out using it or does it have to be directly connected to a phone jack [17:15] xirov, may want to try installing madwifi-tools as well [17:16] Gnea: hey? [17:16] does anyone know how to use key sequences in LIRC ? [17:16] * delcoyote hi [17:16] Sylphid|work, ive installed the modules again... and earlier i tried madwifi-tools, but it didnt do anything :) [17:16] specifically, the line "Key sequences can be specified by giving more then one remote/button string." in .lircrc documentation page [17:17] Hi all! Is there someone willing and able to help me with a nasty Kernel Panic problem of mine? I'd be ever so grateful [17:17] does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try [17:17] !ask | travelhun [17:17] travelhun: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:18] hi all, does anyone know how I can take a screenshot in PNG-quality (so, lossless), _with_ the cursor visible? [17:18] or ubuntu for that matter [17:18] Ooops. Will do. [17:18] norbert_: Try gimp [17:18] xirov, well ndiswrapper should definitly work.. not sure why the madwifi driver is not === h4x3ls10r is now known as qweqweqwe [17:18] with X apps, like gnome / dia / etc is there a way to make the tool panel always above the workspace so I don't have to keep swapping back to the tools / workspace / tools [17:18] The-Compiler: Gimp does it _without_ the cursor [17:18] m0u5e: err? have about removing the clock and adding a new one? [17:18] or is this application independant [17:18] Gnea: o__o; okay hold on let me try [17:19] robf: You mean like right-click > Always On Top? [17:19] norbert_: oh, right, sorry [17:19] 1337 people in here :D But guess that's offtopic... [17:19] xnv: hahaha you know [17:19] xnv: I never new that === Yondering is now known as mitt === mitt is now known as yondering [17:19] I don't think kde has that option and this first time using gnome [17:19] maybe it does though [17:19] robf: Always on top? It has. [17:20] The-Compiler: ah, neat =) [17:20] Gnea: yes it still doesnt work [17:20] The-Compiler: this first time I've had a use for it, prolly just ignored it [17:20] Gnea: im guessing your clock works fine? [17:20] Right: I had to reformat my 7.04 partition and then installed 8.04 on a multiboot system. Now it doesn't boot: I get a Kernal Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs in unknown-block(0,0). This is odd because the fs is on hd1,1 and it says so in menu.lst. Also, /dev is devoid of the harddisks that are there. [17:20] robf: It even has a option to display windows w/o the border, always on bottom, half-transparent, etc. [17:20] Sylphid|work, its okay :D my friend will try fixing it.. but thanks :D [17:20] hello all [17:21] m0u5e: yes [17:21] squarebracket, I perfer round tuscon bread [17:21] Gnea: i'm guessing all these addons are stored in gnome-panel ? [17:21] The-Compiler: cool.... I wish i could just set it in a layer format where its only on top of the workspace window [17:21] Gnea: because i already tried reinstalling that ;X [17:21] does anyone know how to install kubuntu on an advansys scsi hard drive with a ide cd drive. the installer shows no hard drives under prepare partition thanx for ANY new direction to try [17:21] i have a problem with compiling [17:22] RainyLithuanian: Doh [17:22] can someone tell me what packages should I install to get working compiling libraries? [17:22] RainyLithuanian: That really depends on the libraries, but the "build-essential" package is usually good start. [17:22] hi guys, i've got a problem with my wireless connection. I've got a wireless router and a hd attached on it (it's running linux) and i've got some dix movies stored there. I occasionally wan to watch them but the wireless connection doesn't seem to be stable at all. When first time connection is established download speed from the hd attached to the router is max 30kbytes/s. If i open a terminal and do it [17:22] speeds up (>1Mbytes/s) but that does not keep long as it goes back to 30kbytes/s after 10-15minutes. Any ideas what's wrong. My wireless card is a rt2560 thus supported natively by rt2500pci module. [17:23] does anyone know of an accessible client that works well with orca? [17:23] has anyone here (besides Gnea) experienced problems with gnome-panel clock displaying their location times in 24 hour mode... please stare at it for 30 seconds and see if it changes [17:23] xnv, does it have 64 included? [17:23] the problem i have with it, is that it continues to alternate between the two, even though 12 hour is specified [17:24] Someone know how to remote vnc on Ubuntu. The server is installed on a Windows vista and Ubuntu is the client.I tried But i can't acces to the Server [17:24] hey when i put my windows (like this one) on the top of my screen it become fullscreen... how i can disable that? [17:24] RainyLithuanian: Nintendo? Commodore? [17:24] m0u5e: i *think* it's in ~/.gconf/ somewhere [17:25] krazy-h_: firewalls? [17:25] xnv, 64bit libraries;]] [17:25] Any body willing to help???? It's the long long msg just submitted! [17:25] cause I have core2quad [17:25] and ubuntu 64bit [17:25] does detaching a screen session while a proccess is running inside screen, stops the proccess or it continues running ? [17:26] i'm looking for an accessible ftp client that works well with orca; gftp freezes up after i've tabbed around for a while [17:26] RainyLithuanian: What exactly are you trying to do? [17:26] Flxr: continues [17:26] Flxr: Continues running. [17:26] Maybe but i installed the server on a windows vista, but that OS had an ANTIVIRUS: Norton ANtivirus [17:26] Gnea: what is? :D [17:26] w0jrl: tried filezilla? [17:26] hola.. anybody here tried using an ide ssd as /? [17:26] Any body willing to help???? It's the long long msg just submitted! [17:26] I would have thought that with 1340 peeps someone would have tried to install on a scsi hard drive from a ide cdrom and installer doesnt see my scsi hdd I figured I just needed to add a command in the beginning oh well guess ill try another distro even though i love ubuntu [17:26] xnv, compile a program for 64bit usage [17:26] Yondering: eeepc is like that [17:26] i will try fillezilla thanks [17:26] naftilos76: it is off screen [17:26] m0u5e: the settings for the clock [17:27] does anyone know why whenever a program creates a file on our Windows share drive, it's permissions get set to 644? [17:27] hey when i put my windows (like this one) on the top of my screen it become fullscreen... how i can disable that? [17:27] !patience | kid [17:27] kid: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [17:27] ejer, good point.. completely slipped my mind, thanks. Thinking about putting a small one into an old thinkpad. [17:27] kid: what hdd controller? [17:27] Gnea: well i created a new account, so i dont think its something that can be fixed by deleting it [17:27] Gnea: and resetting the settings [17:27] duck1123: because that's what the default permissions are set to [17:27] advansys abd940 uw [17:27] Gnea: and ive reinstalled gnome-panel as well [17:27] m0u5e: hrm, right. [17:27] RainyLithuanian: Then you need to figure out which libraries it's using and then figure out if there is 64-bit support for those libraries [17:27] Yondering: works fine, like using a usb stick to boot [17:27] so... everyone check their clock (if you have additional locations) and check if its displaying in 12/24 hour mode :D [17:28] Gnea: I tried changing it in the smb.conf, but I don't think it's working [17:28] ok, thanks xnv [17:28] (even if 1/3rd of the channel responds thats more than enough lol) [17:28] m0u5e: mine seems fine [17:28] m0u5e: 12hour [17:28] ejer if you keep looking at it, does it change? [17:28] I had to reformat my 7.04 partition and then installed 8.04 on a multiboot system. Now it doesn't boot: I get a Kernal Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs in unknown-block(0,0). This is odd because the fs is on hd1,1 and it says so in menu.lst. Also, /dev is devoid of the harddisks that are there. Anyone? Please? [17:28] m0u5e: no [17:28] m0u5e: yes time continues moving if your looking ro not [17:28] travelhun: more infor about partition layout needed [17:28] Is it possible to configure autoreply messages in evolution? [17:28] s/ro/or [17:28] gnomefreak: i mean it switches from 24 hour to 21 hour :/ [17:29] *12 hour. [17:29] m0u5e: nope 12 and been that way for years [17:29] gnomefreak: argh [17:29] does anyone know where the gnome-panel clock configuration files are :X [17:29] gnomefreak: wait this is under locations right? not just looking at the clock without clicking? [17:29] sorry abp940 uw advansys [17:29] ejer, thanks :) [17:29] a!hcl [17:29] !hcl [17:29] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [17:29] m0u5e: both [17:30] gnomefreak: arghghghghggh [17:30] kid: now check if that controller is supported [17:30] m0u5e: /join #gnome [17:30] Gillpy_: why? [17:30] kid: also check if linux in general supports it [17:30] altho m0u5e it is noon here so would not see it neways lol [17:30] wols | I have a Maxtor 60GB as primary master. On it are the mbr and four Windows partitons. As primary slave I have a Seagate 80GB with sdb1: Swap, sdb2: root, sdb3: home [17:30] Gillpy_: we support ubuntu in here gnome is part of ubuntu [17:30] Hi I've just installed Ubuntu on my HP Pavilion dv6000. Is it possible to get any higher res. then 800x600? (it's the highest option there). [17:30] thank you im checking now [17:31] Hi guys, i've got a problem with my wireless connection. I've got a wireless router and a hd attached on it (it's running linux) and i've got some dix movies stored there. I occasionally want to watch them but the wireless connection doesn't seem to be stable at all. When first time connection is established download speed from the hd attached to the router is max 30kbytes/s. If i open a terminal and do it [17:31] speeds up (>1Mbytes/s) but that does not keep long as it goes back to 30kbytes/s after 10-15minutes. My wireless card is a rt2560 thus supported natively by rt2500pci module. Any ideas what's wrong??? [17:31] duck1123: what did you using to change smb.conf with? a text editor? [17:31] gnomefreak: but if no one in here knows it's more sensible to go to #gnome than freak out [17:31] travelhun: file -s /dev/sdb2 [17:31] Gillpy_: i didnt say i didnt know ;) [17:31] Gnea: gedit and emacs [17:31] Sorry to submit so much text... [17:31] Kouya: yes edit xorg.conf or do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg and pick the resolution you want [17:31] duck1123: i recommend swat. [17:31] !swat | duck1123 [17:31] duck1123: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:31] m0u5e: look in ~/.gnome2 there should be setting there but im not on hardy atm [17:31] vlnc [17:32] thanks alot! :D [17:32] naftilos76: can u set router to use 802.11g instead [17:32] yes i can...will it help? [17:32] naftilos76: g is faster than b as long as your card supports it [17:33] all hw is g [17:33] it's already g [17:33] naftilos76: 11M/s is b 54M/s is g [17:33] router i mean [17:33] Anyone here had any success with Guildwars on Ubuntu [17:33] gnomefreak: i dont see it under there :( [17:33] SidStudios: appdb.winehq.org [17:33] gnomefreak: (as i am typing this, nautilus decided to randomly restart) [17:34] Hello, I have the following error while compiling a software "error: GNU M4 is needed", anything I can do to solve this ? gm4 is not found in package search [17:34] m0u5e: that isnt related [17:34] netcrash: try just m4 [17:34] wols: "file -s /dev/sdb2" returns "/dev/sdb2: writable, no read permission" when I look from the live cd, or should I chroot is before? [17:34] the rate setting of iwconfig is not constantly the same...it changes as distance between router and adapter changes [17:34] m0u5e: let me seee if i can find the files in a minute you can try locate time | less and page through them [17:35] ejer: m4 is installed :S [17:35] naftilos76: any reason you are not using network-manager [17:35] clicking on URL in an IRC channel in Xchat gives me an error message saying the protocol is unsupported. Anyone else experiences that? === deadbeef-zZz is now known as deadbeef [17:35] i am using net manager... [17:36] the startup setting of it is 1Mbit [17:36] so i change it to 11 with iwconfig [17:36] naftilos76: must mean your signal sucks [17:36] to help things speed up [17:36] NOT AT ALL [17:36] wols: Sorry I was dumb, forgot to sudo: /dev/sdb2: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (large files) [17:37] hey when i put my windows (like this one) on the top of my screen it become fullscreen... how i can disable that? [17:37] naftilos76: it will auto choose slowest stable speed, this is a setting in router often [17:37] gnomefreak: ~/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/clock_screen0 is this it? there is nothing there though [17:37] m0u5e: looks like it i woul dhave to look at file but cant atm dealing with someone [17:37] under other circumstances 1.5Mbytes/s is doable from the exact same spot [17:38] gnomefreak: ah okay (well nothing to look at anyways, file does not exist even though it comes up in locate) [17:38] naftilos76: that is very slow [17:38] anyone here use xchat? though i have libnotify1 installed, xchat informs me during startup that it cannot find libnotify [17:38] m0u5e: that isnt it [17:38] gnomefreak: darn @__@ [17:38] its there just blank [17:38] what? 1.5Mbytes/s is slow? [17:38] naftilos76: considering you could theoretically get 54Mb/s, yes ;) [17:38] naftilos76: on an internal network yes [17:39] m0u5e: most likley its gonna be /etc/gconf/..... [17:39] dear dad, yeah it's me, are you suprised that i'm writing? not really, i'm sitting behind the computer just typing. [17:39] ejer: 54megabits :3 [17:39] gnomefreak: but this is a user setting, why would it be under there? :X [17:39] what did i say m0u5e [17:39] what does "make: *** No rule to make target `stdlib.h', needed by `prog/dump/superio.rd'. Stop." stand for? [17:39] ejer: ah sorry thought it was a big B :3 [17:39] Okay, when I mount /dev/sdb2 to the livecd sys and then chroot onto it, I get: /dev/sdb2: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sdb2' (No such file or directory) [17:40] http://ultimateedition.info/ <-- that page is so 1990's! [17:40] guys guys....i'me telling you 1.5Mbytes per sec is doable from the exact same spot BUT with other sw configuration which means about true 10Mbits/s correct? [17:40] m0u5e: it can be either but most likely /etc as its not really a user setting as the rest of $HOME is [17:40] Hi. I ran the command 'free the fish' and now I got a fish swimming around my desktop. But 'pgrep free' comes up blank. The fish resists xkill. How would I kill the fish? [17:40] naftilos76: u shld read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabit_per_second#Megabit_per_second [17:40] hello everybody, after giving firefox 3 a worthwhile chance, i'm saying fuck it and want 2 back, i'm on 8.04 and assumed apt-get firefox 2 would grab it, but it couldn't find it. anyone know? [17:40] Gnea: those URLS shouldn't be posted in here, they are nothing to do with ubuntu [17:40] user setting would be irssi config files or any other app config files [17:40] anyone know how i can make a bootable iso file? [17:40] yitz_: why do you want to capture the fish =D sorry i can't help [17:40] ikonia: you, sir, are wrong. [17:40] abbazabba: if you can't moderate your language and converse politly - don't speak [17:41] Gnea: it's not an ubuntu product [17:41] travelhun: sudo [17:41] kevinO: you could check out linux live scripts [17:41] ikonia: it is an ubuntu derivative, which we fully support. in fact, someone was in here not long ago asking about the ubuntu ultimate version. [17:41] ikonia: hello everybody, after giving firefox 3 a worthwhile chance, i'm saying fornicate it and want 2 back, i'm on 8.04 and assumed apt-get firefox 2 would grab it, but it couldn't find it. anyone know? [17:42] <[COCKMASTER]> hello [17:42] hey when i put my windows (like this one) on the top of my screen it become fullscreen... how i can disable that? i use compizfusion [17:42] abbazabba: sudo aptitude search firefox shows me it is firefox-2 [17:42] abbazabba, do sudo apt-get install firefoxandthenhittabtwicereallyfast you will see what is available [17:42] ejer: that - is what i was looking for [17:42] abbazabba: don't be smart, if you can't follow the tone of the room - don't speak [17:42] <[COCKMASTER]> anybody knows how to set up a wireless network in ubuntu 8? [17:43] kevinO: thank you for the double tab tip [17:43] ikonia: you do realize that someone is called cockmaster, right? [17:43] Gnea: i cant find it under /etc/gconf theres almost nothing there [17:43] he must really love cocks [17:43] [COCKMASTER], buy compatible wireless equipment would be a good start :) [17:43] Gnea: i have also searched through gconf-editor for clock and found nothing [17:44] nice name by the way homo [17:44] haha [17:44] !ultimate [17:44] The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [17:44] looks like i was wrong, sorry everyone === rambo3 is now known as joomla_user [17:44] ikonia: one L [17:44] m0u5e: is the system clock set to UTC? [17:45] Gnea where would i check this? (i believe it is not, but i want to make sure... also.. my time seems to be displaying correctly, so i sincerely doubt that is the case) [17:45] i take it c@ckmiester got kicked too? [17:45] Ca I assume that no one knows what's wrong on my sys? [17:45] kevinO: right before you doggie [17:46] kevinO: think for yourself :) and check /msg ubotu language [17:46] travelhun: I wanted the output of file -s [17:46] travelhun: it would be nice if there was nothing wrong on mine :( [17:46] eh, make: *** No rule to make target `stdlib.h', needed by `prog/dump/superio.rd'. Stop. < can someone help me with that? [17:46] /msg ubotu language [17:46] Does 8.04 come automaticaly with samba installed? [17:46] TiredWolf, i dont need any language lessons [17:46] abbazabba: without a leading space, and it's uboTTu - my bad [17:46] alphaman: i dont believe so [17:46] RainyLithuanian: that is a something to ask the devs of whatever you are comiling [17:46] kevinO, then you'll have no trouble moderating yours. [17:46] TiredWolf: i just copied and pasta'd your'd. [17:47] M0u5e, would it be automaticaly configured if i install it? [17:47] wols, I posted it but no prob: root@ubuntu:/# "file -s /dev/sdb2" returns "/dev/sdb2: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sdb2' (No such file or directory)" [17:47] abbazabba: but you someone put a space before it. anyway, /msg ubottu language, with no space before it [17:47] alphaman: you can right click a folder in nautilus and choose sharing options, will do it all for u [17:47] s/someone/somehow/ [17:47] travelhun: and I responded with sudo [17:47] TiredWolf: i assure you there is no space. [17:47] "sudo" [17:47] hi all [17:47] abbazabba: and i assure you things that actually start with "/" are treated as commands on IRC; if they aren't, they aren't [17:48] !hi | unggnu [17:48] unggnu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:48] alphaman: it should [17:48] Does anybody here have tested the Dell Inspiron 1525? [17:48] TiredWolf: i'm well aware. [17:48] ejer, no im trying to access an external drive on another windows computer [17:48] Hi. Can someone help me out pls? I've uninstalled and re-installed ALSA packages and [17:48] TiredWolf, I will speak how i want and when i want. I do not need your insight in to things. [17:48] hi arvind_khadri [17:48] !anyone | unggnu [17:48] unggnu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [17:48] have managed to uninstall the gdm desktop :( [17:48] unggnu, hi... :) [17:48] alphaman: places>network ? [17:48] I try sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop [17:48] kevinO, no, you won't, as this channel has rules. now drop it, and stick to them. [17:49] TiredWolf yes, I will. [17:49] wols: Sorry didn't sapot that. My mistake. "sudo file -s /dev/sdb2"/dev/sdb2: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sdb2' (No such file or directory)" again. This is vrom a chroot environment. [17:49] ejer, i checked went to the machine and nothing will display [17:49] But get that the archive "could not resolve" [17:49] travelhun: then install it back again [17:49] arvind_khadri: It is no meta question, I am just interested in the experience of someone with the INspiron 1525. === Tim_ is now known as Tim [17:49] hi there, does anyone know why openoffice doesnt look like the gtk-theme i ve chosen in gnome when i start OO in openbox even though the gnome-settings-demon is running which makes every app in openbox look like the theme i ve chosen? [17:49] So the package won't fetch. [17:49] please help me [17:49] travelhun: what device file is your root partition then? [17:49] i tryed ubuntu in cd mode , and i can connect to internet [17:49] unggnu, then #ubuntu-offtopic would have someone interested :) [17:49] i need something more ? [17:49] igot an laptop [17:49] travelhun: and where did I tell you to use a chroot? [17:49] coneected trought wi fi [17:50] Okay. I thought it might come to this. Off for a new install. [17:50] acer extensa 5200 [17:50] alphaman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba [17:50] travelhun: if you want to give up, fine. good bye [17:50] wols help me please [17:50] You didn't. Here is the output, with sudo, when done from the live cd environment: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo file -s /dev/sdb2 [17:50] /dev/sdb2: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (large files) [17:51] RIPPED: please limit your questions to one line please. [17:51] lag [17:51] travelhun: initrd working? grep ext /boot/config* [17:51] Tim, the repo's might be jammed try later :) [17:51] RIPPED: I fail to see the problem in what you posted [17:51] anyone know how to use GPRS usb modem? i mean networkmanager is bad by design, am i correct? [17:52] RIPPED: let me try to understand here. you installed ubuntu on your laptop and you can't connect to the internet? [17:52] cashngo: no === jelmer_ is now known as Guest54070 [17:52] does anyone here use xchat? though i have libnotify1 installed, xchat informs me during startup that it cannot find libnotify [17:52] hi, do anybody know how I in gnome can set up an global hotkey to bring up pidgin's message window? [17:52] arvind_khadri: Thanks. I also get "No resume image, normal boot" when I um, boot. Is that unrelated? [17:52] soundray: ok, i listening to you... [17:53] elvelind: system>preferences>keyboard? [17:53] cashngo: what make and model is your GPRS modem? [17:53] elvelind: ther eis another one with keyboard but dont rmeember the name [17:53] Tim, thats ok...not a problem ,... it means that a fresh boot is happening... a resume image is created when you hibernate :) [17:53] soundray: it is SE 310i phone [17:53] elvelind: one of those is what you want [17:53] yes i can not acess because it detect my wirells card but i dont know how to congif [17:53] wols: I am sorry. All hose status messages ake it hard for me to spot what you said. I need to reboot this live cd, then I will be back and post the result from grep ext /boot/config*. BRB [17:54] the card dont detec my router wireless [17:54] cashngo: SE = Sony Ericsson? [17:54] soundray: yes [17:54] travelhun: don't bother anymore. goodbye [17:54] arvind_khadri: Phew, stoppe d me panicking - thx mate! [17:54] RIPPED: i'm assuming you are on a different computer now, how did you connect from there? what kind of router? [17:54] gnomefreak: yes. I know how to set keyboard shortcuts in general. just not how to set one to do just that [17:54] Tim, :) welcome [17:54] cashngo: do you have a /dev/ttyUSB0 device when you plug it in? [17:55] who's got a crush on a beautiful girl? [17:55] soundray: i got /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 devices [17:55] i do, her name is mary jane, she takes care of my brain [17:55] arvind_khadri: This is the only time recemtly I've been grateful for anothetr mc in the house - even if running Windoze ;) [17:55] !ot | abbazabba [17:55] abbazabba: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [17:55] elvelind: me neither sorry i dont have much use for shortcuts but i would say use key you want and set it to pidgins launch command [17:55] cashngo: what do you mean by "and 1 devices"? [17:55] Tim, mc ?? [17:55] Gillpy_: but she cures my soul [17:55] soundray: i got /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1 devices [17:56] anyone know how to make firefox always save my tabs for next startup? [17:56] abbazabba: ^^ that is what is known as a warning [17:56] ejer: finally i do know how to do that [17:56] in settings [17:56] cashngo: got you [17:56] ejer: yes go into settings and set it [17:56] gee thanks guys [17:56] I arvind_khadri: Machine :) (my son's). [17:57] !! [17:57] Tim, :) [17:57] :( 80% ubuntu download failed [17:57] have to restart [17:57] soundray: ? [17:57] for other people wanting a little more info: change 'when firefox starts' from 'show my home page' to 'show my windows and tabs from last time' [17:57] cashngo: essentially, you have to follow the instructions for dialup now, except that you substitute your device name (try out which one). [17:57] !dialup > cashngo [17:57] cashngo, please see my private message [17:57] Gillpy_: i just want to pronounce my love to the beautiful ladies out there, sometimes you gotta do it on rooftops while people are sleeping you know. but i hear you, you guys are on full patrol today, i'll leave my loves to the im boxess [17:58] cashngo: it's also worth stfw, e.g. http://my.opera.com/owais_lone/blog/how-to-connect-gprs-on-ubuntu [17:58] hardware acceleration is not working on my system (i think) ... this is what i get when i run glxinfo: http://www.pastebin.ca/1087345 ... can anyone point me to some docs to fix this? [17:58] cashngo: (searching the fine web) [17:58] is there any such utility that provides diff functionality between a local file and a file on a remote serve (accessible via ssh) ? I need to check that a 30 GB directory tree is identical on two different servers, and I dont know which copy to trust (in case they're not identical) ... so just rsync'ing the directory might not be the answer [17:58] I've been having trouble with firefox. It takes upwards of 10 seconds to load a page, usually getting stuck on "looking up blah.com..." for most of the time. I've already