[00:00] como hago para matar un proceso? [00:00] cabrioleur: Totem still doesn't work, VLC crashes every time I try to play. [00:00] zeeq, best thing to do is to compile a linux kernel yourself from source [00:00] zeeq: what is you issue [00:00] zeeq, that will definetly solve the problem [00:00] People, English only in here please UNC MASTERKILL mil [00:00] heeeeelppppp [00:00] HOLA [00:00] yo soy noruego [00:00] hector deja de asesinar procesos [00:00] todos locos los de la unc [00:00] cpm: have you verified that the period value is optimal? [00:00] HAGAN EL PUNTO 10 [00:00] !es | mil [00:00] mil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:00] crimsun_, absolutely not ;) [00:00] cpm: (seriously, realtek alc888 sucks arse) [00:00] !es > los_hermanos_mac [00:00] crimsun_, I have no idea how to work with jack [00:00] Hi! I'm using KDE4 and Twinview... and I cant set the task bar on the correct monitor... can anyone help me? (using Nvidia) [00:00] how do I get pidgin to speak through festival [00:00] the Q6600 showing only one CPU in ubuntu 8.04 [00:00] crimsun_, except from stuff I can infer [00:01] crimsun_, what is so bad about the realtek [00:01] I downloaded ubuntu and burned it to a cd. Is there some special way to burn to a cd so it is a bootable cd? [00:01] is there anything to do with 32bit or 64bit releases? [00:01] Flik: no [00:01] Flik, you didn't just create a data cd and put the iso file on it? [00:01] Flik, you need an ISO burner [00:01] coz I have 32 installed on my Q6600 [00:01] hellow, how any application i can use to take pictures with my integretaded web cam? [00:01] cpm: I don't even want to go down that road. [00:01] zeeq, http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu [00:01] javier: cheese [00:01] crimsun_, hahaha [00:02] thanks cpm [00:02] Jack_Sparrow: I don't have hardy, I have feisty... [00:02] I did. I have never done this before. Where to I find an ISO burner? [00:02] I'm really stuck with Twinview and getting the taskbar in the right place :| [00:02] zeeq, make sure you enable all appropriate SMP features [00:02] I don't get this KDE4 concept [00:02] Flik, I used a program called CDBurnerXP to make my ISO, burned it Session-at-Once, worked like a charm [00:02] zeeq, it shouldn't be too complicated [00:03] let me give it a try...will report back...thanks once again [00:03] spoon_man, thanks [00:03] Hey guys, I have a problem with Ubuntu!! [00:03] or DeepBurner [00:04] Flik, no problem [00:04] !ask | L1nc01n [00:04] L1nc01n: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [00:04] L1nc01n, lol. how do you expect someone to help you if you didnt make a question [00:04] mad_max02, sorry [00:04] zeeq: well ... liveCD sees my 4 CPUs [00:04] hey i have this annoying problem, im trying to watch a movie, it works with no lag and all, but the colors are just messed up,... = / i tried to install another codec but that didn't work, any suggestions? [00:05] cpm: this wiki is for ubuntu 6.0 the kernel was then very older then what we have now [00:05] I just installed Ubuntu yesterday, but my external hard drive is not mounting when I plug it into the USB port. [00:05] That's my problem [00:06] zeeq: did you install 8.04 or did you upgrade? [00:06] I installed 7.10, and upgraded to 8.04 [00:06] oh lol [00:06] zeeq, the kernel installation procedure has not changed [00:06] L1nc01n: nm ;) [00:07] zeeq, i just read through that and its perfectly applicable to modern distributions [00:07] cpm: I recommend you first start by optimising jackd's invocation parameters. HDA codecs are notoriously fickle. You can find a bevy of such web pages. [00:07] sammyF: alright, :) [00:07] L1nc01n, type tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal (this will echo any messages so you can see them) then plug in the device. You should see some clues [00:07] zeeq: ? [00:07] hi all, does anyone know a command line that can disable or lock mouse and keyboard on a laptop but still play the dvd? Then have a combination to unlock them? [00:07] crimsun_, could you point me in the right direction to those invocation parameters you speak of? thanks. [00:07] <_ZeuZ_> Hey guys, is there any known bug that will lead new kernels compiled from the old configuration file of the standar kernels to not display the post message from the kernel? Desktop enviroment works fine, no problem with anything appart from not seeing anything prior to KDMs load.. [00:08] hi, all. i've got a hard drive in a usb external enclosure attached to a 7.01 server. how can i tell which device it is so that I can set up fstab? [00:08] cpm: just use a web search engine for "jackd optimal parameters" [00:08] crimsun_, i suspected that was the problem but I could not find a set of parameters that worked, actually. [00:08] VLC + shoutcast, anyone able to help? [00:08] ok, i installed ubuntu on an external hard drive again and put the grub boot loader ON the external drive [00:08] <_ZeuZ_> Aggrav8d, unplug it, then run dmesg, the plug it and run dmesg again, you'll see what device is it [00:08] cpm: (they tend to be quite codec-specific) [00:08] _ZeuZ_ - thanks. [00:08] I guess I will keep trying random exponential values of 2 until something works [00:08] cpm: sammyF: here is what i see if I put the screenlets of the sysmonitor on...its showing me three CPUs [00:08] i modified the broken grub.conf to refer to drive 0,1 instead of 1,1 but i still get an error 2 [00:08] crimsun_, I'll look into it...thanks [00:08] hoA. [00:09] what is error 2 in gurb and how can i fix this [00:09] HOLA [00:09] I440r, google [00:09] <_ZeuZ_> I440r, why don't you run grub-install and reinstall it? [00:09] every time i install ubuntu to an external drive i get one grub error or another [00:09] <_ZeuZ_> I440r, it might help to fix that [00:09] or booting into install [00:09] zeeq: yep· As I said : I see only one. But I am now on a liveCD and I see all 4. So I'm trying to find what we could have in common except the OS and the CPU [00:09] this is a fresh install. why would i need to reinstall something thats JUST been installed by the install cd [00:09] breaking up an iso and recombining it help? [00:10] and do you mean boot to the cd and run grub-install? [00:10] <_ZeuZ_> I440r, because it was not meant to be second-slave? [00:10] zeeq: so, did you do a fresh 8.04 install or did you upgrade from 7.10? [00:10] its NOT a second slave [00:10] its the primary. the external drive IS drive 0 when you boot to the external drive [00:10] sammyF: i thing its something to do with the i386 32bit archetecture...they say the support for dual core and quad core is more in the 64bit edition [00:10] <_ZeuZ_> I440r, then why don't you select on BIOS to boot on that (USB-disk) first instead of HDX/SDX ? [00:11] i did a fresh install Sammy [00:11] zeeq: ahhh [00:11] installing linux to an external drive is quite common. i want ubunto on the external drive and i do not want grub to TOUCH my internal drive [00:11] zeeq: could be. I'm on the 64bit LiveCD right now [00:11] i did! [00:11] hey, is anyone else having problems with the 2.6.24 kernel? [00:11] like random crashes? [00:11] i hit escape and select taht drive to boot from [00:11] _ZeuZ_ - /dev/sdc? Is that what I'm looking for? I tried it and when i mount it says "could not determine filesystem type" [00:11] therefore it is drive 0,1 [00:11] sammy: thats why i got back to my chennal to confirm this 64bit claim [00:11] root (hd0,1) [00:12] HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:12] <_ZeuZ_> Aggrav8d, did you try doing file /dev/sdc ? [00:12] grub assumes its going to be root (hd1,1) but i edited the menu.conf [00:12] loloz Please stop [00:12] ALGUNA MUJER? [00:12] <_ZeuZ_> loloz: aca se habla ingles, anda a #ubuntu-es a buscar minas [00:12] okay ... next question : can I install the 64bit Version over the 32 bits and not lose my data? ;) [00:12] !es > loloz [00:12] I don't get it. I even restarted my computer - still I get "Please install the necessary plugins and restart Totem to be able to play this media." ... [00:12] What does it want? What other plugin didn't I install? [00:12] brb [00:12] here goes the 2nd question then...if u do see the 4 CPUs [00:12] _ZeuZ_ - block special? [00:13] I want to talk with a woman [00:13] try 4chan. [00:13] that supose to be my question????...lol [00:13] zeeq: nah ... more a general question ;) [00:13] I440r: try installing to flash using the following instead of regular install http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar [00:13] <_ZeuZ_> well, at least do you know what filesystem is it on the hdd? if it's ntfs then try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/MOUNT_Point [00:13] can i upgrade to 64 bit and still keep my programs and all the repositories [00:14] zeeq: that's also a very good one :) [00:14] zeeq I have not seen anyone do it successfully [00:14] I440r: or http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=1873 [00:14] _ZeuZ_ - ah, i didn't put the sdc1, just sdc. now it's fine. [00:14] hi. all of a sudden my usual resolution is not listed in the display settings yet i see the resolution in xorg.conf - how can i fix this? [00:14] thanks! :) [00:14] Would anyone like to help me solve an issue with using pulse across a LAN between two Hardy boxes? [00:14] Im unable to remove on of the older kernels, anyone got any ideas. the message I am getting is this 'dpkg: unable to create `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i`: No space left on device' [00:15] zeeq the only real reason to go to 64bit is if you have over 4 gigs of ram [00:15] <_ZeuZ_> Aggrav8d, no problem mate [00:15] cppmonkey: is your drive full [00:15] sammy: the thing is, u then udate all your packages and repositiries...thats why I m taking it slow not going with what they say about 4 CPUs support [00:15] zeeq, upgrading to 64-bit will cause partial loss of compatibility with 32 bit programs [00:15] can anyone link me on a tutorial on how to upgrade to 2.6.25 kernel [00:15] Jack_Sparrow: or if you have a Q6600 ... apparently the 32 bit version doesn't see all cores (3 for zeeq, 1 for me) [00:15] zeeq, and you will need to install 32 bit libraries to run the 32 bit apps [00:15] yoyoned: there is only 153MB free, but its not full [00:15] Hey, anyone got the latest Firefox 3 to install successfully? when I execute a "sudo apt-get install firefox" it just says that it's the latest version, when I know it's just Beta 5 (from standard 8.04 install) [00:15] zeeq, 64 bit is more of a headache than you would expect [00:15] thanks for any help [00:16] zeeq, performance improvements are minimal [00:16] Have anyone ever used ettercap? I'm trying to figure out how to send a packet with the inject button. I've done found that sending the data from the client looks like "C.t...K....sendChatText............+OIZ
...2", but it doesn't work when I try to inject it. [00:16] cpm: performance improvment is great if you suddenly have all 4 cores [00:16] damnt, we are trying to escape from one issue and will likely caught up with many...cpm:...sammy did u here that? [00:17] sammyF, that is not what I am talking about [00:17] Anyone? [00:17] zeeq: yep :/ [00:17] DBAlex: System> Administration> Software Sources> Updates> Recommended updates [00:17] crimsun_: latest FF? [00:17] (is there)? [00:17] cpm: but it's the reason why zeeq and me are thinking about moving to 64 bit. we both have the same problem [00:17] I have a geforce 8600gt and the fan is running at 100% all the time - no matter the load. nvclock apparently doesnt support my card, so i cannot use it to change the fan speed. Any ideas? Posted a reply to this thread with a few more details : http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104713&page=10 [00:18] sammyF, zeeq --- try to compile latest vanilla from source [00:18] DBAlex: yes. [00:18] but cpm is right:...just incase we solve the CPU issue and sit with compatibility problems [00:18] hey guys, what happen to the big back button on ff3 on hardy ? [00:18] add Documents to Places? [00:18] crimsun_: it's allready set to that option... [00:18] zeeq: yep :/ cpm is indeed right [00:18] yell0w: what do you mean? [00:18] sammyF, zeeq --- try to compile latest vanilla from source <<< DO IT [00:18] How can I add Documents to Places ? [00:18] yoyoned, thats what I dont get the drive isnt full [00:19] cpm: yep ... gonna try that. rebooting my normal install [00:19] DBAlex: did you update and upgrade? [00:19] marge: grab it with the mouse to the left bar [00:19] hi. all of a sudden my usual resolution is not listed in the display settings yet i see the resolution in xorg.conf - how can i fix this? [00:19] i think i give it a try compiling the kernel from the scratch and see if i can get around this issue...will gladly share it sometime tomorrow.... [00:19] yell0w: Firefox 3 tries to adapt to native Gtk+ themes on unix-like systems. [00:19] crimsun_, I appreciate your help [00:19] peleg, Please re-phrase [00:19] i need a suggestion, a tool to change a partition type, without formating [00:20] chrisj: i want my back button back [00:20] crimsun_: no this is a fresh install... i've done all the latest updates, but when I issue the command "sudo apt-get install firefox" it just says I have the latest version... and I clearly don't... I also downloaded the source from firefox.com but it doesn't come with any make files etc so, basically, i'm stuck... :-/ [00:20] If you use the proprietary drivers, enable and disable them. This usually helps [00:20] <_ZeuZ_> SakuraKinomoto, I don't think that's possible [00:20] yell0w: Don't you have any? [00:20] sammyF: if u get it solved plz report back, I will come back with the lernel compiling updates [00:20] Goto nautilus, drag the Documents folder with your mouse, into the left bar. toggle the left bar, if you don't see it, with F9 (IIRC), and choose from its list "places" [00:20] chrisj: i want my big back button back [00:20] DBAlex: dpkg -l firefox|awk '/^ii/ {print $3}' [00:20] marge: ^^^ [00:20] whats the difference between xen and VMware?? [00:20] crimsun_: ok [00:20] yell0w: how is it bigger? when and where was it bigger? [00:20] I somehow did a double install and wish to remove both partitions and start over, any suggestions? also dual booting w/ XP. [00:20] DBAlex: what does that command give you? [00:20] breakable, what do you mean disable/enable them? Change 'nvidia' to 'nv' in xorg.conf and restart X a few times? [00:21] crimsun_: dpkg -l firefox|awk '/^ii/ {print $3}' [00:21] shit [00:21] didn't copy 1 sec [00:21] breakable, sorry, you werent talking to me [00:21] crimsun_: 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 [00:21] so beta 5 [00:21] Hey guys. Ever since I upgraded to Hardy it doesn't remmember parts of my theme on reboot, I always have to go to appearances and set it to something else then back to darklooks. Any idea how to fix this perm? [00:22] after switching to totem-xine I get "There is no plugin to handle this movie." ... almost the same error message... I don't know what to do. I am starting to believe that I'll never be able to see dvd here... [00:22] <_ZeuZ_> weeeeeeeeeeeE!!! I found my wallet!!!! [00:22] chrisj: http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2008/01/firefox-3-theme-icons-on-windows-xp/ [00:22] crimsun_: is it just that ubuntu repo's are very slow to update? [00:22] DBAlex: pastebin `apt-cache policy firefox' [00:23] crimsun_: ok... [00:23] Hi, I can't play DVDs in Hardy, could in Gutsy, pls help [00:23] whats the basic difference between xen and VMware?? [00:23] Have to go soon, but I have windows (and using it to talk to you all). I got a live ubuntu CD today, installed it but the network (key) isn't working. How can I get connected to the network? [00:23] yell0w: it was never big on any non-windows/mac-os-x version [00:23] yell0w: may be there is a theme on addons.mozilla.org that has the same effect [00:23] Whats the best way to put songs on your ipod with ubuntu 8.04? [00:23] <|Juan|> i had problems regarding multiple user logins after upgrading to hardy, i found no turn around it so i ending up making a fresh install and it still happens - if i lock a session and start another user's, the locked session eventually crashes. HELP PLEASE [00:23] chrisj: huh ? i thought that's one of the new things in FF3 [00:24] hav eto go [00:24] crimsun_: check PM [00:24] pues he usado cfdisk, parece que puede funcionar... :S [00:24] DBAlex: no, Ubuntu has had 3.0 final since June 10th [00:24] ok [00:24] crimsun_: did you see PM (dialog window) [00:24] Hello can someone here help me get my iPod recognized by ubuntu? [00:25] anyone? [00:25] ok. this is still not working [00:25] you know what my favorite part about ff3 is ? [00:25] ive done this three times already and have had problems all three times but every time its a different problem [00:25] the fact that it takes up 150+megs of ram w/ just 3 tabs open and 2 add-ons installed [00:25] DBAlex: I already responded. [00:25] i love that [00:25] so i cant use past experience to fix it [00:25] <|Juan|> i had problems regarding multiple user logins after upgrading to hardy, i found no turn around it so i ending up making a fresh install and it still happens - if i lock a session and start another user's, the locked session eventually crashes. HELP PLEASE [00:25] Hi guys. I'm trying to build-dep vlc and I'm getting this: E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_partner_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory) [00:25] I'm clueless [00:26] yell0w: Only on Windows. The designers of Firefox wanted to come closest to the native look of the system. On Windows, IE7 has such a button - so they did that. E.g. in GNOME Nautilus (the file browser) has two separate buttons - so they did that. [00:26] peleg, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu? [00:26] Whats the best way to put songs on your ipod with ubuntu 8.04? [00:27] spoon_man: not sure; I will look again anyway. thanks [00:27] hi [00:27] can someone help me fix this problem? [00:27] is anyone able to help with the compiling error? I think it's my sources.list [00:27] i dont understand why this is such a big deal. ive installed ubunto on an external drive. i want it to boot FROM the external drive [00:28] and these error messags are particulary UN helpful [00:28] Suddenly my ubuntu box booted to a 800x600 resolution without me even doing anything. When i go to display settings, no greater resolutions and selectable yet 1024x768 is listed in xorg.conf - how can I fix this? thanks in advance [00:28] Does anyone know of good how-to documents for configuring TLS on a LDAP server? The OpenLDAP page outlines the TLS options, but I'm trying to find a how-to for a friend. [00:29] chrisj: no way to get my big button ? [00:29] yell0w: As I said: there may be a theme on addons.mozilla.org that has such buttons. [00:30] peleg: I'm not even sure file manager is Nautilus anymore. (This is my mother-in-law's computer and I'm trying to straighten it out for her, she has really gotten it into a big mess). [00:30] how do i install nvidia drivers on 8.04? complete linux newbie here. [00:31] I'm new to Linux, installed Ubuntu on my XP Pro system, worked fine. Started to tinker around and had to reboot, now it won't boot back into Ubuntu. Decided to reinstall, but now I have 2 installs of Hardy, one not work and one that does. Any way to remove both to start over without wiping the drive completely (have some important files on it). [00:31] peleg: It has been updated to 8.4 [00:31] why did ubuntu change my resolution on me?!?! [00:31] Okay, who's got an idea on this... I have a game I compiled. When I try to start the game I get a "Signal Over Range" message on my monitor. I'm using a GeForce 7800, my nvidia drivers are enabled. But get this... I 'broke' my xorg.conf file trying to add 70Hz refresh rate to my 1280x1024 resolution settings. When I restarted linux, I only had the option to do 800x600 and one resolution that was lower. The refresh rate was set to 67Hz or so. [00:31] I started the game and it worked perfectly. So I restored my backup xorg.conf file, set the display to 800x600 and the refresh rate to 67Hz and get the "Signal Over Range" message again... [00:32] kikr: is you monitor plugged in good [00:32] yoyoned, yeah [00:33] is there a way to use the launcher to launch applications.... fast? [00:33] i can't even change it back because only 800x600 is listed in display settings [00:33] How do I install the nVidia display drivers on 8.04? [00:33] File manager is Nautilus 2.22.3 but I am unable to create link to Documents in Places [00:33] Anyone know how to help with this issue? [00:33] How do I remove a floppy and insert another one? [00:33] welp420: go to Hardware Drivers in system->administration [00:33] yell0w: that theme might match what you want: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/7574 [00:34] DrLame: the only thing that comes up is Broadcom B43 Wireless driver [00:34] When I try to remove a floppy and insert another one, the new files won't load. Instead, the old files continue to appear. Can someone help me, please? [00:35] I would be satisfied to just create a link to Documents on the Desktop, but can't even figure out how to do that. [00:35] welp420: what video card? [00:35] so annoying [00:35] (I am a KDE user and am LOST!) :) [00:35] DrLame: 7600 GT [00:35] ahh thanks chrisj [00:36] I have NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1 on my desktop but don't know how to run it [00:36] marge-> what are you trying to do? i didnt guite follow what you are after [00:36] E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_partner_source_Sources - open [00:37] marge, Documents should be accessible from the Places menu at the top of the screen [00:37] amenado, Trying to add link to Documents in Places [00:37] welp420: I'm not a linux expert, but the first thing I'd do then are: Go to add/remove programs under applications. Go to System Tools. Make sure both boxes for Hardware Drivers are checked. Check NVidia binary X.org driver ('new' driver) [00:37] !floppy [00:37] To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone [00:37] i need help fixing my error 2 problem [00:37] everything ive tried has failed [00:37] spoon_man, Yes, I agree. Can YOU help me? [00:37] welp420: then restart. Maybe that'll do it [00:38] marge, I can't imagine why that would be missing, or how, sorry [00:38] cpm said earlier I should "compile the vanilla version" to get my 4 cores to show up (instead of one). anybody got any idea if he meant the linux kernel or something else? [00:38] How does one add to "Places" (another link) (such as Documents). === adamx is now known as lnxadm [00:38] i burned the iso disk and got Disk error 32, ax = 4200, drive 9F === lnxadm is now known as adamx [00:39] can someone help me fix my error 2 problem? [00:39] thanks, DrLame [00:39] spoon_man, Well, for one thing, she had placed her Documents in Trash. (That's the way it was when I got here.) [00:39] ive reinstalled grub boot laoder, ive edited my gurb.conf, i dont know wtf is making this error 2 happen [00:39] #chanarchie [00:40] ... [00:40] spoon_man, So I pulled Documents folder out of Trash and placed it back in Home Directory. [00:40] I440r: it helps to restate the problem in itself [00:40] I440r: what error do you get? [00:40] ive installed ubunto on an external drive. i installed grub ON the external drive, NOT on the internal drive [00:40] marge, I have an idea, one moment [00:41] Can anyone help me? [00:41] I440r: and you can't boot ? [00:41] i boot the computer, hit escape, select the external drive. i get loading stage 1.5 [00:41] * Dream cant work it out [00:41] i get "loading grub please wait" followed immediately by [00:41] error 2 [00:41] spoon_man, Thank you.... [00:41] marge, there's several instructions, I will PM you to avoid spam [00:41] I440r: oomph [00:41] spoon_man, very well [00:41] I440r: k ... I'm afraid I can't help you with this one [00:41] im trying to feed my shoutcast server with VLC and its not working [00:41] I440r: tried superGrub yet? [00:42] thats the easy way to put it, what do i need? [00:42] when ubunto installed the menu.lst it referred to the external drive as (hd1,1) wihch was correct at the time [00:42] I440r: to see if it can boot from the external drive? [00:42] but now... when booting directyly to that drive it will be (hd0,1) [00:42] Can someone help with the build-dep problem? [00:42] so i edited menu.lst to change all instances of (hd1,1) to (hd0,1) [00:43] sammyF, what is supergrub [00:43] i cant use it anyway [00:43] all other drives ive set up are using grub [00:43] THEY work... eventually i got them to work [00:43]  I440r: can you paste the partition layout of the drive [00:43] hi [00:43] this one has a totally different error [00:43] would anyone be able to offer me some real help figuring out why Hardy does not work well at all on my computer? [00:44] i have two partitions. the first partition is swap. 2gigs. the second partition is / of 31 gigs [00:44] i cant paste. im in winddows [00:44] I am trying to use Ubuntu again but this upgrade is really pissing me off and no one seems to have any help. [00:44] I440r: Supergrub is a bootable ISO with a slightly modified version of grub. lets you boot from ~broken~ installs [00:44] why such a large swap? [00:44] i have to keep rebooting to eithe rthe internal drives gentoo or the install cd [00:44] I440r: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ [00:44] :/ [00:44] warcaptain: real help? g'luck... [00:44] I440r: worth a try [00:45] Guiri: :-\ [00:45] nuit!! [00:45] Yeah.. some benefits of using an OS backed by a "community" [00:45] i can boot to my gentoo install. ki can mount my external drive. i can chroot into it [00:45]  I440r: long ago, boot managers had a hard time seeing to far into the drive, have you tried moveing / to the front of the drive [00:45] but when i do that it is NOT (hd0,1) its (hd1,1) [00:45] this is an up to date version of grub [00:45] If I compile a driver with current force current kernel , How do install it with new kernel when update comes? [00:46] marge, did you get my PM? [00:46] and im sure even OLD boot loaders could see TWO gigs into a drive [00:46] hi. i get this error message whats wrong: wawa:~# ls [00:46] -su: /bin/ls: No such file or directory [00:46]  I440r: 1024 blocks was the old limit [00:46] ircd: i think you have malware [00:46] old [00:46] ... [00:46] this is brand spanking new [00:46] :( [00:47] warcaptain: it really sucks when google says close to nothing interpretable about your problem, and then they go on and on without at least queuing your request [00:47] Can U Plz Tell Me How to get Rid of Malware Do I install an Anti Virus? [00:47] kahrytan: you will have to recompile your driver in that case === wawaw is now known as Yarakyo [00:47] YEAH SUDO APT-GET INSTALL NORTON [00:47] could be used a script to enable or disable (ifup/ifdown) a network device ? [00:48] glitsj16, and remove old one? [00:48] I am trying to load and I get an I/O error reading the boot disk: Loading isolinux: Disk error 32, AX = 4200, drive 9F ???????????? [00:48] Can Any1 PLZ Help Me REMOVE This Malware I Cannot Do Ls: -su: /bin/ls: No such file or directory [00:48] DASMOOVER SO FUNNY ALLCAPS LAWL [00:48] help a full screen app crashed now my resolution is all crazy [00:48] if i could have had the choice to do this with gentoo i wouldnt have half the problems im having now lol.. (not saying gentoo is better, just saying i know it more) [00:48] Ok [00:48] but ubunto was mandated [00:48] Felonious, tried starting another one? [00:48] Guiri: I wanted to see if someone was actually willing to talk to me, usually I talk here and people pay no attention or ask me questions about things I've already said. [00:48] Hi I need a little help getting zip to create an archive with only the relative folder names. ie 'zip -r home/lloyd/zipname home/lloyd/zipname' will unpack from the 'zipname' folder onwards [00:48] warcaptain: I almost feel like I need to relegate myself to a 12 year old and start yelling explicits to be acknowledged [00:48] Felonious, then change your resolution [00:49] I did [00:49] Felonious, i sometimes find running another game or fullscreen app and exiting properly rights the problem [00:49] sigh [00:49] didnt help [00:49] Guiri: Can you help me? [00:49] what would i use as a source for shoutcast? [00:49] Can someone PLZ help me :( [00:49] i asked nicely [00:49] i am reading some pages in google, and perhaps u find a solution [00:49] ircd: sudo aptitude reinstall coreutils [00:49] su: /bin/ls: No such file or directory [00:49] ircd, what's up? [00:49] ok ty [00:49] kahrytan: remove it from the new kernel yes, you might keep a few different kernels though, in that case stay organized and documented :) [00:49] it says no such file for coreutils too [00:49] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7600 (I believe it is) with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. [00:49] and aptitude [00:49] warcaptain: what are your symptoms? no promises though. I need help that I'm not getting from this channel too. [00:50] ircd: you may need to reinstall ubuntu [00:50] ircd, what did you do? [00:50] Guiri: oh.. probably not then [00:50] join #ubuntu-dk [00:50] er.. [00:50] is because my wireless devide goes down each 30 min or like , and i have to manually make a ifdown wlan0 and then ifup wlan0 to have conection [00:50] someone told me to type something with rm... it say not found [00:50] i fixed it by changing to the res the game was running at [00:50] and it magically went to what I wanted [00:50] weird [00:50] anyone know a video editing program that I can edit videos, say 3 of them and then put all 3 of them together to burn 1 dvd??? [00:50] ircd, it wasn't sudo rm / -rf, by any chance? [00:51] warcaptain: alright we should collaborate on some colorful ASCII in the channel. maybe they'll at least queue our problems then [00:51] Aaargh [00:51] Guiri: I just installed Hardy over Gutsy (which ran rather well, still not as good as Vista) and its behaving very poorly. It lags a lot at the first stages of boot.. then when it starts its using generic drivers for my graphics card and plug and play for my monitor.. even though i have the drivers for my monitor. [00:51] i think so [00:51] is that bad? [00:51] i dont even get as far as the grub menu :( [00:51] if i do a sudo apt-get install fluxbuntu...how do i get my restricted driver wireless card to work [00:51] ircd, yes [00:51] ircd: that deletes everything [00:51] mount mount mount, ugg im mounted out, i want to auto mount an ntfs volume for all users, not show the volume on the desktop but show icons for folders inside the volume, i also having problems with pyneighborhood, it won't mount shares, but i can use smbmount from command line to mount, suggestions? [00:51] oh.... [00:51] hello all [00:51] I don't see what the problem could possibly be for this thing [00:51] does it delete my pictures too? [00:51] Jack_Sparrow can you help with an odd build-dep error? [00:51] ircd, who the hell told you to do that, and why did you do it? [00:51] if i do a sudo apt-get install fluxbuntu...how do i get my restricted driver wireless card to work [00:51] ircd, yes, everything [00:51] is it possiable to configure synaptic to send me an e-mail when there is an update available? [00:52] omg sorry but i just lost so much [00:52] Guiri Not really, I am working on something at the moment [00:52] ircd: it deletes everything on your / partition and any mounted partitions that you could write to [00:52] avidemux does not seem to be able to allow me to do this [00:52] my business is on this machine! [00:52] ugh what is grub doing interpreting commented out lines [00:52] ircd, who told you to do it? [00:52] Jack_Sparrow: any other devs in here I can ask? this whole wait 20 minutes and try not to spam the channel just to get help isn't working out [00:52] the ubuntu menu.lst says "dont uncomment them, just edit them to your needs" [00:52] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7600 (I believe it is) with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall and do something differently to get it to support that graphics card without glitching up the monitor? [00:52] my time's worth more than this. hell, I'll donate paypal to someone in here if I have to. [00:52] why is a commented out line EVER being interpreted by ANYTHING [00:52] philh: I came into here earlier for support with installing Open Office and they told me to run a script [00:52] thats BAD [00:52] To all who use Ubuntu as a developer workstation and are fighting with command-line SVN -- go get yourself a copy of rapidsvn ('apt-get install rapidsvn'). It's a lifesaver. [00:53] and it took awhile to run so I left [00:53] it was on another irc network [00:53] no freeking wonder this doesnt work when a commented out groot line is being interpreted [00:53] whose idea was this ? [00:53] but ubuntu support channel [00:53] ircd, what was the script? [00:53] idk i didnt look at it [00:53] I440r: when it's used to generate the kernal space and fines :) [00:53] Guiri there is a fee service through canonical.. If you had a windows problem you would still be on hold.. just to keep things in perspective. [00:53] ? [00:53] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7600 (I believe it is) with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall and do something differently to get it to support that graphics card without glitching up the monitor? [00:53] its commented out. it should be IGNORED by everyone and everything [00:53] ugh [00:54] let me see if this fixed it [00:54] !enter > I440r [00:54] ? [00:54] that a ban? [00:54] Can anyone help with the following error? W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release Unable to find expected entry partner/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) [00:54] I440r Stop using enter ever three words === chaky_ is now known as chaky [00:54] anyone know where I can download Nerolinux version 2... any of them!!!! Nerolinux 3 will not allow me to edit multiple videos and then place them together so I can burn them to 1 dvd [00:54] philh: is there any way to Fix it?? [00:54] whatever :/ [00:55] I need my personal documents or I will die man, my home business is ran off of this computer [00:55] warcaptain: now I wait until exactly 7:53 and ... paste again. [00:55] i will lose my house and job and clients, everything [00:55] ircd, i'm not sure, it doesn't look good, but there may be an undelete tool [00:55] can i run a recover [00:55] Guiri What was the odd question just in case I have a quick answer, and is your sources list in a pastebin somewhere [00:55] will windows system restore work?? [00:55] ircd what has happened? [00:56] amenado: just file missing errors saying there are no files [00:56] ircd, no, of course it wont [00:56] crusher: kino and lives for video editing needs do very well, and devede for combining/transcoding .. after that, use your favo burner (differentiation seems to be the way it works these days, that's the open source spirit as well) [00:56] why were you experimenting on an important production machine? [00:56] ircd these are linux ext2 or ext3 filesystem? [00:56] amenado, he got rm -rf /'d [00:56] i dont know [00:56] Hey guys and gals.... I need help with picking out a color for the background of the navigation in the top-right: http://eboyjr.ath.cx:2082/mg/ [00:56] i jus tinstalled normal ubuntu [00:57] if i do a sudo apt-get install fluxbuntu...how do i get my restricted driver wireless card to work [00:57] eboyjr, then try another channel [00:57] I want it to stand out more, but the blue I have there is too much [00:57] ircd perhaps, you can tell us what has transpired? i came in a bit late...what did you do and what is not working now? [00:57] so... any ideas? [00:57] eboyjr: install agave to pick colors [00:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22980/ [00:57] yoyoned:: Thanks [00:57] like i said, i need synaptic to send me an e-mail for updates on packages [00:57] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7600 (I believe it is) with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall and do something differently to get it to support that graphics card without glitching up the monitor? [00:57] nope [00:57] same error [00:58] eboyjr: The html element is missing lang and xml:lang attributes. [00:58] amenado: Idk man! someone hates me :( [00:58] my files are gone [00:58] and my business [00:58] philh:: Whoops... XChat switched channels on me [00:58] FYI the firefox 3 version from mozilla's download site works fine, it's just the ubuntu version that is screwed. [00:58] (for me only apparently) [00:58] ircd what exactly happened? you formatted a disk? [00:58] Jack_Sparrow: you get that above? [00:58] Dunas, try to load without quiet and splash [00:58] chrisj:: Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out [00:58] Dunas: you installed the wrong driver, appearently [00:58] ircd, are you running a browser? [00:59] How? Very, very new to Ubuntu here. And the driver was the restricted one from Ubuntu's reccomendation. [00:59] ircd: you should say exactly what happened, and proceed with all caution and paranoia, though you might find an answer in here, maybe a local professional would be worth salvaging your life [00:59] ALPSINC, Synaptic is just the graphical front end for apt-get; apt-get does not have the ability to send anyone emails about anything, as far as I know [00:59] ircd sorry for asking all these seems assinine question, trying to understand how to assist you [00:59] Jack_Sparrow: apt-get update produces this W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release Unable to find expected entry partner/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) [00:59] call two, for a second opinion, three even === c is now known as Guest83146 [00:59] spoon_man: ahh, i see... [01:00] Guiri put # in front of lines 60 and 61 then sudo apt-get update and try again [01:00] ALPSINC, all you need is a script using apt-get. [01:00] ircd, http://recover.sourceforge.net/linux/ might help, but it may be a little beyond you and impractical for a machine in that state, regardless, give us all a good explanation of what exactly happened before all the files disappeared [01:00] cabrioleur: figured so .. [01:00] amenado: someone made him do an rm on / [01:01] ircd: if your using the SAME system now to browse, and you need to run undelete, the more you use the system the harder undelete will become, you might need to halt all activity now, switch to another machine to talk in here if possible [01:01] can anyone explain to me how to tell the difference between PCMCIA, cardbus and cardbus type 2? [01:01] can someone at least tell me what a grub error 2 is? i see alot of people complaining about it but ive not seen ANHYTHING that explains what it is [01:01] OR how to fix it [01:01] I have a ~10 year old laptop.. [01:01] holly cow, thats pretty mean.. [01:01] ALPSINC: there's http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apt-get-apticron-send-email-upgrades-available/ .. might be just the thing you're looking for [01:01] Jack_Sparrow: same error with the comments [01:01] Guiri still looking it over [01:01] I just installed Hardy over Gutsy (which ran rather well, still not as good as Vista) and its behaving very poorly. It lags a lot at the first stages of boot.. then when it starts its using generic drivers for my graphics card and plug and play for my monitor.. even though i have the drivers for my monitor. [01:01] glitsj16: thanks [01:01] ALPSINC, yes I think you can probably use a script to trigger a cron job on apt-get that also triggers an email app to send a scripted message to a certain address when certain variables are satisfied, but it's a little complicated [01:02] I440r: according to http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Stage2-errors error 2 is "Bad file or directory type" [01:02] I think it has something to do with the new xorg version [01:02] I440r: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html [01:02] This auto-configuration crap I think is what lags when I start up [01:02] spoon_man: what glitsj16 said i'll look into, if that fails, i'll have to make something along those lines :P [01:02] I440r-> do you have a directory /boot/grub and does this directory contains all the stage15 files? [01:02] test [01:02] Is there any way I can disable the system log daemon, and would it have any consequences other than increased difficulty in troubleshooting? [01:03] warcaptain: do you have a 64bit CPU? or maybe a dual core? [01:03] yes [01:03] I'm running Ubuntu off a USB stick so I want to limit the writing done. [01:03] clam tk says i have a virus: myemail.gmail.imap.com.VIRUS is this a false positive? [01:03] !who | I440r [01:03] I440r: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [01:03] Guiri: I have Core 2 [01:03] DUo [01:03] Core 2 Duo, so yes [01:03] its not running 64bit though [01:03] point lol [01:03] whats the command to see a listing of files inside an installed package? [01:03] amenado, yes [01:04] amenado, i have all the installed grub files. when i boot grub loads. it loads stage 1.5. then it says "loading grub please wait" and then says error 2 [01:04] clam tk says i have a virus: myemail.gmail.imap.com.VIRUS is this a false positive? [01:04] cabrioleur: How do I do what you told me to try? [01:04] aib: does it have to be a command or can you use synaptic? synaptic can show all installed [01:04] I440r: "Selected disk doesn't exist" This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full filename refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system. [01:04] warcaptain: I think you can run the AMD64 version of ubuntu. I know on my G4 Dual PPC I had to specify the SMP version, but I think it's enabled by default in the generic. Can I get a confirmation on that from someone? [01:05] Dunas, in grub (the boot menu) press escape over your default option, and using backspace remove the lines. [01:05] synaptic is just wrapping some command line utility i think.. [01:05] yoyoned, how do i get grub to give me a list of devices that DO exist? [01:05] Guiri: I could run the 64 bit version, I chose not to. [01:05] Guiri # out 43 and 44 then try sudo apt-get update again [01:05] anyway i don't want to use a gui package manager [01:05] run aptitude from command line, it can show all [01:05] ALPSINC: it works for regular updates as well as for security related ones, very nice actually [01:06] glitsj16: ok, thanks :) [01:06] and its a consule gui [01:06] and why cant grub be more descriptive that "error 2" an "selected device does not exist" would actually be helpful :/ [01:06] i'd rather stick to core apt and/or dpkg utilities, not use synaptic or aptitude. [01:06] Jack_Sparrow: apt-get update produces the same error :-* [01:06] i need the lowest level tools. [01:06] I440r-> what is the contents of /boot/grub/device.map? does it point to the correct partitions? [01:06] sorry [01:07] amenado it has two lines. one saying (fd0) /dev/fd0 and the other sayd (hd0) /dev/sda [01:07] nothing else [01:07] oli:clam tk says i have a virus: myemail.gmail.imap.com.VIRUS is this a false positive? [01:07] not sure apt-get can do that, or how to [01:07] Jack_Sparrow: my biggest problem is I need build-dep to work so I can get vlc with x264 encoding support [01:07] which is VERY confusing. because i have an internal drive and an external drive [01:07] anyone help me find a network card for my old Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop? [01:07] this will enable me to fix a problem I'm working on in the videolan channel, Jack_Sparrow [01:08] xbj9000, what kind of network card? wired ethernet? [01:08] I440r-> is that were you expect the bootable image in (hd0) /dev/sda ? [01:08] anyone know how to automount a volume for all users, not showing an icon on the desktop, but showing icons for folders inside the share [01:09] Guiri something you installed from those other repos could be the problem you are facing now.. in addition to the original porblem [01:09] amenado that depends. when i boot to the internal drive it is /dev/sda and its (hd0). when i boot to the external drive i KNOW that IT is (hd0) is it also /dev/sda? [01:09] I have a question about sound, recording and that sort of stuff. How can I record audio from skype? [01:09] I've tried that skype-rec thing but it requires skype use OSS and I don't seem to have an OSS device [01:09] Chikubu: i am talking to here on a different machine right now [01:09] philh, any but preferably wireless [01:09] philh I got a Asus wireless card but it [01:09] philh: i dont understand that page.. i do have 2 computers but my business laptop runs all my good stuff [01:09] alright well [01:09] but why isn't it reading the releases correctly? is that an md5 problem? [01:09] Man I am Not happy :( [01:09] since this channel is not helpful at all -_ [01:09] im going to just go play around then [01:09] ircd: you still need to state will as much precision as possible what happened that caused you to lose all you critical files [01:09] !attitude | warcaptain [01:09] warcaptain: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [01:09] I440r-> which ones give you the grub error ? when booting from internal or external? perhaps can you paste your menu.lst also? [01:10] philh it's cardbus type 2 and I guess I need one or PCMCIA, it's kind of confusing how they label them and often they don't give enough info [01:10] xbj9000, my netgear wg511 rev1 is nice, does your machine do pcmcia [01:10] external. my internal drive has a perfect gentoo install :) [01:10] Chikubu: somebody told me to run a script from their site.. i lost it since, it was supposed to fix my screen size [01:10] ircd Can you boot ubuntu on the problem box or livecd on it? [01:10] Daisuke_Ido: Answers and recognition are two different things [01:10] I would appreciate the latter [01:10] is this channel logged? [01:10] Jack_Sparrow: clam tk says i have a virus: myemail.gmail.imap.com.VIRUS is this a false positive? [01:10] philh it has 2 PCMCIA slots but I'm not sure what their requirements are [01:10] can you relocate the script or site? what happened after you ran the script exactly? [01:10] oh, it wasn't this server, or so ircd said [01:11] david123 I cant tell. but it wont harm linux.. just the winodws user that file is forwarded to.. [01:11] i can pastebin my menu.conf for the external one. brb [01:11] warcaptain what is the issue? you seem to only rant but have not clearly specified what the issue regarding ubuntu install is? [01:11] philh yes it is logged [01:11] Jack_Sparrow thanks alot [01:11] np [01:12] Jack_Sparrow: i dont know :( [01:12] Jack_Sparrow: how can I pursue this further? I have no idea where to start troubleshooting [01:12] i dont have my install cd anymore [01:13] amenado i cant paste [01:13] so i might get this wrong [01:13] how do I make it so that my usb devices don't automatically mount? [01:13] ircd Can you boot ubuntu on the problem machine [01:13] I440r-> why not? sure you can copy and paste ..perhaps manually but you have to do your part.. [01:13] http://rafb.net/p/ZcFtSF57.html [01:13] Jack_Sparrow: I havent shut it off since the command happened [01:13] i cant run anything [01:13] I440r-> you give as bad info, we may give bad advise too :P [01:13] lol [01:14] ircd: if you can find the script or the site, that would help, knowing what happened after you ran the script is a must, if your files got deleted, and undelete might help, though im not sure how that works on ext3, but if you reformat the partition, or something along those lines, there might not be much to recover, it might be best to go to a respected and reputable recovery expert, or pull out the drive and ship it to one if as you say your entire life an [01:14] philh is "32-bit CardBus" the same as PCMCIA? [01:14] hey, I have a problem. [01:14] Swordsman: Me too. [01:15] I'm using synaptic package manager, and I can't force version. === _MoL0ToV is now known as MoL0ToV [01:15] the one I got that doesn't work is CardBus Type II, philh [01:15] cabrioleur: Ok... I tried that, it still isn't working properly. [01:15] <|Juan|> i had problems regarding multiple user logins after upgrading to hardy, i found no turn around it so i ending up making a fresh install and it still happens - if i lock a session and start another user's, the locked session eventually crashes. HELP PLEASE [01:15] ircd We need the script you ran... you should also start downloading a copy of ubuntu livecd... If you cant run anything you will need to shut off that copmuter before you can do anything [01:15] I440r-> seems like nothing is a-miss...is that where your /boot is in hd0,1 ? [01:15] * IndyGunFreak works to hard, gets paid to little.. thats my problem [01:15] I can't figure out what's wrong with it, just, I can't force version on anything at all. [01:15] amenado that depends. if i boot to my internal drive the external drive is (hd1) not (hd0) [01:16] What package do you need to install to get a minimal KDE4 running. I.e I can keep my gnome packages, and just get the kde4 desktop, none of their apps though [01:16] ?* [01:16] I440r-> which ones give you the grub error ? when booting from internal or external? perhaps can you paste your menu.lst also? <--- you didnt answer this [01:16] but i had this problem before on a previous installation of ubunto to an external drive and i KNOW my external drive is (hd0) when i boot TO the external drive [01:16] the external drive [01:16] the system I'm using is running gutsy [01:16] i did answer it lol scroll back [01:16] nox-Hand: kdebase-kde4 [01:16] would that affect whether or not I can force the version? [01:17] ive answered it twice but i might not have flagged it for your attention [01:17] <|Juan|> i had problems regarding multiple user logins after upgrading to hardy, i found no turn around it so i ending up making a fresh install and it still happens - if i lock a session and start another user's, the locked session eventually crashes. HELP PLEASE [01:17] amenado, the external drive gives error 2 [01:17] I440r-> you are having issues with the external drive booting? is your bios set correct to boot from external? can you also paste the device.map and menu.lst from that external drive? [01:17] yoyoned: Done that, but GDM doesn't show it up as an option [01:17] amenado i dont SET my bios, i hit escape and select where to boot to. [01:18] I440r-> you haft to, bios setting decides which hd/device you will be booting from [01:18] * John_Priest screams ubuntuuuuuu [01:19] I440r, you have to hit a key during boot to enter the BIOS -- it's usually Delete or F2 [01:19] |Juan|-> there is a setting for allowing multiple logins of same user..perhaps its in /etc/gdm/ [01:19] amenado hitting escape is the same as changing th eboot order in the bios [01:20] ircd, are you still with us? [01:20] spoon_man, modern pc's allow you to select which boot device to boot from WITHOUT changing the default boot order [01:20] <|Juan|> amenado, its not the same user, different users, different installs, same result! [01:20] John_Priest, do you have a support question? please dont use the /me in here [01:20] I440r, maybe just try it [01:20] I440r-> okay, and once you hit escape, what menu prompts you to select the external drive? [01:20] amenado, the bios's boot device selection menu shows all available boot devices [01:21] |Juan|-> perhaps you can rephrase the problem? a second user can not login? [01:21] I440r: why do you use a EXTERNAL drive anyway [01:21] ive already installed ubuntu to TWO different external drives. ive had problems with those installs too but not THIS problem [01:21] philh: i think he went looking for that script he ran [01:21] Commie_Jebus: generally people do it because they are afraid of partitioning [01:21] Hi everyone:) I've been trying to get my Audio configured so that my soundcard will produce 5.1 surround in Hardy Heron. I've tried a few different sites and even a package that claims to configure it properly but I've had no luck. PulseAudio angers me [01:21] Commie_Jebus, because thats what my boss gave me and im not installing HIS linux installation onto MY internal drive [01:21] IndyGunFreak: still, i allways buy intenral [01:22] Commie_Jebus, also. for your information, laptop manufacturers are VOIDING warrantees when you install linux over the top of the existing windows [01:22] I440r: you can open it and take out the hard drive [01:22] I440r-> can you now paste the device.map and menu.lst from that external drive? [01:22] I440r: real [01:22] xbj9000, what model is your laptop? [01:22] <|Juan|> amenado, i have 2 users. my first user is logged, locks the session, then if the other user logs in, after a few minutes its prompted to the gdm screen to login again and the first user session is closed [01:22] Commie_Jebus: i agree 100%... thats how i learned linux, main drive, 80gig, 40gig slave, adn it always handled my linux trials and tribulations. [01:22] I440r: really? [01:22] so i think ubunto NEEDS to take this install method into account [01:22] YES [01:22] amenado i did paste the menu.lst [01:22] buenas tardes [01:22] HardyHuman, I'd trying switching everything to ALSA, PulseAudio is still pretty quirky [01:22] HardyHuman: i suppose you already seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4451132 ? [01:23] ill paste the device map now [01:23] |Juan|-> can you do a ctrl+Alt+F2 and let the second user log on there? [01:23] I440r: i'd love to see one account of a warranty being voided, due to installing linux [01:23] philh it's a Toshiba Satellite Pro 435cds [01:23] I440r-> for the external drive? can you repaste the link? [01:23] glitsj16: let me just see if I have:) [01:23] IndyGunFreak, google asus a8js warrantte being voided for installing linux or something like that [01:23] Having trouble with Hardy and nvidia GeForce FX 5500. Visual Effects Extra doesn't work when I try to use Desktop Cube or Rotate. Also, when I run games like Planet Penguin Racer the screen switches to what looks like 800x600 and freezes on desktop. All worked under Fiesty. Help? Ideas? [01:23] <|Juan|> amenado, yeah i just did [01:24] |Juan|-> can the 2nd user login ? [01:24] <|Juan|> yes [01:24] i have an a8js model and its cracking up after onlhy one year. i have it dual boot and i cant get it replaced without totally overwriting my linux installation and then PAYING to fix the problem [01:24] <|Juan|> both can log in [01:24] I440r: i found several links that said tech support has said that installing Linux DOES NOT void the warranty [01:24] <|Juan|> the thing is, if i keep a session open (locked) and another user logs in, it eventually kills the first one [01:25] I440r: i'vfe also found several sites saying that if you upgrade the ram it voids the warranty.. sounds like they void the warranty if you sneeze on the keyboard, not just on linux installs [01:25] |Juan|-> can you paste your /etc/gdm/gdm-conf.custom ? [01:25] IndyGunFreak, ive seen postings saying "they voided my warrantee" and i believe this would happen, dont got time to find the references again to [01:25] Fezzler: do you have the restricted driver enabled, are you using ctrl alt mouse click for cube? cube needs 4 desktops in its config min to work, also the h size must be 4 i think, try #compiz for more help on it, beyond that i dunno [01:25] IndyGunFreak: XD [01:25] I440r, sounds like FUD to me [01:25] I440r: whatever... i'm gonna have to call BS on that [01:25] IndyGunFreak, heh. btw are you in indiana and a gun nut? [01:25] If I turn on Visual Effects Extra and then turn on Desktop Cube/Rotate effect....it knocks Visual Effects Extra off. [01:25] I440r-> for the external drive? can you repaste the link? <-- am still waiting [01:25] IndyGunFreak, i wish. i wojuld have a new laptop if it was [01:26] I440r: yes, you'reobviously mr. obvious [01:26] amenado repasting link [01:26] http://rafb.net/p/ZcFtSF57.html <-- menu.lst [01:26] can somebody help me? i need to install a virtual windows xp, but i need to use a mbr file, how can i create this mbr file? [01:26] fezzler you might also need to find how to configure the argb-glx-visuals [01:26] I440r-> thats from the external drive? [01:26] i think it is using something called install-mbr... [01:26] amenado afb.net/p/G10rAq98.html <-- device.map [01:26] * DIL loves da black rifles [01:26] yes external [01:27] err thats www.rafb.net too sorry === ballzee is now known as Sinister [01:27] <|Juan|> amenado, gdm-conf.custom http://pastebin.com/da59f65d [01:27] Chikubu: How do I check if I have restricted driver enabled (but I believe I do). I have 4 desktops set. Yes, tried ctrl alt mouse. [01:27] fezzler this is ccsm right? [01:27] I440r-> do it right..i have to type too many chars...repaste please [01:28] ok [01:28] Fezzler, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers [01:28] Chikubu: ccsm??? [01:28] Fezzler: system - administration - hardware drivers [01:28] amenado www.rafb.net/p/G10rAq98.html <-- device.map [01:28] Fezzler: you could also try the compizconfig-settings-manager package and tweak compiz to your specific needs without using those pre-arranged profile settings [01:28] CompizConfig Settings Manager ccsm [01:28] Restricted Driver Enabled and green light for "in use" [01:29] |Juan|-> that basically says one gdm login allowed, you haft to have a second X [servers] allowed in [01:29] glitsj16: I have the manager installed [01:29] All this worked under Fiesty [01:29] how do i disable documents popping up in 'recently opened" in the places menu? [01:29] ccsm shows as system -prefrences "Advanced" Desktop Effects if installed [01:29] nothing in .gnome2 resembles it [01:30] how do I load evdev after xorg is loaded? [01:30] <|Juan|> amenado, how would i go around that? i've added a 1=Standard in gdm.conf but that didn't help [01:30] I440r-> when your system attempts to boot from external, not sure if you it detects your external drive as /dev/sda [01:30] if it is just Desktop Effects you dont have it, is this an upgrade from fiesty? [01:30] Chikubu: argb-glx-visuals??? [01:30] glitsj16: ok I was following the instructions on that page and I got a ton of similar errors [01:30] amenado hmm... so even though it does detect it as (hd0) it might still be (hdb) ? [01:30] ./var/lib/scrollkeeper/C/scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:4521: parser error : expected '>' [01:30] [01:30] |Juan|-> yeah try that...have a second entry [01:31] I440r-> Id change it from /dev/sda to /dev/hda perhaps [01:31] HardyHuman: on which step did you have those errors ? [01:31] Chikubu: Yes, it was an upgrade. Plus I switched from a CRT to LCD monitor === zloog is now known as WindowsVista [01:31] erm i do not believe it is an hda. maybe sdb [01:31] <|Juan|> amenado, i just said i did and it didnt help. i didnt have a problem until hardy, had been using ubuntu since edgy with the same users, and a fresh hardy install didn't help either [01:31] how do I load evdev after xorg is loaded? [01:31] its an external usb drive. its not going to be /dev/hd anything [01:31] brb [01:31] I440r-> well you can try ...til you get it working.. [01:31] sudo apt-get build-dep libasound2-plugins [01:31] ill try your way next :) [01:31] [01:32] and then I installed [01:32] |Juan|-> for comparison to mine.. 62 [servers] [01:32] 63 0=Standard0 [01:32] 64 1=Standard1 [01:32] im not sure but compiz might have changed somewhat since that version, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion and here http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion then /j #compiz is still stuck [01:32] if your still stuck that is [01:32] hello poeple [01:32] hihi [01:32] glitsj16: my scroll size is too small let me see exactly where [01:33] anybody using dwm? [01:33] HardyHuman: hang on a moment, i believe i read something about libasound2, the official repo version has bugs [01:33] !ufsdump [01:33] Factoid ufsdump not found [01:33] !ext2dump [01:33] Factoid ext2dump not found [01:33] glitsj16: alright [01:33] does shoutcast support ogg? [01:33] how do i disable documents popping up in 'recently opened" in the places menu? [01:34] |Juan|-> and that gives me two X servers to login [01:34] recent documents === Scientus__ is now known as Scientus [01:34] how do I load evdev after xorg is loaded? [01:34] pukeman: rm ~/.recently-used.xbel and then mkdir ~/.recently-used.xbel will do the trick [01:35] pukeman: It wont actually disable it, but it will stop new documents (pr0n) from being added to it [01:35] HardyHuman: according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 you'd want the libasound2 packages (and sources) from hardy-proposed .. might give you a way around those errors, not sure [01:35] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:35] DreadStar, how about icecast? [01:35] HardyHuman: that's part A of that link [01:36] hahaha, i couldn't find it because i cleared the list [01:36] thanks though. [01:36] pukeman: Yea, fill the list with a bunch of innocous looking files first, then use those commands to freeze it [01:37] glitsj16: I'm so not into this... lol I have been putting this off for a couple weeks now haha:) Back into the trenches I go [01:37] Certain flash wont show up in Firefox...like utube does but sites like http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ just show up as a grey box [01:37] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:38] what do you use for cisco vpn client? [01:38] HardyHuman: lol, not a oneline quick fix indeed, keep a clear head .. goodluck ;) [01:38] AlabamaHit, do you have gnash or the non-free flash plugin? [01:38] can anyone recommend the proper filesystem dump program for backing up? [01:38] glitsj16: thanks:) [01:38] CaptainMorgan, dd? ;) [01:38] philh: im not sure......what ever comes with it and i installed the ubuntu restricted things [01:38] hi HardyHuman [01:39] CaptainMorgan: tar [01:39] philh, dd is to copy and convert a file === jklein is now known as JoshuaP0x [01:39] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? === WindowsVista is now known as OldeEnglish800 [01:39] yoyoned, any usfdump equivalents ? [01:39] ufsdump [01:39] suse power, hi [01:39] saup [01:39] HardyHuman: just an opinion, i would try to get pulseaudio going from that last link before going for the 5.1 support, that way at least you'll end up with something :p [01:39] anyone running dream linux in here [01:39] CaptainMorgan-> i think your clue there is ufs..is your filesystem ufs? [01:40] Can someone please guide me to the install of audacious through the command promp (already got the folder) since im having problems with the synaptic version 1.5.0-2 [01:40] amenado, no! :) I'm using ext2 but I've already asked the ubuto for an ext2dump program and the factoid wasn't found [01:40] CaptainMorgan, and everything's a file [01:40] glitsj16: hahaha well I don't even have any asound directories... this is strange [01:40] philh: im not sure......what ever comes with ubuntu and unbuntu restriced extras...i havent installed anyting else [01:41] glitsj16: guess I haven't gotten to that with this current install [01:41] wce: open a terminal, type "sudo apt-get build-dep audacious.. let it build the dependencies, then compile audacious [01:41] CaptainMorgan-> id go with tar or cpio [01:41] HardyHuman: actually not that strange, for pulseaudio to run on top of ALSA you will need those though [01:41] what do you use for cisco vpn client? [01:41] k, thanks amenado [01:42] glitsj16: I <3 ALSA [01:42] JoshuaP0x, I use Cisco VPN 3000 [01:42] Hello folks! I need help getting a second CDROM drive installed in Ubuntu 7.10. Consider me a very stupid user when it comes to Linux. [01:42] although it doesnt' work with x64 bit Ubuntu [01:42] AlabamaHit, afaik nothing comes with it, you get asked when you first come across a flash object on the web, then you get a choice between various flash player options [01:42] only 32 bit [01:42] thanks [01:42] JackDeth_: is the device installed [01:43] i have adobe flash installed... [01:43] CaptainMorgan-> what does not work with 64bit? btw i dont own a 64bit cpu..so im guessing here [01:43] philh: i can play flash videos and such like on youtube [01:44] Yes. I'm running Win XP. I'm running the Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop virtual appliance in VMware. I wanted a chance to try this OS first. Everything works slick!!! Except for the second CDROM drive. It works fine in Win XP, but doesn't show up in Ubuntu. [01:44] HardyHuman: after doing those changes, this is a nice reference to get all kinds of different sound apps going with pulseaudio http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup .. didn't want to push them all in the same reply :p [01:44] amenado, currently out of my territory, but I know when connecting to a host, it causes the entire system to hang/freeze, absolutely requiring a reboot. Something to do with the kernel, but like I said out of league. check out: http://forum.tuxx-home.at/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=457&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15 that site has patches for some 64 bit systems... but the majority are not made correctly causing ubuntu systems to freeze [01:44] JackDeth_: so your running ubuntu in vmware? [01:45] does dmesg get dumped if the kernel panics? [01:45] amenado, note that 32-bit works lovely [01:46] amenado: there's an entire thread in the ubuntu forums that discusses the nuances of running 64bit... I'm currently attempting it... as long as you're not asking for the bleeding edge of things... it works swimmingly... [01:46] Yes === AndrewGearhar1 is now known as AndrewGearhart [01:46] In VMware player. [01:46] a better question: what, if anything, gets dumped if the kernel panics? [01:46] AlabamaHit, have you checked in your package manager that flashplugin-nonfree is selected? [01:46] JackDeth_: Vmware has to be configured to show the second drive [01:47] AndrewGearhart, nuances of 64 bit ubuntu? with the exception of my vpn client, everything I normally run, from chat clients, dvd burning, to web and file servers works smoothly... got a link? [01:47] Yoyoned: I kind of figured that from everything I could find online. However, everything I've tried doesn't seem to work. [01:47] CaptainMorgan-> its not me needing a cisco vpn client.. [01:47] <|Juan|> amenado, that didnt help [01:47] CaptainMorgan: the only catch I've really run into that was 64bit specific was my inability to try out the Flash10 beta (32 bit only...) but I'll share the link... /me digs for it [01:47] |Juan|-> what happened? [01:48] JackDeth_: are you using vmware player or vmware server [01:48] amenado, oh, your question was more general? well, I would think a search engine would help you more [01:48] my ubuntu is better than your ubuntu [01:48] JackDeth_, it's unimportant because running it in VMWare isn't really a useful test of compatibility, non-working second drive is likely a vmware issue, try a liveCD instead [01:48] CaptainMorgan-> not I, I was responding to your comment about 64bit.. [01:48] what, if anything, gets dumped if the kernel panics? [01:48] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:48] Yoyoned: As mentioned, I'm using VMware player along with an "appliance" I downloaded from the VMware site. [01:48] CaptainMorgan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=368607 <-- 64bit Pros & Cons [01:48] <|Juan|> amenado, i started my session, switched to the other user, and five minutes lates i was prompted to the gdm screen with the first session closed [01:49] I have an Nvidia 8800 GT with the proprietary driver and it keeps going to low graphics mode... Its a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/222407 but I have got it to work before. Can anyone help with an xorg.conf file? [01:49] Launchpad bug 222407 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Nvidia driver does not work properly in hardy" [Medium,Incomplete] [01:49] |Juan|-> can you do a ps -aux|grep X and let me know how many X servers are running? [01:49] amenado> CaptainMorgan-> what does not work with 64bit? btw i dont own a 64bit cpu..so im guessing here >> sorry for my confusion, thought you were asking *why it doesn't work :) [01:49] <|Juan|> now theres only one [01:49] I tried LiveCD and it was just too slow. I was hoping to run it in VMware for a few weeks and try several things. Everything else works awesome so far without a problem. I just can't seem to get it to recognize this second drive. [01:50] does anyone want a free teamspeak channel [01:50] Most references I've found suggest adding another line to the FSTAB file, but each reference I've found suggest adding something a little different. Not sure which is right. [01:50] help me [01:50] JackDeth_-> most virtualization only allow one cdrom..lets you hack it? or you are referring to a different kind of drive? [01:50] Hi, does anyone know how to prevent linux from using my broken solid-state-disk in an Asus EEE? Suspent/resume doesn't work, and I'm currently booting from an SD-card mounted in the usb-reader. [01:50] i am not able to play mp3 song in rythmbox [01:50] if you would like a free teamspeak server add justin_ouellette@hotmail.com [01:50] JackDeth_: if vmware is configured properly, it will be auotdetected by ubuntu [01:51] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:51] what, if anything, gets dumped if the kernel panics? [01:51] >> [01:51] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7600 (I believe it is) with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall and do something differently to get it to support that graphics card without glitching up the monitor? [01:51] amendado: Well, the drive that it sees is my DVD+RW drive. It won't see the other CD-RW drive which is a different brand. [01:51] Erk [01:51] 7100 [01:52] can anyone plz help me , i am not able to play songs in rythmbox [01:52] JackDeth_, is it vital that you have both? [01:52] <|Juan|> amenado, i already deleted the 1=Standard from gdm.conf-custom, it starts two gdm instances [01:52] JackDeth_-> then perhaps you have to configure your VMware to use the one you'd like and not the other one... [01:52] JackDeth_, if the Live CD can see both optical drives, then... what's the problem here? [01:53] philh: Well, sort of. I was watching a movie in the DVD drive and wanted to access some files off a CD and would like to be able to do that with the other drive at the same time. :-) [01:53] JackDeth_, you could grab a copy of vmware server and the latest alt install image and set yourself up properly, rather than using an old vmware player image [01:53] spoon_man-> he is trying it from inside VMware [01:53] Aaagh [01:53] spoon_man: It didn't. Plus, I want to use it within VMware.... [01:54] JackDeth_: try installing vmware server. it makes it a lot easier to configure the hardware [01:54] yeah vmware server is easily configured [01:54] what is a good log file to use with root-tail [01:54] philh: Won't VMware server force me to partition part of my hard drive? Or can it run in a folder like the player app? [01:54] |Juan|-> did you peek around your log files to see what causes it to log out the other user? [01:54] run in folder [01:55] Google hates me, so... is there a way to install the driver/configuration disc that came with an Acer 1440x900/19'' monitor into Ubuntu? [01:55] does not require disk partitioning [01:55] <|Juan|> amenado, i get a WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 [01:55] or use vbox [01:55] Dunas: what isn't working correctly? [01:55] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:55] Sweet. I'll try that then. Thanks folks! [01:55] I just installed Ubuntu, installed the system updates, then installed a driver for my Nvidia 7100 with no trouble. I restarted. Now my Acer P191w widescreen LCD monitor is saying input not supported once I get past the log-in screen. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall and do something differently to get it to support that graphics card without glitching up the monitor? [01:55] ^copy/paste from earlier [01:56] RAdams: "input not supported once I get past the log-in screen" [01:56] |Juan|-> i suspect it is just a config setting.. but I can not remember which for allowing two gdm logins...perhaps you have to google [01:56] <|Juan|> amenado, it worked fine from edgy to feisty [01:56] yeah mun google it [01:56] hi [01:56] ubuntu rocks it works with everything [01:56] JackDeth_, it does everything the player does but with less restrictions [01:56] with some hacking and google you can get through it [01:56] |Juan|-> well compare your gdm config settings to verify [01:57] anyone knows how i flash a image with ubuntu to my dreambox ? [01:57] |Juan|-> and it works for a 7.10 i used too.. [01:57] <|Juan|> amenado, i had the problem with a hardy upgrade so now i made a fresh hardy install [01:57] <|Juan|> and i still have the problem, fresh install [01:57] I'm pretty much in the dark with Ubuntu, but I'd really love to get this working- this one thing is keeping it from being my dream OS, pretty much. [01:57] |Juan|-> hang..let me boot a hardy system.. lets see if i get same issue as yours [01:58] <|Juan|> amenado, ok, thanks [01:58] I have an ISDN buttset which has a "PSTN Z" interface with an RJ45 clip which has pins 7 and 8 wired and the aligator clips at the end. Will this likely work with a POTS line or will I fry my butt set? It's a Chesilvale Harrier UTS-ISDN [01:58] hello ? [01:58] Dunas: sounds like its using an invalid sync. can you try nvidia-xconfig and manually select the right refresh rate for your monitor? I realize it previously worked ok, but sometimes it needs to be specified to a specific rate. [01:58] extor: #networking [01:58] <|Juan|> amenado, its pretty random though. it can happen in five minutes or 2 hours, cant seem to figure out what causes it though [01:58] anybody knows how i flash dreambox image with ubuntu with a seriell cable ? [01:59] If I could, I would, but I can't see a thing past the login screen. [01:59] Dunas, have you tried not installing drivers for the nvidia and just using the restricted drivers? [01:59] <|Juan|> within the second user session [01:59] |Juan|-> just like that, without you typing anything? === skb is now known as skbrewer [01:59] dunas: boot into single [01:59] i am not able to play songs in rhythmbox now, till last night it worked prefect .???? [01:59] Dunas: You should have a "recovery mode" in grub [01:59] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [01:59] SeaPhor: That's what I did, the restricted drivers. [01:59] <|Juan|> yeah, my family uses the second user and sometimes it even crashes when they just keep the session opened [02:00] RAdams: Let me go try that. [02:00] sandy_: song format / kernel / rhythmbox version / does it play with no sound or give an error? [02:00] extor buttsets should be pretty durable and can handle strong currents eh? [02:00] <[[thufir]]> is it possible to get stuck in a loop of running the update manager to from 7.10 to 8.x? I've already run it once and it's running again for a partial update. http://www.papernapkin.org/pastebin/view/1398/ [02:00] <|Juan|> amenado, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=823040 [02:00] amenado, yeah but will it give me a dial tone? [02:00] can someone help me figure out how useradd non interactively, specifying a password? -p needs something processed with crypt, i can't figure it out [02:01] RAdams, its give a red mark on the song while its trying to play them [02:01] [[thufir]]: can you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and post the terminal output to pastebin? [02:01] RAdams, but i am able to play songs in vlc [02:01] sandy_: that means it probably can't find the song [02:01] extor you mean a digital dial tone or an analog dialtone? [02:01] Dunas, i cna help you get back to start, without re-installing, but you will need to know what to do from there, as i haven't had any problems with any of my nvidia cards, and i have from 5200 to 8600 [02:01] sandy_: check where your library is located. did you move the files? try re-importing that directory [02:02] Dunas, *can [02:02] RAdams, its show all the songs but they are not playing [02:02] RAdams, i did that [02:02] <[[thufir]]> RAdams: the update manager is running right now, but I wlll. thanks. anything else? [02:03] sandy_: can you get the information on the tracks via a right click and verify it is looking in the right place for them? [02:03] any thoughts from anybody here on a good way to do global keyboard shortcuts for things such as pasting a block of text (like for signatures in emails) or for calling programs (for example, Left-Super+C would launch Firefox and jump to the email composition page)? [02:03] Dunas, and looks like RAdams may have the better approach [02:03] |Juan|-> was the second user even able to log on at all? from what you pasted, they didnt seem to even had a chance to login or login was unsuccessful [02:03] RAdams, the songs are located ,if not rhythmbox will remove all the song from the lib [02:03] RAdams, ya [02:03] I just ran the command nvidia-xconfig. [02:03] [[thufir]]: just that for now. we're looking for what isn't resolving or being met to allow a complete upgrade [02:03] I dont know how i flash a image with ubuntu to my Dreambox anyone can help me ? [02:03] sandy_: what format are the songs? [02:03] It didn't ask me about the refresh rate [02:04] <|Juan|> amenado, they can log in, and it doesnt affect their session, it affects the previous one [02:04] RAdams, failed to connect to the stream [02:04] <|Juan|> the one locked [02:04] burak_: it's not very active, but there is a #dreambox channel [02:04] anybody using dwm? [02:04] sandy_: are these internet located streams? what format are they in? [02:04] RAdams, all the song are mp3 [02:04] RAdams, no [02:04] sandy_: ok. are they on the local hard disk? [02:04] Dunas, if you need me i'll be in #SeaPhor [02:04] <|Juan|> amenado, when i created the second user it couldnt log in until i restarted the system [02:05] I just got a new HP laptop (dv6809wm) and I have everything work finally, except for my microphone. I gather that this is a common problem, and I've read through a ton of threads, played with alsamixer, etc., but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any clues? [02:05] <|Juan|> on this frsh hardy install [02:05] RAdams: Thanks for the suggestion, but is there anything else I need to do? Nvidia-xconfig didn't help as far as I can tell. [02:05] SeaPhor: Thank you. [02:05] RAdams, ya they are no my hard disk [02:05] Dunas, no worries bro [02:05] Dunas: did it give you an opportunity to select your refresh rate, or run with no options and exit? [02:05] how do you list the directories? [02:05] AndrewGearhart: look in System->Preferences->Assistive Technologies [02:05] RAdams, it was working fill till last night [02:05] in the shell [02:05] Soulwarp: thanks... will check it out [02:06] RAdams: I don't think it did anything, actually- it said it created a backup configuration file, then a new one, and then dumped back to the root command line. [02:06] RAdams, what should i do ? [02:06] sandy_: can you run rhythmbox -d in terminal and post the debug output when you try to play an mp3 in pastebin? [02:06] I at least have it to the point that using Sound Recorder will record white noise, so I'm better off than when I started, but it's still not picking up voice. [02:07] Soulwarp: mmm... am I missing something? I don't see how this might help me. :-\ [02:07] |Juan|-> you seemed to have multiple issues, now after you have rebooted the 2nd user was able to login? and was still getting kicked after a few? can you test it again now, include the additiona X server I suggested [02:07] Im looking for information on how to mirror a server for backup purposes and use at two locations can someone help me [02:07] RAdams [02:07] oops [02:07] I still can't get the Nvidia drivers to install correctly on Ubuntu Studio, the kernel just is not compiling during installation, throwing an error. [02:07] <|Juan|> amenado, i created a new user, logged in, closed its session, and now i hear the gdm star sound looping [02:08] RAdams: I selected to have it dump me to the root command line in the recovery mode menu, if it helps. [02:08] <|Juan|> * start [02:08] AndrewGearhart: it can help you create command combinations to open favorite programs [02:08] Dunas: ok. try this, though it will bork your xorg.conf a little, so you'll have to fix it after: backup your existing xorg.conf then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Run the full setup and select all the options. you might have to google to look up refresh rate ranges [02:08] how do you list the directories in the shell? [02:08] like dir in windows? [02:08] when u right click an app in the taskbar you get a menu, close at the bottom, is there a way to add KILL to that menu [02:08] JoshuaP0x: ls [02:08] JoshuaP0x: ls [02:09] I know my monitor used a 60 refresh rate on Windows [02:09] |Juan|-> how do let the 2nd user logged in? what keyboard keys you pressed? [02:09] Should it be different on Ubuntu? [02:09] RAdams, http://pastebin.com/d75b09231 [02:09] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [02:09] Dunas, it can vary on windows, well, if it's a crt at least, it doesn't necessarily need to be 60 on ubuntu [02:09] in #dreambox there are no anybody active [02:09] >.< [02:09] Soulwarp: I'm sorry... I'm *so* not seeing it... ? [02:10] <|Juan|> amenado, i dont get your question. i can login, the thing is i cant have two sessions opened because evetually the one not being used is killed [02:10] AndrewGearhart: looking at it now i can see what you mean. i guess that wouldn't help you much [02:10] AndrewGearhart: are you looking for some kind of key binding application? [02:10] Soulwarp: :-( I was really hoping that I was just missing something! [02:10] |Juan|-> how do let the 2nd user logged in? what keyboard keys you pressed? [02:10] RAdams, theres nobody in #dreambox [02:11] <|Juan|> i log in thru gdm! [02:11] Im wanting to have one ubuntu server set up in one location and another set up ~ 25 miles away I want them to connect to eachother and mirror selected directories over a vpn any advice on how to do this? [02:11] <|Juan|> amenado, now i keep hearing the gdm start sound looped [02:11] how do I load evdev (one for logitech mouse) after xorg is loaded? [02:11] RAdams, http://pastebin.com/da1a62da [02:11] <|Juan|> on the only session i have opened [02:11] an application would be fine... I'd like to be able to globally press certain keys... and get certain results... for example... the Left-Super+C would launch firefox at a particular URL [02:12] |Juan|-> you have not answered me yet..how do you allow the 2nd user to login? [02:12] AndrewGearhart: there is Keyboard shorcuts. that is located in System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts [02:12] sandy_: one moment [02:12] RAdams: It didn't ask me for the refresh rate. [02:12] <|Juan|> amenado, i dont get your question. i log in my user, lock its session, then they just press "change user" on my locked screen and they log in thru gdm [02:12] pen: does #modprobe evdev find the module? [02:13] i have a hp w 2207 monitor and Nvidia 8400 GS card i enabled Nivida drivers but monitor goes to sleep. I booted with earlier kernel an can only get 800x600 [02:13] Soulwarp: unfortunately, that doesn't allow you to define new actions (such as starting a particular application) ... at least that I can find [02:13] RAdams: But! I just booted it from there, and it brought the window up normally. [02:13] Chikubu, not sure [02:13] Chikubu, it shows nothing [02:13] how can i disable the drivers [02:14] RAdams: Is it possible that trying to force it into 1440x900 was causing the problem? I don't think I can deal with that low resolution on such a relatively large monitor. [02:14] |Juan|->you are using KDE? on gdm it uses switch user..just trying to understand how you are doing this [02:14] if it returns to promt, then its ok, if not found it will say fatal----not found or something like that [02:14] lemme see if i can find were the module loader on start up is [02:15] I'm pretty sure /etc/modules [02:15] AndrewGearhart: A google search turns up xbindkeys for me. Says it allows you to bind keys to shell commands. [02:15] AndrewGearhart: repost your question again I am somewhat of a novice [02:15] It's available through Synaptics. [02:15] Hi, is there a linux game similar to Aargon? A laser puzzle game to guide the beams with mirrors, beamsplitters, prisms etc...? [02:16] Chikubu, it's in xorg I think [02:16] can someone help me with Firefox? It keeps unexpectedly closing. [02:16] Chikubu, the one for the logitech mouse [02:16] Dunas: that is possible sandy_: I'm still grokking your debug, one moment [02:16] Soulwarp: thank you for the attempt! I'm in the same arena you are! I've had my ubuntu system running for less than two weeks now... last linux box I had was built from the ground up with slackware in 1998! [02:16] skbrewer: /me takes a look [02:16] does the mouse not work properly, try it now after the modprobe edev is a module i think [02:17] can someone help me with Firefox? It keeps unexpectedly closing. [02:17] AndrewGearhart: You might note that there's a separate package for graphical config. Probably save you some trouble going through conf files. :P [02:17] AndrewGearhart: ubuntu is much easier than my experiences in redhat back in 98 [02:18] |Juan|->you are using KDE? on gdm it uses switch user..just trying to understand how you are doing this.. [02:18] Soulwarp: much doesn't begin to describe the dramatic difference in ease of use and compatabilities [02:18] My first Linux experience was Slackware around 98 as well. Words can't express my joy at how far things have come since then. [02:18] <|Juan|> no, gnome. fresh hardy install, nothing customized [02:18] anyway if it is a module your trying to use...# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. [02:18] <|Juan|> just added another user [02:18] open that as text, (run editor in sudo) and add your module [02:19] <|Juan|> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/desktop-bugs/2006-December/067890.html [02:19] AndrewGearhart: the thing i love the most is package management. i have never had a broken package yet! [02:19] <|Juan|> thats a good reproduction, except my system doesnt crash [02:19] skbrewer: are you referring to xbindkeys_show ? [02:19] <|Juan|> and the second session opens [02:19] AndrewGearhart: The packages I found were xbinkeys and xbindkeys-config [02:19] s/xbinkeys/xbindkeys/ [02:20] Soulwarp: yes, definitely! it makes it much easier to keep track of what needs to be done to keep the system safe and secure [02:20] <|Juan|> amenado, im guessing i have a problem with gdmflexiserver [02:20] sandy_: unfortunately, the debug log didn't seem to help narrow the problem. can you think of what might have changed between then and now? did you install any updates, maybe add a new repository, install a new codec? [02:20] <|Juan|> which i didnt have until hardy [02:20] pen: but modules generaly load before xorg, im not sure what your trying excatly [02:20] RAdams, i installed wine [02:21] I like to think that between FreeBSD and Redhat I've seen the extreme good and evil that can become of package management, and everything I've seen using Ubuntu has been firmly on the good side. [02:21] can someone help me with Firefox? It keeps unexpectedly closing. [02:21] Chikubu, my logitech mouse wouldn't work for hotplug [02:21] Chikubu, if I use evdev [02:21] can anyone tell me please the exact command to chown a folder to a specific user and group ? [02:21] My grub listings on boot does not correspond to what I have in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Does anyone know why? I'm using LVM [02:21] illriginal: Is there any particular circumstance that always makes it close, or is it totally random? [02:21] albuntu: chown -R user:group [02:21] sandy_: can you try playing another sound file? one that isn't an mp3? [02:21] Chikubu, but it is the best solution I could find to detect all the buttons [02:21] albuntu: which folder you looking to chown? [02:21] skbrewer: I'm not finding it in synaptics... (Add/Remove Applications) perhaps I don't have the right repositories enabled? [02:21] albuntu: also see man chown [02:21] How come the Broadcom B43 wireless driver box is not available in my Hardware Drivers-window (Hardy)? [02:21] ok thanks [02:21] RAdams, i upgrade my system and i stopped in between the upgrade [02:22] |Juan|-> possibly, i boot my hardy, and have not experience what you have between two users.. [02:22] skbrewer, so far everytime in the ubuntu forum and i click, "quote" to quote someone and reply to their post, firefox loads up the page, then closes. [02:22] sandy_: that seems very likely to be a problem [02:22] RAdams, i am able to play mp3 in vlc [02:22] It's in universe [02:22] <|Juan|> amenado, sometimes it takes users [02:22] <|Juan|> errr hours [02:22] sandy_: that isn't what I suggested. try playing a different type of sound file in rhythmbox [02:22] <|Juan|> amenado, it seems random [02:22] i think im gonna downgrade to firefox 2. firefox 3 is horrible. [02:22] Im wanting to have one ubuntu server set up in one location and another set up ~ 25 miles away I want them to connect to eachother and mirror selected directories over a vpn any advice on how to do this? [02:23] |Juan|-> those are the hardest to troubleshooot [02:23] adam7 i get invalid user [02:23] Yeah, I double checked. [02:23] It's in Miscellaneous - Graphical (Universe) [02:24] darkorical-> what services do you plan on serving? [02:24] <|Juan|> amenado, where should i look? i know the x server crashes but i cant seem to find anything specific as why [02:24] <|Juan|> * as to [02:24] adam7 the exact command is chown -R /path/to/folder user:group ? [02:24] mainly a lamp but we might use it for print server as well [02:24] albuntu: nope, chown -R user:group folder (sorry :/) [02:24] Anyone have any insight on getting a microphone to work? I'm having a rat bastard of a time with it. [02:24] |Juan|-> perhaps related to your video card? what card do you have? look around for trouble on those [02:24] adam7 thanks [02:24] RAdams, i am not able to play anything not even ogg [02:24] albuntu: that'll chown everything in the folder too [02:24] <|Juan|> amenado, nvidia 6150 onboard [02:24] !who | darkorical [02:25] <|Juan|> nforce 4 [02:25] darkorical: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [02:25] <|Juan|> amenado, i get WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 [02:25] |Juan|-> id use those to search google [02:25] <|Juan|> already did [02:26] <|Juan|> its not specific at all [02:26] sandy_: now we're getting somewhere. this means the problem is with rhythmbox period, not just playing mp3s. so, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in terminal and see if it upgrades successfully. [02:26] |Juan|-> then as I've said, random errors are very very difficult to troubleshoot [02:26] amenado! mainly using it for a local lamp on the first location but need to transfer files from one location to the next os we were just wanting to basically sync the two directories [02:26] RAdams, i reinstalled the rhythmbox again [02:28] darkorical-> perhaps you may want to start looking into virtualization, one site can have all your servers (virtually) and take a snapshot of each during the day and transfer it over to the remote site.. [02:28] darkorical: I think I read something once a while back about using SVN for that. [02:28] How do I check whether my HDD (wdc wd750gd-00FL) is supported by ubuntu? [02:28] sandy_: the rhythmbox package may not be the problem. additionally, it could have a corrupted configuration causing the problem. Try what I suggested. If that does not succeed, post the errors to pastebin so I can see them. If this doesn't help, the next step will be to purge the rhythmbox package and completely remove it and then reinstall. Might need to purge the user-specific configuration files manually. [02:29] why does my firefox stop loading after so many times that it opens and closes? [02:29] RAdams, ok thanks [02:29] pccc: Do you have reason to think it wouldn't be? [02:29] amenado! also what is the easiest way to get my ubuntu 7 server to commect to my windows server 2003 ran domain [02:29] K^Holtz: run it in terminal and see if it outputs anything [02:29] my firefox will say Starting Firefox, but then it will never actually load up. Its been working find the last few hours tho [02:30] Flannel: Well, I managed to install Server 7.10 just fine, but now i'm trying to install Desktop 8 on another partition and it says the hard disk cannot be detected === genii_ is now known as genii [02:30] RAdams: my Terminal is open, but i dont see any prompt [02:30] K^Holtz: run firefox in the terminal to see what errors appear === kao_ is now known as kao [02:30] I finally got ubuntu to load and it's asking for a username and password. What is the default info [02:30] pccc: ARe you using the Desktop CD? Try the alternate CD [02:30] darkorical: ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10? And are you trying to get it to authenticate against the domain? Additionally, what will its server role be? Will it be a domain controller? [02:30] Flannel: ok, i will, but what's different about it? [02:31] Terminal wont bring up a prompt for me, i dont see any menu bar either [02:31] pccc, the alt cd doesn't have a proper GUI [02:31] darkorical-> use ssh like a putty ..makes the connection secure.. are they in same lan? across the internet? [02:31] pccc: Alternate is more like the server CD, its textmode, gives you more options, etc. [02:31] this happens all the time [02:31] Soulwarp: for the time being... I added an application launcher to the same .sh that I put in to switch firefox to launch gmail's composition window === kat is now known as Guest29630 [02:31] I am experimenting with xubuntu that I installed on a windows system with 4 partitions...I installed xubuntu throught Wubi....the problem is I can't see the other partitions??? what do I do to see the other partitions [02:31] Flik: there is no default. Is this an official Ubuntu CD? or some derivative like mint or whatnot? [02:31] <|Juan|> amenado, at /var/log/gdm Backtrace: [02:31] <|Juan|> 0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x7e) [0x80c780e] [02:31] <|Juan|> 1: [0xb7ef1420] [02:31] I cannot see the other 3 partitions on the system [02:32] I downloaded the file and created an ISO disk. [02:32] Flik: From ubuntu.com? [02:32] AndrewGearhart: ok good. im sorry i couldn't help you with the shortcuts [02:32] |Juan|-> thats way too deep for me man..google for your video card if it is supported.. [02:32] yes. 8.04 [02:33] K^Holtz: you may need to quit to login by alt-control-backspace [02:33] Flik: Alright. Well, *sometimes* when it asks for a username/password its an indicator of a bad disc. But, try "ubuntu" for the username, with no password. [02:33] halo [02:33] Soulwarp: no! I appreciate the help that you attempted... I was contributing back so you knew what I did to work around the issue... I think xbindkeys is probably the long term solution... but I don't quite have the time to figure that out right now... have to put together a web page pretty quick [02:34] Soulwarp: then just login again? how could i ever find out what the issue is with FF if my terminal doesnt load when that happens [02:34] it just keeps rebooting [02:34] Flik: At the boot menu (the first one), have you checked the CD for defects? (verified CD? whatever the verbage is) [02:35] K^Holtz: it sounds like it may be gnome and not firefox if your hotbar is gone [02:35] K^Holtz: that [02:35] flannel: did you format the disk that you are trying to install ubuntu onto??? [02:35] I put the disk in and got distracted for a second and when I looked again it had started installing [02:36] K^Holtz: that's why i suggested that [02:36] Soulwarp: your probably right, i did have gnome issues when i first upgraded, but that was because i didnt have my network configured correctly [02:36] ill restart now [02:37] any reason why I cannot see the remaining partitions on my system [02:37] is runnning kde + gnome bad? [02:37] afallenhope: no. [02:37] is there something that I must configure in order to see the other 3 partitions [02:38] I can uninstall KDE whenever I want right/ [02:38] crusher: OS/using VMWare or another virtualizer/type of partitions/post your fstab to pastebin [02:38] afallenhope: yes [02:38] afallenhope, in theory yes. You can uninstall whatever you want, whenever you want. [02:38] I am not using vmware [02:39] radams: I am just dual booting at this time [02:39] vmware = crap [02:40] radams: the only other OS on the system is XP Pro [02:40] afallenhope: if correctly implemented, I assure you it is not crap :) [02:40] crusher: still need to know what ubuntu version you're using, what the partitions are, and your fstab [02:40] RAdams, yeah it is lol. [02:40] Flannel: I just did a check on the disk and there are no errors [02:41] Can anyone tell me what this from my dmesg is being caused by? http://dpaste.com/59176/ 2.6.24-19-server [02:41] afallenhope: not going to argue offtopic in thsi channel, but given that supporting vmware is part of my living, I've seen it work wonderfully. [02:41] visualization is mainly for sandbox programming and isn't very good as a usable operating system unless you have a fast computer [02:41] radams I am new to ubuntu and don't know how to post to pastebin...I can get the other things you are asking for though [02:42] RAdams, okay... VMware is good for virtualizing linux that's it. for virtualizing windows... it sucks. [02:42] !pastebin | crusher [02:42] crusher: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:42] i do an ls and some of the options turn up green [02:42] virtualbox is not bad for windows xp virt [02:42] crusher: just use that link above, and fill in the fields, the paste the link here. what I need is the content of your /etc/fstab file [02:42] what does that meen? [02:43] would anyone like to help me with a pulseaudio/networking issue? the pulse channel is dead [02:43] can this be read? [02:44] i do an ls and some of the options turn up green, what does that meen? [02:44] Flik: And you said when you log in it just keeps restarting? [02:44] The Nvidia drivers are not installing correctly on Ubuntu Studio, I still cannot compile the kernel during installation. I have the Nvidia kernel logs, if they are of any use. === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:45] !nvidia | Default [02:45] Default: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:45] JoshuaP0x: theyre executable [02:45] JoshuaP0x, the colors indicate what kind of file it is [02:45] Flannel: thank you [02:45] ok workrave is going to make me take a break, which is probably wise. be back in 5 or so. [02:45] hiptobecubic: when i type the green file names in, they dont do anything [02:46] infact [02:46] it tells me the command is not found [02:46] JoshuaP0x, what are you trying to do? if they don't have permission to be executed then they won't wrong [02:46] run* [02:46] ya. apparently xp was half loaded and not finished. when I try to load from hd i get the "installing windows " screen. when i boot with the ubuntu disk it asks for a user and password [02:46] try typing ./ and then the name [02:46] as in ./myexecutable.bin [02:46] has anyone got postfix to work? I can't get it to work [02:46] like.. it wont send emails [02:46] I keep getting relay denied. [02:47] hiptobecubic: still no go [02:47] What commands are you trying to run? [02:47] :~/Desktop/vpnclient$ sudo ./vpnclient [02:47] ./vpnclient: error while loading shared libraries: libvpnapi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [02:48] :~/Desktop/vpnclient$ sudo ./vpnclient [02:48] ./vpnclient: error while loading shared libraries: libvpnapi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [02:48] tha was weird [02:48] bash: vpnclient: command not found [02:48] JoshuaP0x, that's an issue with your program. you don't have all of the files it needs [02:48] oh [02:48] arg [02:48] ... [02:48] specifically you're missing libvpnapi [02:49] did you install it with the package manager or are you just tryin gto run it? [02:49] just trying to run it [02:49] i un-tar'ed it [02:50] have you tried looking through synaptic for your program? [02:50] no [02:50] it seems like since upgrading to 8.04 im suffering performance issues, seems like every program I use uses more resources and takes a lot longer than in 7.10. Specifically Gpar2, Klibido, Firefox. [02:50] tmpfs is quicker than disk ? i putted my png files which generated by my cgi application to tmpfs for the purpose of improving performance. but i got a despair result. at 1000 corrcurent. the tmpfs is only 5% faster than disk .Does this is really the truth?or i have made some mistake? i test the performance by the siege. [02:50] any help? [02:50] I'll try [02:51] JoshuaP0x, i'd try that first. installing from there will take care of the dependencies automatically === Broadcom is now known as BCM43 [02:51] can this msg be seen? [02:52] no [02:52] dlf: yes [02:52] !test [02:52] Failed! [02:52] can this msg be seen? [02:52] failure [02:52] no [02:53] dlf: yes [02:53] RAdams: here is the URL of my fstab file http://paste.ubuntu.com/22994/ [02:53] dlf, We see You. correct.. :) [02:53] Today, I got a live CD with Ubuntu, as I wished to try it, but for whatever reason it can detect networks, but the key I put in (that works with Windows), doesn't. Could I have help getting the network to work? [02:53] when setting up multiple users, is there away to export settings like desktop icons, themes, session settings from one account to another, or do i gotta do it all manualy? [02:53] it seems like since upgrading to 8.04 im suffering performance issues, seems like every program I use uses more resources and takes a lot longer than in 7.10. Specifically Gpar2, Klibido, Firefox. [02:53] crusher: i have to go, but someone ought ot be able to help you get your partitions mounted. [02:53] dlf, wifi? [02:54] chikubu the purpose of different users is so they can make it the way they want [02:54] yes. i'm using windows / trillian to use IRC to ask [02:54] Lucifer: lol [02:54] Lucifer: but there is still a reason to want anothre default setup [02:54] radams: thanks for your help [02:54] yeah if your an idiot [02:54] Chikubu: cp the ~ files you want into /etc/skel maybe [02:54] dlf, do you know what chipset the wifi controller has? [02:54] cool [02:54] So, I can't get TwinView to work with my TV. [02:55] Lucifer: be nice [02:55] synaptic is crazy [02:55] Allow me to pastebin the xorg.conf [02:55] it has a lot to choose from [02:55] I'm always nice [02:55] Lucifer: im aware of that, but i want to have a base they can work from, some things are too technical for wife and kids [02:55] No. I had gotten it to work once [02:55] wols: ill look into that [02:55] Chikubu: it's not you who is wrong here [02:55] how do i setup a SSH account? [02:55] dlf, do you know where your Windows Device Manager is? [02:55] My daughter is 4 she moves around nicely in kubuntu [02:55] dlf: run lspci and put the result in pastebin [02:56] JoshuaP0x, push ctl + f and search for your program [02:56] Chikubu: As wols suggests. The skel directory contains a skeleton or template to use for all new users [02:56] ubottu: tell Gigadelic_IIDX about SSH [02:56] Just wondering, if I install a crypto FS is the key generation for that affected by the same bug that ssh/sshd has? [02:56] is ispci a ubuntu program? [02:56] I taught her young that desktop icons are for retards [02:56] dlf: lspci, put it in the termial, that is an L also [02:56] zcat[1]: only if the fs uses ssl, but usually crypto fs uses symmetric crypto instead [02:56] Lucifer, so she configures the dial up modem, sets compiz and emerald in the session manager, adds folders from ntfs and samba mounts to the desktop by herself, wow [02:57] ohcool [02:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22995/ - This is the file nvidia-settings spat out when I tried to get my TV to work as a second display. [02:57] I think i am all set [02:57] thanks. [02:57] dlf, ispci is a linux app that works in ubuntu [02:57] next... === _MoL0ToV is now known as MoL0ToV [02:57] Could someone please take a look at it and tell me what I did wrong. [02:57] so my vast collection of pr0n is quite safe then ;) [02:57] Well we have no need for samba we have no windows in this house [02:57] how do i connect to windows shares...c$ [02:57] ? [02:57] She just plays games and uses the net for games [02:58] hmm, i could be wrong about that, actually [02:58] thnx wol and genii, id forgot about skel [02:58] hello, I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 which is running on VMWare w/ Windows XP as the Host. I'm running a VPN on Windows XP and I'm trying to access the connection from Ubutnu , does anyone have a clue how this could happen? [02:58] Lucifer: I use samba to share between ubuntu boxes.. it's easy and quite reliable (although a bit slow, any large files I scp) [02:58] joshua alt f2 smb192.168.1.1 [02:58] so you saying my wife is retarted because she has no linux experience, nice [02:58] zcat[1], Why not use NFS? [02:58] which ever your ip is for the win box [02:58] taso: does your ubuntu have internet access? if so it should be fine [02:58] yes [02:59] dlf, there's Lspci, but no Ispci [02:59] I didn't say that lol [02:59] lspci lists your pci devices [02:59] taso: what VPN do you use? [02:59] It has internet connection, however, it cannot ping the IP's that are in the VPN network [02:59] is there a net view type command? [02:59] OpenVPN [02:59] AGERE OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller i think -- corrding to "ieee 1394 bus host controller. [02:59] USB Wireless 802.11 b/g Adaptor is the wi-fi thing . . . i'm somewhat of a computer neard, but not enough to know everything [02:59] NFS is a PITA when you shut down the machine serving, SMB seems to handle that better [02:59] dlf: no, dont put he whole thing here! [02:59] taso: you could use openvpn from the ubuntu repos maybe [02:59] ubottu: tell dlf about paste [03:00] JoshuaP0x: What are you trying to view? [03:00] josh it will open in an explorer [03:00] i'm new to ubuntu. [03:00] hrm, wols, I'm using OpenVPN on the Windows XP side [03:00] bullgard4: all pc's on the network [03:00] and I'm using bridged networking modes, so it should use whatever Windows XP is using, right? [03:00] I used it the other day to transfer my files [03:00] taso: and you can use it on ubuntu too [03:00] join/ubuntu-es [03:00] dlf, those are just generic labels, unfortunately -- "802.11 b/g Adaptor" doesn't tell us much [03:00] for an upgrade [03:00] hrm, perhaps [03:00] anyway, my 2c my wife also uses ubuntu and has heaps of icons on her desktop.. not a 'tard, just not a geek. [03:00] heavy27: slash goes before [03:00] dlf, we need to know what brand of adapter [03:00] 8.04 is pretty nice too :) [03:00] I mean, I could, however I would simply like to find a way around that... [03:00] dlf: lsusb and tell us the USB ids of the adapter === scotty__ is now known as StormStrikes [03:01] bullgard4: aif you do a "Net View" on the windows machine it brings up a list of everyone on the network [03:01] hello [03:01] taso: try a socks proxy on the windows host [03:01] Can someone point me to some good recommended guides for good partition schemes for ubuntu? Just got some tasty new hard drives and I'd like to do things right (like /home on its own partition) [03:01] I would like to find a way for Ubutnu 8.04 to use Windows XP's connection which is already established. [03:01] hi dewey [03:01] hrm wols [03:01] join/ ubuntu-es/ [03:01] heavy27: slash goes before [03:01] what would you have to do in order to create a socks proxy ? [03:01] run one [03:01] heavy: /join #ubuntu-es [03:01] Anyway, could anyone help me with my TwinView issue? [03:01] other then xchat. whats a good irc clinet to use ? [03:02] heavy27: /join #ubuntu-es [03:02] dewey: irssi [03:02] taso: If you do the 'share my connection' thing in windows, it turns on DHCP and NAT so ubuntu should just find it and use it automagically [03:02] ill check that out [03:02] interesting [03:02] wols: thanks [03:02] taso: you said you could already use the internet like google from the VM [03:02] yes, that is correct [03:02] so, it's using Windows connection already. [03:02] Windows ICS doesn't do more either [03:03] no it's using the NAT provided by your VM software most likely [03:03] yes [03:03] ohhh.. this is ubuntu in a virtual machine in windows? no experience with that sorry [03:03] hi [03:03] hi [03:03] taso: can you use a browser inside the VPN from ubuntu? [03:03] dlf: running "sudo lspci -nn" could provide some more information about which wireless card you are using. [03:03] wols nope [03:03] in ubntu? [03:03] dlf: yes [03:04] anyone know how to make mythbuntu stop auto launching mythfrontend on login to kde? [03:04] I can't even ping [03:04] ubottu: tell dlf about prefix [03:04] taso: ping is harder for the vpn to do it being icmp [03:04] dlf: from a terminal [03:04] true [03:05] http does not work [03:05] ubottu: tell taso about prefix [03:05] does the live CD have an SSHD server on it that you can turn on? I'm trying to manage my dad's computer from 900 miles away and I'm trying to get in via SSH on the liveCD so that I can troubleshoot [03:05] dlf, you're in windows right now, yes? [03:05] don't know why a VM should have trouble handling ICMP or UDP, just about everything else these days handles it nicely.. [03:05] yes [03:06] coreyo: /etc/init.d/ssh start [03:06] dlf, is the adapter internal or external? [03:06] in [03:06] orangepeelbeef, according to my dad (who may be doing something wrong) the init.d script does not exist [03:06] night night all [03:06] Hi, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the Bluetooth using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 but for some reason even when it is detected it don't wanna work, anybody can help? [03:06] there is a gold plug connecting to the back of my computer [03:06] ok i was on youtube and saw the ubuntu vs vista videos. that 3d cube desktop selector, how can I do that ? [03:07] Hi, I wanna play cs 1.6 via wine but I cannot find a steaminstall.exe, only .msi. Where can I download a .exe steam installer? [03:07] !tell dewey about compiz [03:07] coreyo: what livecd [03:07] !compiz > dewey [03:07] dewey: insta;; compizconfig-settings-manager [03:07] orangepeelbeef, 8.04 [03:07] dlf, internal -- but USB? that's a puzzler [03:07] ok ty [03:07] spoon_man, dlf: from the device manager, go to the properties of the wireless card and on the last tab, you should find a vendor and hardware id.... VEN####\HW#### (two sets of four hex ids) [03:07] brb [03:07] spoon_man: no it's not, maybe broadcom 43xx are [03:07] dlf: is this a dell laptop or a laptop? [03:07] s/maybe/many [03:08] coreyo: ah, its not on there, he'll have to sudo apt-get install openssh-server [03:08] Anyone use unbunto on a Lenovo X300? [03:08] Anyone know why firefox 3 shutdowns when something tries to connect to "local host" I don't know what it is..... can someone please assist me on this! [03:08] !anyone > c0nn0r_ [03:08] skatman1744: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483222 [03:08] orangepeelbeef, he can do that from the live boot on the ramdisk? [03:08] coreyo: ya [03:09] orangepeelbeef, interesting ... I will try [03:09] hp computer. slimline [03:09] Hi, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the Bluetooth using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 but for some reason even when it is detected it don't wanna work, anybody can help? [03:09] I'm really keen on the lenovo X300, but I currently use OS X and wonder how I will like unbuntu [03:09] c0nn0r_: install it on your Mac to try then [03:09] Anyone know why firefox 3 shutdowns when something tries to connect to "local host" I don't know what it is..... can someone please assist me on this! [03:10] c0nn0r_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=726055 [03:10] for some reason on boot i get the progress bar for a second then all text about boot progress. how do i get progress bar without the text back? [03:10] c0nn0r_, ubuntu is a lot like mac os but it can do more and it's a little more work to configure things [03:10] dlf, do you know how to get to the Device Manager? Just right-click on My Computer, select Properties, and one of those tabs has a button for it [03:10] i forget which [03:10] can anyone tell me where the heck mythfrontend is set to start on a mythbuntu install? i can't get it to stop coming up [03:10] been there before. and to be specific i'm using vista [03:10] ah [03:10] i don't know vista very well, sorry [03:10] ok so i finally got seperate backgrounds on all my workspaces, now how do i go about making it draw the icons?? [03:11] i'm having Trash issues in 8.04, somehow i ended up with a desktop folder in my trash there is nothing in it but more desktop folders its literally a desktop folder with thousands of desktop folders inside eachother.... all empty [03:11] and the trash will not delete it [03:11] I'm cool with Linux/Unix... I've been using a version of it since 1998, but I'm wary of losing my coven of apps like quicktime, Final Cut and Photoshop [03:11] spoon_man, i'm a pro at vista, who needed something about it? [03:11] spoon_man: is dlf a real person or an annoying bot (no offense intended if it's not the case) [03:11] MrWizeGuy1983, trying to access the Device Manager for dlf [03:11] tc111, I don't know [03:11] c0nn0r_, photoshop doesn't work well through wine, idk about final and quicktime is easy to make work === john_ is now known as CWii [03:12] I was under the impression that Quicktime was not available foe Linux... [03:12] i'm having Trash issues in 8.04, somehow i ended up with a desktop folder in my trash there is nothing in it but more desktop folders its literally a desktop folder with thousands of desktop folders inside eachother.... all empty [03:12] someone help! [03:12] i'm real [03:12] Greeetings everyone [03:12] Hiya people;3 [03:12] c0nn0r_, it comes with plugins available to play quicktime media, and media players that are a lot better than quicktime [03:13] ok guys i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:13] totem is awesome [03:13] Im a new ubuntu user, May somebody help with installing themes? [03:13] I dont care about playing media... I'm worried about editing it... [03:14] c0nn0r_, couldn't tell you there, i don't make things just play them [03:14] ok [03:14] joseph_: apt-get install gnome-art [03:14] come on man someone help me out [03:14] this sucks [03:14] joseph_: will download and install themes for you [03:14] ok guys i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:14] i hate 8.04 [03:14] i love it [03:15] i absolutely love it [03:15] your brainwashed [03:15] you know I have mixed feelings on it [03:15] * IndyGunFreak lovfes 8.04 [03:15] barslow, what's not to love about 8.04? [03:15] c0nn0r_: lots of cloices for pro audio editing, but FinalCut is what you'll miss most, photoshop will work under wine or win4lin [03:15] nothing works nearly as well as 7.10 [03:15] barslow: lol, brainwashed? [03:15] honestly most of the time I like 8 but sometimes I like 7 [03:15] 8.04 is excellent [03:15] i'm having Trash issues in 8.04, somehow i ended up with a desktop folder in my trash there is nothing in it but more desktop folders its literally a desktop folder with thousands of desktop folders inside eachother.... all empty [03:15] Can somebody help installing themes?:o [03:15] s/cloices/choices/ [03:15] I dont edit audio. Just video [03:15] MrWizeGuy1983, the parts that don't work right away. [03:15] barslow: my system works perfrectly, [03:15] i also have thousands of tmp files on my extra partition [03:15] no KDE4 it BLOWZ ! [03:16] barslow, that is an awesome problem you've got there [03:16] well... I will still have to think about going over to Unbuntu then [03:16] whats wrong with kde4 [03:16] thx 4 tha helpz [03:16] joseph_: themes for what app [03:16] So I needed some help.. [03:16] buggy ! [03:16] barslow: did you do an upgrade from 7? [03:16] barslow, can't you just empty your trash to get rid of it? [03:16] Hi there, I'm using the ATI Restricted driver and for some reason whenever I play a OpenGL game it flashes but is still playable ( ATI Radeon X800 on a 20" Widescreen LCD) [03:16] I agree with hiptobecubic, barslow [03:16] yea [03:16] hiptobecubic, what worked right away before that 8.04 doesn't work right away? i went from mandriva 2008 spring to hardy heron [03:16] things are getting better, but not there yet [03:16] no emptying trash wont work [03:16] it'd be nice if my max resoultion could be larger . . . someone wanted me to go to the device manager? [03:16] But I'm not completly sure I'll get it :P [03:16] wont let me [03:16] barslow, you upgraded? [03:16] yes [03:17] MrWizeGuy1983, wifi has been hit-or-miss with hardy [03:17] do a clean install... would get rid of your trash problem :P [03:17] I need wi-fi help! [03:17] barslow: what happens if you remove the file from the directory as sudo or root? [03:17] Gusty* [03:17] whats the terminal command to restart a computer? [03:17] Hi, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the Bluetooth using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 but for some reason even when it is detected it don't wanna work, anybody can help? [03:17] reboot [03:17] the sessions manager lets me add start up commands for the current user, how can i make global commands for users after xorg loads? [03:17] spoon_man, my hardy works awesome with wifi, that's odd to me [03:17] MrWizeGuy1983, i was ust speculating. i don't know how much gutsy sucked or not. i'm a newcomer as well [03:17] sudo reboot [03:17] pxwebdev: i dont know how to do that [03:17] IndyGunFreak: sudo reboot now [03:17] pxwebdev: thank you [03:17] MrWizeGuy1983, then you hit instead of missing :) [03:17] Scunizi: gracias. [03:17] IndyGunFreak: Prego! [03:17] scunizi ive found i don't need the *now* [03:18] spoon_man, that's good, i guess cuz i have a sony with mostly intel hardware [03:18] unavailable: that may be true .. however when initiating a shutdown you do.. I do it out of habit [03:18] MrWizeGuy1983, about every ten minutes, or less, we get someone coming in here saying that their wifi can't connect in Hardy [03:18] scunizi now if i did shutdown -r i would have to do *now* [03:18] barslow: ok, You can go into terminal, navigate to the folder where the files are and do sudo rm filename if I remember correctly [03:18] that's sad spoon_man but i have some minor issues i need to fix too [03:18] unavailable: yep [03:19] ok guys i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:19] MrWizeGuy1983: like what? [03:19] ill giv it a try [03:19] Does anyone know how to fix the weird refresh problems with OpenGL applications using the ATI driver? [03:19] pxwebdev but how do you navigate to the trash? [03:19] hi i just set up dansguardian/tinyproxy/firehol, and now i cannot connect to anything but freenode in all of my lists. I do not get errors, but it just gives me an endless connecting symbol, any thoughts? [03:19] pxwebdev in terminal [03:19] # Salckware [03:19] pxwebdev: how do you navigate to a .folder [03:20] help [03:20] unavailable: cd .trash? [03:20] spoon_man, MrWizeGuy1983: i've done 8 different installs with bcm4308, 4310, 4311, 4312, intel, and atheros and never had a single problem. all new install all installed with a wired connection in place during install. [03:20] +-5/ [03:20] oops [03:20] NetEcho ATI's openGL support is quite shoddy in my opinion [03:20] how do I find my ip addresse in the terminal? [03:20] for some reason on boot i am getting text progress instead of just progress bar. can someone check my menu.lst file and tell me if order of words quiet and splash is right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/22999/ [03:20] Where can I find themes for Ubuntu? [03:20] bash: cd: .trash: No such file or directory [03:20] alguem fala portugues? [03:20] !themes [03:20] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [03:20] tc111: my atheros was gravy to set up. [03:21] tc111, the problem comes in people not being able to get the right packages on install because they're using only a wifi connection [03:21] mysterioso: ifconfig [03:21] flannel thankyou verymuch [03:21] orangepeelbeef, 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server" did the trick, along with a password reset on the root user. Thanks. [03:21] scunizi bash: cd: .trash: No such file or directory [03:21] coreyo: no probs man :) [03:21] unavailable: looking .. hang on [03:21] barslow, ok is there anything *else* in your trash you want to keep, or will it be ok if everything in there is gone [03:21] tc111, if you can get access to the repositories, then you're usually fine; but if you're wifi isn't working, and you have no wired option, well... [03:21] hi i just set up dansguardian/tinyproxy/firehol, and now i cannot connect to anything but freenode in all of my lists. I do not get errors, but it just gives me an endless connecting symbol, any thoughts? [03:22] Poprocks: theres nothing else in there [03:22] sudo rm doesnt allow me to delete "directories" [03:22] spoon_man: that would make me wonder who you're stealing the connection from..lol [03:22] barslow: that's correct. You need -rf for that [03:22] barslow, run sudo nautilus [03:22] i can do that [03:22] MrWizeGuy1983, barslow, gksu nautilu, not sudo nautilus [03:22] barslow, try: "rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*" with no quotes [03:22] err [03:23] spoon_man: like i said, all done with a wired connection in place. couldn't imagine doing it without... take me back to 5.04.... [03:23] add a sudo before that [03:23] IndyGunFreak hehe, I only use wired; i'm still not comfortable with wifi security [03:23] spoon_man: just kiddin' [03:23] unavailable: cd /home/.Trash-0 and cd /home/.Trash- and cd /home/Trash-root .. hope that helps [03:23] spoon_man: of coruse the other option is, download the files you need to set up your wireless w/o internet, and keep them with yoru back up(thats what i do w/ mine).. [03:23] poprocks: from the .Trash directory? [03:23] . [03:23] IndyGunFreak: aptoncd? [03:23] barslow >> see last from scunizi [03:24] barslow, doesn't matter where you run it. I've put an absolute directory in the command. "sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*" [03:24] IndyGunFreak: from a similar install [03:24] spoon_man: i wasn't either for a LONG time, just recently finally started using it... i find WPA properly configured, to be pretty damn secure. [03:24] IndyGunFreak: yeah, but a lot of people are coming in blind from the windows world [03:24] tc111: no, i've never used aptoncd.. but thats a good idea to. [03:24] unavailable: there's also a .Trash-1000 in root [03:24] !trash | barslow [03:24] barslow: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [03:25] unavailable: as well as a trash on each removable storage device you plug in.. [03:25] tc111: i just have madwifi, a patch for madwifi for my atheros driver, and the instructions to set them up... and it works for me no prob. [03:25] Hi, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the Bluetooth using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 but for some reason even when it is detected it don't wanna work, anybody can help? [03:25] using sudo nautilus worked :) [03:25] thanks for the help [03:25] yay barslow [03:25] hi i just set up dansguardian/tinyproxy/firehol, and now i cannot connect to anything but freenode in all of my lists. I do not get errors, but it just gives me an endless connecting symbol, any thoughts? [03:25] lol [03:25] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:25] i thought sudo nautilus works, people say it doesn't though, what's the deal? [03:25] barslow: you should use gksudo nautilus if you're going to do that [03:25] IndyGunFreak: no probs with my atheros either, 8.04 has been great with all my wifi's [03:25] Trying to play a DVD in Hardy. VLC and Totem both crash (totem gives many errors: libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1575) What gives? [03:26] MrWizeGuy1983: gksu nautilus [03:26] mrwizeguy1983 your supposed to use gksudo nautilus [03:26] see I knew it was a sudo thing [03:26] ok, i still have issues with the trash tho, when its deleting stuff the progress bar freezes [03:26] barslow, when using a graphical app, gksudo is better -- use sudo for apps that don't use the CLI -- just for future reference :) [03:26] webcamwonder, sudo nautilus works for me, why use anything else unavailable ? [03:26] FAJALOU: check dansguardian settings.. it's blocking you. [03:26] patience.... [03:26] thanks spoonman [03:26] !gksudo [03:26] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [03:26] tc111: mine has a few issues, it gets misdetected by the kernel... but its been worked out w/ a patch on madwifi [03:26] MrWizeGuy1983: Because you'll run into problems with using sudo for graphical programs [03:26] Scunizi: which settings do you think? ie where? [03:26] IndyGunFreak: nothing like the harrowing days of 6.10's gnome-network-manager... think i replaced it as soon as i could on every wifi install [03:26] barslow, er use sudo for apps that DO use only the CLI... [03:27] Flannel, so you use gksu for graphical programs? [03:27] MrWizeGuy1983: Yes [03:27] tc111: lol.. i didn't start using wireless till gutsy, so i don't know those days. [03:27] so, i'm in the process or searching for solutions, but anyone have any resources on getting pulseaudio going for a gutsy->hardy upgraded system? [03:27] I am using a laptop, with 7.1 right, now, and I have a desktop here with 7.1 but the terminal is completely white on my desktop. whats the deal? [03:27] well i dont know what CLI is [03:27] FAJALOU: it's been 2 years since I looked at it.. couldn't tell you. [03:27] for some reason on boot i am getting text progress instead of just progress bar in Hardy. can someone check my menu.lst file and tell me if order of words splash and quiet is right? my menu.lst backup has them reversed and don't know which is correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/22999/ [03:27] What section do I look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version? [03:27] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:27] so ill just stick with gksudo i guess [03:27] MrWizeGuy1983: it's good practice to use gksudo rather than sudo when you are executing a GUI under root [03:27] IndyGunFreak: lucky you!! [03:27] barslow: Command Line Interface, the terminal [03:27] :) [03:27] !cli | barslow [03:27] hello [03:27] barslow: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [03:27] What section do I look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version? [03:27] haha oh [03:27] MrWizeGuy1983: yes, gksu for graphical programs (or gksudo, theyre the same thing) [03:28] in that case im an expert in CLI [03:28] ok Soulwarp but can anyone tell me why? maybe flannel knows? [03:28] i am here with some trooble, my SO only give sound in some programs, like Firefox, (and on CS1.6 with wine), but o [03:28] hello dudes. [03:28] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:28] n VLC for example that no works :\ [03:28] i'm arguably the best CLI operator in NY [03:28] I need some technical help with my ubuntu.. [03:28] what am i saying arguably, im the best [03:28] What section do I look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version?? [03:28] MrWizeGuy1983: short version.. it sets up the graphical environment correctly [03:28] hey i have a question, is there any way to make my terminals remember what the last directory i used was and open there by default [03:29] Scunizi, good enough, thanks [03:29] anyone have any experience with getting /dev/x10 (for home automation controllers) working under hardy? [03:29] yo does anyone have probs at the login screen with the font being huge? [03:29] well that's pretty cool, barslow -- I really dig the CLI myself; it kicks the ass of anything you could do in Windows [03:29] /whois ultraputz [03:29] oops [03:29] my file system is showing 293MB free of 19GB but when I select all files and show properties it's showing me only 6G used.. anybody ever had this problem? [03:29] khin: you could add a little magic to .bash_logout and .bash_profile if you use bash [03:29] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:30] spoon_man: i was being sarcastic, im a linux moron [03:30] oh [03:30] How do I boot with "all_generic_ide"? I assume this is a boot option, but where/how do I set it? [03:30] anyone? [03:30] Scunizi: do you have any idea? i am looking in dansguardian.conf, but i don't see anything about it. update, i am now able to connect to msn but it takes about 5 minutes, last time it took like 30 seconds... [03:30] mrgreen, you have less than 300MB of free space? [03:30] MrWizeGuy1983: they both work but i think gksudo is less verbose [03:31] hello, can anyone tell me how to convert mp3's to wma's? [03:31] FAJALOU: as I remember it's not in the conf file but a setting when you run dansguardian.. in the gui [03:31] Has anyone released a Redirected Direct Rendering patch to fix some of the OpenGL issues with Ubuntu/Composite Managers? [03:31] What section do I look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version?? [03:31] spoon_man: yes [03:31] my PC only give sound in some software, for example Firefox, in another not give, for example VLC, any sugestion ? [03:31] Scunizi: as sad as this sounds, i do now know how to access the gui,,, i have tried dansguardian in run program, but nothing shows up... [03:31] mrgreen: are you selecting everything from /? [03:32] How do I change the speed at which my gnome panels hide? I know its in gconf-editor, but where in that is it? [03:32] mrgreen, you may want to consider clearing some things out, like "apt-get autoclean" [03:32] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:32] joseph_: System -> Preferences -> Appearence [03:32] FAJALOU: open a terminal and type sudo dansguardian and see if that does it.. you might have to read some more on their site. [03:32] spoon_man: I will try that. [03:32] one sec. [03:32] M4rotku: i think ffmpeg handles audio converting very well [03:33] What section do I look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version? [03:33] Scunizi: it says it's already running, i couldn't find anything on their site, but i will look again [03:33] i just want my icons back [03:33] is there a way to fix the font side at the login screen [03:33] FAJALOU: have you looked in all the menus? [03:33] i will look again, [03:33] What are themes called or Ubuntu? [03:33] for* [03:34] joseph_: look for GTK 2.x themes [03:34] Thanks. [03:34] i just want my icons back [03:34] anyone? [03:34] spoon_man: that freed up a little.. but I think ubuntu messed up my partition table or something. [03:34] FAJALOU: or you can "sudo updatedb" then when it's done "locate dansg" to get all the referances of dansguardian and from that you might be able to decypher what to use [03:34] Soulwarp: is ffmpeg a program, and if so, how would i install it? [03:34] spoon_man: why it's saying 6GB used of 19GB but then it's showing 300MB free? [03:35] !info ffmpeg [03:35] Scunizi: ok [03:35] mrgreen: what does "df -h" say? [03:35] ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB [03:35] mrgreen well, could be many reasons; one is hidden files not reporting their presence or size [03:35] joseph_: i give up, what section do you look under for themes on Gnome look for the last Ubuntu version? [03:36] Trying to play a DVD in Hardy. VLC and Totem both crash (totem gives many errors: libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1575) What gives? [03:36] mrgreen another reason could be an operating system installed on another partition [03:36] tclll: Look for GTK 2.x themes, they should be compatible with your GNOME [03:36] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:36] cpk1: / is showing 18GB with 17G used.. [03:36] mrgreen, I'm not familiar enough with linux to answer that question with confidence, sorry [03:37] thanks anyways spoon_man. [03:37] what's the problem mrgreen? [03:37] mrgreen: just guessing from what you said, you probably checked how much space your user directory was using without checking the root directory [03:37] xbj9000: ubuntu showing wrong Used on my disk.. [03:38] mr green nice how someone dropped it, then someone else picked it up right away, kinda like "please hold one moment"... "hello how may i help you" [03:38] my PC only give sound in some software, for example Firefox, in another not give, for example VLC, any sugestion ? [03:38] xbj900: I have only about 7GB used.. but the used is showing 17GB of 18GB [03:38] webcamwonder: just pokin' at joseph_ as i had already asked him, 'for which app' back at 10:16pm ET... [03:38] tclll: ok [03:38] mrgreen: if you want a full print of everything you can do "cd /" and then "du -h" but prepared it might take a while (over a minute) [03:39] unavailable: we are volunteers who spend our time in this channel to help others. we don't know all the answers :) [03:39] rofl at "du -h" duh? [03:39] Quick boot option question: too add all_generic_ide to my boot options, do I just postpend it to the boot options string? ("... -- all_generic_ide")? [03:39] cpk1: I went into / and selected all folders except /media and did properties..which gave me 6.5GB total. [03:39] soulwarp i was merely commenting on how that was kinda like being transferred in the tech dept. [03:39] i got compiz-fusion to finally draw different backgrounds for each of my workspaces, by disabling the "draw desktop" option in nautilus, now how do i go about showing ONLY the icons? [03:39] mrgreen: Do you have any other paritions mounted? [03:40] mrgreen: Or not mounted even [03:40] cpk1: doing du -h on / now.. [03:40] mrgreen: actually you probably need to do "sudo du -h" and I always trust console more the the gui [03:40] What is the best application for Ubuntu that I can use to record audio + video with a webcam? I know that my Webcam works with Ubuntu, I just need an application that can record audio + video. [03:40] hey, how would i mount a usb hard drive on ubuntu server? [03:40] !poll | blah569 [03:40] blah569: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [03:40] from commandline [03:40] webcamwonder: yes I have other partions.. [03:40] I have reloaded ubuntu - gone through the setup - and it won't load with the username and password i gave it. after HOURS of @!#$ing with it I'm about to reload XP because I know it works. Anyone have any suggestioins???? [03:40] mrgreen: If you automount them, they are placed under /media/ [03:40] Well, what is a good application that I can use? [03:40] even my big 500GB drive is showing 15GB free when only about 260GB is used. [03:41] !poll | blah569 [03:41] blah569: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [03:41] Flik you lowercase the login name? [03:41] yep [03:41] mrgreen: well you wouldnt get to use all 500gB anyways due to partitioning and whatnot [03:41] Does somebody knows how to deactivate the boot detection for a specific device? [03:41] webcamwonder: I know they are under /media. I didn't select /media when I did... ohhh wow.. so du -h from root will scan /media too.. eeeeee.. [03:41] Is there an application that I can use to record audio + video from a Webcam? I know that my Webcam works with Ubuntu. [03:41] Flik: Have you tried going to a service console? [03:41] For some reason every time I try to install a package it trys to install some java-doc package that always fails and requires me to bypass it every time, doesn't even matter if the package needs java or not [03:41] mrgeen: Yes it does... [03:42] mrgreen: Check out the Disk Analyzer Tool [03:42] cpk1: The partition actually shows up as 460GB. [03:42] I haven't tried the service console [03:42] flik ctrl+alt+f1-6 [03:42] Flik: Just to try, do ctrl-alt-f1 and try to login there [03:42] cpk1: what am i looking for with du -h.. it's finished. [03:42] ctrl-alt-f7 to get back again [03:42] mrgreen: at the end it tells you total used [03:43] it froze [03:43] mrgreen: and if you console buffer is big enough you can look through everything [03:43] flik - froze? what do you mean? [03:43] flik it should give you a prompt [03:43] can i run du-h again and skip /media cpk1? [03:43] mouse won't work keyboard won't work [03:43] rebooted [03:43] Hi, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the Bluetooth using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 but for some reason even when it is detected it don't wanna work, anybody can help? [03:43] flik - that's not good - that's basic stuff [03:44] mrgreen: yes, let me check the man [03:44] So I'm following along the macbook pro suggestion on the ubuntu help site, everything works great until I reboot [03:44] Is there an application that I can use to record audio + video from a Webcam? I know that my Webcam works with Ubuntu. [03:44] now the system can't detect my card or monitor and I'm stuck in 800x600 [03:44] wtf? [03:44] flik when it hits the ubuntu screen press ctrl+alt+f1 and look for red fails [03:44] kelvin_: did you check the error log? [03:44] cpk1: it shows 540GB.. but that's with my 120GB external USB, 500GB external USB, 31GB NTFS drive, and system partition which is 19GB. [03:44] am I gonna have to reinstall from scratch to undo this? [03:44] m-c: I don't know how to do that [03:44] !fixres | phaedra [03:44] phaedra: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [03:44] and then reboot after each step on the help guide? [03:45] Scunizi: can you send me your /etc/firehol/firehol.conf [03:45] kelvin_: read the end of /var/log/syslog === tofaffy_ is now known as tofaffy|lappy [03:45] it won't boot now. blinking red light under power button [03:45] hard reset [03:45] i think i killed it [03:45] do a hard reset [03:45] pull the plug [03:46] how do i stop a module from being loaded at boot ? [03:46] Is there an application that I can use to record audio + video from a Webcam? I know that my Webcam works with Ubuntu. [03:46] flik does your post show? [03:46] esac: oh! [03:46] hi [03:46] hi, how can i check if there is a new version of vlc? i've heard there's one with better subtitle support... [03:46] mrgreen: I THINK du --exclude='*media' that will exclude anything that ends with media [03:46] I can help :D [03:46] esac: add it to blacklist [03:46] hi willy [03:46] cpk1: damn! I am trying to install VMWare and can't because of this disk-space crap..i have only 371MB free.. heheh [03:46] blah569: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam [03:46] Aw, beaten :( [03:46] cpk1: i'll give the exclude a try. [03:46] I have looked at that link [03:46] Scunizi: can you send me your /etc/firehol/firehol.conf [03:46] Does somebody knows how to deactivate automatic hardware detection at boot time for a specific device? [03:47] patbam: The latest release will be sent to your desktop through the update manager [03:47] I'm not sure what you mean by a post [03:47] Flik: in order to attempt a cleaner shutdown, remember this combo: alt-prntscrn + R, +I, +E, +S, +U, +B (2 - 3 secs between key-presses)... this steals the kbd back from x, flushes waiting writes, sets filesystems to ro, couple of other things, then reboots [03:47] Thanks though, I shall look again. [03:47] help, my external HDD cannot be detected by ubuntu 8.04 [03:47] flik the boot text (power on self test) shows your hdd keyboard mouse etc [03:47] when i plug it in nothing happens [03:47] willy: is that a usb or sata/ide? [03:47] mrgreen: if the 19gig partition is only used by / (not /home) then you should have plenty of space [03:47] tc111: I expect my OS to do that for my by default. if it doesn't it's broken [03:47] anyone know where the aliasa are stored? like if I type alias maillog="tail -f /var/mail/mail.log" I can do that.. but it removes whhen I close the command window [03:47] usb external [03:47] tc111: wow - quite a trick [03:47] willy: does it show up in your places tab? [03:47] m-c: okay. thanks [03:48] nope [03:48] it doesn't [03:48] willy: oh usb [03:48] ya it show [03:48] willy: 'lsusb' can u see it [03:48] ok... [03:48] not even on that lsusb [03:48] cpk1: /home is on the 19GB. [03:48] where from ther [03:48] it only shows the mouse [03:48] m-c: It is taking a long that file is big [03:48] anyone know what /dev file an external usb hdd would be on? [03:48] flik does it hit the grub after that?? [03:48] willy: tried other ports? [03:48] yeah [03:48] wols: not when your gui is completely locked (unfortunately similar to a BSOD in winbloz but without the loss of data) [03:48] same problem [03:48] mrgreen: did you run du as user or as root? [03:48] kelvin_: lots of errors? [03:48] it works fine on windows [03:49] tech0007: what is blacklist ? [03:49] kelvin_: it should be pretty short! [03:49] and it used to work fine on 7.10 [03:49] mrgreen: might be easier to check the space in your /home and trim from there [03:49] !enter |willy [03:49] willy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [03:49] m-c: gedit is Frezee because the file is big [03:49] wols: i did as user.. and got permission denied on some.. so i am running as sudo.. [03:49] ok sorry [03:49] m-c: I can't see it [03:49] tc111: another thing: it's not supposed to be locked. I have an OS that works, if it doesn't buggy OS again. and NO one will remember this insane key combo when one needs it [03:49] kelvin_: yikes. Use the command line. Use the tail command to get the last 10 lines [03:49] esac: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [03:49] wols: and cpk1 I did with sudo and it's showing me 17GB used.. [03:49] also, I tried to connect an external media card reader, and it doesn't work either [03:49] hey people [03:49] flik any luck? [03:49] tech0007, thanks [03:50] this is weird. [03:50] can i ask you an off topic question [03:50] anyone know where the aliasa are stored? like if I type alias maillog="tail -f /var/mail/mail.log" I can do that.. but it removes whhen I close the command window [03:50] chut #ubuntu-offtopic [03:50] willy: reboot while ur usb hdd is connected, check 'dmesg' output [03:50] is it possible to login gmail with your own domain name? [03:50] where am I using the 17GB? Bluddy hell. [03:50] afallenhope: bash config files set it up [03:50] mrgreen: ls -a [03:50] still trying [03:50] !language | mrgreen [03:50] mrgreen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [03:50] attempting a dual-boot with 2 HDDs Ubuntu Hardy on HDD1 and win XP Home to be installed on HDD2 [03:50] chut: this is OT [03:50] ok, brb then [03:50] now when i reboot i get a bunch of options [03:50] what is OT? [03:50] sorry ubottu [03:50] chut, that would be a better question for google. check and see the gmail FAQ [03:51] chut: your question. ask someone else [03:51] anyone? [03:51] cpk1: this never happened to me until i installed Hardy.. [03:51] hi [03:51] !sorry | chut [03:51] chut: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. [03:51] flik ok, if you happen to get as far as the ubuntu screen (where it loads the os before login) hit ctrl+alt+F1 and look for red Fail's [03:51] wols: your choice... just a friendly tip to prevent data loss... do as you wish. if you've got an ssh server running on the unresponsive box, you can ssh over a reboot from there too... just promoting preparedness... never been a reactive type person, rather be proactive. [03:51] recovery mode, memtest86+ and a few others [03:51] lmao IndyGunFreak [03:51] cpk1: why am I running ls -a? heheh [03:51] flik choose the top one [03:51] I [03:51] ehhe [03:51] screw this [03:51] IdleOne: ") [03:51] wols, and where's that located [03:51] cant find anything to guide me with installing win after ubuntu, and i am having problems getting winxp to install on HDD2, can anyone help me? [03:52] and my dvd's won't play under hardy, I've added libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3, and some ubuntu-restricted-extras, but I get the same error [03:52] i ask in here because this channel is huge [03:52] afallenhope: ~ and /etc [03:52] flik thats your grub [03:52] !dualboot | KRaZy_WaKa [03:52] KRaZy_WaKa: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [03:52] !dualboot | KRaZy_WaKa [03:52] wols, you mean the .bashrc? [03:52] cpk1: how to do you clear apt-get cache? [03:52] wols: after 25 years, old habits die very hard when they work [03:52] afallenhope: that's only one of the many files [03:52] mrgreen apt-get --help [03:52] mrgreen, sudo apt-get autoremove [03:52] mrgreen: apt-get clean [03:52] how do I back up a gpg-key-pair ive generated using gpg --gen-key ? i know it's ID but don't know how to export or whatever you do with it to back it up oO [03:53] mrgreen: i think it's sudo apt-get clean [03:53] does anyone know how to convert mp3 files to wma? the last app didn't have a GUI [03:53] hey I'm back, I rebooted with the external USB hdd connected and it didn't work [03:53] the top one puts me back to the sign in that reboots [03:53] flik it autoreboots? [03:53] mrgreen: I think sudo aptitude clean [03:53] doesn't the intel 2200BG work natively in linux? [03:53] willy: 'dmesg | grep sdX' use sdb if thats your first usb hdd [03:53] cyphase: it does. needs non free firmware however [03:54] it plays it's little drum music the monitor flashes and back to the sign in [03:54] this is the only usb hdd i have [03:54] should I do that? [03:54] willy: yes === c is now known as Charitwo [03:54] flik ok that means sign in is ready [03:54] flik try your login [03:54] mrgreen: seriously though, maybe use ls -a in your home directory to look for hidden files/folders [03:54] well I don't know what's the sd# number of that disk [03:54] wols: right, thanks [03:54] willy: dmesg will tell you [03:54] how can I know that? [03:55] willy: 'dmesg | grep sdb' [03:55] flik if that dont work try ctrl+alt+F1 and login there [03:55] tech0007: sdb is not certain [03:55] dev/sd is [03:55] I have 2 internal IDE HDD [03:55] and the external usb hdd [03:55] is this an issue with hardy ? [03:56] wols: i know, its worth the shot [03:56] Hey guys, ive just baught myself a new HDD, and wanting to use Gparted (or similar ) to create partitions and give them a label (eg, storage, swap, linux), can anyone suggest a way to go about this [03:56] I hit ctrl+alt+f1 and hae several different boot options [03:56] Baxtor: run gparted and do it [03:56] cpk1: I will do the ls -a thing.. [03:56] flik when you hit ctrl+alt+f1 your supposed to be at the login screen [03:56] the dmesg | grep sdb shows info for the internal HDD [03:56] will Gparted allow me to label the partitions? ive heard conflicting views on this [03:57] flik and its supposed to take you to console login [03:57] Flik: when you normally boot the PC will do a lot of work and then stays at a picture right? or does it reboot after some time on its own? [03:57] willy: "sudo fdisk -l" from a terminal should tell you which drive you need [03:57] mrgreen I don't know what your partition scheme is like, but I once had a problem with a surprisingly large log file filling up my system and crashing it [03:57] Anyone here trying Ubuntu for the first time? [03:57] willy: ok 'dmesg > dmesg.out' then paste.ubuntu.com [03:57] i don't get the console login [03:57] I dunno if that's any help.. [03:57] !anyone > m-c [03:57] mrgreen: there will be hidden files/folders, the hard part will be figuring out which ones are unneeded (might have some useless ones if you upgraded to hardy) [03:57] cpk1: I noticed the storage problem came up whenever I do move to trash.. [03:57] doesn't it damage the info on the disk? [03:57] mrgreen: empty your trash? [03:57] the info i have there is important [03:57] Flik: what do you see. tell us. EXACTLY what is written there [03:57] willy: it doesn't [03:57] ok [03:57] I always delete stuff instead of trashing it [03:58] willy: nope [03:58] when i do "apt-get remove rdesktop" it says it is going to remove ubuntu-desktop. this scares me .. is this a bad thing ? [03:58] I get a screen with the ubuntu logo and a username dialog box [03:58] esac: not a bad thing. that's a meta package [03:58] xbj9000: thanks.. for the advice.. i event checked /tmp to see if there are any temps.. no luck.. [03:58] esac, you can remove ubuntu-desktop safely [03:58] flik now press ctrl+alt+F1 [03:58] esac I think you can just turn around and re-install ubuntu-desktop, I think [03:58] great, thanks [03:58] Baxtor: no, check here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive [03:58] well i did that fdisk -l and it shows nothing but the internal drives [03:58] m-c: stop messaging people and NO it'S not your real question, your real question comes if someone says "yes" [03:58] #kubuntu-es [03:58] mrgreen: Did you take a look at the Disk Analyzer Tool? [03:58] 2 drives of 40gb each [03:58] xbj9000: also why would it mess up on the 500GB drive too? Not only on the system partition.. weird man.. weird. [03:59] #kubuntu-kde4 [03:59] esac, but you may want to re-install it later [03:59] Thank you [03:59] webcamwonder: no I didn't install it yet..le'me do that now. [03:59] #kubuntu-devel [03:59] willy: plug in the usb hdd and then run "lsusb" and "dmesg". pastebin the output of both commands [03:59] mrgreen: Are you on hardy? [03:59] wols: no - actually - on both thank you. [03:59] webcamwonder: yes [03:59] flik are you by chance on a laptop? [03:59] how should I paste it? [03:59] !paste > willy [03:59] !paste | willy [03:59] willy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:59] I got the console by it tells me the login is incorrect [03:59] mrgreen: App-> Acc -> Disk Usage Aalyzer [03:59] m-c: Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/23002/ [04:00] no a desk top [04:00] ok [04:00] #ubuntu-es [04:00] webcamwonder: ok.. done. [04:00] willy: wols is on the right track then, your machine isn't recognizing its presence... [04:00] EagleScreen: use /join !!! [04:00] is there anyway to control where items that are saved appear on the desktop? [04:00] tc111: but it works with the other OS though [04:00] mrgreen: And you wish to scan it for certain folders right? [04:00] willy: does the drive work on other machines and if so, what OS [04:00] thanks wols [04:00] noobish42: depends on the program saving [04:00] wols? his console login is sayin wrong login too [04:01] other then creating a folder and placing it is there [04:01] webcamwonder: shouldn't Disk Usage Analyser do the same as "du -h" ??? [04:01] tech0007: beat me to it... [04:01] kelvin_: Okay - well - it does not appear the device is paired. [04:01] mrgreen: Should... never hurts to try [04:01] noobish42: you can control it through your browser settings [04:01] ok here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23003/ [04:01] unavailable: then he gotta find out his proper password. that's not something we can help him. if he can't he needs to reset it [04:01] webcamwonder: I want to scan the entire system to see what's eating up so much space.. [04:01] mrgreen: Hit the scan filesystem [04:01] wols and how can he go about doing that without being able to login [04:01] webcamwonder: I am scanning now.. scanning done.. gonna check it out now. [04:01] I just set the password 15 minutes ago [04:01] unavailable: livecd [04:01] willy: paste the dmesg also [04:01] mrgreen: Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage [04:02] i currently have my desktop setup so that my widgets are on the left side of my screen...when I save things to the desktop they automatically get saved to the left side of the desktop [04:02] under my widgets [04:02] m-c: That is wierd because if I open the Bluetooth icon I can see it paired and the audio service is running [04:02] m-c: thanks.. I am doing that now.. and checking to see what's going on. [04:02] kelvin_: Is it paired or just connected? Paired would have a lock icon [04:02] noobish42: save them to your home folder then [04:02] hack the mainframe, access the gibson and take down the kernal [04:02] Flik: then you entered it wrong either now or then [04:02] ok, here are both: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23004/ [04:03] After updating an old breezy server to hardry I get "Setting up libuuid1 (1.40.8-2ubuntu2) ... [04:03] groupadd: invalid option -- K" after issuing "apt-get dist-upgrade". I have to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to reflect hardy, then apt-get update. Every thing works fine till I type apt-get dist-upgrade. =\ [04:03] that was my other option...i just wanted to know if there was a way to auto right align the desktop [04:03] m-c: it it said it is bonded and have key icon beside the name of the headset [04:03] b0xxy: Uh, huh. I see what you're doing there. [04:03] yeh im elite [04:03] ;) [04:03] flik case changes and/or misspelled words could be the case... [04:03] :) [04:03] willy: its being detected but its getting some error [04:04] w1ll: full output of your apt-get run please [04:04] flik but considering youve reinstalled how many times?> [04:04] what error? [04:04] willy: do u dualboot or the other OS is on a different machine? [04:04] thanks anyway === StormStrikes is now known as StormStrikes_ [04:04] i wish that were the case. when i put in an incorrect password it says "incorrect login" when i put in the correct user/password it plays the drums, flashes the monitor and back to sign in [04:04] reloaded once [04:04] willy: [ 552.349459] usb 4-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7 [04:04] wols I'll post it to a pastbin brb [04:04] this computer has windows xp and ubuntu on the same system [04:04] flik aah === StormStrikes_ is now known as StormStrikes [04:04] kelvin_: key does not mean paired [04:04] Flik: on the console (ctrl+alt+f1) it doesn't do this. you get a prompt there [04:04] Flik: Try installing with teh alternate CD [04:05] it's a dual boot system [04:05] Flik: so not being able to login there means you enter the wrong password [04:05] ugh, why is this stupid dvd not working ? [04:05] m-c: well I don't migh you help :(? [04:05] I tried modprobe ehci_hcd and didn't work either [04:05] what is the alternate CD? [04:05] noobish42: that's a good question, let me look into that [04:05] !codecs [04:05] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:05] kelvin_: I do not know this off the top of my head - I am actually trying it myself [04:05] some_dude, problem with all CDs or just that one? [04:05] !alternate | Flik [04:05] Flik: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [04:05] DVDs I mean [04:05] wols, http://pastebin.com/m32129242 [04:05] xbj9000: all, and I've added every lib I need to [04:06] willy: did u disconnect the hdd from windows properly? dmesg has read errors on it [04:06] m-c: jeje ok no problem, I'm new with this stuff [04:06] !breezy [04:06] Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details. [04:06] willy, wols: similar to the error i got on my external when the ide to usb controller failed... put the drive in a new case and its fine. [04:06] thanks [04:07] I dont remember [04:07] ok i got cube desktop to show different walls... now how do i re-enable just the icons that disappeared when i had to disable draw desktop in nautilus??????? [04:07] w1ll: remove libuuid1 and install the package providing groupadd [04:07] xbj9000: I've add the restricted-extas, libdvdcss2, libdvdread3, w32codecs [04:07] wols: you're going straight from breezy to hardy? or with dapper in between? [04:07] willy, wols: worked intermittently under XP/Vista [04:07] ae [04:07] wols, ah ok [04:07] maybe I have to connect it using windows and then go back to linux [04:07] I have looked it up before, but have yet to find an answer for it [04:07] unplugging it properly there [04:07] Flannel: w1ll is. and yes I thought it was not supported [04:07] thank you! [04:07] the image i burned was for the amd64 [04:07] willy: try it [04:07] that's odd, some-dude [04:07] this is sooo weird.. cpk1, xbj9000, webcamwonder my Disk Usage Analyzer is showing me 17GB used.. but it looks like only about 12GB is used when it show me files.. I will do a ls -a on my home to see if there's any other problem. [04:07] ok I will [04:07] thanks [04:07] brb [04:07] wols, I'm updating to 8.04 LTS [04:08] xbj9000: would it make a differnce that I want from Festy to Hardy ? [04:08] mrgreen: HOW do you check how much is used? what command? [04:08] w1ll: Straight from breezy? [04:08] work doesn't like updating all time =\ [04:08] I don't know, some_dude [04:08] flik you can get the alternate 64 bit ed [04:08] w1ll: sure but breezy to hardy is not supported [04:08] Flannel, yes, even though I probably shouldn't [04:08] w1ll: at least not going directly [04:08] mrgreen: Only a suggestion here, fsck your partitions? [04:08] flik but using 64 bit you wont find as many appz.... i would go with 32 unless you have >= 4 gig ram [04:08] Flik: how much memory do you have? [04:08] wols: du -h [04:08] I was doing it breezy to dapper then using update-manager-core tools [04:09] w1ll: you *should* go from breezy to dapper, and then dapper to hardy [04:09] mrgreen: with sudo? [04:09] I screwed up and got into a hurry [04:09] wols: yes [04:09] about half that [04:09] that's what I get for tring to cheat I guess [04:09] Hi, I have windows vista on my laptop. I have three partitions. Is it possible to install ubuntu on one? [04:09] Olof_: yes [04:09] this is making my brain hurt [04:09] flik then go with the 32 bit... [04:09] webcamwonder: I did touch fsck so often.. no help at all.. [04:09] !dualboot | Olof_ [04:09] Olof_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [04:09] Flik: dont do 64bit, unless you really know what you are doing [04:10] I don't want to load it over the current install do i [04:10] Flik: if you don't have 4GB RAM or more, 64bit doesn't really help unless you REALLY know what you are doing. [04:10] mrgreen: Might be missing out something somewhere [04:10] w1ll: Alright, well, we'll see what we can do. You need to install linux-generic, and make sure you have ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal installed. [04:10] kelvin_: Are you sure it is not paired with another device - like your phone? [04:10] flik you wipe out the old with the new [04:10] wols: is it ok to do it? i thought u couldnt because u have different hard disc formats [04:10] webcamwonder: plus fsck doesn't work on NTFS. [04:10] i really don't know what i'm doing [04:10] mrgreen: dosfsck [04:10] Olof_: it'S fine [04:10] I have a easyyyy question or I hink its easy [04:10] Flik: But you're on the road to...something.. [04:10] webcamwonder: it doesn't [04:10] !ask | SSDF [04:10] SSDF: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:10] webcamwonder: this started to happen. when i move to trash.. goto trash.. see nothing at all.. [04:11] webcamwonder: especially not dosfsck (whatever that is) [04:11] m-c: now because it said the name of the device [04:11] flik just when you hit the partition editor, (if you choose manual) just make sure "format" is checked [04:11] Flik: Sometimes the desktop has issues with some stuff. The alternate CD won't have these issues, and your install most likely wont either. [04:11] m-c: when I turned on the head set it asked me for a password to pair it [04:11] when your entering in a key combo what is the "super" key, I'm in teh compiz config section [04:11] kelvin bluetooth? [04:11] webcamwonder: I can't do a fsck on the partition that's mounted right? [04:11] unavailable: yes [04:11] kelvin_: It did not work, because it is not paired [04:11] mrgreen: check ~/.trash [04:11] mrgreen: no, it will give you an error [04:11] SSDF: alt or ctrl. [04:11] kelvin [04:12] hi, I'm back [04:12] mrgreen: A warning before you continue [04:12] unavailable: yes [04:12] kelvin_ either your pass for ubuntu or 0000 [04:12] can any1 tell me how to convert mp3's to wma's? I've tried Sound Konverter, but it doesn't make sense [04:12] mrgreen: you can remount it ro and then you can fsck it [04:12] I connected the usb hdd on windows and unplugged it properly, then tried it back on ubuntu and same problem [04:12] I'll get the 32 and format in the manual option on the editor. Thanks for your help everyone. [04:12] unavailable: yes I already did that [04:12] M4rotku: ffmpeg? [04:12] SSDF: the "super" key is the "windows" key [04:12] alt or ctrl, doesn't matter which Wols [04:12] well then [04:12] From GRUB boot menu, how can I shut off the "pretty" progress bar and simple messages shown while booting? [04:12] unavailable kelvin_ or try 1234 - the config default [04:12] Megaqwerty: doh. I'm stupid. thank you [04:12] unavailable: now it appear in bonded devices [04:12] M4rotku: arrgg.. why would you want to do that.. most players will play mp3 without issue.. [04:13] Did a safe graphics install. Can't change the resolution now. [04:13] m4rotku: Sound Converter [04:13] a ha [04:13] cdeszaq: yes, go to the entry you want, hit 'e' and then remove quiet and splash, then boot it [04:13] webcamwonder: when i installed that and tried to run it, it didn't have a gui and only ran in terminal [04:13] kelvin_ it workin?? [04:13] wols: no problem ;) [04:13] Ok, thanks for your help, magaqwerty [04:13] bagelong: what videocard [04:13] unavailable: the problem if that I can't use it to hear music or with skype [04:13] M4rotku, Yes it does [04:13] Scunizi, b/c wma files are smaller [04:13] M4rotku, they are not [04:13] webcamwonder, how do i launch the gui then? [04:13] Flannel: Thank you [04:13] wols: don't know. let me check. [04:13] M4rotku, ffmpeg is a command line tool [04:13] unavailable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23002/ [04:13] kelvin_ in skype you gotta change your settings (if it sees it) [04:13] M4rotku: converting one lossy format to another makes it sound a LOT worse. you do not want to do that [04:14] wols: what would u recomend then if i only have a 2 gig player? [04:14] Megaqwerty: there's no .trash in my home directory.. even with hidden files turned on. [04:14] can someone recommend a good network manager program for linux, other then the default. My network settings aren't being saved correctly and it always reverts my security back to wpa from wpa2 [04:14] unavailable: yes I can see it, but I cant hear it [04:14] M4rotku: The size of a file only depends on the codec being used and the bitrate ratio [04:14] M4rotku: bitrate* [04:14] M4rotku: encode from the CD directly to WMA. or buy WMA instead of MP3 [04:14] unavailable: I used this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 [04:14] webcamwonder, but don't wma's run successfully at a lower rate? [04:14] one more question, when you see those people with 4 desks where do you enable that, I only have a option of 2. [04:14] mrgreen: then I guess it's not the problem I was thinking of. Some programs still put stuff in .trash even though the real location of the trash has moved [04:14] wols: i already have the files on my comp [04:14] my external hdd isn't recognized even after unplugging it properly from windows [04:15] M4rotku: I run MP3s ~ 96 okishly as well [04:15] M4rotku: then rerip them from the originals again [04:15] wols:lspci output - Intel Corporation 82845G/GL [04:15] xbj9000: oh, I found something good [04:15] Flannel: unfortunately, all that did was leave me with a non-responsive blinking cursor on a black screen, no hard drive activity, and seemingly no booting process at all [04:15] noobish42: i looked online and there is a long rant about the same problem. it seems there is no way to customize gnome to align the desktop icons to automatically move right [04:15] unavailable: I don't understand the step 9 [04:15] bagelong: you need i810 or intel as a driver [04:15] M4rotku: 128 kbps MP3 should be perfectly fine [04:15] wols: i don't have the originals for a couple hundred songs handy [04:15] what is it some_dude? === ApOgEE- is now known as ApOgEE [04:15] http://pastebin.org/46238 [04:15] wols: can you help? [04:15] M4rotku: then stay with mp3. it's a mobile player, not as if it had good sound quality to begin with [04:15] webcamwonder: but that will take up less space, i've heard that it would take up less on wma at this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=823941 [04:15] thanks a lot soul, it was worth a shot...hopefully it is something they will include in the future [04:16] bagelong: I just did? === ApOgEE is now known as ApOgEE- [04:16] wols: any more? [04:16] interesting some_dude [04:16] wols: in other words - noob here. [04:16] wols: but mp3 doesn't have much space, and i'm having to boot into vista to get the player working anyways [04:16] guys.. just wanna say thanks a lot for helping me out..but I am having no luck... there are some hidden files somewhere.. and even using sudo can't pick them up. [04:16] it has something to do with the trash though. [04:17] willy: unplug your drive, try this from a terminal "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd" then plug your drive in again... repost you dmesg output [04:17] mrgreen: have ytou checked your trash? [04:17] M4rotku: wma is Microsofts attempt at competing with mp3 and other formats..... the size is negligible [04:17] noobish42: here is a reference of a post similar to your topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192446 [04:17] m-c: there's nothing in trash.. absolutely nothing. [04:17] xbj9000: now I have a place to start looking for the problem [04:17] bagelong: don't use safe graphics mode and show us the logfile Xorg.0.log of that in a pastebin [04:17] mrgreen: if you know the filename try doing: sudo locate -u and then running locate filename [04:17] Scunizi, my player's instructionbook said that it would fit 2x the number of songs with WMA due to software on the player [04:17] M4rotku try soundconverter [04:18] hi, how do i save a script into a sh file? help pls [04:18] xbj9000, kk [04:18] Megaqwerty: what filename? heheh I deleted lots of stuff already.. I wouldn't know what files to look for. [04:18] wols: I couldn't get an install without safe graphics, so I am in it. How do I get out of safe graphics? [04:18] M4rotku: then just recompress the mp3's to a lower bit rate [04:18] oh my god! now it works tclll [04:18] you're a genius! [04:18] adred: just make a file, paste the script in, and name it whatever.sh [04:18] mrgreen: okay, I have a dirty solution for you - go to directories from the terminal and type "du -k -s" - this will give you an idea how much space is used where. process of elimination and you can find your files [04:18] bagelong: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then restart X [04:18] thank you soul [04:18] m4rotku, yeah I wouldn't convert them if I were you [04:18] mrgreen: make a file, name it something, then delete it. Run those commands to find where it went [04:19] Megaqwerty: thanks! :) [04:19] bagelong: it will error maybe but it'S needed and we need to see the logfile of the error [04:19] how would i go about compressing them to a lower bit rate then? [04:19] this a good channel for wifi help? [04:19] Megaqwerty: I will try that now.. [04:19] kelvin_ did it work after you used modprobe? [04:19] or is there a better one [04:19] mrgreen: excellent [04:19] how can I get Ubuntu (gutsy) desktop to display the same booting information as gutsy server? The trouble I am having is that the boot process on the desktop seems to get to about the point where it has to check the file systems, and then it hangs there for over a week with constant hard drive activity, and all I see on the screen is a solitary, non-responsive blinking cursor. [04:19] willy: its a bug... see here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/211760 [04:19] Launchpad bug 211760 in ubuntu "USB Thumb Drive can't mount anymore in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] [04:19] Disco_jones: are you running ubuntu? [04:19] M4rotku: Personally, wma has given me worst quality of all (excluding some really bad formats)... I prefer to think LAME woul dbe the best [04:19] kelvin_: if it is any consolation -- I find the bluetooth not well implemented, compared to the rest of the ubuntu configurations [04:20] wols: yes [04:20] wols: Asks "Use kernel framebuffer device interface?" [04:20] tc111, will this be permanent, or should i modprobe eveytime I wanna use the HDD? [04:20] wols: I had it working in gutsy, it quit when I upgraded [04:20] cdeszaq: remove the "silent" in the menu.lst for your kernel (or maybe it was "quiet" [04:20] unavailable: it don't work, i don't know how to do the step 9 [04:20] Disco_jones: wlan chip? [04:20] some_dude have you tried playing it with sudo? [04:20] kelvin [04:21] wols: Tried that, but then it displays nothing at all, and the hard drive activity is the same [04:21] kelvin_ basically "sudo modprobe snd_bt_sco" [04:21] some_dude possibly you have some permission set wrong preventing you from accessing the drive [04:21] can someone recommend a good network manager program for linux, other then the default. My network settings aren't being saved correctly and it always reverts my security back to wpa from wpa2 [04:21] nickrud, hi man! [04:21] kelvin_ basically "sudo modprobe sco" [04:21] bcm 4306? is that what you're looking for? [04:21] willy: you could blacklist the module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist but i don't know how that will affect other drives you may use [04:21] cdeszaq: there might be bootsplash be used. dpkg -l |grep splash what does it say? [04:21] noobish42: wifi-radar [04:21] willy: blacklist ehci_hcd [04:22] !Blacklist | willy [04:22] willy: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » [04:22] unavailable: and this: You might want to put these in /etc/modules [04:22] noobish42: I personally don't use it, but have heard good things about it [04:22] m-c: What do you mean? [04:22] willy: it will mean your usb drives will then use only usb 1.1 speeds from then on [04:22] How do I copy my Windows install onto my VMWare virtual space? [04:22] wols: thanks for the tip kickoffs... [04:22] whats everything i need to install to get emerald working [04:23] That sucks! [04:23] kelvin_: most ubuntu tasks do not require you to perform this kind of 'black magic' [04:23] Megaqwerty: do u use the default? [04:23] wols: did I lose you? It is asking me if I want to use "kernel framebuffer device interface? [04:23] lgc: ask ##windows. note: it will not work anyways, but this is OT here [04:23] noobish42 there is another network manager thing you can add to your panel with a right-click, but I don't know if it's what you are looking for [04:23] I think I better downgrade to 7.10 [04:23] bagelong: say y [04:23] this 8.04 disappointed me big time [04:23] noobish42: default what? default network manager? or wifi-radar? [04:23] willy: you cannot downgrad unless you reinstall [04:23] wols, what do you mean it won't work? [04:23] yes that's what I'll do [04:23] Megaqwerty: network manager [04:23] wols: There is a splash, but I still get nothing when I turn it off [04:23] how do you install compizfusion themes? [04:23] noobish42: oh, yes, I do use the default [04:23] lgc: I mean it won't work. but you are OT. this is #ubuntu and not ##windows [04:24] willy: are you fully up to date with your 8.04 patches? [04:24] wols, and else, why is it OT, anyway? [04:24] yes [04:24] lgc: because we don't do windows support [04:24] is it possible to have 2 HDDs and both have MBR's? [04:24] aaron_ Have you seen the System -> Pref -> Appearance options? [04:24] I clicked on the update notification [04:24] wols: no error. Just brings up a new command line prompt. [04:24] KRaZy_WaKa: every hdd has a MRB. evrey single one of them [04:24] Megaqwerty: ok I will look into radar, thank you [04:24] When setting up a network for linux computers, does one of the computers have to be a server? or can you also set up workgroups as with MS Windows? [04:24] Wohoooo!!!!!! You guys are bob.. [04:24] bagelong: when you now stop X and rerun X again there will be an error probably [04:24] willy: have you (gasp!) enabled proposed-updates in your software sources? [04:24] wols, mind you, "we" have VMWare on our Ubuntu repos. [04:25] boaz: both can be desktops [04:25] wifi? [04:25] willy: or backports [04:25] m-c: oh [04:25] lgc: please ask your windows questions elsewhere [04:25] xbj9000: that is the one I am currently using by default [04:25] Disco_jones: I asked you something [04:25] I ran Disk Usage Analyser with gksudo.. and traced to see that /.local/share/trash and over 11GB of files.. [04:25] nope, I'll give a try [04:25] kelvin_: What is the result when you type the commands at step 9 ? [04:25] wols, is there any advantage to having one of them as a server? [04:25] Disco_jones: bcm 4306? is that what you're looking for?\ [04:25] tc111: he'd need a kernel backport [04:25] lgc: http://mazimi.wordpress.com/2007/06/24/virtualization-of-an-existing-physical-partition-of-windows-within-linux/ from a quick google search [04:25] wolz his question was related to VMWare and therefore relevant [04:26] but I have a question, from now and on I will be able to access my external HDD at USB 1.x speed? [04:26] that'd be pretty slow [04:26] Disco_jones: yes. you can use b43 present in the kernel now [04:26] m-c: I think that was the process of elimination... I recall deleting those said files from mythbuntu.. maybe some bug in mythbuntu.. [04:26] !wlan | Disco_jones [04:26] Does anyone know if flash at the moment is incompatible with Firefox 3 (non beta)? [04:26] Disco_jones: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:26] m-c: it seem to be ok because it dont' said any error, the problem is the line that said You might want to put these in /etc/modules [04:26] willy: *warning* enabling these will expose you to software that is not fully regression tested (proposed) [04:26] mrgreen: /.local ? or ~/.local ? [04:26] wols: was "and then restart x" a part of the previous command line? All I entered was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Do I need to go back an add the "and then restart x" [04:26] wols, we have six computers. [04:26] Thanks cpk1, webcamwonder, m-c, xbj9000... [04:26] illriginal: it works fine here [04:26] bagelong: no. it's what you should do now [04:26] Megaqwerty, thanks. [04:26] noobish42, there is a different one available besides the one that appears there automatically [04:26] well i am having problems getting windows to install on HDD2 because it needs to put files in the MBR on my ubuntu drive(HDD1) and i went to windows IRC channel and the best they could give me is install windows first [04:26] m-c: /.local... (root).. [04:26] boaz: you can have a thousand. doesn't matter [04:27] wols: well I did have it working perfectly, and it quit on upgrade and won't work with either fwcutter or ndiswrapper. I'll look at that [04:27] mrgreen: you've been logging in as root? [04:27] m-c: it was done by mythbuntu so I guess that's why it did it as root "/" [04:27] xbj9000: looks like a hardware problem on my first dvd drive [04:27] wols, lgc, xbj9000, I agree it is a relevant question; support for ubuntu should not be an anti-windows war [04:27] KRaZy_WaKa: its ok if windows overwrites the mbr [04:27] xbj9000: network monitor is the one that appears when you enter manual config [04:27] mrgreen: did you find the oporblme? [04:27] wols: Sorry to be dense, but what is the complete command line? just "restart x" [04:27] m-c: heheh no way man.. [04:27] how can I avoid a checkdisk being forced on system boot every so many days or boots? [04:27] KRaZy_WaKa: that can be fixed [04:27] KRaZy_WaKa: they are right. you should install it first and then ubuntu. [04:27] wols, thanks. [04:27] xbj9000: at least it did for me [04:27] bagelong: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [04:27] webcamwonder: I did for the main partition.. I will do the same for the 500GB partition and see if the same thing has happened. [04:27] cdeszaq: its boots, and use tune2fs [04:27] xbj9000: and that is the only one that appears in the right click menu [04:27] cdeszaq: look into autofsck [04:28] i already have ubuntu on HDD1 and dont wanna reinstall ubuntu [04:28] mrgreen: yikes - well - I know nothing about mythbuntu, but I think something is up there. you'll have to use the sudo command to clear it out, of course, but be careful removing files with sudo [04:28] megaqwerty, what would you recommend in trying to figure out what could cause FireFox to shut down without warning? I've been facing a lot of issues with firefox lately, after freshly installing FF3 [04:28] mrgreen: Glad to be of assistance [04:28] cdeszaq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck [04:28] Anyone know the best way to remotely use an ubuntu desktop from my macbook pro? [04:28] Megaqwerty: thanks [04:28] KRaZy_WaKa: you have a windows problem. notthing we can do about how windows installs [04:28] illriginal: I'd try running it from the terminal [04:28] cdeszaq, in fstab, change the entry from ro 0 1, to ro 0 0 [04:28] m-c: no worries.. I think I can handel those files.. heheh.. man you're the best.. hehe! [04:28] illriginal: the output in the terminal will probably say what's going on [04:28] Windows :| [04:28] angela: delete the partition, reinstall whatever the mac uses for a bootloader [04:29] kelvin_: so, just edit the file and add snd_bt_sco and sco to the end of the file, using "gksudo gedit /etc/modules" [04:29] KRaZy_WaKa: do you need windows for the games? [04:29] Flannel: My ubuntu server just triggerd a forced check after 189 days...not boots [04:29] I just wanna thank all the cool dudes that helped me.. [04:29] mrgreen: thanks! good luck! [04:29] ok... [04:29] Jewfro-Macabbi, cdeszaq, no. Use tune2fs. Changing it will only change the fact that it doesn't get fscked when the fsck happens. [04:29] KRaZy_WaKa: my linux box does windows games pretty good [04:29] I just want to be able to log into peoples' ubuntu machines from my mac [04:29] wols: didn't realize that meant a system restart. :-( As I said - pretty noobish. [04:29] you guys deserve a biiig hug.. this thing been bugging me over 1 month now. hehe [04:29] Flannel, gotcha [04:29] cdeszaq: Hmm, yes. There is a time based one too. tune2fs deals will all of that [04:29] good night dudes. [04:29] bagelong: X restart is NOT a system restart [04:29] how do I make xchat show a list of users in this channel on the right side of my screen? [04:29] KRaZy_WaKa: if you don't need it for the games then you might consider loading Windows in a Virtual Machine like VMWare server. [04:30] KRaZy_WaKa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [04:30] mrgreen: take care [04:30] bagelong: we like helping new users - that's why everyone is here :) [04:30] mrgreen lay off hulk [04:30] kelvin_ these are modules located in /lib/modules/...insertkernelversionhere.../kernel/net/bluetooth [04:30] wols: What did I do then? Now I am hung up on a black screen. [04:30] KRaZy_WaKa: with that, you can just install windows, and recover ubuntu afterwards [04:30] nah not really just have an OEM winXP key on my tower and dont wanna waste it, its mostly because i can and i'm into technology [04:30] :) bye [04:30] kelvin_ they are .ko files [04:30] bagelong: you reconfigured your GUI drivers [04:31] beep [04:31] KRaZy_WaKa: use virtualbox with seemless windows [04:31] KRaZy_WaKa: time for VMWare server.. if you need usb support in windows [04:31] cdeszaq: is there something else you need help with? [04:31] Scunizi: vbox does this too. and is seemless. and is in ubuntu [04:31] anyone know? [04:31] wols: I am basically looking at a black screen with a few process lines with the last one being "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local). Below that is a blinking cursor. [04:32] Scunizi: VMware handles USB support? i may try it out [04:32] wols: I thought the gpl'd version didn't have usb support. [04:32] bagelong: ctrl+alt+f1 and log in. then sudo ps aux |grep X [04:32] Is there any guide to the layout of the linux root filesystem and what is generally in each subfolder and how it is organized? [04:32] Several days ago something messed up my kde4 desktop: everything on the desktop disappeared except for the mouse cursor. I uninstalled and reinstalled kde4 to no avail. So, I installed kde3; still I get only a blank screen. Anyone know how to overcome this? [04:32] not wanting to virtualize it, just wanna have it on my second hard drive, running dual-boot alongside my Ubuntu primary os [04:32] hey there.. just wondering, but is there any reason why Ubuntu should have crap performance with 1 gig of ram, 2ghz p4, decent MSI mobo, 128 ati graphics card? everything gets real sluggy when i open up a few tabs in firefox for just in general, really. it's pretty depressing [04:32] kelvin_ snnd-bt-sco is loc in /lib/modules/....kernelversion.../ubuntu [04:33] KRaZy_WaKa: we told you what to do, if you don't like what we said, we cannot change it [04:33] and most of my windows of a thin white line about half inch off the left edge. [04:33] Megaqwerty: Well, can I manually (or from a cron job) check my disks? The idea is that the machine never has to be rebooted, but on the very rare occasions that it does, I don't want to have to wait the 30-45 mins that a disk check takes [04:33] Soulwarp: yep.. 2.0 Beta works ok.. if you have issues with screen tears there's a fix.. AND windows can be accessed from any machine in the house/lan without installing anythign else [04:33] lyle, that is not ubuntu that is FireFox [04:33] IdleOne, no. it is more then firefox. [04:33] KRaZy_WaKa: set bios to boot from hd2, install win, bios set to boot from 1 again, update grub; presto ! [04:33] unavailable: ok give me a second [04:33] lyle could be the ati card, ati is not the best brand for linux [04:33] kelvin.. ok [04:33] Scunizi: you need a browser plugin to access. vbox comes with a vnc server built in [04:33] wols: okie dokie. [04:34] lyle try turning off the desktop effects [04:34] xbj9000, weird.. i use this same card on all my freebsd/debian installs wonderfully [04:34] cdeszaq: No, because your disks must be mounted as read-only for the check to work correctly. However, using autofsck, you can cancel the check alltogether [04:34] Hello [04:34] lyle I'm sure you can use it but it may be set wrong in some way [04:34] lyle: are you running firefox 3? [04:34] Scunizi: thanks for the info. i use skype phone and all the hardware that comes for it is usb windows only so i have a dedicated windows machine to handle calls. i'm going to check it out. [04:34] 'eh.. well that sucks :) i slapped this on here for the girlfriend.. [04:34] can someone help me pretty quick? [04:34] KRaZy_WaKa: advantage-bonus: in case of grub or ubuntu-failure you can still boot from hd2 to get on the web or do something important [04:34] cdeszaq: if this is a server we're looking at, and you don't want the graphical app, I can look into disabling the check [04:34] angela, yup yup [04:34] KRaZy_WaKa: not sure if it will work.. but you could pull the drive for ubuntu and then just install on the secondary (now primary) .. put the other drive back in and fix grub.. never done it that way. [04:34] !ask | mercutio22 [04:34] mercutio22: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:34] lyle: There are some new Free Software graphic card drivers. Pretty nice. Have you tried them yet? [04:34] I want a command line synthax to make rhythmbox start to play [04:34] Scunizi: it won't work [04:35] Megaqwerty: yes, that would be best...If I need to, I can always sit at the terminal and run it manually if I feel it is needed [04:35] wols: yep.. and it prompts you to install automatically.. [04:35] wols: awaiting next instructions Oh wise one. [04:35] Scunizi: on my mobile? [04:35] wols: you can't chain load that way? [04:35] Try the new Opera just for grins Lyle [04:35] DeepThought, that's really a deep tought, indeed :). I'm not a fan of Windows myself, on the contrary, rather. Alas I keep missing things if I don't have it at a keystroke away. One thing I don't like a bit in this site is the readiness of someone (embodied by wols this time) to convey their views of WHAT goes here and what not. And I'm always of the idea that #ubuntu should be a friendly place to hang around. [04:35] unavailable: so I have to go there and do a copy paste? [04:35] m-c, hrm, not sure? :) just installed Ubuntu yesterday. i'll take a look at it. i can get other cards, i just dont get why it is so pewp :) [04:35] wols: mobile? [04:35] Is there a way to just roll back a botched update? [04:35] hehe [04:35] Scunizi: no. windows notices it's on 0x81 instead of 0x80. will not work [04:35] cdeszaq: once again, the system would need to be mounted read-only, so you would need to unmount your main fs (not allowing you to do anything) [04:35] like back to the orginal version? [04:35] yah [04:35] Lyle: I agree about Opera - it may not be Free Software, but it is really fast [04:35] scunizi: thats what i was thinking of doing just pulling the power from the ubuntu drive [04:35] Scunizi: phone, pda, etc [04:35] unavailable: I tried this but don't work: gksudo gedit /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic [04:35] cdeszaq: but yes, I'll check for you [04:35] rofl [04:36] Scunizi: vnc is available everywhere unlike the vmware stuff [04:36] Megaqwerty: If I am not mistaken, the check is done partition by partition, right? [04:36] lyle: Is it a newer HD graphics card, or an older one? [04:36] newer [04:36] Anyone can help me out here? I am trying to set up an alarm clock with rhythmbox and the sleep command [04:36] wols, KRaZy_WaKa maybe leave the windows drive as primary boot drive and ubuntu as the secondary drive then fix grub. [04:36] cdeszaq: correct [04:36] lyle: lspci. what card exactly? [04:36] Scunizi: he said he doesn't want this [04:36] unavailable: gksudo gedit /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/net/bluetooth correct path [04:36] unavailable: but even dont' work [04:36] Megaqwerty: so that means, theoretically, a script could un-mount, re-mount as read only, check, unmount, remount as normal, each non-root partition, right? [04:36] well, after all of this, how can I use my external hdd at usb 2.0 speed? or this is something I can't do on 8.04 ? [04:36] wols: he wants a dual boot.. just offering options. [04:37] i put them in anything. ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] [04:37] lyle: The R500 and below work really great with the new "ati" driver that ... I believe is packaged with Ubuntu now [04:37] lyle: what drivers are you using? [04:37] lgc; yep, he's being a tiny bit rude to a lot of people ;-) [04:37] angela, is Opera 10 out yet? [04:37] lyle: "ati" works for this card. "fglrx" does not [04:37] I wan't to have something like "sleep 7h && rhythmbox (whatever it takes for it to play here) [04:37] no [04:37] if i do a sudo apt-get install fluxbuntu...how do i get my restricted driver wireless card to work [04:37] kelvin_ try this sudo cp /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/net/bluetooth/sco.ko /etc/modules [04:37] i've got a silly USB question/issue. i've got an external dvd drive that i use to playback on a pretty decent system. but it's only got 1.1, not 2.0, and so quite often the movies drop packets and become jittery, sometimes it stops altogether unless i mess with the player (vlc seems to work the best...) is there anyway that i could reload the usb driver to compensate? [04:37] Megaqwerty: then, the root partition, presumably far smaller than the data partitions, could be allowed to have the normal fsck force behavior, because a check on that at boot would not take long [04:37] lgc, very helpful to a lot of other people as well though... [04:37] VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 78) == driver? [04:37] what is mount and unmount is it like format in widows ? [04:37] wols: any further instructions? [04:37] Megaqwerty: is this correct? [04:38] Gnea: how does reloading a driver make it go faster? [04:38] cdeszaq: correct [04:38] unavailable: ok it don't give any any error to me [04:38] bagelong: I gave you a command to run [04:38] Scunizi, Wols everyone else: thanx for the options and insight, i'll just mess around to see if i can get it, if not then i have to reinstall ubuntu after installing windows [04:38] bagelong: I want its output [04:38] DeepThought, I agree. Such 'purism' is annoying. [04:38] kelvin_ then this sudo cp /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/ubuntu/snd-bt-sco.ko /etc/modules [04:38] That didn't help\ [04:38] thanx again wish me luck :D [04:38] do you know of any scripts or packages that are able to do this? [04:38] lgc now you are getting off-topic lol [04:39] unavailable: already [04:39] wols: i have no idea - i've tried switching cables and that hasn't changed anything, i've used the drive on another system and it works fine [04:39] cdeszaq: tune2fs -i 0 /dev/hdxx [04:39] xbj9000, now he'd be right in calling me to order...:). [04:39] Gnea: you'd need a way to do better caching I guess [04:39] KRaZy_WaKa: that maybe the ultimate solution.. when reinstalling ubuntu, if you haven't already, make a separate partition for /home.. makes reinstalls easier..and you don't lose anything. [04:39] kelvin_ ? [04:39] wols: hrm [04:39] wols, how can i find the specific driver? doesnt seem to be in xorg.conf [04:39] cdeszaq: replace /dev/hdxx with the correct path to the drive and partition, and that will disable forced fsck [04:39] unavailable: it work [04:39] Lyle: If you want to try cutting edge Free Software drivers and you are feeling a bit daring, then take a look at this. I'll warn you -- this is not at all supported by Ubuntu, and it probably won't work great for extreme 3D games, but you may want to check it out anyway. http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?s=e6059bf57a04b2327f00af4663511407&t=9951 [04:39] kuul [04:39] Gnea: a DVD has a data stream of 1,35MB/s which afaik USB 1.1 just can't provide [04:39] wols: There is quite a bit. Anything specific. Can't cut an past as I am on a different machine. [04:39] now cd /etc/modules [04:39] lgc or giving an answer and presuming its the only valid one... anyway, back to topic, or do we wish to elaborate on #off-topic ? [04:39] dir [04:39] lyle: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [04:40] Lyle: They worked really wellfor me [04:40] bagelong: a process named X [04:40] cdeszaq: I assume you know how to find the /dev location of your drive? [04:40] not a bad idea Scunizi thanx again [04:40] hello [04:40] bagelong: does the PC with the problem have internet access? [04:40] KRaZy_WaKa: np [04:40] iam not sure what mount is but ithink its more in the lines as activate or make rdy ? [04:40] Megaqwerty: thank you for finding that. It will work in the short term, and will suffice until I can put together a script that will do what I detailed above [04:40] m-c, cool, thanks. i just need something to work 100% for my girlfriend.. that's all. i do server work/ programming and play 0 games.. i just need something to work :) got her off windows finally.. and now this! [04:40] how do u make a clean up in ubuntu [04:40] how can I make rhythmbox play from the command line?? [04:40] wols: yes. [04:40] kelvin_ you do step 10 yet? [04:40] if a podcaster has just started using ubuntu/linux, what audio editor should they use? [04:41] SrgSantos54-> what are you trying to clean up? [04:41] bagelong: then you can access pastebin from it [04:41] Lyle: These new Free Software drivers will be in the next version of Ubuntu by default, if you want to play it safe then just wait and it'll work out of the box [04:41] !pastebinit [04:41] Factoid pastebinit not found [04:41] cdeszaq: I'm confused...I'm pretty sure what I just gave you does what you detailed above [04:41] Lyle: Thank AMD for their hard work supporting the Linux kernel [04:41] unavailable: yeah is running (Audio) and said Motorola H12 headset [04:41] cdeszaq: you asked for the ability to disable the fsck on certain partitions. That command will do so [04:41] m-c: AMD dropped ALL support for his card several years ago and didn't help one bit with it [04:41] DeepThought, nah! Actually, the flame vanished, already. It is, though, a recurrent topic. Kindness should be fostered in this joint. [04:41] kelvin_ perfectly?? [04:41] wols: right now I have what looks like a "forgive my language" DOS screen. How would I access pastebin? [04:41] wols: well i've noticed that when i burn an ubuntu cd or dvd, it burns slow too - but it makes it through, just at a slower pace, which is fine for that application... [04:41] something similar to a disk clean up in windows [04:42] unavailable: ok will do it again === Alvin_FN is now known as putri_16_cutezz [04:42] cyphase check out audacity and rezound [04:42] kelvin_ i was just asking if it was actually letting you hear stuff [04:42] Gnea: burning is not watching an isochronous movie. bruning can go at 1 byte per second theoretically. you can't watch a movie at that speed [04:42] xbj9000: doesn't audacity have problems unless you close everything else that could be locking the sound card? [04:43] e.g. it won't work with pulseaudio [04:43] amenado->something similar to a disk clean up in windows === lzy--_ is now known as lzy [04:43] unavailable: oh what i did was unpair it === humanoid_ is now known as humanoid03 [04:43] wols: He said it was a new video card, so you may be mistaken. [04:43] hm.. it is loading 'ati' and 'radeon' ... is this one in the same or could it be loading both the onboard and the pci carD? [04:43] bagelong: lynx, a text mode browser for example [04:43] cyphase you may have problems with ANY sound editor due to those issues, as far as I know [04:43] *agp [04:43] lyle: it's the same [04:43] k [04:43] CAN ANYONE HELP ME !! [04:43] cyphase if you have good specs, try Ardour [04:44] m-c: a radeon 9200 is several years old [04:44] SrgSantos54-> am not familiar with disk clean up in windows, what exactly are you trying to achieve? [04:44] it works with JACK, cyphase [04:44] SrgSantos54: not with caps lock [04:44] xbj9000: it's not for me :) [04:44] sorry [04:44] SrgSantos54: since you shout: not anymore. [04:44] cdeszaq: for example, let's say you wanted to stop the fsck on partition one of your first scsi drive, you'd do: tune2fs -i 0 /dev/sda1 [04:44] xbj9000: this person probably won't want to go through a lot of trouble to edit on linux [04:44] hey i need to know how to get my icons back without losing my 4 different walls on my 4 workspaces?? is this possible? [04:44] unavailable: Not it don't wanna pair === Alvin_FN is now known as putri_16_cutezz [04:44] amenado: don't encourage bad behaviour like his [04:44] amenado-> becausse my computer is running slower now [04:44] cyphase I'm not sure how much trouble you'll have getting audacity to work [04:44] Hey guys, i have a simple one. I am using Gparted to partition a new 750gb drive. I put Ext3 and Fat32. No matter what i do, i dont have permission to write to it. Could i have a quick fix? [04:44] because [04:45] wols i was already responding to him before he'd done that deed [04:45] The drive is external to my computer [04:45] connected via USB [04:45] cdeszaq: am I making any sense? [04:45] Well thanks so much all..i'm going to try to throw 2 more video cards in here and try to rule this out. i'll be back ;) [04:45] SrgSantos54: it's not running slower because it needs "clean up".. it's not like a windows machine.. [04:45] subcool: permission for which partition? [04:45] SrgSantos54-> slow? can you clarify please? [04:45] kelvin_ It might be neccessary sometimes to remove the headset from the Bluetooth Manager and have it re-add itself by pressing Volume up [04:45] lyle: Good luck - hey one more thing [04:45] You are all belong to mine :D [04:45] see..this is why i spend so much damn time in the console ;) [04:45] k [04:46] wols: Any i create. [04:46] ls -l your ext3 mountpoint [04:46] amenado-> because i am running battlefield 2 on this and its slower that when i installed in why would that happen [04:46] wols: I am sorry, I don't think I know how to do what you want me to. Here is an example from the output of the previous command: root 4991 0.0 0.4 3172 1264 ? S 21.46 0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-trash --spawner :1.4 /ort/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/2 [04:46] subcool you may have to unmount the drive first [04:46] anyone here in santa cruz? [04:46] xbj9000: i have- [04:46] im not guru- [04:46] lgc, agreed; and mostly I find this channel very friendly indeed; everyone should read the channel guidelines; they have a very good and concise article on what goes and what not and why. Judging from the average temparature here most people have read them. [04:46] bagelong: just reboot the PC. easiest for now [04:46] hy.... [04:46] bagelong: X won't come up but ther will be an error [04:47] Would the Ubuntu server with a gui make a good workstation as well as server? [04:47] SrgSantos54: could be patches or mods that got installed that slow it down [04:47] xbj9000: i am just a advanced noob- but this is pissing me off. and i need to back everything up. [04:47] SrgSantos54-> you have enuff ram memory? can you clean up some of your temp files in /tmp? [04:47] boaz: distinction server and workstation doesn't mean much. and yes you can do it. or you could just install normal ubuntu and the daemons you need [04:47] ok [04:47] amenado-> how can i do that clear the temp [04:47] subcool: I asked you something [04:47] boaz: its the same thing basicly you can get a desktop by installing the ubuntu-desktop package [04:48] wols: mybad [04:48] wols: i just noticed the 'double buffering' feature in mplayer [04:48] Gnea: caching, yes. that's your only bet I think [04:48] SrgSantos54-> via rm command, rm == remove so you can remove temp files you dont need, but most likely its memory thing you need to rectify [04:48] hy....... [04:48] so the dvd spins constantly and loads [04:49] subcool: How did you mount the volume? [04:49] wols and Jester45, I note that the server has no presumption. What does that mean? [04:49] boaz: i have server installed and i add ubuntu-desktop i love it [04:49] amenado ->by any chance do u know the command to do that [04:49] wols: It is back up with a terminal open. [04:49] wols: well this is a step in the right direction... thanks :) [04:49] boaz: it assumes you know what you are doing. that's why I suggest you use desktop instead [04:49] unavailable: Step 14 don't work [04:50] bagelong: good. now we need the content of file /var/log/Xorg.0.log [04:50] m-c: the Drive auto Mounts when i plug it in. Then i unmount it to do the partioning with gparted [04:50] !paste | bagelong [04:50] bagelong: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:50] wols: i pissed the drive off with gparted - hold on. [04:50] kelvin_ which part?