[00:51] anyone else thing shittts in #ubuntu should do a nick change? [00:54] i'd say that's prolly on the wroing side of That Line(tm) [00:55] heh. He dropped out right after I typed that [02:40] In ubottu, Agent_bob said: ircasroot is "Please! if at all possable, do not irc as root!" [02:42] * Hobbsee wonders where tony is [03:11] me fail english?! that's unpossable! [03:26] Miss Hoover? The floor is shaking. [03:29] is that some wierd european humor? [05:16] * elky hands nickrud one 'simpsons fail' trophy. [05:20] wols called the ops in #ubuntu (darkode is spamming) [05:21] talking to wols [05:24] nickrud, did you actually click on the link? [05:25] elky yes, and I've pm'd him, about to lift ban [05:28] nickrud, it's really not a good idea to do things just because wols says. you need to watch him in action in #debian -- he calls ops on anything that moves, just about. [05:28] this is the first time for me that I disagreed with him [05:28] I'll be more careful in the future [05:29] although, the guy did 'advise of his blog' in both channels, it wasnt an instaban kinda thing. [05:30] I've apologized profusely, hope he accepts [05:31] i wouldnt worry if he doesnt [05:31] worry and hope are not related ;) === tonyyaru` is now known as tonyyarusso [06:08] heh. Went to watch on #debian (per elky) and forgot what channel I was in :) [07:39] [Mr_Giraffe] (n=dickbloo@c-68-80-185-207.hsd1.pa.comcast.net): Generalissimo Hatler sounds familiar for some reason [08:15] [Eleaf] (n=ethan@ip-206-123-193-136.static.fasttrackcomm.net): Ethan Lofton banned from here? also claims to have been banned from offtopic for 1.5 years. [08:16] any back story I should know about here? only ban in bantracker is the one I just gave him in #ubuntu [08:16] currently in PM with him. [08:34] had to work out the situation with him in PM; as he is banned from here. [08:38] hei all [08:40] hi! [08:43] got the back story (his side) and let him know if he really wishes to clear this up he should go to #ubuntu-irc [08:51] as this is something that happened way before I was even a serial lurker on irc, I have no idea of the real issues involved. [09:27] bazhang: if they are really old issues, Id leave them to the IRC council or operators that have been here and know the situation. [09:27] also, the we dont have the old bt db. [09:29] bazhang, talk to ompaul about the child who wanted to consume the products of elkbuntu's demise. [09:59] bazhang, out of curiosity, what was his side of the story? [10:12] POIT! NARF! [10:12] what are we going to do tonight, Brains? [10:13] same we do every night, Konquer the World! [10:13] * Tm_T hides [10:13] ♥ [10:13] sigh, kah. [10:14] * Tm_T hugs Hobbsee [10:18] Tm_T: he's asking why open office is installed by default. says people only use word, and don't need spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations. [10:18] yeah, I know, stupid thing to say [10:23] he's in there to irritate people and get reactions (aka that t-word) [10:24] heh [10:28] * jussi01 is attempting to wake up [10:29] jussi01: bucket of water on the face might help [10:29] hehe [10:29] I got six hours of sleep \o/ [10:29] * Myrtti hugs jussi01 and Tm_T ♥ [10:29] * jussi01 slept from 3 -8 [10:29] <3 [10:29] kisses for both [10:29] * Tm_T blushes [10:29] jussi01: *cough* 5 - 11 [10:30] Tm_T: oh pft. [10:30] 00-10 or so [10:30] Myrtti: pft? [10:30] little peck on your cheek :-) [10:30] nothing to blush about [10:30] well its way more than my blush-tolerance can handle [10:30] * jussi01 pulls out the whip, back to work :P [10:31] oh dear [10:31] jussi01: in this context, that sounds bit kinky [10:31] * Myrtti can see the proverbial "mommy mommy jussi01 is teasing me and making me to do the dishes" scene [10:31] haha [10:31] LOL [10:32] "and mow the lawn" [10:32] "mooooommmyyy" [10:32] "can I have money to buy a packet of popcorn?" s/popcorn/sdram modules/ [10:34] jussi01: I'm not going to bring you a pair of slippers and an opened bottle of lager the next time you come around ;-) [10:34] Tm_T: do what jussi01 tells you to do and be a good boy [10:34] :-P [10:34] hmm, if I'm not good nor boy? [10:35] I'm sure jussi01 will have a talk with you