disabled ipv6 in about:config and prevented the ipv6 module from being loaded. What else can I try to get firefox back up to speed? [17:59] mkrufky: maybe rsync with " -n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred" [17:59] voidmage: is this a recent problem or does it happen occassionally? [17:59] soundray: but why i cant use networkmanager? it is supposed to support gprs? [17:59] voidmage: use a better dns server [17:59] kitche: like what? [18:00] voidmage: could try opendns.org [18:00] I tried opendns, didn't like how failed dns requests redirected to yahoo search [18:00] voidmage: could also use a caching nameserver === allquixotic is now known as allquixotic_borg [18:00] arvind_khadri: If the problem is that accessing the archive failes due to busy severs - is that the only possible reason? [18:00] cashngo: you can try connecting with network manager. Use the 'Dialup Connections' entry you get when you left click on nm-applet [18:00] voidmage: your isp is probably burping [18:00] arvind_khadri: Am I just being impatient? :) [18:00] Ok i know the computer im trying to access has like 15 shared folders but when accessed i cant see anything. its windows. I have samba installed at least sudo apt-get install smbfs [18:01] mkrufky: well can't you just copy the file from the remote server to the local machine? [18:01] there are a ldap server working perfectly with Apache 2... and now I wanna authenticate samba users on ldap, how can I do it? [18:01] nmnm [18:01] abbazabba: yeah, probably [18:01] where do they hire police around here? Amish Country? [18:01] Tim, sometimes the repo's hang up a lot ... so just hang on and see... [18:01] the dns server up and died last night [18:01] every "tutorial" I found on net explain how make a full setup of ldap+samba, not only to authenticate samba on ldap [18:01] but the problem's been going on for a week now [18:01] kevinO: excuse me? [18:01] kevin0: are you trying to make yourself unpopular? [18:02] also my roommates don't have the problem [18:02] voidmage: could you retrace your steps to that? [18:02] TiredWolf, who was talking to you man? [18:02] arvind_khadri: OK, I'll try later this evening (London) [18:02] !ops | kevino [18:02] kevino: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [18:02] abbazabba: to what? [18:02] kevinO I for instance am trying to help people, and it is harder with garbage being posted every 5 seconds, take it to -offtopic [18:02] no one knows where to read about enabling 3d acceleration? [18:02] Tim, ya :) good luck [18:02] voidmage: did you install something, or do something to make it stop? [18:02] ejer, i was not talking to you either [18:02] Tim, why not try ping the server ?? [18:02] TiredWolf: ? [18:02] arvind_khadri: Thanks :) [18:02] hardhatpat: -n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred [18:03] TiredWolf, yes, i know who all the ops are now, thanks buddy. [18:03] Hi all [18:03] gnomefreak, grep kevino in the last 5 minutes [18:03] wols, sorry. I did not intend to give up and reinstall the sys, I misunderstood an earlier instruction from you. I do appreciate your assistance, I really do. "grep ext /dev/sdb2" returns "accordance in binary file /dev/sdb" [18:03] hardhatpat: sorry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI [18:03] kevinO: you were warned already about your language [18:03] TiredWolf: i see it [18:03] gnomefreak, my language? [18:03] i said nothing out of line [18:03] ejer, :) [18:03] kevinO: yes your homo comment [18:03] gnomefreak, yes and i was already booted for it [18:03] ejer, i will come back if i have q'1 [18:03] *q's [18:03] kevinO: we were nice enough to giv eyou another chance so now i ask you to stop [18:04] gnomefreak, i have dome nothing wrong [18:04] except maybe misspell a few words [18:04] this is not the right channel for this discussion i believe. [18:04] then dont discuss it [18:04] he is a troll just ban him [18:04] kevinO: your offtopic in this channel [18:04] kevinO: posting offtopic is wrong [18:04] !ot [18:04] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [18:04] [Q] I have installed windows in a partition on my hard drive, and it has set it self as boot, How can I revert to grub being boot? [18:05] !grub > Solexious [18:05] Solexious, please see my private message [18:05] kevinO: you might want to read the topic before speaking [18:05] * arvind_khadri senses a riot [18:05] how is !ot supporting development though? sorry inconsistencies have to be pointed out. [18:05] i know what this channel is for, i come here all the time and help. Seems today every one has a grudge against me [18:05] ps0kj [18:05] abbazabba: ask in -ot :) [18:05] TiredWolf: hehe [18:05] i dont like the way text looks, what can I do about it? [18:06] it's waaaaay too anti-aliased [18:06] scrutr: which text [18:06] kevinO, calm down :) the best thing to do now is close :) [18:06] scrutr: CRT or LCD? [18:06] LCD [18:06] and gnomefreak i called someone a homo who called himself cockmaster. And how does your repeating what i said make it any better than what i did [18:06] scrutr: perhaps it's set up for CRT-style antialiasing [18:06] abbazabba: yeah, it's the dns server [18:06] damn him [18:07] tried a different one and it works [18:07] scrutr: I have a nice fonts.conf file, makes it looks like Windows 2000, even a little better [18:07] i think that might have been uncalled for. [18:07] scrutr: /msg you and paste it? [18:07] voidmage: so it was the isp? [18:07] scrutr: i'm using KDE so i'm not sure how you can set that in GNOME, but it'll surely be in the font preferences. there are various methods for anti-aliasing, choose the sub-pixel one, and perhaps also play with hinting [18:07] abbazabba: thats not your place to comment and discuss this channel. You've been removed from the channel once and warned multiple times - this channel is for ubuntu support only [18:08] soundray: thanks for the heads up [18:08] ikonia: i'm well aware, i'm just saying, while helping, that that last one was uncalled for. i'm going back to helping people how i could so lay off that trigger finger ;D [18:08] i think it might be because its too big... [18:08] gnomefreak: np [18:08] How do I install the latest 2.4.0 intel video driver? [18:08] some known how authenticate samba using ldap? [18:08] zzzz [18:09] can anyone go private with me for a couple of minutes [18:09] i got one simple q and one hard q [18:09] syndr0: check your messages baby [18:09] Quentusrex: why do you want that? [18:09] how should I disable xserver? [18:09] in order to install nvidia drivers [18:09] syndr0: have you tried asking them here already? [18:09] soundray, because it has better hdmi video+audio handling [18:10] btw, it's worth mentioning that im running ubuntu in a virtual machine [18:10] RainyLithuanian: you dont disable X to install them [18:10] RainyLithuanian: install them from repos [18:10] would that have anything to do with it? [18:10] how? [18:10] Hey, I can't seem to find an app to play MPEG2 video streams (.MOD files) anyone got something I should check out? [18:10] RainyLithuanian: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-whatever one for your card [18:10] rotzak: check VLC [18:10] RainyLithuanian: what card and what ubuntu version [18:10] does anyone happen to have a 64bit hardy machine, willing to build a package? [18:10] like for me is 9800GTX and Ubuntu 8.041 [18:11] RainyLithuanian: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new [18:11] Quentusrex: generally, ubuntu wouldn't upgrade a package like that until it's well and truly tested, meaning that in this case it will probably be in intrepid. Do check the backports and proposed repositories, though [18:11] !backports > Quentusrex [18:11] Quentusrex, please see my private message [18:11] tiredwolf i hate having to read through all this shtuff.. ty tho [18:11] RainyLithuanian: tha command will do it as long as you have the repos enabled [18:11] ok, thanks:) [18:11] eikke: i suggest trying to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic (not necessarily because it's offtopic, just the sort of thing that might have better chances there) [18:11] * gnomefreak not on hardy so i cant check what repo [18:11] TiredWolf: ty [18:12] LoL, a force-leave. Never seen that before. [18:12] Hi all. I get a Kernel Panic when booting because on my new hardy installation, the harddisks (sda, sdb) are missing completely from /dev. Is there some way to create these files? [18:13] Well.. not a question about ubuntu itself, but about Xchat, how do i do /list in a seperate window? [18:13] soundray, I'm not sure which package the driver would be under. [18:14] how do i get rid of the key ring stuff, i am trying to get wireless to connect on login to x [18:14] but it always asks for password for keyring [18:14] Illuzionz: you might be better off in #xchat if nopone answers you here [18:14] oki thnx gnomefreak [18:14] s/nopone/noone [18:15] it's worst in firefox...when i start typing an address and then the box covers half my screen with this large, over-smoothed text [18:15] makes my eyes hurt... [18:15] * Gillpy_ pokes scrutr's eyeballs [18:15] i have it on subpixel smoothing [18:17] did anyone of you ever have the problem, that you had sound but no voice with an .mp4 file? [18:17] i put in on monochrome and firefox is still doing smoothing [18:17] so this must be firefox's fault.... === abadinalbany_ is now known as abadinalbany [18:18] anyone had any luck with get a microdia webcam to work???!!!! [18:19] TiredWolf: sorry for the delay -- i was away for a moment..... copying the file over isnt an option because i dont have an additional 30 GB free on either machine :-/ .... if they're not identical, i wont know which one is the correct one [18:19] karan:? [18:19] i *think* they're identical, i just want to confirm [18:19] karan:? [18:19] maybe there is a way to rsync without writing [18:19] mkrufky: i meant "file" as in the directory listing [18:20] karan:? [18:20] * mkrufky reading rsync man page now [18:20] mkrufky: if you are unsure that the *files* are identical (even if they're the same size, and all), you might add an MD5 to that directory listing, i suppose [18:20] i just installed xubuntu 8.04 on a P1-233, and on reboot, it can't find the hdd - dmesg says "module alim15x3: unknown relocation: 10" [18:21] i remember when i was on 7.10 my partitions would auto mount.. but now that i'm on 8.04, i have to mount them myself? how would i go about auto mounting from the start? [18:21] Hi all. I get a Kernel Panic when booting because on my new hardy installation, the harddisks (sda, sdb) are missing completely from /dev. Is there some way to create these files? Help would be greatly appreciated. [18:21] mkrufky: although, if all files are there and exactly the same size (as provided by a directory listing), it's quite likely that everything is the same. still, md5sum and find are your friends [18:21] TiredWolf: md5 -- thats the answer... thanks... [18:21] im brainless today :-) [18:21] mkrufky: actually, just use "md5deep" [18:21] awesome! [18:21] :-D [18:22] mkrufky, I am brainless every day, don't feel bad. [18:22] Sanctusorium: ;-) [18:23] travelhun: The devices are made each boot by the udev subsystem. [18:24] hi [18:24] iron: howdy [18:24] anybody can help me to tag my sourcecode to gpl-licenze [18:24] hi abbazabba [18:24] travelhun: The likely suspect here is that the SATA or IDE controller to which the drives are attached is not known to ubuntu and it cannot load a driver for it [18:25] genii: Okay. I don't really know my way around the udev subsystem, what do I do about it? [18:25] Does anyone know how I can pipe a detached screen's standard output to a file? [18:25] cause i saw soucecode with information about licence on top in *.c-files [18:26] hey, when I upload a file via a webapp using the default ubuntu apache2 setup, who does the file belong to and why can't I rename that file via my webapp? [18:26] iron: yes you just add that to the source files [18:26] dboss: what are you trying t accomplish [18:27] or rather, is there a way to make apache save files to my username/group instead of www-data? [18:27] rwycuff: I'm trying to run a command in a detached screen that outputs to stdout, but I need to save the output to a file [18:27] bdoss: do the redirection in the screen session [18:27] kitche: where can i find such header information ? [18:27] I need to know how to properly use make... I tried looking at "man make" but it didn't help... [18:27] iron: in the gpl license and the OSI list [18:27] Sake:it belongs to www-data and you would have to change chown on the dir it saves to [18:27] I'm confused...how the hell do you use VLC? I can hear the audio playing for my video but I don't see any images when I type vlc Movie.mpg [18:27] kitche: thx i am trying google [18:27] ejer: I've read the manpage several times, but I didn't see anything like that [18:28] bdoss: by detached screen are you reffering to the one that are from the app screen [18:28] rwycuff: Yes [18:28] travelhun: The usual quick fix for this is to set in the BIOS of the computer that all SATA drives are to be seen as IDE. This is usually some option like IDE Compatability Mode or similar. The best solution is to discover what driver the SATA controller needs and to load it as a module so the drives get seen properly. [18:28] bdoss: yourcommand > output.txt while in screen, then close screen session... maybe i am misunderstanding [18:28] rotzak: do you have all codecs installed [18:28] rwycuff, Yea, I just saw that. Is there a way to make apache save the files to MY username/group instead? [18:28] i'm writing a support system for linux administration maybe its also usefull for ubuntu [18:28] I think so...maybe I am missing something though in the VLC isntall [18:29] it makes developping my application a lot easier [18:29] genii: Okay, that's possible. But before I installed hardy (which never worked so far, 7.04 worked fine on that sys. [18:29] ejer: That may work... the problem is if I run something along the lines of screen python loop.py > output, then it saves the output of creating the screen rather than the python script [18:29] ooh, I installed it without X support [18:29] bdoss: screen; then do your redirection once in screen session [18:29] not as one command bdoss [18:30] I need to know how to properly use make... I tried looking at "man make" but it didn't help... Can anyone help me? I tried ndiswrapper in the past (Now I don't need it) but right now I need to Make Apache 2.2.9 [18:30] travelhun: Try perhaps the alternate CD. It has some more drivers than the regular livecd one. [18:30] SAke:one of two things can wither do chown -R user:group on your appache root or setup virtual host in apache and then point to different dir and then run app there with that dir set to your group [18:30] ejer: Is there any way to do it as one command? e.g. as part of a bash script [18:30] hello [18:30] genii: Good hint, I will try that. Thank you very much! [18:30] bdoss: have you seen nohup ? [18:30] yo [18:30] travelhun: np [18:30] you all use ubuntu? [18:31] I need help using "make" in the terminal for Apache [18:31] ejer: havn't used it before [18:31] Zyph3r: most of us [18:31] Zyph3r: this channel is for support -- no surveys please [18:31] rwycuff, my httproot in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ is set to a folder that's owned by me, but files are still saved as belonging to www-data [18:31] s33nagain, apache 2.2.8 is in the repositories, which is a much better and safer option. do you REALLY need 2.2.9? [18:31] bdoss: man nohup ... prolly what you want [18:31] anybody know which display driver to use in 7.04 for an intel 82945G chipset? [18:31] ejer: Ok, I'll check it out -- thanks for the help [18:31] jebem vam majku [18:31] ubuntu smece ipo [18:31] ubuntu garbage [18:31] !hr | Zyph3r [18:31] Zyph3r: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala. Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr [18:32] Sake: when you set the ownership to that dir put * wildcard at the end so it will also set all the containing files [18:32] tiredwolf zna hrvatski [18:32] picka [18:32] HAHAHHAHAHHAHA [18:32] goni se [18:32] !ops | Zyph3r [18:32] Zyph3r: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [18:32] anybody know which display driver to use in 7.04 for an intel 82945G chipset? [18:32] bdoss: another optoin is to use grep on the detached screen [18:32] !en | Zyph3r [18:32] Zyph3r: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [18:32] TriedWolf: I am used to Apache in Windows, but when I switched to linux I tried to download the latest one... where can I get 2.2.8? [18:33] frenchmanofdeath: the i915 seems to be what mine uses [18:33] s33nagain: sudo apt-get install apache2 [18:33] really thanks a ton [18:33] s33nagain, in Ubuntu, you generally should NOT "download" things. things are found in the repositories, and are compiled and optimized for Ubuntu, and receive regular security updates. [18:33] !software > s33nagain [18:33] s33nagain, please see my private message [18:33] s33nagain: type "sudo apt-get install apache2" to get Apache 2.2.8 installed and running automatically. [18:34] rwycuff, ALL folders in that dir are owned by me, but when I mkdir, or move a file via php, the dirs are created as belonging to www-data [18:34] Thanks TriedWolf! And whoever ubottu is! [18:34] lol [18:34] hi [18:35] There are some messages appearing in message kern.log syslog that I don't understand - would anyone be able to take a quick peek at it? http://www.pastebin.ca/1087362 === kolja is now known as imbehind [18:35] i915 seems to only allow 640x480...any other suggestions for an intel 82945G? [18:36] What package contains the xf86-video-intel driver? [18:36] Sake:that could be possiby because apache is running as that group [18:36] frenchmanofdeath: configure your screen with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' [18:36] Sorry, TriedWolf... what was the command again? [18:36] Hi! I can not resize my ext3 partition in gparted from the livecd, what could the reason be? [18:37] Quentusrex: are you sure you want an Xfree rather than Xorg driver? [18:37] s33nagain, as a side note, typing the first few letters of my tickname (which is TiredWolf, not TriedWolf) and then hitting TAB will get it auto-completed for you, which is handy. [18:37] Quentusrex: xserver-xorg-video-intel [18:37] Sake, php is invoked by apache2 which runs as the user www-data .. so any files created by apache or php will be owned by www-data [18:37] s33nagain: the command is "sudo apt-get install apache2". you might want to stay on the channel, this time, for any further assistance [18:37] askand: maybe it's mounted [18:37] Hey, I just switched to Ubuntu and my Mic is not working, anyone able to help me out?? [18:37] unop, Is it wise to have apache running as me? [18:37] TiredWolf: wow thanks [18:37] Sake, not you, it runs as www-data [18:37] soundray: nope [18:37] Sake:no its not wise nor safe [18:37] TiredWolf: ahhh, I see. [18:37] NPG: Is this some Asus/Intel HDA soundcard? [18:38] I have a DVD that auto mounts with no user permissions. I'm not able to mount it manually, although I've tried several options. http://paste.ubuntu.com/32283/ shows the errors I get. Can anyone help me please? [18:38] Sake, if you want any users to share directories with apache. make yourself a member of the www-data group and ensure that group has access over the directories in question. [18:38] so how do I solve this? I guess my www folder should be owned by www-data instead of me? and I should add myself to the www-data group? [18:38] TiredWolf: Thanks, and I will stay on! [18:38] genii: I have a Dell Laptop [18:38] the mic comes integrated with the laptop [18:38] Sake, s/make yourself/make those users/ [18:39] Sake, that would be the right way to do this, yes [18:39] NPG: I'll take it that means you don't know what soundcard then. What says result of command from in Terminal: lspci|grep Audio [18:39] askand: and you've started it with gksudo? [18:39] anyone know how to get the right packages for Ubuntu that allow one to automatically make control points in hugin? ptstitcher? some alternate autopano tool? [18:39] yea not sure [18:39] s33nagain: you can also install it using the "Synaptic" application in your menu (not Add/Remove Programs, though, as that will only offer a selection of graphical applications), if you're not a fan of the command line. [18:39] aah, I see. Thanks! [18:39] problem: when applications maximize, panel size is not included so e.g. vim status line is hidden (different problem if the pane is up top). Any thoughts? [18:39] Sake, and revert the ownership of the directories back to www-data too [18:40] peppo: i thought that autopano-sift (which is a dependency of hugin) did that? [18:40] Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) [18:40] unop, Now.. if I want my www folder to be within my home directory, is that bad? Can www-data write to /home/me/www if /home/me belongs to me? [18:41] heard of dynamic ip? MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA [18:41] soundray: yep, i can do things with the free space but I can not make my ext3 use the free space [18:41] you cant ban me [18:41] Sake, ~/www must be owned by the group www-data though [18:41] TiredWolf: I don't mind the command line... I never thought of Synaptic... The only reson I actually downloaded it in the first place was because I couldn't find it in Add/Remove... Next time I have a program not graphical, I'll try it! But Apache already finished installing! [18:41] !ops | Zyph3r is back [18:41] Zyph3r is back: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [18:41] i hacked localhost [18:41] !ops | Zyph3r [18:41] Zyph3r: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! [18:41] gf [18:41] gf [18:41] f [18:41] g [18:41] fg [18:41] Zyph3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:41] k-lined :) [18:41] unop, yea, but is it bad that it's in a folder that's owned by me? [18:41] TiredWolf, it doesn't here. "Create control points" is greyed out in the Images tab [18:42] unop, ie: are file ownerships inherited? [18:42] askand: can you pastebin the output from 'sudo fdisk -l' for that disk? [18:42] peppo: i'll try here. are you on hardy, hugin 0.7-beta4? [18:42] Sake, file ownerships are not inherited unless the setgid bit is set for those directories [18:42] soundray: hrm ok hold on [18:42] Sake, err, i mean parent directory [18:42] NPG: Ok, it is one which needs special attention. Follow the directions on the link which will be directed to you in a moment [18:42] TiredWolf, 8.04. sorry, ahve to go. if you find something, write to me here, I'll see it later. thanks! [18:42] !intelhda | NPG [18:42] NPG: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [18:43] TiredWolf: I don't mind the command line... I never thought of Synaptic... The only reson I actually downloaded it in the first place was because I couldn't find it in Add/Remove... Next time I have a program not graphical, I'll try it! But Apache already finished installing! [18:43] New to ubundo, have a SB Live question [18:43] s33nagain: good, it should already be running then. point your browser to "http://localhost" and see. [18:43] how do i "refresh" gnome [18:43] ? [18:43] Genii: thanks I will look into it :) [18:43] !ask | brandon__ [18:43] Hello all, need help with owerwritten mbr by windows. [18:43] brandon__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [18:43] TiredWolf: Is Apache already running? [18:44] s33nagain: it should be [18:44] Sake, your user can own the directory while the www-data group also owns it .. i.e. sudo chown $USER.www-data ~/www [18:44] I have audio coming out of my sb live, but it is not nearly as loud as when running in win xp [18:44] ? [18:44] !grub | imbehind [18:44] imbehind: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:44] boot/grub/menu.lst is cofigured but grub is overwritten with ntloader [18:44] what is the quickes way to repair? [18:44] TiredWolf: Where is it installed, and where are my htdocs? [18:44] imbehind: follow the RecoveringUbuntu... instructions ^^ [18:44] hi, [18:45] ok thanks [18:45] Sake, though i would highly recommend that you keep the DocumentRoot at /var/www and use mod_userdir to read content from ~/public_html [18:45] i messed up my tracker service :P. [18:45] (im not exactly 'new' to linux tho) [18:45] and i was wondering how to fix it... [18:45] unop, What's the advantage? [18:46] can anybody reccomend search / indexing programs... like mac's spotlight? [except gnomedo?] [18:46] Any thoughts why my sb live is not as loud as when running in win xp? [18:46] google desktop ? :p [18:46] s33nagain: no htdocs like bsd box. content is in /var/www [18:46] Sake, well, not much - just that that module was written for this very use. [18:46] linxeh: google any gud? I heard it has security issues [18:47] then again... that was for windows [18:47] i mean google desktop [18:47] anyone have any luck getting a microdia webcam to work?!?! [18:47] brandon__: double-click on the volume icon to get the Volume Control panel. Make sure Master and PCM are turned up [18:47] no idea, I dont use it : [18:47] dacubuntu: go to add/remove and search for search - the prog is called search, but it uses beagle [18:47] dacubuntu: http://linuxappfinder.com/blog/linux_desktop_search [18:47] genii: I see, thanks! I stay on, in case I have any further questions! [18:47] help ! on workspace 3 i played Gomoku using wine and after switching workspace ... Gomoku is no longer visible ?! [18:47] peppo: perhaps it's this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-472719.html or this http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_FAQ#Autopano-SIFT_can_not_be_used_from_inside_hugin_.28LINUX.29 [18:47] wow... thnx linxeh... didnt know there was a site like that [18:47] I will give it a shot. Thanks [18:47] soundray: my boot/grub/menu.lst is configured, i don't want to doit again, it seems to me that described solution overwrites it. or not? [18:48] and beagle doesnt quite work anymore... since i removed it once [18:48] soundray: http://pastebin.com/m3d9e76ab [18:48] imbehind: no [18:48] !indexing | dacubuntu [18:48] dacubuntu: Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI) [18:48] Sake, also, if you keep stuff at ~/public_html, you don't have to worry about permissions and ownership too much - just make sure www-data (the