> [04:50] boaz: i dont know but i think if you install the server you will have root inabled (using the regualr cd but setting it to cli only install doesnt do that) [04:50] subcool Yeah, so a ls -l of the mount point like w suggested [04:50] before or after it being mounted? [04:51] after [04:51] unavailable: Part 1 work, part to said: aplay -D bluetooth -f S16_LE test.wav [04:51] ah, the problem [04:51] boaz: i belive that has something to do with server CPUs like xeon [04:51] unavailable: aplay -D bluetooth -f S16_LE test.wav [04:51] unavailable: test.wav: No such file or directory [04:51] rofl [04:51] wols: Says no such file. Is that an O or zero? [04:51] zero [04:51] kelvin_ make the big S a small s [04:52] bagelong: less /var/log/Xorg [04:52] waita minit [04:52] SrgSantos54-> to remove a file, its rm filename [04:53] SrgSantos54-> you also have to look around for tweaking tips of your system, you have to google for this [04:53] boaz: how much ram is installed? 32 or 64-bit cpu? [04:53] kelvin_ what directory you in right now?? [04:53] unavailable: eaither [04:53] dir [04:53] unavailable: kelvin@kelvin-laptop:~$ [04:53] m-c: wols: subcool@subcool-laptop:/media/disk-1$ ls -l [04:53] total 0 [04:53] Jester45, Corkster, and wols, thanks. wols, I have to learn what I'm doing. I have no other choice. I have made the decision to go to Linux and that is where we are going to go. [04:53] kelvin_ do dir [04:53] subcool: ls -al [04:53] amsn_received Documents Music Public Videos [04:53] Desktop Examples Pictures Templates [04:54] boaz: good choice [04:54] amenado -> thanks [04:54] subcool - the mount point is the directory [04:54] tc111, 4 gig of ram. 64 bit AMD === eracc_ is now known as eracc [04:54] kelvin_ cd Desktop and try it there both parts [04:54] subcool@subcool-laptop:/media/disk-1$ ls -al [04:54] total 20 [04:54] drwx------ 2 subcool root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 . [04:54] drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2008-06-25 23:51 .. [04:54] boaz: the good news is, linux is a lot more logical overall and it's knowledge that lasts [04:54] is this the place to get Ubuntu help? [04:54] kelvin_ but i doubt thats a pro [04:54] !paste > subcool [04:54] subcool: sudo chmod 777 . [04:54] jeff_: yes [04:54] subcool and so... you have no write permissions for the directory, right? [04:54] unavailable: the same [04:54] boaz: ok, not much diff then... server is stripped to the bare minimum for security, then add only what you need [04:54] correct [04:55] kelvin the record and play? [04:55] subcool: if you use the command I just gave you, you have permissions [04:55] isnt chmod a bit-overkill? [04:55] unavailable: record work, play don't [04:55] for every user. right now, subcool can write to it [04:55] hello [04:55] hello [04:55] i have an ati radeon card 9550 and I'm getting very slow window performance. I think I have the wrong driver. Can anyone walk me through this problem? [04:55] kelvin_ when you record does a file show up on your desktop? [04:55] I need help [04:55] subcool I like chown but use what you prefer :) [04:55] boaz: if you were on a 32-bit cpu then server has support for >3GB ram whereas 32-bit desktop does not (unless recompiled) [04:55] !ask [04:55] subcool: also, please show us the output of "mount" [04:55] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:56] m-c: it already IS chowned to his user... [04:56] boaz if you want to set up a LAMP server and use it as a desktop (Linux, Apache, MySql & PhP) then install server. once installed and logged in type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".. that will install the desktop with all the typical programs you get with the other install. [04:56] mount will need pastbin [04:56] my menu applications are gone and the panels too [04:56] unavailable: I don't see a .wav file in the Desktop [04:56] subcool: then use it [04:56] Well, I just read over the wifi wiki and had zero luck [04:56] tc111, great. [04:56] !fglrx > jeff_ [04:56] Scunizi, sounds good. Thanks. [04:57] boaz: with 64-bit of either, support is already there for >4GB ram [04:57] boaz: I'd recommend the 32bit version [04:57] you read my mind [04:57] jeff_: ask if you have specific problems [04:57] kelvin_ arecord -l [04:57] ndiswrapper, driver installs. wifi won't show up. bcm-fwcutter, installs, shows up, tries to get IP and never gets IP [04:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23009/ [04:57] wifi is open [04:57] unavailable: card 1: Headset [BT Headset], device 0: Bluetooth SCO PCM [BT SCO PCM] [04:57] Subdevices: 1/1 [04:57] Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [04:57] Disco_jones: ndiswrapper is not necessary. I told you: b43 and the firmware is in the restricted firmware package IIRC [04:57] since whatn has ubuntu had there own past bin Oo [04:57] Scunizi, why 32 bit? [04:57] wols: I did that [04:57] it's installed rigth now [04:57] I think I might be running the proprietary driver instead of the open source one. Which should I be using and how do I tell? [04:58] It just won't connect [04:58] how do I get back my menu panel? like the shut down buttons and applications [04:58] recognizes my caRD FINE [04:58] boaz, Scunizi: guessing driver support? [04:58] jnuygftm, [04:58] Disco_jones: b43 doesn't equate to ndiswrapper [04:58] jeff_: Proprietary xorg driver? [04:58] ATI driver [04:58] boaz: as a new user of linux and wanting to use the desktop.. most of the programs are 32 bit. You have to jump through some hoops to get some 32 bit programs to function. [04:58] jeff_: I just told you [04:58] tc111: that's part of it. [04:58] wols: I realse this [04:58] nvm I give up [04:58] m-c: sudo chmod 777 - whats the rest? [04:59] Disco_jones: then why mention it? check iwconfig [04:59] the directory? [04:59] jeff_: To find out which driver you're using, try sudo lsof -p `pidof X` [04:59] Then look for fglrx in the output. [04:59] subcool I do not think you needed to do that - you already owned the directory [04:59] If you don't find fglrx there, you're not using fglrx. [04:59] Scunizi, is performance about the same? [04:59] hola a todos, tengo una macbook y le instale ubuntu hardy para 64 bits, estoy bien?? o debo de instalar el de 32??? [04:59] subcool: nothing. it'S vfat, not ext3.show us how writing to it fails [04:59] m-c: ya, but i cant write to it [04:59] Scunizi: ok, i see that the installation of the ia32-libs can be confusing for new users and 32-bit would be better... [04:59] subcool I am thinking about this more [04:59] hola a todos, tengo una macbook y le instale ubuntu hardy para 64 bits, estoy bien?? o debo de instalar el de 32??? [04:59] hola a todos, tengo una macbook y le instale ubuntu hardy para 64 bits, estoy bien?? o debo de instalar el de 32??? [04:59] !es tirilin [04:59] Factoid es tirilin not found [04:59] Bah. [04:59] Whatever. [04:59] did anyone see my questions? [04:59] subcool if you go into the directory and type touch filename - you should be seeing a file there [04:59] wols: i cant copy my files to the drive- i dont have permission [05:00] subcool: including the command you use for writing. note that using vfat for backups is a bad idea. you will lose permissions and owners of files if you just copy it over with cp [05:00] wols: The amount of out put from less /var/log/Xorg is massive. I can only highlight one page screen at time. Do you want it all? [05:00] subcool: I want it exactly as I asked === kdc1956 is now known as Siberian [05:00] boaz: see what tc111 posted above .. performance with 32 bit programs on 64 bit.. no experience.. standard office stuff? you won't notice the difference [05:00] bagelong: and I want it ALL [05:00] hello free friends of ubuntu === Siberian is now known as kdc1956 [05:00] howest do i have play .asf files [05:00] hello [05:00] boaz: no NOT use amd64 unless you really know what you are doing [05:00] hello? [05:00] !w32codecs [05:00] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [05:00] !w32codecs > sagredo [05:01] wols: I gots the latest version of that codes [05:01] yea dont use amd64 unless you know what you are doing i learned that the hard way [05:01] subcool@subcool-laptop:/media/disk-1$ touch filename [05:01] subcool@subcool-laptop:/media/disk-1$ ls [05:01] filename [05:01] wols: mplayer url.asf fails to play [05:01] subcool: so it works [05:01] am i the only one geting 00:00 at left of screen [05:01] this is like being at work [05:01] sagredo: errors are a wonderful thing if you tell them to othes [05:01] we didnt do ANYTHING to fix it! [05:01] I need some help here [05:01] and it just magically works! [05:02] wols: wha [05:02] subcool: vfat is still a lousy backup filesystem [05:02] jeff_: Any luck figuring out your driver? [05:02] !errors > sagredo [05:02] What's 'la -lah' do? I know ls is list... but what's -lah? [05:02] err [05:02] I installed my system from the alternate disk, and selected "Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM" How do I resize my root partition on the LVM so that I can add another? [05:02] wols: i was trying for ntfs and ext3 [05:02] The installation of 32-bit-compatibility-libraries is part of the default 64-bit ubuntu disribution now with 8.04 - there is really no reason to be warning people away from it these days [05:02] 'ls -lah' I mean [05:02] supersonic, do you have a panel bar at the bottom of the screen? [05:02] DrLame: man ls [05:02] no [05:02] subcool: then use ext3. only sensible choice [05:02] everything is gone [05:02] m-c: thats news to me.. and welcome.. thanks [05:03] SeveredCross: No. got an error with: sudo lsof -p `pidof X` [05:03] wols: what's -lah do? [05:03] jeff_: What kind of erro? [05:03] whats chris prillo server his running chat on ? [05:03] * SeveredCross just tried it on his machine, and it worked. [05:03] wols: if it works.. Deal- [05:03] m-c: but how easy is it to get flash working in firefox? [05:03] unavailable: are you there? [05:03] jeff, you don't know how to check wich driver you're using right now, is that correct ? [05:03] illegal process ID: pidof X [05:03] supersonic, that sounds like a problem with X [05:03] correct [05:03] Kelvin_ yah, im getting puzzled [05:03] DrLame: if you are too lazy to use a manpage, I am not gonna tell you [05:03] jeff_: Did you remember the backticks? [05:03] atlanta800: there's a popup asking if you want it installed, you click yes, and it installs [05:03] Note that it was sudo lsof -p `pidof X` [05:03] unavailable: oka.. [05:04] Notice the backticks around pidof X. [05:04] ah. I'll try agaibn [05:04] tc111, wols, Scunizi, Jester45, Corkster, many thanks. Your advice is very much appreciated. [05:04] wols: I don't know what manpage is, but I guess I'll google it. Pretty new to linux [05:04] m-c: wow, I might have to check it out again, I gave up on it back in like Edgy days... [05:04] !res > supersonic [05:04] how do I fix it? [05:04] atlanta800: personally, I am adverse to non-free software, but that;s OT ;) [05:04] DrLame: I told you "man ls" [05:04] What you basically want is sudo lsof -p `pidof X` | grep fglrx [05:04] jeff, please put my nick in front of the answer, so I know you're talking to me ;-) from the 'correct' answer I assume you were, were you ? [05:04] If you don't get anything from that, you're not using the closed-source driver. [05:04] boaz: np.. welcome to the learning curve! :) [05:04] wols: and that means nothing to someone who doesn't know what man or manpage is, lol [05:04] DrLame: l = show permissions, a = show hidden files, h = list in human readable (KB, MB, GB) file sizes [05:05] How do you resize a partition that's on an encrypted LVM? [05:05] Deepthoght: yes. I am trying to check my driver. [05:05] DrLame: instead of talking back, you should maybe DO it for a change. you will be enligthened [05:05] tc111: ty [05:05] !man | drlame [05:05] drlame: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [05:05] SeveredCross: it prints a lot of lines. Not sure what I'm looking for [05:05] DrLame: run man man :) [05:05] jeff_: Look for the word "fglrx" in the output. [05:05] jeff_: ok: go to screens and graphics in settings menu (could be system menu) [05:05] Oh yeah, I forgot Ubuntu has that. [05:05] :> [05:06] Today i installed my amd64 copy of ubuntu 8 on a 80 gig drive by itself, i made sure to unplugg the windows hard drive in case of f ile loss, but what happens now is that when i plugged both drives grub wont recognize my windows install, it will just pass straight to ubuntu. what can i do to fix this??? [05:06] atlanta800: use the tools provided by the specific filesystem (ext3, xfs, reiserfs, etc...) [05:06] wce: install ubuntu while windows is present. or edit your menu.lst manually [05:06] wce - grub is probably using the UUID which is being changed when you plug in the second drive [05:06] haiiiiiiii [05:06] wols: you sound a little frustrated tonight.. when they don't know .. they don't know where to start.. honey over vinegar wins every time [05:06] how can i disable the "Recent Documents" menu? [05:06] tc111: is there any way to go about it in gparted? [05:06] Sweet. Thanks guys! Specially you, wols ;) [05:06] atlanta800: after resizing the filesystem, resize the lvm partition with those tools [05:07] atlanta800: no, once you choose lvm, you also choose cli [05:07] DeepThought: Under screens and graphics-> graphics cards, Driver = ati -ATI mach8, Mach32.. etv [05:07] wce: yes, what wols says - but know you can use the /dev/sdXX instead of the UUID to make it esaier for yourself [05:07] I dont feel like installing it over again, how can i make it dual boot without reinstalling? [05:07] atlanta800: first you need to resize the LVM (not in gparted) then you can resize the filesystem inside the LVM with gparted [05:07] tc111: after I resize the partition I would like to make a partition with the freespace it creates... [05:07] Kelvin_ dunno man m-c?? [05:07] atlanta800: and you need to do it from a livecd [05:07] when i run the adobe flash installer for linux it gives me an error that says that my architecture "x86_64" is not supported, how do i fix this? i can see any youtube videos. [05:07] jeff_: yep, that's it; you should be able to see there what driver is active now [05:07] SeveredCross: I'm having a hard time reading things in my terminal. Characters aren't printing. They're invisible. [05:07] atlanta800: and do a backup before you start [05:07] m-c we got the modules there... [05:07] jeff_: Never mind. [05:08] i guess ill just re install it with windows present! [05:08] I forgot that Ubuntu had the Screens & Graphics utility. [05:08] * SeveredCross is using Debian at the moment. [05:08] wce: yes fix grub's config... plus you have to tell grub where windows is to get it to boot it its a good software but not magic [05:08] wols: yeah I knew a livecd would be involved, but do I need to resize the lvm if I'm shrinking my partition and filling the free space with another? [05:08] !flash > chaco [05:08] SeveredCross: ;-) [05:08] jeff_: is it a black background? [05:08] m-c everything works till step 14 it dont record the file.. at all http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4910397 [05:08] unavailable: What? [05:08] atlanta800: if the lvm stays the same size of course not [05:08] wce, you don't have to reinstall, just edit menu.lst [05:08] Deepthought: That's the one that looks active: "ati - ATI Mach8, Mach 32, Mach 64..." [05:08] wols: alright, let's see how this goes [05:08] wols: here's my mplayer error, what now http://pastebin.com/m628bbb5e [05:08] atlanta800: this will all have to be done outside a running system (use a bootable live cd with the appropriate tools). the space you free will then be available for creating an additional lvm partition [05:09] unavailable: check error messages, syslog and kernel log [05:09] so any idea how to get the menu apllications and panels on again? anyone? [05:09] kelvin_ try arecord -L and look for the name of your blutooth [05:09] atlanta800: the livecd mus be able to access and decrypt the encrpted filesystem [05:09] wols say to kelvin_ [05:09] greetings, anyone know how to get hdmi out to work on an intel GM965 (dell xps m1330) under hardy? [05:10] jeff_: that should be the right one then... I'm not sure though wether that's the open source one or proprietary, I belive the latter; probably there's a tick-box that sez wether it is ? [05:10] So my next question is this, I install ubuntu with via the alternate installer and set up my system on an encrypted lvm, if I resize my root parition on the lvm, can I install ubuntu studio into that encrypted lvm? [05:10] using the same /boot of course, just a different root partition on the lvm [05:10] kelvin_ unavailable Hmm -- I have never worked through these steps before, but I know BT can be very tricky (I worked for two days on my Apple keyboard -- better than the two months I fought in Fedora a couple years ago). Should you try posting your questions to the end of the forum thread and seeing who responds? Until then, is there a wired headset you can use? [05:10] DeepThought: it doesn't say whether it's proprierary or not... [05:10] wols: here's my mplayer error, what now http://pastebin.com/m628bbb5e [05:11] how do I install themes for ubuntu? [05:11] unavailable: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23010/ [05:11] jeff_: wait, let me check something... be right back [05:11] how do I fix "X"? [05:12] aaron_: Do you know where to download them? Then just use System -> Pref -> Appearances to import them [05:12] atlanta800: wow, not sure how that would work... installing ubuntustudio will format /boot... [05:12] m-c, (from earlier) could be the video card i guess.. i disabled the effects and it is all good. On medium, processor was ~70% and when i loaded new windows spiked to 90 something!! i dropped it to the low effects (none) and the processor is at 20% now [05:12] I try to import it but it I don't think its loading up right. [05:12] m-c: yes I might try posting in forum, no I don't have wired head set, [05:12] Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with an odd dialup problem I'm having w/ hardy and an external modem? [05:12] atlanta800: does ubuntustudio's installer support encrypted LVM's? [05:12] Anyone know how to get video out using intel gfx? (xrandr -q : http://pastebin.com/m4ece1b8c ) [05:13] Ubunutu doesnt like the onboard video and all my other cards are the wrong bus type :-/ i'll have to snag one tomorrow [05:13] supersonic, did you get that PM I sent from the bot? [05:13] tc111: well I'm manually parititoning, so can't I just tell it to use the existing /boot and not format it? the part I'm worried about is getting it unencrypt the lvm partition [05:13] kelvin_: they're cheap! *shrug* [05:13] no [05:13] tc111: the ubuntustudio installer is identical to the ubuntu alternate installer [05:13] m-c: yeah! [05:13] How do I play online .asf files? Surely this is possible***** [05:13] kelvin_: So, it looks like you are seeing the headset in aplay -l ? [05:14] sagredo, xmms doesnt have a plugin? [05:14] atlanta800: usually the installer will demand that /boot, /root, /tmp and swap be formatted before continuing [05:14] is it suppose to open in new window? [05:14] m-c: If I install windows virtually I will be having the same problem or the problems in ubuntu affect the virtual machine? [05:14] tc111: hmm, alright, well it's worth a try, I'm already backed up, we'll see what happens [05:14] m-c: card 1: Headset [BT Headset], device 0: Bluetooth SCO PCM [BT SCO PCM] [05:14] Subdevices: 1/1 [05:14] Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [05:14] atlanta800: let me know, i'm curious [05:14] kelvin_: I suspect it will be more difficult to get it to work. [05:14] hello === Amdomida is now known as TRainwreck [05:14] hello [05:15] kelvin_: Is it muted in ALSA or something? [05:15] I've configured my dialup connection (I'm using it at the moment), I can ping google.com, use apt-get, etc...but I cannot browse the web w. firefox. Any ideas? [05:15] tc111: for sure === TRainwreck is now known as TRainwreck1 [05:15] jeff_: no, that's the open source driver... should be fine, as far as I know it has 3d support and open-GL, if you have problems though you could try proprietary, wich is the fglrx driver; in screens and graphics just set your card from the ATI column under manufacturers, then set the proprietary box [05:15] kelvin_: I did not realize you were seeing it with ALSA ... that makes a big difference [05:15] Hello, an interesting problem I have at the moment. My userid started not recognising my password, I couldn't change it and couldn't su so I followed the instructions to reboot into recovery mode, perform passwd username and then reboot, system wont let me login. I have created a new account and tried to reset the password from there and I do not get any errors but it will not allow me to logon [05:15] m-c: how I go to alsa? [05:15] can anyone help me restor my windows vista to my grub boot menu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5263580#post5263580 [05:15] roflcopter kelvin_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSkype [05:15] I hope I don't have to reinstall Ubuntu lol [05:16] jeff_: or if that don't work, try from settings menu the hardware drivers manager; there should be an option to switch on propr. driver for the ati card there. [05:16] isnt ubuntu suposed to recognize windows when it installs and add it to the grub menu [05:16] DeepThought: When I tried to change, the screen was completely garbles except for the "keep settings" window [05:16] unavailable: good find! *whew* I did not want to start fighting with a muted mic [05:16] you don't need windows anyway [05:17] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5263580#post5263580 [05:17] kelvin_ oops btw i found out /etc/modules isnt a dir 0_o [05:17] windows is good for playing windows games [05:17] fredbear: is your home folder accessible and permissions set properly? [05:17] kelvin_ so youre gonna have to del the dir with sudo [05:17] use win then [05:17] fredbear: for the failing account [05:17] wine [05:17] wols: what was that trick again to make it work? I just used Gparted and turned it into a Ext3 [05:17] Deepthought: where is that option for hardware drivers? (I'm a newb) [05:17] kelvin_ theres a file called /etc/modules as well [05:17] wine doesnt work for everything [05:17] i love windows [05:18] Hello, I am trying to figure out how to enable an external monitor via HDMI in hardy on an intel gm965.... Anyone have any ideas? I'm sorta stuck [05:18] kelvin_ leave that and do what it says in the tut [05:18] i mean ubuntu [05:18] yep owner is me and can create and delet [05:18] tc111: ooh good call [05:18] rofl rofl [05:18] unavailable: Ok trying... [05:18] hi, where can i get the steps for compiling the kernel [05:18] can anyone reply to my post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5263580#post5263580 [05:18] wols: Still cutting an pasting. almost there. [05:18] * unavailable is going to smoke [05:18] yo [05:18] fredbear: is the partition full? or inaccessible? [05:18] still there spoon man? [05:18] all yous coders [05:18] * unavailable is now unavailable [05:19] Could anyone help me with my dialup issue? Seems like it should be an easy fix, but I cannot figure it out. [05:19] hows does i play .asf files [05:19] m-c: ditto [05:19] no new hdd 500g, [05:19] hi [05:19] compile* [05:19] i'm selling my HDD, how do I format it and make it unrecoverable? [05:19] Im havign a little trouble with keyframes in Cinelerra [05:19] when i put a .ogg file i get this: [05:19] virtual int FileOGG::Read_frame(VFram*): Error while seeking to keyframe, Wrong keyframe number (frame: 2028, keyfram: 2048) [05:20] m-c: you around? [05:20] dialup connection lets me apt-get, ping, use irc...but won't open web pages - what gives? [05:20] fredbear: and you can login with other accounts? have you tried removing the line in /etc/passwd and typing it out again, then using the su to enter the password again? [05:20] vinboy: download darik's nuke cd [05:21] so [05:21] how does one play .asf [05:21] in linux [05:21] hello guys, question, is there any alternative for Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System for Linux? [05:21] in gnu+linux [05:21] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.ocm/23011/ [05:21] m-c: Ill take that as a yes, when u get a sec. i msg'd wols - but, i just recreated the partition as a ext3, and same problem again- [05:21] jeff_: sorry, was of the keys for a moment... it's in the settings menu (not in screens and graphics), it's a different application [05:21] sagredo: load the non-free codec packages, if that is acceptable where you live [05:21] thx tc111 [05:21] no one here can help with enabling external monitor? [05:22] DeepThought: I'm on to something.. [05:22] remove the line for that userid from the /etc/password file? [05:22] subcool: don't message wols ;) [05:22] m-c: like medibuntu? I just did that [05:22] max_laptop: i have the same prolem [05:22] m-c: well, i didnt msg' but- got it. [05:22] fredbear: make sure you write copy it out on another line first (type it out) ;) [05:22] Deepthought: the restricted managers driver says that the ATI accelerated graphics driver wasn't eneabled... [05:22] Deepthought: loading now... [05:22] jeff_: you got it ! [05:23] unavailable: kelvin@kelvin-laptop:~/Desktop/btsco-0.5$ ./bootstrap [05:23] ./bootstrap: 3: aclocal: not found [05:23] sagredo: they are not in medibuntu - but yeah - they should be in your Synaptic list [05:23] when my laptop goes to sleep, it becomes unresponsive and cannot be woken up any more, the only option is to shut it down manually. how can i avoid this and make it wake up normally? [05:23] DeepThought, did you happen to get your nick from the mice? [05:23] sagredo: they are in the multiverse [05:24] has anyone upgraded to Heron and then had full screen issues on OpenGL games? [05:24] SeaPhor: yep; and I'll be 42 this July; looking forward to getting THE answer [05:24] subcool: you got some stuff going on there -- strange stuff -- have you checked the system log for errors? [05:24] DeepThought: need to restart system. Thanks for help! [05:25] bagelong: are you in a GUI now? [05:25] kelvin_ your following the 5.10 skip that ... [05:25] DeepThought, i was 42 in january, and zaphod paid for my party [05:25] jeff_: good luck; hope it solves your problems ! Else you can always go back to ati-driver, you know how now ... [05:25] hanif_: Probably - have you check for known issues in the ubuntu forums and launchpad? [05:25] m-c: lil out of my league- every time i take step forward in linux, i take two back. [05:25] wols: if I knew what you meant I would answer you? [05:25] subcool: Oh, thought you said you were an advanced user [05:25] SeaPhor: and... did you get THE answer ? [05:26] bagelong: do you have a graphical desktop? [05:26] wols: yes. [05:26] DeepThought, The QUESTION, u mean [05:26] m-c: advanced noob [05:26] unavailable: oh sorry I get confused [05:26] bagelong: glxinfo output of that please [05:26] SeaPhor: whooops, my mistake.. you ŕe so right... [05:26] when my laptop goes to sleep, it becomes unresponsive and cannot be woken up any more, the only option is to shut it down manually. how can i avoid this and make it wake up normally? [05:26] that somehow killed the new account, now can't log back in on either account [05:26] subcool: we are all advanced noobs -- type 'tail /var/log/syslog' in the console - see what it says [05:26] Leave Full Screen, windowed game does not take any peripheral input, sometimes will revert to full screen at a later time to get control again, but usually it is ctrl alt back NVidia drivers [05:26] m-c: i have beena noob for years [05:27] what are the permissions supposed to be on /etc.passwd [05:27] subcool - no sorry, do 'dmesg' instead [05:27] ya, i was gonna say. not much there [05:27] I'm trying to get Apache2 to use the php-cgi package, but when I visit a page, it offers to download the php apge insteand of processing it. [05:28] Hello [05:28] m-c: holy hell= [05:28] fredbear -rw-r--r-- 1 root root [05:28] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23014/ [05:28] * max_laptop tries again [05:28] Hello, I am trying to figure out how to enable an external monitor via HDMI in hardy on an intel gm965.... Anyone have any ideas? I'm sorta stuck [05:28] m-c that was a mess. a bunch of fails... do u really want me to pastebin it? [05:28] subcool: nope [05:28] it's not that then [05:28] bagelong: you are still using the slow VESA [05:28] subcool - glad to know I am not nuts though [05:28] I have a server running Ubuntu, with LAMPP, and have connected to its FTPD server....but I get access denied when I login via FTP under the root account and try to transfer files.. [05:29] wols: I don't know. [05:29] when my laptop goes to sleep, it becomes unresponsive and cannot be woken up any more, the only option is to shut it down manually. how can i avoid this and make it wake up normally? or should i just not let it sleep? [05:29] m-c: ya, i guess that would be anice feeling. I settled with it years ago. [05:29] fredbear sudo make it so ;) [05:29] haiiii [05:29] I need some linux help, when ssh'd in, how can I make Azureus load on the machine's desktop? [05:30] How does one completely remove mysql-server and reinstall? [05:30] apex: Isn;t there an option to do that in Synaptic? [05:30] apex: purge all "*mysql*" packages [05:30] Moodles: on a remote machine or on the local machine where there ssh server runs? [05:31] make sure to "completely" remove, including config files, especially if you plan a reinstall [05:31] m-c I can't logon at the moment so can't sudo anytwhere. I have a recovery root prompt [05:31] how can i modify my xorg config file? displayconfig-gtk doesnt seem to work for me [05:32] warcaptain: Do what now? [05:32] wols, im ssh'd into the linux machine from my current winxp machine, i just want to make programs i type in ssh to appear on the ubuntu desktop [05:32] warcaptain: You want to edit or reconfigure xorg.conf ? [05:32] hi how do you install an Icon package on ubunut? [05:32] fredbear: Yikes - I thought you had another user created on that system [05:32] wols: are you saying "apt-get purge *mysql*" [05:32] irc.rossw.net [05:32] i have to hit some keys twice, for them to appear once, ie, ` ´ .. wrong keymap, any ideas? [05:33] Moodles: export DISPLAY=":0.0 [05:33] Moodles: set the DISPLAY environment variable to localhost:0 [05:33] apex: no [05:33] Moodles: export DISPLAY=":0.0" [05:33] EvilDennisR: I want to reconfigure it. Its not letting me use intel experimental drivers or set my monitor [05:33] Moodles: this can only work this way if your ssh user and the desktop user are the same [05:33] From what I hear it tries to autoconfig itself right? [05:33] Moodles: And /inside/ the x-session you *might* have to do xhost + (Beware of xhost + though.. Check the man page) [05:33] It lags when it loads up ubuntu, I imagine when its trying to configure the graphics stuff [05:33] m-c: i see what u mean by a mess of problems. I just tried to view the permissions. ANd i have permission. [05:33] Moodles: do NOT use xhost ever [05:33] m-c I did, but then when I edited the /etc/.passwd file the second user dropped out [05:33] If my external modem connects (I'm on it now) - why won't webpages load? [05:34] I want to just set it and not have it try to autoconfig every time [05:34] wols: Whats wrong with xhost? [05:34] fredbear: you are able to login through the recovery console, right? [05:34] wols: ..assuming he's the only one with an account on that machine... [05:34] hi how do you install an Icon package on ubunut? [05:35] wols: Not sure if you saw. I did not know the answer to your question about the VESA. [05:35] *ubuntu [05:35] mobubuntu [05:35] what is button 1 button 2 etc mean ? [05:35] m-c: i just unplugged it, and replugged it in. Now only root has permission. should i just chmod it and be done? [05:35] EvilDennisR: so? [05:35] subcool: You still getting hardware errors when you plug it in? If so,then you need to fix them first [05:35] I have a root prompt in recovery [05:35] <|Zippo|> somebody solved google-gadgets trouble on hardy? [05:36] unavailable: 00:1A:0E:6A:A4:63 [05:36] ok [05:36] unavailable: btsco v0.42 [05:36] Device is 1:0 [05:36] Error: btsco open (1-0): No such device or address [05:36] m-c: its a stupid SATA to USB thing- maybe the drive is how? [05:36] warcaptain: I have no idea what you did for your experamental drivers [05:36] warcaptain: ..and I'm going to bed [05:36] bagelong: it was no question. it was a statement of fact. until you run intel (as I told you) and show us the Xorg.0.log or error messages from there I cannot help you [05:36] -_- [05:36] again no real help comes from this room [05:36] its insane [05:36] subcool - yes, those are known to get problematic [05:36] thanks anyways [05:37] m-c: no not relaly- no errors [05:37] warcaptain: Catch me when I'm not a few drinks in and have to wake up early for a meeting.. [05:37] m-c: im sure they do, but.. not out of the box? [05:37] subcool what do you mean, not out of the box [05:37] subcool: output of mount and ls -al when inside the mountpoint [05:37] fredbear: Hw are you doing? [05:37] Can someone please help me with my modem? or perhaps suggest where more info can be found? [05:37] wols - k [05:37] warcaptain: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg though, maybe... [05:38] m-c: the sata to usb is brand new. First time using it. Same with drive. [05:38] warcaptain: Again, I dunno if you're using restricted drivers, or something you got somewhere [05:38] im only using atheros [05:38] subcool: use another browser like lynx to check web access [05:38] sorry, missed any instruction I have a root prompt at recovery [05:38] stevensj2: Internal or external model? PCI card or on the motherboard? [05:38] ive tried it.. :( when i restart it changes back (and it still lags big time using compiz [05:38] wols: what? [05:38] stevensj2: : use another browser like lynx to check web access [05:38] How can I give my user account permission to send/receive files via FTP???? [05:38] m-c: it's an external Trendnet [05:38] subcool: sorry. not for you [05:39] fredbear: add your user at the bottom of the /etc/passwd file , then do 'sudo passwd username' for your user name [05:39] wols: its ok. [05:39] wols: I do not mean to frustrate. I thought you asked If it was running the slow VESA - I misread. can you pleas give me the command so that I can show you the Xorg.O.log. I thought that is what I did earlier. [05:39] wasob: your account doesn't need that permission [05:39] but i have 4gb of memory and intel 3100 embedded graphics.. i was able to handle aero and compiz on gutsy just fine [05:39] warcaptain: its prolly using the generic driver.. Did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras or uh.. erm.. wtf is the restricted driver dialog thingy [05:39] I keep getting "Permission Denied" When I try to transfer to my server via FTP [05:39] stevensj2: should be straight forward - there are many instructions for external modems if you search google [05:39] bagelong: you right now run vesa and that shows in your current Xorg.0.log [05:39] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23018/ [05:39] m-c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23018/ [05:39] warcaptain: jockey-gt [05:39] kelvin_ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/222922 [05:39] Launchpad bug 222922 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "snd-bt-sco creates an unusable device" [Undecided,New] [05:39] warcaptain: jockey-gtk ... [05:39] done [05:39] bagelong: you need to run i810 or intel and THEN show the Xorg.0.log even when X then errors [05:40] you guys are machines!!! [05:40] i wish i could sit in here and give advice [05:40] fredbear: no errors? [05:40] damn sco.... [05:40] @m-c: the modem works, I'm using it now. It will ping, download using apt-get, etc...but for one reason or another, websites act as if I'm offline [05:40] subcool: chmod it to make it writable [05:40] no [05:40] subcool: me too.. then you could help warcaptain with xorg and I could go to sleep.. [05:40] k [05:40] anybody ever built rdesktop from CVS before ? rdesktop from CVS says to do the standard GNU build procedure of ./configure but there is no configure script. any idea how I get it to build ? [05:40] subcool: alternaitvely chown the mountpoint to your user [05:40] fredbear: add another user while you are here [05:40] esac: read the HOWTO [05:40] wols: how do I "run i810 or intel?" I did not intentionally set it up the way it is now. I simply did a "safe graphics mode" install, because I could not get an install any other way. [05:41] ahead of you there :-) [05:41] ok. thanks wols - [05:41] perhaps a DNS issue? but I've enabled dynamic DNS in pppconfig - not sure what else I could do [05:41] bagelong: with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:41] esac: is there an autogen.sh ? Run that.. It will make a configure file and/or run said configure file [05:41] EvilDennisR: thanks [05:41] there is no HOWTO or autogen.sh :( [05:41] subcool: how do i get it to stay using intel experimental drivers [05:41] unavailable: I went to the page but I don't see nothing for correct my error [05:41] stevensj2: if apt-get and ping work it's no dns issue. do what I asked you [05:41] sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser; sudo passwd testuser [05:41] ok, I got my second user back but my main userid still not allowing logons [05:41] esac: erm... *shrug* I dunno [05:41] warcaptain: drives for what? [05:41] kelvin_ thats because its new, and there is no correction yet [05:42] oh there is a bootstrap file that seems to do it. but it needs autoreconf [05:42] i have embedded intel gma 3100 [05:42] warcaptain: haha- no clue man. I have problems with the help man of man. [05:42] warcaptain: edit your xorg.conf [05:42] but i cant find autoreconf [05:42] wols: his video card.. [05:42] ok - I will install lynx and see what happens [05:42] unavailable: oh sorry [05:42] warcaptain: You /could/ edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and specify the drivers by hand.. [05:42] tis ok :P [05:42] warcaptain: thats assuming they're installed all nicey nice [05:42] unavailable: so that mean that I have to wait until it get corrected? [05:42] * subcool agrees with EvilDennisR- [05:43] how do you install an Icon package on ubunut? [05:43] wols: I am back to the place where it says "configuring xserver-xorg" and asks for a series of yes/no responses. [05:43] @stevensj2 Sorry- I've never seen anything like that [05:43] bagelong: answer them [05:43] when i do an apt-cache search autoreconf, it says that autoconf2.13 provides it but it has (obsolete version) after that. is there something newer for it ? [05:43] kelvin_ prolly, you may wish to sign up to add your confirmation, and be on the mailing list for when there's a fix [05:43] warcaptain: under section "Device", specify Driver [05:43] wols: whats the command for chmod lol.. [05:43] wols: do i just put: device "intel experimental mode switching" [05:43] unavailable: ok I'll do that [05:43] esac: packages.ubuntu.com [05:43] or whatever [05:43] i keep missing something. [05:43] bagelong, you'll be fine as long as you know the weight of an unladen swallow [05:43] subcool: dude, chmod *IS* the command [05:44] !permissions | subcool [05:44] subcool: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [05:44] i know.. lol- [05:44] subcool: wtf you trying to chmod? [05:44] fredbear: still not working? [05:44] hello all [05:44] roflmao [05:44] anyone know? [05:44] subcool: also "man " is wonderful [05:44] !hi | ALPSINC [05:44] ALPSINC: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [05:44] kelvin_r paste your uname -r in there too when you confirm [05:44] subcool: yeah, use man [05:44] wols: I only know the wait of a coconut laden swallow. [05:44] roflamo - im dieing [05:44] kelvin_ paste your uname -r in there too when you confirm [05:44] I want to be able to have the sendmail function be able to use my g-mail e-mail... is this possiable? [05:45] spoon_man : that was meant for you. [05:45] bagelong: it asks questions about your hardware [05:45] (for system wide outputs) [05:45] ALPSINC: yes, but why do you want sendmail? [05:45] m-c: me either. maybe a conflict with network settings, and it not recognizing it is connected? :/ [05:45] it's cool, bagelong ;) [05:45] wols: what ever... it doesn't matter :P [05:45] ALPSINC: wols is right... sendmail is yucky [05:45] ^^ [05:45] i have no e-mailing function currently [05:45] i disabled "draw desktop" in nautilus so my cube desktop would have different backgrounds for each workspace. Now how do i get the icons back without messing up my different backgrounds? [05:45] fredbear: where are we at man, because it's time for me to cut out [05:45] wait, wtf [05:45] hey, can anyone tell me how to get a 2.6.25 kernel working on hardy? [05:45] stop distracting me from going to bed! [05:45] * EvilDennisR & (bed!) [05:46] lol [05:46] unavailable you don't. Doing the same thing myself [05:46] killux: you compile your own [05:46] rofl [05:46] aplsinc, you sure you don't want to try Evolution or something? [05:46] darn nautilus [05:46] sorery mate, work started to get busy, will have to try later, thx for your help [05:46] wols: is there any attempt to put it in the repos? [05:46] ALPSINC: do you run your own email servre? [05:46] spoon_man: what ever can send mail [05:46] anyone know how to install an Icon package on ubunutu? [05:46] unavailable yep. Dang compiz, can't get multiple backgrounds without the cube (as best I know) [05:46] alpsinc wine ypops [05:46] EvilDennisR: do i put the driver file or the name of the driver? [05:46] killux: next ubuntu version [05:46] wols: runing from home, and cox [05:46] killux: check out http://kernel.org/ [05:46] unavailable: 2.6.24-19-generic [05:46] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23021/ [05:46] when my laptop goes to sleep, it becomes unresponsive and cannot be woken up any more, the only option is to shut it down manually. how can i avoid this and make it wake up normally? or should i just not let it sleep? [05:46] ALPSINC: that'S no answer for my question [05:46] warcaptain: the name of the driver [05:47] Good luck, everyone. Hope your issues are all resolvable, or at least you learn something interesting while you fix them. [05:47] ah- so stupid. but so easy [05:47] wols cox blocks stmp out and pop in [05:47] Section "Device" [05:47] Identifier "Intel GMA 3100" [05:47] Driver "Experimental modesetting driver for Intel integrated graphics chipsets" [05:47] aplsinc, I recommend Evolution -- I have no idea how to use it since I only use webmail these days, but I hear good things [05:47] right? [05:47] * subcool Thanks Everyone - ttyl [05:47] erm, don't paste [05:47] bagelong: that's fine [05:47] wait, what? No! [05:47] you said the name -_- [05:47] kelvin_ i meant on the bug page [05:47] !evolution > ALPSINC [05:47] wols: so hardy will never have a 2.6.25 kernel available? and I tried compiling it, my system came out terrible. [05:47] automatically [05:47] ALPSINC: is port 465 blocked? [05:47] wols: yes [05:47] wols: is that the output you wanted? [05:47] killux: no, never [05:47] unavailable: yep i posted a comment [05:47] evolution isn't too good with imap, which I would think is the main reason to use gmail with a local client [05:47] warcaptain: You gotta know what the name of it is.. like Driver "nvidia" or Driver "ati" or Driver "fglrx" [05:48] ok [05:48] warcaptain: Use the restricted drivers thingy like I mentioned [05:48] bagelong: no. I want Xorg.0.log from when it tried to use intel drivers [05:48] wols: :80 in is blocked also :( so apache is on :81 [05:48] this is me remotely ssh'd in, cant seem to get this to work: http://rafb.net/p/ppgffm62.html [05:48] warcaptain: it /sometimes/ works [05:48] killux: no release with have an odd ending kernel as they are for testing only [05:48] wols: just ftw... [05:48] hello there [05:48] ALPSINC: either you answer my question or you can solve your own problems [05:48] tc111 that's obsolete info now .... [05:48] i have a big issue [05:48] ALPSINC: so do it please [05:48] unavailable: well thanks for all your help [05:48] wols: again, Yes it is... [05:48] Moodles: You already have an x-sesson running ? [05:48] wols: I am sorry, I do not know what you are referring to. [05:48] EvilDennisR: all the drivers on that page are working [05:48] kelvin_ glad to try [05:48] for some reason my /home directory is root only read only [05:48] Hi. [05:48] wols: no i do not run an e-mail server [05:49] so....when i try to log into gnome, it can't get a lock on various .hidden files [05:49] Is there a way to keep track of package updates? [05:49] therefore failing to start [05:49] ALPSINC: then you need a proxy on a port that does accept mail and forwards it to gmail [05:49] nickrud so there arent any "turn desktop icons into widgits" appz? [05:49] fooks: You fool! You'll destroy us all! chown -r fooks:fooks /home/fooks [05:49] Can someone help? Im totally new to Ubuntu [05:49] tc111: kernel.org says The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: [05:49] anyone know how to install an Icon package on ubunutu? [05:49] Im trying to install Avast and I have to enter this code.. sudo dpkg -i avast4workstation_1.0.6-2_i386.deb [05:49] fooks: my bad, chown -R, capital R [05:49] Where do i enter the code [05:49] i just installed hardy, and it seems to have done this on its own [05:49] wols: hold up... i can send e-mail from my phpbb... the config is there... [05:49] fooks: wait, is /home/ owned by root? Is that what you mean? [05:50] EvilDennisR: much obliged, i had to drop into console to figure out what the dealio was [05:50] joseph_: in a terminal in a directory where the deb file is present [05:50] EvilDennisR: yes [05:50] unavailable not yet. I've added nautilus ~/desktop as an icon in cairo-dock, so I have easy access. But, no mounted drives, etc. I'm still deciding if I can make a workable environment [05:50] Thanks [05:50] fooks: /home is owned by root [05:50] i thought the second digit if it was odd then it was testing. Example 2.5.x tc111 [05:50] fooks: /home *IS* owned by root.. Why are you writing to /home ?! [05:50] bagelong: did you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [05:50] EvilDennisR: because im a user?... [05:50] wols: I gave you the link to the output. [05:51] nickrud well... you still have at least one panel?? right click add "disk mounter" [05:51] im saying my /home/myusername is made root only [05:51] fooks: Yeah, you're a user. Which means you have access to /home/yourusername [05:51] wols: gmail uses a different port, and appearently uses tls crypt... [05:51] bagelong: there was a lot more for you to do in this command when you said y to the overwrite of that xorg.conf file [05:51] wols: what is your suguestion? [05:51] killux: refer to nickrud's reply... i'm behind the times... not the first time tonight [05:51] fooks: People's home directories go in /home ... Thus, uh... its slash home! [05:51] unavailable I open the desktop, and have my remote sites as bookmarks. Works well enough [05:51] Can someone tell me were the Dev channel is I need help with a python error. [05:51] EvilDennisR: gnome won't even load up because it can't access some file named .ICEblah [05:51] ALPSINC: I ask you one last time: is port 465 outgoing open? [05:51] aah [05:51] fooks: pastebin the error.. [05:51] EvilDennisR: im saying my user folder inside /home/myusername and such [05:51] wols: outgoing is open. [05:52] Falling-Inferno: python's support channel is #python [05:52] tc111: nickrud never replied to me...? [05:52] ALPSINC: then use that as a smarthost for your MTA [05:52] fooks: .ICEauthority ? [05:52] #python [05:52] EvilDennisR: i can't drop into xserver since it won't load, and im not very proficient at console usage [05:52] wols: it never asked me if I wanted to do that. Only questions about the hardware. [05:52] EvilDennisR: that'd be the one [05:52] fooks: chown -R fooks:fooks /home/fooks [05:52] killux sorry, I was answering a question about kernel versioning, I didn't see your original [05:52] who here wubs ubuntu [05:52] wols: what is an MTA? [05:52] bagelong: you PASTED IT what it asked! [05:52] ALPSINC: a Mail Transfer Agent [05:52] ALPSINC: mail transfer agent. postfix or exim4 [05:52] fooks: and obviously replace fooks with whatever your real username is [05:52] killux: no, but he did to me right after my post... - [12:48AM] tc111 that's obsolete info now .... [05:52] ah, I see... [05:53] unavailable actually I have 3 launchers in the dock: Desktop, home, and Computer. So far, that's decent [05:53] tc111: oh ok [05:53] anyone know how to install an Icon package on ubuntu? [05:53] !kernel | killux (don't compile unless you need some new functionality) [05:53] killux (don't compile unless you need some new functionality): The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [05:53] wols: i installed lynx - works fine, goes to any url I enter. [05:53] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23022/ [05:53] bagelong: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf [05:53] aaron_ create a directory ~/.icons, and extract the package there [05:53] wols: one last question what, in your opinion, is the easiest MTA to set up? [05:53] !lynx [05:54] Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) [05:54] bagelong: yes that one if you did that: please paste the xorg.conf as I said. then stop X [05:54] ok hang on [05:54] nickrud: I don't need new functionality. I just need functionality. 2.6.24 cause my system to crash. [05:54] !PM > joseph_ [05:54] killux hm, you sure it's the kernel? Not saying I'm the expert kernel troubleshooter, far from it [05:54] werid [05:54] stevensj2: so you have a firefox problem. maybe you have a non existing proxy entered or such [05:55] ok done [05:55] killux: what's your _system_ [05:55] * unavailable thinks its pimp when you have cube desktop and 3d windows and you place a window halfway between workspaces and then rotate cube [05:55] unavailable, it never gets old [05:55] EvilDennisR: no change in the issue [05:55] unavailable: lol very true xP [05:55] how dual boot ubuntu and xp if ubuntu (hardy) is already installed? [05:55] hi, someone having graphic troubles with new fgrlx? [05:55] fooks: rm .ICEauthority [05:55] i know this isnt an ubuntu problem specifically, but does anyone else have a problem with Lyrc crashing in Amarok? it hasnt worked for months for me even in fresh installs of ubuntu using the version in the repos [05:55] !grub | thinman1189 [05:55] thinman1189: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [05:56] wols: firefox was working fine on a lan 45 min ago, as was pidgin. both fail to connect now...very puzzling to me [05:56] thinman1189: you install windows and then follow this howto [05:56] the cube is old already, I like the wall with the switcher showing desktop thumbnails. Much more useable [05:56] !grub > ALPSINC [05:56] EvilDennisR: same for that [05:56] man windows got nothing on ubuntu [05:56] EvilDennisR: i think ill just reinstall hardy [05:56] fooks: rm .Xauthority ? [05:56] tc111: my computer. Whenever I am in firefox, my system will crash randomly. I downgraded to ff2, no help. I also turned off desktop effects and i even uninstalled nvidia's driver. I get no errors in any of my logs. Downgrading to gusty fixes the problem [05:56] EvilDennisR: i have no idea why it would do this to itself, i did nothing but update and restart [05:56] EvilDennisR: yeah, even that command [05:56] wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23024/ [05:57] unavailable, hold down the middle mouse button on an empty space on the desktop, then move around a little [05:57] Has anybody here installed the realtime kernel? whenever I try to install linux-rt, I get 'broken package' errors... Is this a problem with the repos? [05:57] hi, someone having graphic troubles with new fgrlx? [05:57] fooks: /sbin/killall5 [05:57] killux that's the new firefox and compiz and flash interaction [05:57] it will blow your mind [05:57] fooks: then run thos ecommands again [05:57] spoon_man i know [05:57] fooks: then try and login [05:57] nickrud: I didnt even have flash installed [05:57] wols: thanks! [05:57] spoon_man superkey+ e once [05:57] unavailable: you should try the circular desktop "cube" wit 3d windows that is pretty nice [05:58] killux: that's not really a fix, per se... still looking for an answer to my first question... [05:58] tc111: what do you want to know about my computer? [05:58] killux well, I'm having my desktop crash regularly, but I'm assuming it's a flash issue (most every other firefox crash is flash related). When I turn off compiz, I haven't had that kind of crash at all [05:58] what is the easiest MTA to setup? [05:58] someone having graphic corruption with new ATI fgrlx? [05:58] !qmail [05:58] Factoid qmail not found [05:58] spoon_man: you wouldnt happen to know how to set that? i seemed to of lost that ability... now i have to us ctrl alt mouse 1 [05:58] I turned off compiz and I still had the problem nickrud [05:59] !smtpd [05:59] Factoid smtpd not found [05:59] !smtp [05:59] Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html [05:59] killux killing the desktop? Or the machine freezing? [05:59] anyone can suggest or share ideas about open source retail management system for linux [05:59] Jester45, set the middle mouse button action? [05:59] specially for ubuntu linux [05:59] killux: 32 or 64-bit, CPU, RAM, age, generic or name-brand, etc... [05:59] nickrud: machine freezes, totallly unresponsive to anything [05:59] hye guys... i have a problem.. i want to install a software on my hardy. i use add/remove under application menu.. but when during the download the software, system tell me to insert the disk labels Ubuntu7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... why??? [05:59] hye guys... i have a problem.. i want to install a software on my hardy. i use add/remove under application menu.. but when during the download the software, system tell me to insert the disk labels Ubuntu7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... why??? [05:59] spoon_man: yea it doesnt work for me any more but i cant find where it is [06:00] Jester45, I don't know, but there is a #compiz channel [06:00] killux haven't had that happen. But when you're in gutsy, you've changed so many things that you can't say 'it's the kernel cuz it works in gutsy' [06:00] killux: i have the same problem... but its not just flash for me [06:00] tc111: 32-bit, Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, Not even a year old. I built it. [06:00] jester45 saw it but cant remember where to set it [06:00] hye guys... i have a problem.. i want to install a software on my hardy. i use add/remove under application menu.. but when during the download the software, system tell me to insert the disk labels Ubuntu7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... why??? [06:00] Jester45: what it it? [06:00] spoon_man: im to lazy to join a new channel [06:01] Jester45 lol, if you're in xchat, you can just click on the name of the channel in the message I sent you [06:01] !repeat | beyta [06:01] beyta: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [06:01] Is it wasy to change a computers name? [06:01] beyta, remove the cdrom line from your sources.list [06:01] beyta, in terminal gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list. then comment out the line for the cd with a #. should be at the top of the file. [06:01] nickrud: i know, but there was a thread on ubuntu's forums that described a very similar problem to mine and they said it was ther kernel. There was even a confirmed bug report on launchpad [06:01] beyta: you need to remove the cd from your software sources [06:01] killux: i dont know i dont have the problem when running firefox3 on gentoo.. but im not using compiz or gnome with that [06:01] beyta so, to answer the question (which you repeated twice while I read it the first time) got to system->admin->software sources , and uncheck the cdrom [06:01] wols: I obviously am not doing what you want or giving you what you want. Any other suggestions? [06:01] available, superkey+e is really cool [06:02] bagelong: all you can do is use the intel drivers and report the errors it gives [06:02] you could also try and search a howto [06:02] spoon_man, try shift super s [06:02] Hey guys m trying to use some unallocated space [06:02] I got gparted [06:03] however you used the intel driver before so you know how to use it, just that your system then errors [06:03] And when I click NEW I get this error [06:03] If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions. Because an extended partition is also a primary partition it might be necessary to remove a primary partition first. [06:03] until you can us tell the error, it's pretty much impossible to help you [06:03] killux then it would be worth your time to try compiling the gutsy kernel for hardy, see if you can replicate/identify the error. Hard work, but useful ;) [06:03] !enter > Fungusman (see PM from ubottu) [06:03] killux: wols yelled at me earlier, but copy this down somewhere you won't lose it (hardcopy)... alt-psc +r, +i, +e, +s, +u, +b. these keypresses should be staggered about 2 - 3 secs. apart, always holding down the alt-psc combo (without the '+' s too). this should get you out of your lockup, flush the cache's and then reboot the machine safely [06:03] Fungusman: dont use enter so much [06:03] Google isn't showing much [06:03] wols: you keep telling me that, but I don't think you realize that I don't know how to do what you are saying. You keep asking for the output of etc/x11/xorg.conf and when I give it to you it seems of no use. [06:04] tc111: the problem is no normal guy remebers it when he needs it. it is nice and all but impractical [06:04] scunizi, that doesn't seem to do anything, I might have something disabled [06:04] well, you guys are pretty busy in here eh? :) [06:04] no biggie [06:04] nickrud: Well I tried compiling the 2.6.25 kernel, but I think I did not do it too well. It was my first time. [06:04] Unislash: yes [06:04] killux: see... got me again ;) [06:04] Fungusman: does that drive have 4 partitions allready? [06:04] nickrud: I can't even explain what happened. My destkop was all "funky" and everything was slower. [06:04] killux the key thing to remember is to compile your motherboard and disk drive and ext3 support into the kernel. [06:05] hehe, well, if anyone is free, could they help me with installing hardy *from* an external hard drive? thanks :) [06:05] bagelong: you gave me glxinfo output. not xorg.conf. and the Xorg.0.log was from when the intel driver never was loaded. but one needs it from when the error occurs. NOT from when the GUI loads fine since it uses VESA drivers [06:05] spoon_man, maybe .. and it looks better if you have several windows open.. [06:05] nickrud: huh? [06:05] bagelong: and /etc/X11/xorg.conf (note the beginning /) is a file you can see with less or cat [06:05] what do you mean compile your motherboard into the kernel? [06:05] someone having graphic corruption with new ATI fgrlx? [06:05] killux: nothing can be meant since it's gibberish [06:06] wols, killux: i'm just too old-school... must be my bedtime, i'll leave the helping to the youngsters... ;) nite all! [06:06] nite [06:06] Fungusman: a drive can only have 4 primary partitions so you probly need to delete one make a extended then create 2 parttions inside of the extented one [06:06] killux, motherboard support. Normally the ubuntu kernel puts certain modules into an initial ramdisk, so it can read the disk (that stuff is required for it). You should read that link I gave you above. Compiling the kernel is not trivial, there are certain gotchas. [06:06] after setting directory / deny from all .. how do i enable access to folders below www/html? [06:07] !repeat | vozniakBR [06:07] vozniakBR: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [06:07] could anyone help me with installing hardy from an external hard drive? :) [06:07] !patience [06:07] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [06:07] lol, sorry, i am, i am :P [06:08] killux I used to roll my own kernels, but stopped about 2.6.3 since all kernels are 'development' kernels these days, and it's easier to let the experts patch and maintain it. [06:08] wols: I don't think you speak noob. I have no idea what "less" or "cat" is. [06:08] Hey guys. My friend is a stubborn mule so i'm talking through him. Sound will not work in flash for him. What are the causes for this? [06:08] those are commands [06:08] !install | Unislash [06:08] Unislash: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [06:09] you used less before, at least I told you to use it before [06:09] WhoNeedszzz: is his master and PCM volume unmuted and up [06:09] yes [06:09] sound works fine outside of a browser [06:10] WhoNeedszzz: try installing libflashsupport [06:10] that doesn't work [06:10] libflashsupport is for pulseaudio [06:11] he doesn't use pulseaudio [06:11] WhoNeedszzz I had that problem for a while, I ran gstreamer-properties and made sure the output was pulseaudio. Not sure if that was the cause, but afterwards I had sound in flash [06:11] well you didnt say that.. im guessing by you saying flash and no sound [06:11] WhoNeedszzz then maybe checking for alsa there .... [06:12] nickrud: I am just not sure what to do in the configuration part. I don't know exactly what I need [06:12] nickrud: there is no gstreamer-properties [06:12] WhoNeedszzz not using gnome? [06:12] how do i edit .bashrc === mike is now known as Guest21598 [06:12] nickrud: no, xfce [06:12] jester: thanks :). i read that page when i first installed ubuntu, but i didn't see that it had more to it :P. cheers :) [06:12] wols: thank you for you time. Sorry we were not a better team. [06:13] Gralco: open terminal and type gedit ~/.bashrc [06:13] Gralco: ~ means /home/username and when the name has a . in the front means its hidden [06:13] Jester45 I'm not sure how to edit it after vi .bashrc [06:14] once typed in the command line [06:14] Gralco: use mousepad [06:14] if you dont know how to use vi try some thing simpler like gedit / kate /mousepad or nano [06:15] oh okay [06:15] how does vi work [06:15] Wierd something on cnn.com is crashing my firefox soon as the page loads [06:15] with nano is cli use ctrl s to save ctrl x to close [06:15] Gralco, that's a semesters worth of work to learn [06:16] Gralco: you should look online for that its a powerfull editor but hard to learn/master [06:16] I have a problem. All my task bars dissapeared. I can't access any programs, files, nothing. [06:16] I will [06:16] How do I get a bar back? [06:16] thanks guys [06:16] nickrud: and what about l-r-m, how do I compile those if the 2.6.25 version isnt even in ubuntu's repos? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomRestrictedModules [06:16] wolfwalker: press alt + f2 and run gnome-panel [06:16] I was installing mplayer, with the addons that allow DVDs. [06:17] see if they show up then [06:17] Jester45 while booting or after desktop is loaded? [06:17] hello u all [06:17] wols: maybe you can help? [06:17] killux there's another problem :) You would have to manually build the various restricted stuff, maybe with envy-gtk (again, pigs fly, envy is nice now ;) [06:17] i have a question how can i reduce the ping [06:17] wolfwalker: on desktop [06:18] SrgSantos54: move closer to the place your pinging [06:18] for gaming purpose [06:18] ok so what is really restricted? just my video card really [06:18] killux: help with what? [06:18] wols: nvm [06:18] SrgSantos54: get a faster connection/ stop downloading stuff/ connect to a server that is closer to you [06:18] is there any tweaks available for this [06:18] killux that's about it, maybe a wireless driver if you use wireless [06:18] mmm [06:18] nickrud: doesn't ubuntu come with "source" packages for various restricted drivers? [06:19] i have a 1.5mb connection [06:19] it not that bad [06:19] nickrud: yeah, I use serialmonkeys drivers [06:19] Is there anyway to force ubuntu to re-read cron.d? [06:19] wols could be, but he's really looking at compiling a newer/older kernel for testing purposes [06:19] SrgSantos54: tweaks wont help your ping that much maybe 5 ms [06:19] nickrud: so? [06:19] wols: ubuntu doesnt have l-r-m for 2.6.25 kernel [06:19] JacobSingh: restart cron? [06:20] apt-get source for example. that can be build with dpkg-builtpackage and then installed with dpkg -i [06:20] thats what i am compiling [06:20] wols so if you care to explain how to do that to him, that would be great. I stopped paying attention to kernel compilation around the beginning of the 2.6 series [06:20] yes he needs to know more than a normal ubuntu user but hten, he is trying to build a kernel [06:20] Any other solutions for sound not working in flash? [06:20] Jester45 Alt+F2 no response [06:20] nickrud: how much does ubuntu mangle the kernel with patches? [06:20] WhoNeedszzz I've seen comments about using aoss with firefox [06:21] mmmm [06:21] nickrud: that didn't work [06:21] WhoNeedszzz: did you restart firefox after running those commands [06:21] Hey all [06:21] WhoNeedszzz, did you install the libflash support thing? [06:21] wols I haven't looked. But, if they do as much as debian did a while back, a _lot_ [06:21] Jester45: yes [06:21] which is necesarry to get sound right when using pulse audio [06:21] killux: get kernel sources for gutsy [06:21] Eleaf: talked about that already [06:21] alright [06:21] nickrud: debian doesn't do a lot actually :) but usually desktop distros are worse there [06:21] * nickrud thinks about missing blobs, and laughs [06:21] wols: from kernel.org, git, or a repo? [06:22] killux: unpack them and copy /boot/config- to newkernelsourcedir/config [06:22] Jester45: Didn't seem to work for me... [06:22] killux: that is up to you. with kernel.org and git you miss the ubuntu patches however [06:22] killux: but as a kernel, all 3 will work [06:22] Jester45: but if I edit the file, and save it [06:23] wolfwalker: change your session in gdm to defualt gnome one [06:23] /var/log/syslog tells me it is reloaded [06:23] and indeed, it starts working... [06:23] weird, huh? [06:23] killux: then inside the sourcedir run make oldconfig and answer those questions [06:23] wols: can you download ubuntu's patches and then patch the vanillia kernel? [06:23] Jester45 How do I do that? [06:23] I can't even log out [06:23] then instakk kernel-package and use it to compile a kernel and kernel headers [06:23] wols: or do I even really need their patches? [06:23] wolfwalker: when you login after a reboot click session and click gnome [06:24] i'm having issues mounting/playing purchased dvds i've found several resources and have installed libdvdcss but I'm still having no luck [06:24] killux: you can, BUT: you must then fix the patches to make the apply cleanly. not doable unless you are a kernel hacker. from ubuntu's 2.6.24 to current 2.6.25 stuff changed so the ubuntu patches to 2.6.24 won't apply cleanly most likely [06:24] draven try installing and using vlc [06:24] wolfwalker: but try alt_f2 a few more times to make sure it show ip [06:24] up [06:24] wolfwalker: does it show up at all? [06:24] killux: as I said, you don't really NEED them but some things might not work then as expected. you can certainly try a vanilla kernel source [06:24] draven if it fails, run vlc from inside a terminal, and check the error messages [06:25] anything else? [06:25] #xubuntu (me runs ;) [06:25] wols: no, I am talking about downloading gusty kernel version (the vanilla flavor) and then applying gusty's patches [06:25] nickrud, ok if it works is there anything further i need to do to get xine working? [06:25] or will that not work with hardy? [06:25] Hello, how do I make ubuntu autologin? [06:25] the wireless card page said that to get my particular wireless card to work, I need to blacklist a driver before installing the card. I already had the card installed. Will a system restart do the trick, or do I need to do something else? [06:26] killux: imho it's a judgement call to makie here [06:26] draven possibly the w32codecs from medibuntu [06:26] killux: if you download gutsy kernel sources the patches for it are already applied and ready made [06:26] draven, you could try gxine [06:26] draven: install ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:26] Jester45 nothing at all. [06:26] Jester45 I log in, then I get the background and....... nothing else. [06:26] nickrud, i'm running a an amd64 version do i want the 64 or the 32 package of codecs? [06:26] WhoNeedszzz xine still uses w32codescs ? [06:26] draven 64 [06:27] killux: put a deb-src line for gutsy in your sources.list and apt-get update. now you can get gutsy kernel sources with apt-get source [06:27] can I activate the blacklist of a driver by restarting my computer? [06:27] trevheg if you've just blacklisted it, yes [06:27] wols: ok thats what I was going to ask. That will be compatible? [06:27] !blacklist > trevheg === SrgSantos54 is now known as Ne0_WizArd [06:27] killux: it _should_. I won't give any guarantees of course [06:27] lol what do I do if ut2004 install is asking me to switch disks but ubuntu wont let me take the drive out because it says an app is preventing me from unmounting it? [06:27] wols: ok [06:27] is this the right version of libdvdread? Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access [06:28] nickrud, will restarting have the same effect as blacklisting the driver before I installed the hardware? [06:28] killux I'll tell you one thing: if you work at this, you will learn a lot about how linux works [06:28] is there any way windos virus can affect my ubuntu [06:28] draven, install libdvdcss2, libdvdcss2-dev, libdvdread3, libdvdread-dev [06:28] windows [06:28] killux: can't you just install a gutsy kernel or are there dependency problems then? [06:28] draven: what exactly is your problem? [06:28] nickrud: i hope [06:28] trevheg if you blacklisted, then rebooted the blacklist is in effect (if it was applied correctly) [06:28] Felonious, copy all the stuff from the disks to a separate directory then run the install from there. [06:28] killux no hope, just sweat :) [06:28] wols: I don't know. I havent tried. [06:28] nickrud, thanks [06:28] WhoNeedszzz, encrypted dvds won't mount [06:28] damn thats going to require alot of space [06:29] killux: try. it's the easiest way to test now. least work [06:29] wols: yeah, I just have to install hardy lol [06:29] can linux get infected with a virus [06:29] ?!? [06:29] killux: ignore any errors wrt your video card and wlan of course [06:29] yeah [06:29] killux: that can always be fixed later [06:29] Felonious you doing this in wine? [06:29] how can I tell which driver a particular piece of hardware is using? [06:29] Felonious, the other way is to go to "my computer" and right mouse click the drive and unmount it. it will then eject. [06:29] trevheg: dmesg and experience [06:30] there are virii for linux yes [06:30] how do I autologin in ubuntu? [06:30] trevheg: which hardware exactly? [06:30] hmm [06:30] one other question jsut about ubuntu's repos, if I enable I gusty repo in hardy, how will hardy hangle that. Like what will it update to, the hardy repos right? [06:30] a pci wireless card [06:30] wols ^ [06:30] Bennie, you don't want to .. you loose all your security. [06:30] scunizi: how? [06:30] I know I want it [06:30] anyone know why my sound in TOTEM is so low when watchin movies>? [06:30] Bennie install gdmsetup, and enable it on the security tab (good place for it) [06:30] draven: install the things i said, it should work after that [06:31] killux: it will use the newest package versions available which means hardy. you can just download the kernel from packages.ubuntu.com for gutsy and install with dpkg -i [06:31] WhoNeedszzz, i installed the list, and it's a no go [06:31] afallenhope: don't use totem, use vlc [06:31] wols: yeah [06:31] nickrud: what gdmsetup? is it for KDE? [06:31] VLC is low too [06:31] I am going to go and try that now [06:31] thanks guys [06:31] Bennie no, for gdm . If you're doing it for kdm, I don't know, but #kubuntu will [06:31] enjoy killux [06:31] Jester45 Okay I got a file browser up by inserting a CD. Now where can I go to get to the command to get a terminal window? [06:32] afallenhope: oh. some dvds have low sound. [06:32] nickrud: thanks [06:32] draven: try manually mounting them [06:33] * nickrud is waiting, without holding his breath, for the new kde4 release. [06:33] I'm using an Asus V770Ti graphics card, as far as I can find its built on the Geforce2 chipset, so I'm using nVidia Legacy drivers, but even so I can't get resolution higher than 800x600 in Ubuntu. How do I fix that? [06:33] nickrud: isnt it already released? [06:33] WhoNeedszzz, just tried that, in fstab i only see a cdrom entry [06:33] Hi. How do I allow one user to be able to access only the folders I name and be restricted from reading/writting to anything else ? [06:34] killux I'm talking about the next, bug fix release. It's due soon, some kubuntu guys are building it (or at least the beta) [06:34] jackal666: that's default pretty much [06:34] draven: fstab is a config file for auto-mounting. it won't show anything. type mount [06:34] a normal user can still read /etc/passwd [06:35] jackal666 that doesn't hurt anything ... === mike is now known as Guest93748 [06:35] doesn't matter, I still don't want to let the user See anything but a couple of folders [06:35] :O my / has over nine thousand files! [06:35] not only home [06:35] over 9000, you say? [06:36] yes [06:36] you should check your power level [06:36] k [06:36] * Kappaccino hands spoon_man a scouter. [06:36] wols: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=gutsy&arch=i386&searchon=names&keywords=kernel [06:36] whats the difference between the first 2 pacakges, what does generic mean? [06:37] lolz @ spoon_man [06:37] WhoNeedszzz, no medium found [06:37] i cannot unmount it... ubuntu won't let me [06:37] Say, Jester45 seems to have gone off for a bit. Can someone help me? I don't have any task bars at all. No way to access applications, file browser, nothing. Just the background and a cursor. Even Alt+F2 doesn't do anything. [06:37] has there been a fix found for Mplayer in 8.04 yet? [06:37] I finally got a file browser by inserting a CD. Can someone tell me what to do to get to a terminal window? [06:37] draven: pastebin the results of mount [06:38] =/ How do I make my resolution go higher than 800x600? [06:38] in top(1)... what is the format of the TIME+ column? hours,mins,secs? [06:38] tannji MPlayer?!! That's what I was installing when this happened! [06:38] wolfwalker, ctrl+alt+f2.. to get back to gui ctrl+alt+f7 [06:38] cronolink: that depends on your video card and driver [06:38] cronolink: and monitor [06:38] http://pastebin.com/m62865600 [06:39] Asus V7700Ti (made on GeForce2 chipset as far as I can find out, so nVidia Legacy driver is what I'm using) [06:39] Sony Trinitron monitor really, old dunno model number on it past that [06:39] Okay, got to a terminal. Thanks. Now how do I get my task bars back? === ubuntu_ is now known as awksed [06:40] i have a question :) can i upgrade 7.1 to hardy with an 8.04 install disk.....or do i have to start all over fresh [06:40] I just installed Ubuntu yesterday, I have no sound, media players error, and I think I have a problem with either mounting or permissions on my cd drives = ) [06:40] draven: that is incorrect usage of mount. just type mount for me and pastebin those results [06:40] my laptop doesn't see any updates? I'm running kernel version 2.6.24-16-generic and I don't see the version 19 [06:40] !upgrade | ledenby [06:40] ledenby: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [06:40] Hardy [06:40] !hardysources | timboy (make sure you have -updates checked) [06:40] timboy (make sure you have -updates checked): In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates). [06:41] tnx ubootu [06:41] scunizi I have a terminal window. Now how do I get taskbars back? [06:41] timboy and -security [06:41] WhoNeedszzz, http://pastebin.com/m61681a52 [06:41] doeds anyone have experience with the "screen" program? [06:41] WhoNeedszzz, same thing.. it's the audio quality is low [06:41] killux: wrong packages [06:41] killux: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=gutsy§ion=all&arch=i386&searchon=names&keywords=linux-image [06:41] wolfwalker, that I don't know.. someone else will have to guide you there. [06:41] Jester45 said something about running something once I got to a terminal, but I forget what and it already went out the top of the window. [06:41] nickrud, fixed it. weird that it was unchecked... [06:41] afallenhope: like i said, a lot of dvds just have low sound [06:42] afallenhope: it is a result from compression [06:42] >.> [06:42] killux: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic is what you want [06:42] Something about gnome config or something [06:42] Hey I would like to convert a dvd to h264. what is the best software package for this on ubuntu? [06:42] any recommended "wireless software" ? [06:42] WhoNeedszzz, no it's not the compression. I looked at it and it sounds louder on my friend's Windows box. [06:42] like, a software to connect to a wireless network [06:42] Does anyone know anything about 'screen' that could lend me some assistance? [06:43] What sound card is best supported in Linux? I have a X-Gamer, and it sucked in XP, and is a non-factor in Ubuntu [06:43] orgthingy, just use the network manager [06:43] tannji, just get a nvdia [06:43] :p [06:43] lol, nvidia soundcard? [06:43] Hey, I just bought the 8800GT nvidia card. I was previous running onboard intel graphics card, i am in the live cd right now, before i boot into the installtion waht should i do to change drivers and cards? [06:43] nvidia doesnt make one.... anymore [06:44] Eh forget it. I'll just reinstall Ubuntu. [06:44] Again [06:44] afallenhope: i dislike it [06:44] Does anyone know what it is about MPlayer that made this happen? [06:44] orgthingy, then I don't know. pretty much have to deal with it [06:44] oh :( [06:44] tannij, the sound blaster cards are pretty well supported -- i have an Audigy 2 that works fine; it may take some tweaking to get it just right, though [06:44] I seem to find from google that 8.04 broke Mplayer... not the other way around [06:45] lol @ tannji [06:45] hmm.. guess I need to grab an Audigy, or wait for Auzentec [06:46] in ath0 properties, "roaming" thingy is enabled, how can i disable it? [06:46] in Terminal [06:46] What is the major difference between IE6 on Ubuntu and IE6 on windows? [06:46] nothing [06:46] is it recommended to test on it? [06:46] same [06:46] tannji All I know is I installed MPlayer, reached for dvd support, and lost my taskbars. All of them. [06:46] hell with IE man [06:46] ouch [06:46] orgthingy, I need to test my website on it [06:46] can I install IE7 on ubuntu? [06:46] i'm unable to install libpng-dev on my machine, i get "unmet dependencies: libpng12-dev: Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.15~beta5-3) but 1.2.24-0ubuntu1~fta1" on my 8.04, how do i fix that? [06:47] rubydiamond Yes [06:47] wolfwalker, link plz [06:47] rubydiamond: hmmm, never tested my site on it [06:47] never needed it [06:47] rubydiamond Retrieving as fast as my decoy laptop (the only one I'll let on the net) will do it. [06:47] my site is for smart people who use Opera or FF [06:48] best utility to read/write ext3 from win? [06:48] hello, I want to upgrade my compiz-fusion on ubuntu hardy heron, could someone assist please? [06:48] in ath0 properties, "roaming" thingy is enabled, how can i disable it? [06:48] IE is for fools [06:48] i pitty the fool [06:48] People these days use other browsers [06:48] rubydiamond Here: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-internet-explorer-on-ubuntu8.04 [06:49] mac: Safari. FF or opera [06:49] Windows: IE, Opera, FF, netscape..etc [06:49] FF FTW. [06:49] hi [06:49] Linux: FF and Opera [06:49] Under drive settings for my optical drives, mount point, file system, and mount options are all blank, is this proper, or is it not set up? [06:50] orgthingy: you forgot Konqueror [06:50] anyone know how to upgrade compiz-fusion to the latest version? [06:52] and how can i change this orange-brown thingy ? [06:53] hello [06:53] hello [06:53] !hi [06:53] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [06:54] I world [06:54] orgthingy: what is this "thingy" [06:54] Hey, I just bought the 8800GT nvidia card. I was previous running onboard intel graphics card, i am in the live cd right now, before i boot into the installtion waht should i do to change drivers and cards? [06:54] tstiffler88: apt-get update && apt-get update [06:54] oops [06:54] apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [06:54] thanks [06:54] thingy = thing [06:55] how do I check and see now if it's upgraded? [06:55] What's the command to see all the processes running in the terminal? [06:55] top [06:55] wolfwalker: I have ubuntu 7.10 [06:55] orgthingy, if you shutdown, the brown will go away :P [06:55] ps -A [06:56] oh [06:56] wait [06:56] gnome-look has it [06:56] yaay [06:56] ty jlmeza [06:56] ps -afx | grep [06:57] ajhtiredwolf, as long as the new card is installed, the ubuntu installer should take care of your general needs; you just need to enable hardware acceleration once ubuntu is installed [06:57] help please, i can't read any cd or dvd becouse an input/output error........... [06:57] Hey I would like to convert a dvd to h264. what is the best software package for this on ubuntu? [06:57] spoon_man: I dont need to change anything before booting into ubuntu? even though iwas using a different card with different drivers? [06:57] any idea??? [06:58] ajhtiredwolf, were you using ubuntu with the old card? [06:58] Why doesn't totem doesn't display subtitles of my movie DVD? [06:58] spoon_man: yeah, same os and everything, just turned it off, installed new card. boot into live cd [06:58] español: revizar df [06:58] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=79665 <<<< how can i install this? [06:59] hey! [06:59] hey zaapiel [06:59] where is a list of repos i can use? [06:59] ajhtiredwolf, I believe that ubuntu will revert to a generic driver, then it should detect the updates you need once you're at the desktop [06:59] zaapiel, they are already installed by default. [06:59] o ok [06:59] spoon_man: il try it, hopefully it doenst die :P [06:59] download the zip and drag it to the appearance window [07:00] hmm rhythmbox seems to have removed smart playlists..... [07:00] why is there still a beta page for hardy heron [07:00] orgthingy [07:00] zaapiel: in synaptic look in the repository section, enable the extra ones you like [07:00] yes? [07:00] ah, ok [07:00] ok [07:01] 你好 [07:01] orgthingy, open system/preference/appearance and drag the tgz into the window [07:01] 是马 [07:01] !ja | zsw [07:01] zsw: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [07:01] i think :P [07:01] 说什么呢 [07:01] kanji! [07:01] I'm having trouble updating an older ubuntu install to Gutsy (so I can upgrade him to 8.04lts). I get an error message saying to file a bug for the update and mentions some log files. [07:01] ok, thanks [07:02] Can someone recommend a link explaining in detail how to set up a network using only the command console and editing files. [07:02] icomefromchina [07:02] someone having graphic corruption with new ATI fgrlx? [07:02] qfour20, you might try to put his /home in a separate partition and install fresh. [07:02] !cn | zsw [07:02] zsw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [07:02] whereareyou [07:03] my fan wont stop and it is blowing cold air. the laptop is not hot. i have a dell inspiron 1420n 8.04 [07:03] how talktohe [07:03] mrynit: that last part is your problem :D [07:03] boaz: if you just want to configure the ethernet connection try ipconfig --help and route --help the first can set your eth's ip and netmask the second the gateway [07:03] vozniakBR: search for a bug and if you cant find one that matches your problem file one [07:03] haodoit [07:03] scunizi: i guess i should, but i *just* got my mythbackend working right again. :-( [07:03] wow, it works [07:03] :D [07:04] WhoNeedszzz, ? it came with ubuntu on it from dell [07:04] zsw: /join #ubuntu-cn [07:04] qfour20, i find it's better to make the install as clean as possible since you are actually updating every program on your pc, so the old configuration files may cause problems along the way. i find if i delete all the hidden files from the previous version that i possibly can helps. [07:04] will debian packages work on ubuntu? [07:04] Jester45: i'am searching few days [07:04] zaapiel: yes [07:04] mrynit: ok. and? [07:04] i dontno [07:04] seems an outdated version of vegastrike is in ubuntu's repo [07:04] china [07:05] zounds! [07:05] WhoNeedszzz> mrynit: that last part is your problem :D wtf you talking about [07:05] chinese [07:05] what would be a reasonable interval to ask my question again without being annoying [07:05] china! [07:05] Metatron, thanks. [07:05] general tso's chicken ftw [07:05] mrynit: DELL! [07:05] yee [07:05] ... [07:05] hey again [07:06] mrynit: dell is a piece of **** company that sells piece of **** hardware [07:06] how do with chinese for you [07:06] lol [07:06] !cn | zsw [07:06] zsw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [07:06] i like the way Ubuntu community help me using Linux Mint [07:06] !mint | orgthingy [07:06] orgthingy: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [07:06] Hoenikker: when ever a lot of people start talking would be ok. not very usefull to ask a dead room, or every 2 seconds [07:07] good morning, i had created a raid 1 with a cheap raid controller from silicon, then i changed the controller to promise and make new partitions, there are 3 partitions the first both are mounted ok, but then third says me unknown filesystem silicon_raid_member but when i specify the filesystem everything works. ive deletet all partitions and the silicon raid controller is no more but it keep on saying this [07:07] yea yea [07:07] ok i downloaded a debian deb [07:07] how do i install it? [07:07] Everything u guys say work for me [07:07] zaapiel, double-click on it [07:07] Linux Mint = better version of Ubuntu [07:07] man [07:07] everything just works on ubuntu [07:07] how the hell they pull that off [07:08] orgthingy: maybe for you but not everyone [07:08] so... i can't successfully shut down my ubuntu (hardy). Help would be appreciated :) [07:08] ubuntu is based around deb files :) [07:08] ubuntu is a derivative of debian [07:08] zaapiel: what you just did is = to double clicking a windows installer [07:09] yeah but linux usually involves a bunch of configing === LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja [07:09] Unislash, did you do an update or a fresh install === mike is now known as Guest19423 [07:09] its nice for stuff to just work [07:09] the problem started a few days ago. there is nothing in the BIOS for fan settings. I have gone through several software updates for various applications. i don't know if that could cause it. are there some sorta fan/temp control apps in Ubuntu that could help me regulate the fan? [07:09] update [07:09] Jester45: yes, everyone has his needs [07:09] I made aptitude update, then apt-get install wine. It says package not found, how come's that??? [07:09] zaapiel, pretty much all the packages you get from apt are actually in .deb form [07:09] zaapiel, when your sources.list is pointed at the default URLs, natch === Guest19423 is now known as kancerman [07:10] zaapiel: maybe because the devs did a lot of good configuring them selfves but sometimes its hard to do something most people dont do (no gnome or kde) [07:10] say i wanted to install it from a commmand line, how does one do that? [07:10] dpkg? [07:11] Utalcn2me, i did an update from gutsy [07:11] Bennie, it may be in the universal repository, and possibly you don't have it acivated [07:11] Bennie: you should use aptitude or apt-get not both, it can cause problems switching between to the 2 [07:11] every time when i play game with low res the gnome panel icons get scrambled, how restore icons position? [07:11] zaapiel, I reckon so [07:11] Hello [07:12] Unislash, you might try deleting the . files in your home directory and let them recreate themselves, like the .gconf 's and the .gnome2's [07:12] Bennie: get the latest repo from winehq [07:13] Jester45: aptitude update and apt-get update is the same operation, no? [07:13] Utalcn2me, once i delete them, what do i do to have them recreate themselves? [07:13] WhoNeedszzz: what? btw package fluxbox not found also [07:13] Unislash: log into gnome [07:14] Unislash, they will recreate on startup... i would keep your mail folder though, whatever mail progrem you use - don't want to loose that :P [07:14] Bennie: maybe your repo sources aren't all enabled [07:14] i cant read cds becouse an input/output error, any ideas??? [07:14] Kartagis: like... gnome the filesystem browser or what? :) [07:14] Bennie: they do the same thing but aptitude uses an extented database of infomation that apt-get doesnt uses so installing programs with both may lead to problems. im just giving you advice you can use both if you want its completly up to you [07:14] Hello~ [07:15] Is anybody here using Compiz-Fusion? I don't know how to open the plugins manager or change settings with it [07:15] !hi | nooo [07:15] nooo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [07:15] Unislash: gnome the window manager [07:15] Unislash, so if you have .mozilla-thunderbird, i would keep that so you don't wipe your emails - other than data, it will recreate the config files for hardy [07:15] Utalcn2me: by home directory, you mean /home/, correct? (not just /home, because i only see 2 folders there :P) [07:16] how do i restore some files i have in the bin [07:16] Kartagis: done [07:17] Ne0_WizArd: drag the files out? [07:17] nooo: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [07:17] Unislash, yes, the files in your session, the files in your gnome home folder - control-H will unhide the hidden folders and files. [07:17] it gives me a error [07:18] Utalcn2me: aha, there we go [07:18] Kartagis: what would you have me do? :) [07:18] <_julian> hi all [07:18] i am trying to install kiba dock [07:18] can u help me [07:18] <_julian> which tool is used in hardy to setup network interfaces? - gnome-nettool only shows me the interface status but no edit options?! [07:19] Unislash: just follow Utalcn2me [07:19] Is the iso for Linux Mint a liveCD? [07:19] !help | Ne0_WizArd [07:19] Ne0_WizArd: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [07:19] hi, is there any patch or anything available to make the regular gnome menu (Applications Places System) have a recently used apps, or favorites apps? [07:19] !anyone | Ne0_WizArd [07:19] Ne0_WizArd: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [07:20] <_julian> or does gnome-nettool require additional tools to work? [07:20] Utalcn2me: thanks, i'll try restarting now [07:20] Unislash, i find the easiest way for me to clean up is to go to a terminal and rm -r .a* if i want to remove all the hidden folders that start with a, then .b etc.... [07:20] can someone help me install kiba dock [07:23] how can i stop OpenOffice.org 2.4 Document Recovery on ubuntu 8.04 === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [07:24] hello, why can't i open or show the infos of the my luks partition that i created from gentoo in ubuntu? [07:24] it's from the hardy 8.04 livecd [07:24] stop OpenOffice.org 2.4 Document Recovery on ubuntu 8.04 [07:24] Ne0_WizArd: http://www.kiba-dock.org/. go to Wiki [07:25] GNUtoo: luks? [07:25] ? [07:25] cggabriel, i don't remember well the exact location but it's in .ooo-2.0/ somewhere [07:26] 这是什么东东? [07:26] Jester45, encryption...linux unified key setup [07:26] repeat that for me again [07:26] i have no idea, i'm a newbe men [07:26] cggabriel, ok i'll look for it for you [07:26] cggabriel, if you delete your .openoffece.org folder, it will go away [07:27] hello. I've got sound going fine, but the volume is practically zero. I can hear things, but only just over my computer fan. [07:27] GNUtoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=404346 its for a older version but might work for you [07:27] hi i have a usb mp3 player and when i plug it in it mounts it but as read only so i cant put songs on it or take them off how do i get it to mount as read write? [07:27] /dev/sda on /media/disk type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree) [07:27] im pretty sure thats it [07:28] Unislash: you realize if you delete . files you can delete important data right? [07:28] Utalcn2me: maybe you (or anyone :) ) can help me in my end-game. I'm aiming to nuke my current ubuntu (while keeping the partition) and install a fresh copy of ubuntu hardy on the partition. The problem is, i can't burn cds and don't have a big ol' thumb drive [07:28] anyone? [07:29] I want to dual boot a system without doing it within windows, but windows has 2 partitions already. What's a good way to get linux in on 1 or 2 partitions (do you need a separate partition for bootloaders or swap?) [07:29] whoneedszzz: yea, i figured. but that's ok :). read my last message for my reasoning [07:29] Jester45, thanks a lot [07:29] you could always get vmware or virtual box yarrr [07:29] Mr_Bad_News: sudo umount /media/disk sudo mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/sda /media/disk [07:30] Unislash, do you have your /, and /home/ in separate partitions? [07:30] that file .openoffece.org is not on my system [07:30] cggabriel, i don't remember what files to delete...mabe ask in the openoffice channel [07:30] no. [07:30] wich one is the channel? [07:30] still the same Jester45 [07:30] same partition--i'm currently dual booting with windows in one partition and ubuntu in another [07:31] cggabriel, i .openoffice.org maybe - you using hardy?? it's a hidden folder y'know :P [07:31] yarrr: linux only needs 1 partition and can replace the defualt bootloader with grub, grub can boot linux and windows (along with a lot of other ones) [07:31] Jester45: does grub need it's own partition? [07:31] johnny@boxnet:~$ sudo mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/sda /media/disk mount: mount point /media/disk does not exist [07:32] yarrr: no you can write it to the MBR or into linux's partition [07:32] heh, I just realized that pidgin's systray icon gets smaller if i change the appearance through the appearance preferences [07:32] anyone know if walmart sells PC power cables? [07:32] Anyone else having the problem with firefox 3 turning into just a back button when visiting certian webpages or searching certain words in yahoo or google? I could show a picture of what i mean if need be. thanks. [07:32] Mr_Bad_News: sudo mkdir /media/disk then the mount command [07:32] mount: block device /dev/sda is write-protected, mounting read-only [07:33] its already there Jester45 [07:33] on my other laptop i just had to plug it in [07:33] yarrr, have you looked at ntfsprogs? [07:33] anyone here? [07:33] Mr_Bad_News: did you umount it [07:33] Unislash, that is a rough tough lesson to learn, .. i split my / and /home/ partition up just because of that - cus i never knew when i would get a wild hare up there and want to install another distro - it's easy to do if you keep your home separate [07:33] yea [07:33] tony403: no we are not here [07:34] yarrr, I assume you mean that all available space is being used by windows partitions? [07:34] Utalcn2me: that's a good point.... luckily, i have nothing in my /home/ that i wish to keep :) [07:34] Is there a way to allow connections from multiple IP's in the 1 rule with firebug? [07:34] <_julian> no ideas what I need to get the config button in gnome-nettool back? [07:34] spoon_wan: I'm an idiot savant, I used Gparted to give me a swap partition and another 110 gig partition for linux, and the rest is windows vista and a recovery console (I'm a bit weary of removing that even though I've made recovery dvd's from it [07:34] Utalcn2me: i just wish to keep the partition so i don't need to re-partition my hard drive when re-installing the fresh ubuntu hardy [07:35] any other ideas Jester45 ? [07:35] yarrr, then it sounds like all you need to do is install ubuntu [07:35] yarrr: linux doesnt need a swap partition you can use a file like windows does you just have to do it your self its 3 simple commands [07:36] anyone knows a norton ghost clone for linux? [07:36] is it possible to install a dmg file in linux? [07:36] !backup | hanak [07:36] hanak: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [07:36] hanak: Nope. But Clonezilla/DRBL is pretty fantastic. [07:36] Mr_Bad_News: about what [07:36] Jester45: alright, thanks [07:36] Unislash, just tell it to format your / partition when you reinstall so that you can start fresh [07:36] the mp3 player [07:37] ChaosParser: I like to find something to make images from notebooks. For my work [07:37] yarrr: feel free to pm me about it later [07:37] !sBackup [07:37] sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe [07:37] Mr_Bad_News: is the player locked [07:37] Jester45: will do, gonna give it a go and see what happens =) [07:37] dont think it has one [07:37] its a coby usb player [07:38] Unislash, or maybe make your / a 8 gig partition, and make a new partition to leave the rest for /home/ [07:38] hanak: Than Clonezilla/DRBL is what you want. We use it at my workplace for images. The only issue with it is its instructions. If you use it with Ubuntu, change anytime it says su to sudo. ;) http://www.clonezilla.org/ [07:38] Utalcn2me: when i originally installed ubuntu, i had some trouble with partitioning.... but i guess formatting a partition is totally different than splitting one [07:39] ok Jester45 now its mounted rw but i cant move or delete music off it [07:39] Utalcn2me: how would you suggest i go about re-installing hardy? i don't have the cd; i don't have a cd burner (that works); i don't have a usb drive--i do have an external hard drive as well as an operational windows xp [07:39] Mr_Bad_News: try mounting it with out the -t vfat [07:39] Mr_Bad_News: sudo chown -R yourusername /media/disk [07:40] Unislash, it will give you the option when installing to check the box to format, I just dont format my home so i can keep my stufff each time i do it. [07:40] no dice on the -t vfat [07:40] Hey guys how do I get the return value of a command? [07:40] Unislash: you can install ubuntu from windows... but it runs a little bit slower [07:40] Jester45: i don't want to run ubuntu in windows, if that's what you mean [07:40] were can i place some startup commands that will apply to all users [07:41] nothing Jester45 [07:41] its mounted [07:41] but i cant do anything [07:41] !install | Unislash [07:41] Unislash, it might take you a while, but i believe there is a way to do a floppy/net install - you don't have a cd drive :/ [07:41] Unislash: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [07:41] rm: cannot remove `Al Jolson - The Anniversary Song.mp3': Read-only file system [07:41] Unislash: no it installes the files into the windows partition and at boot will load those files and not windows... but its slower because it will be using NTFS and not ext3 or a good linux fs [07:41] /dev/sda on /media/disk type vfat (rw) [07:42] spoon_man: i've read that--i just want advice before i follow something [07:42] ChaosParser: is that clone soft free? [07:42] Jester45: i see.... but i already have a linux partition :) i want to overwrite it with a clean copy [07:43] Utalcn2me: i have a cd drive--but it's writing capability seems to be bogus.... and requesting a free cd takes some 6 weeks :/ [07:43] ok Jester45 now i have the option to delete from the right click but then it says read only [07:43] Unislash: install from windows boot new buntu a debootstrap a new install to the linux partition [07:44] Mr_Bad_News: did you try rm with root? [07:44] yes [07:44] im root [07:44] Unislash, i am sure there is a way to do a floppy or an install from inside windows - i never have though cus my cd works :P [07:44] rm -rf [07:44] Jester45: sounds good :). Now, what did you say? :-s [07:45] Unislash: lol that install is past my attention spand [07:45] Utalcn2me: hehe, i see.... well, the route i'm considering taking (atm) is installing from windows using this tool.... (one sec) [07:45] every time when i play game with low res the gnome panel icons get scrambled, how restore icons position? [07:45] Jester45: lol, no prob.... maybe just a little bit more descriptive (i don't need step by step at all--just more explanation). A short paragraph would be greatly appreciated (like this one :P) [07:46] vozniakBR: move them back [07:46] Jester45: everytime is so booooring [07:46] Jester45: 15+ icons [07:46] Jester45: exists a hotkey to move icons? [07:47] Unislash: you install from windows boot into the new ubuntu then use some fancy commands to use apt-get to install to the new partition [07:47] vozniakBR, it happens cus the resolution change will cause there position to jumble up and intersect... happens to everyone when changing resolution... [07:47] vozniakBR: right click uncheck lock to panel then you can drag and drop them [07:47] can i write on NTFS drive? [07:47] Utalcn2me: exists a fix for this? [07:48] A[D]minS: yes [07:48] when i try to copy to NTFS Drive it says read only [07:48] vozniakBR, ive noticed it doesn't happen in xubuntu though - i call it a bug in gnome [07:48] Jester45: ah, i see what you're saying. Sounds complicated :P [07:48] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF2x5IKxmAQ [07:48] Unislash: yep [07:48] Jester45: nono you cant drag icons from panel ;/ [07:48] Jester45: ops, you can ;P [07:48] Utalcn2me: Where was i? Oh, right. I'm considering installing from windows by using the tool unetbootin [07:49] does anyone know how to fix a synaptics touchpad when it "breaks"? By "break" I mean it stops functioning as a touchpad and operates like a regular mouse without 2 finger touch counted as 3rd mouse button or however one configured it in xorg.conf? [07:49] Utalcn2me: i dont like much xfce, i prefer gnome [07:49] Jester45: what do you think about that approach (using unetbootin to automate the installation from windows)? [07:49] Unislash, thereyago!!!, i guarantee it will take awhile, get yourself some coffee and somethin to do [07:49] What's the best download manager for ubuntu? [07:50] Downloading: Down them ALL - extension of firefox [07:50] Utalcn2me: lol, coffee? Sleep is the best time-travel device we have! Psh... coffee.... [07:50] vozniakBR: doesn't have good resume support, sadly [07:50] Are you crazy? [07:51] Downloading: otherwise you can run any windows download manager with wine [07:51] Downloading: wget -c [07:51] Unislash, don't you want to watch it download and install every package? :P [07:51] happymonkey: is that some commandline thing? [07:51] hello.. its gnome-splashscreen-manager not working for 8.04? :( i just download it but seems to not be working! [07:51] Downloading: yes, of course it is [07:52] hmm... nothing pointy and clicky? [07:52] perhaps with firefox integration? [07:52] anyone seen PixbufErrors with File with gnome-art, does this for every file it tries to download then deletes it, leaving me with no art [07:53] Downloading: gwget [07:53] hmm? [07:53] Chikubu: i'am getting the same insue [07:53] * Downloading searches [07:53] Utalcn2me: hmm.... it sounds.... like watching The Incredible Hulk all over again (wait--didn't we do that already? :P) [07:54] web has nothing on it [07:54] test [07:54] Downloading: use wget http://url.com and to resume wget -c [07:54] Jester45: I just hate using commandline stuff though [07:54] Downloading: wget is fast cli is the bast way some times [07:54] so no one has had problems with their synaptics touchpad, or at least has been able to fix them? [07:55] Jester45: fast ? that won't help me since my connection is unreliable. [07:55] Utalcn2me: Anyhoo, im going to go try that. Hopefully deleting the . stuff in /home/ will allow windows (and thus my utility) to access the linux partition... [07:55] hello.. its gnome-splashscreen-manager not working for 8.04? :( i just download it but seems to not be working!.. i want to change the splash image :(.. the way i use to do it was using this splash manager program but not working anymore [07:55] I just want something that y'know, perceives it as a job, will resume it if interrupted, those kinda things. Automated :) [07:55] Unislash, ive done net installs before, and usually it's just the base system, is it going to install all of ubuntu automatically? [07:55] Downloading: thats the wget -c http://url.com part comes in [07:55] vozniakBR: only thing i can find is a reference to corrupt file Splash-CountrySplash.png i see the file when i abort the program and delete but same problem [07:56] Jester45: yes, but for some reason he doesn't like cli apps. [07:56] Utalcn2me: it looks like it [07:56] why one bad file would throw the wrench at the monkey i dunno [07:56] hmm fireget [07:56] has anyone come across a fix for the ATI drivers in Hardy? Specifically X 1600 pro, and I get a black screen [07:57] Chikubu: i can't get solution for this [07:57] Unislash, well hurry up and do it so you can tell me if it worked :? [07:57] happymonkey: i noticed i wass just telling him a good downloader with resume support but i guess for cli i should be a diffrent channel :) [07:57] FATAL: Module fuse not found. [07:57] ntfs-3g-mount: fuse device is missing, try 'modprobe fuse' as root [07:58] Utalcn2me: oh, question: it offers... some different versions of hardy to install (can't remember :-s). I'll get back on when i come back up in windows [07:58] when i do modprobe fuse it says FATAL: Module fuse not found. [07:58] A[D]minS: then try sudo modprobe fuse [07:58] Utalcn2me: brb :P [07:58] Jester45: same [07:58] A[D]minS: install the fuse file system [07:58] !fuse [07:58] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems [07:59] dang it not compatible [08:01] uyiyuyku [08:01] absolutely [08:01] Utalcndm2: Safe shutdown complete. Cool beans [08:02] vozniakBR: read this on a site "gnome-art is not supported any more, but gnome-artng is the successor of it." looking for later version of one or the other now [08:02] !gramps [08:02] Factoid gramps not found [08:02] Chikubu: ty, gooing see this [08:03] Utalcn2me: 1) hmmm, that was a terrible smudging of your username. 