[00:08] I figured it out in regards to Exim4. "mysql-server-5.0" recommends "mailx" which depends on "exim4". I used apptitude, and don't remember it asking me if I wanted to install the recommends files, but this has to be it, and maybe it installed by default. Thanks for the help; I'm learn new bits all the time and appreciate the tips. [00:09] meaning installed the depends files by default... [00:09] woops, recommends... [00:31] New bug: #243098 in samba (main) "samba in folder properties doesn't interact with samba in system administration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243098 [01:17] mathiaz: ^^^ We ought to make sure that our mysql package in Intrepid doesn't install exim4. [01:24] ScottK: right - that would be annoying [02:37] ScottK: I'll check that MIR .. [02:39] leonel: Thanks. [02:39] It's mostly just grinding through documenting stuff. [02:40] this is intended for Intrepid right ? [02:41] Can anyone tell me what this from my dmesg is being caused by? http://dpaste.com/59176/ 2.6.24-19-server [02:42] Yes [02:50] leonel: The first thing to do is look at all the depends, recommends, and build-depends and see what is in Universe. I don't think we want to promote all of clamav to Main, just clamd and the parts it needs. [02:56] ScottK: ok it's a new thing for me .. [02:56] ScottK: but I'll do it [02:57] leonel: Great. [02:59] ScottK: off the record ... I'm finishing some work that has me busy this months and I want to start with merges .. [03:01] This probably isn't the best place for off the record comments. [03:01] jejeje [03:02] i know .. [03:54] how do I back up a gpg-key-pair ive generated using gpg --gen-key ? i know it's ID but don't know how to export or whatever you do with it to back it up oO [05:50] I'm trying to get Apache2 to use the php-cgi package, but when I visit a page, it offers to download the php page insteand of processing it. I've tried switching back to the apache module but the same thing happenes. [05:59] Anyone know how to solve it? [06:03] Ashfire908: I had a similar problem when I was setting up a box. I removed apache and all the php stuff, then re-installed, and it worked [08:05] hello, please can any body help me to configure bugzilla to send mails, using either SMTP or sendmail, I spent 8 days for nothing [08:11] sommer: you up? [08:27] moin === chmac7 is now known as chmac [09:01] hello, I'm trying to configure sendmail, but I get the messagestart-stop-daemon: stat /usr/sbin/sendmail-mta: No such file or directory (No such file or directory) [09:01] /etc/init.d/sendmail: 1287: /usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: not found [09:25] New bug: #243157 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: probl?mes de d?pendances - laiss? non configur?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243157 === ogra_ is now known as ogra [13:33] RockHound: yo [13:34] sommer: ^^ [13:35] sommer: I don't think that the start_tls issue has anything to do with the indexes, as I tested against a newly (with hardy-proposed) slave server [13:35] amongst others [13:35] but I posted them in any case [13:36] RockHound: ya, it was kind of a long shot... I just noticed that it happaned far less once I indexed, so thought I'd double check [13:36] I think what the issue needs is a stack trace either slapd or php5-ldap that shows an error [13:37] sommer: I have never done such a thing but am always will to learn ... any good documentation that can be recommend? [13:38] sommer: could we check what version of libldap authnz-ldap (apache2 acutally) and php5-ldap are compiled against? or are they dynamically linked? [13:38] RockHound: not too sure on that myself, you should probably look at strace [13:39] RockHound: not 100% sure on that either, but my money is on gnutls having slightly different behavior. At least that seems to be one of the new things with the Hardy versions [13:40] but until there's something concrete to point to and say this is the cause, it's kind of hard to solve the bug [13:40] hmm .. openldap with gnutls was really foobar for a while ... don't know if that still is the case though [13:40] I'll probably have some more time this weekend to dive into it [13:40] RockHound: I think it's pretty solid, but still maybe some corner cases that have some glitches [13:41] or things just not tested as thouroughly [13:41] I think experimenting with strace is the