user) has the capability to read into it [18:48] s33nagain: I'll be around for at least another 5 hours [18:48] :D [18:48] look at www.microsoft.ba [18:48] :D [18:49] !ot | ahmo [18:49] ahmo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [18:49] unop, but to let www-data write to an upload folder I have to set permissions to 777, no? [18:49] askand: you're looking to expand /dev/sda2 into the space you freed by removing /dev/sda1 ? [18:49] anyone have any luck getting a microdia webcam to work?!?! [18:49] Can I also fine PHP in the Repository? [18:49] but... indexing doesnt quite work well for me... since i removed beagle the first time [18:49] gnomedo works fine tho [18:49] :) hey people, look at this funny picture www.microsoft.ba [18:49] askand: no, sorry, I see that wouldn't make sense as sda2 is swap [18:49] s33nagain: >> yes [18:49] s33nagain: Yes, there is a php5 module for apache2 [18:49] soundray: yes :) [18:50] !spam | ahmo [18:50] ahmo: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [18:50] ahmo, that was a clue to stop. this is a support channel. [18:50] (btw... is in pronounced: nome or G - nome?) [18:50] soundray: sda3 I want to exapand [18:50] asathoor: Thanks! I'll get it... [18:50] !php [18:50] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [18:50] Wow that was stupid easy. Thanks for your help [18:50] askand: is there free space behind sda3? [18:50] brandon__: we like solvable problems :) [18:50] s33nagain: libapache2-mod-php5 is the name [18:50] s33nagain: sudo apt-get install php5 [18:50] Sake, well, no .. g+w at most if www-data owns the directory, or o+w if it doesn't [18:50] soundray: nope all free space is in front of sda3 and sda2 [18:50] ;) [18:50] how to view app which is active as process but no longer visible on screen ?? command in terminal ? [18:50] soundray: do you know is the mbr overwritten if i restore image of 0,0? (Acronis true image) [18:51] ahmo, whats the puffer fish? [18:51] brane: ps -A [18:51] Greetings [18:51] thanks !!! [18:51] greetingsss [18:51] 1340 other people says "hi" [18:51] Today I started to receive I lot of tries from remote hosts to connect to my host at 8080. Everybody tries to get http://myhost:8080/manager/html. What should be happening? [18:51] what's o and g? [18:51] imbehind: I'm not familiar with that software, but I wouldn't expect it to if you explicitly ask to restore only the partition [18:51] I've a PERC/CERC ATA100/4ch on a Dell box... what raid driver do I use? [18:51] unop, what's o and g? [18:51] piero: hack attempt? [18:52] Enselic, I don't know [18:52] Enselic, Glad to know I'm not a sheep... [18:52] Sake, g=group, o=other [18:52] * Fenix|work baaaahs [18:52] !ot [18:52] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [18:52] askand: you're booted off a live CD at the moment? [18:52] soundray: yes [18:52] piero:what are you using for router or access [18:52] Should I just install the one that says PHP5? There are a lot! [18:53] s33nagain: if you want a LAMP stack, do sudo tasksel install lamp [18:53] rwycuff, I'm just a little user, behind an ADSL connection. There isn't any service in my computer, just a Apache listening 8080 [18:53] I also have ubundu installed on a secondary hard disk, created a virtual partition so I can boot to multi op sys. Ubundu is installed on a 80 gig drive, however is only showing I have 10 gigs available .... whats the deal? [18:53] I want PHP5 as an Apache mod, if that helps [18:53] !info libapache-mod-php5 | s33nagain [18:53] s33nagain: Package libapache-mod-php5 does not exist in hardy [18:53] s33nagain: if you want a LAMP stack, do sudo tasksel install lamp-server [18:54] ooo [18:54] !php > s33nagain [18:54] s33nagain, please see my private message [18:54] piero:so your pc is direct to the dsl connection [18:54] !info libapache2-mod-php5 | s33nagain [18:54] s33nagain: libapache2-mod-php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 (hardy), package size 2483 kB, installed size 5608 kB [18:54] Or how do I change the virtual partition to greater than 10 gigs [18:54] askand: I would recommend the following, somewhat time-consuming procedure. Remove sda2, create a new sda1 in all of the free space, *copy* sda3 to sda1, update menu.lst and fstab, and reinstall grub. Then you'll have two systems installed temporarily. [18:55] rwycuff, Yes, I'm behind a router.. d-link DSL500G [18:55] How did you know Im running 7.10? [18:55] rwycuff, 8080 is the only port the modem redirect to my machine [18:55] piero: sounds like either you got indexed by something, or else it is just normal web scanning trying to find vulnerable services [18:55] askand: From there you can check that contents of the new sda1 and the old sda3 are identical, then remove sda3 and create a new swap partition. [18:56] cool [18:56] s33nagain: uh? [18:56] I'm just answering a 404.. [18:56] I don [18:56] soundray: oh, then it is faster to reinstall and restore backups :) anyway thanks for your help [18:56] askand: I'm not convinced that it would be [18:56] t I don't know who, but someone said I was running Hardy Heron? [18:56] I'm afraid because I installed some packages from deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main lastday. [18:56] I scroll up again and see... [18:57] s33nagain: i don't see anybody saying that. although it's usually assumed, since it's the current version [18:57] Ubottu said it... oh... [18:57] s33nagain: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:57] s33nagain: just check with 'lsb_release -a' [18:57] !version | s33nagain [18:57] s33nagain: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [18:58] !version [18:58] s33nagain: ubottu didn't say anything about your version, it's simply set for Hardy by default. besides, Hardy is 8.04, not 7.10 [18:58] !bot > s33nagain [18:58] s33nagain, please see my private message [18:58] what is 7.10? These namess get me confused! [18:58] Description: Ubuntu 8.04.1 [18:58] 7.10 is gutsy gibbon [18:58] i think [18:58] correct [18:59] 8.04 hardy heron [18:59] syndr0: oh. [18:59] s33nagain: hint: it's been following the alphabet since dapper [18:59] lol [18:59] yay [18:59] s33nagain: anyway, lsb_release -a will tell you both name and number [18:59] can anyone help me with compiling drivers [18:59] IM Stuck! [18:59] Then waht are they going to use for "i" (the next release) :-/ [18:59] darn microdia webcams! [19:00] syndr0: only if you can convince me that you have to [19:00] s33nagain, impotent ibus [19:00] !webcam > syndr0 [19:00] syndr0, please see my private message [19:00] th0r: o_o [19:00] ive followed the directions to installing drivers [19:00] but im stuck [19:01] soundray: some googling seems to suggest his brand is indeed not supported, though [19:01] i even folowed google group directions [19:01] what packages do I need in order to change my laptop display brightness? [19:01] TiredWolf: ah, that's too bad. syndr0, can you return your webcam for an exchange? [19:01] gord_, there is an applet that might work in the screenlet package [19:02] th0r, wasn't there an option in power management? [19:02] gord_: it depends a bit on the laptop -- the feature is sometimes supported, sometimes not [19:02] gord_, not sure...I don't use gnome [19:02] gord_: in most cases, it needs a kernel driver [19:02] probably [19:02] th0r, soundray, I remember having the option in gutsy [19:03] but where i got my webcam its the only one they got [19:03] ill just keep it for my moms laptop [19:03] !intrepid > s33nagain [19:03] s33nagain, please see my private message === sean is now known as Guest88214 [19:03] ill buy another one for my pooter [19:03] i bought my web cam at walgreens [19:03] ROFL [19:03] but its cause i work there [19:03] employee discount bay bee [19:03] syndr0, if you can do that, then yes, it's probably better to get one that's supported out of the box in Ubuntu. [19:04] s33nagain, I was close [19:04] you know of one? [19:04] syndr0: unfortunately, it's a bit unpredictable which ones will be supported. Logitech ones tend to work [19:04] off hand? [19:04] Is http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu/ a secure site? [19:04] ty [19:04] syndr0: all of these https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [19:04] th0r: very! [19:04] hai [19:04] ty wolf. god i love linux users [19:04] all so friendly and willing to help [19:05] i love this community [19:05] piero: what do you mean by secure since it is on launchpad it's safe to use [19:05] ::tear runs down face:: [19:05] lol [19:05] syndr0: they are just after your money though [19:05] who [19:05] syndr0: at least, i mean, the ones where it says "Yes" in the table under "Supported" and "Works"... [19:05] Hi I am having trouble installing openvpn on a ubuntu virtual machine..I followed the instruction step by step but unable to get it to work. Can any one out there help?? [19:05] !enter | syndr0 [19:05] syndr0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:05] syndr0: Linux users. Just kidding [19:05] kitche, thanks.. I'm a newbie :D [19:05] rofl..... [19:06] hey guys, help me out with a command here...something like sudo apt get basic configurations or something, anyone know what I want? ;) [19:06] but isnt the enter key part of punctuation.... it means ... new line please?!?! [19:06] Hi guys when I go into System Settings then Desktop I go and try to set 4 desktops but when I save it goes right back to 1 desktop [19:06] Im installing Lamp now.. Will this go over the APache stuff I just did? [19:06] install I just did [19:07] syndr0: just don't overuse it. And do ask before you pm. Anyway, the trouble seems to be in the driver code itself [19:07] kitche, and what about deb http://akirad.cinelerra.org akirad-hardy main ? [19:07] ubilicios, right clicking on workspace and changing values doesnt help? [19:07] is it safe? [19:07] can someone help me with openVPN??? [19:07] Nope I set it to 4 then save then I go back its one again [19:07] piero: don't know but I'd say yes since it's cinelerra own repo really for their software [19:08] ok so i got a quetion [19:08] ubilicios, if yoiu are using compiz you'll have to change the value from compiz config [19:08] i would like to get a tool similar to nLite [19:08] for Slackware [19:08] I want to make my own fork of Slackware [19:08] wihtout LFS [19:08] !enter | Jarrhed [19:08] Jarrhed: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:08] and without NimbleX [19:08] kitche: thank you again [19:08] ok [19:08] Shujah: Thats under general options? [19:08] I'm Installing LAMP using "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" and it is stalling at 0% [19:08] ty [19:08] I want to mkae my own fork of Slackware, wihtout lfs and without nimbleX. Is there anyone who knows of the tools for this [19:09] Jarrhed: well considering this is #ubuntu and not ##slackware [19:09] :) hey people, look at this funny picture www.microsoft.ba [19:09] ubilicios, menu > sys > pref > advanced desktop effects [19:09] ok, still looking for the command...know it's something like sudo apt get install basic configurations or something, nobody has any idea? [19:09] Jarrhed: this channel is not for Slackware questions, really === eccitato is now known as debian_way [19:09] Shujah: yeah I know that but after that is it in the General Options [19:09] erlend_: build-essential? [19:09] this might not be the channel to ask about creating a slackware fork [19:09] How does the emerald theme manager work? i cant seem to get it to change the themes. Ive got two installed but how to i activate them [19:10] soundray: ty! [19:10] nevermind... [19:10] Shujah: Because in there under the Desktop tab is a spot to set desktops unfortunately I can't move it to more then 1 [19:10] alphaman: double click [19:10] erlend_: the full command is 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' [19:10] kitche i did that [19:10] hi [19:10] hi [19:10] ş need help [19:10] i [19:10] alphaman: then submit and close should activate it [19:10] soundray: thanks alot, m8 [19:10] kitche, submit? [19:11] i cant install java on ubuntu [19:11] !java | yuhaqya [19:11] yuhaqya: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [19:11] Are there any Graphical Administration tools for MySQL in linux? [19:11] s33nagain: yes [19:11] alphaman: close whatever emerald theme manager uses to apply themes and close it [19:11] s33nagain phpmyadmin [19:11] ubilicios, in adv effects settings > general > desktop size 1st value to 4 last two to 1 [19:11] s33nagain: mysql-admin [19:12] I can burn CD-RWs but I can't burn CD-Rs with Serpentine, why is this? [19:12] Shujah: Ok i have it like that but I can't switch by clicking any of the desktop numbers [19:12] s33nagain: i suggest typing "apt-cache search mysql front". the answer is yes anyway [19:12] Is anyone patient and bored enough to help walk me through my first wine install? I've already tried every guide I could google up :-/ [19:12] !packages > s33nagain [19:12] s33nagain, please see my private message [19:12] kitche, umm thats a bit confusing. shouldent the program have an icon in the status bar? [19:12] because there is not one [19:12] Voxicles: well, what's wrong with sudo apt-get install wine? [19:12] Voxicles: 'sudo apt-get install wine', then 'winecfg' === Zack_ is now known as FeelTheBeat [19:13] alphaman: if you have emerald running it should but not emerald theme manager [19:13] TiredWolf: I got that far already, I even kinda installed what I needed from an .iso from the archive manager of that iso, but now i can't run the game without the cd, which I obviously don't have lol [19:13] ubilicios, sorry didnt get you - you can't switch from one desktop to another? [19:13] SNuxoll: thanks! I'm guessing PHPmyAdmin is a/inthe repository? [19:13] Shujah: Yeah I can't [19:13] Voxicles: why can't you run the game without the cd? [19:14] I click on one of the numbered squares and it wont switch [19:14] ubilicios, what happens when you ctrl+alt+left aroow key? [19:14] s33nagain: yes, but it requires you to have an apache setup, wheras mysql-admin does not [19:14] is there a way to disable firefox 3 and stumbleupon's relation to each other? [19:14] TiredWolf: Starcraft requires the CD to be ran, I tried creating a new drive that points the the directory of the iso, but it's not working [19:14] kitche, ahh i got it i had to make it replace the gdm [19:14] Shujah: Nothing happens [19:14] hi all [19:14] SNuxoll: Does LAMP count as an Apache setup? [19:14] Voxicles, you aren't by any chance how to bypass a game's copy protection? [19:15] s33nagain: yes [19:15] can anybody help me with copying and pasting in vmware in ubuntu [19:15] SNuxoll: Thanks [19:15] I cannot play DVD's on my dual boot system. Any ideas? [19:16] Whats the OS X Freenode channel? [19:16] HELP. i'm in low res graphics mode, and ubuntu cant detect my intergrated graphics on my motherboard [19:16] TiredWolf: As far as I've read, the only step is to point to the iso's directory with winecfg, according to the few starcraft install guides I read [19:16] !dvd | RawkFish [19:16] ubilicios, thats weird [19:16] do u have the right codecs [19:16] RawkFish: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [19:16] Tarrence: ##mac [19:16] ubottu, can you help with vmware stuff [19:16] darshan: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:16] anyone know how to change their ip? [19:16] yes DVD soundry [19:16] Shujah: Its nothing major I wanted to mess around with the cube effect with multiple desktops [19:16] Since I finished installing Lamp, I guess I have PHP now, right? [19:16] Yup [19:16] s33nagain: yes [19:17] Voxicles, i'm not helping you pirate a game, honestly. you should have the CD [19:17] RawkFish: read what ubottu said ^^ [19:17] I'll test it out with a PHP scirpt... [19:17] Shujah: But don't get me wrong its going to eat me up inside untill I figure it out [19:17] Thank you UBOTTU [19:17] s33nagain: LAMP, Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP [19:17] RawkFish: the bot appreciates your gratitude [19:17] SNuxoll: thanks [19:17] anyone able to help me get my high res graphics going? [19:17] whats the cmd to delete a folder and all of its contents? [19:17] the ubuntu start up page has the right res settings, but once i get into the desktop, it goes to 800x600 [19:18] leftheart: configure it with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' [19:18] PHP my admin just finished installing in Synaptic... How do I access it? [19:18] sry for the stupid question [19:18] Tiredwolf: It's not really pirated since I had to buy the CDKey to paly online :-P [19:18] ubilicios, dude you might wanna check your settings against the one provided on tip 10 in this page > http://www.futuredesktop.com/ [19:18] leftheart: or maybe even simpler: [19:18] Shujah: Will do. Thanks [19:18] simple is good. i'm new [19:18] leftheart: System-Preferences-Screen Resolution [19:19] no it only gives me 2 options, 800, 400 [19:19] leftheart: okay, configure it with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' [19:19] I suppose I can just burnt he iso's [19:19] im having problems on the installation i burned the image to the disk and go to my boot menu and select boot from disk but from there when i select to install but it just sort of freezes [19:19] Hi there [19:19] well when it starts it gives me the option to configure it, but it doesnt list my manufacture [19:19] HELP>>> i cant delete a folder because of permission denied, how can i delete it through the terminal [19:20] leftheart: try generic settings then [19:20] !sudo > syndr0 [19:20] syndr0, please see my private message [19:20] Syndr0: Right click the folder, and set the access permisions to 'read and right' [19:20] i cant set permissions [19:20] says im not root [19:20] How do I access PHPmyadmin after installing it through Synaptic? [19:20] syndr0: read the pm that ubottu sent [19:20] syndr0: use the sudo command if your in the admin group [19:20] i know [19:20] Syndr0: oh, then read what the bot sent you :-) [19:21] but whats the cmd to delete [19:21] Voxicles: possibly a hint, [19:21] !mountiso > Voxicles [19:21] i understand to use sudo [19:21] Voxicles, please see my private message [19:21] !cli > syndr0 [19:21] syndr0, please see my private message [19:21] but i dont know where remove or deldir or wat [19:21] in that same config screen...or is there a way to reset ubuntu,,,,see i took out myhd2600xt video card, and i just want to go back to my original motherboard intergrated vga... [19:21] syndr0, its rm - man rm [19:21] syndr0: are you trying to delete something through terminal? [19:21] leftheart: You can try wiping out /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if that helps. [19:21] syndr0: because you don't have permission to through gui? [19:21] test [19:21] what is the cleanest way to restart X in ubuntu? [19:21] yea [19:21] I would recommend making a backup copy just in case. [19:21] how? [19:22] mrwoody: Log out of GNOME, log back in? [19:22] syndr0: if that is the case, then goto terminal, hit sudo nautilus [19:22] syndr0: you should have root access to whatever you want. [19:22] mrwoody: if you can't log out and log back in, you'll likely have to hit control-alt-backspace [19:22] mrwoody >> sudo restart [19:22] SeveredCross: does it restart X? [19:22] leftheart: Boot into the recovery console. [19:22] through the gui? [19:22] mrwoody: Yes, it should. [19:22] SeveredCross: ok... thanks [19:22] Restart X by pressing Ctrl+Start+Backspace [19:22] how can i change my ip in ubuntu [19:22] syndr0: yes through the gui. this is what got me passed a couple hiccups recently, through many different hard drives and external hard drives [19:22] leftheart: if you mean me, it would help if you used my nickname [19:22] Control+Start? [19:22] gtudan: is that clean? ;-) [19:22] ty [19:22] syndr0: as i said before, be careful though =D [19:22] help: I cant pass from "Generating locales... en_AU.UTF-8..." [19:22] after I edited /etc/sudoers, I can't use sudo anymore, because I always get this error ">>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 24 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 24" [19:22] is there a way to make it work again? [19:22] Th3_KID: ifconfig [19:23] sorry alt [19:23] syndr0: sudo nautilus [19:23] how do you take it off [19:23] im updating ubuntu [19:23] :-> [19:23] !java | JaxDragon [19:23] JaxDragon, please see my private message [19:23] syndr0: just close the two boxes [19:23] How can I access PHPMyAdmin? [19:23] looked to long at that keyboard... [19:23] reese: Boot into recovery mode, edit the file from there. [19:23] huh? [19:23] reese: boot in recovery mode and run visudo from there [19:23] reese: did you edit it with visudo ? [19:23] syndr0: where did i lose you [19:23] gtudan, who are you talking with? [19:23] as soon as i close the terminal i nautilus from it will end the root stuff [19:23] syndr0, open terminal > sudo rmdir dirname [19:24] syndr0: yeah, keep terminal open while yuo are messign with everything [19:24] bash: help: no help topics match `rmdir'. Try `help help' or `man -k rmdir' or `info rmdir'. [19:24] syndr0: tyr man rmdir instead [19:25] test [19:25] how can i disable the ATI restricted driver from the CL? [19:25] abbazabba then once i close that terminal it will end the nautilus? [19:25] cypha: goto system - administration - hardward drivers? [19:26] cypha: just remove fglrx from xorg.conf [19:26] i can't see X [19:26] I can I access PHPmyadmin from the browser??? [19:26] I am unable to changes threms, I am using interid (person had me install it, when help with video for ATI) should not done so. [19:26] do printer drivers work in virtualbox? [19:26] krazihrz: no, via kate. kde here [19:26] any helper for me? [19:26] is wma 9 going to get fixed on ubuntu 64bit? [19:26] kitche, or perhaps do you know how I can choose DVI output? [19:26] syndr0: i just tried it and it didn't end it, but while iwas doing everything i kept the terminal open just for good measure [19:26] because I think that may be the problem [19:26] cypha: nope no clue really [19:26] k, thanks tho [19:26] How can I access PHPMyAdmin form the browser? [19:26] TiredWolf, Thanks, got it, was just forgetting the last part of the mounting process :-) [19:26] logi4023: what is wrong with wma 9 and what is wma I think I know what it is but making sure [19:27] reese: usualy visudo is the editor you are required to use to edit sudoers [19:27] syndr0: as i was making changes, terminal had some code running or something. [19:27] s33nagain: Usually the url is localhost/myphpadmin/ [19:27] kitche -- the audio decoder does not work [19:27] syndr0: like everytime i made a change, the terminal would change too.. [19:27] i did that [19:27] ty [19:28] anyone got wma 9 encoded audios working on u64? [19:28] that will help me a lot [19:28] krazihrz: so will I be able to edit it from recovery mode? thanks, i'll use visudo now on [19:28] ??? localhost/MYphpadmin ??? Why not phpmyadmin? [19:28] in future [19:28] when i try to suspend/hibernate it seems to work (everything goes off), but then the computer wakes back up immediately. is there any way i can debug what's going on there? [19:28] nope. [19:28] doesn't work [19:28] How do I install a program that is not a regular ubuntu-program? it's linux, but not standard, so I cant choose it from the manager... I went to the url and choose to download it...now the file is on my desktop, but how do I start the installation of it? [19:28] nevermind! [19:28] s33nagain: eg: http://yourservername/phpmyadmin [19:29] !enter > syndr0, please! [19:29] syndr0,, please see my private message [19:29] abbazabba, is there something similar to a buddy list on irc? [19:29] erlend_: depends on what kind of file it is [19:29] genii: thx [19:29] reese: yes, you will need to have root access to edit it, and you can't do that currently because sudo will not work [19:29] kitche: rpm [19:29] reese: so recovery is the way to go [19:29] what's a good text editor that works from within terminal? [19:29] erlend_: well rpm do not really work on ubuntu [19:29] sry sry sry srysr ysryrsyrsyrsyrsyrsyrsryrsyrsyyrsrsyyrs [19:29] cypha: For beginners, nano [19:30] nano cypha [19:30] beginners? [19:30] watbout gedit? [19:30] it's a txt editor [19:30] kitche: ah, that figures why it's not working... any way to get around it? [19:30] krazihrz: thank you [19:30] cypha: just learn vi, you'll thank yourself later [19:30] !alien | erlend_ [19:30] erlend_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [19:30] !alien > erlend_ you could use this but I find it not great [19:30] erlend_, please see my private message [19:31] bazz, thanks [19:31] syndr0: i think irc has a friends list, but i haven't used irc to it's full potential since like 2000. irc is so massive it's crazy. [19:31] kitche: thanks alot for you help =) [19:31] cypha: it will seem crazy at frist, but it will begin to make sense, and then you'll love it [19:31] ifconfig down [19:31] down: error fetching interface information: Device not found... could someone explain why i get this error [19:32] Th3_KID: because you haven't got a network interface that's called 'down' [19:32] abbazabba , rgr that, i just started to really use it, and no where near its full potential [19:32] hello all [19:32] Th3_KID, you need to tell it the interface - ifconfig down eth0 [19:32] th0r: is that the correct order? [19:32] Th3_KID, or just 'ifdown eth0' [19:33] i've booted the Ubuntu 8.04 server install, hitted F4 and found onlye "Normal" as possible mode, i want the LTSP Server mode as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall [19:33] syndr0: if you are going through pidgin or something, you have no idea of the scale of irc.. this is just one server =D [19:33] soundray, you're right....ifconfig eth0 down (according to man) [19:33] i use pidgin for aim [19:33] im on xchat [19:33] oopppss with the enter thing SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [19:34] hehehe [19:34] loca|host: With the Hardy Heron (8.04) release the LTSP installer functionallity developed in edubuntu was moved to the Ubuntu alternate CD. [19:34] !msg ubottu md5 [19:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about msg ubottu md5 [19:34] syndr0: you can make things even worse by spamming with your keyboard repeat [19:34] so, no ideas on why suspend/hibernate would wake back up right away? [19:34] syndr0: just behave as a professional would [19:34] i am pretty dang happy that my xbox 360 can stream