2) Windows now can access my ubuntu partition :D [08:03] ok, well my touchpad is not working and must restart the computer, this is not good [08:04] Utalcn2me: ok, the ubuntu hardy versions it allows me to install are Live and NetInstall. Which one does what? :) [08:06] Chikubu: there a oficial group, but the soft not complete yet http://developer.berlios.de/projects/gnomeartng/ [08:06] anyway to run commands at startup for all users, like mounting certain shares and volumes, enbaling compiz and emerald, instead of having to do it for each user, looking at etc/skel also, but thought i could shortcut some of this [08:07] im there now vozniakBR [08:07] im waiting on synaptic to finish so i can search if it is in repository yet or just use the deb [08:08] hello, please can any body help me to either SMTP or sendmail , I need one to be for bugzilla, I spent 8 days for nothing [08:08] Unislash,hm, dunno - - i need to look into netubootin i guess [08:08] simple mail transfer protocol, just means an outgoing mail server, not sure about sendmail [08:10] anyone know a good wallpaper site that isn't Deviant Art? [08:10] Chikubu: seems there is working fine [08:10] but if it is asking for smtp server it wants a server that it can send from, if u have gmail you might can use that one if you set it up in gmail, if u are trying to use your computer u have to have a mail sever running and your isp has to not block it [08:10] oops [08:10] vozniakBR: cool ill try it [08:11] hi all - I realise this is slightly off topic but I wondered if there were any last.fm users here and I wondered if the subscription package is worth the money [08:12] how much does it cost? [08:12] how to start a program at startup as root? [08:13] shubbar: /etc/rc.local ? [08:13] shubbar im trying to figure out how to startup programs for all users [08:13] after x loads [08:13] Ooh. [08:14] lol i take it as Ooh not possible [08:14] Anyone here using Hamachi? I need to test my Hamachi connection to see if it's just one person or if I'm having connectivity issues. [08:14] back to /etc/skel [08:14] Nah, ooh as in I don't know how to do that. I normally just do /etc/rc.local. [08:15] actualy some of the stuff i want will probably work there, but i wanna start compiz and emerald for all users === spem1 is now known as speme [08:15] hoenikker: £12.50 a year I think but not entirely sure what it offers the website doesnt explain much about it [08:15] airstrikeivanov, are you sure? [08:16] Chikubu: enabling it in "Visual efects" not solve? [08:16] shubbar: I'm sure it's possible. I just myself don't know. [08:16] it didnt seem to start it automaticaly, maybe i need to look at it again [08:16] but if i have many users id rather not go through with it [08:16] Hello [08:16] just 4 now [08:17] !hi | nikko [08:17] nikko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:17] Anyone in here using the Hamachi VPN program? [08:17] besides i like automated even it if takes longer than manual hehe [08:17] anyone know how to install a X-Fi Card with this OS [08:17] Does anyone know about the audio over HDMI feature? [08:17] sirex`: welcome to ubuntu [08:17] Utalcn2me: you still there? [08:18] PradeepDebata: thank you :) [08:18] CrazyCat: welcome to ubuntu [08:19] How about it... any takers for this questing... "How do you install a Soundblaster X-Fi Audio card with UBUNTU? [08:19] Jester45: would it be easier to get wubi installed and then install a full ubuntu using that? [08:19] aw dang Happymonkey is gone [08:19] I was gonna ask him how I should configure gwget [08:20] How would i install Rediffbol in ubuntu [08:20] gwget doenst take much configuring [08:20] can anyone do me a favour [08:20] Chikubu, what kind of program? [08:21] Chikubu: aye, I don't know why though, that this particular file gets a download in DTA(which doesn't resume) and not gwget [08:21] any body here running nvidia that can help me get the accelerated drivers to work? [08:21] Unislash, sorry, i was lookin at unetbootin [08:21] what does "Download Page Requisite" mean? [08:21] It's not very hard to install the NVIDIA drivers [08:22] Downloading: dta? i dont follow, wget supports resume IF the site does [08:22] it just depends on your hardware version [08:22] UBUNTU will auto dl the drivers for you when you use the hardware updater.... additionaly when you go to install it the UBUNTU web site has exact instructions for configureing [08:23] Utalcn2me: heh, no prob. It seems that unetbootin cannot recognize my ubuntu partition of my hard drive (i have that one named "z", and can access it from My Computer, but i can't choose it from the drop down list in unetbootin) [08:23] hi [08:23] :'( [08:23] hello [08:23] !hi | lwg [08:23] lwg: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:23] vozniakBR: gnomeartng is giving me this on the files The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. [08:23] lwg: HI [08:24] PradeepDebata, what that program? a messenger? [08:24] lwg: welcome to ubuntu [08:24] hello everyone [08:24] shubbar: yaa messenger [08:24] ok [08:24] thankyou [08:24] thanks [08:24] shubbar: rediffbol messenger [08:24] ? [08:24] Utalcn2me: So.... i'm trying yet another approach :P. Do you think that installing the minimum wubi, running that, and installing a full ubuntu using wubi will work (aka, can wubi act sorta like a live CD that can install the full version?) [08:24] i don't know [08:24] Unislash, it just goes to show you, there is always somthing [08:24] Chikubu: yeap, im not run it from console but all icons are apples [08:25] shubbar: is there any way to install it in ubuntu [08:25] Chikubu: dont working ;/ [08:25] nikko, but when i use those drivers i get freq. out of range on my monitor [08:25] Utalcn2me: Hehe, that's what's fun, and yet aggrivating about it :P. There's no dead ends, so you can keep going for quite some time... :P [08:25] there site says this: Gnomeartng is causing so much traffic on the gnome servers that the administrator blocked the ... [08:26] all of you are not chinese? [08:26] so i guess i gotta wait, even at 3:25 am ugg [08:26] help with samba please? [08:26] Chikubu: here 4:25 [08:26] !ask | eightball [08:26] eightball: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:26] oh yeah [08:26] sorry [08:26] !ask' [08:26] Factoid ask' not found [08:26] !ask [08:27] i dunno about wubi or unetbootin - i bet i can get it to work if you were installing debian though :} [08:27] shubbar:how to do chating in rediffbol in ubuntu [08:27] Chikubu: probably this is one of causes of "discontinue" of gnome art [08:27] Utalcn2me: lol :P. well, i'll research wubi really quick here.... [08:27] hello everyone. [08:27] ah well reboot time [08:27] Unislash, it wont let you manually type in the partition to install into? sucks :* [08:27] (there should be some people here that already know about it, though :/) [08:27] Howdy zhangy [08:27] PradeepDebata, a windows only, try installing wine [08:28] shubbar-then [08:28] my first time here [08:28] Utalcn2me: well, it does have the whole "show all drives" thing and i could select the drive from there, but it says that doing something like this will likely result in bad installs [08:28] shubbar:ok [08:28] !hi zhangy [08:28] Factoid hi zhangy not found [08:28] Chikubu: I dunno here but I'm trying to download a youtube video via vixy.net and it won't download in gwget [08:28] !hi | zhangy [08:28] zhangy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:28] zhangy i am new also [08:29] As am I. [08:29] thank you ubottu [08:29] Utalcn2me: Maybe i'll just try it anyway.... we'll see if wubi can act like a livecd, and if it can't we'll take our chances with manually selecting the drive [08:29] thank you all [08:29] any one haveing firefox 3 errors with youtube ? [08:29] even a download from vimeo [08:29] sudhanshu:hI [08:29] eightball: what kind? [08:29] What's your problem, eight? [08:30] PradeepDebata, wine is like an emulator that make you able to run windows programs [08:30] eightball: your flash and firefox are updated? [08:30] shubbar_OK THANK U [08:30] Unislash, it would be interesting to see if it would work out. i dont blame you for giving it a shot. doesn't sound like it would hurt anything, and it has a easy uninstaller too if it doesn;t work [08:30] vozniakBR not flash i have not got to install right [08:31] anybody in here wanna help me with nvidia drivers? :] [08:31] eightball: are you in x64? [08:31] brandonD: what isn't working about them? [08:31] looking for sambe help also [08:31] beemor no [08:31] WINE Is Not an Emulator [08:32] o or 0 [08:32] sorry [08:32] eightball: in terminal type sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install flash-plugin-nonfree [08:32] eightball: WHAT KIND OF HELP do you want? you need to ask a question about samba, otherwise we cannot help you [08:32] no prob ;] === Cristatsu is now known as Cristatus [08:32] Jester45: wine is a emulator for me ;/ [08:33] Jester45: then what is wine [08:33] is there an easy way to move from gnome to kde on default ubuntu install, and reverse the process if needed ? [08:33] Jester45: it's a windows replacement. [08:33] its not an emulator its a API layer [08:33] beem0r, not to be mean but if your new i doubt you can help me ive been troubleshooting issues with ubuntu for 2 years now and i cant even figure this out but it says freq out of range whenever i use the nvidia driver for my card but before i did the update it did work fine but then i reverted back tio the vesa driver and everythings fine except ubuntu's kindof sluggish [08:33] esac_: install kubuntu otherwise === desti_T2 is now known as desti [08:33] magetron yes like to install samba and get it to work right [08:33] What card you have, and what were you doing when you got the out-fo-range error? [08:33] !samba | eightball [08:33] Jester45: im JK ;* [08:33] eightball: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [08:34] beem0r, and ive rewritten my xorg file like 20 times [08:34] Unislash, they say that gutsy will update to hardy, but you leave sooo much crud and logs and stuff behind when upgrading, i dont see it working - old config files everywhere [08:34] vozniakBR, PradeepDebata: Wine doesn't emulate Windows, it replaces it. Firefox is not an Internet Explorer emulator. [08:34] Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix. [08:34] beem0r, its whn i log into ubuntu [08:34] magnetron: firefox is a opera emulator, bash is a dos emulator and gimp a photoshop emulator [08:35] ... [08:35] magnetron: ;* JK [08:35] vozniakBR: phew, i got a little worried [08:36] Jester45: hmmm... do you know if you can use wubi to install a full ubuntu (use it like a livecd, in other words) [08:36] magnetron: dont piss off, i know wine is not a emulator recursive hehe [08:36] opengl is a directx emulator :) [08:36] brandonD: Have you tried the nVidia lin support forums? Can't help much besides that, mine didn' [08:37] beem0r, i thought so.... [08:37] brandonD: t give me any problems [accidentally hit enter] [08:37] linux uses windows code [08:37] >.> [08:37] Unislash: idk [08:37] Jester45: correct opengl is a directx emuletor [08:37] pronto, shut your mouth [08:37] vozniakBR on flash say it can not find it in e: [08:37] lol :P [08:37] how do i launch a file to run in the background via command line? [08:38] Hey, I am trying to transfer a file via blue tooth and I keep getting an error "Operation not supported by backend." [08:38] anyone know anything? [08:38] now that is something i been wanting to do also, Duck1048 [08:38] eightball: sorry i can't understand what you say. [08:38] could someone help me [08:38] i have a problem [08:38] connor what's the problem? [08:38] Duck1048: command & but when the terminal close so does the command [08:38] all people have problems [08:38] We might, if you tell us the problem. [08:38] !ask | connor [08:38] connor: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:38] i have ubuntu and vista dual booted, i installed xp but i get a bluescreen in normal and safe mode when i boot xp [08:38] vozniakBR sorry one thing first i try smabe first [08:38] errr [08:39] how can i recover grub? [08:39] samba [08:39] not quite the right one [08:39] How can I disable the backup of text files? [08:39] Hey, I am trying to transfer a file via blue tooth and I keep getting an error "Operation not supported by backend." anyone know what the issue it? [08:39] !grub [08:39] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:39] thanks [08:39] eightball: you using google translator? -.- [08:39] 2nd link might help [08:39] Jester45: i'm trying to launch a program to stay running from a terminal i'm connecting to via SSH [08:39] barbara: If you using XP or Vista and Linux multibooting, try bluetooth device ON from window os, and reboot to Linux. [08:40] voznikaBR what i do not know chazilla in firefox [08:40] d [08:40] Duck1048: use screen that way you can close ssh then later on connect back to ssh and check on the program, just run screen command [08:40] jd [08:40] sorry my cat ran on the keyboard [08:40] grub> root (hd0,1 [08:40] Error 27: Unrecognized command [08:41] How can I disable the backup of text files? [08:41] Jester45: forgive my squirrely ignorance, but... screen command? [08:41] Duck1048: then to detach from console press ctrl + a + d [08:41] eightball: i dont understand you, please take help from other person ;/ [08:41] anyone know about that error? [08:41] wait i fixed it [08:41] lol ;] [08:41] how can i make a desktop icon to a mounted network folder on a windows share, i try like and it says The target doesn't support symbolic links. [08:41] setup (hd0) [08:41] Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition [08:41] help [08:42] Duck1048: say you wanted to run firefox you would run screen firefox, but it has to be command line [08:42] connor: you edited the menu.lst file? [08:42] what? [08:42] im using this tutorial [08:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [08:42] !enter [08:42] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [08:42] vozniakBR, haha hes clueless [08:42] what was the url for push bin ? [08:42] eightball: pastebin? [08:43] can anyone help with the problem im having? [08:43] pastebin.com eightball [08:43] !pastebin > eightball [08:43] !paste | eightball [08:43] eightball: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [08:43] oops [08:43] Ok this is my error when reinstalling grub http://pastebin.org/46262 [08:43] potf_whisper, depends what program you are using [08:44] DistroJockey, so i still havent fixed it :\ [08:44] connor: how many hard disks you have? [08:44] 2 [08:44] brandonD, :( [08:44] 2 internals one unplugged external [08:44] DistroJockey, i keep getting freq out of range after logging in [08:44] DistroJockey, gedit [08:45] potf_whisper, goto Edit menu, then Preferences and then Editor tab and tiurn off create backup === spem1 is now known as speme [08:45] potf_whisper, you used the command gksudo gedit then whatever you gedited right? [08:45] anyone know what this error means? [08:45] Ok this is my error when reinstalling grub http://pastebin.org/46262 [08:45] potf_whisper, nvm [08:45] connor: calm down [08:45] connor: the problem is, the fallowed tutorial is build to one hard disk. [08:45] Oh === ballzee is now known as Sinister [08:45] Why can i play Music CD's and hear then but not play game like Freedroid RPG and hear any of the sound effects? the game has Sound effects right? [08:45] Jester45, then help him? and he will calm down? [08:45] I need to overwrite windows boot loader THEN do this? [08:46] Will doing a simple install fix this? [08:46] connor, yes [08:46] When I try to play any music using Rhythmbox, nothing plays however music will play from other apps [08:46] hellow [08:46] any idea whats wrong? [08:46] any one [08:47] brandonD: its not my job to help but he is !repeat ing a lot and still !enter s but the enter problem fixes itself with time on ric :) [08:47] brandonD: even though i already have ubuntu installed? [08:47] connor, but if you dont wanna lose files thats the way you should do it [08:47] doing the install? [08:47] connor, just reinstall if you dont have any files that will be lost [08:47] connor: your ubuntu are installed in which HD? [08:48] my first one [08:48] that has vista [08:48] Jester45, i hate people like you [08:48] thank u [08:48] connor: Did you use Wubi to install? If so, you shouldn't need GRUB. [08:48] Narcissus: are you playing mp3? try one of built in radios if so to make sure your mp3 decoder isnt the problem [08:48] connor: the easier way to fix this are reinstall ubuntu [08:48] brandonD: o well [08:48] ok will do [08:48] DistroJockey, wanna see my xorg that goes to the login screen then goes to freq out of range? [08:49] brandonD, sure [08:49] Is there any way to fix character encoding in gedit? Cause some files are displayed well on cyrillic, but some appears as ??????? [08:49] DistroJockey, okay itll take a sec [08:49] will my old ubuntu partition get overwritten? [08:49] jester45, it is m4a - every song is m4a [08:49] connor: exists others methods to fix it, but is so much complicated [08:49] But will I have 2 ubuntu's? [08:49] hello, can anybody help me to send an email from sendmail ? please any help [08:49] Narcissus: try one of the radios just to see if its plays as they are ogg and natively supported [08:50] connor: overwrite previous, you have important files in there? [08:50] No i don't [08:50] samba set up what do i need to change and how do i find the name http://paste.ubuntu.com/23037/ [08:50] it doesn't matter to me if ubuntu gets overwritten [08:50] this is my working config DistroJockey http://pastebin.com/m46563ace [08:50] connor: so overwrite ;) [08:50] ok [08:50] will i be able to boot vista? [08:51] connor: ubuntu installer indentify vista loader and add there to GRUB [08:51] Oh ok thanks [08:51] When I run the Citrix ICA Client 10 in fullscreen mode i cannot switch back to ubuntu. The ICA seems to catch any keyboardinput like CTRL+F2 - can I somehow work around that? [08:51] Jester45 do you have a link to an internet radio station I can use? [08:52] DistroJockey, great now my gedit isnt working [08:52] brandonD, :( [08:52] Narcissus: you said your trying rythmbox? on the side has radio just pick one of those [08:53] I hope vista boots! [08:53] Narcissus: http://media.hiof.no/streams/m3u/nrk-mpetre-172.ogg.m3u [08:53] Briareos1 is there a way to change the keyboard short cut to some thing eles like shift = [08:54] eightball, but it seems citrix catches them all ... [08:54] eightball: where you from? [08:54] DistroJockey, okay i found it holdon uploading [08:55] brandonD, here's a bit of my xorg.conf back when I had an nvidia card [08:55] brandonD, http://pastebin.com/m4fd27106 [08:55] icons on the desktop have a name under them, is there a way to force the name onto two lines? so "Elmo's Adventures in GrouchLand" doenst go halfway across the screen (exageration) [08:55] Narcissus: if the radio works try fixing your codecs, im going to sleep right now [08:55] So vista will still be intact? [08:55] Jester45, thanks for your help but it doesn't work [08:56] i'l;l try a straight uninstall reinstall [08:56] DistroJockey, http://pastebin.com/m2cba0d3c [08:56] connor: vista is not on same partition of ubuntu yeap? [08:56] Narcissus: and sound comes from other programs [08:56] Yes [08:56] no [08:56] i installed ubuntu on a new partition [08:56] of course [08:56] Narcissus: make sure your volume is up first :) common mistake [08:56] DistroJockey, can you take a look at those and compare and see if you can fix the problem :D [08:56] jester45, When I play a song, the cursor doesn't move [08:56] vozniakbr USA [08:56] jester45, the track progress indicator thing [08:57] briareosi just trying to help [08:57] brandonD, what is the highest resolution your display can handle? [08:57] connor: not touch on windows partition and will bi intact [08:57] thanks [08:57] well i think 1440x900 DistroJockey [08:58] Hi, I dual boot Vista and Ubuntu and I wanted to add XP as well, and I was wondering if I could partition my drive in such a way to share it between the OS's? [08:58] brandonD, ok [08:58] AmirB: please don't make the mistake I did [08:58] AmirB: ubuntu can read Vista partition [08:59] connor: I am willing to give it a try, I know it's possible and think maybe your problem was only with you [08:59] AmirB, it's a bad idea overall but if you still want to, have say 20GB for each of the OS's and then an 100GB partition for a fat32 partition [08:59] anyone have ati card with last FGRLX drivers? [08:59] amirb, NTFS for XP, ext3 for ubuntu and whatever windows blister uses [09:00] narcissus: hmm, that sounds good. can all three OS's access that partition though? and how? and what is the risk? (why is it a bad idea?) [09:00] OS's aren't really designed to be multibooted and access the same partition... [09:01] brandonD, you could try this one I guess: http://pastebin.com/m225e67d4 [09:01] windows will shove loads of .thumbdb files everywhere [09:01] hmm [09:01] AmirB: if y ou use fat you can access with all three and the only risk is getting a virus on one windows and passing it to the other but linux will be fine [09:01] ubuntu will chmod files [09:01] hello, I'm trying to configure sendmail ,, but I get the message start-stop-daemon: stat /usr/sbin/sendmail-mta: No such file or directory (No such file or directory) [09:01] /etc/init.d/sendmail: 1287: /usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: not found [09:01] DistroJockey, k hold on let me make a backup [09:01] brandonD, *nods* [09:02] Narcissus: fat supports mods? [09:02] help [09:02] AmirB: well, you can get them all to have read/write access. Use this program here for windows to see linux: http://fs-driver.org/index.html [09:02] narcissus: hmm, I see your point [09:02] it says vista but it boots xp [09:02] and still bluescreen [09:02] i got my computer yesterday [09:02] ;__; [09:02] DistroJockey, ill tell you how it works :D [09:02] brandonD, *nods* :) [09:02] unislash: does that program work with both X and Vista? [09:02] i am on the verge of crying [09:02] how can i get vista to boot? [09:03] AmirB: if i recall--but lemme check, i'm on the site now... [09:03] Amirb: yes, it does [09:03] unislash: I'm on the site too...it says it can access ext2, but I think I installed Ubuntu on ext3... [09:03] I'm going to try my idea but it will most likely fail ;__; [09:03] ill be right back everyone [09:03] AmirB: and of course you can mount the windows drives using ubuntu tools :) [09:04] AmirB: hmmm.... well, here's my advice: the install took <1 min for me. Check it out and see if it works [09:04] also, that would take care of a Windows-to-Linux connection, but what about a way to see my Vista drive from XP or vice-versa? [09:04] ah, k :) [09:05] AmirB: hmmm... vista and xp communicating? never... (lol, lemme see) [09:05] lol [09:05] AmirB: do you already have the three installed? [09:06] hello [09:06] no, I wanted to know if this was possible before installing XP. I have the other two already [09:06] AmirB: hm, k... [09:06] Hello. Need help with MC [Midnight Commander]. So1 knows hows to stay in the current directory in Xterm when you exit from MC. [09:07] bom dia [09:07] I installed KDE on Ubuntu, then I removed it - but now I still get the 'welcome to Kubuntu KDE login screen' any ideas on how to remove that? [09:07] eightball, that's cool :) [09:07] Semoikidi: press ctrl-o to hide it in terminal [09:07] DistroJockey, i wish i could like hug you haha [09:08] q. is there a way to get scp to do 'resume' aka to take back the copy where it has been interrupted ? like 'wget -c" tkind of thing [09:08] brandonD, hehe [09:08] i've installed mysql and mysql-client, what's the terminal command to use the client? wanna test out my setup [09:08] brandonD, all good I take it then? :) [09:08] DistroJockey, it works :] thank you [09:08] brandonD, excellent, you're welcome [09:08] oh my god vista still boots [09:08] thanks :D [09:08] :) [09:09] unislash: hey, it worked! thanks! [09:09] the command line utility to connect to mysql... [09:09] Thanks everyone for helping me get my vista to work again [09:09] hey all. the latest kernel messed my X up pretty bad. anyone else have that issue? [09:10] it messed with mine ian__ did it screw with your graphics? [09:10] AmirB: Cool :). [09:10] Hi how do I report a problem in Ubuntu? [09:10] narcissus yes. i've tried envy and all sorts of stuff. can't figure out how to get back above 800x600 [09:10] !launchpad | daftpunk [09:10] daftpunk: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [09:11] AmirB: I've done some research and i think that windows xp and vista will be able to communicate just fine right off the bat [09:11] Hi [09:11] thanks [09:11] np [09:11] unislash: really? that would be great! so I would just see both drives? [09:11] AmirB: read... http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/5025760b-0433-4ba1-a2f4-9338915fdb4b1033.mspx?mfr=true under Multiple Booting and File System Compatability [09:11] and yea, that's what i think it'll do :P [09:11] It didn't affect mine that badly, but I'll do a bit of research on it and see if I can find anything to help you, you going to be idling? [09:11] DistroJockey, i wish i wouldve thought of that hahaha alright ill see you later then TY :D :] [09:12] unislash: that's great, thanks a lot! [09:12] narcissus, yeah i'll idle a bit [09:12] I have installed a plugin for Totem to play vcd (.dat) files, it works but i can't use seeking! [09:12] whats wrong? [09:12] AmirB: yup :). Good luck :D! [09:12] unislash: awright, now to install XP and hope nothing gets screwed up ;) [09:12] AmirB: heh, well, at least you aren't installing vista :P [09:13] true :) [09:13] XP's not such a terrible system, all told. It lacks the power and versatility of *nix systems, but it's not a bad choice for most. [09:13] AmirB: salam [09:14] pers3ux ...hello? [09:14] The pricetag, however, kills it. [09:14] AmirB: i thought u are persian! [09:14] AmirB: that xp stuff scared me [09:14] im in vista now [09:14] pers3ux: nope! why'd you think that? [09:15] I get the following error when trying to sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm [09:15] * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration... * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended. [09:15] invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed. [09:15] [09:15] connor: well, I hope that it turns out better for me, and wish you luck for getting it fixed! [09:16] hi [09:16] hello virus1 [09:17] hey all [09:17] hey ActionParsnip [09:17] hey guys, anyone remember a battery program that examined the laptop battery and repaired it in its magical way? [09:17] thanks a lot everyone, bye! [09:17] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RHYTHMBOX WORKS AGAIN!!!! [09:17] why the icons in notification area are not lined up? some are bigger than the others? [09:18] hi all whats up [09:18] even I know there is a smaller icon for that in the theme, but it's not used [09:18] why? [09:18] whats some good ubuntu books [09:19] I found that my icons in notification area looks very inconsistent [09:19] how do I solve it? [09:19] is there are patch or something? [09:19] Zero_Kewl: the web is the best place man [09:19] pen, try a different theme maybe [09:20] DistroJockey, I'm curious as why the currecnt theme have the smaller icon but it's not used to scale down [09:20] pen u might have to fix ur x-server [09:20] What grub does Linux Mint use? [09:20] the net [09:20] i look on the net [09:20] Zero_Kewl, why does it related to x server? [09:20] pen, no idea really, never seen/heard of that issue [09:20] i found alot [09:21] DistroJockey, I can show you the portion of my screen [09:21] what graphic u have pen [09:21] pen, sure [09:21] Zero_Kewl, NVIDIA [09:21] u have the right drivers for it [09:22] ok this xp install screwed over my vista install [09:22] uu have glx installed pen [09:22] Zero_Kewl, I did. [09:22] Zero_Kewl, yes, I have installed the driver [09:22] hang on let me look at something a sec i tell u whats wrong ok [09:23] DistroJockey, http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotft9.png [09:23] DistroJockey, look at the rhythmbox and network icon [09:23] hello, anyone know how to fix samba on hardy...gui won't work for me [09:23] pen, k [09:23] DistroJockey, why are they cropped [09:23] !java [09:23] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [09:24] DistroJockey, in my icon theme Gion, it has the 16x16 icon for rhythmbox, but it's not used apparently [09:24] pen, yeah, that is odd. No idea at this stage sorry [09:24] pen Try install nvidia-glx-legacy driver [09:24] Zero_Kewl, why? [09:25] do it [09:25] u even have that installed [09:25] !ftp [09:25] FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [09:25] !ftpd [09:25] FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP [09:26] Zero_Kewl, i have nvidia-glx-new installed [09:26] ok [09:26] Zero_Kewl, why install the legacy? [09:26] Zero_Kewl, did you see my shots? [09:26] nvm [09:26] Zero_Kewl, http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotft9.png [09:26] whats wrong with the icons any ways [09:26] Zero_Kewl, two of the icons are not resized [09:26] oic [09:26] hang on [09:26] Hi [09:27] Zero_Kewl, although I have the icons svg and 16x16, it is not used [09:27] Zero_Kewl: for old cards use legacy (like tnt cards), geforece4 etc cards use nvidia-glx, for new cards install nvidia-glx-new or the one from nvidia site [09:27] I am having problems booting into ubuntu kernel 2.6.24-19-generic. It always hangs at starting hald. Any hints what I am doing wrong? [09:28] ok that was my bad actionparsnip [09:28] ive a geforce6 onboard vga, i use nvidia-glx [09:29] well iam going to hunt info on ubuntu so u can learn looks like i got a long morning ahead of me [09:30] u all have fun be good and keep it real [09:31] Hello === ubuntu_ is now known as hware_prob [09:32] hi ubuntu_ [09:32] Hello, i am in the end of an ubuntu installation and the process is stopped in 90%. It says "configuring hardware..." but nothing happens [09:33] hware_prob: how long has it been? [09:34] It takes long.. more than 5 minutes i guess [09:34] hware_prob: try giving more time [09:34] Okay [09:35] Hey There. I have a Windows comp that just f'd up. How can I make it possible for me to grab files from the Windows Drive and pull them over to my Ubuntu Drive? [09:35] so i just noticed that if you search download in google the second thing on the list is ubuntu [09:35] anyone familar with clonezilla? [09:35] right behind download.com [09:36] ubuntu is an OS [09:36] good job [09:36] AcBush: put the drive as slave in a working computer should work [09:36] : [09:36] any idea why xorg.conf seems to get completely ignored on startup? [09:36] AcBush: mount the partition [09:36] chaky: [09:36] anyone familar with clonezilla? [09:37] It already is. I have the Linux disc in, and it runs fine. I can see my C drive, which previously had Windows XP. I want to copy files from the Windows partitioned C Drive, to my Linux. [09:38] How long does it take normally to configure hardware? I am using a quad core @ 2.6ghz and 1gb ram. Is it normal ? [09:38] AcBush: well just copy them over using a file manager of your choice or cp. [09:38] But when I try to drag and drop it, it gives me a permissions errror. [09:38] AcBush: then check the mount permissions of the windows drive or copy as root and do a chown afterwards. [09:39] AcBush: is it NTFS? [09:39] So, if I was in terminal, I'd type sudo cp locationoffile [09:39] ? [09:39] YEs it is NTFS [09:39] Help! I have just killed my mouse by accident by trying to configure it so that the scroll works. How can I use the keys to open a terminal and re-edit the conf to fix my mouse? [09:40] GeoffTheFish, alt+f1 opens the menu [09:41] I'm trying to take files off of harddrive 1, and move them to harddrive 2, using Ubuntu, both are windows partioned, both NTFS. [09:41] AcBush: has the drive been automounted or did you mount it manually, and where? [09:41] AcBush: in this case the driveS. [09:41] mounted to the desktop [09:41] both mounted to desktop [09:41] AcBush: what is that supposed to mean? [09:41] Both drives are mounted in Ubuntu, and are on the desktop.. [09:42] you mean they are mounted to $HOME/Desktop? unlikely.. [09:42] ah so they were automounted by ubuntu. [09:42] Yeah, guess so.. Sorry, not as knowledgable as I'd like to be... :) [09:42] AcBush: look into /media/, there you find the actual mounted directories. [09:43] How would I just like, grant access to the Windows partition, because linux is telling me it doesnt have the rights or whatever. [09:43] AcBush: my ubuntu mounts the NTFS partition as root:plugdev, so check (with the "groups" command) wether you are in the plugdev group. [09:44] We are using a Ubuntu, 7.10 Live Version. [09:44] Sawyer_: gpasswd -a username dbus hal storage optical audio [09:45] AcBush: then use 8.04,its good [09:46] i have started a wget -recursive command, its taking forever, id like to stop it, but am i going to be able to re-run the command, and will it start from where it left off ? [09:47] AcBush, it's probably easier to hit Alt+F2 and type in: gksu nautilus [09:47] what does that do? [09:47] AcBush, runs the filemanager as root [09:47] o ok [09:48] AcBush: it opens nautilus as root, what is not a good idea... [09:48] so then i will have access to both drives ? [09:48] why is it not a good idea? [09:48] AcBush, theoretically [09:48] AcBush: because then you will have access to everything. [09:48] mk well i will try it [09:48] have fun :) [09:49] AcBush, do copy/paste rather than drag/drop to be on the safe side :) [09:50] wouldnt the files then need root to access? [09:50] Chrysalis, yep [09:51] Chrysalis, that's where chown comes in [09:51] i bought new HD for data storage only, on what format should i use ? ext2 or ext3? [09:51] Hi [09:52] join test [09:52] offline: ext3 is the filesystem ubuntu uses by default. Unless you have special needs, use ext3 [09:53] geirha: what kind of special needs ? if i may may know ? i'm total newb [09:54] I got a little problem [09:54] I use two HDD. one IDE with Windows Xp Home Edition on it that crashed [09:54] and a SATA with ubuntu 7.04 that I can't access [09:54] When I try to mount it through a live CD, it says it has only 10 mb free space [09:54] But the SATA HDD with Ubuntu 7.04 on it is 80 GB [09:54] when I browse it, it only shows 5 files, one of them named bootex.log [09:54] theres a blank .lnk file after installing a windows program on wine, is it safe to remove? the regular icon is on the desktop aswell, not sure where this second .lnk blank came from [09:54] join test [09:54] offline: well, if you need to be able to access it through windows, you might want to consider fat32 or ntfs, so you won't need to install anything extra in windows to use it [09:55] geirha: oww.. i got it.. thanks for the explanation === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [10:01] I need some materials for a group of young user 13 - 18 that we are going to talk about open source software. To help the make the turn over to Linux. Any Help [10:03] trumbun, well, a Ubuntu Live CD is a good start :) [10:04] ok that I already have ready [10:04] trumbun, copies of it for them to take home? ;) [10:04] trumbun, perhaps a list of commenly used software on windows.. and which options are available on linux. [10:05] Scarey, nice one :) [10:05] anyone know why icons in notification area are buggy, they just can't resize [10:05] :o) [10:05] I had in mind showing GIMP [10:06] if i use partition magic, and i create a partition for ubuntu, can i install it without having a loss of everything on windows? i want to have bot. [10:06] both [10:06] AcBush: yes, you can resize your windows partition === Administrator_ is now known as F_Dom [10:06] hellooo [10:06] how are you ? [10:07] hi, i'm trying to find what bugs exist for mysql 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.9 [10:07] <_moro_bana_> is there a chanell that discusses hardware? [10:07] and what patches have been applied [10:07] I will leave you :p [10:07] hi [10:07] _moro_bana_: ##hardware [10:07] is there a page anywhere showuing this? [10:07] trumbun, most 13-18 years use the net for socializing I would think.. perhaps Pidgin, aMsn, Firefox, x-Chat ? [10:07] in don't understand English very well [10:07] I* [10:07] I'm facing a problem, and I suppose it's a common problem. I can't use 'su' [10:07] !enter | EspadaV8_W [10:07] EspadaV8_W: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [10:07] ubuntu doesn't ask for a root passwd when installing [10:07] byebye [10:08] how could I enable 'su' ? [10:08] feuj: use sudo [10:08] Hi can someone point me towards a doc to check emails using POP into a mbox format using a cron job or something similar? [10:08] there are some that love music editing and painting [10:08] trumbun, as a bit of fun you could take a look at Phun. http://phun.cs.umu.se/wiki [10:08] Starnestommy, I would prefer using 'su' and I know I can [10:08] imyousuf: maybe you want something like fetchmail [10:08] feuj: use sudo -i. it does the same thing that su does [10:08] gordonjcp: checking it, thanks [10:09] Starnestommy, thanks =) [10:10] are there some material on getting starting with Ubuntu [10:10] Hi, does any one know which terminal support arabic language [10:10] trumbun: http://www.ifany.org/2006/5-things/ [10:11] trumbun, https://help.ubuntu.com/ [10:11] m1, I'd try urxvt (rxvt-unicode) [10:11] i've followed ubottus instructions for installing the lamp-server tools and still whenever i try to run a php installer, or any php file, firefox asks to download it... can someone help me troubleshoot it? [10:11] trumbun: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy [10:12] After unplugging the DVI cable from the back of my monitor while both the computer and the monitor were on, my nvidia GeForce 8800GTS stopped working. I have tried and tried again, reconnecting and making sure the connections are made... I think the card somehow failed, I am just here for a second, less expensive opinion, if anyone has one. [10:13] thanks Ahadiel [10:13] T3hWiz0rd: it's probably to do with AddHandler [10:14] Simon-MPFH: whats the resolve for it? [10:14] DistroJockey: When we hit ALT+F2 nothing happens? [10:15] AcBush, hmm [10:15] AcBush, just have to use a terminal then I guess [10:16] It's complex but I needed "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php" in the apache.conf **It is usually in an included file** === cyberia is now known as xbris [10:20] hi! is there some way I can get fullscreen in Glest? [10:20] anyone know if e17 is difficult to insgtall? [10:23] hi i got a prob i am install ubuntu by command line install but i at seclect and installl software it still at 6%.How long does it take? [10:23] ? [10:23] I have a question [10:23] I cant get my 10 keys to work [10:24] perlsyntax, that bit can take a while [10:24] 1241 here and no one know if e17 is difficult to install? :D [10:24] Hi everybody. Does anybody know if it is possible to open a .msg file from MS Outlook in Ubuntu/Evolution? [10:24] i had to make sure it not my cd [10:24] the_eraser, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-e17-enlightenment-desktop-in-ubuntu.html [10:24] ty DistroJockey [10:24] the_eraser, np [10:24] how long does it take? [10:25] hrm, firefox turned into a zombie process, kill -9 can't seem to kill it, wtf? anything i can do short of a logout or reboot? [10:25] perlsyntax, depends, maybe 5-10 mins [10:25] ok [10:25] thanks [10:25] perlsyntax, no problem [10:25] perlsyntax, can you see network usage? [10:25] I can get nvidia 173.11.05 working only if I do this before at every system restart: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sudo modprobe -r nvidia; sudo modprobe nvidia; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start? what's wrong? [10:26] perlsyntax, it's either downloading packages from the net or cd to be installed [10:26] does anyone know how to get my 10 keys to work? [10:27] what do you mean by "10 keys"? [10:27] 10 keys on what? [10:27] the quick keys on the right of the keyboard [10:27] you mean the numerical keyboard? [10:27] i did a update and since then they wont work [10:27] yes [10:27] what update? [10:27] There's a small bug in Ubuntus bash history implementation. If you precede a command with a space, it won't be recorded in the history or .bash_history [10:28] im not sure i did a bunch [10:28] NICOI69: you have numlock enabled right? :) [10:28] yes [10:29] how can i do it from the net? [10:29] so now im lost [10:29] i didn't know it was internet base [10:30] perlsyntax, it will scan the update repo be default I think. But with an Alternate CD you can give it a mirror during install [10:30] be = by [10:31] when i hold a number key on that side it slides to the right or left [10:32] When I run an application in screen, backspace doesn't function as usual, however when I run it normally it does, any ideas? [10:32] its like acting like the arrow keys [10:33] 10x to all [10:33] anyone know why icons in notification area are buggy, they just can't resize [10:33] trumbun, have fun :) [10:33] 10x [10:34] slm, [10:34] $me +x [10:35] slm arkadaskar [10:37] hey, how can I register this name? [10:38]  i was wondering if any one knows how to get 32bit ubuntustudio to recodnize all 4gigs of my laptops ram [10:38] how to configure internet in ubuntu 8.04 [10:39] donda: lol don't want to be a little bit more vague? [10:39] mrthraz, you need a kernel that has PAE [10:39] tomolds:seriosly help me out [10:39] efwwe [10:39] wef [10:40] wef [10:40] f [10:40] k9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:40] mrthraz, like the Ubuntu server kernel [10:40] my /home partition is not big enough for the podcasts I downloaded in Banshee. Is there a way to set banshee to put the podcasts on an external HD? [10:40] tomolds: i hav connected to internet but its giving me very slow speed [10:40] donda: what is the problem [10:40] will i lose the realtime funcunality of the realtime kernal [10:40] donda: wireless or wired? [10:40] anyone know where the network icon resides? [10:40] tomolds:wired [10:41] the icon used for connection [10:41] pen: knetworkmanager? [10:41] used by nm-applet [10:41] tomolds, nm-applet [10:41] tomolds:i have 2 mbps connection [10:41] tomolds, do you know where can I look for the icon used by that applet? [10:41] mrthraz, probably. May be better customizing your kernel. [10:42] pratikp: i should be connected to eth0 but its connected to some dsl with modem [10:42] pen: not sure most icons appear when you create a desktop icon and you can choose the icon, it imports a load of them from various places maybe it is there. [10:42] donda: I am not sure, if you have wired connection, there cannot be such a problem [10:42] DistroJockey: wow how would i go about doing that [10:42] tomolds:ok [10:43] Does the "alternate installation CD" contain the server version of Ubuntu? I tried the default server version and it doesn't allow RAID setup in the installation process. [10:43] pratikp: it usees ppp for connection [10:43] I have AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ -- What version of Ubuntu do I want to DL and install? [10:43] mrthraz, this may be worth a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158 [10:43] tomolds:it usees ppp for connection [10:43] why install-usb leads to initrams? [10:45] #salut [10:46] I have AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ -- What version of Ubuntu do I want to DL and install? Do I want 64Bit or not? I'm just running XP Home... [10:46] mrthraz, ohh, that link was not really what I wanted. Sorry :( [10:47] AcBush: for a newbie 32 bit is best choice. how much ram do you have? [10:47] oh [10:47] 2gb ram [10:47] how can io share a map in linux [10:47] 32-bit is the best choice for just about everyone. [10:47] in shell!!!! [10:47] mrthraz, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile [10:48] Anyone knows how i can do a manual share for a map? [10:48] where can I find the icons used by nm-applet? [10:49] actually, speaking of nm-applet, does anyone know how to use it for wireless configs ? [10:50] AcBush from my experience,although 64bit works well you will find incompatibilites annoying.Use 32 bit [10:50] I had nm installed in gnome by default. It was really good for establishing a connection to a wireless network. [10:50] is there a log for aptitude that shows all the events on what packages have been installed and removed? [10:51] One day I accidently removed it from the display. [10:51] I immediatly put it back manually. [10:51] But, since I removed it, it doesn't display any info about wireless nets. [10:52] Since that time, I have had to struggle every time I turn the computer on, in order to get onto my wireless net. [10:52] This is really painful. [10:52] If I could only get nm-applet's wireless configuration ability back, [10:53] hihooo [10:53] I would not have to fight for my internet connection [10:53] neuer tag neues problem [10:53] !de | nolimit [10:53] nolimit: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [10:54] I used to be able to charge my phone (Motorola RAZR) from my computer using the mini-USB connector. But I upgraded my kernel to the latest in Hardy, and now it doesn't work, even after a reboot; I get the error "device not accepting address 5, error -71" in dmesg. [10:55] DistroJockey: what is [10:55] PAE [10:57] mrthraz, PAE support enables 32bit servers to indirectly access 36bits of memory [10:57] anyone know how to setup a ati card === |Alterego| is now known as lollerasd [10:58] mrthraz, 32bit servers with PAE support can often be configured with 32GB of RAM === nonix4_ is now known as nonix4 [10:58] Hi could anyone please tell me how do I install some more fonts on ubuntu? [10:58] well hello to everybody [10:59] i have 4gb of ram, and am using ubuntu 32bit. can i make ubuntu to read the ram fully as 4 gb ? not 3gb [10:59] DistroJockey: thanks i now will try to learn how build a kernal [11:00] mrthraz, I believe it stands for Physical Address Extension. Cool, good luck :) [11:02] hi [11:02] hi [11:02] does any one know [11:02] how to install [11:02] ati [11:02] #ubuntu-tr === Jay is now known as _-Jay-_ [11:02] 9550 [11:03] drivers???? [11:03] !enter | euxidia [11:03] euxidia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [11:03] ok soorry [11:03] i have problem installing my ati 9550pro drivers??? [11:06] !ati | euxidia [11:06] euxidia: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:11] We should really try to manage the flood filter...euxidia copied a lspci result and got kicked :P === kaka is now known as ka-awy [11:15] when i just installed ubuntu on my laptop, it says in the hardware drivers program that the Atheros hardware access layer (hal) and support for atheros 802.11 wireless lan cards are both in use, but in the network manager it does not shows my wireless, what can i do? [11:16] hello [11:16] urgent help: most of the players has stopped responding while i try to play mp3 files...:( [11:16] is there a logfile for synaptic/aptitude that shows all the events on what packages have been installed and removed? [11:17] sorry, even worse, players had even stopped playing internet radios...:(( [11:17] sawyer_, In Synaptic, go to the File menu, then History [11:17] hey guys, other tha PRINT SCREEN, what capture software can I use? I'd like to be able to drag a box around the area I want to screenshot.. i use gnome [11:18] thanks DistroJockey [11:18] sawyer_, no problem [11:19] sawyer_: or look in /var/log .. that's where log files usually end up. [11:19] Hello , i am trying to install package of nlp tools by the instructions , i am new to Ubuntu , the first step : "You need Perl >= 5.8.7. Make sure the executable is in your $PATH. " my perl version is 5.8.8 , but i cant understand what is "$PATH" ? [11:19] rick111: there is a screenshot program for gnome.. in the accessories menu [11:20] Slart yeah, but that does either active window, or whole screen. I wanna drag a box around a certain area [11:20] rick111: when I want that I usually get the whole screen and then edit it in Gimp [11:20] urgent help: most of the players has stopped responding while i try to play mp3 files...:( [11:21] sorry, even worse, players had even stopped playing internet radios...:(( [11:21] :) [11:21] rick111: but I don't know of a screenshow program that does it by itself [11:22] Kate_Mins, $PATH is an environment variable. Typing env in a terminal will show you all variables. cat $PATH will show you the current path [11:22] thanks === ka-awy is now known as kaka [11:23] when I'm in enigmail (or seahorse, or w/e) I can export my secret key without having to enter a passphrase, is this supposed to happen and how can I change it? [11:24] is there any serious performance difference between ext2 and ext3? [11:26] how do I start "smart boot manager" or how do i config GRUB to boot from CD? === kaka is now known as kakaka === kakaka is now known as kakakakaka [11:28] how do I start "smart boot manager" or how do i config GRUB to boot from CD? === kakakakaka is now known as sofa` [11:28] How do I clear terminal history? [11:28] Hi guys, I am trying to use VLC and in playlist, I only have three columns, Name: Author: Duration. How do I see other information such as Year, rating etc? [11:29] ignore that help. [11:29] how do I start "smart boot manager" or how do i config GRUB to boot from CD? [11:29] ext4: stop spaming please [11:29] or is there a way to boot from CD without going in to BIOS? [11:30] !repeat > ext4 [11:31] !ot [11:31] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [11:31] !it [11:31] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [11:31] acabo de instalar Gnash [11:31] where can I find the icons used by nm-applet? [11:32] pen, have you looked in /usr/share/pixmaps [11:32] steph, yes [11:32] does anyone know how i can enable aggressive system notify to shake/dim my whole screen like it used to? [11:32] steph, not found any of that [11:33] I am having trouble installing he GNOME package in Adept [11:33] It keeps saying that there are dependancies that cannot be installed [11:33] what's the package name ? [11:33] and when I try and install the dependancies they say they cannot go on [11:33] the package is "gnome" [11:34] ah ok [11:34] well, this kind of problem is very hard to solve [11:34] I recall having those broken dependencies problem [11:34] I traced it back to Keychain, which i CANNOT install because it does not exist anymore [11:35] I tell a lie, not Adept, Synaptic. But both spit out the same results. [11:35] gnome: [11:35] Depends: gnome-desktop-environment but it is not going to be installed [11:36] That is my error [11:37] Hondo_Kitsune, what version of ubuntu are you running? [11:37] I am using Kubuntu 8.04 [11:38] I just swiched from WinXP 2 days ago, but I have used Linux before. and Several distributions at that. [11:38] Hondo_Kitsune, does the following work better? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [11:38] I'll check [11:39] Now it works, thanks [11:39] Hondo_Kitsune, cool, you're welcome [11:39] downloading and installing [11:39] crap [11:40] my internet connection has done a funny [11:40] Hondo_Kitsune, :( [11:40] downloading at, get this 38Bytes per second [11:40] The manual alone is estimated at taking 7hrs to download [11:40] steph, so? do you know? [11:41] Hondo_Kitsune, have you set Software Sources to use a mirror close to you? [11:41] DistroJockey: Ah there, it has freed up [11:41] Hondo_Kitsune, sweet :) [11:41] DistroJockey: Yes, set to UK [11:41] I don't, sorry [11:42] any link explaining ubuntu kernel with generic and non generic? [11:43] I downloaded a demo game for linux... It's a .run file... someone want to give me a suggestino on what to do with it? =X [11:43] Hello , my name is Kate , and i am student of NLP , i am new to Ubuntu , i am trying to install SAMT (Syntax Augmented Machine Translation- system) from my research , i installing the SAMT by the instructions , now i got to step which i have to install Berkeley DB , i found the Berkeley in the Synaptic , but according the instructions i have to add some flag in the installation : --enable-cxx (Setting the --enable-cxx flag will [11:43] generate the db_cxx.h header files and the corresponding c++ libraries, you MUSTdo this to generate shared libraries that the decoder can use. ) does synaptic install the flag also ? [11:44] DrLame, if you really trust it, do a chmod +x name.run then type ./name.run [11:44] fix : from - for [11:44] guys how do i port forward my websever to port 80 [11:44] *sever [11:45] bazhang: ^^^ [11:45] ty DistroJockey [11:45] DrLame, you're welcome [11:45] DistroJockey: any ways ?? [11:46] tv7497, ? [11:46] DistroJockey: (04:14:42 IST) tv7497: guys how do i port forward my websever to port 80 [11:47] Oh, another problem I have being that i have a large external HDD (400GB) and it is NTFS formatted, but Linux refuses to mount it saying that the drive is "locked" I tried the force mount and I am either doing it wrong ot it is not working [11:48] didn't work =/ [11:48] tv7497, not really enough info provided and not an area I deal with much, sorry [11:48] DistroJockey: its ok sir [11:49] anyone have any ideas about my NTFS Drive? [11:49] DistroJockey: I get Verifying archive integrity...tail: cannot open `+6' for reading: No such file or directory [11:49] DrLame, what error message? [11:50] DrLame, hmm, well, it's running. [11:50] Hondo_Kitsune, what's on your disk ? [11:50] Lots of important backups from my Win PC and it is atransfer disk, it has to be Windows readable, but needs to be able to store over 4GB files [11:51] Hence, i converted it to NTFS [11:51] Bye Bye All =D [11:51] use the ntfs-3g driver [11:51] hello, i am trying to make a linked list in C, but got some error "incompatible types in assignment" at the line when i am using malloc... -> http://phpfi.com/327060 [11:51] can anyone help me? [11:51] So, just apt-get install ntfs-3g ? [11:51] DrLame, it should have a readme file or some info. If it doesn't I wouldn't run it. But from the error it sounds like a corrupt download [11:51] jabba why don't you use c++ [11:52] kk, that kinda what I was thinking. No readme, was just a lone run file. Descent 3 demo... [11:52] Richard, necessary fpr the project [11:52] *for [11:52] Hi, can someone tell me to what command the Menu > System is pointing to? (KDE3) [11:52] DistroJockey: O.o; the GNOME install removed an Amarok dependancy [11:52] thanks again, DistroJockey === Richard is now known as engineer [11:53] DrLame, you're welcome [11:53] Hondo_Kitsune, is that a good or bad thing? [11:53] DistroJockey: Bad thing, I use Amarok as my Media Player in KDE [11:53] i just installed ubuntu earlier, and there's some updates that need to be done. I'd rather wait till the off-peak time, so it doesn't count toward my downloads. Is there a way to schedule the updates? [11:53] Hondo_Kitsune, that's not good then :( [11:53] I'll see if i canfind the line in Konole# [11:54] Can anybody tell me what is the file that the System settings in the Kmenu is pointing to? [11:54] *Konsole [11:54] :) [11:54] isn't it ponting to &Konsole? [11:55] jabba, I think you missed a line ;) [11:55] DistroJockey: Check your pvt window, the lines are too big to paste in here [11:55] jabba_: id just use glib [11:55] Nobody using KDE3? :( [11:55] jabba, oops sorry, was for jabba_ :) [11:55] sp3llcast3r: I use KDE3.5 [11:55] i am usig kde3 [11:55] mgolisch, what for? [11:56] I don't like KDE 4, not my style [11:56] right click on the item at kmenu name "system settings" and tell to which file is pointing? :p [11:56] systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m [11:56] if not system settings is the one used as alternative to kcontrol [11:56] That is what it points to [11:56] for a lot of quite well working data structures like double/single linked lists,dynamic arrays,hashtables etc [11:57] Hondo_Kitsune, I guess you could try to install/reinstall Amarok [11:57] yeah [11:57] that will probably put the dependancy back on [11:57] mgolisch, in C? or C++? [11:57] Hondo_Kitsune [11:58] sp3llcast3r: ya? [11:58] thanks alot, because i downgraded from kde4 and i wasnt finding the systemsettings [11:58] jabba_: its c [11:58] ah [11:58] it's on the kde-systemsettings package [11:58] glist for example? [11:58] there are two, system settings and Control Centre [11:58] i need keyboards shortcuts :p [11:58] thanks mate [11:58] np [11:59] ubuntu <3 [11:59] pretty overblown for my project on an avr32-microcontroller [11:59] DistroJockey: Another problem installing, check pvt for paste [11:59] jabba_: yeah, but if its for commercial applications it might not be suitable, i think glib is lincensed under the gpl [11:59] mgolisch, right [12:00] hi, how do i solve only one app being able to play sound at a time? [12:00] so any idea why my source is complaining? === magentar_ is now known as magentar [12:00] if i cast malloc to (node) it even complaions more [12:01] then it says "conversion to non-scalar type requested" [12:01] does anyone uses the new Vmware? [12:01] Hondo_Kitsune, not really sure about that. I use gnome from the start. Might have more luck asking in #kubuntu [12:01] yeah [12:01] version 2? [12:01] jabba_: mallow returns a pointer doesnt it? i mean new_node is not a pointer is it? [12:03] Hi,none of the package are get installed through terminal [12:03] Hondo_Kitsune, also try a google search for: install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu [12:03] anyone plz help to solve this problem [12:03] DistroJockey: What I am going to do is start a new session in GNOME and see if it is available === ogra_ is now known as ogra [12:03] but new_node shell be placed at the position of the pointer with a length of node [12:03] thanks for your help [12:04] PradeepDebata, what did you type in terminal? [12:04] mgolisch, you can find examples like this throughout th einternet , are they all wrong? [12:07] !botsnack [12:07] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [12:07] where is it best to put mouse-settings (lomoco + xmodmap)? /etc/gdm/Init/Default ? [12:09] jabba_: it complains about you trying to assign a pointer to a non pointer variable [12:09] is anyone using vmware2? [12:09] mallow returns a pointer so you have to assign it a pointer variable of that type [12:10] when i try installing ubuntu on my laptop the screen just turns grey/full of artifacts after choosing install (even in safe graphics mode) [12:10] this problem is too generic to google on, any clue how to narrow it down? [12:10] atleast it doesnt complain about the malloc line any more if i change new_node to type node * [12:10] mgolisch, just new_node as a pointer [12:11] you are right, it doesn't complain anymore [12:11] but i can't access the data in it anymore [12:11] (because it is a pointer now :) ) [12:11] budtske, which iso are you trying? [12:12] mgolisch, isn't it possible to cast a pointer to a regular variable? [12:12] jabba_, going ot much? [12:12] so that it usese the data after the address the pointer points to? [12:13] budtske, and what video card have you got? [12:13] hi, i can't install second ethernet realtek 8139D, with ndiswrapper, any suggestion?? thanks [12:13] ot? [12:13] DistroJockey: atm amd64 alternative [12:13] off-topic [12:13] i am programming with gcc, thought that's very linux-ish ;) [12:13] is there a gcc-vhannel? [12:14] *channel [12:14] DistroJockey: which runs the installer at least, dident think of it sooner [12:14] yeah but nothing to do with ubuntu [12:14] there is a gcc channel [12:14] i am uisng ubuntu for it ;) [12:14] kk [12:14] budtske, aye, I prefer the Alternate :) [12:14] budtske: what kind of system? [12:14] msi L730 laptop [12:14] i cant run firefox so i removed it with apt... now when i reinstall it or even click the icon which rmains after using apt to remove i get an error saying firefox is still runnning so will not open until closed.. i need to remove this and reinstall any ideas please??? [12:15] I just had the following error: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 11: semicolon expected. option domain-name [12:15] The following packages will be REMOVED pulseaudio ubuntu-desktop [12:15] thats just stupid [12:15] jabba_: ads_ kill firefox [12:15] ups [12:15] :) [12:15] ads_, in a terminal, try: sudo killall firefox [12:15] budtske: and what kind of graphics card? [12:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23067/ [12:16] mgolisch: ive tried that no good.. and theres no firefox process runnning either [12:16] What is wrong with my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ? [12:16] ads_, it could have left a pid file behind or something [12:16] budtske: nvidia? [12:16] m-c: geforce go 6100 [12:17] sys: really??? even after restarts?? and a "ps aux|grep firefox" is returning no firefox process [12:17] hey, firefox crashes almost every time i go to youtube or similar web page, how can i fix that? [12:18] ads_, yup, it happens [12:18] sys: check in proc??? [12:18] 你们好我会说中文 [12:18] 好不好了吗 [12:18] ads_, remove the package again then do a find for mozilla and firefox on / [12:18] !cn | fingertips [12:18] fingertips: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [12:19] my firefox crashes almost every time i go to youtube or similar web page, how can i fix that? [12:20] budtske: You could try to install in text mode - which is available on the alt. cd [12:20] sys: is find recursive?? [12:20] hello anyone here is using an open source POS system? [12:20] m-c: i am doing that now === seanw is now known as Guest9055 [12:21] budtske: you have artifacting with ascii text? doesn't make sense [12:21] m-c: after installing, go to recovery mode and change xorg config? or what? [12:21] ads_, yup [12:21] nono, text installer is fine, just started install [12:21] my firefox crashes almost every time i go to youtube or similar web page, how can i fix that? [12:21] find doesnt find either however locate does [12:21] i been looking to the net the whole day but i want to ask if someone is using POS system that based on ubuntu system [12:21] sys: ** find doesnt find either however locate does [12:21] ads_, find -name firefox -print / is sufficient [12:21] anyone ever had Ubuntu install on the same partition as windows? [12:21] m-c: someone right before you sugested it and had cd around === alexander_ is now known as dev1 [12:22] budtske: oh, after install - do you have Effects turned on, yet? [12:22] ads_, try the above command [12:22] carnal_havoc: not ever in my live i would install those onto the same computer [12:22] :) [12:22] m-c: its stil installing [12:22] budtske: I thought you said it had finished installing? [12:22] my firefox crashes almost every time i go to youtube or similar web page, how can i fix that? [12:23] opt1k: Try disabling Flash Player or whatever flash program you are using [12:23] m-c: i sucesfully installed it using 7.10 in safe graphics yesterday, but couldent get it to boot [12:23] philip, did you see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=605198 [12:23] m-c: but how can i watch youtube vids then? [12:23] budtske: Why could you not get it to boot? [12:24] opt1k: Maybe Gnash will work better on your computer === boris is now known as boris_ [12:24] i'll check this out, thats for the reply [12:24] heh, gnash works but without sound :( [12:24] i am not getting any package installed through apt-get [12:24] same as the other one [12:24] and in adobe's i have sound but it crashes [12:24] DistroJockey: can u plz help me [12:24] philip, no problem. It was the first result in a google search [12:25] PradeepDebata, I can try, but I don't believe you answered my question [12:25] opt1k: Flash Player is unfortunately a closed program, and Adobe provides limited Linux support. Being closed, it is difficult to troubleshoot and support here. [12:25] m-c: so i'm kinda screwed? :) [12:25] DistroJockey: which question??? [12:26] @21:04 PradeepDebata, what did you type in terminal? [12:26] opt1k: There is a third flash alternative too, I forget the name [12:26] yeah i know that one too, swfdec-mozilla package [12:26] opt1k: Hopefully, web site creators will stop using flash content one day, because we're all stuck until then. [12:26] tried it also, but doesn't work with sound for me either [12:26] sudo apt-get tclx8.3 [12:27] m-c yeah, divx is way better, plus it works just fine on my ubuntu box :D [12:27] hi all. I tried to resolve a probelm with alsa (alasmixer not working) by rebuilding the alsa module using m-a, as suggested in . As a result, alsamixer is working, but i hear no sound at all. So, how do i get rid of that screwed up module? reinstalling the pre-built alsa packages from the repository does not have any effect. [12:27] DistroJockey: but it is not connecting to the host [12:27] any ideas? [12:27] PradeepDebata, do sudo apt-get install tclx8.3 [12:27] DistroJockey: i think there is problem with apt0get [12:27] sys: i removed firefox directories and reinstalled now it says firefox isnt installed ??? but apt is saying it is? [12:28] Duesentrieb: ALSA issues are handled in the #alsa channel [12:28] ads_ why would u remove ff dirs? [12:28] PradeepDebata, what is your issue? [12:28] m-c: in theory. in practice, that channel is pretty dead. but i can try once more. [12:28] thanks i already tried this one but seems like its not quite good, thats why im still looking for different [12:28] opt1k: There is also a license-free, patent-free video technology called Ogg Theora, too. [12:28] choudesh: i am able to upadate any package through apt-get [12:28] ads_, hmm i thought we was just looking for a .pid file [12:28] m-c: also, my question is really a generic one: how to uninstall something installed via m-a? [12:28] that's not alsa-specific [12:28] actually i already installed this one in my VMWARE [12:28] philip, ahh, k. Sorry not done POS stuff before [12:29] DistroJockey: still its failed to install [12:29] m-c: haven't heard of that, but i think divx has the best quality [12:29] its ok and thanks for the info [12:29] PradeepDebata, what are you trying to install? [12:29] hello. how do i see which Fs i got ? [12:29] Duesentrieb: Fair enough -- it is 'rmmod' [12:29] philip, no problem [12:29] PradeepDebata, error message? [12:29] btw, can anyone recommend a good linux p2p/dc client? [12:29] m-c: that unloads the module (did that). but when i reload it, which one will be loaded? the one from the distrib package, or the one i built myself? [12:29] PradeepDebata, pastebin if more than 1 line [12:30] that can even be found in hardy-updates dir [12:30] choudesh: any package,i tried vlc media player,and tcl [12:30] !best | opt1k [12:30] opt1k: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [12:30] *repository [12:30] boris_, fdisk device - then hit p [12:30] m-c: also, which module will be loaded on reboot? [12:30] DistroJockey: ok [12:30] sys: ok same problem after removing and reinstalling still process associted with it [12:30] PradeepDebata, ok. --- I'll walk you through and see what the issue is. [12:30] ziroday: i don't quite aggree on that one :D [12:30] sys: ill chek for pid file [12:30] PradeepDebata, first open terminal - then sudo apt-get install vlc [12:31] PradeepDebata, tell me what errors you get [12:31] Duesentrieb: I am not sure of how you modified your system, and the question is a bit out of my understanding. [12:31] choudesh: ok [12:32] m-c: is did: sudo m-a a-i alsa [12:32] that "installs" a freshly built module [12:32] but i have no clue how and where it gets registered [12:32] ads_, yeah if it leaves a pid then itll say its still alive [12:32] !p2p | opt1k [12:32] or how to get rid of it? [12:32] opt1k: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information [12:32] !SoulSeek [12:32] SoulSeek clients: Nicotine (GTK), Museeq (KDE), Mucous (terminal-based) - See also !P2P [12:33] !P2P [12:33] Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information === ara is now known as ara_lunch [12:33] choudesh, not sure what vlc has to do with tclx8.3 [12:33] opt1k, please use pm for ubottu if it is for yourself [12:33] !directconnect [12:33] Direct Connect clients: Valknut (Qt), dcgui (GTK), dc-qt (Qt, alpha), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P [12:33] oh, sry didn't know [12:33] DistroJockey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069/ [12:33] sys: where is the pid file likely to be located i did a "find -name *.pid -print" and no firefox file was found [12:33] choudesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069/ [12:34] choudesh: what ? fdisk /dev/hda1 gives me gives me "unable to open" [12:34] cassie [12:34] boris_, put a sudo in front of it :) [12:34] Hello, I'm having a problem with an Acer P191w widescreen 19'' monitor (built for 1440x900) and getting an Nvidia 7100 to cooperate. [12:34] boris_, fdisk device..... fdisk /dev/hda [12:34] PradeepDebata, yeah, that repo appears to be down === yacc_ is now known as yacc [12:34] boris_, oh yea.. :) like choudesh said. be sure to use sda. not sda1 that can confuse things. [12:34] I install the restricted driver, reboot, the login screen works fine, but upon logging in, the monitor says that the input is invalid. [12:35] DistroJockey: then what will i do [12:35] PradeepDebata, either wait for it to come back or chose another [12:35] Dr_willis: i think ill check gparted, that's the smallest option something could screw up my sys [12:35] PradeepDebata, run sudo apt-get update and see if you can hit them [12:35] Dr_willis: also ive got several partitions [12:35] PradeepDebata, also - can you surf the web? [12:35] boris_, depends on what you are wanting to do. I use gparted at times, or fdisk. depending on the task [12:36] DistroJocke:i hav tried that apt-get update,thats also failed === carlyn is now known as traisen [12:36] Dr_willis: i just wanna see if it uses XFS like i want it to [12:36] choudesh: yaa i am able to surf and download files from browser too [12:36] Can somebody please help? I can't exactly return to Vista (my restore discs no longer work for some reason) and I've got one DVD left that might be used for a different distribution if any of them tend to work with this. [12:36] boris_, if what uses xfs? [12:36] PradeepDebata, open terminal and ping [12:36] ads_, try find -name mozilla -print / | grep pid [12:36] And trust me, 800x600 looks HORRIBLE on a 19'' LCD. [12:36] Dunas: Have you tried searching for the answer in the Ubuntu Forums? [12:36] Dr_willis: ive got /boot on ext3 (15 GB) and / on XFS (30 gigs) [12:36] choudesh: but not able to download through terminal [12:36] sys: whats ~/.gvs/ i cant get access even as root and even after i change permissions , even thought my user name own the group and directory?!! [12:37] I've googled it, no dice. [12:37] Nobody seems to be having my problem but me. [12:37] Dunas: Not google -- ubuntuforums.org [12:37] sys: *~/.gvfs/ [12:37] choudesh: yaa its pinging [12:37] PradeepDebata, do you use a proxy? [12:37] I'm thinking about buying an ipod classic but I don't know how it works with gnome (rhythmbox or something like that), do you have any experience ? tnx! [12:37] boris_, 15gb for /boot - seems HUGE... :) why are you needing xfs anyway? [12:37] choudesh: yaa [12:37] Dunas: You may need to configure X "by hand" to at least set the default resolution to one that works. [12:37] dunas envyng-gtk does pretty well imo [12:37] PradeepDebata, then that is the issue [12:38] hurray for working wireless on ubuntu =) [12:38] sys: everytime it gets to ~/.gvfs/ it says permission denied [12:38] !ipod | vds [12:38] vds: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [12:38] ads_, gvfs got nothing to do with firefox [12:38] choudesh: means [12:38] Dunas: Sorry you are having this problem, because fighting with X is not always fun. What video card do you have? [12:38] Dr_willis: tryin to gain some speed. i didnt know how big boot should be, my grub was giving me error 17. other comps didnt work either, so i had nowhere to ask [12:38] Nvidia 7100 [12:38] bazhang: thanks [12:38] Sorry, GEforce* 7100 [12:38] Dunas: I want to point out that AMD is producing some very good Free Software drivers for their ATI-model cards. [12:38] PradeepDebata, first we will try the easier way [12:38] boris_, i doubt if you will notice any gains.. except in specific cases. May as well just use a / and a swap partition for such a small amount of space [12:39] choudesh: ok tell me [12:39] m-c, and some of them even work! :) [12:39] dunas I got the 7300 and envyng-gtk keeps it going [12:39] Integrated blah blah, and if I could get one I would, but I'm on a relatively tight budget right now. [12:39] sys: still not finding any pid moxilla or ff files [12:39] PradeepDebata, in /etc/apt/apt.conf -- add the line "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://DOMAIN\MYNAME:MYPASS@MY.PROXY.COM:MYPORT"" [12:39] PradeepDebata, without the "" [12:39] ads_, no idea what its doing then [12:39] Dr_willis: I am using the radeonHD driver now, and it's amazing it is working only after a couple months of their releasing the specifications! [12:40] m-c, i finally got compiz working on my ati x200m :) slow.. but at least now it works.. [12:40] Bazhang: using EnvyNG I can get the driver to install as necessary, however, the problem comes after reboot- it appears to be running a higher resolution at the log-in screen, but after logging in, the monitor seems to having trouble with the signal. [12:40] m-c, I still dont plan on buying any more ati cards for a long time however. [12:40] Dunas: So, the NVIDIA binary driver will be a hassle for you, such as remembering to reload the driver after each time the kernel updates. Or you can "pin" the kernel in synaptic so it doesn't change. [12:40] Dunas, what is the problem; and can you dial down the res a bit [12:41] m-c that is no longer the case with envyng-gtk as it is part of the linux-restricted-modules [12:41] bazhang: Good to know. Thanks! [12:42] bazhang: 'dial down'? The only two options I have right now (driver not installed) are 600x400 and 800x600. The monitor shows the login screen fine, but when it tries to show the desktop, the monitor appears to have trouble interpreting the signal: the message as I remember it is "Input Not Supported", given by the monitor itself. [12:42] Dunas: Oh, I know how to fix your issue [12:42] Dunas: Install the nvidia-setting package, and use that to configure your X [12:42] nvidia-setting package... [12:42] dunas what about gksudo displayconfig-gtk [12:42] HALP! I have installed Ubuntu, run a bunch of updates, installed VMware tools. I can login, but the graphics have gone weird. There are no minismise/maximise close buttons and the icons look strange [12:42] *nvidia-settings [12:43] !info nvidia-settings [12:43] nvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20080304-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 662 kB, installed size 1468 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [12:43] GeoffTheFish, turn off compiz [12:43] bazhang what is compiz? [12:44] Dunas: It is the nvidia-developed tool to configure the driver -- comes with it's own set of gotchas, but it will get you to where you need to go. [12:44] Dunas, either my suggestion or mc's should do it [12:44] Dunas, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file please? I'm curious and would like to check something. [12:44] GeoffTheFish, alt f2 metacity --replace [12:44] there are 2 nvidia config tools also.. one is command line, other is X based. I often use both to tweak my setups === stooj_ is now known as StooJ [12:45] bazhang I am sorry I don't know what you mean? [12:45] GeoffTheFish, do that command [12:45] sys: how may i use this to print all stat files contents please "ls -r /proc/ |grep stat|more > /path/to/file/to/hold/all/stat/contents " ?? [12:46] about how fast does ext3 move iso files ? (MB per sec) [12:46] ads_: why more? [12:46] jrib: ah okz [12:46] boris_: entirely depends on the speed of the disk drive [12:46] jrib: doh!! [12:46] ads_, just redirect it to a file -- then print the file [12:46] m-c: sorry, stupid question [12:46] choudesh: hey how to save that file ,it is showing apt-conf.d is a directory [12:47] PradeepDebata, /etc/apt/apt.conf [12:47] "Window manager warning: 0 stored in GConf key /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_size is not a reasonable cursor_size; must be in the range 1..128 [12:47] choudesh: "ls -r /proc/ |grep stat > /path/to/file/to/hold/all/stat/contents " only prints out 4 entries all incorrect [12:47] boris_: No worries! :-D [12:47] hi [12:47] bazhang - ran the command and got the above error [12:48] Why can a package be installed via Synaptic and pkg-config doesn know its there? [12:48] !hi |carlos [12:48] carlos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [12:48] choudesh: i wnat to read the contents in stat [12:48] GeoffTheFish, alt f2 is a key combo [12:48] choudesh: ok then [12:48] bazhang - it doesn't work on my machine, maybe because its runniing as VM [12:48] bazhang the key combo that is [12:49] GeoffTheFish, what is the host [12:49] traisen: how are you determining that? [12:49] choudesh: i have paste that link as usaual without " " [12:49] traisen: pkg-config is for libraries [12:49] traisen, The pkg-config program is used to retrieve information about installed libraries in the system. It is typically used to compile and link against one or more libraries. [12:49] bazhang - Vista running VMWare Workstation. I have had VMs running okay with ubuntu, don't know this one isnt working [12:49] choudesh: then what to do [12:49] ads_, one sec [12:49] PradeepDebata, save the file - then try sudo apt-get updat [12:50] PradeepDebata, apt-get update [12:50] GeoffTheFish: check out the Free Software alternatives to vmware -- KVM and Xen [12:50] choudesh: thanks im unsure how to what program to use to read the onctents of a file... thats why i was using more (incorrectly ) [12:50] GeoffTheFish, graphics in vista or graphics in vmware ubuntu are problematic [12:50] bazhang I did get an error with Gnome Power Manager after install, saying it wasn't configured properly. I reinstalled it, and the error message went away [12:50] ads_, stat `ls -r /proc | grep stat` [12:51] choudesh: it is showing E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf:2: Extra junk at end of file [12:51] bazhang - graphics in Ubuntu. The login screen is fine, its only after login does it look x11-ey [12:51] because of this error: checking for gconf-2.0 >= 2.6.0... Package gconf-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path [12:51] choudesh: thanks then redirect to a file yes?? [12:51] !who | traisen [12:51] traisen: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [12:51] PradeepDebata, add a ";" at them end [12:51] PradeepDebata, at the end of the proxy definition [12:51] . [12:51] traisen: you need the corresponding -dev packages. What are you compiling? [12:51] m-c: I'll try that, but the real problem is that once it's installed and I restart, I can't access the GUI (nor IRC!) leading to me being unable to run any packages or programs. Sorry for me vanishing like that. [12:52] DistroJockey: Will do. [12:52] GeoffTheFish, not familiar with vista working with vm's perhaps the vmware forums or channel can help out with that. [12:52] !who - I'm trying to install gnu classpath 97.2 [12:52] traisen: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:52] hey i have a question, i want to buy 3 hard drives and have them all accessible from one PC. do i need to buy some kind of controller to do this. how do i do it? [12:52] Dunas: I thought you said you could access a low-res graphical display [12:52] khin ask in ##hardware [12:52] dunas, thanks [12:52] khin: Many new PCs support 4 or more internal hard drives [12:53] m-c: Not while it's installed- I can't change the display settings at all, because it won't let me in past the login screen. Right now, it's not installed, and it'll display at 800x600 or 600x400. [12:53] bazhang ok thanks for your help. Do you know how I can best describe the graphics issues I am having. Is gnome going into some sort of basic mode for some reason? [12:53] traisen: so you don't want the version in the repositories? === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [12:53] Dunas: What won't let you past the login screen? [12:53] bazhang could running the following have caused any issues? sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers- [12:53] GeoffTheFish, well in vmware (afaik) they use a virtual video setup, so it never really uses your native card abilities [12:54] choudesh: ah well its not working nevermind.. its matching anything with stat in it rather than explictly "stat" [12:54] jrib: version in what repositories - Ubuntu? (I'm not so familiar with installs) ... [12:54] The monitor. It goes completely black, then displays a message in its own font in the black screen, stating 'Input Not Supported', which makes no sense (it ran fine on Windows, after all, there's no reason that card would be incompatible now.) [12:54] GeoffTheFish, how about posting a screenshot [12:54] bazhang - the graphics are fine until I login, then they it display plain brown with no gradient and the icons are weird [12:54] traisen: yes, that's the recommended way to install everything [12:54] ads_, what exactly do you want? [12:54] !info classpath | traisen [12:54] traisen: classpath (source: classpath): clean room standard Java libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.96.