best place to start [13:58] Greetings [13:59] I've just installed Ubuntu Server Edition 7.10. Unfortunately, my user does not have sudo privileges [13:59] Any help with that would be appreciated [14:01] anyone here? [14:01] he was impatient [14:02] hi [14:02] anyone here? [14:02] Yes [14:02] Great! [14:03] lukehasnoname: The answer to your question from yesterday is softlayer.com [14:03] I've just installed server v. 7.10, but unfortunately, my user does not have sudo privileges. I'm the only user installed... [14:03] awesome [14:03] ScottK: morning, I wasn't able to update my clamav team status... it's telling me I have three days left, until armameddon [14:04] barjoman: What is the exact error you get? [14:04] sommer: Looking. [14:04] ScottK: "sudo -v" yields: "Sorry, user barjoman may not run sudo on master" [14:07] Odd. [14:07] I know that doesn't help much. [14:07] hehe... [14:07] barjoman: but you setup a user on installation? is that the same user? [14:07] Rockhound: the only user set up on installation was barjoman [14:07] okay [14:07] hmm [14:07] sommer: Updated. [14:07] I'm currently logged in as "barjoman@master" [14:07] ScottK: cool, thanks [14:07] barjoman: and the installation went without a problem? [14:07] Rockhound: I didn't see anything unusual. No errors or anything... [14:08] barjoman: are you experienced with ubuntu/linux? [14:08] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain is updated if anyone feels like working on Main Inclusion Reports. [14:08] I only see the chance of booting from a livecd and checking out /etc/group and /etc/sudoers [14:08] Rockhound: No I'm not. I've worked a bit with the desktop edition, but I am still very much an amateur [14:09] barjoman: then do yourself a favor and try to install it again ... [14:09] Rockhound: Should I boot from livecd first, or just go for the fresh install? [14:09] Wasn't there some bug about sudo and hostname mismatches? [14:10] barjoman: its your time, but I would just reinstall, since you have not customized anything yet ... [14:10] It might be useful to have some idea what he should do differently next time. [14:11] true [14:11] barjoman: Is it DCHP or static IP? [14:11] ScottK: maybe it was just a wierd coninciedence ... [14:11] ScottK: I'm using a DSL connection, so I think its DHCP [14:11] a look in /etc/group and /etc/sudoers might help [14:12] barjoman: you have router? [14:12] from the ISP? [14:12] Rockhound: yes, and yes [14:12] barjoman: okay ... then it could be a DNS glitch ... ScottK what do you think? [14:13] hostname glitch [14:13] * ScottK is looking at bugs. [14:13] Wait one please. [14:13] k [14:13] barjoman: did it suggest a hostname to you while installing, other then the standard "ubuntu"? [14:14] Rockhound: I think I changed that to "master" [14:14] but it was just ubuntu? [14:14] yes [14:14] okay ... then DHCP did not supply a hostname [14:14] which is okay, I guess [14:14] lets wait for Scott [14:14] OK. I'm fetching a liveCD in the meantime [14:15] Which version are you one again? [14:15] the Server edition is 7.10 [14:16] * ScottK tosses Bug #19775 at barjoman to see what he thinks. [14:16] Launchpad bug 19775 in netcfg "Missing hostname in /etc/hosts causes sudo to fail" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19775 [14:21] Thanks ScottK. I gather the easiest fix is an upgrade to 8.04, correct? That isn't possible right now though. I'm booting with a liveCD to look into the /etc/sudoers folder [14:22] Sounds like a good plan. [14:25] alright [14:25] Unfortunately, I don't have permission to look at sudoers [14:25] I've opened up group though [14:26] is there anything I should be looking for? [14:27] edit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and reboot ? [14:27] barjoman: make sure, you are looking at the /etc/sudoers file of the harddisk and not of livecd [14:27] Rockhound: I am looking at the HD [14:28] yell0w: what exactly would I edit? [14:28] barjoman: okay ... does the bug effect you? [14:29] Rockhound: what do you mean? I definitely have the problem. Do you mean, do I have to use sudo? [14:29] no, no ... is the hostname missing in /etc/hosts as is stated in the bug [14:30] ? [14:30] hold on [14:30] yes [14:31] in /etc/hosts, the first line reads as follows: [14:31] localhost [14:31] okay ... can you edit hosts? [14:31] yes [14:31] then add master after it [14:31] make sure you edit /etc/hosts on the