off of ubuntu [19:34] bazz: maybe your mouse is moving a tad [19:34] soundray: i did it. tx [19:34] sheesh , abbazabba explain... [19:35] but what is ltsp? [19:35] kitche: would that wake it up? it's a good theory, i'm gonna test it out, brb [19:35] imbehind: well done [19:35] syndr0: what am i explaining? =] [19:35] kitche: what if I have a tar.gz file, can that be installed? [19:35] erlend_: yes might need to be compiled though [19:35] streaming off ubunutu with your xbox360 [19:35] what replaces the Screens and Graphics dialog in Hardy? [19:36] kitche: the file I have is supposed to be pre-compiled... [19:36] syndr0: when ubuntu is running, i just goto my 360, goto media, select video and it comes up.. it's called twonky vision, want a link? [19:36] Hi. Been trying to install gnome desktop which I accidentally uninstalled. have been getting "Unable to fetch some archeves" when I keep trying over the last 3 hours [19:36] syndr0: it does it through windows too if you didn't know. [19:36] using: sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop [19:36] When I try to gksudo into Ex Falso as another user, the program won't open. The shell gives a bunch of errors. What is going on here? [19:36] erlend_: yep works most likely it's static compiled [19:36] Can anyone advise ples? [19:36] soundray: i had one annomaly configurin grub. want to hear about it? [19:36] Tim: apt-get update; apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [19:36] abbazabba: I would really like that link...gonna do the same on my cpu and 360 =) [19:36] zetheroo: is it gtk-display-properties [19:37] kitche: don't think that was it. unplugged my external mouse and closed the lid and same thing [19:37] imbehind: please [19:37] i dont have a 360, or any console for that matter, i was just curious as to why youd wanan do that and what it does [19:37] inspyre: where is that located? [19:37] erlend_: i'm not sure about the rules with the links in here so check your private messages in about one minute [19:37] zetheroo: displayconfig-gtk [19:37] abbazabba: hero of the day, ty [19:38] zetheroo: /usr/bin [19:38] kitche: ok, so now that it can be run...how do I install the tar.gz file? [19:38] soundray: grub documentation asks for using map for remaping partition, and thats what during automatic install was done for me (i have 4 hdds)... [19:38] inspyre: oh .. so its a file that needs editing in gedit? [19:38] erlend_: extract it [19:38] zetheroo: no just run the command [19:38] does it take a long time for md5sum to return a result when run on a 700mb iso? [19:39] krazihrz: thx. produces same error msg. [19:39] running ifconfig eth0 down should kill all connections to the www right? [19:39] histo: takes overnight on a 486 [19:39] soundray: root (hd2,0) [19:39] Tim: you removed gnome you said? [19:39] soundray: omg [19:39] soundray: is sha1 faster? [19:39] soundray: thats where my other sys resides (winxp) [19:39] #join [19:40] zetheroo: if you have an nvidia card installing nvidia-settings is better [19:40] histo: seriously, on a recent machine it will only take a few minutes [19:40] soundray: but its not working that way [19:40] erlend_: you got a message [19:40] =] [19:40] krazihrz: desktop - I think. [19:40] this may sound stupid, but, how come it seems some applications in the repositories are completely fake ? i search my whole drive for any record of them and find none. they have no link to the program. [19:40] inspyre: ok thanks [19:40] Tim: you uninstalled ubuntu-desktop by accident? [19:40] imbehind: yeah, multiple disks and BIOS/OS misunderstandings happen quite often [19:40] soundray: Yeah i'm just trying to verify this download want to know what the md5 is of the file I have. [19:40] soundray: must be set to root (hd0,0), and it works then without remap [19:41] is there such a thing as fake applications in the repositories ? [19:41] Hey, anyone know how to turn off scrolling through the desktop cube with your mousewheel? [19:41] not the dummy ones in which i know why they are there [19:41] soundray: bios playing smart eh? [19:41] krazihrz: Yes. wsa uninstalling, re-instaling ALsa [19:41] soundray: thanks alot (im in ubuntu right now) [19:42] Tim: did you enable the universe repo? [19:42] Anyone else unable to bind a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal? === lbe_ is now known as lbe [19:42] imbehind: well, I don't know whether any party can be blamed -- some BIOSes have an option you can set to influence the timing of drives starting up [19:42] lbe : theres a global hotkey spot for it [19:42] pour ceux qui veulent decouvrir picasa2 : http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html [19:42] koko si [19:42] lbe : in the keyboard shortcuts [19:42] a l'air vraiment pas mal [19:42] krazihrz: I think it was enabled. [19:42] sorry, mistake [19:42] Tim: verify in /etc/apt/source.list [19:42] krazihrz: under system -> preferences? [19:43] ok, will check. thx [19:43] sebastien: grave ;) [19:43] lbe: yeah [19:43] doesn't work for you? [19:43] nope [19:43] What are that program, where you can install other popular programs with?? I think its something with "Tweak" but im not sure :) [19:43] i assigned it to F1 worked like a champ [19:43] and when I go back there it says that I dont have a key bound to open terminal. All the other keybindings work [19:44] try setting it to something easy [19:44] soundray: winxp is on hd2,0 btw i have 4hdds and 13 partitions and im glad that everithing is ok now [19:44] that's odd... I bound it to alt+U and it worked [19:45] but ctrl+alt+T does not [19:45] krazihrz: Midnight Commander won't let me view it (stopped) [19:45] lbe: the keybinding may have already been in use or possibly illegal [19:45] krazihrz: seems like it, thanks alot [19:45] soundray: thanks again [19:45] Tim: open a terminal and less /etc/apt/sources.list [19:45] bye all. the less i see you the better !!! :>) (everything works then) [19:45] I have this folding@home program at my computer and I did in the past edit so that it would run automatically when the computer starts. Unfortunately I don't remember how I did this (followed a guide). Where would a reasonable place be to add data so that my program is run automatically? [19:46] exit [19:46] Qwerty_: system>prefs>sessions [19:46] krazihrz: Lames, but how do I oen Termianl from/in command line? === servidorespillo is now known as servidorespillo[ [19:47] Tim: command line is terminal [19:47] or close enough anyway [19:47] ejer: No, sorry. I know that I edited som .rc file (or similar name) and I think I also created an .sh file [19:48] ok then Qwerty_ heh mine sounds more 'reasonable' ;) === allquixotic_borg is now known as allquixotic [19:49] krazihrz: gksudo chmod -x /bin/* [19:49] Hey Genii, you still here? [19:49] ejer: Yeah, it does! I'm about to update my folding client and so would like to remove the old version. At least now I know sessions is the thing way to do it :) [19:49] krazihrz: OK done. [19:49] travelhun: Somewhat [19:49] travelhun: Same issue of non-detection of drives? [19:51] hi.. i have a problem with my sound on ubuntu 8.04... whenever i play stuff on rythmbox or somethin i cant hear anythin on youtube.. and once i close it.. youtube becomes audible but i cant play noraml music.. basically its kinda exclusive.. can anyone please help me with this? [19:51] solved! I found the guide I followed! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12071 [19:51] Right, thanks. I have now downloaded 8.04.1 alternate and even 7.04 should all else fail. But I have one question before I start: You said that my CD misses the drivers. But when I boot the system from the very CD I installed from, as a live system, then it has no trouble whatsoever mounting the very harddisks that the installed system can't. Is that possible if the drivers are missing? [19:51] anyone know why doing [19:51] clint@clint-laptop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [19:51] sudo: unable to resolve host clint-laptop [19:52] Hey, last night I was able to start a session in gnome and kde4, but this morning whenever i try to start a session using anything other than failsafe, it just freezes up, anyone have this problem before? [19:52] !hostname | alph [19:52] alph: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [19:52] !hostname | alphaman [19:52] alphaman: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [19:52] travelhun: It means the drivers are available on the cd then. But possibly not being installed to the initrd of the installed box [19:52] jparishy: Might have something to do with the Display Mangers (KDM or GDM) [19:52] hi.. i have a problem with my sound on ubuntu 8.04... whenever i play stuff on rythmbox or somethin i cant hear anythin on youtube.. and once i close it.. youtube becomes audible but i cant play noraml music.. basically its kinda exclusive.. can anyone please help me with this?.. its really important === _Wicks_ is now known as Wicks [19:53] legend2440, i set it up right in the network gui but its not aepting [19:53] Flare183: i was thinking that, i think it's using gdm right now, i'll try switching to kdm [19:53] jparishy: ok [19:53] Genii: All right, is there a way to install them to the initrd? Perhaps by reconstructing initrd from the kernel package? [19:53] @gauravkumar libflashsupport get it [19:53] eeeeeeeeeeeeeee [19:54] alphaman: open /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files make sure /etc/hosts matches whats in /etc/hostname [19:54] Hello when I try to ssh to a remote computer it fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [19:54] krazihrz: for x in `seq 1 100`; do xsnow -snowflakes 1000&; done [19:54] phaverkamp: thanks [19:54] krazihrz: s/&;/&/ [19:55] gibt's für firefox ein geiles Plugin, das auch midifiles abspielt? mochte nicht immer nur timidity öffnen müssen. [19:55] travelhun: Yes, you can edit the initrd conf file to add whatever driver it is (probably something like nv_sata or whatever) then rebuild the initrd (might need chroot for that) [19:55] @gauravkumar It worked for me, for my friend, he said firefox crashed more often. To each his own [19:55] I could ssh to it before, but now it fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [19:55] I can ping and telnet to port 22 but ssh fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [19:55] legend2440 they dont but i cant change it i have no permssion [19:56] sorry, ok. I ask in englich. is there a plugin for firefox to play midi-files directly? [19:56] the line before the connection reset is debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent is there a way to ssh without the KEXINIT ? [19:56] hi, is there a reason why my wireless won't connect unless i restart my router? everytime. [19:56] Hey, after the last kernal update my video doesn't work, its nvidia. =\ [19:56] !de | pogay [19:56] pogay: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [19:56] alphaman: in terminal gksudo gedit /etc/hosts edit file and save it [19:56] Any way to fix that? [19:56] phaverkamp: its still mutually exclusive... either youtube (flash on firefox) or rythmbox or somethin lik that [19:56] bazz, i'm reading up on Vi, and I really don't do system admin or programming [19:56] hi there [19:57] any other reason to have it? [19:57] cypha: as an editor [19:57] lol [19:57] bazhang, cmon you are ssh master [19:57] well, any other reason to haev it over emacs? [19:57] genii: Ahh I might have found a part of the problem: There is no initrd.conf file here, only two img files.... sheesh what a lousy install. I guess I'll building initrd then [19:57] is there an application to connection to a PPPOE connection ? with a GUI ? [19:57] cypha: nope it's just a feel thing really [19:57] cypha, emacs takes up a lot of space compared to vi [19:57] when I'm going to install a program, where do I have to put the file? When I put in the install-command I get "could not find package" [19:58] hmm [19:58] cypha: myself I have vim and vi installed [19:58] oh, i thought it was the same thing? [19:58] JaredTizzle - did you install your nVidia drivers using the download from nVidia.com or from Ubuntu repo's? [19:59] Hi, I fiddled with the mount settings for my iPod by clicking properties on it. Now it won't mount, complaining about invalid mount options. However, the menu where I previously changed it is gone. Is there a way I can make ubuntu forget about the encounter with the ipod and treat it as a "fresh" device? [19:59] cypha: vim is gnu clone, nvi is a clone of vi(original editor some call it vi like I do) [19:59] cyh [19:59] any clients for mounting using webdav ? [19:59] ahh, gotcha [19:59] why can't I find acroread in any of these package managers? [19:59] can anyone help me with permission settings for /var folders? [19:59] cypha: vim and vi does some things a tad different really from my usages that I can tell [19:59] msmarc: what's problem? [19:59] how do I install acroread? [20:00] is there an application to connection to a PPPOE connection ? with a GUI ? [20:00] msmarc, here are my permissions from /var http://paste.ubuntu.com/32307/ [20:00] stinger05: yea but most aren't that good [20:00] @phaverkamp: my firefox crashed immdiately after installin libflashsupport [20:00] or they are buggy [20:00] I am trying to install updates but I keep geting this error message E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg--configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open () failed please report? [20:00] i have this weird issue where i start my vpn connection but it wont connect till i ssh into my box and run http://pastie.org/244267, i thought doing this once would work but it seems i have to do it everytime i want to create a connection [20:00] k, thank kitche, good to know [20:00] stinger05, isn't there a network manager by default that sits in the tray? [20:00] adamw9678, run the command it tells you. [20:00] !PPPOE | stinger05 [20:00] stinger05: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE [20:01] kitche: as minimal editors may be nano or the editor from mc are more "userfriendly" for a beginner than vi [20:01] Help! I can ping and telnet to port 22 but ssh fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [20:01] HELP!! Need help with realtek wireless in 64 bit hardy [20:01] What is the best ftp server for ubuntu? [20:01] adac, proftpd [20:02] how do i chat with one person? [20:02] pogay: thanks but that's not what he asked he asked about vi not which one is more user friendly for a beginner [20:02] hwilde: thx [20:02] msmarc, /msg thatperson [20:02] hwilde: actually i wanted a 3rd party program which has a GUI [20:02] how do I check if my system is using the 64 bit version of ubuntu? [20:02] I try to connect to my VNC-Server vie my Internet IP from my local mashine. It doesnt work. Port 5900 isis routed to my local lan-ip. dyndns is uccessful. ping ok. hardy 64bit, any ideas? [20:02] stinger05, follow the link from the bot and search around [20:02] are there any gui's for pptp vpn creation ? [20:02] how in the world can i get my wifi in 64 bit hardy?? [20:02] cansoomebody try maybe [20:02] Qwerty_: uname -a and see what it says for arch [20:02] do people generally like azureus better than transmission? [20:02] are there any gui's for pptp vpn creation ? [20:03] kitche: Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP [20:03] !wireless | TottyAdams [20:03] TottyAdams: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [20:03] yeah no help to me [20:03] Qwerty_: that's only the first part it should say x86_64 or x86 [20:03] read them all [20:03] not working [20:03] cypherdelic-> what is the ip of your host? and the ip of your vncserver? [20:03] kitche: oh, it says: i686 [20:03] Trying to install a file I have downloaded, but getting the error "cant find package", any special directory I have to have the files in for this to work? [20:03] !realtek | TottyAdams [20:03] TottyAdams: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b [20:04] did you looked on the blacklist? TottyAdams? may youre hardware is not supported? [20:04] Qwerty_: then it's 32bit [20:04] amenado: please wait i message you [20:04] Hi, first of all sorry for my bad english, i want to know if exist a decent video editor for Linux [20:04] cypherdelic-> no PM, i cant accept PM [20:04] Qwerty_: I was gonna show you what mine says :) since my uname is a bit different really [20:05] Missed a space [20:05] amende then try my ip ;) [20:05] how can i read ext3 partitions on windows xp ? [20:05] stinger05, you can't, windows sux [20:06] hehe [20:06] tell mem about it :D [20:06] Qwerty_: see this is what mine says http://pastebin.ca/1087483 [20:06] stinger05 i mean you can not mount it on windows [20:06] stinger05-> get a driver loaded in xp so you can read ext3 [20:06] stinger05, you can read fat32 in both. and linux can read ntfs [20:06] how can I reset the default mount options for a device? [20:06] i try to re-formulate my question, there a decent video editor for Linux? [20:06] Trying to install a file I have downloaded, but getting the error "cant find package", any special directory I have to have the files in for this to work? [20:06] erlend_, what are you trying to install? [20:06] erlend_-> which package? [20:06] hwilde: the aircrack-ng [20:07] kitche: Is it true that only the 64 bit version can detect 4GB RAM? [20:07] erlend_, sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng [20:07] amenado: tryp dyndns cypherdelic.kicks-ass.org [20:07] Qwerty_, 32bit can only go up to about 3.5G. 64Bit can go much much higher [20:07] amenado: how can i get a driver for that ? [20:07] cypherdelic-> and what is the host ip address you are trying to use vncviewer from? [20:07] hwilde: I have 4GB however mine does only detect 3GB. [20:07] stinger05-> google for it? [20:07] ext3 read/write support for windows: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [20:08] hwilde: lol, ben doing that 5 times, and always gotten error...try it one more time, and it works...thanks =) [20:08] Qwerty_, it is a mathematical restriction of 32bits. [20:08] amenado: the same physical mashine [20:08] erlend_, yep. [20:08] ok thanks alot guys, :) [20:08] Qwerty_: apparently the ubuntu-server kernel has highmem support, but may as well go 64 bit if you have 4G+ [20:08] amenado: please try my dynds in viewer, does it ask you for a password? [20:08] cypherdelic->can you paste your ifconfig ? [20:09] Anyone know how to change the windowbar color in Hardy-Gnome? [20:09] amenado: only if you first try to view my dyndnss please [20:09] ejer and hwilde: How stable is the 64 bit version? I am considering trying it out [20:09] !themes | Thanatos [20:09] Thanatos: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [20:09] Qwerty_, it is as stable as your hardware [20:09] Qwerty_: been using it for a looong time [20:09] cypherdelic-> yes, it prompts for password [20:10] is there a gui for pptp server creation. having problem routing traffic [20:10] ok then everything i quite right, the problem is that i try to connect in a internet loop [20:10] !changethemes [20:10] To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes [20:10] how do I best upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit? And I don't want it to remove programs I have installed so far [20:10] !clone | Qwerty_ [20:10] Qwerty_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [20:10] amenado: ok then everything i quite right, the problem is that i try to connect in a internet loop, so i get connection refused, or something [20:11] yes? no? maybe? [20:11] cypherdelic-> okay [20:11] is there anyway to remove "hibernate" from the options menu in the log-in (Human) screen? I disabled gnome-power-manager/general/can_hibernate -- and that removed it from the shutdown dialog, but not from the login menu. [20:11] amenado: thanks for your help [20:11] deadbeef, locate hibernate [20:11] cypherdelic-> you are welcome [20:12] oh nice command [20:12] I didn't know of it :P [20:12] Where i can find a good/simple/decent video editor for Linux? a sort of Movie Maker... [20:12] you can use kine [20:12] why SCIM doesn't work like MS IME does? [20:12] sorry kino :D [20:12] is there a gui for pptp server creation. having problem routing traffic [20:12] Innopeor: could try http://lives.sourceforge.net/index.php?do=screenshots [20:13] thanks ejer [20:13] nownot, did you search in synaptic [20:13] hwilde: yes counldnt find anything [20:13] Innopeor: also kino and cinelerra [20:14]

i have a question how do i write in the menu.lst a mac thing because i have installed mac too and i would like to start it but the grub don show it [20:14] nownot, search on getdeb.net ? [20:14] ejer, cinelerra it's too complicated and kino is not good for my work [20:14] and upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit is pretty secure? I don't neet some sort of backup of my HDD? [20:14] *need [20:14] Innopeor: they all have their issues... [20:14] p, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632624 GRUB Entry for Mac OS X [20:14] Qwerty_, you cannot upgrade from 32b to 64b [20:15] hwilde: yes search for pptp gives me nothing [20:15] nownot, then it probably does not exist [20:15] is there any way to not dim the screen when you lock your session, but instead just show you the password prompt? [20:16] hwilde: Okay, not upgrade, but cant I make a 64 bit version available to boot from (next to my 32 bit ubuntu)? [20:16] nownot: i don't know if there exists such a thing except on webgui frontends to firewalls etc [20:16] Qwerty_, yes you can make a separate partition and dualboot them. [20:16] Qwerty_, you could yes - dual boot [20:16] I have two NTFS HDDs via SATA. One is detected right and auto-mounted with write access, but on the other it doesnt detect the fs automatically so i have to 'sudo mount -t ntfs ...' it manually, any known issues, suggestions, solutions or help to find out whats wrong? [20:17] cypherdelic, you just need to put it in /etc/fstab [20:17] cypherdelic, are you sure you got the right parameters for this partition in /etc/fstab? [20:17] hwilde and unop: Great. That means I can always "go back" if I get problems. I'll check the ubuntu forums. I bet there are info there on how to make this. Thanks! [20:17] but the first one is ntfs too, and its too not in the /fstab [20:17] you don't need it in fstab [20:18] !dualboot > Qwerty_ [20:18] Qwerty_, please see my private message [20:18] anyone here know Linux MCE ? [20:18] Qwerty_, when you do the 64bit install, tell it to make a new partition (not overwirte your old one) [20:18] ejer, you don't? [20:18] ejer: thats what i mean, my first drive is auto mounted as plugin in [20:18] cypherdelic: type dmesg in terminal after plugging it for some info [20:18] im getting connection closed when i try to vnc into my server, any ideas [20:18] unop: no [20:18] ejer: ok === The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616_ [20:19] ejer, ok, please do explain, because i must be missing something. [20:19] Hey. Would anyone have recommendations for a definitely Ubuntu-supportive motherboard for the 775 socket? Or are there any manufacturers I could trust to have the support for their mobos? [20:19] ejer hehe hotplug [20:19] !hardware | Coffee-Addict [20:19] Coffee-Addict: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [20:19] nownot: how are the two computers connected to each other ? [20:19] Does anyone know of a good network browser for Xubuntu? [20:19] Thanks === dev_n00b is now known as dev_n00b|AFK [20:20] unop: cypherdelic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_(software) [20:20] ManualOverDozer9: not to be rude but that question makes no sense [20:20] Coffee-Addict: intels work fine usually [20:20] nownot by what means are they connecting to each other ? (via LAN WAN) [20:21] [11558.377183] Buffer I/O error on device sdd1, logical block 5 (ejer) [20:21] !webcams [20:21] ManualOverDozer9: one is on my lan and one is on wlan [20:21] how can i remove the restricted ATI driver as my video driver via the terminal? [20:21] cypherdelic: disk error [20:21] ManualOverDozer9: different networks [20:21] Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [20:22] Need help getting my internet access back...any ideas? [20:22] ejer: i works properly what can i do? [20:22] nownot switch/router ? [20:22] nvm [20:22] cypherdelic: try another usb cable first [20:22] its sata [20:22] oh sorry [20:23] and i already tried different ones [20:23] ejer: maybe a jumper problem? [20:23] cypherdelic: http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#ioerror [20:24] does anyone know if there is a debian channel pls? [20:24] ubuntu-vn [20:24] Becker_11: #debian [20:24] thanks Pici [20:25] ManualOverDozer9: i have the port forwarding setup to that computer [20:25] !laptops [20:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about laptops [20:25] !laptop [20:25] Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [20:25] I have tried everything to get this realtek 8185 working in 64 bit hardy no luck yet [20:25] is it possible to somehow get the Ubuntu ISO on a flash drive so I can boot it from there? [20:25] I use Windows, btw [20:25] ejer: i really just think that the ntfs block or something is blocked because when i mount it just with -t ntfs there is no error in dmesg [20:25]

hwild: but i don't know how i must write my mac partition is in sda1 [20:25] !network [20:25] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [20:26] whats the wired network site? [20:26]

hwilde: but i don't know how i must write my mac partition is in sda1 [20:26] I'm running blockhosts on an ubuntu computer and somehow it's managed to block my home ip (I can't ping it from home, but I can from other ips). I've checked iptables and hosts.allow and found no evidence that I'm being blocked. Any other place I should look? [20:26] cypherdelic: your logs and dmesg should def point the way, feel free to paste them if you want [20:26] eth0 [20:26] slip: it'd be in hosts.deny [20:26] nownot yes , that is what i was asking, are the ports open in the first place. [20:27] p, if sda1 is your second harddrive, first partition, it would be (1,0) [20:27] nownot: vnc is not secure running like this [20:27] Flannel: it's empty. blockhosts is set up to put the blocked ip rules in hosts.allow [20:27] ejer: ? [20:28] hwilde : you happen to know the HDD benchmark command-line off-hand ? [20:28] ejer: i will try the chkdsk from a windows-live-cd [20:28] ManualOverDozer9, hdparm ? [20:28] ejer: i've read on vnc through ssh is that what i should be doing? [20:28] nownot: this is open to internets? you should protect it by using a tunnel or similar... and in fact this is easier to configure [20:28] nownot: that is what I do === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [20:28] can i switch from ubuntu with gnome to xubuntu? is there a documentation? [20:28] unop: yes, i used that, maybe i am missing where it does the bench, thank you [20:29] joomla brasil ? [20:29] !xubuntu | ortsvorsteher [20:29] ortsvorsteher: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [20:29] plis... [20:29] ortsvorsteher: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, then pick dif session on login screen [20:29] ortsvorsteher: yeah, install the xubuntu-desktop package [20:29]