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 540 kB [12:54] jrib: if 2.22 is ok - fine with me, but not with classpath [12:54] DistroJockey: http://pastebin.org/46279 [12:55] bazhang will do [12:55] Dunas: I have never seen that issue. I thought you were having problems with high resolutions [12:55] traisen: I don't understand what you just said. 2.22 of what? [12:55] Dunas: And I agree - it is probably a software issue. You have two output ports on the card? Maybe try the other one? [12:56] choudesh: i want to recursively look through the /proc directory looking for a file specifically named "stat" and then print the contents to a file [12:56] m-c: I'm not sure if I am or not, I can't get it to display higher than 800x600 normally, and once it's installed, it displays the login screen at a higher resolution (I'm tempted to say 1440x900, although it could be something lower) but won't interpret the signal properly once it's past the login process. [12:56] dunas might also try jiggling the cable (has worked for me before) [12:56] ads_, stat `ls -r /proc | grep $stat` [12:56] Dunas, thanks. Sorry I can't help more though. Good luck. [12:56] ads_: just use find [12:56] ads_: find /stat -name stat | cat === Newy is now known as Newy11 [12:57] Dunas: Can you not look at the back of the computer and see if you have two ports? [12:57] DistroJockey: Not a problem, although I'm curious as to why there's no configuration details there- it's all listed as default or generic. [12:57] Pici: useless use of cat :) [12:57] ads_: Rather, find /proc -name stat | cat [12:57] how can I make the sound work? It doesn't work. It does not as root either [12:57] hmm [12:57] jrib: probably ;) [12:57] !ask [12:57] m-c: Will do. [12:57] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [12:57] Dunas, new xorg, very minimal as it's supposed to be all automatic [12:57] papat, you logged in as root? [12:57] no, bazhang [12:58] papat, go to sound prefs and try the different choices [12:58] jrib: gconf2 version 2.22 [12:58] papat, ie not autodetect [12:59] btw, what's the general opinion about Hardy heron? [12:59] traisen: did you check the -dev package's version? [12:59] Pici: find /proc -name stat |cat > ~/myfile is only printing the names not the contents?! [12:59] jrib: classpath 2:0.96.1 installed fine via sudo before the problem and restalled fine with Synaptic afterward - but still have gconf problem [13:00] traisen: yes, you need to install libgconf2-dev.... [13:00] ads_: sorry, its: find /proc -name stat -exec cat {} \; > somewhere [13:00] bazhang here is one screenshot http://www.outofmemory.co.uk/ubuntu.png [13:00] Pici: many thanks [13:00] bazhang - and here is firefox http://www.outofmemory.co.uk/ubuntufirefox.png - look at the icons [13:00] m-c: Being totally honest, I'm not completely sure what to look for, however, I didn't see anything resembling a second port for the monitor or graphics card back there. [13:01] hi [13:01] is anybody there? [13:01] i need help!!!! [13:01] nikos yes [13:01] nikos: define your problem [13:02] GeoffTheFish, those are the normal gtk ff icons (different from windows and mac) [13:02] how can install flash player on ubuntu? [13:02] 'please state the nature of the linux emergancy' [13:02] hehe [13:02] bazhang but there are no minimize, maximise icons on the window [13:02] I think Hardy Heron it's a real crap. [13:02] nikos via synaptic [13:02] Is there any way to minimize the transmission client on startup like utorrent does ? [13:02] Is Gutsy still supported? I might try that. [13:02] GeoffTheFish, what about right clicking on center of title bar [13:03] plz write me what i must write on terminal!! [13:03] Dunas: Okay. Quick question, when you get to a login screen, can you press ctrl-alt-F1 for a service console? ctrl-alt-F6 (I think) to get back to the gui [13:03] papat, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic [13:03] is there anyway to stop the video flickering during playback when compiz is installed. i have the fglrrx driver installed for my ati hd3850 [13:03] bazhang I get an old fashioned looking menu with the options on [13:03] Dunas: Try it again after you login at the gui and it goes black [13:03] After installing the latest nvidia beta driver (173.14.09), my volume keys on my keyboard no longer works. The OSD-volume-picture-thingie doesn't even show up. The only change i can find that the nvidia-config changed in xorg (regarding keyboard) was adding the non-existing "CoreKeyboard" in ServerLayout. Tried removing it, but didn't make a difference. Any ideas? [13:03] can you hear me? [13:03] IanX1, best to disable compiz when watching videos in that case (fglrx) [13:04] nikos, sorry, no. But i can read what you write =) [13:04] bazhang, don't bother. I am only saying something everybody thinks, And I won't repeat it. But I had to tell it. [13:04] nikos open synaptic and search for flash [13:04] nikos: apt-get install libflash-swfplayer [13:04] !flash | nikos [13:04] nikos: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [13:04] tnks! [13:04]  bazhang: so there is no way to watch videos with compiz enabled ? [13:04] I have my mic working but it's not working in skype. sound recorder works with "capture" input but this is not available in skype's input selection [13:04] nikos: if you need flash addon for mozilla firefox then apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash [13:04] codered, that is not the right one [13:05] IanX1, you want to use the cube during a movie? [13:05] bazhang: why [13:05] papat: if you want to help make the next release better, you should be filing bugs on bugs.ubuntu.com about all the things you think makes hardy "real crap" [13:05] bazhang:yeah [13:05] thanks you very much... [13:05] Dunas, you could try this for your xorg.conf. Make a backup of your current one first: http://pastebin.org/46281 [13:06] IanX1, best ask in #compiz-fusion for the technical details of that [13:06] hi there [13:06] hi, where do I put commands so they will kick off at boot? [13:06] ethanjay: What kind of mic ? [13:06] mooper, system prefs sessions [13:06] mooper, menu->preference->session [13:06] choudesh: but it is still showing E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf:2: Extra junk at end of file [13:06] jrib, this is what people are doing. But it's supposed that Ubuntu WAS NOT as Debian. [13:06] bazhang: the gnash-common includes all necessary libraries for running swf [13:07] back in a second [13:07] papat: You've been asked to take it to off-topic [13:07] papat: huh? discuss this with me in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want [13:07] ok [13:07] bazhang: WalloO: I was thinking about init scripts [13:07] m-c: Yes, I can do that although to return to GUI it's ctrl-f7 for future reference. [13:07] m-c: 3.5mm plug, sigmatel sound card [13:07] mooper, put in the command section of that location [13:07] bazhang: ?? [13:07] ok i appear to have defininately have no .pid files associated to mozilla or firefox and no running processes can anyone please explain or help me.. firefox will not run as it says its already runnning????? [13:07] hi, how come that since yesterday my usb mouse works only with ubuntu live? [13:08] mooper, system prefs session command section [13:08] ads_, there may be a stale lock file in .mozilla or .firefox or whatever dir it uses [13:08] bazhang I dont have gui [13:08] mooper: ha... init scripts are in /etc/init.d then, using daemon preference, you enable it. [13:08] mooper, why do you want to run a command at boot? [13:08] pappi - check for errors in the dmesg command after you plug it in [13:09] i need help! [13:09] nikos, scream for help is not the proper way to get help. [13:09] m-c: Is there some way to edit the xorg.conf file or at least see its contents from that service console? If so it might be able to give us more clues as to why that driver makes the monitor throw a fit. [13:09] nikos: really! [13:09] Dunas, you could try this for your xorg.conf. Make a backup of your current one first: http://pastebin.org/46281 [13:09] bazhang - take a look at this other VM I have http://www.outofmemory.co.uk/ubuntuproper.png. This is with the graphics working okay. [13:09] WalloO: I want some file systems to automatically mount [13:09] jrib: OK I further, but how did you know where it was? just a search on name in synaptic? [13:10] traisen: apt-cache search lib gconf dev [13:10] i want to see a video on youtube, but i cant...i need flash-plugin!! [13:10] hi, all. [13:10] WalloO: mount /dev/stuff/stufflvm /media/vmware [13:10] mooper, I was nearly sure it was that.. Ok. You need to add the mount you need in /etc/fstab. It's for a new disk or a samba mount? [13:10] oh..all is ok! [13:10] Would that work? [13:10] m-c, dmesg says there's a new usb low-speed device but still it doesn't work. and lsusb thinks there's nothing plugged in [13:10] nothing... [13:10] nikos: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [13:10] Dunas, may [13:11] I am wondering why the gnome-help takes long time to prepare the document [13:11] mooper, check how to do that in /etc/fstab. this is the place where you need to put your mount parameters [13:11] when i connect my laptop to an external monitor, during the boot up process the initial screen the monitor mirrors the laptop screen but when X starts the monitor goes blank..i cant seem to bring it up even using the function F4 which toggles between lcd and monitor. Using 8.04 w/compiz [13:11] WalloO: and sshfs [13:11] pappi - did you try a different port? [13:11] yes, still nothing changes [13:11] hi, anyone know if firefox 3 is meant to work with feisty? I'm getting GLib-CRITICAL and Gtk-CRITICAL errors when running it [13:11] DistroJockey: Anything I'll need to do once I put that in? [13:11] choudesh: r u there [13:11] tnks! [13:11] but the strange thing is that if i boot a livecd, mouse starts working again [13:11] Slart: tnks! [13:12] Dunas, restart the x server [13:12] pappi: sorry I cannot help you more - at least the livecd tells you it is not a hw problem [13:12] mooper, I never mounted a sshfs but as soon as you use mount, you can put it in /etc/fstab. Try to find some documentation for the good syntax in fstab [13:12] yep [13:12] ctrl-alt-backspace? [13:12] tnx anyway [13:12] Dunas, aye [13:12] Alright, wish me luck [13:12] WalloO: sshfs example.com:/stuff /media/home-pc [13:12] any ideas how to enable the serial port [13:12] Dunas, good luck [13:12] WalloO: I dont think you can use it with fstab [13:12] m-c: got it! sorry to bother you [13:13] mooper, but do not compy the mopunt command in fstab, find and read some doc to do that correctely [13:13] mooper, you can with samba and password, why not with sshfs? [13:13] i tried to connect to internet using nokia n73 but it is not working [13:13] karen: Serial port should be enabled in the OS if it is enabled in the BIOS [13:13] the system detects the phone using lsusb === Guest633 is now known as xilef [13:14] what is the best book to learn bash scripting? [13:14] i need help, how do i fix the black screen [13:14] why isnt the monitor mirroring the lcd [13:14] Dr_willis: thanks.. checked in ~/.mozilla nothing ??? anywhere else i should be looking?? [13:14] xilef, which black screen? [13:14] WalloO: this is the complicated way. there is an easy way to exectute commands on init lvl 3 [13:14] ads_: Theres a great online scripting guide called the ABS Guide [13:14] it shows initially until X starts..btw thanks m-c Should have said that first [13:14] It is just a little odd on ubuntu [13:14] ads_, i see a lock file in .mozilla/firefox/SESSIONNAME here. [13:14] abhi_ there is the bash channel and tons of online bash tutorials [13:15] but in the manual configuration it is not working when edited in the networking icon [13:15] ads_, you could try moving .mozilla to some other name, and reruning firefox and see if that helps it out [13:15] ads_: oops, wrong person [13:15] Pici: thanks buddy will check that out!! [13:15] Hi does anyone know what would cause my graphics to go like this http://www.outofmemory.co.uk/ubuntufirefox.png instead of this http://www.outofmemory.co.uk/ubuntuproper.png. It is a new install today, but something has caused the graphics to go weird. [13:15] abhi_: Theres a great online scripting guide called the ABS Guide, also in the package abs-guide [13:15] mooper: This is the nice way. Now if you want to do it the ugly way, add your command in /etc/init.d then enable it from service confirguration tool [13:16] karen: What do you mean by your serial port 'shows' until you start X? How does it show? [13:16] greek???? [13:16] GeoffTheFish: there is a zoom functionality in compiz that looks a bit like that [13:16] !gr | nikos [13:16] nikos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [13:16] Dr_willis: fixed it... im not seeing any lock files however there must be thank you [13:16] ads_, its actualy a 'link' here it seems. [13:16] m-c: i have my external monitor hooked up the laptop thru the serial port..when ubuntu boots until gdm starts the monitors shows what the lcd is showing [13:16] Slart - what is compiz? [13:17] ads_, lrwxrwxrwx 1 willis willis 15 2008-06-26 07:52 lock -> [13:17] paidia den exw eikona sto youtube, ti prepei na kanw? [13:17] 哈哈 [13:17] !compiz | GeoffTheFish [13:17] GeoffTheFish: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [13:17] Dr_willis: ok checking now [13:17] nikos: You need to join #ubuntu-gr first [13:17] Pici How do you bring up the abs guide once installed? [13:17] ads_, no idea what its actually linked to. :) its weird. [13:17] GeoffTheFish: compiz is the .. well.. the graphical subsystem responsible for rendering windows and desktop if you're using desktop effects [13:17] !compiz === slowz_ is now known as slowz [13:17] karen: I think you have your terms confused. A monitor does not go into a serial port. :) [13:17] GeoffTheFish, go on youtube and type compiz... you will find tones of videos of compiz in action [13:17] hey guys, what's the 'ipconfig/renew' equivilent on ubuntu? Request a new DHCP address? I've tried 'ifconfig eth0 down/up' but that doesn't work very well [13:17] Jack_Sparrow: I know its in /usr/share/doc/ [13:18] ty [13:18] Jack_Sparrow: got bash room === knoppixuser is now known as mado [13:18] ads_, heh - it seems to be a broken link here.. but my firefox is working.. weird [13:18] I think it maybe the recent update to VMware that is causing the problem. I have tried to create a new VM, and I am getting a gnome error straight away [13:18] GeoffTheFish: try holding down the left windows key and use the scrollwheel [13:18] m-c: :) maybe..but am I able to portray whats happening to u though> [13:18] mooper: do you want to mount sshfs? [13:18] GeoffTheFish: if that doesn't do anything it isn't compiz doing it [13:18] "Error starting the Gnome Settings Daemon" [13:19] kapoios apo ellada? [13:19] rick111, you can use sudo /etc/init.d/network restart [13:19] !english | nikos [13:19] nikos: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [13:19] thanks slowz [13:19] karen: Truthfully, it is not clear to me. [13:19] karen: I've read what you typed many times over. [13:19] rick111: or sudo ifup eth0, and sudo ifdown eth0 [13:20] thanks man [13:20] karen: You'll have to explain to someone else, coffee time for me [13:20] m-c: well, when you connect the monitor using the monitor cable connected to the laptop, you usually have to press the laptop's function key and a F[1..12]key on which toggles the display between the lcd and the extrernal monitor [13:21] DistroJockey: Holy crap, it's 1024 now [13:21] 1024x768 and while it ain't perfect it looks so much more tolerable. [13:21] karen: Right, that is clear. So you are using a laptop. Now what's the problem you are having? [13:22] m-c: when i do that, during boot up the external monitor shows correctly until gdm starts after which the external monitor just turns off like its not getting a signal [13:22] Dr_willis: very strange... i couldnt even find any links ah well ive copied my bookmarks accross thats all i need for now thanks again [13:22] Dunas, cool :) You may be able to tweak that mode line further. But atleast it's better :) [13:22] my sound just tripped in the middle of watching flash clips, I rebooted 6 times and it still isnt working. I tried to force it through the sound preference and no joy.. I have no sound. am on hard [13:23] DistroJockey: Do you know why Ubuntu suddenly uses that generic X config file? I see you recommended a fully configured X config file, and I did not realized they still worked ;) [13:23] DistroJockey: Working on it now, actually. At least it's not... you know... so CRAMPED looking. Wider. I don't know what it did, I messed with the monitor's own configuration a little too, but holy jeez. [13:23] how I said to random function that return me a number betwin that 1 and 10?? [13:23] m-c: sorry if I wasnt clear before. Any ideas as to what I should be looking for? or why its happening [13:23] Pici Thanks.. that looks like a good resource... [13:23] m-c: it seems to work fine in windows [13:24] m-c, the new xorg I believe is supposed to do a better job, but in some cases it does not [13:24] DistroJockey: Can you link me to that pastebin again? I want to check something in my xorg.conf against it. [13:24] karen: Ah, so the second monitor turns off on your laptop after login. [13:24] Hi everything - how can i make ubuntu autoupdate instead of asking me everyday? [13:24] Dunas, http://pastebin.org/46281 [13:24] kolombino You need to find a programming channel not an OS support room [13:24] is firefox 3 beta 5 still in hardy ? [13:24] m-c: actually no, the lcd always shows something..the monitor turns off after gdm starts [13:24] cyzie: No, its Final [13:25] karen: This is a X configuration issue - and most likely resolved by using a video configuration tool. What have you tried to resolve the issue? [13:25] cyzie, read the topic please [13:25] I am making a room called #black_screen can someone go there to help me please? [13:25] DistroJockey: As I thought- the screen setting defaulted a little, but maintained up to 1024 options. [13:25] m-c, more automatic is not always a good thing it seems :) [13:25] Jack_Sparrow is a shell script [13:25] my sound just tripped in the middle of watching flash clips, I rebooted 6 times and it still isnt working. I tried to force it through the sound preference and no joy.. I have no sound. am on hard [13:25] !who | traisen [13:25] DeFirence: check out the dialog in system, administration, software sources.. in the update-tab [13:25] m-c: I really dont know what to do here :) [13:25] xilef, help is provided on the channel, not on random chans [13:25] DistroJockey: Do you think you can help me if I can pastebin the current appearance? [13:25] on this channel i mean [13:25] kolombino Yes. it is a shell script.. and offtopic in here [13:25] mm strange, mine still ff3bt5 [13:25] mm strange, mine still ff3b5 [13:25] cyzie look in backports [13:25] DeFirence, menu->administration->software source->Updates tab [13:25] cyzie, do you have the net repositories enabled ? [13:25] Dunas, maybe, what screen do you have? [13:26] but no one wants to help because it's apparent it cant be fixed [13:26] cyzie, are you using hardy ? [13:26] yes [13:26] DeFirence, then check: install security updates without confirmation [13:26] i am using hardy [13:26] Dunas, or do you know it's max resolution? [13:26] DistroJockey: It is always a trade off - between ease of use and obvious configurability! [13:26] m-c: My laptop is running nvidia card..could that be the problem? [13:26] xilef, if he can't be fixed, it will not get fixed just because the support is provided on your channell.... [13:26] m-c, aye [13:26] Hey I'm using a custom OS and have a group user and pass etc. But I was never given the root password. Any way of getting it without contacting who made the os? [13:26] Jack_Sparrow, cyzie; its in updates, not backports [13:26] The screen itself? [13:26] ok, thanks WalloO and Slart [13:26] Acer P191w with max resolution of 1440x900. [13:26] Jack_Sparrow Thanks, can you said me a name of a programming channel¿? [13:26] the screen = black [13:26] :) [13:27] karen: You can start with System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution [13:27] enjoy your day [13:27] cyzie, so please check that you have the net reposiotiroies enabled, also try selecting another mirror for the updates [13:27] dfOS_user__, which OS? Linux? [13:27] upon install and test [13:27] DeFirence: you too [13:27] Pici Silly me, this is a gutsy box [13:27] Yeah based on Ubuntu Wallo0 [13:27] and now the CD just popped-itself o [13:27] karen: Also you might try adding the nvidia-produced package called nvidia-settings and trying to configure with that tool [13:27] *out :| [13:27] kolombino #bash [13:27] Dunas, well, that mode is in that mode line, shame it didn't use it [13:27] ahh okay okay [13:27] oh great [13:27] let me try that m-c [13:28] dfOS_user__, there is no root password by default, =since root login is not allowed by default [13:28] !sudo | dfOS_user__ [13:28] dfOS_user__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [13:28] karen: Ask someone who uses Ubuntu on a laptop already - and someone who has an nvidia card and a second monitor. Should not be too tough to find someone like that [13:28] karen: I have no such laptop so I am the wrong one to ask [13:28] Dunas, maybe you can now choose a better one in System - Preferences - Screen Resolution ? [13:28] kanenas apo ellada pou na milaei ellinika?????? [13:29] dfOS_user__, however, if you want to remove a password, run the live CD, mount the disk, then remove the password in /etc/shadow [13:29] DistroJockey: Let me get this pastebinned for you, it might help... [13:29] Thanks guys. Oh one more thing in the menu under system there is no settings option so I can't do anything to change around settings and shit. Cant add users etc [13:29] nikos: english or you will be kicked [13:29] m-c: ok..will do..let me try the nvidia settings first..it seems like a good idea [13:29] !gr | nikos [13:29] nikos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [13:29] Dunas, *nods* [13:29] DistroJockey: http://pastebin.org/46284 [13:30] Dunas, you seem to be back with the VESA driver [13:30] dfOS_user__: Please watch the language here. Reading up, you said that you werent even using Ubuntu, we can't provide support for what we don't control. [13:30] Dunas, what video card do you have again? [13:31] dunas: you ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and now you can see video, but you're not using the nvidia driver anymore, correct? [13:31] my sound just tripped in the middle of watching flash clips, I rebooted 6 times and it still isnt working. I tried to force it through the sound preference and no joy.. I have no sound. am on hard [13:31] ubuntu, is it easy to use [13:31] dunas: I was helping you last night. :) [13:31] Pici it's basically Ubuntu with extra programs installed and a different theme. Sorry about the language [13:31] i am on hardy [13:32] anyone got an idea why every keystroke changes the resolution at the login screen? [13:32] uni4dfx: try pressing all the shift, alt, ctrl, windows keys once.. in case one got stuck [13:33] Slart: still the same... funny thing is Ctrl+Alt+F1 won't work [13:33] !mint > dfOS_user__ [13:33] Dunas, btw, that's a totally different xorg.conf than the one I edited for you [13:33] mint? [13:33] uni4dfx: good sign that you've got stuck keys or a wrong keymap [13:34] you can get thrown out talking of other non-pure distros, careful. [13:34] dfOS_user__, Im using Linux Mint Right now. :) [13:34] uni4dfx: hmm..then I have no idea.. it sounds very weird [13:34] I'm not on Linux Mint lol [13:34] dfOS_user__ If you read it it explains that based on ubuntu is not the same as ubuntu [13:34] RAdams: could be the keymap file, this could be it? === ara_lunch is now known as ara [13:34] freespire don't like my mb, darn! [13:34] Okok [13:34] Radams: oops.... where's the keymap file? [13:34] uni4dfx: yes, could definitely be it. try reconfiguring xorg to match your correct keymap [13:35] try layouts, there uni4dfx. and go to ...Custom... [13:35] guys could someone please answer my question [13:35] RAdams: already did dpkg-reconfigure.. didn't help [13:35] RAdams: No, I used an xorg.conf that Distrojockey gave. [13:35] DistroJockey: I know, that's what's confusing. [13:35] Dunas: let me see it [13:36] DistroJockey: Nvidia Geforce 7100, integrated and prone to throwing fits but overall not the worst graphics card I've ever been stuck with. [13:36] RAdams, http://pastebin.org/46281 I added 43 - 47 [13:36] RAdams: http://pastebin.org/46281 [13:37] Dunas, and you have installed the restricted nvidia drivers? [13:37] RAdams: http://pastebin.org/46284 Here's what it looks like after a system reboot. Which reminds me. After restarting the X server it didn't want to cooperate- said the settings were wrong somehow, but only offered 600x400 or 800x600 at 61 refresh rate still. [13:37] hi, how to see if there is a passwd set on root user ? [13:37] DistroJockey: No, not yet- that's what borked it before, remember. [13:37] Dunas, good [13:38] DistroJockey: Although I must admit that one of the selling points this time was that Team Fortress 2 worked on Wine, which it probably won't until I get a compatible card that doesn't kill off the monitor. Ah well. Needed a break from it anyway, spent way too much time on that game. [13:38] Hello , I am using hardy, I need some more folder view for nautilus. List is not good enough if compared windows , In fact that is not list view , that is detailed view which is using in nautilus . Any help? [13:38] BuFF There is not one by default.. But I dont know how to see if someone set one [13:38] Dunas, heh :) [13:39] my sound just tripped in the middle of watching flash clips, I rebooted 6 times and it still isnt working. I am on hardy I tried to force it through the sound preference and no joy.. I have no sound. am on hard [13:39] hardy* [13:39] safiyyah, did you try alsamixer? [13:39] yeah [13:39] Dunas, I might leave you in RAdams' hands now as I need sleep. Good luck. [13:39] DistroJockey: Alright and thank you for your help. [13:39] i went to the sound preferences [13:40] fakeroot is good, when supplied via re-direct to null... [13:40] Dunas, you're welcome. Later [13:40] safiyyah HAve you read the troubleshooting section of our factoid? You can also get great help with sound issues by /join #alsa [13:40] install fakeroot, grep | 80...///newpswed [13:41] Jack_Sparrow: can't you just check in the /etc/shadow for a hash for the password? [13:41] ok, I got past the login screen by doing startx... every keystroke still changes the resolution even in KDE [13:41] hash disguises password algorithm, non-data. [13:41] RAdams: It didn't want to recognize it as a widescreen LCD before, and now it does... that's what gets me. Before, it would do the equivalent of screaming obscene things in my face if I tried to tell it it was not, in fact, a generic monitor. [13:41] Slart No idea.. it is still close to 4am here and not really awake yet [13:41] Hey is there a way I can detected what Mobo I have in Ubuntu? [13:41] only former ceo at mcafee stored password when righted with PGP. [13:42] Now beach bum... [13:42] astute, what are you talking about [13:42] hey. Suddenly i get no sound from any media. Rythmbox don't even play the songs,marker is just sitting there. tried some stuff but nothing hepled,what to do? [13:42] try poshtit notes. there easire. and you can fiite when someone knows ; yeah, yee [13:43] Oh, is Hardy's currently included Firefox actually FF3? [13:43] styles: in terminal sudo lshw [13:43] Dunas: yes [13:43] Dunas, look at /topic [13:44] Oh ho ho. [13:44] Slart, bazhang: Thanks, sorry for the rather stupid question. :') [13:44] I'm using flashplugin-nonfree and firefox on hardy to watch flash video (e.g. this page http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/euro_2008/7474622.stm). at normal size it is quite useable but at full-screen, the picture is very jerky -- I can see the screen refreshing. is this likely to be the fault of the flash plugin, firefox, X window, or the nvidia-glx-new driver? [13:44] Dunas: no worries =) [13:44] hey. Suddenly i get no sound from any media. Rythmbox don't even play the songs,marker is just sitting there. tried some stuff but nothing hepled,what to do? [13:45] ne2k__, flash at full screen? isnt that pretty low-res to start out with? [13:45] bazhang: it works fine on windows [13:46] hi [13:46] Dunas: can you show me what your xorg.conf looks like after you run nvidia-xconfig? [13:46] ne2k__ Have you tried with effects turned off [13:46] Dunas: your primary problem with the before-restart conf is that there's no configuration for the video card, which is going to make it revert to vesa. [13:46] and now it magically started working O.o ahh well,i'm happy then [13:46] I'm using the command line, and I'm unable to use sudo. Can anyone help me with this? [13:47] barjoman: what happens when you try? [13:47] RAdams: I appear to not have those packages, hold on. [13:47] barjoman what command are you typing [13:47] RAdams: I don't have authority [13:47] I'm typing: sudo apt-get update [13:47] RAdams: Do I need the gtx files or just Nvidia-xconfig? [13:48] After installing the latest nvidia beta driver, my keyboard's volume control buttons no longer work. The usual OSD-volume-thingie doesnt even show up anymore. The keyboard InputDevice section in xorg.conf have not been changed by the nvidia config. I tried mapping the volume keys to "something" in khotkeys - but they were not being registered. Any ideas? (Logitech UltraX usb keyboard) [13:48] barjoman Are you a user that is not in the admin group [13:48] I don't know Jack [13:48] I guess not [13:48] Dunas: just nvidia-xconfig and it's registered dependencies [13:48] barjoman are there other users setup for your system? [13:48] Jack_Sparrow: just turned appearance->visual effects from normal to none, and it makes no difference. am I likely to have to restart anything? I would have thought not. [13:48] sudo -v says: sorry, user may not run sudo [13:49] Jack: no [13:49] Dunas: and nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new, but you should have one of those already [13:49] I just finished installing, and I'm the only one. [13:49] I'm running server edition, so no desktop either [13:49] ne2k__ I would not think so. but it was something easy to check out [13:49] http://pastebin.org/46286 [13:49] Err [13:49] RAdams: http://pastebin.org/46286 [13:49] barjoman: then the user you're on is not in sudoers, or in a group that has sudo permissions. [13:50] is there a way to compile gentoo under ubuntu? [13:50] RAdams: how would I go about fixing that then? [13:50] Jack_Sparrow: the "visual effects" thing is compiz, right? [13:50] Ronald, gentto is a full OS, not a program [13:50] ops, was RoninBaka [13:50] joaopinto: "gentoo" is a distribution, not an OS. [13:50] !compiz [13:50] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [13:50] Are there any computers that are better suited for ubuntu than others? [13:51] ne2k__ yes [13:51] gronne, sure, those with hw support on Linux [13:51] gronne: ones that have a processor that is supported by linux are better, otherwise you'll have difficulty. === Guest451 is now known as skunkworks_ [13:51] barjoman: you need root access to fix it. so if you can't sudo or login as root, you'll need to use another system to modify your install to allow you to be root [13:52] hi all [13:52] which is the driver for the video card S3 unichrome PRO IGP? [13:52] RAdams One of those livecd's would be really handy about now for him eh? [13:52] joaopinto: are you saying there's specific linux hw or are you being "funny" likd ne2k? [13:53] I try S3 unichrome and it does not work [13:53] RAdams: where does xorg keep the keymaps? [13:53] !hardware [13:53] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [13:53] Jack_Sparrow: quite so [13:53] RAdams: I tried to logout and login as root, but I can't seem to do that either. Would the username be "root" by default or not? I am currently logged in as "barjoman@master" [13:53] gronne, I am not beeing funny, there is some hw not fully supported or not supported at all on Linux [13:53] uni4dfx: Section "Input Device" [13:53] dafe: S3 is the one. [13:53] barjoman: root login may be disabled [13:53] !doesn't work | dafe [13:53] dafe: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [13:54] RAdams: Did you get my message? [13:54] gronne, if you have the change, grab a live CD, and test drive the PC you are planning to buy [13:54] joaopinto: ok, because I was thinking about buying a laptop, and then I may ask it in a different way: should I avoid some hardwares [13:54] gronne, go for intel [13:54] ok when i select the driver and click on the button test it says it fails!!! [13:54] I know that gentoo is a full os... But I wan't to complile it from scratch and the computer i'm compiling for is only 1 550mhz epia. I'm then going to use PXE boot to run it from ubuntu over the network [13:55] gronne, avoid ati video if you can. [13:55] Dunas: the last one I got from you was the link to the conf [13:55] gronne: thinkpads are well supported usually [13:55] gronne Look at the !hardware link above... lots of good info in there [13:55] gronne, I can't you much because I didn't tried a broad range of hw yet [13:55] ops, help much [13:55] Dunas: your problem lies in line 56 of the nvidia-xconfig generated conf. It seems to believe your board is vesa-compatible, not nvidia. Is your card integrated or dedicated, and what system is it on? [13:55] gronne, theres also linux laptop specific web sites [13:55] gronne: alos check http://www.linux-laptop.net/ and http://tuxmobil.org/ [13:55] RAdams: Integrated. What 'system' is it on? [13:55] Hi, I have SSH'd into a another machine which runs ubuntu and I want to start a Python script that displays a window (using GTK). The problem is that I can't get that window to display on the remote machine since I can't specify which session to run the script. Is there anyway to start a script over SSH in the X Windows session? I think I have used the correct terms [13:55] lots of info now :) thanks... where was the hw-guide jack? [13:55] Dunas: what videochip do you have? [13:56] RAdams: Can I enable root? Would a fresh install help? I'm not sure what I did wrong in the install, if anything... [13:56] Dunas: sorry, what hardware? laptop model/desktop model? [13:56] RoninBaka, gentoo is built in a chroot env. so yes im guessing you can [13:56] wols: Nvidia GeForce 7100 integrated [13:56] !hardware [13:56] RAdams: Desktop. [13:56] hello, can anybody tell me how can i mount a mp4 player (pentagram rt touch) [13:56] Bowen: set the DISPLAY variable [13:56] Dunas: custom built? [13:56] Bowen, you need to ssh -X (so that the session gets forwarded to your client connection) [13:56] !hardware [13:56] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [13:56] thanks! I'll check it out [13:57] RAdams: No, I've been looking at that, but at the time I had NO computer and wanted to be sure I'd have a backup in case building one myself didn't work (due to ignorance or something else.) [13:57] Dunas: what's your Xorg.0.log say? [13:57] Dunas: what make/model of desktop? [13:57] wols: How would I check that? sudo gedit /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log? [13:57] barjoman there is #Ubuntu-server channel that might be of more help [13:57] thank you Jack [13:57] Dunas: /var/log [13:57] barjoman: by default, the first user you create for the system has sudo privs, so I'm not sure what happened there. You could try an Ubuntu live cd, that would let you mount the system and modify your sudoers file, albeit uncleanly [13:57] any ideas [13:57] Dunas Please use gksudo for gui apps like gedit [13:58] A side question though... If I see a laptop for $600 and one for $1000 with similar specs, is there some difference in quality then, or what? [13:58] Thank you RAdams [13:58] cheers guys i'll look into your suggestions [13:58] I'll visit the ubuntu-server channel [13:58] @gronne s [13:58] Cheers! [13:58] dafe: choose the driver, run X and pastebin the resulting Xorg.0.log [13:58] good luck barjoman [13:58] RAdams: Acer Aspire, I don't remember the details of its model, but I know that it has an E2160 processor, 3 GB RAM, and two hard drives totaling 250GB of storage. [13:58] gronne: It might be best to direct your questions to ##hardware , we only support Ubuntu in here [13:58] ok [13:59] RAdams: Along with the graphics chip that I already mentioned, and the monitor came bundled (19'' P191w by Acer as well) [13:59] gronne The one for 1000 was probably built with vista drivers :) but all of this is offtopic in here.. [13:59] Dunas: I'm more interested in the motherboard. To find that, I'd need the model number of the computer at least [13:59] RAdams: Let me see if I can find it [13:59] ok, sorry guys. Thanks anyway [13:59] RAdams: it's a simple integrated nvidia chipset [13:59] wols: yes, i know [14:00] Dunas If you have wine or vbox you can run a hardware detection tool called everest [14:00] wols: there's a specific set of motherboards with integrated nvidia chips in the same family as his that have a long-standing problem, I want to see if that is the case here [14:00] RAdams: then ask for the lspci output [14:01] wols: doesn't give me the motherboard model 70% of the time [14:01] RAdams would that be the nforce 4 series [14:01] RAdams: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8773302&type=product&id=1203815923631 I don't know if it helps, but this looks and has specs like mine- should be the same one. [14:01] RAdams: lspci never does. but usually lshw does [14:01] Jack_Sparrow: yes, the motherboards with nforce 4 [14:01] RAdams: but since it's an acer you woN't get the mobo model anyways. it's a Acer OEM [14:01] RAdams I have fought a few of those myself [14:01] RAdams: a GF7100 is never a nf4 [14:01] wols: i meant using hardware querying period, sorry I wasn't more specific [14:02] I've got some problems with my usb mouse on my laptop. Anyone know how to resolve this? [14:02] wols: you're sure that his motherboard doesn't use the n4 then? [14:02] Hola, i've big problems installing vmware , anyone could help me? [14:02] !doesntwork | MidnightJ [14:02] MidnightJ: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [14:02] has any have experience with playing Warcraft III online on ubuntu? [14:02] After installing nvidia driver 173.14.09, my keyboard's volume control buttons no longer work. The usual OSD-volume-thingie doesnt even show up anymore. The keyboard InputDevice section in xorg.conf have not been changed by the nvidia config. I tried mapping the volume keys to "something" in khotkeys - but they were not even being registered. Any ideas? (Logitech UltraX usb keyboard) [14:02] when i am installing ubuntu the command line install.How do i setup my ip? [14:02] Carpe|Diem: #wine [14:02] ok [14:02] RAdams: I asked you to use lspci then which you dismissed for no good reason. if it's nf4, lspci will tell you. BUT: no one sells current PCs with nf4 since a few years now [14:03] RAdams: so yes, it's not a NF4 with a E2160 in it... [14:03] RAdams: it's invite only :/ [14:03] Carpe|Diem: #winehq [14:03] Carpe|Diem: #wine is? since when? [14:03] !keys > zipper [14:03] RAdams: In addition the monitor is the thing throwing a fit as far as I can tell. The message 'Input Not Supported' is shown on the monitor in a gray box against a black screen, which is the same thing that the Monitor uses to show 'No Signal' messages. [14:03] oh right [14:03] Carpe|Diem: what wols said >.< [14:03] ok:) [14:03] Ha ha. It seems like Ubuntu has a hard time with the usb mouse. Program start to lag and ubuntu warns that anthoer program seems to demand focus [14:03] thanks, RAdams & wols [14:03] Dunas: a long time ago I asked you for something [14:04] wols: Sorry, I got sidetracked. [14:04] MidnightJ Sounds like the cheapie logitec mouse.. [14:04] wols: What was that command? [14:04] how do i srtup my ip adderss? [14:04] MidnightJ, no worries here with logitech [14:04] ghggkokok [14:04] perlsyntax ifconfig [14:04] kokokop [14:04] Co_smg_19, stop [14:04] Jack_Sparrow, cheers [14:05] Jack_Sparrow, Nope its not Logitech. And the mouse works perfect with XP :) [14:07] wols: I didn't dismiss lspci outright, I only said it wasn't likely to give the info needed. I didn't know how recent his computer was, nor do I have an intimate enough knowledge of nvidia cards to know offhand which are in which set. Thanks for the info :) [14:07] RAdams: it ALWAYS gives the chipset info. ALWAYS [14:07] MidnightJ PICNIC (problem in chair not in computer) oh an keep in mind ubuntu/linux is NOT nor is it trying to be windows so referring to it here is a null argument [14:07] perlsyntax, you got an ethnernet cable attached or what [14:07] Jack_Sparrow: not quite. it proves the hardware is working [14:07] i try to configur emy network when i am installing ubuntu but i don't know how to setup manually. [14:07] perlsyntax: ethernet? edit /etc/network/interfaces man interfaces [14:07] Jack_Sparrow, Still referring to the fact that the mouse works... Is valid. [14:07] perlsyntax, this is altcd or minimal [14:07] wols Yes, with special drivers.. [14:07] wols: Right, let's see... http://pastebin.org/46289 [14:07] i don't have my desktop yet [14:07] Jack_Sparrow: he didn't say anything about special drivers. could be the windows default ones [14:07] perlsyntax, if you already installed, you can edit the configuration at /etc/network/interfaces, or you can use one of the graphical config utilities [14:07] hi all, I seem to have half a internet connection, some things work fine others just dont seem to work, Currently I dont seem to be able to post into paste bins. have no idea what is going on? === it is now known as Guest72044 [14:07] Dunas: this is useless. it uses VESA which always works [14:07] recon69, do you get an error when you post ? [14:07] wols: is his graphics chipset not able to use nvidia-glx at all then? [14:07] recon69, what about pastebinit [14:07] before it ask me to install the desktop it want me to set up my networm manually. [14:07] wols: because that would be odd [14:07] joaopinto: no just a long wait while the bust icon turns around [14:08] RAdams: it is. but we need the output from a testrun where he uses nvidia, not VESA. can't diagnose nvidia problems when the VESA driver is used, can we? [14:08] wols: The problem is that VESA isn't working fully- it won't let me display at the full resolution for the monitor, and it's driving me a little nuts, although admittedly 1024 is an improvement [14:08] hy [14:08] ? [14:08] MidnightJ What exact make and model of mouse.. and have you checked the supported hardware info [14:08] wols: of course :) but i thought it was odd that nvidia-xconfig was identifying the board as vesa [14:08] Dunas: I don't care about VESA. I want a Xorg.0.log when nvidia is ran. if you don't need 3D you could use nv [14:08] Hey everyone, having a bit of a problem. I'm following instructions I got from ubuntugeek.com on getting hotmail working through Evolution. It wants me to reset my inetd server using" sudo /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd restart" but when I do that I get the message "sudo: /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd: command not found" Any ideas why this is happening? [14:09] wols: What do you want me to do, then? [14:09] bazhang: pastebininit? [14:09] ChrissyW: ls /etc/init.d/*inet* [14:09] !info pastebinit | recon69 [14:09] recon69: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB [14:09] Dunas: make it use nvidia drivers and pastebin THAT xorg.0.log [14:09] wols: Remember, my experience so far is limited to messing with ndiswrapper (back when I used a laptop) and opening the xorg.conf. [14:09] recon69, just cat and pipe the info there [14:09] wols: So download and install the Nvidia driver? [14:09] hello [14:10] Jack_Sparrow, No... Where is that databas? (Its a Targus model PAUM003) [14:10] Dunas: install the nvidia ubuntu packages. NOT nvidia.com drivers [14:10] ChrissyW: apt-cache search inetutils. take a look at those packages. if those aren't installed, that command won't work [14:10] !hardware [14:10] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [14:10] wols: Restricted drivers? [14:10] when is someone going to make builds for the 'new' blender version? [14:10] ChrissyW: what does the command I gave you say? [14:10] i use the ubuntu alternate cd [14:10] Dunas: yes [14:10] RAdams: okay I'll check that [14:10] MidnightJ isnt that a usb wireless mouse? [14:10] danuthaiduc: when a new ubuntu comes out [14:10] can someone help me figure out why .19 kernel broke my cdrom [14:10] Jack_Sparrow, No it's a cable :) [14:11] !wireless [14:11] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:11] hi, i'm from germany [14:11] wols: I also get command not found [14:11] wols: That has prevented me from seeing anything past the login screen the last few times I've tried it. Can I use the text interface (ctrl-alt-f1) to get that log for you if that happens? [14:11] lol [14:11] MidnightJ k [14:11] !de | mo [14:11] this is my first time in this chat [14:11] mo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [14:11] ifconfig - is that supposed to tell me what my DNS server is as well? [14:11] anyone? [14:11] ChrissyW: you cannot get "command not found" with ls. it's not possible [14:11] rick111: no [14:11] rick111, no, for that you check your /etc/resolv.conf [14:11] is anybody german? [14:11] wols - how can I get my dns ...... ahhh thanks joaopinto [14:11] hello [14:12] wols: oops sorry I forgot the Is. I'll try that again. [14:12] If I change my Wifi WPA key, Ubuntu seems incapable of remembering the new one. I tried deleting it manually in the keyring, but no dice. [14:12] About a week ago my every time I mount and SD card it is read only, before this I had no problems, anyone have any ideas? [14:12] RAdams: I see packages there when i type that command. [14:12] any ipconfig/all equivilent ? [14:12] estou com problema no reprodutor de filmes totem..' ocorreu um erro: não foi possível ler do recurso'....alguém pode me ajudar?? [14:12] rick111: ifconfig [14:12] !pt | FIP [14:12] FIP: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [14:12] rick111, don't think so [14:12] ishbibenob: fsck /dev/ and or slide the write protect knob on the USB key to R/W [14:13] wols, that does not provide the dns info, he wants a /all equivalent :) [14:13] wols no, 'ipconfig/all' shows you everything, inc dns [14:13] joaopinto thanks [14:13] knob on the SD is good, i will try the other thanks [14:13] pastebinit works fine , just cant use firefox3 [14:13] Jack_Sparrow, I think its a drive issue. I just ran over to the guy next door and borrowed his usb mouse and it seems to work perfectly. So I could just buy a new mouse... However... I'd like to solve the problem just to learn from it [14:13] MidnightJ that does need special drivers even for windows from what I found [14:13] wols: when I use ls /etc/init.d/*inet* I get: ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/*inet*: No such file or directory [14:13] anyone by chance have a sound card with the oxygen chipset? [14:13] ChrissyW: then you have no inetd daemon it seems [14:14] you need to install one [14:14] ishbibenob: would be better to fsck without it being mounted as well [14:14] wols: That has prevented me from seeing anything past the login screen the last few times I've tried it. Can I use the text interface (ctrl-alt-f1) to get that log for you if that happens? [14:14] !acx111 [14:14] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:14] wols: how do I fix that? [14:14] MidnightJ I have seen several logitec that refused to work as well as a targus wireless that is sitting here on my desk somewhere [14:14] Jack_Sparrow, Cool: where did you find that? [14:14] Dunas: yes [14:14] ChrissyW: install one [14:14] what ip number do i need to put in my network so i can get online? [14:14] wols: How? [14:14] perlsyntax: depends on your setup [14:14] would it be [14:14] Dunas: like you install any other package [14:14] i use adsl [14:14] perlsyntax: unlikely [14:14] perlsyntax, you got a router [14:14] perlsyntax: do you have a router? [14:14] yes [14:15] MidnightJ thatr was for windows, and you should have a cd already.. one sec for the link http://www.driverfiles.net/Input-Devices/Targus/page,level2,485,20,resultpage1.html [14:15] ups! I just removed /etc/apache2/mods_available. I do I reinstall it? [14:15] the pc is connect to the router [14:15] perlsyntax: then the router will assign you a IP via DHCP automatically [14:15] Jack_Sparrow, Wasn't it Logitec that installed extra software on mac os x that made it crash when upgrading to Leopard? :) [14:15] MidnightJ :) Gotta love em.. [14:15] well, guess I will have to put it down to a ubuntu8.04/firefox weirdness, seem to have this problem over many different sites [14:16] wols: I don't think you understand- can I use the text interface if possible to copy the log file to preserve it if I can't access any gui programs (including firefox for pastebin, Pidgin for IRC, or gedit for reading the log) after installing the driver packages? [14:16] Can someone recommend a good light-weight download accelerator for ubuntu [14:16] Jack_Sparrow, Cool. Thanks [14:16] is there a way to disable bulletproof-x? [14:16] MidnightJ Sorry it was not a better answer [14:16] wols: In addition, is there a command to turn off those drivers somehow? [14:17] wols: if it does cause a problem. [14:17] dmacnutt how can I find the name of that device, when it is unmounted it is not listed as my other drives are? [14:17] ishbibenob: dmesg could be helpful [14:17] the log says no screen found [14:17] or just mount it again, see what the device name is and write it down, then umoun and fsck [14:17] wols: I installed the inet daemon and it worked. I must have skipped a step somewhere along the way. Thanks very much. [14:17] Dunas, you can .. sudo apt-get install pastebinit.. then to use it ... cat | pastebinit .. it should return a link to post here. [14:18] Jack_Sparrow, Thank you for trying. Do you know any good databases/sites that I could dig into? [14:18] Dunas: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or replace "nvidia" in your xorg.conf then with "vesa" [14:18] Dunas: I shall leave you in the capable hands of wols... I've got to run [14:18] RAdams: Alright, thanks. [14:18] wols: thanks for the infos! [14:18] ChrissyW: you can also install a text mode irc client named irssis so you can come back here [14:18] MidnightJ sites for what specifically [14:18] dafe: ^we want the FULL log [14:18] ok [14:18] wols: Alright. scunizi: I'll remember that. Filename should be the same. Thank you. [14:18] dafe: in a pastebin [14:18] wols: should I do that instead of running this through pidgen like I have been? [14:19] My rhythmbox seems shot, screenshot here http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1cw9.png , how would I go about purging and reinstalling or fixing it? [14:19] ChrissyW: irssi will function without X so if your X is borked you can come here to ask for help if you can't fix it for yourself [14:19] ChrissyW: command in irssi is /connect irc.freenode.net and /join #ubuntu [14:19] dmacnutt thanks, that did it [14:20] Jack_Sparrow, Something along the way how Ubuntu handles usb input devices. I feel like digging and not giving up by buying a new mouse :). [14:20] wols: thanks a lot, I appreciate it [14:20] MidnightJ I would not know where to start [14:21] Hello. My GDM screen has a larger resolution than can fit within my screen. How do I fix this? [14:21] I'm upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 and the upgrade seems to be stuck in the "Cleaning up" phase on "Removing group slocate". It's been there for about 20 minutes now. Is this normal? [14:21] Here goes nothing [14:22] Which means, some part of the login screen is hidden from view. [14:22] ishbibenob: np [14:22] dont know how lonk i can keep the faith in ubuntu with all the problems I had since 8.04 , only having to use wireless encryption stopping me from going back to 6.06 [14:22] Jack_Sparrow, Ha ha. So it's a pretty lame question? ;) If possible start with something easy for the beginner? [14:22] laukik: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/08/13/gdm-login-screen-resolution-too-big-to-fit-screen-try-this/ [14:23] legend2440: My xorg.conf file contains none of the information written there [14:23] MidnightJ: try another livecd (with another kernel) [14:23] ishbibenob: it might mean you pulled the key improperly [14:23] hey I'm having a bit of trouble finding a file : ~/.fluxbox/styles : I need to place another file in there. [14:23] hi every1 [14:23] MidnightJ Not a lame question, simply somethine among many things that I know nothing about [14:23] I cant change the gconf key app>nautilus>preferences>show_desktop [14:23] hello ? [14:23] k I tried running the ssh -X command to run a GUI program on the ssh server, but that makes the program run on the local ssh client. What I need to be able to do is to log into a remote machine over ssh and fire up a gui program remotely, is there anyway to do this? [14:23] its says "This key is not writable" [14:23] dmacnutt how do you mean? [14:23] legend2440: Would you like me to paste my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [14:23] Jack_Sparrow, dont know if you remember my problem, but my volume keys no longer work. I tried keytouch, and it had 3 versions of my keyboard supported. None of them worked, still cannot use the media keys for anything :< [14:23] SSDF: well its in your home directory under a hidden folder called .fluxbox [14:23] any idea [14:23] good bye [14:24] joaopinto '/etc/resolvconf' is a directory with deamons in, nothing tells me the DNS server address [14:24] Jack_Sparrow, Do you know if there is something I need to do before removing a usb device in ubuntu? [14:24] ishbibenob: you will need to unmount or eject this key before you pull it out of the machine, you can't just yank it [14:24] laukik: sure [14:24] wols, Bowen you will need to set the DISPLAY to your local running displa [14:24] I see [14:24] Hey, I think I have a nice little trifecta of problems - Hardy amd64 - can't get sound working under WINE using pulseaudio, either using Alsa or OSS (padsp) - in addition, due to my sound card being CA0106, WINE disables its mixer because there is no 'Master' control. Any workarounds? Googling and searching the forums has ways to fix one or the other problem, but each fix cancels the other out. [14:24] zipper That was the only help page I know of for adding multimedia keys... [14:24] rick111, /etc/resolv.conf is a file [14:24] dmacnutt that is a possibility [14:24] =/ [14:24] MidnightJ usually unmount it.. but in your case it should not be a problem as it is not a storage device [14:24] brb [14:25] why is the number of networks in a class b network 2 xy 14? [14:25] wols, How would another livecd help? :) [14:25] trying to switch to external screen on hardy... Using compiz... Can't work out how... [14:25] Ziroday, Unforunately There is no file named that there :? [14:25] joaopinto: I have set the display to that of the remote machine [14:25] rich_, try asking on #networking , this is not the right channel [14:25] ishbibenob: old school trick might help , run "sync" after writing to it [14:25] SSDF: than make one [14:25] ok [14:25] joaopinto: which is where I want the gui program to run [14:25]  I cant change the gconf key app>nautilus>preferences>show_desktop [14:25] Well this is interesting [14:25] Morning all, does anyone know how I can off/on a screen using xrandr (or any command?) - i've got an intermittent flicker issue [14:25] any idea??!! [14:25] Bowen, that should do it [14:26] wols: It booted with the restricted driver on, but now the resolutions appear messed up. [14:26] the problem is i'm using Nvidia drivers and as far as xrandr is concerned i have one big 3200x1200 monitor (two screens) [14:26] dmacnutt ok [14:26] Jack_Sparrow, There doesn't seem to be that option. I was just thinking about giving the guy next door back his mouse. [14:26] xrandr [14:26] joaopinto you're right, I don't know how I missed that [14:26] ph8... man xrandr [14:26] thanks man [14:26] legend2440: http://pastebin.com/f42e8743f [14:27] rick111, np, yw :) [14:27] dmacnutt I have a similar problem with a hard drive I am using, I installed Virtual Box to this hard drive and it only uses 60Gb but the rest I cant touch cause I dont have permissions [14:27] My rhythmbox seems shot, screenshot here http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1cw9.png , how would I go about purging and reinstalling or fixing it? [14:27] ok, not tried pastebinit with a larger file and it not working [14:27] not/now [14:27] Ziroday, after I have the created do I create a second sub folder styles to get this ~/.fluxbox/styles [14:27] ok another question [14:27] joaopinto: yeah, it hasn't, the local machine hostname is administrator-laptop, I have set the display to administrator-laptop:0.0 === ogumus_ is now known as reverseblade [14:27] scunizi: I tried xrandr --screen 0 --output --off [14:27] no avail [14:27] SSDF: you are aware the .fluxbox is a _hidden_ folder [14:27] Is there anyway to restart the default permissions??? [14:28] yes [14:28] I am able to see hidden folders [14:28] SSDF: then yes [14:28] wols: Here's the log file you wanted: http://pastebin.org/46294 By the way, by 'messed up', I mean 800x600 is default, and 1024x768 produces a screen that does not fit vertically on the monitor. [14:28] ishbibenob: I don't quite follow, you have a seperate HDD that you have set aside for VB? [14:28] legend2440: What should I do? [14:28] legend2440: I am new to Linux. [14:28] Okay can someone help me? I'm having trouble connecting my laptop to the internet [14:28] with wireless [14:29] iCraigery: What's the problem? [14:29] Well the Virtual Box install asked for a virtual expanding drive to be placed somewhere so I chose this hD [14:29] I have onboard wireless [14:29] and it never detects the internet [14:29] and this HDD is how big? [14:29] Also when I installed the OS on the virtual box it installed it to this [14:29] laukik: read section about GDM uses a different Resolution than my Desktop https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-9a8fa8e79e2458de1eb69eadb2c97a633be81a42 [14:29] I have to uninstall ubuntu [14:29] !virtualbox | ishibenob [14:29] ishibenob: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [14:29] 250GB [14:30] and the non-free edition is still "free" [14:30] iCraigery, you want help uninstalling or with getting wireless to work [14:30] dmacnutt I partitioned it so the rest could be used but it still says I dont have permissions [14:30] Jack_Sparrow, Thank you for your help! Except that little mouse problem I've got to say Ubuntu is my favorit OS. Even better than OS X Leopard :) [14:30] legend2440: In the third step it says I will find multiple entries containing "SubSection "Display"", but my xorg.conf file don't have it. [14:30] getting the wireless to work [14:30] legend2440: Can it be automatically added? [14:31] Dunas: can you set the proper res for your display with xrandr? [14:31] wols: What is xrandr [14:31] ishbibenob: i could help with vmware, but not vbox, Virtual Box is help in #vbox [14:31] MidnightJ MAy I suggest cairo-dock and the osx theme.. let me post a pic ... [14:31] brb [14:31] Can any help my switch to an external monitor [14:31] bogey- my question is more in the realm of why my HDD denies me permissions post VM install [14:32] ishbibenob: are you operating as root? [14:32] seems i can paste one line files to pastebinit and not longer ones [14:32] no [14:32] ph8... do you have only one monitor hooked up? [14:32] dmacnutt I am not sure even how to do that [14:32] Dunas: a command [14:32] iCraigery, open a terminal and type lspci and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com [14:32] can someone help me figure out why .19 kernel broke my cdrom. It mounts fine in .14 kernel but gives an error in the latest kernel [14:32] laukik: no you would have to add it manually. but backup xorg.conf first. in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/Xii/xorg.conf after you back up old one [14:32] !noroot dmacnutt [14:32] Factoid noroot dmacnutt not found [14:32] !noroot | dmacnutt [14:32] dmacnutt: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [14:33] laukik: no you would have to add it manually. but backup xorg.conf first. in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf after you back up old one [14:33] MidnightJ Just for fun http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/2885/screenshotvb6.jpg [14:33] wols: http://pastebin.org/46295 [14:33] yeah don't be root, root is bad mkay! [14:33] !sudo | ishbibenob [14:33] ishbibenob: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [14:34] ok [14:34] Dunas: what is the default res of your monitor? [14:35] wols: What it should be? 1440x900. What it currently is? 800x600. [14:35] anyone know tha name of the irc server to connect to yahoo and msn? i forgot it :( [14:35] Hey, I think I have a nice little trifecta of problems - Hardy amd64 - can't get sound working under WINE using pulseaudio, either using Alsa or OSS (padsp) - in addition, due to my sound card being CA0106, WINE disables its mixer because there is no 'Master' control. Any workarounds? Googling and searching the forums has ways to fix one of the two problems (Pulse under AMD64, Wine with CA0106), but each fix cancels the other out. [14:35] lifi: bitlbee [14:35] ishbibenob: try running VB with sudo instead [14:35] wols: thank [14:35] !offtopic | l1f3 [14:35] l1f3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [14:36] i useing the ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso has anyone use this before [14:36] !wine | junaos [14:36] junaos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [14:36] oops sorry :) [14:36] MidnightJ https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=14108 if interested [14:36] Jack_Sparrow, Looks cool. Still I didn't move to Ubuntu to make it look like os x. [14:36] Jack_Sparrow, I like how gnome looks per default. [14:36] so what's better [14:36] ? [14:36] ubuntu or gentoo [14:36] bogey-, irrelevant factoid - I'm pretty sure winecfg is compatible with Wine :) [14:36] sagredo, depends on your needs. [14:36] MidnightJ Np.. I just like the menu setup [14:37] MidnightJ: You'd be surprised- some people like to force Ubuntu to look exactly like their previous OS. [14:37] i at select and install software and still at 6%' [14:37] Dr_willis: what OS would turn on girls better? [14:37] sagredo, PuppyLinux. because puppys are so cute. [14:37] Dr_willis: compiz gets them pretty excited [14:37] Dunas, baring other issues.. try "xrandr -s 1440x900" [14:37] Chicks dig TrollOS. [14:37] scunizi: Will do. [14:37] Junaos: yes, but #winehq is the place to get help with WINE [14:37] sagredo, compiz makes my wife dizzy till she pukes.. [14:37] Size 1440x900 not found in available modes [14:37] Dunas, I belive you. People sometime seem to go to alot of work to avoid having to learn something new :/ [14:38] Dr_willis: Dude, get that chick a Nix OS [14:38] Dr_willis: you can use the advanced settings manager to turn off alot of that compiz stuff [14:38] Dr_willis: ;) [14:38] Jack_Sparrow, Do you use it (or someting like it)? [14:38] i need help please [14:38] bogey-, i dont want her ON the computer.. :) [14:38] MidnightJ You can make ubuntu look and work so much like vista my inlaws dont know they are on ubuntu [14:38] Trying to change output to external screen, how do I do that? [14:39] MidnightJ that was a screenshot of one of my desktops.. yes..I use it.. cairo-dock [14:39] MidnightJ: Being honest for the longest time I didn't swap for various reasons- wine wouldn't work on my laptop, wireless was a pain in the butt, and of course, there were a few programs my Chem class used that didn't work in Linux, but this desktop is getting Ubuntu if I have to threaten it with a sledgehammer. [14:39] Dunas where are you getting hung up on iunstalling it [14:40] Jack_Sparrow, have you tried Gnome-Do along with cairo dock? [14:40] Jack_Sparrow: Picture a 19'' LCD monitor set up for 1440x900. Now run 800x600 as its resolution, and you understand my pain. [14:40] scunizi no.. I have not.. do you have a link. [14:40] Jack_Sparrow, You mean it crashes all the time? ;) No but seriously... Thats the nice part with open source i guess. I think thats bascilly what made me move from XP to Mac and then to Ubuntu [14:40] Jack_Sparrow, It's in launchpad .. PPA.. let me look. [14:40] scunizi: "Size 1440x900 not found in available modes" was its response. [14:40] is there any package where i can obtain xorg drivers? [14:40] Jack_Sparrow: since 8.04 my ubuntu experience has more that reminded me of why i stop using windows, current thinking about removing it and tyring a different distro, after 3 years of happy ubuntu use. it's a sad day [14:41] Dunas Ok. so edit xorg .. add in your real monitors specs for v/h refresh not sync and you should be goods to go [14:41] recon69 Many of my boxes still use gutsy... I have no reason to upgrade them [14:41] Jack_Sparrow: The last time I tried that it wanted to force the thing into being a 1024x768 monitor with the wrong driver. [14:42] Dunas right.. 1024 x768 is max high res with vesa generic driver [14:42] Jack_Sparrow, the main site is at http://do.davebsd.com/ ...... The Ubuntu Wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeDo [14:43] scunizi noted for later reading [14:43] Dunas, I switched from Win just out of pure rage against MS. Didn't even think about that. But every windowsprogram I've ever needed I've been able to virtulize. I really never ever want windows again [14:43] recon69: Being fair, I've never had a really great experience with Ubuntu itself, but the community and the feel of it when it does work keeps making me try it. I've never gotten another distro to actually work as much as Ubuntu. [14:43] where i can find printer's joobs ? [14:43] why does select and install software stany at 6% [14:43] *jobs [14:43] Dunas please post your xorg.conf (the original) and the make and model or link to the specs for it [14:43] i need to delete it.. [14:43] Dunas, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto you might look here [14:43] Dunas, you had a link earlier to the list of resoltuions output from "xrandr" .. do you still have that link? [14:43] is it in some file or where ? [14:44] http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html MidnightJ this link might interest you :) [14:44] Jack_Sparrow, I like your desktop. The icons look really like the default mac os program icons... But how are the programs? [14:44] Jack_Sparrow: I really dont know what is up with my system, have had kernel panics since i upgraded, just hoping that latested kernel will not crash. and have had lots of strange behaviour, like currently I cant post some output to any paste bin( when i cut/paste it into browser, but if i type it in it works? [14:44] hello [14:44] bazhang, Thanks! I'll take a look [14:44] MidnightJ the icons are just that icone to existing programs you have now.. not mac programs [14:44] s'ils vous plait, ca concerne un multi boot linux xp, en effet, je n'ai que linux sur ce pc, et je veux installer xp pour pouvoir faire certaines choses, j'ai donc fait toute les demarches, et créer une partition de 39 gigas en ntfs, format reconnu par windows me semble t'il, mais, a chaque fois que je boot sur e cd d'install xp, il me dit qu'il ne trouve aucun disque dur, c'est quoi le probleme ? [14:45] !fr [14:45] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [14:45] !fr > moor [14:45] can anybody help me with Gparted ? [14:45] Dunas please post your xorg.conf (the original) and the make and model or link to the specs for it [14:45] i have some problems resizing and moving partions [14:45] KnightWise You cant resize a mounted partition.. well.. you shouldnt.. [14:45] Jack_Sparrow, So they have the same icons but aren't the same programs? But why? :) [14:46] SKOM: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=683259 [14:46] Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.org/46297 and http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8773302&type=product&id=1203815923631 [14:46] seems like the last 3 months I have done nothing but try to get my computer to work correctly. [14:46] MidnightJ it is just a menu bar.. nothing more. [14:46] Jack_Sparrow, Its not mounted , i have booted from a live cd [14:46] how can i use apt-get with a proxy setting? [14:46] KnightWise, also if the partition is logical/extended/ vs primary you may have to move.resize in steps [14:46] Dunas looking now.. please be patient [14:46] dafe, there is a config file that controills what proxy apt-get uses [14:46] i use the text base installer [14:47] Dunas I need Monitor info not your pc [14:47] bazhang, thats just sweet... thank you === gnu is now known as Guest84235 [14:47] Hi all. Guy's, can anyone help me sith SIS video drivers? [14:47] K, I am trying to run a GUI program on the SSH Server, not on the client machine that I am using to connect to the SSH server. For example, Say I wanted to run xterm over SSH on the server (not my client) I want to be able to SSH into the server and type xterm and that would fire up xterm and I would be able to see it on the server machine, do I still use ssh -X to acheive this? [14:47] MidnightJ, np :) [14:47] MidnightJ bazhang is anything BUT sweet [14:47] Jack_Sparrow: Oh. http://reviews.cnet.com/lcd-monitors/acer-p191w/4505-3174_7-32593534.html Is the closest I could find. [14:47] ? [14:48] Jack_Sparrow, Dunas I got the monitor info from the link... under monitor there is no referance to 1440x900 .. [14:48] and where is that? [14:48] scunizi: Well, that's strange- that's the resolution it was running at under Vista, I know that for a fact. === stooj_ is now known as StooJ [14:48] Jack_Sparrow, I just find it intressting why one would like the same icons as the mac. Ubuntu can without problem hold its own :) [14:48] hi i need help im on ubuntu 8.04 and for some reason i have lost minimise maximise and exit icons in every window i open i also cant move any windows wen thay are open can anyone help me please [14:48] Dunas still working on Nvidia problem SeaPhor was trying to help with? [14:49] thanx Jack_Sparrow ! [14:49] it worked [14:49] Jack_Sparrow, Ha ha. Say what against bazhang? :D [14:49] poypoy Alt+F2 then compiz --replace [14:49] tj83: Yeah, -still-. Of course, I don't have a choice- my Vista 'recovery disks' don't work, so even if I did decide to give up I couldn't. [14:49] Jack_Sparrow, Dunas sorry.. by monitor I ment the xorg monitor section.. not a link to monitor specs.. Dunas.. sometimes it's as easy as adding a line to xorg but it makes it even easier when we know the monitor specs === Guest84235 is now known as GNU_Linux [14:49] MidnightJ offtopic.. I can tease him only because I know him [14:49] Can someone recommen me a good system monitor widget app to monitor my ram, cpu, temp... here is an example http://thio4linux.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/schermata10.png [14:50] Guy's, i need help with SiS video driver :( [14:50] alt+f2 wont work no short cut keys will work [14:50] Dunas i dont have long but /join #Digital-it still Jack_sparrow is well experienced [14:50] poypoy from terminal then compiz --replace [14:50] scunizi: Yeah, that's what confuses me. It even says it's forcing it to use the vesa driver still, while the Nvidia driver registers as enabled. [14:50] Jack_Sparrow, Ha ha. Here I come from there's a saying "a man is not a real man until he kicks on the weak" [14:50] Dunas you want to manually edit xorg.conf [14:51] tj83: That prospect terrifies and excites me. [14:51] are SiS video drivers so hopeless story that nobody want even respond to me ? :( === nox-Hand_ is now known as FnuggleMaster [14:52] it work thx very much [14:52] MidnightJ, join us in #ubuntu-offtopic :) [14:52] WcE: that looks like conky its in synaptic [14:52] legend2440: No go. I tried adding the virtual line to 1024 768, but still my login window doesn't fit in my screen [14:53] Dunas, your xorg shows it's using the nvidia.. it's just named the board vesa [14:53] laukik: can you paste new xorg.conf? [14:53] legend2440: ok [14:53] scunizi: Oh, I see. [14:54] laukik: you did backup old one right? [14:54] yeah [14:54] legend2440: http://pastebin.com/f49278a6d [14:54] Dunas you can add a line to xorg in the "Monitor" section below 1024x768.. but I wouldn't know what number to put after it like the lines above... [14:54] I keep getting error message "44934-DarklyGlassed.emerald" does not appear to be a valid theme" while trying to install a theme [14:54] !paste [14:54] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [14:55] I've accidentaly removed /etc/apache2/mods-available [14:55] sorry to be off topic but i have gotten a lot of ubuntu help here and i thought someone could help me with this....is there a good general networking irc room....???.... [14:55] Hi all. Where can I find the greasemonkey folder in ubuntu? I want to add some scripts to there but I don't know where it is stored in ubuntu.. [14:55] scunizi: I'd go with a refresh rate of 60, personally- that's what I recall it being, anyway. [14:55] however, I tried aptitude reinstall apache2.2-common to reinstall it [14:55] orangefly, try #networking [14:55] laukik: try this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/23103/ [14:55] but it didn't install the modules [14:56] I keep getting error message "44934-DarklyGlassed.emerald" does not appear to be a valid theme" while trying to install a theme [14:56] Dunas... also at the top of the xorg file there is a line sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg you might give that a try to let it automatically reconfigure it.. however before doing that I would back up xorg.conf.. [14:56] joaopinto thanks [14:56] joao pinto the diver [14:56] Dunas You still here.. HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0 VertRefresh 55.0 - 75.0 [14:57] legend2440: trying now. brb thanks [14:57] Jack_Sparrow: I am, indeed. [14:57] any1 know something about gconf keys???? [14:57] Let me look at your xorg and we will try a quick edit. [14:57] scunizi: I don't like it when it autoconfigures it, it likes to use 800x600 and be whiny about anything higher. [14:57] http://pastebin.com/m32464125 [14:57] ïðèâåò [14:57] that is the Xorg.log [14:58] Dunas.. Jack_Sparrow is leading you down the right path.. he'll help you edit and restart x [14:58] hello to all, is some body from Russia here ? [14:58] legend2440: nope. didn't work. [14:58] my s3 unichrome PRO IGP does not work that is the xorg.log [14:58] scunizi: Alright. [14:58] Jack_Sparrow: You wanted -my- xorg, or someone else's? [14:59] Dunas, I'll be watching :) [14:59] laukik: still the same size? [14:59] Does NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04 support dial up (ppp) connections? [14:59] laukik: did you try reboot? [14:59] dafe: try changing via to openchrome [14:59] legend2440: my monitor screen resolution window shows: 1024x768, 832x624, 800x600, 640x480, and 720x400 [14:59] legend2440: it's a 14 inch monitor [14:59] hi [15:00] legend2440: not rebooted. I only pressed ctrl-alt-backspace [15:00] laukik: try reboot [15:00] openchrome>> [15:00] ok thanks [15:00] ?? [15:00] Anyone know when the 2:2.3.2-1 xserver-xorg-video-intel driver will be added to hardy's repository? Reason I ask is http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=485616 explains that basically this driver will fix my svideo issue. [15:00] dafe: do u know how to edit xorg.conf? [15:00] Debian bug 485616 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "xserver-xorg-video-intel: no TV (S-Video) output with GM965" [Important,Closed] [15:00] will a 8.04 full disk encryption setup from scratch be secure (openssl bug) or do i need to patch the install cd beforehand to have a secure installtion? [15:01] yes i jus pur openchrome on the driver section?? [15:01] hello, I heard that you can run the am64 version of linux on a 64bit core 2 duo CPU. Is that true an a good idea? [15:01] Thanks ubottu.... nice try ;) [15:01] Hey guys, Does anyone have or know where i could find a script that would show me all the most recently modified files on a server? [15:01] misc--: Yes, core 2 duos are 64 bit. Note, core duos are not. [15:01] dafe: yes, if openchrome doesnt work, try unichrome, they're all for via graphics drivers [15:01] How do I backup the xorg.conf file again? [15:02] ASULutzy: yeah I have a core 2 duo, I just didn't know that you can actually run amd64 version of linux (or ubuntu for that matter) on it [15:02] Dunas: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_bak [15:02] misc--: Yes, core 2 duos are 64 bit [15:02] legend2440: nope. it didn't change it [15:02] ASULutzy: And what command restores it? [15:02] Dunas, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup [15:02] ASULutzy: ok, I'll give it a try then. Thanks. [15:02] or to ask the question in a different ways: does luks use openssl or something else? [15:02] "~$ sudo ethtool eth0; Settings for eth0: Supports Wake-on: pumbg." What does 'pumbg' stand for? [15:03] SO I installed conky a while ago, but i really dont know now how to opne it (Installed through Synaptic) [15:03] Dunas: You'd switch the order of those to restore it [15:03] Dunas, same command just reverse the file names [15:03] Dunas http://pastebin.org/46302 [15:03] brb [15:03] WcE: 'conky &' [15:03] Dunas cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T) [15:04] Is there anyone I can cry and moan to to get the 2:2.3.2-1 version of xserver-xorg-video-intel added to the hardy repository? Jack_Sparrow wow, that's fancy :P [15:04] inichrome is not there [15:04] laukik: ok lets try change Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" to Modes "1024x768" "1024x768" and Virtual to 1024x768 ok? [15:04] unchrome [15:05] ASULutzy I like to know the backup I am using [15:05] dafe: you need xserver-xorg-video-unichrome isntalled [15:05] ok [15:05] is on the standard repos? [15:05] dafe; openchrome didnt work? [15:05] havent try yet [15:06] Jack_Sparrow: Yea, I agree. my xorg.conf isn't complicated enough for it to really matter, generally I only need to make a backup because I'm changing a line real quick that has a good chance of making X crash. Your way is certainly smarter overall :P [15:06] Jack_Sparrow: Talk to you buddies to get them to add the newest version of the intel driver to the repositories, I want s-video to work :) [15:08] Dunas dunas.. you still here? [15:09] a friends ubuntu has died. error 17 in grub and his boot partition is showing in qtparted as unknown format. Whats the fix? [15:09] laukik: still too big? [15:09] legend2440: yeah [15:09] one sec [15:09] laukik: ok lets try change Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" to Modes "1024x768" "1024x768" and comment out Virtual [15:09] Smegzor: Sounds like maybe the superblock got hosed? [15:10] legend2440: sure [15:10] what is the package name for XFree86 source? [15:10] i need te source to build some drivers [15:10] nooga: XFree86 isn't there anymore [15:10] possibly. all he did was a reboot (so he said). How does he fix it? his home is on a separate partition and he's looking at a reinstall atm. [15:10] nooga: apt-get source [15:10] Well, trying it with it manually edited to say 1440x900@60 didn't work. [15:11] um [15:11] Dunas did you notice I changed the v/h refresh rates? [15:11] Dunas: your monitor doesn't tell the PC that it can even do 1440x900 [15:11] wols: I know it can, though. Jack_Sparrow: No, can you show me again? [15:11] How can i make conky to look flat instead of a window? [15:12] uhm [15:12] Dunas: I know that too. but I also now that acer monitors scrap the bottom of the barrel [15:12] Dunas Look at lines 44 and 45 in the xorg I edited [15:12] *know [15:12] laukik: what video card you have? [15:12] Jack_Sparrow: I don't have the link to the xorg you edited anymore. >< wols: Well that may be true, but that doesn't change the fact that this is what I have right now. [15:12] Dunas manually adding 1440 without the correct v/h will do nothing [15:13] wols: so what would be the package for xorg src? [15:13] can anyone recommend an ICQ client that does NOT read away messages every status change (except pidgin and licq) ? [15:13] source xserver-xorg ? [15:13] Dunas http://pastebin.org/46302 [15:13] nooga: yes [15:13] Jack_Sparrow: Alright. I'll try yours. [15:14] So.. grub error 17, / partition is now unknown format. reinstall ubuntu or can it be rescued? [15:14] Dunas May I assume you have a backup and know how to restore it [15:14] !grub > Smegzor [15:14] Smegzor I am busy, but I would have him run livecd and sudo fdisk -l first [15:14] Jack_Sparrow: Yeah, already had to do that once. ;) Thanks. [15:15] Jack_Sparrow: Here goes. [15:15] "~$ sudo ethtool eth0; Settings for eth0: Supports Wake-on: pumbg." What does 'pumbg' stand for? [15:16] legend2440: 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller [15:16] legend2440: I'm about to try what you just said. [15:16] bullgard4: Check the ethtool manpage, each letter corrisponds to a particular wake on lan signal it supports [15:16] Brb. [15:17] laukik: i was just wondering because ther is no Driver line in your xorg.conf [15:17] hi guys!!!!!! [15:17] bullgard4: The table is a few lines up from the bottom of the manpage for me [15:18] While I independently have forced 1024x768 back upon it and it again looks tolerable it is still not within normal boundaries, but the conf file didn't screw it up. [15:19] Could someone explain to me why when I run sudo apt-get update it gives me this error: W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 [15:19] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [15:19] does someone knows the difference between "menlow" and "maccaslin" image in the new ubuntu MID release?? [15:19] Spaztastic: dont worry about it [15:19] Jack_Sparrow: I'm curious about something. [15:19] Dunas pastebin your xorg again for me [15:19] fedefede: theyre type of processors [15:19] Jack_Sparrow: Should the "modeline" section still not have 1440x900? [15:19] Jack_Sparrow: Will do. [15:19] My rhythmbox seems shot, screenshot here http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1cw9.png , how would I go about purging and reinstalling or fixing it? [15:20] Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.org/46305 This is the output from sudo fdisk -l His damaged boot partition is on sda3 [15:20] Dunas I started to make other changes that I saw that someone else added... [15:20] Ziroday: and...about eeepc??? wich one??? [15:20] http://pastebin.org/46306 [15:20] !hibernate>bartmon [15:20] fedefede: sorry this is refferinh to your question about apt [15:20] Smegzor Sorry, but I am not taking on other questions at this time. just pointing you in the right direction [15:20] Smegzor: try reinstalling grub [15:21] !tuxonice > bartmon [15:21] tech0007: Already tried that. grub can't access the damaged partition [15:21] fedefede: sorry, erm not sure [15:21] anyone having sound problems with the latest kernel update in hardy? now in my laptop sound doesn't automute. it works everywhere in all other distros, and worked before this kernel update too. [15:21] Jack_Sparrow: This is really confusing, but, there's no 1440x900 in the Modeline segment, and I have no idea how to add it there or even if it should be added there. However, the other selectable choices (such as 1024x768) are there. [15:21] ok, my pastebin error seem to be more general, cant post to the ubuntu forums now. this sucks [15:21] No ubot? [15:21] fedefede: dont think you can run ubuntu mid on eeepc [15:21] bartmon: his brother ubottu took over [15:21] legend2440: Didn't work. [15:22] i'm specifically talking about this image - 2.6.24-19.34 [15:22] can anyone confirm that openldap (slapd) package of Ubunut 8.04 LTS is compiled without tls ? [15:22] mmm....on ubuntu MID page seems its possible... [15:22] seems it was build properly for umpc and palmtop [15:22] Smegzor: fsck? [15:22] something that have 4 to 7 inches monitor [15:22] can someone help me figure out why .19 kernel broke my cdrom. It mounts fine in .14 kernel but gives an error in the latest kernel [15:22] laukik: seems strange there is no Driver line in your xorg.conf [15:23] tech0007: ok I'll try that. whats the full command I need? sorry. I'm a bit noob at that one [15:23] I keep getting error message "44934-DarklyGlassed.emerald" does not appear to be a valid theme" while trying to install a theme [15:23] and tragedy is that i've deleted the older kernel, so i've got no way of checking [15:24] legend2440: Yeah. I'm wondering about that as well. [15:24] laukik: is there a box to enable in System>Administration>Hardware Drivers? [15:24] legend2440: Nope. Nothing there. [15:24] legend2440: Intel cards usually get detected pretty fine don't they? [15:24] SSDF: emerald is buggy, ask in #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-effects [15:24] legend2440: I suppose I had to do that with my nvidia configuration. [15:24] laukik: not sure i have ati [15:25] Ok. Anyway, thanks legend2440. I'll have to deal with this silly issue for a while I guess. [15:25] !it [15:25] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [15:25] Jack_Sparrow: Be right back. [15:25] Dunas http://pastebin.org/46307 [15:25] Smegzor: try 'e2fsck -fDtp /dev/sda3' [15:25] laukik: ok you know how to restore old xorg if you have to right? [15:26] legend2440: Yeah. [15:26] anyone know how to make a screenlet that draws icons on the desktop? [15:26] laukik: ok good luck [15:26] OC [15:27] i have problems listening to any sound from ubuntu 8.04 [15:27] how to determine which /dev/input/deviceX is my, newly connected touchscreen [15:27] basically i got my desktop to have 4 diff wallpapers but my icons are gone, is there a way to make a screenlet that fixes this? [15:27] ? [15:27] can any one tel me how to open and see the files in a cd through terminal???? [15:27] or any other fix for this? [15:28] welkin: ls /media/cdrom0 [15:28] could anyone tell me how to install older kernel in ubuntu? older than 2.6.24-19.34 . i'm having sound issues in that one. [15:28] welkin or cd /media/cdrom0 && dir [15:29] hi everyone [15:29] rohan: use synaptic, isntall the image of the kernel version [15:29] oh..k.. thanks... i tried in /dev its not opening.... tech0007 unavailable [15:29] How do i op someone [15:29] can i install xen dom0 on ubuntu 8.04 desktop? [15:30] is there a command line i can use so i can change files and folders group? [15:30] anyone have idea of it [15:30] Jack_sparrow i got my desktop to have 4 diff wallpapers but my icons are gone (i disabled draw desktop in nautilus), is there a way to make a screenlet that fixes this, or another workaround? [15:30] Gigadelic_IIDX: 'man chown' [15:30] tech0007: won't work, because 2.6.24-19.xx was upgraded to .yy. if it's an update like -18 to -19, it'd work [15:31] unavailable No. Been there done that [15:31] ok, after about 5 min waiting for my post to the ubuntu form to actual post, I get a file save dialogue saying "you have chosen to open 'newthread.php' which is a: PHP file. from: http://ubuntuforums.org" go figure [15:31] all the files and folders in my seiryuu/music dir are set to nobody and i can edit them [15:31] * unavailable is going to try anyway... [15:31] can i install xen dom0 on ubuntu 8.04 desktop? [15:31] how do you restart you're wireless? I've tried the suggested here http://readlist.com/lists/lists.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-users/12/62561.html (./networking restart) but that does not seem to save the day [15:31] the only fix is to reboot, which is a bit, windows like [15:32] can i install xen dom0 on ubuntu 8.04 desktop? can anyone have idea what problem can be face [15:32] Pici: Excellent! Thank you very much for your help. (I did consult man ethtool before I posted here but obviously not careful enough.) [15:32] rick111-> restart wireless, can you define what you meant by that? re-acquiring the same ip addr? what? [15:32] can i install Xen dom0 on ubuntu 8.04 desktop? can anyone have idea what problem can be face [15:32] How do i op someone??? Plz help [15:32] i dont get this [15:33] WHEN ever i try to edit the conky.conf file it doesnt let me save changes, says permission denied [15:33] any idea tech0007? [15:33] when i disable wireless, because im using wire, and then re-enable wireless, the wireless eth1 does not seem to come back up [15:33] Jack_Sparrow: Didn't work, same results only now everything on the desktop bars are in different spaces. [15:33] mohsin-> nope,not on a stock 8.04.. its a modified 8.04 for Xen [15:33] and I would post my problem to the forums but that is the problem i am having currently [15:33] WcE: are you editing the .conkyrc in your home dir? [15:34] no [15:34] !who | rick111 [15:34] rick111: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:34] what's the default user on the ume kvm image called? [15:34] rick111-> what command you used to disable the wireless? [15:34] i dont get this tech0007 [15:34] tech0007 can we hve different wallpaper and icons for every desktop [15:34] amenado none, i click at the top right of screen and remove the 'tick' from 'wireless' [15:35] amenado then when I click back there, and the tick re-appears, the wireless does not actually come back online [15:35] !identify [15:35] You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password » in the server tab as soon as possible. [15:36] Jack_Sparrow: From what I can tell I believe that that modeline for 1440x900 is necessary for it to work properly. [15:36] does any one know how to get the ar5007 wireless drivers to work in 64 bit hardy [15:36] w [15:36] Hello, my Laptop has 3 USB ports (1 on the left, 2 on the right) and those on the right don't work (but sometimes on Linux they do and always on Windows they work - so hardware is fine). How can I diagnose USB ports? [15:36] Dunas Ok.. add one in and unrem the others [15:36] rick111-> then you can in command line sudo ifconfig wlan0 up; to just enable it, if you have to use a specific AP, you have to click on those icon and select the AP [15:36] Dunas Looks like progress though [15:36] Jack_Sparrow: That's the problem- I don't know what numbers to put after the "1440x900@60" [15:36] ill try, brb [15:37] Gigadelic_IIDX: 'chown (user):(group) -hR /pathtofolder' [15:37] one sec [15:37] momo === MidnightJ is now known as MidnightJ|AFK [15:38] How do i op myself with chan server [15:38] :D [15:39] Dunas-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [15:39] m_newton: On your own irc server? [15:39] yup [15:39] Dunas ModeLine "1440x900@60" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync [15:39] ah, sry ^^ i thought you meant here [15:39] hey all, I can't seem to drag windows between workspaces in my pager ... any clues why this isn't working? I've got the maximum compiz effects running ... [15:39] Jack_Sparrow: Here goes. [15:40] hi [15:40] genii: how do i op [15:40] ok i tryng to install unichrome but it ask for xorg-xserver-core and it says that is not on the rpo [15:40] I have been trying to set up my bluetooth headset in Hardy [15:40] My speakers sound like a fax machine when the computer accesses hard drive. I think some line has to be disabled in some sound mixture. Please guide friends. [15:40] however I must be missing something [15:41] m_newton: Usually you're running some bot like eggdrop then you go /msg eggbotname Hello and so on. Then it makes you op always by keeping channel open. Else normal behaviour is to make first one in channel the op. [15:41] I used to use it through btsco with the kernel module untill last year. [15:41] does anyone know of a program that would allow me to watch tv off my video capture card and change channels? [15:41] there are many [15:42] pdlnhrd: An oldie but goodie is xawtv [15:42] I used to use xawtv too [15:42] can someone help me figure out why .19 kernel broke my cdrom. It mounts fine in .14 kernel but gives an error in the latest kernel [15:42] ok this is not working all the files and folders in the music dir is still set to nobody [15:42] amenado it's eth1, but when I try eth1 up down, etc, it appeas and disappears, which is nice, but when I bring it up, it does not get an IP, just gives me hardware address etc, i need to reboot to kick it into action and get it requesting an IP [15:42] it does not even have a 169 IP amenado [15:42] Im trying to compile a package, i just typed ./configure (like the directions told me) then it told me to type "make" i id it but all i get is make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. [15:42] where is xserver-xorg-core? [15:42] hello [15:42] genii: does it allow me to change channels? I have been piping the stream into vlc which works, but a pain to change channels [15:42] nobody know anything about bluetooth headsets in hardy ? [15:42] kill process-id doesnt work? [15:42] Kidfork, what are you tring to compile ? [15:43] pdlnhrd: Normally yes allows channel changing [15:43] a program crashed and i want to kill it via terminal - how? [15:43] I want to buy/make a computer that can act as a print and media server for my home network, that I can back up multiple computers to, and that I can seed things constantly from. WHat would I need? I'm thinking lots of drive bays, minimal fans, cpu, graphics, psu, lots of usb ports, [15:43] blumm, certain processes ignore the TERM signal -- use kill -9 $PID [15:43] you killall or list the process id with ps -aux [15:43] joaopinto: Internet DJ Console, im tygint to compile it from the direct source, the Ubuntu respos the program didn't work right [15:43] am I missing anythig [15:43] tech0007: "chown seiryuu:seiryuu -hR /home/seiryuu/Music" did not seem to work [15:43] genii: thanks for the info... i'll give it a try... have a good day [15:43] phixxor: Thats probably a better question for ##hardware [15:43] and then use kill as unop said [15:43] pici: thanks :) [15:44] Kidfork, if its the same version available from the repositories, you should not expect different results [15:44] bluetooth headset [15:44] unop: thanks - that worked. why do some progs ignore that? [15:44] pici: but I can run ubuntu on it afterwards right? [15:44] Jack_Sparrow: Hallelujah. [15:44] Weeeeeeee [15:44] Kidfork, you probably shoyld try to understand the problem with the version provided from the repositories [15:44] Gigadelic_IIDX: whats the output of 'ls -l /home/seiryuu/Music' [15:44] blumm, the process has probably crashed [15:44] Dunas I hope you are a happy camper now [15:44] amenado maybe its the wireless driver, a prob with that [15:44] hi there. I have a problem with my ubuntu. I use 7.10 on my laptop with an ATI graphic card. After some hours of use, XGL starts to go very very slow. It consumes a lot of CPU and drawing simple windows takes a lot of time. does anyone know what's going on? [15:44] joaopinto: The problem is i cannot connect to the server and i've tryed everything [15:44] rick111: do you have "iface eth1 inet dhcp" in your /etc/network/interfaces file? [15:45] Kidfork, which server ?? [15:45] unop: okay, so normally every program would be killed if i use "kill" only? [15:45] Kidfork, was the package install succesffull ? [15:45] will look now recon [15:45] joaopinto: SHOUTcast [15:45] joaopinto: Yes [15:45] blumm, correct -- kill -9 should be used sparingly only when processes don't respond to a normal kill [15:45] Kidfork, does it report a specific error ? [15:45] Kidfork: Usually if you put make --help it will list the things which are valid to make. [15:45] unop: thanks a lot - that helped o/ [15:46] tech0007: ls: cannot access (B?(B/home/seiryuu/Music/: No such file or directory [15:46] Gigadelic_IIDX, try this .. ls -ld ~/Music [15:46] Hello! My speakers sound like a fax machine when the hard drive is accessed. I think some thing has to be disabled in sound mixture. Please guide friends. [15:47] rick111-> to acquire an ip addr, you sudo dhclient eth1 [15:47] tech0007: drwxrwxrwx 10 seiryuu seiryuu 12288 2008-06-26 08:36 /home/seiryuu/Music [15:47] does anyone use a bluetooth headset?? [15:48] Gigadelic_IIDX: its now set to your userid/group === Brett is now known as Chauncellor [15:48] Gigadelic_IIDX, that looks ok, you seem to be the owner of that directory -- what seems to be the problem now? [15:48] Dunas May I suggest... cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T) [15:48] how do I check what wireless I have [15:48] e.g. whether its ipw, or iwl for example? [15:48] well i cant edit the files in any way [15:48] hi [15:48] ñe [15:49] and that still show up as nobody [15:49] Gigadelic_IIDX: which files? [15:49] I just tried to use reportbug on ubuntu, but it appears it doesn't actually create a bug, it just sends to a mailing list. Is this true, or is there some funky filtering in the ubuntu-users list software which redirects to launchpad? [15:49] Sertse: lsmod | grep 3945 [15:49] every file and folder in the music foler [15:50] Gigadelic_IIDX, perhaps chown failed someway -- what is the permissions and ownership of stuff in the ~/Music folder .. ls -ld ~/Music/* [15:50] Sertse: ipw3945 no longer exists, it should report iwl3945 if a recent Ubuntu === not is now known as noleti [15:50] I see. [15:50] Would somebody now of an application that can read *.cdr (corel draw) files? [15:50] Gigadelic_IIDX: how do u edit them? [15:51] heres a question... why can't i execute a program? [15:51] amarok [15:51] tag them [15:51] -rwxrw-rw- 1 nobody nogroup 3849324 2008-06-18 00:26 [15:51] its a .bin installer. i chmod a+x . ./installer.bin and it tells me file not found [15:51] i don't understand [15:51] -rwxrw-rw- 1 nobody nogroup 3849324 2008-06-18 00:26 /home/seiryuu/Music/$B%l%C%D%4! Rhys: cd to the drirectory where the .bin is first [15:51] bash: ./file.bin: No such file or directory. [15:52] Hi, would somebody now of an application that can read *.cdr (corel draw) files? [15:52] anyone know where to get a ktorrent deb for the latest version? [15:52] m_newton: You might want to look at http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/opguide.html it can be very useful if you're just beginning [15:52] chmod a+x installer.bin && ./installer.bin [15:52] daftpunk: doesn't gimp? [15:52] Starnestommy: i did. I've been using linux for years. this shouldn't happen [15:52] hi [15:52] Rhys: is the file in that directory [15:52] Starnestommy: yes. [15:53] recon69: i never, i've now added that in but to no avail, i think eth1 may not be wireless card, let me pastebin ifconfig [15:53] here. i will get a pastebin just to show this. its maddness. in all my years, ive never ever seen linux do this. [15:53] any idea tech0007? [15:53] chow can I install apache and use ubuntu to test my websites as localhost? [15:53] Gigadelic_IIDX: i dont use amarok. try chown again, check the folders, run amarok then check the folders again [15:53] Gigadelic_IIDX, it does seem like chown failed -- try this. sudo chown -RV $USER:$USER ~/Music [15:53] http://pastebin.com/m6fcd91b2 that is ifconfig output [15:53] !lamp | ayhan [15:53] ayhan: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [15:53] Gigadelic_IIDX: may amarok is changing ownership [15:53] hmm [15:53] ayhan: simple answer is yes [15:53] Gigadelic_IIDX, actually. sudo chown -Rv $USER:$USER ~/Music [15:54] rick111: do you use the network manager normally? [15:54] yes [15:54] So this is really going to kill my street cred, but is there a decent way to save music from a myspace page (they always have those little players that disable downloads...) I'm guessing I could use something like audacity to record any sound that the computer is playing, just wondering if there's a nice package like youtube-dl [15:54] daftpunk, have you tried inkscape ? [15:54] thn ubottu [15:54] brb [15:54] "sudo chown -Rv $seiryuu:$seiryuu ~/Music" correct tech0007? [15:55] Can someone explain why my computer (ubuntu) screeches when hard drive is being accessed pl? [15:55] unop not yet [15:55] Gigadelic_IIDX, no .. copy and paste this as-is .. sudo chown -Rv $USER:$USER ~/Music [15:55] ksbalaji: screeches like a high pitched noise? [15:55] Gigadelic_IIDX, $USER is a variable that holds your username [15:55] recon69: yes [15:55] v0lksman, yes [15:56] v0lksman no it doesn't , gimp is not for curves [15:56] hells yeah!!!! [15:56] 1 prob down the hole [15:56] 1 more thing [15:56] ksbalaji: hate to tell yah....your drive might be close to dead.. [15:56] when i installed ubuntu there was a prob with the login screen [15:56] daftpunk: sure it is...just not easily...hahaha...inkscape may do the trick... [15:56] and the options dropdown menu's font [15:57] guys is the netowkr manager any good? is there an alternative if that's what's causing the issues? [15:57] v0lksman, OH! thanks! I have to save data. However this is only about 16 months old. [15:57] is there a way to fix this? [15:57] hai.. just installed fluxbox instead of gnome, but dont know how to get the cpu-scaling-applet .. what is the name of the appley [15:57] applet [15:57] Starnestommy: http://rafb.net/p/EYlUjy91.html [15:57] or anyone else who wants to see maddness [15:58] rick111: well, then you should only have "auto " in the interfaces file for each network card. and you should use the network manager to restart you wireless connection. [15:58] A favor from anyone using dapper in here: could you check if italc is available from Synaptic please? please please? A local school's computer laboratory is asking for help installing it [15:58] use the network manager eh [15:58] ksbalaji: some drives last months...others last years...if you are lucky you may have a 3 year warranty but those are rare now a days... [15:58] My sensors don't seem to work right in Ubuntu (inspiron 8100). When my CPU temp in Ubuntu is around 45C, Windows' i8k program registers 70-75C! [15:59] v0lksman, Hi! then XP does not give the same effect (dual boot) the sound is heard only in ubuntu? [15:59] any ideas? [15:59] Chauncellor: C or F? [15:59] anyone know what the name of the "Gnome cpu-scaling" applet's name is, so i can start it in fluxbox [15:59] C [15:59] ksbalaji: hrm...that's fishy... [15:59] !info italc-client dapper | babolat [15:59] babolat: 'dapper' is not a valid distribution [15:59] does anybody use spss here? [15:59] v0lksman, I think have a guarantee also. But about XP? [16:00] rick111: well, I dont myself, but I had other issues. the network manager takes over all the normal internet setup so not surprised that restarting on the cmd line not working. [16:00] thanks guys [16:00] Hmm. Why does the bot not know about an LTS that is still good? [16:00] ksbalaji: even when you "stress" the windows side...like many applications open...computer working hard... [16:00] genii: i just need to know if ITALC comes with dapper's synaptic [16:00] Chauncellor: i don't get it... are you running Ubuntu and Windows at THE SAME TIME? [16:00] my package manager will not open... it displays the splash screen saying it's starting, then never does... does not show up as a process running either [16:00] maybe ill get rid of network manager [16:00] babolat: At any rate you can install italc-client or italc-server. Yes [16:00] kaare_, install the gnome-applets package and start the applet with this command. /usr/lib/gnome-applets/cpufreq-applet [16:00] rick111: well, i would just try use the network manager to restart your connection instead of the cmd line [16:00] No, but when I boot Windows up right after using Ubuntu, it detects 70-75 C and fans go high speed until it cools [16:01] genii: you mean from source codE? [16:01] Whenever I check out the temperature on Ubuntu, it always has semi-decent readings, like 45 C [16:01] unop, ok.. thanks [16:01] rick111: removing the network manager can leave you in a world of trouble especially if you network is encrypted [16:01] I'm fairly certain that's off because the fans only come on sparingly [16:01] v0lksman, I shall check up. But can it be the cause of listening to hard drive access? Has something to be disabled in sound mixer? [16:01] is it safe to delete all the files in /var/cache? [16:01] anyone know a way i can fix the oversized font and dropdown menu's at the login screen? [16:01] had anybody played kq ? [16:02] babolat: No, it is a binary. Bur if you wanted the source code the usual way is to: apt-get source [16:02] 70-70C seems pretty high to me. [16:02] er 70-75 [16:02] Yes, yes it is ;D [16:02] genii: where do i get those binaries? [16:02] blahblahx: nope [16:02] ksbalaji: is it possible its your fans and not the drive? [16:02] what does the bios say the temp is? [16:02] tech0007: is there anything in it i can delete? [16:02] hello all, has anyone installed ubuntu using fakeraid/dmraid on a dell m1730? I'd like to dual boot xp/ubuntu... I think it has a intel matrix softraid setup. [16:02] apm? [16:02] MrKennie: depends what processor you have my p4 used to do that all the time [16:02] babolat: Um... use the package manager to install either italc-client package or italc-server package [16:02] genii: so it _is_ in the main dapper repository? [16:02] Gigadelic_IIDX, have you tried the gdmsetup tool ... at a terminal. gksudo gdmsetup === CGI353 is now known as mortal1 [16:02] bizarre [16:02] hey guys anybody cares to help installing ubuntu server on my laptop [16:03] Gigadelic_IIDX, maybe there is an option to change the font there somewhere [16:03] genii: that's in dapper right? [16:03] ksbalaji: do you have conky or any kind of hardware monitor setup in ubuntu? [16:03] no but let me look [16:03] always gives me: This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6 [16:03] I worry when my cpu hits 60 :) [16:03] blahblahx: 'sudo apt-get clean' to delete .deb files you've installed, log files can be compressed/rolled-over [16:03] I have gkrellm [16:03] and.... lmsensors [16:03] babolat: Yes, dapper (6.06.1) reports to me these packages are available [16:03] tech0007: rolled-over ? [16:03] ksbalaji: pull the side off your computer and vaccuum it out, flick the center of the fans to reseat the bearings to make sure it's not the fans, usually hard drives make more of a clunking noise than they do a high pitch screem [16:03] v0lksman, It is only the hard drive. I see the red light blinking for hard disk access when this happens. [16:03] unop: the font was like that when i was in the liveCD [16:03] genii: thanks [16:03] i have problems hearing any sound at all in ubuntu 8.04 [16:03] what can i do ? [16:03] Gigadelic_IIDX, whats wrong with the font? [16:04] blahblahx: sorry, rotated i mean [16:04] my kernel doesn't support apm readings... [16:04] just to huge [16:04] ksbalaji: you mentioned sound settings...is the sound coming from the speakers or the drive? [16:04] when i click options and a huge drop down menu pops up [16:04] v0lksman, sound comes only from the speakers. [16:05] ksbalaji: ahhh....ok...drive is fine... :) [16:05] hi guyz [16:05] is there anyone who can suggest a good [16:05] Gigadelic_IIDX, hmm, not sure why that is - maybe a certain font required didn't load properly -- try changing the fonts in gdmsetup to see if that helps [16:05] rick111: and eth1 not likely to be your wireless card, use "lshw -C network" to see what you interfaces are [16:05] I'm sorry, but I'm kinda at a loss at what to do. I've only used Ubuntu for about three months now [16:05] oh! thanks . Now anything to do with sound settings pl? [16:05] ksbalaji: I get some distortion on one of my machines too....I chalked it up to a cheap sound card (never had windows so I didn't test)... [16:05] terminal programm? [16:05] luca: what's wrong with terminal? :| [16:06] luca, like the gnome-terminal? [16:06] there is no option to change the font in gdmsetup [16:06] yes of course [16:06] luca, rxvt-unicode [16:06] but i can not establish a connection by getty [16:06] ksbalaji: now I'm wondering if its a driver issue that can be fixed...what kind of machine is it? do you know what kind of sound card? [16:06] Chauncellor, so if you boot from cold into windows it's fine but after rebooting from ubuntu it's high? [16:06] Yes [16:06] genii: last question.. stupid one I think.. Does Dapper have System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager ? [16:06] . [16:06] I'm quite certain that it is off somehow [16:07] Chauncellor, and have you checked what the bios says after rebooting from Ubuntu? [16:07] so I installed Ubuntu to VBox on Windows Vista (business edition) [16:07] ...no, I'm afraid I haven't [16:07] Gigadelic_IIDX, i'm not sure what to do .. but i would try reinstalling gdm. sudo sh -c "aptitude update; apt-get install --reinstall gdm" [16:07] might be worth a look [16:07] and my resolution was off for some reason [16:07] v0lksman, I have ATI Radeon something 200 - inbuilt sound card. However it was doing well until recently. [16:07] i'm trying to get a network scanner working in Hardy, but I don't know how to find out its IP address, any ideas? [16:07] babolat: Use Add/Remove Programs which should just want to open Synaptic by default [16:07] I'm very reliant on the i8k program for windows, really.... [16:07] so i tried to edit the xorg.conf file but to my suprise the file was empty [16:07] ok openchrome worked [16:07] any ideas? [16:07] cool [16:07] but i need to change the resolucion [16:07] !eightball will anyone come over [16:07] m_newton: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:08] !list [16:08] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [16:08] jcolbert: did u install guest additions [16:08] jcolbert, the newer versions of xorg don't need to rely on the xorg.conf .. and it can be empty -- you can always populate it tho [16:08] genii: Will that require universe and multiverse enabled? [16:08] tech0007: uhh... i dnt know [16:08] unop, Hmm.. dosn't work.. can't start the app [16:08] can i do it after the fact tech0007 ? [16:09] Chauncellor, take a look and see what the bios says I guess, otherwise I don't know, perhaps something in the sensors driver is screwing around with something it shouldn't be [16:09] I've been running Ubuntu for about an hour now. I'll restart and check the BIOS. Neh? [16:09] jcolbert: yes [16:09] babolat: Since the bot is thinking dappedr is not a valid distribution it is not telling me the repository for that one. But it should be same place on other dists. 