[01:49] can anyone tell me how to autostart a shell script in Mythbuntu? [01:53] When would you like it to start? [01:56] upon login (I have an init script that does "ln -s /dev/dvd1 /dev/dvd") I need a userspace script to run "pulseaudio --daemonize" [01:58] I also want it to run "xset -dpms off" or whatever... my screen blanks during dvds, and it drives me insane [02:08] will .xinitrc do it? [02:26] Maybelline: Yeah, .xinitrc is probably a good place. [02:33] hads: thanks, I'm gonna try that [03:13] anyone around for assistance? [03:18] I installed mythbuntu and it located my pvr500 I setup 1 tuner and selected sources and such everything seemed to go well but, when I select watch tv in the front end it just goes to a black screen and about 30 sec later it returns to the front end again [03:18] any ideas? [03:27] MythbuntuGuest85, could you pastebin your backend log? [03:27] it's at /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log [03:28] I feel silly asking this, but I am curious anyway: if my current 7.10 setup is working well, is there a benefit to upgrading to 8.04 now? [03:29] no [03:29] and you should feel silly ;) [03:49] yes I'll paste it just a sec [03:54] 2008-07-03 02:48:19.733 Using runtime prefix = /usr, libdir = /usr/lib [04:06] here [04:06] sorry it took so long had to email it to myself [04:16] err [04:16] thats not the log [04:17] MythbuntuGuest85, you need to get the log at /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log [04:45] Mythbackend.log [04:46] the error in the frontend is this [04:46] 2008-07-03 12:23:04.903 Using protocol version 40 [09:53] <_M0SPN_> Hey all [09:56] <_M0SPN_> Having weird issues with live TV, playback is a little choppy - as if it's running at 10fps rather than 25 (PAL, UK!). I think it may be something to do with odd resolutions - Xfce seems to ignore Xorg.conf, and only offers its own list of resolutions. I have a 42" plasma which is standard def, but which I prefer to drive at 720p. Myth res is currently inherited from the desktop - but Xfce doesn't seem to offer the standard 720p resolut [09:57] <_M0SPN_> Playback of other media is perfect [09:58] <_M0SPN_> We were watching the tennis yesterday and on close-ups of the players the jerkyness was almost vomit inducing :) Using onboard video with Nvidia driver. Plasma connected via SVGA - and as I said above, all other media playback is perfect, it's only live TV which suffers. [10:00] <_M0SPN_> xfce only offers 1024x768 rather than 1280x720 - but oddly the aspect ratio of all media playes (live or otherwise) fits perfectly. [16:27] hello all. Am I the only person who has mythbackend which crash quite commonly? [16:29] WalloO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=736528 - scroll down to "debugging crashes" [16:29] laga thank you === toorima_ is now known as toorima === toorima is now known as toorima_ === toorima_ is now known as toorima [18:29] hi all i have a problem when trying to import a dvd it says can't connect to mythtranscoding engine [18:29] Deamon [18:32] it tells me to press buttons whitch i do and then it works fine [18:33] well [18:33] it's not a problem then? mtd is simply not started by default ;) [18:33] so..... what do i have to do? [18:34] i think we have a bug report for that [18:35] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/162049 === stoneymonster1 is now known as stoneymonster [19:54] Hi. Is there a known issue with Nova-T cards and Lirc. The remote only works for some keys and when I try and load the lirc_dev and lirc_i2c modules with debug set to on, the ir receiver isn't recognised. [19:55] freaky_ by doesn't work you mean in mythtv or in irw? [19:55] or mode2 [20:03] irw [20:03] and myth [20:03] if I kick irw off, it prints goobledy-gook, rather than the expected button mapping [20:05] after a dmesg | grep lirc, I get probe 0x18 @ cx88[0]: no probe [20:06] probe 0x71 @ cx88[0]: no [20:06] repeated for the other card as well [20:06] (dual cards) [20:08] ir recever in 1 of the cards only [20:17] Hi, I'm working on creating a mythbuntu diskless package, and I was hoping someone could tell me how I can enable restricted drivers (like for nvidia or ATI) in them :/ [20:18] Ubunt1: ask again later, i'll be around again in one hour [20:18] k :/ [21:33] re [21:33] Ubunt1: so, whats the matter [21:44] Still there ? [21:45] Ubunt1: yes [21:45] laga: Basically whenever I boot my MythTV frontend, Ubuntu tells me "Hi, I have fancy drivers that'll improve OpenGL rendering, but I won't install them unless you explicitly tell me to, and I'll sure as hell put a lot of garbage in your overlay file" [21:46] Is there any way I can preinstall the ati and nvidia proprietary drivers in the image, and have it load those instead of the Open Source ones by default? [21:48] Ubunt1: well, it should just work if you install them once. [21:48] on the client. [21:50] if someone has some spare time, it'd be *much* appreciated if they tested the updated packages at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=819339 [21:50] it is essential to test these if we want to have an 8.04.1 release [21:51] Well yeah, but then they'd be installed on the private overlay for that client, and I'd have to do it all again on any other clients. I'd much rather have all the neccesary packages already installed in the image and possibly only a configuration-file change in the overlay :/ [21:51] Ubunt1: okay. that'll only work if all your clients use the same driver. [21:53] brb, dog's indicating that it needs to do a poo-poo (so if I don't walk it, I'll have poo-poo in my room in a few mins :p) [21:54] how do I use mythcommflag on the commandline to generate cutlists for a program on chan 245 at 12:00pm [22:20] laga: Would you mind assisting me on one more, hopefully easier, question?