about your candy money then [10:35] then be a bad girl :p [10:35] Gary: !!! [10:35] hey jussi01 [10:35] Gary: sounds like a plan [10:36] hi Gary hows things? [10:36] pretty good, just bought a new car, got a mx5 again \o/ [10:37] * Tm_T is listening Yes - Almost Like Love [10:37] a nice two seater convertable for the summer, yay [10:37] Gary: we have Toyota Corolla '90 [10:37] wanna switch? [10:37] * jussi01 has a 94 opel corsa [10:37] they are nice, but oh sooooo boring, so no thanks [10:37] nice? =) [10:37] waaay to practical for me [10:38] * jussi01 wants Myrtti's grill [10:38] shiny - http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=carparkfl2.jpg [10:38] sorry about the poor pic, it's from my phone [10:38] I ought to be outside driving [10:38] jussi01: welcome, I bought mushrooms, bacon, cheese, chicken and zucchini again [10:39] mmm, sounds like an invitation [10:39] and I drive with a blue Volvo 2000 with a chauffeur [10:39] no, Scania actually [10:39] :-P [10:39] Bus that is [10:39] * jussi01 has those pork things on sticks in the frfidge, but no where to grill them... [10:39] Tm_T: you don't say ;-) [10:40] jussi01: feel free to come and use our grill [10:40] Tm_T: welcome, nanonyme is here already [10:40] we could have a meet [10:40] heh [10:40] he slept on my floor last night [10:40] Tm_T: Id be there no probs if I could get there [10:40] me too [10:40] but it's a bit far [10:40] jussi01: heh, it's only 2 weeks walking over snowy mountains [10:40] Myrtti: I afraid I cannot move, for some weeks atleast [10:40] Tm_T: lol [10:41] Tm_T: not THROUGH MORIA?! [10:41] well you all know the password to my intercom phone [10:41] Myrtti: no, not those mountains, they are in west from you [10:41] now with that quote [10:41] ah, true [10:43] THIS BEING ALONE THING SUCKS [10:43] * Myrtti hugs jussi01 [10:43] sorry, had to get that out [10:43] come come, it's not that bad [10:43] jussi01: you are not alone, I'm with you [10:43] no, it sucks [10:43] ...or is that the thing that does suck? [10:44] ;) [10:44] Tm_T: the thing is there could be millions of people here, but if she isnt then its just like being alone [10:44] :/ [10:44] jussi01: I know the feeling [10:45] jussi01: awww [10:45] * Tm_T used to be alone his/her/its first 90 % of life [10:45] * jussi01 is feeling depressed, but should be out side enjoying the sunshine [10:45] (now that we have some) [10:45] jussi01: go out to the park to read a book? someone might stop to chat (you up) [10:46] Gary: planning to stalk? ;) [10:46] Gary: the problem is my wife is 500k's from here at the moment :/ [10:46] umm, should we move to #Ubuntu-Offtopic (or are you ubuntu folks not as fussy as us staff) [10:46] pft [10:46] why? [10:46] we need an #ubuntu-ops-chat channel [10:46] ahh, jussi01 I assumed you were recently made single, hence the alone bit [10:46] there's no THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE [10:46] Gary: as long as there's no other things to chat, its ok here [10:46] cool Tm_T [10:46] Gary: for me atleast ;) [10:47] jussi01: when is she due back? [10:47] just so you know everything is publically logged ;-) [10:47] so no steamy sauna talk :-P [10:47] Gary: ummm... [10:47] Myrtti: awwww [10:47] Myrtti: why not? no fun for outsiders? [10:47] :-P [10:48] "...and then I didn't see well, so I just sat down... and then it happened" [10:49] Gary: the situation sucks. I have a job here, she has a summer job there, then she is going to university in the capital for a 1-2 years. I think I need to quit my job, but I really like my job. so life sucks [10:50] jussi01: whatever you do, don't quit yet and leave me alone ;) [10:50] Tm_T: nah, I wouldnt do that [10:50] haha [10:51] jussi01: well, I'm sort of similar, or opposite situation, but, I'm almost forced to move away from my family to get jobs (except these you can do from home that is) [10:52] and moving away is not an option, my home and family is here [10:52] having a baby and all [10:52] Tm_T: all is good, you have a job now :D (for a little bit anyway) [10:52] jussi01: yup, saved me really :) [10:53] * elky munches on bbq pork buns [10:53] elky: shh, Im hungry [10:53] i love living in