1 sec [16:09] hi there channel :) [16:09] Be back soon. Thanks [16:09] Chauncellor, sure. [16:09] jcolbert, best to have a template to work on - you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg . that will construct a xorg.conf which you can edit later [16:09] !info italc-client gutsy | babolat [16:09] babolat: italc-client (source: italc): Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 151 kB, installed size 388 kB [16:09] ksbalaji: can you paste bin the output of: sudo lshw -C multimedia [16:09] In Ubuntu Hardy, how does one find out the IP address of their network scanner? I have the driver installed but I have no idea what the IP address is, which is necessary... [16:10] v0lksman, I feel that I have done something to switch on hearing hard disk access! something to do with sound mixture. Just a minute for pasting. [16:10] there we go.. tthanks genii [16:10] I get his error everytime I use sudo; sudo: unable to resolve host *hostname* [16:10] how do I fix this? - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:10] *this errro [16:10] kaare_, well, i'm not sure - on the gnome desktop, that's the name of the executable that is in change of the cpu freq applet - maybe there are some flags or options that need to be passed to it to get it to start up properly [16:10] I'm using stalonetray [16:10] unop, thanks for the help anyway [16:11] asmodai[B]: your /etc/hosts file is not correctly mapping to your hostname. I've had to fix this in recovery mode before. [16:11] the_darkside_986: seems odd to need the ip address and not a url, but you would really have to check the scanenrs doc's [16:11] v0lksman: I checked my /etc/hosts and was told that the information in there was correct... :\ [16:12] asmodai[B], you have to ensure that the /etc/hostname file has the right hostname set and that the /etc/hosts file resolves this hostname properly - like v0lksman said you need to boot up into recovery mode for this [16:12] unop: this command line dont seem to want to work for me "sudo sh -c "aptitude update; apt-get install --reinstall gdm" [16:12] Is it possible to get list of devices on the whole network? [16:12] v0lksman, http://pastebin.com/m2866f166 [16:12] Gigadelic_IIDX, is the first " part of the command you pasted in? [16:12] the_darkside_986: can i ask why you need the scanners ip address [16:12] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:12] It is a Brother scanner, [16:12] How do i add factoids to supybot [16:13] no [16:13] babolat: np [16:13] ok, i would like to establish a connection through the serial connection using sudo getty -L ttyUSB0 115200 vt100 [16:13] .. [16:13] If i don't specify the IP address during configuration, it won't know what to connect to. It is connected via Network not USB. [16:13] or do i add the " at the end? [16:13] hej [16:13] Does the internet DJ console have an IRC channel? [16:13] tech0007, do you know where i can find the guest addition iso file [16:13] ? [16:14] hi to all [16:14] Gigadelic_IIDX, sudo aptitude update; sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm [16:14] ksbalaji: well...no clue about that card. weird that the ATI card is using configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=64 module=snd_hda_intel [16:14] alguien habla español_? [16:14] jcolbert: run the vm, then theres an option on the toolbar to isntall guest additions [16:14] the_darkside_986: cause it's more likely that it's asking for the ip address the scanner should use. with dhcp you normally dont know what ip address a device gets. [16:14] ksbalaji: also I'm not sure there is an option to "hear" the HD in Gnome...might be but I've never seen it... :) [16:15] here are some svensk_? [16:15] how can i tell a program to open in a certain size? [16:16] hola_? [16:16] any ubuntu 8.04 help on sound server configuration ? [16:17] I have about 12 ie6 (i am using ies4linux) session when I run ps -ef. Is there a way to issue a command to kill them all? [16:17] asmodai[B]: you will need to make sure that the line that say is mapped to your host name. I believe that is the key to this issue.... [16:17] blumm: does the program in question provides commandline switches to do that ? [16:17] I follow this instruction: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/sane_install-net.html#2 but still, xsane does not find it and doing the ping test fails. [16:18] flats, killall wine ? [16:18] v0lksman: ya I got it sorted out, the /etc/hosts file had a . at the end of the host name and in the /etc/hostname it did not, didn't catch it last time, hate when it's something so simple [16:18] glitsj16: a terminal eg. it always opens in a really small size, starts to be annoying... [16:18] asmodai[B]: haha...yep...those are the worst kind... ;) [16:19] hi [16:19] v0lksman, I have been tinkering with players. xmms2 pulseaudio alsa and EnhansedSound - I risk -without knowing much as to what I am doing. What does ATI usually use for config? [16:19] the_darkside_986: do you use dhcp? [16:19] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:19] i guess so [16:19] which ATi card works best with ubuntu ? [16:19] no luck Joaopinto [16:19] the instructions say to not use IP but nodename, i do that but xsane always gives an error. [16:19] wine no process killed [16:20] hello all, has anyone installed ubuntu using fakeraid/dmraid on a dell m1730? I'd like to dual boot xp/ubuntu... I think it has a intel matrix controller [16:20] blumm: compiz has window size hooks in 'place windows' if you use that, or else use an app called devilspie [16:20] I would copy and paste the xsane error if it would let me, but the dialog seems to disallow taking of text. [16:21] the_darkside_986: well, then dont use the ip address, dhcp will assign one, use the nodename instead. [16:21] glitsj16: where do i find this size hook? [16:21] Hello, I am looking form a compiled deb package of xfig with SMALL FONTS (to be used on a 800x600 screen laptop) [16:21] I am doing that, and the xsane error is "Failed to open device `brother2:net1;dev0': invalid argument." [16:22] ksbalaji: honestly I don't know....Usually sound works for me without issue...only one of my machines has an issue and I've been too lazy to fix it... [16:22] hi [16:22] i need to cinfigure a video card S3 unichrome PRO IGP [16:22] exit [16:22] ls [16:22] SORRY, I am looking form a compiled deb package of xfig with SMALL *I*C*O*N*S* (to be used on a 800x600 screen laptop) [16:22] im a good boy today X D [16:23] i have used ia and openchrme driver nut i does not work [16:23] dafe: did it work w/ the *chrome drivers? === Brett is now known as Chauncellor [16:23] the openchrome does not work right === Brett is now known as Chauncellor [16:23] I'm back [16:23] blumm: in compizconfig-settings-manager it's in 'place windows' (window management section), you will need to enter a hook like the windows class name or something to identify it, than you can enter x and y coordinates for size [16:23] Uh, I can't find my temperatures on my BIOS screen. [16:23] dafe: details [16:23] and i can not install uinichrome because it says that needs xserver-xorg-core [16:23] I have about 12 ie6 (i am using ies4linux) session when I run ps -ef. Is there a way to issue a command to kill them all? [16:23] flats: You do grep for the processes you want to kill and kill them all at one go...ps -ef |grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 [16:24] and it cant find it on the repos [16:24] Hi, does anyone know anything about POST problems! [16:24] And I updated my BIOS, but no go [16:24] im very stuck! [16:24] !info xserver-xorg-video-unichrome | dafe [16:24] dafe: xserver-xorg-video-unichrome (source: xserver-xorg-video-unichrome): X.Org X server -- VIA display driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (hardy), package size 83 kB, installed size 248 kB [16:24] the_darkside_986: well, check you router dhcp client list to see if it's giving your scanner a ip address [16:24] thanks v0lksman I just thought someone might be knowing about sound mixtures. I also was lazy all these days about fixing the screeching sound. Now it is as though I have a background music playing. No problem. Thanks anyway for trying. [16:24] guys, is there any alternative to getty? [16:25] Chauncellor, I really don't know what to suggest, I've never heard of that kind of issue before. [16:25] glitsj16: thanks [16:25] brooks630: this may not be the best channel, but do say what the problem is [16:25] blumm: if you see the 'place windows' settings, second tab called fixed window size .. do you have compizconfig-settings-manager ? some use simple-ccsm and i'm not sure that provides that hook .. [16:25] You know, nothing has worked right in Ubuntu with this machine [16:25] luca: what are you looking for in a getty alternative? [16:25] gui [16:26] Is it just because it's really old? Inspiron 8100 P3 NVidia Geforce2 go [16:26] 7 years old... [16:26] sudo getty -L ttyUSB0 115200 vt100 [16:26] i cant get it working [16:26] luca: you need a special getty for serial communications, like mgetty [16:27] yes [16:27] ksbalaji: at the very least you now know your sound card is an ATI IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller so maybe check the forums for someone who has the same card...might be helpful [16:27] Chauncellor, nah, age doesn't matter too much (within reason ;) ) [16:27] The instructions do say not to use IP for my model, but diagnostics result in this error "ping: unknown host BRN_XXXXX" [16:27] i would like to connect to a sio port of a device something like hyperterminal in windows [16:27] anyone here use parallels [16:27] cant get it to actually work [16:28] !info minicom | luca [16:28] luca: minicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3~rc1-2 (hardy), package size 168 kB, installed size 1100 kB [16:28] ive run parallels-config multiple times, rebooted, googled and nothing has worked thus far [16:28] Yikes. I've had consecutive problem upon problem [16:28] !pm | brooks630 [16:28] brooks630: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [16:29] the_darkside_986: but you can check on your router that you scanner is actual getting on the network. your dhcp server may not be allowing the scanner to connect by denying it a ip address [16:29] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:29] glitsj16: okay thanks [16:29] the_darkside_986: the scanner will need to know about any encryption on the network ect [16:30] Does Firefox 3 on Ubuntu 8.04 have an easy way to install Flash? [16:30] blumm: no problem, irritating if you can't properly see a terminal heh, hope it's improved [16:30] thanks soundray and ubottu, i will check.. [16:30] Dunas: Ubuntu does: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' [16:30] ive run parallels-config multiple times, rebooted, googled and nothing has worked thus far [16:30] No encryption, but nobody here knows what the router control panel is. I suppose it is my duty as the only IT person on site to figure that one out 9_9 [16:30] Dunas, upon encountering Flash content, Firefox will install it via APT for you. [16:31] soundray: Awesome, thanks. I've tried Ubuntu before, but on an AMD64, and always had problems with the Firefox flash plugin. [16:31] hello, i cant find out why my ubuntu machine is sharing a printer and a windows machine cannot see it [16:31] when i try to install unichrome it says it has unresoluble dependencies [16:31] the_darkside_986: well, lets cover some basics, you are connecting the scanner directly your network, not connected through a computer? [16:31] ramoush: are you in the same workgroup? [16:31] MrKennie, is there a way that I can trigger the fans to turn on, say, 20 degrees lower? That would fix the problem [16:31] Dunas: since gutsy, the command works on amd64 just as well as on i386 [16:31] and it can not be installer [16:31] soundray: Useful to know. Just glad it works. [16:31] magnetron: thats what im trying to find out [16:32] Has anyone here compiled succesfully xfig? [16:32] Yes, it is through a network, but connected to the next computer not mine. It works as a network printer for me though. [16:32] I've looked around, but I haven't found any real numbers that I can change [16:32] rosros-3: why compile? It's in the repos [16:32] hello guys, what is a real subtitle editor (changing FPS and displacing)... i used gsubedit which was good, now it's not available. gnome-subtitles doesnt recognize CP1250, in which all subtitles for my language are published [16:32] how can i force to umount an iso i mounted before? [16:32] dafe: 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome' [16:32] blumm: sudo [16:32] "~$ sudo ethtool eth0; Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP MII ]" What do 'TP', 'MII' stand for? [16:32] blumm: sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint [16:33] i use sudo umount /media/loop_mount/ but it says device still being used [16:33] blumm: cd out of that directory by all consoles [16:33] ive run parallels-config multiple times, rebooted, googled and nothing has worked thus far, anyone have any help [16:33] blumm: there might be a --force option for it.. check the man page for the exact syntax [16:33] blumm: close all programs that use it... even nautilus or kde version of file manager [16:33] I need the version with SMALL ICONS (for an old laptop with 800x600 screen) [16:33] wolfeySI: ah! i still had a tab open with me being inside the iso :o [16:33] v0lksman, thanks. I shall check the forums. Bye! [16:33] wolfeySI: subtitleeditor might support that format [16:34] and when i ask with aptitude xserver-xorg says that is installed [16:34] how can i see my workgroup? [16:34] glitsj16: let's see ;) [16:34] wolfeySI: okay, did all that - but no success [16:34] ubuntu gods-- how do i search for where something is in the file tree? i.e. i'm trying to find apache logs-- is there some way to do 'search apache*' or something like that? [16:34] I have the network devices as a printer with device uri: smb://WORKGROUP/something/whatever/printer [16:34] could i use that to know its ip address? [16:35] blumm: then try force, dunno [16:35] the_darkside_986: well thats different from what i though you where setting up. you are imputing the commands on the computer the scanner is connected to? [16:35] blumm: i also check what processes run... ps aux :) [16:35] wolfeySI: just did: it says device busy [16:35] dafe: whats exactly is wrong when u tried via/*chrome ? [16:35] No, that computer is a nasty Vista machine it is connected to. I'm doing this all with Ubuntu :) [16:35] ive run parallels-config multiple times, rebooted, googled and nothing has worked thus far, anyone have any help [16:35] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:36] the resolution of the screen worng [16:36] !pm | rosros-3 [16:36] rosros-3: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [16:36] wrong [16:36] Got a question for any; have a flac music library, and a little mp3 (non-ipod) player. Want to cycle through my music on the portable player, and have the computer keep track of the tracks I've already heard. I know amarok and banshee can do this for tracks played on the desktop, but can't find any software that will keep track of transferred music. Any ideas?? [16:36] i have tried via and it crashed with openchrome the reolution is wrong [16:37] does anyone know how to get out of seamless mode in VBox [16:37] ? [16:37] the_darkside_986: as far as i can see, the instructions you following are for setting up the share on a linux machine with the scanner attached. you need to get the setup instructions for sharing the scanner in vista over a network [16:37] i have been unable to install unichrome because it says there are unresoluble dependencies and it needs xserver-xorg-core and it will be not install [16:37] that is what synaptics says [16:37] jcolbert, i usually just reboot it [16:37] jcolbert, or maybe the control key and HOME [16:37] see if seamless mode is checkable [16:38] thanx... [16:38] dafe: use openchrome...we need to add mode lines to your xorg.conf..whats the correct resolution btw [16:38] it was host+home [16:38] still cant umount it :( [16:38] but that brings up a submenu [16:38] i want 1024x768 [16:38] you can also do host + l [16:38] jcolbert, Host+L ya [16:38] so that works? [16:38] yes [16:38] dafe: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf in paste.ubuntu.com [16:39] i killed every program possibly using that iso - still i cant umount it (even with --force) [16:39] ok [16:39] dafe: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file [16:39] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [16:39] OK! Is there any place to find deb packages for low resolution screens? [16:39] blumm: whats that iso? try rebooting [16:39] rosros-3, what do you mean exactly for low resolution/ [16:39] blumm, how have you verified that no process is using the iso? [16:40] e.g. 800x600 [16:40] the_darkside_986: you still here? [16:40] yes [16:40] I don't know of any instructions for that though. [16:40] rosros-3, like a low resolution for a package-browsing interface, or finding packages that are suitable for low res screns? [16:40] I will just try different IP addresses until one works. [16:40] inding packages that are suitable for low res screens [16:40] finding packages that are suitable for low res screens [16:40] tech0007: its a selfburned iso, i wanted to check [16:41] Hello. I created a new partition /dev/sda7. When I run `grub` from the cmd line, its tab completion shows me that new partition as (hd0,6). But when I reboot (hd0,6) can't be found. In edit mode the last available partition is (hd0,5). Any idea how to make grub re-read the partitions? [16:41] rosros-3, technically most should work alright with 800x600 but this doesnt always pan out. is there a particular one youre having problems with? or do you just want a new simpler interface for everything? [16:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23140/ [16:41] unop: i think so yes [16:41] that is the xorg.conf [16:41] blumm, mind you, i asked _how_ ? [16:41] the_darkside_986: you not following what i saying, the instruction you are following are for sharing the scanner when it's connected to a ubuntu machine. and should be exacuted on the computer the scanner is connected to [16:41] "~$ sudo ethtool eth0; Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP MII ]" Wofür stehen 'TP', 'MII'? [16:41] xfig icons are too large, there is an option in the makefile but compilation is not trivial [16:41] hi [16:41] bullgard4, Media Independent Interface (IEEE802.3: connects PHY to MAC devices) [16:42] unop: ps -e and checked if loop_mount dir was listed :/ [16:42] i dont know abuot TP [16:42] vlt: is /dev/sda the only hard disk drive in your system? [16:42] twisted pair? [16:42] the_darkside_986: your error message is saying that the scanner is not connected to the computer [16:42] soundray: Yes [16:42] ok [16:42] blumm, err no, that's not very reliable .. use lsof this way. lsof | grep -i "iso_file_name" [16:42] well i'll look for Vista instructions for that machine to set up sharing. thanks. [16:42] the_darkside_986: what the model and make of your scanner [16:42] so? [16:42] xtknight: And what does 'TP' stand for? [16:42] Brother mfc 7820N [16:43] bullgard4, maybe Twisted Pair, i am not sure [16:43] I set up printer networking with it from Ubuntu though [16:43] vlt: what's the exact error that grub gives you? [16:43] unop: that doesnt do anything [16:43] xtknight: Thank you very much for explaining. [16:43] this really has nothign to do with ubuntu - buthow do you reize a image in gimp [16:43] blumm, does this do anything? lsof | grep -i iso [16:43] bullgard4, well i am sorry i can not explain much about them, but only tell you the abbreviations [16:43] SSDF: Image-Scale image [16:43] SSDF: use the scale option [16:43] blumm, where is the iso mounted? [16:43] bullgard4, what are you doing with ethtool, maybe i can help? [16:44] soundray: "Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds max supported by BIOS" [16:44] unop: /media/loop_mount [16:44] blumm, then, does this do anything? lsof | grep -i loop_mount [16:44] vlt: doesn't that tell you something? [16:44] bullgard4, i just got the definitions off of google. for instance, define:Abbreviation [16:44] soundray: Should it? ;) [16:44] unop: yes! [16:45] Is it safe to try enabling Compiz/Beryl/What the thing is called for the 3D desktop if you're not sure it'll run properly? [16:45] How do I open the File Browser with root permissions? [16:45] blumm, right, what do you see? if you see a lot, use a !pastebin to paste the output [16:45] soundray: What does that mean exactly? [16:45] mops, gksudo nautilus [16:45] unop: thanks [16:45] Dunas, it is safe that you probably won't lose data, but even that is not 100% certain, as it never is with using the computer [16:45] mops, but be careful with that, you can do serious damage if you are not careful [16:45] Dunas, if your video driver crashes, results may not be ..optimal. but it's probably safe to try. [16:45] unop: bash 13982 msb cwd DIR 7,0 2048 3584 /media/loop_mount/abb [16:46] hello all.. [16:46] vlt: older BIOSs do not support booting from partitions that are offset by a certain amount. You need to either upgrade your BIOS or stick with a boot partition below the threshold. [16:46] hey i installed emerald, all was working well, now i've rebooted and cant find out how to turn on emerald. any help? (using hardy) [16:46] unop: Yea I know :) Thx again [16:46] blumm, which directory are you in now with respect to bash? :) [16:46] Scout_, in the interim you can try typing emerald in the terminal [16:46] blumm, in other words, what does this give you? echo $PWD [16:46] hi there all [16:46] the_darkside_986: how is the printer connected, to a computer using a printer cable or to the network using a network patch cable? [16:46] Is there everyone has enjoined FireFox3.0 yet? [16:46] vlt: if you want to keep /dev/sda7 as '/', consider creating an extra '/boot/' partition below the cylinder threshold [16:46] unop: he can just type pwd you know.. [16:46] unop: /home/msb [16:47] soundray: Aah, ok. Didn't know that the BIOS is still important once GRUB is running. [16:47] Scout_: add 'emerald --replace &' to your session if you want it autostarted at login [16:47] srry about that.... i had to reboot computer did updates [16:47] USB it looks like [16:47] unop: i closed everything including nautilus [16:47] glitsj16, ty sir, how do i add it to session for startup? [16:47] well i think as long as grub is on a sector that your bios can access, the later stages of booting are fine [16:47] well VBox looks pretty good, seems to work. except the audio doesn't work. [16:47] ? [16:47] could anyone tell me where I can find Skipr irc channel [16:47] xtknight: Last night a neophyte OP asked in a German Ubuntu channel if there is an Ubuntu command that lists all stations participating in a LAN. I did not know the answer but stumbled over ethtool which seems to be quite powerful. Now I would like to know if ethtool can list all hosts participating in the current LAN. [16:47] xtknight, any ideas on the audio thing [16:47] jcolbert: install the one from sun [16:47] skype [16:47] jcolbert, have you installed Guest Additions, and if so, what audio driver do you have configured in the options/ [16:47] blumm, well, what this is saying is that bash is currently using that folder .. it might be that another bash session is using it .. anyway, you can just do this.. kill 13982 [16:47] vlt: the grub code that takes over from the BIOS has to be minimal, as it has to fit into the master boot record. [16:47] jcolbert: dont use OSE [16:48] ive run parallels-config multiple times, rebooted, googled and nothing has worked thus far, anyone have any help [16:48] xtknight, it says audio disabled [16:48] Scout_: system > admin > sessions is the menu sytructure i believ, i'm on Xubuntu so i can't be 100% sure, the menu's differ [16:48] bullgard4, what do you define as a station [16:48] bullgard4, workstation ? [16:48] i did install the guest additions [16:48] unop: i already closed this terminal and started a new one [16:48] bullgard4, in any case i dont believe there is a definitive way but to consult the gateway to which the workstations are connected. but you can do what is called a subnet scan. try asking in #networking [16:48] Faust-C, what is OSE? [16:48] xtknight: So, do you have any other solution than moving that partition to lower sectors? [16:48] open source edition [16:48] jcolbert: its the one you get from repo [16:48] oh ok [16:48] xtknight: Yes, here a station is equivalent to a 'host' or 'workstation'. [16:48] have a small problem...wanted to make install a program but change the executable name and the string that displays on top(basically the program name)...how do i change this..any pointers....??~ [16:49] bullgard4: nmap is occasionally useful [16:49] download Sun xVM one manually from sun [16:49] EvilDennisR, why use an external command to tell you the same thing a variable already holds? pointless [16:49] vlt, sorry i am not sure, but i did not se your error before. now that i do see it, the bios may matter [16:49] oh i downloaded the SUN version [16:49] the_darkside_986: ok, go to the windows machine and run "ifconfig" and see what it's ip address is [16:49] i am using Windows running ubuntu [16:49] skype channel in freenode [16:49] jcolbert, ok [16:49] jcolbert: i gotsound to work perfectly [16:49] glitsj16, got it added thank you for your help :) [16:49] jcolbert, select pulseAudio in options, if you are running ubuntu hardy [16:49] or other server [16:49] genii: I will have a look at nmap in a minute. [16:49] does anybody know of a font package that would include Avant Garde Gothic? [16:49] bullgard4: what I usually do is a ping broadcast, e.g. 'ping -b'. All ping-able hosts on the LAN segment will respond to that. [16:49] blumm, ahh well, just make sure that this command doesn;t return anything. lsof | grep -i loop_mount [16:49] xtknight: hmmm, ok. [16:49] Scout_: no problem :) [16:49] blumm, if it does, then you aren't closing the right bash shell [16:50] vlt, can you give me any more detalis on the circumstances and what may have caused the error? [16:50] xtknight, where is options? [16:50] does anybody know of a font package that would include Avant Garde Gothic? please help [16:50] unop: ah i guess i know [16:50] ps attend to this: have a small problem...wanted to make install a program but change the [16:50] xtknight: I created a new partition /dev/sda7. When I run `grub` from the cmd line, its tab completion shows me that new partition as (hd0,6). But when I reboot (hd0,6) can't be found. In edit mode the last available partition is (hd0,5). Any idea how to make grub re-read the partitions? [16:50] +executable name and the string that displays on top(basically the program [16:50] +name)...how do i change this..any pointers....??~ [16:50] unop: yep, still being used [16:50] daftpunk, i dont know about gothic but searching for "avant garde" in synaptic will give u some results [16:51] blumm, just kill the process then [16:51] vlt: this problem is not solvable with grub. It's a limitation of your BIOS. [16:51] jcolbert, you must shut down the virtual machine to access options [16:51] xtknight does it really ? ok thanks I'll have a look at it [16:51] blumm, or make sure you close _all_ bash shells, even ones that you might have opened up in the console or such [16:51] vlt: look on the motherboard manufacturer's web site for a BIOS update. Failing that, buy a new motherboard. [16:51] jcolbert, the Settings are accessible in the main program/hub , listing which contains all your virtual machines [16:51] soundray:It#s an IBM Thinkpad [16:51] unop: i just killed process using kill -9 - iso is still mounted [16:51] kindly help....have a small problem...wanted to make install a program but change the [16:52] +executable name and the string that displays on top(basically the program [16:52] unop: could irssi be the problem, since its in a terminal too === tobias_ is now known as tobias [16:52] vlt: Lenovo does supply BIOS updates for those. Have a look. [16:52] hi, I'm having some problems connecting to a pptp vpn. The problem is that even though the connection works fine, some stuff work and some don't, notably some msn clients, like amsn [16:52] vlt, odd. you seem to be losing a partition, then? [16:52] what causes some packages to not be able to be authenticated? [16:52] xtknight: it's beyond his cylinder boundary [16:52] blumm, the iso will still be mounted obviously .. it should be unmountable as long as no processes are using files and directories in the mount point now [16:52] his or her [16:52] unop: it worked! the desktop symbol took a while to disappear :) [16:52] even though pidgin does connect fine (somewhat) [16:52] soundray, so grub cant enumerate partitions beyond a certain boundary? [16:52] xtknight: Yes, but I can access it w/o problems from runnning Ubuntu ... [16:52] kamaly: Changing the executable name and program name I believe violates the original authors rights. [16:53] hi. how can I check what's my graphic accelerator and its memory? [16:53] I do users -a and I see three of my usernames, what does that mean? two others are on my machine remotely? All I have set up is the apache webserver. [16:53] hmm this subtitle-editor is not clear to me [16:53] blumm, nice [16:53] vlt, ya. grub might use bios to enumerate, and ubuntu may use the controller directly. but that's a guess [16:53] subtitles are precise at start, but at end they lag 2 seconds behind movie [16:53] so what i change, frame rate? [16:53] unop: thanks a lot, but bash is not the same as terminal? [16:53] grub doesnt actually contain driver,s as far as i know === ubuntu_ is now known as Jahromeo [16:53] hello guys...anybody wanna help..how do you change the display string of a program as u compile from source...ps help....???? [16:53] xtknight: not before it's read its stage 1.5 code. To read that, it needs the BIOS and is therefore limited to what the BIOS can access. [16:53] soundray, i see [16:53] anyone able to help me with grub - its for my kubuntu install [16:53] kamaly: edit .po files [16:53] Is there everyone has enjoined FireFox3.0 yet? [16:54] thanks...lemme try [16:54] soundray: "ping -b; WARNING: pinging broadcast address; PING ( 56(84) bytes of data." But then does not continue.Why not? "~$ ping -b" obtains: "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.506 ms" though. [16:54] leagris: firefox 3.0 is great [16:54] wolfeySI, probably you have to go from 30 to 29.999 frames/s [16:54] dt84: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep VideoRAM [16:54] blumm, the terminal by default uses bash as the shell ... but bash can be invoked in other ways too, i.e. via scripts and programs, etc [16:54] soundray: I think I'll change the position of swap (sda5) and sda7 ... Thank you ... [16:54] eross: one the X server the others some tty attached process and the terminal you are unsing [16:54] brb [16:54] Xamusk: i guess, i tried 25 to 23.976 and it was much worse:) [16:54] Tell me how was it running under 8.04 hardy? [16:54] dt84: lspci for the hardware [16:54] eross: i have three X bash and irssi [16:54] vlt: that's a good way if your sda5 is below the boundary [16:54] i am running linux mint, used EnvyNG to install my drivers. first i did an automatic install, and after reboot when i tried to watch a move i got a black screen in the player, also does the same when listening to music with visualisations on. i auto uninstall the drivers and did a manual install. after booting, i logged in, the whole screen went white and logged me off. only way i could get back in was with failsafe mode. after i unst [16:54] alled the drivers, with both auto and manual when i reinstall the driver automatically (how i did at the beginning and it worked), restart and log back in i get the white screen again! can anybody help please? [16:54] ati btw [16:55] erUSUL - is there a way to get more information from each user, like which process it is attached to [16:55] soundray, so vlt's issue is an LBA addressing issue or something else? [16:55] skippycostin: Interesting neither of those are really supported in this channel [16:55] wolfeySI: try this repo for the latest version of subtitleeditor if you haven't seen that one, video preview is way better in that one (via gstreamer) [16:55] xtknight: an addressing issue, yes. Could be LBA, but doesn't have to be. [16:55] wolfeySI, huh, if the subs are delayed, then you have to go from a lower framerate to a higher framerate, I guess... so maybe from 29.999 to 30 [16:55] wolfeySI: http://repository.debuntu.org/ [16:56] i was told to come and ask in here, it's mint built on ubuntu [16:56] ? [16:56] it's = isn't [16:56] bullgard4: your ...1 host doesn't respond to broadcast pings then. My router is configured like that, as well. [16:56] eross: "who" [16:56] Xamusk: i'm sorry nah they are before movie... sorry:( [16:56] Is there an easier way to move the file system from one partition to another (smaller one) than mounting both partitions and moving files? [16:56] doh.. thanks [16:56] soundray: Ok. [16:56] it's not even that bad.. but i want it good :) [16:56] !mint | | skippycostin [16:56] | skippycostin: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [16:57] tech0007: i get an empty output for both of them. should I simply type "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep VideoRAM"? [16:57] eross: also «w» (is a single letter command) [16:57] hi, I'm having some problems connecting to a pptp vpn. The problem is that even though the connection works fine, some stuff work and some don't, notably some msn clients, like amsn, even though pidgin works fine and I can telnet to the msn server [16:57] !mintsupport [16:57] the_darkside_986: have you considered just connecting the printer directly to the network using a network cable and cutting the vista machine out of the equation? [16:57] Linux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org [16:57] vlt, i'm not sure there's a more reliable way, but you could concoct some dd(disk druid) command to do it, maybe [16:57] i wouldnt recommend it [16:57] and i dont know how [16:57] !mintsupport > skippycostin, please see the private message [16:57] xtknight: No, the smaller target will be a problem there. I'd have to shrink the fs first. [16:57] thanks, i just came from that network and channel [16:58] I need a copy of linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic to repair some packaging brokenness, but I'm not seeing it in the repos [16:58] no i can't cut the vista machine out of the question, the other person(s) in the office need it. [16:58] does anyone know where I might find a package of it? [16:58] skippycostin, this channel does not support mint. [16:58] what is the name of the icon used by the nm-applet? [16:58] wired [16:58] wow, w gives you alot more detail [16:58] Dhraakellian: packages.ubuntu.com ? [16:58] vlt: I would recommend the tar procedure from the Tips HOWTO [16:58] and wireless [16:58] xtknight: I was rather looing for tool that could do all that in one go. [16:58] erUSUL: that's where I'm looking [16:58] am back pls...after checking po files...none contain the current string being displayed....which is the declaration i need to check pls to change the display string...?? [16:58] I see -16 and -18 [16:58] the_darkside_986: that printer is capable of working without being connected to a computer [16:58] Dhraakellian: I don't think you will, it's been obsoleted and deleted [16:58] how do i uninstall my graphics driver (i'm about to change my graphics card which was autodetected and the appropriate driver installed itself thru synaptic) [16:59] soundray: Thank you. [16:59] bazhang: yeah, so i've gathered... :P thanks anyways [16:59] vlt, i don't believe there is any filesystem-independent tool that would do that, but the ext3 or xfs or whichever FS you use may have a tool to migrate a filesystem [16:59] ? it is connected to their PC but it still works in Ubuntu [16:59] pen? [16:59] the_darkside_986: it can get it's own ip address and work over the network on all computers [16:59] vlt, if archiving the whole thing up ("imaging") it is easier you could do that like soundray suggested [16:59] prolly a good idea [16:59] i gotta go to lunch but I will find out its IP address and router access soon. thanks though. [17:00] dury, ? [17:00] maxb: well, frack. linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-17-generic isn't uninstalling because (I think) it needs some things from linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic [17:00] b4l7424r: sudo apt-get remove xserevr-xorg-video-(packageofdriver) [17:00] this isn't the first time this has happened. [17:00] my /boot keeps running out of space [17:00] the_darkside_986: the router access is not nessary if it's connected to a computer, the computer get the ip address [17:00] Dhraakellian, you cuold download the package manually off packages.ubuntu.com [17:00] and force an install with dpkg --force-all if you need to [17:00] so I end up uninstalling the old kernel packages [17:00] Who wants to see my awesome desktop? [17:01] xtknight: and that's pretty much exactly what i was planning to do [17:01] CWii, in #ubuntu-offtopic [17:01] Oh okay :) [17:01] but I can't actually find the package [17:01] tech0007, thanks, but how do i find the excact name of my driver package? [17:01] pen: I would really appreciate it if you could help me to find /server for Skype [17:01] wolfeySI: have you tried opening the video, setting subtitle start and end points (video menu) and using scale (timings menu) to solve the lag trouble yet ? [17:01] Dhraakellian, ok so you want to rid your system of ubuntu modules 17? [17:01] dury, it would be in #skype I think [17:01] yes [17:01] b4l7424r: whats ur graphic card? [17:01] Dhraakellian: Do you have an intact default booting kernel? Are you just trying to clean up old ones? [17:02] Dhraakellian, can you paste the exact results when doing dpkg --force-all --purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-17 [17:02] pen: here in freenode? [17:02] uh, I'd try without --force-all first [17:02] 24-19 is the current, hopefully he has this first === Xamuzk is now known as Xamusk [17:02] --force-all is dangerous [17:02] maxb: trying to clean up the old kernels initially. Now I'm just trying to get it so that aptitude will let me install updates [17:02] Hello - I'm interested in running a virtual Windows machine in the background / as a service on Hard Heron, which is better, Xen or Virtualbox or something else? [17:02] the_darkside_986:and to get access to you router just put your computers gateway ip address into the address of you browser [17:02] !pastebin | Dhraakellian [17:02] Dhraakellian: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [17:03] lanuser, vmware :P [17:03] pen: nobody in #skype [17:03] if you could ues this to paste the error log it would be good [17:03] moin, moin, spricht jemand deutsch? [17:03] !best | lanuser [17:03] lanuser: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [17:03] b4l7424r: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep _drv [17:03] !de | opa68 [17:03] opa68: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:03] tech0007, thanks [17:03] pen: should be other channel, don't you think so? [17:03] how do i get ubuntu to automatically set the hostname from a dhcp server, for example, dynXXX.example.com? [17:03] joaopinto - server or workstation? That always confuses me, and it's free right? [17:04] hello [17:04] xtknight: already know to use a pastebin, but thanks for letting me know which one is generally used in this channel [17:04] im having problem with one ubuntu 8.04 box [17:04]  hi there I am looking for a way that my secretary on her mac can modify my todo list on my linux machine. also I am look for a way that she can see if I had done it or not. any suggestions [17:04] lanuser, server, yes it's free, you will need to get a free key [17:04] tech0007, my card is nvidia [17:04] pen: I did my best googling but nothing [17:04] dury, it might not be in freenode [17:04] PS a time tracker would be really nice in there so that I could also use the same program to make my invoices [17:04] ubottu: I'm not taking a poll, just not sure which one runs as a service or in the background [17:04] lanuser: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:04] can anyone assist me with this : http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php?p=1854079#post1854079 , its a grub issue in kubuntu - so i posted a link [17:04] it seems its "locking up" and the keyboard leds are flashing [17:04] dury, i'm not sure what you mean by that the skype server? [17:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23145/ [17:04] Ergo^: when does this happen? [17:04] x cant be restared etc... it looks like a system hang, but it happened 4th time [17:05] pen: the thing is that I want to find an irc channel of Skype [17:05] joaopinto: with VMWare I don't have to actually have a gui-fied front end running to load/run the virtual machine right? it'll run a virtual machine as a service or backgrounded process right? [17:05] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/220501 - it seems the same issue [17:05] Launchpad bug 220501 in ubuntu "[hardy] computer hard locks with flashing keyboard lights" [Undecided,New] [17:06] dury, it might not be there [17:06] The reason I think it needs linux-image-version-generic is I've had a similar problem before [17:06] pen: Skype users.... like here ubuntu user [17:06] lanuser, yes, you just need the gui to manage, create/edit, etc [17:06] granted, I think the linux-image- package was explicitly asked for then [17:06] Dhraakellian, that's right, which is why i would try the force-all [17:06] #anapolis [17:06] pen: you know what I mean [17:06] i dont seee a reason you need linux-image 17 if you've got 19 [17:06] and 19 is running w/o problems [17:07] since youve prolly still got 18 too :) [17:07] dury, got it, but I have no idea [17:07] joaopinto: thanks man [17:07] xtknight: so that the -ubuntu-modules 17 package wouldn't complain when I try to uninstall it [17:07] Dhraakellian, i think force all will fix it, give it atry [17:08] Ergo^: if this happens randomly, it's pointing towards a hardware problem. The most frequent problems that cause this kind of thing are overheating and RAM problems. So check that all your fans are running, and run memtest86 for a few hours [17:08] My terminal stopped working - it closes immediately after being opened. Any idea how to restore it? (I can still access the command prompt with Ctrl+Alt F-x of course) [17:08] Happened when I was creating a new profile in it [17:08] pen: would you please find it in google for me... or fromother source [17:08] xtknight: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23147/ [17:08] hows everyone today [17:09] noob question: how do i open gnome-theme-manager? i can't open a particular theme in emerald [17:09] dury, why irc for skype? [17:09] zzorn: try Alt-F2 gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Default [17:09] uzael: system -> appearance [17:09] tech0007: I wasn't online. there's an empty output for "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep VideoRAM". what can I do? [17:09] hello, sorry for offtopic, i am looking for someone who is native born-British , i want to ask something, anybody here? [17:10] soundray, thanks [17:10] uzael: system -> settings -> appearance [17:10] Dhraakellian: Edit /etc/kernel-img.conf, and *temporarily* add a line saying ramdisk = /bin/true then remove the problem package, then immediately undo the change to that config file [17:10] tech0007, would it be "sudo apt-get remove xserevr-xorg-video-nvidia_drv.so"? [17:10] !uk | hacx [17:10] hacx: Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk [17:10] Is there a way to make WPE pro (a packet sniffer for windows), work on programs that are running outside of wine? [17:10] yes Uk :-)) [17:10] sorry [17:10] Dhraakellian, well this is a little tricky. you say you have no room left on /boot to accomodate the reinstallation of -17 image? [17:10] hacx, /join #ubuntu-uk [17:10] ubottu: ok thanks :-) [17:10] Factoid ok thanks :-) not found [17:10] Dhraakellian: that should skip the invocation of the command which is failing, which is I believe, just to delete old stuff [17:10] xtknight: no. the lack of space was the entire reason I removed the old kernels [17:10] xtknight: I will ask in #networking for 'subnet scan'. -- Thank you. [17:11] Dhraakellian, to fix this problem i would be suggesting to reinstall linux image 17, and then uninstall both at once in a clean state [17:11] dt84: try 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep ram' instead [17:11] anyone awake yet? [17:11] !ask [17:11] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:11] xtknight: Hah! That's exactly what I was going to, but I couldn't find the linux image -17 package [17:11] i didnt ask to ask a question [17:12] fucking retarded anally retentive ELITIST bullshit [17:12] I440r: you did :p [17:12] 'fuck this [17:12] why is it so hard just to change the theme in ubuntu *cries of frustration* [17:12] lol [17:12] how do i network two ubuntu computers [17:12] b4l7424r: before u try it, why do u want to uninstall the driver? [17:12] pen: 'cause I want to know if it's pòssible to make a phone calls from a computer to a normal phone or mobile and how much would it be [17:12] Dhraakellian, ah ya. back to square one. well i will try and find it [17:12] tech0007: what can you figure out of this: [17:13] (II) Loading sub module "ramdac" [17:13] (II) LoadModule: "ramdac"(II) Module "ramdac" already built-in [17:13] (**) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32 [17:13] anyone wanna try and walk a total noob (me) thru a change of theme? [17:13] dury, yes, but you have to pay; see the skype faq on their website. [17:13] tech0007, i'm gonna install a new graphics card [17:13] dury, it's all in skype homepage, check it out [17:13] dury, don't you know skypeout? [17:13] uzael: sure if i can [17:13] uzael: is it an emerald theme you want to get working ? thought i read that in your earlier question not sure .. [17:13] dury, it's all in skype homepage [17:13] Dhraakellian: Edit /etc/kernel-img.conf, and *temporarily* add a line saying ramdisk = /bin/true then remove the problem package, then immediately undo the change to that config file [17:13] Dhraakellian: that should skip the invocation of the command which is failing, which is I believe, just to delete old stuff [17:13] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [17:13] thx for help, scale worked [17:13] end -0.5 s :) [17:14] hey, if i created an ssl key on a dapper server, im reformatting and installing hardy, will that key/cert pair still work properly or is there some way to migrate the key if it wouldnt be? [17:14] maxb: working on it [17:14] skinnymg1: tell a little more about what you are planning to do with the two machines [17:14] soundray, hmm, doesn't help. Any idea where the gnome-terminal configuration files are? [17:14] b4l7424r: oh ok, just rename your xorg.conf 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak' then install the new card [17:14] i just need to get them to share files [17:14] wolfeySI: glad it's fixed, annoying things lagging subs ;) [17:14] tech, ok, thanks again [17:15] maxb: didn't seem to help [17:15] glitsj16: i mean he wouldnt even notice that much since he doesnt understand english. i get nervous since i both listen and read:) === jptix is now known as jp_tix [17:15] zzorn: you can go through gconf-editor to undo the wrong setting. apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default [17:16] hrm, that's annoying. Well, I guess you could edit the package postrm script directly and comment out the command which is failing [17:16] soundray, ok, I'll try that [17:16] Dhraakellian, try cd /var/cache [17:16] glitsj16: like translators for National Geographic once translated "areable land" as "Arab land" [17:16] skinnymg1: are they connected in any way yet? [17:16] it hit me straight into my heart [17:16] :) [17:16] Dhraakellian, and then "sudo find * | grep linux-image-2.6.24-17" [17:16] /var/cache/apt/archives? [17:16] to see if you still have it [17:16] yes through a router [17:16] You'll find the script which is being run in /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic.postrm [17:17] skinnymg1: so you can ping one from the other? [17:17] yes [17:17] i have samba installed and all [17:17] just cant see the files [17:18] maxb: okay, so what do I do with it? [17:18] is there any way in ubuntu to see what is really happening when you click a button? [17:18] skinnymg1: did you share any folders? Right-click in nautilus and select Sharing === Spec[x] is now known as Spec [17:18] blahblahx, many ways, but youll have to be more specific [17:18] especially given that linux-image-generic-2.6.24-17-generic is already gone. :) [17:18] * Dhraakellian looks at the ubuntu-modules file [17:19] blahblahx, open terminal type top then click yer button [17:19] on a desktop after upgrading a linux kernel using apt-get upgrade you get a notification to reboot.. how do I look for same notification on a server (aka no gui) [17:19] skinnymg1: did you only install samba just now? Then you should log out and log back in to activate your sambashare group membership [17:19] soundray, thanks, that worked [17:19] glitsj16: or minor things like military camp being translated in context of "holiday camp" not in context of military base:) [17:19] yes i can see the files on my windows machine just not the other [17:19] xtknight: specific example is that a window pops up, telling me gnome couldn't load the tomboy applet. i have two choices, to delete or not delete the applet. I want to see what will happen via commands if i click delete [17:19] ...nm [17:19] heh [17:19] wolfeySI, interesting but better pursued in #ubuntu-offtopic [17:20] bazhang: aye [17:20] on other thing if anyone uses tvtime [17:20] hey, weird problem. Some programs have sound (amarok, totem, firefox) but programs like skype, vlc, mplayer aren't giving me any sound. any ideas? [17:20] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [17:20] blahblahx, that'll be a little hard to discern. GNOME is a little confusing, but it may be editing gconf etc. an all-encompassing way to do it would be to run an IO statistics program to tell you what is being read and written to disk [17:20] i used old version which was normal 4:3 [17:20] Hey ya [17:20] now new version has completely square box [17:20] My friends cant connect my computer (webserver) [17:20] left and right side missing [17:20] some who knows what the problem is? [17:20] anyone* [17:20] skinnymg1: so the trouble is on the client side. Did you go through Places-Connect to Server ? [17:20] xtknight: my guess is it is editing gconf, but i want to know which specific commands. [17:21] Qubex: do you have port 80 open on firewall and if you use NAT, is it forwarded to port 80 of server behind NAT? [17:21] xtknight: and what is IO statistics? [17:21] skinnymg1: please use my nick so I don't miss your lines [17:21] I have no router, [17:21] but i dont know [17:21] blahblahx, IO means input/output, which often is a connotation for what is written to disk or memory. [17:21] Qubex: try disabling firewall for a minute and see [17:21] How do i see if 80 is open? [17:21] Qubex: somebody from outside can telnet to port 80, web servers use text protocol [17:21] From Firestarter right? [17:22] ive done all that i can see the files from both the ubuntu machines on my windows machine just cant see the files under ubuntu [17:22] xtknight: what kind of program would this be? [17:22] skinnymg1: please use my nick so I don't miss your lines [17:22] can any1 help me with folder sharing problems on VBox? === rick111 is now known as rick111_afk [17:22] can i pm you and talk [17:22] it works? [17:22] I disabled the Firewall, a [17:22] and it works [17:22] Should i have it disabled? [17:23] skinnymg1: no, I'm not a samba expert, just hoping that our conversation will attract one. [17:23] blahblahx, strace can trace lower level system commands. ltrace actually traces calls to libraries on the system. [17:23] Ubuntu server keeps port 25 closed. I tried setting up the firewall to allow port 25 but nmap keeps stating its closed. I also set a rule to allow port 80, nmap shows it as open, so I dont know what is wrong with my settings [17:23] Qubex: so edit firewall settings to allow port 80 through [17:23] wolfeySI: Run it with -A switch as per the manpage [17:23] blahblahx, you might want to attach ltrace to the parent process of that message, which may be nautilus or gnome-panel, i am not sure. [17:23] hmm [17:23] xtknight: i think gconf is the parent process [17:23] blahblahx, either way you might just ask in a GNOME development channel ( #gnome ? ) about what happens. maybe someone would know [17:23] soundray : i just cant get it to see the files i actually use xubuntu though [17:24] xtknight: its always so empty, but ill try [17:24] genii: excellent thanx, is there a setting in /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml ? [17:24] well, if all else fails, my /home is separate, so I could reinstall (or go distro-hopping again) [17:24] ubuntuers-- if i mount a windows share with the gnome gui-- how do i access from command line? [17:24] I can't seem to get my microphone working. I have the volume up in the control panel and it is not muted. [17:24] How? [17:24] I dont think Samba works like that. You have to use NFS to view Linux folders with other Linux systems... Not sure about that [17:24] It dosent view any place that says unblock port 80 [17:24] hi all [17:24] each time i login i have to re-config my network :( [17:24] blahblahx, sorry i cant help you with that specifically but is there something more general you would like to fix? [17:25] always keep /home seperated, it saved me time, to just reinstall / and leave /home :) [17:25] skinnymg1: you should have said. Can you do a 'smbclient -L ubuntuhost' on the client side and see the network shares of the ubuntu host? [17:25] i've installed java, but it doesn't works in firefox, how can i solve? [17:25] and my wireless is messed up permanently [17:25] wolfeySI: Possibly. At http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=523898 they show an example of how to set 16:9 this way [17:25] Phydoux: and you were wrong. samba can be used between linux boxes [17:25] plutarcus: are you on 64 bits? [17:25] no i tried that too [17:25] plutarcus: what java did you install? java development kit or runtime? [17:25] xtknight: well i was wondering how to get tomboy applet completely out of the system. I tried dumping /apps/pannel into a textfile, removing all mentions of tomboy, and reloading, but i dont think that worked. [17:25] you need first to compile java and second for browser plugin [17:25] ill figure it out though i always do [17:26] Does anyone regularly use pulse across their network? To play to remote speakers etc? === SaSav is now known as Lady``MArija [17:26] skinnymg1: that's the spirit === Lady``MArija is now known as Lady``Marija [17:26] skinnymg1: ssh sharing could be an alternative for you [17:26] hey, weird problem. Some programs have sound (amarok, totem, firefox) but programs like skype, vlc, mplayer aren't giving me any sound. any ideas? === samitheb1rber is now known as samitheberber [17:26] could someone point me to an url where I can find ubuntu hardy server's default sources.list after installation? Or if someone has it, could he paste it to me in a query? [17:26] blahblahx, ive actually gotten this error a lot. although clicking Delete got rid of it. often what prompts this error is corruption to the home profile. do you know what might have happened? [17:26] irc.hdfrench.com [17:26] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [17:27] xtknight: well the thing is I am building a remaster. [17:27] wolfeySI: please don't recommend compiling software, except as a last resort [17:27] thamks for the help though soundray [17:27] biz: It's in /etc/apt/sources.list [17:27] blahblahx, it could be signs of a permisison problem as well. but what do you mean by a remaster? imaging? [17:27] xtknight: i am making my own distro. [17:27] xtknight: so if i boot and delete it on the test build, it doesn't save the change. [17:28] hi! is there a howto for installing and getting to work oracle xe in hardy? [17:28] My wireless messed up [17:28] Avenged-Revenge, pulse has some issues with certain programs and compatibility. I went to http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup to get mine working right. [17:28] soundray: i'm just saying JDK does not have browser plugin, JRE has, both have 'java' for console [17:28] hello i need to make my comp a dns server . i need a guide to how to do so. [17:28] blahblahx, is this /home a separate partition? [17:28] xtknight: so id really like to get to the root of the problem and make that error never appear [17:28] genii: I've bootstrapped hardy, I've only the 'http://XX.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main' in there [17:28] soundray: oh btw i hate ubuntu policy. build-essential should be default, it confuses newbies following tutorials on internet [17:28] biz: If you installed the ubuntu-docs at install time then you have a sample file in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list [17:28] hello, i installed new modules because i didn't had sound and now it doesn't detect the sound, the graphic board, the screen type etc [17:28] stupid nm-applet shows connected even if disconnected [17:28] xtknight: the test image isn't installed, its just a test livecd [17:29] blahblahx, ah i see. so this is a cd you made? [17:29] The sound in every single game (sdl games, quake3) I tried to play is choppy (stuttering). however, mplayer works just fine - any idea how to fix this? [17:29] n1: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dns.html [17:29] hello! does any1 know a howto for installing and getting to work oracle xe in hardy? [17:29] how do i get ubuntu to automatically set the hostname from a dhcp server, for example, dynXXX.example.com? [17:30] xtknight: yes [17:30] blahblahx, i think i understand what you are doing. is there a particular tutorial you followed to create the remaster disc? [17:30] co0lingFir3: doesn't Oracle provide documentation and support? [17:30] hello, i installed new modules because i didn't had sound and now it doesn't detect the sound, the graphic board, the screen type etc [17:30] thanks magnetron [17:30] wolfeySI: you don't need to tell me all that. I'm just asking that you don't spring any 'solutions' involving compiling at someone who is asking a first-time question. This is bound to cause trouble. [17:30] genii: oh, nice. Thanks for the hint [17:30] n1: np [17:30] xtknight: i used the program reconstructor. have you heard of it? [17:30] melter: perhaps ezipupdate package or similar [17:30] blahblahx, nope [17:30] i havent done remastering [17:30] biz: np [17:30] i created a new user, and when i changed his resolution (to the same as the primary user) after restarting x, the screen is all jacked up and the whole computer freezes up. what gives?? [17:31] How to fix and save wireless settings? [17:31] magnetron: they dont for ubuntu [17:31] (this is ONLY if i log in as that new user) [17:31] blahblahx: my best guess is that it improperly packed the home default livecd user's directory [17:31] genii, i already have dhcp3-client installed, isn't there a way to configure it to do that? [17:31] co0lingFir3: do they sell their product for use with ubuntu? [17:31] xtknight: unfortunately, that is the only problem i encountered, which makes me doubt that. [17:31] blahblahx, either improperly filled it with applets that werne't there (~/.gnome or ~/.gnome2 or ~/.nautilus?) , or the permissions in that directory are incorrect [17:32] magnetron: i use their express edition (xe) which they do not charge any money for [17:32] maxb: whatabout that .postrm file? [17:32] anyone know the name of the graphical manager for users and groups, to invoke from an X-Terminal ?? [17:32] melter: Remember that the options you get are decided from the dhcp server which gives your info to you. So if you don't control that all the dhclient settings you make have no reall effects. [17:32] xtknight: well i made a few files in /etc/skel [17:32] blahblahx, did you call for tomboy to be pakced into this livecd or how exactly does it work? i believe Tomboy is a stock applet? [17:32] not added by default but existent by default [17:33] xtknight: well reconstructor just takes a iso image, and gives you a chroot into it. from there, you can change things by GUI or a chroot terminal. [17:33] darkblue_B: 'gksudo users-admin' [17:33] tech0007: thx, trying [17:33] genii, my non-ubuntu linux boxes are getting their hostname set correctly, so i know the dhcp server is sending it out [17:33] blahblahx, i see, so you installed ubuntu-desktop package and the such? [17:33] xtknight: well i started from a stock ubuntu image. [17:33] co0lingFir3: who except, oracle, are able to provide documentation for their products? we don't have the source, therefore we cannot help you. sorry. [17:33] xtknight: you have to start from an ubuntu iso. [17:33] hi magnetron i need a guide to configure the named.conf in etc/bind [17:33] xtknight: a full one. [17:34] How do i open a port? in Firestarter? [17:34] so that i can set up the dns server [17:34] blahblahx, tried uck yet? [17:34] blahblahx, ok so you weren't able to track down how the delta (what you changed from stock) is causing your problem? did you try remastering with a stock cd with absolutely no changes to see if the remastering program has a problem? [17:34] soundray: he said 'i installed java and i dont have java in firefox' [17:34] soundray: i answered precisely what the problem probably is [17:34] soundray: and please give us favour and drop gcj out as default [17:34] soundray: only Java is Sun Java [17:35] n1: did you read the web page i gave you a link to? it clearly states that the guide is in /usr/share/doc/bind/README.Debian [17:35] created a new user, when i changed his res, logged back in, screen is borked and comp freezes. ONLY on that user, and ONLY when i change the res. i have deleted user and recreated new ones to test this asnd it happens everytime on a new user... what gives? [17:35] xtknight: i purged mono and tomboy as some of my changes. however, i know this error doesn't happen if you dont remove tomboy. [17:35] !java | wolfeySI [17:35] wolfeySI: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [17:35] wolfeySI: no, you didn't. You said something about compiling stuff. That's a bad answer. [17:35] blahblahx, i see [17:35] * Dhraakellian wanders off for a little bit [17:35] blahblahx, i think that error should only happen if tomboy has been added to the panel. but just the 'tomboy' package being removed prompts it? [17:36] wolfeySI: btw, if you 'hate ubuntu policy', you are poorly qualified to give useful help here. [17:36] xtknight: isnt tomboy in the panel for default ubuntu? [17:36] magnetron: oops sorry i saw that :) [17:36] soundray: i think ubuntu is great product. but trying to dumb down users is never good idea. dont hide everything from user. [17:36] melter: Make sure /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf has host-name in the list of things it's requesting [17:36] It Works! [17:36] blahblahx, nay [17:36] all: hi ! [17:37] blahblahx, not that i remember? i have to say i dont know for sure [17:37] Thanks Ubuntu Users :) [17:37] wolfeySI Take it to offtopic [17:37] ok === Guest9055 is now known as seanw [17:37] genii, it does [17:38] xtknight: oh actually i just got some good help from the gnome channel. the guy told me to dump /apps/panel into a textfile, delete the applet, dump the new /apps/panel into a new file, and then compare the two files. [17:38] blahblahx, o [17:38] help? created a new user, when i changed his res, logged back in, screen is borked and comp freezes. ONLY on that user, and ONLY when i change the res. i have deleted user and recreated new ones to test this asnd it happens everytime on a new user... what gives? [17:38] xtknight: thank you for your help and friendly attitude though. [17:38] I have a problem when with Synaptic can someone help me? [17:39] blahblahx, well i hope you figure it out, i would be curious what it was because i don't know much about gnome's internal structures [17:39] !ask | aaron_ [17:39] aaron_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:39] .j * #* > eth01 [17:39] gnome is a little more cryptic than most linux users are used to, i think [17:39] hmm alright [17:39] Autobox: i cant fully answer your question, but the reason it happens with each new user is probably due to files in /etc/skel [17:39] at least debugging it [17:39] my synaptic is showing me this E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [17:39] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [17:39] Autobox: have you made any changes in there? [17:39] Autobox: this sounds like it would qualify as a bug... Which video driver are you using? [17:40] genii, "request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name, ntp-servers;" === aleatorio is now known as linux_hater [17:40] Autobox, how did you change the resolution? [17:40] by what means? [17:40] But when I try to type that in terminal and run it, it says I need superuser priviledges..how do I get those? [17:40] aaron, just run the "dpkg --configure -a" then and it will be fixed [17:40] aaron_, run the command with sudo in front of it [17:40] hey [17:40] aaron_: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' [17:40] oh ok hang on ^^ [17:40] I have a problem at seasion Login! at startup a pop up window comes Up with an erro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150/ [17:41] aaron_: also, exit synaptic before you enter this [17:41] gksu / gksudo or kdesu for gnome and kde apps, is preferred, respectively [17:41] no changes to /etc/skel .. this is a new install. [17:41] error* [17:41] can anyone recommend a good place to look for help on getting an Intel 2200BG wifi card working properly with wireshark? id be pretty grateful! [17:41] Autobox, could you answer, by what means did you change the screen resolution? did you use the applet, xrandr, an xorg.conf file configuration program, etc? [17:41] by 'the applet', i mean 'Screen Resolution' in preferences [17:41] Autobox: which video driver? [17:42] just the gnome menu [17:42] i810 [17:42] iqson716 does it still let you into gui [17:42] ah that does need that weird i810 mode setting package [17:42] !info 915resolution | Autobox [17:42] autobox: 915resolution (source: 915resolution): resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) [17:42] Jack_Sparrow: yes, but after 5 minutes [17:43] how much should the mplayer plugin buffer before it starts playing [17:43] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks for your help- everything works. The monitor wants to go off-kilter a little when booted up, but that's a monitor issue, not a program or graphics issue. [17:43] iqson716 HAve you booted recovery mode, then logged out and then into normal session.. that cleared the one pc I saw that had that error [17:43] which dhcp server will provide better response times on a small network? [17:43] Dunas Glad to help... [17:44] blahblahx, i'm unsure if i can conduct a PM with you without your having registered with NickServ. [17:44] melter: Perhaps also add: netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope and then to release renew. eg: sudo dhclient -r ;sudo dhclient [17:44] how much should the mplayer plugin buffer before it starts playing [17:44] Dunas You can fix that first boot issue.. with vga= 791 or one of those in the grub command line. [17:44] blahbla xtknight make a temp channel #blabla and chat there [17:44] bazhang, o good idea, it works tho :) [17:45] !info wireshark [17:45] wireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB [17:45] I'm wanting to transfer files regularly between a ubuntu machine that isn't in this house, and a windows xp machine at home.. I'm trying to find some file transfer protocol that offers hashchecking.. Sort of like how bit torrent splits up a file into many parts, then each part has a hash associated..if any part doesn't match the hash a new version is grabbed === mandarin is now known as derien [17:46] I have been using ftp, but I am finding some bits of data are corrupt [17:46] how much should the mplayer plugin buffer before it starts playing [17:47] 100 % [17:47] why ? [17:47] snoops, tcp i believe has a checksum builtin, although this is not working properly? [17:47] What's the point of buffering then [17:47] leachim6, 100% means that the buffer is 100% full. the buffer size is not necessarily the size of the file. [17:47] if I wanted to download it , why would I use the plugin ? [17:48] right ... the buffer is now at 15% , which is almost 35 megs [17:48] leachim6, download what [17:48] tcp doesn't use hashchecking as such, it guarantees that a certain percentage of packets will be valid though xtknight [17:48] a file [17:48] I clicked on a movie link , and the mplayer plugin opens it , but now it's buffering [17:48] snoops, ah i see. well yes it's a very primitive one. i am not sure of a protocol that does this, but investigate scp, samba, and nfs? [17:48] leachim6: rightclick then save link as === reinhold_away is now known as reinhold [17:48] I don't want to save -as ... I wanted to stream the file [17:48] or more specifically ... progressive download [17:49] snoops, personally for small file transfers i use the free Simple Socket Transfer program under wine, although understandably that's a little wonky due to need for WINE. nice prog tho [17:49] snoops: try using scp, my guess is that it will work better. For Windows, there is WinSCP (graphical) and putty scp (command line) [17:49] scp does sound like the ticket [17:49] xtknight: is that like netcat? [17:49] it does a similiar hash checking system? [17:50] #ubuntu-tr [17:50] snoops, and there is winscp as well [17:50] snoops: well, it encrypts traffic, which is kind of like hashing (in the same way that driving a car is like cycling ;) [17:50] h [17:50] hi [17:50] soundray, not sure, basically it's a hybrid server-client program. it's a gui. you select whether you wnat to be the server or client. it can do passive or active in each mode. it works on the ip and port you specify [17:50] yeah encryption isn't what I'm interested in here heh [17:51] !info netcat | xtknight [17:51] xtknight: netcat (source: netcat): TCP/IP swiss army knife -- transitional package. In component main, is important. Version 1.10-36 (hardy), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB [17:51] hello people. [17:51] I was thinking I could continue using ftp, but write a little program which runs a hash check on each file then compares with the server [17:51] snoops: but it won't hurt, either [17:51] hi, how do I limit Update Managers download rate? I have set download speed to 300K in /usr/lib/apt/methods/http using trickle, and it works fine with apt-get. But update-manager does 2 downloads at once and gets up to above 600K, I don't know if it uses the /usr/lib/apt/methods/http file at all or if it's using its own stuff [17:51] I could setup a private bit torrent tracker I guess [17:51] ha [17:51] hehe [17:51] hey does anybody know how to fix the font for the login screen in hardy heron? [17:52] tech0007: thx.. worked great [17:52] snoops: you seem to like complicated solutions... rsync won't be for you, either, then === linux_hater is now known as umaleatorio [17:52] snoops, well i wonder how ftp is giving you problems [17:52] when i type my user name and password it is like size 72 or something [17:52] even yet [17:52] it is an unreliable physical link betwene the two machines, too unreliable for tcp checksum to handle? [17:52] or unreliable network adapters? [17:53] yeah, it seems that every 4GB sent/received I'll have around a small couple byte corruption in one of the files [17:53] when you run apt-get install ,where is the program installed ? [17:53] yeah, it's not even in the same country xtknight [17:53] xtknight: sorry, our connection bounced here at work.. the last thing you said to me was something about the i810 driver being the problem? [17:53] ntolo: 'dpkg -L (package)' [17:53] snoops, have you checked whether this is a problem in your network driver? you may want to report it to Ubuntu's launchpad (bug tracker) or the linux kernel if necessary. sorry i can not suggest anything immediate in the interim [17:53] ntolo: it depends on the package. Find out with 'dpkg -L packagename' where the various files go [17:53] snoops: 4Gb is suspiciously close to file size limit of fat/vfat drives [17:53] Autobox, yea and soundray suggsted 915resolution package [17:53] ntolo: in various places, sometimes in ten different folders [17:53] !info 915resolution | Autobox [17:53] autobox: 915resolution (source: 915resolution): resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) [17:53] ntolo: what did you install? [17:54] this could be causing your problem somehow [17:54] oh, I just meant on average genii, not that I'm transferring 4gb files [17:54] do i need to remove it? [17:54] soundray,firefox [17:54] ive tried to do go into gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf but i cant find [server-Standard] [17:54] name=Standard server [17:54] -command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0 and change it to [server-Standard] [17:54] name=Standard server [17:54] -command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0 -dpi 96 [17:54] justin__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:54] 915resolution is a special program needed to change the resolution on i810 adapters. the i810 drivers can not change the resolution on their own, or sometihng [17:54] justin__, pastebin [17:54] Autobox, i dont think you should remove it, but im not sure what ot do [17:54] oh [17:54] what to do* [17:54] snoops: is this bittorrent you are talking about? [17:54] Autobox: with the i810 driver, you need that tool to change resolution. You could try the Intel driver instead [17:54] pastebin? [17:54] i see [17:54] ntolo: check this to see how the file hierarchy is used: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy.html#The-Root-Directory [17:54] !pastebin | justin__ [17:54] justin__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [17:54] snoops: OK. Is 4Gb incidentally the amount of ram in one of the boxes? [17:54] lemme give it a shot [17:55] ntolo: might shed some light on the situation [17:55] gotcha thanks [17:55] ntolo: and you're looking for a way to start it? [17:55] snoops: (including it's swap) [17:55] ntolo: how come you had to install firefox -- it comes with Ubuntu by default... [17:55] xtknight: already the newest version, how do i use it? [17:56] no magnetron, basically I just want a transfer protocol so I can download files from and upload to a server I have that runs ubuntu, and to know that the files won't be corrupt, so a method similiar to how bittorrent splits up files into parts then makes a hash for each part and that is checked [17:56] Autobox, sorry i'm not really sure. perhaps looking online could provide advice, or "man 915resolution" manual. but what you describe still sounds like it qualifies as a bug. [17:56] Hi all, I'm trying to drag windows between workspaces in the taskbar but I'm not having any luck ... anyone else seen this? [17:56] nah, the machine has less than 4gb, including swap genii [17:56] snoops, honestly bittorrent sounds great if this is short term [17:56] snoops: 'ftp' normally works great:) [17:56] yeah, i maned it, but i got nothing [17:56] is there a way to add "search" directives to resolv.conf for default network profile? Basically, I want to search few domains at work and right now I have to go to network manager and change profile every time I restart interface. [17:56] Autobox: I think your first stop should be to try the intel driver instead of i810. If you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I'll show you how. [17:57] hey folks - How does Hardy determine which drive is /dev/sda - I am having a problem that each time i reboot /dev/sda is a different drive [17:57] soundray: just change the driver to intel? [17:57] i want to run a command when the ethernet board comes up. I checked ifup/down and added a script only to find out that apparently eth0 is not upped that way. Where is the proper place to put a script like that ? [17:57] Autobox: yes, or insert a driver line if you have none [17:57] k [17:57] thank you sir [17:57] Wulfie Sounds like you are mixing ide and sata drives [17:57] soundray,i removed it cause it did not update somehow but now its not working. [17:57] yeah, I have been using ftp wolfeySI.. ah well [17:57] Jack_Sparrow: yes I am [17:57] snoops: dont get me wrong, i love torrent :) [17:58] Wulfie It is the bios that is flipping them.. [17:58] hmm === umaleatorio is now known as satanas [17:58] Hi, what's the easiest way to figure out when I did the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 ? What log file or combination of commands could I get that info from? [17:58] soundray: can i simply reconfigure x? it will still let me choose a driver right? [17:58] Jack_Sparrow: I should be able to set the bios so its not autodetect but set - if I do that will it keep the same order [17:58] Wulfie: it relies on BIOS information to an extent. See if there are any BIOS options to delay either IDE or SATA startup -- this would likely fix the sequence permanently [17:58] Wulfie THere are some resources online about mixing ide and sata and how they flip as primary [17:58] Autobox: not on hardy [17:58] soundray: thanks [17:59] dangit [17:59] wait === satanas is now known as g-zuis [17:59] Wulfie: look for Boot Sequence in the bios [17:59] im using gutsy [17:59] haha === g-zuis is now known as g-zui [17:59] Is the anything like roll back in ubuntu,where i can undo the changes i made to the system ? [17:59] tech0007 it is more invbolved than that [17:59] Autobox: then you can 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and select intel [17:59] involved [17:59] ntolo: not really [17:59] I just removed all Pulse Audio related packages in Synaptic and now I'm having some serious lock up issues with my system [17:59] ntolo Yes, we call them backups.. did you make one [17:59] ntolo: what's the problem? [18:00] Jack_Sparrow: yes i know, that's one [18:00] When I try to go to the mixer it freezes, when I try system/preferences/sound it freezes... [18:00] linux doesnt have rollback but it does have a healthy amount of deployment options [18:01] soundray,my firefox is not working and i just did apt-get install but i dont know where the executable is. [18:01] some virtual machine programs have snapshot features, where you can revert to a previous point [18:01] i've lost my ability to play swf files, even with vlc, I have ffmpeg installed, what other libraries would I need? [18:01] xtknight: deployment options...kinda like that word [18:01] ;) [18:01] ntolo: it's on the default path. Open a terminal and enter 'firefox' [18:01] And I cannot seem to start firefox [18:02] g'nyt all [18:02] later [18:02] bcardarella: I think the sound and firefox issue are unrelated. See the factoid for sound help: [18:02] Wulfie If you were to google ubuntu mixing ide and sata problem you would see lots and lots of hits.. [18:02] !sound | bcardarella [18:02] back in a bit.. [18:03] !sound [18:03] soundray,it say it is not installed though i installed it. [18:03] bcardarella: ubottu has just quit and rejoined. Give it a minute, then we'll ask the factoid again [18:03] ntolo: how did you install it? [18:04] soundray: okay... the firefox issue only started after I tried to remove pulseaudio [18:04] soundray,sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [18:04] soundray: I'm thinking that the flash plugin is trying to connect to the server and stalling out [18:04] ubottu lag [18:04] ntolo: can you do a 'sudo apt-get -f install' and put any errors on http://paste.ubuntu.com [18:05] !sound [18:05] Anyone ever hear of hidpoint for logitech mice and keyboards? [18:05] bcardarella: it shouldn't do that. See if 'firefox -safe-mode' works [18:05] You have lag, I don't have lag [18:05] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [18:06] help .. my ethernet card on my other linux pc is not regitering .. what can i do to fix it? .. it was working fine, then i installed linux and its shot [18:06] soundray: ubottu isn't much help... it just points to firefox links [18:06] if I download hidpoint for ubuntu 8.04 will it work with kubuntu? [18:06] soundray: I'll be right back. I'm going to restart my system... fresh boot to see if ff will launch [18:07] soundray,i tried sudo apt-get -f install firefox-3.0 and when i try to run it still it says it is not installed. [18:07] ntolo: I asked you to run 'sudo apt-get -f install' (nothing else) [18:08] Hu [18:08] Hi [18:08] leachim6|windows: Hu Hi to you [18:08] I am tripple booting this system with windows xp , ubuntu gutsy , and ubuntu hardy ,but I need to reinstall windows [18:08] how do I do that without screwing up grub [18:08] soundray,It still says firefox is not installed when i try to run it. === g-zui is now known as WindowsS2 [18:08] or rather ... how do I fix grub afterward [18:08] leachim6|windows, get ready to fix grub [18:09] !grub | leachim6|windows [18:09] leachim6|windows: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:09] thank you [18:09] ntolo: does 'sudo apt-get -f install' report any errors? [18:09] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [18:09] How do I make ettercap use wlan1? [18:09] soundray,no errors. [18:09] hello ... can someone help .. my ethernet card on my other linux pc is not registering .. what can i do to fix it? .. it was working fine, then i installed linux and its shot [18:10] soundray: okay, firefox is back [18:10] !sound [18:10] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [18:10] what is better? vnc4 or tightvnc? [18:10] i've lost my ability to play swf files, even with vlc http://paste.ubuntu.com/23159/ [18:10] hello i'm from belgium but my ubuntu installation uses au.* repos is this normal or should i use belgian repos? [18:10] can someone tell me how to get my exit minimise and maximise back pls cant remember whot to type in the terminal [18:10] hey does anyone know of any program like ffmpegx (ffmpegx.com) for ubuntu.. its for mac only as far as I know. would be great to have something like that... [18:11] VLC? [18:11] ntolo: what exactly do you get from 'firefox' in the terminal? (Use pastebin if there's a lot) [18:11] the new vlc sux [18:11] simplyubuntu: it's called ffmpeg [18:11] !info ffmpeg | simplyubuntu [18:11] simplyubuntu: ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB [18:11] soundray I know, but ffmpegx is kind a frontend [18:12] s0ullight: do you have a support question? [18:12] hello i'm from belgium but my ubuntu installation uses au.* repos is this normal or should i use belgian repos? [18:12] simplyubuntu: ffmpeg2theora is a frontend ;) [18:12] soundray really? [18:12] I should try :) [18:12] soundray,0 upgraded,0 newly installed 0 to remove 135 not upgraded. [18:12] I have a copy of my menu.lst file for grub ... how can I just restore from that ? [18:12] Hi guys, i started the hardy live cd from my recent laptop, and i got a completely flickering screen. Though, i proceeded to the installation (with difficulties due to flickering)... Now I hope next restart from HD will be fine... Anyone helps ? [18:12] so it will be exactly like before [18:12] none of my partitions are changing [18:12] ntolo: that's not the output from 'firefox' [18:13] howdy - if grub cannot see my sd memory stick, then would i be correct in thinking i can't boot from it? [18:13] soundray is it command line? [18:14] leachim6|windows: just your menu.lst file is not enough to restore grub. You need to put grub in the master boot record. The factoid link tells you how [18:14] Anyone experienced the flickering screen ? [18:14] adante: if the computer is capable of booting from the memory stick then you will not even get to grub [18:14] simplyubuntu: yes, but extremely simple: ffmpeg file.avi (generates file.ogg) [18:14] soundray,bash:firefox :cannot be found [18:14] *command not [18:14] soundray and how do I change input/output formats [18:15] ntolo that probably means you don't have firefox installed.... [18:15] is there a way to change a disks mount point from /media/disk to just /disk? [18:15] ntolo: do you get a file listing from 'dpkg -L firefox'? [18:15] soundray, I know ... but I want to use the configuration from grub [18:15] DefineKThyne, fstab :D [18:15] th0r: i booted into the livecd and ran grub [18:15] simplyubuntu: input format is recognized, output format is fixed. 'man ffmpeg2theora' has more info [18:15] right now .... hardy is on (hd1,0) not (hd0,0) [18:15] rather grub [18:15] th0r: did you mean 'is not capable'? [18:16] hello [18:16] s0ullight: like /etc/fstab? [18:16] soundray,Yeh i get a list of file when i run dkpg -L firefox [18:16] yeah [18:16] adante: no I meant IS capable. By the time you get to grub you are already booting off the hard drive or the cd [18:16] Darkdragon: Hi [18:16] !fstab [18:16] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [18:16] leachim6|windows: I don't understand your problem [18:16] s0ullight: thanks, I'll let you know how that works out :) [18:16] ntolo: do you get any output from 'which firefox'? === reinhold is now known as reinhold_away [18:17] Ronlut: can you say me if the live version of the 64 bit ubuntu is also 64 bit? [18:17] hello i'm from belgium but my ubuntu installation uses au.