hwilde: See: title Mac OS X Leopard [20:29]

root (hd1,0) [20:29]

chainloader +1 [20:29]

boot [20:29] thx tiredwolf [20:29] p: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:29] !br | FlavioTrash [20:29] ManualOverDozer9, the manpage should list the options - though do be careful with it [20:29] FlavioTrash: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. [20:29] Did anybody purchase a Dell Studio laptop? If so, did you get the integrared webcam/finger print reader working? [20:29] i tri.... :) [20:29] p, so does that work? or does it give an error [20:30] unop: yes, i know, thanks for the heads-up though [20:30]

hwilde: The grub shows me mac but when i press enter a error is on the screen [20:30] hi [20:30] how can I change the Java version I'm using - I installed Java6 via apt-get, but java -version still says I'm using 1.5 [20:30] p: i think it should be root (hd0,0) if mac is on first part of first drive [20:31] !java [20:31] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [20:31] jack-desktop: try sudo update-alternatives --config java [20:31] could someone help me with an english text? i am german and wrote a abstract for my thesis [20:31] jcovert: sudo update-alternatives --config java [20:31] ebrosius: i will but PM me since this is OT [20:32]

hwilde: in geparted its so: /dev/sda1 (mac) and then comes a another /dev/sda2 (in this is ubuntu sda6 and the swap sda5) [20:32] jcovert : that may be jRe not sun-java [20:32]

hwilde: i try HD 0,0 [20:32] jack-desktop? [20:32] lol [20:32] p, yeah if it's first harddrive first partition it is 0,0 [20:32] I'm jack-server on this machine ;) [20:33] my xorg.conf got messed up and now my nvidia driver wont work anymore. can anyone here help? [20:33] alright, i think that worked - i don't have to reboot or anything, do i? [20:33]

okayyyyyyyy thanks hwilde^^ [20:33] make[2]: *** Нет правила для сборки цели `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c', требуемой для `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s'. Останов. [20:33] if flash kills your sound, how does one fix that without restarting? [20:34] xorgdown: you can reset your xorg [20:34] Hello! I would like to know if someone can help me get a vncserver start up JWM on connect? I'm having a bit of problems with the xstartup file. [20:34] ejer: oh awesome, thanks :-) [20:34] hi [20:34] worked [20:34] ManualOverDozer9: i have tried resetting it... dpkg-reconfigure and the safe mode stuff [20:34] Nevermind guys. [20:34] pleqse help compil acer_acpi [20:35] xorgdown what brand video card ? [20:35] why in my /etc/x11/xorg.conf there is not specification about the video card and the driver to use? [20:35] ManualOverDozer9: nvidia 8600 [20:35] xorgdown try gksudo nvidia-settings [20:35] any clients for mounting using webdav ? [20:35] please help [20:36] ejer: you have a guide or something on how to do it? [20:36] xorgdown : or maybe sudo lshw -C video [20:36] ManualOverDozer9: nvidia-settings tells me i'm not using the nvidia x driver and i should run the nvidia-xconfig [20:36] install it though SPM [20:37] how do i view prosses [20:37] SPM - Synaptic Package Manager [20:37] nownot: maybe http://members.shaw.ca/nicholas.fong/vnc/ ? [20:37] any clients for mounting using webdav ? [20:38] xorgdown while you are in SPM, also install nvidia-settings if it isnt already installed [20:38] ManualOverDozer9: my bad. it's a nvidia 8400 [20:38] ManualOverDozer9: i'll try SPM [20:38] If I already installed Ubuntu inside of Windows, is there a way I can make my partition bigger? I only alotted 8GB but I want the whole disk now [20:38] Or some way to completely erases the Windows [20:38] without losing all my settings and cofngiruations etc ;) lol [20:38] hello [20:38] slashzul: places>connect to server [20:39] how can i remove all graphical programs from my installation? === _tom is now known as shoot^ [20:39] xorgdown : it is a good idea to backup your xorg.conf file when making changes to video > cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup [20:39] hi, i have no internet on Ubuntu, and i need to install drivers for mortherboard; where can i get it? can't find it from gigabyte, thanks! [20:40] how can I figure out which xorg driver my installation is using? [20:40] the first ide device is /dev/hda1 right [20:40] does anyone know how to change the ubuntu emblem in the menu ? I.e. what is the png file for that image? [20:40] use google :P [20:41] anyone know what package to get direct.h from, or an alternative for directory access? [20:41] ManualOverDozer9: i know. i didn't expect my brother to come mess up my xorg.conf [20:41] lol === Kagee is now known as Kagee-no [20:41] does aptitude support wildcards? [20:41] guys what's the best place to get drivers for ubuntu? i have no internet on Ubuntu [20:41] ideca: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=direct.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any === Kagee-no is now known as Kagee [20:42] VirtsL you can try FlashDrives USB Drives / CD backups / etc [20:42] yeah i looked there, and i have the .../pci/direct.h files but they are empty === Kagee is now known as Kagee-no [20:42] thanks [20:42] found on http://packages.ubuntu.com [20:43] Virts there is many ways. onyl determined byt he hardware you have to xfer the info [20:43] ideca: that's all the packages that contain files named direct.h [20:43] bah [20:43] ManualOverDozer9: reinstalled several packages with SPM. rebooting now to see if anything changes [20:43] thanks anyway [20:43] xorgdown come back let us know [20:43] i installed windows and it overwrote my mbr; i'm trying to reinstall grub and i know it is the /dev/sda6 (the fourth partition listed) but when i do a root (hd0,4) and setup (hd0) it complains it can not find /boot/grub/stage1 - that file is there, though [20:44] ubuntunoob: sda6 is hd0,5 [20:44] hi, I´m in a project in my company to create a mirro for Ubuntu here in Brazil [20:44] Hi . I've lost my desktop. [20:44] Can't seem to get it back from the repo [20:44] Tim: Hi! I found it. [20:44] what is your monitor sitting on then? [20:44] What do you mean lost your desktop? [20:44] lol [20:44] flannel: instead of error 15 file not found it is Error 2: Bad file or directory type [20:45] Too much ketamine this morning? [20:45] Anyone here dualboot mac and ubuntu? [20:45] using sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop [20:45] how do i know what is my distribution: gutsy? hardy? feisty? [20:45] I keep geeting that the servers are busy === Kagee-no is now known as Kagee [20:45] ricardo5: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive/Mirroring [20:45] hi again [20:45] Virts: lsb_release -a [20:45] we used the contact on ubuntu page but no one answers... does any one knows can help me to contact the "mirror" team from ubuntu? [20:46] thanks! [20:46] hey ubuntu!! [20:46] sup all [20:46] ricardo5: does this help http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror ? [20:46] Pedrolito: what card? ati? nvidia? [20:46] ricardo5: You don't need to contact the mirror team to set up a mirror, just follow these steps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive/Mirroring [20:46] how to create a irc channel in Ubuntu servers === khanh_coltech is now known as Guest50618 [20:46] ex #ubuntu-vn [20:46] Guest50618: /join #whateverchannel [20:47] Guest50618: What channel are you trying to create? [20:47] :D [20:47] help [20:47] tenho um note tx2110 hp e nao funciona quase nada [20:47] can you use a packet sniffer on a remote computer [20:47] legend2440, intel [20:47] alguem me diz se tem um release de linux pra esse note? [20:48] Guest50618, these aren't ubuntu servers, this is irc.freenode.net [20:48] i have changed my xorg.conf file. and it was made a backup (xorg.conf.####) how can i replace it with the one i changed? [20:48] Help me to dualboot ubuntu and mac os x [20:48] I get "unable to fetch some archives ..." [20:48] ManualOverDozer9: ubuntu is still starting up with a nasty resolution telling me i'm running in low-graphics mode with some vesa driver [20:48] !br | icecavallera [20:48] icecavallera: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. [20:48] How do I burn CD-Rs? [20:48] would anyone be so kind as to give me a hand with a wireless problem? [20:48] Have done for the last 3 hrs [20:48] I'm running blockhosts on an ubuntu computer and somehow it's managed to block my home ip (I can't ping it from home, but I can from other ips). I've checked iptables and hosts.allow and found no evidence that I'm being blocked. Any other place I should look? [20:48] Pedrolito: in terminal type gksudo displayconfig-gtk and click Graphics card tab. anything there? [20:49] Help me to dualboot ubuntu and mac os x [20:49] I just deliberately ran a Windows virus exe with Wine; should I be concerned? [20:49] xorgdown ok, thats not that bad then [20:49] thomc: Probably not. [20:49] so I have an issue with my sound on a sony viao can anyone help me [20:50] should be limited to wine's c directory [20:50] http://www.linux.com/feature/42031 [20:50] ManualOverDozer9: does it get worse? [20:50] so, in conclusion, one cannot use restricted ATI drivers (fglrx) and DVI at the same time? [20:50] i'm trying to install grub but at the grub prompt when i do a find /boot/grub/stage1 i get error 15: file not found [20:50] in /dev/sda6 which is a linux partition, i can mount and find that file [20:50] I get sound but headphone jack does not cancel out speakers so both play together. and the mic doesn't work [20:50] legend2440, yes, but it reports a wrong graphic card model: I have an intel GMA X3500 and it says I have an intel 965. Also, in the driver option, it says 'none' [20:50] i'm running off the ubuntu live cd right now [20:50] SeveredCross: Thanks for link. [20:50] Anyone pls? [20:51] 'ello one question...what can go wrong with a forced mount of a NTFS drive? [20:51] Pedrolito: in terminal grep -i Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf [20:51] well ubuntunoob [20:51] pieopa: ? [20:52] all righty, so I have a Compaq C700 with an Aetheros wireless card. it shows up with lspci, and I have already attempted to use the Madwifi drivers. nevertheless, the wireless device doesn't show up in iwconfig. anyone have any insight? [20:52] legend2440, I get ' Driver "kbd"\n Driver "mouse" ' [20:52] just mount the partition you have grub installed on with "sudo mount -o rw /dev/whatev /media/whatev" [20:52] Pedrolito: lspci | grep -i VGA what card does it say you have? [20:52] HunterRequiem: the restriced driver didn't work either? [20:52] and then chroot into the mounted directory [20:52] the first ide device is /dev/hda1 right? [20:52] negge, it does not. [20:53] is there a way of installing the XFCE desktop on ubuntu? [20:53] that was what ubuntu loaded at first [20:53] or is it sda1? [20:53] and then run grub install sd0 or whatever your hd's mapped as [20:53] hd0 [20:53] or whatever [20:53] HunterRequiem: have you blacklisted the restricted driver to make sure the madwifi one is being used? [20:53] legend2440, " Intel Corporation 82G35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)", which is another name for my graphic chipset (it's part of that G35 chipset) [20:54] negge: I can try. I would do this, perhaps by unchecking the restricted drivers in the restricted driver promp under admin === khanh_coltech is now known as Guest87592 [20:54] pieopa: i did a mount /dev/sda6 /media/disk [20:54] pieopa: so do i simply do a setup (hd0) ? [20:55] chroot into /dev/disk [20:55] Pedrolito: read post #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=683798 [20:55] you mean /media/disk? [20:55] yeah [20:55] HunterRequiem: I don't think that's enough, you have to add a line to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file, I'm gonna fire up my Eee to see what line it is (it uses Atheros and madwifi aswell) [20:55] and then run grub install "disk" [20:55] sd0 or hd0 [20:55] negge: thank you. [20:55] its on google [20:56] just google repair grub [20:56] call of duty 4 time xbox live style RichardWang5000 [20:56] Pedrolito: sorry don't know much about Intel. i have ati === khanh_coltech is now known as Guest68969 [20:56] Graphics problem. Tryed the new google earth. It takes a long time viewing the eart. And sometimes freezes. Think its graphics driver issue, it work well under windows [20:56] I use knoppix live cds for that normally === kennet is now known as Zeeon [20:57] can anyone help me with the graphics problem??? [20:57] hey i ran kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/*) which i think is what crimsun told me to use to kill everything before unloading snd_hda_intel (and it did kill my volume mixer) but i still can't unload the module because it says it's in use. how do i unload it? [20:57] Pedrolito: if no one knows here there is a channe for intel #intel-gfx [20:57] maybe [20:58] janerik: what sort of problem do you have? [20:58] maybe @ janerik [20:58] a guide to sharing internet from ubuntu to windows can someone tell me? [20:58] could you list your specs? [20:58] legend2440, that post says that new drivers should have been out in February. Is it possible that there are not in the ubuntu repositories yet? [20:58] !inetsharing > zk [20:58] zk, please see my private message [20:58] if ur just looking for a guide google it [20:58] Google earth is running very slow. I think its about the driver or so... It works well in windows [20:59] anyone know how to fix sound without restarting after flash kills it? [20:59] Pedrolito: i wouldn't know sorry. i have ati maybe they know in channel #intel-gfx [20:59] m0u5e: killing flash and the other app that wants sound will do it [20:59] m0u5e: if you install libflashsupport flash can't steal sound [20:59] pieopa: if id o a chroot to /media/disk i get this output in grub: grub> setup (hd0) [20:59] setup (hd0) [20:59] Error 12�n·� [20:59] Hello when I try to ssh to a remote computer it fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [20:59] funky characters and all [20:59] how do I remove somethign that I installed from a .deb file? [20:59] pieopa: "google it" is rarely a useful answer [20:59] I could ssh to it before, but now it fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [20:59] Pedrolito: I have had great success with envy [21:00] maco: THANK YOU [21:00] I can ping and telnet to port 22 but ssh fails and says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" [21:00] HunterRequiem: HunterRequiem try adding "blacklist ath_hal" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [21:00] m0u5e: no problem [21:00] negge, will do [21:00] I don't have the line anymore but that's the way to make sure the restricted driver isn't used [21:00] I can ping and telnet to port 22 but ssh rejected :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/32303/ [21:00] HunterRequiem: this is my graphics card. And its not detected in xorg.conf [21:00] which package contains documentation (man pages) to functions related to glibc such as printf, scanf, etc? I tried glibc-docs but didn't work [21:00] so ur chrooted into /media/disk [21:00] VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) [21:00] hwilde: are you trying to run telnet and ssh from 22 [21:00] HunterRequiem: if it doesn't work you can always give ndiswrapper a go (never used it but I think it usually works) [21:01] corerct [21:01] correct [21:01] can some1 please tell how to install fluxbox and XFCE in ubuntu? [21:01] rwycuff, I can telnet to port 22 to the sshd is running. but I cannot ssh to port 22 because of the error listed and in pastebin [21:01] adamw9678: sudo apt-get install xfce4 [21:01] !xubuntu | adamw9678 [21:01] adamw9678: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [21:01] @adamw9678 For xfce sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [21:01] Quick question folks. I just took out a PCI wlan card, connecting to wlan fine, to use a USB wlan dongle. It shows the network fine, but when i try to connect i get to gray globes and the spinning green thing, before it shows the red x.. [21:01] adamw9678: you can do apt-get install xfce4 [21:02] good night [21:02] !xfce | adamw9678, willluongo, phaverkamp [21:02] adamw9678, willluongo, phaverkamp: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [21:02] maluta: manpages-dev i believe [21:02] maluta: glibc-doc [21:02] nickweb: its probably not getting an IP address [21:03] negge: i got those manpages from manpages-dev [21:03] hwilde: check perms on .ssh folder perhaps [21:03] ejer, I can't get to it :/ [21:03] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210820, http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-repair-corrupt-mbr-and-boot.html [21:03] negge, I've already tried glibc-doc [21:03] maco, any idea why not? My iPhone's conecting fine, and nothings stopping ti router end.. [21:03] run grub-install /dev/disk [21:03] maco, I'll try manpages-dev [21:03] legend2440, thanks for the help btw, much appreciated [21:03] nickweb: all the leases given out? [21:03] hwilde: u disabled passwords? [21:04] maco: you said you tried glibc-docs which doesn't exist so I thought you just used the wrong package name [21:04] negge: I blacklisted ath_hal, and am restarting [21:04] HunterRequiem: alright [21:04] negge: that wasnt me [21:04] can ubuntu dual boot with leopard on a powerpc? [21:04] or "grub-install hd0" [21:04] well 2 new computers connected fine today.. ill double check the leases just now.. [21:04] ejer, passwords are enabled, but I do have the keys setup. I have three of the same .201 .202 and .203. they were all working, now I cant ssh to .202 [21:04] Hi, I'm trying to get my laserjet p 1005 to work under kubuntu and i followed a guide which installs foo2zjs etc, and when i try to print i get no errors but it doesn't print. What can i do? [21:04] nickweb: if they leases last months, and if you've set the limit as 15 DHCP leases and 15 people have connected in the last month, you'd have run out of leases by now [21:04] anyone here know how i can fix the wireless connection on a HP Pavilion dv6000? [21:04] hwilde: try moving your local .ssh folder to .ssh.bak and then sshing, so it will not try to use your key [21:05] leases should be fine actually [21:05] HomingHamster I believe dual boot is platform independent [21:05] Kouya: that has a broadcom 5415, i think? [21:05] hi [21:05] Pedrolito: your welcome.good luck [21:05] yes [21:05] Kouya: 4315, i mean [21:05] bcm yes [21:05] Kouya: crimsun has that one. he was at my place trying to make it go last week. use ndiswrapper and the windows xp driver (not the vista one) [21:06] negge: the wireless is still not showing up in iwconfig [21:06] leases all good folks.. [21:06] maco, thanks [21:06] what the fuck? [21:06] bcm brings back nightmares [21:06] any other ideas? [21:06] Kouya: get the dell driver, not the hp one [21:06] you liste [21:06] Kouya: the one hp gives is version 6. you need version 5, that dell gives out [21:06] in you ass bitch [21:06] oh thanks [21:06] do you hear me ? [21:06] i will look for it now [21:06] !language | Civodul11 [21:06] Civodul11: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [21:07] ok [21:07] is it possible to print to a printer that's shared on a Windows box from Ubuntu? (There are Linux drivers available for it, but is the networking part possible?) [21:07] i'm french. i'm looking for a french server [21:07] HunterRequiem: okay. Have you had a look at the output of dmesg to see if you find anything useful? [21:07] !fr | Civodul11 [21:07] Civodul11: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [21:07] Civodul11: #ubuntu-fr, but don't go using that language there either [21:07] TiredWolf those links were usefull to me I thought they'd help no offense meant [21:07] thank you [21:08] TiredWolf and actually most times it's the only answer I need, hmm how do I, I know I'll google it [21:08] works most times [21:08] negee: dmesg produces 3 entries pertaining to the wireless. it shows two ath_hal entries, and an ath_pci entry [21:08] How do I remove a deb applcation that I just installed? [21:08] !google | pieopa [21:08] pieopa: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux [21:08] rwycuff: I can't get it to install i keep getting a message saying E: Could't find package [21:09] deadbeef: sure it is possible https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter [21:09] Hi - I am despirately searching on how to get the microphone input to the speakers right away. I can record from it, but I can't listen to it right away [21:09] ubottu hey I jsut learned that lol [21:09] pieopa: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:09] lol [21:09] hello ubottu [21:09] hector, run alsamixer from the command line. your mic is probably muted in playback [21:10] !hi | pieopa [21:10] pieopa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:10] HunterRequiem: what does the ath_pci line say? [21:10] actually I already tried alsamixer -I have no bar on top of the mic-section, so I can't unmute it there [21:10] negge: ath_pci: 0.9.4 [21:10] ah I see nice bot, [21:11] negge: its prefixed by [28.915611] [21:11] HunterRequiem: hmm, it doesn't seem to load. There should be something like ath_pci: wifi0: Atheros xxxx/xxxx; mem=0xxxxxxxxx irc=xx [21:11] HunterRequiem: that's just the time I think [21:12] well anyone else using a sony viao [21:12] actually I don't really know what's wrong [21:12] what does your ath_hal line say? [21:12] Sorry if this is too off topic, but who I file a bug report for a port on ubuntus website or the programs website? [21:12] Iam trying to install wine but it is giving me a message saying E: package wine has no installation candidate? [21:12] I found a condition that makes snmp segfault =\ [21:12] snmpd not snmp === StealthCP_ is now known as StealthCP [21:13] negge: al righty then. ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413) [21:13] w1ll: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [21:13] ejer thank you [21:13] hello world! [21:13] Does anyone own an ASUS EEE PC, running Ubuntu? [21:13] mhz128: yes [21:13] mhz128: I do [21:14] negge: how do you go about the install? does it run decently? [21:14] HunterRequiem: I'm sorry but I can't seem to help you [21:14] mhz128: actually it was quite a hustle [21:14] ejer: 701, 900, or 1000? [21:14] negge: thank you for your help. any idea who would know what to do? [21:14] Hi, I'm trying to get my laserjet p 1005 to work under kubuntu and i followed a guide which installs foo2zjs etc, and when i try to print i get no errors but it doesn't print. What can i do? [21:14] mhz128: v easy http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:home i have surf 4g [21:14] I used a guide to make a bootable USB stick, installed and then ran a shell script that fixed most stuff, then compiled madwifi drivers manually and installed them [21:15] ejer: so it works good? not too slow [21:15] HunterRequiem: not really, you could try the madwifi.org forums and ubuntuforums.org [21:15] or ask again tomorrow, hopefully someone who knows what's up is online by then:) [21:15] mhz128: i would not keep it if it was too slow :) I just travelled for 2 weeks with it as primary system , and I run XP in vbox on it (!) === ZyklonB is now known as BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN [21:16] mhz128: Ubuntu 8.04 is painfully laggy on my 701 4G but Gutsy is incredibly fast. I have the "Extra" desktop effects enabled and almost no lag [21:16] ejer: vbox is VM software? awesomeeeeeeeeee [21:16] !hi | hwilde [21:16] negee: all righty then. I'll try later tonight. many of those blokes only come out at night anyways =) [21:16] hwilde: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:16] lol === BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN is now known as ZyklonB [21:17] what's the facility that lets me set a particular library or binary as the one currently in use on the system? [21:17] aib_: update-alternatives ? [21:17] thanks [21:17] !google [21:17] !google | hwidle [21:17] !hi | hwilde [21:17] lol [21:17] google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux [21:17] pieopa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:18] hwidle: please see above [21:18] hwilde: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:18] !botabuse | pieopa [21:18] pieopa: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [21:18] hello [21:18] Is there a reason for why I can burn CD-RWs and not CD-Rs? [21:19] Candelagirl: if you need help, just ask [21:20] ejer: do you run Xubuntu LIVE or did u install it to the SSD? [21:20] ejer, didn't there used to be just an 'alternatives' command? how do i change, e.g., to the previous version of automake? [21:20] I have 25 servers i monitor and i have to log into each of them to view what's going on [21:20] mhz128: installed [21:20] is there a better solution for multiple-server management (logging) ? [21:21] ejer: to install, you write the iso to a usb drive and boot from that? [21:21] ejer: do you use Xfce or Gnome? [21:21] * chalcedny smiles [21:21] mhz128: the info is v clear on that link I sent [21:21] my flash is extremely unstable, even though i'm using hardy regular repos [21:21] negge: gnome [21:21] ok [21:21] mhz128: it's a bit more complicated than that, use Google to find out how, there are an endlessa mount of guys [21:21] i dont have this problem when i disable hardware rendering [21:21] does anyone else experience this bug? [21:21] ejer: yeah me too. I don't see why one would use Xubuntu on an Eee as the Gnome is fast enough already [21:21] m0u5e: flash is a disaster [21:21] how do I remove a sym link without removing the dir? [21:22] nm i figured it out [21:22] negge: dif strokes ;) [21:22] ejer: yeah i gathered that a long time ago... can we... spam adobe or something? [21:22] can someone help me test somthing by downloading a file via DCC here? [21:22] very poorly designed interface [21:22] i've had 3 routers die this week. my son was running a firewall box, i have been reading about firewalls. What do other people use? [21:22] until they submit to our demands? :( [21:22] chalcedny: use for what? [21:22] ejer: so im guessing you have to disable hardware accel as well? === narg_ is now known as narg [21:22] m0u5e the bigger the company, the less responsive/ [21:23] negge firewall, routing ? [21:23] m0u5e: no I just restart FF every 3 seconds [21:23] chalcedny: I use no firewalls, only protection I have is NAT basically [21:23] chalcedny, linux loaded firewall [21:23] ejer try opera or seamonkey [21:23] err router [21:23] chalcedny: ipcop is good [21:23] chalcedny: makes no dif at all [21:24] ejer i was looking at ipcop .. looks very interesting [21:24] chalcedny, buy a linux loadable router and put openwrt+xwrt on it [21:24] chalcedony :) remember me mom [21:24] ? [21:24] hello [21:24] chalcedny, http://wiki.openwrt.org/TableOfHardware [21:24] which package provides gnome-keyring-sharp on ubuntu? [21:24] poningru i think that's what my son was doing with the buffalo router.. it just died after about 8 months of operation [21:24] ejer: great [21:24] npviewer.bin[7052]: segfault at f5aa0030 rip f7894540 rsp ffa7d4bc error 4 [21:25] with http://x-wrt.org/ [21:25] ejer: the open source community... if we develop an alternative to flash [21:25] chalcedny, ouch [21:25] (((((((( unaffiliate ))))))) [21:25] m0u5e: you mean like gnash ;) [21:25] ejer and then have the entire open source community [21:25] sign a petition not to use flash [21:25] if adobe doesnt change [21:25] they'd have to take it seriously [21:25] no, like a COMPLETE ALTERNATIVE to flash [21:25] it already exists m0u5e [21:25] m0u5e, eh svg [21:25] and then push heavily for adoptation [21:25] ponigru: well adapt svg for video format === pmcoleman is now known as aitd [21:25] poningru: flash already uses vector graphics [21:25] how do I remove a sym link without removing the dir? [21:25] Quick question - What's a good VNC server to install that barely needs configuration after an installation? What is the state of NX? [21:25] riaal: unlink. [21:25] m0u5e: please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks [21:26] harisund: If you're using GNOME, you can install vinagre. [21:26] riaal: u just rm the symlink [21:26] m0u5e, agreed with Flannel [21:26] Or is it vino that's the VNC server. [21:26] !info Vinagre [21:26] vinagre (source: vinagre): VNC client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 667 kB, installed size 3048 kB [21:26] Ah, then it's vino. [21:26] !info vino [21:26] vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 196 kB, installed size 2512 kB [21:26] harisund, depends on what you are going to do with it. I tend to use vnc4server. and just have the users make their own customized .vnc/xstartup as they want. [21:26] vino is the server [21:26] riaal: you can remove the directory and make a new one [21:26] harisund: system>prefs>desktop sharing ? [21:27] harisund: remote desktop sorry [21:27] I just want to "remote desktop" to my friends' machine and show him around some stuff that he has been asking me about [21:27] harisund, do you want to share the 'currently' running desktop. or have a 'hidden/background' desktop running - is a big question [21:27] no no, currently running ..something that both of us can see simultaneously [21:27] harisund: to connect to vnc, use applications>internet>remote desktop viewer [21:28] I can SSH into his machine and can open up a shared screen session, but I want to be able to do that with his Gnome desktop. Let me try Vino, thanks :) [21:28] for Linux is the Remote Desktop much like the Windows Netmeeting ? (in which you can control the mouse and keyboard input ? [21:28] harisund: i think what you want for that is x11vnc [21:28] ManualOverDozer9: yep [21:28] x11vnc? All right, noted! I will give that a shot as well [21:29] ejer: thank you [21:29] harisund, just do X over ssh [21:29] !Xorg [21:29] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [21:29] err thats not it [21:29] hi everybody [21:29] I can do that, but will he be able to see what I see on my screen? [21:29] poningru: that will not do what he wants [21:29] yeah that's what I was afraid of [21:29] x11vnc, I use it every day [21:29] ejer: thanks ! I am checking it out [21:29] I guess I misunderstand [21:30] but your buddy can just go to remote desktop in prefs harisund [21:30] i've problems with mplayer i can't watch avi format or rm or rmvb on mplayer [21:30] if on ubuntu haris [21:30] I am on Windows :( He is on Ubuntu [21:30] i think i had install all codecs [21:30] harisund: he goes to remote desktop in prefs, you download and use tightvnc to connect to him [21:31] but some problems with mplayer [21:31] :( :( :( [21:31] I have the TightVNC client on my machine .. I was just wondering which would be a good VNC server for him to install [21:31] harisund: does your friend use Ubuntu or Windows? [21:31] it comes with ubuntu harisund, built-in like ;) [21:31] ah ok! I didn't know that .. [21:32] whats newest -proposed kernel ? === matthew_ is now known as talcite [21:33] #wesnoth [21:33] i'm beginner and i neeeeed hlp please : ) [21:34] shoot the question Alilo , someone will answer you [21:34] i have problems with mplayer i can't wath on it any video [21:35] have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? or at least codecs? [21:35] . [21:35] .. [21:36] how can i watch videos on mplayer??? : ( [21:36] Alilo: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? or at least codecs? [21:36] Alilo: you may need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [21:36] i have a problem with my ubuntu installation, when i start it only seems to start in command-line mode. I did some command on it and can't remember. (newbie :D) [21:36] Hello everyone [21:37] I need someone to please help me with the damm "activate ATI + reboot = blank screen" problem [21:37] please :) [21:37] i installed all codecs but it still no working [21:37] How do I remove an application I installed from a deb file? [21:37] Alilo: try using VLC as a player [21:37] Alilo, what's not working? [21:38] sugi: sudo apt-get remove packagename [21:39] i can't watch video on mplayer [21:39] ejer: thank you sir [21:39] Alilo: try with terminal and see what is the error? [21:39] rohu: try running startx [21:39] Alilo, why not? [21:39] Alilo: try with another vid [21:39] Alilo, what happens? [21:39] this is an example to what battle.net irc should do [21:40] Mecha27: i'll try that [21:40] anyone can help me to set up my Ati in hardy please? [21:40] I am about to download a flash player what file extention do i need tar, rpm or YUM? [21:40] ejer: [21:40] ah nope no #sex but there is a #gay [21:40] =( [21:40] adamw9678_: deb one [21:40] how do you write a | on your Eee? [21:40] adamw9678_, don't download it. Open a Terminal and type: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree [21:40] alt+gr + the key doesn't work for me [21:41] negge: it is not in front of me, but is it not above enter key? [21:41] alt+gr + <> [21:41] i've a error message fatal error: error opennig/initializing the selected video out (-vo) device [21:41] Mecha27: iit doesn't regionice the command. i used some command to make it start in command mode [21:41] ejer: hmm I have a swedish keyboard layout and it's obviously in another position [21:41] alt+ctrl+f1? [21:41] Alilo: open gmplayer and change the video output [21:41] wait a sec, since when am I 27 [21:41] serkan`c: it doesn't work [21:41] x11 for exammple [21:42] | works here :D [21:42] serkan`c: I get another symbol, like "<<" but smaller [21:42] how can i do it ?? [21:42] negge: copy and paste it from IRC ? ;) [21:42] Alilo: just open gmplayer and right click , go to preferences and look around [21:42] how do I to change the default runlevel? [21:42] i'm so stupid! it was dirent.h, not direct.h >_< [21:42] rohu: try rebooting, and hitting "esc" when prompted. you might have booted into "recovery mode" on accident [21:43] ejer: yeah I had to do it last time:D [21:43] you mean mplayer?? [21:43] or it same?? [21:43] DRebllion: it didn't work? I can't seem to get alot of stuff working [21:43] Alilo: gmplayer , do you use a gui? [21:43] or are you using mplayer from terminal? [21:43] I can't get wine to install aswell [21:43] i'm using ubuntu 7.10 [21:44] Alilo: is there a gui? [21:44] i'm beginner i don't know too much about it !! [21:44] adamw9678_: you just need flash? [21:44] Alilo: do you know what a gui is? [21:44] noooo :( [21:44] how do I do to change the runlevel? [21:44] rafaelscj: why do you want to do that? [21:44] gui = graphical user interface [21:44] alilo: ok, that's fine, now at least we know you're a beginner. ok, what kind of file are you trying to run with mplayer? [21:45] Mecha27: umm, it did just come say "Loading, please wait" yes i did that but i havn't got it installed so i got options to start it in several install modes. [21:45] i try to play an avi format === tonohono_ is now known as tonohono [21:45] Alilo: alt+f2-> gmplayer [21:45] does anyone here have an antec notebook cooler? [21:45] ok [21:46] rohu: you need to run the live CD, it will give you a graphical interface, install it from there [21:46] alilo: you might not have the codec, here's how to get it [21:46] i did it [21:46] Alilo: now something opened? [21:46] i think i installed all needs codecs [21:46] Alilo: go to Applications -> Add/Remove Programs, and search for Ubuntu Restricted Extras. [21:46] yes mplayer [21:46] :) [21:46] ok right click-preferences [21:46] serkan, Because I want to start my computer in a console, then do startx when I need to [21:47] Mecha27: ok, i will see if it works [21:47] i did before [21:47] there find video output [21:47] Alilo: then go with serkan'c [21:47] ok:) [21:47] rafaelscj: then you need old fashion :) [21:47] could somebody help with with a harassment problem? | kline is NOT a user education tool | * You may not connect to this server: please do not harass staff [21:47] staffers prove to talk bullshit :) muahaha! [21:47] OHHH, what now? lots of policy violations? oh my fucking god! self indicated problems. holy shit! LOL! ROFL! LMAOOOOOOO! [21:47] thank you Mecha27 [21:47] no problem [21:47] Question about gnucash [21:47] serkan`c, yes, I want to change the default runlevel [21:48] hello there [21:48] serkan`c, I want to use runlevel 3 [21:48] please visit www.hanger360.com [21:48] hello everyone, i have some questions [21:48] rafaelscj: ubuntu is based on debian [21:48] rafaelscj: just do an 'sudo update-rc.d gdm remove' which will stop graphics from starting autoomatically [21:49] rafaelscj: runlevel 3 == runlevel 2 == runlevel 4 == runlevel 5 [21:49] rafaelscj: they're all the same thing [21:49] Mecha27: nope, just come to "Loading, please wait" [21:49] verticalvoid : state your question [21:49] or change it in rc.d [21:49] rafaelscj: there is just 0 (halt), 1 (single user), normal, and 6 (reboot) [21:49] rohu: do you know your system specifications? how fast your processor is, how much RAM you have, etc? [21:49] how do i tell how much power is being consumed from a usb port? [21:49] what i have to do after?? [21:50] Mecha27: i think i have a Core 2 Duo 2.16 something and 2 GB RAM [21:50] maco, runlevel 3 is grafical instead of runlevel 4 [21:50] rohu: what graphics card? [21:50] rafaelscj: runlevel 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all the same on debian and ubuntu [21:50] rafaelscj: on *red hat* 3 is different [21:50] Alilo: did you find video output section? [21:50] maco, hum [21:50] Mecha27: Nvidia 8500 i think [21:50] maco, I didn't known [21:50] i have kubuntu 7.10 installed (kernel is 2.6.22), and then am running linuxmce in conjunction with it ... the problem is that i have a gigabyte wireless card and whenever i get a large amount of traffic flow, the system locks up, get the blinking leds for the caps lock and scroll lock ... so small amount of network activity won't make it go crazy ... i've got the ndiswrapper driver installed... [21:50] ...and have the native linux drivers blacklisted, any suggestions? [21:50] gnucash: is there any documentation spelling out how to import from Quicken? [21:50] rohu : i get "Loading, please wait" when i change my bus speed to higher than 100 [21:50] Alilo: suggestion, install smplayer [21:50] maco, BecAUse I used Slackware [21:50] Mecha27: maybe i should jsut re-install cos i did it from Win XP with Wubi [21:50] i found video only [21:51] rafaelscj: there isnt a file named inittab in ubuntu [21:51] /msg NickServ identify pretender [21:51] rohu: OH! that'll do it [21:51] it is not like you think [21:51] verticalvoid: ndiswrapper has issues sometimes [21:51] Mecha27: yeh, thanks anyways ^^ [21:51] rafaelscj: i dont actually know red hat runlevels. i think 2 and 4 are unset, 3 is graphical single, and 5 is graphical multiuser? all i know is 2-5 in debian are set to redhat 5 [21:51] rohu: wait! [21:51] hodu : try dropping your DRAM speed to 100 if it is higher. may just be my system but i see "Loading, please wait" when i go higher than 100 [21:51] Mecha27: ? [21:51] wubi doesn't actually dual boot, you know that right? [21:51] serkan`c, all right [21:51] rafaelscj: wikipedia has a chart of how every distro does it. there are like 5 or 6 different ways [21:52] ejer, lovely, i have the exact same card on a debian machine and it works flawlessly [21:52] Mecha27: don't do what? [21:52] hodu : and it will hang there forever. something about going higher that stops ubuntu from starting properly [21:52] I get a freezed black scren when i activate ATI drivers in hardy. Can someone please help? [21:52] in slackware so simple, change the runlevel value in inittab 4 to 3 :) [21:52] slackware \o/ [21:52] Dbuggger: reconfigure X [21:52] serkan`c: how? [21:52] or use the xorg backup [21:53] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [21:53] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [21:53] ManualOverDozer9: i didn't change that when it happened so it can't be that [21:53] i think there is a backup of xorg.conf [21:53] i just got an mp3 player. a Creative Zen V and am trying to get ubuntu to see it. [21:53] use -phigh [21:53] rohu: wubi isn't like a regular install of an operating system. normally, when you have to OS's, they're side by side. wubi does it differently, it installs ubuntu inside windows, not beside it [21:53] serkan, yeah, inittab is great! [21:53] verticalvoid: this is one to check the logs on for hints of what is happening and for google-able data [21:53] rohu : ok, just wanted to let you know, that is what happens to me, it hangs on that screen if i go higher than 100. just a suggestion [21:53] adude: to see as a mp3 player? [21:54] Mecha27: yes, i sort of know that. but it's the easiest way to get started i think [21:54] serkan`c: Im not looking for a way back. RECOVERY MODE already helps with that. Im looking or a way to ahve my hadrware acceleraton activated [21:54] i just want to drag and drop my music onto it [21:54] ejer, i have, it seems like it's been a bug in the past, and i haven't been able to see if there was a patch, i'm still searching, but figured if someone knew of a solution, that'd be easier than sifting through all them threads [21:54] if my wireless doesnt support injections, any way to fix that, or is it a hardware-feature I cant do anthing about? === sad`panda is now known as Sad`Panda [21:54] Dbuggger: so what is your card? [21:54] ManualOverDozer9: thanks [21:54] how to alias command inside alt-f2, when i type abc inside that box, i want to execute a long command [21:54] ATI Radeon [21:54] rohu: yeah, it is, I personally like it, I haven't seen it break before [21:54] rohu: have you tried using the 8.04 version? [21:54] blackpearl, use a script [21:55] blackpearl: right your script and put it /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin [21:55] blackpearl: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/03/30/creating-shortcuts-with-user-aliases/ [21:55] I've seen some people fixing this bug changing atieventsd.sh, but that didnt work for me [21:55] s/right/write [21:55] Mecha27: i just had a big trouble to get it installed cos the disk installation wouldn't work with me at all [21:55] hi folks, I'm looking for a way to shut down my system gracefully at some specified time. I know about the shutdown command, but the session management gets messed up when I'm using it - and I need to keep my session running cause I'm recording a TV movie in kaffeine... [21:55] serkan`c, ah... i see, i did the script in /bin, and it didnot work, it's /usr/bin/// [21:55] Mecha27: i use the latest, that's what i know [21:55] serkan`c, blackpearl or add it to your path [21:55] blackpearl: /usr/local/bin is a good place for scripts [21:56] yeah so you can understand that which script is yours [21:56] re: gucash: is there any documentation spelling out how to import from Quicken? [21:56] blackpearl: must chmod +x as well [21:56] rohu: not sure why it won't work, try reinstalling it, and make sure to not do a hard reboot, you have to install it from windows, then let it boot into Ubuntu once to finish the install, which takes a lot longer than the windows part === Bob___ is now known as dogmeat [21:57] Dbuggger: which ati radeon? [21:57] Mecha27: yes but i was scared that during the disc formation that it would go into windows files [21:57] i dont have an ati card [21:57] Xpress M200 [21:57] anyone else other than ejer (thanks btw), have suggestions on my wireless problem? [21:57] ejer, yes.... chmod i already done [21:57] so you searched this card? which driver does it use? [21:57] rohu: nope, it won't, trust me, I ran it for months, even back when it was in beta [21:57] blackpearl: AND it has to be in a directory in your path, so /usr/local/bin [21:58] blackpearl: is it working via terminal? [21:58] serkan`c: I've reinstalled thedriver a thousand times from different ways. [21:58] ejer, there is a program that manages the system's initialization, do you know? I forgot [21:58] blackpearl, serkan`c, or ~/bin [21:58] serkan`c: everyone with the same problem said they fixed it changing some script [21:58] rafaelscj: just do an 'sudo update-rc.d gdm remove' which will stop graphics from starting autoomatically [21:58] Hmm, I wonder, will Ubuntu detect an encrypted LVM volume? (Basically I wonder how to move the content of my old laptop to my new laptop :( ) [21:58] Mecha27: ok, sr for my rubbish english sentences :D i'll come back if i get in to trouble. thanks [21:58] no problem [21:59] anyone know how to change the default x,y coordinates for your mounted icons on the desktop? [21:59] so Dbuggger did you try and failed? [21:59] yes [21:59] yacc: i think you will have to set it up manually [21:59] and what is the error when you try to start X ? [21:59] ejer, any idea how to move my data as fast as possible? [21:59] they change XDM_AUTH_MASK in /etc/ati/authatieventsd.sh [22:00] yacc: mount it, then rsync it to another dirve unencrypted, then set up new encrypted disk and rsync back, need extra disk of course [22:00] i get a black screen and is FREEZED! [22:00] i thought linux doesnt freezes [22:00] ejer, I have read that wine runs better if gdm isn't running... [22:00] yacc: it is possible to just mount it if you don't NEED to move it [22:00] there was a way to make sound come out of the terminal window to check if your soundcard works even if other applications aren't able to play sound [22:00] Dbuggger: ctrl+alt+f1 didnt work? [22:00] no [22:00] rafaelscj: ummm you need X to run wine unless it is a terminal program [22:00] Hello, I am trying to put together a home networking system using the Actiontec MI424WR router that came with our Verizon FiOS service. The rest of my family uses Windows XP while I am using Ubuntu 8.04. I cannot connect to their computers, but, obviously, the as a gateway to the Internet it works fine. What is the deal? [22:00] anyone know how to change the default x,y coordinates for your mounted icons on the desktop? === xcom is now known as Salladin [22:01] I need to do hard reboot [22:01] Dbuggger: No [22:01] ejer, no.... it's not in /usr/local/bin, i have to type xterm99 in alt-f2 for it to work, when i rename it as just xterm, it will not work [22:01] Dbuggger: Hold alt-sysreq and slowly type each letter: r e i s u b [22:01] serkan`c, via alt-f2's input box [22:01] MiraiWarren0_0, can the xp machines talk to each other? [22:02] blackpearl: there is already a program called xterm... [22:02] Flannel, ~/bin ? you sure? it's via alt-f2 input box [22:02] flannel: "alt+sysreq"???? [22:02] th0r: No. [22:02] Dbuggger: yes. the alt key, and the sysreq key [22:02] Hello. I have keyboard with no ScrollLock key (apple usb). I want to map some additional multimedial key for that function. In X it seems fairly easy using xmodmap, but how about plain terminal? Is there any loadkeys replacement in hardy? [22:02] and blackpearl I suggested your script should be in /usr/local/bin, not /bin as you said it was [22:02] ejer, i ve done it before in older ubuntu version, it simply overwrites existing xterm command [22:02] MiraiWarren0_0, then the router may not allow internal connections, it might just function as a gateway [22:02] ejer, and how about tty1-6?, maybe i can run wine in other console [22:02] ejer, it's in /usr/local/bin, not in /bin [22:02] I've never heard of a "sys req" key :S:S:S [22:03] rafaelscj: you need X running! [22:03] th0r: Can it be reconfigured? [22:03] used to work in /bin, but now cannnot, so i put inisde the location you told me [22:03] r [22:03] blackpearl: ~/bin should be in your path, yes. see your bash profile [22:03] blackpearl: not sure what the issue is, why don't you just give it a unique name? [22:03] MiraiWarren0_0, don't know...I have never had one myself [22:03] Sun-Java6 deb > http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java6/ [22:03] Dbuggger: its next to scroll lock [22:03] Is there any documentation spelling out how to import from Quicken? [22:03] disconnected, grrrr [22:03] Dbuggger: usually shares a key with print screen [22:03] ejer, i am just too-use to typing xterm inside alt-f2 command box [22:03] Im in a laptop, so that might be a little tricky [22:04] Dbuggger: what laptop? [22:04] th0r: Thank you, anyway. [22:04] Flannel: Found! it was in spanish :P [22:04] my alias is "xterm -fg orange -fn *-fixed-*-*-*-20-*" [22:04] Dbuggger: Oh. Um, you'll want to push the american/qwerty versions of r e i s u b. I'm not sure what differences there are on a spanish layout [22:04] jcarter_: google leads me to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=557844 [22:04] Flannel, i will try ~/bin now [22:05] how can i set up a ftp server under ubuntu? [22:05] MiraiWarren0_0, http://www.fiberfaq.com/article-37.html [22:05] Flannel: what's supposer to do "r e i s u b"? [22:05] ~/bin is not in the default path [22:05] blackpearl: this belongs in a bash alias, not a script imo [22:05] when using skype will be easy in Ubunut? [22:05] when using skype will be easy in Ubunutu? [22:05] Dbuggger: hold alt and sysreq, then type r, then e, then i, s, u, b. It'll safely reboot your system [22:05] a long time ago enry_ [22:05] \join#ubuntu-fr === mike is now known as Guest30917 [22:06] serkan`c: It is if you have a ~/bin [22:06] ejer, yes, i have that inside .bashrc, but i took it one steap further. it was working before before i upgrade [22:06] Flannel: that's good to know.. but what I actually wanted is to solve the ATI problem :) [22:06] Flannel: really? [22:06] MiraiWarren0_0, the manual says fully customizable firewall, so I assume it could be configured to allow internal connections === StealthCP_ is now known as StealthCP [22:06] ejer 10 minutes to test my mic with poor results [22:06] blackpearl: what is your one step further? cause then .bashrc will be overriding whatever else is named the same [22:06] hm excuse me ? [22:06] serkan`c: yes. Check your .bash_profile (or .profile, I believe on hardy). You'll see it check if ~/bin exists, and if it does, it'll add it to your path [22:06] th0r: I suppose I will see. [22:07] Hail! am I in the right place to ask for help regarding wireless setups? [22:07] ejer, putting an alias inside .bashrc will nt have effect inside alt-f2 box [22:07] ejer, windows xp mic no problem/Ubuntu great problem [22:07] hello people [22:07] MiraiWarren0_0, from the manual the interface seems VERY impressive [22:07] jeeez [22:07] can any1 tell me how to run quake3 on ubuntu? [22:07] :< [22:07] pagangeek, what card do you have? [22:08] do i just need the linux point release? [22:08] ejez why ubuntu have to fall with poor things like setting a mic? [22:08] X|eNdacy, Cedega [22:08] does somebody know what this means? XDM_AUTH_MASK=/var/run/xauth/A$1* [22:08] hello [22:08] th0r: I am afraid that I do not have the experience to properly set it up though. [22:08] cedega? [22:08] I play F1 Challenge in Cedega [22:08] is similar to Wine [22:08] yep, you are right Flannel , in the profile it is described [22:08] serkan`c, not inside /usr/bin, since executable 'xterm' is already inside it, it will have to be named differently [22:08] X|eNdacy: quake 3 has a native linux version, doesn't it? [22:08] but probably there is a Quake 3 version for linux [22:09] keen101: Linksys WPC54G, I have the card installed using ndiswrapper, it can see my network, and takes my wpa key, but it refuses to connect.. and netstat shows its trying to route through [22:09] MiraiWarren0_0, I would love to get my hands on one for a while...the interface looks very interesting [22:09] ya i think thats the point release [22:09] Copperpot: also, wine works fine with the windows version. [22:09] can anyone help me figure out why after gutsy was released my secondary drives stopped auto mounting at boot? [22:09] blackpearl: name could be different of course [22:09] ie: myxterm [22:09] MiraiWarren0_0, the user manual is available in pdf form for download at that url I sent you [22:09] serkan`c, i still want to keep alias as alias xterm=' xterm -fg orange -fn *-fixed-*-*-*-20-* ' [22:09] hello [22:09] th0r: I got it, thanks. [22:09] serkan`c, yes, but i would like to keep it the same name [22:10] hmmm [22:10] pagangeek, hmmm... i can usually solve simple wireless problems, but i have no idea how to help you. [22:10] Hi [22:10] keen101: Doh [22:10] did you try to create an alias blackpearl ? [22:10] /join #ubuntu-fr [22:10] pagangeek, if no one else can help you, then try the ubuntu forums. [22:11] /join#ubuntu-fr [22:11] serkan`c, alias is already created in .bashrc [22:11] I've tried setting the IP manually, without using dhcp, but still no joy [22:11] ill go post :-) thanks for your help [22:11] so this is not working? blackpearl [22:11] serkan`c, alt-f2 does not lookup .bashrc for shortcuts [22:11] no working === adante_ is now known as adante [22:11] oh alt+f2 problem yeah [22:12] \join#ubuntu-fr [22:12] pagangeek: are you using nm-applet to connect? [22:12] serkan`c, i got it to work before, but i forgot how [22:13] soy española [22:13] blackpearl: you could try putting the entire alias in .gnomerc [22:13] ejer, ok, let me check it out [22:14] anyone know how to change the default x,y coordinates for your mounted icons on the desktop? [22:14] GleepGlop: im just using the defualt network box in administration [22:14] keen101: if you can, it is gconf-editor, but I don't know if it is possible without hacking stuff [22:14] does anyone know if the pictures you can add to a contact in evolution are used anywhere besides the contacts details? [22:14] ejer, do you know where in gconf-editor? [22:15] keen101: i looked and can't find it, but under apps>nautilus>desktop i think [22:15] Bugger Gleeglop dc'd, could someone tell me where nm-applet can be found? [22:15] ejer, ok i'll take a look. [22:16] ejer, i had found this, but it really did not help. http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/06/how-to-always-mount-removable-drives-in-the-same-place-ubuntu-6061-610/ [22:16] pagangeek: such as what package it's in? [22:16] more as how to start it [22:16] keen101: you could always hide desktop icons and use disk mount applet [22:17] hmm..... [22:17] i have kubuntu 7.10 installed (kernel is 2.6.22), and then am running linuxmce in conjunction with it ... the problem is that i have a gigabyte wp01gs card and whenever i get a large amount of traffic flow, the system locks up, get the blinking leds for the caps lock and scroll lock ... so small amount of network activity won't make it go crazy ... i've got the ndiswrapper driver installed... [22:17] try /usr/bin/nm-applet [22:17] ...and have the native linux drivers blacklisted, any suggestions? [22:17] How do I play my Mp3s in Ubuntu? [22:17] !mp3 | GOETTLE [22:17] GOETTLE: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:18] hmm, wont start from term. [22:18] ubootu: Thanks for the link. [22:18] ejer, that is not the ideal soloution, but i will keep it in mind. I mostly just wanted to reset my removable drive icons to their defaut locations, since i moved them, and now they appear in the middle of the desktop. [22:19] keen101: right click on desktop, 'clean up by name' ? [22:20] verticalvoid: " Here is something that may help. My Ethernet card and my Wireless card ( both built in ) were sharing IRQ 11 ) If I enabled PCI=routeirq at the kernel boot, I no longer get lockups. " [22:20] verticalvoid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/34902 [22:20] Launchpad bug 34902 in ubuntu "Ralink Wireless legacy drivers (rt2500 rt61 rt73 rt2570) USB/PCMCIA/PCI hangs PC" [High,Confirmed] [22:20] ejer, interesting... that kind of works, but i moved several different cd's and usb drives while mounted, and ubuntu remembers their location. So, i'd have to mount them all seperately and do that. [22:21] how can i set my drives to mount on startup [22:21] is there a gui to help me teach this to people who are kindof windows teathered? [22:21] weeeeeeeeeeee [22:21] ejer, i had also had the idea that it might be neat to set them to mount on the right hand side like osx does. [22:21] keen101, yes, move the icons back to their locations [22:21] What command can I issue to search through files contents for a substring? [22:21] thanks ejer, i don't have built-in wired ethernet, so only one card, but i wonder if there is an irq conflict elsewhere, is there a way to see which irq number each device uses plus a way to change it? [22:22] read my first comment verticalvoid [22:22] grep or cat mabye [22:22] suweid: grep ? [22:22] keen101: many ways to do stuff like this [22:22] I have a lot of files, and I need to find which one of them has a given substring. Can I use grep for that? [22:22] blackbutterfly: could you solve it? [22:22] chamunks: just add it to your /etc/fstab file [22:22] !ntfs | chamunks [22:22] chamunks: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [22:23] any one know how work with aircrack ????? [22:23] grep "search term" * [22:23] Odd-rationale, its actually not ntfs its reiserfs... wich is odd kus my ntfs drive that i will soon be formatting does the same thing... [22:23] search for a grep faq, it has ALOT of options it can search for about anything, useful with pipes [22:23] serkan`c, Oh, nice. Let me try that. [22:23] HELP AIRCRACK, please private [22:23] if there is lots of dirs you can use -R [22:23] aircrack? [22:23] chamunks: that is fine... just see the link to see an example... [22:23] ejer, i wish there was a simple "reset", "left hand side", and "right hand side" option somewhere. But as far as i can tell no. Maybe i should put that idea on brainstorm. [22:23] yes [22:24] Ah, excellent serkan`c ! [22:24] chamunks: or read "man fstab" [22:24] keen101: there are lots of ways [22:24] HELP AIRCRACK, please private [22:24] you do NOT need to add anything to fstab to mount disks [22:24] !repeat | joel__ [22:24] joel__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [22:24] how can i mouse over .mp3s and hear the preview? [22:24] Odd-rationale, thanks i've been incapable of finding this howto for some reason... [22:24] stray`: by default you would be hearing it [22:24] HELP AIRCRACK, please private [22:24] joel__: not only that, if you want help around here, it'll happen in the channel... also, if you're trying to do something that's not entirely legal, you're not going to get help anyway. [22:25] serkan, don't hear it =/ [22:25] but sound is working stray` ? [22:25] ejer, i've searched and searched google. But haven't found anything. maybe i just don't know what to search for. [22:25] how to extract of .tar.gz [22:25] stray`: enable media preview. open nautilus and go to edit --> pref --> preview [22:25] joel__: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=tutorial [22:25] thanks ejer [22:25] adrian_: right-click --> extract here [22:25] serkan`c, yes it is [22:25] adrian_, tar xvfz filname [22:25] keen101: ie: you could just add a new panel and put the disk mounter applet in it, I can think of quite a few ways, it is all about what you like and how you want it tweaked [22:26] stray`: is it a fresh install of hardy? [22:26] serkan`c, yes it is [22:26] then it is weird [22:26] Odd-rationale, i have it enabled for local files [22:26] it should still work if it's accessing my windows partition, right? [22:26] ejer, there is a disk mounter applet now? [22:26] i dont know that stray` [22:26] always was keen101 [22:27] 10x all [22:27] stray`: hmm. it should. try copying one over and seeing if that worls... [22:27] k [22:27] hi! does anyone know what might be the problem as i get dropped out of every msn group chat if no one speaks for a little while? ive tried pidgin, amsn and emesene... [22:27] pidgin works fine herchie [22:27] herchie: i have that same problem if im also downloading a torrent [22:27] ok, new info...sound works in VLC, but not in any other application [22:28] is it possible to assign a label or name to each workspace? [22:28] grrrrrr...... [22:28] tar: This does not look like a tar archive [22:28] tar: Skipping to next header [22:28] tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors [22:28] ejer, so the one provided with gnome pretty much sucks then? [22:28] :(( [22:28] # tar xvpf apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:28] keen101: i am talking about the one in gnome [22:28] adrian_: re-download it if your are sure it is a tar.gz file [22:28] why does mozilla sometimes displays ? symbol instead of correct characters?, I need mozilla to display á é í ó ú, I installed mozilla-firefox-locale-es-es but it still gives me this ? symbol (I restarted firefox) [22:28] in gnome' [22:28] adrian_, tar xvfz [22:28] oh. [22:28] not 'p' [22:28] oh p :D [22:29] Has anyone run into this problem while trying to install WoW using wine? http://paste.ubuntu.com/32349/ [22:29] pidgin actually unconnected me like every 10 minutes [22:29] tar xvfz apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:29] gzip: stdin: not in gzip format [22:29] :( [22:29] Voxicle1, try Cedega, I think is better [22:29] i didnt have that problem with amsn and emesene [22:29] Copperpot: Is it noob friendly? [22:29] whens intrepid come out? [22:29] !intrepid | AMDpenguin [22:29] AMDpenguin: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! === Aragon is now known as aragon === yxven is now known as Yxven [22:30] cool g2 [22:30] h [22:30] g2g === aragon is now known as Aragon [22:30] Voxicle1, has a Graphic User Interface very easy to install [22:30] Copperpot, thanks, I'll give it a whirl [22:30] there is some no official versions in p2p [22:30] but I am paying for it to use the latest one [22:31] hey whats the best client for bitorrent for ubuntu? [22:31] !best | msmarc [22:31] msmarc: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [22:31] heeelp [22:31] tar xvfz apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:31] msmarc: that being said, transmission is now the default and is quite good... [22:31] tar xvfz apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:31] gzip: stdin: not in gzip format [22:31] sorry [22:31] adrian_: is it ubuntu? [22:31] adrian_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:31] yes [22:31] adrian_, try gunzip filename [22:32] adrian_: the f ould be the last option [22:32] then tar xvf filename === theRealBall|zzZZ is now known as theRealBall [22:32] hmmm wasnt there a gtk tool to browse mobile phones trough obex? [22:32] msmarc, what is wrong with the default "transmission" that comes with ubuntu? [22:32] i guess ill try it out I didn't know I had it [22:32] r# gunzip apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:32] gzip: apache_1.3.29.tar.gz: not in gzip forma [22:32] Odd-rationale, thanks that script worked really well and the rest is rather informative aswell you've been a great help [22:32] try tar xvf adrian_ [22:33] chamunks: heh. didn't do much except point you to docs... ;) [22:33] tar xvf apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:33] tar: This does not look like a tar archive === RoGuE is now known as LiNuxBaBe [22:33] :(((((( [22:33] what does this say adrian_ ? [22:33] file apache_1.3.29.tar.gz [22:33] adrian_, dowonload it again, it should be corrupt [22:34] adrian_: can you right-click the file --> extrract here ? [22:34] this is what i told him first Copperpot :) [22:34] Odd-rationale is not this option === nick__ is now known as nickgarvey [22:34] adrian_: where did you get the file? and what is the output of my command? [22:35] help! I am having problems with my mic. I think Installed the latest ALSA which I was told would help but still doesn't work. Anyone able to help a complete newbie or point me in the right direction? [22:35] adrian_: you need the z option to tar as it's gzipped [22:35] actually z is needless [22:35] xvf must work [22:35] y try plik [22:35] sorry? [22:36] 10x boys y try another arhive === niki77 is now known as nikola77 [22:36] meybe is corrupted [22:36] adrian_, why are you using tar.gz and not .deb or .rpm [22:37] ? [22:37] good question hehe [22:37] or repository itself [22:37] exactly [22:37] how do you choose default programs? [22:37] Copperpot, becaus y following a bock to install [22:37] :> [22:37] and how do i make alsamixer my main output? [22:37] adrian_: Apache 2.0 is in the repositories and is the proper way to install it. [22:38] alsamixer is just a mixer [22:38] http://conkygui.sourceforge.net/ [22:38] !lamp > adrian_ [22:38] adrian_, please see my private message [22:38] I have just switched from Windows to Ubuntu, how do I find a list of hardware that is currently installed, like system and hardware profiles in windows? [22:38] Is there a way to mount an ftp to a local folder? [22:38] Pici : ok , y try 2.0 version [22:38] well, how do i select vlc as the software to open mp3s, amarok keeps taking over [22:39] stray`: choose open with another program, select VLC and hit OK. after that it will be the default [22:39] yeah, it stays as amarok though [22:39] stray`: right click the mp3 files, under options select the desired application [22:39] as in "open with" [22:40] does anyone use compiz standalone? [22:40] is ntfs-3g's write support still considered experimental? (i mean i'm not banking anything mission critical on it...) [22:40] oh ok, i have to choose another application, not just open with vlc [22:40] NPG: go to add/remove and search for sysinfo and install that === slayton is now known as slayton-ZzZz [22:40] still though, i only get sound out of vlc and nothing else [22:40] ubuntu_live: it is pretty stable [22:40] anyone knows how to change spell checker to spanish in abiword? [22:40] ubuntu_live, I have no problem writing with ntfs-3g [22:40] stray`: change sound output of applications [22:41] yeah, but i want to change the sound ouput of ubuntu [22:41] serkan`c: thanks, do you know if there's a "preferred" way of enabling it in the livecd? I need to back some data up before i reformat [22:41] stray`: from pulseaudio to alsa? [22:41] because even vlc only works when i choose ALSA as the output [22:41] how do i choose ALSA for all of ubuntu [22:42] stray`: system>preferences>sound [22:42] ubuntu_live: imho you can install ntfs-3g via live cd [22:42] or isnt it default? [22:42] stray`: change the options as ejer implied, or just deinstall the pulseaudio package. === andi_ is now known as adac [22:42] serkan`c: i believe ntfs-3g is installed by default, but write support is disabled by default [22:42] uninstalling pulseaudio is probably not preferred way ;) [22:43] ntfs-3g is fully enabled afaik in hardy [22:43] it is fully enabled indeed [22:43] ejer: it doesn't seem to be in the livecd though [22:43] ubuntu_live: than just shoot the ntfs-config and give the support :) [22:44] ah, see that's what i was looking for lol [22:44] can someone help me get usb spdif working? [22:44] stray`: system --> pref --> preffered applications [22:44] Can someone help me? my apache installation seems not to work anymore... [22:45] thanks Odd-rationale [22:45] stray`: np [22:45] adac: can you describe the problem? [22:46] ubuntu_live: well I try to start apache2 like this: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start and everything seems fine [22:46] NPG, i know it's on the >system> prefrences or administration panel somewhere. [22:47] but I cannot access to documents in /var/www anymore [22:47] adac: check the folders permissions [22:47] adac: you can't access documents in /var/www from the internet? or locally? (with a file browser?) === eth01` is now known as eht01 === eht01 is now known as eth01 [22:48] negge: permissions are fine...seems that apache isn't even running [22:48] ubuntu_live: locally from the browser [22:48] adac: look at apache error log [22:48] I need some help configuring my sound card, My sound works great but my mic doesn't work at all and I need it for making calls. === Exteris is now known as Exteris^ === Exteris^ is now known as Exteris [22:48] adac: yeah check out /var/log/apache2 [22:49] Hey guys, just installed 8.04 and my Creative Audigy sound card is not working. :-( I've been looking at posts on forums, and nothing so far [22:49] I think I have a Hda Intel sound card but I also come up with SigmaTel so I am a bit confused about what I have [22:49] would you believe that npviewer.bin was using 137% of my cpu?? and I have two cores?? I ran top to figure why my laptop was so freakin hot... can I expect it to cool down now that I have killed that process? or should I reboot? Getting so hot to force me to run top to find the problem doesn't happen very often and sets off alarms in my book... what do you suggest ? [22:49] NPG: have you tried doing edit>prefs in gnome volume window and selecting all the checkboxes [22:49] adac: also, it's possible you just don't have any enabled sites, make sure there's at least *something* in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled [22:49] i recently tried to dual boot windows with freebsd, but when i got to the boot loader and tried to boot into my windows partition the screen went black and rebooted after about a second. However, i then installed ubuntu over freebsd and found i could mount my windows partition, and all the data was there. any ideas? [22:49] ejer: nope [22:49] it doesn't seem to be showing up in the PulseAudio Device Chooser app either, even though it shows up in the System -> Sound menu [22:50] why does my wireless card see, but cannot connect to my home wireless card w/out me restarting the router each time? [22:50] ubuntu_live: it worked before. but after installing some php5 apps with apt-get and a newstart of apache it is broken [22:50] NPG: i can select which mic is my primary input in switches, I have same card [22:51] ejer: I am not sure how to do that. [22:51] adac: so did you check those two things? [22:51] NPG: i just told you :) [22:51] how to remove any pacckets of apache on my system?? and kill all process [22:51] NPG: have you tried doing edit>prefs in gnome volume window and selecting all the checkboxes [22:51] adac in my distribution, default document file change to /srv/http, check your httpd.conf [22:51] Abazigal: that would be relevant, except we are in ubuntu chat here [22:51] ubuntu_live, ejer: http://pastebin.com/m20dfec10 [22:51] ejer: sorry but I don't know where the gnome volume window is [22:52] hi [22:52] adrian_: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 [22:52] 10x ejer [22:52] NPG: right click vol icon near clock and choose open volume control [22:52] ubuntu_live, ejer: this is the aqpache error log [22:52] NPG, i think he means >system >prefrences >sound [22:52] is there an easy way to clear my log files ? they are quite extensive [22:53] Hi people, OpenOffice keeps crashing when I try to install a new dictionary in Ubuntu Hardy x86-64, it's the "vanilla" OO.org that comes with Ubuntu, does anyone know how to fix this? [22:53] adac: you are trying to load modules that do not have proper libs it seems [22:53] would you believe that npviewer.bin was using 137% of my cpu?? and I have two cores?? I ran top to figure why my laptop was so freakin hot... can I expect it to cool down now that I have killed that process? or should I reboot? Getting so hot to force me to run top to find the problem doesn't happen very often and sets off alarms in my book... what do you suggest ? [22:53] ejer: can this cause apache to abort? [22:53] adac: do you have php5-clamavlib and php5-imagick installed? [22:53] does somebody know why in "monitor resolution settings" window refresh rate is at 50hz (its not, correct is 60hz) and the monitor/screen is "unknown"? [22:54] <|thunder> vmware player is not in my reps. wtf ? [22:54] adac: the log is telling you that is what is happening [22:54] <|thunder> converting from rpm to dep takes an eternity [22:54] CaptainMorgan: seems you already fixed the issue [22:54] except for that everything works ok [22:55] My gnome-panel has dissappeared completly how do I get it back? [22:55] |thunder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [22:55] <|thunder> ejer thanks [22:55] anybody? [22:55] ejer, the laptop is still a little hot though... it's warmed down substantially.. but nevertheless it's still hot... should I reboot? if just to cool it off ? [22:55] Flare183: try alt+f2 then enter gnome-terminal [22:55] er [22:55] sorry [22:55] gnome-panel [22:55] ubuntu_live: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:55] ejer, nothing else is gobbling up the CPU though [22:56] Flare183, i don't think you can "get it back" but, you can make a new one. [22:56] i've tried everything but nothing helps. xorg.conf is i think ok. [22:56] Heya, I am tying to copy some files from my Eee PC running 7.10 ubuntu on to my 8gb SD card - I do not have permission to write to the disk... How do I get permission without having save my files in root? [22:56] keen101: how? [22:56] ejer, ubuntu_live: I removed those two packages php5-clamavlib and php5-imagick now it works again...thx guys [22:56] ejer: Still no sound on my mic [22:56] <|thunder> ejer; i want to install vmware player ON ubuntu, not virtualize ubuntu [22:56] CaptainMorgan: it will cool off no need to reboot [22:56] keen101: How do I do that? [22:56] I have no panels at all! [22:56] Flare183, do you still have at least one panel left? [22:57] keen101: no [22:57] and so what is problem |thunder [22:57] read the page [22:57] Heya, I am tying to copy some files from my Eee PC running 7.10 ubuntu on to my 8gb SD card - I do not have permission to write to the disk... How do I get permission without having save my files in root? [22:57] Flare183, oh. well let me think for a min. [22:57] I deleted important files by accident and now im trying to find a way to easily recover the files? anyone use a recovery tool they can recommend FREE or PAID? [22:57] I need all the help i can get this is the second time gnome has failed me [22:57] does somebody know why in "monitor resolution settings" window refresh rate is at 50hz (its not, correct is 60hz) and the monitor/screen is "unknown"? [22:58] xorg.conf seems ok [22:58] anybody? [22:58] ubuntuisloved: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howtorecover-and-undelete-text-file-in.html maybe [22:58] Heya, I am tying to copy some files from my Eee PC running 7.10 ubuntu on to my 8gb SD card - I do not have permission to write to the disk... How do I get permission without having save my files in root? [22:58] how do you force ALSA audio as the output? [22:58] Anyone using Google desktop? I've been back and forth between Tracker and Beagle, Tracker isn't showing me results, as in it shows 90 files, but nothing in the window, and Beagle doesn't always search everything. [22:59] <|thunder> ejer; i didnt see the links at the top, thanks again [22:59] how to alow a port in pirewall in ubuntu ? [22:59] Flare183, do you have access to a terminal? [22:59] firewall* === dev_n00b|AFK is now known as dev_n00b [23:00] keen101: yes [23:00] adrian_: oprts should be open already, you can try using firestarter to configure a firewall [23:00] Flare183, try this "gnome-panel &" [23:00] keen101: I get this: A panel is already running. [23:00] Heya, I am tying to copy some files from my Eee PC running 7.10 ubuntu on to my 8gb SD card - I do not have permission to write to the disk... How do I get permission without having save my files in root? [23:00] renegade420: sudo chown yourusername:yourusername -R /media/yourdisk may do it [23:00] hi [23:00] where si firewall documents, to modify [23:00] im using links2 [23:00] ohh chown [23:01] not chob [23:01] i mean [23:01] and why it doesnt seem some items on web page [23:01] i mean chmb [23:01] keen101: How can I kill the other one? [23:01] yuhaqya: because its a text based browser and can't do everything that a normal browser can? [23:01] What is a good way to get Ubuntu on a very old machine? (The specs of which come nowhere near what the recommended specs for 8.04 [23:02] salut [23:02] where is firewall text? [23:02] adrian_: http://useopensource.blogspot.com/2007/03/how-to-setup-firewall-in-ubuntu.html [23:02] hi [23:02] ejer: 10x [23:02] Flare183, i don't know let me think for a min. I've never had both panels dissapear. [23:03] the way there is xorg.conf for X, is there something like that for audio? [23:03] Yes! I got it back! [23:03] for ALSA perhaps [23:03] I want to download Adobe flash player for Ubuntu Hardy and there are 3 versions .tar.gz / .rpm /and YUM which should I use? Can anyone advise please? [23:03] keen101: I got it back [23:03] I killed the other one and typed in gnome-panel & and it worked! [23:04] DavidCanarias: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [23:04] Thanks erUSUL I will try it now....... [23:04] Anybody home? [23:04] I've followed this guide: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-ftp-virtual-host-with-proftpd-mysql , but when trying to connect to the ftp, it only disconnects after 5 seconds... (it says connected). The error msg in the logs is: PROFTPD killed (Error signal 15) [23:04] Flare183, how? [23:04] DavidCanarias, why you are not using the one that comes with Ubuntu? [23:05] Bah... [23:05] I have a problem in 8.04 when trying to play any kind of video file. in vlc, or any other players, I cant play them fullscreen without massive pixelization. Anyone know how to fix this? [23:05] TwinView hates me. -.