an multicultural city [10:53] meat balls? [10:53] jussi01: we are very excited about this :) [10:54] elky: you are in sydney, right? [10:54] nope, bbq pork in the middle of fluffy flour buns/dumplings [10:54] jussi01, yes [10:54] hmm [10:54] Tm_T: :) glad I could have helped [10:54] in ryde specifically [10:54] I like Joensuu, small, beautiful and very cultural city [10:54] * jussi01 misses lots of good things he only found in Australia [10:55] jussi01, hehe, considering i come from a 100k person population center, sydney is quite an adventure [10:55] but then, I have never been outside Finland, nor even in north or western finland [10:56] Tm_T: actually, we should get you up here some time to meet some people [10:56] 100k person population center? [10:56] is that big or small :-D [10:56] ;-) [10:56] Myrtti, considering sydney has 4.5 million people.... [10:56] about 45 times smaller [10:56] elky: this is FINLAND ;-) [10:56] * jussi01 lives in a towna about that size [10:57] 120k iirc [10:57] jussi01: yup, been my plan for several years, kapsi ry has their meetings there [10:57] I was born in Valkeakoski, 18 000 people [10:57] ~80 k here [10:57] Factoid 80 k here not found [10:57] Myrtti: hmm, Suhmura, village of fes hundred [10:57] Myrtti, so i live in a city with the population of your whole country [10:57] few even [10:57] now I live in a suburb of Tampere which has 23 000 people [10:57] elky: yup [10:58] and Tampere has.. [10:58] Tm_T: you are welcome to come stay at my place if you need a place to stay :) [10:58] jussi01: thanks :) [10:58] 123 000 people [10:58] * jussi01 has a spare room atm [10:58] jussi01: will look at it, now that I might have better financial situation for a moment atleast [10:58] :) [10:59] Myrtti, if you moved to somewhere as big as sydney, you'd be making the approximate move i did. (except the whole other country part) [10:59] it's alot to get used to [10:59] elky: must be, cultural shock for a start [11:00] * jussi01 understands cultural shock quite well... [11:00] jussi01: I get that just by going to Helsinki =) [11:00] Tm_T, yeah. [11:00] jussi01, :) [11:01] I get that only by going on a bus to Stockmann [11:01] Myrtti: haha [11:01] and I'm not joking [11:01] I'd hate living in city centre [11:01] I usually get a headache there [11:02] one thing country people dont understand about sydney, is just how multicultural it is. we're not talking 'you see people from other cultures around', we're talking 'typical aussies are outnumbered by other cultures' [11:02] elky: you have that in melbourne also [11:02] jussi01, yep [11:02] haha [11:02] certain areas for certain countries/cultures [11:02] we have the opposite here [11:03] people living in the city centre are overwhelmed when they come to Hervanta :-D [11:03] my ex did some shopping here after I moved in here [11:03] he commented "you know you're doing your groceries in Hervanta, when the speaker announces the store closes in fifteen in Finnish, English and Russian" [11:04] haha [11:04] Tm_T: if you come here, you can get to meet Tuhina :) http://lifematta.com/jussi01/photo/11215 [11:04] Tuhina ♥ [11:04] Myrtti: no swedish? [11:04] jussi01: the swedes of Tampere don't live in Hervanta :-P [11:04] omg you have a pet hedgehog?! [11:04] elky: yes [11:04] :) [11:05] :D [11:05] i cant even have a pet kitteh [11:05] and you have a pet hedgehog [11:05] elky: there are a whole lot of photos on that site or my blog - jussi01.com [11:05] jussi01: the video! [11:05] we wants the video! [11:05] VIDEO?! [11:05] Myrtti: 1 sec [11:05] * elky squeals [11:05] hihihihi [11:06] * Myrtti gives jussi01 a wink [11:07] elky: I'm happy I don't have a horse here atm [11:07] http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/funny-pictures-librarian-cat-tells-it-like-it-is.jpg lawl [11:09] Myrtti: Im uploading it now [11:09] \o/ [11:11] Myrtti: and anyone else: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20080628-130935-19062008015.mp4 [11:13] my mom is so going to squeal when I show that to her [11:13] jussi01: hmm, someone made my stream to be jumpy, apparently I wasn't alone watching that :-P [11:14] wget ♥ [11:14] Tm_T: just download is [11:14] it [11:14] yeah, wget [11:14] jussi01: I'm doing so, after I noticed the clipping [11:14] and dont all do it at once - thats ubottu's server [11:14] haha [11:14] "woops" [11:15] * Tm_T is about to hear some cursing [11:15] I'm done [11:16] same here [11:16] :) [11:16] AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [11:16] ♥ [11:17] the cottage is a hedgehog transformer [11:17] jussi01: haha, Tuhina goes under the grasshouse, puff two unpiked animals come out, magic? ;) [11:17] Tm_T: yep :D [11:17] one hedgehog *zap* two guinea pigs come out [11:17] ♥ [11:18] * elky waits for the download on her australian internets :( [11:18] aussie internets suck [11:18] yes, please send me one european internet kthx [11:19] Myrtti: I need a favour [11:19] * elky read that as 'flavour' [11:19] anything for you dear, er, I mean [11:19] yes? [11:20] Myrtti: can I have a translation for this recipe? http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20080628-131956-kscan_0003.png [11:20] just a rough one, doesnt need to be word for word [11:20] aw :-> [11:21] sure [11:21] cheese cake mmmmmmm.... [11:21] that looks yum [11:21] lemony cheesecake [11:21] m [11:28] * jussi01 is attempting to leanr guitar, and he sucks... [11:32] jussi01@ubuntu? [11:32] yep [11:35] there you go [11:35] elky: you get it yet? [11:35] thanks! [11:35] oh crap [11:36] I dont have gelatine sheets [11:36] its not even two o'clock [11:37] yeah, I could go walk the dog to the shop...sigh [11:39] ok, back soon [12:19] * jussi01 is back, and going to mak ceese cake :D [12:20] \o/ [12:42] * ompaul pokes bazhang in the /query] [12:42] -!- No results found <--is that a bot? [12:42] most likely let me look ;-) [12:42] bazhang: what did you do to trigger it? [12:42] that was right after a !factoid command [12:42] which factoid? [12:42] PriceChild, !bash [12:43] hehe testy [12:43] seems like he's just got that one trigger, wanna drop him a PM? [12:44] him or it :) [13:07] ok, then... now to wait :D [14:15] ok, this is an interesting conversation... someone (who asked me if staff rob was still around a week ago) is asking me if they can be an ubuntu member, because they've handed out some cds and converted a few people [14:15] "No." [14:16] yeah, he's not taking that well [14:16] "I think handing out CD's is more important than writing code, don't you?" [14:16] Then point him to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberProcess [14:16] already done [14:16] "Without the code, there'll be no CDs" [14:17] You could have millions of lines of code, but with no users, what use would it be? you could have blank cds, but without millions of lines of code, what would you have? So both are important, as we both have just pointed out. What did you contribute to become a member? [14:17] * elky headdesks [14:17] this is all *after* i pointed him to the process page [14:17] Blimey, he's in a load of channels. [14:19] the first three explain everything [14:19] (providing you see the same first three i do) [14:19] Yeah, I think so. [14:20] Well, tell him/her to present him/herself to a council. [14:20] oh dear. [14:21] wtf is the cvn crap? [14:21] elky, sorry I had unbanned the person in question before I heard the real story. [14:21] elky: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CVN [14:21] bazhang, eh? [14:22] eleaf [14:23] oh dear [14:24] is he consuming products of my demise yet? [14:25] he departed once he heard he would not be unbanned here or in ot [14:25] he'll be back [14:26] my apologies. [14:28] tis ok, but when someone has bans in just about every channel... it's usually worth not rushing into things :) [14:29] if they're pushy and impatient... that should be a big red flag [14:30] Problems in loco's go to ubuntu-irc right [14:30] yeps [14:30] ty [14:58] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [14:58] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [14:58] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [14:59] Haven't we moved on from dcc exploits yet? [15:00] not in #debian they havent [15:00] ah, did get us too [15:00] i spotted the debian one, not ours... too many channels [15:01] I keep seeing people/things getting "Autokilled:" on #debian. [15:01] sigh, still 2 hours till my cheese cake is ready [15:02] that's tomaw firing a few nukes [15:03] elky: ..the OFTC one. [15:03] the oftc autokills are something else [15:04] ah. yes. oftc has some really nice things [15:09] yeah, there's some nice software features [15:09] I prefer the atheme channel access though [15:10] someone needs to combine the two then [15:11] I like the SSL cert thing OFTC has. [15:11] Yeah, that's quite nice [15:13] atheme supports sasl authentication but it requires support from the ircd that we don't have yet [15:15] jpds, yeah, i was going to mention ssl, but well.... this is irc, you're a fool if you use any personal information within it anyway [15:18] elky: I meant the autoauth with certs: http://www.oftc.net/oftc/NickServ/CertFP [15:54] I cant get away from the heron... in my front yard... [15:54] hehe [15:55] fledgling with a 3 ft wingspan [15:55] wow [15:55] I added 20 worth of goldfish to my pond for the little bugger [15:56] Parents nesting in a tree about 100' from our house.. they sound like terridactals when they flyu in at night [15:56] screech flap flap woosh [15:56] he wont be small for long :) [15:57] He isnt small now [15:57] back in a bit [16:10] elky, talk with me please when you next get a chance [16:11] is boredandblogging on irc, i wonder.... [16:11] yes [16:16] bazhang, are you still around? [16:16] Hobbsee, yes, with that nick too, oddly enough. what's he done now? [16:16] elky, hi [16:16] elky: yeah, i got a whois after. [16:16] elky: he's posted to planet. he needs educating. [16:18] bazhang, would you like to share "eleaf's story" please [16:18] in PM if you prefer [16:19] elky, either way is fine [16:19] bazhang, I suggest you take it to pm ;-) [16:19] okay :) [16:20] elky, PM? [16:22] Hobbsee: he's a good chap, be gentle :) [16:22] bazhang, yes [16:22] * elky isnt seeing the planet post.... [16:22] bazhang, found the imagemagick book :-) [16:23] ompaul, yay! [16:23] now to find the evil lines that make it all happen :) [16:23] elky: the one about the greasemonkey script to make it slightly quicker to use the mailman web UI. [16:24] locate jopb [16:25] woops [17:45] * Myrtti huggles everyone [17:47] * jussi01 eats cheese cake [17:47] hmm, so I'm doing the dishes then? [17:48] silly [17:48] come here and have a hug [17:48] but, but [17:48] * jussi01 huggles Myrtti [17:48] ♥ [17:48] I IZ HAPPY BUNNY [17:49] *BOING* [17:50] dark chocolate with red pepper ♥ [17:51] * Myrtti sighs happily [18:26] In ubottu, Yud_Zroc said: it is precompiled i just am having problems with the final phaze [18:27] ...idiot. [18:27] tuttut [18:28] sigh... I hate it when people pm ytou just to chat, when you never talked to them before [18:28] * jpds is in a bad mood today. [18:28] you need my huggle power [18:29] * Myrtti hugs jpds [18:29] jpds: go get a hug from Myrtti [18:29] :) [18:29] * jpds hugs Myrtti back. [18:29] doh! too late... [18:29] see, world isn't such a bad place [18:29] free hugs available [18:29] :-) [18:30] jussi01: did the cheesecake work out allright? [18:30] Myrtti: yes... but I feel very sick... [18:31] you ate it all? [18:31] :-D [18:31] and I only ate a small bit [18:31] oh [18:31] its _very_ rich [18:31] it is [18:32] and I should have used real butter in the base [18:33] * Myrtti rolls her eyes... a cooking/baking man [18:33] I've been around the wrong kind too much [18:33] Myrtti: huh? [18:33] five years with a person who managed to melt down his coffee maker when trying to fry minced meat... [18:34] * Myrtti shivers [18:34] last fall he even called me and asked how oven salmon is made... [18:34] d'oh? [18:35] anyway [18:35] lol [18:37] * jussi01 enjoys cooking/baking :) [18:44] * Myrtti mutters under her breath ... "married" [18:44] lucky Anu ;-) [18:45] I practically ate frozen pizzas the first three months after living on my own just because I was fed up making food [21:13] hi [21:13] I'd like a second opinion regarding a ruling ompaul just made up on the spot in -offtopic [21:13] wobblywu, ehh it is in the factoid [21:13] ompaul, second opinion being someone other than yourself, if you don't mind :) [21:13] !windows [21:13] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [21:14] wobblywu, I will defend my version of it here if you really don't mind [21:14] I do not mind at all, sounds only fair [21:14] wobblywu: ##windows is a general purpose channel devoted to windows conversation and help [21:14] nalioth, surely it is allowed to discuss windows-related topics in ubuntu-offtopic? [21:15] nalioth, not only is it done very often, there is no rule in either CoC or o4o telling otherwise [21:15] wobblywu: why? #ubuntu* is for ubuntu related topics [21:15] nalioth, I wasn't even discussing anything, merely pointing something out [21:15] wobblywu, that is discussion is it not? [21:15] even if it is a one sided discussion [21:15] #ubuntu-offtopic, to my knowledge, is a place where people who use ubuntu and are fans of ubuntu, and know one another from ubuntu channels, come together to discuss non-support related things [21:15] ompaul, discussion isn't one-sided by definition [21:16] and windows promotion is not on the topic list [21:16] there isn't a topic list, hence the -offtopic part [21:16] and by the definition there is no such thing as bad publicity then your meeting [21:16] there's only a list of things not allowed to talk about, which is listed in !o4o (which is based on CoC) [21:16] the definition of being a OR person [21:16] and Windows is not, and to my knowledge has never been, on that list [21:16] windows discussions can lead to flame wars [21:16] wobblywu, read the topic again actually I will it it [21:17] ##windows exists for your windows discussion [21:17] I will editi ity [21:17] nalioth, everything can lead to flame wars [21:17] !windows [21:17] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [21:17] ompaul: no need to edit it [21:17] nalioth, I have not once had a flame war in -offtopic, and i've discussed many things [21:17] wobblywu: the factoid seems quite clear to me. [21:17] For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [21:17] that looks like it would work better [21:17] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] [21:17] it is clearer [21:18] and the people currently discussing windows? [21:18] or is this a ruling only against me? [21:18] what about mac os x? that's often discussed in there as well? [21:18] stop and stay on your choosen topic [21:18] or loose the whole debate [21:19] I am staying on my topic [21:19] the topic being not being able to discuss other OS'es in -offtopic, apparently [21:19] and not just that, but being singled out on that [21:19] you can talk about o/s [21:19] 2 [21:19] you can talk about freebsd [21:19] but bug 1 is out of there [21:19] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [21:19] read the bug [21:20] understand the function of ubuntu related channels [21:20] I will not follow this rule, it's ridiculous [21:20] and you have entirely missed the point of ubuntu related channels yourself, it seems [21:20] ehh [21:20] I don't think so [21:20] bug 1 is not solved by not discussing it [21:20] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [21:20] censorship in a ubuntu-related channel is highly ironic, in fact [21:21] and if you don't consider it censorship, please do look up the definition of that word [21:21] you are diverting thoughts [21:21] I am not diverting thoughts [21:21] from the core issue that is the support and promotion of [21:21] Ubuntu [21:21] I, much like many other regulars in -offtopic, discuss Windows in -offtopic from time to time [21:21] yes, we are going off topic here [21:21] which is as you are most likley aware [21:21] it never has led to any flame wars whatsoever [21:21] wobblywu, and I have asked you and others many times not to [21:22] I'd like an opinion on someone with more of a say on this, where would I go to? [21:22] the irc council [21:22] because this will end with me either leaving the channel or being removed from the channel, otherwise [21:22] it can be asked on its mailing list [21:22] because this is absolutely ridiculous [21:23] you can ask in public or private [21:23] your call [21:23] nalioth, what is the address for the irc council? [21:23] i'm already asking in a publicly logged channel, so I might