* repos is this normal or should i use belgian repos? === clouder_ is now known as clouder`grr [18:17] adante: booting off a usb or sd drive is a bios function, not a function of grub [18:17] s0ullight: it doesn't matter much. The Belgian mirror might be a bit faster for yo [18:17] soundray,which firefox produces not output. [18:17] you [18:18] adante, it's just a qualification of your pc [18:18] ntolo: try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox' [18:18] hi, can someone tell me what is the application called that pops up in notification area, gets the wireless firmware and driver from the web? [18:18] can sb say me if the live version of the 64-bit cd is 64-bit too [18:19] fwcutter [18:19] Darkdragon: it is [18:19] heya guys. how do i set it so when new files are created in a certain folder, they always set a certain group and always have 775 permissions? [18:19] th0r: right, but i assumed grub got its list of drives from querying the bios, hence if grub could not see my sd drive, neither could my bios [18:19] s0ullight, i mean the GUI that pops up [18:19] how do I fix this? this is stalonetray - http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp3.png [18:20] adante, nope, grub only sees what is in /boot/grub/menu.lst, so there might even be hard drives it doesn't know about [18:20] does i have to compile programs for a 64-bit version with a special compiler ot is it the same as it is in 32-bit version [18:20] th0r: i'm talking about the commandline grub not the boot manager [18:20] how can I configure what mouse I have under ubuntu 8? [18:21] hmmm, are there any apps that will convert mp3 to wav on the fly while burning? (or what's the best app to burn mp3's to an audio cd, I was using k3b, but it informs me I have to convert first, then burn) [18:21] Darkdragon: by default, compiling a program on a 64bit system will result in a 64bit program binary [18:21] adante, by the time you are talking to grub you are already past the boot device decision. [18:21] soundray,It fine now,i guess it wants me to say "firefox-3.0".Thanks. [18:21] th0r: ok, so right now i am in the livecd trying to set it up to boot from the sd card for the next time i reboot [18:22] can i compile 64-bit programs with a 32-bit OS === Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger [18:22] ASULutzy: install libk3b2-extracodecs [18:22] adante, which may or may not work...depending on if your computer can boot off the sd card. [18:22] adante, you have to configure it in your boot menu [18:22] th0r: when i open up a terminal, run grub, type 'root ( ', it shows nothing [18:22] in ur bios [18:22] soundray: Much thanks [18:23] Darkdragon: it's possible, but it's more difficult to cross-compile from one platform to another. [18:23] th0r: right so hence my original question, if grub cannot see a drive then it implies i cannot boot from my sd card [18:23] Does anyone know if it is possible to put on a network, a Brother scanner that is connected via USB to another computer and still call it from Ubuntu? I did that with it as a printer but not as scanner... [18:23] s0ullight: yeah i don't seem to have that option in the bios :/ [18:23] adante, no...grub has absolutely nothing to do with what device you boot off of...it is a bios function [18:23] xtknight, i dont have pulseaudio as an option for VBox [18:23] the_darkside_986: sane supports this in principle [18:23] adante, means that you can't boot from a usb device :( [18:24] the_darkside_986, yes, it is possible. [18:24] I follow this, but of no luck: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105703&page=17 [18:24] It prints from ubuntu just fine, but when trying to use xsane it fails. [18:24] Hello everyone... [18:25] hey guys, how can i determine the driver for my usb wifi dongle? [18:25] xsane gives the error "Failed to open device `brother2:net1;dev0': Invalid argument." [18:25] soundray do you use banshee by any chance? [18:25] why does the 64-bit live version not show all of my 4 GB RAM? [18:25] simplyubuntu: no [18:25] crap ok [18:25] some motherboards are limited in the amount of ram they would address Darkdragon..perhaps that's the problem [18:25] th0r: ok, i understand that, grub is called AFTER bios invokes the mbr or whatever disk. The thing is i do not have an mbr of grub on my sd card so i am trying to install one to it using the grub command line program, but i cannot figure out how to because grub cannot see any candidate drives to install to [18:25] Does anyone know how to have multiple download directorys with rtorrent? And when they say "Move completed torrents" in the rtorrent wiki, do they mean the torrent files or the data files? [18:26] they mean move completed data files Jargs.. the files which the torrent references [18:26] oh ok thank you that answer my question then [18:26] Does anyone konw how to change the screen resolution is Ubuntu 8.04 above 800x600? [18:26] adante, ok...so your question is "How do I create a bootable sd card"... [18:27] 0Quick question : To install the cario launcher do you add the line: deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu hardy cairo-dock [18:27] to the repository/ [18:27] hello, ubuntu hardy is still at firefox-3.0-beta5 or something like that(a not yet released version) and firefox 3.0 has been released since some time now...is it possible to get the released version...maybe compiling a deb? because the not yet released version has got a lot of bugs...and i'd like to use firefox3... [18:28] JacobMastel: try to configure your screen with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' [18:28] SSDF, if thats the correct repo yes, then in a terminal type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install [18:28] How [18:28] yeah. === adam is now known as Guest63059 [18:28] Gnutoo, well firefox will say there is an update [18:28] it did with me [18:28] Gnutoo: the final version is in the repositories. You may have to 'sudo apt-get update' [18:28] Gnutoo: see also /topic [18:29] Gnutoo: You need to enable the hardy-updates repository if for some reason it's not enabled [18:29] !pm | JacobMastel [18:29] JacobMastel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [18:29] s0ullight, ah i made apt-get update a lot of times including today...but apt-cache show didn't show me the good version [18:29] jcolbert, and you have alsa as an option? [18:29] s0ullight: No, when installed via a system package manager, firefox' own updating system is disabled [18:29] Jargs, by multiple download directories, what do you mean exactly? Basically are you wanting a list of options when adding a torrent so you know where it'll go eventually? Or like some key filtering system, so like if torrent name contains xyz then move to this folder on completion? [18:29] Do programmers prefer programming for win or linux? I mean, is it easier to program for a particular os? [18:29] maxb, ah ok thanks [18:29] JacobMastel: hit Alt-F2 and enter gksudo displayconfig-gtk in the 'Run Application' window [18:30] maxb, well i had the normal ubuntu firefox and after some time it told me there was an update :O [18:30] my external hard drive wont mount [18:30] gronne both have their advantages.. It depends what sort of stuff you want to make, or what you're required to use for a job [18:30] How do i check which version of firefox is installed ? [18:30] Soundray: All I get is 800x600 and down. [18:30] gronne: offtopic, but it really depends. .NET developers 99.9% of the time will use Windows (Mono is decent, but not quite there) But for anything other than .NET really, either is fine [18:31] gronne, not really an Ubuntu question, but its entirely up to the programmer, its difficult for both and every programmers opionion may differ, its certainly easier to program IN a linux environment [18:31] Ok, thanks for the info guys! [18:31] gronne: I'm a .NET developer for a living. I'm at work now, and I always boot into Ubuntu and use a Windows XP VM to do my .NET coding ;) [18:31] hi I was trying to explain the multiple desktops in linux to a windows user wanting to try ubuntu and I did a poor job of it. maybe someone could help me [18:31] ntolo: from the menu bar, open Help-About [18:31] pls [18:32] that's pretty subjective again I reckon Bodsda..visual studio for example does reign in as one of the most monolithic ide's about..and is pretty bloody great when it comes to intellisense [18:32] Becker_11: Youtube it? and just show them? [18:32] Becker_11, google pictures is your friend [18:32] Anyone got experience with evrouter? Or managed to remap the "+" and "-" keys on a logitech mx518 mouse? (the ones to increase/decrease resolution of the mouse). I found a guide on how to remap those keys with evrouter, but i must be doing something wrong since they are not re-mapped (or being used at all). Xev cannot register any input from the mouse when i press those buttons either. Any ideas? [18:32] Has anyone used a scanner in Ubuntu via network without the scanner being directly connected to the PC, but another, non-Ubuntu, PC? [18:32] ntolo help >> about [18:33] snoops, ok, i understood none of that. [18:33] thanks guys utube is a great idea [18:33] ASULutzy: Are you at work now? and #ubuntu is part of your job? =) [18:33] zipper: I have that mouse on the home desktop... Not sure if I got those keys to work or not... i want to say I did [18:33] the_darkside_986: you can't do it unless the computer where the scanner is connected can run sane [18:33] how can i edit what contents my right click on desktop has? [18:33] Is xsane/sane available for Vista? That machine runs Vista while this one uses Ubuntu... [18:34] gronne: No, but it helps the time pass more quickly... I wish I got paid to hang out in here and help out with Ubuntu related things. It's way more fun than doing lame DotNetNuke websites/modules ;) [18:34] !sane | the_darkside_986 [18:34] the_darkside_986: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR [18:34] ASULutzy, if you just plug in the mouse they "work" - that is, they change the DPI of the mouse. However, thats not what i want them to do, i want to be able to bind them to do other things like increase volume, or a keyboard button instead. [18:34] the_darkside_986: I don't think sane is available for Windows [18:34] how can I monitor the disc activity in real time? [18:34] the_darkside_986, having a computer that runs ubuntu does not make a vista question ontopic for an ubuntu support room [18:35] zipper: Ah, I see what you're saying. If xev didn't register the button clicks I have no clue what to do :P [18:35] =/ [18:35] i was afraid you were gonna say that [18:35] heya guys. how do i set it so when new files are created in a certain folder, they always set a certain group and always have 775 permissions? [18:35] just clarifying I meant having a number of desktops usuable as in window 1, window 2 etc not the different guis [18:35] the_darkside_986: consider remote-controlling the Windows PC via VNC or FreeNX and saving the results to a network share. [18:35] the_darkside_986: *the scan results [18:35] I could use some help with ettercap filtering. I'm trying to run http://pastie.org/222744 and it doesn't change "Google" to "GOOGLE" at all, when I go to google.com, when I'm running the filter. Is there some extra library that I need to install or something to make filter's work? It runs through the if statement. It'll return text from msg(), but if I search DECODED.data or DATA.data, for "Google", it doesn't find anything. I've [18:36] Becker_11: it's just like the desktop metaphor: you have several desks, and you can equip them with the tools you need for different tasks. To switch from one task to the next, you switch the workspace as if you were turning to a different desk. [18:36] hi [18:36] hi === WindowsS2 is now known as aleatorio [18:37] soundray good explaination he asked why not just minimise the app the open another [18:37] Becker_11: It's like increasing your monitor resolution to 4 times what it normally is. You get 4 times the screen real estate (just not all at once) [18:37] Guys, I just installed ubuntu, and I have one question. I am wondering - is it a better option to install provided closed Nvidia drivers - or to download them manually from Nvidia? [18:38] Becker_11: because often (especially in Linux), you need more than one application to work on a task [18:38] praavda: The ones provided [18:38] thank You [18:38] praavda, its better to use the repos, unless you experience problems with those [18:38] I would think :P [18:38] repos = those provided [18:38] how can I monitor the disc activity in real time? [18:38] can someone point me to some info for manually controlling my nvidia fan speed? [18:38] thanks soundray and ASULutzy [18:38] thanks guys. [18:38] Luhta, lm-sensors [18:39] bye chaps [18:39] Luhta: Not sure that can be done. [18:39] Oh :P [18:39] Luhta, install the latest beta driver. I'm assuming you have a geforce 8xxx card? [18:39] if we are talking nvidia chipsets [18:39] hello, can anyone help me? [18:39] no 7900, and I have coolbits on but I need to bump the fan speed and I need to do it without restarting X, Coolbits is on [18:39] dru Ask your question [18:39] er department of redundancy department >< [18:39] We don't know until then [18:40] cant help if you dont ask >< [18:40] Luhta, you can try using nvclock . Dont know if your card is one of those that are affected by a 7 months (!!) old bug that puts the fan speed to 100% no matter the load [18:40] Hehe :) [18:40] regarding having a password for the user I've got not prob with it but being a win user the first thing he asked was can it be setup to not need it? Being root as well I didn't think it could... is that right? [18:40] Luhta, you can try using nvclock . Dont know if your card is one of those that are affected by a 7 months (!!) old bug that puts the fan speed to 100% no matter the load [18:40] where would you guys say the best place to download wallpapers is? [18:40] killux, deviantart [18:40] hi how to install firefox3 [18:40] zipper, that's not a bug for me that's a feature, I have been trying to get mine running at 100% all the time for months [18:40] cwii: i just installed linux on my other computer .. i ran the live cd to make sure everything worked fine and it did ... but then when i installed the software the internet was not connecting, i could not find out why, i think it is not detecting my ethernet card. [18:40] How do I get rid of this trackerd thing forever? I grepped for it in init.d and I can't find what script is starting it up. [18:41] dru: hmmm. [18:41] Becker_11: You can remove the root password if you want. sudo passwd -d root [18:41] owen1 use synaptic package manager .... it's the easiest way [18:41] Becker_11: I wouldn't though :) === srcshelton is now known as srcs [18:41] dru: Can you open the netowrk manager? [18:41] I tried upgrading my laptop to Hardy from Gutsy and it's seriously /screwed/ right now. I enabled 3rd party sources, did an apt-get upgrade, rebooted, and now a.) it can't do wireless, b.) I get an error that it can't load the Human theme, c.) USB devices don't seem to work (i.e. jumpdrive), d.) it was running in 'low-graphics' mode [just fixed this]. Any ideas guys? Is there possibly a way to 'rollback' in synaptic [wishful t [18:41] cwii: i have went to over 20 websites with how to connect to the internet, using linux. and nothing ... [18:41] ASULutzy neither would I .... If you do that do you still need it to log on when you boot up? [18:42] cwii: yes but only the dial up thing is there [18:42] Ah. [18:42] What is you card? [18:42] your* :P [18:42] cwii: i have no idea .. lol [18:42] Luhta, it is a bug, and it is unacceptable to not fix it after 7 months. Hang on, let me find you the command for nvclock you might want to use [18:42] Becker_11: You can probably setup auto-login too.... But here's the thing, if you want Linux to be Windows, go download and run Linspire (It's awful... It defaults to run as root) [18:42] Well That won't help [18:42] zipper thank you [18:42] dru: find out and come back when you do. [18:43] Becker_11: A better thing to do would be to explain why what GNU/Linux and Ubuntu does, and why it's better, instead of trying to make Ubuntu into Windows [18:43] Becker_11: thaakns [18:43] ASULutzy yeah nasty. I'll try explaining it too him again [18:43] cwii: its kinda hard, the pc i installed it on is 200 miles away (i installed it before i left) .. and the people who own the pc know less than me. and dont have no other computers so i am trying to fix it [18:43] Luhta, nvclock -f -F 100 [18:43] Luhta, that should put your fan speed at 100% [18:44] dru: Well there's nothing I can do. [18:44] Can anyone else help dru? [18:44] zipper, thank [18:44] yes like some uber linux code that enables EVERYTHING to work? lol [18:44] Luhta, np... if that doesnt work, try the nvidia beta driver. If that doesnt work, blame nvidia for providing absolute crap drivers :< [18:44] no it worked I'm making the change systemwide now thanks again [18:44] horray =) [18:45] Luhta, you might want to play around with using 'auto' instead of '100' but thats up to you [18:45] IBM have recently updated the firmware for their LS21 blades, and have broken it: If HPET support is enabled, any recent Linux kernel (definitely 2.6.24 and 2.6.25) with HPET compiled-in will crash on boot - including Ubuntu 8.04 server. There's just no way to boot it without freezing the machine other than disabling HPET. Since it's not on their supported OS list, though, IBM couldn't care less. Any thoughts on whether there's anyone I could c [18:45] ontact to bring some pressure to bear? [18:45] zipper, no 100% is what I need, I'm at 86C without overclocking at all right now [18:45] auch, thats pretty hot [18:46] Not to be annoying, but does anyone have a clue what's going on with my situation? I just don't understand why enabling 3rd party sources would cause such a trainreck. [18:46] Luhta: That's really hot [18:46] Vlc stopped playing swf files, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23159/ does anyone know how to fix it? [18:46] is tyer a way in ubuntu to rotate my entire screen by 90 degrees ? [18:46] Hy u guys..does anyone know why limewire and frostwire dont work on ubuntu hardy? [18:46] genii, i tried adding "netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope" and it still doesn't work (sorry for the delay) [18:46] fredmv, a poorly written third party deb [18:46] ASULutzy, zipper yeah I know I have a 200m system fan I need to reverse but until I do that I have a system airflow bottlneck [18:47] nickrud, evidently. The question is how to get out of this mess? It seems to have seriouslty corrupted the system. [18:47] fredmv, in what way? [18:48] nickrud, wireless doesn't work, the 'human' theme doesn't load and it doesn't allow me to open Nautilis _at all_ (it flashes the window for a second and closes), USB devices (e.g. jump drive) don't work ... [18:49] fredmv, what 3d party repo? [18:49] I want to copy a file from cd to /home/ronlut/.wine/drive_c but it says: Error opening file '/home/ronlut/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/EA Sports/UEFA EURO 2008/EURO08.exe': Permission denied. How to copy it with termina as root or some other way? Thanks [18:49] are there any laptops that i could buy where i wouldn't have any issues with the drivers and ubuntu? [18:49] or a desktop [18:49] or is there a list of hardware that doens't have issues with linux [18:49] RonLut: check permissions of this file and change them [18:49] for when i build my pc === crane is now known as twogunmatilda [18:49] How would I upgrade a kernel module in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-server without risking loosing the upgrade on changes? [18:49] SmoothOp: But the problems are fun! [18:49] i want to have one hard drive running vista and the other linux [18:50] Specifically drbd-0.8 to drbd-0.8.2 [18:50] CWii, of course they are! [18:50] They build character ;) [18:50] Algyz: How can I do that? can I change permissions of files on cd? [18:50] Hello, I have a problem installing the soundcard drivers on Ubuntu, I'm very new to it. here is a paste of what I am supposed to be doing from a chatlog, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23167/. [18:50] and allow me to say i couldn't finish my assignments [18:50] But why vista? [18:50] nickrud, under the 3rd party tab, I checked the first two. I can't even access it right now to check out what I did. (Yes, somewhat of a newb.) [18:50] RonLut: no, but I guess files aren't on cd, isn't it? [18:50] Everyone! Jump on the vista iz teh sux bandwagon. [18:51] is that english? [18:51] hey [18:51] They are... I'm copying from cd to wine.. [18:51] jbroome: Me? [18:51] does anyone know if it's possible to access the contents of vmware images without booting the OS? [18:51] Talking to me? [18:51] is it possible to use a mpd client just as player like rhythmbox? [18:51] Algyz:  They are... I'm copying from cd to wine directory [18:51] Why do some mens fuk ea. other, and say it's me? The buggin' [18:51] RonLut: then change after copying [18:51] blumm> non. [18:51] I only installed ubuntu because vista bugged for the last time. [18:51] Hello, I have a problem installing the soundcard drivers on Ubuntu, I'm very new to it. here is a paste of what I am supposed to be doing from a chatlog, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23167/. [18:52] nickrud, figuring this stuff out is fun and all, but I really just want to wipe the drive and install a fresh Hardy. Problem is, it doesn't see USB devices, so I can't back some stuff up... ;\ [18:52] astute: Out now. [18:52] Algyz: It says I can't copy (I wrote the messege it shows me). [18:52] LeGreffi3R: too bad :/ it looks so nice.. rhythmbox is ugly [18:52] RonLut: then change ownership of the directory [18:52] cwii: 00:11.0 isa bridge via technologies, inc. vp 8237 isa bridge "kt600/k8p800/k8t890 south" [18:52] I was told I need to play around with my kernel to get the drivers working, and im really unsure what to do [18:52] cwii: is that it? [18:53] * CWii googles [18:53] Wait. [18:53] That's the south bridge... [18:53] Algyz: of which directory? [18:53] fredmv, do tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal, then plug in the usb backup device . See what kind of message you get [18:53] cwii: there is no pci anything [18:53] cwii; no ethernet anything [18:53] Okay. [18:53] RonLut: sudo cp /cd /directory , that's it [18:54] hey, whats a good search program? I want one that can index through apps too. Similar to OSX's spotlight [18:54] i just ran apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade, following packages were upgraded: evolution evolution-common evolution-plugins libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev libssl0.9.8 openssl vino. After that i get told to reboot, why? which one of these packages require a reboot? imho none [18:54] I was told I need to play around with my kernel to get the drivers working, and im really unsure what to do [18:54] Anyone able to help? [18:54] fredmv, and if the canonical ones are the ones you selected, it's very unlikely that's the actual source of the problem. [18:54] Algyz: "cp: cannot stat `/cd': No such file or directory" [18:55] vega--: Maybe libglib, that'd be my bet :P [18:55] cwii: would a host bridge or an smbus be it? [18:55] RonLut: write whole address [18:55] dru: Sigh. No. [18:55] vega--: Just cause I doubt it'd be any of the others ;) [18:55] Reading off readom chips isn't helping. [18:55] it would have to say ethernet controller right? [18:55] Yes! [18:55] QUESTION: in epiphany, all the .torrent files are opened with gedit instead of transmission. how do i change this setting? [18:55] when i try to mount a partition, i get the error "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume"...help? [18:55] setting the compose key to capslock in systemsettings > Regoinal & Language > Keyboard Layout > Advanced seems to still leave capslock doing its normal capslock duties [18:56] nickrud, the output of the log seems to indiate that it's been seeing the usb all along. I plugged in the usb drive and I got 'New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop...' Still, it doesn't really 'see' it when I plug it in. [18:56] Hi, Could someone please tell me what is X? [18:56] erm... sorry, mischan [18:56] nickrud, and I'm getting a ton of pulseaudio erros. [18:56] ASULutzy: i don't think ANYTHING besides a kernel update should require a reboot, ok maybe some kernel module utils, initramfs etc. [18:56] this is getting too windowsy [18:57] dru: Hurry up dood! I have other things that I want/need to do. [18:57] (oh the joys of being in two different distro channels for two different boxes) [18:57] Enter text here...hi every one [18:57] fredmv, did it say anything about assigning it a device, like /dev/sdbX or sdbaX or anything of the like? [18:57] vega--: It wasn't that. I just got 3 updates, libssl, libssl-dev, and openssl, and it's telling me to reboot [18:57] daftpunk: X is the windowing system used by most unix-like operating systems [18:57] vega--: But yea, that is odd [18:57] :) x windows or windows probs [18:57] ? [18:57] vega--: One of these three libssl-dev libssl0.9.8 openssl requires a reboot apparently [18:57] Starnestommy does that include ubuntu? i need some more fonts [18:58] secure socket layer.. ssl [18:58] I would like to dump just some basic load statistics (CPU, RAM, swap, network if possible) to a log file via a cron job. What would be the best way of doing that? [18:58] ASULutzy: this is not the first time.. i suspect i've had other cases too, seems like one should reboot almost every week nowadays [18:58] for no REAL reason.. [18:58] !halo [18:58] Factoid halo not found [18:58] Has anyone here had experience running ZFS in Ubuntu via FUSE? [18:58] Algyz: I can't get it... can you please say me what to write? the file address for example is: X and the directory I want to copy to is: Y, What should I write to copy the X file to the Y directory? Thank you :) [18:59] dru: Time's up. [18:59] Bye now. [18:59] Starnestommy Does ubuntu use X as well? I would need some extra fonts, I can only find fonts for X will that help me? [18:59] does deskbar have anyy like built in window modification so it doesnt open a new window when i click the applet? [18:59] is it possible to install ubuntu on a already existing LVM logical volume? [19:00] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, well, they wont install,anyone able to helo [19:00] daftpunk: it does [19:00] killux: It used to. [19:00] Help? [19:00] nickrud, doesn't appear to... [19:00] tonyyarusso: is there any way to install it? [19:00] fredmv, ok, there's a way to set up your install without wiping all the data on the disk. [19:00] killux: not that I know of. As I understand it, the functionality was removed from the code for some reason. [19:01] fredmv, do you have the alternate install cd? I know for sure that the alternate supports this method, not positive about the live [19:01] nickrud, that'd be ideal. Thanks for all the help thus far by the way. [19:01] Compiz-fusion folk - is there anyway to have an embedded terminal that shows up on only one desktop? [19:01] what's the minimum hardware requirements for an ubuntu server? [19:01] nickrud, I'm downloading hardy right now, which I believe is the live disk (699MB). [19:01] hey [19:01] ChrisW: kind of depends more on what you are about to run on the server, how many users, etc etc. [19:01] tonyyarusso, do you know if the live cd supports setting up the root partition without reformatting? [19:02] how can I create a ram disk with ubuntu so I could write fastly in it ? [19:02] Can some1 please say me what to write? the file address for example is: X and the directory I want to copy to is: Y, What should I write to copy the X file to the Y directory? Thank you [19:02] ChrisW: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements [19:02] wols: I am in kernel 2.6.22 right now, and everything is working [19:02] RonLut: cp X Y [19:02] ChrisW: "It requires a minimum of 128Mb of RAM and 1Gb of disk space." (You can actually do it with quite a bit less with a little effort.) [19:02] Hey, I am trying to edit a WAV file is there a linux option? I just want to trim the song a little. [19:02] okay, thanks, debian it is then ;-) [19:02] RonLut: assuming X and Y reside in the directory you currently are in [19:02] nickrud: no idea, but I'd guess no? [19:02] tonyyarusso, so do I [19:02] killux: gt [19:02] can someone plz help me with SiS video card? [19:02] gz [19:03] killux: no problems with restricted drivers or such? [19:03] Hey, I am trying to edit a WAV file is there a linux option? I just want to trim the song a little. [19:03] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, well, they wont install,anyone able to help? [19:03] does anyone know how to get ubuntu to set the hostname to the one provided by the dhcp server? [19:03] fredmv, you should cancel the livecd download, and switch to the alternate (or get both, having a live desktop cd can be useful) [19:04] anyone knows how to disable HD LED for IDE (DVD) activity? [19:04] wols: I installed the restricted driver modules in gustys repos and I used envyng to install my video card drivers. The wireless didnt work OOB so I had to install serialmonkey's drivers too. And the sound didnt work at first but the backport modules package fixed that [19:04] vega--: The file is on cd and the directory is wine... How to copy it :\? [19:04] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, well, they wont install,anyone able to help? I think its something to do with the kernel? [19:04] is it possible to get Cube working with SiS video card? [19:05] killux: if you compile your own drivers from source packages you could use hardy drivers too [19:05] fredmv, the idea behind all this is creating a directory /data on the partition, moving all the stuff you want to keep there, then deleting all the other stuff on the partition. Then, during your install, use the manual partitioning and do everything normally, except _not_ reformatting the partition [19:05] wols: where are the source packages for hardy? [19:05] killux: in the source repositories [19:06] apt-get source [19:06] nickrud, that sounds like a solid plan. I'll get back to you in a sec. Thanks a lot. [19:06] wols: but arent the drivers kernel specific, not distro version specific? [19:06] nobody is able to help with sis video card? :( [19:06] fredmv, I'm at work, so I'll be popping in and out. [19:07] nickrud, yup-- brb. [19:07] vega--: When I copy with the graphic file browser it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172/ [19:08] # [19:08] killux: they are kernel specific since they are compiled for a certain kernel. if you compile them for yours, all is well === JayTeKay`off is now known as JayTeKay [19:08] i see. Well the only driver that I think is working from gusty's package is the sound [19:09] so I as long as everything is working properly it doesnt really matter if it is from hardy or gusty wols [19:10] No one can help me copy one file from cd to wine dir.? :| [19:11] RonLut: right click -> copy. right click -> paste. Be more specific [19:12] RonLut .. may i know the issue exactly [19:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172/ [19:13] Can someone help my with my Canon laser printer? Did all configuration but still getting communication error [19:13] That's the problem... [19:13] it says permission error .. did u try with sudo [19:14] RonLut: you didn't paste the command you used [19:14] raheem: it's in his ~. it better not need root === rick111_afk is now known as rick111 [19:14] jrib: from the looks of it it's a windows installer [19:14] jrib: I used right click->copy, and then Right click->paste [19:15] RonLut: paste it on your desktop [19:15] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, well, they wont install,anyone able to help? I think its something to do with the kernel? [19:15] Hey guys im back windows but before i come back to ubuntu (windows has already started to tick me off) The new Ipod i get in three days will it be able to work with ubuntu? what will i have to do to make it work? === rick111 is now known as rick111_afk [19:16] jrib: Still same... [19:16] clintchacne .. gtkpod will work with ipods [19:16] RonLut: what's the error [19:16] install gtkpod or YamiPod both are good ;) [19:17] raheem, ive read somewhere that i will need to first use it on windows is it true?\ [19:17] clintchance: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103071 [19:17] http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu [19:17] i have a linksys wireless laptop card, but i cant find the drivers for it. any suggestions? [19:17] well, it is just for making the ipod format..actually ipod comes in apple filesystem & fat filesystem .. so to make it fat filessystem .. yes [19:18] Is it required? [19:18] the one i had came pre-configured.. [19:18] so, i didn't need to [19:19] jrib: http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/ronlut/Screenshot-1.png [19:19] Hiya, hiya hiya! [19:19] So if this was the last windows computer in the house and i put it on ubuntu would i be ok with my ipod? [19:19] Am thinking about buying more memory for me little ubuntu 8.04 server here at home. But I need to know what type of memory I should buy. How can I see in ubuntu what type of memory I have in the machine? [19:19] Clintchance: Do you depend on the iTunes store? [19:19] Camish check your system out [19:19] RonLut: umm, so it copied to your desktop without issue? [19:19] yes [19:19] Hi i have one normal 19gig partition and 2 400mb swap areas,i need to create a new empty partitoin but gpart wont let me unmount my / which is of course understanable.. anyone have an idea? [19:19] Camish: probably the best way to tell is to cut off the machine and pull out a stick and check [19:19] Airian, id rather not do so... [19:19] jrib: but from desktop to wine or from cd to wine is impossible [19:20] anyone? [19:20] what?! You guys mean that it does not exist a tool for this in ubuntu?! [19:20] also, how do i install wine [19:20] hi, i get an error when i am trying to open my cd or dvd from Places->comuter, but i get the same error when i was trying to acces the usb stick, Error message is"Unable to mount location . This is my fstab http://pastebin.com/d7f675dcc" [19:20] RonLut: check your permissions [19:20] Camish: A tool for what? [19:20] Clintchance: You would be fine with your iPod, just use GTKpod, it's fine if you don't need the iTunes store. [19:20] How do you get java working in Firefox? I've gone to a diagnostics page and it simply displays nothing instead of an applet, and I've installed various mozilla java plugins, none of which are showing up in about:plugins... [19:20] Camish: do to preferences, then hardware information [19:20] i can mount the cdrom manualy with mount command [19:20] @WaxyFresh: did you use the gparted boot cd already? [19:20] jrib: what exactly should I check? [19:21] jrib: and how.. [19:21] i'm running 8.04 32 bit version, i just experienced my bookmarks have vanished after a reboot. any one else having the same experienced? [19:21] Airian, Now what about this thing ive read about it being "loyal" to the home computer is this the case on linux [19:21] Am thinking about buying more memory for me little ubuntu 8.04 server here at home. But I need to know what type of memory I should buy. How can I see in ubuntu what type of memory I have in the machine? In Windows I just use cpuz. I only have consoel access to this machine.. [19:21] * jareth_ is running latest ff [19:21] Camish: either open your case or look in hardware information. [19:21] i need some assistance turning my ubuntu into a media center: is it possible to have my cable plugged into my PC, have ubuntu capture/record whatever i want, and at the same time have the video go out to my TV? [19:21] clintchance, sudo lshw and sudo dmidecode tells just about all your hardware [19:22] Camish: Type "free" [19:22] Clintchance: Depends. What kind of iPod do you use? [19:22] WRONG channel sorry mates. [19:22] RonLut: ls -ld /path/to/where/you/are/copying [19:22] Camish: That'll tell you how much you have. [19:22] hey guys, how do i download and install wine? [19:22] airian, im getting an nano from walmart [19:22] vaportrailnew123: sudo apt-get install wine [19:22] Ah. I see. That might be a problem. [19:22] clintchance, sorry, Camish sudo lshw sudo dmidecode [19:22] thanx dawg [19:22] nickrud: Nice, lshw :-D [19:23] The newer iPods are VERY loyal. I have the old Video iPod, so it's no problem with me. [19:23] sudo make me a sammich [19:23] vaportrailnew123: That's how you install most anything. [19:23] vaportrailnew123: wine is is in the repositories .. System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager [19:23] Yeah stupid Apple has encrypted their new iPods, but that encryption was broken. [19:23] Deftoms: no i do not have a blank cd. [19:23] vaportrailnew123: sudo apt-get install wine [19:23] jrib: It gives alot of errors as the path have spaces.... so it's like alot of words :\ [19:23] But gtkpod is broken and none of the developers have an iPod Touch yet, so it doesn't work with that stuff. [19:23] airian, so wil it much of a porblem to where it wont work or is it just the case that it cant be used on other pcs? [19:23] Steve Jobs is an asshole. [19:23] EvilDennisR: lol [19:24] RonLut: '/path/with spaces' [19:24] fishy-0: ..I was waiting for someone to get the xkcd joke [19:24] haha [19:24] Well, the whole problem is to begin using an iPod you need to plug it into iTunes to activate it. [19:24] thanks guys [19:24] im new to this and id rather know the code rather the gui way, just to be unnecesarily compliocated [19:24] -spelling [19:24] and for the record, ubuntu kicks windows arse in awsomeness [19:24] vaportrailnew123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:24] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 5 ronlut ronlut 4096 2008-06-26 20:19 /home/ronlut/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/EA Sports/UEFA EURO 2008 [19:25] You can use iLiberty to activate an iPod. [19:25] @Waxyfresh: i see, normally it should be possible to just startup your pc from the boot CD and then make the partition changes, otherwise i dont really see a solution, sorry [19:25] You don't have to use any iTunes software to get an iPod working at all. [19:25] RonLut: what happens when you try to copy using a shell? [19:25] airian, so it might be better to stay on this virus ridden performance downgrade stupid windows? [19:25] Coldboot: Thank you, didn't know that, lolz. [19:25] I just don't know if anyone's written jailbreaking / activating software for Linux yet. [19:25] Airian: iLiberty is much better than ZiPhone. [19:25] Airian: It's a much cleaner, well-written application. [19:26] clintchance: if you can, just dual-boot ubuntu and windows. [19:26] Is there a way top partition with super grub disk? [19:26] Airian, so would i only need itunes to activate it? After that can i go onto ubuntu? [19:26] Airian: You can use iLiberty instead of iTunes. [19:27] clintchance: You can use iLiberty instead of iTunes. [19:27] greetings [19:27] clintchance: You don't want iTunes, it's a complete piece of crap. [19:27] ok, in the synaptic package manager, where is wine located? [19:27] rockbox ftw [19:27] coldboot, will ti activate it? [19:27] vaportrailnew123: Its called wine, just search for it [19:27] clintchance: Yeah, iLiberty can activate AND jailbreak it. [19:27] Hi, I have a big problem. When I start my computer, it appears to load grub (Says GRUB version blah blah) and then immediately the computer reboots and does the same thing over and over again. I am running from a livecd now. Can anyone help? It is supposed to show the list, because I have windows installed too. Everything worked fine yesterday, and I didn't do anything different this morning :( [19:27] coldboot: I only use it a bit, I kinda like it tho. [19:27] clintchance: Oh I guess you can only jailbreak the iPod Touch? I'm not sure. [19:27] coldboot,jailbreak? [19:28] Airian: It's one of the worst music applications you can get. [19:28] Airian: It has no features, it's unstable and has an awkward, inefficient interface. [19:28] Anyone tried using itunes in wine? It wouldn't even load for me lol [19:28] coldboot: not true. *Cough cough* WMP *Cough cough* [19:28] Airian: Winamp and Amarok are far superior, you should use either one of them. [19:28] !offtopic [19:28] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [19:28] so I got stuck using crappy amarok [19:28] well amarok is ok.. [19:28] fishy-0: what does appdb say about itunes in wine? [19:28] I dunno. [19:29] fishy-0: did you check? [19:29] I think itunes works, but no devices recognized in it [19:29] SO i can use iliberty to activate? If so then by by windows [19:29] Apparently someone got it working though. [19:29] I've installed it before [19:29] Airian: Try Amarok with the iPod sync features, it's nice. [19:29] I saw a blog article about some guy that installed it [19:29] jrib: I don't really know how to do tat [19:29] clintchance: Yeah, as far as I know, iLiberty is only in Windows. Maybe the guy wrote a unix build though, not sure. [19:29] but when I followed the ubuntu how-to on itunes/wine, it didn't load [19:29] hi, i get an error when i am trying to open my cd or dvd from Places->comuter, but i get the same error when i was trying to acces the usb stick, Error message is"Unable to mount location . This is my fstab http://pastebin.com/d7f675dcc" [19:29] sad day [19:29] clintchance: Google. [19:29] fishy-0: check the appdb whenever you want info about running apps in Wine. just do it. [19:29] !amarok [19:29] Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok [19:29] !appdb > fishy-0 [19:29] coldboot: I'll try it sometime, probably won't get it for a while, been busy. [19:29] !gaim [19:29] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete [19:29] !apache [19:29] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [19:30] Airian: sudo apt-get install ammarok && amarok [19:30] ah thanks [19:30] Airian: You have a minute or two, I'm sure. ;) [19:30] RonLut: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please [19:30] Can anyone help me :-/ ? [19:30] wtf is ammarok lol? [19:30] !ask gavintlod [19:30] Factoid ask gavintlod not found [19:30] just the best audio player for linux [19:30] !amarok [19:30] Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok [19:30] orionr: i did already [19:30] gavintlgod: whats up? [19:30] Hi, I have a big problem. When I start my computer, it appears to load grub (Says GRUB version blah blah) and then immediately the computer reboots and does the same thing over and over again. I am running from a livecd now. Can anyone help? It is supposed to show the list, because I have windows installed too. Everything worked fine [19:31] coldboot: if ammarok is an audioplayer, then what is amarok? [19:31] Airian: Google: "iTunes shit" without the quotes. [19:31] magnetron: Surely one of them is a typo. [19:31] jrib: /join #ubuntu-classroom doesn't work... [19:31] gavintlgold try fixing your grub [19:31] coldboot: Please watch the language and try to keep it on topic here. [19:31] Amarok with one 'm'. [19:31] engineer: how? [19:31] Pici: There was no other way to express that sentence. [19:31] !fixgrub [19:31] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [19:31] RonLut: you type that here [19:31] gavintlgold: did you change the hard drive boot order in your bios? [19:31] coldboot: You need to try harder tehn [19:31] orionr: I did after it stopped working, but I only have one hd anyway === drew_ is now known as windmill [19:31] Pici: How do you ask someone to search for "shit" without typing the word? === effie is now known as keffie_jayx [19:32] coldboot: Airian was told to install BOTH ammarok and amarok, by the same person on the same line [19:32] orionr: and it's set to CD drive, the HD [19:32] gavintlgold: that wouldnt of had any offect [19:32] then* [19:32] magnetron: Okay, mistakes happen. [19:32] * orionr affect if you only have one hard drive [19:32] orionr: I checked my /boot/grub/menu.lst file and it looks fine [19:32] orionr: i could pastebin it tho [19:32] gavintlgold: I would try reinstalll group and see if that fixes it. [19:32] grub? [19:32] hi guys [19:32] gavintlgold: pastebin it. [19:33] http://pastebin.com/m110d3e43 [19:33] what would be the gconf command to load the file tomboy.txt (in my working directory) as /apps/panel ? [19:33] I also fsck'ed by disks just now... they didn't seem to have problems but I could try again maybe :( [19:34] RonLut: same place you are talking to me... just write: /join #ubuntu-classroom [19:34] in my GRIB boot laoder, it lists ubuntu like 5 times, and each one say like 2.14.something thing, and they all end with a different number. do i need all of them? and if not, how to get rid of the others? [19:34] *GRUB [19:34] orionr: also, another thing: If I turn off power to the computer for a few seconds, sometimes instead of rebooting it just hangs [19:34] at the grub loader [19:35] gabintlgold: it might be hardware? [19:35] gavintlgold: i would try doing this [19:35] Boot your computer up with Ubuntu CD Open a terminal window or switch to a tty. Go SuperUser (that is, type "sudo -s"). Enter root passwords as necessary. Type "grub" Type "find /boot/grub/stage1". You'll get a response like "(hd1,0)". Use whatever your computer spits out for the following lines. Type "root (hd1,0)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are for Ubuntu. Type "setup (hd1,0)", ot whatever your har [19:35] find: /boot/grub: No such file or directory ? [19:35] i know it would be "gconftool-2 --load" but I dont know what to do after that === HihoSilver_Away is now known as Glamdring === Glamdring is now known as macksting [19:36] Grr. [19:37] orionr: ? your instructions got cut off [19:37] and they don't work [19:37] I want to normalize my mp3s, but can't figure out how to make mp3gain work, nor am I able to find another means. My brain is addled and frustrated, so I ask: What do you use? And if necessary, how? [19:37] gabintlgold: what do you mean they dont work [19:37] never mind [19:38] gavintlgold: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [19:38] forgot the grub command ;) === johnb is now known as johnb_ [19:38] If i activate the ipod on a windows machine willit be able to be used on ym linux? [19:39] clintchance: yes [19:39] clintchance, as far as I know, yes [19:39] i did it on 4 ipod classics 80 gb today :) [19:39] As in upload and retireve songs games and movies? [19:39] clintchance: games .. never tried [19:40] But movies? [19:40] orionr: well, i'll try it :) going to reboot now [19:40] thanks [19:40] yes.. i believe [19:40] anyone? [19:40] lol [19:41] If it dont work then i guess my brother can get mad because il have to use the windows... Ok Thanks guys im going to go burn 8.04 and install [19:41] quick question: how do u make it so that when you press the mouse wheel in you can scroll up and down? [19:41] when i try to mount an internal drive i get the error "invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume" any ideas? [19:41] clintchance: it is always preferred .. first go with dual booting, until u r confortable [19:42] what would be the gconf command to load the file tomboy.txt (in my working directory) as /apps/panel ? === adam is now known as Guest18796 [19:42] hello, i am working on a problem with a dell 5720 evdo internal card; the modem has been activated on winxp and works; but on ubuntu, the modem still works, but i just get "no carrier". any know how to resolve this? [19:43] i am running a dell d820. [19:43] !modem [19:43] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto [19:44] would like to learn a little about how linux file systems avoid disk fragmentation [19:44] yao_ziyuan: !filesystem [19:44] !filesystem | yao_ziyuan [19:44] yao_ziyuan: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [19:44] i have a question about virtual servers with apache2 on ubuntu [19:45] !question [19:45] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [19:45] raheem, the modem works fine. i should have mentioned that i can query the modem with kppp and all AT commands; just when i dial out, i get "no carrier". [19:45] we recently upgraded from RHL, and for some reason my websites are visible *only* on the LAN where the boxes are hosted and not elsewhere on the internet [19:45] engineer: no, i'm curious about the fragmentation aspect [19:45] we can't figure out what we need to change in teh apache2 configuration [19:46] i already know that new files are created at random locations in spare space [19:46] yo glitsj16 r u here ? [19:46] boris_: hi again [19:47] glitsj16: so whats up [19:47] Is it me, or does evince-print always freeze for you guys too? [19:47] boris_: all quiet at the babysitting front :) [19:47] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, well, they wont install,anyone able to help? I think its something to do with the kernel? [19:47] Curious. Nobody here knows how to normalize the volume of mp3s. What other channels should I seek out such assistance in? [19:48] yao_ziyuan # Tail packing, a scheme to reduce internal fragmentation. Tail packing, however, can have a significant performance impact. Reiser4 may have improved this by packing tails where it doesn't hurt performance.[3] [19:48] macksting: what's keeping you from using mp3gain ? any erros with that perhaps ? [19:48] Glits: No errors, except user error. I'm a n00b, and it's not very user friendly. [19:48] is there any way to disable HD led to blink och IDE activity???? [19:48] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, they wont install, is anyone able to help? I think it's something to do with the kernel? [19:48] In other words, I have no proof it is or isn't working. [19:49] macksting: Audacity can do it, i believe [19:49] macksting: there's also a package called normalize-audio .. did you try that one yet ? [19:49] Nope, will have to look at those two. [19:50] guys how can I safely remove my usb? [19:50] harris: right mouse click, select unmount [19:50] harris i usually right click [19:50] safely remove [19:50] but i'm using kde of course [19:50] boris_: any luck yet with the grub situation ? [19:51] I am having problems installing my sound drivers, they wont install, is anyone able to help? I think it's something to do with the kernel? [19:51] is there a way to change from Grub to lilo on Hardy-Heron? [19:51] thanks men [19:51] I spotted Normalize in apt, but it doesn't specify that it handles .mp3s. Does it? [19:51] glitsj16: it's solved [19:51] glitsj16: kind of [19:51] anyone else have a problem with vim under mrxvt? trying to use the arrow keys removes the line under the cursor and throws me into insert mode [19:51] what would be the gconf command to load the file tomboy.txt (in my working directory) as /apps/panel ? [19:51] glitsj16: sudo rm -rf / [19:51] macksting: normalize-audio does wav, mp3 and ogg [19:51] Nice! Wish the write-up was so clear on the matter. [19:51] boris_: nice that's solved :) [19:52] glitsj16: i lost all my data :( [19:52] does the xen netowrking bugs still exist for HH? or is xen pretty stable now? [19:52] Hello everyone, I am using rtorrent and am trying to move completed torrents but when the torrent has finished all I am getting is this error "Download event action failed: Bad return code." Here is the relevant section of my .rtorrent.rc - http://pastebin.com/m2cc93dfd [19:52] ubuntu channel in ita? [19:52] on HH [19:53] The filename makes me think it's command line. While I'm theoretically pro command line in most cases, it can make a difficult process impossible. Hope this one's help and man pages are more meaningful. [19:53] !it [19:53] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [19:53] boris_: that's tough .. hang on, there's a datarecovery page in ubuntu help somewhere, might help , you can at least try to get those back [19:53] TY [19:53] np :-) [19:53] guys, I can't see my slave hard disk, can someone help me? (i'm thinking maybe my slave disk is broken) [19:53] boris_: what did you expect to happen from running that command? [19:53] All of a sudden, since this last restart, my screen resolution is screwed up and it lists my display as "Unknown" instead of "EPI 18inch" and won't let me pick my old resolution. Anyone know how to make the graphics recognize my display? [19:53] Does anyone know what the problem might be? [19:54] Hi i need to resize my / partition but of course i cant unmount it,my problem is i have no cd to burn to can anyone think of an alternative solution? [19:54] gparted on a usb flash [19:54] guys, I can't see my slave hard disk, can someone help me? (i'm thinking maybe my slave disk is broken) [19:54] harris: what is the command u tried ? [19:55] No usb drive... [19:55] glitsj16: i didnt literally do that [19:55] glitsj16: but in essence, ubuntu fcked up everything [19:55] Hello everyone, I am using rtorrent and am trying to move completed torrents but when the torrent has finished all I am getting is this error "Download event action failed: Bad return code." Here is the relevant section of my .rtorrent.rc - http://pastebin.com/m2cc93dfd [19:55] glitsj16: when installing [19:55] boris_: so what did you do ? [19:55] raheem: no i haven't use any command, I'm just lookin in my File browser and i can't see it.... [19:55] glitsj16: i tried installing ubuntu again [19:55] Damnit. [19:55] boris_: on the new xfs partiton ? [19:56] on XFS as a whole sys [19:56] raheem: is there any command i can use to check if my slave hard disk are still there..? [19:56] glitsj16: it informed me about possible grub errors. [19:56] in the console, u can type sudo fdisk -l [19:56] glitsj16: told me to use lilo, but couldnt find it [19:56] glitsj16: so it failed to install grub just as installation was about to end [19:56] glitsj16: and goodbye my data [19:56] hi, I need to find the ubuntu update aptitude install build-essential file, but I can't connect while running ubuntu, could someone point me in the right direction please? [19:57] Hello everyone, I am using rtorrent and am trying to move completed torrents but when the torrent has finished all I am getting is this error "Download event action failed: Bad return code." Here is the relevant section of my .rtorrent.rc - http://pastebin.com/m2cc93dfd [19:57] I'm using the i686 GNU/Linux Kernel [19:57] boris_: why not just boot the install cd again and then mount things and do grub-install? Or is the filesystem jacked too? [19:57] Baatti: sudo apt-get install build-essentials [19:57] evil [19:57] erm, build-essential [19:58] mmm I need help with bluetoot audio device! I've got a pair of bluetooth headphone and blueman can't connect with them... how can I do? [19:58] I don't have an internet connection running linux yet [19:58] cannonball: dono ,the thing is ubuntu always failed to install grub. anyway after that i made ext3 /boot and / XFS [19:58] Baatti: well, that makes it rather difficult to install said packages [19:58] Hello everyone, I am using rtorrent and am trying to move completed torrents but when the torrent has finished all I am getting is this error "Download event action failed: Bad return code." Here is the relevant section of my .rtorrent.rc - http://pastebin.com/m2cc93dfd [19:58] WaxyFres1: it might get messy, but if you have another partition you might be able to install a different enviroment on the other partition and then either just boot into that enviroment or if you dont want to reboot at all you could probably chroot into it then unmount your / [19:58] Baatti, download the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com on any machine and transfer it === Keeguon_ is now known as Keeguon [19:58] my scroll wheel on my logitech 518 is intermittent ... how do i remedy that? [19:59] I have a logitech mx518 mouse, and i want to re-map the "+" and "-" buttons. However, none of these buttons generate an input in xev. I've tried following this guide ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219894 ) but with little luck. Anyone got an idea? [19:59] boris_: Ah yeah, if you made new filesystems on top of your old data, yeah, it's gone. Too bad. [19:59] hardhatpat which one though? [19:59] mx518 [19:59] hey, thats my mouse [19:59] what did you say your problem was? [19:59] hey guys, whats the line I need to edit in a theme's rc to change the scrollbar width? [19:59] Well... it appears normalize doesn't do directories. That blows. [19:59] zipper, remapping the + and - buttons would be sweet [19:59] cannonball: actually ubuntu wasnt really supposed to format dev sda2 partrition where XFS with my data was [19:59] Has anyone and any problems with nvidia 8 series cards with 8.04? I've tried the restricted driver and the driver from nvidia with no luck. It just hangs on boot with no signal going to the monitor. [20:00] cannonball: but its "solved" now [20:00] zipper, my scrollwheel works intermittently [20:00] hardhatpat, it would be more than sweet, i think i might get an orgasm if i get this working. But so far, no luck =/ [20:00] intermittently? Sorry, i'm not a native english speaker [20:00] is xen stable in hardy heron now? [20:00] mmm I need help with bluetoot audio device! I've got a pair of bluetooth headphone and blueman can't connect with them... how can I do? [20:00] zipper, sometimes it works, sometimes it dosent [20:00] Hello everyone, I am using rtorrent and am trying to move completed torrents but when the torrent has finished all I am getting is this error "Download event action failed: Bad return code." Here is the relevant section of my .rtorrent.rc - http://pastebin.com/m2cc93dfd [20:01] cpk1: thank you, i probably have enough room for dsl but seeing as i have no blank cds/usb i dont kow how ill install it. [20:01] hardhatpat, i found a forum thread about that when searching for a way to remap +/-.... hang on, lemme see if i can find it [20:01] zipper, can i pm you? im sure we can figure this out together [20:01] hardhatpat I can't find that package [20:02] I have a new 8.4 install on a laptop with broadcom wireless card built in and it is not connecting. [20:02] No one going to help me? [20:02] Not one person here noes what my problem is? [20:02] Anyone know what needs to be done? [20:02] !patience | Jargs [20:02] Jargs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [20:02] knows [20:02] Baatti, what do you think the problem is? [20:02] hardhatpat, sure, but i need to change my name to z1pp3r first then [20:02] servus === zipper is now known as z1pp3r [20:02] if i wait my question will disapear [20:02] Jargs - Pwned by the bot. [20:02] hahaha [20:02] I can set the essid manually with iwconfig [20:03] Not really no... [20:03] Do I need ndiswraper? [20:03] Has anyone and any problems with nvidia 8 series cards with 8.04? I've tried the restricted driver and the driver from nvidia with no luck. It just hangs on boot with no signal going to the monitor. [20:03] usr13: !broadcom [20:03] Jargs, the problem is not with the file you linked, from that error it sounds like a bad download or somethings screwing with the return code, or its not listening for the correct return code [20:03] hardhatpat my ubuntu doesn't recognize my current lan driver...so I can't connect wirelessly.... [20:03] bit, i.e. 32 boundary. squashing it so all space is used would require overhead to merge say a 16bit int with 2 8bit chars to a 32bit value [20:03] usr13 - ndiswrapper is only for people that want to use the windows drivers in a linux environment [20:03] the download is not bad [20:03] !broadcom | usr13 [20:03] usr13: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [20:03] hardhatpat I already installed madwifi [20:03] i tried multiple downloads [20:03] Why is Hardy trying to do a partial distribution upgrade? [20:04] would it need admin privligaes maybe [20:04] that might be it actually.. [20:04] usr13 - if youre using the broadcom chipset. turn it on, either by the switch or the Function keys on your keyboard. [20:04] Anyone know of cheats/leveling up scripts for KQ? ive already editing the config file so i have like 9999999999999999999999 meat but in cant find other cheats. [20:04] oops i meant to type $ not meat [20:04] The hardy update manager is attempting to do a distribution upgrade for no reason [20:04] waxy - wrong channel dude [20:05] NetEcho: Do what now ? [20:05] NetEcho: dist-upgrade ? [20:05] NetEcho, are you on hardy? [20:05] do you have pre-releases checked off in your sources? [20:05] NetEcho: i had that recently on my G3 iMac [20:05] Tophat: what channel should i go to for ubuntu supported games? [20:05] Just installed 8.04 - only screen resolutions available are 800x600 and 640x480. How do I fix this? [20:05] EvilDennisR when I run the updates manager its saying to do a partial dist-upgrade [20:05] This one is BCM94311MCG [20:05] when I'm already using 8.04 [20:05] Broadcom chip BCM94311MCG [20:06] acbush - you using the nvidia? download the restricted drivers. [20:06] hrm apparently there is 3 broken packages [20:06] NetEcho: dist-upgrade != release upgrade [20:06] WaxyFres1: if you have space it looks like redhat already supports installing from harddisk easily http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/install-guide/s1-begininstall-hd.html [20:06] usr13 - have you made sure youre wireless light comes on? [20:06] usr13: there are two ways .. to do it ..if u r in hardy, it should be recognized & usable [20:06] NetEcho, you may have proposed repo, basically it shouldnt do anything, but if it tries to upgrade to intrepid, dont let it [20:06] otherways, u can always use the ndiswrapper + windriver [20:06] has anyone been able to play videos while compiz is enabled and is also using an ATI graphics card [20:06] Bodsda it seems to have something to do with broken packages [20:06] cpk1: hmmm ive got around 1.2 gigs of swap i could use. [20:06] cpk1: thanks ill go check that out [20:06] Tophat: Wireless light is Red not Green. [20:07] Has anyone else had problems with the nvidia restricted drivers? [20:07] NetEcho: dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; [20:07] NetEcho, lemme check the man page, i think theres a fix broken dependencies thing [20:07] Tophat: Where do you suggest i go for info on KQ? [20:07] how can I catch the restart notification on a server post apt-get upgrade ? [20:07] Actually I think it should be blue whenworking, but is orange now. [20:07] usr13 - PM me [20:07] Bodsda: I thin kits apt-get -f install ? === gnu is now known as Guest12494 [20:08] EvilDennisR, isnt that force? [20:08] EvilDennisR, no your right, it is fix [20:08] yup [20:08] uhm why is apt trying to remove the ubuntu-desktop package? [20:08] waxyfres1 - try #ubuntu-games [20:08] !games [20:08] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [20:08] NetEcho, try sudo apt-get -f [20:08] NetEcho: You removed something that depended on ubuntu-desktop [20:09] NetEcho: or you installed something that conflicts with ubuntu-desktop [20:09] EvilDennisR apt-get did when fixing the broken packages [20:09] Jack_Sparrow, hey dude, who was that for? [20:09] NetEcho because something you are trying to unistall is part of that metapackage [20:09] NetEcho, did you let it? [20:09] NetEcho: whats it telling you its going to install? [20:09] NetEcho: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package and you are removing something that is part of it [20:09] Bodsda WaxyFres1 [20:09] NetEcho: pastebin the output from apt-get [20:09] how am i going to remove the bottom taskbar in ubuntu? [20:09] Bodsda Dude [20:09] NetEcho: the blah blah blah packages to be installed blah blah packages to be removed [20:09] Bodsda well it was either let it or not be able to update [20:09] hi [20:10] Jack_Sparrow, ah, kk,.,. ;~) [20:10] NetEcho, you may wont to reinstall it [20:10] EvilDennisR it didn't install any packages just removed that package and a few others [20:10] NetEcho: having it remove ubuntu-desktop was NOT the best idea.. [20:10] n order to tell if my cpu was 64 bit capable i did a cat /proc/cpuinfo what tells me if i can rub 64 bit version? [20:10] re et bonsoir [20:10] Hello [20:10] Hello [20:10] hello [20:10] EvilDennisR I ran the command I was told to run to fix broken packages as a result apt-get removed that package [20:10] Gswain_ I strongly suggest you stick with 32 bit.. [20:10] I am looking to get Webmin installed on my hardy server [20:10] NetEcho: well apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [20:11] but apt-get saying different [20:11] doepain dont [20:11] !webmin [20:11] webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. [20:11] Jack_Sparrow: really everyone says 64 bit runing xen is the most stable? [20:11] ?ok [20:11] cpk1: check out what i found: Parted Magic also comes with GParted, but a standalone, installable version that boots and runs off RAM is also available in deb, exe, rpm, and sh formats so that no CD is required to use or run it [20:11] hi all === jconnolly_ is now known as jconnolly [20:11] Gswain_ No everyone in here. that is for sure [20:12] Jack_Sparrow ok will i be able to run more that 4 gigs or ram in 32 bit mode without modifying the kernel? [20:12] How would I upgrade a single kernel module in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-server without risking loosing the upgrade on changes to linux-ubuntu-modules ? [20:12] I have a problem with rhtymbox when tring to play from samba network shared folder [20:12] Gswain_ Depending on how familiar you are with linux in general.. Stick with 32 bit unless you understand how to build from source and chroot for 32 mit apps to un on your 64 bit os [20:12] Gswain_, although 64bit is getting better, alot of apps dont work with 64bit, certainly most of the 3rd party self-compile ones willl not be compatible [20:12] rhythmbox crashing [20:12] Gswain_ why would you need more than 4gb of ram on a desktop system? [20:13] Gswain_ 4 gigs is max with 32 bit. [20:13] Ok [20:13] getting ebox [20:13] what is this programme? [20:13] Its a server [20:13] ah ok [20:13] I will referring to their site for login info and configs [20:13] thx [20:13] it will only run mysql xen apache and tomcat [20:13] Jack_Sparrow there is some 32bit extensions to allow more than 4gb in 32bit mode [20:13] NetEcho: you could need more than 4GB of ram if you were doing video or photo editing... [20:13] !chroot [20:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box [20:13] or 3d rendering [20:13] could someone try this: "mkfifo test.yuv" and open the file context menu in nautilus? [20:13] nautilus crashes here [20:14] NetEcho yea.. [20:14] erle-: it doesn't [20:14] mpetersen for that I'd get a Nvidia Tesla High Prefomance computing unit [20:14] my kopete programme is not work now,may i do for its? [20:14] cuda! [20:15] NetEcho: you must be rich [20:15] :D [20:15] maybe it is an amd64 bug? [20:15] mpetersen for a low end one they're not that expensive last I looked [20:15] selvi, run it from terminal so you get some error messages [20:15] can anyone tell me why totem gets sound but vlc and mplayer don't? Mplayer says something like "could not initialize sound" [20:15] for 32-bit Xen to address > 4 GB of memory you need PAE. I don't know if it's in the default 32-bit xen kernel though... [20:15] yay free CD's just arrived [20:15] may somebody with amd64 distro repeat it? [20:16] mpetersen either that or get a mac lol [20:16] Trying to install Nvidia Drivers - You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. -- What does that mean? [20:16] AcBush you need to shut down x to install the drivers then restart x [20:16] grr [20:16] AcBush, means that you are trying to manually install the drivers. Not needed anymore [20:16] ubuntu-desktop re-installed pidgin [20:17] and totem [20:17] AcBush, you should use the drivers from the repos instead, unless you experience problems [20:17] ok ubuntu gurus ive noticed an issue with rdp and ubuntu [20:17] NetEcho, had you ever removed those packages in the past? [20:17] i cant seem to copy/paste from an rdp session using ubuntu [20:17] tara0101, in linux, most apps have to be individually tweaked for sound, instead of using global system settings [20:17] oh. aight...i'm running the fresh install update, so its downloading bunches of things. [20:17] Bodsda a long time ago [20:17] yet, i can use my vmware into windows session and copy paste, any fix for that? [20:17] just cant stand 800x600 on a 22inch widescreen hd tvb [20:17] Bodsda it didn't create any issues when I did [20:17] AcBush hit clt-alt-f2, login. run sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui [20:17] tv [20:17] lol [20:17] erle-: amd64 here... [20:17] NetEcho, your not meant to, thats why you got broken deps error [20:17] Bodsda I've been running the system fine for a week without them [20:18] the deps error started about an hour ago [20:18] spoon_man, but they were working before! [20:18] Anyone? How would I upgrade a single kernel module in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-server without risking loosing the upgrade on changes to linux-ubuntu-modules ? [20:18] I wish linux-ubuntu-modules wasn't so far behind... [20:18] AcBush the odds are it isnt your video driver but instead it is monitor detection.. [20:18] NetEcho, meh, dunno,.,. unless you tried to remove another part of the meta package,. [20:18] AcBush, wierd, the default 'nv' driver detected my monitors resolution fine but meh, guess you cant always be that lucky =). In any case, if you just installed, you should get a popup or an icon near the clock, about using restricted drivers [20:18] anyone one have any ideas ? perhaps i need to setup a special keybind or something? [20:18] Bodsda it was probably when I tried to install a GTK plugin for GNOME that failed horribly [20:19] NetEcho, yeah maby [20:19] tillux, thank you, i will do some research an report a bug then [20:19] the .deb packages refused to install [20:19] maybe [20:19] z1pp3r If it detects your available monitor resolutions it is usually fine.. if notthen you need to put them inmanually [20:19] I was trying to get the GTK Menubar plugin for Gnome [20:20] erle-: is your nickname the name of the town-district you come from ;) ? [20:20] Jack_Sparrow, afaik they are "manually" put in with the 'nv' driver. When you install the 'nvidia' driver it uses nvidia-auto-something instead [20:21] z1pp3r Often it does not detect correctly [20:21] What is a good video capture program? [20:21] Im having some trouble installing the beta drivers from creative fro my soundblaster X-Fi card, when i try to install it, it runs through everything, and then gives to errors saying make: *** [all] Error 2 and make: *** [install] Error 2. what could be wrong? [20:21] What is a good video screen capture program? === acidicbase_ is now known as acidicbase [20:21] linkmaster03 cheese for webcam or recordmydesktop for monitor stuff.. from what I hear [20:22] Jack_Sparrow thank you [20:22] i installed isdn driver, now i cannt connect internet by lan [20:22] linkmaster03 It is a start anyhow [20:22] Ice_Max did you install build-essential [20:22] Ice_Max, were you having problems with the stables drivers? [20:22] *stable [20:22] I have some trobble with my sound card, on the new ubuntu... on a Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) [20:23] !intelhda [20:23] do u know what to do? [20:23] darn bot [20:23] For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [20:23] möp? [20:24] !dm [20:24] Factoid dm not found [20:24] !de | Silent_Control [20:24] Silent_Control: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [20:24] spoon_man: i don't thnik there are any, i haven;t found any so far for linux [20:24] spoon_man thanks.. I cant seem to remember that one [20:24] how can i completely delete a program (which is not in synaptic) without knowing all locations of all folders? [20:24] hello world [20:24] blumm by reading the script that installed it [20:24] just installed ubuntu and i'm lovin it! [20:25] josh_ Welcome to ubuntu [20:25] bah dap ba ba baaaa [20:25] Jack_Sparrow: how can i do this? nano setup.bin ? [20:25] To be clear on this, is there a normalizer which handles whole directories? If so, what is it? And if it's mp3gain, what's the syntax? [20:25] can anyone tell me how to connect to gamesurge server? [20:25] ubuntu + rdp = cant copy/paste from a windows rdp session, any ideas? [20:25] blumm Sorry, I cant help with that.. [20:26] rdp = terminal server client of course [20:26] sers [20:26] macksting if you find one.. let me know [20:26] Sparrow: Are you under the impression such a normalizer does not exist? [20:26] can anyone tell me how to connect to gamesurge server? [20:27] marsknight I have not seen one, and in fact you are the only one that has ever asked that question while I was paying attention [20:27] !apache [20:27] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [20:27] josh_ what is a gamesurge server? [20:27] josh_: /server irc.gamesurge.net [20:27] !apache2 [20:27] Factoid apache2 not found [20:28] Starnestommy, Jack_Sparrow i think he may be refferring to the server the games are hosted on, not the irc server [20:28] spanish? [20:28] !es [20:28] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [20:28] !es > edgardo [20:29] Bodsda I can seem to shake off my addiction to WOP World of Padman [20:29] alright thanks guys! [20:29] josh_ good luck [20:29] could a folder named "InstallShield" be anything of ubuntu? (located in my home folder) [20:29] Jack_Sparrow, never heard of it,.lol, im addicted to 'Mahjongg' [20:30] blumm nope [20:30] blum: you probably have a dualboot and it migrated over folders from your windows setup [20:30] aixenv: nope, never had dualboot [20:30] n0kS: thought so [20:30] weird [20:31] blumm could be something from wine.... if you have installed something.... [20:31] n0kS: i dont think i installed anything recently (via wine) [20:31] the windows virus is trying to install on you machine [20:32] anyone have any ideas about my ubuntu + terminal server client not being able to copy/paste from an rdp session? [20:32] general question: is anything in home folder related to boot/system/driver files in linux? [20:32] have they come out with a fix yet for ata cdrom problems in 8.04? [20:32] blumm negative [20:32] <_sourcemaker> i have installed the ubuntu server edition and it's working pretty cool... are there documentation to secure the server (LAMP) as well as installing security updates? [20:32] n0kS: so i couldnt randomly delete stuff in there ? [20:33] blumm only Documents, Music, Pictures, Video, nothing else [20:33] blum: that is windows sounding stuff, anything in your home dir you can delete if you dont want it [20:33] So is it true that you can change from Gnome to KDE at will? [20:33] do u have some info about an Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) in ubuntu? [20:33] blum: anything in your "home" is not revelant to how the system runs.. so you can nuke away :P just make sure it isnt something you want [20:33] Dunas You can select which one you want at login [20:33] Well, y'all did your best and I thank you. I'll go mope and try to normalize my 1300 files individually. [20:33] I can't make it sound [20:33] Danke. [20:34] Dunas if you install a kde or kde4 package, you will be albe to use KDE [20:34] aixenv: i also meant x eg. [20:34] !intelhda | malen [20:34] malen: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [20:34] is there someplace I can get more panel applications? I'd like to find something that will display video card temperature [20:34] <_sourcemaker> !security [20:34] Security Updates are dealt with here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server [20:35] <_sourcemaker> !server [20:35] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support [20:35] n0kS: Right... and it'd work similarly to Kubuntu? Just want to see how it looks. [20:36] Hey skype keeps saying theres a problem with its audio playback, wtf? anyone know? [20:36] styles: is your mic on ? [20:36] dunas, ubuntu with kde is kubuntu :) [20:36] as far as I know [20:37] spoon_man: I think that's how it works too, I just want to make sure about that- don't want to kill this thing off, I just got it running smoothly. ;) [20:37] Hi - running Hardy Heron 8.04 - What is best Firewall to run? [20:37] Dunas the kde session manager is like kubuntu.... no difference (only some programs and other stuff different) [20:37] Dunas if you'd like to see how works KDE4 install kde4-base package and in the login window select KDE4 [20:37] n0kS: Alright, thanks. [20:37] dunas, since your GUI isn't connected to the kernel or connected to your data, you should be fine [20:38] Trying to run audacious (freshly installed) I get the following error: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/jgiglio/.config/audacious/playlist.xspf" I see one bug in the tracker that mentions this but it's not the same problem. [20:38] thnx a lot, spoon_man and ubottu :D [20:38] spoon_man: Thanks. [20:38] dunas, there's also the recovery option in the bootloader, if things go haywire [20:38] Does anyone have any hints or can send me a dummy xspf file to make it happy? [20:38] spoon_man: Had to use that a few times already D: [20:38] Best firewall to run in ubuntu is ? [20:38] Gigs how you installed audacious? from apt-get or compiling it yourself? [20:39] n0kS: apt-get [20:39] annie_g: the one that's built it :) [20:39] n0kS: standard repos [20:39] annie_g: why would you need one? [20:39] annie_g: oops. built in :) [20:39] annie_g: iptables is installed by default, but firestarter is a good front-end for controlling it [20:39] annie_g, best is iptables, but firestarter is a lot more accessible [20:39] annie_g I'm currently not using any firewall.... only my router's... [20:39] jinx [20:39] n0kS: 8.04 LTS [20:39] Gigs I'm with hardy and I had no problems installing audacious.... [20:39] n0kS: did you run it before? [20:40] n0kS: I suspect if you already had an audacious playlist you wouldn't get this error :P [20:40] annie_g: the linux kernel automatically drops all packages which shouldn't be let in. [20:40] annie_g, all your ports are close by default, and nothing you've downloaded from official ubuntu sources is going to "phone home" [20:40] *closed [20:40] spoon_man: sorryt newbie question - I guess I'm looking for a front end to look at or setup rules or preferences. [20:41] Gigs if you want I could send you the file playlist.xspf but I'm not sure it will works on your machine if you replace it.... [20:41] how can i find out why a system restart is required after an update [20:41] n0kS: one way to test would be for you to move ~/.config/audacious to a new name and then try to start audacious on your system [20:41] How to close programs that have froze in Ubuntu? For example, in Windows, CTRL+ALT+DEL? [20:41] annie_g, you can grab Firestarter from the Add/Remove program in the Applications menu [20:41] n0kS: if it fails to regenerate a default config we know it's a global bug [20:41] noah: it will tell you automagically [20:42] tillux: it didn't tell me... [20:42] annie_g: firewalls just aren't an issue under linux. the system is pretty secure by default. you can use the firewall to monitor different ports, but it really isn't necessary [20:42] spoon_man: I can't find kde4 as a package. [20:42] noah: well, if you cann see a restart icon in you panel (probably a blue refresh icon) [20:42] tillux: yeah the question is *why* is a restart required [20:42] spoon_man: Also behind a nice D-Link gigabit gaming router - Thanks for suggestion. [20:42] howlingmadhowie: if you have open ports though, like a port range for a ftp server - would that be a threat? [20:43] Gigs replace this: r-e-x.fbi.be/Desktop/playlist.xspf and tell me if will work... === imagine is now known as PoThibo [20:43] n0kS: ok thanks [20:43] AcBush: right mouse click the panel at the top of the screen and choose "Add" .. look for System monitor and add it to the bar.. now click system monitor and you'll see where it lists different loaded programs.. you can kill them from there.. [20:43] noah: for example if you installed a graphics-card-driver, or the updater automatically installed new linux-kernel in background [20:43] noah: if it's a kernel update, you can't update the kernel without restarting it, and you can't restart the kernel without also restarting everything else [20:43] dunas, go to the Synaptic Package Manager and search for it in the Meta Packages section [20:43] noah interesting question, i'd like to know this too [20:43] Thank you everyone for advice & tips - appreciate it...... [20:43] noah: ah... I didn't read you question properly [20:43] blumm: i imagine most people who use an ftp server tell it to wait on at most 2 ports [20:43] tillux: yup those are examples, but today's update was only ssl, evolution and vino [20:43] the SPM is in System > Administration [20:44] so why the restart be's required? [20:44] noah ubuntu requieres system restart only when is updating kernels [20:44] n0kS: heh hmm, well it no longer gives the error at least! [20:44] n0kS: but when I run audacious it returns to the command line with no error [20:44] Hi. My PS2 gamepad is working flawlessly in Windows games run in Wine. But Linux native games are oblivious to it. How can I fix this? [20:44] n0kS: that's not my experience :) [20:44] n0kS: $? is 0 also so no error code [20:44] howlingmadhowie: and what about these two ports? :) [20:44] n0kS: so now it just does nothing hehe [20:45] bbiab [20:45] Gigs w8 a moment pls [20:45] they're both under 1024, so no programs started by a normal user could listen on them [20:45] dunas, you'll be looking for "kubuntu-desktop" [20:45] how can i see open ports on my pc? [20:45] n0kS: wait there was a hung one in the background [20:45] blumm: netstat -l [20:45] Can anyone help me with my gamepad dilemma? Half the time I come here I just get ignored. Please don't disappoint me again. [20:45] blumm: as root: netstat -l [20:46] n0kS: now that I killed it it works [20:46] Starnestommy: thanks [20:46] spoon_man: Aha. [20:46] Gigs it works fine? without any bugs? :) [20:46] !patience | TiZ_ [20:46] TiZ_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [20:46] n0kS: well I haven't tested it. But I think I know what was happening [20:47] n0kS: I assumed the failed to load error was fatal, and that is why it was exiting [20:47] Sorry. I've tried to be patient in the past, and I was disregarded completely. I just don't want it to happen agian. [20:47] n0kS: but instead it was exiting because a copy was already running [20:47] <_xyz> is Flash and Java ever gonna be on live Ubuntu by default? [20:47] Does anyone have problems with FTP via GVFS? (Invalid reply in Nautilus) [20:47] just guessing, if i open one port on my pc (for a ftp) - is this open port a security issue? [20:47] n0kS: there is no message if it exits due to an already running copy [20:47] I'm running into a problem with FTP via GVFS on Hardy here [20:47] Gigs test it & if it doesn't work I'll tell you something you can test [20:47] blumm: only if the ftp server isn't secured properly [20:48] TiZ_, nothing you can do about, most of us don't use a PS2 gamepad, putting like if we don't care about you will not improve our ability to help you [20:48] Starnestommy: hm, okay [20:48] TiZ_ ... if all 1395 people say "I don't know how to fix your problem" then the forum jams :P [20:48] oh my powermac's coming tomorrow :) i'm really looking forward to installing hardy on it :) [20:49] n0kS: I think it is working now [20:49] Starting GVFSD via /usr/lib/gvfsd -r will show that the request failed with "send_reply, failed: 1" ): ): [20:49] TiZ_, I would do some research on google and post the question on the forums [20:49] Gigs ok :) [20:49] Okay, let's ignore the fact that it's a PS2 gamepad. Let's say it's just any old gamepad. It works absolutely fantastic in Windows games running in Wine. But Linux native games are oblivious to it. [20:49] n0kS: the hung background process was making it exit, and the non-fatal message about a missing playlist mislead me [20:49] but it's all good now [20:49] thanks [20:49] TiZ_, if you want to ignore facts, then you will not get any help either, because to resolve a problem all the facts are required :) [20:50] Gigs np.... [20:50] TiZ_: games controllers are as far as i know the area of xorg.conf [20:50] Again, I apologize for my impudence. I really do like Ubuntu. I really do. But I've had more problems just getting things working than I've ever had with Windows. Sorry if that offends. I apologize once more. [20:50] I guess not many encounter the problem that I'm having, so I shall hack around the GVFS sources (and yeah, maybe fix bugs?) :P [20:51] $ firefox Error: in guard: symbol required but got: Error: fatal: looped fatal error [20:51] TiZ_: if no one here knows your answer, it's easier to google it or search the forums... it's always easier to ask for help instead of trying to figure it out yourself... [20:51] :| [20:51] halp? [20:51] joaopinto: PS2 game controller or not. It's detected and calibratable in the GUI calibrator you can get from Synaptic. [20:52] TiZ_, which game are you trying ? [20:52] howlingmadhowie: I didn't know that. I might google around a bit on that. [20:52] joaopinto: SuperTux2 and Grid Wars 2 [20:52] TiZ_: is it a usb connection? [20:52] I don't have any other Linux native games that I would use a gamepad for. [20:53] Yes, howlingmadhowie. [20:53] anyone care to guess what if any performance hit WoW via Wine takes over wow via WinXP? [20:53] do those games have gamepad support ? [20:53] I could not find those on the repositories to test myself.. [20:54] joaopinto: Yeah. Grid Wars 2 even has a specific dual analog option. Twirling the sticks does nothing on its dual analog config screen, though [20:54] TiZ_: then it could be quite tricky to support. best thing is to hope that somebody's already written a driver for it [20:54] when i uninstall smth via synaptic, is there anything left in the system (like driver files in windows) ? [20:55] And also... I don't believe gridwars is in synaptic. Supertux is, but I got gridwars on getdeb [20:55] TiZ_, have you checked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=319171 ? [20:55] blumm: some configuration files may be left behind. you can purge the packet if you also want these to be deleted [20:55] howlingmadhowie: as I said before, the gamepad itself works. It is fantastic in Wine. The calibrator detects and calibrates it. But linux native games are oblivious to it. [20:55] dpritchett, WoW runs pretty smoothly in wine [20:55] howlingmadhowie: purging via synaptic too ? [20:56] can anyone recommend an ICQ client that does NOT read away messages every status change (except pidgin and licq) ? [20:56] dpritchett, although I would recommend getting Wine 1.0 -- the Ubuntu repos don't have it yet [20:56] blumm: i think that's an option, if i remember correctly. i don't think any packages will leave behind any libraries or stuff like that [20:56] joaopinto: You're pretty quickdraw, huh? I was just searching "gamepad" on the forums. It looks like that one's more tailored to my problem. Thanks, I'll check it out. [20:56] HeN: maybe google can :) [20:56] howlingmadhowie: thanks again :) [20:56] Scenario: I have a 5gig root directory and a 35gig home directory. The root directory is essentially full ("not enough room" errors) whereas my home directory is literally empty. How hard would it be to fix this? [20:56] Zimmy, google.com: grid wars 2 gamepad, 1st link ;) [20:56] Oh wow, he's even using the same PS2 gamepad adapter as me. [20:57] ops, was TiZ_ [20:57] jetrost: all you have to do is change the partition layout [20:57] theunixgeek, I already tried o_O I wasnt asking here if google was giving me the answer [20:57] That is a really excellent find. :D [20:57] jetrost: use gparted [20:57] HeN: ok then, sorry [20:57] jetrost: easy, but it will probably "eat" up a day ;) [20:57] spoon_man: My problem is that WoW already runs pretty awfully on windows, I'd hate to see it go from 15-20 FPS to 5-10 [20:57] TiZ_, if the gamepad is working fine on the config tool and under wine, so most likely your games are game specific, I mean from a game support perspective [20:57] guess there's only one way to find out, i just hoped someone might have a magic number for me ;) [20:57] erm, i mean, your problems are game specific [20:57] theunixgeek: any suggestions on how large to make my root directory? [20:57] I'll try out the /dev/js0 that it suggests. [20:58] I'll report here if it works... and from the look of things, it should. [20:58] jetrost: as much as you need, but definetly more than 5 gb. make it around 12 if that's as big as your hard drive is [20:58] jetrost: if your root and home directory are separate partitions, you can shrink and move the home partition "to the right" via gparted and resize the root partition afterwards [20:58] theunixgeek, tillux: thanks! i'll try that. [20:59] dpritchett, it runs at about the same speed, when properly configured: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=11329 [20:59] * howlingmadhowie is sooo looking forward to his powermac :) [20:59] a powermac, howlingmadhowie? [20:59] howlingmadhowie: those things are really outdated. [20:59] howlingmadhowie: or do you mean a mac pro? [20:59] Everything's working great! Thank you, guys! And again, I apologize for being kind of an arse. [21:00] Hi, how do I automount fat32 formatted external harddisk on gutsy? [21:00] TiZ_, np, yw :) [21:00] hey all, does anyone know if there is a gnome-terminal option that corresponds with xterm's "-hold", to keep a terminal open? [21:00] hey folks, i want to remove evolution, but there are too many dependencies....i dont want to fuxxor my system.... [21:00] theunixgeek: nope. i mean one of the first of the g4 powermacs :) i bought it on ebay last week :) [21:00] I'll idle here if you don't mind. I have learned a few things about Ubuntu, so after I'm done gaming, I might be able to help out around here. [21:00] howlingmadhowie: oh ok :) [21:01] hey there... I've got an odd problem with my USB wifi adaptor [21:01] hello [21:01] oki guys, how can I figure who stole my audio ? [21:01] anyone know of a gamegear emulator? [21:01] beli, you can remove evolution and all the depends. without affecting things too much -- but i have always found it best to let evilution be [21:01] theunixgeek: it's gonna be sooo cool :) twin g4 processors and up to 2gig ram :) [21:01] what is the name of that mind map software for linux? [21:02] Rockj: soundcard, distribution, application ;) ? [21:02] recently audio has just stopped working , and killing X seems to work. [21:02] tillux, ubuntu, 8.10 [21:02] the computer won't get an IP [21:02] unop: hmm...i am not using it at all...but all the time updates to it.........that's why i want to drop it [21:02] arooni: there's freemind [21:02] but I can see all the APs [21:02] howlingmadhowie: you do know that ppc support is gonna be dropped next year? [21:02] unop: i think minimalistic...what i dont need can go to the rubbish bin [21:02] tillux, and its simple vlc, eveb furefix [21:02] I bet it's a one-line thing [21:02] theunixgeek: from ubuntu you mean? [21:02] ohh, firefox got sound now [21:02] what about a gamegear emulator? [21:02] hmf [21:02] Rockj: well, do you use the pulseAudio server? [21:02] nareshov, is there another one ? [21:03] <_xyz> how do you make ubuntu autocomplete a directory path (in windows it's TAB)? [21:03] arooni: yes [21:03] beli: i tried to uninstall once, then after logging in, my account was screwed [21:03] Rockj, you might want to configure all your applications to use PulseAudio [21:03] _xyz: try tab :D [21:03] arooni: just check on answers.com, i remember seeing a good list there [21:03] nareshov, whats the name? [21:03] <_xyz> i did [21:03] tillux, no - due to issues I had with firefox beta and firefox capturing my audio device [21:03] howlingmadhowie: it's already unsupported by Ubuntu unless you do upgrades, and Apple's going to take out support for it next year [21:03] ok [21:03] does anyone know what version of the /usr/lib/firefox* firefox 3 from apt is using? [21:03] _xyz: tab twice [21:03] beli, so go ahead and uninstall evolution -- if any critical depends. are removed, you can always install them again later [21:03] tillux, yjwong : I change all audio device to alsa. [21:03] beli: if you dont want updates, you can also lock the version in synaptic.. [21:03] Hey can somebody with wine pastebin their windows/system/system.ini file? [21:03] theunixgeek: then it will fit right in with the rest of my computers :) i'm typing this on a parisc workstation :) [21:03] I have had the graphics working for setti/boinc previously but have since reinstalled and can't remember what I did can anyone assist me pls? [21:03] _xyz: UPPER/lowercase-sensitive [21:03] <_xyz> nm.. silly me [21:03] blumm: thats not ok in my eyes.....if you want another email client it is not ok that removing revolution fuxx0rs your system [21:04] anyone have any suggestions as to what to download ffrom spm [21:04] howlingmadhowie: awesome :) [21:04] Rockj, why ALSA? You should use PulseAudio (: [21:04] blumm: i dont want old/bugged versions also [21:04] Rockj: well, then try disabling pulseAudio [21:04] theunixgeek: you're telling me :) this baby is great :) [21:04] yjwong: because pulseaudio sucks :D it doesn't seem to work with my m audio audiophile 2496 [21:04] beli: problem is: evolution is also the name of your x (i guess) [21:04] yjwong: there is a launchpad bug entry for that one... it works pretty nice without pulseaudio [21:05] Hey can somebody with wine pastebin their windows/system/system.ini file? [21:05] tillux, yjwong : alsa because it has worked for generations , and Ive heard issues with pulseAudio too so .. [21:05] evolution - groupware suite with mail client and organizer [21:05] theunixgeek: it's from the year 2000 and it's faster than an athlon64 my flatmate bought last year [21:05] tillux, ah, but I use PulseAudio for LADSP (System-wide equalizer). Doesn't have issues for me except VMWare (which still uses OSS) [21:05] so its a mua [21:05] <_xyz> hey guys: i'm in live Ubuntu 8.04 and have Realtek AC97' as well as Creative X-Fi. I'm about to install Creative's offical beta drivers. Is there anything I should do or know beforehand? Disable current audio output device? turn off firefox? [21:05] so why does it want to deinstall java stuff also?! [21:05] thats not ok in my eyes [21:06] nabend [21:06] hallo! [21:06] Rockj, I *think* that Firefox (Flash Player 9) is still using OSS isn't it? [21:06] Hello all [21:06] can i freeze packages to make them sticky? [21:06] yjwong, could be, I just checked with youtube. [21:06] beli it is called pinning [21:06] yjwong: the problem is, I've got pretty much audio apps that either want pulseAudio or Alsa... running UbuntuStudio64; I think I'll have to uninstall pulseAudio and compile everything myself in order to get linuxSampler etc running [21:07] Jack_Sparrow: thanks [21:07] Then in that case simultaneous access won't work with other applications (i.e. Gstreamer, etc.), if I'm not wrong. I'm not an audiophile =P [21:07] !pinning [21:07] pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [21:07] hi [21:07] yjwong, I had issues like this before with firefox beta , I fixed it with setting all audio to use alsa ..but seems that im stuck again now. [21:07] graphics in seti/boinc anyone? [21:07] yjwong: if the other applications are using alsa, and just firefox oss, that's okay [21:07] i'd like to download and install an anti-virus software for *buntu 8.04 ,,, so that i can scan a hard disk / cd-rom for viruses [21:07] Hey how does one disable all effects in know VIA terminal [21:07] Does anyone know of problems recording audio in Hardy? I can't seem to fix mine, even after 6 hours on the forums. [21:07] Yeah, but if if there are 2 OSS apps... Then no-go I guess [21:07] any good programs i should know about? [21:07] Rockj: crashes on youtube? [21:07] because i don't want to get any viruses on the windows machine that needs files from this cd / hard disk [21:07] like VMWare and Firefox [21:07] ShadowKnight /join #alsa [21:08] reinhold clamav [21:08] blumm, no - firefox steals audiosource I think? atleast youtube got audio.. I fixed this same issue with firefox 3 beta with setting every application to use alsa [21:08] yeah ... i thought about clamav too jack_s [21:08] Jack_Sparrow, [21:08] downloaded updates in 8.04, made an APTonCD of those updates and distributed it to friends,they are getting some dependencies problems, i had some 382 updates but only 344 were selected and i cant select the remaining packages, can this be the reason for the problems my friends faced ? [21:08] Thanks Jack_Sparrow , but I think this is Ubuntu related because it worked in older versions... [21:08] blumm, and now im stuck with it not working again. painfull issue [21:08] Jack_Sparrow: with pinning i can freeze releases...but not freeze that it isnt removed as an dependency....thats what tha url tells me [21:08] Rockj, maybe that was libflashsupport with ALSA support? [21:09] Hey how does one disable all effects in know VIA terminal [21:09] but unfortunately there isn't the latest version in the repositories [21:09] Rockj: when you play youtube vid, sound output wont work for music player for example? [21:09] ShadowKnight It can be ubuntu related and still be fixed in alsa channel.. [21:09] and i can't find other repositories [21:09] yjwong, even funnier is that the test-buttons in preferences and sound is working.. [21:09] Alright, thank you [21:09] I've been using Flash Player 10 Beta already, since it does have built in support for PulseAudio [21:09] Oh. Now that's weird. o_o [21:09] so what should i do now? [21:09] reinhold get the version from our repos and update the virus definitions or build it yourself [21:09] how do i i list all pakcages currently installed? [21:10] from command line? [21:10] Rockj: you didn't tell us which soundcard you're using ;)? [21:10] the virus definitions can't be updated with the old version [21:10] <_xyz> help: 'checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables' [21:10] !clone ? arooni [21:10] Factoid clone ? arooni not found [21:10] tillux, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) [21:10] anyways,installing packages from APTonCD is done this way right ? 1st restore .iso from APTonCD then click on updates on the panel, right ? [21:10] and i don't know how to build it myself Jack_Sparrow [21:10] flash beta 10 fixes crashes and sound output problems with libflashsupport [21:10] I think I just hosed my server [21:10] prolly not a good idea to chmod 751 -R /etc [21:10] _xyz, install the build-essential package [21:10] reinhold those are you only two choices. [21:10] I can't su because I never gave root a password [21:10] dpkg -l [21:10] <_xyz> ok thanks [21:11] Great. I'm on my way to submitting my 1st bug patch for Ubuntu =D =D [21:11] Hey how does one disable all effects in know VIA terminal or even within KDE [21:11] gleesond there is no root password.. use sudo of gksudo [21:11] !sudo | gleesond [21:11] gleesond: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [21:11] isn't building something dangerous? [21:11] one told me it was not easy [21:11] blumm, is flash 10 more smooth on webpages? I kinda hate flash, makes the webpages slow as **** [21:11] anybody there to help on APTonCD ??? [21:11] Jack_Sparrow: the room seems to be dead. can anyone here help me? [21:11] <_xyz> unop: how come its not in live ubuntu? [21:11] prolly not a good idea to chmod 751 -R /etc [21:11] <_xyz> by default, that is [21:11] is there a way to add "search" directives to resolv.conf for default network profile? Basically, I want to search few domains at work and right now I have to go to network manager and change profile every time I restart interface. [21:11] Rockj: it fixed all my crashing problems with libflashsupport at least =) [21:11] ShadowKnight you can ask.. and wait in both rooms [21:11] I don't think there's any difference between performance in Flash 10 and Flash 9, especially if you have Compiz enabled. [21:11] _xyz, because ubuntu supposes most people do not need to build software from source [21:12] <_xyz> ahh i see [21:12] I can't sudo because I just chmod 751 -R /etc [21:12] on accedent [21:12] then I wont bother fetching flash 10 beta :-) [21:12] And yeah, I solved my crashing problems with libflashsupport too, same as blumm =D [21:12] reinhold How to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ [21:12] hey all :) [21:12] Q is if I should bother to restart X to watch my starcraft 2 cinematic trailer. sighs [21:12] I mean, using Flash Player 10, I solved those problems =D [21:12] yjwong: i spent hours to find that fix :( [21:13] is flash10 in apt-repos? [21:13] flash is horrible :( [21:13] gleesond, that was a real bad idea - i think the only way to go around this properly is to restore from backups [21:13] Lol. I gave up on hacking the libflashsupport code. [21:13] howlingmadhowie, yes it is. [21:13] Rockj: i think you have to get it from adobe.. [21:13] I got another strange question, is there any way to setup a server on Ubuntu 8.04 normal edition (not server)?... I need to setup a simple server on port 21 to transfer files to and from my guest os (Windows XP) from qemu. [21:13] Rockj, get it from Adobe Labs at labs.adobe.com [21:13] gleesond, reboot into single user mode ans restore the chmod [21:13] !lamp > Gaming4JC [21:13] Rockj: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html [21:13] Okay, question long version: Any recording program I use, including Gnome sound recorder and Audacity, hangs when I try to record. If I switch Audacity to use ALSA rather than OSS it does not hang, but neither does it record. [21:13] Gaming4JC, yes, just install an FTP server [21:13] Jack_Sparrow, what do you think about this idea ... i download the latest suse version and convert it with alien into a deb-file? [21:13] unop: vocx thanks [21:13] But make sure you do uninstall all previous versions of flashplugin-nonfree and libflashsupport [21:14] it looks like suse has the latest one [21:14] downloaded updates in 8.04, made an APTonCD of those updates and distributed it to friends,they are getting some dependencies problems, i had some 382 updates but only 344 were selected and i cant select the remaining packages, can this be the reason for the problems my friends faced ? [21:14] Rockj: i hope gnash will soon support youtube again :) [21:14] reinhold Suicidal tendencies noted.. [21:14] To prevent conflicts (a.k.a. SO Hell?) (: [21:14] ShadowKnight: you'll have to select the correct input from the dropdown menu in audacity [21:14] uhuu ... ok === MrKennie_ is now known as MrKennie [21:14] Are there any easy-to-setup FTP server apps? [21:14] !alien [21:14] RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [21:14] Gaming4JC: try gproftpd [21:14] Gaming4JC XAMPP for Linux (called lampp too) [21:15] ok thnxs [21:15] tillux: Another problem is that I can't find any input selector at ALL in Audacity, not in the main window and not in preferences. [21:15] yjwong, ill pass for now, but thanks for the labs.