HDD [14:32] So it should read as follows: [14:32] localhost master [14:32] yes [14:32] correct? [14:32] yes [14:32] should be all there is too it [14:32] do I space or tab? [14:32] space [14:32] between localhost and master? [14:32] ok [14:33] it does not matter, IIRC [14:33] hmmphhh....I don't have permission to save the file [14:33] lemme double check that I'm editing on the HD [14:36] doesn't work unfortunately [14:37] I am indeed editing the file on the HD, but can't save it [14:40] sudo ? [14:41] I am attempting to edit /etc/hosts [14:41] barjoman: you need to use the livecd sudo command to edit the /etc/hosts on your HDD [14:41] I guess [14:41] sudo vi /etc/hosts [14:41] Does that mean I need to open a terminal? [14:41] sudo gedit /etc/hosts [14:42] yes [14:42] yell0w: better choice ;) [14:42] RockHound: not on terminal [14:42] yell0w: vi for a beginner is not a good choice ... [14:42] thats what I meant [14:43] but gedit is fine [14:43] seems to work [14:43] (sorry if wrong channel: no answer in #ubuntu-testing) Is it OK if tests 2.3 through 2.9 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/ServerInstall are combined (combining the software selection steps)? It would make ISO server testing faster. [14:44] livecd seems to have frozen on me [14:44] I'm going to reboot [14:47] One of you UK blokes, how much does petrol cost per litre over there? [14:47] mouz: I don't combine them [14:48] yell0w/Rockhound: Terminal edits the file on liveCD [14:49] mouz: the thinking is that it's "cleaner" to test individually, but OTOH testing a combination is probably good as well... at least that's my thought :) [14:50] sommer: i won't combine them. thanks [14:51] np [14:52] OK! Done!!! [14:52] I just did: "sudo gedit /media/disk/etc/hosts" instead [14:55] Unfortunately, "sudo -v" still yields "Sorry, user barjoman may not run sudo on master" [14:55] I need to leave right now, but I'll be back later to follow up on this [14:56] Thank you Rockhound, yell0w, and ScottK for your help [14:56] Cheers! [16:35] mathiaz: I may have a fix for the cacert gnutls openldap bug Im going to get him to test it when it builds in my ppa [16:35] zul: great - is it a patch from upstream cvs ? [16:36] mathiaz: no its from a previous version of openldap which got dropped in oenldap2.1 [16:36] previous debian version [16:36] zul: it may worth asking upstream opinion on it [16:36] and the bacula-fd segfault is fixed locally as well [16:36] of course [16:37] zul: that seems like a bug in upstream rather then a packaging issue [16:37] mathiaz: the bacula one? it is they have a patch in 2.2.10 which fixes it for 2.2.8, I had to revert debian's "fix" [16:38] zul: nope - I'm talking about openldap [16:38] mathiaz: oh :) yeah its a bug in upstream I dont think they ever got that patch from debian [16:39] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-openldap/openldap/trunk/libraries/libldap/?rev=220&sc=1 [16:40] is there a flat file dictionary in apt? or anybody know where to get one? [16:41] mralphabet: what do you mean? [16:41] or what are you trying to do? [16:46] Note to self: It's Wietse Venema, not Weitse. [17:02] how do i get ubuntu server to automatically set the hostname from a dhcp server, for example, dynXXX.example.com? [17:02] is it possible to replace my current windows servers with ubuntu server and have my users use ubuntu and have them log into the said servers as they would with MS domains? [17:03] Tophat: yes, Samba can be configured as a Windows PDC, however it can't serve AD just yet, it acts like an NT4 PDC [17:04] well im not trying to add ubuntu to my network, im looking into removing windows and replacing it with linux. so no need for any windows PC's. we just need to have the users log in to the ubntu server and get the updates or settings we have configured for them. ? possible? [17:05] what kind of updates or settings, or you talking about Group Policies and WSUS? [17:06] you can use Samba in Ubuntu as a central login server and to provide share [17:06] *shares [17:06] really? [17:06] i thought samba was jsut to link windows shares and stuff. [17:07] like I said, it can have all the functionality of a Windows NT4 Primary Domain Controller [17:07] just no Active Directory until Samba4 is released [17:07] thats awesome! and i can add users and delete users from the samba server for the entire network? [17:08] yep, I think there's a guide