as well go public :) [21:23] then ask the council on the irc mailing list [21:24] and I'd like you to enforce this rule of yours, rather than just pointing at me all the time [21:24] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-irc [21:24] I would but you all say I am too harsh when I do [21:24] you obviously are [21:24] I want you not to talk about it so I don't have to enforce it [21:24] but as you ask [21:24] I will gladly give one warning that it is offtopic [21:25] remember you asked me to [21:25] you hardly ever chat in there, yet decide to force rules upon the regulars which are both counter-intuitive and serve no purpose [21:25] I asked you to simply because I want this rule not to be in -offtopic [21:25] and I can guarantee you no one will agree with this rule [21:25] I think if you had been there since I was in 2005 so [21:25] you would not have made that claim [21:26] i'm sure you were active at one point, but you are not right now [21:27] wobblywu, perhaps I don't feel inclined to talk when people chat about that set of programs [21:28] anyway I need to do some installing of food back in bit or after a byte [21:34] In ubottu, ompaul said: no windows is For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents [21:35] haha [21:35] !login [21:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about login [21:35] @btlogin [22:10] wobblywu: is there anything further we can help you with? [22:15] paging wobblywu to the fore [22:17] ompaul: @login ;) [22:20] jussi01, thanks [22:21] yw [22:21] hi [22:22] hi Jessica, how can we help? [22:22] i want to be unbaned from #ubuntu [22:22] The short answer is NO [22:22] when were you banned? [22:22] erm dont know [22:22] ahh then that might just be the long answer [22:22] 2 days ago [22:23] @btlogin [22:23] jussio1, ..... [22:23] old habits :) [22:23] @login [22:23] ompaul: The operation succeeded. [22:23] ompaul: both are needed. [22:23] @btlogin [22:23] ahh [22:23] I see why now [22:23] @login for factoid writing, @btlogin for the bt :9 [22:23] jussi01: Invalid arguments for login. [22:23] jack when can i be unbanned [22:24] oops [22:24] what [22:24] Banned for illegal topic of discussion and after being warned went to offtopic and comtinued it. [22:24] i was talking about some software not working [22:25] the software is not illigal and what i was using it for should have been irelivent [22:26] @btlogin [22:27] Jessica: While the software is not illegal, what you were intending to use it for was. We do not condone such activity in Ubuntu channels. [22:28] but when you say i continued the conversation in offtopic i didnt real i said i got banned some one asked why i told them i said the issue had been resolved and a few other peeple commented its not like i went stright there to talk about the same thing [22:28] the first ban was for 24 hours i think that should have been as far as it had gone [22:29] !guidelines [22:29] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [22:29] !codeofconduct [22:29] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [22:30] what about it i have read through them [22:30] Jessica, to understand why you were removed and why it is so sanctioned it might be useful to discuss it in the light of both of those documents [22:30] ok i understand why i was banned [22:31] but if i say i wont do it again i dont understand why the ban wont be lifted, you have ops in all the ubuntu channels so its not like ill get away with it and i dont need two ive got what i had a problem with working (and im not even using it as i asked them and they gave me the key) [22:31] so the question is what do you think we would want if we were to meet you half way by unbanning you? [22:32] and it is not if I say I won't do it again [22:32] what do you want me to meet me half way and unbanning me [22:32] Jessica, it is less that, and much more will you commit to back off stuff if you are advised it is offtopic or not for that channel [22:33] ompaul She did commit to that once and broke that commitment in offtopic [22:33] Jessica, ahh I could not understand why it was the same conversation in two channels [22:34] * ompaul is now duly considering himself