* link btw. [21:15] *thinking* [21:15] I might got ctrl+alt+backspace - so brb. [21:15] Gaming4JC xampp includes proftpd, apache, mysql and php.... if you don't need all this you can download simpy proftpd [21:15] LOL. Sure. [21:15] howlingmadhowie: why should you want to use gnash [21:15] ShadowKnight: hmm === powertoo208 is now known as powertool08 [21:16] ShadowKnight: well, I'd really like to help you, but im quite tired ^^ [21:16] are the packages for hardy heron compiled for 486, 586, or i686? [21:16] tillux: because even if flash were available for my computers, i still wouldn't want to use it :) [21:16] * Rockj back with sound. [21:16] tillux: hmm is right. This has completely stumped me for two days now.. Thanks for trying to help. [21:16] all hail the ctrl+alt+backspace *caugh* [21:16] hehe [21:16] howlingmadhowie: "available for my computers"? [21:17] n0kS: Yes I think simpy protftpd might be all I need. Does it run from the terminal or have it's own GUI (just wondering). [21:17] ShadowKnight: well, which audio-source have you selected in the System->preferences->audio dialog? [21:17] Hi, im running gnome on ubuntu 7.10, in the open file dialog, how can I get it to allow me to type in a location rather than browse to the file I want? [21:17] Gaming4JC if you want GUI download gproftpd if you don't want GUI -> proftpd [21:17] tillux: sun ultra 10 with debian, g3 imac with ubuntu, hp c3750 with debian, sgi indy R4400 with debian... [21:17] forester, does CTRL+L do anything? [21:18] unop I'll try [21:18] Gaming4JC: you'd only need a gui to edit the config :-) [21:18] ok [21:18] hello, is there a program that can makes macros,that is to say program repetitive actions such as move the mouse [21:18] * mwoehlke wonders why vsftpd didn't make that list [21:18] tillux: to tell the truth I'm in kde now. Hang on and I'll enter Gnome [21:18] brb [21:18] ok... I'm trying to help Gaming4JC but I don't use Ubuntu, is it init-based? [21:18] unop: yes! perfect! thanks! [21:18] Oh damn, I'm bad at C/C++. Any hackers here? [21:19] Someone please hack the GVFS source for me (: [21:19] yjwong Wrong channel.. thanks [21:19] my windows partition doesn't properly mount at boot. I have to open up the folder for it to mount correctly.. how can i fix this? [21:19] Gnutoo: a lot of programs under ubuntu are scriptable. if you want to do the same thing repeatedly in one program, check to see if it's scriptable. if not, have a look at the shell [21:19] hmm [21:19] yjwong: what's the question? [21:19] l815: edit /etc/mtab [21:19] Jack_Sparrow, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to fix a bug in Ubuntu's GNOME GVFS. Yeah, the FTP backend. [21:19] hey... [21:19] howlingmadhowie, yes but that won't move the mouse... [21:19] another question.....ubuntu is not always displaying my root wallpaper....sometimes its just a black screen after restart..... [21:20] tillux, l815 - edit /etc/fstab - /etc/mtab is not meant to be hand-edited [21:20] can any1 tell me how i can use micboost in ubuntu? [21:20] I did notice vsftpd in the repositories, you think this might work too n0kS? [21:20] <[LMM]Iowahc> hy@all how do I remotely log in to ubuntu from running ubuntu session? [21:20] Hm. [21:20] more secure. [21:20] is there a sound mixer program i can use or sumthin? [21:20] unop: whoops ;) [21:20] !ftp [21:20] FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [21:20] unop: okay thanks.. what should i look for that would need to be fixed/ [21:20] Gaming4JC: what do you want to do? [21:20] sorry tillux , where did you say to check? [21:20] Gnutoo: you could get it to move the mouse... [21:20] ShadowKnight: something like system->preferences->audio (and please tell me which audio-cards you're using) [21:20] Gaming4JC I'm actualy using proftpd and it's working very well..... I recomment you proftpd, others I don't know how they work [21:21] !fstab | l815 [21:21] l815: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [21:21] beli: I want to run a simple FTP server so that I can transfer files to and from a virtual computer. [21:21] but, Gaming4JC it could be better that proftpd I don't know [21:21] Jack_Sparrow, ... http://phpfi.com/327208 [21:21] howlingmadhowie, my previous line was the problem. Nautilus returns "Invalid reply" for FTP protocols - ONLY IF the FTP banner size is too long, which I traced to an overly-small buffer size. [21:21] That's not good. I think UserSwitcher just died on me, after I had to force the X server to restart when Hardy locked up while trying to restart itself. I was just trying KDE4 Kubuntu Desktop, and now I think I've severely messed something up. [21:21] howlingmadhowie, how? [21:21] What's a good development app for HTML, PHP and MySQL in ubuntu? [21:21] Gaming4JC you don't need a ftp for that [21:21] <[LMM]Iowahc> hy@all how do I remotely log in to ubuntu from running ubuntu session? [21:21] tillux: sound is integrated, I have no seperate sound card [21:21] Gaming4JC with a simple share folders you can do this [21:21] Gaming4JC: vsftp is your first choice then...nice code, plain, simple, seperated layers, chroot options.... [21:21] Gnutoo: i'd try echoing stuff to /dev/input/mouse :) [21:21] how stable is wine? [21:22] Although, if there's an easy way to switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu without having to kill my monitor again, I'd love to know, really. KDE4 was an interesting layout. [21:22] vaportrailnew123 very stable [21:22] vaportrailnew123, it runs GuildWars ... [21:22] n0kS: You know an easier way to share files from qemu (a virtual computer)?... [21:22] ShadowKnight: well, then, which mainboard do you use? ;) [21:22] shweet [21:22] vaportrailnew123 pretty stable. [21:22] n0kS: where is "share folders"? [21:22] vaportrailnew123, it depends - it's quite mature, supports some applications very well, some not so much [21:22] What's a good development app for HTML, PHP and MySQL in ubuntu? [21:22] howlingmadhowie: but the xserver must somehow allow you to place the mouse. something to ask the xserver people [21:22] vaportrailnew123: depends on how much u drink [21:22] I believe it's called "The One Motherboard" (I'm not kidding) [21:22] mwoehlke you can use Samba [21:22] After doing a bunch of update my keypad stoped working is there a way i can fix this? [21:23] Gaming4JC: sftp? [21:23] Gaming4JC: if you are already running sshd...why not enable sftp feature and use it [21:23] n0kS: ah... we had this discussion in #qemu :-) [21:23] What's a good development app for HTML, PHP and MySQL in ubuntu? [21:23] <_xyz> when you use 'info cmd' in terminal, you use space to scroll down, and ? to scroll up? [21:23] nickolaus, bluefish is good for html/css .. perhaps gedit or vim for php and mysql [21:23] n0kS: specifically having proper firewalling is needed for that :-) [21:23] beli: How to I enable sftp and will it connect to my virtual computer as well?... (I've heard of Samba and other stuff.) [21:23] vaportrailnew123: it even runs dark messiah of might and magic ... there are a lot of apps that work really nice (more fps than with windows), but there is also a bunch of apps that doesn't even run at all [21:23] Jack_Sparrow, ?? http://phpfi.com/327208 [21:24] tillux: I suspect it's a VIA 8237, if that makes sense [21:24] howlingmadhowie, lol [21:24] mwoehlke in my school we're using samba for save all our data in the linuxserver [21:24] unop I have an issue with bluefish, I try to edit WAN files and for some reason it won't save. [21:24] reinhold what is that from? [21:24] Gaming4JC: do you have a windows ssh client? (not sure if putty does sftp) [21:24] to save* [21:24] Gaming4JC: cygwin does, though [21:24] nickolaus, WAN files? what are they? [21:25] Gaming4JC: it doesnt matter if your server is virtual or not...it just has to run a sshd with enabled sftp option....check out /etc/ssh/sshd_config [21:25] Gnutoo: just curious here, why do you want to move the mouse? [21:25] Is there a way to make Synaptic Package Manager undo an install through its history? [21:25] beli: downside is that XP doesn't talk sftp natively [21:25] ShadowKnight: type "aplay -l" in a terminal [21:25] mwoehlke and beli: I don't have an SSH client on my virtual computer (WinXP). But... Perhaps FileZilla might work. [21:25] unop files on my sever. [21:25] hello everyone [21:25] mwoehlke: there are plenty of ssh clients supporting it [21:25] Gaming4JC, talking about sftp - you could try winscp .. it works pretty well [21:25] Gaming4JC: if that knows sftp, sure [21:25] unop wide area network (WAN) file. [21:25] winscp is a decent client for windows [21:26] folks i have: 0 * * * * /usr/bin/unison -batch simple >/tmp/unison.log 2>&1 in my crontab -e (for user chasetoys). ok so it seems to never run because (1) nothing is in the log file... (2) it never syncs my files.... . but when i run it on command line separate; it works just fine... ideas? [21:26] tillux: yes, it's VIA 8237 [21:26] beli: Ubuntu doesn't enable sftp by default? [21:26] ShadowKnight: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=566718&highlight=VIA+8237 https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/898 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=647522 [21:26] I want to run a program in terminal using the English language. what is the command? [21:26] ok let me google for winscp... [21:26] ShadowKnight: looks like there are some problems with that chip... :/ [21:26] Zoohouse, what do you mean by using the english language? you would like to set the locale of the program you're running? [21:26] mwoehlke: it is enabled by default, but he wanted to know where to checkout :) [21:26] nickolaus, hmm yea, bluefish doesn't understand ftp or scp .. it's only meant for editing files locally -- you'll need to upload the files when you have finished using something like gftp or nautilus [21:26] thanks for all the help again, bye [21:26] Dunas, check /var/log/dpkg.log [21:26] beli: ok :-) [21:27] Jack_Sparrow, ... i wrote "./configure" and make ... [21:27] then this error came in the last lines [21:27] xtknight, example, I run hp-toolbox and it comes up in spanish because my dad's computer is set to spanish [21:27] tillux: unfortunately, unsolved problems [21:27] mwoehlke: in my eyes some stuff should be disabled by default, but ok, ubuntus main aim is not security ;) [21:27] I want to run it in english. Im running it over ssh -X [21:27] reinhold did you sudo apt-get install build-essential [21:27] Gaming4JC: do you have filezilla already? [21:27] or should i copy the whole output? [21:27] Zoohouse, i see. try LANG=en hp-toolbox [21:27] ShadowKnight: yes, indeed [21:27] i am not sure [21:27] no [21:27] !info build-essential [21:27] build-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB [21:28] Zoohouse, you can check his environment for which variables need changing. type "env" to see that [21:28] mwoehlke: Yes, on a CD some place. [21:28] !compile [21:28] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [21:28] I can go get it if needed. [21:28] thank you [21:28] unless WinSCP is better. [21:28] Gaming4JC: ah, well... I meant "already installed" :-) [21:28] * ShadowKnight sighs [21:28] not yet. [21:28] lol [21:28] xtknight, thanks, LANG=en hp-toolbox worked :) [21:28] dunno, filezilla is OK, never used winscp, never used anything but cygwin's build of openssh for ssh actually :-) [21:29] Hallo , dear Ubuntu Users! Please suggest a Ubuntu based program to keep a record of contracts that I sign. I would like to be able to make serches and maybe filter the registrar. Is it possible? What is good for this perpouse??? PLS [21:29] mwoehlke: you can use puttys sftp too [21:29] beli: never used putty :-) [21:29] mwoehlke: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html [21:29] putty is well [21:29] beli: nah, /me is a purist, openssh FTW ;-) [21:30] mwoehlke and beli: Still the problem is once I get a client how on earth do I connect to Ubuntu from a Windows guest?... or vice versa. [21:30] arooni, you looking to run that cronjob every hour? [21:30] unop, yeah [21:30] mwoehlke: best choice ;) [21:30] Gaming4JC: in ubuntu, try 'ssh localhost', if you can log in, ssh is running :-) [21:30] arooni, just a guess - you might need to make that 0 */1 * * * unison ... [21:30] DRebellion: I can't seem to figure out what to do with that. [21:30] Gaming4JC: if ssh is running, an sftp client should work w/o changing your current setup [21:30] What program is good for keeping a record of documents ??? [21:31] beli: putty, or openssh? ;-) [21:31] Gaming4JC terminal server client.. [21:31] Gpalco: you mean a version history? [21:31] mwoehlke: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused [21:31] unop, would */15 * * * * unison ... do it every 15 min? [21:31] mwoehlke: both :) [21:31] !tsc [21:31] Factoid tsc not found [21:31] mwoehlke: Might be my firewall. [21:31] Gpalco subversion [21:31] arooni, yes [21:31] Oh well, I guess I'll try again later. Cya all. [21:31] Gpalco: if you have a large number of documents, openoffice.org can connect to a database [21:31] beli: ok, I can accept that ;-) [21:31] hello... how can i copy images to backgrounds folder so everyone can use it?? [21:31] Gaming4JC: hmm, ssh isn't running then [21:31] Gaming4JC or a router not set to port forward... [21:31] unop, why would you have to do: 0 */1 ? [21:32] Dunas, well, it tells you what has been installed/uninstalled, so you can find the name of the program you want to uninstall. Then, sudo apt-get remove programname [21:32] Jack_Sparrow: Terminal server client?... [21:32] Gaming4JC: 'netstat -anl | grep 22' <-- that is likely empty [21:32] mwoehlke: or a firewall is blocking it ;) [21:32] beli: from localhost to localhost? ;-) [21:32] grrrr.... i jst updated my ubuntu and all of the sudden my screen resolution isn't supported anymore [21:32] mwoehlke: yeah, why not? [21:32] beli: who runs a firewall on lo? [21:32] lol === Bodsda is now known as Dave [21:32] mwoehlke: me [21:32] DRebellion: Uh... well, that's the thing. There's an awful lot of packages that got installed (I think it said 200+) when I tried KDE, and it's going to be a massive pain to try and remove each one individually. [21:32] grrrr.... i jst updated my ubuntu and all of the sudden my screen resolution isn't supported anymore [21:32] wow i actually got Veritas Netbackup client to work very easily [21:32] arooni, i'm guessing that cron gets confused as to what the zeroth minute is .. I'd either change it to 1 * * * * or 0 */1 * * * [21:32] Gaming4JC remote desktop and terminal server client I think that name is right === Dave is now known as Bodsda [21:32] mwoehlke: Nope it's loaded with stuff. on netstat. [21:32] beli: oookay :-) [21:32] oops [21:32] ASULutzy, hi. ;) [21:32] srry about that [21:32] ps aux | grep sshd [21:33] *is back soon* [21:33] Dunas, you installed kubuntu-desktop ? [21:33] Gaming4JC: er, ah, I meant anything that looks like this: "tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN" [21:33] DRebellion: Yeah, and KDE4 to take a look at it. [21:33] yjwong, tillux : found the error. It's pulse thingie, I just killed it since it happend again. now sound works after I killed it. Another reason to not like pulseserver crap :/ [21:33] beli, I develop documents, hundreds, would like to keep a regisrar on my computer, so I could easily, search through the list, list by number, by date, by parties, by category, by theme, so on. What Ubuntu software do I use for it?? [21:33] What's a good development app for HTML, PHP and MySQL in ubuntu on a WAN? [21:33] Gaming4JC: actually I should have said '... | grep 22 | grep LISTEN' :-) [21:33] !puregnome | Dunas [21:33] Dunas: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >> [21:34] Gaming4JC http://www.techmongrel.com/29/remote-desktop-ubuntu-710-from-windows/ === BradJ[work] is now known as progme [21:34] nickolaus: ubuntu has some really good text editors [21:34] Would it be quite easy to backport the php5-xdebug package from lenny to etch? Wonder why it has not been done by that ubuntu guy who did it for lenny [21:34] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks looking now... [21:34] nickolaus - You tried syntax highlighting in gedit? [21:34] Hi. I was wondering how to change the logon screen resolution? I looked in the forums, and my xorg.conf has all default settings and no resolution [21:34] Gpalco: i still dont really get what you need.....you have 1000s of files and want to be able to sort them by date, size, filename? [21:34] Gaming4JC it might not be what you want.. as I was not paying full attention to your questions [21:35] howlingmadhowie, I am not very strong with data bases. How difficult is it for a user (scilled user) to creat a database in OOO2 ? Do I need a DB server as well ? [21:35] Gpalco: or do you want to save old versions and be able to get them back or merge them and stuff? [21:35] Jack_Sparrow: heh, not really, trying to send files to/from [21:35] Jack_Sparrow: Yes I think a remote desktop might make my system vunerable. An FTP client I'd feel safer with. [21:35] extor, enter #debian and ask dpkg about !backport [21:36] Gaming4JC: a remote desktop might get you clipboard sharing, probably not file sharing :-) [21:36] Gaming4JC: ftp is the crappiest protocol nowadays....use sftp [21:36] Gpalco: you'd need to install a server (like mysql-server) and then create a database on it. then you can connect to the database from ooo [21:36] beli: Ok I can use sftp. [21:36] beli, sftp is better than ftp other than simply being more secure? === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [21:36] or is it completely diff [21:36] Gaming4JC: I've found that getting X forwarding isn't nearly as useful for a Linux server as it is for Windows (RDP connections are basically essential for administering Windows Servers, but absolutely everything useful Linux wise can pretty much be done in a command line. Heck I ssh to my box at home everyday to take advantage of rTorrent :P) [21:36] Gaming4JC if you put a password on your remote desktop you will secure it to some level.... [21:36] beli, version history would be 'next level', just keep trac, list by characteristics, make filters [21:36] xtknight: its completly differnt...it has just the same name [21:36] o its a newer scp i see [21:37] Gpalco: ok.....i think if you are not familiar with databases...its overload for you [21:37] howlingmadhowie, sounds complicated and hard on the computer... any sympler ways ? [21:37] Well, let me download winscp onto my qemu virtual desktop and see what we can do from there... [21:37] Gpalco: why not learn to use the "find" command [21:38] beli, any ready to use symple cataloging programs, that could do good sorting, filtering ??? [21:38] bye bye [21:38] byes n0KS... [21:38] Gaming4JC: meanwhile, if you can't ssh to yourself that probably needs to be fixed first/also :-) (my guess is sshd isn't running) [21:38] and people remember... xfce4 rulzzz :) [21:38] Gpalco: you'd certainly need to learn a bit of sql to create the database and populate it with tables. once you have done so, you'll have a good system for archiving information [21:39] meh [21:39] xfce... bleh, there are KDE devs in the room ;-) [21:39] Xfce is weak [21:39] !ot [21:39] beli: How can I get ssh to start if it isn't running?... [21:39] whats the command to force ubuntu to default to sun java and not openjdk? [21:39] kde is bloated shit [21:39] Gpalco: for version history i recommend to use svn (subversion= [21:39] Gaming4JC: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start [21:39] Gaming4JC: /etc/init.d/ssh start [21:40] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [21:40] hi, is there any way to set vinagre to use proxy?? i need to connect to machine 1 and then connect to machine 2 with vinagre [21:40] trashguy: hey, them's flamewar words :P [21:40] mwoehlke, i rock the cli [21:40] beli: um, and 'chkconfig sshd on'? (it isn't "sshd"?) [21:40] anyone know how to use kismet? [21:40] Gpalco: use openoffice/calc and use the sorting features [21:40] how to execute .bin file [21:40] sudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found luke@luke-desktop:~$ /etc/init.d/ssh start bash: /etc/init.d/ssh: No such file or directory [21:40] trashguy: well so do I but I prefer kate to vim :-) [21:40] Gaming4JC: You didn't install it lol [21:40] !ohmy | trashguy [21:40] trashguy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [21:40] mwoehlke, lulz [21:40] lol [21:41] ok let me get it from Repositories [21:41] vaportrailnew123, what's the problem? [21:41] Whats the command line command to change what ubuntu uses for its default java installation? [21:41] Gaming4JC: sudo apt-get install openssh-server [21:41] trashguy: and lynx sux for browsing pics :-) [21:41] how can i go on this Channel: #winehq [21:41] Ive actually been force in to using linux form freebsd [21:41] XRC: /jon #winehq ? [21:41] Gaming4JC: so install sshd first.... [21:41] hi, is there any way to set vinagre to use proxy?? i need to connect to machine 1 and then connect to machine 2 with vinagre [21:41] XRC: /join I mean [21:41] ubuntu seemed to be the best choice with its LTS plan [21:41] well, i used the spm to download and install kismet, but now i dont know how to access the program [21:41] how to run .bin file [21:41] Gpalco: subversion is another pretty heavy-weight application [21:41] vaportrailnew123, spm? [21:41] Gaming4JC: apt-get install openssh-server [21:42] donda: ./file.bin [21:42] donda: Make it executable then run it [21:42] synaptic package manager [21:42] donda: what bin file exactly? [21:42] mwoehlke: why not just try to start it? ;) [21:42] I am very happy i got Veritas Netbackup to run on it even though its not supported [21:42] Whats the command line command to change what ubuntu uses for its default java installation? [21:42] beli: er, if he wants it to start next reboot... [21:42] Gaming4JC: the package ssh is a meta that will pull all the ssh stuff you need [21:42] vaportrailnew123, just open a terminal and type 'kismet' [21:42] beli: sshd isn't in repositories, d you mean ssh?... (not d) [21:42] really? [21:42] mwoehlke: that was next step ;) i just wanted to checkout if it is installed [21:43] Gaming4JC: To get the server specifically you can do sudo apt-get install openssh-server [21:43] NetEcho_: defaul-alternatives -config java [21:43] Gaming4JC: apt-get install openssh-server [21:43] !info openssh-server | Gaming4JC [21:43] gaming4jc: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 248 kB, installed size 660 kB [21:43] wols: jdk-6u5-linux-i586.bin [21:43] Gaming4JC: ssh is the client [21:43] Gaming4JC: probably sshd is in ssh [21:43] oh ok [21:43] thanks [21:43] wow [21:43] Gaming4JC: or listen to beli :P [21:43] i <3 ubuntu [21:43] jussi01: jdk-6u5-linux-i586.bin [21:43] beli: no, ssh is a meta for all of it [21:43] jussi01: oh, fine [21:43] running apt-get install openssh-server now... [21:44] Anyone running zimbra ? [21:44] I am having porblems installing a program [21:44] howlingmadhowie, beli, I wouldlove my companiy's sysadmin to set a database for me give me basic howto on using the sql db with OOO as a frontend (I hope I put it correctly) - but don't think it is going to happen any soon. Using DB instaed of Calc tables gives a lot of new usefull features I, right? What about a GTK Catalog program + sqlite ? A limited solution? Very limited? Is sqlite hard to work with? myql much better? [21:44] !info ssh | beli [21:44] beli: ssh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB [21:44] craig_, which program exactly? [21:44] can somebody tell me a god plc simulator for linux [21:44] beli: luke@luke-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [21:44] I am trying to install Wuala [21:44] Gpalco: for your problem sqlite is ok [21:44] hi all. I'm having problems getting sound in vlc. anyone experienced with vlc? [21:44] Strange error, never had it before. [21:44] yell0w, it says command not found even with sudo [21:45] Gaming4JC: do you have synaptic open? [21:45] craig_, and what kind of problems are you having? [21:45] Gaming4JC: if so, close it first [21:45] hi all, Xorg is constantly using about 20% of one cpu core...is that normal? [21:45] yep [21:45] Gaming4JC: You'll probably want to configure your machine to not allow password logins if you want to be extra safe [21:45] lol [21:45] What's the apt line for canonical on hardy? [21:45] Gaming4JC: and yea, you can't have two package managers open at once [21:45] jussi01: bash: jdk-6u5-linux-i586.bin: command not found [21:45] donda: java is in ubuntu [21:45] Gpalco: you need a simple database and one table...you could use mysql and phpMyAdmin...its a graphical gui and you can sort the table content on your screen with clicks without knowing any sql [21:45] amenado, close all other package managers [21:45] !java | donda [21:45] donda: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [21:45] ASULutzy: How would I set it up to not allow logins (once it is installed)... [21:46] anyone know where I can find the trac site-package for python? I'm not immediately seeing in the apt-cache repos ... [21:46] wols, do you know what the full command is to run default-alternatives -config java ? [21:46] wols: no.should i copy it [21:46] downloading now... [21:46] What's the apt line for canonical on hardy? [21:46] Gpalco, if you take time to learn mysql or postgres it a good asset of knowledge to have === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [21:47] Gpalco: i dont know a tool like you are searching for. but why not search freshmeat or sourceforge... [21:47] yell0w, defaul-alternatives -config java [21:47] yell0w, default-alternatives -config java [21:47] not found [21:47] Gaming4JC: Just google like, setting up a passwordless ssh. Basically what you're going to do is make it so the only way to login to your ssh server is with your private key. For example, my server at home is running ssh, the server ip is I have no problem letting the whole world no that because the odds of them being able to get in are almost non-existent using shared key encryption :) [21:47] NetEcho_: try update-alternatives [21:47] What's the apt line for canonical on hardy? [21:47] interesting problem, other users can't ssh into a remote server but I (who has already ssh'd in) have working access. Why would this be? [21:48] whole world know that* [21:48] ASULutzy: how wrong you are [21:48] derenrich, can you log in again? [21:48] seperate terminal? [21:48] ASULutzy: but maybe we could get in using flaws ;) [21:48] trashguy: nope [21:48] lol ok ASULutzy... WhoNeedszzz?... O_O [21:48] i want to compress some avi files via the gui, which app is best for that? [21:48] Gaming4JC: or, why bother, just set your firewall to only accept to port 22 from your VM [21:48] WhoNeedszzz: well, if they know a sweet 0-day exploit for open ssh why use it to hack my box? They could make millions elsewhere [21:48] does anyone happen to know how to change the nvidia slowdown threshold? 130C is way to hot, my system reboots way before then, I'm thinking 90C is a good emergency slowdown temp [21:48] I recorded some avi files uncompressed and I want to compress them [21:48] mwoehlke: Good idea. [21:49] derenrich, is sshd running? [21:49] What's the apt line for canonical on hardy? [21:49] craig_, ok have you extraced the package yet? [21:49] extracted* [21:49] ASULutzy: i would use your box to hide my trace 0wning some real interesting box ;) [21:49] rexnubulr, gzip file.avi [21:49] Gaming4JC: that's how my home box is set up, port 22 connect only allowed from the LAN or the IP's my work owns (so I can connect from work) [21:49] WhoNeedszzz: And I'm really not that wrong. Shared key encryption is like... The backbone of how the interwebs work :) [21:49] wols, thanks [21:49] trashguy: yep, ps lists it multiple times, perhaps i should add that this only really happens when the server is really loaded [21:50] ASULutzy: it's not that hard to crack shared key encryption [21:50] DRebellion: I want to re-encode to wmv etc. [21:50] I am installing avidemux [21:50] beli, trashguy, mysql and phpMyAdmin - sounds good. I understand phpMyAdmin is a one for all solution, right? I tought maybe there is a frontend like pphpmyadmin, but a sympler one, tuned up for documents db administrating, reading needs. phpmyadmin is web based. Maybe there is GTK based similar program? [21:50] Gpalco: thats why i told you to search in freshmeat or sourgeforge [21:50] WhoNeedszzz: lol, actually it is... You have a 1 in 2^2048 chance of guessing my key. [21:51] WhoNeedszzz: Good luck with that. [21:51] ASULutzy: who said anything about guessing? [21:51] how can i remove a directory in terminal (one with content in it) [21:51] jack-desktop: \rm -rf dirname [21:51] jack-desktop: rm -r [21:52] jack-desktop it is a dangerous command if done wrong [21:52] is there a way of disabling auto-maximizing windows? [21:52] WhoNeedszzz: The keyspace is huge. What else are you going to do? [21:52] do you know a plc simulator for wine [21:52] jack-desktop -r is recursive... make sure you know what all you are deleting [21:52] Gpalco, could always run Access and have an ODBC to mysql lulz [21:52] thanks i was trying to use 'rmdir' [21:52] WhoNeedszzz: Unless you have a quantum computer to try and factor the super gigantic primes [21:52] how to execute .bin file ? [21:52] WhoNeedszzz: Again, good luck with that [21:52] !ot [21:52] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [21:53] adityag: what bin file? [21:53] adityag, chmod + /path/to/file.bin; /path/to/file.bin [21:53] WhoNeeszzz probably has a better method than guessing... [21:53] adityag, chmod +x /path/to/file.bin; /path/to/file.bin [21:53] jack-desktop: rmdir is just for empty dirs [21:53] beli, trashguy, OOO Calc and phpmyadmin do pretty much same thing, but slitly different, right? I can use OOO Base to develop any kind of db on mysql server, right? [21:53] do you know a plc simulator for wine [21:53] Gpalco, yes [21:53] Gpalco, you just connect Base to MySQl [21:53] ok.... does anyone here use kismet? if so, how is my source type config going to look like? currently is source=ipw2100,none,addme [21:54] What's the apt line for canonical on hardy? [21:54] What is canonical?... [21:54] wols: java installer, its a *.bin file [21:54] beli, trashguy, what are the advantages of the OOO Base over phpmyadmin then ? [21:54] a repo [21:54] hola hay un canal en espanol? [21:54] Gpalco: you could also write find or ls output to a file...and then open this file with openoffice calc.....import it..... [21:54] si [21:54] !es | estebandido [21:54] estebandido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [21:55] Gpalco: or you can use a curses based filetool like mc [21:55] WhoNeedszzz would it not be deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner [21:55] hola I no comprenda... perhaps try Ubuntu spanish. [21:55] gracias [21:55] is there a way of disabling auto-maximizing windows? === MidnightJ|AFK is now known as MidnightJ [21:55] Jack_Sparrow: I tried that, it isn't working [21:55] hello everyone [21:55] Gpalco: or you could hire me and i program what you want ;) [21:55] how can i force synaptic to NOT install dependancies, i already compiled them from source [21:55] WhoNeedszzz did you sudo apt-get update after you made the change [21:56] do you know a plc simulator for wine what the name [21:56] Drk_Guy, you'll have to use a switch in apt-get, it's in the manpage [21:56] drk_guy: use dpkg instead [21:56] I am having problems with my printer. If I print in Ubuntu, my black ink comes out blue ish dull, if I print from Windows (running inside Vbox) then my black comes out strong. Why?? [21:56] XRC /join #winehq and ask them [21:56] yé [21:56] is there a key shortcut for xterm in fluxbox [21:56] or that [21:56] Ok gabbler [21:56] Thanks [21:56] Jack_Sparrow: sure did [21:57] WhoNeedszzz no idea why it wouldnt work [21:57] pedro-orang1, wouldn't be villavicencio would you? === zaggy-nl_ is now known as zaggy-nl [21:57] guys when i try to boot the 804 livecd i get an error : ata1.00 status: {DRDY} anybody can help me solve this? [21:58] i'm trying to run azureus but i'm getting these errors in terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/23197/ [21:58] Dial-Up + OpenSSH installation= slowwwww.... 20%... [21:58] beli, you man: program a database with OOO Base, so I could fill it with my docs list? Is it hard to do? Or am I supposedto know to do it myself? [21:58] what is this DIalup you speak of? [21:58] trashguy: :-) [21:58] could anybody suggest playstation emulator? [21:58] Gpalco, you can use Base ase a fornt end for mysql [21:59] trashguy: lol Dial-Up is the worlds slowest internet it connects at a nice speed of 24kbps [21:59] Gaming4JC, my first modem ran at 1200 baud ^^ [21:59] WhoNeedszzz Try deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/ hardy partner [21:59] im not ganster old school enough for a 300 baud [21:59] why dose "apt-get install airsnort" not work anymore its how i use to obtain airsnort all other times [21:59] trashguy: Ouch. lol [22:00] spoon_man: Can't find it [22:00] gabbler: I dont have the deb [22:00] guys how do i find the process thats taking up 100% of my processor [22:00] XB23: top -i [22:00] XB23, top [22:00] XB23: check system > administration > system monitor [22:00] is there a way to see what repo an update is coming from in the update manager? [22:00] Jack_Sparrow: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/dists/hardy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [22:00] how can i force synaptic to NOT install dependancies, i already compiled them from source [22:00] i have a warning about unathenticated packages [22:01] XB23: System>>Administration>>System Monitor might help you. [22:01] peepsalot, apt-cache policy packagename [22:01] XB23 On a fresh install it could be tracker trying to catalogue your drives files [22:01] drk_guy: what are you trying to install? [22:01] how can i install airsnort [22:01] System? I dont have a mouse to click [22:01] gabbler: libemeraldengine0, but i compiled emerald from git, along with compiz [22:01] Drk_Guy, i would try dpkg [22:01] jessica: have you heard of kismet? [22:02] no i havnt gabbler [22:02] spoon_man: I need to download the deb, i dnt have it [22:02] drk_guy: as i and spoon_man said dpkg should do it [22:02] WhoNeedszzz Try deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy partner has to be right.. no idea why it isnt working for you [22:02] Could anyone help me out with Linux Live CDs please? [22:02] White_ReD what is the problem [22:02] jessica: do you mind if i ask what you are trying to do? [22:02] gabbler: sorry, but i DONT HAVE THE DEB ON THE HD [22:02] jessica, are u trying to bust in to someones wifi lol [22:02] trashguy, are mysql dbs usually prepared for users to be used by sysadmins, or it is common for users to symply connect to an already setup and running mysql server with OOO Base, createit's own db and build it from the ground up to his own needs? Is it something computer literate ubuntu users can usually do ??? [22:02] Media check problems [22:02] Again, sorry gabbler [22:02] maybe......hehe [22:02] Jack_Sparrow: i did that one and it doesn't give an error but none of the packages in the repo appear in synaptic [22:03] drk_guy: so where is, maybe im just slow ...;) [22:03] unop, update manager says i can update libdrm2, but it is not authenticated. it looks like it is coming from the main hardy repos as far as i can tell [22:03] Drk_guy are you looking for a .deb of dpkg? [22:03] I've tried Ubuntu, Fedora, Knoppix, and OpenSUSE, None worked :( [22:03] gabbler: It's on repos :) [22:03] drk_guy: can you copy first? [22:03] I'm trying to install a run package, virtualbox, but I get this error: Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel. [22:03] Gaming4JC: DEB [22:03] Well that sidetracked me. Apparently 2048 bit shared key encryption is for noobs :( anyway, who needs help ;) [22:03] gabbler: ??? [22:03] peepsalot, well, what does apt-cache policy libdrm2 tell you? [22:03] I can see my joystick when I lsusb... how can I test to see if it'll work in a game? [22:03] Gpalco, mysql is a real SQL database, you can develop it in itself if you know SQL, using base over mysql just makes it easier for people who do not know SQL [22:03] ASULutzy can you help me out with my Live CD's please [22:04] DrLame: sudo apt-get install jstest [22:04] is there anyway i can get airsnort [22:04] White_ReD: What's the problem with your live-cd specifically? [22:04] ty Drk_Guy [22:04] :) [22:04] or did gabbler mention a tool which will do the same thing [22:04] I've tried ubuntu knoppix suse and fedora [22:04] err [22:04] apt-get install aursnort [22:04] jessica: If you need tools to audit wireless security, sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng [22:04] Gpalco, havign a centralized DB liek MySQL would allow multiple users to connect to it opposed to a static db like base where its accessed as a file by the individual [22:04] !who > White_ReD [22:04] *airsnort [22:04] ubuntu and fedora gave me SPLASHFS Errors [22:04] jessica: as i said it depends what you want to do..? [22:04] Drk_Guy: couldn't find package jstest [22:04] and intergrity check errors and stuff [22:04] !info aircrack-ng | jessica [22:04] is it normal for 32 bit games to take 100% cpu in 64 bit gutsy? halo installs well but runs very bad until it stops working and starcraft i left it install overnight and it only got like wat 5% done installation process done? (with cpu at 100% use) do i have to go to 32 bit? [22:04] how do i edit a text file with terminal? [22:04] jessica: aircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0~beta1-1 (hardy), package size 923 kB, installed size 1684 kB [22:05] I have some questions on trying to get an ubuntu server working as a fileserver and possibly connecting to a wireless network...would anyone have the time to query? [22:05] DrLame: sudo apt-get upgrade may work [22:05] I been a redhat guy since version 6, fedora 9 is crap :( [22:05] guys is there a force kill i can do on ubuntu [22:05] vaportrailnew123 gedit.. or if out of your /home gksudo gedit [22:05] kill pid isnt stopping it [22:05] ty [22:05] White_ReD To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" [22:05] XB23: kill -9 pid [22:05] kill -9 pid [22:05] unop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23201/ === to0x`out is now known as to0x [22:05] White_ReD: If you get integrity check errors then the cd burn is failing [22:05] thanks [22:06] White_ReD: Try burning at a lower speed, or using a different cd burner (and always check the cd integrity before attempting to install) [22:06] dose aircrack-ng do the same as airsnort pretty much ? [22:06] Jack_Sparrow: oh! vmware-server isn't in the hardy repo of canonical yet [22:06] Hi. I was wondering how to change the logon screen resolution? I looked in the forums, and my xorg.conf has mostly default settings and no resolution [22:06] * trashguy umounts vars to see what will happen [22:06] jessica: what do you want to do? [22:06] jessica: heh, this is #ubuntu, not #crackintowireless. Do some research [22:06] White_ReD If trying to install on Dell or HP.. burn VERY slowly [22:06] i said [22:06] trashguy: i guess you cant....cause of open files... [22:06] 36% all! ... luv da speed [22:06] peepsalot, it looks like the update is coming in from the ppa repo at launchpad -- which explains why the update is not authenticated -- it probably is safe to install this package [22:06] Jack_Sparrow: ok so it did work, thanks [22:06] jessica You are crossing the line of what we allow in here [22:06] anyone here have a decent apache setup? i have "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" even though i specified a domain name for ServerName that resolves to my wan ip, wtf? [22:06] jessica: Maybe you should explain what exactly you need to do and then we could help you with that? [22:06] it is because i know airsnort dose it and now i get a stupid message when trying to get it thorugh apt [22:07] unop, what is ppa [22:07] WhoNeedszzz np [22:07] Jack_Sparrow do you know how I could fix the SPLASHFS Errors? === JayTeKay is now known as JayTeKay`off [22:07] 38%!!! Fast download rate... xD [22:07] beli, ^^ [22:07] i want airsnort on my hardy system [22:07] White_ReD did you self test the cd? [22:07] getting this error "bash: jdk-6u5-linux-i586.bin: command not found"  while executing "chmod +x *.bin; *.bin" , its a java installer .bin file [22:07] so besides connecting to sql server db, OOO Base can also create it's own sql db in a file locally, right? Any limits on that db? besids, it can only be accessed by one user? I will be pretty much the only one using the db. Would you suggest that I creat it locally? [22:07] jessica: and you want to do what with airsnort? [22:07] White_ReD did you md5 your download [22:07] White_ReD: If your cd is failing the self-test nothing is going to work. You need to make sure the cd burned 100% properly [22:07] Gpalco, its not SQL if i recall [22:07] adityag: ./*.bin [22:07] Is there a way to install both vmware server and player? [22:07] uh.. Jack_Sparrow what's that? Sorry I'm new to Linux [22:07] jessica: it's illegal to run remote cracking utilities unless you plan to run it on your own system to test. [22:07] trashguy, so besides connecting to sql server db, OOO Base can also create it's own sql db in a file locally, right? Any limits on that db? besids, it can only be accessed by one user? I will be pretty much the only one using the db. Would you suggest that I creat it locally? [22:08] get network package's [22:08] I've got MD5 Checker [22:08] !md5 [22:08] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [22:08] adityag: why don [22:08] and erm yes im using it to do a system test.......lol [22:08] jessica: ok use aircrack-ng [22:08] peepsalot, the PPA is a repository maintained by a whole lot of individuals who need the latest versions of packages that ubuntu cannot provide officially - it is not endorsed by ubuntu [22:08] maxb: dint get you [22:08] adityag: why don't you install from the repositories? [22:08] jessica: its the further development of aircrack [22:08] Gpalco, how are yopu planning to scale what your doing? [22:08] !java | adityag [22:08] adityag: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [22:08] i already have its CD [22:08] thanks [22:08] dose aircrack have a front end ? [22:08] like a GUI [22:08] jessica: No. Thank god. [22:08] jessica: yes [22:08] jessica, if they are using WPA or WPA2 youwill have an intersting time trying to break in [22:08] what would an example of an interface be? in relation to a wireless networking card [22:09] This is definitely offtopic. #ubuntu isn't for cracking tutorials [22:09] jessica: Unless it is your own computer on your own network you cannot run the tool.... [22:09] unop, ok thank you [22:09] yes i picked up that bit you mentiond it eariler [22:09] ASULutzy: its not neccessarily for cracking... [22:09] Gaming4JC, you can run any tool you want [22:09] maxb: what ./*.bin ? [22:09] vaportrailnew123: eth0 eth1 or whatever if you run ifconfig one should mention wireless abilities [22:09] Bonjour :) [22:09] I'm trying to install a run package, virtualbox, but I get this error: Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel. [22:09] adityag: When you run a command on Linux, it does *not* search in the current directory by default. You need a ./ prefix to tell it that you want to run something in the current directory. [22:09] ah thanks! [22:09] ASULutzy: its like a knife...you could kill with it or just make your bread [22:09] beli: She specifically intimated that she would not be using it for any whitehat purposes. So I'm not going to help her :) [22:10] Gaming4JC, ethics is a different story ^^ [22:10] :P... [22:10] vaportrailnew123: sorry, iwconfig [22:10] sorry if anyone tried to query me earlier i just finished registering [22:10] Dezine, run this command. sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) [22:10] maxb: should i use a period before that path ? ok [22:10] adityag: The reason is so that, for example, if someone puts a script called "ls" in a directory, you don't possibly get tricked into running it [22:10] thanks man, that did the trick ^^ [22:10] uh oh, things are going to get ugly [22:10] xddd [22:10] jessica, its more fun to send deauths to all the aps anyways [22:10] good going Jack_Sparrow === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [22:10] is it possible to makee wine x86_64 not use 100% cpu wen running x86 games? [22:11] watch out or Jack'll get you jessica. ;D [22:11] lol [22:11] s3a use cedega ^^ [22:11] mmm ok [22:11] I don't really know how to go about configuring ubuntu server [22:11] those of you, if any, who've used photorec ... is there a way to specify a string to search for in addition to specifying file format? [22:11] Or I will call u a n008 [22:11] jessica: have you tried the gutsy deb? http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/i386/airsnort/download [22:11] trashguy: i want free stuff tho [22:11] hanks khari [22:11] *thanks [22:11] s3a, again ethics ^^ === Bl4ckcomb_ is now known as Bl4ckcomb [22:11] Nimblefinger, lost in the cli/ [22:11] ? [22:11] jessica: afaik wireshark has that built in [22:11] irc://irc.synirc.net/boktaionline [22:12] trashguy sorta [22:12] 47%... [22:12] hello,is there any software that can join pictures: the thing to scan is too big and doesn't fit inside the scanner... === chaky_ is now known as chaky [22:12] Saw that coming [22:12] hi, since I switched to ubuntu I'm missing a program that could open a database file I have, it's as sdf file MS SQL Server for pocket pc. Is there anyway to read this file? [22:12] ubu: gimp [22:12] Nimblefinger, you should master the cli ^^ its the only way, what do you need help with? [22:12] ubu: sure, you can stitch images together with gimp [22:12] Is there a way to install both vmware server and player? [22:13] zdux00tv: I'd like to know the answer to that too. I know that open office has a base app that will let you play around with some database stuff, but I don't know that you can do anything with MSSQL [22:13] Qemu is better of you doing personal stuff [22:13] Jack_Sparrow: Funny it says requested to leave, I think that was more of a kick then a request lol. ;) [22:13] beli, soundray is there a program that is made for making 380 degrees panormas that i can use? so it is automatic [22:13] Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-headers-2.6.24-17-rt [22:13] um well its the networking stuff im really unsure on....I can't find the commands i need [22:13] she didn't know how to spell "does" anyway [22:13] whoneedszzz: have you tried virtualbox? [22:13] s3a: I think wine is 32-bit.. no matter how you compile it.. (not that it matters for your question.. ) [22:13] Nimblefinger, what are you trying to do/ [22:13] ASULutzy, I'd be ok with a text based interface, are you on the same boat there? [22:13] beli, soundray or mabe some gimp scripts... [22:13] still can't find package jstest, Drk_Guy =/ [22:14] Hey! :) [22:14] gabbler: nope [22:14] ubu: dunno....but search freshemat or sourceforge [22:14] zdux00tv: Yea, I mean to be honest I doubt I'll use any tool in Ubuntu more than say SSRS or the SQLServer management tools [22:14] Gaming4JC It was clear HE was up to no good [22:14] ubu, there is a gimmp chan [22:14] How do I find out what release of ubuntu I'm using?\ [22:14] zdux00tv: More just for curiosity [22:14] i want to try and get it to show any sign of connection through an ethernet cable firstly [22:14] DrLame: Open up synaptic and search for joystick, you will find it [22:14] maxb: thank you!!! [22:14] ubu: for gimp, there's pandora. There's another tool called hugin [22:14] hmm kill -9 wont delete a file will it? [22:14] ohzie: lsb_release -a [22:14] kk, ty [22:14] whoneedszzz: really good, free and has headless modes, rdp server stuff really cool [22:14] soundray, thanks [22:14] ubu: 'apt-cache search panorama' [22:14] XB23: nope.. can't think of a situation where it would [22:14] XB23: it will... ;) but not as you think.......it will just kill the process [22:14] Question 2: Is there an easy way to upgrade from feisty to the latest stable? [22:14] Slart: on linux ANYTHING is based on files [22:14] Jack_Sparrow: Yes I agree. Except you need a more aggressive kick message. lol [22:14] ASULutzy, you have a point, I just want to get to the data of this old file, once it's out I'll be happy [22:15] ifconfig shows nothing, but earlier whilst i was toying i managed to get it to connect to both my wireless network and across the network [22:15] gabbler: does sound,video, and wireless work right on it? [22:15] XB23: it could kill a process, an editor for example, before it has a chance to save though [22:15] Drk_Guy: joystick =) [22:15] 53% of open ssh... [22:15] beli: ah.. yes.. it would delete a file or two somewhere in the /proc tree.. [22:15] zdux00tv: Sorry I missed your first message, what format is it stored in? .bak or ? [22:15] Gaming4JC: go go go :) [22:15] DrLame: lol [22:15] Slart: ;) right [22:15] whoneedszzz: what do you mean by wireless? [22:15] gabbler: wifi [22:15] Nimblefinger, so you want to see the link state of your nic? [22:15] ASULutzy, it's an sdf file created by pocket pc's sql server [22:15] beli: I was thinking of regular files.. like documents and such === Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|AFK [22:16] whoneedszzz: wifi from your laptop to the virtual machine? [22:16] unop, I get, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-headers-2.6.24-17-rt [22:16] gabbler: no wifi in the virtual machine [22:16] buenas [22:16] Slart: nope....but -9 or -KILLHUP is the hardcore methode to stop a process...the application just stops....it doesnt care about open files and stuff anymore [22:16] gabbler: no wifi in the virtual machine [22:16] trashguy, al i need it for is a quick intuitive access to a document seved on my computer locally. So I could symply choose a date, or contractors name, or type of doc and here I get all documents that match that category listed. Doesn't seem too complicated, so I guess someone already developed something like this, or at least gave this functionality a name, but I don't know that it is! What would a program like that be called? I've seen some movies, books [22:17] Dezine, hmm - try this then - sudo aptitude install linux-headers [22:17] zdux00tv: I really don't know of any tools off the top of my head that can handle MSSQL in Ubuntu. Short of using a VM with a Windows OS installed and using SQL Server Express tools or something, I don't know, maybe someone else does... If you find a way to do it, let me know :) [22:17] beli: I agree totally.. [22:17] whoneedszzz: does vmware support wifi i thought it was only an ethnert [22:17] ASULuty, sure thx [22:17] gpalco, would you mind terribly using PMs for PHP stuff? [22:17] gabbler: i'm not sure, i don't think vmware supports wifi [22:17] Slart: i wanted to tell that the other guy...what was his name? [22:17] gabbler: VMware doesn't NOT support wifi, specifically [22:17] Gpalco, yea base would be fine for that application [22:17] beli: XB23 [22:17] Says nothing will be installed [22:18] Jack_Sparrow: Just a note: 'jessica left the room (requested by Jack_Sparrow).' Needs to be: 'jessica left the room (bam! by Jack_Sparrow).' sounds cooler. :D [22:18] XB23: what do you want to do at all? [22:18] whoneedszzz: i don't think it does either, nat, bridge or host [22:18] Slart: thx [22:18] ohzie: that makes no sense [22:18] I'm assuming it isn't a good idea to unmount my /home directory to resize it and the root partition while i'm running from them. Any thoughts? [22:18] gabbler: specifically, if you set up a bridge between your computer's wifi and the VM's ethernet, then it works. [22:18] Gaming4JC Enough offtopic.. thanks [22:18] spoon_man, what is PMs for PHP stuff ? [22:18] yah ok... [22:18] jetrost: I would say it isn't.. perhaps boot from a live cd to do that? [22:18] !help upgrade feisty [22:18] ohzie: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:18] jetrost use gparted livecd or ubuntulivecd [22:18] Crap. [22:18] !upgrade | ohzie [22:18] ohzie: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [22:18] jetrost, you cannot resize a partition if its contents are in use .. you really ought to resize the partition offline [22:19] Slart: Thank you! [22:19] ohzie: yea i know, i thought there was a brand new feature i had never seen, i use vmware :) [22:19] gabbler: Oh okay! [22:19] gpalco, private messages -- it's just that this channel is moving very quickly, and big blocks of text that aren't related to the topic make it difficult to address ubuntu-specific issues other people may be having [22:19] jetrost: Just to add more emphasis, don't do anything fsck'y or partition-change-y to a mounted filesystem. You'll own it. [22:19] whoneedszzz: virtualbox is like vmware in alot of ways but is also more configurable [22:19] Drk_Guy: I have now. jstest tells me: Usage: jstest [] I know what to put for mode, but I can't figure out what to put for device... [22:20] Gpalco: your problem is too individual....you need someone to code a simple program for you [22:20] gabbler: i don't have a problem with vmware. i just need to install both server and player [22:20] If I upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, and then immediately upgrade from that to the H one, will I run into any huge problems? [22:20] Jack_Sparrow, unop, Slart thanks. I'll figure out how to boot the LiveCD without actually having a LiveCD. :P [22:20] when you install one, the other gets uninstalled [22:20] DrLame: First joystick always goes into /dev/input/js0 [22:20] ohzie: probably not, if you follow the upgrade guide [22:20] aha [22:20] ohzie: if it was my machine, I'd do a fresh install, though [22:21] !coc [22:21] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [22:21] whoneedszzz: why do you need both, personally i use pro so am not sure what each does [22:21] Just out of curiosity is there a community #ubuntu-off-topic?... [22:21] gabbler: don't you have to pay for pro? [22:21] Gaming4JC: #ubuntu-offtopic [22:21] !ot [22:21] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [22:21] Gaming4JC: #ubuntu-offtopic oddly enough [22:21] Is there any way of renewing my ip address without disconnecting my modem? I have wired connection to router that connected to a modem... [22:21] bbl [22:21] hi all -- my Ubuntu machine is connected to a WIFI network (1 floor above) using a PCI WIFI card --- but youtube etc. play really slow and lots of buffering -- my laptop (winxp) work sjust fine -- I have a really fast UPC 20 mbit connection... -- what makes Ubuntu so slow?/ [22:21] hmm I'll have to check it out lol [22:21] whoneedszzz: yes but i got one from work [22:21] ohzie: upgrades are always a bit tricky.. most of the time it works.. but then there are those other times ... don't upgrade unless you've got some spare time to fix things that go wrong [22:22] whoneedszzz: but i have now switched to virtualbox anyway :) [22:22] I've got today and a few hours tomorrow night. =) [22:22] gabbler: ah. Is the quality of video and sound good on virtualbox? [22:22] and I can always reconf the machine to just boot into windows, if I absolutely have to. :[ [22:22] Thank you guys so much! =) [22:22] jetrost, it might be possible to restart the system - log in as root (not via sudo or the user) and carry on resizing the partition (/home is not used if root logs in) - but it'd still be safer doing this offline [22:22] whoneedszzz: exactly like vmware, it install tools and everything just like vmware [22:22] RonLu2: not unless there is a web interface or something with the modem.. if I understood you correctly you do not control the modem from the computer? [22:22] Oh quick question, actually [22:22] whoneedszzz: video acceleration etc etc [22:23] gabbler: ah ok. what all do i need to install for it? [22:23] is it possible to setup a portland screen with nvidia drivers? [22:23] I've mainly stuck away from upgrading because I just haven't had a reason. I'm mostly curious what the new versions have [22:23] whoneedszzz: but if you need vmware things then stick with vmware [22:23] WhoNeedszzz: You can play video and sound just fine with virtualbox inside a guest operating system. Obviously 3d stuff doesn't work so hot, but watching youtube videos in internet explorer inside of virtualbox definitely works [22:23] Slart: I do control the router... but the modem I think no. The modem is providing me the ip address I guess.... [22:23] Is there any HUGE upgrade from 7.04 to 8.x that I'm missing? [22:23] or is it just general software updates? [22:24] ASULutzy: ack! you mentioned the browser from he**! [22:24] so close... 70%. So once I get sssh running all I need to do is run the start command right?... [22:24] whoneedszzz: one virtualbox deb, a couple of bridgeing debs for the interfaces, and then do the config to setup the bridge, if you use nat there is no config [22:24] And then I need to set it up so I can login from my qemu... [22:24] Gaming4JC: you need to install the package [22:24] RonLu2: sounds reasonable.. most routers have a dhcp-server built-in [22:24] ohzie, you have to go to 7.10 before going to 8.04 [22:24] WhoNeedszzz: Yea, IE is my least favorite browser out of FF and Opera, but IE7 is world's better than its predecessors in almost every regard. [22:24] gabbler: what packages? like the modules? [22:25] Gaming4JC: it will automagically start sshd for you afterwards ;) [22:25] RonLu2: I assume you meant renew your external ip-address? [22:25] ASULutzy: IE7 is horrible, i have no idea what you're talking about [22:25] unop, ok thanks for the advice. I'm tempted to try it the way you suggested just for the fun of it, though. :) [22:25] RonLu2: not the one your computer gets from the modem, right? [22:25] can someone help me figure out why -19 kernel broke my cdrom. It mounts fine in -14 kernel but gives an error in the latest kernel [22:25] how to install .sh file [22:25] whoneedszzz: .deb packages [22:25] spoonman: I know that. Eventually I wanna be at 8.04 though, and I'm just curious if there's a huge upgrade to keep me motivated while it downloads. :X [22:25] Gaming4JC: and set it up to start it each time you start ubuntu ;) [22:25] donda: you don't install .sh files.. you run them.. [22:25] ok ;) [22:25] WhoNeedszzz: I didn't say it was good. I said it was much better than its predecessors. [22:25] gabbler: i know! what specific packages? [22:25] donda: sudo sh thatfile.sh [22:25] question: what is the command to start kde4 from a console? [22:25] Paladine: any errors in the dmesg? [22:26] yes [22:26] donda: avoid it when you can... what are you installing? [22:26] jetrost, i wash my hands off of this .. as i would only resort to doing this if i couldnt do it offline somehow -- and please be careful :) [22:26] Paladine: nopaste them [22:26] donda: ./file.sh [22:26] hi all [22:26] when i try to mount a nfs export [22:26] Hellodafe. [22:26] beli, thank you veri much! This solves my delema. Just oneBIG question: what coding language would be best solution for it? I meen how skilled a programer would need to be to develop a symple program for my needs? Cat it be done with Mono (I hear it is very popular now and can be used with ubuntu out of the box)? Just have someone do it for me in OOO Base? A GTK frontend to mysql (I think I met something like that for other needs)? What's best and easiest? [22:26] it shows me this message [22:26] Slart: yes... the external [22:26] mount.nfs: mount to NFS server 'rpcbind' failed: RPC Error: Unable to receive [22:26] mount.nfs: internal error [22:27] unop, duly noted. :) i wont come haunt you when i kill myself with your advice. :) [22:27] ohzie, well, 8.04 has the Wubi installer and PulseAudio, amond other things [22:27] *among [22:27] jetrost, you'll need to enable the root password (not recommended) and disable the gdm from starting up - and use startx when you log into root (not recommended again) [22:27] Oooh what's wubi? [22:27] Gpalco: depends on taste...i would do a webbased application with php or use python for a standalone app [22:27] btw, why my nick is changing all the time? Ronlu1, RonLu2, RonLu3 and etc? I do identify [22:27] brb google [22:27] question: what is the command to start kde4 from a console? [22:27] Hey guys, need a hand here. Just decided to jump on the ubuntu wagon and installed 8.04 64 bit version, fine. I just installed the nvidia driver with a 24 inch acer display, and now my screen has gone big and is offset to the right, but the resolution should be 1920x1280 according to the system and the screen can handle it. What happened? [22:28] Oh wow that's kind of sketch. O_o [22:28] but neet [22:28] =P [22:28] mon^rch, startx after editing ~/.xinitirc to work with KDE4 [22:28] WhoNeedszzz:bash: netbeans-6.1-linux.sh: command not found [22:28] Guest1763: no auto-setting or something on the screen itself? you can type !res in here and the bot will give you a link or two about setting resolutions [22:28] beli, lots of this type of stuff in dmesg http://www.pastebin.ca/1056727 [22:28] donda: head -1 netbeans-6.1-linux.sh [22:29] donda: ok then sh file.sh [22:29] beli, a python app would connect to mysql, or use a sqlite db? any difference? [22:29] whoneedszz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [22:29] donda: why don't you install netbeans from the repositories [22:29] !tcp/ip [22:29] ? [22:29] Factoid tcp/ip not found [22:29] Gpalco: you can connect to anything using modules or via plain tcp/ip...python is just the coding language [22:29] Guest1763: shouldn't it be 1920x1200? [22:29] !tcpip [22:29] Factoid tcpip not found [22:29] whoneedszz: but don't use the ose version download the peronal deb from virtualbox [22:29] :( [22:29] threede2: looking for anything in particular? [22:30] Pulseaudio is more than enough. [22:30] brb upgrading. [22:30] K-neo: Sorry it is. My bad. [22:30] nope, just wondered if its a factoid :) [22:30] donda: 'sudo apt-get install netbeans' -- much less trouble than bypassing the package manager [22:30] donda: Or use eclipse :P [22:30] threede2: there is a web-page somewhere with all the factoids if you're just bored =) [22:30] Guest1763: did you use the proprietary driver? [22:30] !network [22:30] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [22:30] !factoid [22:30] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [22:31] Paladine: looks like its using wrong dma mode.... [22:31] unop, if i had gparted (or another partitioner) in windows, could i boot to windows and modify the other partitions safely? [22:31] Where to go for programming help??? I mean witch IRC [22:31] Hello. Can someone tell me how to enable root account (and make password) on new newly installed ubuntu 8.04 please? [22:31] beli, any idea how to fix it? [22:31] I have spent over 10 hours on this issue since I upgraded earlier today [22:31] zendo: Use sudo [22:31] zendo: nope.. but we can tell you not to =) [22:31] zendo: passwd [22:31] zendo: try !root or !sudo for some bot nagging =) [22:31] Guest1763: oh sorry, forget that one, I assumed, that you use nvidia as me ;) [22:32] beli, trashguy, thank you SO VERY much! Now I have a MUCH better understanding of what I need. Though it doesn't seem to be available. Thank you SO much guys! [22:32] K [22:32] Paladine: you didnt do anything to your hardware? like switch cable? [22:32] -neo: Yes. The one offered througn "hardware drivers" under "system" [22:32] Gpalco: yw [22:32] anyone here use stalonetray? [22:32] ASULutzy: I really need to enable it, I used to, but I installed new copy and cant remember how I did it [22:32] Gpalco, mess with base and see if you can create what you need [22:32] beli, nope, all I did was automatic updates, if I switch back to -14 kernel it works fine [22:32] ASULutzy: it is asking for jvm [22:32] Paladine: ok [22:32] zendo: Why do you need to enable it? sudo works for pretty much everything :) [22:33] donda: Yea, you need a java virtual machine to use java stuff :) [22:33] zendo: use passwd [22:33] zendo: why do you need root (I'm asking because I used to think I needed it...) [22:33] ok I found out how [22:33] hi all can any one help me update mplayer to the latest svn? [22:33] gabbler: thanks [22:33] zendo: the root password isn't set by default.. and it shouldn't be.. but I think you can use passwd to enable it.. check the man page for syntax.. and think again before using it.. please [22:33] jetrost, errm, i've never heard of gparted working in windows (or well) -- but yea, that's the idea, you want to have done this offline, so working from windows should be fine [22:34] I'm not some novice I use Linux for years, I just can get used to Ubuntu in this (which btw I approve, ordinary users shouldnt use root account). I merely forgot how to do it [22:34] thanks [22:34] ASULutzy: i have installed jvm 6 [22:34] zendo: I was using root for more than ten years before I saw the light ;) [22:35] K-neo: I am using nvidia... [22:35] any ideas beli? [22:35] zendo: Not to keep nagging, but you can use sudo -i to get a root terminal without actually logging in as root [22:35] !madwifi [22:35] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [22:35] soundray: it bothers me when adept notifiers asks me for root password and I dont know what to type in lol [22:35] unop, thanks again. i'll try that! toodles! [22:35] Paladine: show me dmesg | grep -i dma [22:35] I don't see videos in youtube... I do have flash plugin installed. what can be the problem? [22:36] yes I know it's sudo asking me for my (user) pass, but still... [22:36] RonL [22:36] RonLu2: well.. flash is a bit of a problem in itself.. you've got the adobe flash plugin? not gnash or something else? [22:36] RonLu2: which flash plugin do you have? [22:36] Guest1763: so try proprietary driver. I'm in terminal now, so sorry, I can't tell you where it is in menu. Try to find it somwhere. Proprietary one worked for me better. [22:36] Guest1763: go to a terminal and type gksudo displayconfig-gtk [22:36] soundray: that command starts downloading from internet [22:36] beli: http://www.pastebin.ca/1056730 <- just the same error over and over [22:36] RonLu2, if you just installed the ubuntu restricted extras it works [22:37] RonLu2: enter 'about:plugins' as the URL if you're not sure [22:37] see if your monitor is listed, if so, select it and click test [22:37] ASULutzy:i have insatlled java virtual machine 6 [22:37] K-neo: I am using the proprietary driver... [22:37] donda: yes, it gets the .deb installer from the Ubuntu repository [22:37] soundray: but i have got it on cd [22:37] soundray: Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124 [22:37] Paladine: hdparm -d /dev/sr0 === PoLiMaRsPaRvIeRo is now known as Cristian [22:38] Slart: I have only flash player... gnash is better? [22:38] donda: install it from CD by all means, but you'll have fewer troubles in the long run if you stick to the package management [22:38] Guest1763: hmm... do you know how to edit xorg.conf? [22:38] I am trying to transfer a file via bluetooth to my phone in ubuntu and I keep getting this error There was an error copying the file [22:38] uh ... does ubuntuforums.org have a database error? [22:38] beli: http://www.pastebin.ca/1056732 [22:38] RonLu2: is there any other relevant plugin, like gnash? [22:38] RonLu2: well.. from a user experience point of view.. no... but it's all open source.. which is good in the long run [22:39] soundray:how to install .sh file from cd [22:39] Sure I do, I just don't understand why that should be necessary with nvidia's own driver. [22:39] soundray: maybe this one: Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.22.1 video/flv [22:39] donda: the package manager is win, I'd do what soundray said ;) [22:40] I am trying to transfer a file via bluetooth to my phone in ubuntu and I keep getting this error There was an error copying the file. Is there a way to transfer the file via bluetooth? [22:40] Paladine: erm you need to use the old style ide device... [22:40] donda: change to the directory on the CD with cd, then run 'bash file.sh' [22:40] ASULutzy: ok [22:40] Paladine: like hdb or hdc..... [22:40] RonLu2: no, that one won't conflict [22:40] beli, it was seeing it as /dev/hda prior to updates [22:40] soundray: so.... I just see grey screen in the place of the flash player in youtube [22:41] Paladine: hda? hda should really be your first harddrive [22:41] my hd's are sata [22:41] barbara: how are you currently trying to send the file? (ie, right click and 'send to' or browsing the phone and drag+drop) [22:41] Paladine: but ok...hdparm -d /dev/hda [22:41] Paladine: ok [22:41] gdhagger drag and drop [22:42] barbara: see if right clicking the file gives you the 'sent to->bluetooth' option [22:42] Guest1763: did you try gksudo displayconfig-gtk [22:42] soundray: it says jvm not found [22:42] RonLu2: I'm not sure what's wrong then. Have you restarted firefox? [22:42] Guest1763: I don't know... try to check xorg.conf, make sure there is your resolution at first place: Modes "1920x1200"... [22:43] gdhagger Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exis [22:43] barbara: ok... don't know that one. sorry [22:44] donda: you did install Sun Jave, though? [22:44] soundray: tried that already... [22:44] fucking spaniard [22:44] hate them [22:44] !language | ubuntugeek [22:44] ubuntugeek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [22:44] soundray:i installed jvm 6 [22:44] RonLu2: are you using 64 bit version? [22:44] K-neo: can't see it in /etc. What's the exact path in Ubuntu? [22:44] Paladine: got some output? [22:44] Algyz: yes [22:45] FUCKING SPANIARD, DID YOU HERE ME? [22:45] wth [22:45] RonLu2: sometimes there are problems, how much ram do you have? [22:45] Guest1763: /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [22:45] K-neo: sorry, got it.. [22:45] !ops | ubuntugeek abuse [22:45] ubuntugeek abuse: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! [22:45] Guest1763: :) [22:45] Algyz: 2GB :-O [22:46] beli, I might have a fix via bug #228624 [22:46] Launchpad bug 228624 in linux "DVD writer not working since hardy upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228624 [22:46] !kb ubuntugeek [22:46] Factoid kb ubuntugeek not found [22:46] oi [22:46] RonLu2: well, there's not necessary to use 64 bit version, you can try to install 32 bit browser [22:46] Paladine: hmm dunno...my aim was to disable dma...to see if it works.....when yes....enabling it again and set io23_support = 0 [22:46] Algyz: Is that the problem? the browser? [22:47] Paladine: or use some user defindes -X modes [22:47] K-neo: ??? doesn't contain any modes. Very short file. [22:47] 64bit...despite soaring fuel prices and rising grocery prices, I'm very tempted to get a 64-bit system Real Soon Now [22:47] RonLu2: are you on a 64bit system? [22:47] RonLu2: sometimes there are problems with flash on 64 bits, because there's no flashplugin for 64 bits [22:47] Guest1763: so add them. and btw did you use the nvidia utility to set the resolution? [22:49] soundray: yes...... [22:49] K-neo: the file: http://pastebin.com/m78ddec5 [22:49] Does anyone know why my typing hangs? Its happens alot and im starting to lose my sanity [22:49] RonLu2: did you install flash from the Ubuntu repository? [22:50] How can I set a static IP for my wifi? I tried the manual config, but it doesn't see my wifi. I'm on wireless now though. [22:50] beli - brb gonna try this [22:50] K-neo. The... "utility"? Where is it in the menu? or is it necessary to pick it up? [22:50] dell inspiron 8200.. typing just hangs frequently in Feisty and Gutsy [22:50] how do i view quicktime? [22:50] jascott, run top and see if anything is hammering your cpu [22:50] 99%... oh so close... [22:50] Paladine: what? the all_generic_ide=0 ? [22:51] soundray: I installed it first when I went to youtube and it said I need to install plugins to make videos work.. I installed flash plugin and now it doesn't work :\ [22:51] does anyone know where the dictionary file is located? [22:51] hey, for some reason when I mencoder audio from dvd:// it has a/v sync issues [22:51] hi how can i find what version of compiz im running? [22:51] mencoder dvd:// -o bob.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc [22:51] and tried with -oac copy as well [22:51] stringCheese, /usr/share/dict* === Anthraxdk is now known as Anthraxdk^ [22:51] thanks [22:52] RonLu2: uninstall the plugin with firefox, then exit firefox. Run 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree', then start firefox again. [22:52] !openldap [22:52] Factoid openldap not found [22:52] ads_: compiz-check --version [22:52] openldap is a beast [22:52] Hello all [22:52] trashguy: no it isn't ;) [22:52] Can someone help me mount my external hard drive? [22:53] RonLu2: this procedure will adapt the 32bit plugin for your 64bit browser. [22:53] Jant, try migrating 8000+ unix accounts to ldap [22:53] beli: I installed and started sshd. [22:53] now what?... [22:53] Gaming4JC: congrats [22:53] :) [22:53] trashguy: you're going to want a fairly solid backend for that ;-) [22:53] Guest1763: strange xorg.conf file. but I had similar. go to terminal, and run sudo X -configure. It will create new xorg.conf. backup the previous one, and try to use the new one. [22:53] * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ] [22:53] runs on freebsd [22:54] Gaming4JC: try ssh localhost [22:54] well a few freebsd machines [22:54] freebsd rocks even more than ubuntu [22:54] trashguy: which database server? [22:54] jant: depends [22:54] hmm [22:54] says it is unsure of connecting [22:54] I told it connect anyway [22:54] now it needs a password [22:54] There seem to be various fonts which don't antialias at small sizes, but I would prefer it if they did. Does anyone know something nice I can add to my .fonts.conf or something so that fonts are (subpixel) antialiased at all sizes? [22:54] beli: well it does, but i like bsd :) [22:54] How do I extract a multi part rar archive? [22:54] beli: can't help it :P [22:55] jant: i like bsd too...but i like netbsd most [22:55] beli: thanks man appreciated [22:55] Gaming4JC: that would be the password you normally use to log in with ;-) [22:55] ads_: yw [22:55] beli: yeah, NetBSD rocks [22:55] Guest1763: what's your Acer monitor model? [22:55] anyway seems like slapd doesn't support tls in 8.04 LTS [22:55] beli: I think I've booted NetBSD on every machine I own that has a port of it ;-) [22:55] am i corrent ? [22:55] Does anyone know how to get Youtube videos to play in full screen without being choppy? [22:55] beli: http://pastebin.ca/1056756 I'm on check the log. :D [22:55] How do I extract a multi part rar archive? [22:56] L1nc01n: it's a limitation of flash [22:56] linkmaster03, clicking on any of the rar files should start the extraction process, provided you have the rar software [22:56] L1nc01n: the flash codec is computationally expensive, and inefficient [22:56] Khari: P243w - very recent model. [22:56] beli - adding all_generic_ide=1 to menu.lst fixed it [22:56] linkmaster03: command line? or using file-roller? [22:56] Guest1763: I don't remember, if there was nvidia-setup utility, I think I copied that from another distro. try to typein terminal nvidia-setup, or nvidia-settings. if that doesn't work, it doesn't exist (probably). so you have got these options (at least): [22:56] gordonjcp: its not just that...the ports are well, the community too and it has best scalability in my eyes...and it is very secure.....and not that b0rken like openbsd [22:56] linkmaster03: I usually just open the first file and extract from there [22:56] gordonjcp, So you can't fix it? [22:56] Paladine: well yes, but you are not on fast dma mode now... [22:56] !rar | linkmaster03 [22:56] linkmaster03: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [22:56] L1nc01n: not really [22:57] L1nc01n: put it this way, it's been choppy on every machine I've tried [22:57] gordonjcp, that sucks [22:57] !botsnack [22:57] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [22:57] lol [22:57] lol.. [22:57] Gaming4JC: nice...so sshd is running...now you can use sftp too [22:57] L1nc01n: it's specifically the flash implementation - mplayer will play FLVs quite happily at full screen no problem [22:57] RonLu2: how are you getting on? [22:57] gordonjcp, Why does it work so well on windows and mac?? argh [22:57] linkmaster03: try file roller, and make sure you have unrar installed [22:58] Guest1763: 1. try to find help on ubuntu forum (mostly works, these questions were already solved many times) 2. downolad driver from nvidia.com, install it manualy. [22:58] beli: So now that I got it what is my IP username and pass that I can connect to from Windows?... [22:58] Gaming4JC: sftp and scp are the *only* sane way to move files to remote servers ;-) [22:58] L1nc01n: don't know about Windows (never used it) but on a Mac it's just as bad [22:58] L1nc01n: because Adobe prefers those platforms [22:58] or virtual consoles. [22:58] :P [22:58] Gaming4JC: erm...you need to be in the same network and have routing working [22:58] Gaming4JC: same as you normally log in with [22:58] Gaming4JC: check ifconfig output for your ip [22:58] gordonjcp: so how would you go about playing the videos on mplayer [22:59] Gaming4JC: and then get a client for windows that supports sftp.... [22:59] anyone know how to close ipp ? [22:59] L1nc01n: get one of the youtube downloader plugins for firefox [22:59] what movie plugin seems to be working best? mplayer? [22:59] Gaming4JC, WinScP does [22:59] L1nc01n: download the file and run 'mplayer -fs file.flv' [22:59] ok [22:59] Gaming4JC, www.winscp.com [22:59] gordonjcp: NEVER used windows?? haha. Well, I've watched flash videos on mac and windows lots of times and it never seems to be a problem [22:59] afallenhope: what do you mean "close"? [22:59] soundray: Working :) thanks... [22:59] gordonjcp, as in.. I don't want it open/ [22:59] .net? [23:00] L1nc01n: well, I haven't used Windows since either 95 or 98 was current [23:00] beli, it is using udma2 now [23:00] Gaming4JC, possibly lol I don't knw it off hand [23:00] afallenhope: stop running the server then [23:00] hello [23:00] gordonjcp, I don't know what's running it [23:00] lol [23:00] ok so once ssh is running [23:00] which it is [23:00] RonLu2: always use Ubuntu repos when you have a choice :) [23:00] I install WinSCP [23:00] gordonjcp, nvm [23:00] but then what's all my information [23:00] such as [23:00] I've ubntu hardy, how can i install last kde 3.5 ? [23:00] Gaming4JC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:00] In nvidia settings now: monitor detected correctly by model name, resolution 1920x1200. [23:00] the server name? [23:01] !enter | Gaming4JC [23:01] Gaming4JC: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:01] oops. [23:01] Hallo, which video player software can be on top while surfing in the browser? VLC does not work... [23:01] Paladine: and your drive isnt at udma4? [23:01] L1nc01n: I used Win 3.1 at college in '92 or so, and then after that mostly used Unixy stuff - Windows didn't really have anything I wanted [23:01] beli: What will be the server, port, username, and pass used by winscp?... [23:01] gordonjcp, i see... [23:01] pingu__: not even when you do Alt-Space-T? [23:01] Guest1763: try backing up your xorg.conf (sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak then change it to: http://pastebin.com/m3a832035 [23:02] beli: also what directories am I sharing here? I don't want them shared to the world. [23:02] beli, not sure, it is a pioneer 109 (DVDRW) [23:02] my gnome-terminal crashed here. can't open terminal any more. it always shows a blank terminal window [23:02] Paladine: dunno too :) check vendor site : [23:02] L1nc01n: i are teh oldskool [23:02] soundray: :) thanks. I was sure that the browser installs the same thing, as when I searched later for "flash" in synaptic the nonfree flash plugin was installed there. [23:02] Gaming4JC: ??? the other side needs to login [23:02] pretty sure the BIOS detects it as udma2 [23:02] aahh... kisses, soundray [23:03] beli: Windows XP (guest) needs to login. But what is the info I need to give it?... [23:03] btw, whats the circle right to the icon for? [23:03] Paladine: ok...but.....on bad cable...it could be detected as udma2 even if it is udma4 [23:03] RonLu2: the secret is in the postinstall procedure. It uses nspluginwrapper to make the 32bit plugin usable in your 64bit environment [23:03] Gaming4JC: you use the username and password you'd use to log into the Linux machine [23:03] Gaming4JC: ip, username, password? same as you did with ssh localhost...... [23:03] beli, nothing wrong with the cable [23:04] Paladine: well....many ppl do think that...most i/o problems are cable problems === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [23:04] there's an IRC client... [23:04] beli: ok... I'll try then. But I think it will need a server I'm guessing [23:04] the next gen of pidgin... [23:04] Guest1763: add in the Monitor section and Screen section as I specifed and it should work. then restart x (ctr-alt-backspace) [23:04] what's its name? [23:04] beli, I have been building systems for over 15 years, I know it is not a bad cable :) [23:04] beli: I need to tell it what server on Windows. [23:04] to connect to [23:04] Gaming4JC: no.... is localhost....you need a real network and ip [23:04] Hi! can anybody teel me how i can do somthin similar to kdesu dolphin but in gnome? [23:04] Paladine: ok :) [23:05] imaginativeone: pidgin is already the ng name. It used to be gaim [23:05] beli: uhhh... like my local IP of my computer?.. [23:05] Guest1763: so is it working correctly? [23:05] Gaming4JC: how can i know your network setup? [23:05] how do you disable ipp/ [23:05] paladine: can i help, what is the problem? [23:05] the internets is powered by magic [23:05] Gaming4JC: you need both boxes to be in the same network and routing to be adjusted [23:05] freethinker: 'gksudo nautilus' [23:06] beli: Dial-Up. No routers nothing. What's the easiest way to figure out my IP to set it up. [23:06] ok thanks [23:06] ifconfig [23:06] and then what? [23:06] it just prints out my pp0 [23:06] Gaming4JC: use your brain....start the sftp client on windows and enter data.... [23:07] ah! funpidgin [23:07] Hey, I installed the cairo dock, and it was working fine, But i just restarted my computer and now it wont' pop up. [23:07] Hi, why do I get this weird error when mounting my SD card?? http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/software/345276-unable-mount-removable-media-hal-storage-removable-mount.html <-- is there a fix for this? [23:07] beli: ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol the data being my inet addr and mask?... [23:07] gaming4jc: ifconfig | grep inet [23:07] Gaming4JC: yes... === killux is now known as tab [23:08] ah [23:08] Gaming4JC: ppp0 is first modem [23:08] ok thnx [23:08] * hasta84 greets [23:08] imaginativeone: that's a fork though [23:08] hey, ubuntu's backports specific to your kernel or to your ubuntu version? [23:08] the modules package [23:08] beli: Also, I'm guessing others can connect to me now. O_o (thinks of vunerabilty problems here) [23:09] Gaming4JC: why? they need a login and the password! [23:09] beli: Yes, but still... [23:09] Gaming4JC: still what? [23:09] beli: anyone can crack that. [23:09] Gaming4JC: lol [23:09] gabbler, I had a problem mounting my cdrom after latest kernel updates, it was setting udma4 which was giving errors, I have fixed it by setting it to udma2 [23:10] beli: Any more security options I can setup?... [23:10] paladine: oh ok [23:10] Roey: are you on Ubuntu? [23:10] Gaming4JC: millions....but i cant teach you that here and now [23:10] Gaming4JC: for a dialup box its just ok...... [23:10] 8-) [23:11] /whois mwoehlke [23:11] hmm [23:11] he still here? [23:11] ubuntu is for linux [23:11] nope, he quit [23:11] fadedjeansandats: and? [23:11] hmm.. well [23:11] trashguy: for which organistation is/was that migration to ldap ? [23:11] i never knew that [23:11] I'll restart and tell you if it works. :) Thanks for the help [23:12] Gaming4JC: restart? [23:12] :D [23:12] jant, i work at a school [23:12] beli: Yes, it says updates are requiring me to restart my computer. [23:12] Jant, and wer enot done yet [23:12] Gaming4JC: ah ok...kernel updates then [23:12] brb [23:12] trashguy: it seems like a nice challenge :) [23:13] jant, our passwd file sin freebsd are enourmus [23:13] Is there any way to tell the kernel to ignore an ata-controller on boot? [23:13] Jant, were moving mail to zimbra which doesnt run on freebsd so here i am [23:13] trashguy: i will believe that [23:13] I updated to 8.04 and now after I login I just has that blank orange screen and doesn't do anything. [23:13] * jant is running dovecot [23:13] for imap [23:13] yea we run dovecot [23:14] now [23:14] trashguy: it rocks [23:14] very much [23:14] jant: can i use maildir for zimbra? [23:14] we want to move away formt he old unix login ways [23:14] gabbler, mbox [23:14] trashguy: why? [23:14] gabbler: dunno, you can use it in dovecot [23:15] trashguy: i just would like to have unix logins with tcb support [23:15] gabbler: i'm runnign my mailboxen in Maildir [23:15] IS ANYONE playing crysis in ubuntu? [23:15] Why can't i save the file when i sudo gedit? [23:15] beli, its hard to manage and main tain central logins, with moving to zimbra and using ldap it gives us much more flexibility [23:15] how do I know what's on the ubuntu repositories? [23:15] trashguy, jant: i am using dovecot and maildi and backup is a simple tar, have looked at zimbra, is mbox any good? [23:16] imaginativeone: http://packages.ubuntu.com will tell you [23:16] gabbler, zimbra is its own MTA and groupware suite, if you just want email i wouldnt mess with zimbra [23:16] how come with the vlc mozilla plugin it says (no video) [23:16] trashguy: but openldap....shrug... [23:16] Yeah for some reason the cairo dock wont pop Up after i just restarted my computer [23:16] IS ANYONE playing crysis in ubuntu? [23:16] beli, well my boss hates MS so we runa a novell edirectory for faculty staff ^^ [23:16] beli, its horrid [23:16] Storrgi1: this channel is not for surveys [23:16] !openldap [23:16] Factoid openldap not found [23:16] threede2: hehe [23:16] soundray: I want someone to tell me its OK [23:16] trashguy: thats funny :) [23:17] trashguy: i know, i have setup a few test servers up, and we don't need it all now but would good, i just wanted to know if i could move my email from one to the other [23:17] gabbler, yes you can [23:17] trashguy: is that on a user basis or server wide? [23:17] Storrgi1: ask a proper question then [23:17] I got Zimbra running on 8.04 and veritas Netbackup so its pretyt mcuh ready for deployment [23:18] Hi, does anyone know if anyone has written a cue reader plugin for any of the linus music players yet, or if there is a player that can read cue files? [23:18] soundray: HAS ANYONE gotten crysis to work in ubuntu? [23:18] gabbler, ther are both python and perl scripts to assit in migrating form many different platforms withe ron the server side or the user side [23:18] Hey could someone please help? just installed mercury msn and when i double click on the short cut, nothings happening. [23:18] Storrgi1: that's still a survey question [23:18] trahsguy: ok thanks i will have to have a look [23:18] trashguy: are you also running slapd on 8.04 ? [23:18] ok folks...i am off for today [23:18] cu all [23:18] I know that asterisk is a pbx system, but I don't know the significance of that [23:19] jant, no [23:19] !slapd [23:19] Factoid slapd not found [23:19] afternoon [23:19] trashguy: indeed fbsd :S [23:19] soundray: why not try to help out, you like talking semantics? [23:19] ubuntu hardy = perfomance reducement. [23:19] Storrgi1: Uhh... is there a linux binary for Crysis? [23:19] /home/alex/Desktop/Mercury.desktop [23:19] oops. [23:19] Jant, yea majority of our machines are freebsd, few soloaris 9, osx windows and now ubuntu [23:19] microwaver: what do you run? [23:20] Hey could someone please help? just installed mercury msn and when i double click on the short cut, nothings happening. [23:20] where do i start if i want to setup my modem to fax? [23:20] Storrgi1: no, it just pains me to see you repeatedly asking a question and not getting an answer, all because you don't know how to ask for help properly. [23:20] hello [23:20] i was considering to go open uses but its utter crap and i liek the devs views form ubuntu plus the LTS program [23:20] gabbler, ubuntu hardy heron + compiz [23:20] Cale: I dont know [23:20] and the server is small and promt like freebsd so its semi comfy [23:20] microwaver: how can you do you that you have lost performance? [23:20] Hey could someone please help? just installed mercury msn and when i double click on the short cut, nothings happening. [23:20] soundray: well noone in the cedega channel seems to be alive [23:20] Storrgi1: I don't think there is, and in that case, you should look at the Wine AppDB to see if it's playable under Wine. It doesn't appear so. [23:21] How do I edit with gedit as root in ubuntu? this is definately not the usual way I want su back. [23:21] Storrgi1: oh, so it's Windows software. You could check #winehq then, or have a look at the wine compatibility database [23:21] storrgil: what are you trying to run? [23:21] Storrgi1: actually, hmm [23:21] !sudo | Guest1763 [23:21] Guest1763: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [23:21] !wine | Storrgi1 [23:21] Storrgi1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [23:21] Storrgi1: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=10107 [23:21] Guest1763 use: sudo gedit [23:21] PING [23:21] HI, does anyone know of linux music player that can read CUE files? [23:21] !appdb | Storrgi1 [23:21] Storrgi1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [23:21] PONG [23:21] try Alt-f2, 'gksudo gedit' [23:21] Storrgi1: They get it to run, but it's at a bronze rating, so it's probably not terribly playable. [23:22] gabbler, scrolling in pages (in browser is like it had 'delay', when i enter text here, delay. pdigin doesn't 'scroll' smoothly. nothing 'scroll's smoothly. when I open terminal with shortcut it takes 4 seconds to open [23:22] what is asterisk? [23:22] Hey could someone please help? just installed mercury msn and when i double click on the short cut, nothings happening. [23:22] imaginativeone: voip software [23:22] if [23:22] if [23:22] microwaver: i have to say that i have noticed that sort of stuff too, i thought it might be due to the video drivers [23:22] Jant, you cant beat the stability and performance of fnsd ^^ [23:22] Freshy:; doesn't work, get new prompt, no message. [23:22] Cale: the reason I ask, I just bought a 9800GTX for my gaming machine..... i would hate to waste that edaccel [23:22] s/fnsd/fbsd/ [23:22] trashguy: indeed :) [23:22] Guest1763: if you can't save with sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, try gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- or type sudo su then gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:22] I get it working can I dump vonage? [23:23] imaginativeone: it's a bit like an automated operator in your hose, connecting external and internal calls between your various phones and fax machines (not only for VoIP) [23:23] thats wierd [23:23] my box at home runs freebsd [23:23] microwaver: i was thinking of moving to fedora and installing the latest nvidia and other stuff [23:23] imaginativeone: no [23:23] Guest1763 are you live from cd.. or installed? [23:23] imaginativeone: s/hose/house/ [23:23] gabbler, not very fond of fedora, but it could have to do with jolly ati driver. [23:24] gabbler, any ideas on the performance of ati cards on Gentoo? [23:24] if you are running from the cd you will have to set the root password first [23:24] I upgraded to 8.04 and now after I log in it just sits there at a blank orange screen [23:24] ace_squares: nothing happens.. [23:24] Hey could someone please help? just installed mercury msn and when i double click on the short cut, nothings happening. [23:24] would anyone here know a fix for this? http://alencool.googlepages.com/gianticons.png .. when i upgraded to 8.04.. thumbnails were like that :S [23:25] microwaver: gentoo, i tried with nvidia and it worked really well, the only problem was that i spent so much time compiling and setup, i forgot what i was doing :) but very good [23:25] Sithe: switch to a text login (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and find out what it's doing (look at .xsession-errors) [23:25] Someone please help =/ [23:25] Guest1763, use gksudo gedit /path/to/file [23:25] gabbler, yeah, got that alot too. so what could be a good alternitv for ubuntu. or try to boost its performance? [23:25] That is if you use the Alt+f2 run command [23:25] alex101: what are you using mecury msn for? [23:26] For msn. [23:26] And its the only linux based msn i like using. [23:26] alex101: Not pidgin? [23:26] alex101: have you tried amsn? [23:26] sudo aptitude install kopete [23:26] amsn is too java based it lags way to much. [23:26] Why can't I get a game that I installed with wine (uefa euro 2008) to work? [23:26] alex101: or as cale says pidginm or kopete? [23:27] !appdb | RonLu2 [23:27] RonLu2, Wine will not run every Windows program ever. [23:27] RonLu2: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [23:27] Theres a point, how do i update my java or like whats the terminal thing for it? [23:27] Nothing works. Why the h** does it have to be so difficult to become root??? [23:27] RonLu2: check WineHQ DB [23:27] I'll try kopete. [23:27] Guest1763, what are you trying to do anyways? [23:27] I think i need to update my Java though, what do i type into terminal to do it? [23:27] Guest1763: what's difficult about 'sudo -i'? [23:27] soundray and dimisdas: I checked already... it should work without problems [23:27] Tiz: edit xorg.conf [23:28] RonLu2: Check your 3D settings [23:28] Guest1763: Press Alt+F2. And in the box that appears, type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:28] dimisdas: How do I do that? [23:28] microwaver, you have hardware acceleration enabled? [23:28] microwaver: dunno really, i would try fedora probably, or maybe get rid of the drivers you have and try and compile your own, if you haven't done so already [23:28] How do i install Java in terminal? [23:28] RonLu2: For example: World Of Warcraft has a .wtf config file where you can change from Directx to OpenGL [23:28] !java | alex101 [23:28] alex101: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [23:28] thanks [23:28] alex101: whaich jave are you using openjava or sun? [23:29] TiZ: nothing [23:29] Nothing? At all? O_o [23:29] Guest1763: remember the x in X11 should be a capital letter otherwise you'll just be opening a blank file [23:29] RonLu2: Depends on the game. Try searching at: help.ubuntu.com. There are many guides at the /community section [23:29] sun [23:29] spoonman, you mean the hardware driver's ? [23:30] microwaver, yes [23:30] alex101: you can also use apt-cache search to find stuff [23:30] spoonman, yes I have [23:30] glxinfo | grep rendering [23:30] If nothing happens at all when you run the command, try restarting. If that doesn't help... Well, breaking sudo is really grave. You might have to reinstall. [23:30] CrossOver or Wine? [23:30] This is what I type: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:31] And then nothing happens? [23:31] dimisdas: wine, its free [23:31] Guest1763: what happens when you enter that in a terminal? [23:31] gabbler: I am not so sure about the DB [23:32] dimisdas: DB, what do you mean? === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [23:33] gabbler: About the software WineHQ supports. There are some patches, but i have no idea how to use them. DO you know how? [23:33] Soundray: Cursor jumps blinking to the next line and... nothing. [23:33] Guest1763: it doesn't return a $ prompt? [23:33] you can't run gksudo in a terminal anyways. [23:33] I don't think, at least [23:33] TiZ_: you're wrong [23:34] Alright, then. [23:34] Soundray: no. Why does Ubuntu have to F*** with the usal way things are done??? [23:34] dimisdas: oh i see what you mean, its actuall really easy, you just use the patch command [23:34] gabbler: which is? [23:34] What do you mean the "usual" way? [23:34] The windows way? Or do other distros do it differently? [23:34] Guest1763: there are good reasons. Now stop ranting and let's work on your problem, okay? [23:34] gabbler: will look Wiki [23:34] Ubuntu is the only distro I've seriously used. [23:34] dimisda: apt-get install patch [23:35] gabbler: ty! [23:35] TiZ: Think straight debian... [23:35] Guest1763 try typing sudo nautilus then browse to the file using that window, and double click on it to edit [23:35] guest1763: could you try nano or vim, instead of gedit? [23:35] I can't think straight Debian. I've never used it. Ubuntu is the only distro I've really used. [23:36] khari: do not recommend sudo nautilus please ( Guest1763) [23:36] not to be pendantic, but gksu is a better choice than sudo when opening something with a GUI [23:36] !gksu | khari [23:36] khari: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [23:36] soundray: What's wrong with sudo nautilus? [23:36] hello all [23:36] TiZ_: ^^ [23:36] Oh, I see [23:36] That's actually really good info to know. [23:36] i need help restoring my default panel [23:37] . === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [23:37] I always wondered why the themes I installed from the install dialog wouldn't carry over to gedit if I did "sudo gedit". Now I know. Thanks! [23:38] I like to symlink my user config for themes and such to the root config, but that is probably frowned upon too. [23:38] I just started moving my themes to /usr/share/themes. I thought that was the problem. [23:38] Guest1763: tell me you've not been just trolling [23:38] Probably frowned upon, but it's my own blasted lappy. [23:38] It just hangs now when attempting opening the file... [23:38] can someone help me restore my gnome-panel [23:39] Why " winecfg" (winehq) uses fullscreen? I cant see the options! [23:39] Anybody here [23:39] ? [23:39] lol @ winecfg [23:39] Guest1763, you may have done something to really fubar your ubuntu install. [23:39] How can i install new Icons in Ubuntu ? [23:39] sigint: ? [23:39] who have a asus eee pc? [23:39] Soundray: I got better things to do than that. [23:39] Hey all [23:39] where do i find info on my modem driver [23:39] what is your resolution on your desktop [23:40] TiZ: It's a brand new install [23:40] Freshy: Give more info about your modem [23:40] Guest1763: okay, do you want my advice then? [23:40] Ubuntaires: Why? Is the default GTK theme way too bulky? [23:40] Anyone can help ? :S [23:40] guest1763: if you try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, does it open? [23:40] i have winecfg open at 800X600 [23:40] i will hel you @ definitely [23:40] definitely, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearances. [23:40] give me a sec [23:40] sigint: ok [23:40] Does anyone have experience with trying to access a WPA2 encrypted wireless network? I cannot connect to the wifi network in our institute which is encrypted in this manner. The network admin said it should work, does network manager not like WPA2?? [23:40] algun español? [23:40] Use the install theme button and pick out a .tar.gz co-... wait. [23:40] Does that work? [23:41] its a dell inspiron lappy, is there somewhere in the os i can see what directories it uses [23:41] i am trying to setup a fax program [23:41] I don't want to give you advice that others won't like, but the way I did it was opening the archive as root and extracting it to /usr/share/icons [23:41] nuit!! [23:41] algun español? [23:41] freshy: Try searching the companys official site for Linux Drivers. [23:41] !es | Ubuntaires [23:41] Ubuntaires: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [23:41] !es | Ubuntaires [23:42] did that work @ dimisdas? [23:42] hi! i was wondering if anyone could provide me with the information how can I set max_sectors to be applied automatically upon connecting my cellphone\mp3 player? [23:42] dimisdas where can i look to see if it is actually working, and im just a dolt [23:42] sigint: Didnt got it, rofl [23:42] sigint: my english are directly for hell. [23:42] Lost internet =( [23:42] Okay [23:43] freshy: 1 minute to check it out [23:43] cool thanks [23:43] anyone know a program I can apt-get that will let me extract rars? [23:43] http://www.iconspedia.com/pack/nx10-1-6/ << here you go definitely [23:43] !rar | DrLame [23:43] DrLame: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [23:44] DrLame, : unrar [23:44] ty [23:44] gabbler: That did it. thanks mate! I can't believe the difficulty getting root on this system.. [23:44] i am new to irc [23:44] how can i set pcmanfm as my default FM rather than nautilus [23:45] guest1763: i prefer vi, but nano is really user friendly, its always good to have a cli backup :) [23:45] freshy: Are you connected with the modem with a USB cable? [23:45] That brings up a question, though. If nano works, why doesn't gedit? [23:45] how can i set max_sectors for my usb devices at startup? === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [23:46] tiz_:based on gk, maybe a problem there? [23:46] dr.lame - if you right click the *.rar and choose 'extract here' it should work [23:46] good question tiz [23:46] dimisdas no, its intigrates... in the fax software it wants a dir for my serial device (dev/ttys1) [23:46] works for me [23:46] gabbler. Yes, it's basically just pico.. [23:46] freshy: right. [23:47] dimisdas i am not sure if it is connected to the proper com port? and i am not sure how to check which com its on,, or is suppost to be on [23:47] i need help restoring my default panel [23:48] Anyone know why im able to connect to the router but after a while myconnection goes dead and i get no internet? [23:48] does any one have some pointers [23:48] <[TiZ]> Never do /list on freenode, kids. [23:48] heh [23:49] use "iwconfig" and check out ur IP info @ clint [23:49] soul_sample: look at something like this, echo 128 >/sys/block/sda/device/max_sectors, where 240 should be the default and sdX realtes to your device [23:49] * jant off --> nn [23:49] how do i direct an answer at someone [23:49] gabbler: i did that, and it works, but upon reconnecting the device it restarts to default. i was wondering if it can be done so that it automatically sets max_sectors when i plug in the device [23:50] sigint, it says nothing about the ip [23:50] My main GUI screen looks great, but my termninal is 1/4 of the size it should be. What part do I need to edit in xorg.conf to make sure my terminal is the correct size? [23:50] sigint, its got information about the status and signal [23:50] are you connected now? [23:51] soul_sample: could you run a script that recognises the usb combined with the fstab? [23:51] sigint, if i wasnt you wouldent see this [23:51] ok.. [23:51] do you have any hardwar troubles [23:51] gabbler: maybe i could, but i would need help with that. i found a tutorial on how to write udev rules, because somebody suggested that i could do it with that, but i've failed [23:51] I upgraded to 8.04 and now after I login it just sits there at an orange screen [23:52] b roken antenna or wierd cabling [23:52] clintchance: is it only if you use wireless? and is the router fine? [23:52] sithe: Dont you like it? [23:52] sigint, last time i had ubuntu my atherose worked perfectly.Now since it s new install i have ndis installed with the net 5211.ini installed. but its an internel card so i dont think its hardware [23:52] hi all, got a question, why would i have 5 instances of firefox running as processes and not have firefox open? [23:52] Freshy: I cant find something right now. I made a note of it to think it before i sleep :P [23:52] quick noobie question - any recommendations on a decent, easy to use, *.ISO mount program? [23:52] soul_sample: the first thing i would do is edit my fstab do the device is always connected as the same thing [23:53] cpk1,the router is good and im not messing around with it il break it if i do [23:53] clintchance: you shouldnt need ndiswrapper with atheros... [23:53] DeadKennedy2880, gmount-iso [23:53] gabbler: i really have no idea on why ubuntu recognises my nokia and iriver devices as usb2.0 but allows only 12mbps speed, because in windows it worked okay. here if i try to transfer anything it just disconnects the device [23:53] daemon3, that's an odd problem -- can you post a screenshot or something? [23:53] freshy: Ofcourse you can follow the traditional way [23:53] cpk1, i do otherwise it wont work [23:53] demonspork - thank you sir. [23:53] I can't take a screenshot of my terminal :) [23:53] hi [23:53] gabbler: and editing max_sectors helped... hmm... okay, and then, after editing the fstab? [23:53] freshy: Check 1 by 1 and see which one is the working one. [23:53] did someone has been able to use an iPod touch without jailbraking it? === jacques is now known as Guest81952 [23:54] I meant the terminal screen CTRL+ALT+F7, F6, etc... [23:54] !atheros [23:54] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [23:54] Ok.. i still need help restoring my panel [23:54] sigint: :P [23:54] Cpk1, i used ndiswrapper last time and it was ok/... [23:54] I also got 60 instances of somthing called console kit deamon running [23:54] clintchance: what kind of card do you have? [23:54] cpk1, 507E [23:54] why does the text turn red [23:54] 5007E [23:54] daemon3, take a screenshot of your desktop with the Print Screen key [23:55] and how do u do it [23:55] Why? My main GUI isn't the problem. [23:55] with the terminal open [23:55] Damn. got kicked off when i restarted X. I still have the same prob (I'm "the acer resolution guy") [23:55] okay, suit yourself [23:55] Guest81952: Language... [23:56] spoonman: Why is it necessary to take a screenshot when the terminal's the problem? [23:56] clintchance: made by who? [23:56] if im using firefox3 what do i need from "one of: nspr mozilla-nspr firefox-nspr xulrunner-nspr seamonkey-nspr)" [23:56] Guest81952 i got an acer aspire 5100 got any walthrough for my atherose 5007E [23:56] sigint: Did you install any new : themes or some new visual effects before that happen? [23:56] daemon3, it is not necessary. I was just hoping you would let us visualize the problem. Never mind. [23:56] cpk1, Atherose 5007E Acer Aspire 5100 [23:57] soul_sample: did you say you have tried udev? [23:57] Okay. [23:57] gabbler: yes, but i'm pretty sure i did something wrong [23:57] Sorry about sounding so annoyed. :( [23:57] Guest81952, so you edited xorg.conf to this - http://pastebin.com/m3a832035 and it made no difference at all? including the horizsync and vertrefresh lines? [23:57] gabbler: quite new to the linux, i am [23:57] is there any reason firefox would be running processes in the background if i am not using firefox? [23:58] recon69 downloads? [23:58] Hi, all. how do I change the language at login time? I have the additional language packs installed but I still don't see anything that would allow to specify a different language on gdm. Any info is appreciated [23:58] soul_sample: that really is the way to go, have you looked at /var/log/dmesg? [23:58] recon69: no.. you can kill them.. "pkill firefox" [23:58] recon69: downloads? [23:58] Can someone point me to the amd64 processors efficiency upgrade? where can i get this how is it called? [23:58] Khari: Exactly.. [23:58] recon69: it happens every now and then.. you might want to kill npviewer.bin too if you're using flash on 64-bit ubuntu [23:58] I'm not doing anything net wise other that this irc client [23:59] recon69: are you using a 64bit system? [23:59] soul_sample: have a look at this http://www.gradstein.info/hardware/how-to-automatically-run-a-script-after-inserting-a-usb-device-on-ubuntu/ [23:59] gabbler: i've run dmesg a couple of times, it get's overflown by Filesystem panic messages everytime i try to open up my device. i can open smaller files, but even they spam the filesystem panic [23:59] clintchance: looks like you might get better results doing it this way http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html [23:59] soul_sample: grep dmes to get what you want [23:59] recon69: and if "pkill firefox" doesn't work you can try "pkill -9 firefox" .. less nice but it gets the job done [23:59] dimisdas is there a way to tell which ttys is used in ubuntu, i may have set to com1 when reallly it was 2 or 3