[00:33] does edubuntu have a live cd with the educational apps already in it? [00:34] I am willing to work with making one [00:35] I find it difficult at times to show people the power of edubuntu having to install , and I wonder If making a edubuntu live cd with apps makes sense [07:13] hi, i'm researching and playing with ubuntu for a few local schools. is it possible to have ubuntu desktop bound to AD and provide student lock down? [07:14] it should be easy enough to work out mounting shares etc... but i just need to know about the lockdowns so i'm not chasing my tail [07:18] sudo apt-get install likewise-open [07:18] sudo domainjoin-cli join EXAMPLE.COM domainadmin [07:19] type the password when accept [07:19] cool, so that will bind it all up, what about lockdown policy? [07:20] dunno know exactly what u mean (prolly I know but I use different name about it) [07:20] i know with OS X i can run a second LDAP to provide my mac specific policies (i.e. can't change desktop picture, change network settings etc...) [07:20] so they can't run things like terminal :) [07:21] U might be able to do it via Microsoft Services for Unix or some similiar schema extension for AD [07:21] ah ok [07:22] or U might be able to do it via some other way [07:22] there is the lock down editor under edubuntu [07:23] but i believe that is specifically for gnome [07:23] so AD users wouldn't get that policy [07:24] at this stage it's a proof of concept and to show what linux is capable of to the powers-that-be [07:25] There is some other ways to work these things around.. [07:27] cool, i'll have more of a poke around in the documentation [07:27] i just wanted to make sure i wasn't chasing something that wasn't there [07:32] one last question... is likewise-open a better bet that doing it the samba way? (apart from the apparent time savings) [07:42] likewise-open doesnt need any tweaking from the AD side and U can use your existing AD resources [07:42] Ill give U an example: [07:43] sopsaare@tuki:~$ id [07:43] uid=363339454(sopsaare) gid=363332097(domain^users) groups=363332096(domain^admins),363332097(domain^users),363334246(primus^users),363334738(mikrotuki),363337601(tyoharjoittelijat),840465266 [07:43] sudo nano /etc/sudoers [07:43] and the last line is: [07:44] %miksotuki ALL=(ALL) ALL [07:44] so all the domain users part of the WIndows group "mikrotuki" (means IT support in english) has the sudo rights [07:45] but Samba, LDAP + kerberos needs some tweaking from AD side. [07:46] In basic Desktop installation U can use Likewise (infact it is just tweaked and pre configured Winbind (which is infact part of the Samba suite)) [07:47] But when talking about more complicated things like LTSP (there is one "bug" which prevents me from using likewise with LTSP) [07:49] and in my researches I have found that LDAP is more "right" way to do it, and Winbind is kind of dirty "hack" [07:50] but Winbind (Likewise) works a way better if U dont wanna do much of tweaking in AD [08:00] ah ok, cheers, that helps heaps :) [08:03] just a side question, is there good commercial ubuntu/edubuntu support (either by community members or companies?) [08:08] HushPe, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid [08:19] Most AD's just have one Windows server sharing the home directories [08:19] there is a way to use them too [08:19] we have an interesting network [08:19] mostly macs [08:19] macs for filesharing [08:19] windows for authentication [08:19] NFS? [08:19] linux for proxy etc.. [08:19] smb/afp [08:19] smb could work [08:19] but it has some bugs [08:19] yeah [08:19] NFS would be better [08:19] >2Tb under OS X :P [08:19] well that was tiger [08:19] but works well [08:19] we have NetApp server sharing as NFS and CIFS :) [08:19] But I'm thinking about some workaround [08:20] like sharing the Unix home directories by Samba for Windows (as a network drive) so ppl could just copy paste what they need to use with Linux [08:20] Linux is coming first time for this school now [08:20] but there I run to another problem [08:21] I have 2003R2 Ad domain [08:21] and some fucktard havent enabled the Unix Attributes for users [08:21] And when sharing the files via samba [08:21] the file owner get recognized as "Unix User\UID" [08:22] while Linux recognised it as "DOMAIN\UID" [08:22] as it was meant to [08:22] (this was while using Likewise) [08:23] ah yep [08:23] And while the schema wasnt extended, the Ad infact recognised that they were Unix Users but they couldnt be made part of that without schema extension (ie. Windows Services For Unix) [08:24] the problem here at present is the schools a funded for M$ products on wintel boxes only [08:24] but support/funding is like to be pulled in next few years [08:24] so it's a backup plan [08:25] ideally we'd be running os x [08:25] and maybe linux [08:26] plus i have a lot of schools in the area know that i run a lot of debian systems [08:26] so i'm likely to be the guy to see [08:27] i've never used linux as an enterprise desktop system either, so digging around to find out what i can [08:28] thanks TNKLTSP i'll probably be back but it's evening here so i'm about to head out [08:35] I have a LTSP setup for a business I was wondering if there is a howto on creating a backup computer in case the main server has a problem ? [15:03] anyone have a clue where I could find and edubuntu glossy logo I could edit ? [15:29] ogra: hey, I have a problem. [15:30] italc 1.0.9 has been released so far with -rcX instead of ~rcX, so the final release is from a dpkg point of view < than the RCs ... [15:30] how can I solve that kind of mess ? [15:57] stgraber, i guess only with more mess [15:58] (by renaming the tarball) [16:02] ogra: Would help ? [16:03] 1.0.9 was actually released twice due to a QT bug, so calling it .1 isn't 100% false :) [16:07] not sure, test with dpkg --compare-versions :) [16:08] stgraber@castiana:~$ dpkg --compare-versions gt 1.0.9-rc4-0ubuntu1stgraber@castiana:~$ echo $? [16:08] 0 [16:08] so that's ok :) [16:33] ogra: I have a bug with the add-on cd :( [16:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/29998 [16:35] ogra: and trying to get packages from universe, maybe a recommends problem [16:35] oh, thats a lot [16:36] yes [16:36] i wont really have time this week (and likely be massively jetlagged the next if i'm home again) [16:36] I've marked it as failed but we can still put that installing with internet will work fine (as a caveat) [16:55] ignas: ping