informed [22:34] Jessica, so ehh do you think we take banning people seriously, and by implication also the unbanning [22:35] i think you ban people because they break the rules and you do it to stop them breaking them because they wont be there to break them, i expect you unban poeple when they follow the rules [22:35] well they can't follow them while they are banned, but the sentiment is almost right [22:37] yes i will follow the rules if i get unbaned and its not like im just saying that and going to go back and break them again ive read though the guide lines understud them and you have ops so if there is anyone breaking the rules you will be able to see [22:37] Jessica, I think we can live with that ;-) [22:37] just a mo [22:37] thankyou [22:37] i promis i wont break the rules again [22:38] i use irc to much to get banend, i missed it :( [22:38] ehhhhh [22:38] its not this ip which got banned by the way it was another im at my friends house [22:38] ahh [22:39] then work away I will clear out the other one [22:39] ok thankyou :) [22:39] Jessica realised her ip had changed and wasn't banned, yet still came here? :) [22:40] PriceChild, or knew that there were issues if picked up on [22:40] PriceChild At my request [22:40] ahh [22:40] anyway sorted [22:40] Jack_Sparrow: that makes it ever so slightly less nice. [22:40] Cool. [22:41] :) [22:41] PriceChild, but less suspicious :) [22:41] yup [22:41] * ompaul always with the dark side in view [22:43] ompaul: you are the dark side :P [22:47] * Myrtti yawns [22:51] Evening Myrtti! [22:51] hello Pricey [22:53] no windows is For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. Check Out http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [22:53] Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] [23:31] Lynet, just paste a report please [23:31] Got this as privmsg - " Hello Do you want to checkmyhomepage? http://www.geocities.com/cherrty87" [23:31] Said Lisa joined #ubuntu about 5 minutes ago. [23:32] Oh, and better run popup blocker and noscript if checking that link. [23:33] Lynet, thanks [23:33] !staff ^^ [23:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about staff ^^ [23:33] !staff ^^ [23:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about staff ^^ [23:33] !staff [23:33] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) [23:34] please see Lynet there thanks :) [23:34] Lynet, thanks for your time [23:34] np. [23:36] In ubottu, esac said: !squid is a caching proxy for the Web. See http://www.squid-cache.org [23:36] !bot > esac [23:36] esac, please see my private message [23:36] greetings :) [23:36] !squid [23:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about squid [23:36] !squidly is a groping sailor [23:36] I'll remember that, nickrud [23:37] ack [23:37] ubottu forget squidly [23:37] I'll forget that, nickrud [23:37] !squid is squid is a caching proxy for the Web. See http://www.squid-cache.org [23:37] I'll remember that, ompaul [23:37] forgot I was logged in ;) [23:37] lol [23:38] !no squid is squid is a caching proxy for the Web. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard See: http://www.squid-cache.org [23:38] I'll remember that ompaul [23:39] !staff | Got this as privmsg - " Hello Do you want to checkmyhomepage? http://www.geocities.com/cherrty87" | I got several thank yous in #ubuntu upon banning [23:39] Hello, please see my private message [23:39] * ompaul wondwers [23:40] jussi01, what happened there? [23:41] I liked the change to ubottu announcing the private message, but that does present issues [23:41] yes, more spam [23:42] "issues"? [23:42] nalioth one short line beats 3 [23:43] Seeker` ompaul's pipe to staff ended up going to Hello [23:43] aghggarfeagadfwea\f [23:43] and more stuff [23:44] nickrud: why "hello"? [23:44] good question [23:45] ah [23:45] its the ">" in [23:46] nickrud, Seeker` * hello :No such nick/channel ;-) lucky me [23:56] nickrud, the code change would not have done that [23:57] I can see that, it's accepting the last > rather than the first | [23:58] anyway, I didn't bring it up, just horned in ;0 [23:58] yeah, but ompaul quit ;) [23:58] * nickrud arranges a little greeting for ompaul