=== zerwas_ is now known as zerwas [00:43] can anyone else open the ubuntu-title font source in fontforge? I can't =( === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG [05:20] huh. did you know the circle of friends isn't symmetric? [05:20] * pwnguin better double check that [05:22] well thats annoying [05:23] the CoF is fine, this business card is not === zerwas is now known as bl === bl is now known as zerwas === conn_ is now known as psyke83 [18:33] i am a noobie [18:41] there's only one way to fix that [18:41] practice! [18:53] im fresh new pwnguin... so can you give me a jumpstart [18:54] on what were doing [18:54] i am exactly 13 [18:54] and i have alot of computer expirence [18:55] well I can't say what "we're" doing [18:55] k [18:55] srry... [18:55] i just mean, i dont know the team [18:55] Does the artwork team have a list of goals for intrepid? [18:56] usually there's a theme [18:56] i dont know very much [18:56] about the goals [18:56] just a general question, not directed at you [18:57] anyways, there's usually a wallpaper and a gtk theme that the art team does [18:57] oh ok [18:58] for intrepid, I believe a dark theme is getting a test run [18:59] i have a pretty good one... ill send a screenshot to you [19:00] not a good idea [19:00] well maybe [19:00] ? [19:00] im not familiar with irssi and dcc [19:00] but that doesn't stop me from using irssi =( [19:00] i see [19:01] here ill try [19:01] i opened a dialog window accept my offer please [19:02] i dont see anything =( [19:03] hmm then try and right click my username in the sidebar to the right [19:03] and select "open dialog window" [19:03] just a second [19:03] k [19:04] interesting [19:04] what [19:04] 13:04 Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall) [19:04] 13:04 DCC SEND from kooldude [ port 0]: kool-1.png [571kB] [19:05] i have a firewall [19:05] and im kinda having problems with linux and my dads router [19:06] did you get the photo [19:06] i think so [19:06] good [19:06] you should see it [19:06] oh [19:06] pingus [19:07] the bottom yellow bar is an auto hide bar [19:07] what [19:07] the background [19:07] oh yah... lol [19:07] theres an artist who did a ton of those [19:08] i found a bunch of those at www.linux-wallpapers.com [19:09] yea; I believe the goal is to make something new for everyone [19:09] ill show you my windows' theme [19:11] like that for a dark theme [19:11] the white irssi background kinda looks wierd, no? [19:11] http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_810_alpha1&num=1 [19:11] that i can't change [19:12] kooldude: well, we've got the source code [19:12] ? [19:12] to xchat [19:12] ohh... so you can change it [19:12] i see [19:12] kool [19:13] i better with the visuals... not so much the programming [19:13] but i do have somewhat expirence for configuring it [19:14] as i understand it, the point of the dark theme in intrepid is to point out the problems with dark themes on the desktop [19:14] so we can fix some of them [19:14] k [19:15] actually, you can change the xchat background stuff [19:15] but i like my dark theme... its nowere nearly as boring as the "high contrast and inverted" themes [19:15] i can [19:15] ? [19:15] how? [19:15] settings -> preferences -> colors [19:16] ohhh ok [19:16] foreground and background [19:16] lol [19:18] heh, here's a fun screenshot http://people.cis.ksu.edu/~jld5445/wipeout.png [19:20] not so organized though [19:22] meh. the point was to try out the wip3out font. it doesnt work well for anything besides text labels [19:22] k [19:23] i see [19:24] so here is the new and improved theme [19:25] the bar with the two desktops is a slide able [19:26] i think the dark theme i have RULES!!! [19:26] at least... for now [19:26] kooldude: there's a program we use to demo themes [19:26] ? [19:26] demo themes? [19:27] yes [19:27] please explain [19:27] apt-get install thewidgetfactory [19:27] k [19:28] then just run 'twf' [19:29] one sec my sudo is giving me the error crap [19:29] there [19:30] installing now [19:30] k i have it [19:32] twf is the command, i dont know why it doesnt have a .desktop entry [19:33] it demos about all the gtk GUI "widgets" [19:33] i can't get my theme to show in the choser [19:34] and it is saved as KOOL THEME [19:35] hmm; you've probably done more with themes than I have [19:35] lol [19:35] i've costomized everything [19:35] and im 13 :P [19:36] lol [19:36] i dont mean to be offencive t all [19:36] at all* [19:36] have you considered the google highly open participation contest? [19:37] ? [19:38] what's that [19:38] google ran a contest a half-year ago [19:38] yah [19:39] basically, people 13-18 are recruited to do stuff with open source projects [19:39] k [19:39] ool [19:39] they give out tshirts and other stuff [19:39] that is awesome [19:40] i wish i had known about that earlyer [19:40] like money [19:40] well, if you're 13, it's pretty close [19:40] the government doesn't like child exploitation [19:41] actualy i turned 13 in apil [19:41] april* [19:41] http://code.google.com/opensource/ghop/2007-8/ [19:41] yea, the context was over in february [19:41] so that wouldn't be possible [19:42] because the did it in febuary [19:42] anyways, you might keep an eye out [19:42] i will [19:42] if they do it again, it might be a good way for a young person to get expeience and mentoring [19:43] man thats kool [19:43] oh yah [19:43] and i have alot of expirence with gnome already [19:44] oh? [19:44] hey... does anyone know that kde came out with a new version [19:44] http://code.google.com/p/google-highly-open-participation-gnome/issues/list?can=1&q=completed&colspec=ID+Status+ClaimedBy+Summary&x=status&y=claimedby&cells=tiles has a list of last time's tasks, if you want to know what you'd be doing in the contest [19:46] i already was looking at that page [19:46] ah [19:46] he [19:46] anyhow did you know that kde came out with a new version [19:46] i dare say, this might be something ubuntu should look into, I think last time they ran out of tasks [19:46] yes [19:46] they do that [19:47] and then their bloggers wont shut up about it ;) [19:47] i think they are slightly copying the mac [19:47] os [19:48] lol [19:50] man that's all kool [19:50] so what improvment's do you think i could do with my desktop theme [19:51] well, the window decoration gloss is a bit bright; it makes it hard to read the title [19:52] k [19:52] i can fix that [19:52] is that the intrepid theme? [19:52] ? [19:52] are you running intrepid or hardy? [19:52] hardy [19:53] but i think you all could use it as a base-off [19:53] you might register a flickr account to host your screenshots; it'd be easier than dcc'ing and you'd have a historic record [19:54] you might also try out the intrepid livecd [19:55] i have one [19:55] ill upload it [19:56] see, im connected to irc via ssh so i have to bring up firefox anyways ;) [19:56] i see [20:02] i like firefox [20:02] I like turtles [20:04] i like penguins!! WHAT NOW!!! [20:04] lol [20:10] so ill chat later, i guess... thanks for the update [20:11] stay in school! ;) [22:00] so... [22:01] were do we give our themes and icons to [22:06] hello [22:32] pwnguin [22:32] !!! [22:42] hi [22:43] re [22:43] pwnguin... private conversation please!!! [22:43] i've got something cool to tell you [22:43] kwwi [22:44] i dont know you very well do i [22:44] hi [22:44] no idea, who are you? [22:44] i am a recent recrutment [22:44] kool [22:44] (13) [22:44] so to speak :-) [22:44] you too? [22:45] am I also a recent recruitment?, no :-) [22:45] lol [22:46] i started yesterday and none responded [22:46] don't take that personally, it is really not that abnormal that people miss things from time to time [22:47] i know [22:47] but was on for an hour or so... [22:47] sometimes days go by, trust me [22:48] lol [23:18] night all