in the wiki somewhere [17:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba <-lots of useful info [17:08] thats awesome! thanks bamed! [17:08] y/w [17:16] melter: If the dhcp server provides the hostname, then an Ubuntu server should set it if it's setup for dhcp. [17:27] ScottK, i have dhcp3-client installed, and it's not working [17:28] ScottK, the dhcp server is providing names because my non-ubuntu boxes are getting set correctly [17:28] Not sure what to tell you then. Maybe someone else knows. [17:29] zul: hmm, I haven't gotten to looking into bug #241448 more yet, but it feels like the samba changes exposed a gstreamer bug" bug #61147 and gnome bug #359133 (and gnome bug #536949 ) [17:29] Launchpad bug 241448 in totem "Playing from Samba SMB shared folder now is not possible (it could be done until last upgrade)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/241448 [17:29] Launchpad bug 61147 in totem "edgy: totem can no longer stream from samba share (dup-of: 60326)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61147 [17:29] Launchpad bug 60326 in gnome-vfs2 "[edgy] gstreamer, rhythmbox won't read files over smb" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60326 [17:29] Gnome bug 359133 in Module: smb "[gnomevfssrc] smb:// - could not read from (valid) resource" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359133 [17:29] Gnome bug 536949 in GStreamer backend "Can not read from Samba location with weird charaters" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=536949 [17:30] * jdstrand high fives uvirtbot` === uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot [17:55] jdstrand: *sigh* [17:56] jdstrand: I think the desktop team knows about it [17:56] zul: I am still not sure if it was the -updates bits or the -security bits, but hope to get to the bottom of it [17:56] somewhat soon [17:57] I've got some -security stuff that needs to get out before I can work on it though [17:57] jdstrand: cool Ill take a look but you arent able to reproduce it are you? [17:58] zul: no, but more information came in-- specifically that mounting seems to work fine in all cases. that was my test case-- I didn't do the nautilus browse and play-- I did mount, nautilus to mount point, play [17:58] zul: also, people finally sent in smb.conf files for their servers [17:59] jdstrand: yeah I saw [17:59] zul: like I said, I haven't had much time to look into it yet [18:08] kirkland: is there a sort by date option for the doc search? [18:08] bdmurray: how do you mean? [18:09] I'm search irclogs only and want the most recent conversations first [18:09] bdmurray: sorry, no, it's up to google's algorithm at that point [18:10] jdstrand: doesnt help that gnome's bugzilla seems to be down for me [18:11] :( [18:11] bdmurray: hang on... i found a lead.... [18:12] being able to search the irclogs is really helpful [18:14] bdmurray: hmm, not sure this is going to help much, but this is what I have at my disposal... [18:14] bdmurray: http://code.google.com/apis/soapsearch/reference.html [18:14] bdmurray: see "Date Restricted Search" [18:15] bdmurray: unfortunately, the format must be Julian dates [18:15] haha [18:15] bdmurray: number of days since January 1, 4713 BC [18:15] :-P [18:15] that's great [18:15] bdmurray: right, because the sum total of a webpages update between January 1, 4713 BC and about 1993 is a whopping ZERO [18:18] kirkland: inurl might work better since the log files are dated [18:18] bdmurray: yeah, good call [18:18] bdmurray: apparent the Google Search Appliance supports human readable formats: [18:18] http://code.google.com/apis/searchappliance/documentation/46/xml_reference.html [18:19] bdmurray: ie, daterange:2004-01-13..2006-01-13 [18:34] leonel and anyone else interested (sommer?): I've done some MIR for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain to get things started. Please jump in and grab some. [18:36] ScottK: cool, ya I was planning on taking a look at that this weekend... working on some LDAP shtuff that will hopefully be over the hump by then [18:36] Great. [18:36] The MIR for spamassassin are all perl modules. They should be pretty easy, just a lot to grind through. [18:36] Anyone in here know anything about ettercap and filters? [18:37] sommer: I'm also going to want to talk to you about documentation for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerAmavisdDKIMSpec [18:38] ScottK: in the weekend I'll work on it [18:38] ScottK: sure, I'm up for helping with whatever [18:39] Great. [18:40] I'm trying to get the DKIM MIR done today. [18:40] I could use some help with ettercap filtering. I'm trying to run http://pastie.org/222744 and it doesn't change "Google" to "GOOGLE" at all, when I go to google.com, when I'm running the filter. Is there some extra library that I need to install or something to make filter's work? It runs through the if statement. It'll return text from msg(), but if I search DECODED.data or DATA.data, for "Google", it doesn't find anything. I [18:40] Gah, lol [18:40] Wrong room xD [18:58] does anyone know how to get ubuntu to set the hostname to the one provided by the dhcp server? [19:31] if i install another dhcp client, like pump, how does ubuntu server know which client to use at boot time, dhclient or pump? [19:41] hi there [19:42] melter and loeppel: A lot of times this channel is slow, so be patient for someone who might be able to help. [19:42] just letting you guys know [19:43] ;) [19:44] lukehasnoname, i've been trying to solve this problem off and on for weeks now, so i've learned to have patience :) [19:45] i'm trying to backport php 5.2 to dapper - first i tryed prevu but this fails cause of some issues if pbuilder and local repos [19:45] but then i found dotdeb which contains a php 5.2.6 for debian sarge and etch [19:46] but it seems that the package names between ubuntu and debian differs [19:46] :( [19:48] but they building them with libapr0 and the ubuntu gutsy source package need libapr1 - so i think this is required by a patch? [20:10] how do I get a restart notification after apt-get upgrade done kernel update ? [20:18] zul: grep SomeStringOfLetters SomeDictionary [20:19] zul: is what I am trying to do, though i can't seem to find 'SomeDictionary' to sue [20:19] use even [20:20] mralphabet: im missing the context for this [20:21] 10:38 < mralphabet> is there a flat file dictionary in apt? or anybody know where to get one? [20:21] mathiaz: All the MIR for the DKIM spec are done and waiting for ubuntu-mir to process them. [20:21] 10:38 < zul> mralphabet: what do you mean? [20:21] 10:39 < zul> or what are you trying to do? [20:22] zul: sorry, I know it has been a few hours [20:23] then can you restare what you are doing then? [20:25] zul: what I want to do is be able to grep a dictionary file [20:25] mralphabet: so grep [a-z]* filename [20:26] right, the piece I am missing is 'filename' [20:27] I am trying to find some sort of flat file dictionary or other dictionary file that is easily grepable [20:32] I left an install running on a VM over night and now it is stuck at "Select and install software" at 80% on "Configuring openssh-server" [20:32] is there some way to get the status on another console, to see what processes are running? [20:33] I'd rather not quit the installer and start from scratch since it's this far [20:35] <_sourcemaker> i have installed the ubuntu server edition and it's working pretty cool... are there documentation to secure the server (LAMP) as well as installing security updates? [20:36] <_sourcemaker> i have installed the ubuntu server edition and it's working pretty cool... are there documentation to secure the server (LAMP) as well as installing security updates? [20:38] _sourcemaker: You should probably be looking in https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html [20:55] A ban on handguns in Washington DC has been ruled unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. [20:56] how do I cacth the restart notification? after all I am not using in this gui [20:56] s/cacth/catch/ [21:07] ScottK: awesome ! [21:07] is there any websoftware (webinterface) to manage documents etc.? [21:08] Of course that needed only 6. Spamassassin needs 14 (12 still needed). [21:23] * yarddog buys an AK47 for the house [21:24] hehe, wrong window [22:12] New bug: #243337 in openldap2.3 (main) "slapd: search.c:970: oc_filter: Assertion `f != ((void *)0)' failed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243337 [22:12] New bug: #243338 in samba (main) "wireless network connection lost on samba connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243338 [22:31] c1|freaky: I have used docmgr in the past, but it isn't packaged [22:31] jdstrand: ok thank you ill have a look at it :D === nop_ is now known as nop [23:32] soren: around?