- [23:05] Hi Copperpot . Seems I have the latest version installed. What is the one with Linux???? [23:05] Thingus: have you tried just xinerama? [23:05] Is there a camera profile that works with the ipod touch in ubuntu 7.04? [23:06] DavidCanarias, I am not sure, but if you try the command apt-cache search adobe | grep flash [23:06] ubuntu_live, I've tried everything I can think of. nvidia-settings, Seperate X sessions, nothing seems to work right. [23:06] maybe you get some interesting result [23:06] DavidCanarias: firefox will install it automagically for you [23:06] Thingus: i'm sorry :-( if i had ever successfully setup dual monitors i'd help you :-( [23:07] hello [23:07] Thingus: ooh, there *is* a #nvidia here you might try [23:07] Copperpot. I will try, but the command isnt the right one? what is the letter next to adobe ?? [23:07] Okay === dethray is now known as Dethray [23:07] I have pixelated video in ubuntu. works fine in a window, but it doesnt scale. someone help [23:07] hacking frends [23:07] Thingus: i use nvidia-settings, works great [23:07] are you trying to get mirror view or extended view? [23:07] ejer - how do I do that? [23:07] or free ware developers [23:07] DavidCanarias: go to a page with flash on it in firefox [23:07] ejer where do I start looking for that? [23:08] 'lo -- How do I stop gdm from being my default window manager. I would like wmii to start instead. I have an .xinitrc file that I created so when I call `xinit`, wmii runs just fine. How can I do that automatically? [23:08] DavidCanarias: applications>internet>firefox type in youtube.com to URL bar hit enter [23:09] defn: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove [23:09] anytone know about installing a geforce 9 series? [23:09] copperpot - I tried copy / past and it worked, but it said Adobe Flashplayer plugin installer and then returned to david desktop etc., [23:09] hi everyone, I am looking for a cool dock for ubuntu, is one built in? I tried simdock from add/remove but i am getting a "can't load image from file..." [23:09] ejer: how about getting wmii to start in its place? [23:10] ejer: will I still be able to /etc/init.d/gdm start? [23:10] I've installed one but... the 3d now cant work and the screen got un configured [23:10] can i make ubuntu completely remotely accessible? [23:10] or better yet a program like quicksilver or spotlight for os x, does one exist for Ubuntu yet? [23:10] defn: i thought you said you will start it manually... and yes you can still start gdm manually [23:10] Here's the issue: 2 displays - 1 CRT monitor and 1 TV connected via my cards svideo output. [23:10] thapar: yes [23:10] thapar: define completely [23:10] thapar , yes but i don't know how [23:10] ejer: nono, I'd like wmii to start auotmatically [23:10] can i see the screen? [23:10] ejer: how do i do that? [23:10] can i see X [23:10] Whenever I try to set up regular twinview, it fails, and switches me into low-graphics mode. [23:10] defn: never used it [23:10] Any file I save to my desktop is automatically hidden. It won't show on the GUI but it will in the terminal. Can someone help? None of the files start with . [23:10] my sound preferences have decided not to close. What's the ubuntu equivalent to ctrl alt del? [23:10] thapar: yes of course [23:11] how can i do this? [23:11] !vnc | thapar [23:11] thapar: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [23:11] force quit === EGU is now known as ExGearUser [23:11] Everything else I try "works" without failure, but the TV still refuses to display anything. [23:11] <_< [23:11] Netsplit? [23:11] Thingus: tv-out is ... annoying [23:11] !netsplit [23:11] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [23:11] Is there a way to install Ubuntu "without the desktop"? I am looking at a command line only installation .. or am I better off with Debian? [23:11] ejer I typed in youtube.com and what do I do now? [23:11] Thingus: have you tried the screens manager? it's broken as hell, (and you'll want to backup your xorg.conf for when you stop using the tv) but i've always been able to connect to a tv that way [23:12] harisund: ubuntu-server [23:12] DavidCanarias, just download the tar.gz file from adobe. [23:12] vnc is commandline based? [23:12] DavidCanarias: can you watch a video? [23:12] ejer: Setting the TV as the only display works fine [23:12] DavidCanarias, try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [23:12] Wasn't asking what it was xD Just an observation. :P [23:12] But, that's too annoying. [23:12] how to check if my video driver is working properly glxgears shows 150 fps, lspci says it's : [23:12] ejer - never tried? jejeje [23:12] 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge (AGP) [23:12] i allocated 64 mb in bios [23:13] DavidCanarias: maybe you should since you want to see if flash is working? ??? [23:13] Anyone using Crossover Games with 8.04? [23:13] lunch: try running glxinfo | grep -i version [23:13] lunch: there are no 3d drivers for SIS chips [23:13] hey all I am trying to install Gothic (First Part) under wine, and somehow I can't get it working [23:13] jcm_: doesn't codeweavers provide professional support for it? [23:13] copperpot - access denied?? [23:13] asks if I am root? [23:13] yea [23:14] ejer, OK will try and advise [23:14] sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [23:14] Dominik: there's #winehq if no one can answer your question here, what seems to be the problem? [23:14] ubuntu_live, [23:14] They don't know what is causing it. I was just wounding if I was the only one having the issue [23:14] server glx version string: 1.2 [23:14] client glx version string: 1.4 [23:14] GLX version: 1.2 [23:14] OpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2) [23:14] lunch: all you have is software rendering [23:14] crdlb, ok, so 150 fps is normal? [23:15] no that's really low... [23:15] the glxgears fps is completely meaningless [23:15] bbl [23:15] ejer nothing happens, but I see the download for adobe flashplayer [23:15] ubuntu_live: well when I start the game it starts running, but the Intro is totally chunky and cut up and the sound is chunky, and then it crashes after a while saying something like gothic doesn't have permission to read from F000000 or something like that [23:15] !bot [23:15] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [23:15] DavidCanarias: bingo [23:15] Steam says it servers are too busy and just wounding if it was just my system. [23:15] +part [23:15] I am FlareBot, the all-knowing infobot. [23:15] lol [23:16] Dominik: have you checked appdb? [23:16] ubuntu_live, things are running little slow in gnome, on the same machine, xp runs faster [23:16] ejer do I download from youtube then? [23:16] DavidCanarias, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash [23:16] ubuntu_live: appdb ? [23:16] DavidCanarias: for the sake of brevity, yes [23:16] i have about 700 mb ram, 160 gig hd, 2.0 ghz cpu celeron [23:16] can someone help me resolve why, even though i have kde4 gone, when im on gnome, it wont change from the ugly kde4 cursor even if i change it in the themes settings? [23:16] keen 101 thanks [23:16] it'll show my theme on programs like firefox, but the kde one on the desktop [23:17] hey question - if i ssh into a machine without X-forwarding and try to run firefox, for example, what will happen? [23:17] Dominik: http://appdb.winehq.org i believe, they have TONS of info from when other people have used wine, you can see if other people have had the same problem with that game, and if they were able to overcome it [23:17] yeah, my sister seemed to be into it but she seemed awkward the whole time I was doing it [23:17] ejer will try but back again to which version or type to install tar or rpm or YUM [23:17] tar.gz [23:17] crap, disregard. that was meant as a pm [23:17] jcovert, you will have an error ... [23:17] jcovert: firefox will probably error saying it can't connect to the display [23:17] DavidCanarias, tar.gz [23:17] DavidCanarias: i gave you step by step instructions, you should NOT download anything from adobe [23:17] err rather, is there a way i can remotely load firefox without x-forwarding? [23:18] ejer, what's bad about adobe? [23:18] keen101: that is not a supported way of doing it, why do you suggest this? it is all automatic [23:18] jcovert: is xorg also running on the remote machine? [23:18] copperpot thanks. But access denied it asks if I am root? [23:18] it can be if i need it to be, i guess [23:18] keen101: this is why we have repositories [23:18] ubuntu_live: ok thx I will see if I can find anything [23:18] DavidCanarias, do you know the password for root? [23:18] Anyone using Google desktop? I've been back and forth between Tracker and Beagle, Tracker isn't showing me results, as in it shows 90 files, but nothing in the window, and Beagle doesn't always search everything. [23:18] sup guys. does anyone use linux mint? [23:18] umma, I used to, why? [23:18] copperpot Im new and know nothing??? [23:18] bobbob1016: what is yr Q? [23:19] bobbob1016, does it work at x64 amd? [23:19] ejer, sure. But, if he's having that much difficulty then he should just install it from source. takes ten min. [23:19] ejer are you saying I should download tar version and it will load automatically? [23:19] DavidCanarias, when you installed the machine the installation asked you a password for root [23:19] Hello everyone [23:19] doesn't it? [23:19] ejer, q? [23:19] keen101: that is about hardest way to do it, and when next version comes out, then what.... remember, some people are newbies [23:19] bobbob1016, does it work at x64 amd? [23:19] copperpot Yes I have to enter a password each time is that what you mean [23:19] question bobbob1016? [23:19] Dominik: oh yeah i forgot! are you using up-to-date wine? [23:20] copperpot:no,there is no root password in ubuntu [23:20] Copperpot: actually no ubuntu does not ask for a root passwrod [23:20] copperpot:root account is disable by default [23:20] ubuntu_live: 0.9.59 [23:20] Copperpot: Ubuntu just gives the first account sudo acces [23:20] ubuntu_live: basically, i'm trying to ssh into a machine and run a script that opens firefox - as of right now, there is no X installed - what will I need to do? Is installing X enough? [23:20] ejer, yeah... i suppose. But, i was willing to walk him through it. Only like four commands to it too. But, if you've got it covered. [23:20] and it takes 20 seconds by letting FF do it for you keen101 [23:20] ah, ok [23:20] Dominik: old! one sec [23:20] does anyone use linux mint? [23:21] ejer, Sorry, I was asking if it worked well, as in fast, if it was worth reindexing again. I also have a problem trusting with indexing everything, but I'm paranoid... [23:21] DavidCanarias, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [23:21] umma: many people do [23:21] umma, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=opera&rls=en&hs=3Tz&q=linux+mint+64bit&btnG=Search [23:21] ejer, in my past experience FF alway's failed to install it on my system. [23:21] or gksudo etc etc [23:21] keen101: works great [23:21] Dominik: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb if you follow those directions (read them carefully) you will stay up to date with wine [23:21] ejer, do u know, does it works at amd x64? elyssa 5 [23:21] umma, I googled "linux mint 64bit" then go to the top post, it says it doesn't have a 64bit version directly, you install the 32bit version, that works fine on 64bit. [23:21] ejer I am a newbie and am getting puzzled!! I've downloaded the tar file to save. What do I do next please? [23:22] ejer, i've never tried it on FF3, but on the older versions it never worked for me. [23:22] DavidCanarias: look back at what I told you to do [23:22] ubuntu_live: ok thx, problem is I don't have a internet connection with my Linux Laptop where I am installing :-/ [23:22] anyone? i can't get ubuntu to change the kde default cursor even when on gnome, on login it reverts back to it [23:22] bobbob1016, thanks, im on my way to installing [23:22] ejer, but that reminds me... doesent ubuntu install it's own FF add-on that INCLUDES flash? [23:22] ejer, I can see you're busy, so no rush, I'll google around a bit more... I'll google if I should be paranoid about google desktop, sounds funny [23:22] Ok im going crazy with this....snmpd...it it will not accept connections outside the box..and no there is no firewall on the box [23:22] Dominik: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3000 is this it? because it looks like people with recent versions of wine aren't having *too* much trouble with it [23:23] http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/snmp.htm [23:23] ubuntu_live: yes that is it [23:23] im following the instructions on that site... [23:23] ubuntu_live: I just started reading that page myself [23:23] bobbob1016: i would not use it, ubuntu tracker works well [23:23] i can run snmpwalk from the actual machine..but on the outside..i get nothing [23:23] are the default fonts in mint the same as in the default ubuntu distr? [23:23] umma, I'm not fond of Mint, for a newb it's ok, but I find a few things a little problematic. Make sure to put your /home on a different partition than your /, so you can reinstall and change distros without much issue. [23:23] Dominik: ah alright :-) i just felt like since it was your first time on appdb i could at least look myself too [23:24] ejer, When I search, I just get a blank window, even though I get 90 results [23:24] Dominik: that lack-of-internet thing is rather prohibitive, is there any way you can temporarily get the laptop internet? [23:24] DavidCanarias, FF3 didn't come with flash ? [23:24] hey.. anyone know how to play xgalaga in windows mode? [23:24] DavidCanarias: you can also go to add/remove under applications and search flashplugin then tick box next to it and say apply changes [23:24] ubuntu_live: yeah thx I really appreciate the help... let me see if I can get a cable :) [23:24] keen101: it does not, but it autoinstalls for you on first flash page you see, exactly like windows [23:25] Hiya all, just was wondering if kde 4.1 is out in the repo's yet? [23:25] how od i find out if i am running 64 or 32bit ubuntu? [23:25] <|thunder> what signal does ctrl^z send ? [23:25] foug:uname -a will tell you your kernel version [23:25] ubuntu_live: I'll have to go offline , I will be right back, ok? [23:25] lsb_release -a [23:26] ejer, i understand what you are talking about with the flash install prompt, but i'm pretty sure with the ubuntu 8.04 that "Ubuntu Firefox modifications" plugin it has flash. [23:26] keen101: no, it is restricted software! [23:26] Dominik: sure :-) [23:26] for certain reasons, I need to go back to gutsy kernel. I actually still have the gutsy kernel installed. I want to install the ubuntu pkg for nvidia for gutsy. [23:27] ciao a tutti... [23:27] qualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano? [23:27] keen101: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash [23:27] I have linux-image-2.6.22 linux-restricted-modules and linux-ubuntu-modules installed. do I need anything else (besdies the nvidia pkg)_ to get nvidia working again with gutsy? [23:28] ejer, yeah your right. I guess i must have installed it myself. I just don't remember. :) [23:28] he he, people, look at this joke -> www.microsoft.ba [23:28] bobbob1016: not sure what the issue could be, but maybe service is not running? [23:28] I crashed just as I received a message from someone????? [23:28] ejer, must be my thick skull. :) hehe [23:29] ejer, No, I'm pretty sure it is running, since I see 90 results in the right of the window, under "All" just nothing in the actual content window when I click All, or any other option for that matter [23:29] ejer did you send me a message when I crashed??? [23:30] i did not crash your system DavidCanarias :) [23:30] keen 101 did you send me a message when I crashed so I couldnot answer. [23:30] ejer don't worry it wasnt your fault [23:30] phewf! [23:31] DavidCanarias, i don't think so. [23:31] I'm trying to install the flashplayer and received a message from someone but couldnt answer [23:31] ubuntu_live: hey [23:31] hey Dominik [23:31] copperpot did you send me a message on msn I couldnt answer as I crashed?? [23:32] ubuntu_live: can you resend me the two links ? :D [23:32] DavidCanarias: it does not matter! that is offtopic [23:32] Dominik1 sure one sec [23:32] ejer the message was precisely in order to help me install the flashplayer!!!! [23:32] Dominik1: first the appdb entry http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3000 [23:32] DavidCanarias, I sent you a private message [23:33] Copperpot, can we try again then please, apologies [23:33] Dominik1: then here's the install instructions http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb [23:33] DavidCanarias, I have tried it another time just now [23:34] has anyone installed vncserver on gutsy? [23:34] hi i'm having problems on my ubuntu desktop machine resetting it's dns servers when i restart it [23:35] ubuntu_live: ok thx let me try and nupdate wine [23:35] kkathman: everyone i think :D [23:35] ops kkrusty i meant [23:35] Im trying to do an installation on a laptop with a broken screen. Is there anyway I could enable xdmcp from console? [23:35] aha without X? [23:35] has anyone in here managed to get a blackberry tethered with ubuntu for data access/wireless internet? [23:35] serkan`c: without a monitor [23:36] then vino is not working here [23:36] Copperpot, if his system is crashing becuase of you, then he might have bigger problems. [23:36] vino? [23:36] flash plugin in DEB > http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/ [23:36] graphical vnc server kkrusty [23:37] anathematic : whern you are connected to internet try to type in terminal sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [23:37] zvacet: i'll give it a try now === konflikt__ is now known as pockukuku [23:37] they had removed it from multiverse, only archive left [23:37] well I think the laptop doesnt know that it doesnt have an LCD. vnc server should work fine shouldnt it? Im getting ssh working [23:38] Im following this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 but it seems old [23:38] Hi guys, I'm running Fluxbuntu and I really miss the .deb package install system from vanilla Ubuntu. Anybody know what it is called so I can apt-get it? [23:38] zvacet: it seems to be fine still [23:38] not to mention that it requires me to use X to enable vnc [23:38] anathematic : I hope it ´ll stay that way [23:39] zvacet: so do i actually [23:39] !info bazaar [23:39] Package bazaar does not exist in hardy [23:39] anathematic : :) [23:39] so any idea how I could enable xdmcp from console? [23:39] thanks =) [23:39] bb === Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda [23:39] ciao [23:39] erm, why does bazaar not exist in hardy? I thought it was an ubuntu/canonical project [23:40] darrend: meaning 'bzr'? [23:40] hey [23:40] whats up [23:40] i know google is my friend, but i wonder if anyone have a really good tutorial to recommend me about formating and building bootable usb and hcsd sticks [23:40] strixv: gdebi-gtk is the command i believe, probably a package by the same name [23:40] crimsun: yes, the vcs [23:40] what psx emulator do u guys use [23:40] darrend: it's there... [23:41] darrend: I gave you the name of the package [23:41] ah.. under 'bzr' I see. Thanks :) [23:41] :-p [23:41] akaaka: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ === danny is now known as Guest14698 [23:42] Hi, I need to solve the following problem: [23:42] I have to create a bash script, using the imagemagick program, that will automatically take screenshots of the entire user's desktop at 1 second intervals on an Ubuntu System. This script should automatically begin when a user logins in to the system, and should stop taking the screenshots upon the termination of the user's session. [23:42] I didn't have any problem creating the bash script, but I don't know how to make this script automatically begin when a user logins in to the system and stop taking the screenshots upon the termination of the user's session. I hope someone can help me solve this part of the problem. [23:42] Thanks [23:42] thx ejer [23:42] demian: system->preferences->sessiosn [23:42] demian: system>prefs>sessions [23:43] che fate [23:43] ? [23:43] !fr [23:43] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [23:43] serkan`c: do you have vnc server installed? [23:43] no kkrusty [23:43] i have to say ubuntu is a very pretty project [23:43] Hi I currently have firewall running on my ubuntu server. How do I permanently allow SSH to bypass firewall???Any help is greatly appreciated [23:43] thx to team [23:43] for this work [23:44] does anyone have vnc server installed? I just need /etc/gdm/gdm.conf to see and compare [23:44] Barracuda: open up tcp 22 incomming and outgoing in iptables? [23:44] Barracuda: allow port 22 in instead of dropping the packets [23:44] hi folks. I'm having trouble booting my system. when I just let it start up normally, it doesn't work. I have to manually select an earlier kernel (2.6.24-19-generic instead of -20). is there something I can do about this so that I don't have to manually select it every time? [23:44] ejer and ubuntu_live thanks for the answer! [23:44] * Pelo wonders if he'd get better performance out of the binary driver , compared to the restricted driver for his nvidia geforce 6800 [23:44] ubuntu_live how do I do this. Sorry I am a newbie [23:44] surlyduff: you can make an older kernel your default kernel if you want [23:45] Pelo: hm? [23:45] is there a reason why i can play UT2004 on the highest settings and get better performance than if i play Gnometris from the games folder? [23:45] Pelo: won't matter they are the same unless you mean a newer driver then maybe [23:45] Barracuda: well, there's firestarter, which is a (fairly) nice GUI that will let you do this, or you can use iptables directly [23:45] how can i get flash for ubuntu? flash doesn't seem to work in firefox on ubuntu. [23:45] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/ [23:45] ktiche: how do I do that? alternatively, how long until a new kernel comes out? [23:45] kitche, thanks for the info that's pretty much what I was hinting at [23:45] !flash | pulseezar [23:45] pulseezar: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [23:45] hola [23:45] CorbinFox: yep, because gnometris is broken, it redraws things unnecessarily [23:46] Pelo: sometimes a newer driver could be better but I m kinda stuck at legacy drivers right noiw [23:46] necesito ayuda [23:46] you guys are sweet. thanks. [23:46] Pelo: manually installing a newer version of the drivers is not worth the trouble unless you *KNOW* it will improve things. [23:46] !es | Mozillero [23:46] Mozillero: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [23:46] se me borraron los marcadores como los puedo recuperar [23:46] ubuntu_live: I am running unbuntu server there is no gui.. Can I do this in commannd mode?? [23:46] ejer: why did they drop flashplugin from universe/multiverse ? [23:46] ubuntu-live: oh, ok. i was maxing out my CPU and lagging a lot at times, made playing near impossible past level 10 for me [23:46] Pelo: that is, if it's not broken, don't fix it. [23:46] Barracuda: yep, i only mentioned the firestarter GUI because usually people prefer to have a GUI [23:46] ubuntu_live: could it be that I still have to install Direct X 8.0 ? Or does Wine come with a current Diret [23:47] Direct X version [23:47] Chousuke, not at that point yet, I'm getting pretty descent rendering, I'm kind of new to this whole nvidia thing I use to run a 32 meg onboard intel chipset [23:47] Dominik1: no it actually comes with its own version (that converts the direct x to the underlying linux systems) so no one has a similar problem to you on appdb? [23:48] * Pelo wonders who ubuntu_live live is [23:49] kitche: how do I do that? alternatively, how long until a new kernel comes out? [23:49] Barracuda: i've actually never used iptables directly, i'd google it and check the man page via 'man iptables' [23:49] * ubuntu_live wonders who he is as well [23:49] yes Thanks for your help [23:49] Barracuda, there is a new ubuntu easy firewall settings thing, let me do a bit of research , [23:50] ubuntu_live: well I changed something let me try and see if the problem is still there [23:50] Could someone point me in the right direction to get my keyboard working properly? It's a fairly regular Microsoft Wireless Desktop 4000. The only issues I'm really having with it is that only the F1 key works. I can't use any of the other function keys (Alt-F2, Ctrl-Alt-F3, etc)... [23:50] Dominik1: good luck [23:50] Pelo: i'm not sure it's installed by default yet [23:50] surlyduff: usually you won't see a new kernel unless a security update happens to the kernel but you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the default number to the number of the kernel like default 0 make it say something like default 1 for the kernel you want to use [23:51] ubuntu_live, I beleive it is [23:51] ubuntu_live: it crashes with "Gothic caused an access violation by attempting to read from Adress 000000000h " [23:51] Pelo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall this? [23:52] Barracuda, sudo apt-get install ufw then man ufw for the man page it should be a single line of code for you to open your port , somenting along the lines of sudo ufw 45 tcp ... [23:52] ubuntu_live, checking [23:52] Dominik1: OH! do you have compiz enabled right now? because wine and compiz don't get along... [23:52] ubuntu_live: aha yes I do [23:52] let me try and disable it === oiopuj is now known as mrdally204 [23:52] Dominik1: no guarantees that will fix it, but it's a start [23:52] What's the mythbuntu support channel? [23:52] Thanks i will check this out [23:53] I can't get ubuntu to detect my working pcHDTV 5500 card [23:53] Hello i need a megaupload & rapideshare download manager [23:53] Quentusrex, do a search on your model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org [23:53] Pelo, I did that... [23:53] _Is there anyone who knows where one change teh window handler in gnome? [23:53] it didn't return much info... [23:54] Quentusrex, try this then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport [23:54] K350: window handler or window manager? [23:54] so i can get snmp from the local box..it will not allow any other box to read it though [23:54] K350 : metacity ? [23:54] ubuntu_live: Oh, Window manager [23:54] ManualOverDozer8: no openbox [23:54] k [23:54] Hello can anyone spend a few minutes with me to help me get USB working in VurtualBox on Hardy? Please? [23:55] K350: you can change the window manager by either: logging in to a different session type from gdm, or running gconf-editor and changing the window manager setting [23:55] Barracuda, I just checked , ufw should be installed by default with 8,.04 it is on the desktop versions anyway, since it is command line I would expect it to be on the server version as well [23:55] GUY, might have better luck asking about that in the virtualbox channel #vbox [23:55] oh sweet thanks [23:55] Pelo:Yes I jut notice that also [23:56] ubuntu_live: Ah, I'll try the gconf-editor way, thanks a lot!:) [23:56] ubuntu_live: hmm do I have to restart after deactivating Compiz, cuz now It just stops responding after starting the game (doesn't seem to crash the same way as before) === NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam [23:57] K350: by the way, in gconf-editor it's /desktop/applications/window_manager you want [23:57] Ill reboot and see if that helps -.- [23:59] bosnian