=== Johnny is now known as johnny [10:38] has anyone had any success in changing the default umask on an ltsp system? [10:39] i changed it in login.defs and profile, but it does't have any effect [10:39] there appears to be a bug in gdm that resets the umask to 022 [10:40] can this have any effect on an ltsp setup? [10:40] it doesn't use gdm, right? === johnny is now known as Johnny === Johnny is now known as johnny === johnny is now known as Johnny === Johnny is now known as johnny [15:20] ogra: around ? [15:20] I'm working on some debug packages for italc and I would like to generate packages with symbols [15:20] is there a way to force it not to remove them ? [15:21] hmm, no idea, i actually never build -dbg packages [15:21] i guess pitti or seb128 know better [15:25] hey ogra stgraber [15:26] hi RichEd === johnny is now known as Johnny === Johnny is now known as johnny === johnny is now known as Johnny === Johnny is now known as johnny === johnny is now known as Johnny === Johnny is now known as johnny